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0,11-1 , '614~ Ittlizlo, (II.. Intensive in flj~-~ieg and the Tisza-Szamos region. Fcldrajzi ert li nu.3:363-383 162. BOLLO.~iAS, Bela; I-EGY1631, Laszlo; WFdCZ, Ferenc; 50,ROCZKY, Karoly; MAKKAI, Mitall; MALYUSZ, Karoly;,SIMON. Laszlo; TUSNADY, Gabor; PUKKAI, Mihaly; SZOKFFALVI-NAC;Y, Bela; ACLEL, Janos; ROSS S; HALASZ, Gabor; KALMAR, Agota; KATAI, Imre; LOSONCZI, Laszlo; SZASZ, Domokos The 1961 Mathematical Contest ir. Memory of Miklos 3chweitzer. Mat lapok 13 no.1/2:153-171 162. 1. I'Matematikal Lapok" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for kezel). PETRI, Edit, a foldrajzi tudomanyok kandidatusa; AWAL, Zoltan,, dr,,, a foldrajai tudomanyok kandidatusa; BENCZE, Imre, a foldrajsi tudomanyok kandidatuoa; MAKKAI, Lasslop drop a tortenelestudomanyok kandidatusal RADO, Sandor., dro., a foldrajzi tudomanyok doktora; BULLA, Bela, dr.; KOVACSIGS,, Jozeef, dr., prof.j ERDE1, Foreno, dr., akademikus; jj",huzlo,' dr, M~ A debate on Dr. Edith Lettrich's dissertation for candidacy entitled "Eaztergom," Foldrajzi ert 126 no,2:243-254 163. SIMON, Laszlo, dr. Possibilities for irrigation farming in t1he regior. of 11yirseg. Folrajzi ert 12 no-3:313-339 '63. S I , La3zlo, Ar. It T,rri,.p -I r~tl -.'~;:irns o" the I,,: ropean F. -onmi~, Ccl."I- o. ~j.G. m"I'lity" ty J.~ iii-..zipann, C.Orlanc Von llciittDr ,,!vlt'Wf-d by Irls-lo Simcn. .j.E'.F.KormO.lj. a ~ , no. 4:f,,.)! N)3. 1 - SIMON, Leszlo, dr.; SCHERP, Emil, dr., a fula- es asvanytani tudomanyok kandidatuea . OZORAY, Gyargy; S0140GY1, Sandor, dr.. a foldrajzi tudomanyok ksNl~datulk) FEKETE, Istvan, dr., a mesogazdasagi tudomanyok kandidatuna Some hydrogeologic laws*goverriing the irrigation requirements of certain area units arranged from the point of view of tectonics. Foldrajzi ert 13 no.2t217-241 164. L 13505-66 ACC NR: AP6007041 SOURCE CODE: HU/0018/65/017/003/0263/0266 AUTHOR: Boros, Mi-haly-Borosh, M.; Barankay, Andras-Darankai, A.; Simcn, Laszl_Q-!?-Shimon, L. ORG: Medical University of Szeged, 1. Surpical Clinic (Szegedi OrvosLudomanyi Egyetem, I. sz. SebeszeLi Klinika) TITLE: Comparative study of the f1bri.nolysis activated by urokinase and streptokinase hi man and in the doF,; SOURCE: Kiserletes orvostudomany, v. 17, no- 3, 1965, 263-2-66 TOPIC TAGS: man, dog, animal physiology, hematology, blood, enzyme ABSTRACT: The fibrindlytic systevuof man and or the do,-, harebeen compared, In vitro, by means of tbrombelastoGrams (TW), 1) The fibrinolysis activated by urokimise is similar in the two species. 2) The fibrinoly-tic system of the dog plasma could not be activated with strepto- kinase. On the basis of the characteristically "narrowed" TM noted in the majority of the dogs, it is assumed that the failure of activation is due to a rapid inhibition of the streptokixkise- activated fibrinolysis rather than to a lack of the proactivator. