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ljp(' M) JD L 00772-tA, :~~!T ACCESSION jjR: AP5012580 UR/0181/65/007 005/1563/156 AUTHOR: Dzhamagidze 44-. ~~ M, ~. / S h.,. Z.; Shvangiradze, R. R.; Malfts ?~Iq_, ev- Yu- A.; Gvilava, M. TITLE: Investigation of the e dge Of intrinsic absorption of boron SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 7) no. 5, 1965, 1563- 1565 TOPIC TAGS: absorption edge., M-ARqg~MnttrY) absorption coefficient, valence bandy conduction band, phonon ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the edge of intrinsic abs r tion Pure cr7sta~line boron of 0-rhomobhedral 0 P resiOstfivpiteyetrally. tructure with electric x 100 ohm-centimeter. The absorption coefficient was determined with an infrared spectrometer (IKS-6) with allowance for multiple reflection. Near the absorption edge, the absorption coefficient is practicallY constant and is equal to only 2 cm7l, demonstrating the low concentration of the free carriers and seat-' tering centers in the investigated samples. A plot of the square root of the ab- sorption coefficient on the photon energy assumes the form of a broken line, in- dicating the presence of indirect allowed transitions of the electrons from the valence band to the conduction bandy in which phonons participate. The phonon energy is 0.16 eV, corresponding to a rather high Debye temperature of 1855K. The minimum gap between bands Is 0.93 eV. This differs from the published data ap- f Cord .1 t fiz -~'or Tn e a J-n r ud bl 13, c z .Li 7: "e nl~ o po I A -Cr 3 e r J,. 10 f '3 J 5i 0. -1 '2 1 G4 I . S I ~ VAN~ , C . A. 2. U-SER (W~) 4. Volga Valley - Geolug"I, Structural 17 .Det.ormination of' the th`ckn~-ss o',* tI-e strafuy- in the region of the I-I'ddle, Volya and I I -in a ~I -naly's -,)f ',I.. obtained data. (Albst--act) Izv.GJ-iv..uTr.;,Pol fon. no. 3 11-47 9. !-Iont'--Iv Li-st of Russian Accessions, Library of Congrezs, *'arch,l~-53.U-,c'~~is-~ilied. SWW"r, : A.. t F- T-r r- t:1 i -) n o,~' ~3rr-, 1r - L! C, b s e rv - - t i a n q , 0 . A. Shv 7 an d Y e i kh Str~tp Fuel Technic-l Prrr,,,, 1947). Rp,art ici itz... jci~:7, U,,,l. f ie -a SHVANK, J. A. USSR/Geophysics - Prospecting Sept/Oct 53 "Review of Symposium Yrospecting and Industrial Geophysics,"' (A. G. Ivanov, reviewer) Iz Ak Nauk 333R, Ser Geofiz, Ho 5, pp 47-14-476 Favorably reviews the symposium, edited by V. V. Fedynskiy, entitled "Razvedochnaya i promyslovaya geofizika", No 4, Mixi Petrol Ind USSR, Glavneftgeofizika, Moscow, 1952, 600 copies, price 1.50 rubies. Contributors were: I. K. Kupalov-Yaropolk, G. V. Bereza, A. I. Slutskovskiy, B. S. Tenkina, P. I. Lukavchenko, 0. A. Shvank) 11. A. Per1kov., S. G. Komarov, I. Ye. Eydrian, L. 11-1. Yesellsonj and 3. E. Fotiadi. 267T82 SHVANK, 0. A. "Approximative Evaluation of Location Depth of Masses Affecting Gravitational Anomalies". Hazved. i Promysl. Geofizika, No 10, PP 3-11, 1954. Theoretical curves of gravItational anomalies are plotted, realted to vertical projections on various depts and allowing rough evaluation of depth. Analysis of these curves indicates that the closer the pro- juction Foint to the surface the steeper the increase of gravitational anomaly, this anomaly nearly vanishing at great depth. As an example, the gravitational anomaly at the near Caspian low land is analyzed. (RZhFiz, No 11, 1955) SO: Sum No 884, 9 Apr 1956 SHVAUK, O.A. Rack density distribution throughout a geological profile and its relation with other physical parameters. Razved.i prom. geofiz. no.10:11 15 '54- (MIRA 13:2) ~Prospecting--Gecphysical methods) (Rocks-Vensity) WASK, O.A. Nature of gravitational anomlles in the Saratov region of the Volga Valley. Prikl.goofts. no.12:66-02 155. Oa" 8:3) (VoIgL Valley-Gravity) USSR/Physics of the Earth Geophysical Prospecting, 0-5 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 36450 Author: Shvank. 0. A. Institution: None Title: On the Practical Multivaluedness of the Solution of the Reverse Problems of Gravimetry Original Periodical: Razved. i promy9l. geofizika, 1955, No 14,,V-7 Abstract: Using numerical 2-dimensional examples It is shcvn that for a given value of excess density the problem of determining the form of the shape of a soparation between media having different densi- ties and the depth of location of this surface cannot be solved uniquely. To obtao one definite solution, it is necessary to have geological data. Card 1/1 SHVANK. 