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S/ 137/6 a/000/006/028/ 1 C` 3 A C045/.'~ I G _' AUTHOI~O 3: Rezriichenko, V. A., Sidorenko, G. D_ Sclovlyev, V.- I.. Karyazin, I~ A., Dmitrovskiy, Ye. B., Afanas'yev, T_ V. 71TLF, Developing electric melting techniques for perovskite-tIltanium- magnetite sinter r act 'i r1h -ERIODICAL., Referativnyy zillirnal, f4etallurgi-ya, nz). 6, 1932, 13, ~,bstr O:i (In ccilection: "Titan i Yego splavy", no. 5; MCSCc,"!, ~JT S-,:;R. 1961, 54 - 59) TEXT- As a result of experimental industrial investigations on the ,ric melting of perovskite titanium-magnetite sinter, the possibility was prr)ved. cf extracting Nb into cast-iron and of obtaining titanous slag. Nb cast -4 ron can be used as an initial product to obtain 11b slag which is a raw material f.--r producing Nb metal. Titanouz slag can be employed for Tio 2 production, For S u - - ,.ielting,sinter was used containing 25% perovskite and 755' titanium-magnetite C.-~)n- centrates. The Fe c,--ntent in the sinter was `79 - 1~5%, TiO content viaa 12 j 2 :-:elting was conducted in an ore-heating furnace with a cupola. Its capaciry L.~ ," c rd 1/ 2 ~V 137/6 a/C, O"'I/C.06/02S/ 1c electric melting.. . I%OC6/AlCl 1-00 kvamp; the electrodes are arranged in a triangle, the diameter of the elLectrode configuration is 1,500 rmii. The heats yielded Nb-cast iron and ti- V,)nous slag. The medium TiO 2 content of the total slag amount was 34% a, 1.0% PeO content. The cast-iron obtained contained up to 0.1; 0,2 and Nb. The degree of DTb extraction into the cast Iron was then 31.5, 63,C) and 94.9%. 'Dw uvprage electric power consumption per heat was 2,880 kw-h/ton. The oppr.t tional voltage during the melting process was 100 - 15-0 v. Prior, to teenllng slag the furnace was switched-off. The temperature at which the CLag was r-~ioved from the furnace was 1,450 - 1,5000C. j, Svodtseva [Abstracter's noteg Cormplete translation] REZNICHENKO., V.A.; TKACHENKO, V.A.; SIRYAPOV, G.V.; KOZLOV, V.M.; SIDOR-EPUKO, G.D. - I I Reduction of ilmenite concentrates in a fluidized bed. Titan i ago splavy no.5-.60-64 161. (IIIRA' 15:2) (Titanium--Metallurgy) (Fluidization) REZNIGHENKO, V.A., SIDORENKO, G.D.; EPSHTEYN, Z.D.; MARKIN, A.A.; SKRIPCHUK, 74S. Pilot plant investigation of the blowing of titanium-niobium cast iron, Titan i ego splavy no.8t72-85 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Cast iron-Analysis) (Slag-Analysis) -(Oxygen-Industrial applications) -,-e,.;s~jcs of 'oacterJal c c, n Sidorcrko, G. I. 117ne I - -,- - -~akton -nihe A.- of L larL-e SecorA aeropl ~L - 3tt- lledic;-l List Lnem- I. V. gtalir.. Mosco-,:. ~Or De~rree of Can--:�da'Le J n I ed- 1?56. (DissertUAion ical Science) 30: Y'l L, 1-,~, e t o "D i s'10. 2-1, 1',)50'. 94-10'-9; 111. SIDORENKO, G. 1. Using ZGmass-12 in dental prosthesis. Vrach.delo no.8:831-834 Ag '57. (KLRA 10:8) 1. Kafedra ortooedicheskoy stomatologii (zav. - prof. A.I.Betellmen) Kiyevksogo meditsinskogo institute (DMAL PROSTHESIS) (PIASTICS) SIDOREMO, G. I. Plaster method for the determination of central occlusion In prosthesis for patinets vith toothless Java. Trach.delo no.l: 59-61 '60. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Kafedra Rrtopedicheskoy stomatologil (sav. - prof. A.1. Betellman) Kiyevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (DOTAL PROSTHISIS) 40 SIDORENKO, G.I. Use of the retroalveolar region for stabilizing a complete lower denture. Vrach.dlo n0-3-285-287 Nr 160. Nin 13:6) 1. Rafedra ortopedicheskoy stomatologii (zav. - prof. A.I. Betellman) i kafedra normalluoy anatonii (zav. - zaal. dayatell nauki, Prof. M.I. Spirov) Ityevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (DOTAL PROSMISIS) -SIDORIZKO, G.I. (Kiyev) Functional design of the occlusive surfaces of lamellar pros- theses. Probl.stm. 6t275-277 162. (MIRA 160) (DENTAL PROSTHESIS) SIDORFNKO~ Gj,; FEEDIN, P,G. Vicarious menstruations In the form f pulmonary hemorrhages. Probl. endak. I gorm. 10 no.6:13-55 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:71) 1. Kafedra fakulltetskoy terapii Minskogo meditsinskogo instituta I 4-Ya klinicheskaya bollnitsa (glavnyy vrach Ye.M.Selldimirova), Minsk. SI7,,,(,,p~L,jKn, G,j, , pprouA"Coll Yll'P, . I - - - ., y Improvement in the constriiction of the MBS-2 microscope. Lab. delo no, 12,,?45-746 164. OAIRA 18:1) 1. Kqfedra grigiyeny (zaveduyushchiy - prof. V.A.Spasskiy) II Mcsl-ovskogo meditsinskogo instituta im. N.I.Pirogova. I 4A 2"; t~-~"43 (MIRA 18:10) SIDCA~i.i,U, G. I . Isolation and identification of Clostridium perfringens from the contents of intestines in healthy persons. Zhur. mika-obiol., epid. i Lrzriun. /,2 no.11:29-33 N 165. (%ILIPJI 18:12) 1. 