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'Z "a II T\ iiK4 t ol!~ J~j5j5lp i 0 5Z3 6 9m4eb v W, A BARDOS, V.; RALAT. F.; BRMZINA, R.; KMETT. I.; KRALIKOVA. D.; LIBIKOVA, H.; 14ACICKA, 0.; KANICOVA, A.; NOSM, J.; ROSICU, B.; SMOVA, A.; SOMODBU, V.; ZACHAR, D. Survey of the natural foci of infections in one district of Slovakia. Bratial. lek. listy 34 no.10-11:1195-1237 Oct-Noy 54. 1. Z Virologickeho ustavu. CUAT, rWitel akademik D.Blaskovic. Z Ustavu apidemiologie a mikrobiologis v Bratislave, riaditel dr. J.Karoleek. Z Neurologit*eho oddelont nemocnice Y N.. primar dr. D.Zachar. Z Infnkenpho oddelenia nemocnice v N., primar dr. X.Manicova. Z Biologickeho ustavu CSAV v Prahe, riaditel akademik I.Halek. Z Laboratoria pro stavoyce CSAT v Brne, veducl prof* J.rratochvll. Z ffygientakeho ustavn LSYU v Bratislave, prednosta akademik V.Mucha. (ENCEPHALITIS. XPUMMIC. epidemiology in Czech. natural foci in Slovakia) (LEPTOSPIROSIS, epldemiolog7 In Czech.. natural foci in Slovakia) (RICINTSIAL DISEASES, epidemiology in Czech., natural foci in Slovakia) SIMKOVA, A. A, study on the prophylactic application of ir-nune gamro-globiLlin In tick-borne encephalitis. Acta virol.Znrl.Nd- 3:240-240 0 159. 1. Inatitute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Bratislava. (KNOXII&LITIS 3PUSMIC inmunol) (G#Jfl4k GL611LIN pharmacol) BARDW, V. ; ADAMCOVA, J. ; IEIINI, :3. '. WINI . N.; HO'iICYY, B. ; SIMOVA, A. 7;9utralizirv; nntibodioa aMinst some neurotropic viruses determined in human sera in Albania. J. lkyg. 3pidem. , Praha 3 no.3:277-282 195(,' 1. Institute of 1pidemiology and Microbiology, Brntislava, Ministry -of Health of the Albanian Poo-ole's Republic, Tirana, Institute of -Biology, Czechoslovak Acndemy of Sciences, Prague. (VIIM DISMASIS, imiminol) 4ARIXIS, V.; ADAMCOVA, J.; SIMKOVA, A.; ROSICKY, B.; MRCIAK, M.; DANIRL, M. Natural focus of tick-borne encephalitis in the High Tara. Cesk, epidem. ,iil,rob. imun. 8 no.3:145-152 Kny 59. 1. Ustav epidemiologie a m1krobiologie v Bratisvlave Biologicky ustay GSAY v Praze. (_vNC:1THALI'I.'IS, 3PIDAMIG, epidemiol. tick-borne encephalitis focus in Czech. (Cz)) SIMKOVA, A.; DANIELOVA, V.; BARDOS, V. Experimental transmission of the Tahyna virus b,7 Alden vexans mosquitoes. Acta virol.Ingl.Ed.Fraha 4 no.6:341-347 1160. 1. Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, BratislaTa; Institute of Biology, Csechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. (ENCEPHALITIS, EPIDEMIC transm) (MOSQUITOES) SIMKOVA, A. Tahyna virus In birds. Acta virol. (Praha)[F4,g16 no.2:199 Yr 162. 1. Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Bratislava. (VIRUSES) (BIRDS virol) S111-1KOVAI A. Tahyna virus in rabbits. I Acta virol. 6 no.3.028i My 162. 1. Institute of Epidemiology and 1-ficrobiology, Bratislava. (VIRUSES) (WODITS virol) SIMKOVA, A.; BARDOS, V.; BALAT, Fr.; HUDEC, K. Contribution to the study of the role of birds in the ecology of Tahyna virus. Experiments on Isolation of the virus and se. logical examinations. Cesk. epidem. 11 no.2:83-86 Mr '62. 1. Ustav epidemiologie a mikrobiologie v Bratislave Laborator pro vyzkum obratlovcu C3AV v Brne. (VIRUSES transmission) (BIRDS) S D-IKMA, A. Quantitative study of experimental Tahyna virus infection in potential reservoir animals. Acta virol. (Praha)(Eng] 7 no.5:414-420 S 163. 1. Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. (ARBORVIRUS INFECTIONS) SIMKOVA,, A. Tahyna virus in hedgehogs. Acts. viral. (Praha) (Ehg.] 8 no.3t 285 My'64 1. Thstitute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. S','-,'KOVA A. Tahyna virw. in bats. Ac-~;a virol. (Praha) [a-91 9 no.3:285 My 165, 1. Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. SMERCL, M.; JAROS, 0.; 3VACTIM, J.; K011ARIK, J.; IBM, S.; ZRIAHAL, 1%; S'70VIGM, J.; LIGHT, J.; JTCHOVA, D.; SIMKOVA, D.; KTRAL, Vl. V--~ Problem of the effect of one-centirue-ter electromngnetic waves on the nervous system in exposod workers (rodnr). Pracovni lek. U no.8:195-400 0~-t 59. 1. Neitrologirka klinilca v Hrad-i Kralove, prednosta nrof. Dr. Se. MUDr. Mir Sercl. (RADAR) (11VIVOUS SYMN, radiation eff.) SE'iCL, Miroslav; JECHOVA, Dag=r; KOMI;iSKA, Fdlan; KOVAIdK, Jaromir; KRIAL, Vlasti-mil; LIGHA, Helena; LICHY, Josef; N'.-TTL, Sasa; STOVIC.-.K, Jaroalav; V','Gh*A, Lubomir; MIMiAL, Leopold; TUSL, Miloslav; SVORCOVA, Stcpanka; K-U.7, Viastislav On the effect of 1-centimeter electromagnetic waves on th6 nervous system in man (radar). Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. univ. (Hrad Kral) 4 no.4:42-7-140 161. 1. Neurologicka klinika; prednosta prof. DrSc. MuDr. M. Serel Katedra obccne hygiony; prodnosta prof. MUDr. V. Dvorak. (RADAR) (IE"RVOUS SYSTEM physiol) SERCL; 14iroslav; KOVARIK, Jarom.r; JARW, Otakar; VRCHA, Lubomir; SDIKOVAI Dagnar. Clinical trials with U-(3,4p5-trimethoxybensoyl)-tetrahydro- 1,4-oxavine (trioxa2vine, V-7) Budapest. Sborn.vod.pracelek, fak.Karlov.Univ.(Hrad.Kral.) 6 no.3t345-350 163. 1. Neurologicka klinika, Universita Karlova (prednosta:DrSc, Prof., MUDr. M.Sercl). SERCI,, 1~;iro.-! I a v; Dagriar; VOHIIS. i~, ",~ I ~iri; I K, Jarrn' r; Vlastimll; LICI'~ Felona; LICHY, Jor,(Ir; T'rLf Susal 01. KOVA, Dagmar; ST071".-h", '~--roslav; `P:-,ChAf bibc-7.1r; ZDRAi,U, Lecii.X)ld. On tlio possiblo develortiont o," demye", ior, diseanes of the hinan contral nervc.,ur, syntcn resultinli" fr .1 ir. L or . jury by organic p.hosphate insectic1dos. Sbnrn. v~d. prac. lok. fc~?. Krx1cr,. Univ. 1) 164. 1. Neurolog.,c:,,a I'dil-Ilka Greid.,:,,--~-Iri: rr,l-C. !URr. Karlovy v :'.radci SIMKOVA, Dagmar FFG records of healthy children 7 to 10 years of age. Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. Univ. 9 no.1:275-281 '64. 1. Neurologicka klinika (?rednost : prof. MUDr. M. Serci, DrSc.), Karlovy University v Hradci Kra-love. ~r; a iv fir-iinifs and organ-ic p!-.(.jpf.%te .9-trum. ;-~hol ll-.est-ras-~s -.n cielayt-d cffe,--t:i of injt,,-Licidc~,s or I-lie, hum-JAr, LoAy. Ac-rii. v,-.J. prac. 'Lek.. fak. K~trllov. lin-.r.: L')uppi. nu.-,.: -43 L 12843-66 EV1T(1)/EWA(J)/EWA(b)-2 RO ACC NRa AP6005712 SOURCE CODE: CZ/W2-16-576(56/OC)j-/d~2-0-[022-3 Ve/ 5S. /V, 5 6 AUTHOR: Sercl, M.; Jec D. -. K;rr~ska. Kqvarik J.- Kyrai, Licha, H.t Lichy, J.; Notti, S.; Simkova D., Stovicak Jo; Vrcha L.; Zdrah'alo L. - ORG:- neurological Clinic, Medical Facu1"t`Y',;1har1es 'University, Hradec Kralove (Neurologicka klinika lekarske fakulty 01 TITLE: Problem of late sequellae of poisoning with organophosphate Insecticides SOURCEz Ceskoslovenska neurologie, no. 3, 1965, 220-223 TOPIC TAGS: insecticide, toxicology, biochemistry, organic phosphorus canpound, neurology, biologic metabolism, nervous system ABSTRACT: Insecticides contiiln'ing compounds of organic phosphorus damnre the periphery, 'of the nervous system In humans because they act on neuro- ,muscular plates, vegetative ganglia, CNS, and the brain. Study ,of 398 people who worked with these inseoticides showed tho possibility of the occurrence of late soquellao. Paeudoneuras- .thonic syndromes were found. The organic P compounds affect the cholinosterase complex, and possibly hydrolysing ferments& and glycolysis and phosphorylation or serinese.Myeline metab- olism may be damaged permanently. Orig. art. has*. 1 table. Z7PPV SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE;. none / ORIG REF: 002 / OTH IW% 009 1A 14 LA-) SiMYCIVA., Eliska Nitional conference for education of building industry cadres. Poz stavby 12 no. 1:50-51 164. SIMKOVA, Eliska Aasistance of the Czechoslovak Scientific Technical Society in the studies of workeros, Poz stayby-11 no,4:178- 163o 1. ministerstvo vystavbyj clenka predsedniotva Ceskoolovenake vedecko-technicke spolecnosti, sakes stavebnictvix Praha. sman.. E. Enterprise institutes in the building industry. Poz stavby 11 no.11:612-613 163. 1. Ustredni komise pro vzdelavani pracujicich, Miiiisterstvv skoletvi a kultury. czEcHosL(YvAK:rA/Fhysica1 Chemistry. Tbermodynamics. Thermo- B chemi stry. Equilibria. Phygic&l-Chew-f cal Analysis - Phase Transitions - Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-nimiyaj, No 22, 1958, 73253. Author Emerich Rrdos' -~'-G~Ilix~kova - Inst Title Solubility of Electrolytes. II. TernarY System Sodi,ja Nitrite - Sodium Chloride - Water. 2204 Orig Pub: Chem. 1"aty) 1957., 511 No 12P 2WO - - Abstract: The in the ternary system IWO;.. - KILCI ne at. from i8 to 47a in the couplete, concentration mange, as well as in the binary systems N&NC;- - HZO and NaC1 - H-tO was studied by the vimml-polytherml method. The~solubility at 25 and 45 1 In the ternary system was determined also by tL* analyttic method. card 1/2 I I MONA , f KTAiull-N1$ E, no aca,,kndc degree indicated Oncologic-l Research Instiluite (Vy-jkmmy ustav onkologicky), Bratislwa; Director: correap. mamber of SAV, docent V. T'-,MZO, :-,M. Bratislava, Bratislavske Lakarske Li , No 8,, Oct 62,, pp 461-465. "Peculi.1rities Ehe,untored in Oynaccological Liparotomies in Obaso Co-author: SP I'ZOVAp Ibj sa:,w as above SIMKOVA, F-11ska Qualifilral,ion, a condition of success of the new management system in the building industry. Poz stavby 13 no.3:116-118 ,65. 