0. A. "Practical Multiplicity of Solution of the Reverse Problems of Gravimetry," by 0. A. Shvank. Razved. i promysl. geofizika, Is- sue 14, 1955, pp 3-7 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Astronomiya Geodeziya, No 11, Nov 56, Abstract No 6555, by A. K. Malovichko) Taking under consideration that curves of anomalies of the force of gravity responding to two different bodies may differ from each other by a magnitude lower than the error with which they were obtained, the writer indicates the practical multiplicity of interpretation and suggests keep- ing it in mind in evaluating the reliability of the solution of the re- verse problem. It is shown, under conditions of a two--dimensional prob- lem, that in the determination of the surface of separation of media with different densities, to the same curve of anomaly there may correspond surfaces with very steep or with very gentle slopes. For this reason the writer considers the problem as practically not having a single solution and for the required solution it is necessary to have additional geologi-. cal data." Sum 1239 V. lo V V S/169/61/000/012/024/089 D228/D305 A'k TH i 0 h Shvank, 0. A. T Calculating the first and second vertical. derivatives of gravity anomalies P L'IF 1 r~ D'I 1~LReferativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 12,, 19b1z 331-34, abstract 12A330 (V sb. Prikl, geo'finka. no, 27, M., 1960, 131-142) The construction of curves of different derivatives ei, ve Oi~-';rnt,lcal bodies at a scale corresponding to the accuracy ,-,f fierivatives' calculation is suggested. It is sho%-M_ that -!oz3sibilities of using W and W are considerably re- zz zzz st,r-l; by the high requirements for the accuracy of deter- ~.-h;.; values of V1zApplication of small-radius pallets -with the aim of decreasing the errors related to the forraulaV approximate charaCter strongly increases fortuitous mistakes - SHVANK,_9-.A.---- -- - Characteristics of different gravity derivatives with regard to the interpretation of grayinetric observations. Razved. I prom. geofiz. no. 35:55-61 l6o. (MIRA 13:12) (Prospecting-Geophysical methods) (Gravity) .---ZHVX"Yr Establishing the nature of a geological fault by gravimetric data. Razved. i prom. geofiz. no.38sl5-17 t60. (11-MU 14:3) (r,ravity prospecting) SHVANKv O.A. Analytical continuation of gravity anomalies downward and estixation of the depth of the disturbing masses. Prikl. geofiz. no.29:120-122 ,61. (MIRA 14:6) (Gravity prospecting) 6-9/1'a-2/000/005/029/093 D228/D307 A',.; T H. 0 R IJhvank, 0. ~k. TITLE: TExaMple of esti m. tin- -,".,he accuracy of determining the depth of the disturbing mass in thin r,-,cthod o-~' inte- gra-, conversions of the gravity field P E"21 10 D I C A LReferativnyy --hurnal, Geofizika, no. 5, 1962, 31, ab- s.ract 5A245 (V sb. Razved. i prom7ysl. geofiz., no. U~ 41, VII., 19061, 76-80) TIEXT: The accuracy of the integral conversion method is a praised 14 of o- a -heoreu-cal model. This method is used in solving a number . ~-// v 2ractjical '-)roblems-, since, in the aUthor's ooinion., it is possible k,o determine the maximum feasible depth at wLch the crystalline basemert's surface lies by means of such a tlechniqUe. Considera- t- c. ~Oli O.L a theoretical example showed that the method can only give I-n aporoxiraue estimate of the depth of a horizontal laye.-Is upper Sur-'ace. The precision of this estimate is the same or just a -1--ttle higher than is the case with the methods normally used, Card 1/2 :1 x amj -1 e o f' e s t, i n, a t i n - . . . 0 S 0 "/169/62/000/005/029/093 D228/D30/ 7 but- the intecgral conversion method is very laborious. Z-A:bstrac- ter's note: Complete transiation.-7 Card 2/2 ISJIVANK, O.A. Theoretical c,.Lr-ms of the vertilal gravity component wid their use in interpreting gravity anomalief!. Ramred.i prom. geofiz. no."A8-2.00 162. OMA 15.r7) (Gra,ii-ty pro9pecting) SHVANK) O.A. Some results of gravity surveying in the southeastern area of the European part of the U.S.S.R. Trudy NVNIIGG no.l-. 105-109 164, (MIRA 18:6) SHVANK, C.A. I Ooltition of a aravimietric inverqp problem for sorne simple br,.die3. Razved. geofiz no.2:72-74 64. (MIRA 18:5) ACC NR, AP6030341 )_______,S_0__U_R_1C E__C_ -0---DE:-Ul-t,/-0-3-5--8-/-6-6-/-O--3-5/--0-04--/--04-98-/--04-9,-9 (At AUTHOR: Shvan'kov, M. A. ORG: Department of Entomotoxicology, Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine im. Ye. 1. Martsinovskiy, Ministry of Health SSSR, Moscow (Otdel entomotoksikologii Instituta meditsinskoy parazitologii i tropicheskoy meditainy ,%Linisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR) TITLE: Economic comparison of various types of fly control methods in the Krasnoyarsk region SOURCE: Meditsinskaya parazitologiya i parazitarnyye bolezni, v. 35, no. 4, 1966, 498-499 TOPIC TAGS pest control, aerial spraying ABSTRACT: -'Results of aerial dusting (1958-1959) and aerial spraying (1960) "1 of breeding areas near a human settlement against imago and I destruction of larvae in their breeding places (1962-1963) in one of the districts of the Krasnoyarsk Region are compared. ,Aerial dusting (10% DDT dust at 50 kg/hectare) twice during the I summer season of 575 hectares cost 8.53 rubles/hectare and aerial . spraying at 75 Z/hectare of active emulsion (5 kg -.industrial J ,_.2DT~,. 