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3 (5) AUTHORS: Starik, 1. Ye., Corresponding Member SOV/20-126-1-39/62 AS USSR, Ravich, Y1. G., Krylov, A. Ya-f Silin, Yu. I,. TITLE: On the Absolute Ago of the Rocks of the East-Antarctic Platfo= (0b absoly-utnom vozraste porod Vostochno-Artarkticheskoy plat- formy) PERIODICAL: Dol-lady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, V~pl 126, ?Tr 1, PP 144 - 146 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the prosent paper tac first determination results of the rocks mentioned in the title, mainly of Precambrian age, are discussed. For this purpose the collection of the Sovatska a antarkticheskaya ekspeditsiya (Soviet Antarctic Expeditlon~ 1956-58 was used. It was collected daring the prospecting cf a coastal strip of almost 5000 km length (Refs 1,2). The invest- igated region has the structure of a 3-stage plateau which is in many a respect analoCous to the othe - Godvanskiye platformp All three stages are characterized in short. No Mesozoic sedi- ments have hitherto been found in the region of the mentioned plat.eau..Conozoic sediments are only represented by covers of Card 1/4 basic effusives among which leucite basalts predominate. The On the Absolute Age of the Rocks of the East-Antarctic SOV/2G-126-1-39/62 Platform first 40 determinations of the absolute age by means of the argon method made more precise ideas possible concerning the structure of the aforesaid plateau. Several results were suxr- prising and their geological interpretation meets with sariolis difficulties (Table 1). The highest age,- i. e. 1020-1270 ril- lion years were obtained at first for the oases Langeneset, Grirson, Banger, and Obruchev, i. e. for leucocratic granites and peL-;matites. The a-e of the weakly migmatitic (Barger oasis andother regions of the crystalline basement) rocks fluctuates between 940 and 1050 million years. So-called poly-migmatites which are 700-730 million years old occur at the same time at several places, especially in the Banger oasis. Thus two =igma- titization staCes can be separated: a) an earlier one which occurred more than 1000 million years ago, and b) a late one - core than 700 million years ago. Thus the nigmatitization of the oldest masses of the eastern Antarctic belongs to the Pro- terozoic. A paccrket of Lrnelsses in the region of the Einsvort bay and the Villac-i elevation is for the time being the only exception. Weakly migmatitized biotite-gneisses are here 425- Card 2/4 485 million years old. This agrees almost with the age of the Cn the Absolute Age of the Rocks of the East-Antarctic SCV/20-126-1-39/62 Platform here occurring porphyroblastic Granites. The age of the S-zeen schiat3 and mica phyllites (piddle stage of the plateau) flue- tuatea between 400 and 500 million years. This corresponds to Sinisian and Lower Cambriar. The Rapakivi granites in the ex- trome east of the irvestigated region has approximately the same age. The cost recent granitoide are the subalkaline bio- tite-hornblande varieties. They are Caledonian, with an age of 305-315 million yea::,3. The age of the gabbro-dolerite from a stratiform intrusion within the Bikon (Beakon) aeries (170 million years old) agrees rather well with the geological po- sition (Lower Triassic). The same holds in the case of Terti- ary loucite-granite (nountain Gauss) which is approximately 20 million years old. The age determinations of the mentioned rocks confirm on the whole the authors' assumption concerning the 3-stage structure of the plateau. The old Gerling constant Ak - 6.02*10- 11 year-1 which is much used in the USSR was used for the determination. The data are only temporary and pr,-.babl;r Card 3/4 On the Absolute Age of the Rocks of the Sas4- Antarctic SOV/20-1 26-1 -ItO/62 Platform somewhat too low. There are 1 table and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy institut !m. V. G. Khlopina Akademii na-1-k SSSR (Radium Institute Imeni. V. G. Khlopin of the Academy ef Sciences, USSR). Hauchno-issledovateliskiy institut on-ologii Arktiki (Scientific Research Institute of the Geology of the Antarctic) SUBMITTED: January #q, 195), Card 4/4 ATRLAWOK, L. Ya.; AVD7.EYKO, G.V.-, KRYLOV, A. Ya.; SILIN, Yu. I. Absolute age of the Mcnastyri type granites of Kalbot. Gookhimiia no.3:278-279 160. (KIRA 14:5) 1. Radiyevyy institut Imeni V. 0. Khlopina AN SSSR, laningrad. (Ka.1ba Range-Granite) (Geological time) KRYLOV, A.Ya.. SILIN. Yu.1- ......- Using the argon method for determining the age of clastic aedimentar~v rocks. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.geol. 25 no.1:56-66 Ja ,6o. 041RA 13:8) 1. itallyevyy institut Iment Y.G.4lopina AN SSEM. loningrad. (A-gon) (Rocks, Sedimentary) STARIK.; HAVIcH, M.G.; KRYWT. A.Ya.:--SILIN. Yuj.; ATRASHNJOK, L.Ya.; LOVTSYUS, A.Y. Recent data on the absolute age of rocks in eastern Antarctica. Dokl. AN SSSR 134 no.6:1421-1423 0 160. (MMA 13:10) 1. Radiyevyy institut im. V.G.Mopina Akademii nauh SSSR. 2. Chlen- korrespondent All SSSR (for Starik). (Antarctic regions-Rocks) (Geological time) e,i-,YLC-'V ~A.Ya.-. UjM;Yll, A.P.; 'ILIN, Yu.I. L6ili 0 ns,, J. I. I Sig-nificance of the argon - potagsium ratio In oceard-c si-1t. Izv. All ~'66R.Ser.geol. no-3:87--100 Mr 161. (KIRA 15:2) 1 . luidiyevyy inutitut AN !;~R, Lealngrad I Institut c keanologii All S~jjh, 14oskva. (Ocean bottom.-Deap-sea deposits) (Geological time) STARIK, I.Yo.; KRYLOV, A.Ya.; SILIN, Yu.I. Ab3olute age of base rocks in the eaotern part of the Ruejian Platform. Blul.Kom.po opr.abs.vozr.geol.form. no.4:6,-65 161. (MMA 15:1) (Russian Platform-Rocks, Crystalline and metamorpiic) (Geological time) 'rZ',YLCV. A T!)~; VOIHIVJ-'~U, P-O)~; J~Rj'. Yu I 1 .0 Absolutc age of tha .-rystallinc- basement of eastern Antarctica. Dok]. AIN SSSR 143 no.l.-184-lE7 I-Ir 162. (NIRA 15:2) 1. Radiyevyy Institut in. V.G.alopina AN SSSR. Pr-3datavleno akadeaikom D.I.Shc~erbakovymo (Antarctic regions--Geology, Stratigmphic) RAVICHP M. G.; KRYLOV, A. Ya.; SOLOV'TEV, D. S.; SILIN, Yu. I. Absoluts age of rocks of the central part of the mountains In Queen Maud Land (eastern Antartica). DAL AN SSSR 147 no.62 W3-1436 D 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Nauchno-looledovatellskiy institut, goologii Arktiki, L Radiyevy3r institut in. V. G. Xhlopina AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom D. I. Shcherbakovym. (Queen Maud Land-Petrolory) AVRASHOV, A.S.; KRYLOV, A.Ya.; SILIN, )(u.I. 1- - " A, New data an the age of granitoid Intrusives in the central 1 1,- !I- I Pamirs. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.5tll36-1139 D 163. 1-i -p (MIRA 17:1) 1. Predstavleno akademikom D.I. Shcherbakovym. GRICH. A.; SOBILIMAN, I.M. Ctranslatorl;_AILIX, Tu*S.,,redaktor; IZVONMXAYA, L.G., tekhaichookly radaktor Clkplanatory index to a short guide to Leningrad) Leningrad; ukazatell k kratkomu putayoditeliu po gorodu Laningradu. [Leningrad] Lenisdat, 1956. 