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On the Effect of the Pre-heating Temperature on the Residual
Stresses of the First ana Second Kinds and the Fatigue Strength of
Rolled Steel.
A_;SOCIATION., Institut mashinovedeniya i avtomatiki AN UkrSSR (In-
stitute of Mechanical Engineering and Automation of the
PRESENTED-. 0eptember 26, 19589 by F.P. Belyankin,, Member of the
Card 4/4
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, 1961, No. I.' pp. .36 - 37,
# lZh277
AUTHORS: Yatsyuk, A.I., Shved, M.M.
TITLE: The Effect of Heating on Residual Stresses and Endurance Strength
of Rolled Steel
PERIODICAL: "Nauchn. zap. In-ta mashinoved. i avtomat. AN USSM', 1960, Vol. 7,
pp. 106 - 109
TEXT: The authors investigated 45 grade steel. Residual stresses of the
I and II order were determined by X-ray analysis. It was established that resi-
dual stresses of the I and II order increased with higher temperatures of pre-
heating the rolled specimens, raised up to 3000C. Further elevation of preheating
temperature causes a decrease of the aforementioned values and at,--~ 5500C residual
stresses are eliminated. 6~r depends in the same way on the preheating tempera-
ture the effect of rolling vanishes at ~" 5500C. It is assumed that the In-
crease of residual compression stresses of the I order with higher preheating tem-
Card 1/2
S/I 37/6 1/oW/Oo 1/033/043
The Effect of Heating on Residual Stresses and Endurance Strength of Rolled Steel
peratures can be explained by an increase in the volume of the plastically de-
formed metal zone. With higher preheating temperatures (up to 3000C) distortions
in the cold hardened metal layere are developed which cause an increase of resi-
dual stresBes of the II order. There are 5 references.
Z. F.
Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract.
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Shved, M
TITLE: X-ray method of investigating the mechanism of the
action of the ambient media on a metal
SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSRO Instytut
I mashynoznavstva i avtomatYky, l0viv- Voprosy mekhaniki
reallnogo tverdogo t*la. no* 1. Kiev, 1962, 06-139
TEXT: The aut'
hor introduces a concept of the true lattice
parameter which he defines as the value calculated from X-ray
diffraction patterns produced by a'specimen free from oriented
microstresses and residual stresses of th's, first type. He also
to points out that X-ray diffraction in often used to study
materials which had been subjected toa*troatment (hydriding,
sulphiding, nitriding, carburizing, serving in a molten metal). as
q result of which both the stresses of the first type and a change
'in the lattice parameter could have taken place. It happens
C4,t-cl frequently in these cases that in using X-ray diffraction (the
back-reflection method) for determining the lattice parameter,
no account is taken of the possible effect of the stresses of the
Card 1/4
X-ray method E193/E383
where ~~a (Y is the change in the lattice parameter in the
direction normal to the specimen surface caused by the residual
stresses of the first type, a,-, is the lattice parameter
calculated from the pattern obtained at an *angle IV # aj is the
lattice parameter calculated from the pattern obtained by-the
right-angle and -) is the Poisson ratio. The variation in the
true lattice parameter in then given by:
2-,)(a,, - a.L)
a a , A - - - __ 2- . (9)
() 4+ I)Bin Y
where a,, is the lattice parameter of'the metal in the initial
state. When X-ray analysis is used to study the effect of the
pmbient media on a metal, the following case 8',rr~ Eossible:
2 a a-L
1. a a, j 0; a a H 0; aL - so A - - 2
W +~ 1) sin
In this case, the external medium diffuse* to a certain depth,
Card 3A I .' . I
X-ray method .... E193/9383
changing the lattice parameter of the surface layer of the metal and.
giving rise to residual stresses of the first type;
2. a A. 0; 0; 2N)(a,v -a-L)
W + I)sin 2T
The external medium diffules to a certain d1pth, increasing the
volume of the surface layer'and setting up residual stresses of
the first type but is not dissolved in the metal;
3. a a, = 0; aj. - aHJ& 0 .