8.37 rubles/hectare. Antilarval. treatment was made three Card 1/2 UDC: 614.449.57.003.12(571.51) NR, AP6030341 times by the Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropicai Medicine im. Ye. 1. Martsinovskiy in a river (500 m3/sec. flow) near the sane settlement. It was concluded that three-year treatment of rivers using a DDT emulsion (0.1-0.2 g/m3 of water) in 20-30 min is required. Cost of each treatment varies with water flow in the river at the time of treatment, preparation dose, and.exposure. The basic expenditure for this method is the cost of chemical pest-killers (50-60% of total cost). All three methods gave satisfactory results. Total cost of aerial dusting was 9817.94 rubles; aerial spraying, 9630.08 rublesi and antilarval treatment, an average 329.9 rubleslyr, which is 30 times cheaper than the cost of the two other methods tested. [WA750; CBE No. 12] SUB CODE: 06/- SUBM DATE: 16Feb65/ 1. YAKOVID!, I. A.; SWIkINKOV, M.M., Engs. 2. USSR 600 4. Mcscow - Transportation, Automotive 7. Electric trucks and electromobiles for nunicipal transportation in the capital, Gor. khoz. Mosk, 21, No. 11, 1947. 9. Monthly List 2.f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. TDIOFEYEVA, L.V.; MITROFAROV, A.M.; MAMOVICH, N.Ya.; MURAVIYEVA, T.V.; SHVAR'XOV,--Xje~; TUPITSYN, L.F. Successful results in controlling bloodsucking black flies (Diptera, Simuliidae) by treating the breeding grounds; prelimina report. Med.parazJ paraa. bol. no.123-9 162. (MIRA 15 51 1. Iz entomolog3cheskogo otdola (zav. - prof. V.N. Baklemishev) i atclela entomatoksikologii (zav. - prof. V.A. Nabakov) Instituta meditsinskoy parazitologii i tropicheskoy meditainy imeni Ye.I* Martsinovskogo (dir. -- prof. P.G. Sergiyev) Hinisteratva zdra- vookbraneniya SSSR. (]BLACK FLIFIS-EXTMUNATION) (DDT (INSECTICIDE)) III Iv- m Inc, ; z bc! 34 14-1 1. ,, 4- - iml-P,46 18:8) z.- --T farazitologii L. Ctftv',!~nly~ MiniBtoratva lt j.n,7 LOSHCHITS, MJ., polkovnik; ALESHIN, S.D.,, polkovnik; ASTASHENKOV, P.T., inzh.-polkovniki ISACHENKO, S.M., polkovnik; SIDELINIKOV, LI., polkovnik-, SILVANKOV P. , polkovnik; ,-A_ NOVIKOVY M.B., kapitan 2 ranga, TOMMV, A.A., red.; KONOVALOVA, Ye.K., tekhn. red. (Heroes and exploits]Geroi i podvigi. Moekva, Voenizdat, 1963. 370 P. (MIRA 16:3) (Heroe,s) VIL-billSKIY, H.P.,; LEBEDEV, M-S-; SHVANKOVA, Z.F. Case of acute henorrhage in chorioeDithelioma. Akush. i gin. ..35 no.3:V-2-123 my-Je 159. (MIRA 12:8) 1. I~ bol'nitsy (glavnyy vrach - zaaluzhenW vrach RSFSR Ye.A.Kikabidze). g. Zhukavskiy Noskovskoy oblasti. (CHORIOCARCINCK46, case reports uterus, with acute hemorrh. (RUB)) (LUFRUS NEOPIASMS, case reports choriocarcinom.. with acute hemorrh. (Rua)) . SHVANOV, S-F. Highly productive automatic machine for the manufacture of spring wasbers. luz.-shtam. proizv. 2 no-7:44 ii 16o. (MIRA 13:8) (W%WWe (Mechanical engineering)) (Metalworking machinery) SHVANOv_,.:~_._N.; MARKOV, A.B. Graduation analysis of sandstone in thin sections. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; geol. i razv. 3 no.12:49-55 D t60. (MIRA 14;5) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A. A. Zhdanova. (Sandstone-Analysis) (Particle size determination) SHVAKOV, V.N.; NUAKED, Ta.R. Kineralot7 of lower Cretaceous red Vest. LGIJ 15 no.18:66-74 160. (TajikD3pression-Rocks. beds inthe Tajik Depression. (MI" 13:9) _e)edimentary) SHVANOV, V. N. Cand Geol-Min Sci - (diss) "Stratigraphy, lithology, and condi- tions of the formation of Lower Cretaceous deposits of Western Tadzhikistan." Leningrad, 1961. 18 pp; 1 page of tables; (Min- istry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Lenin- grad Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner Mining Inst imeni G. V. Plekhanov); 180 copies; price not given; (KL, 10-61 sup, 209) SHVANOV, V.N. Types of layers and stratigranhv of the lower Cretaceous depoEits of western Ta~ikistan. Izv. Otd. geol.-khim. i tekb. nauk AN Tadzh. SSR No.1:69-86 '61. (HIrU 14:9) 1 . 1-t-ningridskly posudarstliennyy universitet. (Ta.likistan--Geolopy, Stratipraphic) Sliv"AW, V.N.; PISKIZIVN, 1.14. Measuring -Le shape of sand grains under the microscope. Vqst.LGU 16 no.21&.i5,~-156 6j. (MIlLk 14:12) (Measuring instruments) SHVAUOV, V.N.,- GOLOVENOK, V.K. lev Borisovich Rukhin's works on paleogeography. Uch.zap. IZU no.310:14-21 162. (MM 16:11) SHVANOV, V.N.; MARKOV, A.B. Correlation of the results of granulometric analyses of sand rocks in thin-sections, loose preparations, or by the use of the sieve method. Uch.zap. ILU no.310s68-80 162. (140A 16:3.1) SHVANOV, V.N,,,., Early Cretaceous paleogeography of western Tajikixtan Uch. zap. IGU no.310:161--179 162. iMIRA 16:31) SlIVANOV, V. N. --- Distribution f minerals in the granulometric fractions of alluvial and eolian sands. Vest ILU 19 no. 6:155--.159 164. (MIRA 17-5) " 11 ,,, ".. i. ~ I . ) , V.11i. Compos _4 ti on fin A ccndi tions goverr~--'ng I"- e f s:-7-~atisn cf the 'iia -Ir Befil -,, t-gra,-Tjacko fcrrnation Jn thle 11'ral s . 