11 Mioskovskiy rreditsinr,',,,iy institut imen-J. Pirogova. Submitted July P", 1964. L z,8976-66 EWT(1)/T JK ACC NRz AF601.9159 SOURCE CODE: UR/0240/65/000/005/0026/004 AUTHOR: Sidorenko, G. I. (Docent) ORG: Department of Hygiene, Second Moscow Medical Institite imo No I.e., (Kafedra gigiyeny II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta) enAn the soil .TITIE: Occurrence of (;k. perfring SOURCE: Gigiyena i sanitariya, no- 5,, 196% 26-29 TOPIC TAGS: soil bacteriology$ commercial "10 animal diseaseg mouse, as I bacteriolog7 ABSTRACT: :1be authors pr esent the results of a study of the spread of Cl. perfringens in 932 soil samples taken from different regions in the USM -with 694 samples being taken from the soil of Dzhambul'skaya Oblast (Southwn" .Kazakhstan) alone, the reason being that annually (in the spring and.early !fall) a large number of sheep In this region are felled by infectious enterotoxemia caused by Cl. perfringens type Or and moreover It Is of Interest to determine whether type D of Cle perfringens might be of etiological. significance In human pathology as has been susper-ted by certain Investiga- tors (Whitep M. H. 9 Bullen, J. J. Lancett 1955* Vol 19 p 384); this* howevOrs: .would require a separate investigation. , The Isolated strfAns were Identified A, with the aid of white mice with monovalent antitoxic serawof,the AP'S9 Co Do and E types, Analysis of the findings showed that Cl. perfrlngpn~js most Card 1/2- L 28976-66 ACC Nits AP6019159 frequently encountered in soils cmismiinated by man and animals. Cts. perfrin -- 'gems tkpes Bo Co Do dnd E are encountered ortly irk areas with & high'livestack, , density, apparently because anim ils are the carriers of thess; tyipesio'by. -7 : contrast with types A and F ~-- the only known types of Cl. perfrings'ne toxic , ,to humans. Cl. perfringens type A is,the most durable and reslstan~ to $: iseaso6al and climatic changes as compared with types Bo Ct Of to Fe TA this :investigated samples* 18% of Cle perfringens type A had therworesistant- -,spores that endured boiling for more than I hr. Compared with types-19,C " ! : I has t ahd type D of Cl 9 perfringens Is move resistant to m4lrofti M 4nd Z pastures that had been abandonedlot idnial 7been found In soils an sheep , ysaires Orig. arts has: 4 tablesi [JJW1 SUB CODE:' 06 SUBM DATE 15Jun64 G REF: 006 . . A V 7 W Card 2 L2 V - 1 28430-66 EW;T(I)/T JK------- AP601'*9112 ACC NRI SOURCE CODEt UR/0016/65/000/011/0029/0033 MHOH: Sidorenko, G.J. Orb Oi(G: Second Moscow Medical Institute im. N.I. Pirogav (II Moskavskiy meditsihakiy institut) TITLE: Isolation and identification of Cl. perfrin rom the intestinal content,s of healthy persons SOUACE: Zhurnal mikrobiologiij epidemiologii i immunobiologii, no. 11, 19650 29-33 TOPIC TAGS: bacteria, bacteriolo A13STRACT: C1. perfringens was isoff-ited from 543 (79.6%) ott of 682 fecal- samples investigated. Abaut two-thirds (601) were nontoxigenic or weakly toxigenic strains, the others (319) the type A strain. Types B, C, and D .were isolated much leas frequently - 1,, 3, and 9 strains, respectively - and generally only when they were present in the envirorment ( in healttw and sick animals, in soil, in food products, etc.). Type D Cl. perfringens was often isolated from the feces of healthy ,persons. It seems that this microorganism becomes pathogenic for man only when other factors are unfavorable (e.go., presence of disease., surgeryj etc,). Of tho type A strains) 12% possessed spares that proved resistant to boiling, unlike the Bj G., and D types, vhich were destroyed by boiling, The latter three strains were isolated from the feces of healthy persons only if thejr had had ~%ept or indirect contact with those handling, ani-Ise Orig. art. has: 3 tables . jrJ!-1 ~/ SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 08ju164 002&20 F. / ORIG REF %RE : , Card 1/1 i4. fto 1 61-1 qJ5 AA;1 rz;r, -A7JQ -.. (**].'-S'.-') SIDORWKO. G.I. (Kinak) Neurosis with & particular disturbance of heart rhythm. Klin. sod, 32 n0-7:74 Jl '54. OCLRA 7:8) (EMOSIS. complications Oarrbytni&) (ARRHYTMIA, etiology and pathogenesis *neuroses) STDO~c',IIKOI G. 1. SIDORENK0.1 G. 1. "Clinical-experimental investigation in focal injur- ies to the myoca-rdium.11 Minsk State Medical Inst. Minsk. 1956o (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of,~,Sciences) Msdical 10 So: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 18, 1956 SIDORENKO, G.I. Attachment to a chronazimeter for studying lability. Fiziol.zhur. 42 no.6:521-522 Je 156. (KIBA 9:8) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltatakoy terapii Kinskogo moditsinukogo instituta. (N313ROPHYSIOLOGY, apparatus and instruments, chronaximeter with attachment for determ. of lability (Rua)) U,!"R Ilumn 1010 ;.jjjj-y_..j T-)J:):7 - Bl,,,)(1. Circulation. T-4 Gc-nvral F-Toblems. i,bs Jour : rcf Zhur - Diol., Nil,`), 1953, 34145 Author : Sic2orenkol G I, Inst : ar 1 u_rI Title : E1cc"_-oc,-.rO_-;oc;rans in the _,rcsonce Df I y+-hr-dc Mycc i S 7lu I a t i C) 11 . Crib- ~~ub : Deloruocii, Nu 2, 26 -31 Abstract In t1i.)nul'i ux crimwit,j rhytIlinic Gtimd"Itiuim, P I -ricC. oiA with sirultanc;~)us thu myocardium were cv., c.istration of ECG Ze_Lec,6r,)c:arCioL;rari/ in one of the s~an- a' b.,',ucti-)115. TIC21%, labi- 1-ity which was date,I-Ed-nce. 