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SIMIUVSKIT, M.A.,kand.ekon.nauk Transportation of refractory materials. Trudy TSNII WS no.162:39-69 '58. - (HIM 12:4) (Refractory materials-Transportation) 611MOVSKIT, M-A-skand.ekon.nauk Improving the transportation of cotton. Trudy TSNII MPS no.162:109-137 '58. (MIRA 12:4) (Cotton--Transportation) Ftl -r n - h . -. Sl,'-',~ 'N ~ ~,J. I y , 1. . , ~ . I k. ~, ,1. - . . li ~ . - i . rld . C.11. 3., . -,~ ~ uk ;1. 2 ~ I J I tv 7a vvrjusk.-. -)fit' , Yv-,"!., kard.trlhn.nv.-;k Br-!,,-!' in., tructionr on orr;lr)i7a*,i-.-.)n and ret~,o,,Ar, for r-)utirij, normil lrniF~t traffic I'lows. no. I r-: 4-T) ' 50. (MIRA 14-- 5) 1 . 'U'l ivnoyf- vrwovoyp upravlenivp I'fi t v% r-utey c~enlya (for Krich). 2. Vseso 'vuznyv naucl Institut 7heJe,,,jorjot-o7hnO,,o transporta Minl;FterFtva putey 5oibs~cheniya (for Simanovskiy) (Railroods-Traffic) Nail road5--Frpight) SIMANOVSKIY. M.A. (IraraMndn, ul. Amangell(ky, d. 11-B) Cnncer ori;jina-ting from rectal ulcer. Yop. onk. 5 no.1:117-119 159. (NI3A 12:3) 1. 1z Datologoanatomicheqkogo otdeleniva Karagandinskoy Yorodskoy bollnitsy No.4 Demidova). (RBGTUK, ulcer, adenoenreinomatous degen. (MTUM, neoplasms. adenocarcinomatous degen. (zav. - K.A. Ginanovskly) (glavmyy vrach - A. Y&' (Rue)) of ulcer (Rus SDUMVSKIT, M.A. Congenital mecUastinal cyst as a cause of death in the newborn. Akush. i gin- 35 no.1:104-107 Ja-F '59- (MIRA 12:2) 1. Is rodillnogo doma NO.2 (glavnyy vrach K.A. Eloshvili) i pato- logoanatomichoskogo otdolonlya (say. M.A. Simanovokly) gorodskoy bollnitay No.4 (glavTqy vrach A-Ta. Demidova) Karaganda. (DWART, NWW, die. medimatinal cyst, fatal (Rue)) (NOXASTINUK. cysts. congen. in newborn, fatal (Rus)) ABRAMOV, A.P., kand. ekon. nauk; BARKOV, N.N., kand. ekon. nauk; SIMANOVSKITg M.Aog kand. ekon. nauk &onomic evaluation of measures for a greater efficiency of transportation. Zhele dor. transp. 41 no.10:16-20 0 '59. (MIRA 13;2) (Railroads--Freight) BARKOV, N.N.; SIMAKOVSKIT, N.A.; KOLTUNM, M.Pv, red.; XIDVIDVA, N.A., (Problems pertaining to methods for a more efficient operation of freight transportation) MIstodicheskie voprosy ratelonalizatsit perevozok. Moskya, Tss9.izdTkO D011gr. obOodinenie m-va putei soob.. 1960. 139 P. (Moscov. Voesoiusnyi nauchn'o-imeledovatelIskii Institut zhelezno~oro2hnogo tranenorta. Trudy, to.194). (MIRA 13:10) (Bailroade-Preight) SIMANOVSKIY, M.A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Development of an experimental tuberculous focus in the skeletal muscle of the cat and the effect on it of a ganglioblocking substance. K izuch.roli nerv.sist.v pat., immun.i lech.tub. no.2:219-228 161. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentallnoy patologii i terapii (zav. - G.S.Kan) Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo inatituta tuberkuleza. (MUSCLES-TUBERCULOSIS) (HEXONIUM) ABRAMOV,, A. P., kand. ekonow. naukj SIXANJVSKIY M. A. kand. skonom. nauk; TRUBMIN, M. G., kand..9kanom. nauk., iiisil"I F. X.J, kand. ekonom. nauk Ways of improving the planning and material incentive In rail- road management. Zbel. dor. transp. 45 no.1:55-.60 Ja)163. (MIRA 16:4 (Railroada-.Management) S]IW,'OVSK1Y, A.L.; STESHIN, Te.A. i4aking an actual sliaft layout In boring inclined-lavol holes. Podzam.gaz,ugls no.2:56-58 159. (mm 12: 9) 1. Podmoskovnays, stant 8i" "Podzemgas' (Mine surveying) (Boring) GIRSHOVICH, N.G.; SIMUOVSKLY, N.V. Brittleness in high-strongth cast iron. Lit.proizv. no.8:12-14 N 154. (KLM 8:1) (Gast iron) VArptaracce of Britil N a m l M h m " - ' MIA , ~ ~o, l~ nnd W . l ik i 4i i i m L(L oo NZ-1t i f vm o the 44vount is l M I i ti f Eh b nvIlt on o e spWar4m. of ga rittknma In h gh-seteogth run M14tin ims f snal ous to tem e Iftn WO W L P - r- m. e n v ,:jr * p, p ' i r t Ii i k I A th ( fi ilr f m na me ri avero rru t ni e v y "por 4 eet o tamrWas. a turn "n ~n 'LL~E~Jatb from 20" to POW Et $UtWkjU"nUY v - f. Ito dffl~:& ') 11414M~g on toughnom of Cerrito hIgh-attength imn %m ntndi~Ai over a wide scmTvratur" raitsM (100-111NO* 0.) q -ith %~4ki-g st tho he"ting tPrnpmature Vii I and 10 lar. followed by air r-A)Hoa. Cvlimc wan carrkmi out &t vatimm ~ntr", and thn ~ovt Werti "iv abtstloctl with rapid conling � Qli&".,Mikboil,YetrovlaiWBARAIIOV, I.A., inzh., red.; FREM, D.P., [Toughness of cast iron and ways to increase it; stenographic record of a lecture given at the Leningrad House of Scientific and Technical Propaganda, at a seminar on making Iron castings] UdArnAia viazkost' chuguna I sposoby ee povyahenila; steno- grammi lektaii, prochitannoi v IMNTP na seminare po proizvodstvu chugunnykh otlivok. Leningrad, Leningr.dom pagandy. 1958. 37 P iCast, iron) (MIRA 12:11) ITMGM,IDZI, Yu.A.; GIRSHOVICH, N.G.; GRTJZNYKH, I.V.; BILYXH, V.Ya.; MJPTSOV, I.V.,...S11tATjOVSZIY, M,P,; ANTIPOV, M.Y. Foundry -Droperties of heat-resistant alloys. Issl. po zharopr. splav. 61308-313 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Heat-resistaut alloys) (Founding) GIRSHOVICH, N.G.; SIMANOVSKIY, M.P. Banding of castings during cooling in the mold. Lit. proizv. no.2:22-26 F 163. (KRA 160) (Notal castings-Defects) (Thermal stresses) ACCESSION NR: AT4037530 8/2563/63/000/224/0133/01,dl AUTHOR: SimanovBkly, M. P. TrrLE: Heat stresses In heat resistant allay castings SOURCE: Leningrad. Poll tekhniche skly institut. Trudy*, no. 224, 1963, Liteyny*ye svoystva zharoprochny*kh splavov (Castability of heat-resistant alloys), 133-141 TOPIC TACS: castability, heat resistant alloyp iron based alloy, nickel based alloy, Nichrome alloy, austenitic steel, high alloyed steel, alloy composition, alloy No. 3, alloy No. 6, alloy No. 300, alloy KhI, alloy IM32, alloy III, alloy LA3, alloy E1612, heat streas anilysis, shrinkage grid procedure, residual stress analysis, elasticity modulus measure.1 ment Ans,ritiv"I': The shrinkage grid procedure (see Fig. I in the Eiclosure) was employed to study zonal rest(hAal stresses In castings of basic systems and commercial alloys (See Nekiwndzi I , Yu. A., p. 9-23, this same book, for all compositions), as part of an experl- ment;i] scriva on the castability of beat resistant alloys. Results are tabulated and indicate that Adition of an Wtial 20% Ni to the Fe-Cr-C basic system decreases the modulus of nor-: mal clisticity E from 19. 0 to 15. 0 kg/mm2 . 10-3 for 0. 12% C. Further addition of Ni re-; ver.,,,ezq the efioct (17. 6 kg/mm2 - 10-3 at 80% NI). A sbnilar pattern occurs for 0. 35% C CarO 1 /,1 ACCESSION NR: AT4037530 (18. 9 to 15. 1, then back to 18. 0, respectively). Residual stresses Increase as Ni rises especially for the range 40 to 80% Ni. Variation In C from 0. 12 to 0. 35% had little effect. E is not affected by addition of Mo, Co, W or Ti, but Al and rib reduce It. Residual stresses initially increase when Mo, Co and Al are added (i.e. 1 6%), then dip to original levels asl alloying element content Is Increased. Addition of W Increases residual stresses, Nb and Ti reduce it. The two characteristics are relatively similar for all Fe-based commercial alloys, but higher than in Fc-C systems. They decrease In fli-baaed commercial systems! as degree of alloying increases, and are lower for No. 6 than for No. 3. Variation in stresses for all studied alloys was found to be analogous to variation of the product Ed Orig. art, has: 3 tables, 4 graphs and 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: L-eningradsldy politekhaicheakly UoUtut im. M. L lWinina (Leningrad Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED. 00 DATE ACQ: 04Jun64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: MM Card 2/3 NO REF GOVi 006 OTHER: 000 ACCESSION NR: AT4037630 ENCLOSURE: 01 Fig. 1. Diagram of a grid for measuring residual stresses, 21 400 mm, 13 75 mm, an = 30 x 30 inm, ab - 30 x 20 mm, ah - 30 x 40 mm, 1 and 2 - measurement lugs cor'! A6CEMION 1413; AT4031620 6/2%3/63/000/224/0124/0132 AUTHOR: Simanovskly, M. P. TITLE: Linear shrinkage of heat resistant alloys 0ye SOURCE: Leningrad. Politekhnicheakiy institut. Trudy*, no. 224, 1964. Liteyny svoystva zharoprochny*kh splavov (Castability of heat-resiEtant alloys), 124-132 TOPIC TAGS: castability, heat resistant alloy, iron based alloy, nickel based alloy, austenitic steel, high alloy steel, alloy composition, alloy No. 3, alloy No. 6,'alloy No. 3000 alloy KhI, alloy Kh32, alloy 111, alloy LA3, alloy E1612, alloy linear shrinkage, alloy preshrinkage expansion, alloy shrinkage tester, alloy shrinkage measurement, carbon steel 12, carbon steel 36, shrinkage ABSTRACT: Linear shrinkage in various basic systems and commercial alloys (see Nekhcndzi, Yu. A. 0 p. 9-23, this same book, for all compositions) was measured on special' equipment and compared to that in carbon steels 12 and 35, as part of an experimental serf4- on the castability of heat resistant alloys, to determine the effect of NJ, C or alloying ele- ment content. The shrinkage process Is Illustrated (see Fig. I In the Enclosure). U was found that linear shrinkage is greater in basic syste6a than in carbon steel&. It peaks at 2.65% for alloy 12/20/20, drops back gradually to,2.30% as Ni content lumvas" to 60% Card ACCESSION NR: AT4037529 and remains unchanged for 80% N1. An Increase in C reduces shrinkage for the carbon steels or studied alloys. Preshrinkage expansion peaks at 40% Ni for 0. 