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68816 ~Iion of oil ti. -1/020/60/131/01/030/060 L-Al C~,taj.~~-st ul 1/ i3oc.6 the V,..-!Or -1;;1,-1.:;e Alail.-a- to tilat of nickel CUtV1yStS, but 1.11c], 1,orc :-:'iw:,~d hl-~:h activit-y and ::Clectivity ~-n ru(*It-c~,_i(,;~ .;i1- ctonc- and to 61-C, Ondin:; A t 12 0 - I A 0 c, o(- ICU 1%, "..k C,*'. 110 1 a r d :) -a 1 k y 1 - f u ry 1 - ,.-,rozw.nO1c-! cilt, ii-1-0 in yioldc of 9U-55i. and 75-1,5,:,' and --Ctllyl- were obtained in yields of 12 - 2 01,"', f.roil the -,:roC.1tcts of 0(-acryi-~-furylacrolcins. :.n of L0.1 th(-,.;c coi.v.-)oumls -re tiven in The U- t, 11 t, table 1. 'P,~ x.;,~toi-n incntlion A. A. Pono.,..,~rcv (Ref ()). There are I taldc- ~nd C- reforencen. 5. of w7!J.c1,- ; Soviet. In--titut cj-,. jp. "Z, D. inelli J. C j, C y of tlic A(::-.' Docor!" C.I. AUTHORS: Shuykin, N, 1. Corresponding Member S/020/60/131/02/035/071 AS USSR, VtVii-div, B. L., Pozdnyak, N. A. poll/BO05 TITLEs Synthesis of 6-Alkyltetralineal PERIODICALs Doklady Akademit nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 131, Nr 2, PP 335-337 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors synthesized 6-alkyltetralines. This was necessary for the synthesis of some standard 6-alkyltetralines required for the analysis of catalyzates by means of IR spectroscopy. As pure 6-alkyltetralin*s could practically not be produced by other methods, the authors followed reference 4. A mixture of 2-alkyl- and 6-alkyltetralines at a ratio of 1:2 develops by hydrogenation of 2-alkylnaphthalones. The enclosed diagram shown the method of synthesis used by the authors. Totralins was acylated in nitro- benzene medium according to Priedel-Crafts since in this sodium the substitution occurs in the A-position only (Ref 5)- By reaction of the tetraline with acid chlorides of corresponding acids in the presence of AIC13 at 00, the authors obtained the following coa- poundst 1,2,394-tetrahydro-6-naphthylbutyl-, n-amyl-, n-hoptyl-, and n-nonylketono (Table 1). Tertiary alcohols were synthesized by Grignard's method. 8-(6-tetralyl)-nonanol-8 with the boiling point Card 1/2 180-5-182-5 (3mm) was first produced by the action of CB3Ngj on Synthesis of 6-Alkyltetralines 3/020/60/131/02/035/071 BO11/BO05 6-tetral lbeptylketono. 6-(6-tetralyl)-nonanol-6 (boiling point 162-1630~ was first produced by the action of n-C3H7Br on 6- tatralyl-n-amylk*tone. Figures 1 and 2 show the IR spectra (re- corded by Is. D. Lubuzh) of the alcohols synthesized. The tertiary alcohols were reduced in the autoclave in the presence of copper chromite (at 120 atm and 2400). They may undergo partial dehydration under these conditions. Therefore, the hydrogenizat* with nickel of Raney was additionally hydrogenized at 500 and 70 atm of hydrofen pressure. Table 2 indicates the roperties of 6-(1-sethyloctyl)- tetraline and 6-(1-n-propylhoxyl~_tetraline produced for the first time. The authors produced normal 6.....amyltetraline, 6-hoptyltotra- line, and 6-decyltetraline by reduction of corresponding ketones by means of the modified method (Ref 7), i.e. by decomposition of the hydrazonee with sodium in diethyleno-glycol medium. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 9 references. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut organicheakoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademli nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zolinskiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: December 17, 1959 Card 2/2 80007 "r. I? Y 10 0 AUTHORS: Shuykin, N. I., Corresponding Alember S102 60/1.311/05/037/069 I. F~ B01 1YB1 17 A TITLE: Catalytic_Hydrogenationlof Furan Compounds Under Pressure in a Flow System PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 131, Nr 5, PP 1117-1119 (USSR) TEXT: It was established by the authors that an increased hydrogen pressure during the hydrogenation in a continuous flow system favors the hydrogenation of the multiple bonds in the furan ring at any rate. This was most obviously shown with the reaction on platinized carbon, and the least effect was found on nickel catalyst (skeleton Ni-Zn and Ni-Al catalysts). Moreover, increased pressuxe involves the fact that the reduction of hydroxyl and carbonyl groups on Pt-C taking place prior to hydrogenation of the furan ring becomes the most important, or even the only primary reaction when alkyl furyl carbinols and alkyl furyl ketones are hydrogenized or hydrogenolyzed. Thereby the influence of pressure on the liability of the furan ring to hydrogenation to give a tetrahydro- furan ring, or to hydrolysis has been clarified. Moreover, this influence exerted upon the order and the selectivity of the reduction of various unsaturated bonds in a furan compound has been clarified. 1) The furan ring in silvan is completely hydrolyzed at normal pressure and 2750- Methyl propyl ketone'l Card 1/3 80007 Catalytic Hydrogenation of Furan Corapounds Under S/020J60/131/05/037/069 Pressure in a Flow System B011/BI17 (reaction II) forms. At 50 at hyd.-.-,~.7en pressure, chiefly tetrahydrosilvan M results. Hydrogenolysis of the furan ring takes place to a yield of about 25%. 