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Chvinkal rAffAff of 14ki ftscafts 0t Fghn got of Ruda D,Vsk "Pe lit". %,:WUjkjf% and F."I. 'TrIt. Akirvahk S.1%- . - (Ndel. Xhim. Natoli 1951. I I;M .44, The light frictioni. b. 110,34W, are iviolitmil printarily tit hydrorartion.4; the N I%Lwq form but 0 1-6.1 :1. avid, 1; 1 2.3, 8 comlittt. (1.49 I)SI%. Neutral 0 drrivy. ;,.fe lift-Witt only in small anitq. 'Me priulucti voittAin 51 uu~ittl. hyth-tivartions which basically tire not tar-form- itig. 21 31% alkanr4, 9-10% armnalle conilwK. and 1-77C VvElatt". On thl, lia-tis the qaproprlite4 can Ive utilirnl a,,'a 141"41 fuvU V %I Reductive catalytic arnination of ketones. M A. Nl- "I' I N. V Shuit'". MO. Nd'.k X."~ '; R N: .' Yank 01.111. 111% 1 P.1"INe of Nlr,Cfl ,, It" ......... . .1-1, .1111 N I L m 1 11, -C, I 'Ihea K. I 4 1 4.1 It % 11, 1 o - Q 2P I* I-di, it, M dr f-m,, I -V 11" -; ,vii :.t #I'-" prum,ty juditese-nupri- IV' ,if a lie I :jr; the IwAt ri-milts with Mr!CO air #olo- N.11t '210" .!tell ;IV, 1111101 .11 W- Ituill-N 1, (.mml A higher letup. (310~ 11 dwpVt thu vt4 lit CvChAw".11mu, i. mniuatnl at 'Villrob.11 Iligher tellil'i 1,111 -4-11 at Wil, ms A.3"'L, vwhl III amilm-N, i, G-11114-11: Ill, )-r-I , icl.1 .4 jutilit'-N is 12.7"t al Awnt 201P Operittrig t 9-113 IV .Istv-PrXII, and rwl"hexylawipif %%ere filentiliml tit- s, . 11% . the Iwilig In-it ivdittril dits-ugh its IICI %.Ilt. G. NI. '71". Illigh The 4~sts- 'rhr 'N'1:; lye ALZIesum Ottur. (in limman.) L F Kit. Freidlin, A. M. Hubinslitem. And 1. U. VGmisa. )'%~ ht~ "ita Akadrint! Nauk SSSR. Sm-tion af Cheomt-Al Sciente%. Nin " IN.C. M51. 1). IM&RIS. Thr Of AI.O. vatalysts under a Im-smut. of 211.(XNI AIII "a% 'Itadi'A. Apparatim and um-thiml of titth ;111- 114~'FIIWII changt, J if..- ALO, ~.-w A,o im-tig.d.A. a-, hart.A. N.I.; RARYSHKINA, T.I. Dehydrogenation of five-membered cyclenes in the presence of activated carbon. Dokl. AN SSSR 135 no.1:105-108 11160. (KIRA 13:11) 1. Institut organichookoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SS:;R. 2. Chien- korre spondent AN SM(for Shuykin). (Dedhydrogenation) (Cycloalkanee) FEDYNSKIY, V.V., doktor fiziko-matem. nauk, red.; LEVINSON, V.G., kana. geol.-mineral. nauk, red.; TOPCHIYEV, A.V., ak&d. NAGIYEV, M.F., akad,, red.; SHUYKIN,-N.I., red.; MIRCHINK, M.F., red.; TREBIN, F.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; SANIN, P.I., doktor khim. nauk; SUKUNOV, V.P., inzh., red.; PANOV, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; IONELI, A.G., vedushchly red.; ZARETSKAYA, A.I., vedushchiy red.; FEDOTOVA, I.G., tekhn. red. (Reports of the International Petroleum Congress. 5th New York, 1959] Doklady V Mezhdunarodnogo neftianogo kongressa, New York, 1959. Mo- skva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol.l. [Geology and jeophysics] Geologiia i geofizika. Pod red. V.V. Fedynskogo i V.G.Levinsona. 1961. 382 p. (MIRA 14:9) 1. International Petroleum Congress. 5th, New York, 1959. 2. AN Azer- baydzhanskoy SSR (for Nagiyev). 3. Chleny-korrespondenty AN SSSR (for Shu7kin,, Mirchink). (Petroleum eology) (Gas, Natural-Geology) Mospecting-Geophysical methods) t~.Z/ L tL;;,' '~;Lo/ ,.JL; c; v 0:.- 0 v a Y e u, - 1,:-, f, 1 I~c ul-I 7; G ,4 2UG h i i '53 1 0 z,--- rb h i. zh. no. 2, 1 Il'.' 1 -7 )4) , ) C; , _.Ct c m 26 252CA71-9 L - 1'. -.1*0 ver.) 1 . j 21 27,,033/73~', !i 2 - c~ T t - a 12 -96 . 270C; 2 12- :.E:ta I 56-j 570C; 117 1130~11/0 11:1.3 j7 3E) 1 4 an(~ solu-.ior, in C-4C'L diffe-~ in "hat tnere is i the -sollid st-t~-.. ~!,E. 1~ LZ E: u s t a c r o L CozulE;te BEKAURI, N.G.; SIIUYKIN, N.I. Contact-Jametalytic conversions of C11-C npalkanes under hydrogen pressure in a flow system. Ixv. AN SSW Otd. khim. neuk no.2: 311-318 F 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SUR i Institut khimii im,P,G,Melikishviii AN GruzWR, (Paraffins) (Catalysts) BEKAURIP N.G.; SIIUYKIN, -U.-I.; SHAKARASHVILIq TI.S. Conversions of -m-norAidecane and eionane over metal oxide catalysts in a flov system under hydrogen pressure. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. khim. nall no.2:318-.325 F 161. (MIPA .14:2) 1. Institut khimii im.P.G.MelikishvW AN GruzSSR i Institut organi- cheskoy khimii im.N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Nonadecane) (Eicosane) (Gatalysts) SHUYKIN, N.I.; POZDNYAK, N.A. Catalytic alkylation of tetralin. Report No.3: Alkylation of tetralin by 1-nonene and v--nonyl alcohol. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. Irbim. nank no.2:326-329 F 161a (MIRA 24:2) 1. Institut organicheskoy khinii im.N.D.Zelinakogo AN SSSR. (Napthalene) (#onene) (Nonyl alcohol) SHUYKINq N.I.; BELISKIY, I.F.; VASILEVSKAY-A, G.K. Catalytic synthesis of 1,5-diketones. Iz7. AN SSSR. Otd. khim. nauk no.2:363-364 F 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im.N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Ketones) SALB-IOV, M.A.; ERIVANSKAYA, L.A.; SJIUYKIN, N.I. Infrared spectra of alkylphenols and their ethers. Report 11c.3: Infrared spectra of ethylphenols and their ethers. Azerb. khim.zhur. no.3-.123-129 161. (MIRA 14:3-1) (Phenols-Spectra) SHUYKIN, N.I.; SHLYAPOCHNIKOV, V.A.; POZDNYAK, N.A.; LEBEDEV, B.L. Catalytic alkylation of tetralin. Report NO-4: Determination of the structure of alkyltetralim by ierared spectroscopy, Izv.AN SSSR Otd.1-bi-.nauk noo3:466-468 w 61. (KW 14:4) 1. Institut organicheskoy khiaii imeni N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Naphtbollene--Spectra) SALIMOV, M. A.; ERIVANSKAYA, L. A.;,SHUYKIN, N. L Infrared spectra of allqlphenols and their ethers. Report No.4.1 Infrared spectra of some ethers of phenols. Azerb.khim. zhur. no.4*93-100 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Phenols) (Ethers-Spectra) POPOV) M.A.; SHUKIN, N.I. Cataly-tic syntheoin of nitriles. Report Vo. 4; Cyanation of allyl alcohol by amonia. Izv.AN SSSR Otd,,khimnauk no,,4t645-648 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. lxwtitut organicheskoy khimli im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Allyl alcohol) (Propionitrile) BELICH:W, F.V.