12 or 0.35% C in basic systems containing 20% Cr and varying amounts of Ni. It increases with C content in all such alloys. Addition of alloying elements to basic alloy 12/20/80 gradually decreases linear shrinkage and increases preshrinkage expansion. Slight exceptions to this pattern are described. Linear shrinkage Is higher in commercial Fe-based alloys (2. 15 to 2.40%) than in comparable carbon steels (2. 10 to 2.25%) or Ni-based alloys (2. 1 to 2.2%). Th~e 11 respective basic systems have higher shrinkage characteristics. Preshrinkage expans on was higher in all commercial alloys (0. 030 to 0. 055% for Fe-based and 0. 035 to 0. 045% for, Ni-based) than in basic systems-or carbon steels. Orig. art. has: 7 graphs and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Leningradeldy politekhnichesidy InsUtut im. M. 1. Kalinina (Leningad Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: MM Card 2/3 DATE ACQ: 04Jun64 NO PXF SOV: 004 ENCL: 01 OTHEM 000 ACCESSION NR- AT4037529 ENCLOSURE: 01 Fig. 1. Stages of linear expansion (schematic). a - carbon steel, b - heat resistant alloy KlTROIFANOV, Sergey Petrovich. kand.tekhn.nauk; ANSICROV, K.A., nauchnyy red.; ZjKAYOVbWT,I.Z., red.; KALTAVKO, P.I., red.; SKIRNOT, P.S., (Scientific bases of the group technology] Nauchuye onnovy gruppovoi tekhnologli. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1959. 434 p. (KIRA 12:8) (Mechanical engineering) SIXAIIOVSKIY, F*, inzh. - " Ifethodu for finishing large-sized wall blocks. Stroltell no.12:24 D 057. (NIU 11.02) (Concrete blocks) SIKANOVSKIYI P.S. Shortened period for steaming reinforced concrete and mosaic construc- tion details of small dimension. Rate. i isobr. predl. v stroi no.66: 14-15 '53. NLRA 7:9) (Reinforced concrete) SIPANDVSKIY, P.S., inzh. Using ornamental concrete* and mixtures in finishing buildings. Biul. strole tekho 12 n0.5:9-10 Ar '55. (MIRA 11:12) (DOCOrStiOn AMd orniment, Architectural) (concrete) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 OA &A 0 'A 00 94 1 'his 0 &I filit0l) of w I Is 2 g NIQ 001, Ma-cv. 4fwl Obe "411 4-1". foll". tNII.),4 0.1 110 is .4614111CA1. Ify If-mble 41(.-s'111141. III 0o'! list. K. 111ti.N110.1 A1111 juallklium 00, .... 0. 111.1. 1 WC %, .41, 1. .1.1 -1 saw 6,41,iss Al, I., 00 1 . 1. lee we* 0 0 11.1 1 C% - I: 400 wt.. ago Ali goo see ime 2tee 00 -!66 Do :0 .4 *00 w so -j #I so Is 1-0 1 0 a o a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 f 0 0~9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 gee 0 0 0 06 goo to see@ go 0000009 00000000000000000 W-W MF-W--w- w ww- -w IS, -W 00*00 v 36 a a It As to v 9 b 0 b It 0 so 0 $1 k.-L- k I A a A 00 -00 so swab of IAw Fbi 00 1*611itayti, WWI 11, mi by M. A 1. rih.w. 39"'! 17 1 to 13.11 11 'b ItoommkIll Oe f . 400 . , al l'"Ir or Ilse allallmia,.f ahnw liold da-M-1110. 'l goo, gr,"Ilvnm.l 416. N..% see 09 :0,00 so -00 .00 0 All ILA .114mm'Kal offealof ctastifKA11cm 4 :so Sell Is- 00 IL .6. 4.0 .0. - ' - too I A 'TO a k 1, OA .I 0 0 q 0 0 4 ,S 0 0 0 0 0 fee s 0 0 0 111 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 IN 6 a IS 0 PC e s I vv oil 1%00 oelsoeo 00 00 r 00 go 0 0 00* 0e 0 0 0011 i^eq 004 r go goo 11(kk 111 41 10, 1 -1% IN III plow -I '- 1,Izv rkt s" ,I) 'owl 141111101d '010'K 'fw VC1 *( Zve 00. . -luosm"ll ull VC1 - ' ,4&V UA ..jIUJIj#.j 14 'O""m M"d jadmo NJ 7 - so" 1 xqs*Wm 4 'A .I pow$*" UV rm'106940" TIOD to ""A"Isom a" a" 00- elm go. 00 'f go .0" 4614f..d. 4-- %,M"$* eo~ Met, M, 4-9 v of "-I --I --1-" 00 It tt it III a A al a 0 a a 14 a a-69 v--v N' Ok a a 46 Compowmas *1 pagamem W" fiesumbar. V~ V. I tbediaskil, sumarm"lid. and 0. D. Sulsker. 1xvil. svk6w#% )ti gdook Now.. lad. 1 IhsJ6 "J. S90084 S-5-S.R. Ne. 21. was 11wel Willi CH#C.N )be product tomW Was IN(CiliMp"). -Me spred 44 Ow rowlia" dr$ I i go the Not. ad wtomildw U041. whirel Ow C1410CS ~ N h;.4 14103 04, 1 1. of ba.k 4.14Y for tht P1111111kf lot Oppoigel bl' lAbitid 0 IfII-19 I #A(~#, fh# product Opprard practiml T AW."I't. At vetlig. Ow mormarvinnitrile front the inother Itipor ul the -11114-tt0flittill ..CUn#UCVVWUI. In[IfICI,ttW4JS4tCt0- nittik Ififit od NO mob. of C1frCX 1rividing I KICIJ Ndled In MIAMI the dw"t-ittile i'.w"I 4:11, Af. If-ell SIMNOVSKIT" 5'~- Ca the psychiatric department of the mnlcipal hospital; the second mmicipal hospital in Voroshilovgrad. Zhur. nerr. i polkh. 54 no-7:606-607 Jl 154. (KWA 7:7) (VOROSHILOVGRAD-HOSPITALS, PSYCHIAZBIC) (HOSPITALS, PSYCHIATRIC-VOROSHILOVGRAD) ,l)UN.".' Kl~*. S04. 1 -., - -4 - AC('a.lerAtPd trSA-Zerlt -f Rlr,)holism. Vrach.delo =.6t613-W Je '53 (MIRA 11.111) % 'checkayn otdolentye Vtoroy Luganskoy gorodskoy bolinitsy. 4 Poikhtntr, :'AU,H0~!"7M---.T?,RPTMENq') ci L~' I c -I v ij t;i I Or cc I, USITSYN. A.A.; I Z.; F."J"OV, Y.L. Dyrwaics of the number of susMs in areas rodent. control in t1he plagve focus of the northwestern Gaq~-Jan ~;ea region. Sbor. nauch. rab. El;-st. protivochum. sta. -20. 1.1-55-165 149. (MIRA 13:10) (CASPIAN SEA E-GIU-SUSLIFS) (RODEET CONTROL) (PLAGUE) P.A.; PAVLOV, v.D.; SIMANOVSKIY, V.L. PETROV) ..... __ Devolopment of animal groupinrs on dried northwestern shore of the Casplan Sea. Zool. zhur. '." '6~- (KIRA 17:2) 1. Yandykov Anti-Plague Department of the Astrakhan Anti- Plague Station, Ministry of Public Health of U.S.S.R. PAKF SIMANOVSKIY, VIN. Results of the work of the opan-4oor ward. Zhur. nevr. i. psJkh, 65 no.3t476 165. (MIRA 1814) 1. Gorlkovskaya oblastnaya paikhiatricheakayn bollnitsa No.1 (glavnyy vrach V.I. Kopnin). BONDARI, V.P.;.KABANOV, V.m.; SIMANOVSKIYI Yu.S. Miniature transformer torque transducer. lzm. tekh. no.9: 23-24 S 163. (MIRA 17sl) I GALYATIN, V.M.; XALINSKIY, D.N.; Prinimali uchastiyei IVJROCHKIN, I.F.; DUVANOV, A.I.; SOIA)VIYEV, Yu.F.; GERASIMOV, YU.V.; GROSVALID, V.G.; SHASHKOV, V,N.; VOIZOV, A.A.; ZHILKO, E.I.; MITROPOLISKIY, MI.; FEDOSEYEVp S.V.; GONCRAROV, F I.~rabotnik, SHEWTOV, P.Te., rabotnik; CHUPRINA, I.A., rabotnik; DEMN, P-.Ye., rabotnik; GONCHARENKO, P.V., rabotnik; SIMANYUK, G.N.., rabotadit Investigating power and technological parameters of rolling on the 2350 medium sheet mill. [M)or. trud.] TSNIICHM no.29:138-148 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Sotrudniki TSentrallnogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo instituta chernoy metallurgii (for Gerasimov, Grosvalld, Shashkov, Volkov, Zhilko, Mitropollskiyp Fedoseyev). 2. Listoprokatnyy tsekh Magnitogorskogo metallurgicheakogo kombinata (for Goncharov, Shemetov, Demin, Chuprina, Goncharenko, Simanyuk). T -1 20117. A lv,~,Y J. ilatliol. Inst, , ',%led. Univ. Deorecen. Besondere tuberkulotoxi- suliv 1--n-rTn-V7)-ilgranult)niiti5sci- Periglomerulitis. A peculiar tuberculo- toxic form of periglomerulitis granulomatosa ZBL.ALLG. PAIII.PATH.ANAT. 1956, 95/5-6(177-180)Illus. 