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ru of Uo Irstituta Univrr~izy, Budapcz-. vorsion not "T'acj CoavuI-:;Ion-.--aailitat'-nZ t'-foct of Rasorpino" Act!t ph-ni:1'10~,Aca Fur.,7arlcae, Suppla=6nt to V~l 22, 196); ;) 30. ,"cstrre.t CAuthorzi EnGli5h su-.xry, Lo4ifiea]: T'-.o offoct of roserpins ca insulin-induced hypoglycc:Lic convulsior.3 m3 examinad. The experLments indicate that chanZos in tho lovol of tho brain play A docisiv* role in tho tendoncy to convu'IsLom, t7nvs hypaglycomia or a decrease in tho brain glycoZon lovol alone cannot be hold respor.31ble for the convuluant action of insulin. I KOVACS, Pal, dr.,; SOFALVI, Ceaba, dr.,; SIMON, Janos. dr. Spondylodesis in thetherapy of spinal tuberculosis. Orv. hatil. 97 no.9:236-239 26 Fe'~ 56 1. A Hodmezovasarhelyi Varosi Tanace Korhaza (igazato-fooryon: Ormon Pal dr.) Kakasszeki Csontgumokoros es Tudosebeszeti Oaztalyanak (forvos; Kovacs Pal dr.) koslemenye. (TUMCULOSIS, SPINAL, surg. spondylodests, indic., technic & results (Hun)) J. Simon J. Electric-spark harderdng of threshing machine blades.p. 254. Mk;CIIAAISA E ZEMEDELSTVI. Praha. Vol. 5, no. 13, July 1955- 501 Mont~ay List of the East Eumpean Accession.. (EEAL),, Lc. vol. 4. no. 10, Oct- 1955. Uncl. s.,-TItrimottic dotenninston "hM-tarnt M. Olaf an . 'aid Joe, a.' OFF" -"I. tz. 423ft 9541. 0"1 (1) extd. from hio-A wid other biol. rrzteri4l by the Scbaenhelmer azd. p o L 0 N lip I err methed (C.A. V1, 87529) Is pptd. with dicitanin: darctly1or I.-cc I ivid aftrr sapon. for total I deta. The pureppt. isdissolved In A I cOH and treated with bromirm (Lag reagent (11.). The fit adds quantitativvly to the Cs-C# double bond and is Md. forlometrically. To ptv). 17, dissolve I mi. Dr In 100 nil. satd. NaBr in MeOH vwd dil. V04~ 3.6 mi. soin. in RX) nil. NaUr in McOH. Values obtAlzed 1~y fliLs metl,od differ from other methods by 1.91 I I I.. Sill-KYN, J.; VMTFA, V.; JAVDA, Z. Neurovirulfmce tests on monkeys with USOL-D bac virus before and after passage through the human gastrcintestinal tract. Cask. epidem. 14 no.1:12-21 A 165 1. Ustav ser a ockovacich latek, Praha. S,Ug%3::-YzXC41&v [Simon, Jaroslav], prof. Research work in the field of knit goods and clothing industries of Czechoslavakia. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tekh.leg.prom. no.6:143-144 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Liberetskiy tekstilinyy institut. (Czechosloftkia-Clothing industry) ~.V ~~LXCN, Janos; ~~eria,,ric HcsP t3l Roon of spe Tr -,mezyei cne -;,uncil D~ M,as (Fe3 of, In cld Age." No 2. 6; PP giai Knziirenyek, Val 10, z, ,Ticlj~. j-pis with the etiolog,. of ao"zAtis. autopsies On OVE'r Cc to C,;E, in '31 cases Of , citseS slafferr-A prom, a :.--,-aat va-,'Lair.',- Of a`s,~ases r.:~teri were -,nostl-. t ~ I .- - -,jas well advanced Jr. 22 cass5 of t',~-_ --l. 7-L !C of rjrrL7,r- 'b,~-taeer, 20-50 years. of, 2 caSe!: Of aorti- of' tne incl-.T~;;-_~a--s vv~,4ical Ihis,1:01~; e, f on d It t4 cn aor4,1 Lis ano, some -t? 'a Lh'.. not rtr.-2al any Z~_1_3s C, es . I 'C&I S-CAY !-''~-_Yving rie lr;-,alizat-lon P" ~P aaventitl%a suawests a rheuratic origin. Cth!~r histo- "Lo.-fical -~vljenc,~ oil rheamalic or other inflarmA'Zlion ill rOSt Of the Ca3eS VOIIKA,V.; JAIIDA,Z.; SIMCU.,J.; ADAM,E.; ZAVADOVA,H. Results of investigation of type 1 viruses i0olated from paralytic patients in the period following mass vaccination with Sabin's vaccine in Czechoslovakia in 1960. J.hyg. epidem., Praha 8 no.I: 58-76 164 1. Inntitute of Sera and Vaccines, Virus Research Department and Clinical and Epidemiological Department, Prague, Czechoslovakia. SIMONY J. Determination of optimum ray doses in rice brer-ding try irradiation. Acts, agronom flung 12 no.1/2sl27-140 163. 1. Research Institute for Irrigation and aice Cuiture, Szarvas. STASITTY,F.; SIMM,J.; BRAZDOVA,R. Contribution to the problem of the dynamics of reproduction of fixed rabies virus in the brain of experimental animals. Cesk. epidem. 13 no.ltl-7,,' Ja'64* 1. Ustav ser a ockovac4h latekv- Praha. 611MONt J. Lirriiting the radon emanarion from rocks Into a mine atmosphere, Vyel ban vyzk 3x157-165 164. 