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SIMKOVIC, I. BOLF, J.; SISKA, K.; GUPKA, M.; SMRECHMISKY, V.; - -- SC111101CIORP M.; zlvU, P. Apparatus for artificial blood circulation designed in Czecho- slovakia. Eksper. khit-. 5 no.6:16-22 N-D 160. (MIRA l4s2) (PERFUSION PLRT (HEAPT)) SDIOVIG, I.; S11RECANLlY, V.; TRANCIK, J. Contribution to the functUon of disc oxygenators. Bratisl. lek. liEty 41 no.10:577-585 161. 1. Z II chirurgickej klinik-y Lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho, v Bratislave, prednosts, akademik SAV K. Siska, nositel Radu prace. (HEART MECHANICAL) SHRECHARSKIY, V.[.-,mrecansky, V.1; SHISHKA, K [SiBka K --J~MVITS I 0 I-L (Simkovic, I I- SMORER, M.[Snorer, M:1; GuBkA, MjHubkal~' 9=s problems of perfusion in artificial circulation. Khirurgiia m.4:85-92 162. (MIRA 15: 6) 1. Iz 2-y khirurgicheBkoy kliniki meditsinskogo fakullteta uni- veruiteta imeni Komenskogo i otdeleniya eksperimentallnoy khirurgil Instituta eksperimentallnoy meditsiny Slovatakoy almdemii muk (zav. - aksd. K. Shishka), Bratislava. (13LOOD-XIRCULATION, ARTIFICIAL) SHISHKAS K. [Sieka, K.]; SHIWVITS, I. [Simkovic, I.]; GUBKA, M. (Hubka,MI; SMRECHANSKIY, V. [Smrecanisky, Vji-SINOMP M. [Snorer, K.] Surgery using an apparatus for extracorporeal circulation. Khirurgiia no.9:18-22 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz 2-y khirurgicheskoy kliniki meditsinskogo fakullteta Universi- teta imeni Kamenskogo v Bratislave i otdeleniya eksperimentalinoy khirurgii (zav. - akad. K.Shishka) Instituts. eksperimentallnoy meditainy Slovatskoy akademii nauk. (PERMION PUMP (HEART)) PK IRif [toll t4 ew mg IL oil Nr ZIA I lit ;21 at -.4r Ls v SHNORER, M.; SHISHKA, K.; SHIMKOVITS GUBKA, M.; SMRECHANSKIY, V. Changes in the coagulation and anticoagulation blood factors during artificial circulation. Xhirurgiia 38 no.5:25-27 My 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz 2-wy kbirurgichaskoy kliniki meditsinskogo fakullteta Universitsta imeni Komenakogo v Bratislave i otdoloniya eksperimentalluoy khirurgii (zav. - akad. K. Shishka) Insti- tuta eksperimentallnoy meditsiny Slovatskoy akademii nauk. (BLOOD--COAGULATION) (BLODD-CIRCULATION, ARTIFICIAL) SISKA, K - SIMKOVIC I VANZUROVA, E.; SCIVITORRER, M.; S14RECANSKY, V.; *4L= 0 HUB , M.; UNDROUGHOVA, D. Postoperative complications and postoperative care of patients operated on with the use of extracorporeal circulation. Bratiol. lek. listy 42 no.9-523-535 262. 1. Z II chir. kliniky lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislave, pred- nosta clen koresp. CSAV K. Siska. (HEART MEGHAKCAQ (HEART SURGERY compl) (POSTOPERATIVE CARE) KRATOCHVIL, M.; CEM, J.; SCHNIERER, M.; PETRAS, J.; SIMKOVI I j_ SWECANSKY, V. -- - _71c-i-v! Surgical anatorq of the outflow of the left heart. Bratiol. lek. listy 63 no-3:165-169 163. 1. Laboratoritun pre vyskum chirurgicke.j patofyziologie Lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislava, rLditell doc. MUDr. M. Kratochvil. (AORTIC VALVE) (PIIATOMY) (HEART SURGERY) (AORTA) (CORONARY VESSELS) SIMKOVIC)I.; S14MCANSKY,V.; KRATOGfIVIL,M.; CEWTY,J. Functional evaluation of membrane pumps. Bratisl. lek. listy 44 no.4:193-198 164. Hemodynamic laws in the arterial sector of the extracorporeal circulation. Ibid:199-202 1. 11. chirurgicka klinika Lek.fak.Univ.Komenskeho v Bratislave (veduci: akademik K.Siska) a Laboratorium pre vyzkum chirur- gicl:ej patofyziologie Lek.fak.Univ.Komenskeho v Bratislave (veduci: profJ[.Kratochvil). 4,- -AWAY, J.; Tec-~,diJ!x spolupraca: c i! -1) V.A Contribition to tip w~- )f ACT' 1-.l,)od Jn extracc-porpal circulation. ~ratliil. lc-;,. Ility 44 n-,.7:-Ili"--"7 15 '1 '~4. (v,,i,,),Jci doe. r. -:-zity (vpri~--!i rrof. MUPr. K. InJ vf P-/.j,cr!irt--ntilno.j mv-jioirv v (vo,"lln! III -i-nip ;.*,. SII-IY,O'IIG, J.; HU13YAl M.; KWTELUIY, J.; SGHIJOR~Ijgij, M. '-,'ffect of hypothermia on circulation. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no-311 1181-1187 4 Ang 58. 1. 2 laboratorium Chirurgi Doewiadczlanej Slowackiej Aka demii Nauk w Bratyslawim; kierownik Akademii DkV nrof. dr K. Siska. Adres: Poznan. n1. Szkolna 8/12. Doc. dr Jan Moll. (HYPOTHWIMIA, eff. on blood rirc. in dogs (Pol)) ('9WOD GIRCUIATIOIT, phyBlol. ,-ff. of hypothermia in dogs (Pol)) F. L. J- ry -,It._`c1!.._ !.1 . .' _-ms h.-,Lt, Male or :r - a~ lt~t.Tj,- t: wc--aA. MjL1oj I cal Llh~Li%:_-p Xql~s, :t.,I, abd C 'A. -11-J, 1z :"4j ;p 47-io' ;~ u,t 7. c! :--at 4, of _V. aloe I-Z!.ri ;1-',s a. tt.. a W, wr LrZ. -.I* t r J:~,, -(.rm. ,I V f Pie: pu4r.1 j1p.4 C4,z-. L4 L~rs' I JC1 Ir: Z L. ~4 Tc,,rc. '~%.r C.Izwl~ tr U11 -a-111tv, tar 'J_~ of t!%. x "Llt x 01~1! ---~ I- , v-s i, 7, W.Awnt, -Lr' J-rtwi jm, A At ..r,-3 *A-t. 'W's, 1_0~ 'All F; JIj-_11 ;E:1 I.A ;O..f D.Fart.-irt r: -Z.1tr'. pit -1, R~. ~mLr 'Z_ U. -3~rar.-c~Joa daeod oi ^o'c~'.Won of ~1-d '7 U;-t-C ili-l '714C .,I= A-t ~ ;*n -'k" I -mi 11ti-1-11 J, .1 31mK'RIY,IOVfI.P M.; SILVAYOVA, 0.; SIMEOVIG, I.; 61LVAY, J.; Technicks. spolupracat CERN'JSAKOVP, M.; FMOVA, E.; 11POCROVA, L.; ULLRICHOVA, G. Contribution to the use of ACD preserved blood in extracorporeal circulation. Bratial. lek. listy 44 no.7:391-397 15 0 164. 1. 