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15-b7-8-11508 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 8, p 204 (USSR) tUTHOR: Simonenko, T. N. TITLE: Aero'nagnetic Interpretation of the Top Surface Basement Structure in Western Siberian Lowland (Ispoltzovaniye resul'tatov aeromagnitnoy s"yemki dlya vyyasnenlya struktury poverkhnosti fundamenta Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti) PERIODICAL: Inform. sb. Vses. n.-I. geol. in-t, 1956, Nr 3., pp 96-102 ABSTRACT: Aeromagnetic surveys are commonly used for determining the extent of folded zones and for contouring individual intrusions in plain regions. First, a contour map of the magnetic anomalies of the area (the Western Siberian Lowland) was prepared. The area was then mapped from the aeromagnetic survey data to the scales of 1:1 000 000 Card 1/2 and 1:200 000. The depth to the intruding bodies was 15-57-8-11506 (Cone.) Aeromagnetic Interpret&tion of the Top Surface pasement usually determined as the averaFe of the dept~is determined by standard methods and also by the integral method of T. N. Simonenko. The author evaluates the accuracy of determination of the depths of the bed as 15 percent. 1, description of the structural map is given. C a r (1 21 V. M. Devi tsin SIXONENICO, T.11. Aereow~petic slirvey-ing abroad. Inform. 9'bor. VS=I no.4:150- 156 '56. (KM 10-M (Nagnettem, Terrestrial) ROZE, T.N. A contour diagram of the surface of magnetic masses of folded basic rocks in the West Siberian Lowland. Dok1.AH SSSR 106 no-5:897-900 F 156. (MI2A 9:7) 1.Vsesoyuznyy natichno-issledovateliskiv geologicheskiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom N.S.Shatskim. (Siberia, Wastern--Prospecting--Geop~qsica1 methods) 15-57-10-14539 Translation from* Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 10, p 193 (USSR) AUTHOR: Roze, T. N. TITLE: The Determination of Some Characteristics of Mineral Deposits by Magnetic and Gravitational Observations (Opredeleniye nekotorykh kharaktaristik zalezhi po magnitnym i gravitatsionnym nablyudeniyam) PERIODICAL: Materialy Vses. n.-i. geol. in-ta, 1956, Nr 8, pp 195-207 ABSTRACT: The formula of Poisson, well-known in the theory of potential, unites magnetic (U) and gravitational (W) potentials. From magnetic and gravitational obser- vations, it is possible to define the ratio I/a-, where I is the excess intensity of magnetization and o- is the excess density of the body. Equations are given for calculating I/c~' for two-dimensional bodies with vertical Card 1/2 and inclined magnetization. An expression for I/G' is 15-1957-3-3670 Translation from: T?eferativnyy zhurnal, GeoloEiya, 1957, Nr 3, p 168 (USSR) AUTHOR: Roze, T. 11. TITLE: Depth Approximation to Mugnotized Podies (Priblizhermya otsenka glabiny zaleganiya numagnichennykh tel) PERIODICAL: Materialy Vses, n-i geol. In-ta, 1956, Mr 8, pp 208- 223 ABSTRACT: A number of formulas are obtained for evaluating the depths to magnetized bodies of arbitrary form, using the relationship between vertical values of the magnetic field z and the horizontal distance x. The author be- gins wl-th the asymptotic behavior of the component z at infinity and with the theorem of Gauss on the pa'W- sage of a vector through a surface. Having obtained formulas for bodies of simple geometric form, he then shows, with numerous examples, their usefulness for bodies of arbitrary forms. For a two-dimensional layer Card 1/4 with the lower boundary at infinite depth, the depth of Depth Approximation to Magnetized Bodies 15-.1057-3-3670 the upper boundary of tne layer may be calculated by the equa- tion 1im(X2z)-X._ Zdx The calculation shows that with a definite value x, equal to only 4h or 5h, the accuracy approaches 3'X-1j, For two-dimensional layers vilth finite depths, the center of grav.Ity of the section is lim(x2z)x Zdx where a is the abscissa point on the profile at which Z is the measured value. To shorten the profile (a necessity in making calculations), the author found the rellAtionship between the Card 2/4 Depth Approximation to Magnetized I "t -I ~i;,7-3 70 magnetic moment of a unit length or a cylindrical I)ody and the maximum value of x2Z" Prom these he obtained the equation h 8 (,,2Z) max Zdx which is true for layers with thicknesses not greatly in excess of the depth to the body, Then a formula is obtained for the determination of depth to the upper edge of a body bounded in a horizontal direction along the strike but unbounded at depth: lim(~3z),-~; --) 00 h Zd - J4, / Y, where,R is the distance from Zmax to tfte point of observation. For three-dimensional laye-.-? of finite thlc~cneS3, the formulas Card 3/4 Depth Approximation to Magnetized Bodie_- below are proposed: 15-19b7-3-3670 hc 0. 3 8 IS 11 m /p 3 Z 10 nd hc = 1.04 lim(/03Z )/'3 -1 com- a, C, /0 Zd/D S, Z dA These are obtained by assuming a spherical body. Another equa- tion Is cited for use when the profile has a finite length: hc = L91 ~03 Z)max so /o Zd/a The application of the formulas is illustrated by numerous tables and calculations; the defects are ulso indicated, Card 4/4 G. I. K. T,%I.I.vinp (AU Sci-.Rr--s Di.-,ti w.,wai'ded sci d-gree o1 Doc _Ph,vsico-.',,nth Sci for thp 28 Gct ~7 defonse of disserta- tion: "Problem ol determining thp structure 0.1' Nftm a buried folded substructure through data of aereomagnetic suripey" at the Council, Leningrad 9tate Univ imeni Midanov; Prot No 17, 21 Jur, 5B. (BYVOI 12-58p,23.) ALESKEROVA, Z.T.; KRITSUK, G.S.,LI. P.F., LITVIIWNKO. I.V.: GSADCHKTA, D.V.; OSTRDUK)VA, A.S.; OSTXO, T.I.; RAVWKIKAS, O.T.: RDSTOVTSET, R.N.: SIMNERKO, T.M.; TOLSTIKHIM, 14,A.; MSU, B.S.; BABINTSICV, red. Tz"8 'N~, I 14A 0 K. V. , t ekh n. red. ical structure and oil-producizif prospects of the West Gen lop Siberian Plain.1 Goologicb"skoe stroenie i perepektivy nefte- gazonnanoott Zapadn8-Stbirskol niz'mennosti. Po,d obahchal rod.. N.N.RoRtovtseva. Xoskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po, geol. i okhruns nedr, 1958, 3qn p. (MIR& 11:12) 1. Leningrad. VessoyuzM7 geologicheakiy institut. (West Siberian Plain--Petroleum geology) ROSTMT-SEV, 11.1%; SIMONENK0, T.N. Oil and gnu prospectine, in tho West Siberian Plain. Genl.nofti.t 9nza 3 no.6:8-13 Je 159- 041RA 12, 8) 1. Sibirskly nauchno-Issledovatel'akiy institut goologil, geofiziki i mineralinngo nyrtya. (West Siberlan Plain-Petroleum geology,) Neat Siberian Plain-Gas. Vatural--Geology,) ROSTOVTSEV, N.N.; SIMONENKO, T.N.; MUNTSEV, D.F. Structure of the folded basement of the West Siberian Flain. Trudy SXIIGGIIC no.1:11-17 159. OMU 15:4) (West Siberian Plain-&eology, Structural) (//.2/, *ex) AUTHORi Simonenko, T.N. TITLEs The computation of field from magnetic problem 29653 S/169/61/000/005/0031/049 A005/1130 the derivatives of a "pseudogravitational" surfey data for the case of the plans PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika. no. 