1. Institute of Mining, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. Sit-ION, Janos (Budapest); BAN, Istvan (Budapest) Foram of innovators. Ujit lap 16 no.8130 25 Ap'64 --;,NFAI, Dr !van; LiAISC-i, Dr Zoltan; ardl I,--:wr.yielwtAs Korhaz) of the of Pe.,t Vegye- (Past XeE.Yei 7anaef). 11~:, a" uation of Me'astases of the Cervical LjTmph Nodes on tho Eazis of our v I I Throat-Cancer f-'asesil Budapest, Xa,~yar Onkoloia, Vol 10, No 4, "',cc 19~;E; p~-, 205-M/. .Albstract; The Jyriph nodes ramoved dur-*n,,, block dis,~octior, were s-ab-L"ected to --~cta2 ed histological examination. The processin.~- of a sinEle block UA5sect:.o-.. required 400-600 scctionz, and tinis could be carriod out only in a Afew cases. -1-1, was found that 11' of the lymph nodes considered clinically reLativa conta.-Ined microscopic metastases. No rrolrerence-.. 1/1 F-W Or _i 4- ;-O u of 'A A v AA The vaperimmormial yb" of seveval a' 'A 411 b*WW FE CUMMILAN. Au~ .4 a 4,111M Lssfy OwkPow 44, S3 MOM) -The herts WwuvickA &t.1 Z11.4 nd sugar coclent. The results were piled frum 7 e%pU. staums 9 Steds from Holland and Gennany did nat exceed the av. under the Cli~tk C%W%IiIkM% Fw4w.K MANIM11 0 J, 0 0 00 00 to 0 a ate =06 goo goo Adl ;'lose sea goo *00 moo AO moo 6 6 1 k A IWIALL&INCKAL WINAIL-f ct"11FKATIC. 91 1"t a n-;: 14 L I I W 0 0 0 1 IF Is 9 A 4 3 0 9 , . ii 000000000000 0060696996000i ::::::oooooooooooo::::i:::,::::!Oooooooeooeoeooi -0 04 -1 wit 4 ma all O"..'041.0ce P P 41 1 V U-k- .1 --1 AA 0 OL 0 U + 8d *Oaks of a I Wkh Of WAnt beses WW lbffal4m~ *z$w*mww oftd~~sp in so a j; F. CXNW-Al "M �MWOx- Z. Zw"md. fecleir4muk. so j =00 00 00 a goo 00 - 00 -00 so* Ak ago age 10 goo Is is sip --0O 00 &$.-SL4 .4 TALLUAGKAL LITIRAYWC CLASUPKATION Ime- aa a 19 of a a it of NOR I ~24 00 000,00 00 900 4 0 040000 O's 0 a 0 0 00 a 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O'o 0 0 0 0 -------------- 0 0 0 0 0 4 & a * I, w 1, 4 1, a III a , it U .3 )4 n is A A L a -L -j I T It v AA DO tj a a A, Ar CA -09 Results of the sugar-best oxperijwata earried on by the asseelatim doe of agrieultural, forestry and industrial-agrioultural exptorins"t statlao I in Cooshoolovakia during the year 1929, F. Chimelar and J. Simon. Z. Zuck- .00 rind. osehoslovak. Rep. 56,1-8(1930) .00 00 00 J.P. 10"to zoo 00 - 00 zoo !SOO J: oil 4, '00 0 a I L A841TALLUNW&L LITINAT1,81 CLASSOKATICO 4 --;~ -34 441114IJ 0.9 -jot AV go , jr .."I, W lot, U -V-11 I; : o & 9 ; g J, 0* 0" 0, 0 0 0 goes 00 000 0 so****** 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 6 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 o a 0 0 0 0 0-0 0-0- t 4oo 00 " 0 11 U 0 11 0 " 11 0 p a c 0 L 4 L k x I I a a q. a u I c A w T I (ION); d A. 201-ftetbothW shOw lw I of bm" av. bw caulpmealrd by a himb" Awar c"Wal girl" a low yield of wr ahwe the aw. MA Nall" tv"s wm tm IV. W, dw dwas" C4 Cwhadambis. MAW* MAGNMIN 09 -00 0 41 0" .00 go 't 00 00 J." Me : 00. 60 �r a 00 1 0 0 400 C go* Soo I see 400 a I L aall&LLWGK&L LITINAIVIIII CLASSEPKATION 600 00 W- T I ad - 0.1 u u if -0 at S, Of IFaIF049 an** sea ma Iff 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 ;; 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 9~0 0 0 0 0 ****go** 000 0 Wo 0 0 0 0 0 09000 00000000 0000000000000.00000 : 000090066f00600000600000 000000000*0000000 ee*-~0900090600900906009006 I got vocal 1w ;!-A A 3.0, - - . I I I I -Cf. 0 ilk za eq 019 Ow 04F 00 00 Ow ~00 P 00 04P Ow 00 06= r Os 0 V ? 00 0 4101 ull"" US PAIUI-b PUS 111-1111W igin$ POOl POO PJJOA qfjjj a Aq joisp.spaivp jsAmI Oo-. ORIMW40" plM It"bisdirl lqqNm,"q .f M-As3nnil puw ali,111 IN umlipulla IV so -OKM IN & " A -TI440am P"'= vawpqjg V"Mrl 404W .29 *11 00 AGOW OD PI . 1"M P -P&1 JPU VV" Vt I- US"a AJAAl q4rl~j 1 PON VVVA&jD 0 y 00 ,quo a*- p -"a-. =."-w -A- -mmm 60 4017 MONIV wvf 0xv vrmnu.) 