In this case the external medium has diffused throughout the
specimen studied, changing the lattice parameter in the entire
4. ay - a 0; a L 0
No diffusion of the external medium has taken place.
SUBMITTED: June 26, 1961
Card 4/4
TITLE'i On the formation
kind and changes
electrolytic hydrogen-saturation
of residual stresses of the first
in the crystal lattice produced by
of steel
SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR. Instytut
mashynoznavstva i ~vtomatyky, LIviv. Voprosy*mekhaniki
realinogo tverdogo tela. no.J, Kiev, 1962. 140-142.
TEXT: To elucidate the phenomena taking place in the layer
of metal adjacent to the surface an a result of its saturation
with hydrogen, an X-ray method was used to investigate the
surface of 30 x 20 x 2 mm armco-iron specimens (vacuum-annealed
at 700 OC for 2 hours), electrolyticaily-polished and saturated
with hydrogen in a 26o,o' aqueous solution of H2S04' using a curient
density of 5 A/dm2 for various durations. The lattice constants
-before and after hydrogen-saturation were measured at angles of
90 and 45*, applying iron radiation. The calculations were made
from the line (310) K PI,3 for which 75* 42'.
Card 1/2
Measuring lattice parameters and residual stresses of the first
order by means of I rays. Fiz.met.i metalloved. 13 no.1.1146-148
Ja 162. (141RA 15:3)
1. Institut mashinovedeniya i avtomatiki AN USSR.
(Crystal lattices) (Strains and stresses) (I rays-Diffraction)
Using the method of eddy currents to determine the hydrogen
concentration in steel. svois.stali no.l.-65-
67 161. (MIRA 15:5)
(Steel-Hydrogen content) (Electric currents, Eddy)
Effect of hydrogen on the hardness of steel.
svois.stall uo.1:6842 161. (MIU 15:5)
(Steel-Hydrogen content) (Hardness)
V~ay diffraction method for studying the mechanism of the effect
of external media on metals. Vop. mekh. real'. tver. tela
136-139 162. WRA 16:1)
(X-ray crystallography) (Dislocations in metals)
Residual first-order stresses and variations in the lattice constant
in steel due to electrolytic hydrogen absorption. Vop. mekh. real'.
tvet. tela no.1:140-142 162. (MRA 16:1)
(Strains and stresses) (Steel-Hydrogen content)
(Crystal lattices)
Measuring parameter and res-,daal stresses in
in the presence in them of solid solutions and unsynmetr_`~2a!
stressed state by plane. Vop. mekh. real. tver, tels. no.:-*.,.10-127
~ 64.
Determining the E and elastic constants by means of X-rays.
Ibid. :128-135
Using the X-ray diffraction method for detennining residual stresses
of the first kind in case of a stressed state by volume. lbid.:136-141
(WRA 17:11)
fonc f
thE: Rf 'e of C;
ACC NR: AP700418"
SOURCE CODE: UR/6364/66/002/006/0661/0'663~ I
AUTHOR: Pokhmurskiy, V. I.; Boltarovich, A. V. Karpenko, G. V.