5; !961, 30, abstract 5 A 257. (Tr. In-ta geol. 1. gecfiz. Sio. otd. AN SSSR, 1960, no- 1, 55"58) TEXTs Using the Poisson theorem for two-dimensicnal bodies and assuming the body to be magnetized in the direltion of the earth's field, the author submits formulae which, for given values of the vertical com- ponent of an anomalous magnetic field or the values ofAT', enable one to plot cur*es for those vertical and horizontal components of the said field that are exempt from the influen,:e of inclined magnetization. These curves correspond to the and.4 ,ur-qre of the "pseudogravitational" field. S~_c [Abstractor's notei Complete transle,ticn.] Card 1/1 A-r - SIMOIWIKO. T. N. Date,,mining the direction Of Mugnetism of bodies in place of their occurrences. Geol. i geofis. no.2:137-141 160. (KIRA 13:9) 1. Vaesoyusnyy nauchno-iseledovatellekly geologichemkiy institut. . (Rocks-Plagnetic properties) MAROCHKINp N.I., glavnyy red.; MARKOVSKIY, A.F., zamestitell glavnogo red.; TATARINOV, P.M.,, zamestitell glavnogo red.; BELYAKOVA, Ye.Ye., nauchnyy red.; GAWSHIN, G.S.., red.; ZAITSEV, I.K., red.; KULIKOV, M.V., red.; KUREK, N.U., red.; KNIPOVICH, Yu.N., red.; LURIYE, M.L., red.; SIMONENKO,--T.N.,, red.; SPIZHARSKIY, T.N., red.; STERLIN, D.Ya., red. [Results of the research carried out by the kll-Union Geological Institute In 19591 Ezbegodnik po rezulltatam rabot VSEGEI za 1959 g. JAningrad, Otdel nauchno-tekhn.informtsii VSEGBI, 1961. 195 po (Informatsionnyi sbornik,, no."). (MDU 15-04) (Geology) .1 , glav. red.; 1-I;,.RYOV6KIY., A.F. y zam. glav. nad.; MAROCHKIN K. I. L TJLIYAI'CV, N.K., zwa. glav. red.; GALESHIN, G.S., red.; ZAYTSEV, I.K., red.; KNIPOVICH, Yu.N., red.; KULIKOV, I.I.V., red.; L'~BAZINI) G.S., red.; LURM, ILL., red.; SIMI. I T.N., red.; SPIZiIARSHY, T.!,'., red.; MIRM!", D.Ya., red.; TATARINI f P.M., red,; 13ELYAKM, Ye.Ye., nauchnyy red.; IMAIMUSHIN, V.A., tekhn. red. [Yearbook of the results of studies by the All-Union Geological Institut] izhe.godnik po rezulltatarl rabot VS---7'C-I. Leningrad, Otdel nauchn.-tekhn. informatsiip 1961. 203 p. (Leningrad. Vz;,,ooiyzriyi goolo7ichcokli inotitut. InIF'orr"tsioni.,'sbornik no.14.96) ~MIRA 15--~~ (Geology) S11,11OPPEINKO ) T. N.- Use of magnetometric data -for studying crustal deep structure of platfom areas. Sov.geol, 5 no.8:3-15 Ag 162. (ILIRA 150) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauclino-issledovatellskiy geologicheskiy institut. (Earth-Surface) 3/215/62/OOC)/OW/001/002 1046/1246 A-ionen~:o, T The u,-.c --.f data in studies of the abyssal structure of the ttirth'-- --nist in platform regions - p L 1~ I Op 1'~ 1) t-;ovotskaya Ceolln.,,iyn, do. 8, 1962, 3-15 ca' matenitl i ~.:c",!eted by IZ!-*1IR AN =R (Institute of the Terrestrial the iwwapl.erc zmd i"ropiention of Radiowaves AS U-ZR) all over the =;R 3'iew that tne existence o' thoa c,3~ntinental anomalies cannot be due to the effect of the (-,,irth's cruat, and V~at the b-havior of the basaltic layer in the crust does not affect ti;~.- Ji~itribution of th(~ field. The anqmalies detectable on the background of tint! normal fie.,l or.-Lginate in thermally maenetized geological bodies in the Cranitic layer; thus, in prine'-ple, the thickness of the granitic layer in the ~arthla cruut on the contInents cem b,i determined from magnetometric measurements. T*--re are 5 firures and I tabl,-. 1" ard 112 heakiy institut I Institute) DEEMN, V.A.; NALIVKH, V.D.; SII EITEQ,_T_U-_, SOKOLOV, MI.; SIMBLIESKAY& Structure of the Fre-Riddle 4urassic basement of the lei'est Siberian Plain in the light of new data, Sov. geol. 5 no.7:26-40 11 162. (KIRA 15:7) 1. Vnosoyuznry neft~amcy nauclino-issledovatellskly geologoraz- vedochnry institut. T3080yuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologicheskiy institut i Ilauchno-issledovatellskiy institut -eologii Arktiki. (West Sibarian Plain--Folds (Geology)) SIMONMO, T. N. Importance of magnetic measurements in the oceans to studies of the structure of the earthIs crust. Title: Conference on problems of marine magnetic mrveys (hold In Moscow in April 1962. Source: Ckeanologiya, v. 3, no. 4, 1.963, p. 752 GURAM, F.G.; KAMtNOV, V.F-; 1`17HONOV, lu.K.; NALMO, V.D.; IIESTE;'OV, I.I.; On-M, I.I.; ROVNIN, L.I.; RGjI0VTSEV, N.N.; RUDK,--.1d'IGH, M.Ya.; 411~011ENKO, T.D.; SOKOLOV, V.N.; 'IR0FD-',UK, A.A.; CHOCHIA, N.G.; ERVIYE, Yu.G.; C'I-I,BYSH-KUZNETSOV, S.O., red.; LOKSHINA, O.A., [Geology and oil and gas potentials of the West Siberian Plainy a new tank farm of the U.S.S.R.] Geologiia i nefte- gazonosnostt Zapadno-SiLirskoi nizmennosti-novoi neftianol bazy SSSR. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-niia, 1963. 199 P. (MIRA 17:1) SIMNFNKO, T.N.; TOISTIKHINA, Convergence of the Ural MounLai.IIS &nd the Russian Platform. Trudy VSEGEI 85:131-135 163. (IMU 16:11) qIMOVNK.0, M.M. Som charaDtiri3ljr ,i -,f tr4o abysgal at.-! a of t~je U.S.S.,R. Sov. gr,~.,il. 8 f10..41"'4, -90 Ap 165. (tGRA '?;7) 1. Vierjopility-1 goologicheskly Institut. NALIVKIN, V.D.; DFDFYFV, V.A.; IVANTSOVA, V.V.; KATS, Z-Ya.; KRUGLIKOV, N.Y.; LAZAREV ' V.S.; SVTRCRFnV. G.P.; CHFRNIKOV, K.A.; SHAELDSKAYA, N.V.; Prinimal ii-chastiye: ZIMM, I-P.; ROZANOV, L.N.; SOFRONITSEY, P.A.j KHAIN, V.Ye.; SIMONFITKO, T.N.1- SOKOLOV, V.N.; YAYO*vLFV, O.N., gidrogo-olog [CompakatIve analysis of the oil and gas potential'and -+~;A+-nTcs of'thp W~st-Sibprian and Turhn-Scythinn p1nitorm-1.1 Srevnitel.1fiyi anelAz~-rijrUgAzohosnosti i trktoniki Zapndno-'Sibirskol i'Turano- Sk.Tf6k6fpIit-. Iehingrad; Nedra, 2965. 322 p. (Lphingrad. Vsesoiuziiyi npftian6i nauchno-issledovatellskii gpologorazvpdochnyi institut. Trudy, no.236) (MIRA 18:6) ACC NR, AT6028375' AtrrHOR: Simonenko, T. N. . ........ C SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0104/0110 ORG: none TITLE: Anomalous magnetic field and tectonics of the USSR SOURCE: International Geological Congress. 22d, New Delhi, 1964. Geologicheskiye rezul'taty prikladnoy geofiziki (Geological results of applied geophysics); doklady sovetskikh geologov, problems 2. Moscow, Izd-vo Nedra, 1965, 104-110 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic field, magnetic anomaly, earth magnetism, platform, sedi- mentary rock ) 4~c4 o -P%i CAW STRACT: This article presents some aspects of the anomalous magnetic field and ~ ectonic structure of the USSR. The distribution of magnetic anomalies in the USSR is shown on a map compiled from aeromagnetic AT survey data and from airborne and land AZ survey data. The Earth's uniform magnetization and world anomalies are represented as the normal field. In a weak field, the smallest interval between the (AT)a isoline is 100 gammas. As a results of the aeromagnetic survey, certain differences have been established between characteristics of the magnetic field of ancient plat- forms and of Epihercy'nian platforms and folded'areas of different ages. The magnetic field-of Precambrian platforms, particularly that of the Russian platform, clearly reveals the block character of the folded basement structure. Some blocks of the basement extending for 100 ka are shown as areas of a specific sagnetic field which Coid 1/2 L'277213-66 FBD/EWT(1)/El~T(u)/EEC(k)-2/T/EWP(k)/EWA(ht' lip4a) Wff/WQ ft AP6015429 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/020/005/0853/0058~'~~ AUTHOR i Dukhopel, 1. 