7akultna transfuzna stanica v Bratislave, (vpdouci doe. Mr. M. Hrubisko, C.bc.); 1T. chirurgic'Ka kliniks. Lek. fak. Univenity Komenskeho v Bmt1slave, (veducl prof. MUDr. K. Siska, Dr. Sc.,) a Oddelenip experimentalnej chirurgie Ustavu experimentalne-j nedicIny Slovenskej akademie ved. v Bratislave, (veduci a~aderrdk C-SAV K. Sisks). SRIKOVICOVAJI.; NEL11,110T, E. Isolation and biochemical indices of Coryrebacteria pyogeres var. hominis. Bratisl. lek. listY 45 no.3:136-141 15 F 165. 1. Krajska hygionicko-epidemiologicka stanica v Bratislave (riaditel: MUDr. F. Schulz). zjimkovics Und Korot;sy. 1'er - es i~inikaj ral. , -enicillin es a redox-fe:-tek--,k viszonya t-ion,--'-i,) of p,-n.-L*ci',lin to re,-Jox- dyes Cr-io:-,ok L,-Pja 190, 3135 (1377-1378) The antiLlotic effect of penici'lin on 3usceptible strains of 6ta-,,hylococei is increased by methylene, 1,lue. Ten other ~iyes of jiffer~nt redox potential were inve~-tigated, but none of them enhanced the t.~fltect of -enicillin. T~-.e oxn-eri:!iental techid ue is do,-cribed.,but no exr.erirentzil ~L~ta -are ,-,iven. It is ecncl~i~4ed tlu--t the redox potency of ~enlci'1;111 t~lFYs~ a role in its antibiotic ef~.ect. Straub--5zeCed So-.Physialdgy, Blocherdstry E.nd Pharmacology, Section II, Vol. I, ifl-6 V 0 0 0 0 go 0 As 1. It J, Q .4 re 1 T- -,L AA 10 ti w t'l C-O'-*L- Of PwdciWu 4" 4yes. G A i i UMSt w S ndiov m Mul Sim" KOFUNY (Tudominyrsy- 00 8: ttt:ni florts NemilMirtsul KIMft. Drbrmu, Orw sk / NO i d a m OVI gally S. lar.-O(194 7). are 0 sutiNOtit r efto Of Pmkillin 16 definitely Increased by ructhylene Nue (a dye that bas a aftbt positive ekctjo& 0 Dyes jrore positive had strong impeding 0 as tatil as dyes with strong negative "ndels. 0 .3 Thus,;ht "uCtion oxidation =tW of penicillin seems to pla a Stirnificant role In its ISIVAn Fkawy 0 :0 00, t s0'3 t zoo zoo see zoo t:00 two 602~- 4 -V to 0 u n- 4, Ani land!) "WIW1M a 0 o' Do 69 K N $11 U U 'r 09 K13 n 446 ~-Tr 00*000000000000000000o~oo;i;oooooooooeooooeoooI 0 i*00000*00000000100 044000000000000000000*000000 - IV 0 go 0 0 uIs m If f .1), Iko 01191!115 T C-atribmuous to tho wa& cj ,Ijm j ;,nWhI, CA ~i- Asy. G. 5"It"Vies, 611.1 J. tiff ilk.,. I,,, ~,, N -I 1 (14 11001 J 1 N. 1l ."148 C"11 - .1 the 4ddn. of penicdh., re.tjIjeI jude_ 0 jwn-fently at its can",. in (1) inoviam, .I I`C~j -ir-61ii"S A1111 : siftllvhf~ * J hcoe effects w,,r iu.ICIwtj.Ivjjj "(th~ 00 %Wlat Io which he vArk*&,s porpas. dif jwnwillm h-1 I,,rn 4 I 1 4611"1 11W 1 of I~Icvva IgrAltd %IIh 00 I~ m..11111 sudelvendrittly ul ):Iuk~ IIA 14,1~1 I.- III, -ht. mjp 11141 ` = po'k-him 4, not file I" 1 1, (1,, 1 14 it it ."'. I hr 4'. j . ........... It. mliac thal 114 00 a ummisumpa I ma,jsnikmi~ it. rhe u%id.k(upti-tehirthm I.Al.ime under the effect ,( Ivirnit-illits shift, hm.irds ,%W.aom #1 W A 4 // - " " &.Up AIS 0 -1 so VID So ISO 00 00 00 Fhe I tr(or C.111,itlK I'm1i(virmion iIII fr,fillic 1.,. 1, to, -11 1w ;,it dvml 11V 1,116,11161. ~"IAIV *0 400 100 ISO so loo .6.0 100 00 J :00 0 UtINAT09 CLAISWKAIIQN atl&LLU*GKAL 00 v-ifW i~'. it off rd 0 0 2 U 101 Al 10 11 Sp Is p p It a dC w'fata itfun a 119 I kee* ISO oil 0 0 9 ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 : % ~ !.I I I , Z J1 I I? A a 11 U 11 0 4 11 0 1 11 1 at a as pe e o A I. to, 11 1 1 to I t 1. 00 . - - --- Subollh=ts produed by milcroitillamist,,n Inhibi" th, C i -00 0 Action of antibicitics, ClIsItiv ,4nlknviK-,, jim, SjmI,,f lee K.W.,viy. Onwif Ifffilap go, net,- 0 1""1 *it It file 111111C IIIII'Mil Of 1W.,V 1. *00 V,irlfpts% Ilmh4bgruic I"CirfLA. III 11~4ftwuj,,V. FilAr"jil', lee 111111ithmi. I.Yovyiallru., typilut, 1111.1 jur.1typhil. 00 procluced 4ignitiormll -miti. ad on lee 7 -treit "olvelflAw N-i or,wreLslim o.h%rrmI Ill. i ~ lee the Ali$). I)# Inhibiting %tib'U.Ims prosalu"d 0 x It asimmul anti.. 44 the &nti")tic were .,I,a,, Alfqf"f tip the 0 0 111till, , 11i'll ill,- .41111 ill iliblint.'r, imithict'l Int-fra-1 :0 H. pya yamrrmi~ The effmi 4 file it,1111,11-4 -votird no#( to Im starrifiv. iniv Iwincillmi- =00 :0 J mold inhibit the actim of streptornycits alsiD anti. ctmi. vrtv-lv. AreptomyrilL&W inhibitell the effect (if it-tiovillm Fee 00 Fitrth -~f on VV'lt ilrA0011% are I'V.111ireal 11) I-r-lVC WIIVIhCf 111. 00 see Ili ort-ptonoycin .4ppetred misre inspially than th.1t tOwAr'I lit'sucil in. but there w.ts no cofforLition with the flacon sto,ots ,f twit 111ill4W (IT ureptilinVC49W. The inhibitu" it - %IFTI)temnyvin anti joarnivillin. 