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'Z/O 0 , /'U _2""Oo01jI)5'10*J'~"" J
V , ,jilj,.,Lna, Simi6-G -.11kil Dr,,I,;ani,.,
lv,,in, Dx:tur, CheTlists
p, Pol,,pjj(_~nyls in reactor engineering. II
I I U'J"I C I*%.IU Telinik,'t, no. 5, 190'2$ 846-852
:2 ALI T'.-- article, a continuation of an article publIohed in
als with the thermal and radiation proper-
I _ail a, i~ o. 4, 1)6U, de. L.
IUj(.,.,3 of .ro?r,,itic hy~irocarboxis, part ic ularly of polyphenYls, and
~.oudr u.~r, u,3 coolants and moderators in nuclear reactors. All the
'.Lined 4n the article have been compiled from foreign pub
jic.utionu and are based on expertments conducted at 'Earviell and on
- .Lnn,- reactors, such as OMRE, Piqua and OCDE The~-e are 4
tk,~bies, 6- figures and 23 references: 1 Soviet-bloc and 22 non-So-
viet-bloc. The 4 moot recent references to the English-language
publications read as follows: B.. F. Wiesner: Nuclear
5, no. 45, 068, 1960; K. H. Campbell: Nuclear Engineering, 5, no.
45, 53, 1960; C. R. Tipton, edit.: Reactor Handbook, v. 1, Matcri-
Card 112
Use of ecolid in arterial hypertension. Mod. glasn. 13 no.10:
516-517 0 '59.
1. Interna klinika B Hadicinskog fakulteta u Beogradn, upravnik:
prof. dr R. Berovic.
C- %try.
not LT.n
C-PUtsont of Padlobtalory. Institute of rufloor 5616""M
'a.,I. x1jr1sh,
Snx;rv:: BeIrroda-VIA08, N11W" Of 0.4 Institute of Nualear 541VAS94
's.ris 11drich, --
P py, JF9-agb
b0s; -he Action of AnOrtor M%itary Irwn~ lent@ on tM Vale% arA
the pun*tton of jAr."I Oland. of Mrpqphjs*stmw1sw Asts.
--Ycj, 2. X., Department of 04410blolov, buitit"Im of 0"Imer Selon"s
hris 11driah'.
PAVIC. DOO&Aks. DOP~r"*-t Of Jt-dl*b19ls47, Institute Of 31"I~
Sojeftges *left@ lidwish-,
AIVIC-JUVIC, D)uTdIIra, bvp*ruwns of A-diablaUgy, botituto at
WIS Ildrigh,
17 1)271/D308
U 10 R Simi~ek, B.
i'LLE": Inclined V-shaped travelling w-ave antenna
I'Lleferativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
n,). 5, 19062, abstract 5-7-174 ir (Sb. praci Vkzkumn.
Ustavu. s.Dojii, 1959, Prague, 1960, 199-220)
T Inc-'-'ned V antenna, with length of the sidej, was studied
uh o. n
-etically and experimentally. Formulas of norMalized radiatJo
,)at-terns are given for field components 1 E) and 15e_ in -the coordinate
s.,,.-stem (6, 4, R), and experimentally checked on i modelp with vari-
ius values of 1/~,. Design graphs are provided. 4 references* LAbstrac -
tor's note: Complete translation].
Card 1/1
CZECfl0,3iI0VAKLI UDC 615.7(:51,,.7.L55.623):616.127-079-97
SIIIIICMr~, J.; REIL, P.; 1st Internal Department, Krajsllca Hospital
Krajsko Nenocnice), Ostrava, Head (Vedouci)
"E)CG Chan(-,es After Administration of Glucose to Diabetics and to
hoalthy Controls."
PraCuo, Gasonis Loknru Ge3kyc , Vol 106, No 0', 10 Fob 67, pp
159 - 163
Abotract /Authors' 1~~nglish surmary T-.,odiA'ied_7: Peroral adr~inistra-
tion of 00 g of r~lucose to 23 diabetics and to 27 controls caused
an insirnificant aepression of the ST seFmcnt and a significant
lowering of T i.,,-ves,- this was less marked in diabetics than in the
controls. Glucose induced "pathological" changes in the wave shapes
even in patients witliout heart lesions; the incidence was high main-
ly in cases where, I)ef-)re glucose administration, the T wave am-
plitude ..]as low. The reason why plucose indvees these "pathological
changes is not clear- 4 Fio:ures, 2 Tables, 16 Western, ~ Czech, 2
USSR references. (1111anuscript received Doe 65).
Vol I!;," an 40
"ec L 'L
AND DENERVATED BONE IN HATS (Russian text) - Rrsenfeld
it AimiLlek J' and Rosenfeldovd A. Inst. Physial.,Mcd. Fac.,
I 1AhTUn-rV-.-,Zj-omouc - PHYSIOL. BOHEM. 1959. 8/1 (30-35) Tables 2
Cd8trallon of female rats causes a greater los- In the weight of the tibia and fibula
of a denorvated limb than does denervation alone. The administration of oest-
radial decreases the loss of weight of the tibia and fibula in a denervated limb.
Denervated bones react more sensitively to changes in the oestrogen level than do
Innervated bones. Oestrogens act directly on bone. The presence of the para-
thyroids is not essential for this action.
Man - Prague (111, 14)
- -' _GTIniGal and therapeutic
gallstones In the common
July-Sept 57.
common bile
problems in connection with 100 cases of
bile duct. Rhimenian 19. Rev, 1 no,3.'76-77
!! , ~ I-III, - t ~A %
'.. ;~J, I , I . I I : ~ ~ -_ L li 9 U : lit rl..j4 y 0~ * " C; r OL _., -47) h y 13
. . ~ _~'. ~lq..Tl 1 . .7 j f~fi ,
T!Y47' , - ~ - - ~-
A"F*,. prv- ( ~u ?-,. l .7 ~ I,-, ')
P. 3r r.-,.!C, I,' 4~9 () :64-
"A method for measuring the altitude and thickness of water clouds."
KHIDROIDGIIA I METEOROLOGIIA, Sofiia.. Bulgaria, hoo 3j 1959a
Monthly List of East European Accessiogis Index (EEPLI), The Library of
Congress,, Volume 8. No. 8. August 1959.
ISP69 )301
1.13.1illovs 14,catA,011 ab-
14 their ap? I-8f
C-qo 0 -19609
.riojt~61. obser-1 -J~La I -no. teorol.