'A vm" Avow We IMBNWZ. '91019008 0 ljfFAM S%L 1- of r 00 001- t w a Cl we N it it 0 0 0 a 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 OL -ij a A ace 0-9 w I .1 0 0 0 0 6 "-0 - 0 0 A 90 1 0 a 0 00 00 8 00 00 8 11 Ij U 64 is Is If V 15 110191AIII VJSAI jo V JIM a a of a A A f 1- .9- I-A A -C -a-A-j-A-,L a It 4 t 1-1-IL-Y OA -W ,99 W--KfjL 1~ a A ~z--L..,-- I-If Itt 4 o $.m Cootat too A** 4!t,ttSq'!I voocesUf om w do ma vwb" 40 b=ft SGO&OW IS 60 CMNhlb- Ammob" 40 Md Awkwam*- F, L%wKLA&-A"-j.7wp. z.'zwh,,iw. auk.. -00 domal. fitp. SC 31 V(IWI Dw madu of capts V"tirs afT Own In dtwI ykm and mm I I am the 3 and Swkcu (Prmt, am supeckv to the Worn kood. 1 P, Law= 0 see We* ed VALLUS'WA& M18fift4t CLAS%WKAVIOII soil- "46'. d"r lot U is At No is 1 r "I & 0 1 It a 0 0 gig 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 old- to- i~q Im 0 **louts$ Ii-F I a Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 A 0, r i a t a . 1.1-J, I -IMMIX w It. -so 00 -00 -00 -00 * jaggemev of We th" of te"dims Oro dw l F b " e r - jwd ompe""I 4" to c lul 14 , .14'afalif ZZ " 6 CI.KWW O o* 000 %- 31. N.). Al RI war J1141 10, Cft* I z hAr at 11'r *legal ct"Itwill 4101 t'.101 -ley u 0* jightly (4* Ow -liffr1rut jW16%1% 44 jklAntltlci a. twerts tilanter4l late in MAY. The 9"Jef mitrut .611.1 a** *ulAtAw,.% wmrv the blahst, beet the 1xvis ptee"Ir's in see Metich aiml carly Apvil yiekk-d the twnt drv ulestawr Acul ,Utat, FfAnL NlArVA a t tie ie 19 :0 lee u 0 ....... a- a 9 All i i i ~ it a a a if o go's 0 0 0 0 a so oo~o 09*0 *0 Joe *0 *o*o 0 0 o*_ofge so *****so * 9a o a j A ) a AI L I L .1 4 Il J L Ai ir eq_ go Of vu - *004 060001*ob a $-g0 *01064 ;I . !) .. , a s. X . 11 IJ 11 )d J5 to 17 A19 DO 1,. V AA 10 U.* - - filetsi*69*0060- It W M M 0 m m p Al a a r 0 k !Lo 0 "4'P~Iim*Rtsl cultivatim of ftybe"As. Wit ptoductive Rome and Rumility in dk* yftn ION 34. Fir. ch"Irld stul lm~ Ammm. St-,,mfk 0ohostm. AW. lomhaliki 10. '.! 19(its C~llnau W _111" nkL%)- 'Me wata mntrut l4vrf - ~,ttt 14 10. Ih, ..J 9,1119t cat.) ItS-=' "d ctudc pretrin WWII 00 1 . go , 00 00 Os C4 00C '74 1. AD 4 1 0 u is it tv a K ft It * Al a 0 0 0 a 0 0 *'T'4~0 *:::Gooo*ooooooo 00 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 000000. -00 .00 -00 of '00 roe see ~66 1 r Vol . I , 1 "1' 1 t t SO: .onthly ili:,t of -ant ":~',Arorcan Accenzionn, (7-;'ALNI, LO, Vol. ",o. 11, In) TT nol. cke p,,jla. ~`tatrd FL'ecai~'~tl teAbob0 plmt brewllnu,, 0 3~', :., .1. Fter)rt -.)n the nctivitles 3f the Derartment of Flant FrAuction. r. 2T'. 5,/;-~ ,19 5 7, -rihi, 3zechoslwakia) i st bec '.?57. Uncl. ontniv i:,agt ~-ximre-in 'ceessims STMION, J. "Conclusions made at the mepting of the Department of Plant Prcduction" Vestnik. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 5, special Issue, 1958 Monthly list of East European Acccs;ions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 59, Unclas Ji*":~" J. "I-;provertit~rit of the qi_iality of tjotatoes." P. 13. (Vestnik. --Praha, Czechoslovaka.) Vol. 5, no. 1, 1958. SO:: Monthly Index of East Europ-3an Accession (E&U) LC) Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1958 fdr rrapsotl ll,:J,ita!Ae s-eiwing 'plaM. Praha, 7/Q, 195"- L ll)- "I ~;epter~iier 1959- LC, vo, S ieL, SIMON, Jaroslav, akademik; DOSTAL, Rudolf, akademik, prof., dr. In commemoration )f the 75th birthday of Academician Rudolf Dostal. Vestnik CSAZV 7 no-3:176-177 160. (EW 9:7) (P_nstal, Rudolf) (Czechoslovakia--Agriculture) STRUM, Vaclav, akademik; SIMON, Jaroslav, akademik In commemoration of the 65th birthday of Academician Jaroalay Simm. Vestnik CSAZV 7 no.6/7s377-378 160. (EEAI 9:10) (Simon, Jaroslav) (Vegetables) ROTH, Ri-drich, Dr.; SIMON, Jirl, Dr. Clinical aspects of narcolepsy; repo-t of 42 cases. Cam.lek.cesk. 91 no.49:1462-1468 5 Doe 52. 1. ffeuroloEicka k-linika Ir.U. Prednostn; prof. dr. K.Henner. (SLM-W DISOIDERS, narcolopsy, clin. uspocts) ROTH. Redrich, Dr; SIMON, Ari, Dr Attmmpts to prGvoke attacks of narcolepay. Uaur.psychiat.cesk. 18 no.2:127-130 Mar 55. 1. Neurologicka klinika Karlovr university, prednosta akadmmik Kamil Henner. (SLUP DISaRDIPS, narcolepay, Ind-wmd, aff. of sympathetic-parasympath. equilibrium) (KXCTRCBITCXPH&IbM, WHY. in narcolepsy. induced, study of off. of sympath. parasympath. equilibrium) (SYMPATHITIC MVOUS SYST M, pbvsiology, eff. on induced narcolepsy, relation to parasympath. NS., XRG) (PAWYMPATHITIC MMVOUS SYSTEM. physiologr, off. on induced narcolepay, relation to srVath. XS.. NEG) LESNY, Ivan, Doc., dr.; SIMON, Jiri, Dr.; SIM0140VA, Olga, Dr. Cbronaximetric measurement of muscles in deformities following poliomyelitis. Acta chir. ortbop. traum. cecb. 22 no.4:134-139 July 55. 