34 p. [Parallel text@ in Russian and Raglishl [Phototatat) (NLRA 9:9) (Leningrad--Directories) JAXCESSIO-111 1111: AP11020334. S/0089/64/016/003/0252/0253 AU11"HORS: Karamyan, A.S. (Deceased); Kuzeyev, B.I.; Kress, R.P.; Yu,,-S.; Stukov, G.M.; Shchebolev, V.T.; a., I.A. TITLE: Absolute determination of a number of neutrons emitted by source, using the associated particle method SOL-RCE: Atomnaya enerZiya, v. 16, no. 3, 1964, 252-253 TOPIC TAGS: absolute determination, absolute neutron determination, azzoelated particle method, alpha particle, emitted neutron, gra- p'lit.e, neutron determination ,'-`!STRACT: The method of associated particles is based on a com- par'llson of neutron flux from the source being studied with neutron f1u:-c from the reaction T(d n) He4. Since onea-particle corres- pondo -%o each out~;oing neutron in this reaction, it is possible to deter.mine the number of emitted neutrons by the absolute counting ofoc-particles. In a medium for which the moderation length in Cord 1/3 ACCESSION N-R; AP4020334 1,~ss th;~-n the diffusion length, it is possible to find such spacing of thermal neutrons from source to detector where the density of the---aal neutrons does not depend on the energy of neutrons emitted by the source and is determined only by its intensity. Graphite In the form of a sphere with a 4 m. diameter was used as such a medium. T-nree curves for 3 different sources are given in the figure in the Laclo-sure. The point of intersection of curves determines the radius of the efficiency constant for a given device. This dis- tance is 82 cm. To find the number of neutrons being emitted by va,:~ious zouz-ces, it is not necessary to measure the full curves of %*Ih~~r,zal neutoron distribution in the graphite globe. It Is suffi- cient to determine the number of detector readings in the spacing of the constant. Mean square error of method in about � 1.4,1.". art. has: 2 figures. A'SOCIATION: None SUE:U~:TZD: 18Apr63 DATE ACQ: 3lMar64 ENCL: 0 1 11 COD-7; PH NO REP SOV: 001 OTHM: 002 ZUB C.,d 2 / 3 ACCESSM,11 11R: AP4020334 JO 7- Zk + ZI N 1 1 X ENCLOSVREt 01 9 20 40 60 60 W 129 99 142 W AV UN Fig. I Space distribution curves for thermal neutrons in graphite sphere: 1--for neutrons of Ila-Be source; 2 - for neutrons of Po-Be source; 4 3 - for neutrons obtained from T d, n)He reaction Card 3/3 ;, ~. -". ~ I ~. , -Iii, ~V-11-1 '-*~ . " "W", 1; . 11 . i li;ill .. v i ~4~ . w. I , 0 ., , .,I. ., - lu , :. .; 1.A. I -~.' sv.~rceO. Atom. energ. ' --j A:-,.2. I Pil - A g I ~ I, . (PIRA 18:9) Dr. Geolo,,:ical & 11-diieralogical Sci. I-Ibr., Lab. Hydrogeolog-ical Problems im. F. 3. 3avarenskiy, Dept. GeoloZico-Creoo,. Sci., Acad. 3ci., -19L~5-48-. Q IlConcerning the Problem of the Formation of Salt Water in BachkLria,g Dok. AN, 52, 14o. 1, 1946; "The Effect of Kinematic Density, Reduced Pressure and Pormeability of Rocks on the Speed of Filtration of Brine in the Oil Bearinc Strata of the Ural-Volga Oblast," ibid.s 58, iio. 6, 1947; 1IFornation of Subsurface Waters in Eastern Oil Regions" (bk) 1948. 1. --,- 1. 2. vs,;q (6oo) 4. Idater, 11nderground - 113econd Baku" Ii7. Hydrogeological conditions and the flood potential of the principal oil fields or the "Second Baku." kAbstract.) Izv.Glav.upr.geol.fon no. 3, lA7 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified. F. P. MIC109").--ch"T Scol. shoming hem fr"h (river) watersve changed in comian (metanvartolity"41b Irv the "Hoe highlY Mineaftfifff! Water% Of InIM reach IWWA Own the level of rich rorks Is tWwd. Iliad 4 the paper (14MAIS With the (OrMAtiflel and -IfItniCtilarl Of PWACUM 4W gwnift under well-trc"Miml peni. crooditi.,n4. Thu-. tw1rokurn 4bwsbrd bar rock% is gradually disptAml lev wAter. t"C" .1w" the few& f.W" are as UnAll A* thow ..( dAyi Thera, Is a rebliom between the Orgree ,I nirtA- nearphiint of the 4nhteffAnrAn water And the rAtV 44 AC- u4iloorsofthrpraralollsetrolman. V. 11. Gotischislia = 3igned by: ldr), '2 lor or'K0 STI T11-BEYCITRPI, A. T. Water, Underground Method of approximate piezometer computation of velocities of filtration and underground flow or brines. Trucly. Lab. gidrogeol. probl. No. 2, 1949 !!onthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952 UNCLASSIFIED v " I - - --- - - - . -,-7r7F-- - -- '~' 3 A- ~ 1 , 1. .. . p - ..' - -- ~:' ~- I . .. : . , " 1 1 ~' ~ , - . I . ,4*atur, lroblem.s in the fcrmatLon cC ~-rcunj waterB ba::,es on rzterials frcn. the trarlsacticns of the Laboratory of liyd-.cj,,eclc -ical Frcblems, Vol. 1. Trudy Lab. gidrcgeol.prob2.. '.,'o. 2, 1949. "onthl List of Russian Accessions, Librarv of Icngress, December lgt2. Unclas-sified. Y - 1~ I I . STLIN-BEICHRIN, A.T. ?. USSR (600) It. Geolopy and Georraphy 7. Special Ilydrogeology. A.T. Sili-Fekchurin. (Moscow, State Geolrpical Press, 1951). 1~ iu--viewed by M. Ye. Al'tovskiy. Sov. KniEa, lo. 6, 1952. 9. 40 Report U-30P1, 16 im . 1953, Unclassified. C,,rfC)R SILIN-BIKCHURIK, A.I. --.- I . - 1 1. Hydrochemical sonality of the underground water of the syncliniss near the Caspian. Isvest. Akad. *auk S.S.S.R., Ser. Geol. '52, 27-40. (CA 47 no.22sl2706 '53) BOGONOWV, Gerasim Vasil 'yevIch;,_�ILIN-BKCHURI-N'Aleksay Iyanovich; GOKANIKO. K.1.. redaktor; redaktor-, GbiCIVA, O.A., taktiatchmakly redaktor. [Special hydrogeology) Spetsiallnela gidrogeologiia. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. lzd-v,o lit-ry po geologil i okhrane nedr, 1955. 246 p. (KIRA 9:5) (Geology) (Water, Underground) Iw SKMOV, S. I.CtrFinslator); SILIX-RUINMIN Ao I.,. redaktor; SYN. Ta.M., . - - redAktor; SHAPOVAL 0 0 .. -e-WrI1116111eimly redaktor. (Arid zone hydrology; a collection of articles. Translated from tho Inglishl Gidrogeologiia i gidrologiis ariduci zony sommago shars; sbornik statei. Pereved s anglilskogo S.I.Sairnowa. Pod red. i a predial. A.I.Silina-Bokchurina. Moskva, lzd-v* inostrannoi lit-ry, 1955. 372 p. (KM 9:4) (Arid regions) (Water supply) SILIN-BUGHLIIUN, JL.I. - ---- - Formation of the chemical composition of ground waters In arid regions. Biul.MOIP.Otd-Cool. 30 no-1:91-93 JA-F 155.(KLRk 8:5) (Vater, Underground) 15-b7-10-14631 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geoiogiyu, 19b?, Nr 10, p 211 (USSR) AUTHOR: Silin-Pekchurin, A. I. TITLE: Chemical Composition of Ground Waters in Arid Regions (K vonrosu formirovaniya khimicaeskogo sostava grun- tovykh vod v arldnykh oblastyakh) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. ',',Tosk. un-t, 1956, Nr 176, pp 175-193 ABSTRACT: Experiments were conducted to study chemical composition of ground waters in arid regions: 1) on successive leacUng of salt-impregnated loams; 2) on the misci- bility of some types of ground waters. For the first series of experiments loams from different depths of the Caspian plain viere tested. The author describes four experiments on successive leaching of salt- impregnated loams. On the basis of these experiments he has established a transition from sodium sulfate to Card 1/2 magnesium chloride and then to cblclum chloride Chemical Composition of Ground Waters (Cont.) 15-b'1-10-14631 solutions. On repeated leaching. of the same samples, he established that the exchange occurred in reverse order. In the first instance, suits accumulate in the solutions after the latter have filtered through the lo-ms; in tLe second instance, each new solution washes the salts out of these same samples and gradually lowers their salt content. The second series of experiments is concerned with how certain types of ground waters blend, and pEarticulurly how sodium bicarbonate waters, such as are usually found in deposits of salts, blend with calcium chloride solutions. The experiments show that a change takes place In the chemical composition of solutions formed by infiltration of rain or fluvial waters through salt- impregnated ground, when these waters blend with waters of low mineral content. Thus, magnesium chloride solutions may result from a blending of calcium chloride solutions with alkaline waters, while alkaline solutions with an admixture of chlorides and sulfates originate from sodium sulfate solutions. Tables of data derived from the experimerts, are included. Card 2/2 N. G. Borvinok f Lvws of the Fol'matiC!