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KUZNETSOV, Yu.A.; SHVARMBER.G- A.I. ~ ~ Algorithm for calculating the optimal structure of the e*rgy balance on an electronic computer taking into consideration the conditions of gas consumption. Gaz. prom. 9 no.6sl5-19 164. (MIRA 17:8) SHVARTSBJ:HB, I.Yu., kand.voyenno-morskikh nauk., kapite4 1-go ranga Defende against ballistic missiles in foreign c9untries; from data in the foreign pre so. Mor. sbor. 44 r-o.5:77-82 My 161. (Ballistic migsileg) (Great (MIFLA 16:5) (United States--Air defenseq) Britain-Air defense&') KUZNETSOV, Yu.A.; MAKAROV, A.A.; MELENTIYEV, L.A.; MER3,11KOV, A.P.; NEKRASOV, A.S.; TSVETKOV, N.I.; KUZIV'ETSOV, Yu.A.; MAKAROVA, A.S.; YLARFOV, V.G.; I-WJ-'--UROV, Yu.V.; VROV, Yu.P.; K1hJLEV, L.S.; TMETKOVA, L.A.; VUTSE1011OVSKAYA, G.V.; YEFIMOV, 11I.T.; UET"EIAL', G.B.; KIWIAYEV, V.A.; i3ELYAYEV, L.S.; GAI,.I-" FAIRTELEV, B.G.; KAU101, L.A.; LIOPO, T.N.; 3-VIRKUTIOV, U.N.; DRUMININ, I.P.; KONOVALENKO, Z.P.; KHAI-111YANOVA, N.V.; SHVARTS~ERG, A.I.; NIKONOV, A.P.; STARIKOV, L.A.; POPYRIN, L.S.; FSHRUCH11OV, N.N.; THOSHINA, G.M.; CIIEL'TSOV, M.B.; SVETLOV, K.S.; SUMAROKOV, S.V.; TAKAYSHVILI, M.K.; T01MACHEVA, N.I.; KHASILEV, V.Ya.; KOSHELEV, A.A.; KUDINOVA, L.I., red. [Methods for using electronic computers in the optimiza- tion of power engineering calculations] Metody primeneniia elektronno-vychislitellnykh mashin pri optinizatsii energe- ticheskikh raschetov. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 318 p. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Energetiche- skiy institut. 2. Chlen-korresponuent Pli SSSR (for Melentlyev). 0- iI . ~ 7 - ~ - . ~ v ~ V ~ - " ~ ~ v ~ I- w , iwi aw , 1 w 7~ -o A t 1 4 1 L so A. of -.00 oo -60 .00 09 -C 66 KAWWk 4)kvmovs "M ' " S S. TIQMW)-- ChrSmMl." a b y. lituduct 4 'be I'MINI. of X.CrAh.magei"NSOCCOM. " A40 CLIP d F O J 1 60 1': , an r P -4 . ( , %. Ilds mint. Is dild. with au% c4 IW. treMed wkh 60%_al U.So. af 68-1m. - I rwdvced with 13% nud i 00 :1 s ma. jnw bw 41% - !!~~ 1" u n rLisaicity. it ion" egemasen"tDowthis l 00,1 %u otasm I- fannim, Ware the camps. of the mim. is 049 Wiluelft. UwaDver, the AJ caulawt is am lkb coo ,w numiy jourpums. A nw(hud fm the utiNgstim of 09 ChnImall iDciudim the rftvvwy of Ak% md NsCrO. is dhcumed. A. A. Bmbdingk COO 09 Ooz M so 2 0* see 00 zoo 00 .00 00 00 00 zoo 00 1 af?ALt~IWC-t W14-UVE CLA%JIFICATICk 00 T 2:00 too a it a Mv~ 4 1 Na o- o 0 o 0 0 oooo o O o 000000000000 o::::: 0004 o 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 , a a a I I ;*- I i 0 . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 11 11 13 m IS 16 It A 0 A " in it u a bl a Al v a 9 a #1 a 41 ~ ! A -I qm pi 0 A b A a I IN ~ Al Lf VA r S Et~ c-, Jan: NtIW;I&--Fiir"hydr 6 -1119104it. ku~. 40.9-,21 . t,kxtj,,IYficAIIY oxkfis~t in a IINS04 nmfjum. Thl, mAlric Acif bwnwd is wpgl, frimi t1w m4n. by "awn. and is can. wrtcd intA, litafic acid by tile u%ual hydm6m. 00 - 00 90 =00 00 j ; 00 see 00 00 0 g coo . , Ro 0 so 00 be* 00 .4 :299 006 it. %I A tTALtLV(.K-t IIIINAT1,41 CLAISIVICATION 00 - 0* S ,)~ ~ 1, . ". i I .. . to . 001, , .-- . S.W., .1v J-f --F -- - - - tw Q.- 61 - -- 0 1~ 'A At li~ Iv fl, it 0 at If a a 9 f a 19 a n V a I ad 0 8 a I IN 91 2 a a to a non I I d" j 0000 00000 00090000000000000 0 0 :0 :0 . 0090606 *a Ole 006 0 0 000000000 0 ftO* w 0 0 o llin noffs jollyzillaoll v a job by XRO At A a L b t- i L Y a j. a x. r a i i i - k A OD Ck 0 d 9-1- a k-j- .11 All ""Crt.f.ti ...I. 09 00 Bondivg agent for mod in making casting Coces. 11. V. liv"Wwrit. U.S.S.R. 69.104. Aug. 31. 1447. The -tiel is usixetl with water and rniner,41 tubstant" which uIgus drying focus cry%t. hydraim whk;h cement th, so Krain. of 1110ach Is* 00 so 'C so 0 00 00 00 Joe 400 see i.7 ASM.SLA -ITALLUJIMAL LIT1114101 CLASSIVIC-710bil see Is -_- 7 T- - ITA J~-% 'W 0 a -i Or 0 9 a a 3 0 U is 47 -0 is 10 to 10 trip 41,011 gin "Will PC 11111 11:1WIllo$1111 'a 000 00000000 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 44: 00 ( : : : : is 0 9 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 lel* 1 100 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 411 0 0 0 00 1 7 7-7 USSR/Metals - Foundry, Platerials Aug 51 "On Send=etallic Mixtures," B. V. Shvaxtsberg, Cand Tech Sci, Chelyabinsk Plant imeni. Kirov "Litey Pro1z" No BY p 25 BrIer17 discusses core mixts made partly of metal shavings- or shot and compares their compn and properties -41th those of regular core sand and magnesite. Cores for expts were made of cast-iron chips, shot and powder, obtained from vaste after grinding castings, with adcIn of nonmttallic ma- terials such as sand, magnesite PoWder 3nd sulf ite- cellulose liquor. 197779 'I - ~~ a ~'Le-n~ t; and r bil-, a e I eg a A :-9:3. "O'cE It' "u. I or t,-)F. I 1 0 11A 18:2 1 3 1] no. i ecsuctarst,vermyy rauchnz---9sLadovateVSk,y insrituL .~14.1- trbV7,ALD'.Glcr-~.i i -,rt,Dpt~ SHVARTSBY.RG, I-Ya.; SER IN, YU-M- Rousehold kitchen range and combined boiler-range with a coisoon firebox for solid fuel. Sbor. trud. NIIST no.4:146-154 160. (MIRA 13:11) (staves) (Boller*) 611VAXTSB&iG,, L.V. Results of short-term reversible collapsotherapy. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no.5:53-54 161. (MLIA 15:2) 1. Iz tuborkulezroy bollnitsy g,,Temir-'Tau. (FNLaICYrH 0 0 *so* 0 o-* 4v4vo- W-4V W- C A L-J 6 1 L a A I - u IN, ps"fal 09 01~ 00 go A can for Calb"s. m y 00 Map. fail, IWO, No. lip, 13 M; Kbi 100. Nu._;v1" 24- the pov-ilidity J f, so awy boWku cathode of the Al tell i o graphistcathode was investigated. Larl i with 1000 aimp.) indicate that the w..b do Al maeW produced'is badiv c, o: Olvie d"t with Al.C.. lie A A A ilk- 00 '00 0* .00 iprat. Aff a itig themat. N to bu4wnd"I m-mk lab. Da", p a unsitt felt twith =00 W. R. Ilmn i z 00 loo G *0 00 0* 000 00 1-400 tie* go &I. ILA -114ttu"GK-L LITINATUNK CLOSIFfCAMN MU, :fte 00 It A r Ali 1 -4 0 1 W- it -1) d -4i- -3- 4 it it It X 04 to 19 " n n at 01 1 to 0000000000000000*000:: tooooooo :O.T.4hAh ma some Olso a& as ~i- i m a 0 a a m a : 0. dob 01 1 0. 2 I's 61 0. .0 It SOV/137-59-1-510 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 1, p 65 (USSR) AUTHORS: Osipov, B. R., Chernin, V. N., Shvartsberg, M. B. TITLE: Industrial Production of Titanium (Promyshlennoye proizvodstvo titana) PERIODICAL: V sb. - Legkiye metally. Nr 4. Leningrad, 1957, pp 105-108 ABSTRACT-. A description of the technique of Ti production by the magnesium- reduction method, M. M. Card 1/1 GORBACIINVA, I.N.: VARMOVA, L.P.; MONIGH, N.Y.; POLYACHENKO, Y.M.; ROKANOTA, A.B.; TULICHINSKAYA, L.S., SHVARTSBIRG, H.S. Synthesia of substituted 1-benz7l-3.4-dihvdroisoquinolines. Zhur. khim. 27 no.8:2276-2282 Ag 157. (NIaA 10:9) 1. Moskovskiy inatitut tonkoy khimichemkoy tekhnalogii. Nainoline) 6. 2" A. N.. S~~ T.-Li. of 3-1-r.1 2o..=.m - LI.-4h-j- PUICLIC&L. ' A 959 01 2. 3 p6.8 - 6 3 JSS 423TUCT an l ' ' At the All-an' " Conf.r.n.. t P f 71 :4 -N.Y. of Sl.