2) At normal pressure, hydrogenolysis of the ring at the C-0 bond represents, in addition to the carbonyl group, the primary hydrogenation reaction of 2-methyl- 5-acetyl-furan on Pt-C. About 20% is due to the primary reduction of the carbonyl group. With hydrogenation at 50 at pressure and 230-2500, the latter reaction practically becomes the only one to proceed. 3) Under the latter conditions, the hydroxyl group in alkyl furyl carbinols is reduced prior to the hydrogenation of the furan ring- 4) From silvan, 20% tetrahydrosilvan is formed at most when a skeleton Ni-Zn catalyst at 1500 is used. By elevated pressure, the multiple tlK bonds in the furan ring are hydrogenated, and hydrogenolysis is suppressed. This effect is less pronounced on Ni-Zn than on Ft catalysts- 5) The skeleton Ni-Al catalyst has, unlike other Ni catalysts, a specific capacity to effect the so-called "conjugated" hydrogenolysis of the furan ring when hydrogenation is performed in continuous systems and at normal pressure. The furan ring in a-alkyl furans is completely split at 235-2500 with three ketone series being formed: alkanones-2, -3, and -4. The elevated hydrogen pressure (50 at) used to hydrogenate silvan leads to the formation of about 50% tetrahydrosilvan6 45Vo aliphatic ketones and alcohols, and about 5% hepta-compounds at 270 Card 2/3 800C 7 Catalytic Hydrogenation of Furan Compounds Under S/02 60/131/05/037/069 Pressure in a Flow System B011YB117 There are 4 Soviet references., ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences,USSR) SUBMITTED: November 23, 1959 Card 3/3 3/020/60/132/03/26/066 115-J.200 BO11./BOO8 AUTHORS. BellskiXg I. F.9 Shuykin, Na gorresponding Member I -J-1 AS USSR9 Karakhaii-ov, R. A. TITLE: Thermal Dehydrogenation of 2,5-Dibydrofuransi PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRj 1960, Vol. 132, No. 3, pp. 585-586 TEXT. The authors produced 2--methyl-, 2-ethyl- and 2-isopropyl-295-di- hydrofuran under such conditions and investigated their transformations, under which 2-methyl-4,5--dihydrofuran is. isomerized to methyl-cyclo- propyl-ketone. The vapors of the qompounds mentioned in the introduction were passed over crushed quartz or activated carbon at 470-4800 - It turned out that 2-alkyl-2,5-dihydrofurana are very easily de- hydrogenated to corresponding furan-homologues (see Scheme). The reaction proceeds equally easily over quartz and activated carbon. The authors conclude therefrom that this dehydrogenation io not a catalytic reaction. but is only caused by temperature which must be fairly high; 3500 , -for instance, are insufficient for this purpose. At 470-4800 the tetra- Card 1/2 S/020/60/132/04/35/o64 6_0 t1 00 B011/B003 AUTHORS: Shuykin, N. I.? Corresponding Member of the AS USSR, B-511axlyg 1, XF69 Vasilevskayag G. K. TITLE: -Catalytic Conversion of 2-Alkyl-5-aeylfurans Into .Alkylphenolal PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 19609 Vol. 132, Ko- 49 pp. 861-663 TEXT: The authors investigated the catalytic hydrogenation of the following alkylacylfurans on Pt-C in a continuous system and at usual pressure: 2-acetylfuran, 2-ethyl-5-acetylfurang 2-methyl-5-propionyl- furan, and 2-n-propyl-5-acetylfuran. Hydrogenation occurred at 300 - 3100. In all cases the furan ring was hydrogenated on the C - 0 bond which is adjacent to the carbonyl group. The resulting intermediates (195-diketones) were cyclized in the vapor phase in hydrogenation. Homologs of cyclohexenone formed, which were subsequently dehydrogenated to the corresponding phenol homologs. Carbocyclization of nonsymmetrical Card 1/3 Catalytic Conversion of 2-Alkyl-5-acyl- S/020/60/132/04/35/064 furans Into Alkylphenols BO11/BOO3 holds a special position among the compounds investigated. By its hydrogenolysis on the C-0 bond adjacent to the carbonyl group a ketoaldehyde forms. It may not be hydrogenated like a diketone, but is completely decarbonylated to form pentanone-2. There are 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy'of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: February 22, 1960 Card 3/3 84652 AUTHORS: S/020/60/133/005/033/034,/XX B016/Bo6o _Shuy~~ Corresponding Member AS USSR, Erivanskaya, L. A., and Yan Ay-si TITLE: Catalytic Dehydrocyclization of A-n-Butyl Naphthalene PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o, vol. 133, No. 5, pp. 1125 - 1127 TEXT: Of late, N. I, Shuykin (Refs. 4, 5) has proved that high-mclebular alkanes of normal structure (eog,, hexa-, hepta-, and octadecanes) undergo dehydrocyclization under certain conditions. Condensed systems of , naphthalene, phenanthrene, benzanthracene and chrysene are then formed. In the work under consideration, the authors carried out the dehydrocycli- zation of j3-n-butyl naphthalene to phenanthrene and anthracene. They established that, under the conditions applied here, a cyclization takes place at the o(-carbon atom of the naphthalene ring, which is nearest to the butyl groups Phenanthrene is preferably tormed in this case. The authors, experiments took place at 40e, 4501 5001 and 5500C, aluminum chromium (gG%cfchromiumoxide) being used as a catalyst. The catalyst was regenerated L~ Card 112 --4/Pq-4/ v 1 32773 S (m)/EEd(i-)/EWA(d)/EWQ( TO -65 Ew(a)/EWT(1)/EEC(J)/F -5/Pg-4 .Gw- Fe ,9~661 ACCESSION NR: AT5004756 S/3132/63/000/056/018 P N Lebedev" deals with the existence of light pressure -and Card 1/4 7,- 1 32773-65 ACCESSION NR: ATS004756 av ast difficulties of-'it de ec on The 'second 6ectiont Photograv s ti p I - -. .. I ; -11, d. . 