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 tables. (JPHS1 SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: lOJul64 / OTH REF: 010 Card 1/1 :;c1scarch Supart;-~ent, University fHA RI 'xperimunta Kiserleti Laboratorium),Budapest- "Acuto Circulatory of Partial Hepatectomy" ~3udaoust, "ictri _'c_,de:ni-o ScientiarLLr, Hun--aricae, lol -110, No 2, 7, ;,bstract ~.rticle in En-lisn; auL".or.; stz-mary, modifiedl: To clarA-.y ,.,3 Co:rOIC-x process 3f l4vur ru--enaration followin:- partial hepatectomy, groups 0 -:, _,L;cL~.d Lo L, rats ana cats weru 6"k), ?ar-ia'~ hepa-ectomy and some -systemic and hopatic circul~.Lory were recorded during the subsequent three hours. A marxed r-*:;e in bot-, nru~;z;uro Lnd -.)ortal blood flow was observed; the tissua 'low was nat to the decrease in tissue mass cau:;ed b th oartial hopatec6omy. L-_-ediate ~o_"'.ai pressure increase seemd to be quanti- Lltiva2v relatu-,- to L-,o,4nt of tis5ue lost. The possible role of circulatory cnan,res in ~iv-n:r r`se: to liver re-,unarn-tion is discussed- 32 References, all Western. (.',.'anu5ci7ipt received 3 Sep 65)- 1/1 --or'-- -7 Ro;I;vn:-ch Dopartment, University -.00 ~C,,nro:;~U-Onan-' Kut;A'o La'- ratorl tm), Budapest. '74ver Re- ~e na ration Following Partial ~;:Lolo 11C C,-:1---.1.1-i .o Vol 30, " 2. ~Pp 'act, i T-mary, mociified].- In rats sub- ".5 authors' su; ~-.trct,-,d to --if Ite circulatory change war, observed in the 11vor r,,,mi-iant by incraa~-ed portal tissue flow, portal prOssure md ca-1CUjZL,:~C. as wall as loy a ducreaso in the portal portion of cardiac o-L.tnat. The circulatory pararactors beca:-,,e not-mal !on;,, 6fore the tissue haa refone::,ated. it was concluded that the circulatory changes accompanying laxor regenoration are a sign of the circulatory adaptation evoked by 'ihu disturbed circulatory conditions which were brouEht about by the Partial hcpat~.ctomy; hence the causal role of circulatory changes in inducing, liver rulanercti-ioa was questionod. 14 references, all Western. (Manuscript r eca.ved 1 3 SOP 65j)- 55 - SIKON, Diszlo, Dr. . ---- ftavrtgem logical examination of the stomach dnring the effect of gastropin. Magy. radiol. 11 no-3:158-163 Aug 59 1. A Fovarosi Koranyi Sundor es Frigyes K02korhaz (igazgato: Petho Imre dr.) roentgenoaztalyanak (foorvos; Simon laszlo dr.) kozlemenyo. (MUSCLI R31AXA TS, pharmacol) (STOKAGH, radiography) -- SIMOR, _Iaszlo,--dr.; SCHULTHEISZ, Emil, dr. The importance of tardy filling of the gallbladder. Magy radiol. 13 no-1:32-35 Ja 161. 1. A Fovarosi Koranyi Sandor es Frigyes Kozkorhaz Rontgen es I. Belgyogyaszati oaztalyanak kozlemenye. (CHOLECYSTOGRAPHY) BAUMANNP Pironka, dr.; SIMON, Luszlo, dr. Some data on the differential diagnosis of endotoxic tremore and their modifications. Ideggyogy. szemle 14 no.11:324-327 N 161. 1. Orazagos Idegsebeszeti Tudomanyos Intezet (Igazgato: Zoltan Laszlo, dr.) (TREMOR diag) . . , , . r~ , - ", , !'