'by rcListcrin_r maxima of repro- .1, C` rkyUmdc bleats, Rcsolv& wit', -1 the linits o-:' 24C- ~25 J-1--l'I'mi I'- '~.s the mjoca-_.*r' luum was stim-lated ro c-,)-,J_r:uT-I ?. C~_m c7xLL,.! sII.Drtcr_dnL,; of la-.-cn-'I- pcxi~ds (Lil) -was notcd, as wcll -.s a Oecreaoc of c7n-ona:vy whon transition tc a nov, Card 1/2 11 ltzl 'nir"-I Plysio-L)r-Y C',__1-c*_,,Iati-,n, na ai, .1 General Problems. -ur (j Mb s J "cf L,ur - Diol., No 13, 1953, a4i45 r`:,yt',;,m tok plauce. .'L,: 3tiLiulatim intensity vms acccicra- tcc~ in freque-...,cy or -in o,;rcn~,th, diminution of labilit-y was ob3crvcC., such as i-ncrcasc of LP, and fallinc, -,ut of al i,-m u Lulses of the f1metional block ty-L)c. Fu..tlaer- .."Ore, non-reversible ventric-ular fibrillation tjok place. Thc auti,or relates the a-jovementioned observations to ar r!_yt,I,mic -nathaL;cnc*is. Thu3,_-'.,mrtcnin(,- of Pq intorvals A III the Vol'f-rarkinson-Uayt ifolf-I-P--wrkinsc)n-Teii,itc7 syndro- L :j is anaioErcus to LF shortcr -When stir.:Ldi are lush, froquent, whereas !_-IT.-Iual IX, increases which le_C~ to a fall-out of imlAvidual ~Uirlullscs when sthTj1i arc morc fre- Tuent-, reproduce Venkc'._nIIdi-Sajmoy1j,.r Wenkebach-Samyio-v -7 II.S. Vol"')o Card 2/2 SIDORENKO, G.I. Simple stable rectifier for t3loctrophoresis. Iab.delo 4 no.2:49-50 Mr-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy teraoii (zav. - Prof. B.I.Trusevich) Minskogo meditainskogo instituta (ELECTROPHORESIS) (EELE;TRIC CURRENT RECTIFIERS) 9(0) SOV11 12-59-2-3704 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnaL Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 2, p 210 (USSR) AUTHOR: Sidorenko., G. 1. TITLE: Transformerless Rectifier for Electrophoresis on Paper (Bestransformatornyy vypryamitel' dlya elektroforeza na bumage) 'f PERIODICAL- Zdravokhr. Belorussii, 1958,./Nr 3, p 64 ABSTRACT: A transformerless stabilized 200-250-v, 60-70-ma rectifier is described which is intended for electrophoresis on paper in biological analyses. The rectifier comprises one 30TslS kenotron in a half-wave circuit. Its stabilizer consists of a series-type 30PIS regulating tube whose grid is fed by a voltage divider connected across the output terminals, Kenotron and regulating-tube heaters are supplied from the power line via a barretter, an absorbing resistor, and an indicating lamp. The voltage -regulation range is from zero up to the rated voltage (about 250 v for the line voltage 220 v, and about 150 v for the line voltage 127 v). A. V. K. Card ill -4, SIDOREWO, G.I., Physiological characteristics of extrasystole; clinical and experi- mental data. Terap.arkh. 31 no.11:13-16 159. OGRA 13-3) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy terapii (zaveduyushchiy - akademik AN BSSR prof. B.I. Trusevich) Minskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ARRHYTHMIA physiol.) DRIVOTINOV, B.V., loind.mod.nnuk;,-~JPQR RUMO. .__4 knnd.mod.nauk; K S.I.,; DOVGTALLO. 0.G., aspirant; (MIRNUX]IO, T.L, vrach; BUTSELI, A.M.P vrach; VXRZUNOVA, G.I., vrach; NUICHIVSKATA, Te.S., vrach Some peculiarities in the clinical course of grippe in 1959. Zdrav. Belor. 5 no.1:40-42 Ja 160. (KIRA 13:5) 1. Iz II klinichaskoy bolluitsy Minska. (KINSK--INnUENZA) SIDORMKO) G.I. Significance of the change Lri the postextrasystolic complex in the electrocardiogram. Ter. arkh- 35 no.7:55--60 JV63 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Iz kafedry fakul'tetskoy terapii (ispolnyayushchiy obya- zannosti zaveduyushchego G.I.Sidorenko) Minskogo meditsinsko- go instituta. n' F l., rjtv. red GA',"-' red. -T T' 1J."., rej-~.; red.; ('Ll K.I.I., red.; G.K., reld.; a-E'vICF, 0., read. (Increasiv- the production and improArg the quality of meat; transa-ticns of the White USSiar i-'.eEea-~ch Institute of Animal Husi~andryl Uvelichenie p-,-oizvodstva i uluchshenie k~iche,itv,i -1-udy Belorusskogo nauchno-isz:ledovatell- skf,j~o instiOut%, 7,ldvotnovodstva. Minsk, !zd-vo "Urozhai," l')64- 155 1). (Mli RA 17:7) 1. 1";insk. 1,-.s-,..vtuT. zhyvelahadouli. ZEIZZINSKAYA. G.K. ork of the office of organization and methods. Sov.zdray. 15 no-5 supplement:17-19 0 156. (KLRA 10:1) 1. laveduyushcheya organizatsionno-matodicheskim kabinetom 11yevskoy oblaotnoy bollnitay (VIUL STATISTICS registration method) SIDORENKO, Griforiy Mikhaylovich -.- e- '.~. , [Feeding and milking c .owu after first calving] Vyrashchivitnne i razdoi karou-pershatsiolak. Minsk, Dziarzh. vyd-va BSSR, 1957. 