1.._-1'~i-:]-.`,;2 rgy iht'egral._-is:devote t za- tational problem of'two bodies. Ene derivation of the laws governing thei" int6rAction~*betweien._ two ~g er J _F, with account taken of both the gravitation: al... and the 1i ht. 'ht ac bare, attracted.. tion. The generalized interaction'of ~,tvo,_bo.dies-._t,hat- A gravitationally and are either attracted or repelled~by virtue of--: g with:the dase-When one.'., the radiation interaction i streated# alon of the-bodies has vanishingly small.mass.-:The third, section,- "The. Poynting-Robertson effect and:the planetocentric ef fect- of radiation in deceleration"*deals with some effects due to radiation pressure' -the solar system, and shows, that, radiation effects cannot,produce. ci~l art noticeable influence on the.perturbation,of the motion.of iri earth satellites. Section 4'.is'entitled"Osculat nq elements. 'Ael-~J~-`~__. Krylov-Bog'olyubov method." This efedtion'deals with the- lanetocieh p tric motion of a particle along a s iral,_ which,within-.a short t ime p interval can be described.byla circle. The periodic changes in; the oscillating elements due to the main-force of light pressure can... C d ar -2/4 F~N Cv. j2773-65 ACCESSION NRi AT5004756 ' eliij-~._- e cas lead to appreciable secular or:.long-period~terms:in th e of, i- tic planetocentric motion, and-the.*resultant perturbations* are 6val~: uated by using the approximate Krylov Bogolyubov'-integiation'- miethod.;.,I,~ The fifth section, "Theorem on the mean weight of element perturba- tion," deals with the case of a spiral-trajectory approximated~by an ellipse with a perigee that follows.tbe.radius vector at appioxi.-l- Since this problem cannot be solved mately equal angular velocity. by.the method of the preceding section, the author proves the f017;;, alo- :lowing theorem. If the product of, the instantaneous positive vL is equal to unity, then the product of the mean, velocities !Xa er than or equal,to unit This theorem can begeneralized in.- rg the case when the product of the instantaneous velocities is equal. an to any constant qu titty. -*The articular-application of the theorem P is dealt with-in later chapters of the paper. Orig. art.-'has: .33.'.~i formulas ASSOCIATIONs Yaroslavskiy gosudar6tvennyy pedagogicheikiy" institui.;..,~~_i . . . . . . . . . . . . . -F- C rd a ~iWr- - I I -.1- - ~ I I . I a . . : . . "Principles of Topo--apby " Sovetslsaya Kniga (Soviet Books), 128 p., Pravda Publ. J) House, 1c)'12. SH(TVAI.OV., YA. A. Geography & Geology Fundamentals of topography, A'.'.Oskva, Gros. uchebno-pedagog., Izd-vo, 1951. 0 Monthly List of Russian Accessl2ap, Library of Congress, Yarch 1952. Unclassified. S-HRALOY. ov Arkadlyevich; GRYUNBUG,G.Tu.. redaktor; XAXHOVA.N.N.. flegg,"Olv"'iedak t or [Surveying by night; an aid for geograpkw teachorl Glasomernau s*esdm; Y pamoshch' uchitallu geografli. Nookwa. Goa.uehebno- pedagog. tzd-vo Ministorstva proeveshchenlia RVO. 1955. 52 p. (Topographical drswia;) (KLRA 9:3) ~L' SMNAWV, Yakov Arkadlyevich; GALKIN, P.D., redaktor; 14AKROVA, N.H., t~*V9nIOcW'e~Vy'*"'~e dakt or. [Fundaientals of topograpbyl Onnovy topografti. Izd. 2-os, Moskva. Goe.uchabno-pedagog. Izd-vo Mintsterstva prosveshchonlia RSIPSR. 1955. 343 p. (MLRA 9:1) (Topographical stirveying) MOSETIRIJ, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich; OLENEV, A.; SIMALOV, Ye. [Sverdlovsk Province] Sverdlovskaia oblast". Sverd-lovsk, Sverdlovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 210 p. 19:4) SHUVAWV, Ye.A.; YIRGIYMVA, E.V.; VBGM, M.I, - ------ New method of determining the ash content of coals. Koks i khim. no.1:10-11 160. (MIU 13:6) 1. Ugleobogatitellnays fabrika im. Kostenko. (Coal-Analysia) 0 0 0 q 0 q 0 0 -G* ow AVWAV 0 ~06 0 0 GOA ~-,ausuq_~= 0 Liquationofbef*ioritootoootantimmy. Pr"". Q -00 I,k foull'i in "lilt allinal ... me. ilk flor 11'.1,1tillff "I th".1m 1wrthirritc, il 14).1 In 11 1411,111t. lionlit, t-I,Ihvt~I 1.41t fit tead of flatstim. therefore. a firitultion -jn-"~ k. u-.1. 0 GO W11cleby anfininni1v i% liqlIrfied at and trickl- =00 " ok T, down thronigh 'he h.'r here it i%volh, - 4) Ihe I.-folviol tit IwIthirfile in 1111, lAh. o"It, -.- 40 0 ;uadr at 710) rA)11-. I be- ll~t. 11141 till- I.r ill nee withl"lle 11 In't 1"I", t-1 And tllkt IIIIt if it trulAIII, in _idnc, in the fmi of Inagnetic WEllic of irk... V- litud IIIIN14. le,tted C.'ritaitted K.,; Ibe l:qn,.t .1 pf-hict -mlaine.) 1 29, Fe. 5 -6'. - It, N. ZOO see woo woo R too Woo too* 66 L I(M. -;,logo looj .11 CPv of I U a A. .0 ollillopt r AW7 -1, _FId 0 q a I W 0 .3 is n 11 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 -0 -** 0 e 0 0 0 0 SHUVALOV, YR. F. Shuvalov, Ye. F. - "The determination of antimony by the permanganate method,, and the effect of iron on the analysis". Trudy "ovocherkas. politekhn. in-ta im. Ordzhonikidze, Vol. XIX, 19489 P. 133-37, - Bibliog: 5 item. SO: U-411, 17 July 53, (letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 20, 1949). SHUVALOV, Ye.L., kand.geogr. nauk, dotusent Changes in the distribution of agriculture in the Urals. Zap.Ural fil. Croog. ob-va SS,"R no-4:129-140 161. (MIRA 18:12) SHUVALOV, Ye.L. Bibliography. Zap.Ural fil. Geog. ob-va SSSR no-4:185-189 161. (,MIRA 18:12) "Geot~ray)hy of ACriculbivc- of the Mortheastern 'It-gions of Dseestfin ASSR. SWU Jan 52, Moscow State Inst Imerii 7. 