1.; Simonenko, T. V.; Urnis, 1. Ye M ORG:. none (-I TITLE: Investigat4ng ~he peak coherence of ruby laser emi sion 4. aw, SOURCE: Optika i spek%roskopiya, v. 20, no. 5, 1966, 853-858 12-7 7AGS:, laser emission, ruby laser, light interference, laser emission cohirenc* ABSTRACT: The authors study the integral coherence of laser emission together with emission coherence at isolated peaks. The sp'ecimens used were 6 cylindrical ruby crysta.1.9 with diameters of 6.5 and 13 mm measurirg 65 and 80 mm in length respective- ly with dielectric coatings on the end or placed in a resonator with plane mirro a. All specimens were oriented at 90 degrees to the optical axis and 4 of the'crystals had polished lateral surfaces. The other 2 cylinders were frosted an the sides--one comple: cely and the other partially. Radiation from the specimen was sent through a diaphrN3gin with 2 narrow vertical slits and a section of the interference field formed iias thl3n cut off by a horizontal alit and photographed. It was found that interfer- ence pitterns are formed at all peaks regardless of crystal quality, the distance be- tween vertical slits in the diaphragm,or the level of pumping energy. The pattern contrast is extremely high for most of the peaks. Most of the interference patterns UDC: 621.375.9: 536 Card 1/2 NUMN I M I= ACC NRi AP6015429 show a cbar'acteristic relative shift in the interference bands at the individual peaks. I%Jjjs shift is usually lower at the beginning and end of emission, increasing noticeably at the midpoint. The shift is Irregular, sometimes taking place extremely slowly and sometimes reaching half the width of the interference band-in adjacent peaks. Among the fundamental causes for this relative shift are: 1.-A change in band width due to variations in wavelength during emission, 2. A variation from peak to peak in the inclination of the beams falling on the diaphragm with vertical slits, 3. A change from peak to peak in the phase difference between the sections of the waves cut off by the slits. It is shown that the first effect is insignificant. The effect of a change in beam inclination on the band shift at the peak is experimentally confirmed. These experiments.also show that there is coherent interaction between beams traveling in different directions as well as between beams emitted bi different sections at the e'nd of,*the laser. In conclusion the authors thank V* P, LiVinik for directing this w6rk... brig. art'. has: 6figures. (141 SUB CODE: 20/ -SUBM DATE: 18reb65/, ORIG REF! 002/.. OTH REFv. 007/-, ATD PRESSL,;&&oi 2/2- Pi'actlc--~ cn virr.:in coi3. P.-c -'.-tek obr. 1C.' nc.!:If: Jr 161. ('~_T A 14:2) 1. W,-::~eslannoye i--..c: (7 toii ocl. :-,'-o o on'r ~:rstva .,O.~', 0*,-)lnst'. (Sumy Prc,;i.-.c V., master proizvodotvernogo obucheiiya Technical cont.rol in a group. Prof. tekhn. obr.21 r.c.11:21 II ~ 161, C-.,11LA 18:,) 1. Prof essional 'no-tekinicheskoye uchilishche Ilo-3, Klintsy. SIMUIIENKU, V., kand. geogrL..'L'. nauk, dotsent Famous captain of the icebreaker fleet. Mor. flot 25 no.10: 41-4-1 0 165. (MIRA 18:1.1) 1. Luganskiy pedagogicheskiy institut imen-I T.G. Shevchenko. -65 E17A d R L 45386 tVtr(1)/E;T(m)/EPA( V( -.02/9V ~d-l/pe-5/Ps-4/~t JACCESSION NR: AP5010632 M/004o/65/029/002/0334/033( AUTHORSt Zababakhint Ye. 1.,(Mbsooir); Simonenko, YL. A. Moscow) ....... - ---------- TITLEt Converging shook wave in heat-conduot -901URCE: PriklatlriVa matematika i mekhanika, v. 29, no. 21 1965t 334-336 TOPIC TAGSt shock wavep heat conduction, radiation heat transferp adiabstio flows ''a heat ratio, prasoure distribution IABSTRACT's The temperature;distribution behind a converging shook wave was d Imined analytically. Fireto the case of a planar wave is considered# and irt the usual gas dynamic conservation equations the following radiation energy term is d included aTI),, . Solving these equations for the halt width S of the heated region ahead of the shook, the following simple expression in obtained 4D& (Y -, 1.4) 1.73-10-6 For a converging wave D a JL/r' 9 0-3951 ana thi resulting expression for the Tnaxi temperature Is gi-ven by . I " ., *. . I This shows that in, the presence of "0 M"co nstp6O,$4IRQ-, 'Itheiia-1-conduction 'radiation) the shook wave temperature is finite but arbi-trs'7* 23 as T 010-2M. jFj6 N6 400. Upoo 'Sd in tm paper. C- ol ll'o _rubber Kol TOPORKOV, I.D.; SIMOMKO, V.D. (Lugansk) Calendar of noteworthy dates. Geog. v shkole 25 no-4:96--88 JI-Ag '62. O-URA 15:8) (Arsenlev, Vladimir Klavo4evich, 1872-1930) (Voronin, Vladimir Ivahovich, 1890-1952) (S~dov, Georgii lAkovlevich, 1877-1914) KARFOV, A.K.; SIMORSINKO, V.F. ~~tlrioia of studying the bydrogen sulfide content of natural -,uses. r,az.prum. 5 no.':11-13 Je 16o. (KIR& 13:6) 0 (Gas, Natural) (Hydrogen sulfide) V.F., stur3ldy agronom Practices in controlling wniteflieu. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.12:33 D '61. (MIRA 160) -T A-11MV:3% A.Aj 311101";'N".0, V.P. Spociilc gravity of formtion wat= no an indlmtor of !*Ydrodynacdc conditione in Paloozoic oodl=cnto in tho southowtarn rALrt of the &wnlan lllatfcnu Trudy VIIIMAZ no. 25:95-102 165o (HIFA M &12) SIMONENKO, V. I. Cand Phys-Math Sci - (diss-' "Study on the theory of singular integrals, boundary problems of analytic functions, and sing- ular integral equations." Tbilis4 Pub. Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR, 1961. 6 pp; (Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR, Tbilisi Mathematics Inst imeni A. M. Razmadze); 200 copies; free; bibliography on pp 5-6 (12 entries); (KL, 6-61 sup, 195) SIMDMMO, Y.K. [Symonenko, V.K.]. student biolog.fakulltata; VOR(MIRV. A.I. [Vorobiov, A.I.I. prof., muchnyy rukovoditall; SAGAYDAK. I.M. [Sahaidak, I.M.], dots., nauchnyy rukovoditell Studies on intergeneric vegetative hybridization of tor%atoea with tho Bolgarokii 14 eggplant. Pratsi Od.un. Zbir.mtud.rob. 149 no-5:183-185 '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. OdeaRkiy goBudarstvanrWy universitst. (Tomatoes) (Eggplant) o I" 0 0 O's 0 all 1, 1- St"MIll scid-WOOt liteel MIT in a thirty tau rj t i 00 er r c fUM"O. VA. 1'. % %'.. -,A-m . Rainn Swl 7. slail fhc~ so .... 1_ 00 ItTI-11h ~l f"". 1 -00 11.41. H. 1. . " ". 1, 1''." Go 1-111. thr p1mr1l, kltl;ljl~ l 9-%--1 1" - CtAl: 111,11t 0 I-Bit) Cr mr. th. doi tsml~ lipl. c.,rt flIlly 1w 'uh. -00 L4 Ih, C, its the to %it, j, .jv, .,I go If.