3 A ease of a male patient aged 56 is reported. In the history there were a tonsilli- tis, hydrarthrosis, pneumonia, and compensated mitral insufficiency. Three weeks after clinical treatment readmission to the hospital was necessary as the patlent developed high tem r tur ~ again. Penicillin was administered to combat pneumonia. ESR 100 mm. hr. Th re were anaemia, no leucocytosis, microscopic haeunaturia and azotnemia. Denth was due to uraemic coma. At autopsy it was found that the liver and spleen contained granulomata, which were hardly suggest- ive of tuberculous origin, but nevertheless contained tb bacilli on microscopic ex- amination. In the kidneys, proliferative inflammatory lesions were found, also localized In the vicinity of blood vessels. Numerous glomeruli were hyalinized. The granulornata consisted of radially arranged cells of epitheloid character, and also contained some macrophages. The findings in the kidneys were interpreted as tuberculotoxic, on the basis of a hyperergic inflammatory reaction. The primary focus was found in a caseating hilar lymph node and in para-tracheal lymph nodes. Rabl - Neustadt-Holst (V, 15) XILDMZTURY, Sandor; SIMRSZKY, Janoo Aaeur7sms of the ductus Botalli. Xiserletes Orvostudomany 11 no.l: 107-112 Fab 59. 1, Debrooeni Orvoctudomanyi gaetem Korbonctani Intezete. (DUCTUS ARTZRIOSERS, aneurysm pathol. & histopathol., citse reports (Hun)) X 7>- -o,- 18 701 4/1 -D I " S . j a r. 2W). Aneurysms of the ductus arteriosus Anettry,ii-,,-n -1, 4 Tuity S. and SIMMOMY 1. I'athol. Inst., Nlvd. Cmv, Dcbr~, ~(,,l k"!, a."*" Path. 1111.1!"~. A nal. 1! 15! 1, TF,*r-7"(r)9_ 'sly I Nui. 4 Two genuine ancuryqmq of Botallo'4 duct are ri-portt-1: (1) A bov. OIX. " duc t us w i t h a di anie t c r o f lx)tl t t I ir aort ic an 41 p i I n t,, n , i y or icv nI ill.. t';'i - - 2 endi were 2 mm. long and had the rame dianicter: ilie ini-ldit~ patt !m(k tlic sil"111C of a ball, measured 8,* 8 inin. and had a thickviiing oi tht- xall vdfth arlinutitud vi 0.5 inm.; it contained browni-;h, partly li-pirfied blood clia: hi-tolq:cai fin,ling- Till turrd and di%,.nciated intri-nil elastic int-inbrant% thil.11ing oi tl,.. 1-1) A ;.5-month-old bov. Both orifices of the duct were c1,,-( d. the n;iddlc part %%-:is distended and mcasiircd I I - 1; nim.; a laininatcd thrombui was founil on it!. wall; plac(-; the wal! in.Li-ko(Ey thinned. thi- histological findings: in wa- some num1wr of mooth iiiii-wle fibre% w&4 rt-fluced, Ow mi, vtt,tir 6ii-ijiLram, %%;i, very thin. incompletelv develolvd, and its continuity wai interrupted. Apart front the anrurysmi d(welol;inental (list urbances in the I)ill.*Ir%- dixti .vith biainry cirrho4l, were found. GO.-hort Lrftirt (V, 7, ISI) KZSZAROGj,,Gyora,dr.; SIMUSZKY, Janos. dr. Primary 19ionVosarco:ia of the lung. TuberkuloziB 13 n0.5:144- 148 Ap 160. 1. A Debreceni Or-rostudo,tanyi, lastem The klinik-aja (Kb. igaxgato: PLngorj3rerencqdrs) bronchologlai osztaly&nsk es Korbonctani Intezetenek (Igazgato: Rados Pongrac,dr.) kozlemenye. (LUNG UOPIASMS case reports) (LBIOKYOSARCOMIL case reports) SIMRSZKY,Janos-, SIDWIK,Yelicia; STIPUIA,Magdolna Wegener's granulomatosis. Orv. hetil. 101 no.14:489-492 3 AP 160. 1. Debrecani ()rvustudomnyi Ngyetea, lorbonstani Intezet. (GRAYMPA) (MIARTZRITIS NODOSA) JAVOR, Tibor, dr.; KRISZTIVICZ. Ivan. dr.; SD(ARSW ...... Ta os, dr. !L_ _- - A case of melanosis coli. Orv.hetil. 101 no.42:1495-1496 16 0 160. 1, Debreceni Oryostudomsayt Iffetem, II. as. Belklinika as Korbonctant Intexet. (KELANOSIS came reports) SIMARSZKY, Janos, dr. Secrocoacygeal piloinidal sinus. Kagy.sebeszot 14 no-1:39-42 y l61. 1. A Debreceni Orvostudomanyi ftyatem Korbonctani Intezetenek. kozlemenys. Igasgato: Bade@ Pool rac dr. egyet. tanar. (PILOINIDAL CYST surg MESUROG, Gyorgy, dr.; SIIW=KY, Janos, dr. Extramedullary endobronchlal plasmocytoma. Tuberkulozis 14 no.2:55-57 F 161. 1. A Debreceni Orvostudoman7i Egvetem Tbc Klinikajanak (igazgato: Pongor Ferenc dr. egveteml docens) ea Korbonctani Intezetenek (igazgato: Endes Pongrac dr. egyetmi tanar) kozlemenye. (BROUCHI neopl) (MYELOMA PLASMA CELL case reports) SIMARSZKY, Janos, dr.; LAMPE, Istvan, dr. The incidence of co-existing sarcoma and carcinoma of the larynx. Fulorrgagagyogyaszat 8 no.1:8-1-1 Mr 162. 1. A Debreceni Orvastudomanyl Egyetem Korbonctani Intezetenek (Igas- ato! Endes Pongrac dr., egyet. tanar) eB Ful-p Orr-t Gegeklinikajanak Igazgato: Verzar Gy~ dr., egyet. tanar) ko2lemenye. T (LARYNX neopl) (CARCINOMA compl) (SARCOMA compl) VO 0 Arj'O_~ Shimashek, Yezhi TITLEi Critical magnetic fields 25459 P/045J61/020/007/001/002 3111/3203 of thin lead films PERIODICALi Acts, Physics, Polonica, v. 20, 110. 7, 1961, 553-561 TEM The experiments were made at temperatures near absolute zero. The cryostat shown in Fig.1 was used for temperatures above 4-20K. For feeding the heating element, an automatic photoelectric amplifier was used; with its aid, it was possible to keep the temperature constant with an accuracy of 0.00050K over any period of time. The resistance of the carbon thermo- meter changed inthe range of 6.2 - 7.2 OK by 9900 ohms, and was measured with a high-ohmic potentiometer. The specimens were produced by vacuum condensation of lead onto plane, optically polished glass bases. Four platinum filaments were used for measuring the film resistance. The transi- tions from the supraconducting to the normal state were determined by measuring the resistance change as dependent on temperature or the outer magnetic field. The magnetic field was generated by a Helmholtz coil (11Y,250 oerstedj, or an electromagnet, and wai3 always parallel to the Card 119 25459 P/04 61/020/007/001/002 Critical magnetic fields ... B111Y8203 specimen plane. The tests were made on 16 specimens with a thickness of 3.15-10- 6 _ 1.16-10-4 cm. Here, V - T c - T about 1,2 OK, T c critical temperature without a magnetic field. For film thicknesses smaller than 1 a -10-5 cm, the critical magnetic field Hc 4 1/2. .62 _s proportional to (6T) For iilm thickneases above 1.62-10-5 cm, the curves Hc a f(&T) show a break. For thicknesues below 1.62-10-5 cm, the phase transitions occurring in a magnetic field from the supraconducting to the normal state are reversible; with larger thicknesses, they are reversible near the critical temperature only. From a certain 6T upwards, a hysteresis effect can be observed (Fig-5). The behavior occurring with greater film thicknesses may be ex- plained with the formation of an intermediate state. The author thanks A. I. Shallnikov for assistance. In the paper are mentioneds Shallnikov, A. I.i Nature, 1-4.2-, 74, (1938) Ref.1t ZhETF, 10, 630, (1940) Ref.2; Ginzburg, V. L.o ZhETF, 16, 67, (194'0-) Ref.8;Ginzburg, V. L,, Landau, L. D2 ZhETF, 20, 1064, (1950) Ife-f. 10; Zavaritskiy, N, V-s DAN; ]a, 665, (1951) Card 2/9 25459 P/04 61/020/007/001/002 r'--"-4ca.k rzacnetic frieldo ... 3111 203 Re_ 11; DA4i, B5, 749, (1952) Ref. 12; PTE, no. 2, (1956) Ref. 13, There are U' fi,-,zes and 13 references: 6 Soviet-bloc ani 7 non-Sovist-bloc. ASSOCIAT-70,;: i.:rirennays laboratori~~a PAN, Vrotslav (Cry o8enic -Laboratory 1~:*Ornaz-., 16, 11061 Card 319 2546o P/045/61/020/007/002/002 B111/B203 AUTH011i Shimashek, Yezhi TITLEt Temperature dependence of the depth of penetration of a magnetic field into superconducting lead PERIODICAL: Acta Ph~rsica Folonica, v. 20, no. 7, 1961, 563-5055 TEM For the depth of penetration 9 , C. J. Gorter and NX.G. Casimir (Ref -5z Phys. Z.,_L, 963, 1934) derived the expression S , 0 11-(T/TX) where 60 is the depth of penetration at T w OOK, and T K is the critics: temlerature. For representing S(T), it is convenient to use the expression following from the theory by V. L. Ginzburg and L. D. Landau (Ref.6i ZhETF, 20, 1064, 1950), H K/H KM - 2f6- 6/d (2), where H K is the critical magnetic field of a thin film, H KM is the critical magnetic field of a massive metal, and d is the thickness of the film. The dependence (2) is, however, only Card 1/3 2546o P/045/61/020/007/002/002 Temperature dependence of ... BII1/B203 valid for such films for whici~ the phase transitions from the superconduCting to the normal state, and vice versa, are of the second order. By extrapola- tion of the measured T values for OOK, the author obtains,with for do - (4-5 � 0.2)-10-6 cm. There are 1 figure and a referencest 2 Soviet- bloc and 6 non-Boviet-bloc. The most important reference to English- ' language publications reads as follows: London, F., London, H., Proc. Ray, Soc., 149A, 71, 1935). ASSOCIATIONi Kriogennaya laboratoriya PAN, Vrotslav (Crycgenic Laboratory PAS, Breslau) SUBMITTED: February 16, 1961 Card 2/3 SLVASHEV, Kh.M.P Depending on nonsalaried wcrkers. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 5 nc~.1%35-36 Ja 160. (KLRA 14:6) 1. Moxhrgqonnyy karantinnyy iopektor, KattaKurgan, Samarkandskoy oblasti, (Samarkand Province- Plant qije~tine) Ai fj,'~ t-t L ~-'fi 'JI-.