;~U ,,dar GeojA-z 1. 4, Me of
1,00 Z urlIal oj'aro '011
11 ta cri-Ptl as
.LA. (Tr - 111- des tat-~Oilt
~Lef er brie 5 the
t IB43 coll-taills ,a. the rads, 'r 'ni.116 the
strac 0) eteru~ ,,A ders
131-24 r P-M 1 e a, oat 0 on d 0 - here
-the ,at' - art c cited
rt of OC~L dar eq- condl P re a-I'lic
t e -ra se .10116 a t,
-1r St Pa le allaL baBI-C a e reaS ,,(, ae ,aqe-
rjIjcjV of t e V,)Lp jLce 9 the
1P ti-on te si. 'ects' ..,,ter 9 -Ler thall orlier
i:j 0 'lee Ol
%4 r .111 deriva t_r ej C%j.II o of ch SM 8611& 9, Ct tjpe5
tj~e as a t,.rge refle BUrjaCe a Uka Peres 1 diifere'n c,~jcej
ttj e 11 f the of tlectilldiauleter jarge.10119 of 106,.C pra
1? 0,4 e V 0 operti_es re ,hose jIlder see eOTO
clar PV fee t -1,1 e radar % et
ra tjje ef JeS, 06 CY the Use &'n
for artic .jrjace of , r s eras
.,Cal V e 13 jtjdes 5C
,,her 0, plan jas,611 j-V en
le'l6thl'or - T)~Je also
'reflec taft are
', Irc
ara A /3
Radar-vtYg-di~vatjonB and methods of measuring
bed in the third part, Radar abip pilot e
are briefly de8cri tic reflectors and tranBporti th
I n also indicates
tile wind by means of paras: fourth par'9 whic'
balloons are described in the nd pilot'balloons- The fifth
principles of selecting reflectors a servations. Here the authors
devoted to cloud system ob 1 reflection from the
section is of the theory of -radar signa . f the power
state the results hat clouds represent. Since the ratio 0
multiple target t emitted (Pr/P ) is proportiona
of the signal receiv'ed to the power t
6 is the radius of the drops; the authors conclude
to Enjai t where ai con'tent of
that Pr/pt = AM2, where A = const. and M is the water
the cloud; they also denote that according to the experimental data
2 -14 1-5 - Thusq radar observations allow one to mea-
Pr/pt = (const/r ) tions with iso-
er content 0 .f clouds and to construct see
sure tile wat nt. A reflected signalts polarization k
lines of equal water conte ime section on the bas is of wor
properties are considered in the.BI . Labrum (J. Ap 1 PhYO-# 259
by Langzleben and Gunn (1952) and by N f a bri6Kt':b&ndj charac-
carcl 1952). The section ends With a description 0
Card 21/3
Device carried by a balloon for measuring the bass height and
the thickness of vater clouds. Rhidro i mteorolog no.lt27-3/+
161. (EM 10 t 7)
(Plateorology) (Clouds) (Balloons)
Itilativ the Sane."
LOJ-11A I !A. 5(,,f iia, BUJ-i.L ','ia., -1, 115-
(:c" SICS LC, V':0 - 7, July 195', Unclas
llcntl~lly list of A -S i0
Ultrasonics. In Radio PhgIneering, No. 2:21 Feb 55
r7.diative t,,rror!~ of ccrl like rr~,c;~Os~.ndes.ll
-i L in)l teoro Logiia, 'lo!. "o. i, iotiia, -~Agaria)
V 11
~ndi.!x Z.iro-)e-.An Acce;-,,.Ao.ri- ~-'Al I LC, ol.7, o. 9,
Some conclusions as to the radiation error of the radiosonde,
made at the time of total solar ec2ipse of February 15, 1961,
Xhidro i mteorolog no.2:48-49 162.
S11-1141111"'V, 1).
A measurement of charwen in *.c nimbrstratus cloudiness.
Kllidro i metc-orolog 13 no. 1:3-6 164.
lmpul-e recorder of local lightning dl3char,ges. nidro i
mat orolog 13 no. 3:10-12 164.
3TANFV, 'iv,, 3lM11;.Illi-V, U~
Plotoorology in tvf,- j~rlve of nati4,nal economy. Khidro i Vlateorolog
13 no, 2~3-9 16'..
POPOV, VasJ-1; PETKOV, Valentin; SIMIDCULN. Todor
Protection 00 t>--es from poisoning during the spraying of alfalfa
with Fonition. Selskostop nauka 2 no.8:1018-102� 163
R4-lc cr ;,cti%-ity br-~'cre t~jc Oth of Leptember. Padio (Radio),
#11~ :7 :Aug 54
L 36OZ~~t E;IP(t)/ETI JJP (c) JD
7A~C NR, AP6027345 BU 00 0
"U7K'O'R: -
Androychin, R.; Sirddchieva, P.; Nikiforova, -I.
MG: Soction for Photooloctrical Phanoriona in Sc:nconductiors and Dioloct.-ics,
Institute of Physics, BAN
TITIL: Some Aoctrical and physicochenical proporties of silver doped vitreous
As suIo 2 S sub 3 11
SOIRIC113: Bulgarska akademiya na naukites Doklady, v. 18. no. 12, 1965, 1079-1082
TCPIC TAGS: semiconductor, conductivity, arsenic compound, impurity conductivity,
sordeonductor band structure, electric polarization, s ver
ABS'II',CT% The understanding of the influence of :Lnpuri.-ies on the conductivity of
aporphouu and especially vitreous semiconductors is of prime importance for the into
protation of their band structure and the influonce of the short-range order on the
eloctric and somiconductivo properties. As2S investigated during the present work
has the hi&cst resistance of all the chalcoRnides. The paper prosonts in tabular
form the microhardness. softening temperature, high voltage polarization. and photo-
condua-vity data gathered in collaboration with the laboratory of Prof. Kolorniotz at
the Ioffo Physics-Technical Institute of the Atcaderq of Sciences of the USSR. Mile
those rosMs are only preliminary and do not warrant any definite conclusions, ',.he
prosonco of high voltage polarization seems to indicate that the band stracturo of th4
material and the distribution of the deep traps (if they do exist due to structure
etfects) remain quitb undl=ged. This paper was presented I~Jcgemician G. 11adjakov
on 21 Aug 1965, Ori art his: 2 tables. Prig. art. in F. im: 36.465J
SUB C= S 20. 09 Z91 DATE t 2:LAug65 /-OaIG PX- F -. 001 F: 007 OTH REF80014
L 01754-67 VJ'P(0/EWP(Q/1-71'I JP(0- --.-JQMU/W11
AP6035623 SOURC4 CODE: BIJ/0011/65/018/011/0995/0998
!'10MYCHIN R.o S11-aDCHIYEVA, P.p NIVIFOROIIA,_14., Physics Institute, BulZarian
lAcademy of Sciences [Original-l=guage version not given)
Conductivity and Certain Photoelectric Properties of Glaso-Like As 8
Sofia 0 PAklgd4,41-rsLskov Akodgmil ?Jau Vol 18, 110 11, 1965P pp 4998
~Ftuselqn ar'ticlol The authors studied the -wroporties of the
=qt E2 c ~ I
'*S'-Xs So system and established thot it exhibits high valtero polarization.
