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naterial is either uniaxial or multiaxial (with respect to possible directions 6 of
spontaneous polarization) ; and the paraelectr1c phase from which the ferroclectric
phase in question arises cither does or does not have piezoelectric properties in
the direction of the spontaneous polarization of the ferroclectric phase. Only in
nultiaxinl crystal,,; are other than'ICOO domain walls possible, and only in materials
having, piezoelectric properties in tho paraclectric state is there a linear relation
beti%reen domain striicture and stress and strain. The crystal classes are determined
to which materials of each ofithe four crystallophysical types can belong, and the
32 paraelectric classes are grouped according to the ferroelectric types to which
tlicy can give rise. Thus, a classification of ferroelectric phase transitions is ob-
t *
ained. The properties (both necessary and possible) of ferroelectric materials of
the four crystallophysical types are discussed at some length. It is suggested that
the crystallophysical classification may be useful in the search for new ferroelec-
trics with specific properties. 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: rnstitut kristallografii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Crystallo-
graphy, Academy of Sciences, SSSR)
Card 2/2
DATE ACQ: 30Apr64
ENCL: 00
ACCESSION Nft: 'A?401650!5 3/0020/64/154/*0q/1Q7.9A07T
AUTHORS: Shuvalovp L.A.; Shirokov, A.M.
TITLE: The characteristics of the amplitude dependence of Internal
friction in single-cr-jstal ferroelectries
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*,, v. 154, no. 5o 1964., 1OT5-IOTT
TOPIC TAGS: deformations deformatiodamplitude, internal friction#
ferroelectric, ferrite, Weiss domain, triglycin sulfate, domain
structure ' domain reorientation, single crystal, tinsel silver,
damped oscillation, dielectric hysteresis
ABSTRACT: An experimental study has been made of some
the internal friction in single cr-jstals of Rochelle salt and tri-
klycin suirate with various types of the Weiss domain structure.
The bar-shaped,samples, measuring about 30x4x2 mm, were tested in a
constant-temperature retort. As it was very difficult to measur
'the deformation amplitude of the samples, the experimental curves-
were plotted according to the current passed through the-er7stal by
Card 1/2
mechanical resonance oscillations. The behavior of the logarithmic
damping decrement was studied while the current going through the
sample was changed from 0.02 to 2 milliamperes. The results of the
above t6sts Justify the following two basic conclusions: 1) the in-
tensive internal friction in some of the Rochelle salt samples
within the ferroelectric temperature region is determined by a var-
lety of Weiss domain processes. It Is possible that large defLorma-'',
tion amplitudes produce volumetric derormations which change the
nature of the internal friction. 2) It may be assumed that the am-
plitude dependence of the internal friction in the case of rela-
tively small deformations will be observed in the ferroelectric re-
gion of the Rochelle salt crystals in which the reorientation of t
the Weiss domains may occur under the effect of homogeneous mechan-
ical stresses. Orig. art. has: 2 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii Akademii nauk SSSR (Insti-
tute of crystallography,, Academy of Sciences SSSR)
SUBMITTED: 210ct63 DATE ACq: 12mar64 ENCL: 00
Card 2/2
-A 3003165.-
-t"10/pu lip
ACCESSION NR: AP560406 -3/0030/6 1
h"a sciences)
AUTHOM Shuvalov, L. As (Candidate of ph~BiCO
t A discussion of the problems of f erroelediricit~ ongerence at Rostov-W
-Vestnik no. 1 19651 1118-119
TOPIC TAGS: ferroelectricity,, antiferroalectricity p oelectri, ect., domain
j yr c eff
structure., phase transitiong. dielectric. permeablUtyv spectroscopy,, single cryo
Ved'a leading. role inthe.
ABSTRAOT: Bver since 1931 Soviet scientists haire, pla,
theoretical and experimental studies of ferroelactricity end its twes, The
Union Conference on ferroalectriciU was held on September.12-18i 1964 at Xostov-~::.---
na-Donu by the university at RostovP;145ome 300 men from~78 institutions in Russia.,-
attended, and over 150 papers were presented.- There werd few theoretical paper s;
most of them dealt with the phenomenal and adcroscopic, approaches to the general
theory of ferroelectricity and with questions of domaih-structure ero ion
s Of
phrase transitionag dielactri.6 permeabllity of ceramics' etco Studies of the
structure and properties pf.newly developed ferrooloc 'tricitied includedt a plate.