ORG: Physicomechanical Institute, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR, L'vov (Fiziko-
mekhanicheskiy insLitut AN UkrSSR)
TITLE: Effectiveness of surface strain hardening in increasing the fatigue and
corrosion-fatigue strength of some stainless steels
SOURCE: Fiziko-khimicheskaya mekhanika materialov, v. 2, no. 6, 1966, 661-663
TOPIC TAGS: IS-train hardening, stainless steel, martensiticyferritic -4treinlacw steel,
austenitic --yl esa steel, precipitation hardenlin%,
steWKhM2 stainless steel, Khl7N5M3 stainless sYeel
4no,%,Q A,
Specimens of martensitic-ferritic Khl7N2 stainless steel were annealed at
1000C, oil quenched and tempered at 580C; specimens of precipitation-
hardenable Khl7N5M3 stainless steel were amealed at 950C, air ccoiad, refrigerated at
70C, and aged at 450C. The heat-treated specimenswere cold roned to determine the
effect of surface strain hardening on the fatigue and corrosion-fatigue
strengths. It was found that the fatigue strength of Khl7N2 steel
increases slightiy (ab,;tlt 10%) with increased pressure of rolling and
reaches its maximum at a pressore of about 50 dan. Increasing the pressure
to 100 dan caused a sharp decrenoe in fatigue strength due to peeling and
Card 1/2 UDC: none
ACC NRi A117004183
laminating of the surface. The rolling pressuke viagnitude has a 'similar
effect on the corrosion-fatigue strength, which was maximum at about
65 dan. Cold rolling of Khl7N5M3 steel with 100 dan of pressure increases
the fatigue strength by 30%, the corrosion-fatigue strength by more than
2.5 times, and the rupture life under high stresses 30-50 times. It is
concluded that surface strain hardening is not very effective in increasing
the fatigue strength of Khl7N2 steel and high rolling pressures even
haw a harmful effect. However, this method is very effective for increasing)
the fatigue strength and, particularly, the corrosion-fatigue strength of
Khl7N5N3 steel, in which the.strengthening Fffect increases with increasing
rolling pressure. LTD]
Orig. art. has: 3 figures and I table.
SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: 14Aug66/ ORIG REF: 007/ ATD PRESS: 5115
M-ARCHENKO, T.I.; MIKIIAYLOVA, M.Y.[?/jykhailova M 1.);
SHVED, M.P.; OSTAPENKO, M.GjOstapenko M.H.I-'*
P J,
BULDEY-,-I.A.; MARKIN, M.S., glav. red.; CSTAPENKO, M.G.
(Ostapenko, 1-I.H.1, otv. za vyp.; MINEVICH, I-I.I.[Minevych,
M. 1. 1, tekhn. red.
[Soviet trade in the 1*rainian S.S.R.; statistical
abstract] fiadianslka torhivlin v Ukrainslkii RSR; statystye-
nyi zbirnyk. Kyiv, Derzh. stat. vyd-vo, 1963. 318 p.
(MIRA 16:9)
1. Ukraine. Statisticholikoye upravleniye. 2. Otdel statistiki
torgovli TSentrallnogo statisticheakogo upravleniya pri sovete
ministrov Ukr. SSR (for Mikhallchenko, Misnichenko, Marchenko,
Mikhaylova, Shved, Ostapenko, Bulday). 3. Nachallnik TSentrall-
nogo statisticheskogo upravleniya Ukr.SSR (for Markin).
(Ukraine--Commerce) (Ukraine--Statistics)
Study of the nature of new rare organic m~--erais in Trarscar-
pathia. DakI. Alt' SSSR 158 no.1:116-118 S-C; 264
(I-IrRA 17:8)
1. institut geologii iskopayemykh .411 Uk-rSSR.
Predstavleno akademikam A.P. Vinogradom
Gravimetric analysis of bitumens (on the
group ccmposl -,r. of ra tura I oi :s ar.-I b 'nur. anar-3,
khim. 19 no.31:13F5-1390 164. (14TLRA 18:2i
1. Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Mineral Fuels.
Ukrainian Academy of Sclerces, Urov.
IL. N.
TITLE; Device for determining vibration sensitivity
PERIODICAL: R,)forativnyy zhurnalt otdel'nyy vypusk. 32. lzmaritel'naya
tekhnika, no. 19, 1962,.16, abstract 32-19-119 (Tr-Leni~gr-, no. 73, 1961, 19)
TEXT: Brief description is given of a device for determining vibration
sensitivity of various portions of the human body. The device permits
investigations at an oscillation frequency of 20 -to 250 cps and varying
amplitude. Sound-frequency oscillations generated by a sound oscillator are
fed to a power amplifier and furthers through a 4iommutating device ay'd namic
moasuring instrument, to the excitation winding of a miniature electrody
vibrator thaT, converts electric oscillations into mechanical vibrations.