29 p. (MIR.A 11:1) (Cows--Feeding and feeding stuffs) - ~G-,H- Studying the incidence of diseases causing temporary disability in workers of mdchine-tractor Btatibns. Vrach.delo no-8:853-85r Ag 157. (MLRA 10:8) 1. Kiyevskaya oblestnaya bol'nitsa i kafedra organizatsii zdravo- okhraneniya Kiyevskogo InBtituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (MEDICAL STATISTICS) (KACHINX-TRACTOR STATIONS--HYGIRNIC ASPECTS) ZEIARAVIL', R.Yu. Study of morbidity among collective farm workers with temporary disability; according to materials from the Kiev District, Sov. zdrav. 16 no.b:14-19.Je '57. (MLRA 10:8) (DISNASN" statist. in collective farms, method of study) S1D0RF.NXO-ZALVZIHSXAYAV G.M. Study of morbidity among the rural population in Kiev Province in the Ukraine. Sov. sdray. 18 nQ.2325-30 159 (XIM 12. 1) 1. Iz Kiyevskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach A. X. Cherednik). STAT morbidity of rural population (Ras)) (PURAL CONDITIONS, same) DUPI;d,NKO, K.F.; VASY-UTIIISKIY, II.A.; SIDORMTKO, G.M.; GMlfDO, A.A. "Public health oriqmization in the U.S.S.R.," odited b.,,r N.A. Vinograclov. Reviewed by K.F.Atolenko and others. Sov.zdrav. 18 no.7:42-45 '59. (IfIRA 12:9) (PI.MLIC iDILLTII) (VINOGIUO)OV, N.A.) KLEa&NOV, M.A., prof. (Kiyev); Prinimali uphastiye: BEREZITSKIY, A.V. (Kiyev); MARI, P.P.; SAMMOV, D.I ; TARANEW, M.Ii4 NEWED9 NJ.; BORSHCHEVSKIY, M.L. (Odessa;; VILINYANSKIY, L.I. (Khartkov); SOKOLOVA, Yu.I. (Kharskov)--ABERMAN, A.Az; KULAKOVA, S.A. tSimoferopoll); FUKS, R.A. (Dnepropetrovsk-j,- BEZNOSOVA, Zh A (Vinnitsa); PT1M, N.P. -(Zhitomjr);_SID0RMK0j__G.P, (Chernovi;sy); DIYACFENK0, N.S. (Stanislav). Reduction in the periods of therrapeutic*pneumothorax following its uae in combination with antibacterial thIffIPY4 Vrach. delo no..12: 36-40 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) I Ukrainskiy institut tuberkuleza imeni F.G. yr ovskpgo (for Klebanov). 2: Dispanser Yugo-Zapadn7kh zheleznykh dorog ( or A~erman). (PITMOTHORAX) (TUBERCULOS ) S/122/60/000/008/006/00(*' A161/Ao2g ALITIHORS T.rTLE- PMODICAL.- Yosterin, Yu.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Sidorenko, G.S., Engineer Statical Friction Characteristics of Nonmetallic Friction Couples 4 Vestnik mashJnostroyeniya, 1960, No. 8, pp. 38-41 TEM In view of not always satisfactory work of plastics in machines and insufficient tept data and a great variety of test device designs used, methods of finding fundamental test rules are discussed. Formulas derived in six existing works (Ref. 1-6) are used. The authors carried out experiments with the couples plexiglas-steel "45", plexigals-copper, friction material 6- KX -1 (6-nh-i)-5teel "45" (and lead-copper for comparison). The test device u.sed, a rn -, OP-1) apparatus permits tests to be made with a slider speed of 0.05-3.0 mm/sec and normal load of 0.6-10 kg produced by exchangeable weights. The Ase*of different test specimen shapes is possible. The authors chose three 5-mm diameter metal legs with polished friction surface and the other material in the form of plates. The formula (11) is stated to reflect sufficiently close- ly the real processes in the formation of friction contact and the effect of Card 1/~.? K A GEEL I S' X I Y Ov., a 4-1 Formilas for ci%1041.4fdng maahinoi3br. 43 mi(, area oC acoal contact, Vest. 0 163. (MIRA 16t11) CHICHIPIADZE, A.V. (Mloskvi); SIDOMIKO) G.S. (Moskva) Thermnphysica-I parameters and the coefficients of heat flow distribitior, used in calculating friction temperatures of heat-resistant friction pairs. Mashinovedenie no.3:76-78 965. (MIP,4, 18:6) SIDOREWO 9 G.S.; ZHERFBTSOV, I.'!., inzh. (Dnepropetrovsk), POTOTSKIY, G.I., inzh. I More about the methods of curve alignment. Put' i put. khoz. 9 no.2: 28-29 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Starshiy inzh. Dorptoyekta, Donetsk (for Sidorenko). .;TDNRF!7O, G. T T --roffit Soobshch. ,1 1,n. Voprosu 0 Tri, !,,,.z-rr~p-mykh II',,,.-A-ornyIh Ks- --kh. iql_q, c. 8-11. - ?iblio,~7r: 21 Nazv. T-1zh. S-3SR, V-*7P. 1p) - SO: retopist Zhurnrllkvkh Statey, Vol. 50, Moskva, 1949 4w on I . C,. T. 2. 71, I.J-H (600) I . Kuramin "cuntains _ T - 1~ Juniper 7. S-iv-ln trees o-' the Kuranlh rtountain range. 3col.-,. ITO SSSR nc. 22. 1950 9. Monthly Ll~st of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953, Uncl. SIDMMM. G.T. StudY ing the f lorn of Alpine lakes. Dokl. AN Tadzh. SSR no-1:35-38 151, (MLELA 9 4. 10) 1. Insitut botaniki Akademil nauk Tadshikskdv SSR. Predstaylene chlenom- korrespondentom Akademii nauk Tadxhikskoy SSR P.N. Orchinnikovym. (Ujikletan-Alpine flora) (T*jIkiatan--Aquntic plants) SIDORENKO, G.T.; LYSOVA, N.V. --- ...... ..1 . , Thymetum of Central Asia. Trudy TFAN SSSR 18:141-148 151. (HLRA 8:8) (Asia, Central-Botany-Ecology) 1. OVC-7119HKO"', I . 'I. and SIXTIC71KO, G. T. 2. Tr33P (601)) 4. Ranales - Tajikistan 7. Discovery of' a f:pecies of Buslicia in Tajikistan. Soob. TFA.~' SSSR no. 30, 1951. 9. 