L 30031-65
structure of the type t ium-tungBten,.bronzej-, little studied and
AVBVI%jj po ass
ate compounds with antif arro-,::.
debatable ferroelectrics-LiTa03s LiNbOAS SrTiO~,
::-,electric properties--Pb3V208,- and Pb2(dcW)06 "ich has both antiferroelectrie.
~ferroelectric phases. Materials with peculJar dielectric and Diiagne5tic properties,--
that' absorption And reflection a ctroscopio5t,',I.,v~.
were also discussed. 'It was indicated. pa I -_-:-
studies in the infrared and visual regions would be helpful. , h4'e ~ha'racter and:
nature of the modifying effect of small additivea on the propertiee of BaTiO and
other ferrooleobrice were disduseed., It was stated that,inveise do a ru
leads to anomalies of internal friction and sound ab io (co licat
sorpt h vip ad by,
Of Curie poinb),, The first continuous3,v observed,domain structure w
reported in studies of the dynainic domain strudturej'and-ita connection with
and th
I locations was explainede.~.The affect of'Ye-rays- .-x-rays,'on a propertiess
domain structure of water.~oolubli.,ferroolectrieb~,iwai ~66fisid6ied. - The nature and'~':`_
practical uses of the pyroelectric act: were 4169,A etwe -Sing" crystal
growth in refation to fer+6ceramicalf,; explained';~'~~:`-k-kmnii coaaren(te win be'
or -
1held in Septembi 1966, at-~Uae
prop rovsk. (t
ps are more numerous in TGS'than in RS. The num
-1) The Barkhausen jum
in lum greate,
ber of jumps egrreponding1o polarization reversal v0 es
than 1.5 x 3.0-'J em is an order of magnitude greater in.TGS than-in
RS. The total volume of the crystal in,whi6h polarization reversal-.b
Barkhausen jumps takes place1s 0,25%-in TGS and only 0#01%, in RS6.
2) The values Of Estart and (isee,the reference cited above,for
definitions) are ldrger for fhain - for TO i 3) The - time-,Xollowing~ a
change of applied field during which-Bakkhausen Jumps occur is areate
for TG6 than for RS. In RS substantially all the jumps occur within i
00 see, whereas the jumps continue for.several minutes in TGS. 4), Th~'
application of certain mechanlical stresses~decreases the number and-
mechanical.stress does not influ-
size of the Barkhausen jumps. in FS
ence the Barkhausen effect in TGS. 5)-RS exhibits a piezoelectric
~is applied in the.abs
Barkhausen effects. when a mechanical stress cel.,
of an external electric field 7
polarization jumps occur vhich.are
similar in size and distribution to-the ordinary Barkhaugen jumps.,
non-unipolar TGS no polarization jumps occur when a mechanical stress
."'Jis applied in the absence of"a fieldo.In'some W~Lpolai Tas -SDecimens:
ongLtudinal waves* The results of
on Pfto.5WO.503 59 PbTLO3wLth 1
the shear measurements were similar to,- those of the previous measure.-.
ments with longitudinal waves: the shear compliance decreased smoth-
t by about 50-4n the *Lmi
1y by abou i6l while the temperature-Luareased
cinity of the antiferroelectr1c Curie point andthe logarithmic decrew-,-`-
ment reached a maximm value of OoO3 near the CurLe point-4*P The tem-
ture of the maximum of the logarithmic decrement (3000) was.same
pe ra
60 below that of the.flex point of the shear compliance curve. Me
reason for this difference, which was not found with longitudinal
waves, is not known. The logarithmic decrement in the antUerroelec-w
trLc phase (far from the Curie point).was appreciably greater than in
the Paraelectric phase. This is ascribed to domain wall.movement., The
compUances, and particularly the decrements, were found to be much
more amplitude dependent in the%antLferrae1dctrLc phase than in the
paraelectrLe phase. The anomaly in the transition region (near -700C)1,
of the elastic compliance of the solid solution containing 59 PbTift
was barely perceptible* -It is suggested that thLs.Ls related to the
fact that the change of the lattLe 'constants of this solution at'the',
_Cara W3
L-78W-6-6 1JP(c) JD/GG
ACC NR, AP 5028100 SOURCE CCDE: Un/0048/65/029/011/1974/1981
AUMOR: Shuvalov, L.A.; UnatsakanZan, A.V.