T st9 showel that 1) the conductivity does not depend on the field direction;
2) the polarization amf is almost proportional to the applied electric field;
3) the material has thermoolectrot proportios; 4) the averaro photopolarization
,(45 V) and photoconductivity (15) appeared independent on -'.he epplied field;
the true and residual photoconductivity approach quickly the saturation
level; 6) there exists a photoolactrot st!ito; and 7) smill silver admixtures
(0-05 3t/.mol) destroy the photoelectric prcpartios (photooloctrot and
photoconductivity) and increase manifold the ordinary conductivity. A discuaslon,-
of those results is also given. The inventiration was carried out in
K~ics-- inearinr Institute Im. A. F. loffe of the
conjunction with the P,h
Acadomy._pf Sciences USSR in Loninrrad (Leboratorv of Prof, Kolomiyts)*'Th1s paper was
pyesented by Academician G. rndzhakov on 21 At%:-,u-,t 19(l). Orls. art. tins: 3 figures.
ZJPRS.- 36,0027
TOPIC TAGS: photoconductivity, phatoolvcuric -)raT),!rty, arsentc conpound otic nateria
t' f4pc-, t7 0
Z;LAA ~/6-
OY 2Z., 06'a I
ACC NR. AF6018573 SOUNCE CODE: UW0181/66/OW/oo6/1q51/lq59
AU-111OR: Andreychin, R. Ye.; GStovj G. K. Simidchiye,-ra, P. A.
cute of.the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia (Fizicheskly in-
NG: F4yjLcs InstL
stitut Bolgarskoy Ail)
TITLE: Effect of silver'impurities on the intrinsic absorption edge of glasslike
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 6, 1966, 1951-1952
TOPIC TAGS: arsenic compound, silver, optic absorption, absorption edge, semicon-
ductor band structure, glass property, Impurity level
AILSTARACT: This work is part of a joint
investigation of the electric and photographic
properties of Qlaas-4 onductorsp carried out by the Physics Institute of the
Bulgarian AcadenW of Sciences and th _Wsigglechnical Institute im. A. F. Ioffe in
SB. To check on the applicability of the band theyiZ of solids to glass-like semi-
conductors, the authors synthesized lass-like As2SA by, a procedure described by B.
A. Kolomiyets et al. (in: Stekloobraznoye sostoyaniye, 456, 1960) and measured the
effect of addition of silver on the shift of the optical absorption edge on optical.4
polished samples as well an on natural crystals. The measurements were made with a
monochromator (UM2) and photomultipliers (FEU-19). The transition from the crystal-
line state to the glaso-like state leads to a shift of the intrinsic absorption edge
by 44 nra toward the longer wavelengtbs. Introduction of silver impurities causes a
ACC NRi A"18573
further shift of the edge toward longer wavelengths. The shift in 20, 30, and 60 nm
for impurity contents of 0.03, 0106, and 0.09 Ag atoms per As2G3 molecule. Impurity
content larger than 0.1 leadn to a strong decrease in the transparency of the samples.
The dependence of the absorption coefficient on the wavelength of the incident light
is independent of the temperature. The temperature coefficient of the shift of the
absorption edge was -T x 10-4 ev/deg for both crystalline and glass-like As2S3. It
Is concluded from the results that silver does not produce active local levelsp but
forms a homogeneous complex with the main substance. This agrees with the assumption
that the silver enters the chains making up the structure of the glass-like As2S3 and
shortens them, thus increasing their number. This assumption was advanced by the
authors earlier (Dokl. Bolg. AN Y. 18, 1079, 1965)- The authors thank Professor Iv.
Kostov (Mineralogy Department of the Sofia-State University) for supplying the nat-ural
As2S-3-crystals, Doctor Vashko for optical measurements,, and B. KwidilArov for a dis-
cussion of the results. Orig. art. has: 2 figures.
SUB CODE: 2o/ Sum DATE: o3jan66/ sov REF: OoB
C!.,d 2/2/~;4/1
B., 01"LT-16v, L.,
Some new welding mathods In -,,he manufacture of el-3ctr*lc trucks
at the 6 Septewri 6leatric Transport Plant of Sofia. Mashlno-
strat3ne 12 no./+:/,2-43 Ap 163.
-, - i.; - ~ ,- .
I,; -jblt~a,s of -:, ur'--etICE,-'-tuditionpl .1ecti'Ic Power for 11.,duatrInI Enter-
prizes." p. 334, Vol. 7, no. t, Nov.lDec- 1954-
BOOPTfid, yuc,~)Slllvla. )
SC: :Ia'onthly List of -':ast European Accessions, (--."AT ), LC.
Vol- -, 71-0- 5, YnY 1955, Uncle
Arterial segments of the spleen in man, anatomical besis of
controlled partial splenectomor. Rumanian M. Rev. 3 iio.4:6-9
O-D '59.
1. Department of Pathological Anatomy of the 'Gh. Marinescu"
Hospital, Bucharest.
(SPLM, surgery)
(SPUNIC ARTIRY,arwt. & histology)
Causes of child blindness according to the statistical survey of
the inmates of the state institute for Ulind in Levoca. Cesk.ofth.
11 no.4-5:328-333 1955.
1. Kliniks pro choroby ocne KU v Kosiciach. Prodnosta: prof. Dr
Josef P&Jtas
(BLINDUISS, etiology and pathogenesis
statist. auslysis in institution for blind child. In
EXCERPTAWDIC~ See 12 Vol 13/4 Ophthalmology Apr q.9
a aktinoterapti skleritfd - 5 1 m g-L, and H o I a n J. MnA Klin. LFUK
v KoAice - I~SL.OFTHA1~_IJ95'7, 13/3 (205-208)
Allergic factors are most important in the pathogenesis of scleritis. Actinother-
apy and especially contact X-ray treatment by means of a Chaoul's apparatus was
given to 40 patients. Thirty-one were practically healed in a relatively shorter
time than by any other medical procedure. In no case was postradiational
damage to the lens or cornea observed.