1. Lenin. DI qrertat Ions prec.,r~n'pd for qcleice and em,71neering degrees in Moscow durinF, 1951. SC: Sum. Jo. 1.,80, ptay .55 L 1; 1 /1 41, 1. // ~ " i, /I- SHUVALOV. Ye.L. , - Present economic statuB of the Urals. Geog. v shkole 20 no.5:23-31 S-0 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Ural.Hountain region--Zconomic conditions) SHWALOV, Yefim. Lukich; RODIONOVA, F.A., red. [Economic geography of the U.S.S.R.; a general survey. Textbook for the 8th grade] Ekonomicheskaia geografiia SSSR; obshchii obzor. Uchebnoe posobie dlia VIII klassa. Moskvao Prosveshchenie, 1965. 93 p. (MIRA 18:7) KOSHKIN, P.P., krayeved; SHUVALOV,-Ye.L., dotsent; KOLOSIMSYN, V., red.; PALIYJNA, N., tahii. red. Karyshlov. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo 1961. 134 P. Wra 15:8) (Kaxqshlav) SHUVALOV, Ye.L. (Svnrdlovsk) Ural. Geoa. v shkole 26 no.4:5-12 il-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:1) 0 A~M ', nots~ i CUIENEV, Al-',, .1 dr,-Ls.~~ SHIUVALOV Ye,L,, , ~.r- dote -, PEKAitkVICH VJ-1- ret*aenzeif ~,~Vm -7 fSvei-d-'L;-.vsk Province) Sverdlavskaia rblast'. Sverdlovsk, Sredne.-Urallskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1964. 225 p. (MIRA 1710-U) 9(4) SOV/ 112-59-5-9833 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, p 200 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kobyshev-Kuz'min, G. M. , and TITLE: Noise Properties of Soviet Junction Transistors PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-t radioveshchat. priyema i akust., 1957, Nr 8, up 3 - 3 3 ABSTRACT: Results of an experimental investigation of the noise factor F of Soviet junction transistors in a grounded -emitter circuit are reported. The integral value of F was determined for two bands: ZO-10,000 cps and 300-10,000 cps. The noise factor was calculated from the formula F a U Z (4kTRoA fK 2 ) I sh/ E where Ush is the noise voltage at the transistorized amplifier output, R. is the input resistor, Af is the effective pass band that can be determined by a numerical integration, KE is the voltage gain measured by a sine-wave Card 1/3 SOV/117.-59-5-9833 Noise Properties of Soviet Junction Traasistors oscillator. A spectrum analyzer was used for the spectral analysis of F. The dependence of F on the frequency, ROD emitter current Ies and the collector voltage Uk was investigated. Investigation of three samples of the low-noise PID transistor showed that the semiconductor noise extends up to 700-1,000 cps; at frequencies over 3,000 cps, the noise factor F grows because KE decreases. An expression for F in a grounded -emitter circuit (accounting for thermal and schrot effects) was derived from an analysis of T-type equivalent circuit containing three noise generators. By differentiating the F expression with respect to ROD a formula for the optimum value of the internal source resistance Ro opt can be found. Experimental curves for 16 samples of Pl and PZ transistors are presented; a blunt minimum of F with Ro = 100-600 ohms was obtained. A deviation of the experimental minimum from the calculated one (200 - 1, 000 ohms) is due to the semiconductor noise. With a different emitter current, the calculated noise factor has a minimum at Ie = 0. 5 ma. Card Z/ 3 SOY/11Z-59-5-9833 Noise Properties of Soviet Junction Transistors Experimental curves F(Ie) for three PlD transistors are presented; they clearly show the minimum F at Ie 0 0. 5 ma. Curves F(Uk) for three samples of PID are presented. With (UR) < 10-15 v, F in almost independent of Uk; however, F increases sharply if Uk grows further. Expressions for F and Ro 0 t for the three fundamental circuits are submitted. A comparison showed that for a minimum F, with KE - KE max, the common-emitter circuit should be used. N. V. B. Card 3/3 '~j H J /~4 I-- r ~' i I - o SIAVIIJ, D. 0.; SOKOLOV, Y. If.; GAVRILKIN, N. N.; POPIAVKO, M. V.; SHUVALOV, Yu. A. Tekhnologiya Metallov, pi-blished by Mashgiz, Moscow, 1949 Lnx swm #148 V, A/ ~iYUKHANO L A K XIV ILN;~ ,Yu.H.; KALYSHEV, A.I.; NIKOIAYIV, G.N.; kliU V. A. N VALOV, Yu.A.; SHISHKOV. P.P., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; doteent, - WC-9 r a *~iflwARSHINOV, V.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, reteenzent; ZAARY, I.S., inzhener, retsenzent; YIGORNOV, A.M., professor, redaktor; VTDRIN, P.G., inzhener, redaktor; SOKOWVA, T.Y., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [The technology of metals] Tekbuologiia metallov. Moskva, Goa. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1954. 624 p. (KLEA 7:11) (Metau) XALYSH2V. Anatolly Ivanovich; NIKOlAYEV, Grigoriy Nikolayevich- 510 V..1 A- : ANDRIAHUY, I.I., inzqenar, reteenzent.; KLhfYATISKIY~ M.N., kandidat tek-hnir-Keakiy wuk, redak-tor [deceased'. RZRAVINSKIY, V.V.. inzhoner, radektar; SHAMSHURINA. Ye.A., tviatelletva; SOKOLOV.A. T.Y., tekhnicheaki7 redektor-, UVAROVA. A.F.. tekhnIcheski7 redmictor [Technology of metals] Takhnologila metallov. Xosk7,a, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo-mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1957. 371 u.