ORG: Institute of Crystal ogravhX- Academv_o~ Sciences, SSSR (Institut krlstall-/11~
ografii Akademii nauk SSSR); Yerevan Polytechnic Institute (Yerevanskiy polite-
khnicheskiy institut)
TITLE: Investigation of the internal friction anomaly of ferroelectric phosphates
in the vicinity of the Curie point CEeport, FoZirth All-Union Conference on Ferro-
ele.ctricity held at Rostov-on-the Don 12-16 September 1969- 4q 6
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizi6heskaya. v. 29, no. 11, 1965, 1974-1981
TOPIC TAGS: Ferroelectric crystal, ph-sphate,"glastic deformation, elastic modulus,
elastic hysteresis, Curie point, second order phase transition
ABSTRACT: The elastic compliance and logarithmic decrement of longitudinal vibrations
of single crystal bars of KH2PO4# KD 2P04 and RbH 2P04 of approximate dimensions
25 x 4 x 2 mm 3 were measured at the resonance frequency over a temperature range in-
cluding the Curie point. The vibrations were excited and observed with the aid of
the piezoelectric effect, and the electric circuit was such that the specimens were
practically short-circuited. The temperature was controlled within 0.010 C. The
exciting alternating field was of the order of 2.5 V/cm, and measurements were
made in the presence of dc bins fields up to 4 kV/cm directed along the ferroelectric F
L 7847-66
AC6 NR: AP 5028100
axis. In the case of 450 Z-cut bar., in the absence of a bias field the compliance
and decrement increased sharply as the temperature was reduced through the Curie
point, and as the temperature was further reduced, the compliance decreased slowly
and the decrement decreased only slightly and subsequently increased. Application
of a bias field, which inhibited domain;reorientation, greatly reduced both the
compliance and the decrement at temperatures somewhat below the Curie point. The
large values of compliance and decrement below the Curie point, ascribed to domain
polarization reversal and inhibited by a bias field, were not present in 450 X-cut
bars. The sharp maxima of the compl-iance,docrement, and dielectric constant near
the Curie point shifted to higher temperatures under the action of a bias field. For
KH2PO4 this shift was 0.3 x 10-3 degree/V, which is about twice that found for
KD2PO4 by R.M.11ill and S.K. Ichiki (Phys.nev. , 132, 1603 (1963)). Although the present
data are not adequate to support the conclusion that the phase transition in E112PO 4
deviates from a second order transition as does that in KD2PO4 (R.M.Hill and S.K.
Ichiki, loc. cit.), they indicate that it is desirable to reexamine the high frequency
dielectric constant dA! with the V"
* g Of disclosing sucB,Peviations. The authors
thank LV. Gavriolova,R.M. Fedosy "'ind T.V. Pichkulovl-lor preparing the crystal
specimens, and I.S. Zheludev and A.M. Shirokov Act valuable remarks. Orig. art. has:
7 figures.
SUB CCDE: SS, US SON DATE: 00/ ORIG. law. 010 OrH RKF: 005
(c)/EEC (k)-2/F-PF (n)-2/T/EWP(t)/EWP(b)/*ENA(i)"-~.Z-,~
ACC NRt AP5028107 1JVkC) JU/W
SOURCE CODS: UR/0048/65/029/011,/2005/go(o
9, qY A~,
S, Ir-1 99
AUTHOR: S110yestrova, I.M.; )-qKi -A, Shuvaiaw !t- Podleas
ORG: none,
TITLE: The Piezoelectric effect and internal friction In gLtirradial
salt--crystals leporto Faurth All-Union Conference on Ferro-electricit
ff hold at
Rostov-on-the Don 12-16 September 19617
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 29, no. 11, 1965, 2005-2006
V U 4
1, rystal, gamma irradiation
TOPIC TAGS: rorroelertric cUsta ''Single c LZ-W-l et
crystal, elastic modulus, internal frictiono electric field
ABSTRACT: The authors have measured the piezoelectric modulus d
14, the electro-
mechanical coupling constant k14, the elastic COMPliftnce S421 and the damping constant
~ for longitudinal mechanical vibrations, of 7-irradiated 450 X-cut Rochelle salt
crystal bars at temperatures from 0 to 350C and (in the case of B42 and d14) in the
presence dc bias field up to 3 W/cm. The crystals were irradiated (maximun dose,
1.2 x 107 roentgen) at 3-50C and stored at this temperature for 1-2 days before
measurement. The piezoelectric effect was investigated by the resonance-antiresonance
method and the internal friction was measured by the technique described by L.A.Shuva-
lov and Yu.S.Likhachava (Izv.AN SSSR. Ser. fiz., 24, No. 11, 1216 (1960)). The effect -
almllar to
of 7 irradiation on the temperature dependence of all these quantities was
Card 1/2
--____L__!821-66 EWT (1)/EPA(,�)-2/EWT(m)APF (c)/EPF (n)-2/EWP(j) IJP(c) GG/R14
XEC NRI AP5028108 souncz cc
,?x: u&AXM/63/029/011/200 DIV
AUT11OR: ILW~ov ~L.A. Rud
yakgV.M K
ORG: Institujo of Cryglall9graph-v. Aced"Z of sciences, SSSR (Institut kristallo 11
Akademil nauk SSSR); K
gosudarstvonnyy pedagogicheakiy inatitut)
TITIZ: jnLjmqnce of
materials LReport, Z.