Zahn - Prague (XII. 14*)
Contribution to surgical therapy of herpetic diseases of the
cornea. Cask. ofth. 16 no.1:29-31 Ja '60
1. Ocne oddelenie OUNZ v Lacenci, prednosta prim. dr. I. Sizig.
(CCRNIA die.)
(KIRM compl.)
Heirodynamic changes in dvolipoidosis. Probl. ter.,Bucur. 10 no.4:
51-61 160.
(LIPID6 blood)
(BLODD circulation)
'a ~.Vk ~w w -w--- 4
A 1 1-1 -1- 1 AA N IX 0 111~6 I- L Al 9 1 A k
;.I #too
14*4S 4, 11 .0.1
TwoOft vuriom impropmeties- alooft tw fill
V N. Kutdruttwma.
46 M114-1411); CUm lentr, 19^0.41M S.
x 0 14.6ee".1 hub 24.31; scilimitir.1 tin-AIMMI. cm with (21 a
t torsi froulto in the 19"Imrfrution of Kwwy (a Ibbrk unilaw"I Immilin rniul%im Imittmi. &s 14kmv Hat *sit" wo.
rMteciall Wfte 011441nn] with vibri (1) a wAs. of Not twnd Into the nirlird o1mrin sowl the strarin waA sormald
Stratair In AV And Itillwnst1w havift a Slawba egoist of .
Ikv h11$,- at .10 OW With wnlimwin oinins. Atirradthr
P41attift We% d4himl. the HIM, W*4 OWMI 411411114 1 1 1 h"
4t"1 Own OMM"I 11) 1104 whik. .111find *at
I he 1111preondli-we vkdo rarrit.1 nut As 114knim: I Iw am
terial Woo, first impirrs"atol with the vomp onin. a* emulmmon
00 it 1hroush the w". or ce Won 6
, -,u ly p
, with Al aretatt of 6
11 .
1 It U 40'. The imictial we- then w*4w4 by psecing it
thr$011% water at M 7160 IM times SMI thnmgb cv&t wattir
iwkv.. It wa4 drini at W, 40'. 1 he "wilonal t-4 "Trrch-
was uvd 1.1 left I he bit
a- ja Martufaki urn
00 .4 the treated "miffial in water. By this
irrind to be tested We- -.ked in *-.itff (r. X.. at M1 Itiv, I
hc4.) lintl the derm --( -selling vra..Iruj. Th. ~tbrmf
'how"t the material rivattil With thr paraffirl rimtkions tek
he aln"t hilrol"Al. 110 N)t WAt". It M V- hatt Wk.
:1 A, Aw. "erted with the material. Thle maxonis lbal Ow
Kirwy wouLt ?w umishic irmat-I olk. dyn. If mabir-
mrin lmpivsvutkm i% am"ury it is ortim, vwo&d that it
t .7-T---
S too-. 9J.0.
u a At .0 il T
; a
is A
oss a wiffasait
30 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 * 0 0
l 0 111 *.* 0 * 0
* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 9 4 * 0 00 0 0 0 0 OLO 0 -0 a 0 0 4 0 0 o 0
to 4D
A Ii. L -9 It to ts 66 to 4 to a i it D n M n is v x It b I'
1 .1-1 - U-1., I I -1_1-10 CL A-K+JL--l M to bI a v in a 41 41 U a age
i t- A -J--]L- k
-A- iL
1.0 CA"-% .
I@?# Its -
IlorMil$ ..0 FQC4I&?4I, C#
An d"-roo
cs. 1
hUoikkao-Dana"majos Prow. 1939. No. 10. 40-3.' Kkum
Referal. Zhmr. 190. No. 6. IIII.-A dreming to refuf%r
c res
stant to water, a
runmas v
crtrsin 911, bitumen (n%A on. Wow IIJU*)43. Iritolyl t)lu-.
phate 43 and refirml turpentine "I s. W. R. Wnn
00 .00
0,3 00
0 '3
eow 7.
i 80
J gee
S AV to IS a' AN A t 9 ft 0 6 9 1 9 0 0 M 3 0 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 a 0 Me 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SI,%'7GT-, P. A.
23 -2053 lsi.oll,-ovr-nlye VpshCh~,stl Krssl~enii Tkan-y J. lekstil.
- 18 -Bibl I -, r: ; Nazv.
Pron-st" 1~'41,91 No. 11 C. -30.
SC): L~TOPIS No- 31, 1949
V=Aliscollaneous - Textiles
Card 1/1 1 Pub. 77 - 5122
Autbars j Simigin, P. A., candidate in Technical Sciences
Title I The finishing of febric
Periodical I Hauka, i Zhizn' 8, 3-1-3.2. Aug 1954
Abstract I The process of finishing cotton cloth is described. Various
equipment are illustrated.
linpra-ed waltLienelkncy P. A. Sim
- - -- .. I-.
T*rk,lif. Prom. 15, Fg. .1,'
::ICltt fL410WVI by X I.LrAfrill (Apt)fi"tif)fl (ft(litt At: ellitflihon)
,,,rkr,fiy impm~ri thp J1,0 lepellency of ft,l)rirv tljuj
PESHIKHOMOV, S.H., retd"e-hVVfttI-,'-PIWANNIIOV, M.N., redaktor;
KADVIMY, L.Ta.. tekhaicheskiy redaktor
(1knual on equipment of cotton finishing plants] Spravochnik po
oborudoyanitu otdolochnykh fabrik khlopchatobumazhnoi promyshlen-
nosti. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo Ministerstva legkoi
promyshl. SSSR, 1956. 467 P- (KIRA 10:3)
1. Moscow. TSontrallnyy naur-hao-iseledovn tell skiy institut
khlopchatobumazhnoy promyshlonnosti.
(Cotton mochinery)
GORDON, N.B.; retsenzent; nMZHII, G.G., rqtoonzont; XSDTBDYW,
L.T&,, takhnichpokiy rodaktor'~-
[Protective impregnation of textile fabric@] Zashchitare propitki
taketillnykh materialov.Pod red.I.V.Regovel. Moskva* Gas. n&uchnq-
takhn.izd-vo X-va logkol promyshl.SSSR. 1957. Z98 P,
(HLHA 10:6)
(Textile finishing)
SIMIOIN, P.A., kandtekhn. nauk; T.&NOIYAN, M.Z.. mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik.
New d7es. Takit. prom. 17 no.8:32-34 Ag 157. (XLRA 10t9)
(Dyes and dyeing-Chemistry)
(Now technological processes and equipment in the finishing shops
of the cotton industry] Novya tekhnologicheakie protsessy i obo-
rudovanie v otdolochnom proizvodstva khlopchatobumazhnoi pro-
myshlennosti. Leningrad, Pavilion "Kh1opok," 1958. 35 P.