'Yonthly Lists. of Pussian A,,esicn-~j Library of ConFressy March 1953, Unclassified. SIDORENK00.!q~j,.,.- AYNI, S.,glavnyy red.; OVCHINNIKOV,; NOTUBINKO, --------ie.,red,izd-va; FROL". [Vegetation and forage resources of the Kurama Range] Hastitell- nost' i kormovye resurBy NuraminBkogo khrebta. Stalinabad. Izd- vo Akad.nauk Tadzh.SSR. 1953. 98 P. (Akademiia nauk Tadzhikskoi SSR.Stalinabad. Trudy, vol.9) (MIRA 12:4) (lurame, Range 'Rotany) (Forage plants) STASHAKO, Anastaolly Petrovna; SIDORANKO, , T., otyetetvannyy redaktor; VINOGRADSKAYA, S.N.. rodaltor lzdatel va; FROLOV. P.M., tekhni- cheskiy redaktor [Improving desert pastures in the Pamirs] Uluchshenie pustywwkh pastbishch as, Pamire. Stalinabad, Izd-vd Akademii nauk Tadzhikokoi SSR, 1954. 21 p. (Nauchno-popultarnaia bibliotaka, no.28) (MIRA 9:8) (Pamirs-Pastures and meadows) STESHMMO, AnastasiyEk POtrovna; OVCHINNIKOV, P.N., prof., otv. red.; SIDORRM, ..i!led.; 13ATLWVA, M.A.,red.izd-va; FROLOV, P.M., [Structural development of undershrub at higher altitudes in the Pamirs] Formirovanis struktury polukustarnichkov v usloviiakh vysokogorii Famira. Stalinabad. Izd-vo AN Tadsh,SER. 1956. 159 p. .(Akademiia nauk Tadzh.SSRjfStalinAbad. Trudy vol-50) I (Pamirs-Botany) (KU 12: 6) SIDORENKO, G.T. Vegetation of the Rengen-Tau in connection with the northern limit of the South Tajikistan floristic region. DokI. AN Tadpb, SSR no.18:21-25 '56. (XLBA 10-W 1. Institut botaniki AN Tadzbikskoy SSR. Predstavleno ehlenou- korrespondentom AN Tadzhikskoy SSR P.N. Ovchinnikovym. (Rengen-Tau-Phytogeography) IKONNIKOV, S.S.; ISKAILOV, M.; KNORRING, I.G.; KOR01AVA. A.S.; KUDRYASHIV, S.N.; MALSYXV, V.P.; MASLANNIKOVA, T.I.; NEVSKIY, S.A.; NIKITIN.T.A.; OVCHINNIKOV, P.N.; PL8SHKO, S.I.; POPOV, N.G.; j4QQ11INKO...G.T.; -"S ILI CHxN- ie CHUXAVINA, A.?.; SHIBKOVA, I.F.; BCIRISOVA, A.G.. re a KO, I.T.. redaktor; NEUSTRUYEVA, 0.3., redaktor; ZINDBLI, R.Te., tekhnicheakiy redaktor [Flora of the Tajik S.S.R.] Flora Tadzhikskoi WR. Moskva, Ird-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. Vol.l. (Fteridophyte - Graminesel ftporotnikoobresnye- zlaki. P.B.Ovehinnikov. 1957. 547 P. (MIRA 10:9) (TaAkistan-Botany) SIDORIMCO. G.T.-. ofdommumm~ Gritical note on Antragalus dictamnoides N. Gontsch. Bot. zrat. Garb. 18:142-143 157. (KUkA 10r.6) (Tien ihaft-Milk vetches) ,w S IDORENKO, G.T. ,4ualitative characteristics of Tajikistan soils. TruO.V AN Tadzh.SSR 99:103-105 '58- OGRA 13:4) (Tajikistan--Soils--Classification) SIDORENKO, G.T., CHTEAVINA, A.G. Additions to thn flora of Tajikistan. Dokl.AN Tadzh.SSR no .3: 49-5 1159. (14IRA 13:4) 1. Prodstavlono akadpmtkom ILN Tadzhikskoy SSR P.N.Ovchinnikovym. (Tajikistan-Botany) -SIDORENYO, G.T. The southern Tajikistan geobot~,nical region. -lbor. trud. Tadzh. fil. Geog. ob-va SSSR no.2:69-77 61. (YIIHA 14:11) (Tajikistan--Phytogc-.ograpb.y) STANYUKOVICII, Kirill Vladimirovich; SIDGROOKU, G.T., otv. red.; VASlLIYEVA) N.M., red.izd-va; GELLER, S.P., [Wormwood deserts of Tajikistan, their dynamics and age composition of dominant species] Polynnye pustyni Tadzhi- kistana, ikh dinamiks i vozrastnoi sostav edifikatorov. Dushanbe, Izd-vo AN Tadzhik SSH, 1963. 52 p ~MIRA 17:3) 'YUSUFBII-,'K,'DV, Kh.Yu.; SISORITKO, G.T.. otv. red. [Use and improvement of hay fields and pastures J-n the Pamirsl I IspolIzovanie I uluchshenia serolkosov i pastbishch Pamlra Dushanbe, AN Tadzhikskoi SSR, 1964. 48 P. (MIIjA 18:3) ,.SIDORENKO G.Ye., starshiy agronom-entomolog (Primorskiy kray) At the GzWekovo Plant Quarantine Station. Zashch. rest. ot vred. i bol. 7'no.1:51-52 162. (MIU- 15:6) (Grodekovo-Plant quarantine) INOZEMSEV, D.; VIASOVA, A., starshly inzh.; SIDORENKO,,,.I*;- IVANOVA, A., oblitsovshchitsa School of progrewsive practices. Stroitell 1. Nachallnik uchastka SSMU-29 tresta 2. Proizvodetvenno-tekhnicheskiy otdel (for Vlasova). 3. Brigadir.ishtukaturov (for Sidorenko). 4. &S'M-3 tresta Krasnodarstroy (Building-Technological I no.1:27-28 Ja 761. (IMA 14:2) Sochispetsetroy (for Inozemtsev). treata Sakhatroy (Arzamas) SMU-35 tresta BelGESstroy (for 1vanova). innovations) I SAVMKO. Yu., inzhener-, SIDORRHKO, I., inzhener. Organizing power of continuous work schedules. MAst-ugl. 3 no.8: 5-6 Ag 154. (KEU 7: 9) (Coal mines and mining) 6,5 POkEIVKFO 1 '4. 