on-the Don 22-16 Sep
Irradiation the Barkhausen effect In ferroelectric
11-Union Conference on Ferroe-electricity held at Ros
L9647 liq,
SOME: AN SSSR. Xzvestiya. Seriyn,jlzl~heakaya, Y. 29, no. 3L1$ 1965, 2W9-2013
2;.# 14 Y 5-1
TOPIC TAGS: ferroelecirIc')crystalp single crystal, gesma Irradiation, Barkhausen
ABSTRACT: The Barkhausen 0,tect has been Investigated In 10 x 10 x 2 =3 1-irradi ted
Y-cut triclnine sulfateliffOX- and 450 X-cut Rochelle salt crystals. The crystal:
were irradiated In the ferroelectric phase, and the measurements were awe at room
temperature several weeks or months after irradiation, using experimental techniques
described by V.M-Hudyak and V.YO*Xanayev (Xzv. AN SSSR. Bor. fiz., 29, 937 (1965)"
Uch. zap. Kalininsk. pod. In-ta, 40 (1964)). Polarization and voluue jumpe of 1.8 x
x 10-14 C em and 0.3 x 10-8 3
cm coldd be detected in triglycine sulfate, and jumps of
5.3 x 10-15 C cm and 1.5 x 10-0 cma could be detected In Rochelle salt., The total
Card 1/2
.sua C 88.1%
L 5134-66 94T(1)/T IJP(c) GG
ACCESSION RR: AP5018T46 UIR/0020/65/163/002/
AUTHOR: Shuvalov, L. A.; RUdyakp V. M.; F!~ V. Ye.
TITLE: Jump in polarization reversal in ferroeleatric crystals, induced by applida-7-
tion of mechanical stresses
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 163, no. 2, 1965,
TOPIC TAGS: ferroelectric crystal.* ferroelectric effect,, electric,polarizationp
piezoelectric effect
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the irrvestigation.was to check whether the Barkhausen
effect can be produced in ferroelectric crystals by mechanical stress alone. The
tests were made on Rochelle-salt plates (10 x 10 x 2 mm) with an installation com-
bining the apparatus described earlier by one of the authors (Khmayevp Kristallo--
grafiya v. 9, 755j, 1964) and by 1. S. Zheludev and N. A. Romanyuk (Kristallografiya
v. 4, 710, 1959). The load was applied in discrete steps and the polarization-
reversal jumps were displayed on an oscilloscope and counted with a scaler system.
The tests confirmed that application of mechanical stress produces the same effect
as an electric.field applied to the sample along the X axis. A reduction in the
stress or application of coupession stress in the opposite direction produces Bark-
housen jumps of opposite polarity* A hysteresis effect is observed on going tbrough
Card -1/2
6- e3 12
_L__26740-_6_&____E,WT_ (1 )rE, )/T/EW W IJP(c') JD/JG/GG
A 6C N _Rk663-14-6 SOURCS CODE: UIV i 2~
AUTHW;.,,..8huvsluv,p L. Mattakwwan, As V.