-stigat-lon of the Coajoulation rocess in :-"-jtectic j k 1 lo:,s 17,and ~cch Sci, D--ninjc-rad '.'olyt,,-chn'C.11 7-5t iner, I. K-ili-iin, !4ln 'M,-'rer '&I-.cation ','SSFt L--ni!tgra,', 195". (n, 'o 8, Feb S3- Stz-,. 631, 26 Aug 55--,urv~3,Y of Sc:-entlific and 'I"echnical M-3:3,~I.Laf,ions Jef~indod at -,.-"SR Hiche- ::,ducatio-ial lnstltu~-Ions (14) 18(o) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2887 I Leningrad. Politekhnicheskiy institut Imeni M. I. Kalinina Metallovedeniye (Physical Metallurgy) Moscow, Mashg.lz, 1959- 107 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, vyp. 202) 2,300 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Ministerstvo vysshego obrazovanlya SSSR. Reap. Ed.: V. S. Smirnov Doctor of Technical Sciencesp Professor;. Ed.: G. A. Kashchenko, professor; Tech. Ed.: L, V. Shchetinina; Managing Ed. for Literature on the Design and Operation of Ma- chinery (Leningrad Division, Mashgiz): F. I. Fetisov, Engineer. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for engineerst technicians, and research workers In the fields of physical metallurgy and the heat treatment of metals. COVERAGE: The papers in this collection contain the results of experimental work dealing with the study of constitution diagrams of metal systems, the nature of solid solutions, aging of complex alloys, processes ooouring during the heating and cooling of alloys, Card 1/8 Physical Metallurgy SOV/2887 and the thermochemical treatment of steel. References follow each article. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Gvozdov, S. P. (Deceased). Effect of Manganese on the Rate of Oxidation of Nickel at Ifigh Temperatures 5 The following are the author's conclusions, The oxidation of nickel alloys containing manganese in amounts of 2.7 percent and 5.04 percent proceeds in accordance with a parabolic law during the course of a 30- to 60-mInute oxidation period. Nu- merical data obtained for nickel containing 2.7 percent Mn showed the following increases in the oxidation rate: at 6500, 130 percent: at 7500, 140 percent; at 8500, about 200 percent; and at 95009 300 percent. For nickel containing 5.04 percent Mn the figures were as follows: at 6500, 250 percent; at 7500 and 8500, about 300 percent; and at 9500, 1100 percent. Card 2/8 18 (7) AUTHORS: Zayt8eva, L. P., Simasheyaq N. P. SOV/32-25-6-21/53 TITLE., Separated Film Pickling of Binary and Ternary Phosphide Eutectics in Cast Iron (Razdaltnoye plenochnoy* travleniye dvoynoy I troynoy-foafidnykh eytektik v chugunakh) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 6, pp 705-707 (USSR) ABSTRAM To work out a method of I differentiating visualization of binary and ternary phosphide eutectics, chemical and electrolytic picklings were carried out on the systems Fe - P, Fe - C and Fe - C - P. Experimental results obtained were applied in investigations of the structure of white iron and gray iron (with different contents of carbon and phosphorus). The results of various pickling operations as well as the composition of the pickling agents and the pickling conditions are specified (Table). An electrical pickling in a neutral solution of potassium ferricyanide at 6 v for 30-50 see and a subsequent electrical pickling In an alkaline potassium ferricyanide solution at 3 Y for 10-15 min (or chemical pickling for 15-25 min) are regarded as the most suitable method of visualizing the binary and ternary Card 1/2 eutectics in cast iron. The first pickling renders cementite Separated Film Pickling of Binary and Ternary SOV/32-25-6-21/53 Phosph1de Lutectles in Cast Iron visible (the free one with respect to structure, as well as the one in ledeburits, and the one penetrating the ternary phosphide eutectic), while with the sqcbnd pickling the phosphide of the binary and ternary eutectice becomes visible additionally. A few microstructure pictures of these picklings on cast iron are shown (Fig 2). There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. M. 1. Kalinina (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute imeni M. 1. Kalinin) Card 2/2 KASHCHERKO, G.A.; SIMASHICYA, N.P.._ Investigating the coagulation process in alloys with a eut6ctid. Trudy LPI no.202:11-24 '59- (MM 12; 12) (Alloys--Ket&llography) (Phase rule and equilibrium) i6/6 -/000/00', /0! 4 / 15 A and U T 1; "ii ~;,m i r no v bimailic L, T, ~t eat on i,,e recrystall izati :)~i prccr-!i~-~ ~he '~V661 al y PL' R 10 D '~"A 1, uclin~Anykh zave(ieniy. Ch,~rnaya rc'..~mliurg.,ya, 7 6 - 1 ~-..O T.L X 7 71 t-- gn t on purpose was 1-o find t lie rc-c:ys tal 1 1 za-z ion Abctracter's no-e: The chemir:a! compa- E 161,- Tv;: I F on s r, Imprints ty a 10 mm diam,~,er tall under 5,000 kg i oad ; tl~'I' - f f i~n t tempE, rit ure , -oa*KirLg f r)r 40 mi ii, ther, ing I I Pa.- I I-L ()Pen a 1 4 ~i:jur . r, t w,. - 1, thil- sam.: ball undc-r 15 000 k.- prresq,4re; h I 1;'~ , 0 di * C-myt" I Lt soak ing f or 40 min. co.~l ing; 'i ) R ol I i rlL7 a t d i f t'c- ren i c-i-alc-ra T -i r, 1, ti "Qj red uc t i on . The r.- '-.:ryzralljzation Jiagran C', g f,~re-#?a half-cyiindlers 10 r= in diame-,er and a 0; var-rij 2!lrfarP of one mTr. hi&h, -x: a ne+VC-k Card "000/Q0"'/O-'1""O- t e r 2 ~1 t j ~'r. A /A' cylinders; t-e Fa- rs of spec-Imens I " ~ -eH9T (!Kh-.ell,'~T) Eiteell wlth 7-5 mm wa in- r~,.,: from I ' '~ ~' riiamber furnac( : in ov.- s*-3ges I prelirpinary *C eOO'C In 1-0 m'-r-, 'hen to the f-~naliy re~quired forging teirpera- t 11 m " r, e n E a qpecimens were upset ir. a :ran-k pr=lss at 1) tin'l cooled 1 r '. o r, vv a s 20 , 4 0 and 601,,'0. T h i4 al a -f ormal i a o r. c- h e z- pr m 4~ ii o--d (Fig. 4). The et-ch- Q( . v :-v~` HCI; 2c: CM3 H,;SO41 400 CM3 .,'O()`C Wer- d-iff -c etch and H 10 t L.'. -a a staTA 0;a- a,.Asten.!~ in these -sr, file I "I" ti ~rll i w,:rvh-irJ4-?ner.4, f',r 60 licur!) they etched h r--,: i t a r-, y f m h~- itar , 1 t ,, ~f' fl a r,,z was detern --ned us.- I ft- In e rrd,,c t i er. t c, vereomE- , ri c vetall Ography, il!-~Ili-zt.-A AN Arm. SSR, *c?'G), and th-? j%xart,.ty points in ~c -ni to ze was '12,),' 0 f 1 e7 Pr ~. -r -'0 &,4 C runat loll th'~ mt!a-n au3 ~c L--r a ; n no J4,-,'1er~ri,:,: .n Crain ~-',-.ze wa3 r~'.Zerved. ihe grain size increas- cc t '. -:t~ crystai 1 ~ zat i on at higilil-r ~emFt-ra~ures and high- d~ f i r,!. %r ar Ily a, cri de,;rt:- of def ormat 1 cr, -, The S/14 61/000/001/014/015 Inveslication of the recry3tall_izatlon proc,23s ... A16%-13A excerotion at ', , 1 800C -ahen the size reduc,!d instead of increasing, not only at Ihe cr~ tical but at high deformation r es, too. At L, - deg C yr.oor' thv k,-jr-in 600 1-2 ~~C.O 2; and at.1,'.800 - the maximum siz C `,e -rain slie at the c was 5,650 atvl 250 Y ",500 2 m c r i t i c a 1 d e .1 a r: -. a i! 5 9 - JI and at hiC'i deformation degrees 1200 ji At reductio,-,3 ~f 121,; size di'd no" on the deformation degree at any No second maximmu::i of 6-ra-In size could be stated in d4 ag--ams de_ipitc to nearly 90, )t high temperature. Conclu- s4ons: 1J, r2he rocrystallization dia.-.-rams cover a wide range of de- ~t4 CC in o men tests 3 lla~ OCCUr Ir, 4. ,,) ~,, c 2) The E1661 steel formatIon t p i v grain grows with Ihe rainii,,;~- temperature. rTne exception is at.1,1800C where the 6,,pain size decreases at critical and higher deformation degrees. 3) A reduced grain 3-4ze at 1,1800C, is accompar.-Jel vith an increased plasticity of the ZE1661 steel in pres--.ure --,rorking. 4) A-he grain size does not depend or, the degree of deformaltion at compression -~.bove 112~,j'. 5) The temperature of the _--ecrystalliz,ation threshold deT)endo" cl ~,hc degree; it is abou'. 1 O-WGOC, at Low. d.~~fcrmation degrees nEs-r the critical; at higher de- 9. decrees it is lower. 