-; SHUYKIN, N.I.; NOVIKOV, S.S. Catalytic -inntion of alcohola. Izv.AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no-4t 649-652 Ap 161. (MrRA 14:4) 1. Institut organicheskoy khi-ii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Amination) (Alcoho2--%) -- . SHU,XKIN, N.I.; TIMOFE-YEVA, Ye.A.; KLEYMENOVA, V,H. Dehydrogenation of n-alkanes on the catalyst K-5. Izv.AII SSSR Otd. khim.nauk no-4:653-657 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Institut organicheskoy khi-ii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Paraffins) (Dehydrogenation) S/030/61/000/005/009/012 B105/B202 AUTHORS: Shuykin, N. I., Corresponding Member AS USSR TITLE: Annual meeting of the East German Chemical Society PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vestnik, no. 5, 1961, 95-90' TEXT: The annual meeting took place from November 23 to 26, 1960 at Leipzig. It was mainly devoted to the chemistry of aliphatic compounds which serve as the basis of the production of new materials. The meeting was attended by scientists from the German Federal Republic, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Rumania, and West Berlin. Upon invita- tion of the President of the Society, K. Mayer as well as of E. Leibniz, Director of the Institute for the Technology of Organic Chemistry of the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin the Soviet scientists V. S. Gutyrya, K~ P. Lavrovskiy, G. Kh. Khodzhayev, and N. 1. Shuykin (leader of the delegation) attended the meeting. In all lectures the importance of theo- retical and applied chemistry~to the development of economy, culture, and especially to the industry of Eastern Germany was underlined. Furthermore, a series of reports were read, among others by the Polish scientist St. Card 1/2 S/050/61/00()/005/009/012 Annual meeting of the B105/B202 Malinovski who reported on new materials related to the problem of aldol condensation in the gas phase. N. I. Shuykin and T. 1. Naryshkina spoke about the possibility of the reaction of dehydroRenation of hydrocarbons on activated coal without platinum. As may be seen from the reports, the main attention is paid to the development of new methods for the production of hydrocarbons as well as of methods of their polymerization and polycon- defisation under formAtion of various high-molecular compounds. After the end of the meeting the Soviet delegation paid a visit to the Institute for the Technology of Organic Chemistry at Leipzig, where K, P. Lavrovskiy reported on his studies into thermal crackin6 for the production of lower olefins. The Soviet delegation also paid a visit to the Department of Technical Chemistry at the Technical University in West Berlin. Card 2/2 SHUYKIN, MI.; TYANI SIN-KHUA (Ttien Hsing-10a] Hydrodealkylation of, cyclohexane homologB on a nickel alumina catalyst under hydrogen pressure. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.kbi-.nauk no*5:854-857 y4r 161. (KRA 14:5) 1. Institut organicheakoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Cyclohexane) (Dehydrogenation) 2,-4590 B I -8/B206 AUTHORS! Shuyk~n,. 11 1. Tu'livva, Ye.. D., Prlyakcva, Z. P., and Kr,ndlrzat y-i _T. A,, r TITLE I a ta I y;A r, -_J-hyJr,)ch!c_,ririati_nn of mehyl chl,)ro cycl,ohexanes T-o ipethyl PERIODICAL, Akad-?mya nauk SSSF. lvxest iya . 0,~dplenlye khimicheskikh nwik oo 961~ 81~8 8~, 1 TEXT! Th-e p,jrp,-s.~ rt- pres;-n~ s-13--ly wp-i;.. To f--nd !~he opl.-~mum con- d,.~-ons fc- -h~ -.a! cf me!.-hyl cycloheyane. 2) To z.,liv ht- h dehv,4rochlorinarion of a mix- a s W'.) ~~- _-)b-a,,,rel by chlcrirat-ion of methyl cy- ox; ai m- a,.3 - yclAexare3 synthesized from the h. , rr p -~ n i ng I a , a - ~ 1 -x 1, e a s *,') To cleterm-ne the struc- A h u, r m. v d t v % a a Y t -. cd ~-hy iro c h I i, r i na t i c n The f, so m ul--.!A-,y; ~h;rlro ~Yclchezanes and chloro- T. hv c expe~redl !.n the photochemical ~hlor-na'.;lrsr. (i!' m-~%Yl -v- rarl ~i'!l Ca?.- a' Y, r.~ or I r".1 S 0412 /6!, 1000", 00:~ 00", 0 OP f J. la/ B-7-08 T a-I merilviene cycl3- i 7:( h a r n dehydr,-,,~hlorina on of this M, i Ij I T T rx Ca-I SpaY611000100510051009 Catalytic dehydrochlorination... B118/B208 The chlorination products were found to contain 79 - 81 ~ methyl chloro cyclohexane, 9.7 - 12-7 % methyl dichloro cyclohexane, and 2.2 - 3.3 % methyl trichloro cyclohexane (calculated for the reacted methyl cyclo- hexane) in the chlorination of methyl cyclohexane in the liquid phase, in diffuse day light, and at room temperature. After two hours of reaction the amount of the methyl cyclohexene reacted was 29.5 - 30 % of the initial amount. Dehydrochlorination took place at 2200C under normal pressure, at a volume rate of 1 h-1 and in the presence of activated birch charcoal or of -,oal mixed with 5 % BaC12. Hydrogen chloride was easily separated to give a mixture of methyl cyclohexenes (63 - 77.6 %). As determined chromatographically, the main products were 1-methyl cyclohexene-1 (24.5 - 42 %) and 1-methyl cyclohexene-3 (58 - 75.5 %). It may be concluded from the analytical data of the resultant methyl cyclohexene mixture that the monochloro derivativaq obtained in the photochemical chlorination of methyl cyclohexane consist of a mixture of the four isomeric methyl chloro cyclo- hexanes (I) - (IV). An exact fractionation is not possible because of the melting points of these chlorides which are very close to each other. It was found by the same method that all three isomeric methyl cyclohexenes are formed in the dehydrochlorination of the reaction product obtained in Card 31 4 2 35 90 S/062/61/000/005/005/009 Catalytic dehydrochlorination... B118/B208 the reaction of 1--methyl cyclohexanol,-2 with concentrated HC1: 1-methyl cyclohexene-1 (17.1 ~-), 1--methyl cyclohexene-2 (8-5 ~o'), and 1-methyl cyclo- hexene-3 (71.3 %). The presence of the latter in the mixture indicates that in the above reaction not only one chloride is formed, but a mixture of methyl chloro cyclohexanes which give the mixture of the three isomeric methyl cyclohexenes when HC1 is split off. There are 2 figures, 3 tables, and 16 references. 8 Soviet-bloc and a non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATIONs Institut organicheskoy khimii im N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. ZelirBkiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: March 16, 196o Card 4/4 TIMOFEYEVA, Ye.A~; SIIUYKIN, N.L~ DOBRYNINA, T.P. Dehydrogenation of 2. 2,, 4-trimethylpentane on an alumina-chromium oxide-potassium oxide catalyst. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.5: 863-867 Mq 161. (NIRA 14:5) 1. Institut organicheakoy khimii in. N.D.Zelinakogo AN SSSR. (Pentane) (Dehydrogenation) SHUYKINP N.I.; VIKTOROVA, Ye.A.; FOKROVSKAYA, I.Ye. Alkylation of phenols by compounds with mixed functions. Report 1. Alkenylation of m-cresol with allyl alcohol. IZV.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.6:1094-1098 je 161. (MIRA 14.-6) 1. 14oskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosoia. (CreB01) (Allyl alcohol) SHUYKIN, N.I.; POZDNYAK, N.A.; LUBUZH, Ye.D. Catalytic alkylation of tetralin. Report 51 Alkylation of tetralin with primary alcohols of composition C7 =d higher. Izv.AN &9SR, Otd.khim.nauk no.6:1098-1102 Je 161. (MM 14:6) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN WSR.. (Naphthalene) (Alkylation) SHUYKINP N.,I.; POZDNYAK, N.A. Catalytic alkylation of tetralin by I-nonene in the presence of aluminum. Izv,AX SOZR.Otd.khJm.nauk no.6:1156-1158 je 161. (MIM 14 t6) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimil im. N.D.Zeliwkogo AN SSM. (Naphthalene) (Nonene) (Alkylation) SHUYKIN, N.I.; MINACHEV, Kh.M.; RYASHENTSEXA, M.A.; AFANASIYEEVA, Yu.A. Transformations of cyclohexand on a pauadium humbrin cAtalyst under hydrogen pressure. Izv. AR SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.7:- 1315-1319 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut organicheskby kbimii im. N.D. Zel-inskogo AN SSSR. (Cyclohexane) (Catalysts) AK]24OV., V.M.; SLINKIF., A.A.; RUBINSHTEYN, A.M.; SHUYKIN,, N.I.; KONONOV,, N.F.; KASHKOVSKAYA, L.K. Effect of spinel formation on the regenerative capacity of the Ni - A20 catalyst. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.8:1516- 1518 Ag 41. (MIRk 14:8) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinakogo AN SSSR. (Spinel) (Catalysts) - 0 VMCMA, Ta.A.; SKYKIN,, N.I.; KOROSTELEVA, G.S.; BARAROVA, N.G. AllWlation of anisole and phenetole with iscamylenese INV* AN SPR. Otd.khim.nauk no.8:15X8-1519 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. MoVe Lomonosome (Anisole) (Phenetole) (Butene) VIKTOROVA, Ye.A.; SITUYUN, N.I.; BUBN NA, B.C. AJkenylation )f p- and o-creB01B With pinerylene, Izv. A14 SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.9:1657-Wo S 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. 14oskovskiy grosudarstvennyy universitet im. PIN.Lomonosova, (Cresol) (Piperylone) -- SHUYLIN, N.I.q VIKTOHOVA, Ye.A.; PONROVSKi'tly.41 I.Ye.: FIALYSHEVA, T.G. Alkylation of phenots by the compounds having mixed functions. Report No.2: Alkenylation of o- and p-cresols with allyl alcohol. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.9:166c-1665 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) I. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet in. VI-V-Lomonosova. (Gresol) (Allyl alcohol) SHUYXIN, N.I.: VIKTOROVA, Ye.A.; PGKROVSKAYA, I.Ye.; MaYSHEVA, T.G. Alkylation of phenols by compounds with mixed functions. Report No-3: Alkenylation of m- and p- cresols by 1-butene-4-ol. Izv.Ml SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.10:1847-1851 0 961. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. (Cresol) (Butenol) . SHUYKIN, N.I.; VIKTOROVA, Ye.A.; POKROVSKAYA, I.Ye.; MALYSHEVAq T.G. Alkylation of phenols by compounds with mixed functions. Report No.4: Alkenylation of m- and p-cresols by 1-pentene-5-ol. Izv.MJ SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.10:185).-i855 o 961. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. (Cresol) (Pentenol) FOFOV, M.A.; SHUYKIN, N.I. Catalytic synthesis of nitriles. Report No.5: Cyanation of isostructural alcohols by ammonia. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.10:1855-1858 0 '61. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Institut organichoskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Alcohols) (Ammonia) SRUYKIN, N.I.; VIKTOROVA, Ye.A.; LI SHI [Li Shihj; KARAKHANOV, E.A. Conversions of n.butylphenols on dehydrocyclization catalysts. Izv.AN SS5R.Gtdkhim.nauk no.11:2054-2058 N 161. (MlRA 14:11) 1. Moskovskiy go5udarstvenn3rj universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. (Fhenol) (Catalysis) SHUYKIN, DI.I.; TULUPOVA, Ye.D.; LEBEDEN, B.L. C---- Catalytic conversions of 1-methyl-l-cyclohexene. Izv.AN 555H.- Otd.khim.nauk no.11:2058-2063 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Cyclohexene) (Catalysis) SHUYXIN, N.I.; AN, V.V. Reaction if tetrahydrosylvan and sylvan with sulfur. Izv.AI4 SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.11:2086-2088 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo MI SSSR. (Furan) (Sulfur) SHUYKIN N.1 ; VIK110ROVA, Ye.A.; POKROVSKAYA, I.Ye. Alkylation of phenols by compounds baving two functions. Report No.5; Catalytic alkylation of m- and p-cresols by 1,3-butanediol. Izv. AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no.12:2192-2195 D 61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. (Cresol) (Butanediol) SHUYKIN, II.I.; LEBEDEV, B.L. Thermal alkylation of tetrahydrosylvan by ethylene. Izv. AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no.12:219-'5-2198 D 61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo A14 SSSR. (Furan) (Ethylene) h0195 S/081/62/000/013/036/054 B156/B101 AUTHORS: Bekauri, N.-G., Shuykin, It". I. , Shakarashvili, T. S. TITLE: Motor fuel properties of high-molecular alkanes of narmal structure improved by catalytic cyclization PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 13, 1962, 530, abstract i3mi6q (Tr. In-ta khimii. AN GruzSSR, v. 15, 1961, 141-157) TEXT: The catalytic transformations occurring in normal C -a alkanes 11 18 in the presence of catalysts have been investigated. The catalysts were 0.5 % pt/A120 30 0-5 % Pd/A1203v 0-5 A Pt/gumbrin, and 0-5 % Pd/gumbrin. The'exp'eriments were carried out in a flow of H 2 at 4500C and 30 atm. It was found that under these conditions cyclization and isomerization 'occur, resulting in the formation of products with higher calorific values (+30-990 kcal/kg) and low*r solidification points (16-48-50C lower) Starting with C16-CI79 in the preseqce of 0-5 24 Pt/gumbrin or 0.5 %.P*=br1n, normal alkanes undergo partial hydra-cracking, as well as polycyolization Card 1/2 SHUYKII#o N.I.; LEBEDLV, B.L.; POZDN)IAY,, N.A.; LU13UZH, Ye.D. Catalytic alkylation of tetralin in the presence of metallic aluminum. Reftekhimiia 1 no.1;39-45 JA-F 161. (KERA 15:2) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii All SSSR imeni Zelinskogo. (Naphthalene) (Alkylation) VIKTOROVA, Ye.A.,- SHUYKIN, N.I.; POKROVSKAYA, I.Ye.; ALEKSM49)ROVA, S.L. Alkylation of o-., m- . and p-cresols by lp4-dichlorobutane. Neftekhimlia I no-52648-452 S-0 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosoval kafedra khimii nefti. (Cresol)(Butane) PLOTNIKOV, Yu. N.; SMIRNOVI V.S.; TIMOFEYEVA, Ye. A.; KLEYMENOVA, V.M.; SHUY YNp N.I. DehydFogenation of n-alkanes in a fluidized bed of oxide catalysts. Kin. t kat. 2 no.2:267-272 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Inititut organicheskoy khimii imeni N. D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Paraffins) (Dehydrogenatibus) TIMOFEYEVAJ, Yfj.A.; SHUYKIN, tj~ I.; DOBRYNIM, T,P. Poisoning of chromium-alumina catalyst witb cyclopentadiene and furfurole. Ki-n.i kat. 2 no04:574-580 01-Ag 161. (!