110 trfrr- I,tv!kfl too Ilk :i to* &I. It & a-- V 1 4 Y-tn W0 u 11 11 1 11 -.9 a( K a R a 11 a It It x 14W a 8 look 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0-* 000 00000 0 90906066,111,0 0 0000 000000 SIMKOVICS, G., (5487) A Debreceni Tudorianyegyetem Por- os Nemikortant Klinikajarol 9s Oyogyszertani Intesetebol. Bakteriumok szerzett resiBtentinjarol, kulonos takintettel a dshyd-ogenasek activItar4ra Acquired resistance of bacteria with particular regard to the activation of dehydrogenases Or-rosi Hetilap 1949, 90/2 (41-45) Grayb:s 3 M. pyogenes aureus, M. coli and Ps. acruginosa strains were adapted to the bacteriostatic effect of methylene blue, trypaflavin, protargol, spnicillin and streptoqrcin. The accLuired resistance of the different strains varied, Strains adapted to methylens blue became resistLnt also to protargol and trypaflavin, remained, however, sensitive topfti- cillin and streptomycin. The acquired resistance against metbylene blue disappeared after culture in normal broth. The virulence of M. pyogenes did not change when the organisms became resistant tomethylene blue. The dehydrogenase activity of the adapted strains was higher than that of the original strains. Jeney - Debrecen So: Excerpta Medica, Vol.II, Nn. 10, Sect. II, Oct. 1949 Sll-IKUIIASY V.; VAlSVILAIIE, 0.; VASLAUSK1111EP M., otv. red. [Complications in applying antibiotics; a bibliogrqphic index for 194E-19581 Komplikacijos gydant antibiotikais; bibliografine rodyIde, 10W-1958. Vilnius, 1960. 77 p. (PIRA 15: 5) 1. Vilna. Respublikine moksline medicinos biblioteka. 2. Zamestitell direktora Respublikanskoy naucbno-=fttehmiwy biblioteki(for Maslruskiene). (BIBLIOGRAPIff -AYITTMOTTCS) SIMKUNAS, V.; MASLAUSKIENE, M.; ZAIKAUSKAS, M., red.; ZILINSKIENE,V., red.; KVIKLYS, V.p kand. med. nauk, red.; MOTIEJUNAS, L.v kand. med. nauk, red.; NENISKIS, J., kand. med. nauk, red.; STECOVSKIS, A.L., tekhn. red. [Lithuanian medical bibliogmphy] Lietuviskoji medicinine bibliogra ija. Vilnius, Valstybine moksline medicinos biblioteka. Vol.2. 1958-1960. 5/.3 p. (NIRA 17:3) 1. Predsedatell Soveta Gosudarstvennoy nauchno-meditsin- skoy biblioteki Ministerstva zd--avookhraneniya Litovskoy SSR (for Zaikauskas). 2. Direktor Gosudarstvennoy nauchno- meditsinskoy biblioteki Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Litovskoy SSR (for Zilinskiene). SINKUS,K. Four cases of allergic reaction to parental administration of vitamin EIL. Sveik. apsaug. 8 no.2225-27 F163. 1. Kauro ma III ligoninea V)rr.gyd. - R*Dtmcius, J* JUCZAITIS, D., VI k. stud.; SIKKUS) V.) V k. stud.; DAIJELIUS, J. BIZEVICIUS, K.; KACEft=9-,r.-;BUTKEVICIUS,P.; I.ESAVAITE,J. Treatment of dermatoses with elimination diet. Sveik. apsaug. 8 no.1:42-1+3 Ja'63. 1. Kauno ViLlst. medicinos instItuto Odon-veneros ligu dis- panseris. S tar. i.,; I riw czyZEUSK", dr.; . EATIZIF, Rt -t.; SI-LIT, 7 el Orga). -"~ It 1 Cl", 0" ~h,', treatme.- t vacc:lj.- t'on ir children during the S! :.all-,CX Ep-'de-ic In 'a'roclaw in 19(-,3. N-zegl. epidem. 18 no.4:419-4-21 1. Z Tlej li~ t. a 7 Corodka Ao E- F t h ACC NR; :,-(,02?-55z1 :~(_IIKCE CODE: CZ - - _/6 _/Ol /012/0`50/08541 1003 1 5 3 AUTHOR: M.elcai-, I-Lilas (Enginepr); Simlik, Antonin Dik;c_'tal Computer Controlled Machinery Attestation Shop, Precision-Machine Works._D_.p., Gottwaldov (Overovaci provoz cislicove rizenych stroju ZPS Gottwaldovs nps) TITIE: Diaital computer controlled semiautomatic turret lathe from the technological point of view Ij .I - SOURCE: ;trojirenska vyroba, v. 13, no. 12, 1965, 850-854 TOPIC TAGS: metal machining, digital computerv lathev automatic machinev automatic control technologyj automatic control design/RPK 25 lathe ABSTRACT: The article discusses the groups of products with different shapes which are machined with the RPK 25 semiautomatic turret lathe under the control Cf a digital computer.' The design considerations required-for successful use of the equipment are stated. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 3 tables. (JPRSI SUB CODE: 13, 09 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 001 Card 1/1 (1 uDc: 621-941-232: 621.94lo2,36: 621-9-52 * , , . "". : ~ '. " ~l -:, ". - . I - - ! , : !-. , - a 1~ c ~j; ta--i.-, chs,~r-,-at~ ns an-l f*-~cl- ii~c,'-vered Jurin't, Mir d r- dlent.~ "n L o -,.-Ai~-rn torrltori,-s F,--)la~ I durine 1946/4?, it zu~ frict tul.,.iraer.ia bcc. me it matb~,- -f intere-it for tw- rea.,3-ns: rublic "en1th andL the pri.,35ibility 4' ra~,j.d c -ntrcl -)f In Inlanl therr. rxiFt al] V- n(~cnlogi(- c-n~.Hti-ns t- tl-.e% survival aml -if tl.(, cz.-kusative In Vhe cr) -u r : c, ut on fipl i-dents in t,- %pars '.(..,46-47, j-.*-v.~v-rr'l in ~-rx- szirclilmpn t-:,- ficl(l antl 01- ra,;-Jd c,xt I'n c, - on f t~ r - j e. -. ts i ri s- I tc. - f the pres ~mc ec- e ro,-i I sa y '~p -r!--lcf a r ty Kozar --G-i--nsk jnri HyZ.T-r-nel Secticin 371, Vol. 3, No. 1-6 SP,O,fj K, 7ebielik k,!rlecz,3k (Crocirlurp mimuln Miller) in Polnnd. Krnkou, Niki. Pols'lej !k-Aemii 11rdejetno3ci, 7952. 11 P. (!,.nterinjj do fizjof,,rlrii krqjul nr. 31. ')ocumentn nhyslogrnnhicp. "olonine, no. 31) /r-,rocidurn mimuln Miller (Soricidne) In Polnnd. !~nplinh ind Pusainn SUMMqries. Bibl.,/ '30: Monthly List of East Ei=oDean Accessions, Vol. 3, No. 2, library of Congress, Feb. 1954, uncl. Simi,) 11 ~t. *A kca' *4 IP to S.S.R. 1953, #cras. Zkur. Kkim..' id"Kkipt. 19S5. Mol alkajoid (1) content of eclandint JU) Increased towards the cud 4 the growth and fruit-ripening period from 0.48 to 1.04% on the drr wt.*. basis. Atute of I is found in the toots (up to in the leaves (tip to 0.06% on the dry basis). of I in U varies from year to year and with the climatic and seasonal changes. Highest ascorbic acid (M) was found in the leaves (834 mg. %) during the period of blooming; and the lowest (231, mg. %) during the time of fruit falling. The fruit had the lowcst III content; drying further retirj~d it..001 B. S. L-tXWo_. of 'Jif- er of f T' .1 T Orit~lly .,i!zt Of .:4z;t 7-", vol. r:0. 