-~ . "''U. ~~,; I * ---. " - - -, '' , i*~~, - , 1 :1 - " - -,- .- . , 7 J-1 - f , !, f ? I I : -,. - , ~ i , I % ;~ r !In ~ z I, , --l - , - ~ , .7 . i , r. -, . It 1 : ' 5 3 - ~ u I !; SIMON, Leo. dr.. Architakt Ing. Construction of a bospital in Horovice. Cask. zdravot. 4 no.12:695-698 Doc 56. 1. Statni ustav pro projektovani hlavniho meatai Prahy. (HOSPITALS, construction in Czech. (Cz)) ,,TANINA, Josef, MUDr.; SIMON, leon, Dr. (techn. inz. arch.) The light roCm-. Ceak. rentg. 12 no.1:51-53 Ver 58. 1. J. S. Prnhs 14, Budejovicka 30) ~'ROVITGRNOGRAPHT light room adjoining dnrk room, advantages (Cz)) 7265 (Czmb.) Sicamiring the Mg of Machin. Parts With Radloaclfvo Isotopes. Aliffini optkikheni afrojafell SGUZANSI ~ 'I tod"OT radloakilynich Imotopa. L. Simon, StroOrenstvi, v, T"Im 1057, p. 41-48. -------- Measuring procedutc; sclection of 6111table Isotopes, their activa- tion, and hitroduction Into the P~rtl. > CZE,CHOSLOVAKWCher,Acal Technology, Chemical Products and H-13d Their Ap?.licationa, Part 2. - CerarAcs, Glass, BinAicrv. Concret~~a. - Binders, Concretes and Otaor Silicate Building Materials. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhurnal Khimiya) No 10, 19582 33362. V Author L. Simon. Inst Not Siven. Title Some Revar!cs about Utilization of Radioactive Isotopes. Orig Pub: Stavivo, 1957, 35, No 8, 314-316. Abstract: A brief review of the possibility to utilize radio- active is:)topea (RI) in building and in the production of buildi-,g materials. It is possible to study the distribution of the arrature and the homogeneity of reinforced concrete structures by determiningthe absorption of -rays of the radioactive Co 0. The Card 1/2 'CZECHOSLOVAYIA/C%cj-Aca1 Technology, Chemical Products and H-13d T-1 .? . * Part 2. - Ceramics, Glass) f~oncre',_,s, - Binderse Concretes and Oth~,r Sillaatc Building Materials. Abs Jour: Refulrat. Zhurnal Ehimiya, No 10, 1958, 33362. a~i,!ItAon ::v.' a 1-11-ttle amount of the RI ITaP-4 to port- slu-!,71 in the rotating kiln with the following; deteimiuaticn of the radiation intensity of the slurry in various places along the kiln length permtted to establish that the advance rate of the cem-nt slurry in the calcination zone was the gre-itest and in the sintering zone the least. The advt-.nce rate of the mass in a rotating kiln for burn- ing porous clay filler was measured by the same method. Card 2/2 L -.~V J. fit -)., t-'e v-~,,'-)city -,)f' bnll-~ in a mtnr-~, ',kiln b-,- 5 17 5 t 1957, 3 ri )f --ist -uromlan ;,ccpssi)r,.F 1957. ~rc' r th ly CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Analytical Chemiotry. Analysis of E-2 Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimniya, No 8, 1959, 27079. Author : _akaqn,_.J,, Inst : Not given. Title : The Determination of C in Iron by the Radioactiva- tion Method. Orig Pub: Hutnicke Listy, 13, No 8, 708-711 (1958)(in Czech). Abstract: The author describes a method for the determina- tion of C in iron based on the irradiation of the samples to be analyzed with protons or deuterons according to the reactions C12(p, f)nl3 or C12(d, n)Nl3; the half-life is 10.1 min. The activity Is measured with a G.