51 Slb~RAKO. I.A. (Berazhazy) Resulta of streptomycin and PAS therapy of meningeal tuberculosis under raral conditiona. Klin. med. 32 no.12:77-78 D 154. (MIRA 8:3) 1. Iz Berezhanskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy Ternopollskoy oblasti (glay. vrach - M.I.Lishcherquk) (TUBERCULOSIS, MININGEAL, therapy PAS & streptomycin in rural conditions in Russia) (PARA-AMINOBALICYLIC ACID, ther. use tuberculosis, meningeal. in rural conditons in Russia) (STUPTOMYCIN, ther. use tuberculosis, meningeal. in rural conditions in Russia) S IDORINKO, I.A. 7- - Changes in the cerebrospinal fluid in patients with tuberculous meningitis treated with streptomycin. Vrach.delo n0-2:197 F 157. (MI&A 10:6) 1. Berezhanskaya rayonnays bolluitsa Ternopollskoy oblasti. (STRIMONYGIN) (KINIMAS-TUBERCULOSIS) (CIEUMOSPINAL FLUID) S New methods for determining bile pigments in the urine. lab. delo 6 no.3:30-31 NY-Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Berezhanskaya meshrayonnaya bolinitsa Ternopol'skoy oblasti (glavnyy vrach A.S. Komayak). (BILE PIGKKNTS) KRASIL'NIKOV, V.D., gornyy inzh.; SIUORENKO, I.A., gornyy inzh.; TSOY, A.G., gornyy inzh. Cinephotometric method of studying the productivity of rotary- bucket excavators. Nauch. trudy Mosk. inst. radioelek. i gor. elektromekh. no.46:128-132 162. (~aRA 17:1) IRUTSKEVICK M.M.; SIDCHENKO, I.D. IA- Fouropean mistletoe (Loranthus europaeus Jacq.) and its distribution in the Ukrainian S.S.R. no.35:116-117 '59- (MIRA 13:2) 1. Kamenets-Podollskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut. (Ukraine--Mistletoe) SIDORE147KO, I.D. Effect of ionizing radiations and ultraviolet rays on the quality, of seed corn. Nauch. doIr-l. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.1:152-157 16o. (MIRA 13:2) l.Rekomendovana kafedroy botaniki 1 f12iologii rasteniy Kamenets- Podol'skogo sallskokhoz3ra3rstvannogo instituta. (Corn (Maize)) (Plants, Effect of radiation on) SIDOR2,16KC., I.D. (Sydorenko, I.D.] Action of ionizing and ultraviolet radiation on corn seeds. Ukr. bot. zhur. 19 no.2:3-14 162. (YJIRA 15:6) 1. Kamenets-Podollskiy sellskokhozyaygtvannyy institut, kafedra botaniki i fiziologii rasteniy. (Plants, Effect of radiation on) (Seed&) (em., (MA16)) SIDORSNKO, I.G. Affect of the time when the newborn is first put to the mother's breast on the dynamics of its weight. Vop.okh.mat. i det- 3 no.l: 20-23 Ja-F '58- 01MA 11:2) 1. Iz kafedry pediatrii (zav. - dotsent F.H.Gudzenko) i kafedr7 skusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. L.B.Teodor) Chernovitskogo moditainskogo institute (dir. - dotsent M.M.Kovelev) (114FANTS-IORRITION) Ai If I c a tne batLIL, all, W~j .L / -.. -, :.- 4- 4 C t4 I r 7Tkrr ni z in e no n..L a, i SIDOPMIK -I-G.-; PORTNOVA, N.G. Rare case of primax7 tuberculogis of the diestive tract in a 1- L year-old child. Pediatriia 38 no.12:71-72 160. (MIM 1492) 1. Iz detskoy kliniki Nauchno-losledovatel'skogo instituta. Aku- sherstva i pediatrii (dir. - F.S. Baranovskaya, nauehrqy rukovo- ditell - prof. I.Ya. Strebriyskiy) i prozektury Nav. 6tdeleniyem - prof. Sh.I. Ya,intskiy) 1--y gorodskoy bollnitsy (glavmyy vrach A.V. Goreshnyak). (ALDIENTARY CATAT,-TUBERCULOSIS) SIDO." 1:~Ll i.G. ol the i'ull-term rwwhorn infant. Vori, okhr. mat, det. 6 no. 1:43-48 Ja ;61. (MiRA 14.4) 1~ Iz I'llostovskogo-na-Donu ii.-iuchno-.issledcvqtt-~liskogo instituta ukuoliur3tva I pcdiatrii (dir. -- kand,med.naijk F.S. Dararovskaya, nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. I,Ya. Seiabriyskiy), low S 61DOitENKOJI I.G. Electroencephalogram of th,--- prerwiture infant- VoT,. ol:h. mat. i det. 6 no.11:22-29 N 161. 1,1:12) 1. Iz Rostovskogo-na-Donu nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta akusherstva i pedintrii (dix. - F.S.Baranovskaya, nau--hnT y rukovoditell - doIctor med.nauk T.V.Loverdo, rakovaditell raboty - kand. med.nauk IT.V.Shteynbuk-h). (EL~Mi.WNGhMAIOGItAPHY) (INTA~JTS (PiO-LTURE)) S I MEE NEO,__q. I., ic; Uerlt Tsolatinj ~ frorr, so-*!. Vete -4 rlari4 7.~rfr;n~;ens a 41 no.3:25-27 ~Lr- 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. 2-y Moskovsidy med,-*-tsinskiy institut imeni N.I.P~rogova. ~ I 'DO, of 1. Y. Oils and Pats Work practice of the Dnepropetrovsk Oil and Fat Combine. 1~asl. -zhir. prom. 18, -No. 3, 1953. SO: Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 19539 Uncl- SIVORELIKO, I.K. , inzhener,. Burning sunflower hunks In a furnace equipped with a mechanical stoker. Masl.zhir.prom. 19 no.1:32-33 '54. (KLRA 7:2) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy maslozhirkombinat. (Stokers. Mechanical) I . I I- / ~ I- . PATKANOV, Ye.G., inzhener; BAGLAY, G.I.; SIDOIRINKO, I.K. Unit for heating extractors. Hael.-zhir.prow. 19 no.5:27-28 154. (KIJU 7: 9) 1. Dnepropetrovskir maslozhirkombinat. (Heating) (Extraction apparatus) SIDORENKO, I. K. Automatic bypass valves. Mael.-zhir.prom. 20 no.3:29-30 '55. (MLRA 8-7) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy maslozhirkombinat. (Valves) SIDCRENKO,I.K. Increasing the capacity of roll assemblies. Masl.-zhir.prom.20 no.5:31-33 155. (MLRA 8:11) 1. Dnepropetrovokiy maelozhirkombinat (Crushing machinery) (Oil industries--Equipment and supplies) SIDORENKO, I.K. ...- Reconditioning screw-press members. Maal.-zhir.prom.21 no.2: 29-30 ~56. (MLRA 9:7) l.Dnepropetrovski.v maslozhirkombinat, (Power presses--Repaired) SIDOREM10, I.K. Automatic temperature regulator in furnace@. Kael.-zhir. prom. 23 no.3: 31-32 '57. (NLRA lo:4) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy maslozhirkombinat. (Thermostat) (Furnaces) SIDORENKO, I.K.