-aFA 14:10) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimi.L All SSSR, (C a ta] ys ts ) SHIMIN, N.I.; LOPATIN, R.V.; LL0,,MEV, B.I- Determination of compounds of the furan and tetrahydroxyfuran series by infrared spectroscopy. ZNr.anal.khim. 16 no-5:639-642 S-0 ','I. (IAJRA 14:9) 1. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences U.S.S.R.? Moscow. (Furan--Spectra) S/032/61/027/006/004/020 B107/B206 AUTHORS: Shuykin, N. I., An, V. V., and Lebedev, V. L. TITLE: Analysis of mixtures of furan homologs and tetrahydrofuran homologs by gas-liquid chromatography PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 27, no~ 8, 1961, 976-977 TEXT: The following mixtures were investigated: 1) d--methyl furan, d--ethyl furan, ot-n-propyl furan, ct-n-butyl furan, d_-n-amyl furan; 2) tetrahydrofuran, aL-methyl tetrahydrofuran, Y-ethyl tetrahydrofuran, ok--n-propyl tetrahydrofuran, oL-isobutyl tetrahydrofuran; 3) OL-methyl furan, oL-methyl tetrahydrofuran. The chromatographic device used was previously described in detail (Ref. 1: B. A. Rudenko, S. S. Yufit, L. N. Ivanov, and V. P. Kucherov. Izvestiya All SSSR, 1147 (!960)), The 2 m long column was filled with diatomite of from 0.25 to 0.5 mesh, soaked with 30 J~ tricresyl phosphate. The mobile phase was hydrogen, passed through at an excess pressure of 0.2 kg/cm2 and at a rate of 40 ml/min. The maximum temperature was 950C. The mixtures may be well separated under these conditions; by means of standard mixtures, the absolute contents may be Card 1/2 S/032j6l/O27/OO8/OO4/020 Analysis of mixtures ... B107/B206 determined to within � 2-5 %. The determination takes about two hr. Tetrahydrofuran with ot-methyl tetrahydrofuran, which are not separated under the oonditione mentioned, are an exception. The logarithm of the volume maintained constant is a linear function of the number of carbon atoms; this was already previously ascertained for other series of homologs (Ref. 2, 3; see below). The relation is temperature-dependen"W: The logarithm of the volume maintained constant is directly proportional to the reciprocal value of the absolute temperature, This relation holds up to 1000C and more (Ref- 4; see below). The authors checked it for ot,, 00- methyl-ethyl furan and ati, OCI-methyl-ethyl tetrahydrofuran between 70 and 950C. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 4 references: I Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The three-references to English-language publications read as follows; Ref. 2: A. T. James, A. J. P, Martin, Biochem, J, 509 679 (1952); Ref. 3s N. H. Ray. J. Appl. chem., 4p 21 (1954); Ref, 4: A. B. Litt1wood, C. S. G. Phillips, D. T. Price. J. Chem. Soc,, 1460 (1955). ASSOCIATION: Institut orfanicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR im. N. D. Zelinskogo Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences USSR imeni N. D, Zelinskiy) Card 212 NARYSHKINA, T.I.; SHUYKIN, N.I. Synthesis of new homologs of cyclopentadiene. Zlnw.ob.irbi-. 30 no.10:3205-3207 0 1611. (ML 14:4) 1. Institat organicheakoy kbi-ii AN SSSR, (Cyclopentadiena) SHMINg N. I In-memory of Nikolai Dmitrievich Zelinskii; on the 100th anniversary ol his birth. Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no.l:I-VIII Ja 161. (MIRA 14:1) (Zolinskii,'Nikolai Dmitilevichy 1861-195~) 3/079~61/031/0071/005/013 BAS/B207 AUTHORSt Shuykin, N. I., Bel'skiy, I. P., and Grushko, I. Ye. TITLEt Reaction of 0(-alkyl tetrahydrofuranea with silicon tetra- chloride PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshdhey..-,.khimii, v. 31, no. 3, 1961, 815-819 TEXT: The authors studied the reaction of at-ethyl and I-propyl tetrahydro- furane with SiCl 4) and showed that the ethyl and propyl groups exert the same effect upon the opening direction of the tetrahydrofurane cycle as the methyl radical in tetrahydrosylvane. The main reason for studying the hydrolysis and thermal splitting of S-chloro alkoxy chloro ailanes thus ob,- tained was to determine the structure of the resulting chl. ro h d ins and Si y r chloro alkenes, The above furane derivatives react with Cl more dif- 4 ficultly than the latter with tetrahydrosylvane. This is obviously due to the steric "screening effect" of the alkyl, side group upon the adjacent C-0 bond. a-ethyl tetrahydrofurane splits quantitatively (at a molar ratio of 2t2 to SiCl 4) after heating for 17 hr, in the presence of 2 g ot anhydrous Card 1/4 Reaction of S/079 61/031/003/005/013 B I !rYB207 zinc chloride and under the formation of chloro alkyl esters of orthosilicic acid, while, under the same conditions, 35% of the d--propyl tetrahydrofurane remains unchanged. These two compounds are split by SiCl 4 only at the C-0 bond which is adjacent to the alkyl group. This was confirmed by hydrolysis of the chloro alkyl esters of orthosilicic acid, (6-chloro alkoxy chloro silane) with water, which gives rise to the formation of 6-chlorine-substi- tuted hexyl or heptyl alcohol, from which acetates were obtained, Subsequently, these acetates were reduced to n-hexyl and n.-heptyl a:-etates on Pt-C at 300 0C in the vapor phaset Sicl H20 -CH2CH ZnCl2 Sicl n- (OCH2CH2CH 2CHCICH2 CH 3 ) 4 " n---=--4 (CH CO) 0 HOCH 2CH2 CH2CHClCH2CH3 -2 - CH3COOCH 2CH2CH2CHCICH2CH 3 2 6-0-G) CH CH CH CH CH CH Owing to these results, It is assumed Pt/C 30 3COO' 2 2 2 2 3* Card 2/4 S/079 /61/031/003/005/013 Reaction of ... B118/B207 that in the reaction of at-alkyl tetrahydrofuranes with SiCl4in the presence of ZnO 21 the former open their cycles only at the C-0 bond vh:Lch is adjacent to the alkyl radical. The 4-ahloro alkoxy chloro silanes obtained in the above reaction are thermally extremely unstable and decompose when distillod.:.' Chloro alkenes (40-5qa yield) are one of the decomposition products. The chloro pentenes.obtained by thermal decomposition of 6-ohloro pentoxy chloro silanes were subjected to structural analysis; the latter result from the reaction of SiCl 4- with tetrahydrosylvane. The position of the chlorine itom, and the double bond was studieds a Grignard compound was obtained from the chloro pentenes, which, after oxidation and treatment with dilute hydro- chloric acid, yielded a mixture of unsaturated primary amyl alcohols when cooled. These were converted into primary amyl alcohols when hydrogenated. The position of the double bond was determined by studying the hydrolysis products of the organo-magnesium compound resulting from the mixture of- chl Oro pentenesi analysis showed that the pentenes thus obtained consisted of 85% pentene-2 &pd 15% pentene-1. Thus, the chloro pentenes obtained from tetrahydrosylvane and SiCl contain an initially bound chlorine atom in 4 Card 3/4 S/079/61/031/003/005/013 Reaction of ... 