-I. 00 00 00 d:0 0 00 19 zoo 7 '016 ::, ; i oo A ioo o 0 l LJ .1 V W 0 090609009099660 00 00 0 1 0 0 0 66664 0000000600 oo 000000000000000000000o 00000 0060096666 00 00 SIMOITMao, Yo. Tugboat hook with semiautomatic recoil. Rech. transp. 19 no.10: 43 0 160. (MI-RA 13: 11) (Tugboats) ALEK-3EYEV, A.G.; SIMUIENKOV7 Ye.A.; C111-1-I'liERIN, Yu.G. Knurling key gaps in toothed clutches. Mashinostroitell no.12:27--28 D 16" (MIRA 17:1) .if GOLOVIIIIIA, N.V. CHolovnina N.V.], propodevatell; CHWITSEATA, N.V. [ChernytslkA), propodavatell; RUDA, O.Yo., prepodavatel'; PANCHENKO, Z.P., prepodavatell; CLETNIKOVA. G.F. (Olieinykova, H F I prepodavatell; VIRTELI, L.M., prepodevatell; TAMPCLISKAYA, A:M: flAmpollolks, A.M.], prepodevatell; ATAMIO, S.T., prepoda- vatell; OKRWILOVA, I.P. [Okropylova, IE.P.1, propodavatell; 51 0- YBAL S.Vmonezxko, R.M.1, prepodavatell; TSIGHLIKAN, P.M., propo-aavatell; SHCIBWNLYAYEVA, O.P. (Shchepeliaievs. O.P.1, prepodavatell; ZAIKA. N.P., prepodavatell; BARSUOVA, M.M., prepodavatell; IZAROVA, N.O.. propodavatell; IVCHBNKO, T.P., prepodavatell; NIMRASOVA, K.S., prepodavatell; ALIMSEY19YA, P.O. (Alaksiaieva, P.O.]. frepodavatell; GAVRIWVA, G. (Havrylove, red.; GORKAVMO, L. orkavenko, Lj, [Dreasnaking] Krii ta shyttia. Vyd.6, parer. i dop. Kyiv, Derzh.vyd-vo takhn.lit-ry URM. 196o. 692 p. (MIRA 14:2) (Dressmaking--Pattern design) (Sewing) sill!0"I'lliKoil Z.A. of 41,,3 farl,--!tional stuata of tk,~e utc-:,ti:5 in par- 1. k. tatl-ents ;,;itn prematIlre tx-rrsting rif vaters. Akush. -1 gin. 39 no.33 9 -- -9 6 KY-J e I rE 3 (MIRA 17 92) 1 . 1-7,- kafed-r7 aknsherst-F-a i ginekologii ( ruk-cv~-ditel I - F)rof- A.G. BUTylin) Kurakogo meditsinskogo instIt-utao in prrt i.- r,-, i f Lyle' td V 1j by .-A oT two-nhannel external rc);!raphy. Sb-Ir. K-,irsk. n-~. Ini5t, nc.316:2P31-286 (Ivflt~A 1719) 1. AUTHORt Simonankov, Ve Is ~70 ORGt none 13 TITLE-. A system of program control with correction of the programs Glass 49., No. 177762 SOURCE3 Izobreteniya, pr.)myzhlenriyye obraztey., tovarnyye znakip no. 1. 1966p 135 TOPIC TAGSt computer programming, -w*to=#.4f,--=ont k~~, W11ing machinei0#10- ro; %t-CkW%-"eCL GLU40WZL+iC. co"+P-01 ABSTRACTi This Author Certificate presents a system for a prog control and for correcting the analog type program of a milling machines he ormation is recorded on a magnetic tape and is based on the method of phase modulation, This system makes it possible to enter a correction into the program in the course of working the parts (if the cutter diameter does not correspond to the design value). The correction is accomplished by using a supplementary track with the correction information for each independent coordinate. The correction information is entered;- into the program information in the phase accumulator by the cumulative -diff orentia4 phase bridges. This method allows conducting the summation of the information -J with a phase difference reaching 1800 and insures a minimum of parasitic amplitude modulation. For correction information it is possible to use the coordinate information calculated for a cutter diiimeter smaller than the rated diameter UDCs ACC NRt AP6005387 D under the condition that the maximum phase difference between the correction L-kformation and the program information should not exceed 1800a The fine adjustment regulator serves to change the dimensions of the part, being processed without changing the program (in the conversion of a 1800 phase abU-t of the program). SUB CODEs 09s 131 SU13M DATEt 25jun63 C,rd 2/2 ZC- OHEVCH- N-1-- K-11~1VyKi:, v .-. t, , 1 .1; - .1 - !, ~ I . - F x i(c) 9 X-1 ' 7 , - --,' -g 9 1 3t e w: ~~. *--f :?h-:: :- c i s,.; re a r:g , -'-' -,an . --' '~ r i -1 r* ~, ; ,-,c.!C,,28.-29 0 1 ~C:. I .-t -1 1~ GOLYNETS, Yu.F.; PONOMARLVA, L.I.; Priniamli uchastiye: SIMLTSKAYA, N.A.; SI14ONENKOVA. R.A. Estimating the reproducibility of the results of analyses of sulfur-containing substan as. Trudy Komamal.khim. 13; 137-138 163. (MIRA 16:5) (Sulfur-Ana.lysis) (Sulfur organic compounds) Val VVI;jj son" be 0A led.. Lou&. I i the .f jii;obry U- Ce c UN&N:w mmdw in ii"Wied wilb a c7: omjW tabs& wb form the M . md ono or Me Wbet is cy to ths too cas be to Jw 010- t o "A imides. T - JD. to TIMAh I- D. it. Ms. the 01 N.- D.0 tu Uft%ue--,~ -v r 5et C', CU3 I'" 'I istofor ut 0 om rL cuts' eur~i~ x ~ I 't" 1g, .11. ~'fc r . ' I are, ~~and 1.11.1 gt ir, w a a 6 L ". "celaris I' 3 Ir, r~~7 I(sM2). he apo = tj~~,; )t e "0 cj 'r th pr Ljc:tjon of vcgL~tabje il w7 ~p .-I "1 ,15 3tul I L -phyiictxhein. ch jeterl ti,_ 3 atl tile COMPORCUt fattY acids of tbe glyctrides of I were detd. j/Production and Industrial 6f proteins. IV. 61 OrProteocellulose fibers. _(Zdltofor Simionescu. Elena Cal- Istru, Vasile Diaconescu, Dorel-TeUuiiin~ ~an loan Oprea. A cad. rep. lare Romdntr, Faiala ra#. S1 udiieercdd PS #iinj. 3,162-Wtoog.); cf. C.A. 49, 8520c.- From an alk. soln. of kint protein Rad viscose, proteocellulost fibers were prepd. -PtL p The result from very complicated reactions. ThZr quality diPands on the conditlons of ripening of the ro)en and viscose. The optimurn appears to be 24-48 yond this time the percentage of incorporated N Is lower and the quality of the fiber Interior. N can be Introduced by org. solvents, but this increases the cost of .,!production. The dyeing properties of tiat fiber, comparable to those of wool; axe due to (1) adsorption resulting from the polarity of the colloid, and (2) chem. reaction between the active groups of fibers and dye. The microscopic structures of the fibers are similar to those of animal fibexs. The new fiber Is 46% stronger than viscose fibers; the wet strength is higher than that of pure cellulose fiber. Treated with CHO the fibers maintain their elasticity, white their strength and elongation. increase. C(. C.A. So. 1426U. Emanuel Me d' Rumarl-fa/Ch,~! Technology -Chemical Products and Their Application. 'Ynthetic Polymers. Plastics, I- Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 63131 Author: Simionescu, CriBtoforj Grigoras, Marg.; Popa, Eugen; Stejaru., Grigore Ins tAtution: None TItle: Industrial Utilization of Vegetable llrotein:i for the Production of Plastics. Communication VI Original Periodical: Consideratiuni asupra obtinerii si industrializarii proteinelor vegetale mase plastice (Comunicarea VI). Studii si cercetari otiint. Acad. RPR fel Iasi, 1953, 4., No 1-4. 