1, Centr-il Commission for Education of Workers,, Prague. ACCESSION NR: AP3003622 Z/0055/63/013/005/0396/0398 AUTHOR: Kremenek, J.; Skrivankova, M.; Simkova, J. TITLE: Measurement of angular distribution of elastically scattered protons from aluminum atoms with mass number 27 SOURCE: Chekhoslovatskiy fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 13, no. 5, 1963, 396-398 TOPIC TAGS: proton scattering, proton elastic scattering, proton inelastic scattering, proton scattering spectrum, proton scattering distribution ABSTRACT: The angular distribtuion of elastically scattered protons and five groups of inelastically scattered protons from Al has been measured with the help of a Sc detector with a barrier corresponding to a proton energy of 7.0 Hev and protected with a 16-p-thick. Al foil to absorb the a particles produced at the target. The range of me&*- rements was 30-170* at an incident proton energy of 6.5 Mev. The measured groups correspond to -Q values of 0.842, 1.015, 2.21, 2.73, 2.98 and 3.00 Hev, of which the first three groups were resolved. Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP3003622 The angular distribtuion of inelastically scattered protons obtained in measurements repeated several times for each angle are given in a table. The continuation of the studies of inelastic processes on aluminum is announced. Orig. art. has: 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Ustav jadernehe vyzkumu CSAV, Prague (Institute of Nuclear Physics, CSAV), Katedra fyziky fakulty strojni, CVUT (Faciulty of Machinery, Physics Department, CVUT) SUBMITTED: 27Aug62 SUB CODE: PH DATE ACQ: 12Jun63 NO REF SOV: 001 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 004 Card 2/2 -STI-TKOVA, L. Raw material samples in the Wool Research Institute. p. 8. T~XTIL. (Ministerstvo lehkeho prumyslu) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. lh, no. 1, January 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 11, November 1959. Uncl. SIMKOVA, Marcela; KUJWLA, ST&TSYLIL, Rudolf Determining tron in antimony by activation analysis. Jaderna energie 9 no,,5,t!65 Ily '63o 1. Ustav jaderneho vyzkl=u.., Ceskoslovenska akademie ved., Rez u Prahy. KUKULA., Fr ax i -r i -3 c' Lu 1WO KO mma "T"Jerrd enargie n Cippor ty e Re Ustav 4ridt.,rrono --Innu G,~skosiovsrtska 8~rademi ved z ,y ac-~, L Una yj .9 12 D 1. iri3tiLuto uf Nucl6ar Acad-,7~y of' Sclc~nins, tI.Gz. SIMKOVA, M. Therapy of herpetic diseases of the cornea with di- hydroergotamin and gynergen. Cook. ofth. 6 no.3:168-173 1950. (CLKL z0:1) 1. Of the First Eye Clinic of Charles University in Prague (Acting Head--Docent M. Dionstbier, M. D.). S I MKOVA, M. Effect of vitamin B 0 and BA on diseases of the ccrnea. Ceek.ofth. no.1:37-42 1951. (GLKL 20:7) 1. Of the First liye Clinic in Prague (Acting Head-Docent Dienotbier. M.D.). SIMKOVA M- U. Ocniklin., Karlovy Univ. r Prase. *Tztah fokalni infekee k herpeou rohovky. 251) MiUti.on of focal-Infloidtion of herpes of the cornea CSL.OITHAL- 1952, 8/4 (248- On the basis of 60 cases of corneal herpes the author found that the presence of focal infection has an unfavourable influence on the duration of the disease aiA on the terminal visual acuity. Foci of the infection - acting as a predisposirg factor for involvement of the cornea and stimulating the virulence of the virus - shnuld be removed whenever found. Klima - Prague (111, 8) SO: XKCIRPTA )MICA Vol. 7, No. 6, Section TILI, June 1954 SIMKOVA, M.;ZAHN, K. W-OMWO Xffeot of adron&lin on retinal circulation. Cook. ofth. 8 no. 5:277-263 1952. (CLIM 23:3) 1. Of the First By@ Clinic (Head--Docent Z. Dionetbler, N. D.) of Charles University, Prague. SINKOVA, M.:ZAO. K. Vasoconstriction and vasodilation mechanism of retinal circulation. Cook. ofth.8 no. 5:283-293 1952. (CLKL 23:3) 1, Of the First JV* Clinic (Head-Docent B. Dienstbler, M. ID.) of Charles University, Prague. SIMKOVA,,M.;7.AIIN, K. ., 317fect of adrenalin, of' adrenergic block by IWdergine and of adrenalin reversal on the retinal diastolic pressure. Cesk. ofth. 9 no.4:272-281 Aug 1953, (CIXL 25:4) 1. Of the First Eye Clinic (Head-Docent Z. Dienstbier, M.D.) of Charles University, Prague. S INKOVA, M. ~ Dermatoses of the ey4lide due to Irritpmts. Gesk. ofth. 9 no.5:444.