1. Neurologicka klinika akademika Hennera, Janake Lazne. (POLIOMYELITIS, patholog7, muse., chronaximetric variations in deformities) (MUSCLIS. in various diseases. polio., chronaximetric variations in pathol. changes.) SIMON, Ari, MMr '; ~*' Chronaxy in paretic forms of Czechoslovak tick encephalitis. C.&B. lek.ceek. 9~ no-15:397-401 8 Apr 55. 1. Neurologicky ordinar at. launi Janake Lazne a NUrr Olga Simono- va. (ENCEPHALITIS, wnwic, paretic, chronazy) SIMON. JIr XJJDr. Paretic forms of Czechoslovakian tick-borne encephalomVelitie. Cas. lak. cesk. 94 no.28:754-761 8 July 55- 1. OrdinAr neurolog. addal. stat. lani, Janske Iazne, KUDr. Olga Simonova. (IINCEPHALOXTELITIS, paretic forms of Czech. tick-borne encephalomyelitio.) lotr, T,, 't In. Cenl%rinvr. ye n 17 1 n t- nrl-. Jr. Po'-.(,rrw. ".1fY 1 .1, s n t-in I r~ SIMOII,j ir i Dvnamics of disorders of motor activity in subacute and chronic poliomyelitis. Cesk. neur. 22 no.6:367-373 N '59. 1.Virologicke oddelenl Ustavu ser a ockovacich latek. (POLIONTBLITIS phys iol. ) SIMON, Jiri Incoordination and other unusual disorders of motor function ill P0310- Welitis. A polemic article on the term wincoordination* by-Komw. Cook. neur..24 no.2:79-87 Mr 161. 1. Statni lecobny ustay, Janske lazne, lek. reditel. prim. dr. F. paborny. (POLIOMYELITIS pathol) (MOVEWT DISORDERS otiol) ubstetrics 'and Gynecology H LIN GA R Y TOTH, Bela, Dr, FULOP, Eva, Dr, SIXON, Jozsrf, DF; XIX. Zjistrict Council Ambulant Specialist Services (xir.-- =r~u Ti-*5'i~~cs Szakrendelo Intpzf!t), anA Capital City Istvan Ho:;pital, Obstetrical-jjyn,~cological '.-,lard (chief physician in charge of the reFion: SZOLNOKI, Ferenc, ')r) (Fovaro5i Istvan Korhaz, Szulo- Nobeteg Csztaly), and Medical University of Budapest, luermatological-Venereo- logical Clinic (director: FOLDVARI, Ferenc, Dr) (Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyntem, Bor- es Nemikortani Klinika). The Interrelationship Between Diffuse Scleroderma, and Pregnancy." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 108, No 11, 12 'Mar 67, pages 505-5c8. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary modified] The interrelationship between diffuse scleroderma and pregnancy was studied in three cases. All three cases had a history of repeated, spontaneous abortions. In one case, the pregnancies did not proceed past the first trimester and spontaneous abortions occurred. In the other two cases, sraller fetuses than expected according to their term, so-called "pseudo-prematurel' infants were delivered. In one case, a severe developmental anomaly occurred following steroid treatment during the pregnancy. In response to prolonged adrenocortical normone treatment, however, a secondary sterility was relieved in the early phase of the disease in two cases. Because of the increased endogeneous ACT'H effect during preg- nancy, the condition of the patients was temporarily improved, without medica- tion, both in the subjective sense and according to objective tests. After the FAGOVSKY, iv.-. - ' ff~r,~ I, ; ' 31MO!~) lovef, .1 - I -f I ~ .0 A sliggeoLioll (d p unn, -,f raw matp-rJaljs frrn the F-,avf-I 1-1 vand I~it a' Chr-ovice 'heb. Sklar a keramik 13 no.91 2'39-241- St,-*3. 1. Usta,! h-r-,bti kf--anl'~y a up-arrilotvi gurovin, -V-qrlovy Vary. ~)bstel-rics and (,yiiuculu,~~ HUNGARY TOTH, Bela, Dr, XIX. District Council, Specialist Ambulant Services (XIX. Keruletl Tanacs, Stakrendelo), and Capital City Istvan Hospi- tal, Obstetrical and Gynecological Ward (chief physician in charge df the region: SZOLNOKI, Ferenc, Dr) (Fovarosi Istvan Korhaz, Szulo-Nobeteg Osztaly), Budapest. it Some Diagnostic Problems of Vaginal Trichomonlasis and of Its Control In the Course of Tmidazole (Klion) Therapy." Bu L, Crvo:- 1._H(--,tjj2a Vol 108, No 10, 5 Mar 67, pages 452-455. Ab5tract,: [Authors' Hungarian summary] In 50 cases, signs of inflammation were evident a~, late an 2-6 weeks after Kl;-on therapy given to a total of 124 patients with vaginal trichomoniasis. Those cases which became