~X T. . t i.l Pm*"ts ror t ha Frjd~ztlon filch Poly Worc- which tock place in larcal.,11 erna,zb.r 29tOntOber 2. 1958. 'he ran% Ito of the c.t.lytin synthesis of 2. dLxWthYI bUt%d1 n 5 - ii - or au...r. or th . - !j ; t 'on r -6rat. *1 1 Th: : d: v f m iv I've,* :;;j ~ P Z ::. Ce -.d M ... . 11 ... d h proct~ZLQ. of t first a be : 1. t op otel rubber type* (&of 1). It could not be obtained by %he .r=atLOA methods so far "ad. Th. miagre. re.) being ciarked at by the s~thorw consists of too a a The first ... to Cf 2) -Lolded not mar then 15% of -4prodlt l , *,It, th f ; . . *"am" Pat at. (R. 3croap d::.r 1;%in wa.tin th . .Ai tiom 1. still aj..ja4 ... far., the hors det.mi..d : Th Cc" 1/4 tL t Is" .ad Itia" of i-bat". 610I.ti.4 with ethyl.". p in the Ir or these (- 51-77! 9 at*. 1 5 145. C;5 Cl. 5 a AICIP 2 ho~' h Yt ,, 2.3 4?%. Th. reaction is very sensitive to tomp*ratars S , .01 (-Iy 1/3 of he lkylate yield at 35 ). The cataly.t "a be Q444.5 to ttl so without r*dAclad %a* 4z"mtity Of alkylat: or of23-dLS! byal-butans. Stbjl*ne has to be added d~rxad th 46010 Proose., its partial proseare ~% not *.aee4 0.5 - 0.7 On, or otboralse the 2.3-dinethyl-ba%ano content in the alkzlato Martames rapidly. The addition of 1-~% C 21~" 'a""Mz- the .1hyl.4"aft -R*r- a da I pro, r f 100 - 200 :~:t.%ardtd to .dt houlan. ad I. ccelareted by radta.1 da,mor.. :t as"Sed oat by the sathars in -he presence Of C 2R5CI Cfair th. first SUmm) in a special, ocotxm*~Ij vorhing plant. The &I. 0late 7iold (ccmpmt*d for atcylene) reached 17 -;a*% d-r .mom oaadl%lomm (45on. 2co at.. reaction tin: ant a go I ratio lsobutan* ethylene . 10 , 1. J.itimt!r~ - A%sity 4 2V Card 2/4 ).2. 2-Dinothyl-bat". (52-35% of the alkyl~t.) ves, the main pr Juall 2.3-dinothyl.butan* wao,~%*d to S-la% of the alkq 1, %. Th* preparation of 2 3-dla:tbYI-bQtdl:n6 3-dinAthyl-butaut proo **do I' Z hY_1;3lt":Ltb 2 .0 .1two Ugww~ya) 4r t 0. th ror"tica of %wo olqftn* I ) %a% ranot 1.4 thyl.... ..a 2) 2,3-diaoShyl-butom-1. b) D*hydzs-1oA of th the duct. This r,,:flion has i&ot'bb--- ,,t,:nd go ow ., p- far h. r r.4c. a.patent (&of 5)). Th. .t.or. .,::t, '. ted the first stage t1sorcuiftly an 68 A- ohrgal"-potgol" catalyst. Th* specifications 'or its pr-I.- Iton cars pr vi d.4 by X. S. W.-hxtz (d.t....d) IM 11 ~"R ."titate of Organic Cheats-ry AS X. h Is' Ighost activity at 55ao. -no c4t4l7 B** *:a It . IA the -he a., 'a, hjtzac&rh -67~1. Th. Ine,,got %h . ::a. ad st o has ~t yet be,., a or aromatisatLoo disgra t on. Several mono-, bL-, And tricyalla hydr r on* wl.~, is :2"Ibod structars vor:wro.1,o:A.;z ll,:ib,:, 4, dlegres of the r-otL. %h .12 at .4 is, .1. 3 1-. there 1. d--4 "':a uu a.-Lad phenol CorA 1/4 far tf I--' a goooFfRi-ro -t,%**S - _,_ : !r-d Iy tt yxmh *":d 7's-trz/F., ... present one, :r!oy* a:1. th".d at% ... a mhow:rsL&htbbecoc` .".ful for Industry. In . J.P14 am 4kynt "is f r polzpbmzl syst- 1. -99-t-4. Nor .... r. "t ftvorskls reaction to mentioned to the paper. There or. ii reverences, 5 or which are 3o,iot. AMMUTMM* Testoohno.3ibinkly fili.1 So 1". 31-11 CZ-t Bjbrl~ Ara.4h Of %no SumuffiftDopertment of tbo 4c14-j of Sclancos. "_:) S , ~ 30), OV/71 -29-8-,-9/8 1 ctlZia:-ev3'-Jy, L., Shvartsbe=, S. TITLL: Unsaturated Hydrocarbons. VII. Synthesis of n-Methyl-diphenyl iit 10.~ ICAL: Zhurnal ohshchf-y 'r-.hi;.Ai, 1959, Vol L`9, .11r d, rP ',".~9-226-43 i) A35TRACT: The authors were interested in the arTlication catalyti-- al'%)w-L.L.~aLIOL r,.U~;LiOU carriua out in trie Va,,E;rs -j! 1 and 2 for the synthesis of the polyphenyl systems, the carbons cf the diphenyl-triphenyl series, and others. The attempt at carrying out the cyclization of the 2-methyl-5-pheny'L-hexane- diol-2,5 into the p-methyl-diphenyl was unsuccessful, since it yielded mixtures (Refs 5,6,7). In the present paper, the follow- ~ng synthesis of n-methyl-diphenyl (I) by means c-f aromatiza-~:*.o:7- 6f compound (II) or its hydrogenation -z--~)dacts (ITI', and "I-~ according to the scheme was s-ugeested: t.-Le diol (I!) can be ob-, tained, according to Grignard (Ref 8), from 3-inethylbutin-l-ol-3 and acetophenone, or according to the reaction of Favorakiy (Ref 9), in smaller yield. The aromatizaticn of (II) probably takes place via compound (V) by denydration. This aro,~atizaticn Card 1/2 was carried oat .on the catalyst MgO(Cr 203 )A1203 (2:18:8o) at ,insaturated Hydrocarbons. VII. Synthesis of SOV/79-29-8-39/81 n-blethyl-diphenyl 380-5100, but the maximum yield was 11-13% only. In order to in- crease it, the diol (II) was transformed, as previously, by hydrogenation with 2 mnlaBof hydrogen into the glycols (III) and (IV). Thus, the yields were 42 and 46.5~-, respectively, in the aromatization of the glycol (III) at 4620 and of the glycol (IV) at 55oo. The structure of the n-methyl-diphenyl was con- firmed by oxidation with permangamte into the lk-phenyl benzoic acid as well as by spectrum analysis, in accordance with the constants available in publications. It was shown by catalytic treatment of glycol (IV) on quartz, that the aromatization of the glycols (II),I(III), and (IV) is of catalytic nature. Finally, the authors expressed their gratitude to A. S. NakhmanoviQ"Or- his assistance in taking the absorption spectra and to Yu. E. Fayershteyn for carrying out a number of analyses. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 16 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii Vostochno-Sibirskogo filials. Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemistry of the East-Siberian 3ranch of the Aca- demy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTEDi May 29, 1958 Card 2/2 - , ' -" , I ~ : , -, . VT SYRMERGI M. S., Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Synthesis of certain I polyphenyl hydrocarbons starting with acetylene compounus," Irkutsks 1960, 8 pp, 150 cop. (Institute of Chemistry of Eastern Siberian Affiliate, Siberian Department, AS USSR) (KL., "-60, 1311) VASILIYEV, Ye.K.; SHVARTSBERG, H.S.; KOTLYARMSKIY, I.L. Roentgenometric constants of some aryl-substituted acetylene glycols and their transformation products. Izv.Sib.otd.AN SSSR no.2:111-113 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Vostochno-Sibiraldy filial Sibirskogo otdeleniya All SSSR. (Glycols ) S/074/60/029/012/001/004 BO13/BO78 AUTHORS. Shvartsberg, M. S., Kotlyarevskiy, I. L. TITLE: Methods of Synthesis of Polyphenyl Hydrocarbons PERIODICAL: Uspekhi khimii, 1960, Vol. 29, No. 12, pp. 1439 - 1473 TEXT: This is a review of papers on the syntheses of polyphenyl hydro- carbons. The preparation of hydrocarbons with a ramified polycyclic chain is not covered here. About individual questions of the synthesis of poly- phenyls there are several reviews in technical literature (Refs.2-5). The existing methods of preparation of polyphenyl hydrocarbons may be divided into five groups. The first group includes methods of lengthening the poly- phenyl chain. To this group belongt 1) pyrolysis (Refs.6-59); 2) prepara- tion of polyphenyls from aromatic amines: a) reaction according to Gomberg (Refs.60-68); b) synthesis over nitroso acyl amines (Refs. 1, 69-81); c) direct synthesis from diazo salts (Refs.82-91); d) other methods (Refs.92-100). 