-N. [Geiger-Mueller) counter or by the autbradiographic method. Results from the Card 1/2 64 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of E-2 Inorganic Substaw-es. Abs Jour: Ref Zhue-Khimiya, No 8, 1959j 27079. Abstract: analysis of different steels are Given, particularly steels containing Co, Cr, Cu, and Nij -- T. Levi 0 Card 2/2 E. Proda aad T. Sr.,horifeldls 'Iyuziti radio-aktivity v te~hnice (Application of' '7'adinactivity JLn Tecl-mology); a book review, p. 17~ (:,,inislu,rrtvo ener--,eti~y) Pralha, '.0. 9 ,.ay 19Y, :Iontlill- List of Sast Zuropean tLccessions (ESAI), L71, Vol. 6, Jo. 't, July 1959 Ijaclo SPONJI L. Use of radiation in exploration and survey of coal deposits. Jaderna energie 6 no.3.*101-103 Mr 160. 81MCN, L,-, Radioactive isotopes used in coal preparation. Jaderm energia 6 zio.4t.131-132 Ap '60. SIMONY L. -- ---- Use of radioisotopes to locate leaks in Caa nipalines and prao5ure cables. Jaderna enargle 6 no~W32-134 AP 166. "'It" 8h6hi Z/038/60/000/007/005/006 A20IIA026 T FT LE Ba:~I-z Ctaracteristics of Radlc)active Thullium Tli--170 for, lamma De- fectoscopy F1 PERIODIC-AL., .,aderq~4t energie, 1960, No. 7, pp. 247 - 248 TW. - Radloac'.tve Tu-170 is suitable for detection of defects in steel castings, welds and -.;teetS up to a thickness of 50 mm. or aluminum alloy castings 1~nd weld!i of -ii,*nesses trom 2 to 50 mm, or 1.11.anium alloys of thiclaiesses from 2' to 30 mir, In addition to 113 -radiation, (0-968 Mev 76%; 0.884 Mev 24%). ,T-.i .170 also a" -radiat io.~ with an energy of 0.084 Mev. Fadioactive 'ru--170 is pradu_,ed ty Irradlat Ion of 'ry *nt- -iL,tlon T-_- -169 (n,p ) - Ti-170 (the I- rof--z -section for tnermal ne-itrons is 130 Car'n). 'I"-le Irraaiation time depends on -ne required and on tths amount of T'v-,-)03 used. but it does not exceed 4 mon-hF. TbR Tu-170 source, in the s~iape of a small cylinder, is enclosed in a ~)errnetically se-aled aluminum case. Table I lists 5 *,YPes of 'Di-170 sources being in t.~te USSR. Tae linear absorption r,,cefficient of 1,.; .170 for a steel E-rip, 0.5-- - . L .,n, 1. and f cr a mm TrA 3 20';r-e of 31.2 ~ it' :5 846hi Z/')3$/60/000/OOV005/006 A201/AO26 Crtaracrerls",,s of Radioa:tAve Thullium -".-u-.170 for 0~-amma Defe~tozcopy I T-- a~ 1 it, I -~y of 7,0 tv~-ls :oef f it:- I en- Is 7 cm, .ere are 1 flTare, 1 -at!