(MIRA 13:11)
1. Veenoyuznaye promyshlennoya vyatavka SSSR.
(Textile finishing) (Cotton fibers)
A 7`10".., ~;imigin, P., Candidate of Technical Sciences
T ITLE: ater-resistant Fabrics (Vodoottalkivayushchiye tkanni)
111~:HTODICAL- Nauka i z;llizn 1958, fir 10, p 9 (USSR)
i ,
ABSTRACT: The author describes a method of impregnating fabrics which
can easily be applied in every nousehold.
.I- Tex'~:',l(-~s--~k:)israreproofizig
Card I/I
TITLE: The use of organoBilicon compounds for finishing cotton
SOURCE: Khimiya i prakticheskoye primeneniye kremneorganiches-
kikh soyedineniy; trudy konferentaii, no. 6: Doklady,
diokussii, resheniye. II Vses. konfer. po khimii i prakt.
prim. kremneorg. soyed., Len. 1956. Leningrad, Izd-vo
AN SSSR, 1961, 323-328
TEXT: Organosilicon compounds are the most effective substances
for impregnating fibers and for increasing the wear-resistance of
the textile material (up to 3 - 4 times as compared to other hydro-
phobing agents). Textiles having water-repellant properties as
well as fire-resisting properties are needed in many branches of
industry; organosilicon compounds are suitable for this pdrpose and
do not affect the structure of cellulose or the physical and che ;d
mical properties of the fiber. Initial investigations were carri
Card 1/3
The use of organosilicon D287/D302
out with compounds which were only soluble in organic solvents.
This caused, however, certain production difficulties (special
ventilation devices on the machines) which could be obviated by
using aqueous emulsions. During the discussion the author stated
'that toluene and CC14 had been used as solvents in these experi-
ments. Tests with the aqueous emulsion rKx-9i(GKZh-94) proved un-
satisfactory. The organosilicon compounds did not affect the ten-
sile 6trength of the fibers. A. Ya. Korolev (Moscow) stated that
if" the organosilicon compounds could be applied in the form of mo-
nomolCCLIlar coatings the hydrophobic properties of the fibers
could be retained after 50 washes and the material Would remain
water-proof even during veryprolonged use. L. 1. Zlotteovskiy (Mos-
4ovskiy gorsovnarkhoz) (Moscow Council of National Economy) dis-
cussed the author's results obtained with GK""h-8 and advantapB of
the hydrophobic agent GKZh-94. V. V. Rozhkova (TsNIIO Moscow)
pointed out that the latter agent did not give satisfaQtory re-
sults when used on wool fibers. M. V. Sobolevskiy stressed the
point that no universal hydrophobing agent existed for cotton#
Card 2/3
S/66 61/000/006/074/081
The use of organosilicon ... D287YD3 02
aynthetic fibers, silicates, etc., as had been proved abroad. V. F.
Rootunov (Redkinnkiy khimzavod (Redkinsk Chemical Factory) stressed
the difficulties encountered during production of these hydrophob-
in,- agents: insufficient raw materials, consumer specifications
~f"' re-ard to required quantities and quality of material, inve-
Wi V. U
stigation of the nethods of obtaining water-repellant propertie8.
ASSOCIATION: Toentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khlo-
pchatobumazhnoy promyshlenno8tig Moskva (Central Sci-
entific Research Institute for the Cotton Industry,
Card 3/3
Ptotoction. of cellulose materials against destruction by micro-
organism in tropical climates. Tekst,prom. 21 no*7258..62 J1 161,
(MMA 14--8)
Various methods of imparting water-repeUent properties to
cotton fabrics. Tekst.prom. 22 no.1202-57 D 162.
(MIRA 16ti)
1. Sotrudniki TSentrallnogo nauchno-insledovatellskogo inatit+
(Waterproofing of fabrics)
AVAYEV, Sergey Aleksandrovich, knnd, tekhn. nauk; BELOV, Vladimir
Pavlovich; ZINGMAN, AleksAndr Abramovlxb; vILC-VIWV,
Nikolay Nikolayevich; SIDCWjV,, Turly Paylovich;
Pet.r Andrp C-4~- GARTUNG,S.V.,, retsenzent; UtYLOV, A.P.,
L_ X"k
retsenzent; CHUGREYEVA,V.11., red.; VINCGRADOVA,G.A.,
[Automatization of technological processes in the cotton
industry] Avtomatizatsiia tekhnologicbeskikh protsesft'v
khlopchatobumnzhnoi promyshlenn6bti. Moskva, Gizlegprom,
1963. 279 p. C%URA 16:11)
(Cotton machinery) (Automation)
Modern mine ventilation in the Cevennes Basin (France)
according t-o R. Agraefel. Uhli 6 no.5tl',18-179 Pty 164
Apparatus for continuous recording of the averago con-
centration of finest dust particles. lbid.1179-180
1. Technical and Ebonomio Information, Institute of Coal
Research., Radvanize.
~- STIl
-- !,j"jDzt-.
.1. ~ 4
EducRtior. of umploykes 1r) i.ew !
no.2:1,1-1,2,'-5 F "-2.
1. PrFenrrik 7TT cdclelpri, 7.r:i o.-
C r.-~ ~- O.,l 1 (- - r 0 1, 0'1~ 11 .
New metWd of -lining coal with thick partings at the mine Pa2ni S3ask
in Poland. Uhli 5 no.4:142 Ap 163.
1. OS TEI, Vedecko-vyzkumny uhelny,iistav, Radvanice.
S111,11K, Jun
?clT,iretha.n foam with sand used for reinforcement. Ubli
6 no. 4: 119 Ap 164.
1. Coal Research Institute, Radvanice.
It ~51
SIMIK, Karel, inz.
Precision forging of turbine blades. Zpravodaj VZLU
no.2:95-102 163.
SlXhl. Ladislav, MUDr.
Problem of unified hospital of the nedico-industrial departzent of
the X.Gottvald Steel Kill in Titkovics. Vesk.zdravot. 4 no.2.-104-106
mar. 1956.
1. leditel ZM VM, Ostrava-Vitkovice.
in Czech.. of unified Indust. hoop. (Cs))
Indust. unified hoop. In Czech. (Cs))
SIMIK, Lalislav, MUDr.
I" - .,
Prevention ,of injuries at the Gottwald Metallurgic Plant in
Vitkovice. Cesk. zdravot. 4 no.8:457-1;62 Aug 56.