- (Metals) (Metalwork) Nvu 10:11) (Metallurgy) L PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 477 .Shuvalov,, Yuliy Avraamovich and Vedenskiy, Viktor Alek3androvich metallorezWu-sh-c-Elye -stanki; kinematicheskiye i gidravlicheskiye skhemy (Metal-cutting Machine Tools; Kinematic and Hydraulic Diagrams) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 242 p. 25,000 cople!3 piinted Reviewers: Nalchan, A.G Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed.: Vladziyevskiy, I.P., Doctor of Technical Sciences; Managing Ed.:of General Technical Literature and Catalogues: Ponomarev,- K.A., Engineer; Tech. Eds.: Matveyeva, Ye. N. and ElIkind, V.D. PURPOSE: This book is a textbook for students of mechanical engineering and polytechnical vuzes. COVERAGE: The book contains diagrams of speed and feed mechanisms and assemblies and mechanisms for special and aukiliary-movement. Kinematic and hydraulic diagrams for some metal-cutting machines are presented. Technical char.,,octeristics of the most widely used modern metal-cutting machines are briefly given. G&Pd-- V-44- V L ~14, 3-58-3-16/32 AUTHOR: Annenkova, Ye.G., Nikulin, N.S., Shashkin, A.S., Shuvilov Yu.A., Do,tsents and Candidates of Technical Sciences - TITLE: Ways of Improving the feaching Process (Puti sovershenst- vovaniya uchebnogo protsessa) SomeConsiderations on the Training Course in bletal-Cutting Machine Tools (Nekotoryye soobrazheniya o kurse metallorezhushchikh stankov) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1958, Nr 3, pp 63 - 65 (USSR) ABSTRACTs For the purpose of rationalizing the teaching process, the above named authors have made the attempt to utilize a maximum of generalizations in lectures on metal-cutting machi4e tools. The trial proved successful. New, methodical and scientific principles for preparing lectures permit the study of machine tools according to a unified plan. The structural analysis - the basis of a course - defines the structure of every lecture. Visual aids are not excluded, but they serve only as auxili- ary material for the lecturer. Principally the lecture is built on maximum generalizations. These are: kinematical shaping of surfaces, the theory of kinematic chains, schematiz- ing the work of mechanisms, explaining the hydraulic outfit Card 1/2 of machine tools by means of structural sweep, and the appli- 3-58-3-16/32 Ways of Improving the Teaching Process. Some Considerations on the Train- ing Course in Metal-Cutting Machine Tools cation of structural kinematic schemes. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy poligraficheakiy institut (Moscow Polygraphic Institute) Moskovskiy avtomekhanicheskiy institut (Moscow Automechanic Institute) Moskovskiy vecherniy mashinostroitell nyy institut (Moscow Evening tiachine,Building Institute) AVAILABLEj Library of Congress Card 212 BRYUKHANGV, Andrey Nikolayevich; I-A IN, Yuriy Mikhaylovich; MALYSHEV, Anato3dy Ivanovich; NIKOIAYEV9 Grigoriy Nikolayevich; SH~~, Yuliy Avraamovich; RYBIN, V.V.p inzh., retsenzent; GLUM, N.M.9 -~.~t6klm-;-nsak-q -red.; RZHAVINSKIY, V.V., red. izd-va; MODILIv B.I., tekbn. red. - [Technology of metals] Tekhnologiia-metallov. Izd.2.,perer. i dop. Moskvap Gos. naucbzio-tekbn* iad-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1959- 599 p. (Metallurgy) (KIRA 24:7) PHASE I BOOK EULOITATION SOV/4525 Terekhav, Georgiy Aleksandrovich, Docento and Yully Avramavich Shuvalov, Candi- date of Technical Sciences Avtomatizatsiya tekhnologicheskikh protsessav mekhanicheskoy obrabotki I xborki v mashinostroyenti (Automation of Mechanical Working and Assmbly Processes in Machine Building) Moscow, Mashgili, 1960- 320 p. Errata slip inserted. 202000 copies printed. Reviewer: A.V. Ettell, Engineer; Ed.: P.A. Kunin, Engineer; Managing Ed. for Literature on Metal Vlorking and Machine-Tool Making '(Mashgiz): V.I. Mitin, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: T.F. Sokolova. PURPOSE: This book is intended as a textbook for students in machine-building tekhnikums. COVERAGE: Basic information Is given on the automation of machining or blank and the assembling of machine parts. The authors present the :Mandamentals of feeding of automatic machines, clamping of blanks,and dimensional control of blanks and finished parts. Problems of designing mechanized system with Cards::.l Automation of Mechanical Working (Cont.) sov/4525 copying and other types of automatic program control are discussed briefly inasmuch as they are treated in the course "Metal- Cutting Machine-Tools". Information on planning the processing of parts on the transfer machines and hoisting, conveying and reloading devices is also discussed. The contri- butiow to automation made by I.N. Voznesenskiy, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences USSN and A.A. Andronaw, Academician, are mentioned. There are 40 references., all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Introduction 5 Ch. 1. Automation System of Metal-Cutting Machine Tools and Schematic Layouts of the Autmatic-Cycle Control 15 1. Cyclic and non-cyclic system in automation of metal-cutting machine tools 15 2. Schematic Layouts of automatic cycle control 16 Ch. II. Automation of Feeding of Metal-Cutting Machine Tools 26 1. PurposeP classification and field of application of feeding devices 26 Card--a*- TEPINKICHIYEV, Vladimir Karpovich, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; SHUVALOV Yu A., kand. tekhn, nauk,, dotes# retsenzent; *141idK'~ Z * .. red. izd-va; GHERNOVA,, Z.I., tekhn. red. [14achine tools In the agricultural machinery industry] Metal- lorezhushchie stanki v sellskokhoziaistvennom mashinostroenii, Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 424 p (MIRA 15:3) (Machine tools) jAgricultural machinery) SHASHEO, Aleksandr Semenovich;=-V-AW-V,-Iu.A.