11 Hydrochemical data on Vor-tsjarv. p. 155. -T, : CrTLT, t-ITI~T~'l Sr~ll. GID~ijDT- -"SI-"E-OVA','IA. Tirtu. liunFar-1. o. 1, 191 p. !!cnthly Mst of "ast '-uronean Accessions ('27 ,AT) LC, vol. P, rio. 11 NovemLe- 1959. lincl. HABEW,;10;, B., akader-ik, red.; VELDRE, I., kand. biol. nauk, red.; 1410,17S, A., red.; SD2-1,',KX, kand. farm. nauk, red.; LAUL, U., tekhn. red. [Illydrobiological research] lhidrobioloogilised uurimused. Tartu. Vol.2. 1961. /+Il p. (MIRA 1512) 1. Eest-' NSV Tenduste akadeemia. Zooloogia ja botaanika instituut. 2. AJademiya nauk Estonskoy SSR (for Haberman). Hydrobiological research) SIMM, SzCZ6C%y (Youmui, Libelta 22) Diagnonis of uterine cancer. Gin. polska 25 no.1:49-60 J&-Mr '54. 1. Na podstawie materIalu KlIniki Poloznictwa I Chorob Xobiscych Akademil Ned. w Poznaniu. Kierownik: prof. dr mod. I.Roaskowski. (UTkRUS. neoplasms, Odiag., cytol.) SIMM, Szezesrq Vaginal smear in the second half of normal pregnancy; preliminary communication. Gin. polska 26 nool:61-68 Jan-Mar 55. 1. 2 Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych A.M. w Poznaniu. Kierownik: prof. dr I.Roazkowski. (VAGINAL SMEARS, in pregnancy, in second half) (MGNANCY, vaginal smear in second half) SI., Szczeeny; KUCZYNSKI, Jozef Vaginal smear in normal pregnancy. Gin. polska 28 no.4: 519-526 July-Aug 56. 1. Z Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych A.M. w Posnaniu. Kiernwnik: prof. dr. 1. Roszkowskl. Poznan, Libelta 22. (PRWINANCY, vaginal smears (Pol)) (VAGINAL SIMMS, in pregnancy (Poi)) SIMN, S.; GRIS9 N.; WYRZYKIEWICZ, T. Progress in the early diagnosis of uterine cancer with cytological and histological methods in the years 1951-1955. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.1:13-17 I Jan 57. 1. (Z Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych A.M. w Poznnniu; kierownik: doc. dr. med. W. Michalklowicz). Adres: Poznan, u1. Libelta 22 m 6. (UTERUS, neoplasms diag.. cytol. & histol. methods, statist. (POW SI"M, Szczesny .-0 ~-W---*2^Wp%qVw~~=.-;'- - Cytolingnnatics of tho uterine cprvix canal. Gin. polska 2R nn.1:87-89 Jan-Feb 57. 1. Z Kltniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobincych A.M. w Poznanlu KiArownik: doe. dr. W. Michakiewicz, Poznan, Libelta 22 m. 6, (CTURVIX NMPLASMS. diag. cytol., instrnment for taking cyt,?I. naterial from (Pol)) cervical canal SIMM, Szczenny (Poznan, u1. Libelta 22 in. 6) Ambulatory department for mtients with erosion-of the vaginal por- tion of cervix. Polskie tygod. lek. 14 no.1:30-33 54an 59. 1. (Z I Kliniki Polomietwa. i Chorob Koblecych A. N. w Poznaniu; kierownlk.; doc. dr med. R.W. Michalkiewicz) (GIRVIX, UTERUCI, pathol. eroRion (Poi)) EXCERPTA ~~DICA Sec 10 Vol 1*2 Obstetrics D 59 2129. THE CYTOLOGY OF THE METAPLASTIC CHANGES OF THE CERVICAL EROSION - S i m in S. First Obstet. and Gynaecol. Clin,, Med. Acal Poznaft - G77TAIMULOGIA (Basel) 1959, 147/2 (80-91) Tables I 111%J'S*.' 10 The process of cervical erosion begins when cervical cylindrical epithelium for some reason penetrates beyond the external orifice. This alteration is called papillary erosion. The cyUndrical glandular epithelium is replaced by multi- layered squamous epithelium when the so-called reserve cells replace the cylLn- drical epithelium and are transformed into flat cells. Such an erosion is described as erosi.3n in the stage of epidermization. These reserve cells are multipotential embryonic cells situated under the cyUndrical epithelium. This metaplasia may lead to the formation of paratypical or atypical cells as the beginning of the develop- ment of carcinoma. In 159 cases a comparative study was made between a biopsy and a smear. The smears contained many of these metaplastic cells, especially in cases of erosion in the state of epidermization. They are described in detail, mainly In order to make it possible to distinguish them from paratypical cancerous cells. Into which they are sometimes transformed. Wallenburg 7- Saeek (X, 5~ OR SIMM,.&zazdsny Cytodiagnosis of erosions of the cervix uteri. Poznan.tow.przyjaciol nauk,wydz. lek. 18 no.3:1-55 160. (GXRVDC UTZRI di3. ) SIM-1, Szczozny Blood extravasa-.ion in the uterine mucosa. Ginek. Pol. 33 no-5: 659-672 162. 1. Z I Klinik4- Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych AM w Poznaniu.Kierownik; prof. dr med. W. Michalkiewicz. (UTERINE HEMORRHAGE) f41FjIAI,r:i,:V I (A It V. I MLc I in I kewicz, ',;.I; PRAli I, L.A. (i'rzybor-a, 1.. 1 . 1131MM, S.; VOLINA, M. (wolnu, 14.1 Compound histo-cytoclinical evaluation as a method -for the detection of precancerous conditions and preinvasive cancer of the cervix uteri. Akush. i gin. 40 no.2:102-107 1-jr-An t6! 17: -11"!~ 1. 1-ya akustiersko-ginekologicheskaya klinika (rukovoditell - prof. V. Mikhalkevich) Meditsinskoy akademii, Poznan'. Szczeoriy; GLITTEGFI, StalAziftw 7he application of dihexiverine in the fir-t stage cf laber. Ginek. Pol. 36 no.2:173-178 F '65 1.'Z I niniki Poloznictwa i Cho-rob Kobiecych Akademli Med~cz- r!ej w Poznanlu (Kierowrilk: prof. dr. m61. W. Mlchalkle~ ~jfl-!M, Szczeany; DUBIEL, Jan On the problem of chemotherapy of the ovarian and uterine cancer. Ginek. Pol. 36 no. 12:1409-1413 D 1 65. 