1. Reditel zavodnl'io ustavu narodniho zdravi VZKG Ostrava-
(ACCIDIDITS, INDUSTRIAL, prevention and cintrol.
Influence of "u. on V"- th of lorlycobseteds. U,
Pohler, P. Rohan and V. sirnlkovA (Mazaryk UftIV.,
Brno,' CzAch.). &A,,k1;;" ft",.kt. svik,,bid.
imugol. 2. 424 stimulating growth
effect of Pe on Alwabaderitins hibereakiis wax confirmed
and moreover the effect Of CW"PkXly
bound Fe, both bilealent and trivallent, was proved. No
such effect could be show In J1>vobadviuxt pkki. Phos-
te exts. from both kinds of mycobacteria were unable to
Pe kom the complex, fenv- sod ferdcyanide. The
relationghip of the complex Wnding of Veto the action mech-
anigm o% some of the antituberculous substances Is discussed.
V.TT19V0 PRO C"PERIMEOTAL. IMioL- le-ka,.,Ae fr,"LT,
S//CC- Y6 2 /ooo/Coa/036/057
B1 5631,01
T 1.10,
A I RS: Kiricheno, S. P., Simileyskiy, A. Z.
TITLE Vhe eff-ects of ultrasonic vibrations or. the thermal cracking
PERTODICAL: Reforutivnyy Khimiyu, no. 8, 1962, 474, abstract
F%M12Aj Oovosti neft. i Caz. Itq!.,hn. Neftepere-rabotka i
neftokhirriiya, no- 7, 1,961, 6-o)
T --7T The effects of ultrasonic vibrations on the light fraction
.1 4nvesti-ated, and tile conditions under which
(c, ac' ini ave bee-
proccs~; In
-.-iltra.~,onic vibrations exert most effect or, the reactions taking place
,I U r 4 rr-
,al crackina -,-iore investigated. The experiments were performed
Mule outlet of the reaction
7 00 a t
at tem,;~erutur,!-s of 170, -,'.50 and
cliamber, and Prezs-urjs of 20, 1,0, 50 and 60 atm in ti-e reaction zone.
The reseal"ch resulta assessed from the yields of gas, and of the
i;asoline (tit) to 2050C) and die3el Cu'P to 35COC) fractions under normal
thermal cr&cking conditions and 4-r. c.-acking in the presence of ultrasonics.
flux containing 36~' of fractions
The raw material u3ed was neavy re
Card 112
S/0- 62/000/008/036/057
effectz of ultrasonic ... B1 5 O`Y31 01
eva-,orating at up to '50 0, and of carboid3; :to density was 0.927.
wa-i found thitt uIIrL.-3(jn-c v`bration3 affect 'he ---eaction rate during -
incvt~asin~, tilt, -.,res3ure in the reaction z,-,re tenIs to produce
conditil,';iJ L11111er which ultz-asonici are offectiv,-. '-'he ideal cracking
condit..,ons ilzro a tel.,peraturv of Al'.00C ariel a ore3oure of 50 kj;/cM2; under
U.ese corlditiollo the tas y4tald ln(,reases by 3C,,!,, the gasoline yield by 6^4
and '.he 5oiar oll yield also by OC~~j of t1he figures attained with normal
thermal cracking, methods; the liquid reaction produits contain less
carboida. L,,b3tracter?s note: Complete translation.
Card 2/2
A17THO;-,6 6kripnik, Ye~ I., Sijnileysk1,y1_A, Z.
TITLE: Ultrasonic dehydration of crude oil
-ii 10~
- )IC,,L; Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Neft' i gaz, no. 2,
1962, 81-85
TEXT, The ultrasonic method for dehydrating heavy crudes with a high
oulffur content proved very satisfactory and was also successfully tested
on other types of crude at refineries in the Kuybyshevskaya oblast'. The
test unit (Fig.) consisted of a I-liter flask with a propeller stirrer and
a concentratcr transmitting the ultrasonic vibrations; the vibrator
(frequency, 15-17 kc/sec) was fed from a tube generator of 1-5 kw.
G~op HU(NChF) demulsifier and 10P mild NaOH or Ila 3P04 washing solution
ware added to the crude heated to 90-96 0C. The crude was then subjected
to ultrasonic vibrutions of 0.1-0.12 w/CM 2 for 15 min; subsequently, it
was allowed to settle for I hr at 800C. A complete dehydration of all
types of' crude is achieved and the method i-, recommended as highly
Card 1141)
S/152 62/000/010/001/001
AUTHORSi Skripnik, Ye. Makarenko, M. A.,
Grigorlyeva, K. M., Dolganovo Vo Is
TITLE: Dehydration and desalting of sulfurous and highly sulfurous
PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysehikh ucliebnykh zavedeniy. Neft' i gaz, no. 10,
1962, 67 - 70
T---XTi The purpose of these tests, following thei~ultrlsonlc'--.
dehydration tests described in the article "Dehydration of crude dil by
ultrasonic method" by Ye. I. Skripnik and A, Z. Simileyskiy in "Neftli Gaz",
no. 2, 1962, was to desalt highly sulfurous crudes to a salt content of
only 50 mg/l and less. Three types of crudes from the Kuybyshev oil
producing region were used, having respectively a viscosity of 38.2, 66-5
and 47.2 cst at 200C, a salt content of 2800, 4000 and 1044 mg/l and a
sulfuric acid tar content of 50,0, > 8010 and OtO % with about 3 % sulfur.
The following optimum conditions for both desalting and dehydratiol were
establisheds temperature 96 - 1000C, for heavy crudes low pressures
Card 112
Dehydration and desalting of ...
(maximum 2 atm), washing with a 1% solution of trisodium phosphate, mixing
with a propeller stirrer for 1 - 2 minutes. The same conditions apply for
wet crudes and those with a high salt content, > 2000 mg/l, but in this
case the two-stage processing has to be used. If crudes are processed in
one staga, higher temperatures (160 - 2000C) are necessary; the reagent is
an aqueous caustic soda solution. The final ultrasonic processing which
results in a complete dehydration must be carried out at a low frequency,
1) - 1't irc, and at a rather low intensity amounting to 0.10 - 0.12 w/cm 2
so as to produce sound waves of greater lengtk; settling time is 1 hr at
SOOC. The tests showed that heavy, sulfurous and highly sulfurous crudes,
torming very stable emulsions, can be desalted and dehydrated by this metbod.
There are 7 tables.