-, prof.,, retsenzent; bAIAN'DIN,, A.F.., red. izd-va; SJIRNOVA, G.V., tekhn. red. [Structural analysis of the elements of metal-cutting machine tools]Strukturrvi analiz elementov metallorezhushchikh stankov. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 262 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Machinery, Kinematics of) (Machine tools) DFZ.IEIITIYEV, V-1 , kand. tekhn. nauk; OGRINCHUK, A.U.9 kand, tekhn, nm*; TEREKHOV, G.A., dots.; SHLYAR41KOV, A.I.0 dotB*; SHUVALOV Yu.A. P ~~ kand. tekbn. nauk; YVE21IR, Ya.A., kand. tekhn.-n-eu-F.,-r-e-fb--enzent; PANTELEYEV, V.V., inzh., reteenzent; BAZIMIOV, D.V., red. izd- va; UVAROVA, A.F., tel-hr- red. [1-'~eans for the autoration of machining processes; manual] Sred- stva avtomatizatsii mekhanicheskoi obrabotki; spravocbnoe po- sobie. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 520 p. (MIRA 150) (Metalcutting) (Automation) MALYSHEV, A.I.; NIKOLAYEV, G.N.- SHUVALOV Yu.A.; SAMOICHOTSKIY, jp , reaH'-1-5zWiNA, R.K., tekhn. A.I., red.; VOLKOVA, N.A. - red. (Technology of metals and building materials] TekhnologRa metallov i konstruktsionnye materialy. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola., 1963. 429 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Metalwork) (Building materials) A AJI.V, Yu....-- Age a-' tile Fyry-.,:,cLLIW,. iatrusion ia 'Laza'chst,.m. j)o*Ll. A." (..I. 1317 :io. ):397-31,1-.-' -':r '61. 1. Vocoo,;-amyy -eolc-,,-Ic"icsk-iy kistitut. Pred.;tavlono a*:,idemiko,- (ly-,yL-,:Up-,I*- Ig:i ous) A!U'P',OV, Yu.N. IJ3 t 'F.F trucl - e h, c a f of zhe vitelline nbrana z: c c, rllver fluviettllis Dokl. 1:77-SR 2t,,~~ 2714 Ja 16t., 1. pediatricheskiy madttsinsk;y Insti-,ut.. fNb- mItted Februai- y 22, 1965. Io j k Studyin,_- the toxicity of pot-atoes '.rea-ted -,,iQ--. 'he pr~,-pa ration ''TB." Vetorinariia 42 no.11:58-60 N 165. 1. lCrizariAly veterinarny-y insUtut. Yu. of e s 'uc 'r I. -en :~Prr-itura- xi L:n. un. 7, Nlo- :), 19" llonthl.y Li:it of Russian :,ccessions, L`bnary of Ccn '7re June 1953- Uncl _:iE "NA P.T. T.. jF.iTVAIJjV, IU. i.. -- "The ,onnection between the Distribution of Electronic Density and t~~ Electric Conductivity of Cadmium Sulfide Cr-jstals." Leningrad OrJer of Lenin State University imeni A. A. Zhrjanov, Leningrad, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Physicomathematical. Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya Letoois' No 44, October 1956, r7i.,oscow ~-Ov, VIUV I V,N d Y, W 111 4414 -bution the elect& tow f ARdL m4ab 1 .31 G Fit; 1950 d. '1022e, qe The etec V11 - US deul by our- n d. of hbragoosil, St was xy ler analysis of Weissenberg x-m r9dectl4v kir 7be re- tol to 4h. 0 the COSULLS V&dtd OAR . ..... ere Is,& cousl4cruible change in reflected Intensities .44 from high ohmic Wkvv obink cr -Calcus, on a high', ystals. 's a ellec" AdIstfibutlon. lit abithohmJ0 crpW theelec- Ii it In-ill d1ractios; 6tVt the nearest APPM*. ett" '!-dOAnce bod-virru atonim, whereAt U low, W a low Owe crystal the 61e6tran- da is Urge W the 41rection ut the atows t and small, bc wun t!iiin. locming qlactrft bridges between USSR / Physical Chemistry. Crystals. B-5 Abs Jour ; Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 88 19570 25952 Aua-or :Yu.N. Shuvalov Titl e :Connec ~cn B~etween Electrical Conductivity and Redistribu- tion of Electron Density in Cadmium Sulfide Crystals. Orig Pub :Zh. takhn. fiziki, 1956, 26, No 9, 1870 - 1879 Abstract 3Hexagonal synthetic monocrystals of CdS of various conduc- tivity and photosensitivity were investigated roentge- nographically. A one-way alteration of the intensity of most important reflexes was established, this alteration occurring at the transition to specimens with gL greater e- lectroconductivity, or at an increase of the specimen con- ductivity by the action of light or by heating.. Using I.-he synthesis of Fourier, tuo-dimensional projections of the e- lectron density (ED) in crystals were plotted for various specimens, and the redistribution of the ED was obserTed. Card 2 1/2 A 0 V) USSR/ElectricAy - Semiconductors G-3 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 12202 Author : Shuvalov, YU.N. Inst :-L~n ad State University, USSR. Title : Redistribution of Electron Density in a Crystal of Cadmium Sulphate in Connection with the Changes of Its Electric Conductivity. Orig Pub : Dokl- AN SSSR. 1956, log, No 4, 753-756 Abstract : The author explains the connection between the electric conductivity of well bounded hexagonal sixfole crystals of CdS and the distribution of the electron density in such crystals, by comparing the ratio of the intensities of the neighboring reflexes of rotation X-ray patterns of specimens with different conductivity. It turns out that as the crystal conductivity increases, certain of Card 1/2 NU'Nol 54-1-5/17 R: Shuvalov, Yu. N. TITLE: On the Investi~~ation of the Distribution of Electron Density in Crystals (K igsledovaniyu raspredeleniya elektronnoy plotnosti v kristalle) FERI:-1DICAL: Ve3tnik LeninCradskogo Universiteta Seriya Fiziki i 1-hi mii (Nr 1) , 1958, Nr. 4, .M'2RACT; A comparison of the distribution of electron d---nsity computed by means of the Fourier development accordinC to the inten:3ities of the X-ray reflexes of hexagonal crystals of cadmium sulfide made it posslible to discover a certain churacter of the redistribution of electron density with an increased conductivity of the crystals (Ref. 1). The modifications of the distribution of electron donsity observed were, however, found to be of little importance and were of the maCnitude of Ceneral errors. 