~ a:,Ld I' r-fc-7en: e E 5 SovlPt, 22 Fren.:ri, 1 and 3 unlder,~.ifled, - S-IMCXI.,- T . - - Determining the movements of rocks by means of radioisotopes. Jaderna energie 6 no.o,:316 5 160. act,,,j5iicn antCysis of mlneral-- and --c- ~:c. Tad,?:-na amprg-le D 16(l. SDION r L, Use of radioisotopes in examining the thermal expansivity ir let engines. Zaderna energie 6 no.:L2t4l9-,420 D 160. SIMONI L. Gaging gas density with fast charged particles. Jaderna enorgis 7 no.8-.281-282 Ag 161. SMOU -1 Measuring the weight of dust concentration in the air by meano of beta rays. Jaderna energie 7 no.12:417-418 D 161, SIMON) L. kcamination of the abrasion of minerals by means of radioisotopes. Jaderna energie 8 no.1:14 JTa 162. :; U', L Letho,ls )f lhv~, rail'o;ictive ~3ull--,hiur into J-ld-rna eneri~ie 8 ri-).2:66 F 162 SINO"N',L. - I L A ip-;Jce for :%easuring the thickne!-.s )f rlust laYer in minrls I -, ( ROTOP-Ja) . Jacierna enf-rgie 8 :4.).2:67 F -' --' SIMON, L. ___ Determining the age of industrial products by radioactive isotopes. Jaderna energie 8 no.4:135 Ap 162. SIMOU.; Laszlo., ckleveles matematikus On the degrees of variation of random variables. Meres automat 11 no.6.-172--179 163. S114011.9 L. "Eyxxd-nation of the density and moisture of soils by radioactive matheds" by A.E. Babinec and S.T. Zvolskij. Reviewed by L. Simon, Jaderna Pnergie 8 no.8:273 Ag 162o SIMONY L. Determining the aerosol concentrations of short period decomposition products of radon. Jaderna onergie 8 no.9:335-- 336 S 162. SIMON, L. Use of radioactive isotopes in jet piercing. Jaderna energie 8 no-10:355 0 162. SIMON, L, "Use of radioactive i8otopes in the engineering researchn by N.V. Glazovv Reviewed by L. Simon. Jaderna. energie 9 no.3:108 Mr 163. SIMONY L~ SF,ectroscopic det%:r-.;.ixv:Ltiori of buryllium. boron. and fluor in coricentrutva by gwmilit rays devaloprid by radliati.,4r t,.ese C once ntrate-o by alpha lAiTticlu.9. -Tadorzia oi~ergrie (I., no.5. 174 -17 5 t~v 'Q~ SDIGN, L. "Use of radicactive isotopes in fish breeding" by G.S. Karzinkin. Reviewed by L. Simon. Jaderna energie 9 no.6:189 Je 163. SE'IC1, Liboslav Use of radioisotopes in coal flotation. Jaderna energie 9 no.6: 202 Je 163. 1. 'Hornicky ustav, Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. S IMON, 1. i Determining the presence of radium, thorium, and potassium in rocks by aerial scintillation radiometry. Jaderna energie 9 no.7:238-239 Jl 163. SIMON, ) "Instruments for geophysical examination of borcholas by radin- active methods." Reviewed by L.Simon. Jaderna c.,-.ergia c no.': 257 Ag 163. SIMCV, Liboslay Alpha RAL-1 scintillaticn radiometer. Jaderra energis 9 no.9:295-296 S163. 1. Hornicky ustavp Ceskoslovenska akademie vedp Praha. smoji7, L Theory oil t,-.e ga:--n-a-garm-na method _i,-. n,.~clear geoph~~--Ics. Ja-:er- na onergie, 9 no,U.01164-366 '63. kw~ s DION, L. "Undorgr,and nuclear explosions" Reviewed Iry L.Simon. Jaderr.a energie 9 no.11071-372 t63. -SIMON, Liboalav, Inz. "Applied nuclear geophysics" by E.M. Filippov. Peviewed by Liboslav Simon. Rudy 11 no.8:2?0-2?1 Ag 163. 61,1~',CN. !Abtwl!%v, inz. 'N'9 gecze.,y-!i:a'j in coal ndn4ri:. Unit o n~.c; ,202-205 ve It;. L, of Minlng, fcallemy of Sclerv~os, ',-ague. IIt S111"ONY Liboulav; FRIHL, Alois; BITZ, Robert Use oe the gamma-gamma isotopic tracer in the geologic survey on the 19th floor of the Anna mine in the Brezove Hory ore minint, district. Jaderna energie 10 no. 2:54-57 F 164. 