1. Z I Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Koblecych AM V Poznanlu (KIerownikr prof. dr. med. V. Michalkievica). P, AKSMAN, H.H.; VIU0,11SKIY, L.I.; GORBUNOV, N.G.; (MSKIY, V.11.; GURVICH. H.D,; LK"YSIM, Yu.H.; UVONTIN, L.I.; LIVSHITS, T.G.; LOGI- NOVA, M.K.; LURIYIC, D.A.; LTAMMS, G.D.; KLROSBNICHMIKO, G.K.; MOGILEVSKIY, B.Ya.; IUMOVSKIY, M.I.; CRLEAlMlY, Ta.P.; SA- VITSKIT, A.H.; SIMU, S.F.; SURKOV, G.Z.; MWGULI, B.P.; SIRMIN, V.P.; DONSKOY, Te.To., red.izd-va; KALINITSKIY, R.Ta., red.izd-va; ZAMAKHOVSKIT, L.S.. [Mechanization and autowtion in the machinery industry] Hekhani- zataiin i avtomatizataiis v stankostroenii. Kharlkov, Kharlkovskoe obl.izd-vo. 1958. 119 P. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Kharkov. Institut *Giprostanok.1 2. Direktor instituta "Gipro- stanokO (for Orleanskly). (Machinery industry--Technological innovations) Outom9tion) L 8894-66 VdA(b)-2/EWA(j)/EWT(l)/FS(V)-3 DD/JK ACC NR, AF502T365 Z SOURCE CODE: CZ/0062/65/007/( qJ.1_ 44,'~< 4" - AUTHOR: Komarek, J. -- Komarfklj.; Simmer_LJ. - Simmer, Ya. ORG: Laboratory for Experimental Algology, Institute of Microbiolsm, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Trebon TITLE: Synchronization of Scenedesmus quadricauda cultures,,' SOURCE: Biologiya plantarum, v. 7, no. 6, 1965, 409-424 TOPIC TAGS: plant development, algae, biologic reproduction, synchronous culture ABSTRACT: Methods of synchronizing Scenedesmus quadricauda cultures are described. tureP`at 18-22C in cultivation flasks were Illuminated with fluorescent lamps (intensity 1.25-3.04 erg/cm2s). Light and dark intervals were determined strictly by the state of the culture. Air enriched with 3-5% C02 was bubbled con- tinuously through the culture medium. The following parameters of the synchronized culture were studied: average length of the coenobia and distribution according to length, dry weight, number of cells, packed cell volume, and optical density. With constant temperature and light intensity, a synchronized culture can be kept in this state for any length of time. Experimental results showed two main periods in the life cycle of Scenedesmus quadricauda, just like those observed for Chlorella ellip- soidea: 1) a light-dependent growth phase and 2) a reproductive phase independent of light. Autocoenobia are,released from the mother cell gradually; thus, 100% synchro- L 88, ACC NRs AP5027365 iiiotion 6f Scenedesmus is never possible. Under these conditions one life cycle took 60-90 hr (the time ratio of growth to reproductive phase was 2-2.5 to 1). Changes" in the culture during ontogenesis are shown in Fig. I Qu tification of the degree Fig. I. Course of the main factors followed in a synchronized culture of Scenedesmus quadricaude, during one life cycle I - Average length of the coenobium, v - dry weight; N number of cells; PCV - packed cell volume; OD optical density of the suspen- sion. co --Nor? of synchronization achieved for a given population of organisms (at any phase in their life cycle) is accomplished with the help of information theory. Sample cal- culations are presented. Orig. art. has: 9 figures and 2 tables. L 8894-66 AC C NRs AP5027365 SUB CODE: 0&/ SUBM DATE: 23Dec64/ OM REF: 021/ SOY REFI: 001/ ATD PRESS: Cord 3/3 h USSR/Ifuman and Animal Iliy3iology - (Normal and Hitholo~jcal). 'I. General Problems. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7) 1958) 31352 Author : Vasillyev, I.G., i nit. . klyupchim, Ye,L., Si-uiirnov, K.M., Filippov, B.G.), I itun, S.A., Shatalov, A.M. Inst Title On the Daily periodicity of Human Efficiency. Orig Pub Fiziolp zh. SSR, 1957, 43, No 9, 817-824. Abstract No abstract. CtLrd 1/1 ABOVYI, Ivan., dr.; SIKNO, liew Robel prize w1me-Z-zi. Elet tad 19 no.53195-199 31 Ja 164. HUNG /DatermhMISM of the phocojeras pentoxido content of Oka rocks. VV, FFL~M 13. ft~, AND L. Egysr, eta Chim. Acad. Sei. Hung., S [1-2141041111"11194).-A new method for the deur-,. mination of PjM that is Muck fSsW than the usual Cravimetric- method Is dewdbed.-'PA Is messured colorimettleally with a solution of the Onely powdexW cubausee In molybdenum blue. "Corbic scid. Only 1. gm. ot puiverized subaftnce is required. -About 9 hr. Is iaved In time. s3d the accuracy is very high. suid-colorinie Measu on 44 rock samples am described In detail. 8 refemams. MMA jai Determination of $Ibit contgat of ,t catit rocks - SzOik. /Martahlufflak V. M=. It. SitnLiLod Ertlex. ( tun. triAn jouctial 01 LHOMIStfr- r Miami FO~Voirtd Vol. W, 1034, No. 3. 11P. 04) 9.1. j tabs.) The purpose of these Investigations was to find it colorimatric method for the determination of phosphorus In silicate rocks which takes less time thart the cfassical grayintetrio procedure. No satisfactory solutiort to the problent was reached by the reduction qjt the phospho. molybdato complex by oirnnototc blaride, hydroquinane- ecial.cose. The essentials or metallic molybdenum In this sp , of the new' procedure are: the d g -estion and the prepar- ation pf itta stoilt solution front a j X sample was carried out by the Dittler method, from mos to o-t g sampk% with somo, modificatkms according to the method de- scribcd by Allmatin awl Sheskolmitaya, Tito stock solution 4 :houhl be diluted it nece-mary. A portion of io nd of this tock solutinn (containing 35.