-. Interlocking of screw press electric motors. Masl.-zhir. pros. 23 no-5: 36-37 '57. (MLRA 10:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskly maelozhirkombinat. (Pressing machinery-Electric driving) ~Ilxj Dirv~ batcl.m~;-. 27 .7- -.~rcq. A,rc-,~a; 7 1-:. kcfmbin:~t. nmd suM1.1 SIDORENF.0, I.K. Combination table for drawing and blueprinting. Masl,zbir. prom. 27 no.9:40-41 S '61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy maslozhirovoy kombinat. (Dnepropetrovsk--Oil industries--Equipment and supplies) _�IDORENKO I.K. [Sydox-enko, I.K.) - - Apparatus for operations under pressure or vacuum. Khar.prom. no.4.44-45 .0-D '62. (KRA 16: 1) 1. TSentrallnoye byuro tekhnicheskoy informatsii Dnepropetrovskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva. (Mixing machinery) .3IDORFUKO, I.K. Apparatus for operations under pressure or vacuum. Masl,zhir.prom. 2~ no.8:40-41 Ag 162. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy maslozhirovoy kcmbinat. SIDORZINKO, I.K. Device for sanqling urr-er la-i-er cl- prom. 29 no.,91:29 Ag 163. kMIR-~ 11'-10) 1. Dneprf,-pet~n,(-,-'-y 1--nMir7voy kovqbin~,;. SIDORPMO.I.M. Shortcomings in the construction of new sugar mills. Sakh.prom. 29 no.4:8-ii 55. (jffRA 8: 9) 1. Mizochskiy sakharnyy zavod (Sugar industry-Equipment and supplies) SIDCFdMKO, I.M., nspirant. Role of agriculturAl contrqcts for the delivery of Bugqr beets in increasing the role of mnterial interest in the development of collective farms. NAuk.zap.Kiev.un. 15 no-9:159-166 156. (MLRA 10:7) (Sugnr beets) (Collective farms) PLAM I BOOK EXPLO -.-TATION SOV/5184 Sidorienko, Ivan Mikhaylovich Potochnaya liniya. ochistki listovoy stali ot okaliny i rzhavehiny (Continuous Line for the FIemoval of Scale and Rust From Steel Sheets) Ieningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1960. 41 P. 5,000 copies printed. Scientific Ed.: G. S. Pilyavskiy; Ed.: G. I. Mishkevich; Ibch. Ed.: L. M. Shishkova. PUFd)=: This booklet is intended for technical personnel en"d in mechaniz- ing and automating the processes used in cleaning steel sheets in shipbuild- ing and in other branches of industry. COVEPAGZ: Wo methods for the removal of rust and scale from steel sheets am described briefly. One of these methods has been proven under actual industrial conditions. For purposes of comparison, the characteristics of other methods for cleaning sheet metals are given. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. Car&-V4 Ce~-ro_-ion of benzene distillation coiumns. KoIcs i khim. no.2:33-37 16i. (t-a-PU 14:2) 1. 1,-_ivorozis"-.iy metallurgicheolciy z-avod. (Plate towers-Corrosion) (Benzene) BELUKHA, A.A.; SIDORENKO, I.S. Operation of enameled pipes in the coke and coal chemicILIS production. Koks i khim. no.202-54 '64. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Krivorozhskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. 36950 3/l42/6i/oc4/oOG/015/0l7 E192/E382 Ati-f HORS Dolotin, L.I., Vollzov, V.I. , Lesny1ch, M-S. Lyap!ralo, Yu.M. , Merzlikin, V.A., Pipa, A.V. 'In L. TITLE: olslcelrMn~6rL PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshilch uchebnyka zavedcniy, Radiotek:inilca, v. 4, no. 6, 1961, 726 - 728 TEX.T: Generation of Zii.~h-powcr bursts of ultrashort-wave frequencies is of importance in linear accelerators of heavy particlus. A pulsed oscillator based on the triode, typo (GI-IiA), was therefore developed. Cunstructionally, the oscillator is based on coaxial tuned circuits, in which the t tubc o,3crates as a grounded-grid system (Ref. I - N.S. Neyman - Triodo and totrode generators for UHF (Triodnyye i tetrodnyye Soneratory SVCh), Sovetskoye radio, 1950). The anode-grid resonant circuit is in the form of a quarter-wave line, terminated with tie intarelectrodo capacitance Cag (Fig. 1). Since the external diameter D 33 cm, internal diameter d = 14 cm and Cag = 35 PF, the resonance frequency is 1421D.1c/s and the length h of the anode grid-tuned circuit is 19 cm; Card 1/3 S/142/61/oo4/oo6/015/017 A hiZh-temperature .... E192/E382 t::ese calculated data u-cre verified ezz"perimentlly. The cathode-grid circuit is in the form of a short-circuited polycylindrical coaxial section of a lialf-wave line; this is teriainated vith the capacitance Cag . The feedback is provided by three non-adjustable loops positioned at anZles Of 120, wit:i respect to eacli other, in such a manner that the loops pass throu-,ii the com;;-,on wall of the resonators. The separator condenser in the anod-,-rid circuit consists of six rroups of condensers, each consi3ting of two condensers in series. The oscillator was tested wit'a an 82,'! resistive load, uhich was in the form of a polystyrol cylinder with a water solution of sodiu;n carbonate. It was possible to obtain a maximum power of 1.2 Nli with an anode voltage of 32 IcV and pulse duration of 450 lis. The oscillator was also tested with a high-Q load formed by the resonator of a linear proton accelerator; this had a resonance frequency of 142 ',,Ic/s and a quallty factor of 50 000. It was found that at an anode voltage of 36 kV the resonator of the accelerator received a power of the order of 500 W, so that the protons could be accelerated up to energies Card 2/3 S/!42/Gi/004/006/015/017 A hir,a-tcmperaturc El 92/ E3 8 2 of 5.5 NIeV. There are 4 fi_-ures. ASSOCIATION: Uchenyy sovet FTI A2V UIrSSR (Learned Council of FTI AS UkrSSR) 5 U B.'