negative for the parasite in response to the Klion treatment or to the treatment of ,!v(ntual secondary infections (42 cases) were classified into 2 groups retro- ~,pectively; 1.) those whero, the tr. vaginalis at the urogenital area was not eradicated coinpletely but was temporarily suppressed and 2) where the para- site was gotten rid of and the inflammation was maintained merely by its (.10171plications (cer-,ricltis, pruritus). According to the observations, a faulty method of sample collection was often responsible for a temporary ati3ence of tr. vaginalis. An attempt was made to improve the situation by :1 qr, r, ohfiinnd bv it-rivation of the vagina, for the test. 2/Z BRATKOWSKA-SENIOW, Barbara; DZIERZKOWA, Wanda; FALKIEWICZ, Antoni; SIMON, Julian Auto-antibodies in thyroid diseases. I. General problem. Polskle arch. med. wewn. 31 no.6:779-782 161. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewn. AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr med. A. Falkieviez z Wojevodzkiej Stacji Krviodawstva we Wroclawiu Rierown1k: doe. dr med. T. Dorobiaz i z Zakladu Anatanii Patologicznej AN we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof.-Tr med. Z. Albert. (THYROID GLAND dis) (ANTIBODIES) BRATKOWSKA-SENUTd, Barbara; DZIEERUCUA, Wanda; FALKIEUICZ, Antoni;'~ ~011 ~Juii&n~ Auto-antibodies in th~oid diseases. II. Our studies. Polskie arch. med. wevn. 31 no.6:783-796 161. L Z II Kliniki Cborob Wevnetrznych dr med. A. Falkievicz z Wojewodzkiej Kierownik- doe, dr med. T. Dorobisz AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr AM we Wroclaviu Kierown1k: prof. Stacji Krwiodawetwa we Wroclaviu i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej med. Z. Albert. (THYROID GLUM dis) (ANTIBODIES) BRAMMISKA.-SEUM4, Barbara; DZIERZKOWA, WRnda; FALKIEWICZ, Antoni; SIMON, Julian The intradermal test in detecting anti-thyroid antibodies. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 32 no.2:169-178 162. 1. Z II niniki Ghorob Wewnetrznycb AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr med. A. Falkievicz I z Wojewodzkie,l Stacji Krwiodawstwa we Wroclawiu Kierownik; doc. dr mad. T. Dorobiaz oraz z Zakladu Anatomii Patologic2nej AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr med. Z. Albert. (VITIBODIES) (THYROID GLAND immunol) BRATKOWSKA-SEITIOW, Barbara; DE TMKOWA, Wanda; FALKIEWICZ, Antoni; SIMCIII, Jijian. Immunological studies in thyroiditis. Pol. 33 no.12:1349-1351 163. L-imunological studies in thyroid neoplasms. Ibid:1353-1354 Immunological studies in toxic adenoma. lbid:1355-1357 1. Z 11 niniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM w-~ 'Wroclawiu (kie- rownik: A.Falkiewicz) ; z W(-.jewodzkiej Stacji Krwiodawstwa we Wroclawiu (kierownik- T.Dorobisn) i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM w,- 'Troclawiu (kierow- nik: Z.Albert). 110, -SI~MON, J.C. Physical principles and description of a new faaily of endfire antennas. Acts. tec*.rn Hung 42 no.1/3-.309-310 '63,, 4 I "FIrene m t l(,ns t'nr- t~e jix-1 ay 1"Ctorcycle Race in Czechoslovakia. " P. 3.,~5 (Lztt Fotoru, ':o1. '/, nc. 14'1, Jtulf~. .1c,53p Iralm) SO: 'Vcrithav Li.,~t of last 'uroric-an Accesejons, 'Ifol. 3, no. ;., Librarl of Ccn~;ress, [Incl. eb. I Z, SIMON, K. "We Were Discussing the Directions of the Tenth Congress of the Com- manist Party of Czechoslovakia", P. 454, (SVET MOTORU, Vol. 8, No. 15, July 195h, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SOt Monthly List of East Luropean Accessiorm, (EXAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 129 Dec. 19541 Uncl. Ir 17,L Sly,014) K. "Tenth anniversary of our liberation." p. 289. SVET MOTOPU. (Svaz pro spoluprad a armadou). Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, No. 10, May 1955. Monthly list of East European Accessions (ERAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. Uncla. S TMON, K. b. "Important task in the precongress campaign; establishing orier in records and payment of membership dues."'p. 548 A MOTORU. Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, No. 18, Sept., 1955 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959. Unclas SEMUN, K. "League for Cooperation with the ArTV educates new workers for motorism." p. 712 SVET PIOTORU. Praha, Czechoslovakia2 Vol. 9. No. 20, Sept., 1955 Monthly List of East European Accessions (Mil), LC, Vol. 8. No. 9, September, 1959 Unclas S.LMONI K.; LAUB, K. "flow district autorobile-motorcycle clubs fulfilled the resolution of the Central Committee of the League and how it was fulfilled by the Central Automobile- Motorcycle Club." p. 77h SVET MOTORU. Praha,, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9., No. 25/26, Dec., 1955 Monthly List of Fast European Accessions MAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 9, September, 1959 Unclas Simon, K. SLnon K. Menhers of the Frobari League first in Subu ban Frafue District; r wo,an motorist Kraftova as a delej,ate at t!~e district confer- ence. p. 70. -zl-. Exhibit of models in the Tatra Works in Koprivnice. p. 71. -R-. Vaclav 13obek narrates; experiences of our sport champiuns. p. 72. Sta-te-wide contests of our motorists. p. 7h. vol. 10, no. 3, Peb. 1956 SVIET NOTORU TZ C HN' 01,06Y Czechoslovakia So: East European Accessions, Vol. May 1957 IL ST""GIII K. February decision of fees aFplies to clubs also. p. 290. ':',VF . T MOTORU. (Svaz pro spolupraci s armadou) Praha. vol. 10, no. 10, May 1956. SOURCE: East Eurofean Acce6sions List, (EEAL), Library of Congress. Vol. 5, no. 12, December 195(",, Simon , K. Simon, K. Bartos won in Nuremberg. p. 551. 31st year of the Six-Day Race. p. 550. Vol. 10, no. 18, Aug. 1956 SVET MOTORU TECHNOLCGY Czechoslovakia So: East European Accessions, Vol. 6, May 1957 ':o. 5 T. r "'.-iotor :,Port (~ of.s. riot nf--ed to cont :-.-' 1 -',* . i . -- , , ",C)o! f v:it; ~ ,t vi C: t;lr ,'~rry) Vol. 11, No. 13, ' aie- 1,)t,7- ~ : F on"I'll" 7:1" ( %- C,~, " zi~~ ~ -c( !---i r,ns (-F-~',V) Vai. c , "o. 1-1 .~ovr- or 19C~17 , j . 7 ~3 v e t t,-, ru f, Z e c s 1 n ntAy !;,dex f.A' '~CCC3.~!( rs Vol. I n Cl . 2. n t take c!ire f o r " he J'eve 1 07-M. e7lt Of 77-') ts-7- V, 11, no. 21, 7--t. Praha, Cv-choslovakia -`:;D%X (F ACC,"-'-3IC'JS (---,.AI) LC, 'vrL- 7, NC. 1, J.ll. 195F, -SI.40N, K. TECHNOLOGY Periodicals SVST MOTORU. Vol."12, no. 16, Aug. 1958. SIMOU, K. Central Comittee of the League for Cooperation with the Amy discussed the resolutions of the l1th Congress. P. 481. Monthly List of East European Accession (EW) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3 March 1959 Unclass. srl. N, K. Education of drivero. p. 200. ,MT MOTORIJ. (Svnz 'Dro spollmracl s armadou) Praha, Czechoslovakia Vol. 13, no. 7, Mar. 1959 Monthly list of East European Acessions (EEAI), W, Vol. 8, no. 7 July 1959 Uncl. C V fF 6 .0 A oat! 00% OOM; 000 Ah,m, Z oat OR *or 0 00= 00 Of- 00. 0 PC 9 1 1 MW A '031 u Ii jw a a IF a OF 41 4i 4) V1 C. T u n it 00 00 00 r 00 I a* juju !ft"i itp U, JuIllilulu 01(11140 Julli 1"!) JILL :uufwv y lTlj61-(AlXX,4) IA -13A ee,, n 4f omm 194 on ffellf of it it 9 of a ft it % %1 11 .44 A- 0 a 0 0 0 0 00 00 -W-2 is o 0 W-0-0 Is o coo V 00 r 00 roe so 00 Vp 00 s: 00 ;'99 1r 00 1 1 0 4 1 1 f I 00000000000 0 00 00 0 0 000 I L '.. ,E . "31tuatiorl 0 1' Con I i ro ~ur'.'. I or In I i"fleary rayl It 3 ~!*Toct on th". I Owur In] UAry. " E!Rnyaszati Larok, 1--udape8t, Idol. 9. -.'o. 5, -ay 1954, p. 22". SO:Eastern Luropean Accessions List, Vol. 3, No. 11, Nov. 1954, nr n1 L E I ol')V LINQ~). K. Increased pmductivity in t~B driving of -Mafts and extraction work in coal mining; also, remarks by M. Eszto and others. p. 85. (Banszati !Apok, Budapest, Vol. 10, no. 2, Feb. 1955) ~0: Yonthly list of i~ast Eum pean Accessions (EEAL), LC Vol 4, no. 6, June 1955 Unel ~Iany:is7ati Lapok-'Voi. 10, no. 4, Apr. 19155 tireetin'" the tenth an-l-versary of our liberation. p. 169 Appjlcat~on of -,-xparienc~-s of a Soviet study tour to the d,-----eIOpm';nt of ou r coal mining. P. 1~3- SO: "onthly list of -;-'ast European Accessions, (EFJL), LC, ','OL. 4. No. 9, Sept. 1955 Uncl. K. bll-IDN', K. - Barky-jrz.