- 440 Oct 1953. OWL 25 :5 ) 1. Of the First By@ Clinic (Read--Prof. A. Dienstbier, N.L ) of Charles University, Prague. .4 SIMKOVA, Hart&, MUDr; ZAHN, Karol. KU]Dr Sympathectomy in hypertensive ratinopathiss. Cook. ofth. 10 no.4: 258-262 Aug. 54. 1. Z 1. ocni kliniky Karlovy university v Press. Prodnosts. prof. MUDr B.Dienstbier. (HY]MT]RISiON, pathology retina, surg., symps,thectomy) YMPATHEMOKY, In various diseases. hypertensive retincp&thiss) (RITINA, in various diseases, hypertension, surg., m M athectomy) EXCERPTA i-MICA Sec.12 V01.9/11 Ophthalmology Nov.55 1342. kNIKOVA NJ. and ZAIIN K. 1. (XnI Klin. Karlovy Univ.. Praba. * (Itinek nt!kterVc_Ti__s_v_(FaIiv na krevnI ohs'_6h sitnice. 1. -,)okusnC' farmakolot!'ekS stutlie. Tole influence or some sedatives on the retinal circula- tion tSL. OFTHAL. 1955, 11/2(72-77)Graphs 2 Tables 2 Prienobarbital in doses of 11.05 g. per os and bromisoval 0.3 g. I)er os were with- out significant effect on pulse.rate. systemic blood pressure, intraocular tension, retinal venous, svstolic and diastolic retinai arterial tension and on angioscotoma. Examination was perfortried in patients suffering from hypertensive disease. Zahn - Prague ZAHN, Karel. MUDr.; SDEOVA, Maria. MUDr. IWWWARR~" Effect of papaverine on retinal circulation. 2. Uperimental pharmacological study. Cask. ofth. 11 no.2:77-81 Apr 55- 1. Z I. ocni kliniky Karlovy 4UDr. E. Dienstbler. (RETINA, blood supply eff. of papaverine (PAPAVICRI ME, effect a on retinal circ.) university Y Praze - prednosta prof. on circ.) SPIKOVA, Maria. MUDr. Changes of corneal Innervation In herpetic keratitis. Cask. ofth. 11 no-3:138-142 June 55. 1. "" I. ocni. kliniky Karlovy university v Praze - predn. prof. MUDr. E. Dienstbier. (KICRATITIS. complication herpes of cornea, ch:nges of innervation) (HFMFIS cornea; w2th keratitis. changet of innervation) (NERVICS, OPHTALMIC, in.various diseases herpetic keratitis) (CORNEA, diseases herpes, with keratitts. changes of innervatinn) SIMXOVA, Maria, XOr relinical evaluation of dynamometry. Cesk.ofth. 11 no.4-5:366-373 1955. 1. Z 1. ocni kliniky Karlovy university v Praze. Prednosta prof. I.Dienstbier. (EYI. blood supply pressure determ. by dynamometry. clin. value) (BLOOD MSSURI eye, determ. by dy-namometry, clin. evaluation) SINKOVA, Maria, %IUDr. Modification of retinal circulation and clinical manifestations in cerebral angiograpby. Cask. ofth. 12 no.3:178-183 June 56. 1. Z I. ocni kliniky Karlovy Univ. v Praze, prednosta prof. Dr. E. Dienstbier. (RWINA, blood supply, cerebral angiograpbic manifest. of circ. changes (Cs)) (ANGIOGRAPHY, cerebral, man,fast. in retinal circ. charges (Cs)) SIMKOVA- M&rla, Doc., Dr. ; VRABFY;, )"rant.. Dr. Changes in the corneal nerve plexus in iridoc7clitis; studies with methylena blue. Cesk. ofth. 12 no-3:205-207 June 56. 1. Z I. ocni kliniky Karlovy univ. v Praze, prednosta prof. Dr. B. Dienotbier. (IRIDOCTCLITIS, pathology, corneal nerve plexus, methylmne blue stain. technic (CS)) (CORNEA, inn"rvalbion, nerve plexus, pathol, in iridocyclitia, methylens blue stain. technic (Cz)) SIMKOVA, Maria, MUDr. Unusual case of intrarranial circulator7 disorder. Cask. ofth. 12 no.5:352-35? Oct 56. 1. 1. ocni klinika Karlovy university v Praze, prednosta prof. Dr. 9. Dionstbier. (BRAIN, blood supply. disord. with visual disord. (Cz)) (VISION, disord. in cerebral circ. disord. (Cz)) TIP k "A -A hw. ta systemse! traor gin n In ;, -A EXCERPTA KE-DICA -Jec 20 Vol 2/4 Geriontolopy ATr, 54~ yol. Physiology and pathology of the retinal circulation Lin Bviir.%,4 /tir Pll% sit Plogle 111141 Valliologir tirs refimili-it 111titlircislimles. SIMKOVA M. L Atigt-tilibil. (fer K;irk-Univ.. Pritg Wiss. Z. Vniv. Greifiwattl iti.57, 6-T-727 ~12112~5)' .r.. %%crc CXarnitic i.y)o rases ofc irctilatory it ist it rhanrcs oft lie ri-tii tit. agc% ~5f I -6o % (L 'I'lirri-im-i-crtain rdiltiollsilips I)Ct%.,.C(.n (lie stage (if 111C fill(Iing, ill tile OCIllar rmidus,ati(I the geticraland retinal 1AWKI presstire, litit ill(- range oftliffercit- rvs ill tile ill(livi(Itlal valties is too wi(le to ailow the establislimcia ofa cotrelation coellicient. Neither is it p(^sii;le if) classify It% Im-riension oil tit(- basis of fimilal limlings. The level of the gencral or retinai arterial ressure i-i m) (lirect criterion f'or (lie severity ofa circtilatory disor(Ir ~ fir level f& tile (liaslolic blood presstire is an important factor ill tile causation of hyllierten,we retinopathy. Streiff - Laticamic (XI 1, 2. 