1. Hornicky uitav, Ceskoslovetiska akademie ved, Praha. " Imoll, 11. " "t, I N~utrcn act-iation f1c),me-ter" by W.Jester. Reviewed by L. Simon. jaderna energie !0 no. 3:103-104 Mr 164. SDION, Liboslav., inz. "Use of radioactive isotopes in examining flotation processes" by J. N. Plaksin [Plaksin '. 1. 17.1 and others. Reviewed by Libosla-.7 Simon. Rudy 12 no. 3t 101 I-Ir 164. s:mc"~; "- "-:)adjat~ ~~ a---onat` en, isotopes, and minIc-ar rp.,dlatl -)n In . - - I sclencs and ta--nnology,ft Re7iewad by L.Sixon-. Uhlj 7 no.1:38 165. SIMON, Liboslav, inz. of rarlloac~lve isotopps in the coal r-ir,.ng ind?istry is economical. 'Jhli 7 no.4:114-117 '65. 1 Inqtltlitp ol' 1-11ning of the Czerhoslovak Academy of Sciences, Ill-rigim, r IJ I -~ r, ICI*, , 1. 1. --- - What kind of support can libraries give industrial plants? P. 39. TOMERI IELES . (Uzemi Tervgazdasagi es Szervezesi Tudomanyos Egyesulet) Budapest. Vol. 10, no. 5, May 1956. SCUPCFS: FIEAL - LC Oct. 1956. Vol. 5 No. 10 Cc, Z-Y an i a c' :': - 't Z')Otr)hn-iec) 3j V,,t_z_jr.,,ro ,,- 1961 -1 1 ;:Stu y I - p v0 I N70 2. o on the Possibilitu-7 Of Preso-ving Bull S p a r.,-r :;C L -Voterinct.-jan,- -Che-ist-2 IIDaSteU.-" T In2tituto Of -~30r=~-s and Ilacc ines 11 '77 -n:" -:;Utul d a S e .-U r --c -S--�-V~i-c-c 'nu z- i " P G,I T.; :r. Iasteur'~ -Vote-inarian- Pas.our, o ap I Inz. L, - ines c --i-u e OrILIs and T' D a.1 -Veterinarian- "Pasteu--" ins i,ute 0, Se,-U- ...s and SIMON,_!I!_; jANCSO, Agnes The virus spectrum of a cell line derived from monkey kidney cello. Acta microb.hung. 7 no.3:215-223 160. 1. State Institute of Hygiene, Budapest. (VIRUSES culture) (TISSUE CUIMURE) JAI]GSUP Agnt%i; SE-10i'l 11. Actiology of acute respiratory diseases in military groups. Acts. microbiol. acad. oci. hun,,-. 8 no.3:321-327 161. 1. State Institute of Hygiene, Budapest. (=PIlLlTUY T;uIUT 111Fc;CTIONS virol) (VI E-,Uj Dl3,-;AS-"-S) 0 0 0 0 0 ... Val UCT1,113011 UU34 0 111 v 9 Its AD 41 Q 43 wCh 0 S I I* L_G~ I _ 2 A ~J_ -A , -1 1 . III cm AT u -Y"- Col - c- .0 fills 1-0;fllf. I U's A 0 811111,81141 is 0 a Itirs,i -I ,,,I 7imprq -- - - . I., p. _k. 00 pur jil,11.1 II..v..A nee 3111 Jq ~Ijfft, o.I%Vj ji.p.1 oil J.1111% .1%1,11 11% 1 3.11 Alt-, ...1 .1 1".1 IV go 00:! 111.- Ali INVIII lo 1,1.!A a4l vie.m iq I'm Aq3 I- UMIJtj.!.!p 4111 00 J.,J) 11,11quo ),,if INp 1,141 1 It.K111. a"% 00 '101*14"CIS IOU IiAl, 9IV!Jj Ifl."j U! )IF.) 00 11MA 1114 Aqj P. tI4IIj3..)U!VIp JU sipotrauju jo uu!irmin 00 Jjjvj "11'rims Inu ()!P -eq JM atiasomijift) '01 1011 *Is Intl 's.poirtuats jo jIIL'Ij1d.jAA.1p J141 1.31UA.%3J 'viAwl jelm atil Its lamrjuji smas '%u" Jrov a! auroj%- 00 00. 81 VI 1-.-)-d III' Aq p'jwj)v usu 23.0a lboumv 0,011 fQ v 00- 00- iWT: 4 .