245-256; Rumanian; Russian and French resumda Abstract: On condensation of vegetable protein (for example from sunflower or pumpkiii waste) in strongly acid medium with formalin or in a weakly acid or weakly alkaline medium with furfural a condensation product is obtained from which a plastic is produced by mixing with plasti- cizere (glycerol, tricresyl phosphate, dibutyl phthalate, Na-butyrate Card 112 Rumania/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application. Polymers. Plastics, I- Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, '03131 Abotract: etc) and filler (glass powder, graphite, carborundum, etc). Fabrica- tion of articles from these plastics is effected at 90-1201 and pres- sure of 700-800 kG/=2 (for 10-60 minutes). The articles thus ob- tained have satisfactory electric insulating properties. Card 2/2 N ES C CR I STO FO-R ' ~ i t a ffo iloght on- tellule" I - X ~ il vDel. Aca t a imionescu atbd. EmAnod ' 4 J i ` r 2 ~ ~ s rce Y lWolf. 4. N o I S77 IVRM M414 14 I.Ma 1 1 ; r a of uft vio light oil cevul(~e Ks. (10M).-The effe c d on a filter paper %vas studied. Various tests of the n' a inhibition with antioxidAnts (1) in a1c. soIns. did not show modifications whichcould be rellected upon its Cuno. or the a-cellul-ase content of the VMples. I did not evidence an indepeadent phatoclicua. reaction, in presence of 0, or a classical oxidation process, such as the Oa effect on cellulose resulting in ox)-cellulose. The effect of 0 on modified glucosidic links decrease its polymerization rate or increases the Cu no. The practical results consist in the use of I in- documents or papers for special use and in the cclluldse- t"tile industry, OP-TL t.1"! -Ly to obt-tin -ind ~~'t)rl '-ct tr~! al ~)votei e mlut-)ns" ri. 1~3- slJourn'd on is~uel ~y tile I~Lsi BrLncii, Riurtnl,:n Ac-dermiy; wita French 'irii -111~~P17 CEO, IOL. 5 -.,u:xtlerlyll. (SMIlill Sl S: -1 no. SO: %-Ionth '-.,,r L! - t A ~3cei3 ' -~wt ,(E70,L), LC, 7ol.4. Tio. 5, May 7,!," ' , : .- : ' - ', I ~11*)T,,! , ':~' . - -~'F L) ", D. 0 n v IF" ri-~ I i tni or, VDarnml on -.,Cienca ic-lie'l by R ~'T, ,ch iri,l 7irurterly". kS'~IU 11 -1 7,:,! .. 5, !lo. .1/!, J I-n./jul'i J 30: 1.: on t:i v Li LC, llol.!;, NO. 5, I ,- 1. ll~ 5, R Um study anif cle a Spa CAU%lrU.- DMt' '-petcrMfl: mars"reta Otigom# and 1(min Opres (Umar Pulytech. Inst., Rumania). kev. chip". (Ducfmmst) 6 No. 1, 7-19(1955).-A dismsion on the aplOmbility ;I 2w-h by~jwvducfs as villi cakes, xlaughterboue b1nmi. and lintizie wateri in the paper,.fibLr. plastics. and glue Indus- trieg. Gt~rard AuflegefI a of. Of d Nik i p Ing length of SM. MA 8140 m.; din To 6n d 34 h b i f W 50 H l U 4 4a d 0 o e oy- op an jouy, Moldavia, Romania). L'Umash. r .. triess o ues , an r va . An , 0 ; g , P 5.0,-,and4.2;r mparable vabies for the melamilite-Utated I 30, Q. 1i -100955).-The Muence of additives (slie; 45, an a the aging of paper was studied. A bleached samples were 66M, 68W, and WN; 01 106. and 97; 49, 48. and 45; and 4.4. -. and CU. bleached sulfite sulfite was sized with various materials and artificially aged, (45* Schopper-Riegler) sized with 0. 2.5. &M 5,0% roan under a quartz lamp (330-750 mp) at 25' and 65% relative di idit At 0 h I ti U d i h 2 8 h size. aft 0 aging er = a breaking length of 457215010. and 4604 d b f 293 388 b i d 317 h f e um rs. rra a w t . on, paper s y. % Be"oid rosin size and 2S, 6.0, and 8.0170 chlorinated parat- - ou t tness o m.; la o . an . ; g 46, 45, and 47; and V11 values of 7.2, 6.5, &M 11.41: ciarre. fin had a breaking length of 5344, 4918, 4160, and 5WO sponding vuluesafter 10 bri. aging re. 4170, 4300, and m., double folds of 44. 57, 98, and 192; brightness of 45, 44 nd H values of 5 2 43 and 44 4 nd 0 8 8 5 5 3980; 74, 58, and 71; 41, 41, and 42, and 6 8 6 0 and * Y2 fte 20 h 38W SM4 B d d iR6 5 0 . . . . , a ;, . , a . , P after 1b lirs. irradiation the breaking length "as 4720, 4020, . a rs. were ; an x , an , . ; , and 10; 40. 41, and 41; and 6.5. 5.9, and 6.8, resp. A g 3297, and 39W; double folds 13, IS, 0. and 20. brightness: was less severe when the paper was sized In alk. medium. 119, 35, 35. and 35; and pH 4.8, 5.5, B.B. and 5.8; after 20 s h i th ki l 4320 b h 3530 3M d and the PH drop was less, c pared with siting hi acid di C& 5 5 Th dd f fill 7 r e rea was engt . ag ng ng . an , , a730; double folds 5, 4. 5, and 11; brightness 36, 33, 33, - me n. o . e a ers (4.5- um .(pH ). .5% clay pickup) Old not have an appreciable influence on the and 34; and PH values 4.0, 5.5, 5.4, and 5.4. hia t IA " - (6070 bleached sulfite. 50% Tag stock) was sized w %, rosin and 2.8% melamine resin and'irradiated. After aging Of Paper sized In &1k. at acid medium. The addn. of rag stock to a sulfite furnish resulted in less severe agiag. 0, 10, and 20 hrs. axing the rosin-treated paper had a break- John Like KI!ZL.._ j Chris- The fractionatWo of celltil a with sulfuric acid A 2- . )for Siuiioat5tjia'4'tdj' it a istru ( lyte5b. If 1i ) K ~2 I k=tL-K'MTMTMTT.- Adser otsc . a. e 1 1 ech. 7. 17,1-5(lo - h ). C- er ivot -Cotton, rayon, anti ot jil celluloses are pretreated 0.5 Jar. With 50% If-SO, At room tenip., then at -200' am added to sufficient 72% 1 IiSO, to bring its conen. to W-3% (e.K.. %viteit43ce.,'A)~'ol[.SO,iiiuskct theinixt.ismadcup to, IOU cc. by dropivisL uddra. of 721%' IGS0. at -W*), the mliat, is kept wills omasioaud shaking 0.5-1 hr. at -20* In it re- frigerator, the conen. of the 112S0, in the filtered sol 'it. is field., find the soln. divid,:d into 4 portions and dild. witli 11.0 to II:S04 cotic"s. of 15. 30, 35, anti 40%. The pl;td; cellulose fractions are filtered off and the cellulose content of the onginal soln., in the ppt!i,, and in the filtrates is detdi ;according to a modification of the Bmy-Andrews method' (C.A. 17, 1714). The results are given In several tables. ' Of thc cotton (in 6d.5% 14500 0.30. 3.82, and 8 5% resp, is dissolved; of the filter paper (in G2.a0% HjS0 5 0.4. Toil - and 3.47%, of rayoti pU?l (in 01.5% Il*S0.) 4.57-7.08' 0.0&-7.FA), and 0.4-14.93 0; anti of 2 wooil celluloses i4i paper (in 02.5% IItS0j, 8.32 and 2A, 9.29 and IL03, and 10.00 and 13A%, resp. Twit! 6L.'7- -11tag(I Gl~ the Illethotl is that oiily 3 fractions ure obtained becautLe of, ttifricultiesiiitliefiltmtinitof the acid concris. ofbvtr 45% and of the necessity for such low temps. in orckr to prevent it delknidation of the Lellulox. F. B. 11muns L : Callstru, E.; SLTionesc u, N,-- Simionescu,C. T It L 1, : RLu-, an 'A. un, 1 it' Soue Fa.,;; c-,s Afl' ecting Viscose itability S-~ud -41.1 si. cercettarl sti lnt, Acad. APR Fil. la si Chim ,5- ',151 lc -7) No 2 149-190 7 ., 1 l , , , Slucy o- P-Inetics of v'~,cose z"pening at L Llr=-,r,-Iluel:l tcmTeraturp. anci or. actlon of different additives j :-esu't- wc,--c e-,-lua-ee on the basis of chariges in ripeness, I vl.sci sAty, a rid degree of ester i "icat'or.. 't was foLLnd that of vl.~Ic---ctte T, ::L-,: well as of sodlum sulfide and 'AleFll re"a.-as of viscose: at the same time no I changcs -IrE cbscrve(l ij-, ~.he phvsico-chemical indices of the I fiber is confirmed by experiments at the "Filatura Lupen' factory. Kntioxidants do not interfere with colloidal-chemical ripening Cystin and acetamilde are accelerators of the process of of viscose solutlon~- r t. r ,n '13 " , ' ~ ~ :~ f. -) , ~t or L r- ~ C-11 q 11 7 an n r t6 t pr,::c;.