-4- Of UljerL;17cuT:d Water i-I Arid Zones of Lccturez in Y~56, Vest. U., Pjj,rSiCO :.Jat~j ond Talu-"aj -DP C--'cllog:,- -vocUltY I'I'onslctioll U-%,054,3(l, SILIN-RIINC : BOGORODITSKIY, K.F. - Influence of water on the underground gaelficAtion of coals. Dokl* AN SSSR. 109 no,41832-833 Ag 1956* (MA 9:10) 1. Lotborntortya gidrogeoloeicheik ikh problem Imeni F,P. Savareaskago Aksidemii nnuk SSSR. Predstjtvleno akstdomikom II.N. Strakho"me (Coal ga"iftention.,Underground) Popov Palms I DOM OWLOITAMCE remi"t pe sembesil 1 penstall. feeley 4-his4ow es, a Gemerva'sur @*"*I"* mimmamewfilew pea."malobw a fvan-b"p *arsse. a."Awwrommaws "Oe"I"Min oweeklar SIAMISNU (Abetroate at Repo owindt"d to t" ut& comeorat alemooly t ime, Was of 0004"r Old Goo"lles. as istwmtlaml Aooq~ "tatice, of 2.1seting rit"Inow) momew. 1937. M V. /Parsual ummin IA met"Go -4 MWU-b - "soeb/ 1'"O, evoice psoud. go -wUQ Mostriwtov, mooum" FUNIMS 2US ba-blet I@ w4newa for wareloopte" led 41.11 mgme-M. COWWAM TMe tallottlem at Astrefte sumn weverld, Pften" 84 as UI& 00"ral Moomaly of as laterwUMM UM~B or QN&M maj ggoovelft M k7amlogical, emnional, -4 62-1014oft, Pensions. fteum "WAG be P~*Iwmn at unfierarvand waterm. Mor, ona rl"M an &I" Us GMU-40 - in Poostem. witil migumb lop rpm* livemploumme. fteem qWmap. 114 Le 204ugh an ante"" IV a "Raw ap%orid,, uaga is r"mms to Tbere am w allow sives. of loareerigoom was is Nagesm."We Cbwl%o-, N.V. cm Ibety, impopmom Is slalom" 16* WWt4Wwt" CoSediF ad sopgr"S or M&WWommel M&W TI A"re, GA. 41molougleal Somsee in as gss O%IM&WDUON. 0-19. Roal"L prepwum at 0 map, a~ k malm"elf Pr- 616.09% ad own twablame in SmasloodmLow is so sw ftooldy. PA. lamli pool. 1. deandle WAG& so an won at ?Memmoww oftomme IV Mmew fulalual, 0 Alme". I.L. Pft%l~ to the NOW at Opeftem PMMM me Ift Torriteor of me qssm MWILINIA, UW-W owe 4A -j - j ": i.C I I "I . 0 C% "%so ~11' - iw_ IIJMJIV- rpolop-ninernlOgicheakit,'i nAmle. r f r. lirainage Of YORcow 3nsin lismite devosits beine P*siftod. :Jodxom. JrAZ.ul:l. ne,.;>.65-67 '57. NLRA in:,7) I . Laborfttorlyn glirogeologichaskikh problem ~kndemij mmk SjS'.q. (Poncow Basin--Lignit~) (Mine drainVa) SILI14jKCW,=.,Alsk"y Ivanovich; SHILOVA. K.A.. red.; TXRK&KOVA, H.S., tel&n. redo [Dymmics of under 9'round'vaterl Dinsmilm podzenzykh Yod. C*skval lzd-vo Nomk, univ., 1958. 257 p, (KIPA 11:9) (Water, Undergrowid) TtTL9, The 3..t1.. eekletya) PUZODICALt Syullot.n- lookovokoga abotichestwe Isplistaloy prirody. Otaol 8-16810.skly. 1958, Ir 5. go 151 - 153 (USSR) ANSTIACTo ?%~ fiydroq..I.xt..I r the 3-1.ty. O.K. L-6#:: SO-r-tory - 11.7. Lobeftovs) board the following re- po 'I On 10 April 1959. by L.S. WMIz_-r. -1..* Q.0stion of Risroshostost of 'Upp-a-T-7#7616a Deposits $a the S."th arst Ismigh" and *T%s Rare%* later* of the Trans- tq4& 9~06ftolo %I Th* pstoo.# to k sort In the 49.04001... s &.A. At.ttia, A.f. T.ko.ka*%. 97 N.'ritably. S.W. vlktorov, I.?. Lobsnave. K.&. glass. fontove end O.N. Lan" . On I? April 1951. br Trasive Surfaces of moustatme. the 31"a.ure of fountalfte ..d Ryd'.6-101Y., and by I.$. Resorts 'The 0 ... orph.lea ..4 the Ryd,og..I.ct. way'. Thi foll..I,g per@.*$ Seek part 1. these dissensions, M. Skalo~. 0.1. musitroshko. N.A. Tovicrovskays. A.A. losaplyantsev, A.S. Dulall'yer, I.T. n later. A.4. Droiskly. V.I. moyeas. On may 15. IY Cord 1/5 1,V. FA at.. 'Th. Best* 1.10. of %be RY61 "hooleal C.Drost- bterranoen Voters of Os Alter, and eome Coast- 1 1. " 1 0 Proble. of Their Conselso. and by L.M. c.d..%k a 15ndfaverlig and Coolarival Cheresteriettes .M.A. a the Lim-its gotten-. The following persona, tooli part In the discussions, to.s. T.Tt.o.s. V.I. Popov. A, .4. 7.19dom..., N.Y. L*tm*,&. To. V. 1kkhI.. U.S. Sak.1- we& O.C. L--g-. 00 "Y 22 , b a T To a. 'The Goanthe. mistry of Par* so.. .10 of the Caspian sea.. and by ckj&_jroI-. of For Solutleam of Carboniferous Deposits of the Reason 01.1d0$!.. ?ho following per"No took part to the 410610. *least I.#. Popme. A.4. Gowryukht". G.L. 31admikov. W.f. Dollsbarso Ch. To. Krolp, A.C. 209140sove md 0.1, l4LB". 00 Nor It 1950. the reports more, 0~40 1.1 Aj,.jjjAN,-jIkLvm. r"Moss, at Irdrogwelow to m_64- Carl 1/5 6a4 by A-1,3"UNWO *11tv, larval" goUst of I%* 18"Ov Obloss'"). of follselme peresso took part Is AM disessale"I To.M. 8*%tM. A.0. Z6916406911. N.&. V"i- ors,ok"s, a.m. lobtl1yer. 0.K. Laods, md &.I. Sills-vok- *barim, A UT 110R: Silin-Bekahurin, A.I. SOW/5- 59-5-19/20 y in 'orth Africa and Hindustan 'TTLE: Some Problems of Hydrogeolog (Nekotoryye voprosy pidrogeologii Severnoy Afriki i Indo- stana) PERIODICAL! Byulleten, Itloskovskogo obshchestva ispytateley prirody, Otdel geologicheskiy, 1958, Nr 5, P 159 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author sums up the report he read on 29 May, 1958 in the Hydrogeological Section of the Society. The author, as a scholarship student of UNESC) visited North Africa and Hindustan and studied the problem of hydrogeology in arid countries. Card 1/1 - :7 _'r11 fr I 1 1-1L i~' AUTHORt A. cov/',7-58-6-14/16 TITLE: .1 ronf~x-an.;a on Goo.-hfamical and F. ad i* ~-f saa;~"h ?~~-)&Ps_-tlng for le.r.: a_-.a N tv;,L'_i al Ga!? D spoi-I L 3(Khrorika - Vaesoyuznoye r-iiftyanyk-', J, gazo-?-jvkh meatorozhdanii) I PERIODICAL% 1953, Nz ~, pp 6~O - 61.1. (USSR) ABSTRACT% Th-es. :.orf:?ren-.9 tr,,,)k plaois im Moscow from April 21 to April -Y.-. G-**ek~rj.ka '-f) the As USSR. a w7ow:ip-:~. of 41 g a. z 2.,. ve,)~a rapvecented by about 240 msabers of tha AS VSSR~ i-,,s branches, the Academies cf the Republics of tht Uni..,n, of a r_,zm1:3r of high sphools, of single instit- .;.2.-es, pxd icxzlicx-tion. of the Ministeratyo geolzgi 'J' rkh-ret.7,y :radr (Min-_'.9t::y of Gsolvcgy and Protection Cf #at--xx.-P5 11 f; 1i G'j:.: -;as) ', vf Gcqpler. SSSR and RSFSR, of ":.Ytuihu*tskhn_'jhe&kiy komitet Soveta Vj.nj.i1;rc-q- SSSE (S-.ata 9c~.nn~rific an~~ Tenhnical Committee of ae .~.f W__'-L-.~Steza of fhq ussp.)~ 0~' Councils of Hst:~.onall Z_-~)n=Zr "-,I otho-i- ~xgsnizations. other active Card 1/4 parLj.;.4.pan~,s Y~ire frcm the German Democratic Chronic-' a - A! I G Er-~! SOV 17-1;t3-.6-14/16 Radiometric Method. St~,-.,7ch 5,r-2 F i n e r al 0 1' 1 a n d Fi D " e. Pl.;-xFknia and Yugoslavia. D. T. A.-taiemy -,f Sc-lences USSR, geclogo- r.,irk (D,-~-pax%menf: rf Gq~:graphi-zal Sciences) -,he. 2ro main wexe given. 65 7 r,:zs!g:i or-ien".ists contributed with tf r-a t i 0 miy `~q divided into 3 U reports); i'!uj.;mrrTt for the search and --.nii gas deposits (7 c -.r of the methods and s ~~n -i3az-l ani prosy.93ting of ge.7 doapogitS (7 reports). As A_ of chemical elements, V. A. ~h.