'With an increased scale errors incr,~ased accordingly. Methods for the determination of smaller modifications of electron denslity, by the !Ilication of ',,hich relative errors of calculation are re-duced or untirely _-liminatcd (Ref. 2) ther*Jfore deserve Card 1/) On the lnvesti,.ation ~,f th--~ Distribl.ition of Elt-ectron 54-1 -5/17 Density in Crystals more attention. In the course of this paper the author -maintains that all characteristic modifications of the intenoity of reflexes accompanyinj-, the increase of crystal conductivity "operate" in the same direction without being contradictory to one anoth6r: they form electron bridges between the nearest atomic projections, i.e. between the hetero!'-eneous atoms along & base line of chemical b4nding and -aiden the gap of electron density between analoE7ous atoms. For the C~3timation of the strength or the weakness of electron bridees it is not necessary to build up a complete constr!iction of electron density distribution in the crystal. It is possible to confine oneself to detcrmining the relative modifications of intensity of ck.,rtain individual types of re-flexes. The fact that no complete construction is built up also fully eliminates errors in com-putation which occur mainly as a result of the effect produced by the disruption of ser-'es. 2he methods worked out can not be employed for direct investii..*ation. They merely serve the purpose of bringing about a more distinct and more clear demonstration of the meaning Card 2/3 and the character of the re-distribution Processes of electron On the Investii.ation of the Distribution of Electron 54-1-5/17 Density in Crystals S"BIMITTED: AVAILA3LE: density, wi-,h which, by means of the Fourier development, certain modifications of the intensity of X-ray reflexes can be connected if these modifications represent experimental facts. By these methods it is also not possible to obtain a solution in advance concernine the connection existing between the modification of intensity of reflexes and other properties of the crystal, nor do they exercise any influence upon the thi~oretical interpretation of this phenomenon. There are 5 fiCures, and 3 references, 3 of which are Slavic. January 30, 1957 Library of Congress 1. Crystals-Electrons-Density 2. Cr7stals-Conductivity 3. Cr7stals-Theory Card 3/3 SMNAWV, Yu. N. Relationship between electric conductivity and electron density, distribution in germanium crystals. Fis. tver. tale. i no.2:208-215 F '59. (MIRA 12:5) l.Loningradskly gosudaretvanay universitat im...AqA. Xhdanova. . A tGermnium crystals) RUMSE, M.A.; JhUVALOV, YU.N.; SIMIRIJOV, L.A. i;ffect of illumination on the intensity of X-ray reflections from cadmium sulfide crystals. Fiz. tver. tela 2 no.2:369-370 F 6o. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.A. Zhdanova i Ilauclino-issladovatellskiy fizichoskiy inatitut. (Cadmium sulfide crystals) (X rays) r 7 'rv' -,f 5 LA tmpn ljAelt~ ne milam-, r Tv,.bu~an rct,-.J. b,.-,. r s&r.,,-lizu. uchr. -..rcf-sr--;uzov 134 39 M." P"', vrech S/191/63/00()/003/W B.101/B1136 AUTHORSt Sorokin, M. F. 9 Lyalyushko, K. A. iiijdakova, R. A. VReil"Yev# V. B6# lhuvalova. A. N. TITLE: Copplym repf, unsaturated, Flycldal eaters. ~Gopolymertsatloo of- e . I .- - . ~glycidyl methadr%ylhte41t'h'meth.Vl m,~thae-i-ylate in solvents i. PERIODICALt Plaoticheakiye,massy, n6. 3, 1(1,65, 3 TEXTs The copolymerization of - glycidyl methacrylate (GUA) with metbyl Wethew crylate (MMA) was conducted-in a solution of toluene;'dioxane, or cyclo- hexanone under an atmosphere of nitrogen.with 0.1 mole% benzoyl peroxide as initiator, the purpose of this study being to produce polymers containIng epoxy group96 GMA was synthesized from epichlorohydr ine and sodium metha- crylate. Optimum reaction was reached at 90 0C and 30% concentration of components. At higher concentrations, Ahe reaction went too fast and the. mass became too viscous, making it very difficult to take samples. Lower concentration decelerated the reaction considerably. Copolymerization did not occur at 600C and 30% concentration. At 50% it was too slow but could be accelerated by increasing the benzoyl peroxide 1%. The re- Card 112 S/191/63/000/003/002/022 Copolymers of.unsaturated-.... BIOI/B186 action was slowest in toluene Yielding 77-89%1 in dioxane and cyclohexanone it was equally alow yielding 83 - 96~k. Reduced viscosity in diornae was 5.55 - 5.79, in toluene 2.48 - 2.64. The ratio GVA s VVA was varied between 1 1 4 and 4 1 1. The resulting copolymers were white, solid substances sollible in acetone, acetates, dioxane, dirhloro ethane, and'cyclohexanons. The polydispersion of the copolymers was determined by turbidimetric titra- tion. Pure polyglycidyl' methacrylat6 had the lowest p olydispe'relon, whereas pure polymeLbyl. methacrylate had the highest. The.'values for the copolymers ranged in between, depending on 'the o1olar ratio of components and on the aXount of initiator added.. Fractionate precipitation showed*all fractions to contain equal nmounts of glycide groups: approximately 23,% at a ratio 10,11, ~. 