3) Arylation with peroxides of aromatic acids (Table, Refs.62,74, 76, 7L 92, 101-117). 4) Preparation of polyphenyls out of aryl halidest a) reduction on the palladium catalyst (Refs. 118-120); Pard 1/3 Methods of Synthesis of Polyphenyl Hydro- S/074/60/029/012/001/004 carbons B013/B078 b) reaction according to Ullmann (Refs 31, 81, 121-145); c) reaction according to WUrtz-Fittig (Refs,130, 141, 142, 146-163); d) magnesium- organic synthesis (Refs.124, ,64-184); e) preparation from other metallo- organic compounds (Refs.180-208), 5) Desulfurization and "deselenization" (Refs.209...211). To the second group belong syntheses without alteration of the cyclic carbon skeleton of the molecule (dehydrogenation) (Refs.1, 73, 76, 77, 80, 167~ 134, 187, 212-267). The third group encompasses syntheses without alteration of the aromatic carbon skeleton of the molecule. To this group belong: 1) Alkylation (Refs-254 -268 -282); 2) synthesis over aliphatic-aromatic ketones (Refs.64, 271. 281, 283-298); 3) magnesium- organic synthesis from halogen polyphenyls (Refs.76. 222, 254, 257, 281, 291-293, 299-302); 4) removal of functional groups (Refs.81, 135, 137, 98-100, 218, 303-314), 5) synthesis from heterocycles (Refs-313, 315-317). To the fourth group belong syntheses in which the cyclic carbon skeleton of the molecule is isomerized and split (Refs.218, 'zIB-321). To the fifth group belong syntheses in which individual links of the polyphenyl chain are formed (dehydrocyclization) (Refs.322-329), K. Andrianov, F. Kvitner, V, Titova, A. A, Vvedenskiy, A, V, Frost, Ya, I, Mikhaylenko, 0. M. Zasypkina, Ye- A. Vdovtsova. 1. P Tsukervanik, S, V~ Zavgorodniy, Card 2/3 Methods of Synthesis of Polyphenyl Hydro- 5/074/60/029/012/001/004 carbons BOIIA/BO78 and V. I. Sidellnikova are mentioned. There are 1 table and 329 refer- ences: 63 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii Vostochno-Sibirskogo filiala Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (Institute of Chemistry of the East Siberian Branch of the Siberian Department of the AS USSR) Card 3/3 TITLE: X. of' 4,141 '-D-Irreth-1- y 1 1) i I t I I a 1. e. r) e 'PERIODICAL: Zhut,rijl ob,,lichey kh~mlL, P)60, Vo.L ."0, M- 1) p ,,I _~)0-4,,io (ussit) ABSTRACT: T I ie Li i i t I lo r -s s yn t he .,, L -. c (I !I -d 11 me t I iy 1 b Lp he rl y I aml (11) "Carn 2..!,5-tr1rnethy1--5(41- (111) and 2-meth,,,,1-2- (IV) by the Collowing scheme wrlil-ch also gjves the synthetic routes I U f'ov the irltermediate-o 1.113 11,C c1l, C113 + oil Oil I I'c cIt, C' I I." off -Ni Oil of[ If MI WI CH., (V I I I 21, Url3atucal~ed Hydro,~acbons . X SOV/1' 71 9 -"~0-2 - 17/1 Aromatization of both tetrahydrofurans was performed in a flow system at 550-560 0 over MgO(Cr,.o3)A1 20-5 (at a ratio 2: 18:t30 for I and 2:( 5,L" !3, and 18):(95, 90, 85, and 80) for II; the best results were obtained with 8% Cr,)O3), The tetraftydrofurans (20 or 40% solution In benzene) were mixed with the catalyst and fed into the System at 0.75-80 (for Ir) and 0.55-72 kg/liter catalyst , hr (for II). Yield of 4,41-di- methylbiphenyl (I) was 47.4-48.2%, mp 120.5-1210; 0 yield of 2-phenylnaphthalene (11) was 28-31%, mp 94-97 Some of the constants found for the intermediate products are: 2-mett,-yl-5-(4'-metl,-ylp',,ienyl)~iexyne-3- -diol-21,5 (V , mp 94-15-950; 2,2,5-trimethyl-5-(41- methylphenyfltetrahydrofuran (III), bp 88-890 (3 MM), dj~ 20 0.9465, nD20 1.4996; the byproduct of hydrogenation, _I "IL " 'r- .0 -5 mm)~ d20 20 1.c;242; Card 3 /4 VII. b p 12 2) 0.9596: n k D Unsat~-j--ate---,' -;iYdi-oc~17bons . X SO"'lly 9 - -0- 1-(l '-~iydroxycyclotiexyl )--~'-phenylbutyne-l-o-1-3 (VI)y rro 124-1241 .50; hydration product of (VI), the saturated glycol (VIII), mp i2'T-12'T.50; ---methyl-2- -ph.eny" -5-sPirocyclohexylte'vraiiydrofuran (-LV), bp 122-12"50 1 .5 rpm), d~. 2 0i.oo96"nD01'5255; 2-pheny1naphtha- quinone-1,41'(Ix), which is an oxidation (with chromic anhydride in acetic acid) product of (1-1),mp 109-110-50- There are 2 figures; and 8 references, 3 Soviet, I German, I S',-iiss, I U.K.., 2 U.S. The 3 U.K. and U.S. references are: R. A. Friedel, M. Orchin, Ultraviolet Spectra of Aromatic Compounds, N. Y. (1951); M. C. Kloetzel, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 62-, 3405 194o ; D. H. Hey, S. E. Lawton, J. Chem. Soc. , 3'j'4 H940~. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Chemistry, East-Slberlan Branch of the Academy of Sciences, USSR (Inst1tut khlmll Vostochno- Sibirskogo filiala otdeleniya Akadem'L'- nauk SSSR) SUBMITTED: February 15, 1959 Card 4/4" sov/(~)' - --: j-2 - ! M. S., Tvotsenko, Z. F. TITLF unsm't it t'a tel i Hk i 1-o". [-bOnz, XI. S-mthesls of u-Terpheni'a PE1110DICAL.- ZhIIL'r;'IiI 01~.5110h-.'ily kh[ITIU, VOI '~O, NIC 2, Wssli) A B ST R A C' P par,zi-Tevphenyl (1) wa s by aromatizat-Ion of dehyilv,,Atlon pr-oducts of .-),')-bil)iier-iythe.~atiecliol-2,5 (11). The follow1mr, s c h (3 rne LIlustvates the synthesis t-oute i."';I jf(* Olt Q:i U h! cil, c'f;' ~C Card 1/_-I 62) Unsaturated Hydrocarbons. ZT A St cai -17867 SOV/79 -30-2 - 1 The (III) Is obtained as ,5-bl~)hen~ a M,_Xtuve at' t,,~io lsonlcl~s (with mp 162-1650 (IIIa) and 12-2-123' (111b)), wi-tlch, upon hydrogenation (over- ;kcletal Ni) give ,~orvesporiAng, dLoIs (IIa and Hb). Dehytivati-an of' bot-h Corms, gtves 1-dentical re-gults, a mixture a~ V and IV. Avorwitization ot' the latter prodi_zcts conduc,ted In the Clow system desevibed ealviler (Ko 'I,- lyarev-,;k !L,,,,, 1. L... Shvartsberg, M. S., Zhui,. abohchey k1him., over M~ ~O (Cr ~O )A L ,~Q feed,ing tile reactants S/079/60/030/009/004/015 BOO1/BO64 AUTHORS: Kotlyarevskiy, I. L., Shvartsberg, M. S. TITLE: Unsaturated Hydrocarbons. XII. Synthesis of 4-Methyl-p- terphenyl and 4,4"-Dimethyl-p-terphenyl PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 9, pp. 2912-2916 synthesis TEXT: The of the substituted terphenyls by dehydrogenation and cyclization. (Ref. 1) previously carried out by the authors could proceed by two methods, i.e., by aromatization of the glycolsland their dehydra- tion products containing either one diphenyl substituent or two phenyl substituents. 4-methyl-p-terphenyl (I) was synthesized by the first method, 4,4"-dimethyl-p-terphenyl (II) by the second. Condensation of p-acetyl diphenyl with dimethyl ethinyl carbinol according to Iotsich gave rise to 2-methyl-5-p-diphenylyl hexine-3-diol-2,5 (III), which, by hydrogenation in methanol with a skeleton nickel catalyst passes over into the respective hexane compound (IV). The latter is smoothly convert- ed into 2,2,5-trimethyl-5-p-diphenylyl tetrahydrofuran (V) by the action Card 1/3 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons. XII. Synthesis S/079/60/030/009/004/015 of 4-Methyl-p-terphenyl and 4,4"-Dimethyl-p- BOO1/Bo64 terphenyl of HC1 in benzene. The aromatization of glycol (IV) and tetrahydrofuran (V) (Refs. 1, 2) results in 4-methyl-p-terphenyl (1) in a yield of 50%. 