6) No s econ~ manximum forms on the recrystal- I on v liza-tion d4aarim- -s cll~ie to `-P Pecul-ar deforma',on conditions at up- Card S/14 61/000/001/014/015 Investigation of the recrystallizatior. procoss ... A161X133 settina in shello. There are 6 figure3 and 1 Soviet-bloc reference. ASSOCIATION: Leningrads,iv rolitekhnicheskir institut (Leningrad Polytech- N Ilical Insti".1te) SUB1.11T I'--D: Fig. 4. Card 4/5 . v Aursust 15, 1960 t,6 Wpjw _v.1jj d)l JP(z)/VP(b) Ijr(0- . _WA13)LE JL___(_ _V gjP(Q/U,1P(1L)/ U AT6000930 11MIJD SOURCE CODE: UR/2563/65/000/251/0062/0069 AUTHOR: Zaytseya, L, P.; Zamotorin, M. 1. (Candidate of technical scienceal Docent); Gimasheva, N. .; Fidl-in: V. Ya. ORG: Leningrad Polytechnical Institute (Leningradskiy po itekhnicheskiy institut) TITLE: Effect of electric discharge processing an aginx n Armco iron and aluminum alloys SOURCE: Leningrad. Politekhnicheskiy institut. Trudy. no. 251, 1965. Metallovedeniye (Metal science), 62-69 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy, iron, dispersion hardening C_ 4-A;,- 191L. ABSTRACT- A study.was made 0' ecl'id Sliscb ces Ping (E n d it arg-e p impact uminum all d Al-a Ind t1hse al - 0 ging b avior in Armc6 irq6,"r S_ Al-Cu'~l - i loys DlT~nd V95&$Tensile. prope!:LiLesVh.Ardness, impact energy, specific electrical resisTance and mi ere analyzed after various treatments. EDP was appli- ed as follows: for Armco iron: (1) quench from 7000C U hr hold time) into waterand natural aging for 1, 5 and 15 days; (2) same quench with supplementary EDP at room tem,- perature immediately after, and after I and 5 days; (3) same quench with artificial aging at 500C for 4 hrs; (4) same quench with EDP done at 700C. For the aluminum al- loys! similar EDP treatments and aging schedules, except that Al-3% Cu was quenched I ". Zi ACC NRs AT6000930 from 5150C and the Al-0.8% Mg-0.65% Si from 520*C; for alloy V95, same as above, ex- cept that different EDP temperatures were maintained. For D1T the treatment was the same as for the aluminum, except that quenching was at 5000C. The tensile properties for Armco iron after treatment are listed. The changa in energy EDP did not affect the properties. EDP (especially at 700C) raised both strength and hardness and caused a sharp decrease in specific electrical recistivity. These property changes were not- ed only after I day or more of natural aging. No differences could be &served be- tween EDP and the usual quench and age treatment. The results for the aluminum alloys were similar in some respects. However, after aging for 15 days a significant lowerin] of hardness and an increase in impact energy was noted following EDP. The authors con cluded that EDP in normally quenched alloys, and quenching in a field of electrical discharges, speeds up the decomposition process in the primary period of aging (to 1 day) but that after 5 days of aging the properties are almost identical. In some al- loys, after 15 days of aging, a significant lowering in properties can be observed (strength, hardness). In disperslon hardening systems, the only effect observed was in thIe primary stages of aging. Orig. art. has-. 5 figures, 2 tables. SUB CODE: lY3 SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF,. 001/ OTH REF: 000 jrn Card 2/2 ZAIYTS97A, MkIO"T-ORIN, M.I.; SIMASPEV.-, N.P.; FIDLIN, V. Ya. the effect of electric diEcharge machinirg on - k Lh4-~ pr,,.perties and structure of metals. Trudy LPI no. 251t V--~; 1165 (MIRA 191l) ~-X ~!Ieztric dtscitarga machini.nV on the aging, processes of ar-nco iron and aluminum alloys. lbid.t62-69. SOV/ 137-58-9-19750 Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1938, Nr 9, p 233 (USSR) AUTHORS: Simashkevich, A.V., Slutu, S.I. TITLE: Electrical Conductivity of CdSe Films (Elektroprovodnost' plenok CdSe) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Kishinevsk. un-t, 1957, Vol 29, pp 153-156 ABSTRACT: The electrical conductivity a- of CdSe films (0.4-0.611 obtained by the Vekshinskiy rnethod from spectroscopically pure Cd and Se (99.991o) was studied. The measurements were conducted in air in the 120-7000K temperature range. With a IN to 300'K increase in temperature T a increases slowly from (1_5).10-5 to (2-7)-1o-5 rnho/cm. With intrinsk conduct- ivity Lr increases attaining (1-2)-10-1 mho/cm at 700'K. The width of the band gap determined from the a- (T) relation- ship lies within the 1.65-1.75-ev range. The compound exhibits electronic conductivity. The a- (T) relationship in the low-temperature range differs from the metallic one. It is assumed that the activation energy of the impurity levels is low, but their concentration is comparatively high. Under Card 1/2 these conditions the degeneration of electron gas in the SOV/ 137-58-9-19749 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 233 (USSR) AU'rFIORS: Kot, M.V., Simashkevich, AN. TITLE: Cathode C-onductivity of CdSe Single Crystals (Katodoprovodi- r-nost' rnonokristallov CdSe) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Kishinevsk. un-t, 1957, Vol 29, pp 201-Z07 ABSTRACT: Results of measurements of cathode conductivity (C) in rela- tion to the energy and the current of primary electrons and also to the intensity of irradiation are described. All measurements were carried out at a 44-v potential difference on the specimen for which the rectification coefficient equals 1. Upon an increase of the energy of the primary electrons or of the radiation power the rectification coefficient increases, which is associated with the asymmetric incidence of the beam of electrons on the speci- men.- The bombardment with electrons removes the adsorbed gases from the surface and decreases the concentration of the surface levels, which is indicated by a sharp increase of heat conductivity (HC) from 9-10-9mho/cm at the beginning of the measurements to 6-10-6 mho/cm after a 90-minute bombard- Card 1/2 ment. The restoration of the initial magnitude of HC in a SOV/ 137-58-9-19749 Cathode Conductivity of CdSe Single Crystals vacuum proceeds very slowly, but uj?on the introduction of air into the test space the IIC falls suddenly to 5- 10`1 rnho/cm. 'rhe induced conductivity is 3600 times greater than the VIC under an accelerating potential of 4 ev and a primary current of 1.6-10-6 amp. Under equal intensity the value of C increases with decreasing magnitude of the primary current and with increasing energy of the primary electrons. With a constant intensity, the induced conductivity increases nonlinearly with an increase in the energy of primary electrons, and the depth of their penetration also increases. A temperature relationship of C is discovered. With an increase in tempera- ture the induced conductivity decreases. During simultaneous irradiation with integral light and electrons the law of additivity is fulfilled only when the magnitude of the photoelectric current is less than the current of the cathode conductivity. 1. Angrle crystals--Electrical propertiej 2. Electrcns--Energy 3. ra-im:1,im-selenium crystals--Analysis 4. Radiaticn--Intei;aity Cai-d 2/2 KOT, M.V.; SIRASHKEVICII, A.V. llmctrical conductivit7 of cadmium and zinc selenides. Izv.vys. ucheb.zav.: fiz. no-3:125-131 159. (MIBA 12:10) 1. Kishinnvokiy gonunivnreitat. (Cadmium seloniden-Blectric propertirs) (Zinc selenidna-Blectric propertims) SIMASHMICH, A.V.; XOT, M.V.; TYRZIU, V.G. Some photoelectric properties of thin layers of cadmium and zinc selenides. Izv. vvs. ucheb. zav.; fiz. no.4:52-58 '59. (MIRA 13:3) l.Kishinevski.v gosuniversitet. (Cadmium selenido-Blectric properties) (Zinc selenide-ItLectric properties) (Photoconductivity) SIK,,SHUYICH, A.V.(Symashkovych, A.V.] ; KOT, M.V. ; PANAbTU, L.M. Conductivity Induced by electron bombardment in cadmium telluride and zinc selsaide. Ukr. fiz. zbur. 5 no.4:594-508 JI-Ag 160. (MM 13-11) 1. Kishinevskiy gosudaretvannyy universitet. (Cadmium telluride--Blaotric properties) (Zinc selenids-Ilectric props-ties) (Blectron beams) AUTHORS: TITILE: 1140 1141. 113(p 30415 S/058/% 1AW/"/033/050 A001/A101 Kot, M.V., Sfmashkevich, AN. Electric conductivity of zinc telluride In thin layers PMUODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 9, 1961, 216, abstract 91299 (%cft zap. Kishinevsk. un-t!', ig6o, v. 55, 11 - 13) "MT1 The authors studied electrical and optical properties of thin layers of zinc tellurideobtained by simultaneous evaporation of To and Zn or by direct evaporation of a massive specimen. The malnitude of specific conductivity of the layers turmed out to be /%/jo-5 ohm-1. cm- (at room temperature). The activa- tion energy, deter-mined from temperature dependence of electric conductivity in the high-temperature region, is equal to 0.77 -* 0.03 6v. All specimens Investi- gated, an measurements of the sign of thermo-emf have shown, have p-conductivity. Photoconductivity In the specimens investigated was not detected. There are 5 references. K. 0. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 3s417 7/# ou C) 3/056A 1AW/W9A39A50 ~2_ 11 .2 / AOOI/AIOI AUTHORS: Simashkevich, A-.V., Lyalikova, T.Yu. TIMES Temperature dependence of zinc selenide photoconductivity PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 9, 1961, 225, abstract 94380 C'Uch. zap. Kishinevsk. un-t!1 , 1960, v. 55, 21 - 23) TEM In order to clarify the processes taking place in Zn3* being sub- jected'to illumination, the temperature dependence of phatc~nonductiiity of ZnSe layers obtained by atomised cdating in vacuum and annealed in air was investi- gated. The temperature dependence of photoconductivity was-obtained in both the aimosphere from room temperature to +3000C and in vacuum irom the liquid 02 tempeiattm to +1500C. In both cases, with rising temperature photocurrent in- creases, attains a maximum and then drops (in the atmosphere the maximum is displaced toward higher temperatures). The magnitude of photo.ourront-and dark current at measurements in vacuum is higher than In the atmospherej this in apparently explained by disappearance of traps, created by adsorbed air, in the ZnSe layer in vacuum. The gr6wth of photo-conductivity in ZnSe occurs in the 41 Card 1/2 30417 3/058/162/000/009/ID39/050 Temperature dependence of zinc selenide ... AOOI/AIOI temperature range corresponding to transition from extrinpic to intrinsic con- ductivity; it is probably'connected with an increase in the life time of carriers. F. Nad' W41", [Abstraoter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 22037 3118116 )/M3/ ~i L~741/ o (/0 3 Sl- P I ~32/N 14 .2 C, .12 C12 1 AUTHORS: Simashkevicl~, A,.-V., Kot, 1- 7., and lanasyuk, L. TITLE. Errect or tho contact material ori ttie c-thodc conductivity of cadmium 9ulfide iind criilmium oelvni,ie 1,E.RIODIC!kL: ?-4zika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 4, 1061, 1035-1037 TEXT: While the cffect of the contact materiE.1 or the photoconductivity of CdS has been studied many times before, amc-ng others also by V. Ye. Lashkarev, D. Ii. Lazarev, and M. K. Sheynkman, its effect on the cathode conductivity had not yet been investigated. "he authors have investigated now the effect of ohmic and nonohmic contacts on the distribution of tle cathode sensitivity in single crystals of CdS and CdSe by a probe method described by them it, Ref. 4 (Uch. zap. Kishinf-vsk. gos. univ. 29, 201, 1257). To study the role of the electrodes, 'probe characteri-stics" were taken, i.e., the samples were Irradiated by a narrow electron probe which could be moved from one electrode to the cther. The single crystals studied came from I. P. Lllizetskaya of IF 0 USSR (Institute of Physics, AS Ukr3SH). The electrodes worc evaporated on the crystal in vacuo. The distance Card 1/4 22037 :V1 6 1 "-~, 1 /'-"0 2 (KA/003/030 Effect of the contact ... P'1021~214 between them was about 5 mm, 10 times as large ar the diamet;ir of the probe. In all, three groups of samples were neasured: The first group consisted of CdS and CdSe crystals with ohmic contacts (In), the second of such with nonohmic contacts (Au), and the third- of mixed contacts (In - Au). The crystals showed no cathodolum:.nescence. Fit;. I shows a typical probe characteriotic for samples of the firot group. The ordinate is the cathode conduction current Ik , defined as the difference between the current flowing through the sample on irridiation and the dark current. The abscissa is the potential betwean the plate moving the probe and one of the electrodes. The charact!~ristics in Fig. 1 wero taken for a single crystal of CdSe with an electron energy V I = 5 kov, a current strength of the irradiatinj, beam 1, = 4-10-a -a, and a potential of 25 v at the sample. Ourve 2 wai; taken for the reverced polarity. A character- istic feature of these samples is that t!le cathode conductivity in the central region is practically independent of the point of incidence of the electron beam and of the direction of the field. PiJ- 2 shows analOi-Ous characteristics for crystals of CdSe vith Au contacts. (Vi ~ 3 kev, Card 2/4 22037 s/18i/6i/003/004/003/030. ,%-Effect of the apntact ... 3102/B214 .7 1-10' a, and 25 v at the sample). Here, the relationships are completely reversed: The cathode conductivity drops in the region near the cathodes and reaches a maximum in the central region (near the electrode which# at the given moment, is the cathode). Pig- 3 shows the character- istics of CdSe with mixed contacts (2-4 kev, 6.10-7 a, 25 v)- Independently of the polarity, the lowest conductivity here is on the side of the Au contact near which also a maximum of the chara,,-teriatic appears. A minimum appears near the In contact, and in thi immediate neighborhood there occurs a steep rise independently of the polarity. The results are indicative of a special role of the holes on irradiation of parts away from the cathode. The authors thank D. N. Nasledov for advice and interest. There are 3 figures and 4 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy uy:iversitet (Kishinev State University) SUBMITTED: may 10, 1960 (initially), November 30p 1960 (after revision) Card 3/4 Effect of the contact ... In AU a so Pug. 1. Card 414 mwm 22037 3/181 61/003/004/003/030 B102XB214 AU A 00 40 ift 86 Pug. 2. 40 80 Vo%" 10 Pug. 3. 4.3 0 0 (Id* 3 1~ S/l39M~0OO/OO5/OjL4/OJL4 2073/9335 ~4 -W-J V AUTHORSi Kot. M.V. TITM Cathodic conductance of thin layers of cadmium selen1de PERIODICAL: Izvestiya *Yiihikh'uch9bnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, no. 5, 1961.-pp. 169-- 170 TEXT: The authors give results on the transverse cathodic conductance of layers of cadmium solonide under the effect of bombardment with electrons of energies up to 3.5 keV. The specimens were produced by ev^porating polycrystalline cadmium selenide on a glass bases heated to 250 0C. Terminal contacts were produced by vacuum deposition of indium electrodes spaced 2 mm aipart. The circuit and technique used were described in earlier work (Ref. 6 - Uch.zap.KGU, 29, 201, 1957). The resistance of the specimens was of the order of 109-(7- . -5 After being placed into the metering tube and evacuated to 10 mm Hg, the resistance of the layers decreased by a factor of 2. Kleetroft bombardment produced two phenomena: 1) the resistance of the thin lay a decreased suddenly by two to three orders of Card 1 30476 S/139/61/000/005/014/014 Cathodic conductance .... E073/E335 magnitude and maintained its value after the radiation beam was switched off. provided that the vacuum in the metering tube was maintained. The resistance increased sharply to its initial value as soon as air was admitted; this phenomenon is explained by the purification of the surfaces of the specimens fkanthe adsorbed gas, which acts as an electron trap; 2) there was a reversible change in the conductance of layers previously treated with an electron beam. In the case of an electron energy of 3 keV and a voltage of 30 V being applied to the specimen, the cathode-conductance current I K 9 which equals the difference between the current flowing through the specimen on irradiation with electrons and the darkness current, shows a nonlinear increase with increasing intensity of the current in the ptimary beam 1 1 andjunder the given conditionsi it was higher than I I by about two orders of magnitude, Fig.1, (Abstracter's note: t he to r m "II X 108 A"in fts. I should read "I x 10- 8Aff With increasing energy Card 2/4", __)' Cathodic conductance ... 