- 9,Jr-ntlfi~ baaeu of geoohemical S. 1. deals in hie report Vi "11 j34 -:a4 ti-ig m, _L a~ prTdr.%-; n thod s -F. A. Alekseyev dls,~as,4ed. 'Ah-i se-.-*%em'~-' fir; 1.-mjis of -;hg zadi'cmetric prospect- Card 2/4 iag zet,-'6d (rsAu~~a'! gamma field.). A. I. Silin- Chronicle - Ill Uni-on Oor.~qran~;e on Geochemical ind SOV./7-58-6- 14116 Radiometric Methods of Searob and Prospecting fo-- and Natural Gav Deposito. Bekeburi.n Rpoke about the movemen-, of deep subterran- waf-irs. L. B. Ronov reported on investigation results dealing with the distribu%ion of organic carbon in the sedimentary rooks of the Russian Plal.form. Methods and.techzUque were the subject of the following reportes G. A. Mogjl*V8kjY - The present ~zage .-3f the problem of anomaly of gas bacteria and a suitable method for its aolut~or-; Tq. A. Bara hYdr,)rheni,.,aI investigations in proopel-ting f) -11 , .. ind natural ga.91 V. A. Kovda and P. S. Slavin - so.1 geochemical features for the yield of nd natural gas to be expected; V, V. Fi~>rowskaya - a lum-iniv--enze-.bituminol-ogical matbod for the inreotigatton and prospscling of natural gas and Isposits; V. A. Sokojov - gasanalytical wAthod and equipment and ways to v.omplate them; and others, The u49 if g9ochemical.methods in various regions of the USSR was alao treated: Timano-PaLh9rakaya gazoneftenoanaya provintsiya (A. N., Krams, G. G. Grigor~yev, A. S. Madvedev), Card 3/4 Sarat,,--aKuye Forolzh'ye (Ye. M., Geller), Stavropol"ye Chronicle - All Union on Gt.trihomi-cal &wl SOV/7-58-6-14/16 Radiometric Methodu of S.?Ar~b tir.4 PTO$p6rting ffiz -nd Natuxal Gaa I (V., N. Tf.,).rtA4!lvhtfyn), Ula Fon~.nmula (.I# A, Peterall's) arvi )thi:~-a Card 4/4 T 7 AUTHOR: Sol-olov, V. A., Profeosor 30-58-7-36/49 TITLE: Go o c he -.1 i,,;al zmd Radiometric-al Methods of Search and Prospecting .ror De,;ooits (Gookhimicheskiye i r..-diovetricheskiye metody I A .1 ;)oislkov i r~tzvedki ieztorozhdcniy) Transactions of the Confevence in Vu Denart~.ient of GeoloGical and GeoOraphical Sciences (Soveshchaniye v otdelenii. jeologo-jeogr:~ficheskikh nauk) LI PERIONCAL: Vc-.-~tnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, lir 7, PP- 125 - 126 (USSR) A-STRACT: Thio confererce took :)lace ;,,ril 21st to April 26th A& . Apart from. the :-c.-.ibers of tite and -cientific branch research inL;titi;tc-3 re'J."et: ell t,-. t ives of the i3e,-loCical renearch institutes, of the econo-dc councils of the Gosplan, of the State Committee of New TechnoloJy (Gonud%rstvennyy k,-;ritet po novoy tekhnike)t of the '.11inio-try of Geoloey and Protection of Mineral Resources (Llinicteratvo ..-eologii i ol-hrany nedr) participated as well as ociuntizts from th, countries of the people's democracies. The Me7-.'er, Ac,,.!c:--.y of Sciences, USSR, D.I.Shcherti-kov opened the CQ:-kfcre.;ce. Ful"ther reports viere ,!rlivcred by: 1) A.A.Saukov, of the AS USSR inve[-;ti~;--ited -eoche.-.iical C%rd 1/4 2cth,~).Ia. 2)V.A.Sokolov an-ilysed the sciontific 7-tr.l I. of Search ard 30-58-7-36149 .'r-.::s~-,ctions of the Conference in the De7-Z.rt--ent of GeoloL-,-ictl and Sciences fou,-cl-,tions of -coc-.emical ;~ros,~ectir:(,:- methods and of the ,r--n:octin- for ac.3 and mineral ails. 7' S-I,Kuz-ietsov opoke about nicrobiclo--ical prospecting nethods of Ie;ojits of minpral oil and 4) F..A`%,A1e':seyev re,~orted on the rardiometrical prosPecting methods a If dekov~ts of min,-,ral oil and --as. 5) A.I.Silin-DekchUrin --,po:~e --,bout the movements of deep ground vi a 6) "I.B,11onov -Am--t Or~~nic cclrbon in sedimentary rocks of the Ruosi~.-n Plain"(Russkaya platfor..-.a) 7) G.A-'Io,~ilevsI-iy oo444,aetPThe presqnt state of the problem concernirZC, the bacteriolo--ical anowilies of gas. 8) YL,. A-.Baru r4~+~ted on"kerult3'o"f"'hydroche.-iical research work obtained in the course of ijrospectir,~; for mineral oil. 9) V.A.Kovda and P.S.Slavin reported--sn"~eochenical soil data concerninL; tl-~c miner-~Toil and ~as content." 11)V.N.Florovokaya ~~ ~.,~Vlhe luminescence method for the pur,~Z)3e of' invectill'%tion and ;)rospectin6 for deposits of mineral oil d Card 2/4 11)~'.S.Giircvich a report, on the importance of the geochemical Geochemical and RLdionetrical met'node of Search ani 30-50-7-36/49 Pron~ectin- for De,~ocits. Tra-,isactions of the Conference in the Depart=ent U of Geolo I;i cal and Geo-raphic-al Sciences 0 zones of -round water for mineral oil pros;ecting. 12)V.A.Sokolov, N.M.Turkelltaub and A.A.Zhukhovitskiy spoke abont"&1sanalytical methods and apoaratus for geocl.,,emical research. 13)B.P.Yaoenev and Yu.YI.Yurovskiy reported ori' Uas surveyinj; work in the nort,iern Cai-casus_(-Severnyy Kavkaz). G.G.GriCorlyev and A.S.Medvelev spoke about the ex,,eri.-:(_,ntal application of ~;eoche-7_i,."l Methods of ;ros;;ccting on the terri t ory of the province of Timiano-Pecbwsk which is rich in mi,ieral oil and n,-.turvl ,-,as." 15)I.,A.Petersillye re,)orted on work dealin- with -as-containine i~ 0 intrusiiZ,7 manoiveo of the Kola peninsula (Kollskiy poluostrov). inveuti--,ated some problems of the Geochemical fiiidir:g of a3 and nineral -oil -c Ont., ining deposits in the rock. 17)V.N',Kortsenshteyr. spoke about the mechanism of gas deposit for.-.ation in the ro,-jon of Stavropol'. ld)A.,L.G-eodekyan and G.A.AMogilevskiy jave a survey on research Card 3/14 work in t'-e field oil .,-eoche:,!ical metl.,ods carried out abroad. Gebf;,Ie:~Iical ".1A Me"hoda of scarch %nd 30-50-7-36/49 Proojecting fDr Doi.orito., Tv;..n.3i:,.tinns of the C3nfnrence in the Departnent of Geolof-ical Scienxes Furt.liorn,.)re, re;orts by foreii~n from tile German De..-,oer!tti(- I'lepublic, lloum.-,riia (Ilumyniya), Poland (Pol'sha), Czechnsloval:ia (Chvkhoulova~iya) ~inid Hunl;ary (Ven,,_;riya) were !ie---rd, Tl%e conference found t.-1 t the theoretical work is carried out on an 11"GLIffiCiently wide scol~c L.,,d th,-tt a number of problems is :Aill little investi,-.-Aed. Vne -.ethods of investi,;ation are i,r;',.(--ticnl:y still insufficiciAly uoe,.i. The decisions of the :30.-~wrs cont:-ir a4vice for t,'.e future. Card 4/4 STLJN-31TCI.IrRri, A.I. Zonal and azonnl procecaes in the formation of underKround waters. Trudy La").Cidrogeol.probl. 16:181-186 15S. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Laborntoriya gidrogeologicheakil-1, problem imeni F.P. Savarenskogo All SSSR. (Water, UnderGround) SILIN-BY,KCHURIN, A.I. Hydrod7namic and hydrochemical characteristics of the Baltic Sea region. Trudy Lab.gidrogeol.probl. 20:3-28 '58. (KIRA 120) (Baltic Sea region--Water, Underground) SILI 1;-DlTGl9JRl N, A.I., referent Hydrogeology of North Africa and Hinduetan. Biul.MDIP. Otd-9901- 33 no-5: 159 S-0 158. (MIR& 12:1) (Africa. North--Water. Underground) (India--Water. Underground) (Palcintan--Watnr, Underground) ~rj ~~.I Aleksr-f lvaroi&,; pC-jj-r-L;j-,y, Eonstantin ~edorovich; YONONOV, V11dimir Ivanovich; LOUOVOLOV, G.V., doktor i-ol. -mineral. nauk, FILIPPOVA, Mop redAzd-va; HYLINA, Yu.V., tekhn. red. [Role of underpround water and other natural factors in undor- Fround coal pasification; from observations in the Moscow and Lisichansk "Podzempas" stations~,Uol'podzemnykI-. vod i drugikh prirodnyl-h faktorov v protsesse"nodzemnoi razifikatsti uFrlei; na Imere Podmoskovnoi j Lisichanskoi stantsii "Podzempaza." skva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSER, 190. 