-ajr-ts user, C- , i t a or r t: p " -1 1 r r rat " ' - t ! :~ ' I ' ")4 r y tv 9'A I . c r, of )IT- f r:lc IOTI C t 1 4r t he c e I u I c t -ia v. r eu t ;L ur, 0 t h I *rc>m ol.1 -'Z" ilbus rf -i ~i eo a.: h t3colverit CS-11"INTIRY CAEEGORI 593?1 xrr-.t -o!!3 i'n t_tr-e.~ c t I. On of a f *, bers. ;3 used , ~ne YiC, are more acntra~ aly le ce~r- ljit,, autnorkit node ttie dt!airjbi.1_4t.v of us- n a t hi r. m t 11 od f t4 S 04 ? t h e c om pa r J. a a r- o f d Uel*i.,~-t!- of witn c~tlaj.oa-!s prodije~-:d abroad. lFive z:J10"cl thac tne 1; L PrQ- t~':26 "t s e t (-!-m -,A tjy 'n~t p-? -- ea 40. '~o i oils 0 f U, e t~ d :;j ?'- au- 9 1,- 4r a no 1 -.rmo t' -1 z8 - RUMM chemical Technology., Chemical Products and Their H-24 Application. Chemical Wood Products. H7drolysis Industry. Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Khimiya., No 5., 1959., No- 17067 Author cu ~0* - Feldman., D. Inst Not given Titlo Investigation of the Prlmrv Hydrolysis of Roed* Part I Orig Pub :Bul, lnst* rolitehn. Iasi, 1957, 3, No 1-2, 91-100 Abstract :Experinonts pertaining to the ;r1ma y hydrolysis of hemicellulose, that follows hydrolysis of cellulose., were conducted, A stem, portion 'between the knots of rood was used aa raw material, Hydrolysis was performed under laboratcry conditions with vater, having ratios varied in the following limits: 1:2; 1:5; 1,10; 107.5; 1:4; 1:2, and ;rossuro from 5 to 9 at=, while the time of process was ho3d constant. The hydrolyzed vatorial yield Card 1/2 SIMIONE'a6.4, [Simionesca Christophorl (RtuxWnskaya Narodnaya RespublikA); - "MONOW&f. :jiLISTRU. K. Ecalistrti, Constantin] (Rumyna)atya Narodnaya Respublika). Sciontific cooperation of Russian and Ru-nnian chemists. Vop. ifit, ent. i 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. 13blon-korrespondon-, All Runqnskoy Narodnoy Rospubliki (for S 1;i:; nno nau). (Russia-Relations (General) with Rumania) (Rumania-Rolations (General) vith RuE;sia) R171,A1;IA/CheLica1 Tc,,!hnolo_V. C.1jemical Products and Their X-5 &-plications. Cellulose and Celluloce Products. P:...3r. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-'.Oiim:~ya, 31958, No 1, 3283 Authoz Si.,,lione7-cu, Foldran, Grigoras Inst Title Lipin itsfermination in Reed by Klacon's Method Modified by F - P. Xomazov Orig PLfb: Celulosa si hirte., 1957., 6, No 2) 51-53 Abstract: It was ~istablished that the Klason-Kc,,mrov method won applicable to lignin determination in reed pro- vided that ce,,,tain modifications proposed by the author be int--oduced. Card 1/1 ,q,taoiascul-C. "Some current problems of macromolecular chemistry discussed at the 9th Conferenca on Physics and Chemistry of 1,1acronolecular Combinations, held in Noscow in 1957. It p. 376 (Celuloza Si Hirtie) Vol. 6, no. 11, Nov. 1957 Bucharest, Rumania SO: Mlonthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vols 7, no, 4, April 1956 Sr' TCY:EX, !'I C . ; C4 I ' T F?!" 1- . Life Snd works of Petru Poni. p. 13. ST'UDTI SI CERCETARI ST113ITTFICE. CHI RCE .Iasi, %m=ia Vol. 8j No. 1, 1057. Monthly List of Fast European Accession (EEAT). IC, Vol. 8p No. 9, Sept. 1959 Uncl. lLbs J u,, :flu-1 Zhu-,--KhirniYi J'_ 61 19 59 7 22002 Autho-27 :ks-indei, Y., Vasilin7 Gh ;~' Simionescu, Cr. Inst Rum;~niairi Acadeoyq Iasi B .n-c Tltlo Th.- 11,:~dioactivity of Thariu.2. and Uranium Compounds of CarboyY-methylcollulose. Orig Pub Studii si cercetari stiint. Acad, Krt Fil. Iasi. Chim.7 19577 8, No 1, 201-210 Abstract For investigatin,-, thu structure of cellu- lose -and its derivatives, a method Yjas dr-- valopi~,d for dutc!rr-iining thc- d-,gree of re- placemoat of colluloseglycol acid by means of the utilization of th,~ natural r,-~dioac- tivu properties ol' thoriu,'I and uraniui-ji com- pounds of cnrboxyraothylcullulose, 1,lso, an Card 1/2 Obta"rung cellulose in Elgh yield. V. Diaconescu, Erkinuel Poppel, Ljh. hichitus, zrna iss, Elena Calistru, t)orel 0. 1--ataseJ h. Ariandei, 6h. hozmamn, and Gristofor jimionescu. Bal. inA. politeh., asi (N.S.) h, 2lJ-2tM5~-,).--4fii;h yields of celtulooe (up to 0'5'~) are obtained by digesting bhOtj kg. wood witn ~.affl (510 1, -1 'r 70 kr,. Pza2S, so th, t the total alky. is 1'.2;, (on the wooo oasis). The so-c:iLlea active alky. is U-bTZ. 'Ihe digestion reqUirea 2 hours and .10 min. aL rax. press- urr-, ruriiitaimm, tltlz~ !or anOLhLr lu tan., degassing for 5 run., Lna then wshin,g for C- hrs. The pulp contained 17.5(j"I cellulose, 13.t.,.mn, b.30,-, penLOSan5, anQ a-celLUlose. Vella Ppecht-riorowitz 7002 7 . 1% Z I J ~E* u 0, .1 n I na 1. 1 r e 4 ;.Zi,:~- 0-, Paper 1 ms Pv I.A. t e c`ir j. ~4 r; 1 2 -2 1958; '2L '~on !h~~ of r,~ o" unpiescse,! 4rd ~re~c,-ed ,v:. tth 8,--;c .,i b J.;:-3 oy t!if- -na -A thoct Ya.-Irmf methc,,J, and u~i meLftr)d .EM) ~Owprlred. in tI.& EK the re6ion of capillary 'ry the so-lo~Jtof, -&n& the regiva of ftini~tration into tho zpicc Eaicl C.- q t;.1 d 1~ E-1 .A ra J' e j EX a. is 6,-~ 2 r, f ou n -a t o J)oIe for f.,`iA4 #-vu1uat-:an of 'hp. vaality of ,:r".,r-t,s whicb ~:,, nc t r'jffer earked- ly iz degree of 1. -e- in d.'Utgram of tta -:q~pa-i-atus I's given. Frox authorel suceary RUWINJI,/~l,j~)c! Chc~r-,Jcal ProcAuction. HyOrolysis Industry. Ats J~)ur Ref Zhur - Khirniyn.- No 19, 1958, 65652 Author Simionescu Criszofor, Simionescu Natalia Inst Title Determination of Li-3min in Reed by the Kyurshner ane ,Oliveytspakherovaya Method. Ori(; Pub Ccluloza si hirtie, 1958, 7, No 2, 71-72. Al-stract On the basis of an experimental comparison with the Klason-Komrov methodj a conclusion has been made con- cerninG the possibility of the utilization of the Kyurshner- shveytspaklicrovaya method for the detc=iz-a- tion of lignin in reed. see RZhKhim, 1955) 19089, 29285. Card 1/1 19 au7cnor SInIonescu, Cr., Calistru, E., Faldman, D., Simionescul N. Inst -w Title Cellulose from Reed, Its Chemical Processing and the Pro- duction Therefrom of Synthetic Fibers of a Viscose Silk Type. Orig Pub Celuloza si hirtie, 1958, 7, 110 5, 171-177- v 1, 1 n~ I I.- I r~ I - S' ~-I; p7ni c 1 Pro. lie -n -It S . ~'e I I I I I ') s p n ild I T- '!3 YI 24 I Q s, s c i I i -, t r i i 7 V; -ze r, I oso, T)Prj --erl from Reed ('oliil . si ~i4 rti e, 7957~, R. No 4, 1 j 1-117 z e fl o n p i v o 9 t i frsA n of mnr-lbolopical 'mrld on in tTln deur- of p V'11 0 1, r) of ir -crf-iol km(-A tes c, f -,-,?(I ? () s (-. ( V%"' ) , !. ~~I~ Coil 0 -.Zinn vrits e r c, e (' ot infi~.ri or VC ~.nmlitv is -) C e r 't. f-!, fr,)T:, wpoA -10n, TVr-, mor-h)ln- I '-trlint')re V.Pf, invpStigg-tec! T-'v 1hp 1~. Fr 80' H-11'04 .9 i -nntboO, emnlovin for thp WOW] ',C "I'l "".' 1!,70'04 for the re.