-F 90 4 fill 03 a -1 T A A n I T a 9 At It tt alto V11,161 IIIII It of It 4 0 1 If IT it a 0 0 0 0 0 : : : : : a At A a a V AID ,F W Q 0. A-& Ai *AW-*-* 0 0 0 0 Ll m c an :-'jot Si:'~'-)N, MIKLOS A naEylengyelt bitumen; reszjelentes. Veszprem, Hungazy, Magyar asvanyolaj es FoldEaz Kiserleti Intezet., 1953, 62 p. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EE:AI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 60 June 1959 Uncl. SIFDN) MIKLOS A nagylengyeli folyekony es higitott bitumenek. Budapest, Hungary, Muszaki Konyvkiado Valialat, 1955, 6 p. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 8. No. 6, June 1959. Uncl. SI'Moll, M. Progress and experiences In maintenance and modernization of Hungarian macadamized roads by application of a li&t bitmenous covering. p. 296. Melyepitestudomanyi Szemle. Budapest. Vol. 5,, no. 7p July 1955. Sources East European Accessions List, (EEAL), Lc, VoL r# No@ 2. Feb@ 1956 If aid I uinta]6 M. /91. Oilukd and liquid 4 1 us U w AN15-1PROs 111domdRyi Szerm"le. V 10 tip., 5 taus, Diluted and liquidNtumesta leave been In tht course of resmelt cooducted ati b1twitent froul fee 1952-53, Thcfr~qiiallty equalt that of N119Y if.. ftn"e(git armIts. '11c bmik nuiterfal of diluted blomens Is rowl 131tosim, of a 46-49' C A141110 felt yelilch Is Minled with gum oil dbitillates (170-AO'C' and 230--3110"C rt-six-MMY7 to obtalik siteditauk or slowly bludhij liroducts. Liquid bituinere is a residue of the atillotir wric distillution of Wide all from N Ill t 3Is dIstillation the floquired by the quantity of rt-sIdual WIV4.1-:1111TRYT1.14 bulkling both bleeding materials leave been stieceastully cml)loyed and substantial savings registmd Practical remilts have shown that the above binders can be satisf4ctorilr admixed to crushed stone in con. crete jilIxers as. we 1, CN -I". I*j 'ImEpw Liquid and diluted bitlimes at Nagylenryel. p. 201. MAGYAR KBUKUSOK IAPJA. (Magyar Kerqikusok Epyesulete) Budapest. Vol. 10, No. 7, July 1955 SO S,'IqCE-: F,,q!-t 'European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress Voi. 51 No. 6, June 195,- ,~D,Cf- , M. 51Y,U:, M. Fractical. viewl-oints concerning the mcdernization cf public roads. p. 122, Vol 6, no. 3. March 1956 ~1;UIEFITELiTLTD~YAYYI 5""EMM. Budal.est SOIFRCE: EAST F,'RO.,1FAN ACM,SIGNS LIST (EEAL) VOL 6 140 4 A-)ril 1957 SROE, 1E.- Answor to rem-irks on t!ie -irticle "Dilutel ind Liquid bitumen." P. 135- Vol. 6, no. 3, E-jr. 1956. 3ZIE'LE. (Koz1akedesi Kialo) Bul:ip,,3t. Cons.l.ruction of rot"ibilcated concrete roaA ~~avoment!3 in Vie Soviet Union; a review ~,f a Russi3n article. P- 137. Manufacturing concrete of high strengbi by means of mortar previously mixed; a review of j Hussijn article. 1, 138. Pl3n of entrior; of tl;e subjects "Doams, Beam Structurus, Bridges" in the E.3ar_a EaciklopediLi (Hiant~;irian Encyclouedica). p. 142. `.CURCE: East Euronean Accessions List (E-EAL) Vol. 6, No. 4--April 1957 S, r ! " IN, II . . Vievro`rit:~ in sele