2,5-di-p-tolyl hexine-3-diol-2,5 (VI) was obtained according to Favorskiy from acetylene and p-methyl acetophenone (Ref. 3). Glycol (VI) was hydro- genated to the hexane compound without separation of the isomers, and furthermore passed over into the mixture of 2,5-di-p-tolyl hexadiene-2,4 (IX) and 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-di-p-tolyltetrahydrofuran (VIII) by dehydration. The structure of the diene (IX) was confirmed by ozonization under the formation of methyl acetophenone. The hydrogenation of glycol (VI) pro- ceeds slowly in the last stage and results in the mixture of saturated glycol (VII) and ethylene glycol after absorption of 70-90% of computed hydrogen. In this case also 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-di-p-tolyl-e-dihydrofuran (X) was separated in dehydration apart from the diene (IX) and the tetra- hydrofuran derivatives (VIII). The glycol (VII) and its products of de- hydration (VIII) and (IX) were aromatized to the compound (II) (yield: 30-35%) with the catalyst MgO/C 20 /Al2 0 Figs. 1 and 2 show the ultra- violet spectra of the compounds mLtion~d*. There are 2 figures and 7 referenoes: 4 Soviet and 3 US. Card 2/3 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons. XII. Synthesis S/079/60/030/009/004/015 of 4-?Aethyl-p-terphenyl and 4,4"-Dimethyl-p- BOOl/BO64 terphenyl ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii Vostochno-Sibirskogo filiala Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSE (Chemical Institute of the East Siberian Branch of the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: June 11, 1959 Card 3/3 SHVARTSBERG, M.S.; VASILIYEV, Te. K.; KOTLYAREVSKIY,, LL. Unsaturated hydrocarbons. Part 13: Coursi and,limits of anplicability of the dehydrocyclization reaction in the syn- ftimis of polypbenyls. Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no-4:1278-1284 Ap (MIRA 14:4) lo Inatitut kbimli Vostochnosibirskogo filiala Sibir-skogo otdeleniya.Ai~demii nauk SSSR. (Aromitization) (Polyphenyle) 33273 S/00-2/62/000/001/014/015 AUTHORS: Kotljarevskiy, I. L., Shvartsberg, M. S., and Kruglov, B. G. TITLE; Synthesis and oxidative polycondensation of 4,4'-di-ethynyl biphenyl PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk 35SR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 1, 1962, 184 - 185 TEXT:- N hydrogenation of p-diacetyl biphenyl on skeleton nickel catalyst at 50 60 C, the authors obtained in almost quantitative yield: CH CH-C 0 3 ~)- a -CHCH3 (11), melting point 161.5 - 162.5 C. This compound 6H 6H was dissolved in dioxane, and dehydrated by an Al 20 3 catalyst at 3300C. The resultant, unpurified 4,41-divinyl biphenyl, dissolved in Ccl , was brominated: CH 2BrCHBr-n/N - a-CHBrCH 2Br, This tetrabromide had a melting W point of 204-204.5 0C (under decomposition), the yield referred to II was 14 - 16~o'. The tetrabromide was dehydrobrominated by KOH to 4,4'-diethinyl biphenyl (Yield 50 - 55%), melting point 163 - 1640-C. This compound may Card 1/3 33273 S/062/6?/000/001/014/015 Synthesis and oxidative ... B101/B110 be polycondensed in pyridine with CuCl as a catalyst, or in aqueous-alco- holic solution with CuCl-NH 4Cl. The following structure is assumed for the unsoluble, yellow or orange-colored oligomer: H [C~CCT_,~- Q -C~C ] H.HC1. The oligomer does not explode when heated, and W n is poorly inflammable. The infrared spectra taken at Academician I. V. Obreimov's laboratory in the INEOS showed the bands for 1,4-substituted aromatic rings and for acetylene hydrogen. The presence of carbonyl groups due to partial hydration of the triple bond of the end group is also possible, There are 4 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet- bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: A. S. Hay, J. Organ. Chem., 25, 1275 (1960). ASSOCIATION: Institut nefte- i uglekhimicheskogo sinteza Sibirskogo otdeleniyu Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Petro- and Coal- chemic~tl Synthesis of the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Card 2/3 h f b AD Xr. 980-14 31 JkY POLYMER WITH TETRAACETYLENE GROUPS IN THE BACKBONE JUSSR) Shvartsberj[,-K-5,-,,_I. L. Kotlyarevskiy, and V. N. Andriyevskiy. IN: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheakikh nauk, no. 3, Mar 1963, 575-576. S/062/63/000/003/018/018 A highly unsaturated polymer (1) whose conjugated chain consists of alter- nating aromatic and tetraacetylene groups was prepared for the first time at .the Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Siberian Department Of C&A 2/3 AID Nr. 980-14 31 MV POLYMER VIM TETHAACE71IMM GROUPS (Cont'd] 8/062/63/000/003/018/028 the Academy of Sciences USSR. The-polymer of'-4---buta*di-y'n'yIp*~enyI other (U) had the following probable structure: 7% HC2.-C-C-=C-//'i %\-O- -CxC-CMC- CIWC-C~C41 \~-O- (FVC~C4-CX=C- C'-WC-CMC--- \Axld C=-C-C=--CH Monomer II, which was synthesized in a2076 yield from 4-tkcetoacetylphenyl ether, is stable only in dilute solutions, discolors in air, and decomposes sit Card 2/3 SHVARTSBERG, 4.S.; KOTLYAREVSKIY, I.L. -, VUFSHCHAGINA, A.A. Highly unsaturated polym6rs. Report No.6: PolY-(1,30-triethinylbenzens). Izv. AN SSSR Ser.khim. no.10g 1836--2838 0 163. (MIM 17-3) 1. Institut khImicheskoy kinetiki I gorenlya Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. KOTLYAREVSKIY, I.L.; SHVARTSBERG, M.S.; ANDRIYEVSKIY, V.N.; KRUGLOV, B.G. Highly unsaturated polymers. Report No.7: Linear polynuclear diethinylarenes and their oxidative polycondensation. Izv. :1 z- AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.11:2032-2036 9 163. (MIRA 17.1) 1. Institut khimicheskoy kinetiki i goreniya Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. L 642994$ EWT(m)/EPF(c)/MA_(d)/WP(J)/T W/W ACCESSION NR: AP5020990 UR/0195/65/006/004/0766/0766 a V 541.7 if AUTHOR: Boldyrev,, V. V Shmadt, 1. V,-; Pislmenko, V. 1. Shvarteberi, M..'S Kotlyarevskiy, 1. L.; Andriyevskiy, V. N.; Nomarov V. F TITLE: Effect of additions of organic compounds with c9njugate bonds on the rate 'Zi , of thermal decomposition f solid substances SOURCE: Kinetika I kataliz, v. 6. no. 4,.1965, 766 TOPIC TAGS thermal decompositior4 solid kinetics,. conjugate bond 9 stem, y silver compound, topochemistry ABSTRACT: It has been observed that certain or anic compounds with a ysfe, of conjugate multiple bonds exert an,effect on the rate of the rmai'de compositiono 7W Tests were made of the effect of heterophas aidditions (5% on the weight of oxa e of conjugate alpha, omega- diarylpolyenes (I)- (IV) on the' rate of thermal decom-a position of silver oxalate at 133C. A figure is given which shows a plot of the gree of conversion against time. Results show that additions of the above Card 1/ 2 I KOTL'YARFW,Ui~ 1.L.