'lest. 1Z 29 o. , 8:`3 - 34 '64. n I I (MIR-A !7; 11) SIVIANOV V N Rhythmical change in the mineral compoaltion of elastic rocks in the Neogene section of 4 Lhe Tajik Depression. Lip. i pol. iskop. no.601-92 N-D 164. (MIRA 1823) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. ", r if I' -- H"i-.~ ~ %2. 1 , - G,:rjvargence of goo-1-3rical terigencue fc=a-uons and formation analysis. Iff-et.LrU 20 no.12.15-36 165o (~gM 18: 8) UAGIS, A.S. ;_.~~IPJANOV~,V. N. Discover-I of Middle Triassic in the Taurian series of the Crimea. Dokl. AN SSSR 164 no.1:161-163 S 165. (MIFA 18:9) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.A. Zhdanova J Tnstitut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. Butnitted Yay 22, 1965. IKOWSIKOVAP U.F.; SEMBIWA9 AJI. F~rusniiLn atage of tho Pistali-Taue Trudy Srade-Az *poll takh. inst. nol2sl48-252 161. (MIRA 18t22) , inzhener; .(JITly'--~' `liT,. ~"-L., in2hener. 1.:echa,lized -'.roduction of artll-~Icial horn ~,rodnct3. 1,eg.-ron. 17 no.6:50-51 Je '5?. (!r"1, 10-8) (Bone products) ARNOLIDOV, IN.M.; GONTA, T.T. (Honts. T.T.J; ICAT CHITSI, V.V.; HIMUMO, 0.1.; METTIN, Ts.K.; KURZIN, O.M.; SAVICH, D.M.; TOMASHCHM, V.D.; OVANSKIT.-A.M. (Shvanslkyi, A,N,J; RUKAVISMUKOVA, A.I-,, red.; RAYTBM, L., red.; GORKAYMO. L. Lfforkaveakog L.]v (Chemical industry of the Ukrainej Khimichna promyslovist' Ukrainy. Kyiv, Derzh.vyd-vo takhn.lit-ry URSR, 1960. 128 p. (NIRA 13:11) (Ukraine--Chemical industrioa) il SPVANTSMIN, L. M. ; Cand Tech Sci. "Aerodynamics of the pneumatic transport of cotton." Tashkent, 1960. 1. Acad Sci. UZSSR, Inst of Wchanics. KL, 3-61, 222 TOPCHIYXV, A.V.. skademik, glavnyy redaktor; TRAFSZNIKOY. V.A.. otyetstvannyv redaktor; LIBBNSON, D.Ya., redaktor; STRAKHOVA, L.P., rodaktor; -JIL- redaktor; UiACFATUROY, G.S.. redaktor; ASTAPTIVA, G.A., takhnicheskly redaktor [Session of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences on the scientific problem of automatization of production, October 15-20, 1956; plenai7 meeting] Sessita Akedemil neuk SSSR po nauchnyx problexam avtonatizataii proizvodetva. 15-20 oictiabria 1956 g.; planarnys zasedanits. Moskva. 1957. 271 P. (MLRA 10:3) 1. Akedemiya neuk SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademli nauk SSSR (for Trapesnikov) (Automatic control) (Information theory) (Blectronic calculation machines) SHMABOVICH, A. F. Protective devices for abrasive mach3res Yjoskvs. Gos. raucimo-teklin. 17.d-vo mashlrostroit. 3it-,-.i. '10,46. 58 F. (52-L"533) TJ280-S53 SHVAREV, A.I., podpolkovnik UPd..; III 7h ... - -, Exm--t evn1untion of mi(-rosymptons. Voen.mpd.zhur. no..9:26-11 S -?. (MIRA 11:3) Liys"I'M, ding.. evabintion of micr-sympt. (Rug) TRILIMIFOV, Aleksandr Viktorovich; SOAMN. A.1 red.; RULETA, M.S., [Topical diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system; a concise manual) Topichooksla diagnostika saboloyanii nerynoi sistany; kratkoa rukoyodstyo. IsdA, dap. L perer. Leningrad. Goo. izd-vo med.lit-" Yledgis, Lenina.otd-nie. 1959. 274 p. (MIU 14:3) (N]KRVOUS STS221&-DIfiXASRS) 'h.1.; lu2cZOV, ?.I. --"Clinical-vii"Ollodical studies on lymhocytic chorioneningilis. Vop.virus. 4 no.,3:323-326 MY-Je '59. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Klinika nervnykh bolezney Vo.2 i kafedra mikrobiologii Voyenno-meditsinako3r ordena lenina I 1--l- - - - --- ~. I - - MAUS DIblihb-AS. case reports, lymphocytic choriomeningitis (Aue)) SHVAhCV, A.I. Diagnosis and expert examination in epilepsy. Vop. sikh. i nevr. no.5tl58-167 159. fMI91PA-14:5) 1. Iz 2-y kliniki (nachallnik - prof. A.G.Panov) kafedry nervny1ch bolezney Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M.'Kirova (nachallnik - prof. S.I.Karchikyan). (EPILEPSY) ZACHEPITSKIY, Rafail Aleksandrovich; YAKOVLEVA, Yekaterina Konotantinovna; SHVAREV9 A.I., red.; SHEVCFMWI F.Ta,p tekhn. red-. I (Role of improper upbringing in the-genesis of neuroses] Roll neyva- __ A - -..a Go villnogo vosp~tanila-v proiakhozhdenii nevrozov. - a. isd-,vo, med, lit-ry Medgiz, IAningr. otd-nie 1960. 39 ps 34:7) (MMVM SYSTEM-DISEASES) ICHILDPW-MMAOMT) ASTAKHOV, Sergey Nikolayevich; SHVAREV A.,I,,,, red.; CHUNAYEVA, Z.V., ; tekhn. red. [Prevention and treatment of disorders in cerebral circula- tion] Preduprezhrienie i lechenie rasstroistv mozgovogo krovo- obrashcheniia. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1961. 98 p. (MIRA .15:2) (CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE) MATSIANSKAYA, Lyubov' Pikolayevria, doktor med. nauk; ROZENTSVlT, Grigorly Emmanuilovich, kand. med. nauk; �HVA1WL,-A.1_., red.; CHUNAT-EVA, Z.V., teklm. red. (Clinical aspects of occupational neurotoxicoses] Klinika pro- fessionallpykh neirotoksikozov. Leningrad, Medgiz., 1961. 