-?d VC, -,s well -.s witb ",0.11 P~jf'Oj. Tbe rlt-~,ree of -n1vmori7. a - D,- ri %-a ti : e s. Pf: ner. "J .1 - 142 11C. T T L-P I I rR~T 7atirm wp-a rrox !zn,110.41 ifics in '31,04 t~%d by -3-,ecial frFctimitu ior, met~cd ,;,f t!,e soliiLinns, r~,-v-lovarw tht- rreci-itation Inw that, -insnres ility of findinr criteri% for the c1na of on the fra- t i s nt e r i r r, n I ri o t, 6v. ri 1, h 4m -i rd ta I if t,!I(, SIMIONMSCU, Cristofor; F=MAN, Dorel Study of the prehydrolysis of reed grass. Note III. Studii chimie Iasi 10 no.1:79-88 '59. (UAI 9:5) 1. Filiala Iasi a Academiat Republicti Pbpulare Romine. (Grasse@) (Wdrolysle) SIMIONESCU, Cr., prof; CALISTRU, Elena; SDUONESCU, Natalia Studies on the lignin extracted from a beech tumor. Studii chemie Iasi 10 no.2:303-309 '59. (EEAI 10:1) 1. Redactor responsibil adjunct, Studii si cercetari atiintificeg Chimie. Membru correspondent al Academiei Republicii Populare Romine (for Simionescu, Cr.) (Beech) (Liviin) 5IMIONESCU,_Cristofor,__prof.; DIACONESCU# Eleonora; FELDMAN, Dorel Contributions to the knowledge of the chemical composition of reed. I. Esters of glycerin and higher alcohols. Studii chemie Iasi 10 no.2:311-321 159. (EEAI 10:1) 1. Redactor responsabil adjunct, dhirde, Membru correspondent al Romine (for Simionescu) (Grasses) (Glycerol) Studii si cercetari atiintifice, Academisi Republicii Populare (Esters) (Alcohols) SIMICNESCU, Cristofor, prof; GRIGORAS, Margareta On the variation of the main chemical components of some species of Rumanian trees. Studii chemie Iasi 10 no.2;323-337 '59. (EEAI 10:1) 1. Academia Republicii Populare Romine, Filiala Iasi; Insitutul de Chimie "Petru Poni.0 2. Membru corespondent al, Academiei Republicii Populare Romine (for Simionescu) (Rumania--Trees) (Cellulose) (Lignin) -!A :~7)~ 14 of r r c s c u rA -~-i a i t ~:p a r s SIMIONEM, Kristofor Z. [simionescu, C.], Prof. Paper made of reeds. Mauka i zhiznl 26 no-9:33-34 S 159. (MIRA 13:1) l.Chlen-korrespondent Rumynskoy AN, rektorim-weduyushchiy kafedroy tsellyulozy, bumagi i iskusstvennogo prirodnykh makromolaku.1 Yasskogo filiala AN. (Rn-nia--Paper industr7) (Reed (Botany)) SIMIONESCU, Cristofor; DLWONESCU, Eleonora; FEIJ)KAN, Dorel Contribution to the study of the chemical composition of reed. I. Esters of glycerin and higher alcohols. Rev chimie 5 no.1:57-65 160. (EEAI 10:2) 1. Section de Chimie Macromolecu-laire de l'Institut de Chimie "P.Ponift de l'Academie de la Republique Populaire Roumaine, Jassy. 2. Academie de la Republique Populaire Roumaine, Membre correspondant de lgAcademie de la Republique Populaire Roumaine, Comite de redaction, Revue de chimie (for Simionescu) (Grasses) (Esters) (Alcohols) (Glycerol) SIMIWESCU. Cristofor, prof.i ASANDEI-CERNATESCU, Agata On the chemical composition of some lignecus species of Rumania (Pinus nontana and Juniperus communis) Studii chim Iasi 11 no.l: 87-96 '60. (EEAI 10:3) 1. Membru corespondent al Academiei R.P*R., Comitetul. de redactle, Studii si cercetari stintifice, Filiala, Iasi, redactor resp. adjunct (for Simionescu) (Ru.mania--Pinus mentana) (Rumania--Juniper) SIMICw,ESKII K. [Simionescu, C.1; KALI.STRU, E. (Calistru, E-1; Simionesku, -~---Kat~hya (Simionescup Natalia) Study of some chemical changes during the development of the tumors caused by Bacterium tumefaciens. Rev chimie 6 no.2: 235-243 161. 1.()tde:Lea*o prirodnykh makromolekul Khimicheako& instituta. "Petru Poni", Yaskiy filial Akademii RNR 2. ChAen&dorrespondent Akademii RVR. Membre du ComitA de r4dactiont "Ibwe do chimie" (for C. Simionescu) SI14ICI`.ESCU,Cr.,; CAIJSTRU,E., ing., candidat in Sitiinte I-ehnice. Comparative study on the chemical pulps from Arurdo-donax and Phragnites communis. Cel hirtie 10 no.7/8t268-276 Jl-Ag161. 1. Membru Corespondent al Academiel R.P.R. (for Sirdonescu). POPPEL, E., ing.; DIAC(X,'ESCU,V.,; SUITIMESCU,Cr., prof.draing. Chemical, technological, and energetic research in the field of high efficiency sulfate pulpso Cel hirtie 10 no.9s322-328 S161. 1. Membru corespondent al Academiei R,,P.R. (for Simionescu). SIMICNESCU,Cr., prof.dr.inge Present problems of cellulose chemistry and technology. Gel hirtia 10 no.10037-341 0161 1~ Membru Corespondent al Icademiei R.P.R. SIMIMIESCU,Cr., prof.dr. ing.; CAIJSTRU,E., candidat in Stiinte Tehnice; MIHAILESCU,S., ing. Chemical cellulose obtained from read (Phragnites comminis) grown in the Danube Delta. Cel hirtia 10 no.10041-350 0161 1. Membru Corespondent al Academiei R.P.R. (for Simionescu)e GRIGORAS,M., ing.; ASANDEI-CERNATEM,A., ing.;_SIMIaNESCTJ,Crep profedre ing. Some obaervationo on the main componenta of century-o2d treem. Cel hirtie 10 no.109355-360 0161 1. Membru Coreapondent al Acadamiai R.P.R. (for Simionescu). SIMIONESCU,Cr, prof. dr. trig.; POPPEL.Ev, lng.;RCZMATIIN, Gh., ing. Aspects of the photochemical and thermal degradation of some pulps and paper products. Gel hirtie 10 no.1.1008-403 Nt6l 1. Membru Corespondent al Acadmiei R.P.R. (for Simionescu). SIMIONESCU, Cristofor, prof.; CALISTRU, Elena Studies on the chemical transformations during the development of the tumors produced by Bacterium tumefaciens. IL Chromato- graphic study of sugars. Studii chim Iasi 12 no.2:227-232 161. 1. Institutul de chimie "P.Poni," Sectia de chimie macromoleculara. 2. Membru. corespondent al Academiei R.P.R., Membru al Comitetului de redactie si Redactor responsabil adjunct, "Studit A cercetari stiintifice, Chimie" (for Simionescu). SIMIMESCU, Cristofor, prof.; SIMIONESCU, Natalia Chemical transformations in a tunor of Prunus cerasifera var. mirabolana. Studii chim Iasi 12 no.2:233-239 '61. 1. Institutul do chimie "Petru Poni" al Academiei R.P.R., Filiala Iasi, Sectia de chimie macromoleculara. 2. Aambru al Comitetului do redactie si Redactor responsabil adjunct, 'IStudii si cercetarl Btlistifice, Chimie" (for Cristofor Simionescu). SIMIONESCU, Cristofor, prof.; CALISTRU, Elena; SI/11GNESCU, Natalia; HRIHOROV, Marta Action of antioxidants on the process of tumor growth in vegetables. Studii chim Iasi 12 no.2:241-249 161. 1. Filia Iasi a Academieie R.P.R., Inatitutul de chimie "P.Poni," Sectia de chimie macromoleculara. 2. Membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R., Membru al Comitetului de redactie si Redactor responsabil adjunct, "Studii si cercetari stiintifice, Chimie" (for Cristofor Sindonescu). R/003/61/012/009/003/008 go I D E7004 D019/D105 AUTHORS: SimioneE2!,. Cr., Professor, CorreNponding Member of the Rumanian 'Yc_a_rem_y, Nef&Fan, D., instructor, and Vasiliu, Cleopatra, Assistant TITLE: Cellulose and graft cellulose derivatives PERIODICAL: Revista de Chimie, v. 12, no. 9, 1961, 525 - 538 TEXT: Based on a great number of Eastern and Western publications, tile article presents a comprehensive description of the synthesis and properties of graft copolymers. The authors studied copolymers based on (1) chain transfer; (2) for- mation of reactive groups in the primary chain and (3) formation of active centers in the primary rhain. The first method is based on the solution of the (A)n polymer in a suitable solvent, in which the polymerization of tile D monomer is conducted. The basis of the second method is the presence in the chain of the primary polymer of a reactive functional group capable of initiating the poly- merization of any monomer, Primary chains with macroradical characteristics may also be produced by mechanical destruction, supersonic vibration, electric dis- charges, r-radiations, etc. With regard to these methods, the authors refer to Card 1/6 2700~ 11/003/61/012/009/003/00lr- Cellulose and -raft cellulose derivatives D019/D105 0 some Western, and the following Soviet-bloc publications: A. Chapiro (Ref 5: Mezlidunarodnyy simpozium po makromolekulyarnoy khimii /j-nternational symposium on macromolccular rhemistry-71 Mo3cow, 1960, section 111-a, 156 - 163); A.A. Berl-*.n, A.G. Kronman, D.M. Yanovskiy, and V.A. Kargin (Ref 31: Vy.,iokomolektdyarnyye soyedineniya, nr. 12, 1960, 1839 - 1844)i H.U. Usmanov (Ref 4: Nezlidunarodily) simpozium po makromolekulyarnoy khimii, Moscow, 1960, Section 111-a, 344 - 348); H.U. Usmanov (Ref 6: Mezhdunarodnyy simpazium po makromol.ekulyarnoy khimii, Moscow, 1960, Section 111, 170 - 1.75); I.P. Losev and E.B. Trostyanskaya (Ref 7: Khimiya sinteticheskikh polimerov Csynthetic Chemistry of Polymers7, Goshimizdat, Moscow, 1960, 188 - 192); M. Imoto (Ref 9: Khimiya i tekhnologlya polimerov rCheidstry and Technology of Polymer57, 2. 1957, inlitizdat, p 131); M.S. Akulin, N.I. Parlashkevich and I.N. Kogan (Ref io:Plasticheskiye massy, no. 6, 1960, 2 - 3); and, H.U. Usmanov and C.A. Azimov (Ref 16: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soye- dineniya, no. 10, 1960, 1,459 - 1 `462). In most cases homopolymers form conco- mitantly with the grafting reaction. The kinetics of these two simultaneous re- actions could be studied by separating the individual polymers from the reaction medium. Such %Uidies on the grafting of :3tyrene on polvisobutene were conducted Card 2/6 27004 R/003/61/012/009/003/008 Cellulv;ic and graFt cellulose dcrivatives D019ID105 by -1. Sebbiai-Danon (Ref' 21: %Iezhdunarodnyy simpozium Po makromolekulyarnoy khimii, Moscow, 1960, Section 111, 177 - 182) and several other Western scien- tists. Chapter 4 of the article dealing with the production of -raft cellulose copolymers, was presented at the plenary session of the institutul de chimie 11P. Ponill (11P. Ponill Chemical Institute) at the lqi branch of Rumanian Academy on June 4, 1961. The synthesis of copolymers grafted on cellulose chains or other polysaccharides is treated little in the literature. The authors refer to a few Western publications and to H. U. Usmanov (Ref. 4). To obtain cellulose products with well-defined characteristics, the authors have grafted polyacrylonitrile or, a number of cellulo.,;e derivatives, e.g. carboxy-methyl cellulose (DIC) with -I- = 0.9, by using for the initiation of the reaction energy produced by ultra- violet rays, ultrasonic waves, X-rays, etc. As to 'grafting of OIC, the only literature known is a paper by Z.A. Rocrovin, V.A. Derevitskaya, Tun Suni, Veigan Chizhan, and L.S. Galbraikh ZA-bstracter's note: the last three names are written Suni Tun, Cijan Veigan and Galbraih in the Rumanian original7 (Ref 33: Mezhduna- rodnyy simpoziwn po makromolekulyarnoy khimii, Moscow, 1960, Section 111, 302 - 308) who obtained grafted copolymers of' CMC and polyenanthalamide by co- polycondensatioo. of the riethyl ester oi amitio-enanthic acid with the methyl ester Card 3/6 27004 R/003/rol/012/009/003/006 Cellulo.;e and graft cellulose derivatives D019ID105 of CMC, or of the CM amide with the methyl ester of amino-enanthic acid. For the production of graft cellulose derivatives, 30 - 40-A-thick CMC fi-Ims were introduced into a slightly acid aqueous solution, containing the monomer and a ceric salt. The polymerization of the monomer on MG chains was achieved under the action of energy sources mentionid above. The grafting of' the cellulose and of its derivatives presented a topocimmical characteristic. The DIC-copoly- mer, whose homopolymer has been removed by rinsing with dimethyl fonimmide at a normal temperature, is a brittle product, less transparent then the initial CHC film. The grafted film begins to turn yeUow when heated to 1700C. At 2100C its color changes to dark brown and at more then 2200C it deteriorates consi- derably, while at 2450C the material. will be fully carbonized. The graft co- polymer is stable against 8Q~-sulfurir acid solutionj. In 90%-sulfuric acid, a viscouj solution of grafted carboxy-methy! cellulose is produced which can be re-precipitated by dilULioll. By increasing the grafting degree, the sta- bil,ity of ZZ:111(jIg increases also against 90r%-sulfuric acid. The grafted poly- iner dLssolve3 in 37%-hydrochlorif: acid, no viscous solution being produced. It is insoluble in 5~3%-phosphoric acid and swells under the influence of con- centrated solutions of 80-90%-H 3P0 4' Evidpnce of the formation of a chemical Card 4/6 IM4 R/003/61/012/009/003/008 Cellulose and graft cellulose derivatives D019/D105 compound by the action of various reactants on cellulose may also be obtained by X-ray research. In conclusion the authors emphasize that there is a universal trend to change the characteristics of natural and synthetic polymers, to improve their properties and to widen the range of use. Z.A. Rogovin and V.A. Kargin (Ref 35: Khimicheskaya nauka i promysidennost' 6, 1959, 691) clearly pointed out the basic directions for the improvement of the quality of cellulose material used as natural polymers. There are 10 figures, 2 tables and 35 references: 20 Soviet- bloc, 11 non-Soviet-bloc and 4 unidentified. The four most recent references to Eng-lish-language publications read as follows: H. Sobue, Y. Tazima and Y. Shimo- kawa: Journal of Applied Polymer Sci., vol. IV, no. 11, 1960, 244; Y. Shimokawa and K. Tomioka: Journal of Polymer Sci., vol. XLIV, no. 143, 1960, 195 - 211; E.G. Corgain, T.D. Pendle and D.T. Turner: Journal of Polymer Sci., vol. XXXIX, no. 135, 1951), 419 - 426; and H. Kamagowa and T. Sakiya: "Graft polymerization of acrylamide onto cotton", - Paper sent for publication in the Buletinul Institutu- lui politehnic din Iasi (being puhlished) in 1960. Card 5/6 27004 R/003/61/012/009/003/008 Cellulose and graft cellulose derivatives D019/D105 ASSOCIATION: Institutul Politehnic-laii, Catedra de celulozg, hirtie ~i fibre artificiale (1aji Polytechnic Institute, Department of Cellulose, Paper and Artificial Fibers) / I Card 6/6 SIMIGNES1111P K. [Simlonescu, C.] Concerning the problem of the Inhibiting actiGn of the natural and synthetic antioxidants in the process of cellulose decomposition. Rev chimie 7 no. 1: 521- 52(~ 162. 1. Chlen-korr. Akademli RNR. Institut khimii "Petru Poni" kkademii RNF, Yasay.