-3ti I apok - VoL 10, no. 5, YlY 1955. Appli~-ation of experienecs fro-~% a Soviet study "our to devulopm,3nt, of 'Hungarian coal mining. p. 231 .50: 4:onthly list of Sast European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955 Uncl. SDION,K For technical progress of our coal mining, p,"9. Vol, 10, no. 9 Sept- 1955; Banyaszati Lapok. SOURCE: East Enropean Accessions List tEEAL), LC., Vol, 5., No. 20 Feb, 1956 SI"C)I;f K. ST','01.1 K. FrobleTs of prine irrortance for technical develorment of Hung-irian coal mining. p. 1. Vol. 11, no. 1, Jan. 1956 BANYASZATI L.IFOK TFORIOLOGY Budapest, Hungary So: East Euroreon Accession, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 1956 -, r I... .. , 1 771 Ii-I ,7, , E)Teriences at the coal-mining conference in Moscow. p. hh9,, BAUYASZAT-I LAPOK. (Magyar Banyaszati es Kohaszati Egyesulet) Budapest, Vol. 110 No. 8, Aug. 1956 WURCE: East European Accessions List (EFAL) Library of Congress.9 Vol, 5, No. 11., November 1956 - SIMON, Kalman, engineer, and foreign trade economist Study of the economical aspects of surface nnterial han8linw in colliery. Izvestiia Bany KI no.3A:163-16;3 159/6). Kalman, olki. I-anyarrernok es oU. kulkereskedelmi kczvaszdasz-r-ernck Fernomic anO foreivr trade bearinas cf the imrrt,.-d msterla2s used in ecal m1ninp. Bany lap 0.3- no.2:84-100. F 160 1. Berynszati Kutato Tntpzet, Bu~apest. SIMON i K21M211,0kl. banyamernok es *l.kulkereskedemi kozgazd,.sz mernok. -~- lnvesE`igatio~n of the mechanizatE.-Jon of =ning methods and loading on the territory of the Central-Transdanubian Co2l Ilining Trust. Bany lap 93 no.5:289-305 My '60 1. Banya3zati Kutato Intezet. SIMON; Kalmanv Min*,gngep Economic enge Operation research and its application in miniW, Izvestiia Bany KI no-5:211-217 161* SIMON, KalmanP Al. banyamernok, okl. kulkereskedelai koagazdasamernoic Some questions relating to the economical longwall mining. Bdny lap 94 no,.L2;;825-831 D 161. 1 1, Banyaszati Kutato Intezet., Budapest. Slz~~(Jll, Kahan, o,',lcvele.-, banyamernok, okleveles kulkereskedelmi kozgazdasagi =ernok Econc.mical questions r3lating to mining velccity. Bany lap 96 no.11:8.-14--S77 N 163. 1. Banyaszati Kutato Intezet Uzemgazdasgi es Uzemszervezesi Os:~-,talyanak ve-,etoje, Budal)est. SDIGIN-, Ka-Lman, oklecele.9 ba~yej.-,emok, cklenrel-,s koneazdasz merrok. Performance analysis by correlation caln-til-,Ei wit'li aeveval vail.ableo. Bary lap 96 io.12:922-~26 D163 1. Vel.ezipari II-linisztez.-iiLm Dwiyaozatl ~L-sza]rl 08'~,,tal~vezatojes I . , 1-1 . q . ; K. R . ~' T 2. T i , S, R(6oo) 4. Abstracting and indexing services 7. Soviet periodicals ofibstracts and problems pertinent to its organization. Vest. AN SSSR 22 no. 9, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January---1953. Unclassified. ZAYONCHKOVSKIY, P.A., profeesor, redaktor; NSRSISOVA, B.A., kandidat istoricheskikh nauk, redaktor; SIMON. K.P.. kandidat pedagogichs- skikh nauk. redaktor; TEREK OVA, D.F.. tieThnicheskiy redaktor [Dissertations for doctoral and candidate degrees defended at Moscow State University from 1934 to 1954; a bibliography] Doktorskie i kandidatakie dessertateii zashchishchennye Y Moskov- skom gosudarstvannom universitete a 1934 po 1954 g.; bibliografi- cheskil ukazatell. Pod red. F.A.Zaionchkovskogo, I.A.Nersesovoi, X.R.Simona. (Moskva] No.l. [Departments: Mechanics and mathematics, physics. chemistry] Fakulftety: Makhaniko-matematicheakii, Yizich*- skii. Khimicheakii. 1956. 254 p. (MIRA 9:8) 1. Moscow. Universitet. Nauchnaya biblioteka imeni A.M.Gorlkogo. (Bibliography--Science) XTSKA. P.; SIMON. L. Us* tboarapy of asc&rl&sis in school children. Bratial. lek. llmty 34 no.7:758461 July 54. 1. 1 Detakeho oddelenia OM v Liklori, prednests, prisar dr. Z.CIev&rek (ASCARIASIS, In Inf&nt and child, ther., mans eradIc&tIon in school child. in asech.) MA 1IT'Y'N 110BIRT. Dr. IMON IAJO6, Dr. ; VICZ IAN ANTA L. Dr. , jo~,- 1, .; ~ .0~ 11 '~fffect of uitary transplantation on atrorihic Infants. Orv. hetil. 98 no-34:926-928 25 Aug 57. 1. A Karcali Jarasi Tanacs Korhaza (igazgato: Viczian Antal dr.) kozlemenye. (DIVANT NUTRITION DISORUM, surg. Pituitary transpl. in severe atrophies (Hun)) (PITUITARY GIAND, transpl. In severe infantile atroDh1ea (Ehn)) FARKASp Swa; S I R[0~11L % the clinical a"cts and therapy of polieencephalitis. Acta Pasdiat Acad Sci Hung I no.4:333-344 '60. 1. 