10, 20) SIMKOVA. Maria 11 1 -1 ~ Stud'y~ of corneal nerveg by vital staining in eye injury. Cask. ofth 14 no.3:190-194 June 58. 1. 1. cent klinika Karlovy university v Praze, prednosta prof. Dr. IL Dienntbier. (CORNFA, innerv. ntudy by methylene blue staining in eye inj. (Cz)) (WIN, wds. & W. corneal nerves in, study by methyleap blue stainir4-, (Go)) (milm'NE BWA staining of corneal nerves in eye inj. (Cz)) SIMXDVA, Maria The problem of retinal circulation in intracranial tumors. Sborn. Isk. 60 no.6:182-189 June 58. 1. 1. ocni klinika fakulty veeobacneho lekarstvi Karlovy university Y Praze, prednosta prof. Dr. JL Dienstbier. L ocni klinika. U nemocnice 2, Praha 2. (RETINA, blood supply blood pressure in intracranial tumors (Gz)) (BBAIN 11BOPIASHS, physiology eff. on retinal blood pressure & circ. (Cz)) SIMKOVA, Maria; VIRABNC, Jan Pigmentary degeneration of the retina. Cas. lek. cesk. 97 no-50t1564- 1569 12 Dec 58. 1. 1. ocni klinika Karlovy university v Proze, prednootIL prof. Mr. R. Dienstbier. M. S., Praha 2, U nemocnice 2 (RIVINITIS PIGMTOSA (CZ)) SIMKOVA, wfaria, Recent studies on hemes simplex. Cesk. ofth. 15 no.1:72-77 Feb 59. 1. 1. ocni. klinika Karlovy university v Praze, prednosta prof. MLMr. 14. Dienstbier. (MOWM. review (CZ)) SIKKOVA., Mar ia Dymmics of changes In corneal innervation in herpes cornea6. Cesk. ofth. 15 no.5:354-36o o '59 1. 1. ocni klinika, Karlovy university v Pra2e, prednosta py-of. dr. A. Dienstbier. (CORNJU dis. ) (HMPICS pathol. ) BIAZAK,Y.; BOROVA,Z.; HOLUB,J.; SIMKOVA,M. Somatotypes in childhood. Cesk. pediat. 15 no-5:436-441 My 060. 1. IV. detska klinika fakulty vaeobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy univeratty, prednosta prof. MUDr. Fr. Blazek. (SONATOTYPBS) S IKKOVA, M. Corneal innervation after the incision in cataract. Sborn. lek. 62 no-7-8:193-197 JI 160. f 1. 1. ocni klinikR fakulty vaeobeeneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v: Praze, prednosta prof. MUDr. L Dienstbier. (GATARACT IRTRACTION) (CCHM innervation I SIMKOVA, Maria; BIELICKY, Tibor Changes in the epithelium of ths conjunctiva and cornea in chronic lupus erythematosus. Cesk.mMh. 17 no.7:513-520 N 161. 1. 1 ocni klinika KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. E. Dienstbier II kozni klinika KU Y Praxe, prednosta doc. dr. -T. Obrtel. (LUPUS EFITTHEMATOSUS pathol) (CONTUNCTIVA pathol) (CORNEA pathol) BIELICKY, T.; SD~XOVA) M. Changes in the pigmentation of the conjunctiva and cornea Jn cLronic polymorphic photodermatoses. Cesk. derm. 37 no.6:384-388 D 162. 1. 11 kozni kliniko fak. vseob. lek. University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Obrtel, DrSc. I ocni klinike 'Lak. vacob. lek. University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof, dr. E. Dienstbier. (PHOTOSENTIZATION) (CONJUNCTWA) (CORNEA) SIMKOVA,__jj. On the problem of porneal nerve Involvement In ocular herpoo sonter. Cesk. oftal. 19 no.2slO4,108 Mr 63. 1. 1. ocni klinika fakulty vaeobeeneho lakarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. E. Dienstbier, DrSe. (HERPES ZOSTER OCULAR) (CORNEA) (NEUROLOGIC MAMIFESTATIONS) I SIMKOVA, I.I. Changes in the nervous network of the cornea following coagu- lation of the sclera. Cesk. oftal, 20 no.3:202-20? My 164. 1. 1. ocni klinika fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi KU [Karlova Uni- versital v Praze (prednosta prof. dr. E. Dienstbier, DrSc.)* SIMKOVA, Me State of the correal nerve plexus in zonular keratopathy. Sborn. lek. 66 no.8:2-40-2L,4 Ag'64 1. 1 ocni klinika fakulty vgeobezneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze; prednosta: prof. dr. E.Dienstbierg DrSc. SIMOVA,14.; VRA%BFG,J. Vital staining of the corneal ner-res following coagulation anti-I aucoma surget- 0 y in rabbits. Cas.lek. cesk. 103 no.18: 494-497 1 MY 1 E,4,. 1. r. omii klinika fakulty vaeobeoneho lekarstvi KU [Karia7y univt.rsity] v Praz,~,* prednostao. prof. dr. E.Dienstbier, DrSe. SIMKOVA,M VOJTA,V.; STEIT;,J. flydroencalilialy of infectiouq origli-;. Geslk. -re'lirit. 