Finally, the oscillations are transmitted through a circular tip to that
portion of the human body subjected to the investigation. The device enclosed
in a metal casing is portable and is fed from the mains (network). Its Veight
is 5 kg.
[~bstraqter's note; Complete translation.)
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Shved, N.N.
TITLE: Instrument for the determination of the surface reflection factor
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika I radioelektronika, no. 10, 1962,
9, abstract 10-5-17ch (Tr.. Leningr. san.-gigiyen. med. in7ta, 1961,
73, 10 - 11)
TEXT: An (PCX (FSK) photoconductive cell connected to one of the arms of
an electric bridge is used as the pickup in the instrument described. The recold-
Ing is made visually on the dial of a 100-ILa U-24 (M-24) micro-ammeter. The
standard of whiteness Is white chalk paper, %nd the standard of absorbing surface
Is black velvet.
tAbstracter's note: C omplete translation)
Card 1/1
S/058/62/000/0 11/023/061
AUTHOR: Shved, N. N
TITLE: it fiame photometer
PERIODICAL: 'Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 11, .1962, 24,
abstract lIG217 ("Tr. Leningr. san.-giglyen. med. In-ta",
1961, 73, 48 - 50)
TEXT: A description is given of an instrument designedfor diagnos'tic
investigations In the flame of acetylene.
fAbstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
18-8300,18.9200 77159
AUTHOR: Shved, S. A. (Engineer)
TITLE: Acid-Resistant Castings Nonsusceptible to Intercrystalline
PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka met-allov,
1960, Nr 1, pp 20-24 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Additions of chromium ferrite to austenitic acid-re-
s1stant steel without titanium were found to promote
resistance to intercrystalline corrosion. The author
explains this fact by the peculiarities of chromium and
carbon migration along the CL- and Y-phase boundaries.
In cast steel, chromium ferrite (maximum 20 to 25%) is
distributed at random, which distinguishas that type of
steel from rolled steel. Minimum additions of 0.3% Ti
produce hard, brittle dendritic inclusions along grain
boundaries. Further additions increase brittleness. In
quantities over 0.35 to o.40%,Ti affects the plastic
properties of lKhl8N9T-steel adversely. The author
Card 1/3 investigated possibilities of finding a substitute for
Acid-Resistant Castings Nonsusceptible 77159
to Intercrystalline Corrosion SOV/129-60-1-7/22
Card 2/
lKhl8N9T-steel (composition: C, 0.12%; Si, 0.8; Mn,
2.0; Cr, 17.0 to 20.0; Ni, 8.0 to 11.0; Ti, 5%) by
testing 40 specimens with a low Ti content and 6
Khl8N4G4-steel (Composition not given) specimens
with regular Ti content. Sequence of tests: Specimens
were cast into sand molds according to State Standards
(GOST 977-53). Test billets (25 x 30 x 200 mm) were
cut by electric arc method, hardened together with
castings, planed and ground to specifications. The
procedure was followed by A-2 State Standard (GOST 6032-
51) tests (description of test not given) and results
verified by 900 bending and tenfold magnification of
the-surface. Specimens with less than 0.15% Ti showed
no tendency toward intercrystaMne corrosion. The
author found the presence of Ti to exer11- a decisive
influence on the amount of the CL-phase. In order to
obtain 10 to 25% CL-phase after hardening, which ensures
a high degree of corrosion-resistance, the author
recommends Kh20N8-steel of the following composition:
C, 0-11%; Si, maxim-am C.8%; Mn, 1 to 2%; Cr, 18.15 to
Acid-Resistant CastinCs lllonsusceptib.le 77159
to Intercrystalline Corrosion SO-i/129-6o-i-7/22
21%; Ni, 7.5 to 9%; Ti, 0.12 to 0.20%. The steel has
excellent casting properties and a high degree of
soundness. Strength and plastic properties are
si,iperior to those of IKhl8N9T-s'I-eel. Good casting and
mechanical properties were also observed in Khl8N4Gn-
steel. The author emphasizes that in quantities over
0.30% Ti causes the formation of nonmetallic inclusions;
dendritic inclusions of titanium sulfides form along
grain boundaries. There are '~ tables; and 4 Soviet
ASSOCIATION: Myshega Pitting Plant (Myshegskiy armaturnyy zavod)
Card 3/3
of sili-on electi-In-11 str=r--l and nie-thud (A revealing
t, S'a 2-1 rc:..-t2.:- '.' 5-1117 D :61. (141M 1~, i2
insld~ut lititallargi.-J.