198 p. (MIRA 15:1) (HERVOUS STSIM~-DISEASES) (INDUSTRIAL TOXICOLO(Z) KARCHIKYAN, Stepan Ivnnovich, prof.; ~IWAV,A.I... red.; SAFRONOVA, I.M., tekhn. red. [Traumatic lesions of peripheral nerves; diagnosis and fundamental principles of treatment] Travmaticheakie po- razheniia perifericheskikh nervov; raspoznavanie i o9no- vnye printsipy "lechenlia. Leningrad, Medgis 1962. 215 P. ~MIRA 16:8) (NERVES, PERIPHERAL-WOUNDS AND INJURIES) SHVAREV, A.I., dotsent Therapeutic tactics in cerebral insulti. Vop psikh. i r.evr. no.9:343-151 162. ~MDU 17:1) 1. Voyerino-m,3d4tsinakaYa orderia I-enina. akademiya imeni. Kirova. AROKOVICH, Gedaliy Davydovicb, prof.; O"FEELI, Varvara Vladimirovna; TRETIYAKUVA, Valentina -Aleksandrovna; red.; BUGROVA, T.I., tekhn. red. (Home care for patients with vascular lesions of the brain) Pomoshch' na domu bollrym s sosudistymi pora- zheniiami golovnogo mozga. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1963. 47 p. (MIRA 17:1) SEI-:EfIOVA-TAI;'-SfWSKAYA, Vera Viktorovna; S111fAREV, A.I., red.; LEBEDEVAJ, G.T., tekhn. red. (Acute leukemia and the nervous system] Ostryi leikoz i nervnaia sistema. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1963. 95 P. (MURA 16:12) (LF,UK,:I.',IA) (KERVOUS SYM11-DISEASES) GARSHIN, Mikhail Isayevich; SI(VAREV, A.I., red.; LEBEDEVA, Z.V., tekhn. red. [Otogenous meningitis] Otogennyi meningit. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1963. 198 P. (MIRA 16:7) (MENINGITIS) (EAR--DISEASES) OPEL', Varvara Vladimirovna; 0VAREV) A.I., red.; BUCHOVA, T.I., tekhn. red. [Restoration of speech in aphasia] VoSs-,anovlenie rechi pri afazii; metodicheskie ukazaniia. Leningrad, Lemedgiz, 1963. 104 p. (MIRA 17:1) RANOVY A.G.; RFREZOV, F.I.; SWAREV,, A.I. DlagnOsis of lyinphocytic choriomenihgitis. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 63 no.10:1441-1444 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Voyerino-meditsin3kaya ordena Lenina akademiya i-men-T Kirova, Umingrad. UOTSFNE10, Stapari Nikolwfewich; POWOMAYSM, Boris Yakovlevich; SHVIAREV , A. I. y t,,,-d. (Neuroses; their clinical aspects and treatment] Nevrozy; k11uJjm i lechenie. Leningrad, Izd-vo "Meditsina,-" 1964. 185 p. (MIRA 17:5) ll*E'--'6V, AlckswAdr '.'IhU L-OVICII; ,!W-i~-',V I - , V [ToFical 6iaEmo3in of diseasco of the nervoas a brief r;.rnual] Topichleskaia 6;,aj,,nostjka za-.)olevrLn:Ll nervr.,:;i sisterV; kratkoe --uko-,,odstvo. lzd.5. Lerdngrad, !*editsinu; 19t',4. 258 P. 17:8) of the Lwoblc T.vp MT prr Kafedra nervnild, bolezri,y (nachallnilk k~,fed.-f -a Lenina akadeva Vo, rdits nskoy OlOer, p y~: nn SHVARLV, k.l. Spinal and radicular forms of lvT 'hocytic chr~ricmeningitis. - - . "P.,0. i 64 no.9ti,296-11" 4 '64. (.V:Rtl 1 1 Zhur, nevr. . psik"'. 7:12 ~ 1. Kafedra nervnykh bolezney (nachal-Inik - prof. A.G. Panov) Vayerino-med.1tainakoy ordena I.onlria akalemIJ im. Kirava, TAmingrad. ;L 42177-65 EWG (a) ~-Z/EWG (c) /Ewa Q )/EWQ (r)/EWG V) /]CWT(108 (0-1 Pb-4/,,,-, AMD, DO -k; PeT5- --AEM1AnWV 0/3i47/64/003JUM/02"/02~9 ACCESSION NRI AT5010625 16, T AUM6R2 Wsjn!kiZ, Z. 8, 84yMey A. L out A GO= TITLE: severe spinal type of dec2 M ession sickness with a fa4orabli fi~ runktsii orgMUM it -X fizio I SOURCE: AN SSSR* Institut evo]~Mtsiopo usioviyakh izmenennoy gazovoy aredyg V 3t-255-259. TOPIC TAGS: decompression sickness,,~spinal. aeroembolism allersyt allergic motor reactiong diver, presswe chamber ABSTRArT:'The's' ifial-typi of-de6or'npres'sion sickness is only'rarely encount P erdd,' 4 uch cases i Amoung ivers. in 1'2 ~eii;ii 6fil~ Neri7rejIstired; at the clim C" Kirov. _f a diseases of the Mffitari~ Medi S e Lo nervou -6160the quesTion ad authors consider one sucl~ case -in w a par- ticularly severe spinal type of decompression'. stc6e,ss, complicated 6-y~ injuryAd the 1xings' burns of the body, b~d sores I and, cyst spits tof these factors, complex and'eatment resulted In &~dowp fav tivel orabl outcome 6f the illness* C4rd 'V-5 _42177~6 ~ACCESSXON NR: AT5D1062.5 The patient, toguther with two other diver's, *had been undergoing'' routine training in a pressure chamber. Pressure in the chamber was braised to 6 aryn during 8 min and maintained for 21 min, afterlwhich it Vas reduced to 1.11 atm. At the decompression stage in which the pressure.- t pa. area neck- xanged from 3. 0 to 2. 5 atm,'the patient fel ' In In the' of the', 'and paresthesta of the lower extrethities.-, He assumed that these symp ome t were due to an uncomfortable position in the cham. ber.