3118/B207 ,position 5,. and two double bonds in positions 1 and 2. There are 6 refer- ences: 2 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The 2 references to EnGlish- language publications read as followss Faraday's Encyclopedia of Hydro- carbon compounds. C Manchester (1953)1 US Patent 2, 4241 184 (1947)o V ASSOCIATION: Inatitut organicheakay khimii imeni No Do Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Lni~titute of.Organic Chemistry imeni No Do Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUE4ITTEDs April 23, 1960 P Card 4/4 Co SHU'YKMI N.I... Annual meeting of the Chemical Society of the German Demcratic Republic* VestoAK SB& 31 no*5:95-96 Mq 161* (MM 14: 6) 1. Chlon-korreopondent AN SSSR. (Germwq., East-Chemical societies) SIIUYKIN,--.N.I.;. MINACHEV, B-h.M.-, ALIYEV, V.S.; SIDORCHLTI, T.J., RYASHENTSEEVA, M.A. Reforming of the 60-1400 gasoll4e fraction and of standard gasoline B-70'fi6m Baku drudes on a platinum catalyst. Zhur.(Mplk 34 no.23461-464 F 161, 114Vi (Gasoline) I jl:jy ) I. F. j'.*k, I I . L: Ey6rr A-ion fxrf'r, deriwatives. ConverAon of into 2,.,S-dialkyltatrahydroM-rc~.-,c;. Do-1:1. -117 (Ii M, 14:2) 7'.D. Zelinskogo -,'iN SSSR. 1 . Im; 2. Chller-'--o.-r,~z ar.u -in) 3/020/61/136/004/017/026 B016/BO75 AUTHORS: N. I., Corresponding Member AS USSR and Naryshkina, T. - 1-. . ...... TITLE: Dehydrogenation of 5- and 6-Membered Cyclanes in the Presence of Active Charcoal PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, voi. 136, No. 4, pp. 849-851 TEXT: The authors report on their study of the catalytic properties of active charcoal (of the Perm' Works) in dehydrogenating cyclopentane (I methyl cyclopentane (II), cyclohexane (III), and methyl cyclohexane (IV~~:~/ Aparallel investigation was performed concerning the influence exerted by temperatures between 5500 and 6000C upon cyclanes without the use of charcoal. Results are summarized in Table 1. From these data, the authors concluded that, under the action of charcoal, the cyclanes are subjected to a strong dehydrogenation into corresponding products. Thus, 97% benzene are produced from (III) at 6000C,an~100% toluene from (IV) at Card 1/0 Dehydrogenation of 5- and 6-Membered Cyclanes S/02 61/136/004/017/026 in the Presence of Active Charcoal B016YB075 atmospheric pressure. At a pressure of 10-15mm Rg,(I) and (II) are converted into the corresponding pentadienes with a yield of 18 or 29%, respectively. (R) (R) (R) (R) active charcoal 6000C 0 H active charcoal 0 6 1u mm ,P=75 g 00 C,p=10 mm Hg where R-H or CHI: Neither (I) nor (II) could be dehydrogenated at 6000C without charcoa At 5500C, (III) remained unchanged, (IV), however, yielded 2% toluene (at 6000C, 6%). At 6000C, (III) yielded 6% benzene. There are I table and 10 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy, Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: September 30, 1960 Card 2/4 S/020/61/136/005/020/032 B103/B208 AUTHORS: Shuykin, N. I., Corresponding Member AS USSR, Kovach, E., Bel'skTiy-,--TT-F., and Bartok, M. TITLE: Catalytic hydrogenation of organic oxides in the flow system at increased hydrogen pressure PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 136, no. 5, 1961, 1120-1122 TEXT: The authors wanted to obtain systematic experimental data on the hydrogenation of organic oxides, in order to elucidate the following problems; 1) Determination of the relative stability of various oxide rings to rupture by catalyzed hydrogen; 2) determination of the direc- tion in which the oxide ring is ruptured in the hydrogenation of asymmetric organic oxides. The data available are not sufficient to solve these problems. For this purpose, the authors extended their studies of the hydrogenation of y-oxides (homologs of tetrahydrofuran, Ref. 3) to other oxides. They hydrogenated the simplest representatives of asymmetric a-, B-, and y-oxides, i.e., A) propylene oxide, B) a-methyl-trimethylene oxide, and C) a-methyl tetrahydrofuran oxide at Card 1/3 S/020/61/136/005/020/032 Catalytic hydrogenation of organic B103/B208 50 atm hydrogen pressure on skeleton catalysts such as Cu Al, and Ni - Al catalysts. Furthermore, B) was hydrogenated on Ni Zn catalyst, and D ') a-n-propyl tetrahydrofuran oxide on Ni - Al. I) Hydrogenation on Cu - Al, ad A): About 8&/. of A) was converted to primary propyl alcohol at 190-2000C. The rest of the catalyzate were high-boiling substances. ad B): 90-95% of primary butyl alcohol was formed at 230-2500C. ad C '): The stability of the tetrahydrofuran ring was found to be much higher on the Cu - Al catalyst, since the conversion did not exceed 10. even at 3000C~ The following products of hydrogenation were obtained: n-pentane (30o calculated for the converted quantity of C)), pentanol-1 (35%), and pentanol-2 (35%). 11) Hydrogenation on Ni - Al catalyst; C) was converted to pentanol-2 only (about 15%) at 2500C. D) was hydrogenated to heptanol-4 (60%) at 2500C. The authors conclude from the latter reaction that the stability of the tetrahydrofuran ring to hydrogenolysis is determined by the length of the alkyl radical in the a-position. Summing up! A) and B) behave in an analogous manner in the hydrogenation of asymmetric a- and P-oxides both on CU - Al, and on Ni - Al catalysts with respect to the rupture of the oxide ring. Card 2/3 Catalytic hydrogenation of organic ... Sy('020/61/136/005/020/032 B103/B206 On Cu - Al, they are ruptured with sufficient selectivity on the C-0 bond adjacent to the alkyl substituent. A) and B), on the other hand, undergo hydrogenolysis in both directions on Ni - Al, i.e., also on the C-O bond not adjacent to the alkyl substituent, with about equal intensity. The asymmetric Y-oxides are selectively hydrogenated on Ni - Al in that their ring is ruptured only on the C-0 bond not adjacent to the alkyl radical. Hydrogenolysis of y-oxides occurs in both directions on the Cu - Al catalyst. At atmospheric pressure, D) is also ruptured on Ni - Al on the C-O bond adjacent to the alkyl side group (Ref- 3). The same rupture occurs in B) on Ni - Zn catalyst. There are 4 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Institut organic-heskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N~ D. Zelinskiy, Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: October 21, 1960 Card 3/3 BlI'LI.;.:IYt I.F.; SHUMMI, .'j Conversion of a:---iincs o~' t! c furan acr Lol to _,,y-7ol 1dinc ho. ojqr~u- -c. I I L Dokj. All 3,~JR 137 *;*:.