-, SIVIARTSDFRG, M.S., VOLGINA, G.-I.; VASILEVSKlY, S.F. of s~etylenlc derivatives of diphenyl crxide an-I Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khlm. no.9-1704-1706 165. (M--rRA 18:9) Ira t! tut kh irr-4 cheskoy kinetiki i goreniya AN SSSR. ism L 24312-66 EWT(m)/EWP(j)/T RM ACC NRt Ap6oO9795 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062A6/000/002/0302/0308 ,AUTHOR: Kotlyarevskiy, Is L.; Shverts-berg, M, S*; Vasilevokiy, S, F AndriyevsRly-, V. 14, ORG: Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combu iberian ~6 Depar cbeskoy kinetiki i gorenlya SIBIralcogo otcleienlys. Akade ii nauk) TITLE: Highly unsaturated polymers Report 13- Polynuclear noncondensed dietbyny1srenes SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlya, Seriya kbimicbeskayes no. 29 1966s 302-308 TOPIC TAGS: polymer, polynuclear hydrocarbon, aromatic hydrocarbon, alkyne, condensation reaction, polymerization,.pol-yeondensation,, solubility ABSTRACT: Reactions were run to confirm that tbe-Introduction of metbyl groups or of an oxygen bridge In the p-polypbenylenelsegment of a dietbynylarene molecule increases its solubility, thus permitting the. syntbesis-.of diace~ylenes~oontalning a gres.ter number of rings. The ii-ere s~ntbesized- 11 24-dietbynyl- 23 following compounds 0 - dimetbylbipbenyl, 11, 44-dietbyny1-lAj 23, 37-t ~3- tetrametbyl-p- Card 1/2 UDC: 547-362+541.61 2~312-66 ACC NR: AP6009795 ,~tbyny1-4'-(p-etbynylpbo epY ry Polymers of quadripbenyl, and poxy)bipb 1 these compounds were O'bt6iiied by oxidativ- -lyconde'nsatiorl In alcobol- e p x pyridine witb a polycuprous cbloride complee so catalyst* Condensation could not be effected in aqueous-alcobol or aqueous-acetone solutionsl, The polymers obtained were partially soluble In benzene. Orig. art* bas: 1 figure* SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: o9oct63/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF; 006 Card 2/2 L 23278-66 T.TP(C) ACC NRi-AP6q,12532 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062166/0-00/003/0527/0533. Y.2- j 1W AUTHORi Shvartsberg, H. S.; Kotlyarevskiyj I. L.; Andriyevskiy, Ve Nes ORG: Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Sibe-rian Depsrt- ment of the Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut khimicheskoy kLnetikL L gorenLya SLbLrskogo otdeleniya AkademLL nauk SSSR) TITLE: Highly unsaturated polymers. Communication 14. Polylble- (butadiynyl)areneel SOURCEt AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimichaskaya. no. 3, 1966, 527-533 TOPIC TAGSt organic semiconductor, semiconducting polymer, poly- acetylene, polyphenylene ABSTRAM New poly(bis(butadiynyl)arene) oligomere h&ve been synthe- sized as part of a systematic Investigation of the effect of structure- on the electrical propertied. of conjugated polymers, 7~0 aligoners were prepared as follovs: Caid 1/ 4 UDCi 542.952+547*362 L 2327'~-66 ACC NRi AP6012532 0 --CHCOCHXO-// \\-O-e )-COCffsCOCHP-;! Oy) M C-C-CH-o' (XI) 11 (CmC'7CMC-'O, 0-//--;k, (XVI) (V) 07, cocit,- OCH -Cmc-c-mcH 07/'C (XVII) -quou.. ~,,-rHcocHCO-e -CH.CH.--,' -~OMWCH#-: (VI) Card 2 4 ACC NRi AP6012532 lic=-G-cac-// (XIII) (XVIII) Cifxb -cocIl,-4CllICOctljco- -COCIICOCH# (Vill) (VIIF IICMC- 0-//--%-cmc-cwctI Cr.C- (XIV) r (Xlx) Gil Gil~ CHS c ArCcocll,~*Cllfcoctlfco OX) M Gil c1l, -OHC=-G-C=-G C=C-CMCH- (XV) Gil Gil$ it (c=-C-C=Zb 6:~ r.G-C=r-).H (XX) L-03272-66 ACC NR: AP6012 Preparation of tetraketones I, II, III, VII and X and of tetraacet- y1enes XI4 XII, XIII, XIV, and XV is described in the source. The tetraacetylenes%were subjected to oxidative polycondensation in pyridine in the remence of cuprous chloride. Oligomers XVI-XX were brown to black powders. EPR data are given. [Electrical propertie 10 are not given in this article), Orig. art. hass I table. ism] SUB CODE% 07/ SUBH DATEs 04Nov63/ ORIG REFt 005/ OTH REF: 003 ATD PRESS I Card 4/ 4 L 4'~72~)-6f; FN-i ( m ) A, T/T R AC-C-Wr, -AP6024413 . - - - -( A --- SOURCE CODE t _-UR/Oo20/6-6/169/001/pi I lh-.113~ AUTHORt Dulovs A. A.; Slinkin, A. A.; Rubinshteyn, A. M.; KWyarevskiy, I. Leo, Shyartsbarg, M. S-;-Anoriyev . Yiiiina, A, S.; Sherginal 5. L _Am. 14. D. Zelinskiy, Academy of Sciencest SSSR URGt Institute of Or anic Chemistr-y (Institut organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR); Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustions_;4berian Branch,,A adeny of S �R-lInstitut khimichaskoy kinetiki q______�giqnces, SS i gor'eniji Sibir-skogo ot-delenlya. Akademii n~S~�_R)___ TIM: IrIfluence of disturbance of conjugatio Ion the properties of semiconducting SOURCEs AN SSSR, Dokladyp v. 169p no. 1, 19669 111-113 TOFIC TAG31 semiconducting polymer, conjugated polymer, semiconductor conductivity ABSTRACD It has been frequently reported in the literature that the disturbance of conjugation in organic semiconductors as a result of either noncoplanarity of aromatic irings or introduction of aliphatic, oxygen, or sulfur bridge@ into the conjugated Ichain 3.owers the electric characteristics. In the present papert the intensity of the iinfluence of these different types of conjugation disturbances was compared in a se-' ries of polymers of a single class, the polyarylone~olyac2lLlene8'lyhose electrical conductivity or and ESR spectra were meavir-ed- tion I various groups die- a The Introthic 0 turbing the conjugation into the conjugated chain was found to hinder the processes of 112 L 45725-66 I- ACC NRt AFW4413 I current transfer. The relative effectiveness or this hindering Influence of different groups may change with the flexibility of the moleculesp which affects the int*rmoloc- ular interactions. In particularp the biphenylene groupingg which sharply decreasev the electric properties of "linear" structures, does not affect the proportion of poly mers consisting of more flexible oxygen-containing moleculeg. It to notable that bridge groups do not appreciably lower the semiconducting pr"rties, The paper was presented by Academician Kazanskiy, B. A.,, 230ot65. Orig. art. hael I table. SUB CODES 07/ SUBM DATES 23Jul65/ ORIG REFS 014/ OTH REFS 003 COM 2/2 ACC NR , AP60251101 souRcE oom: uR/oo62/66/000/007/1272/1275; AUTHOR: Shvartsberj, M. S.; Andriyevskiy, V. N.; Kotlyarevskiy, I. L. ...7 ... woo-ft--w ORG: Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Siberian Department, Acadeqr of Sciences)SSSR (Institut khimicheskoy kinetiki i goreniya Sibirskogo otdcleniya Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Synthesis of some di- and tetraacetylenic amines SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Ser khim, no. T, 1966, 12T2-12T5 TOPIC TAGS: diacetyleniq amine, alkyl arylamino diacetylene, tetraace-t~ylenic amine acetylene compound, amino, chemical synthesis ABSTRACT: !The physiologically active acetylenic amines are usually obtained in low- lyields by the time-consuming Mannich reaction. It was found that in the 2presence of CuZC12 at 40-80'C, depending on the diamine present, aryl- ;diacetylenes'react with paraform and secondary amin'es to form l-N#N- dilalkylamino-5-aryl-2,4-pentadiynes: Ai-6o25401 Table 1. I-N,N-dialkylamino-5-aryl-2,4-pentadiynes Y' . d -d Hydroch1v 64e R W R" " , I ~Ts jrormul V(c CA c mp. .