0 314?6 S/139/61/000/005/014/014 9073/9335 or the primary electrons, the cathodic conductance current also increases. As has bosh shown in earlier work of the authors, In the come of cadmium-nalenide single crystals a linear depen- dence is observed between the cathodic conductance current and ths, primary current. Thin layers of cadmium selenide also show a greater inertia than single crystals. This difference between the behaviour of thin layers and of single crystals is attributed to the differing conditions of recombination. Abstracter's notat this is an abridged translation here are I figure and 7 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and ~ I non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATIONt Kishinevskiy gosuniversitet (Kishinev State University) SUBMITTEDs July 15, 1960 Card 3 S/837J61/049/4000/007/011 B102/BI04 AUTHORS: Kot U. V. and Simashkevich, A. V. TlTLE: Tho temperature dependence of the cathodic conductivity of cadmium sulfide and selenide SOURCE: Kishinev. Universitet. Uchenyye zapiski. v. 49, 1961, 101-104 TEXT: A special tube was devised and constrU6ted for measuring the temperature dependence of the cathodic,iphoto- and dark conductivity of US and CdSe. The measuring circuit was the same as already used (Uch. zap. KGU, 29, 201, 1957). The pressure inside the tube was not above 10-5mm Ug. The measurements were made with crystals obtained froa the gaaeous phase which were glued onto gl"s backings, and with CdSe. films condensed in vacuo onto hot (20000 glass bases. The temperature Oependence of the cathodic conductivity was measured using an electron beam of 3 kev and 2110-8 a. The specimens investigated were held in vacuo for 24 hro and purified by eleotron bombardment so as to ensure well Card 112 S/837/61/049/000/007/011 The temperature dependence of the B102/BI04 reproducible results. When gas is adsorbed on the specimens the cathodic conductivity is much lower, but only so beloi 0 C. The photoconductivity, measured with specimens irradiated by white-light, showed a similar temperature dependence and is affected by adsorbed air in a similar and reversible way. Also the temperature dependence of the dark conductivity is strongly influenced by surface degasification. The conductivity maximum observed near room temperature for mono- and polycrystalline as well as film samples vanishes when the samples are degasified. There are 4 figures. Card 2/2 L 15166-63 EWr(l)/EWO(k)/EWP(c3 /EWT(x)/BDS/EEC(6)-2/ES(w)-2 AFFTC/ ASD/ESD-3 SSD .-.P%-WP&b-4 RDW/JD/AT/;W-IjP(C) ACCESSION NRt AR3003344 5/0058/63/000/005/EO93/EO93 .'ISOURCEt RZh. Fizika, Abs. 5E587 ---------- Kot, M. V.; Simaehkevich, A. V ITITLE: Effect of surface recombination on the Sat~od!\qonauctivity of-WS and C4gC ,crystals !CITED SOURCE: Tr. po"fiz.-,poluprovodnikov. Kishinevsk.- un-t, vy*p. 1, 1962, 19-27. TOPIC TAGS: cathode conductivity) surface recombinati on, diffusion ;length, carrier lifetime, cadmium sulfide, cadmium aelenide ;TRANSLATION: The authors have experimentally investigated previously (RZhPiz, 1958,, !No. 8t 18333) the dependence of the cathode conductivity of CdS and CdSe crystals oE ,the energy of the primary electrons. By comparing the results of such investiga-w 'tions with the theory developed by Gergeli (RZIiFiz, 1961, lOE443).. several para- meters were determined, characterizing the surface recombination of carriers in CdS and CdSe. An estimate is mude of the dirfusion lensV L; L = O.~~ and 0.059 for US and CdSe, respectively. At a pressurg of 10 mp Hg, the rate of surFace recombination amounts to 8.x 105 and 8.6 x 10-1-8.6 x 100 cm/sec for CdS and GdSe*, !Card .112, IL -151,68-63 -A VCCESSION NR: AR3003344 'respectively. Purification of the surface of the US crystals by electron bombard- Iment reduces the rate of surface recombination by approximatelv 5times. It is :shown that the energy of production of an additional pair amounts to 9.6 and 8.1 9V .in CdS dnd CdSe, respectively. The lifeti S or the holes in the crystals of these subntaficos lica in the interval 10-10-10 IN sec and is approximately eight orders .of magnitude smaller than the lifetimes of tho electrons. A. Zhdan DATE AM 17Jun63 SUB CODE.: PH ENCLt Oq. Card- q~ ~16 -1~1 -i-l-r12111 Vt L743W L 100 BDS (Nb AsDASD AMCCEIR Oil 39&191' -276W91/O0O/O04/EO74/EO74 SOURCE: RZh. Fizika, Abs. 4E488 AUTHOR: Kot, M. V.; Simashkevich A. V.; Tyrziu. V, G TITIE: Electrical ' optical, and photelectric proper-ties of thin layers of the ZnSe-CdSe system CITED SOURCE: Tr. po fiz. poluprovodnikav. Kishinevsk. un-to vyp. 3, 1962, 110-120 TOPIC TAGS: Thin layers, ZnSe-CdSe system, electrical and optical properties, photoelectric properties TRANSiATION: An investigation vas made of the electric conductivity, photoconductivity, and optical properties of layers of the ZnSe-CdSe system, obtained by simaltaneous evaporation of ZnSe and CdSe on glass an quartz substrates heated to 2606 C, as functions of the percentage composition of the components. The specific conductivity decreases monotonically, and the Card 1/2 L lou5S-63 L AXEssiai NR: AR3000384 activation energy, calculated from the temperature dependence of the conductivity and from the long-wave absorption boundary and the photoconductivity increases with increasing ZnSe content in the system. A study of the optical properties has shown that for each composition there is its own transmission boundary, which shifts toward the longer wavelengths with increasing CdSe in the system. Simultaneously, an increase takes place in the refractive index. All the layers obtained had noticeable photoconductivity, which increased after the layers were- annealed in air. on the basis of the obtained results, the authors cannot -k an unequivocal conclusion whether the layers obtained constitute a iseries of solid solutions or mechanical mixtures. P. Konorov. DATE ACQ: 14may63 ML: 00 SUB COIE: PH Card 2/2 -------------------------------------------------------- L 10053-63 rgT(1)/=/EEC(b)-2-.4mcAo-D,/r-,M-3--ijp(c) ACCESSION NR: AR3000379 S/0058/63/000/004/EO67/EO67 SOURCE: RZh. Fizika, Abs. 4E451 AUTHOR: Kot, M. V.; Simashkevich, A. V.; Tyrziu, V. G.; Tsurkan, A._Xe TITLE: Electric, optical, and photoelectric properties of thin laers of the ZnTe-CdTe system CITED SOURCE: Tr. po fiz. poluprovodnikov. Kishinevsk. un-tj vyp. 1,, 1962, 121-130 TOPIC TAGS: ZnTe-CdTe system, thin layers, electric properties, optical properties, photoelectric properties TRANSLATION., In order to obtain a system with prescribed properties, a study was made of the ZnTe-CdTe system. The specimens were obtained by separate or by combined evaporation of binary components on beeted substzra*As with subsequent heating until a homogeneous solid solution was obtained, as monitored by the appearance of only one long-vave absorption edge. The volt-ampere characteristics Card 1/2 L 10053-63 ACCESSION NE: AR3000379 62 are linear; the specific electric conductivity Sigm In vacuum varies mcnotonically with the concentration of ZnTe from a value 6.18 times 10 sup -7 (for pure CdTe) to 5.54 times 10 sup -5 ohm sup -1 cm sup -1 (for pure ZnTe); the logarithm of the electric conductivity depends lineally on the inverse temperature; in air Sie;m drops by one or two orders of Magnitude, and is restored in vacuum; the conductivity is of the p-type. The opitcal properties were investigated in air at room temperature. The reflection coefficient, the position. of the absorption edge, and the photosensitivity spectrum vary depending on the relative concentration within certain limits for pure components, Vie same as the electric conductivity. The width of the forbidden zone and the the?-=I activation energy vary lineally with the relative concentration, ancl no intrinsic conductiv,ity appears. L. Gudymendo DATE ACQ: 14May63 ENCL: 00 SUB CCDE: PH Card 2 ----------------------------------- ;INI S/i8i/62/004/006/024/051 B104/B112 i~'ot, Y. V., Tyrziu, V. G., .,%ironchuk, Yu. Ye., and Msl~enskiy, V. A. TITLE. The dependence of the activation energy on the molar composition in thin layers of some A 11PVi- AifBVI systems P.-.'RIGPICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 6, 1962, 1535 - 1541 TEXT: Thin layeru of the systems ZnSe-CdSe, ZnTe-CdTe, ZnSe-HgSe, CdSe-HgSe, and CdTe-HgTe were prepared by Vekshinskiy's method. The layers were sputtered onto cold and heated glass and mica backings and subsequently annealed in vacuo or air. The layers sputtered onto cold backings revealed an inhomogeneous 3tructure. The activation energy was determined from the temperature dependence of electrical conductivity, and from the spectral dependence of photo-conductivity at room temperature. Under certain temperature conditions, layers could be obtained having continuously variable composition. The ' optical activation energy of the systems ZnTe-CdTe, ZnSe-UgSe, and CdTe-HgTe Card 112 'i/181/62/004/oo6/024/051 The deDendence of .... B104/B112 is a linear function of the molar composition; that of the systems ZnSe-CdSe and CdSe-Hg3e is not a linear, but a monotonic f'unction of the molar composition. in the former case, one is dealing with solutions with one type of lattice, and in the latter.with solutions with two types of lattice. The decrease in the optical activation energy of the systems is as follows: for thE'system ZnSe-CdSe from 2.6 ev (100~, ZnSe) to 1.7 ev (100r~., CdSe); foz ZnTe-CdTe from 2.1 to 1.4.ev; for ZnSe-Hg6e from 2.6 to 0.4 ev; and for CdTe-HgTe from 1.4 to less than 0.1 ev. There are 5 figures. ASSOCIATIONs Fishinevskiy gosudarstv 'O.Yy universitet (Kishinev State University) SUB"'ITTED: January 27t !962 Card 212 K0,11p N.V.; Trunaverse cathode conductivity of crystals and thin films of A-'- And B"I type compounds. Radiotekh. i elektron. 