- 01. C,VU 14: ~7) 1. Institut organic.-.oakoy ~-,-ji:nij i;~,. I-.D.Zrjj-j.;w':oL:o A" .1311. j . L 2. Chlen-I:orra~-~pondont A:! ' .;z' ('or S'-uf,-irI). (A-7,An-.0 (yy-fr,.)) idL-,Q) S-HUYKIN.--N.I.;-BELISKIY, I.F. Catalytic synthesis of 2-n-propyl-4,alkyltetrahydrofurans. Dokl. AN SSSR 137 no.3;622-U3 Mr 161. (KIM 14:2) 1. Institut orgwdcheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo. 2.Chlen-korres- pondent 0 SSSR (for Sbuykin). (Furan) BELISKIY, I.F.; SHUYKIN, N.I.; KARAKHANOV, R.A. Isomerization and dehydrogenation reactionB of the tetrahydrofuran cycleo Dokl.AN SSSR 138 no-4:829-830 Je 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Irwtitut organicheskoy khi-Ji imeni N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Shuykin)o (Furan) SHUYM, N.I.; BFILISKIYS I.F.; URAXWOV, R.A. Catalytic dehydrogenation of dihydrofurans. Dokl.AN SSSR 138 no.5:1136-1138 Je 161. (MM 14:6) 1. Institut orgaaicheskoy khimii im, N.D.Zelinskogo 0 SSSR. 2. Chlen~-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Shuykin). (Furan) (Debydrogenation) SHTJYKIN, V.I.; U&MDEV, B.L. Alkylation of tetrahydrofuran by ethylene. Dokl. AN SSSR 1~9 no.1:131-133 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Shuykin). (Furan) (Fthylens) SHUYKIN, BEPS1,1Y, I.F.; SHCSTACVSKIY, V.Y,. Catalytic hydrogenation of esters. Dok]. AN SSSR 739 no.):634-636 J1 '61. (MIRA 14-7) 1. Institut organicheskuy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo Akademii, nauk SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Ali SSSR (for Shuykin). (Esters) (Hydrogenation) '61/141/003/010/021 z -'t 0 ~ "'~ ---/ 74 -5 7 0 () -1 " 'VB1 01 AUTHORS: Shuykin, 11. I._, r'orrespord..;r_,.,- -'%::1L;,-f AS USSR, Crushko, I. Ye., an-T Bellskiy, I. F. TITLE: Interaction of a-methyl trimethylene oxide with chloro silane derivatives, aluminum chloride and titanium tetra- chloride PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 141, no. 3, 1961, 649-651 TEXT: The present work studies the interaction of a-methyl-trimethylene oxide (MTMO) with (1 ) SiCl 4 F(2) CH3sici 3 P(3) C6H5sici V (4) AM 3 P (5) TiCl 49 and (6) HC1. The position of the cleavage of the 0-oxide ring containing an alkyl group in a-position was to be established. (1), (2), and (3) react vigorously with MTMO at room temperature without a catalyst. Distillation under reduced pressure yielded chlorine-substituted esters of ortho-silicic acid. The reaction therefore proceeds according to the following processes: Card 114 S/02 61/141/003/010/021 Interaction of a-methyl 3103YB101 ChS.oCNC"jCHC1Cffj C;CH2CHjC11OSiCf3 I Cti, CH3 1 O'S.OC1i'CH'CtiC1Ch' + 01P03 0 C1C",rH,ChOS1C1, I I CH3 CH, it, OjS-QCH2CHCHC1CH, H I+ C.HS.Cl' CIC11,C11,010 iC6 These esters, Cl 2 Sioc 4H 8C1 (b.P. 560C/5 mm 119), CH 3SiC120C 4H 8C1 (b.p. 390-42 0 C/5 mm 11g), and C 6H 5 Sicl 2 0C 4H8Cl (b.p. 1320-1360c/8 mm Hg), yielded the chlorohydrins on hydrolysis. To (6): Dry HC1 was passed thru a layer of pure MTMO at titie anoint ol~' the latter. By th--: Card 214 /003 1,010 1021 Interaction )f a-1,_~t-'Y1 heat of reaction, the temperat re of firally roae to locO-1100C. To (4) and The reacti:;., is go vigorous, that 0, it can only be carried out satisfactori2y at -;,00 and -60 . . Hydrolysis of the reaction products by water in t~theric m.edium, vields alcohols containing primary or secondary chlorine atcms. All the Raman spectra of these chlorohydrins exhibited an extremely intense band at 6060 cm-1 characteristic for primary chlorine atoms. The band indicating secondary "I atoms was weaker. From this it is assumed :hat the chlorohydrin mixture contains mainly 4-chloro 2-butanol. it is zoncluded that the rreatment of a-11TL'O with (1)-(6) primarily leads to cleavage at the ether bond not adjoini ng a methyl group. In this connection it is pointed out that -insymmetric y-oxides '. e.g. tetrahydrosilvan, are cleaved at the C--O bond next to a methyl group under the influence of ~hlcro silanes. The authors thank G. K. Gayvoronskaya for taking the spectra. There are 1 table and 6 references: 1 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. The four refer- en2es to English-language publications read as follows: C. G. Derrick, D. W. Bissell J. Am. Chem. 38, 2463 (1,"16)i S. Searles et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 79, 952 (1957); R. J. Meltzer., J. A. KinE~ j. Am. em. Soc.., , T 75, 1356 (195-3); F. Sondheimer,. R. B. Wozlwafi .. Am. Chem. S Card 3/4 3 ~71! 41, , "GOA /010/021 Interaction of a-methyl 5438 (1953)- ASSOCIATION: Iris ti tut organi,-,he-skuy i irl-i. ~1. D, i,*e -I ins k-oQ-o Alrl-ademi-' nauk SSSR (institute --!f C'vgcnz~-. Chemis~r,, i'27--en-L :7. D. Zelinskiy of the Aradpxi --,f Scilr-r)oea USSR) SUBIMITTED, JulY 13~ 1961 Card 4/4 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6195 Nauchnaya konferentsiya Institutov khimil Akademiy nauk Azerbayd- shanskoy, Armyanskoy I Gruzinskoy SSR. Yerevan, 1957. Materis.37 nauchn3y konferentaii institutov kh1m1i Akademly nauk; Azerbaydzhanskoy, Armyanskoy i Oruzinskoy SSR (Materials of the Scientific Conference of the Chemical Institutes of the Academies of Sciences of the Azerbaydzhan, Armenianand Oeorgian SSR) Yerevan, Izd-vo AN Armyanskoy SSR, 1962. 396 p. 1100 copies printed.1 Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Institut organi- cheskoy khimii. Resp. Ed.: L. Ye. Ter-Minasyan; Ed. of Publishing House; A. 0. Slkuni; Tech. Ed.: G. S. Sarkisyan. PURPOSE: This book Is Intended for chemists and chemical engineers, and may be useful to graduate students engaged in chemical re- search. I COVERAGE: The book contains the results of research In physical, inorganic, organic, and analytical chemistry, and In chemical engineering, presented at the Scientific Conference held In Yerevan, 20 through 23 November 1957. Three reports of parti- 11 cular interest are reviewed below. No personalities are mentioned. References accompany Individual articles. 1.1~ltcrials of the Scientific Conference (Cont.) SOV/6195 ,)c.troleum fraction contained 9.6 and 2 7 .5% of normal paraf- Zino and 17,5 and 26.8% of isoparaffins, respectively. The otudy showed the possibility of using urea to separate nor- mal alkanes when their content is 2.5% in hydrocarbon mix- tures. The method Is important in dewaxing petroleum and in detemining the exact content of alkanes and isoalkanes In hydrocarbon mixtures since branched paraffins are extremely desirable components of gasoline and ligroin-kerosene frac- tions used in jet engines. Bek and T, S. hakara2hY=. The ;r-ob -.fhn!