- rmula la Mp. c It 4C.H.- C.11- 74.3 6.86 CIA11"N 6.61 2242 175,5-111.5 11.02 C,111, NjO, 12,72 164-165 14.62- C..11"ON 14.21 11 -(Cit.).- 71.0 6.25,,N 6.2? 2243 Its-fig 12,21 Cm .IfwH4OP 12.39 2)2-214 * 13,59 ~;Ojlwam 13.65 Wecomo .) H -mcmocitcit- 55.3 6.48 Cj&IIuNO 6.12 2245 - 176,6-160 c.,rIrjNO 13.53 CM.- C611,- Coils- 80,1 5.72 COIJOH 6.53 2230 361.5-139 IJ,42 4,11_440, 31.56 220-7z; moy C"H*QN 12,24- 1 . (decom~.) -(cIfl,_ U.4 3.40 C'SUMN 5.28 2236 tff,S-146 11.44 Cw"wNcOs 11.33 225-22? 74 c"ll'an 11,73 (cloomp.) 51,7 3.30 Ic- IIUN 01 5J4 2236 . (decomp.) op 73.5--74*C (petroleum other) sp 67-68.S*C (petroleum other) Card C NR. AP6025 Under the same conditions, condensation of p,p'-bis(butadiynyI)diphenyl -ogide'with paraform and diethylamine gave the tetraacetylenic amines V ;(mp 52-52.5%) and VI (mp 150-152'C): HCHO. IIK(Clifah JIC=C-C=C-C:V)-O-(// -G=C-C;aCH (I V) (C*II&)sNCHsC=C--C=G-//~\ -0-f CmC-C-=CCII.N(C,11,)* M (ClHo)mNCIIsC=-C-CaCe-o~)-O-,\/~ --CmG-C=C-G= OZ 0- -(VI) -04-N-Cuce-Cm., CCHqN (CeH4 Orig. art. has: 1 table. (W.A. 50; CBE No. 10) GTH REF: 001/ 07i'S~BM DA!d: 22Dec65/- ORIG ]REP: 004 Card 4/4 SHMITSIMG, 11. 1 .1 . ..... .... .o Ensuring reliability of radio apparatus In the Arctic. Mor. flot 19 no-5:21-23 My '59. (MIRA 12:7) l.Starshiy, inzhener nauchno-issladovatellskoge otdols, TSentrallnoge b,,,ruro nauchno-tokhnichasko7 informataii Goskomitets, po radioelaktronike. (Arctic regions-Radio-Apparatus and supplies) SHVARTSBERG, S., inzh.; NOVIKOV, Ye., inzh.; SKVARCHFVSKIY, I.; KORNEV, M.; I A., inzh. Exchange of experience. Avt.transp. 42 no.1:48-50 Ja 164. (IERA 17:2) SHV.a%B=. Ta.;KOZITBUTA, X.F.;URW=H,V.X.iUY?SZVA, S.M. Treatuent of scleroms, with streptom7cin, F torinolars, Mosina 14 no.2:65-67 ftr4pr 1952, "a-1-1-o(CLA 22:1) 1. Honored Vorker In Science, Professor for Shvartaborg; *ssistact for Nositakaya; Departmental PkWelcian for Derkach; Semlor4l 1aborator7 WoRker for Zaytseva. 2. Of the Clinic for Diseases of the Bar. Throat. and goes (Director -- Honored Worker in Science Prof& Ya. A. Shvartsbarg). Kiev Medical Institute. SHVARTSMG, Ta, A., KOZITSKAYA, K.N. __ __ ------ Complex therapy of seleroma, Yost. orinolar, NOskva 15 no.6!44-47 %v.-Dej- 1953. (CUM 25:5) 1. Professor for Shvartsberg. 2. Of the Clinib for Diseases of the lbx, Throat. and None (Read -Prof. T&. A. Skyartaborg), Kiev Medical Notituto and the Division of the ftnicipal. Clinical Hospital of First Aid. ,5 H V- tq 4k T-5 -D rz e (~) YA fl , SHYARTSBZRG, Ta.; MNTSUZOV, B. Activities report of the Kiev branch of the Ukrainian 5ociety of Otorhinolaryagologisto for the year 1953. Test. oto-rin. 3y no.4: 90-92 JI-Ag 154. (KLRA 7:8) (UKRAIMI--OTORHINOLARTNGOLOGY--SOCIWIM) (OTORHINOLARTNGOIODGT--SOC IST INS--UMAUM) SHARTSBERG, Ya.A.p prof. zaaluzhennyy deyatel' nauki USSR, Kiev. -111! , ~" .1, Otolaryagology in the Ukraine. Vest. oto-ria. 16 no-3:3-6 MY-Je '54. (XWA 7:7) 1. Predsedatell Ukrainskogo nauchnogo obshchestva oto-1mingologav. (OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY, *in Russia) SHVARTSBERG, Ya.A., prof*, zasluzhennyy deyntell nauki USSR. Nikolai Marianovich Volkovich; an the centennial of his birth, Vest.ato-rin. 20 uo,6:110--112 N-D 158 (MIRA 11:12) (VOLKOVICH, NIKOLAI MARXIANOVICH, 1858-1928) deyatel' naul:!; "'RITSKIY, L.A.P deyatell naul-i- S':'IARTSBT2RG, Ya.A., prof. ce--mate'll na- :i; K dclktor mod. nauk; TYTAIRI, G.H., o*610.1aringo-log. Pvc)Veosor Leon Antonovich Lurkovskii; 1903 or, his 60th birthday. uoh., r~o.-- i -,or. bol. 24 no.2:92-93 II-Ir-Ap 164 WIRA 18:1) I'ladMOL'.11 IIV7~~'. Jv:~ CHOCHIA, K.N., SHVARTSBMG, Ye.M., STOLYAR. Ya. Blood transfusion In control of postirradiation leakopenja [with summary in Inglish]. Nederad,* 3 no.5:84-90 S-0 158 (KIRA 11:12) 1, Is ?Sentrallnogo nauchno-looledovatelookogo rentgonoradtologl- cheskogo Instituta Ministerstys, zdravookhraneniyaw (IBUKDCYTE, COUNT. leukopenta after x-ray ther., prev. by blood transfusion (Rue)) (BLOOD TRANSFUSION, In lankopenia after x-ray ther. (Rua)) (RADIOTHMWY. compl.' leukopnia. prev. by blood transfusion (Rua)) SHVARTSBERG, Ye.H. (Leningrad) Rtidintion therapy of bladder tumors. Urologiia 23 no.3:32-38 MY-Je 158 (MIRA 11:6) 1e Iz radiokhirurgicheskogo otdelenlys, (zov. - dots. I.N. Chochia) TSentrnllnogo nauchno-issledovntel'skogo rentgeno-radiologichaskogo inatitutR (dir. - prof. M.N. Pobedinskiy). (BLADDMI. nOOPlARMS surg, & radiother. (Rus)) (RADIOTHERAPY, in vnrious din. cancer of bladder (Run)) CHOCHYA, K.N.; SHVARTSBERG, Ye.M. Study of the function of the thyroad gland with the aid of radio- active iodine during radiotherapyfor cancer of the larynx. Med. rad. 5 no.8sl4-18 160. (MIPA 13:12) (IARM-CANCER) (THYROID GIAND) (IODINF--ISOTOPES) BUEBYEVA, L.I.; GORSHKOVA, Z.S.; GUBER, L.U.; ILIE4, A.G.; KOZHUKHOV) VOKO; PISHCHIKOVj D.P.; TYKACIIINSKIY, I.D.; SHVARTSBEYN, Ye.A.; TASLITSKAYA,, M.G., -rwd.; BORISOV, B.L., tekhn. red. - [Manufacture of glass insulators) Proizvodstvo elektroizoliato- rov iz stekla. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-isel. in-t steklap 1960, 73 P* (MMA l5sl). 1. Nachallnik laboratoriy v/v izolyatoro; Vsesoyuznogo elektro- tekhnicheskogo institute, im. Lenina'(for Kozhukhov). 2. Nachall- nik laboratoriy steklovaremiya Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-insledo- vatel'skogo instituta stekla (for Tykachinskiy) (Electric insulators and in;ulation) SHVARTSBUD, S.I. (Moskva) Training of programmers in secondary polytechnic schools of general education. Mat. v. shkole no.2:19-29 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 3-4:4) (Programming (Electronic computers)) '"LIMA f~l i Li:_t.3(~nt; M&7,0R;1MK, PSYUK, S.K.; GHAYKA, K.L.; ant'hyaluz,-.r"L,,.sa an-I critanecus reactions to in r, cri.-Is and luVa.-, erythen-atoms. Vest. derm. i ven. 38 nc.7.-!?-2l J-1 164. (MIRA 1814) !. Fifedra darmatu"Icgit (zav. dotsant N.I.Tumasheva) Vinnitskogo ir.3ttuta. SHVARTS13URD;,I" kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; SLEPNXR. B.N.. inzhener. Surface finish of hydraulic machinery parts and application of the All-Union State Standard.2789-45. Trudy VIGH no-13.-88-134 '51. (NIBA 1018) (Ketals--Pinishing) D.-Illing an(,' Poring Coordinate broaching of the rin-s of high pressure worm pumps. Vest. mash., 12, ',.