1.8 r:o.r-I 1()(,'0-109 5 W63. 1. IV. detska klirika fal-ulty vseobecneho 'Lekarstvi KU v Praze (predrosta: prof.dr. F.Mazek); Feurologicka klinika fa-kulty vaeobecneho lekarstvi KU v Praze (predrosta: akademik Y.Flenrer) a Laborator pro patofyoiologli nerrove soustavy fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi KU v Praze (vednuci: akademik K.Henrer). L 70h2-66 Elp .(c)/"zPF(n)-2/,JWP(1)1'bWA(h)/E'dA(l) GG/RM ACC NR, AP 1101 SOURCE CODEt GW9043/(.6/000/002/0 0119 A.UMDR: S' ko,.va IS N.-Shimkova, M. (Graduate chemist); Kukula, F. ngr.)~ Slunecko. _~~-;51unechko, Ya. (Engineer) qq jl~~ *' S% ORG: Institute of Nuclear Research, Czechoslovak AcadeMr of Sciences, Heir near Praguej v jaderneho vyzkumu Ceskoslovenske akademie veaT- b4D TITLEz Determination of iodine in organic polrwrs by activation anal7sis SOURCE:. Chemicke zvesti, no. 2, 19651 115-3.19 TOPIC TAGSs iodine, polymer, analytic chemistry., gamma rays radiation chandstryp radioisotopej irradiation ABSTRACTs Nondestructive activation analysis method perfected by the authors is described. Ga-.m activity of 1128 is measuredotThe test samples veighed 0.2 g and were placed together with KI in polyethylene cartridges $ and were irradiatedrfor 20 minutes by a neutron flows 1120 was identified by it&-. gunma-erfei-rgyp wid by tt 11 Mlf-life period determined from photopeakso Amounts of I of OsOO01 g can be deter- mined. Orig, arts has: 2 fi*gures,'l table* L7PRIS SUB CODE& To 15s 20 / SUBK DATE: 190ct,64 / OTH RWt 017 Card S I'TOVA, 1-11. a per 1,-. er. t a I cla t a on ~, c. I a t ~ ,. i", ; ~. " 10,: -. i. -.. - :~ i F 1.1 : ;-- ~ .7, Y. C, ~- 5 1. 1 oftal. 21 Ja 265 1, 1. ocni klinika fakulty vseobecrieLo rsity ~, - -, p r r, f . d r-. ~~ . r - I f-, . . t, !) -. -L- ~ . P , rS : . ) U n i v e r . Praze (prednosta. .. I'' - :, ~' * D i ":" ,I; 'n , :..l c -F ,r:rr~, o, ' on I n arcur, Ser- I I` :i c~)rneaoo!. i 1, 1 . :3 -,1'- :In . !-.~'Z. "'1 3 e 165. 1 . ! . .,(, T'. " !,~ I i ri 1 t; a f,!I,l I 11 f y !r rwbocn Phr, 1 nkn -~-, t ri Un i vo rn 1 ty ;, ~ ~, ~. 'r.- -,- f, .: ~~ ( z - r~ j: , ~~ , , : , r( f . , I : . E. t f It-2 1,u r-, DrSc . ) . MEZIHRADSKY, Josef.; MURGAS, Karol; SIMKOVA, Viera Studiev of the hemolymphatic organs. V. Notee on the 1^-hatic circulation in the spleen of the white rat Biologia 15 no.11:832-630 160. NM 1015) Histologioky ustav lakarskej fakulty University Komensksho. Bratislava. (HEMOLYMPH) (SPLEEN) PROCIIAZKA,J.; SIITOVA,V.; HAVELKA,J.; HF.JZLAR,M.; VIKLICKY,J.; KARGEROVA,A.; KU BIKDVr-,N.-'- On the problem of the penetration of the placenta by chloram- phenicol. Preliminary report. Cesk. pediat. 19 no-4:311-314 Ap,64- 1ANDUmtor pro vyzkum patologie, terapie a prevence infekc- nich nemoci. fakulty detskeho lekarstvi KU v Prams (vedoucit prof.dr. J.R,-ochazka, DrSc.); Vojensky ustav hygieny, epide- miologie a mikrobioloie v Praze (prednosta:MUDr.M.Hejzlar) a Patologickoanatomicke oddeleni nemocnice na Bulovce, (ve- douci: doc.dr. J.Viklicky). SC!FWAhTZf E., VAIDITIN07A,l.; SlMKOVA,Ti lXll,,TF:ZlqJBErl, V. at ion of the blclogir-Fd c-f f -1 f gi t ' -' ': ruz- - d In gu--rea p4gs with some bicchr-mical rietrod3. Prat,~~sl. lpk. !Io'y '14 no.10Z~-21-6Z? 30 1; '~'-L 1. Krujska nemccr.-Ica tubt~rkulozy a (",ornb (riddit-l- MrUOr. F. VArsik),a Ustav tuberk-ulozy ,r ffi-~%tislaavt- (ritifilte-If 1-TUrq.. J. Markovic). KLINIM, Miros; SIMKOVIC, Dusan Amitotic division. Cesk. biol. 4 no.10:607-612 Nov 55. 1. Vyzkmny ustav onkologicky, Bratislava. (CYLL DIVISION, amitotic) - - iwiiil~- - SIMIKOKI-Cp D. ; = SCIENCE Periodicals: BIOLCGIA Vol. 10, no. 6, 1955 SMOVICy D.; SPACKOVA, J.j KLDIEK, K. Use of extract from a human placenta in cultivation in vitro. I Cultivation of chicken fibroblasts in a medium containing an extract form of plancenta. p. 754. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 4'i, No. 5, May 1959, Unclass. KOVAJ?DVA, Valeria; SIRACKY, Jan; SIMKOVIC, Dusan Attempt of serial passaging of Ca cervicia uteri on the chorionalantoic membrane of chick embryos. Cesk. onkol. I no.3:201-204 1956. 1. Oncnlogical Res. Inst. in Bratislava. (CKRVIX NEOPLASMS, tissue culture in chick embryo) (TISSUE CULTURE, cultivation of cervix tumors in chick embryo) SIMKOVIC, Dusan; 11111LICA, Lubomir; HOIDUBEK, Viktor Application of placental extracts In cultivation In vitro*, II, Some properties of the non-dialynable fraction of placental extract. Cook. onkol. 