125 P. (Akademiia nauk g SSSH. Laboratorlia vidropeolopicheskikh problem. Trudy vol 23). ?MIRA'13'-12) (Coal vasification, Undervround) (Water, bnderground) KIJDELIN, Boris Ivanovich; BO"OLOT, G.T., prof., reteenzent; KAKARMO, P.A., prof., rateen2ent: SILI-V=RKCHQRIN,-A,".-prof., rateenzent; TQLSTIKHIN, N.I., prof.,'retsenzant; FAROMA, 1.1.9 red.; IJQIKA OT, U.S., [Principles underl ng regional eatimation of natural resources of underground waters~ PrIntsipy regionallnoi oteenki estestvennykh reaursov podzemnykh vod. Koskva, Iz~-vo Konk.univ., 1960. 343 P. (mm 14:4) (Water, Underground) jILIN-DENITIA1,11 A.I., prof.; DOGOMOUN, G.V., prof., akaderuk, otv. ~ I - - - - -.-iR -0 -P- - EMIN, - M;L. . rod. 4. zd-va; POIYAKOVA, TN.., tekhn. red. [Underground waters of Forth AfrictilPodvemnye vody Severnoi Afriki. Moskvr, lzd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 201 p. (MIRA 15;10) 1. Akaderriya nnuk Belorusskoy SSSR (for Bogomolov). (Africa., North-Water~ Underground) BOGONDLOV, G.V.; VALEDINSKIr, V.I.; KOCHNEV, S.S.; MANIS, M.N.; FANTELEYEVA, U.N.; POPOV, I.V.j SYROVATKIN, V.G.j* FOMICHEV, M.M.1 BOGORODITSKIr, K.F.; DURRANINA, V.I.; KRASIXTSEVA, V.V.; MAKARENKO, P.A.; POKROVSKIrt V.A.; Aj.; FOMIN, VX; SHAGOYANTS, S.A. Illia Illich Kobosev; obituary. Trudy Lab.gidrogeol.probl. 42:101-102 162. (MIRA 150) (Kobosev, Illia Illich, 1908-1961) KUDELIN, B.I.; SILIN-BEKOURIN, A.I. Concerning the book "Cord it.lons In Uzbjktstan from the point of view of hydrology and engineering geoloi-, Uzb.geol,zhur, 7 no* 5:89-89 163. (MIRA 17:3) S T TATARINOVA, Y-3.1., red.; BABU3HKIN, V.D., doktor geo-J.-miner. 'ekhi-naak, n4uchnaed.: KUDELB, B.I., nauk, prof., nauchn. red.; PLOTNIKOV, N.I., doktor geol.-miner. naitkp prof@# nanchne reds !Dynamics of underground waters; with the fundamentals of hydraulics] DIiiamika podzemnykh vod; s osnovaml gidravliki. Moskva, lzd,-.-,-o Mosk. univ., 1965. 379 p. (MIRA 181", L !,tb81-66 EWT(m)/*E PF (n)-2/EWA (h) DM AGU ?a: AF6=57 SOME CODEs ER/0089/65/M9/002/0181/0183 Y IT AUTHOR: Andreyevp 0. L.; Si~llni. ; Stukovi-Go Y4; Fcnjpykhp Vo I*; ---7--= /1-2- Shchebolev, laritsynag CRGt none TITIE: International comparison of neutron sources SOURCE: Atomnaya energlyat v. 19,, no. 2p 19659 181-183 TOPIC TAGS: neutron distribution# radioactive source# neutronp radium# berylliump radiation counter ABSTRACT: The relative measurements of the Canadian Ra-*-% neutron source were carried out considering the neutron distribution in open geometry and using a long counter which could turn the source at any required angle. With the source axis of rotation coinciding with the cylinder exist the asymmetry was 1% and with the source axis turned to the side of the surface it was 105%o The relative measure- ments for the source Indicated 3.25 neutrons/see. Orig. art. has,'2 figures and I table. BL7 SUB CODE i 20p 18 SUBM DATE: 13Oct64 / CRIG W: 003 / UM M71 005 Card 1A MCs 539.16*081 539.1250 L 2983-66 EWA( k)jFP1E4T(l)1EWT(!n - )ZqF(c) (k)-2/T/ t)/ ACCESSION NR: AP502-4-05-1--E--W,A-(inT-~2/1~WA(-hj SCTB/ UR/0057/65/035/009/1678/i684, WG/JD LIP(c) 537-523.7 76 AUTHOR: Krindach, N. I.; Bilin-Bekchurin, I. A.; Tunitskiy, L.,N., CherkaBov, Yee- M*-,~ TITLE: Study of a high-frequency discharge in a neon-helium laser SOURCE: Zhurnal tL-khnicheskoy fiziki, v. 35, no. 9, 1965, 1671-1684 TOPIC TAGS: gas laser,,neon helium laser, hf discharge, plasma discharge ABSTRACT: A new method is proposed for determining the current and voltage diB- tribution along a high-frequency discharge and a study, is made of the effect on laser operation of inhomogeneities along such a discharge. The method is based on the assumption that the voltage and current at any cross section of a discharge tubc can be determined by the distance of that cross section from.the end of the glowing portion of discharge. This assumption holds for any stationary discharge at any cross section of which electron rise due to ionization if a unity. The experiments were carried out by means of a,gas laser Ox - 6328 X) (see Fig. 1 of the Enclosure) which incorporated a fused-quartz discharge tube 1.7 ca long and 8 mm in diameter (internal) filled with a neon - helium mixture at a 10:1 ratio at a pressure of 0. 8 mm Hg. Two plane-parallel quartz. plates 0, and 02 were L 2983-M ACCESSION NR: AP5024051 placed at the tube ends at Brewster's angle. The equivalent circuit of the discharge tube Is shown in Fig. 2. The b;be was placed between the two confbeal dielectric 'i mirrors M with a 2-m radius of curvature and an - 1% transmission around 6328 The mirrors were adjusted by means of an AKT-400 collimator. The discharge tune was fed by a 30-Mc frequency from an h-f oscillator, whose voltage was supplied to 8-cm electrodes E and E 22 while electrodes E E49 and E5 (2-5 cm each) were grounded. The oscillator was L-coupled to the 11charge tube and the currents I and 12 and voltages Vrand V2 were measured by T-22 hot-wire ammeters and S-95 electrostatic voltmeters.(4-pf input capacitance) respectively. The output energy was measured by means of a calibrated thermopile. The capacity of the discharge tube, varied by a movable ground rod R placed above the tube, was deter-mined by its distqnce from R. In the experiments a discharge with a maximum length of 35 CA was studi *ed. The experimental method and results are discuseed in detail and indicate good agreement with computed data. Orig. art. ha-: 1 table and 7 figure [YKIT. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheakiy institut imeni P. N. Lebedeva AN SSSR, 1406cbv.- .(Physics Institute,AN SSSR), SUBMITTED: l8Jan65 ENCL: 02 SIM CIOEE: NO REF SOVI 004 o=R: oo6 ATD PFM L 2983-M ACCESSION'NR: 6VK i. 7.4-222 Ivanov, L A. - Stilina A A. - Zhmur. D. G. and Ts"imr. Ob "rodakell trims-. piratsionnogo ;;Ib~~ lexa. [On the determination of transeiration by a forest stand.] Bo0axidwsks'11 Zkurxd, Moscow, 36(1):5--20. 1951. 11 tables. zv(s. DLC- Method of quick weighing of tree leaves tested and applied tor a region near Moscow. Tram-0 soration intensity of 17 tree species was determined in more than 6000 cases. StAtiadcal tabulation of observational materials shows that during the growing waarm good relation exists between the air temperature and the transpiration intensity. Correlation coefficients were 0.6".95. Transpiration rates at sufficient. moisuire supply am resented for each species, arranged by temperatures from 4' to 29C. S&.bjtd Headixg.; of forests.-N. T. ZANY. S"AS ivanov L A, s;Nffa A. A. aw rserniker, JU. 0 tram"hAtfiff polexashch"kh ' " 'bl " - " poradvusl., ar~-~t~. [Trampira tion of wind shellul Plants under cundit ions of the Dcrkul' steppe.] BoUkirhelkil ZA ur mat, hloseow, 37(2)-.113-121. 1952. fig., 8tables,Gf refs. DI.C-Traitstitrailoh rib:* of different kinds of trees are giien for a region of ample mokture sU k '(near Aloscow) and the Derkul' steppe, Tempe. ature, solar radiation and batur-ailoit Ocit are higher in the steppe, but the transpiration nevertheless lowtr. Cor- rtlak%A with temperature i!i high at suffit ait mo6ture ~Mj.!y. (up to 0.98) and low or even ,wgutsvu in the stelipt% No rulatiun to wind sp". subj"I Ilejiggs: 1. Transpiration of frees 2. Moscow Region 3. Derkull' Steppe, Kazakbalan.