- I 17r Z' DApril 23, ig6i F~c - T Card 3/3 31717 3/057/61/031/012/r,03/013 B108/B138 AUTHOM Bolotin, L. I., Bomko, V. A., Revutskiy, Ye. I., and Sidorenko, 1. S. TITLE: H-mode accelerator PERIODICAL- Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 12, 1961, 1426-1470 TEXT: The Berkeley type linear accelerators working on the E010 mode have several disadvantages. An Hill-mode linear accelerator is suggested. A particular feature of such an accelerator is the much lower resonance frequency. 8-cm wide drift tubes are connected to opposite sides of the cylindrical copper resonator (75 cm wide, 120 cm long). The electrical field has a sinusoidal distribution along the resonator. The best way of preventing the maximum of the Ezcomponent in the loaded resonator from moving toward the smaller accelerating gaps is either to change the ratio o( = A (S = gap length, L = length of accelerating section or to change the L inductance of the accelerating units. The increase in the length of the Card 1/2 H-mode accelerator 31717 S/057/61/031/012/003/015 B108/B138 accelerating sections from ieriod to period was calculated from the formula - e-E max A? G cos Irz n - 4mc 2 n Yssin 7 where Emax denotes the maximum of the time average of electrical field strength, Gn = field consumption factor at the n-th gap, s = synchronous phase. The plant yielded protons with energies of 1'15 - 2 h1lev which is in good agreement with the theoretical calculations. The Q factor was 6250. The shunt resistance was 28 megohms, which requires an h.f,.-Dower of some 20 kw for acceleration. The device described can be used for the ac~3eleration of heavy ions (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, neon,etIC-) with low initial energies (P -0,01). There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 4 references: 1 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. SUBMITTED: February 4,1961 Card 2/2 X BOLOTIN, L.I.; VOLKOV, V.I.; LESNYKH, M.S.; LYAPKALO,, Yu.M.; ?v=LIXIN, V.A.; PIFAY A.V.; SIDCRENKO, I.S.; CHERNW, L.L. Power impulse self-oBcl2lator. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; radiotekh. 4 no.6:726-728 N-D 161. (MER& 15:4) 1. Rekomendovano Uchenyz sovetom Fiziko-tekhnicheskogo inBtituta AN USSR. .' (Oscillators, Electric) (Pulse techolques (Electronico)) /RPA (w) -2/EF.C -2/7-..1p (1) /MTA (h) Pi-4/0 Q?in i/ L 1,2952 a -10/ Ii/F -7/Peb IJP(c) ac b F ACCESSION NR; APS010813 UR/0057165/035::/Oo f r 4~01748/075iO AUTHORt SidorenkO,_j, yes, I, _-L%4 Revutskiy, TITLE: Investigation of properties of superconductin ra sit A A resonato a frequency of 1100 megacycles SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 35, no. 4,49650~148-7SOI: TOPIC TAGS: resonator~'-superconducting resonator, particle, accelerat commercial lead lead resonator, hf* resonator A ABSTRACT: An investigation is made of the possibility of:using an -ordinary commercial lead (type B-2) as a material for,' the resonator of a particle accelerator. Preliminary results of tests At,a frequency of 1100 megacycles are summarized. Surface resistance, determined,by, measuring the resonator Q-far-tor (a function of the rise,of induced-i oscillations and the attenuation time of free oscillationi in the resonator) decreased by 6-7 orders of magnitude.from: the'value, at 300K (330) when the resonator was cooled down to 4.24. Tbe~resonator and its cooling equipment are shown in Figs. I and 2 of the Enclosure, respectively. The resonator, which consists of a sec.tion:,qularter-wave- Card 1 / 4 L 42952-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5010813 coaxial line, has a natural frequency of 1100 megacy~i;as. ~,X't can~b~*: used in accelerators in which the maximum magnetic field L 'a less than! 'I 500 Sauss. Such resonators can be used as:tank circuits- of 'm.aster oscillators and as hf filters for frequency.stabilization . 1 Otig. art. hass 5 formulas and 2 figures.. (YKI ASSOCIATIONi none SUBMITTED: -26Jun64 ENCL: 02 _~~---SUB CODE: 9C, 11P NO REP SOVt 002 OTHER: 000 ATD PRESS rd 2/ L 429�-65 ACCESSION NR: 4 10, Card 34 e 'link conduit; 6 resOnator~isuspen 8 - gas: :sion rod; 7 - Dewar fl!Ask,,,. :tempprature sensor; tdst reson- Dawar -,ator; 10 overflow; 11 -flask; li nitrogen; 13 helium; 14 - antenna. -d 'Card 4/4