-,jSo jug of phosphorus pentoxide) is transferred into it graduated vniumetric flask of $* rat caimcity, -jo, ml of N-sulfuric tKid. 5 rut of a 4% ammunlunt molybdato solution and ia nd of it o.T K-ascqfbIc " solutlim are added. filled up to volume and mixed. After stwiding for v5 minutes readings 4ro taken with a Pulfrkh-typc cularimeter using an S 72 C0101'r filter. Tito methmi save% tinte stoid clwmica'-N. the values are In Scusd agrminthl; witiv the 10*11ts Obtaffited Fy gravi- metric deterinjuatioAs. !-2, I-s (-cnt., ~r.]n; si ! 0 : . .I. Photonetric detcrmination ~)y means r1l' as,-rtmic aci,i (,.' 4.:,e 7-honrnorus rmtent in rr~ck~--, from liLtrates r" oilieLc acid. P. h76- ( r. - ~-, I-; 1-A."' L - )' (vudapeS4, iiunj-ary) Vol. 12, :.*o. 10, Clct. 1957 u I ~:, : o-;thly im-ex o-" East '-uropean Ac ession (.LAi.i U- -Iio~. ~. ~,o. ~, 19".8 F~ - - Dis tr: 4E;2cAF,2c(j) ? Dttennination of snull amounts eflow in iron or" in w the farm of pyri -dine -Thodamide Y~klmq EdL-, T-6. KohdszdU lapok 01. 341 of ores contg. 0.01-0.001% Cu, weigh 0.6 S. finely ground sample into it 100-ml. heaker and dissolve in a rnixt. 4319 '0,. - 1 HjSOj and evap. mt. MCI and 2 nil. I I N Add 4 mt. 1. until the appearance of %hite fumes. Filter, by using a 00 mm. diam. hard paper, wa.-ih the ppt. rvith hot 1% IlrSO,, and collect the filtrate in a 250-rul. bmker. Neutralize with NILOU, then add an excess of 10 Mi., boil to coagui concd. I late the ppt., filter with a Ito turn. diam. srmi-hard papa, and wash with hot HrO. Dissolve the ppt. in 10 ml. I* L MCI and repeat the pptn. Combine the filtrates and, dc. pending upon the Cu content, prep. a 50- or 100-mi. stock soln.or evap. to.10 nit. To20m1.ofthissoln.,inaIOO-rnI. ; itory funnel, add I drop phenolphthalein soln., 3 drops 1 P ~V H 0., 6 rni. 10% NH.CN'S soln.. and I ail. 10170 pyridine 2 akt for 80 see., add 10 ml. CHCIA, shake another 80 soln.; sh d sep. the layers. Plicitar,ttrically evaluate the stc., an yellowish green CHCIj fraction. To prep. a standard, dix- ' solve B.P27 x. CuSO4,5H,O In a few mt. ivater, add 8 ml. 1.84 sp. gr MtS04. and roake up to IOW in]. with HrO at 201. The ;jln.. after thOrOUgh shaking, will contain I mg. Cu/ral. Dil. 100 mt. to obtain a solo. contc, 0.01 mg. W. and use 1, 3. 5. and 10 mt.. resp.. to prep. a standard, curve. To realize the mar. sensitivity of the Method tho- to 0.01 mg. :I/IQ CHC4 ext.70auld prefemWy contAia 0.1 (FU) S11-10, 13e]a,- dr. Photometric determination of phosphorus content of rocks by ascorbic acid formed in silic1c acid filtrates. Koh lap 12 no. 10:476-1,77 0 157. [Y)KA, Terez; SIMO, Mn, dr. Analysis of stone coal ash from the Nagybatony brown coal-pyroxine andesite contact'. Foldt kozl 94 no.1:89- 95 Ja-Mr 164. HUNGARY SIMO, Benedek, Dr; Szeged. [affiliation not given), "Reposition of Small Intestine-Invagination of Cattle Through the Rectum." Budapest, Magyar Allatorvosok Lapia, Vol 6, No 18. June 63, pp 256-257. Abstract: [Author's Hungarian summary) Diseases associated with coUc in cattle can only be diagnosed reliably by rectal examination. Invagination of the small intestine was corrected through the rectum In two cases, by the author. The invaginated section of the bowel was freed by grasping and compressing the invagimted section with the hand through the rectum. The manipulation is facilitated by relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bowels with injection of p~Lpaverine. No references. 20 s Ric: E. Vol. I , 57 hn. 1954 Aftw a gmwd'dkmmim of ,m.- 0 bydpopb*k ad 11119*61M IMP0116 4 W** *9 -..a do 9. 06 IWO ~3 r T- T ..rat Li--L. r r y of sin. n;nl T jj- '7f t r r o Z 7T i:~ Vol. loo.~--;bilitics cl the inA;rect dp-tem:*n:,t-icn of the ,-nnu,-,l w1urs ir -':Iovnk-ia (~n the rclOAct: ~.ctwe(:n annuol prccitAtntcns ~,n the i"low (,f' water in rivers. I Vol n~ CLeci:,, lcv,-~Aa) Ncn thly Indox r f Last zurot e,?n cces-,-..Jo- ..;c]. 7, r!,. S 110 62 W) OW IX) I W2 100-1 120.1 A UTH 0 R: Boldina, Ye. A. Frigine-.-r, Zvorono, Ya. P., Engincer, PesotskiN, A. A.. Ungincei. Sinio, L N Engincer and Sorokinj. A. 11 . Engineer TITLE A device for elect romagnet ic string. of an 80-ton electric arc t urriace PERIODICAL Vestnik clektropromyslilennosti. no. 4. 