3 no.4:292-297 1956. 1. Oncological Research Institute, Bratislava. ('11 ~M[F, CUT/VURK. off. of placental extracts on chick embryo f1broplasts) (PLACENTA, extracts. aff. on chick embryo fibroplasts culture) EXr.F,RF'rA YEDICA Sec 16 Voilk 7/6 CRncer June 59 -,o1q. Application of placental extracts in cultivation in vitro. 111. Infli.ence of the diaiysable fraction of placental extraction on the growth of chick em- bryo fibroblasts in tissue culture AmKoyir Mand HMLICA L. Oncol. Res. ;ns(., OTC W-5-1 111i'1151;Mt No"01413"I'l 1(67,,14 (53 t T-1 'r., 17, 11111s. 5 The (fialysable frac(ioll (11 111aren(al ex(rart (51)ccirs not statc(l), aPl)Iicd in strong coorentration, exer1rd ;in inhibitory action oil dir development of colitires of libroblasis fif chick crilbryos. '['his action is attrilioted to (tie alleged presence of jimincand jiyritnidinc in the dialysate. On the flitter hand, the residtic after dialysis retains its viyacity ofstirtitilaling (tic growth or tissties in vitro. Diagrams are added showing the UV absorption of the 2 fractions, and microphotographs show the Ircated ridItires. Rtiffilli - Rome EXCERPTA ~EDICA Sec 5 Vol 12/9 General Path. Sept 59 2553. &TTEMPTS AT IIETEROTRAINSPLANTATION OF HUMAN TLYMOURS - Sirnkov ic D. , Kovd rov.1 V. , Si racky J. and Belohorsky B. --CrV-oT.-R-e`s-.-TffM., Bratislava - NEOPLASMA 1958, 5/4 (407-416) Tables 2 Illus. 4 The authors report that 10 human tumours implanted directly on the chorioallanto- is of chick eggs treated with cortisone failed to grow. On the other hand. of 11 human neoplasms, mainly gynaecological tumours that were implanted incortisone- treated rats and harnsterA. 3 grew and had well differentiated foci of epidermoid carcinoma 10 to 40 days after transplantation. Toolan - New York. N. Y. (V, 16) -N SIMOVIC) D.; S-MDA, J.; 'JiURZO, V. Release of tumour virus by cells of the B 77 A'cwl vii-j3 t=otu- in vitro. Neoplasm 8 no-5:495- 500 161. 1. Oncological Research Im titute, Braidslava, Czechoslov&kia. (11LOPLASI-B vir,)I) (ViliuSES) SIMKOVIG, D.; VALENTOVA, Nada; THURZO, V. Z..: - - I - --- In vitro cultivation of rat aarema XG eel-Is containing Roils virus. Folia biol. 8 no.4;221-229 162. 1. Iratitute of Oncological Research Bratislava. (SARCOMA experimental) MaUSES) (HEOPLASMS experimental) SIMKOVIC, D.; SMA, J.; THMOY V. On the release of chick tumour viruses by cells in vAtro. Neoplasm 9 no.1:9-24 162. 1 - Oncological Research Institute, Bratislava, GSSR. (NEOPLASMS virol) (VIRUSES culture) SIMKOVICS D.; VALENTOVA, K.; THURZO, V. An in vitro system for the detection of the Rous sarcoma virus in the cells of the rat tumour XG. Neoplasms, 9 no.1:104-106 162. (SARCOMA virol) (NEOPLASMS virol) (TISSUE CULTURE) 0 VAIS NTOVA, N. ; _ D. ; SMIDOVA, V. Attempts at long-term cultivation of a golden Hamster spontaneous tumour. Neoplasma 9 no.53451-456 162. 1. Oncological Research Institute Bratislava, CSSR. (PEOPLASMS, EXPEEMNTALI (TISSUE CULTURE) THURZO,V.; S!.IIDA,J. SMIDOVA,V.; SIMKOVIC,D. Biological properties of' fovl tumor virus H77. Bratisl.lek. listy 2 no.12:697-701 r63. 1. llyskumny ustav onkologicky v Bratislave; riaditel, clen koresp. SAV, dcc.IIIJDr.V.Tliurzo. SVOBODA, J.; CHYLE, P. ; Sill%-OVIC, D.; HILGERT, I. Demonstration of the absence of infectious Roua virus in rat tumour XG, whose structurally intact cells Rous sarcoma when transferred to chicks. Folia biol. 9 no.2:77-81 163. 1. Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague and ImitittAe of Oncology,iEratislava. (ROUS SARCOINA) (TUMOR VIRUSES) NEOPLASMS, FIFERIMENTAL) SIMOVIC, D.; SVOBODA, J.; VALENTOVA, Nada Clonal analysis of line XGt rat tumour cells (derived from tumour XC) grown in vitro. Folia giol. 9 no.2:82-91 163. 1. Institute of Oncology; Bratislava and Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. (NEOPLASMS, MiRIMENTAL) (TISSUE CULTURE) SIMKOVICY D.; 3VUBODA, J.; M11"'TOVA, Nada Induction of 2ormation and release of infectious Rous virus by cells of rat tumour XC in vitro. Fol.'s. biol. (Praha) 11 no.5:350-358 165. 