ASSOCIATIONs Kuybyshevskiy politekknicheskiy institut in. V. V. Kuybysheya,
(Kuybyshev Polytechnic Institute ineni Y. V. Kuybyshev)
SUBMITTEDs May 24, 1962
Card 2/2
Dehydration and desalting of sweet and scrur petroleume. Izv.
vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' I gaz 5 no.10:67-70 162.
(MIRA 17: 8)
ybyshevskiy politekhmicheskiy institut iineni Kuybyeheva.
1. Kw
St:!( I I I I:(., Yi. 1. ; 007., V. J .;'L D; -LEY-Al'i , -,YRIN , V.G.
Dearulsify-Ing cfls ,,sing ultrasar,!cs. Nett. khuz. 41 n:).7&
51-56 Jlft3 (KIRA 1717)
rHA rofessor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; SIXIISYSKIY, M.G.,
I LOV, il
kandidat tekhnicheskikh -au
Nxperimental use of electric core drills for boring blast holes In
hard rock. Bor'ba a sil. 1:83-89 '53. NUA 7;10)
1. Novocherkaeskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Similtyakiy)
(ROCK IM"W- :-t,.
MIXHAYLOV. Y.G., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; SDUL"*Y5XIT.,H,G,.,dots.,
kand.tekha.nauk; RYLEV. N.V.. starshiy prepodavatell, kaad.
takhu.nauk; SHAMHIN, V.N., aseisteat
Iavestigatioa and selection of boring machine cutter bits.
Trudy SPI 80 :3--= 459* (KIRA 13:12)
(Boring machinery)
mimmyl'ov, V.(-,., prof., doktor tekhr-niuk, S,I-MILE-YS,KIY, M.G., kand.tekhn.
natik; 511AMSHIII, V.U., Inzh.
NewIbits Por auger boring of blast holes. Gor.zhur. no.12-158-59
D 63. (MIRA 170)
1. flovocherkasskiy politekhnicheskiy tristitut.
SI141?lp DI-tia, Inz.
Gaophysl,-al aitivities In the'lleld of pelroleum proopeutint
in Serbia. Rafta jug 14 no.9,1lOv25,,-Q60 S-0 96)
1. Naf-tagas, Novi Sad.
NIKOLIC, Dragan, geolog.; IS-IMIN,-Dina, ing.
Survey of the geologic structure of the Neogene base in Vojvodina.
Nafta Jug 12 no.7/8:188-193 Jl-Ag 161.
1. Naftagas, Novi Sad.
(Yugoslavia-Geology, Stratigraphic-Neocene)
SIMIN, Dina, inz.
Some examples of radiometric petroleum prospecting. Nafta Jug
13 no,4/5-.99-101 Ap-My 062*
1. Ollaftagas*, Navi Sad.
SI:' T I", I)i.rL, Ii.z. ; V( ""17111-' , Jovan., inz.
C,eolc,,-i(! and geophy-tical interlre*.ztion cf t'Le terrain ir.
the cf oil md gai deposits in scuthwcrAcm ~. wzt.
I - t, ~ -2C S-C 16")
I a- L in 13 rn.(,--/lC:2"3
1. !:Ovi Sad.
:31RIN, Dina, inz.
Application of ultrasound in oil prospecting. Nafta Jug 14 no.4:
123-131 np 163.
1. "Naftagas", Novi Sad.
_j f I-i I n
VIntroduction of rapid brick drying and firing miffi&WA
i-cro .. d gm,fto,, Wes in Norwasibirsk hmt,, Q,
SI;n;;I%,.Sb0rRik Trudov Resp. Nauch.-Adedowtel. 164
.1 4 Slroilel. Majrri4lov 1954, No. (), 31-58; Referil.
Zhur., Xhim. 1954, No. 4874L-Improv-,=entx In the verk-
tilatioa system and stepping up the rate of gas fk.w in an--
nular furnaces resulted In appreciable Inctease of brick
production per Cu.m. of space.
SIMIN, G., inzhener.
I I!--- - -4- ,
Combiaed operation of kilns and dryers. Stroi.mat- 3 no.1:14-16
JO 157- (MLRA 10:3)
(Brickmaking) (Kilns)
STEPANENKO, M.G.) doktor tekim.nauk, prof.; LIFSHITS, A.V., inzh.;
SIPUN, G.F., inzh.
Study of heat exchange in tunnel kilns during the firing of
ceramic wall materials. Stroi.mat. 8 no.7:28-30 n 162.
(MMA 15:8)
(Ceramics) (Kilns)
SIMINP G.F., Jnzh., laureat Gosudarstvennoy premii; LIFSHIMS, A.V., Inz.h.;
SHEYNMAN, Ye.Sh., inzh.
Heat exchange during kilning of ceranic wall materials in
tunnel kilns. Sbor. trud. ROSNIIMS no.27:24-38 163.
PIMENOV, B., 'khudozhnik-dekorator; SIM, L., -khudo2hnik-dekorator
From the practice of show window dressing. Sovotorg 34 no.308-59
mr 161. (MIrA 34:2)
1. Gorpromtorg, g.Kishinev.
(Show windows)
KHIZHN-YAK, P.D., glavnyy red.; GUZOV, G.A.. zam.glavnogo red.; BLYMICRG.
V.A., red.; VASILIKOV, B.A., red.; QWSIKOV, A.T.. red.; ZHCLOBOV,
V.V., red.; KAKK&T, P.T., red.; KAHTIYZV. N.M., "d.; KISUIT. H.I.,
red.; KOSTYGOV, I.N., red.; MOISRIEV, A.A.j red.; NOVIXOT, A.P..
red.; -SIMM, S.A., red.; CIEMYSM, P.S., red.; SHAWRW, X.A.,
red.: SM . I.Ye., red.; EWNTIYEVA. I.K., red.: SHMOVA, A.Y.,
[Xxperience of mechanical engineers; technical information
publication] Opyt mahinostroitelet; informtsionno-takhnichaskii
abornik. Leningrad, Sovet nar.khos.Leningr.okon.administrativnogo
raiona. TSentr.biuro tekhn.informataii. 1960. 88 p.
(KIRA 13:11)
(Mechanical engineering)
1. SIMIN, S. Kh.
2. USSR (600)
4. Knitting Machinery
7,. Single-width flat stoc;Jng machine.
Leg. prom., 12 no. 11 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953.
SIXIU, Solomon Khononovich, kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; TORMOZOVA,L.I.,
redaktor-P&WtV.D.M., kandidat tokhaicheakikh nauk, retsenzent;
MVV,ADJIi;,L.A., takhaicheskiv redaktor
[High-speed warp knitting machines] Bystrokhodnve oanovoviazallnye
mashiny. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo Ministerstva taketill-
noi promyohl., 1955. 158 p. (KMA 9:3)
(Warping machines)
,,~IKIN, S.Kh., kandidat takhnichesklkh nauk; NORMAN, N.Y., inshener.