1962, 43-49 I'EXT: Electomagnetic stirring of molten metal is achieved by means of a rotating magnetic field created bya flat. mo-pole stator located below the furnace. To attain deep penetration of the magnetic field into the metal the frequency of the current should be the order of tenths of a cps. The pioNimity of the hot (up to 250 C) furnace bottom and the substantial linear loading of the stator create It difficull cooling problem, Air coo,ing and water cooling systems %%ere constructed and their main technical and economical featurei compared in a table. Water cooling of the stator by passing water directly through the hollow conductors of the windings proved to be the most effective and economical cooling method, considerably saving the silicon insulating material and saving 30",', of copper as compared with the air cooling system. A complete electric diagram of the stator circuit is given. Sinusoidal form of the current feeding the stator %%as secured by ineans of a negative voltage feedback nemork. Distribution of the magnetic field abo,6e the stator %kas studicd by means of a Half probe. Distribution curves are shown on a graph. Velocity of the molten metal under actual operation conditions was estimated visually and it reached 0.35 tn/sec. (herc are 5 figures. and 2 tables. Card 1,11 VAIA, Gabor, red. MESH, Mariya (Vereop Maria I red. y-lyeft, jSimo,Zenoj, urv. rect. [Eungary today] Segodniashniaia Vengriia. umiapest, Szikl*a, 1949. 6 p. illus. WIRA 15:4) (Hungary-Views) I lz 3; T C f Rj ) ;' . I . , i n-, h Stud:! of the TVF-100-2 trubogenerato,"s r7~anufact%recl by the sta. 35 na.12:2~,-28 I) BOLD IIIA, Ye,A. 14,m-h. - ZVORONO Yi.P. inzh. ~~ FESOTSKIY. A.A,, inzh.; -... izizh,.- SOROKINA, A.P., I-nzh. 4jPR, jN Llectromaenot.l.,! at-ring gystem in an 80 ton elesctrlc-arc furnaco. Vest.elektroprom. 31 no,,4~-O-~9 Ao 162. (MMA 15 t 4) ?.E;e~'trl~- Ptwna.-s) i:." , J. J. rlalii i- ai, L.v~-,;.tovy of machLne-tnxtor equ-n.:.c:-,.t i-y using a;. ifdex. jai . 1-67 Z:,Cho Z -,va ~. ia .3c, - 1',!st Eurccen-l 'io. 5, -:aY i-,51' J. p. Confs3rence of .--.ngineers in Finc, Oeranic, Vol no. AuF,. -?IT-").-,,YAr,. ruda--est, "un ~O So: Fa7tern 'European ACCeSSion. Vol 5, no. 4, April 1956 Simo, J. The cooperation of decorative artists with the fine ceramic induntry. p. 283 EFITOARYAG. (Epitoanyapipari Tudomanyos Egyesulet) Budapest,, Pungary. Vol. 1-1,, no.8. Aurust 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (UAI) LCp Vol* 8, no.11 No,wember 1959 Uncl. Simo, J. Correlations 1,etween technical and economical factors in the fine ceramics industry. P. 305 EPITCANYAG. (EpitoanyAgipari Tudotmanyos Eg"sulet) Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 11, no.g. Sentembei- 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions ~E;'11) LC, Vol. 8. no.3.1 November 1059 Uncl. SDI,O, Mihaly "Flousiellp the first winner of the Golden Wreath. ROPulOs 13 no.12:8 D '60. R/002/61,,'000/009/012/012 DOWDIO~, AUTHOR: Simo, P,., Engineer TITLE: Fatigue of metals PERIODICAL: ~tiiiqX ~i Tehnica', no. 9, 1961, 34 MT: The article deals with the principles of fatigue of metals, as well as fatigue-testing machines and methods. The I'Vibrofor" is used for computing the resistance of' parts to fatigue. A series of practical. measures was established, guaranteeing engine parts a high resistance to various stresses. These measures are divided into two categories: the first is based on careful selection of ma- terial, and the second on appropriate design of parts. Some machining operation tend to reduce resistance to fatigue; this danger can be eliminated by certain technological processes, such as cold racking, surface polishing, etc. iISSOCIATION: Institutul politehnic Bra~ov (Bragov Polytechnic Institute) Card 1/1 SIM, Tibor Reviewirg, the artistic ensembles of the Trade Union of Me tall urgists. Murka 9 ro.1:20 Ja 159. 1. Kohasz Szakszervezet kulturalis osztalyanak vezetoje. SIM0. Tibor Iron workers as creative artists, Munks. 11 no.2:20 F 161. 1. VaB- es Femipari Dolgozok Ssakezervezete kulturalle onstalyanak h.vezetoje. (Hungary-Iron and steel workers) (Hungary-Art) SIWI, Tibor Musical quiz of industrial students. Munks. 11 no.3:16-17 Mr 161. 1. Vas- es Femipari Dolgozok Szakszervezete kulturalis oaztalyanak h.vezetoje. (Hungary--Technical education) (Hungary-ftioic) SIMO Tibor Education of commuting workers; experiences in Salgotarjan. Munka 11 no.4:13 Ap 161. 1. Vas- es Femipari Dolgosok Szakazervezete kulturalis oaztalyanak h. vezetoje. (Hungary-Iron and steel workers) (Hungary-Education of adults) SIMO, Tibor Diosgyor dancers in the region of Mont Blanc. Munka 11 no.8:19 Ag 161. (Hungary-Dancing-Folk and national dances) (Hungarians in Switzerland) SIMO, WMY Competition flight in Hungary. Pt. 2. Repules 16 no.6a14 je %63. 1. Vitorlazoropulo valogatott keret tagja. SIMOCHATOV, M.P., inzh.; SIDANOV, I.A., inzh. Some blocking circuits for grounding knife switches. Elek. Sta. 32 no.11:69-73 11 '61. (PURA 14:11) (Electric switchgear) (Electric currents--Grounding) SIMOCHATOV, N.P., inzh.; BLRLKOV, AJ., master Concerning the defects of MKF-220 oil cutouts. Elek. sta. 33 no.6:56-57 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Electric cutouts) SIDANOV, I.A.,, inzh. Storage battery circuit with equalization of the operation of terminal elements. Energetik 11 no.1:14-16 Ja '63. (WRA 16:1) (Electric power distribution) (Storage batteries) SIDANGV, I.A., inzh.; SIKOCHATOV, N.P. Z--- Advantages and shortcomings of oil-filled and air switches. Usk. sta. 34 no,1:76-78 Ja 163, (MIRA 16:2) 1. MoBkovskoye rayonnoye upravleniye energeticheskogo khozyaystva. (Electric switchgear) SIMCCHATOlf, N.P. Wages of the workers of r-Inctric polver plants. l'J n~,.