*,o. 2, 1952 1 Monthl List of husElan Accessions, Library of Congress, Cctober 19,12. Unclassified. USSR/Miscellaneous Machine Tools Card Authors : Shvartsburd, B. L Title : Profile milling of sharp-pointed contour cutters Periodical Stan i instr., 3, 18 22, Mar 1954 Abstract I The design and construction of'new profile milling machine for mach- ining profiled sharp-pointed cutters is discussed. The main factors taken into account in the design were the profiles and the pi-eeision of milled parts. A detailed analysis of the design, with diagrams and illustrations of the machine is given. Institution Submitted SHVARTSBUIW, B.I., kandidat tekhnichoskikh nauk. ~:,. - ~w~ ~v- Machining of axial turbine and pumping-machinery blades. Trudy VIGN no.17:25-62 '54. (K6RA 9:3) (Hydraulic turbines--Blades) (Machinery autowAtic) SHVARTSBURD, B.I., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk. . - Highly productive technology for the manufacture of screw pump casings. Trudy VION no.'17:63-73 154. (NLRA 9:3) (Pumping machinery) (MachirAi--ghop practice) SHVARTSBURD, B.I., kandidat takhaichookikh nauk. ." N.sw methoa_~f shaped-and wIll-edge for screw-pump screw willing. Trudy VIGH no.17:13&155 '54. (NLRA 9:3) (Killing machines) SHYARTSBURG', B.I.- Profile grinding of shaped, sharp-pointed cutters. Stan.i instr. 25 no.3:18-22 Mr 154. (KLRA 7:5) (Outting tools) BELBTSKIY, D.G., kandidat tekhniches~ikh itauk: KORSAEDV, V.S., kandidat .4_ kaa- takhatcheskikh &auk, dotsent, retabasent;-SRTART didat tekhmicheakikh nauk. retsenzent: TOS M SANSIIY. N.N., insho- &or, redaktor; POPUTA, S.K., tokhnicheakiy rodaktor. [Technology of pump cometructioal Tokhmologila anaosestr9oalla. Moskva, Gem.sauchne-tokhis. isd-vo washinestroit. lit-ry. 1956.511 p (Pumping machinery) (NLRA 9:61 JS t5 h r A An- lei ,j t .11 J4 83 It .81 At SHVARTSIVRD. B.I., kand.tekhn.nauk ---- Technological processes for cutting screw-shaped impellers for screw pumps. Trudy VNIINMASH no.1:61-87 '59. (MIRA 13:5) (Screw cutting) 25( SOV/28-59-5-2/30 AUTHOR! Shvartsburd, B.-I.L Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: The Use of Universal Assembled Fittingstj PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, 1959, Nr 5, pp 6-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author stresses the increasing use in the machine Fittinis building industry of the Universal Assembled (USP Universalno-Sbornyye Prisposobleniya). About 80 plants now have their own fittings of this kind, comprising 3,600 to 60,000 units. Such is the arrangement made by the Mosgorsovnarkhoz. These fittings can be used many times in differently assimb- led units, and if the unit is not wanted for over 3 months, they are usually dismantled (and not scrapped). The use ofthese fittings is organized in the following 4 ways: 1) They are centralized at each of the plants using them 2).They are centralized at the industrial area or to" (as in Moscow) 3) They are centralized according to the specialities, so that the fittings Card 112 are issued on loan to the factories for a temporary SOV/28-59-5-2/30 The Use of Universal Assemled Fittings specific work,order only. 4) They are centralized separately or in completely assembled units. The works which manufacture these fittings have their own problems to solve, such as 1) to establish normal, standardized sizes of these fittings, and 2) their uniform quality of material, out of which they are made (usually steel mark 18KhGT). The largest and smallest sizes are the least required, presenting another problem for the manufacturers and for the centralized stores. There are 4 diagrams and 1 table. Card 212 S t3- --Is"kavicb; SHVARTSBURD, Semen Isaakovich; UMANSKIT, G.S., red.; HAKHOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. [Problem in matheizatics for schools specializing In machine building]Zadachi po matematike dlia shkol a mashinostroitallnol spetsializatsioi; posobie dlia uchitalei II-XI klassov. Moskva,, Uchpedgiz, 1962. 93 P. (MIRA 16:1) (Mathematics-ProblemB,, exercises, ate.) STIVARTSBnD, E.V. Structural equations of a system of four partial differential equations of the first order. Uch. zap. MGPI no. 243:192-199 T65 (Itm lg..l) 25M SOV/135-59-5 201211 AUTHOR: Shvartsbu-rd, G.D., Director, Berezk,'n, P.N-,. Deputy Chairman TITLE7, A Conference of Readers of "Svarochnoye proizvodstvoll PER I OD ICAL! 5varochnoye pro"~-ivodst%ro, 1-959, Nr 5, P 46 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The engineer,.ng and technical active members among the welders of Chelyabinsk wanted a readers' conference, so the local off-ice of the welding section of ChelyabNTO of MASHPROM, together with the municipal scientific and technical library of T9BT1 of the Sovnarkhoz, arranged one. Seventy-seven representatives Gf local planis and institutes took part. V.S. Chernyak, the scientific editor of this journal, gave a talk on the work and tasks o_,: the journal. Everyone agreed that it was a good journal but had a few defects; better coverage of concrei~-_ pro- duction experience, especially on ccmplex automation and mech- anization, more diszussions and book reviews were needed. It was considered necessary to suggest publishing a mass produc- tion and technical. Journal "Svarshchik" for the masses. Every- one hoped "Svarochnoye proizvodstvo" would carry on the good Card 1/2 work in the 7-year plan. m SOV/135-59-5-20/21 A Conference of Readers of "Svarochnoye prolzvodstvo" ASSOCIATION: TsNTB of the Chelyabinsk sovnarkhoz (Shvartsburd); 'Welding Section of ChelyabNTOMASHPROM (Berezkin). Card 2/2 11 64j*006064074-000 0 0 6 4 0s- 0- 6-4- ,U1; 14 .1 a IV It V It i . L 9 L -1 L it v I L AA U (A. Tbe reamm for the of 0 of "Oft ON the awface 00 of linoleum. A. 1. =101 L, il., 'ilAvallibuld. , -00 Al'us"I tem. NIS _ , 21 2. WIST11 111V fractions Mill. for lint4runi is not hivniogrn"Mrs, anti 11jr ,l the re,in wr atil cwtildvIrly si-,I- .1-1 ml the final 1-1.04wt. 11, N1. U~h-%,Alvr 00 & .00 00 400 00 "1 00 0* *0 00 00 A *0 :i i je- 00 0 0 60 0 & 0 : %be 00 :.09 00 "It-I'do -ORKAIM. it 00 00 i.s., n I 14 74PO 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 * 0 0 * i : : : : 0 * 6 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 - 0 6 e 0 0-0 Oe 4-0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 ~~ -WW 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A I? Is ItM v a X. 30 11 Ain MA )on NOWN 41 U 0 tAa e0 w --D coD st t 00 k j -00 00 Usefulsew of some l7kntiolu grm6*s fw add-rrolating coneuvOke. A. 1. Kocan and L. R. Shvitruburg. 00 lCjWmj*wl 6. 215-17OW10-Some -00 0 diffesent quarrim tested for acid res;iiiance wrem found 0 suitable for the comtruction of 110SOO towefs. Afore 00 reliable remits were obtalmd by teod"s by the method 410 of Kheaka (C. A. 25, 4M) than by the method of hoiling a rxiwd. sample for I hir. in coned. Hj9O4 and writthing so S the residue. Chas. Blanc 06 :, '. go* of j Ias4l see go* 0 -L A491ALLURGKAL L1TfO*tLjRt CLAWPKATIC" S u it A- -0 111" 0 0 0 0 9 eie 0 00 0 0 ; 0 0 0 a 0 10" 0 0 4 41 0 0 0 0 it, 'A L S to Od 0 0 0 1 V ft, 'J 0 0 3 1 T 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 6 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No MOO woo A 1-i 11 -1 1 jL -9 T TO N V I LA 2 A A A--L A 1 -do .