_'!-_-~ urhe~ ri Wing-xOtm-Fuel By Catalytic-Contact Con- version of Normal Alkanes of The Kerosene-Gas Petroleum Fraction of 011. (Institut.khimil Akademlya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR) 306 Conditions for the isomerization of n-alkanes C i'r-the.1c'e'ro-sene-gas petroleum fraction o1'Mb-o`i1--'1 ing' at 190-3500C. and the properties of "gumbrin" (a local Card B/n, SHUYKIN, N.I.; VIKTUIVOVA, Ye.A.; POKHOVSKAYA, I.Ye.; KARAKIIANOV, I--A. Alkylation of phenols by compounds having two functions. Report No.6: Catalytic alkylation of P-cresol by 1,4-butanediol and tetra- hydrofuran. Izv. All SSSR Otd.khi,-n.nauk no.1:1-12-124 Ja '62. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. (Cresol) (Butanediol) (Furan) YOVACH, E.; SFUYUN, BARTOK, M.; BEL'SKiY, I.F. Thermal conversions of d-substituted P-oxides. Izv. AN SSSR Otd.- khim.nauk no.1:124-130 Ja 62. (MIRA 1-5:1) 1. Institut organicheskoy khImii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR Kafedra organicheskoy khimii Segedskogo universiteta, Seged, Vengriya. (Oxides) (Substitution (Chemistry)) S11UY1,IN, N.I.; BELISKlY, I.F.; FAfW.HkNOV, R.A. Catalytic dehydrogenation of dihydrofurans. Izv. AN SS-"R Otd.khim.- nauk no.1:138-142 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Institut organicbeskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo All SISSR. (Furan) (Dehydrogenation) 33982 S104-2/062/cOO100210071013 3 1.17 /13 11 31 8 ZT020 0 AUTHORS: Shu,kin, N,-,I--and Pozdnyak, N. A. TITLE: Catalytic alkylation of tetralin. 6. Alkylation of tetralin by secondary alcohols PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya~ Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no- 2, 1962, 324-327 TEXT: The alkylation of tetralin by primary alcohols with 6-isoalkyl tetralins as the product had been described in previous papers (Ref. 1: Izv. AN SSSRI Otd., khim. n. 1961, 326; Ref. 2: Izv, AN SSSR. Otd. khim. n, 1961, 1098). The same result was now achieved using secondary alcohols. The following secondary alcohols were synthesized by Grignard's reaction: nonanol-2, C H 0, boiling point 194-1950C (747 mm Hg), yield 9 20 nonanol-3, C H 0, boiling point 96-980C (8 mm Hg), yield 67.3 %; 9 20 undecanol-5, C 11H240 , boiling point 139-1400C (17 mm Hg), yield 40.5 %; tetradecanol-7 (for the first time) C 14H30 0, boiling point 138-1400C (6 mm Hg) (after recrystallization from hexane: melting point 42,00C, Card 1/3 33982 S/062/62/000/002/007/013 Catalytic alkylation of-... B117/BI38 3olidification point 41,6`C), yield 51,5 ;4,, The tetralin alkylation, in a 1:1 ratio to alcohol, took place in the presence of z--;nc chloride at atmospheric pressure and lasted 5 hr. 1550C was found to be the optimum temperature in alkylation with nonanols. Experiments with other alcohols were conducted at the temperatures at which the reaction began~ Secondary alcohols react with tetralin at lower temperatures than primary alcohols. Alkylation with the above mentioned alcohols yielded 6-isoalkyl tetralins in a 75 % yield from the reacting tetralin., Yields as referred to alcohol: 49~,5 ~o of nonanol-2; 45,0 ~b of nonanol-3; 33.6 % of undecanol-5, and 17-6 % of tetradecanol-7. The following alkyl tetralins were synthesized: Nonyl tetralin, boiling point 168-1750C(6 mm Hg), n20 D 1,5130, MR 84--33 84.14); undecyl tetralin, boiling point 212-214 Oc (6 mm Hg), n20 1 5113. D hIR 95,06 (94 36); tetradecyl tetralin, boiling point 223-2240C (6 mm. Hg), IAR 107 21 (103,23). Their structure was determined from the IR-spectra taken on an ~IKC-12 (IKS-12) instrument. Here also as in previous experiments, the following were separated besides alkyl tetralins: nonconverted tetralin, alkenes corresponding to the used alcohols~ and nonconverted alcohol in experiments with undecanol and tetradecanol. Card 2/3 33982 S/062/62/000/002/007/011-4 Catalytic alkylation of- B117/B,38 I, N Lifanova is thanked for the IR-spectra. There are 4 tables and 5 references! 3 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The reference to the English- language publication reads as follows: R. H. Pickard, I. Kenyon, J, Amer- Chem Soc. 22. 55 (1911). ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademi-, nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N~ D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SU BMIT T-'-'!J": June 30, 1961 Card 515 SHUYKINI N.I,- E-RlVAIISKAYk, L.A.; KOMISSAROVA, N.L.; - - --YA1 Y-SI (Yang Ai-hsi ] Catalytic dehydrocyclization of 2-n.hexly- and 2-see.hexylmphthalenes. lav. AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no.2:327-333 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Moskvskiy gosudarstwennyy universitet, im. M.V.IAOmonos'OVa. (Naphthalene) (Aromatization) 3/058/63,/0w/()03/030/164. AO62/AlO1. AUTHORS: Salimov, M. A., Erivanskaya, L. A., Shuykin, N. I. TITM: Infrared spectra of alkyl phengils and their simple ethers. Report 5. Infrared apebtra of some simple ethers of alkyl sub- ".4 stituted phenols PERIODICAL: Refer'ativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no 3, 1963, 31, abstract 3D212 TIAzerb. khim. zh.", 1962, no. 3, 67 - 73, summary in Azerb. lan- guage) TEXT- tra (4,000 -.400 cm-1) of some simple'ethers of ere- Infrared spec sols and*3,4-xylenol were obtained and examined. It was shown"therein that the formation of ethers is accompanied by the disappearance of a number of bAnds,. related to,the oscillation of the hydroxyl group, and the appearance of intense -i;j bands 1,250 - 1,230 and 1,180 - 1,`50 cm-1 In the region of valent oscillati or of the C-0 bond. In the spectra of methyl ethers of cresol a shard decrease Of the intensity of the bands of methyl groups is observed. The spectra of ethers ',-in the long wave region are much richer than the spectrum of the initial cresolov. The formation of an ether group brings about the activation of a series of os- Card 1/2 j S/062/62/000/003/011/014 B117/B144 AUTHORS: Nekrasova, V. A., and Shuykin,_ N. I. TITLE: Catalytic synthesis of hexachloro butadiene PERIODICAL: Akademiya n~uk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 3, 1962, 496-498 TEXT: The preparaticn of hexachloro butadiene by means of catalytic dehydrochlorination of polychloro butanes (111,2,3,4,4-hexachloro butane and 1,1,1,2,3,4,4,4-octachloro butane) was studied. The first series of experiments was conducted in a stream of chlorine (1-3 I/hr) passing through iron shavings at a temperature of 4750C (Optimum 470-4750C.). and 1 volume rate of 0.17 hr- . Here, the yield in hexachloro butadiene was 37 %. Various catalysts were used in the second series of experiments: shell lime, kieselguhr and Cr20 3+A1203+MgO (45:30:25 mole%). Best results were obtained in the presence of glowed Crimean shell lime: yield 57.2 %. The reaction in the presence of the mixed catalyst was accompanied by strong gas separation and produced a yield of only 35.3 %. The third Card 1/2 SHUYKINP N.I.; LEBEDEV, B.L. Alk.flation of tetrahydrofuran by ethilene in the presence of di-tert-butyl peroxide. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.3: 533-535 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Faran) (Ethylene) (Butyl peroxide) S/o6 62/000/004/dO9/013 B11OYB101 .0 1 AUTHORS: Shuykin, N. I., Pozdnyak, ff. A., and Lifanova, I. N. TITLE: Catalytic alkylation of tetralin. Communication 7- Alkylation of tetralin with alkyl halides in the presence of metallic aluminum PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh i. nauk, no. 4, 1962, 695-697 TEXT: Tetralin was alkylated with propyl, butyl, nonyl, and decyl bromides! Al in an N atmosphere, in the presence of Al:j + RBr 2 23-650C, N V. 2 0 The yields at 65 C were 75.6, 92.5, 98.8, 77.3, and 53.5,!o, respectively. In air, no alkylation took place with butyl and heptyl bromides even after 6 hrs' stirring; only at 1050C, butyl tetralin formed in 34% yield. partial isomerization of the primary alkyl radicals occurred at 650C; alkyl tetrallne Card 1/3 S/062/62/000/0011/009/013 Catalytic alkylation of ... BlIO/B101 with an alkyl group of normal structure were formed at 23 0C by alkylation with n-propyl.and n-butyl bromides. Optimum conditions: 5 hrs' heating at 1 650C in nonane medium and X 2 atmosphere. Under these conditions, the reaction occurred after stirring for 10 - 40 min. At 650C, n-heptyl bromide reacts almost completely Iwith tetralin. The yields depended on the! chain length of the alkyl bromide: At 230C. the reaction with n-propyl bromide in nonane solution started 10 min after mixing, with butyl bromide after 20 min, but with heptrl bromide it did not even after 4 hrs. 'Without a solvent, n-propyl and n-butyl bromide reacted immediately, hept3,1! bromide after 2 hrs, nonyl bromide after 4.5 hrs, and decyl bromide after 7 hrs. At 230C, the reaction with n-propyl and n-butyl bromides was completed after 5 hrs, and with n-heptyl, n-nonyl, and n-decyl bromides after 125 hrs; this has beep ascertained from the separation of hydrogen bromide. The yields of propyl, butyl, and heptyl tetralins were always higher than those of nonyl and decyl tetralins. The infrared spectra showed that normal and isomeric 6-mono- and 6,7-dialkyl tetralins were formed at 65 and 1050c, but only 6-alkyl tetralins with a normal alkyl Card 2/3 S/062/62/000/004/009/013 Catalytic alkylation of ... B110/B101 group at 230C with n-propyl and n-butyl bromides. There are I figure and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademit nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: October 28, 1961 Card 3/3 POPOV, M.A.; SHUMN, N.I. Catalytic reduction amination of butanal. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.- nauk no.6:1082-1086 162. (NIRA 15:3) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Butyraldehyde) (Reduction, Chemical) (Amination) SHUYKIN, N.I.; BELISKIY, I.F.; BAMOVSKAYA, L.Ya.; DRONOV, V.I.; ALALYFUNA, L.A. Synthesis of 2,4- and 2,5- dialkylthiophanes. Izv.AN SSSR.- Otd.khim.nauk no.6:1093-1098 162. (KRA 15:8) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR i Institut organicheskoy khimii Bashkirskogo filiala AN SSSR. (Thiophene) I SIILJYKIN) N.J.; AN, V.V. Catalytic conversions of five- and six-membered cyclic sulfides. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.8:1452-1454 Ag 162. (MUU 15:8) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Sulfur organic compounds) SHUYKIN., N.I.; FOZDNIAK, N.A. Catalytic alkylation of tetralin. Report No.8: Alkylation of tetralin by alkenes in the presence of alurlimim. Izv.AY SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.8:1455-1457 Ag 162. 041RA 15:8) 1e Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Naphthalene) (Olefins) (Alkylation) SHUYKIN-, N.I.; TIMOFEYEVA, Ye.A.; DOBRYNINA, T.P,; PLOINIKOV, YU.U-; PETRrAYEVA., G.S.; GAIVOROZEKAYA, G.K. Catalytic dehydrogenation of isohem a. Lm.AN SWR Otd.kbia. no.8:3,457-U65 Ag 162- (m3PA 150) 1. inotitut organicheekoy khiaii in. N.D.Zolinakogo AN SSSR. (He=m) (Dehydrogenation) SHUYKIN, N.1.; AN) V.V. Isomerization of simple heterocyclic compounds. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd. khim.nauk no.8:1476-1478 Ag 162. (.ICRA 15:8) 1. Institut organicheskoy khWi im. N.D.Ze3izwkogo AN SSSR. (Heterocyclic compounds) (Isomerization) SHUYKIN,_j1.-I.;. BEL ISKIY, I.F.; GRUSHKO, I.Ye. Interaction of 0(-mathyltetrahydropyran with sohv compouilds containing an active chlorine atom. Izv.AN SSSR.OW.khim.nauk no.8:1486-1488 Ag 162. (HIRA 15.8) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Pyran) (Chlorine compounds) SHUYKIN, N.I.; BAJLTQKp M.; KOVACH, E.; BELISKIY, I.F. Catalytic isomerization of,6 -oxides. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk n0.9: 1653-1656 3 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Institut organicheskoy khi-ii im. N.D.Zelinakogo AN SSSR. (Oxides) (Isomerization) BELISKIY., I.F.;_SHUYKIN N.I.; VASILEVSKAYA, G.K.; GAYVOFMBSKAYA)-G.K. I Catalyzed synthesis of 2J.6-dialkyltetrahydropyraw. JZyLN SSSR- kbim.mqu 1650-1653 S 162. (MIRA 15:10) I* Institut organicheskoy khimij ime N.D.Zelinakogo AN IiSSR. (Pyran) BELISKIY , I.F.~ SHUYKIN N.I. Catalytic synthesis of trialkyl tetrahydrofura*~, Izv.AN MR.Ot4o khim.nauk no.9:1656-1660 S 162., (MIRA 15&10) 1. Inatitut organicheakoy khimij im. N.D.Zelinakogo All SSSR. (Furan) bELISKIYP SHUSTAKOVSKII, V.14. 'i~ Effect of carbonyl and carbalkoxy".. groups on the direction of hYCIj I IIM~, . ".P genolyeis of furan cycle under 'CorlditAons of vapor phase hydrogelze Izv. AN SSSR.Otd.kbim.nauk no.10:1821-1825 0 162. (MM 15-10) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinakogo AN SSSR. (Furan) (Hydrogenation) SHUYKINJ, N.I.; LEB&DEV, B.L.; AN,V,V. Quantitative andqualitative analyses of mixtures of cyclic ethers by means of gas-Iiquid chronmtography. Izv. SSSR.WAjkhiz.nauk no.10:1868-1869 0 162a 09rM 15:10) i 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.S.ZeljWkdp AN SSSR. (Ethers) (Gaz chromatography)