-l 27 Je 165, (mm" 13;,7) 1. Sekretarl TSentrallnogo kcmite-tri profe.95-ionallm,ge, :3oyuzA rabochikh elektrostantsiy i elektropromyshlennosti. S1140CEATOV, N.P. For high-quality work in p4mer engineering onterprioes. Eaergetik 13 no-10:1-3 0 065o (KM ISQO) I# Sakretarl TSentrallnogo komiteta profesoionallnogo soyuza -aboahikh slaktrostantoiy i elektxoprmWvhlonnovti. YA lamdnati on o ;1r2in Anr', resistance t.-) c old of winter vAie,-A .iien Uie aerm is transplant-trI on I or~dgn tnr~ooP-,.rm. Dok-1 .AN SESIR ~j'2 no. It, a 1?52. institut 6--netil-i I St~lek'Lsii Akn,le.-aji NaLk LS-,F. rrr! 27 Nov. 1951 SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952 x?pM Uncl. SIMDCHKINA, M.Ta. -- -.-- -1 --- Catalane &~:tivity In wheat plants grown from embryos transplanted on alien endosperm. Trudy Inst. gen. I sel. AN URSR 5:88-92 '58. (Wheat) (catalase) (MIRA 11:9) SIMOCIC, Josko, inz.; BEBIC, Dusan, inz. The Yugoslav-Italian cooperation in the field of refrigeration. Tehnik-a Jug 17 no.8:Suppl.: Prebran ind 16 no.8:1584-1588 Ag 162, 1. Visi strueni saradnici Centra za primenu niskih temperatura Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. RUK,NIA Orranic Chemistry. Theoreticil and General E-I Problems of Organic Chemistry. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 6, 1957., No 19018 Author : -&I=J, 0; Inst, Not piven Title Oxidation and Reduction Reactions in Organic Chemistry. Crig Pub Studii si Cercetari Stint. 1'.cad. RPR. Baza Timisoaras Sere 13 1955, 2, No 1-4, 153-164. Abstract I It is sugLested to classify organic substances according to the oxidation-reduction stare of the C atoms it con- tains and to classify organic reactions according to the changes of the correspondinr oxidation-reduction stages. The principles of such a system are describedo Card 1A T Clill on le -Dorcetz~ri StJ :iit4 1" oara. )TT is::ucl thc 3c-_*.~_-:-,tifi-~ in L4 st u :.Lrch RLUIVIA/Atomic and MolecUar Physics - Gas. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 6, 1959, 12667 Author Simoi, C. Inst ------------------- Title Thermal Pressure of Gases in Non-Isothermal Contact with Walls. Orig P-Lb Studii si ceretari stiint. Acad. RPR. Baza Timisoara. Ser. Stiinte tehn., 1957, 4~ No 3-4, 93-107. Abstract If the temperature of the wall differs from the temperatu- re of the surrounding gas, then upon collision of the gas molecules with the wall their kinetic energy will cha'aGe, and the author proposes to introdice a coefficient of res- toration as the ratio of the average velocity of the mole- c-.,les collidiDg with the wall and moving from the wall, to the average velocity of the molecules moving towards the wall. Upon collision of molecules with the wall, the coefficient of restoration can be both greater and Card 112 RTJMAIIA/Atomic and Molecular Physics. Gas. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, i1o 6, 1959, 12867 less than unity. Using the relations obtained, tte au- thor explaiiis the molecular radiometric phenomena. The new exprcusion obtained fov the thermal pressure is for- mally 3imilftr to the expraustou of Lchedev for IIF)it, pressure, but the coefficient of restoration is contained instead of the coefficient of reflection. -- A.A. Senke- vich. Card 212 - 31 - RUMANIA/Atomic and Molecular Fhysics - Liquids. 0 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 6, 1959, 12901 Ailtho r Simoi, C. Inst Title Thernvil Surface Pres-,ure in Solids and Liquids. Orig Pub Studii si cercetari stiint. Acad. RFR. Baza Timisoara. Ser. st41nte tehn., 1957, 4, No 3-4, 109-115- Ai~stract An analysis is given for t4e theraral motion of moleci.,.les in the surface film of a body. tin expression is obtainee. for the thermal pressixe with allowance for the change in the potential energy-near the surface, in the form p --~- nob-T -2/13 (ux--LJO)71 Where no is the number of molecules per cvbic centimeter, k is Boltzmann's constant, T is the aboolute temperature, and (Ux - Uo) is the change in the potential enera at the point x. An explanation is given for molecular ra- dionmetric phenomena and for the scattered character of Card 1/2 - 32 - SIMOI9 C. The Compton wave In the motion rf thephotonic rotator. Studii chin Tlmlsoara 6 no-3/4:167-173 Jl-D '59. (EW 10:4) 1. Institutul politehnic, Timisoara. (Wave mechanics) (Photons) SIMOI, C. The de Broglie wave as the wave of the differential photon* Studii chim Timisoara 6 no-3/4:175-179 JI-D 159. (EEAI 10:4) 1. Institutul politehnic, Timisoa-a. (Wave mechanics) (Photons) Simi, C. Photophoresis phenomena by local thermal convection. Studii chim Ti.miso&ra 10 no.1:125-129 Ja-Je 163. 1. Laboratorul de fizica al Institutului PoUtehnic, Timisoara. SIMOI, C. An experience of relativistic opties. St%dii chim Timisoara 10 no.1:131-136 Ja-J9 163. SIMOKONI. B.A., kapitan meditsinskoy sluzhby Local leukocytosis in appendicitis. Voen*pjedezhur. no.12:67-69 D 156. (KLFA 10:3) (APPINDICITIS, diag. deters. of local leukocytomis) (IMUKOCTTOSIS. etiol. and pothoger.. appendicitis. diag. by local leucosis) LEVINA, R.Ta.; KAYKARIS, P.A.;,, S~4QJ&Jj.; TRESHCHOVA, Te.G. Synthesis of hydrocarbons. Part 66: Cll - C16 hydrocarbons with two adjacent quaternary carbon atoms. Zbnr.ob.khim. 28 no.9:2309- 2314 s 158. (KIRA 11:11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat. (Hydrocarbons)