111 Kinderabtailung, Ioaaslo-Krankenhaus, Budapest. (PO14MMITIS pathol) (ENCEPHALITIS otlel) SIMON, laj (~ 5 Partial denervation for pain relief In arthritis of the knee. Orv. hetil., Budap. 92 no. 43:1406-140e 28 Oct. 1951 (CLKL 21:3) 1. Doctor. 2. Orthopedics Department (Head Physician -- Dr. Lajos Simon). Kekeolyoutcal Hospital (Director - Dr. Gabor Ferencz). STRON, Lajos. dr. ., i., ogical meaning of chronic arthritis. ". sebeezat 9 no-5-279-287 Oct 56. 1. A Budapesti Oryostudomanyi Mastem Orthopasdiai Klinikajanak kozlemenye Mb. Igasgato: Dr. Glauber, Andor egyetemi docmns. (ARMITIS clin. & pathol. aspects (Hun)) " "?ot-tah-It n~-ut,-on go~nerators in nuclear geophysic3." 'Reviewed by !.- Jaderna energie 9 no. 12:404 :1) t63. SIMON, L. Gamma-gamma geophysical method artd,t,'-e phc-,oelec-~ric effect. Jaderra energie 10 no. 2:63-64 F 164. 111F.V4, ltalll~a, ic&d'.; VAltimyl, C,3.; L. P,114-~; J-=oraers of [,,-,:3itic)ri in u,-~bedtll.l dL-,,~-,th7lg yakites. Pt.2. tArm Studia UrLiv B-aS Chm 8 nc,.'Ltl23-130 163 1. "&-bes-MyEd"' (":LJ. P,-. n c ") b " I I t nerc. cnime uj 14 no ~ 1 3 1-40 3. I. Chair of Analyt~,~ and Irc!rgiri:. "hemastry, `Pab--~--Bolyal." 1 In". vc,!- 3 1, ~y , " ill.,, . simal, 1'. Volunw, or diffused gamra radlatton In rccis b-r ying tho.) Irammq-gurmia ral-thor.1 in geophysical surveyB, appl - Jaderria fqiergyt,~ 10 no,7.0261-262- Jlt6l. L --X~NRz~ SOURCE CODE: CZ/0036/66/000/00/0104/0105 ~,P6027882 AU4'HOR-. Vrbick-y. Bohuslav; Simn, Liboslay ORG: Mining Institute, CSAV, Prague (11ornicky ustav CSAV) TITLE: Use of radioisotope 0o identify freezing drills in the sinkind of shafts SOURCE: Jaderna energie, no. 3, 1966, 104-105 TOPIC TAGS: radioisotope, mining engineering A'B3TRACT: The article reports the results of experiments conducted to identify freezing drills by means of the radioisotope Co-60 in the sinking of air"shafts in the lignite deposit at Ratiskovice. The method developed is very simple, rapid and reliable. It permitted making clear the situation at a depth of 75 meters and improving the drilling technique. This paper was presented by A. Tezky. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [JPRS: 36,8451 SUB CODE: 08, 18 SUBM DATE: none Card 1) UDC: 622.:539.16 PEcsi, maron, a foldrjztudomanyok doktora; ~IXN, Laszloj tudomanyos munkatars; SZABO, Pal Zoltan, dr., a foldrajztudomanyok kandidatusa The 1962 anniversary conference of geography. Foldr kozl 10 no.4055-362 162. 1. Tudomanyos intozeti igazgato, Bu"pest; "Foldrajzi Koslownyekw foszerkesztoje (for Pecsi). 2. Foldrajzi Kutato Csoport gazdasagi foldrajzi reszleg vezetoje; "Foldrajzi Kozlemenyak" szerkeazto bizottsagi tagja (for Simon). 3, Magyar Foldra":L Tarsasag alnoke; tiidomanyos intezeti igazgato, Pecs: "Fold--ajzi- Kozlemenyek* szorkeazto bizottsagi tagja (for Szabo). SIMCF, Iaazlo, dr., tudomanyos munkatars Data on a hydrogeographic law. Foldr. kozl. 11 ro.3t266-267 163. Work and standpoint of the Hungarian Geographical Society in conjunction with the now geographical curriculum for secoL- dary schoola. Ibids 246-251 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akadainia Foldrajzi Kutato Csoport gazda- sagi foldrajzi reszlegenok ,,ezetoje; Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsa- sag fotitkara; "Foldrajzi Kozleraenyek"'szerkeszto bizotteagi tagja. S2,1014, Laszlo,, ievelezo W~at is the sitliation in Hungarian ikeroclubs? Repules 17 no. 5:7 My 164., 1. "Repules." SIMON, Laszlo, dr. Data on the investigation of the agricultural micro-areas of Zala County. Foldrajzi ert 10 no-1:45-65 161. SDION, Laszlo,dr. The example of Nyirseg, a region in Hungary. Foldr kozl 10 no.1:103-105 162. Simoll, Laszlo, dr. Apple production of the Nyirseg and the Tisza-Szamos region. Foldr kozl 10 n0-3:233-253 162. 1. Magyar 'Ndomanyos Akademia Foldrajzi Kutato Csoport gazdasagi foldrajzi reszlegenek vezetoje; Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag fotitkara; "Foldrajzi Ko4lemenyekn szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja. SIMON, Iaszlo.. dr. The effect of the production branches of irtensive faming on the migration movement in Szabolos-Szatmar County. Foldrajzi ert 11 no.1:149-154 162.