* After he had changedj,~~,' din ntim his position,' the pain and paresthesia disappeared but a cert bnebe of the legs remained.' -Atthe end of Ahe traiiiin period, whIW lasted' a littl e 9 over two hours, the other two divers felt no aftereffects. ever,,- the. How patient felt pains in thd chest and: a'decrease of feeling in Ahe lower part of ~';,:his body Immediately after leaving the,chamber~: A weakness in the legs caused him to have lea jpg the charhber. Some 55 min after leaving the-chambe et o the - cham- r,, he was r urned t :ber- for recompr6ssibb treatment. When'thei-prieisiuire wag raisbdto.1.15 atry :thO! Oatient felt mu ch bett er, and at 3atm symptoln. '"0f S dec6m_ ression s ck-" P.. _peirforiined various movements ,ness disappeared. The patient felt pOrf,6rme&'.,~-,-f e.coitipre0sibn of his 4pper4hd lower extremiti0i", was theh .2 5 t_ At- ~.L 42177-65 -ACCESSMIUKRi.-AT501062.5- F according to. noiiioal schedule. Five hotirs later., when the pressitte was ireduced to 0. 9 atm, the condition of the patient deter4orated -sharply: pains tarose in,the chest, and the skin of the limbsi the trunk, the neck, bind the ..but the ,back of the head became numb. The pressure was raised to 5 atm hr In thef-`~*;` ;condition of the patient did not improve After the patient had spent chamber the physician ordered the pressure to be raised to 7 at then to 8, and finally to 9 atm' The conditionof the patient.%stM-did not'i* mprove. During Maximum pressure, signs of pronounced -nitrogen narcosis apoearddV !On the the physician. was able to- enter the chamber:.ari& de-: termine th p at the patient was suffering from aparalysis of the legs a resis of the arms, infarcts of the lungs (complicatedby double pnetitmonia),:,' and extensive burns on the buttocks and shoulders which resulted'from the-" tV patient having fallen during the night fromthe cot to the hot~"metal ftoof~ and,,. vi ed- there). -Th6 physician treated because of his paralysis, ha . ng remain the burns and gave the patient an antitetanius shot and Injections, of camph caffeine, and antibiotics.- Since there,was no deviation In the decompression. schedule during the'- -felt well, ':' '' ~-Iq~-_";, training period, and since the other two divers Ahe Tioasomild- 4 7777T'~ L 17 ACCESSIDN NR: AT5D10625 onset of sickness during decompression must be'ascribed to pecullariti gas bubbles of the organism of the patient or to the chance 1ccation.of X 'the area of the spinal cord. It was also assumed that ih-e particularly V1 iX )severe forth of decom ression sickness from which the atient suffered p p was due to the 55-min delay between the initial stayin the trainin ch g am ber and his -return to the pressure chamber for treatment. ,4, tient' ft th er al t lete ex e th A t s recov a mos c er many mon s Comp e pa y wa , ~ p for a slight tendency toward spastic paripareisis'an&a reduced sensitivity. ...., .. .... of his treatment it was determined of the skin of the legs. In the course . that the patient was allergic to various.. substances. '.The onset andOWWOLLI.Y.. W 7r. -th of the decompression sickness suffered by e patient were apparently due , not only to aeroembolism of the spinal Cora hid also to the~appearance, of Y . ler'gic reactions. The dombi- extensive edema in the spinal cord due' to Al nation of these two pathogenic, factors determ Aowhich itied the high degree . , Ahe spinal cord was affected and this was aggravated by the retarded.ri-~ i entry into the decompression chamber for.treati-Aent. Liquidaitt6wo a ''A fun allergic edema brought about. a significant'r4stbration of spinid-cor e. Atons. The case indicates the. importance of Identifying perigonewho ar Sord 4/2, L 42177-65 .4, ACCEMION NRt AT5010623 Inclined to suffer from aller gic vason otor reactiong in'selegting candidate for diver-tr Anim a . MSOCTATIONS none 0 00 TENOL an (X SUBM 32401 O REF SOVS' '000 OTMI --- , 7., ~v Card J~ I'_.____________4UVARXT, -A.M., - inzhoner-mayor Working with the automatically controlled fuel syntem during flight. Test.Tosd.Fl. no.2-74-79 7 160. O(IRA 13-' 7) (Airplane 9--tuel eyetems) (Automatic control) -1, - --.-I- - - SHVAUVP B.L, Tightening ties with dowels. Pat' i put. khos. no.10:19 0 157. (KERA 10:11) 1. Nachallnlk distant9lit stantslya Sollvychagodsk. (FAilroads-Ties) SHVARW, 3 ZrAp_Lsouidovich, inzh.; -mm TEVA, A.I., red.; BOBROVA, Ye.N., --l- tekhn. red. [Inareasing the length of servicookwooden ties] Prodlenle sroia sluzhby derevianuykh shpal. Moskva, Goo. transp. zhel.-dor. Isd-vo, 1950. 19 pe (Railroads-Ties) (mm 11t9r) SHYAW, B L ~.-- ~ - -Qbw*"w .1 Moro Rbout spike drEcaers. Put I i pnt. khoz. no.2:14 7 158. (MIRA 110) 1. limhallnik distantaii, g. golivychegodek. Milroads-Tools and implements) SHVARI.N, B.L., inzh. Disinfactlon of wooden scrown and dinc fanteninep. Put i put.lrhoz. no-11:35 N 158. NIRA 11:12) 1. Nachallnik distantali puti, stantsiya Sollvychegodak Pechorakoy dorogi. (Wood--Preservation) (Railroads-Raile--yastenings) PAVLOV, G.I.; SHVARIV , B.L. Raised track repair. Pat' i put. khoz. no.2:12-16 F 159. (MIRA 12:3) l.Nachallnik distanteli puti, st. Ityum Donetskayn doragm. (for Favlov). 