-0 f it -90 too 000901 at 4 PNXJSUS A&* P40"81#11 WME Usehi~ ad muse 91vubMin ameba foor MM-couddl- 04D L- 19. Skwou ~LA% 0 :! I= A. L Kqpn mW 1 C 17 31(1=5); d -00 00 ~ . . . , of Ifor qto&rvk-4 %lonewd the( 00 be 08 I kill PWO No wod"Mc. c Meet see go's z Of 00 3 00 :00 S a - S L A do TALLLWGCAL LITIM410M CLASIVICA111111 oldw 1,.-- zz-1t: slow 8MOT somas* -0 Salow .1. fill,, Goo ~. I,, 0 A, ID ll~j . 6 1 go a ft 6 a 0 '1 IF a 9 a a 3 6 0 0 0 0 all 0 , , ro no 0 a 00000,0006o 1:040 0 000 1 0 goo goo see N31 lilt a Is 3 too 12 blob ISV s a 36 9 x 0 0 "' L O t A. &,-a 1 9, 1 V J. A - M CC -2 4--- 4 A 4 W Q 4 . sit, etstt'. .0 .00celtis -i. 4 detennisatilosa at nowilylosdenum in owe@ " O A 11 ' . "I NJ I., I.., I r A X.. V q ~~ ~ . . ust , t. l li AILAIt r ors~~ t 00 llydioxidr, leached witis but vostri. loctilvil Willi Ilth lorernove bin ftom "a. and then filtered. Fivessil.s4the ~4n. was mixed with 3 ad. of 119% 11,14)o wood the inial. 0 at, Noun with Its to remove the Ot. The polarograms it- not greatly affrl-jed loy the large struls. P(Al andothes, : its till- .4n. TIw bright of she U.6,srs W:1' ft.,"Mi till K~ figh'sq% IWNIICI lltws Vs. F"Itawn .41"flif the its costs, .1 istts. ¬ the jitatwr f.t.-ti the hil.., jah.lig ' ttidinstic was taken as the height of the wave. Ilu the 00 j stirshowl 4 inva%uring the height (if the wavr4 IrAyr in thk cu~. lilt 1-se r"sults. The av. crr,-r 1,v .1 5d, sits. wa.. 00 0' And Ito A- Its it was .1 3%. 'Witrial lissfull'i detim can tv of '3 itiadc in 2 ht. Vitt- aso.-thimi -wit lw t"A fm Ictg is tic, 00 WcormoreMo. It has no exceptional advantiLit" over tbc colotim tric method for dild. "ns. but ftw 30 Q)% Sto it is -lopst* Il. Z. Ksoinich 0o a 43 R'_'. ~ff As S a - I L A -ETALLURGIC&L 1.11`111040111 CL.SSWK&TOOP 4 W-1 a P u a .0 is A fA M J, S a 0 0 0 0 ; ; ; o 00 a * o wo o' 0, 1 e 6 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 wo 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *1* so 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is ago 1 -00 . r00 09 -00 .040 i -00 -00 8-:: zoo 400 -00 so U60 see see MOO R1940 4~6 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 . I., it m is 1. 1, is 1, v 41 u .1 0 c 0 ad do in ocom, A, NA&A �brArtsbuto, and 1. A. '.nfefuun. Zarxi- " 0 0 J%. W-44tjQ4q).--I)etn.o( Sn in ,rrA is best sba:m L~K done o4twimetric-Ally with wif t1l) III dil. Ms. W. '1711. --f Cl, i. kept fe"In Interf"- at by a,kits. cif cOrk- ot,ul, I In.-al"AW -.1.1 1. Ilse's I.- 11 o. u- Sta to the [AvAlirnt stair mi-I A filtir --os is t1--,1 I- keel. tile IV's So Inewapti'le it, -'uhl~ foc "A',ciluctry. Against mand.u.1 .4m. 1,11C .1W .1,1tv, 1. ..1. -its RIA AdJk. und IWO11. thaq cmi Iw u-1 m"n, 00 a 4 xrpa. W Sit wben rAlbet snutIl aints. Arr dralt with 0 Ite 40 0 00 "I). oRrvilwi f,,r ejan. is Wo efficient Im ovrr I(NI -1 o( .4 ;00 l?4VIM. Of I f""It P-t-41111fifIC MIT CiVV"; IIJC I)ftklUCt is 1-t of 4 qbf.llml I'v miuct"no .f I 1y IMIAICI vvith Ittild w011111114. folt.,"~l of 4 Do ago _ 44 : SO@ ., , 00 wee n 0 cg it 91 CIE n I It. . , SEV.'iRTSFU-D, L. Y-;~& USSIR/C I., evli.~ f,r -- Per -.-I J i i I] Y-r 150 VIP I-lication of Beni:iAne to Analy5is of 1~.oz,-~.otlunlgStates," 7. A. Nazarenkc, L. Ye. Shv.-..rtsburd, 1 F "Z,-vod Lab" Vol XVI, No 3 FA 159T4 Describes experiments which demonstrate possibility of precipitating phosphotungstic acid with benzidine. Latter may be used successfully in case when amount of phosphotungsten complex in solution or in solid salt must be determined. IA 159T4 SAIMATOV, I.P., Zasluzhermyy vrach RSFSR; MARTS, Yu.E. Billroth I operation in stomach cancer. Xhirurgi-,a no.8:62-65 Ag 162. (MIM 15:5) 1. 1z Vologodskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach V.P. fwban) i Vologodskogo oblastnogo onkologicheskogo dispansera (gla-vnvy vrach N.A. Mataruyev). (STOMACH-CANCER) (STOMACH-SURGERY) SHVARTS, Yu. E. (Vologda) Surgical treatment of pheochromocytoma. Klin. med. no.8:71-73 ,6:L. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz 'Vologodskogo oblastnogo onkologicheskogo dispansera (glavnyy vrach N. A. Mataruyev, zaveduyushchiy khirurgicheskim otdoleniyem Yu. E. Shvarts) (ADRENAL GLANDS-TUMORS) ShVCRT-"OVF O,S,, kand.t~i,:in.maiA; *IPVARTI~')) Y.:.F.,, nzll, Performance of rails hurd~~ne--J in oil. - 9 no.8:41 165. (MIRA 18:8) SW/Aiqrlj, Z. "'. -3,1'anova, K. -.; 3assav--;!,Y~~ ~. , I 1 1- m. Th5 State Optical Institute: (GOI) Lerdngrad IIDaP.,ind,jnc,5 of light dams of the eye on the size, of oclour sources of livht" Doklady Akademii Nauk , Vol 53, mo 6, lq!~-, "I , JfVA13T!-',, ':,. M. "Dependence of Sharpness of Depth Perception on the Contrast Difference of the Objects vith the Background:" Problemy Fiziologicheskiy Optiki, No. 8, 1953 PP 336-340 abs W-31.098, 2~6 Nov 54 137-58-5-9364 Tra ns la tion from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 80 (USSR) A UTHORS: Mayants, A.D., Orlova, S.I., Barotitskayi, F.I., Shvarts, Z. M. TITLED Employment of Various Oxidation Agents in the Production of Zinc Sulfate From Solutions Resulting From Leaching of Pow- ders and Sublimates of Zinc Production (Polucheniye tsinkovogo kuporosa iz rastvo~ov ot vyshchelachivaniya pyley i vozgonov tsinkovogo proizvodstva s primeneniyem razlichnykh okisliteley) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Gos. n. -i. in-t tsvetnykh met. , 1957, Nr 13, pp 134-146 ABSTRACT: Leaching of dusts and sublimates of zinc production was car- ried out under laboratory conditions. After being previously de- contaminated of As, the solution underwent crystallization of ZnS04- Pyrolusite, atmospheric 0?, and gaseous Cl? served to oxidize the admixtures contained in the solution after leaching. It was found that standard ZnS04 can not be obtained by employ- ing pyrolusite. Most rational method is the employment of atmo- spheric oxygen in which case practically all of the Zn is obtained Ca rd 1/12 in the form of standard technical sulfate which is suitable for any 137-58-5-9364 Employment of Various Oxidation (cont. ) application. If advanced purification of the solution is difficult, gaseous C12 may be utilized as an additional oxidizing agent in place of the atmospheric 02. L.P. 1. Zinc, s-,_11Tate---Produc t ion 2. Arsenic--Separation 3. Zinc jo-lutions--Oxidatiop 4. 1)xygen--Applications 5. Chlorine--Applications Ca rd 212 1, - ne nr c i., imn',-s o p c r S. 2( Len -in.,- so: u--irC5(), Jime 53, (Iet-"z3:-, 5, VALYUSKIY. N.M., podpolkovnik meditainakoysluzhby, kandidat meditainsklkh nauk; SHYARTS, Z.3h., podpolkovnik moditain5koy aluzhbv, kandidat mad K'URATOVA, P.A. Using some physical therapy methods in chronic gastritis. Toen.-sed, zhur. no.3:31-34 Mr 156. (KLVA 9:9) (STONACH-MUSIS) (PHYSIGAL THERAPY) I OLCiLOOV, yeV., SHVAhT6, ZS~; PLTAOVA, GJ.; GH-I~ATUU, L.F.; MISE.,~&O, M T. I. Sixtieth birthday of Professor Aleksan&- Prokhorov4ih larfenov. Vop. kur., fizioter, i lech. fiz. kullt, 26 no.6:163-56 ",-D 161. (PAMNOVY ALEF.~ANDR PROKMOVIGH, 190:-) 15:1) 38238 SHVARTSAPELI, - Kombikormovyy zavod v sovkho-ze. (Tipovoy proyekt). Yqas. Wustriya SSSR, 1949, No 6. a. 66-7o