-A. A IVANOV, A.A.; SILIHA. A.A.; TSILINUM, Tu.L. On the transpiration of shelterbelts on the Derkul Steppe. Bot.zhur. )8 no.2:166-184 Mr-An '53. (MLRA 6:6) 1. Derkullskaya opytnayu stantslya Instituts lea& a SSSJL (Derkul Steppe--Trees) (Plants--Transpiration) 1 1, . I i " . ~. I IVANOV,L.A.; SILINA,A.A. Actinometric determination of forest trnnsoiration in connection with energy relations in different forestel areas. Fisiol.rnst. 2 no.4:313-319 JI-Ag'55. (MLRA 8:12) 1. Institut less, Akademii neuk SSSR, Moscow (Plants--Transpiration) SILINA.A.A. Transpiration in tree species In the Tellermanovskii Fortat. Fisiol.rust.2 no.4:364-372 Jl-Ag'55- ()WA 8:12) 1. Institut less, Akademii nauk SSSR, Moscow (Borisoglebak Forest--Plants--Trnnspiration) SILIXA, A.A. Affect of tranapiration in some tree species on transpiration in other species growing in mixed forest-eteppe stands. Trudy Instassa 41:96-103 158. (MIRA 12:1) (Foreet ecology) (Plants--Transpiration) SILINA, A.A. Transpiration in earlp- and late-opening oak races in the forest- steppe. Trudy Inat.lesa 41:io4_lio '58. (MIRA 12:1) (Oak) (Plants--Transpiration) SILINA, A. D. 28988 Sluchay makhrovesti V tsvyetkakh l1vinego eyiva. Prtroda, 1949, No. 9, C. 71-72. SO: Letoplal No. 34 MNUSOVA, A.N.; MLLINIKOVA, N.A.; BM"OVSKAYA, Z..j., ZAKIROVA, M.I.; SILBA, A.G. Nutrition of children in prefthool boarding establialuents in Kazan and.isuggeBtions for its improvemont. Kaz. mod. zhur. no.4:84-88 JI-Ag 161. (14IRA 15:2) 1. K&Mm gigiyony pitaniya Isav. - dotsent A.K.Yunusova) Kazanskogo mediUinskogo Instituta i gorbdakoy sanepidstantaii. (glavnyy vrach - A.N.Kreppheva). (KAUN,CHILURF14--NUTRITILN) L 02435-67 EWT(d)/EWP(l) TJP(c) ACC NRt A106027322 O"d~-edi6t-:-di/b~04--3-~C6-iO-0-0-/-0-02/-010-7/0114 AUTHOR: Silina, A. S.. ORG: none TITLE: An evaluation of the effect of a discrete control signal on side movement of an aircraft on landing i SOURCE: Leningrad. Univer3titet. Vestnik. Seriya mafematiki, m*khaniki L astronemii, no. 2, TOPIC TAGS: optimal control, numerical solution, aircraft control Z,04 A/ 0 1,V 0 7'eO-L ABSTRACT: The effect of control by discrete signals an the lateral movement of an airplane are studied under the assumption that the radio control signal is continuous within discrete intervdls of up to two seconds. Calculations we given to support the reasonableness of this assumption. Lateral movement of tho aircraft is studied because of the interest of the problem of discreteness of controlsignals on list and yaw, lateral movement due to wind, etc.REquations arn derived for let* 'ral movement ol a semi-automatically controlled airplanelon the glide path Uand;j)~ 'A numerical si- lution is given for the resulting- system of equations and these results are presentid in tabular and graphical form. Orig. art. has: 9 formulas, 3 figuresi'3 tables. SUB CODE: 01/ SUBM DATE: 25Dec64/ ORIG X'W: 002 % UDC: 533.601.3 Card L, 'Lf W L Oh93h-67 NT(d) IJP(c) i'_ACZ _NRAP6__02_8__3_6_1 SOURCE CODE: lik/-06-4-3/6-67o-o-o76-6-~/6-68-~7do-i~6 AUTHOR: Silina, A. S. ................. ... ORG: none TITLE: An estimate of the influence of discrete control signals on the lateral motion of air- craft during corrected landing SOURCE: Leningrad. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki I astronomil, no. 3, 1966, 83-90 TOPIC TAGS: aircraft control equipment, aircraft landing system, discrete automation I AVSTRACT: Using the simplest correction scheme based on aircraft-re corded velocity data, th4 author investigates the discrete signal correction method. An analysis of comprehensive Q~oretlcal calculation of the side-slip equation solution shows that durpg landing approach s4eeds of the order of 100 cm/sec it Is possible to use a discrete signal control with up to 10 sqc intervals. In the case of speeds approaching 200 m/sec, the discrete signal must be smoothed out (this can be achieved with even the simplest schemes). The buiing of the cor- rtction system requires the solution of the simplest system of equations of motion of the 1/2 UDQ 533.601.3 ACC NRi AP6028361 aircraft. The author thanks Irof. 1. P. Ginzburg for valuable advice. formulas, 5 tables, and 2 ftgures. SUB CODE: 01, ZVI SUBM DATii 25Dec64/ ORIG REF: 003 kh Orig. art. has: 26 BEWSTOTSKIY, Isaak Abramovich; MURAWA, Faina Savellyevna; SILINA, Alevtina Vasillyevna; MAKAROV, V.I.,, red. [Multiple-unit TS-1 trolleybus] Sochlenryi trolleibus TS-1. Moakvaj Stroiizdat,, 1965. 173. p. (mjRA 18:8) .Ie SILINA, E.H. 1 ImportAnce of certain reactivity indicators in chronic nutritional disorders in children (with summary in English]. PedintriiA 16 no.5:29-34 My 158 (KIRA 11:6) 1. Iz domn rebenka No.2 Sverdlovskfk (glavnyy vrach T.S. luklina. nAnchnyy rukovoditell - zavkafedroy nervnvkh bolezney Sverdlovskogo meditainskogo institute prof. D.G. Shefer). (CH ILDRM--D ISMAISES) SILINA,-E.M.; KHkRITONOVA,,A,V& Dyramico and structure of blood system diseases and hemorrhagic diatheses in children. Vop. okh. mat. i dot. 5 no.6130-32 N-D 160* (HIM 13:12) 1. Iz Sverdlovskogo nauch**.isBledovatellskogo instituta okhrany materinstva I, m1adencheBtva (direktor - kand.zed.nauk RA-Halyshevap nauchnyy rukovoditall - dotsent R.Ye.Leyenson) i kafedry detskikh bolexpey (zav. - dotsent k.F~Bobylevii) Sverdlovokogo gosudaretvennogo 4ditiinskoio institute. (direk-tor - prof. L.F.Zserev). BLOOD-DISFASES) . (DIATIM IS) ALMOV, Zh.I.; SILIM, E.Y. Iffect of the surlacm state on the breakdown voltage of silicon alloy diodes. Fiz.tyer.tela 1 no.12-.1878-1879 D 159. (MIU 13:5) 1, Yiziko-tekhnicheskiy- institut AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Diodes) L 52235-65 EPF(o)/EPA(s)-2/FW(m)/ EWG(m)/kWP(b)/EWP(i.) Pr-h/R-7 IJP(c) RDVJ a ACCESSION NR: AT5012663 UR/2539,1'63/000/044/0020/0023 _32 iAUTHOR: SlUna, E. Yu.; Khachaturyan, T.A. ---------- TITLE: Temperature dependence of the saturated vapor prearure of mercury selenide SOURCE: Moscow. Khimiko-tekbnologichealdy institut. Trudy, no. 44, 1963. Iseledovanlya: v oblasti fizicheskoy khimii, analiticheskoy khimil 1 elWdiokb Imii (Research in the field of physical chemistry, analytical chemistry and electrochemiatry), 20-23 TOPIC TAGS: mercury selenide, mercury selenide vapor prossure, mercury selenide sublimation, vapor pressure determination f ABSTRACT; Tile purpose of this work was to determine the Eaturated vapor pressureP mercury selenide (11gSe) in the range 240-500C. Between 500 and 340C, the vapor pres- sure was determined by the now method from the weight loss and betwets 325 and 240C,. -by Knudsen's effusion method. The results of measurements made by both methods are described by the equation log P 9.032 - 597 6 1 obtained by the least-squares method. T From the slope of this curve, AH was found to be 27.3 kcal/mole. Li their treatment Of subl the results. the authors adopted the molecular weight correiqjonding to the formula HgSe, Ca,d 1/2 L 52235-65 iACCESMON NR: AM12663 However, since there are indications In the literature that Hg;3e dissociates in the vapor, the data obtained represent some arbitrary pressure which riEflects the VnPorization rate of HgSe and Is proportional to the vapor pressure of HgStj. Orig. art. has*. 