2.Nachallnik distanteii puti, 9t. SolIvychegodsk Pechor- skaya doroga (for Shvarev). (Railroads--Track) SINAREV, B.1 . Speed the adoption of advanced practices. Put' i put.khoz. 5 no.12: 8 D '61. (MIILA 15:1) 1. Nachal'nik proizvodstvennogo otdela sluzhby puti Moskovskoy dorogi. (Railroads-Maintenance and repair) SHVAHEV, Boris Leonidovich; KANTOR, V.B., inzh., retsenzent; SERGEYEVA, -inzh., red.; KHITROVA, N.A., tekhn. red. (Lengthening the service life of wooden ties] Prodlenie sroka sluzhby derevianrWkh shpal. MosIrva, Vses. Jzdatel'sko- poligr. ob"edinenie M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1962. 45 P. NIRA 15:3) (Railroads-Ties) -;:Vtx~ - 101, ll'fElll' L.L., inzia.; lll,'i',V(lflE-llFlO, I.G. Improving businf:~ss accounting. Putl i put.khoz. 9 no.4:21-22 165. (MIRA 18: 5) 1. Nactiallnik Aksakovskoy distantsii Kuybyshevskay dorog-J. SHVAnV, IOF. Ilffects of spherophysin, salsolin and papaverine on blood pressure in experimental atherosclerosis, author's abstract. Farm* I toks 21 no.5:85-88 S-0 '58 (MIRA 11:11) 1. Kafedra farmakologii I Moskovakogo ordena Lenina. meditainakogo instituta imeni I.M. Sechenova. (BWOD PUISSURIC. off. of drilge on, papeverine. salsolin & spherophysin, in exper. arteriosclerosis (Rua)) (ART-RHIOSC19110SIS, exper off. of papaverine. salsolin & spherophysin on blood pressure Utua)) (PAPAMIM effects on blood pressure in exper. arteriosclerosis (Rua)) (ALDLOIDS. effects salsolin & spherophysin, on blood pressure In arteriosclerosis (Rua)) SHVAREV, 1. F., Candidate Med Sci (diss) -- "The effect of spheropbysin, salso- lin, and papaverine on the cardiovascular system In experimental atherosclerosis". Moscowx 1959o 15 Pp (First Moscow Order of Lenin Med Inst im I. M. Sechenov), 200 copies (KL, No 25, 1959, 142) SHVAREV, I.F. - - Problem of the mechanism of vasodilator activity of spherophysind and papaverine. Farm.i. toks. 23 no-3:242-245 MY-Je 160. 1 (MIP-A 14:3) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR Prof. V.V.Zakusov) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenin& meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. (AUTONOMIC DRUGS) (PAPAVERINE) (VASCKOTOR DRIJGS) I-W! 1 *7 - " ') 1. App, ratus for- recording the voluminal rate of blood flow. bilul. eksp. biol. i med. 54 no.8:120-121 A- 16-2. (,fIRA 17:11) 1. lz kafedry farriakologii (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen ALIN, SSSR V.V. 7akusov) I Plosklovskogo ordena Len--na mediLsinskogo Instituta imen; T.M. Sechenova. Fredstavlena. de.---sluvitelInym chlenom A~21 SSS;, V.V. Zakusovym. SIOAREV , I,F. Fharmacological studies cin r,-,thola. Farm. i Loks. 27 no.4: 391-393 .11-Ag 164. 17!11) 1. Laboratoriya farmakologii (zav. - prof. A.D. Turova) j2ediko- biologicheskogo otdela Vsesoyuznogo nauchnc-issiedovatellskogo 0 instittita lekarstvannylich i aroriaticheskikh rasteniy, Mloskva. T:i~,"NAN.. A.L., NIUVOV, G.K.; SIIVAREV, I.F.; P]14&,JOV, M.G. Antineoplastic actiVity of natural coun-wrine. Rast. res. I no.4-1 507-51.1 1 65 (MIRA 19:1) 1. Vsaao3niznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskly Institut lekarstwennvkh i aromaticheskikh raotenly, Moskva. 3ubmitted April 6, 1965. SHVAREV, 14. The beat driver of the automotive transportation trust. Avt. transp. 36 no.10:52 0 158. (MIRA 13:1) (IfighwaF transport workers) BYCHKOVA, Z.H., inzh.; AGARYSHEVA, Z.I., inzh.; SHVAREV, N.h., inzh.; SEMENOV, V.P., inzh. Vacuum rectification of lactones. Masl.-zhir. prom. 27 no.9:27- 29 s 61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Kaluzhskiy kombinat sinteticheskikh dushistykh veshchestv. (Lactones) SHVAREV, V. Give more attention to advertising. Fin. SSSR 23 no.8:65 Ag ,62. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Nachallnik strakhovoy inspektsii Rigi. (Riga-Advertising-Insurance) SUAREV V.A., kand.istorich.nauk,; BELYAYEV, A.A.,red. (g.Viedivostok); BELIKOVA, L.I.. kand.latorichoskikh nauk. red.; VISHIMTEXIT. V.M., kand.istoricheskikh nauk, red.; KRUSHANOV, A.I., kand.istoricheskikh nauk, red. Q.Tladl- vostok); MMUMVICH. V.V., kand.latoricheakikh nauk. red. (g.Vladivostok); KUL'SHKOV, A.G., kand.iatorichookikh nauk, red.; SHADRIN, K.M., [The Far East during forty years of Soviet government) Dallnii Vostok za 14 let Sovetskoi vlasti. Komsomol'sk-na- Amure, 1958. 552 p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Dallnevootoch- nyy filial, Vladivostok. (Soviet Par East) CjANOP(J,'S)KTY, II.I.; KRIVONOZHNIKOVA, L.G.; SIIVAREV, V.S. Spectrophotometric determination of cerium. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; khim. i khim. tekh. 6 no.6:913-917 163. (MIRA 17-.4) 1. Ilral'skiY gosudarstvannyy universitet imeni Gorlkogo, kafedra analit,icheskoy khimii. S/032/63/029/002/008/028 B101/B4186 AUTHORS: Ganopollskiy, V. I., Krivonozhnikova, L. G., and Shvarev, V.S. TITLE: Use of complexone I for the spectrophotometric determination of cerium PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 29, no. 2, 1963, 162 TEXT: Instead of K 2C030 nitrilo triacetic acid (complexone I) is proposed as a much more intensive complex former capable of holding up to 1000 mg rare-earth oxides in solution in 25 ml. The nitrilo triacetate complexes of the rare-earth elements are formed in ammoniacal solution, Ce is oxidized with H 202, and the light absorption of the cerium complex is determined spectrophotometrically at 300 mp. The light absorption follows Beer's law at CeO 2 concentrations from 1 to 32 pg/liter. Color- ing o'f the solution sets in within 40 min, and remains stable for 2 hrs. Up to 40 mg/ml of other rare-earth elements and small amounts of Ti, Fe, V, Cr, Mn, Co, and Ni do not interfere. The sensitivity is 3-10-1% Card 1/2 S/032/63/029/002/008/028 Use of complexone I for the ... Bloi/B186 using a cuvette 10 mm long, and 3-10- 4% using a 100 mm cuvatte. The mean deviation is +2-5%- Card 2/2 . - L 06589-67 EWT (m) /E7dP (t ) /ETI IJP(c) JD/JG I ACC NRi AP6029848 CA) SOURCE CODE: UR/0032/66/032/008/090770909 AUTHOR: Bondareva, T. N.; Shvarev, V. S.-, -Per-kina, V. P. ORG: Umk ~5v\e_ 0~1*1\je(-SAJ %M. Wcd*~Y Cf TITLE: Photocolorimetric determination of cerium using phenylanthranilic acid SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 32, no. 8, 1966, 907-909 1TOPIC TAGS: colorimetric analysis, analytic chemistry, cerium, chemical composition, 0\0 '!ABSTRACT: A photocalorimetric method of determining cerium contents in lanthanum oxide ~is described in detail. The method utilizes -the phenylanthranilic acid as a complexing i- :agent. The Ce(IV): phenylanthranilic acid ratio in the complex is constant and equal ito 3:2. The molar extinction coefficient of this complex is 15.4-103. In essence, the method consists of dissolving of the lanthanum oxide sample in lnH2SO4 at pH = 3 i followed by cerium extraction with a mixed solution of sodium diethyldithiocarbaminate lin ethylacetate. The photocalorimetric determination of the complex was made with an 1,FFK-N-57 spectrophotometer. It is claimed that the absolute accuracy of the analysis jis equal to 1.6-104 fdr samples containing 0.005% Ce and is equal to 1.2.10-2% for samples containing 0.2% Ce. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF: 002 Card 1 11Wt SUI-7 SHUMN , V.V. (Mojkva) Strength of steel in case of ar ncreasing amplitude of variable stresses. lzv. AN SSSR. Mekh. :4 mashinostr. no. 2:130-133 Mr-AP 164. (MIRA 17;5) ---------- ACCESSION NR: AP4040994 S/027 9 /64 /000/003 /0173 /0178 AUTHOR: Slivarev, V. V. (Moscow) TITLE: Rapid determination of the endurance strength of steel under conditions of stress concentration SOURCE: AN SSSR. Iivestiya. MetallurgLy-a i gornoye delo, no. 3, 19641 173-178 TOPIC TAGS: e;L~"_'ance strength, steel enduranc~strength, endurance. strength detert.-iination, endurance test, rapid endurance test, medium carbon steel, steel 45, chromium containing steel, 40Kh steel i the search for the conditions and feasibility o 'f the 'iBSTRACT: In ,'Inplication Of the N. A. Enomoto and L. Locati methods for the approximate determination of the endurance strength and notch, tivity of materials, smooth and notched specimens of normalized steel 45 (0.43% C, 0.56% 1.11n,.0.23% Si, 0.024% Cr) and steel 40Kh (0.39%,C, 0.76% 11n, 0.26Z Si, 0.87%' Cr), oil-quenched and tempered at 200C with a hardness of 170-180 H13 and 48-50 R respectively, were subjected to fat4-?,ue tests with t9e, stress ACCESSION NR: AP4040994 amplitude increasing in steps. Test results showed that for both ,,smooth and notched specimens the fracture stress 6p, number,of cycles to fracture n the fracture stress-endurance strength ratio 6PI6-1, and the su-m ovlindividual defects accumulated prior to fracture depend. substantially on the rate of loading a. The value of the initial :stress 60 < 6-1, number of cycles no < 106, and the degree of the !stress amplitude increase A61-s 0.156-1 have practically no effect on fatigue strength. A rate of loading a = 2,10-5 kg/mm2* cycle Produced the most consistent test data in a comoaratively short .testing time of 2-4 hrs at '3000 RPM. The values of the 6p /6_1 .ratio are significantly affected by the level of.local stress in- creases (the notch shape), but less afected by the kind of stress state. The level of the local stress increase and the kind of stress state have an insignificant'effect on the sum of individual defects-accumu-; lated in the metal prior to fracture. Experimental verification of the derived relationships showed the endurance strengths determined by the above testing method and by conventional tests to differ by not more than +8%. Orig. art. has; 4 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: none Card-' ACCESSION NR: AP4040994 SUBMITTED: 180cc63 ATD PRESS;3056 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MM NO REt SOV: 005 OTHER: 003 3 /-3