S f, e r. 1, ~ -.'-f e ta 11, 1 a ra p hy)
- SHnD, S.A.
%tallographic method of revealing the substructure. Fiz. met.
i metalloved. 13 no.2;225-232 F 162. (MA 15:3)
1. Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut, metallurgii.
SHVEDv T.Lp,,m-kand*tekhn.nauk
Reciprocal motion of loci of instantaneous acceleration centers
on a plune figure and stationary plane. Trudy OTIF i UP 8
no-1:75-88 '57. (MIM 12:8)
1. Kafedra matematiki Odesekogo tekhnologicheakogo Instituta.
pishchavoy i kholodil'noy promyshiennonti.
(14otion) (Geometry, Plane)
AUTHORz Q'Shved, V. (Rozhishchenskiy rayon Volynskoy oblasti)
TITLE.: In the Rozhishchenskiy Rayon They Do Not Cooperate
With Radio Amateurs
FERIGDICAL! Radio-, 10,59, Nr 7, p 16 (USSR)
ABSTRACT~ There are only a few radio amateurs in the Rozhish-
chenskiy rayon, among them V. Krizhanovskiy, S. Kozel,
V,. Yatsenko, I. Kravchuk, The local DOSAAF Committee,
Chairman Ivolga. does not show any interest in radio
amateur activities. Radio amateur sections could be
orGanized at different installations in this area, for
example at the Zoovettekhnikum, but DOSAAF does not
use existing possibilities. Radio parts are diffi-
cult to obtain, since -the manager of Raypotrebsoyuz,
Yakovlev, does not show any interest in procuring
t hem,
Card 1/1
1. -01JIli, V.D.; BOLDINSKIY , Z.I.; YA;-"OM%'KO, Ye-I
[Repair and testing of he-y electrical equipment at the
Chircblk Eleetrochemic2l C-imbimal Remont i ispytanle krul-,
nogo elektrooborudovaniia na Chirchikskom elektrokhimicbe-
skom kombinate. Tasaentj Gosizdat UzSSR, 1962. 115 p.
(mIRA 18:3)
31gnificance of para-strains in the active detection of o!fjjects
spreading dysentery bace2li. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid.i imm. 31
no.6:46-1+7 Je 160. (MIRA 13:8)
I lm~! 7 f 11:; NOV, I*,irjI'T) Ir --
It I I ~ . .. 0
Uifent :~f the ternt)eratvre rf' theriral pr,~re~~Ang of gas coaIB on
the yield and compoultion of lower Izv. 771 1261l5-20
1614. (MIRA 180)
- I . ~. . I . I . ~ , SPY ED ) Y Lk, hl, , - ` '
"j ~
, I ;-
- 'o
,-. . , , -~ ~' - I 1 .1. . , . : ': , : ~ .
KIRICHUK, B.N., gornyy inzh.) SHVED, YuJI., gornyy inzh.
Self-cleaning bar grizzlies. Gor. zhur. no.8:54-55 Ag 164.
(MIRA 17M)
1. Nauchno-issiedovatellskdy gornorudnyy institu", Krivoy. Rog.
KALINIGMIKO, V.F., kand.tokhri.natik; KIRICHUK, B.N., inzh.; SHVED, Yu.M., inzh.
Automation of the crushing and sorting plant at r-he "Severna7a"
Mine. Gor.zhur. no.12:46-48 D 164. (MIRA 18:1)
1. Nrtuchno-is2ledovateilskiy gornorudnyy institut, Krivoy Rog.