2 tables, 1 figure, and 4 formulas. A ASSOCIATION: Moskovskly khImiko.tekbnologlebeekty inst] tuts (Moscow Chemical Engineering Institute) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: GC I NO REF BOV: 011 OTHER: 003 2/2 Card SILINA, E.Yu.; KHACHATURYAN, T.A. Accounting for the effect of thermal diffusion In the determination of saturated vapor pressure by the gas stream method. Trudy MTI no."il3-19 164. (KRA 18 11) Temperature dependence of the pressure nf mercury selenide saturated vapor. lbid.M-2) L 24786-65 EPP (0/ EPA (a 5 It) Pr-4/.Pt-10 ACCES NR: AP4049619 JW/JD/JG StOW'6164/0381011127331213b- AUTHOR: Mina, E. Yu.; Karape(lyanta.-M. Kh. "C -,-, i " i. - TITLE, Temperature dependence Of the PTVBBurt of saturated-MSES-MEry- telluride vapors SOURC-14": Zhurnal lizicheakoy khImII, v. 38, no. 11, 1964, 2733- 2735 TOPIC TAGS: saturated vapor pressure, mercury telluride vapor, vapor pres- sure temperature dependence ABSTRACT: The pressure of saturated mercury telluride vapors as a funct ton of temperature has been measured by the Knudsen method in the range from 215 to. 309 C and by thenuxmethod from 292 to 388 C. The results are described by the equation log P -(56401T) + 9.13 (mm Hg) It Is deduced from this equation that A H subl 23. 6 kcal/ mole. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and I table Card 2/2 L 24786-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4049619 'ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko- tekhnologicheikiy inatitut im. D. L Mendeleeva (Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology SUBMITTED: 24Dec6.q ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: GC, t4E NO REF SOV.- 009 OTHER: 003 SILINA, E.Yu.1 KARMZT1YANTS, M.Kh. Temperature dependence of the saturated vapor pressure of marcury telluride. Zhur.fiz.khim. 38 no.11:2733-2735 N 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheokiy institut imeni Mandeleyeva. E . yu V.*~-,AAI-*--.T 'U., I I i.etermination of saturated vapor pr-ss-,.;re by the flow method under conditions of signif~.cant effects. Zhjr. f iz. khIM. 38 112:2907-2912 P (MIRLA 18:2) ',',oskuv3kiy Fhimi.ko-tekhnol6gi~:tpo'f-liy institut imeni D.I. v%ndt.fleynva. 00 00 C 06 so j so , 00 j 00 41 Apperstua for tb* u1saulot#gto aj #jOrd#f of bldro, "muric acid o0 41* detivativ -'V. 4~',Jj, 1 . . -f %19 Alh,Y,- 1-1 sh, lypt -4 a 11 W, ull .0 1 10 0 a CL ~.P .1p #I. erg., et 8 it Ck$s%WK&T$C- Got 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"0 9 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 le 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 ON a 0 r 9 '00 :boo A I&A.-a- 4 oe .0 0 too. t tu V A 4 - A L ASCIALLUMSKAL LJTIQAIU~C~ASUP ATOM 4.= env 401 GIAS11 SK Q.. M a a .1 It a u u AV At is a 0 0 to 0 41 a d it a if il ii, a a 'A woe age 000 woe woo WOO 0000000000*0:: - O*qojoo***o**oo&*Ooo*OOooo:::: of[# *@"*I, Mai, 036 as p a #I a 0 as 0 C 9 0 G 0 0 L 0 v 0 Pli a s 1 - -AA A-b lo! a, WOUT 3901M i 3 J0119811il I.A51111911. I It off t ox on 00 *ON 00 JKIV 'tUn1U%MUJ4)I 'tUnIJOU1 'UAn!ll%X 'WRIUCXUIZ 'tUtjjjIjjj." so IUAU!tupwj 141404,JU 'qj"WV'q 'tUftjjjiJ~wj jo jVn lKey Imips.- PO "IsmWaL 1-m-H ul I -i wo .it) vm 1#10"m Alm) ?tmx wqpw I 00 00 I J IN 8, '1 T-T V 4 m as m w vv i i r-t- A n i i W I ct'lism oil( ti 1i 4b .44 0 0 ~qe ~f 0 a 0 000 ;.~ f I 1p Ip sk 0 9 0 o 0 f 0 AI C4 i JA le Aki I. N.uLl .?Euf, -411956~' 1 No 6241. the Go!tta llizfb-i f,,F fa.kme., -,~up BO ~l del;crib"j Altjclts lur. mtdf: froll) PtO by 0 1 (4~ Inklig rltNil'. tr.O!~4, firllK Kt JSV, (:~t j,rmtial fi~il graphitd awLIA illIAWO r 1. CRI flul' TIC oNq ~tN~ UM-Hr KK-ls ArticksPir the nurlew resctix-s~ tribrused at high utops. we pft!rd. by lv)t-pr -Ing if; , -I." ~ , It IIC)*., -wd'Kro" are clicalnixted by vacuur i midtial thf+f odt i. y hot-pre C in 6ptn app. it OW" u t6113/ Inade b piks arc curulrd In the W s: atc from sqi cm~ *Rbds hrtd to Alexh N.* :Idst4f! 1'. , 11 288 AUTHOR: Zarembo, YU.I. and Kal~,Ianq G.E. TITIAS Mod!--rn m~Aliodc in bei-jllium technolo~W (Sovremennyc metody Lo1dinoloi--ii b(~rilliya. ) Pi~itiODIGAL: "Tzv(,ltn,,Ie i..etally111 (11,on-ferrou,_7 19579 110. 1, i)ij. GrG - 71, (U.S.S.R.) AE,S_ciUGT: This is a review of recent developments in the metallurgy of bvrylliua, os,.,Qcially in connection with atomic energy. The work, discusced is almost entirely non-Russian; Russian ~-,-ork considered is that reported at t1he-Geneva Conference on tile peaceful uses of atomic energy, 1955. It is suggested that in the U.S.S.R. future wor-'c on beryllium production should be directed to improving the yield, automation of process operation, development of new and cheaper methods of obtaining berylliui.i comiounds and the :.i.-it-al anl the utilisation of low--6a-ade (less ~IiLm 101,-, &,0) concentrates. Thei-e are 14 refe1ence.S, of w1li3h 1 is Russian. W87 S/136/60/000/012/005/010 1/0 Mtao VC18 9193/E183 AUTHORS: Silina, G.F., and Grinberg, L.L. TITLE: Kle~ctroifyt C~efining of Beryllium PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye metally, 1960, No. 12, pp. 1+7-53 TEXT: The object of the present investigation was to develop an electrolytic process of refining beryllium that would produce material sufficiently pure to be suitable for nuclear engineering applications. The laboratory experiments were carried out in quartz vessels. Nickel strip cathodes and commercial grade beryllium anodes, made by the powder metallurgy technique (hot or cold p:-essing), were used. To avoid contamination of the metal by chlorine (in the form of beryllium oxichloride)t an electrolyte, consisting of KF-NaF-2BeF2 and melting at approximately 600 OGI was first tried. The current efficienoy attained was low; the metal was deposited in a finely-crystalline form and difficulties were experienced in washing off the solidified electrolyte. Since the KC1-NaCl-2BeF? mixture proved unsatisfactory for the same reasons, the elec rolyte normally used In electrolytic extraction of beryllium, and consisting of approximately equal proportions Card 115 86687 S/136/6o/ooo/ol2/oo5/010 B193/9183 Electrolytic Refining of Beryllium of beryllium and sodium chlorides (melting point equal 220 OC), was employed in subsequent experiments. The results of tests in which the cathode current density was varied between )+ and 16 amp/dm2, showed that up to 12 amp/dm2 the current efficiency remains practically constant and a compact beryllium deposit) consisting of bright crystals, is roduced. When the current density was increased to 16 amp/dJ, a small quantity of spongy deposit was formed. The berylll-qm anodes contained 4 to 5 x 10-2% Fe, 1 to 5 x 10-?