Structural characteristics of the SK-54 warp-knitting machine.
Log. prom. 17 no.1:34-37 Ja '57. (MLRA 10:2)
(Germany. ftet--Warping machines)
sim, S.Kh., kandidat tekhnicheskikh Rauko
-Inalysing the speed operating conditions of a Isoatery flat
knitting machine. 119g.prom. 17 no.4:37-39 Ap '57- (MLRA MW
(Hosiery industry) (Knitting machines)
GARRARUX, V.N.. kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsen-t;-4I~I.N,SqKh., kand.tekhn.nauk;
AGAPOV, L.M., insh.
Designing the pattern chain mechanism of varp knitting machines.
Izv.vys.ucheb*zav-; tekh*19geprome no&6:107-.U3 160.
(KIU 14: 1)
1. Ieningradeldy tekstillnyy, institut imeni S.M. Kirova. Rekomen-
dovana kafedroy proyektirovaniya tekstillnykh miashin.
(Knitting machines)
SDUN, S.Kh., inzh.; SOLOVYXV, L.I., inzh.
Lint control on circular knitting machines. TekBt;proM. 20 no.3:
53-56 Mr 160. (MIRA 14:5)
machines) (Dust collectors)
141IRKIN, Moisey Samuylovich; SMRI, Solomon Khononovich; LIPKOV, I.A.,
kand. tekhn. nauk, re-t-senziffit-,-7XIS='I-V-.;-Fand. teklin.
nauk, retsenzent; GA5(NA, D.M.J. red.; TRI;HnIA, L.A., tekhn.
[Circular knitting machines for knitted cutorwearliruglo-
vlazallrWe mashiny verkhnego trikotazha. Moskva, Hostakh-
izdatp 1962. 307 p. (14IU 15:10)
(Knitting machines)
MIRKIN Molsey Samuylovich; ~S!~DGN ~So _jUwAQnoTIch;. LIFKOV, I. A.,
kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; KISLYUK, I.V., kand. tekhn.
nauk, retsenzent; GABOVA, D.M., red.; TRISHINA, L.A., tekhn.
[Circular knitting machines tor the manufacture of knit outer-
wearl KrugloviazalInye mashiny dlia verkhnego trikotasha. Mo-
skva, Rostekhizdat, 1962. 307 P. (MIRA 16:8)
(Knitting machines)
So -lomun Khonovich; VIRKIN , Yoi.-,cy Swrmylovieh; STEL"joyl.,
F.S., reto-n--c-rit.; GAi;jVA, D.P., red.; '~JNOGRZOVA, G.I.,
tekhn. red.
[1~',ultisyste-m, circular interlock knitting machines] mnogo-
sistemxWe krugloviezailnye mashiny interlok. Moskva, Giz-
legprom, 1963. 268 p. (MIRA 17:1)
GARBARUK, V.N., kand. takhn.nauk, retsenzent; VAKSER, D.B.,
dots., red.; VARKOVETSKAYA, A.I., red.izd-va; SHCHETININA,
L.V., tekhn. red.
(Technology of the manufacture of knitting machines] Tekhno-
10giiA trikotazhnogo mashinostroeniia. [B71 A.V.Vostrodovskii
i dr. Moskv&, Mashgiz, 1963. 266 p. (MIRA 16:8)
(Knitting machines)
SIMN, S.Kh., kand.tekhn.nauk
New type of equipment for the knit goods industry. Tekst.prom.
23 no.5:10-12 My 163. (KRA 16:5)
1. Glavnyy inzh. Spetsiallnogo konstruktorskogo bfuro po
proyektirovani.yu trikotazhnykh mashin Leningradskogo soveta narodnogo
(Knitting machines)
kzvd. e7f:im n auk.
'teview of I.S. 11.1', de-sign
of 'k-litt-111C
24 4
('IIIIRJ~ 18:2)
spetsialln. -c, kor,,otn3J,.tcrskogo byir, triko-
trizhnykh maa;An Lanirfg-radsl: -) sovetn mtrodnogo I.-hczyaystva
(f(-r S`mi-n). -~. L(!nlnr,,radsk%, -*.,.,.,;tlttit te'r:stilfllc)y i legkoy
lm. rir-,7;v,,t (*',-,- %rbanuk).
;JIMINI S.U., kand.tekhn.nauk
Aeu machines for Lhe knit goods Industr-j. lekst.,rom. -'-'5 no.2.-5-8
F 165. WIPA 18-4)
1. Glavriyy inzh. npotulallnogo konotruktor3kogo 'uyur.) po proyokti-
rovaniyu trikotuzhnykh mashLn So-jeW mt,-c,,lnov.,, kho:~ya--;tvu UnIngrad..
skof,c ekonomicheskogo rayona.
VORU111YAVA., 11.11.; 10buRIT01107A, 11.11.; PROTAS. L.K.; SIHIII, Ya.Z.
Virological characteristics of the epidenic (nitbreak of polio-
rCrolitia in Novosibirsk in 1957. Vop.virU3. 4 no-3:296-300
My-Je '59. (MIRA 12:8)
1. Novoeibirskaya virusologicheskaya laboratoriya.
strains isolated in 1957 epidemic in Russia
----- -- -- ---
~eFy (Iecirrachic.,!
.. . ,
4 ,
r-- Zola of cnlcium. vhoophorus And iodine uAlts In the autrition of
lambs In mountain regions of Kazakhstan. Trudy Inst.okspabiole
All Kazakh.GSR 4174-83 #58 (MIRA 11:7)
iK~~Ls M ?=)
Adequacj of vitl~minC ~Prov sion in som rural population groups;
rex)ort No. 1. Zdrav. Kazakh. no.4:43-46 162.
(MM 15:6)
1. Iz Instititta krayevoy patologii Akademii nauk Kazakhskoy SSR
(direktor - kandidat meditsinskikh nau), B. A. Atchabarov)
Comparative characteristics of the vitamin C supply of rural
school children in some Kazakhstan provinces. Izv. AN Uzakh.
SSR. Ser. med. nauk no.3:52-58 163. (MIRA 17:1)
Analynis of hydrocarbon systems from their mass spectra. Zhur.
naorg.khim.1 no.6:1264-1270 Je 156. (KLRA 9:10)
l.V9~soyuz*7 unuchno-isoledovatellskiv Institut neftyanoy
prom,vahlennosti (VNIINP).
(Hydroenrbons-Spect ra)