1 2 1 1 ---ii,'-at 1 1 4, ,18~, at I 1 2, -29FA at 2 1 1, and A t J1 : 1 .The copolymers were somewhat enriched with,GMA and their fractio- n,il composition differed'from that of a mechanical mixture of components. TI-.e copolymerization constants were determined by U. Fineman's and U. D. Ro!--zl method (J. PIolymer 259 (1950))1 rr.UA ' 0.94; r... -.0-75- 'Mere are 6 figures ancl 3 tables. rivra- 2/2 86678 5/064/60/000/008/006/008 B02O/BO6O AUTHORS: Sorokin, M. F., Angarskaya, E. Ya., Shuvalovat_k--R- TITLE: Mechanism of the Formation of Epoxy Resins From Epichloro Hydrin and Dioxy Diphenyl Propane PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', 1960, No. 8, pp. 25-34 TEXT: The formation of epoxy resins from dihydric phenol and epichloro hydrin is theoretically possible in two wayst 1) phenyl ether of glycerin monochloro hydrin forms first, which is dehydrochlorinated to the respective diglycide ethers which, by reaction with the hydroxyl groups of the free phenol molecules, give rise to resins, or 2) the diglycide ethers of bivalent phenol are obtained in one stage in the reaction of epichloro hydrin with the sodium phenolate of a bivalent phenol and their further reaction proceeds as above. The former theory seems to be more probable. The reactions of epichloro hydrin, of glycerin dichloro hydrin, and of 1-phenoxy-3-chloropropanol-2 with phenols and with lye were examined. The respective reaction products were identified, the kinetics was studied at 30, 40, 50, and 600C. and the rate constants were calculated. The Card 1/3 M678 Mechanism of the Formation of Epoxy.Resins S/064/60/000/008/oo6fto From Epichloro Hydrin and Dioxy Diphenyl B020/BO60 Propane hydrolysis of chloro hydrins in NaOH solution was studied (Table 1), the reaction products identified being given in Table 2, and the course of hydrolysis in time at 400 being illustrated in Fig. 1. The same data for the reaction of chloro hydrins with sodium phenolate in water are given in Tables 3 and 4. The reaction of chloro hydrin with phenol and NaOH in water (Fig. 2) and with sodium phenolate in water at 400 (Fig. 3) is illustrated graphically. The comparative reactivity of the chloro, hydrins concerned for different reactions is illustrated by the data given in Table 5. The rate constant of the reaction of phenyl glycide ether with different phenols shows a linear dependence on the catalyst concentration (Fig- 4). The dependence of the reaction rate constants K1and K 2 of phenyl glycide ether with dioxy diphenyl propane on the catalyst (NaOH) concentration at 900 (Figs- 5,6) is linear, but different from the linear dependence in the reaction of p4dnyl glycide ether with phenols. The rate constants K2 and K1 of the reaction of phenyl glycide ether with dioxy diphenyl propane in bulk are given ini Table 7. Fig. 7 is a graph depicting the dependence of the rate constant K1 of the reaction Card 2/3 86678 Mechanism of the Formation of Epoxy Resins From S/064/60/000/008/006/008 Epichloro Hydrin and Dioxy Diphenyl Propane B020/BO60 of diphenyl ester of glycerin with phenyl glycide ether on the catalyst (NaOH) concentration at 900. The reactivity of the seconda hydroxyl is considerably lower than that of phenolic hydroxyle (Table 87. The effect of the ratio of the components upon the properties of synthesized resins was investigated using a) dioxy phenyl propane - epichloro hydrin - NaOH - 111-111-32, and b) dioxy phenyl propane - epichloro-hydrin - WaOff = IsI-521-8- Conditions in the synthesis of resins (Table 9) and the main factors of resins synthesized at 90 and 1000 (Table 10) are also given V. 6upler, M. Lidafik, I. Kincl, and V. Ulbrich are mentio'hed (Refs- 5:6). There are 7 figures, 10 tables, and 11 referencess 2 Soviet, 1 US, 3 British, 3 German, and 4 Czech. Card 3/3 - SOROKIN, M.F.; ANGARSKMA, N.Ya.; ~W~A Ghemistr7 of the formation of epoxide resins from epichlorokqdrin and dibydro3y diphonylpropanso lhinoproso no*8:643-652 D 160o (MRA 13; 12) (Spoxy resins) (Propane) CMnANOWSKly, V. M-1 BULA-11-31, )L 0.) DEXISOV, G. S.; and GLR~ ~Tftf-md Abserption S;-t- or s- T- ..d jh". CoWpooant aolutj~ wtth report *utmitW 4t the 4th lateroattooal Pketi" of Molecular Spctrmcayy, BologrA, Italy, 7-12 Sept 1959. Phy.1c.1 r_tjt.~ of tb. Untro-Ity, L..lngm4. JIUVAII)VA) Dtft-nded h-,,.5 CandidatC5 -Ji.-Zertation in the anti Nath-matics facult of ll~ -7cow Stati Univtrilty on 7 MaY 1952. 10 Di5.-crtation- "On the Abfolute Convergence of S-,rie!! of Polynomials." .X: Vc~tzrak ll-lamkovmkogo Urdlvcr~iteta, Scrly,-. FLAko-Matematichenkikh i I.estt,!Avelmykh Nauk, Nc. 1, ,'oscow, Feb 1953, PP 17-11-157: trnn3l. in ,J-29712, 1-~ ll,-,ril 54, For off. usc- only. UNR/1kthemtics - Convergence, Jul/Aug 52 Polynomial Sequence ttUpper Convergence of a Sequence of Polynomials," E. Z. Shuvalova, Moscow "Mtemat Sbor" Vol XXXI (73), No 1, PP 76-87 In many problems of mathematics a large role is played by polynomials which approximate a function analytical in a certain set S with accuracy./f(z)- pn(z)/~