-% All 2 x lo-2% Cu, 1 x lo-3% mn, and 5 x 10-2% Ni. Variation of the anode current density between 6 and 50 amp/dm2 hardly affected the Impurity content of the cathode deposit, which contained 1 to 3 x lo-3$ re, 3 x io-3% Al and Nit 1.5 x lo-3% Cut and lo-3% Mn. Determination of the current efficiency was the object of the next series of experiments, carried out under the optimum conditions, current 3 to 1+ amp; cathode current density 8.8 to 12 amp/dm2- temperature 31+0 OC; voltage 0.3 to 0.5 V. It was found that' Card 2/5 86687 B/136/60/000/012/005/010 E193/E183 Electrolytic Refining of Beryllium the time required for the current efficiency to attain a steady value was the same (about 24 h), irrespective of the purity of BeC12 in the electrolyte, but the maximum current efficiency attained was lower when impure BOC12 was used. The current efficiency and recovery attained in a 180-hour test were 85 and 83% respectively. Under these conditions, 50% of beryllium was deposited in the form of large, plate-like crystals and 50% in the form of smaller grains, strongly adhering to the cathode. The laboratory experiments were repeated on a somewhat larger scale, after which long-term tests were conducted in a pilot plant. In view of promising results obtained, a series of tests on an industrial scale was carried out. A standard bath for electrolytic extraction of beryllium was used for this purpose. The anode consisted of seven beryllium powder compact rings (each weighing I kg), suspended on a graphite rod. Before starting the refining operation, the bath was operated for a short period with a graphite anode, in order to remove from the electrolyte those metallic impurities which are more electro-positive than beryllium. Card 3/5 86687 S/136/60/000/012/005/010 R193/E183 Electrolytic Refining of Beryllium The voltage and current emplo ed were 5.5 V and 800 amp. The electrolyte (50:50 BeC12:NaCl~ was replenished from an adjacent bath with an Insoluble anode, The energy consumed in one test amounted to 34 000 amp-h, the maximum output being 3.5 kg of refined beryllium, which corresponded to an average current efficiency of 80%. Recovery of beryllium attained was also 80%. The cathode deposit constituted 94% of the dissolved anode material. A homogeneous deposit, in the form of bright plate- like crystals, measuring 15 x 20 mm, was produced. For the preparation of anodes, beryllium obtained either electrolytically or by thermal reduction of fluoride, was used. In the former case, it contained 0.02-0.05% Fe, 0.1% Ni, and 0.005-0.008% Cu; in the latter case the impurity content was 0.12% Fe, approxi- mately 0.01% Ni, and 0.01% Cu and Mn. In most cases the refined metal contained 0.005-0.006% Fe, 0 01% Ni and 0.003% Cu; the manganese content did not exceed ~ x 10-4%, that of zinc and silicon being less than n x lo-3%; the deposit contained less than 0.3 g/t boron and less than 0.01+ g/t rare earths. Card 4/5 86687 S/136/60/000/012/005/010 H193/R183 Electrolytic Refining of Beryllium The metal in the anodic slime collector contained (after washing) 0.05-0.02% Fe, 0.05-0-03% Ni, and 0.02-0-03% Cu; no agglomeration of impurities in the electrolyte was observed. It was concluded that beryllium obtained by the process described in the present paper satisfies most stringent requirements and approaches in quality metal refined by distillation. There are 4 figures, 6 tables and 2 Soviet references. Card 5/5 SOV/136-58-12-9/22 AUTHORS: Ostroushko, Yu.I., Meyerson, G.A., Silina, G.F. and Shtrapenina, R.B. TITLE: Electrolytic Method of Producing Tantalum (Blektroliti- cheskiy spowob polucheniya tantala) PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 1958, Nr 12, pp 38 - 44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Electrolysis of melts for tantalum production was first developed in 1929 (Ref 1). The method, which was adopted outside the USSR, depended on the decomposition of Ta2O 51 whose presence in the K2TaF -KF(-KCI-NaF) melt eliminated the anode effect. Electrolysis becomes progressively more advantageous than the sodium-thermic method as the scale of operations is increased, a further advantage being the increasing availability of the pentoxide. The work des- cribed had as its object the study of electrolysis conditions for a type of electrolyte (based on NaCl + KC1 eutectic) not used in practice. Electrolysis wasiffected in a nickel crucible (cathode) (Figure 1) 100 mm in diameter, the bath depth being 180 mm. The cylindrical graphite anode, with a working surface of 546 am , wa's fixed centrally. The electrolyte was made by fusing the eqUi-molecular chlorides Cardl/3 (calcined, chemically pure) mixture and the K2TaF ? (pure., SOV/136-58-12-9/22 Electrolytic Method of Producing Tantalum dry) at 650 - ?00 0C and then adding pure dry Ta2O (10-lW* of the weight of the K TaF could dissolve) after the anode had been inserted a~g thZ direct current switched on. The influence on recovery and current efficiency of the K2TaF7 content (10-100%)0of the electrolyte (Figure 2) and of temperature (610-?20 C) (Figure 3) were studied, as was the effect on electrolysis of anodic current density (5-140 A/dm 2). The influence of these factors on the size composition of the tantalum powder was studied as was the behaviour of impurities (Figure 4 shows the impurity contents of the bath as a function of tim&4 Table 2 giving the corresponding information for the powder). It was found that a pure powder, suitable for producing malleable tantalum could be advantageously made by electrolysis (followed by the-usual purification) from electrolytes containing 67-70% (NaC1 + KCl)j 25-30% K2TaF7 and 3-3.5% Ta205 which melts at 600 0C, is highly fluid and Card 2/3 relatively non-volatile at the electrolysis temperature Electrolytic Method of Producing Tantalum SOV/136-58-12-9/22 (about 700 OC) and has litle effect on the nickel. A system for maintaining electrolyte quality over long working periods has been devised. The cell used provides for continuous operation with periodical removal of the 70 % Ta cathodic deposit. There are 5 figures, 2 tables and 12 references, 9 of which are English and 3 Soviet. Card 3/3 FILASE I 13C*K MPU)ITATION SOV/5022 Silina, G.F., Yu. I. Zarembo, and L.E. Bertina BeriDAy4 kbialcheskays tekhnologiya i meta1lurgiya (Beryllium; Chemical Technology P and Metallurgy) Moscow, Atomizdat, 1960. 119 P. 4,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): Viktor I. Spitsyn; Ed.: A.F. Alyabyev; Tech. Ed.: N.A. Vlasova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for metallurgists, physicists, chemists and other persons who may be interested in the production, properties, and use of berylli- um and its compounds. COVERAGE: The book gives a critical review of literature published in the last fifteen years on the physicochemicalpnpclear, mechanical, corrosion, and chemi- cal properties of beryllium. It describes the industrial processes of produc- ing beryllium and its compounds on the basis of non-Soviet and Soviet literature published up to 1959- Chapters I and II were written by Yu,.I. Zarembo; Chapter III, by Viktor I. Spitsyn (Editor), G.F. Silina, and L.B. Bertina; Chapter IV,' by G.F. Silina; and Chapter V, jointly by Zarembo and Silina. No personalities are mentioned. The book is based mainly on Western sources. There we 261 ref- erences,of which 67 are Soviet. Cax&__1" SILINA Gj~,; ZAREMBO, Yu.I.; bEhTINA, L.E.; SPITSYN, V.I.., akad.,, red.j -- -I--- ALYA131YLV, A.F., rcd.; VLASOVA, N.A... tekhn. red. I [Beryllium; chemical technology and metallurgy] Berillii; khimiche- Asia tekhnologiia i metallurgiia. Pod red. V.I.Spitsyna. Moskva, Izd-vo Gos.komiteta Soveta Ministrov SSSR po ispollzovaniiu atomnoi energii, 1960. 119 p beryllium) (MIRA 14:12)