1e Institute of Oncology, Bratislava, and Institute of Experl- montal Biology and Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy of 3cienceal Prague. .SD4KOVIC, F. Contribution to the problem of trEinsformars with hard dielectrics, p. 98. (Strojnoelektrotechnicky Casopis. Bratislava, Vol 5, No. 2, 1954) SO: Montidy list of East European Accessions, (EEAI), IC Vol 4. No. 6, June 1955, Uncl .TIV('I'T~1 7. rontributicn to the desirn of a hi7h-c~Fpacity welr;In.~- transfcmer. p.lC2. (7varanio, Vol. 6, No. It, Apr. Bratislava) rzeet.oslovakia) F(1: volltIlly 14 zt of 7 , t Ljjro-,,enn Accessions (FFAI) 11-r- T'cl. 6, T-'o- c, Fc-pt- 19r7- Uncl. 1~ - -a. I c 1 rob I e:-.s SIMKOVIC, F. Transformer winding resistant to over-voltage. p. 249. ELFUROTF,"MICKY CASOPIS, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 10, No. 4, 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions, (EEAT) LC, Vol. 8, No. 10, Oct. 1959. Uncl. SINKOVICt F., in&.; KRALIK, K., inz.; POLYAK, S. -joi 10 years of the use of aluminum in mking electric manhinery in the National Enterprise Bratislavske elektrotechnicke zavody, Bratislava. Elektrotechnik 17 no.7:187-191 Jl 162. 1. Bratislavske elektrotechnicke zavody, Bratislava. DEBM 11 ., Ernest, inzlo; SIMKOVIP.~ Fedorr ina. A now transformer for mines. Uhli 5 no.5:187 My 163. .V" If 4- F.y "inz.; 71V-.LIK, K., inz.; - , Inz. Production )f electric machines at *Ys --ratislavske elek-tro- - - :. i techmicke zavody. Tech praca 16 nc. "', 3i-~- 3 'u *, 164. 1. bratJolavske elektrotechnicke zavody, Bratislava. S , I . "11ore Attention tc, Olau,,- p. 126, (PoI.An", V~-1. ~!, n,.~. 6, J~me 1953, Praha, Czecl~oslovalf.. SO: ?,!r-ntIIy List ,)f* East Eu--oT) an Accessions, LC, Vol. 2, " . 11, "ov. 1"53, Uncl. - - - u 0 ;o - KRATOCHM, M. BYWCJVTC I- antlkcagulacnobo fuktCOU CiDVWJ steny pri vzniku arterial j trcmboty. timporumw of witiazagulant factrzo of vascular w&U in the facmtien at arterial tbrcmbcols) Bmtisl. lak. liety 30:4-5 Aw-My W p- 351-9 1. Of the Eisto-Embi-jological Institute (Baud - Dcoeut Ivan Stanek, M D: and of the Surgiml Clinic (Head - ProC. Kwatantin Camlqr; M: D 3EY1""T_a 9 1. 1 u r, ~ R., 'TOGiNIL, M. _Li4D D. ll~;otes on the 'wortaneq. of "osition of the ~,,tient in --section. F_ rp 119 law a (3eer'll.-I ; lr,,ivnl 1-1 inic of the 3lovak an '~ni voi-sity, SO: F.oz i1. v chir. , ~'rr m- Je, Vol. 12, (1~53 12, pp. 666-674. 1 KRATOCHVIL. M.; SINKOVIC, L; HMA, M.: HUTAN, L. Technic of portacaval anastomosis with Eck's and PavlovIm fistula& experimental studies. Bratial. lek. listy 34 no-7:727-740 July 54. 1. Z Ustavu. uzitej aRatoule, prednosta dr. M.Kratochvll. s I. chirurgickaj kliniky, prednosta prof. dr. K,C&rsky, a z II. chirurgickej kliniky IYSU v BratislAve, prednosta clen coresp. SAV K.gisk&. (YISTUIA, experimental. Ick's & Favlov, technic of portacaval anastomosis in) (VIINS, FMTAL STSTIM, surgery, portaeaval anastonosis in Bak's & Favlov's fistulas) (VINAN CATAX, surgery, port&caval an&stomosis in Ack9s and Favlov's fistulas) KRATOONVIL, N.; SINKOVIC. L; HUBKA, N.; HUTAK, L. Problem of utilization of nitrogen froaq protein Wrolyeatess Pratiol. lek. liStY 34 n0-7:741-757 JulY 54. 1. 1 1. Chirurgiek*j klinikyo pre&noeta prof. dr. K.Carsky, s IL chirmrg. klInIkV, prednosta clen korespendent SAY K.Siska, a z Ustavu usitej anatomie v Bratislava, prednosta dro N.Kratochwil. (NITROGIN. metabolism. utilization from protein hydrolysates In dogs, deteru. with Ick's & Paylay's fistulae) (PROTRINS, bydrolyeates. utilization of nitrogen from protein hydrolyeates, detarm. with Ick's & ftyloy's fistulas) SISKA. K'; SIMKOVIC. 1. Recent progress in surgical therapy of constrictive pericarditts. Bratiol. lek. listy 3.# no.9:981-991 Sept 54. 1. 9 11. ehlripekej kliniky v Bratislava, preduosta clan korrespondent SAV K.51ska. (MICARDITIS. ADHISM. surgery.) S114KOVIC I DXBROTA, S.; XOST0121Y, I.; SGiU4URRKR, M.; KRATOGINIL, M.; f'IVXOYA, A.; DUCHON, J. A hamokynamic study of the pulmonary circulation in some surgical pulmonary diseases. Bratial. lek. IIstY 35 no.10:641-646 31 My 55. 1. Z II chir. kliniky LYUK v Bratislava, prednosta clan koresp. SAV K. Sisks, z Ustavu uzitej anatomie IM v Bratifilave, prednosta MUDr. M. Kratochvil, a z 11. internej kliniky LVX v Bratislava. -orednoata doe. MUDr. V. HaviRr. (11TYIS TINSION pulm. in surg. nulm. dis., cAtheterization of heart & mulm. artery) (UIN(M. digesses surg., nulm. hypertension elimination by catheterization) (HIIART catheterization in surg. nulm. dis.) (ARM-INS, PUIXONART catheterization is Burg. nulm. dis.)