7 no.9:1672- 1679 S 162. (HIRA 15:9) (Tr,~msistors) (Dielectrics) (Electric conductitivy) XjSazive rognetoresistivity in hexagonal, n-type silicon carbide. V. Mirzdbayev, V. M. Tuchkevich, Yu. V. Shmartsev (10 minutes). Structure and electrical properties of the systen CdSe-HqSe. M. V. Kot, V. A. Mshenskiy. Structure and electrical properties of the system NgTe-ZnTe. S. A. Danilyuk, M. V. Kot. Structure and electrical properties of the system ZnSe-HqSe- M. V. Kot, A. V. Slmash~qLyjch. Report presented at the 3rd National Conference on Semiconductor Compounds, Kishinev, 16-21 Sept 1963 ACCESSION NR: AP4041378 S/0048/64/028/006/1065/1068 AUMOR: Kot, hf.V. ; Simnshkovich, A.V. TITLN: Structure and electric properties of the ZnSo-4[gSo system geport, Third Conference on Semiconductor Compounds hold in Kishinev 16 to 21 Sep lDG27 SOURCE: Ali SSSR. rzvostiya, Soriya fizichoskaya, v.23, no,G, 1964, 1065-1068 TOPIC TAGS: comicor3ductor proporty, electric conductivity, thin film, solid solu- tion. conductivity, zinc sclenide, mercury selenide ABSTRACT: Polyorystalline specimens and thin films of ZnSe-41gSo solid solutions were prepared and thoir crnductivities worb masured. The bulk materials wore pre- pared by heating the vacuum distilled elements in quartz tubes with vibration and subjecting them to a sequence of an!6eals, ending with a 50 to 100 hour anneal at 500 to GOOOC. X-ray investigations showed the materials thus obtained to be solid solutions with face-centored cubic lattices. The lattice constant varied iinearly with composition. The matqrials rich injigSo were very coarse grained, i~nd the grain size decreased with incronaing ZnSo content. The thin films were proparea*by a'me- thod described elsewhere (j4.V.Kot,V.G.Ty*rziu, A,V.Simashkovich, Yu.Ye.Uaronchuk md Card 1/3 ACCESSION xn: AP4041378 V.A.Mshenskiy,Fiz.tverdoCo tela 4,153G,IDG2). The co-Auctivity at room temperature varied monotonically with composition. The thin films containing less than 65044 IlgSe were considerably more conductive than the corresponding bulk materials; for mater- ial5 containing moro than 65% ll(;So the opposite was true. The conductivities wore measured at temperatures from 20 to about 3000C. The temperature dependence of the conductivity of the films was similar to that of the bulk materials. Thc'conductiv- ity of materials containing more than 60% HUSe decreased slightly with increasing tunperature; that of materials containing less than GO% lIgGe increased* with tempera- tu.-c; the conductivity of the solution containing GOI; IICSo passed through a minimum at 2000C. The activation energies obtained from the conductivity measuremen'ts var- ied monotonically with conposition from 2.55 6V for ZnSo to 0.48 aV for the materi- al containiiiC GO7. HgSe. These activation energies (except for ZnSe) are considerab- ly lower than thone obtained by the nuthors at aI. (loc.sit.supra) by optical means. "lie observed conductivity was accordingly not intrin5tc. Hall constants were mea- A Liured at room temperature for some of tho more conductive specimens. Tlie conduction electron concentration varied between 2 x 1017 and 3 x 1018 cm-3 and the mobilities wero of tho order of 104 CM2/V sac for the bulls materials and 103 cm2 /V see for the films. "In conclusion, the authors consider it their duty to expros thqir grati- tudo to I.M,blaricua of the Tnetitu'ta at PhyaLoo a" Ifathemstioa of th: Ahadomy of Card 2/3 ACCESSION IM: AP4041378 Sciencea of the Moldavian SSR, for assistance In conducting the x-ray ln~estiga- t1am, and to S,N.Shustatakly and M.S.Kats, graduates of Moscow State University, for thair active participation in the synthoaaa and measurements." Orig.drt.haa.~ 4 figuron. ASSOCIATION: Kinhinovskly gosudaretvcnny*y universitet (Kishinev State Univorsity) SUBM17TEDI 00 ENCL: 00" SUD CODE: SSO Ic XR REP SOV: OW 0111M 001 Card 313 KOT, M,V.; 5 '.-1 `~ br~', ~ :~,~ ',Z -' - J-r~. , ~.,T ~'-f t.".e -7-s tam 7---,Se - HgSe. 1?.v. 4 ",z. 28 Te '64, 1". .. WRA 17-.7) 1. gusudars'.,,r~nf;yy Pz-6/Pob L 5-1 rNT(I)/ZWT(N)/EW(I(iK)/T/Lr$P(t)/EWP(b)/EWA(b) JJP(c) RDW/JD/ATA 1AJMWSIOX MR I AP501006 VR/0181/65/007/00k/1A2/U*3 AWMQR3 K44 me yel FAMSYuki Too me; SIUMMOT101 At Vol TJM1MU&_A, To* ;L TITM Intrinsic recombination radiation of zinc telLuride SOURCIt Mike, tverdogo tela, v. Tt no. 4,, jL9651, 1A2-1243 TOPIC TAGDt zinc tolluridep recombination radiation, intrinsic radIations pn Lunction voltage current characteristic, spectral distribution ABSTRACTs This in the first )mown investigation or recombination radiation pro. Iduced by Injection through a zinc-telluride p-n junction* The Junctions were pro-1 duced in sirgle-crystal zinc telluride plates with area up to 1 mm?* The test consisted of determining the voltage-current characteristic, the apectral distri- bution of the recombination radiation at various cur ent densities# &n4 the depend- ence of the radiation intensity on the current densitr. The dark voltage-current chuacteristico are fftrovg4 sayamtrical, with the forward cor cut be1% approxi- mately 10 mA at 2 Y and the inverse current being 5 pA at 8 To Passage of current through the sample in the transmission direction results in reeoubination radiation witk an emission Uand lying in the 0*5--0-T PL veivelength interml. Vith increasing Curd current densityt the Intensity of the radiation Increases and the v1dth of the bead decreased an a result of the shift of the long-wave boand&ry toward shorter wave- lengths. The energy or the radiation quanta was deterained from the positions of the maxima or the spectral cvrves to be 2.1--2*2 eV,, corresponding to the width or the forbidden b"d of zinc telluride at room temperature. It is thus concluded that the radiation observed to intrinsic recombination radiation, The intensity of the radiation at room teqpersture Inareases samevbat faster than linear up to cur- : rent densities of 5 A/cm2* When the current density e3ccoods 1 A/cu2q the radiation can be observed viffully both in the direction parsUaL to the pin* of the junc- tion and perpendicular to It. The brightness amounted to 5 nit at 20C and 50 nit at 77K. "The authors thank Pr*fessor D. N. Maledor for continuous intereft In the work and for valuable advico." ASOOCXATIONs 11sidn*vskly gosudarstyaniVy wdversitat (Kishinev ftate Wvorsi 11UM143Cf=s 24AW" XNCLI 00 M CM1 as OF n IV gas 000 1 000 COM 2/2 L_L2790-62 URT(I)/EWT(m)/U#G(M)/T/EWP(t)/EWP(b)/S,VA(h) Pz-6/Pel) IJP(c) RVR/JD/AT ACCESSION NRt AP5010747 UR/0181/65/007/004/12U/195 AUTHOR i .,Kat,, No To; Vnk. Ll I 81mashkevicho As To; Tourimp A6 Yes# Oherbans Do A,. TITLIs On the Intrinsic recombination radiation of ZM6e--ZDT* bettrOvactIOns :~a BOURM Mika tyerdogo telap Y. 7. no. 4, 1965p 1244-1245 TOPIC TAGSt beterojunctioni 'Pn Junction. recombinaticn radiationo intrinsic radi tion, voltage current characteristiop spectral distritution ABSTRAM The wathors report the first succeseM c4l;empt to proftee n-p heteroo, it Junctiona ZnSe--ZnTe in cryfftal-layer foring to obtain effective Injection of abor-, ity carrIers, and to observe intrinsic recombination radiation, The voltage- current characteristic of such junctions has the us"L diode characters The for- vard current was ceyeral vailliamperes at 2 Vp and the inverse current up to 20 pA at 5 Vo The dependenge of the short-circuit current in the Illuminations the lux- ampere characterietted, and'the spectral distribution of the photo esif vere Inves- tigated. In all the sampled the short-circuit carrent depends linearly an the 11- luninKtica- nie no-load voltage vax 0.6--O.T To The saWles vere segaltive to I Card V2