ORG: Xerevan Polyk-mh-nic Institute In. YArl, M=Jrerevanskly politeldoicheakly hi_-
stitut) ;-.Institute of rat AN SSSR(Inititut krlnt&Uogmf# AN SM)
In a
TITLE: Elastic prM1.MeB,-0f Le of votasslxv~ dideuterophosphate (K)~!P04)'i
wide range of temperatures
SOURCE: Kristallograflyap v. llp no. 2., 3966., 222-226
TOPIC TAGS: potassium compound,, deuterium compoundp elastic modulus# phase trawl-
onj, ferroelectric effect Curie point,, electric polarizationp temperature
i, indence, crystal properky
MM(T: In view of the recent revival.of interest in X*D2PO4 crystals, the authork
have determined all the components of the elastic-coefficient tensor of this crystal
in a wide range of temperatures., including the point of ferroelectric phase transi-
tion. The measurements were made by the usual resonance procedure using apparatus
designed for the meaiurpment of the dynamic electromechanical properties of crystals.
described by one of the authors earlier (Nhatsakan~ano Trudy IV Vsesoy=ncy konf~
tsil po relaksatsiongym yavlenlym v tverdykh telakb [Transactions of the Fowth All- I
Union Conference on Relaxation, Phenomena in Solids]., Voronezh., 2966).9 and a cryo
described by the authors elsewhere (Izve vyssh. ucbebjWkh zaved. Mike, in wes
The tests were made in the temperature range from -225 to +25C. The text procedwe
and the preparation of the sample crystals are briefly described. The results abow
Card 2/2 UBC: 548-0: 539-371
L 44811-60' EWT (1)/Z','1T C m)ITI-EIN ( t)/LTI IjP(c) J &/ j ii/ 6-d
ACC NR, AP6032622- SOURCE CODE: UR/0386/66/004/oi
AUTHOR: Ivanav, N. R.i Shuvalov, L. A.; Fedosyuk, R. M.; Pluzhnikav, K. A.
ORG: Institute of Crystallography, Acadeqr of Sciences, SSSR (Institut a allo-
grafii Akademii nauk SSSR) Z
,4ITLE: Proof of the existence of two sharply distinct ferr~electric phase; in
SGUIRCE: Zhurnal ~ksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pia*ms v redaktalyu.
Prilozheniye, v. 4, no. 6, 1966, 220-226
TOPIC TAGS: ferroelectricity, phase transition, second order phase transition,
electric polarization, dielectric constant, temperature dependence
- ENACT: The authors 1rrVst1g&ted the fe"oelectric properties of large homogeneous
~hWingle crystals of NaH3(Se03)Z,grown from the aqueous solution by the method of
dropping the feimperature7,-having a Curie point T = 78 6C and a Belting temperature
111 1 0-5C. Measurements of the low-frequency (&Z -cpsi dielectric constant at a
measuring-field intensity 10 v/ca were made for three mutually perpendicubw auto
oriented parallel to the principal sections of the optical indlestriz: the crystal-
lographic directions were taken to be the principal axes of the Indl striz, so that!
the x, y, and z axes were directed respectively elon the acute and obtuse b1sectorf
and the normal to the plane of the optical axes. The tomparature dependence of the!
rotation of the indicatrix ip(T) about the y axis and the components of the
Card 1/11
L 44811-66
ACC NRi AP6032022
polarization were measured. 7be measurements have demonstrated conclusively the P"-
sence of one more phase transition in NSH3(SeO,2)2 at -172.5C,, at which a jumpwlse
decrease takes place in the components of the dielectric constant. Mw transitlon'...
has a temperature hysteresis of 10.5% Consequently, the transition is of first
order. The temperature dependence of the various components of the dielectric con-4
stant, of the spontaneous polarization, sj~d of the coercive field were &1so, Investi;
gated. An analysis of the obtained Information leads to the followIft conclusi
1. NaH3(SeO3)2 undergoes two phase transitions, me at -78-6C (second order bvton~-
close to first order) from the parselectric a phase to the ferroelectric 0 phase. c
2. In the absence of external action, the y phase (or part of It) can remain mota-
stable in the crystal in the range -162C < T < TC. An external electric field or
mechanical action can transform the crystal to the 13 phase which Is stable in this
temperature region- 3- In the y phase, the vector of spontaneous polarization lies
in the xz plane (m plane), but in the 0 phase there appears & y component of the
polarization, as a result of which the crystal becomes triclinic. 4. As a result of
these stresses and of the noncollinearity of the polarization vector Ps in different
domain systems, it becomes possible to display visually the trace of the domain struc.
ture. 5. Since the motion of the domain walls takes place in a field of inhomogene-
ous mechanical deformationj, an appreciable domain contribution to the dielectric con-
stant is produced. 6. The difference between the effects brought about by the x and-
y polarization components, and the different behavior of these components themselves
and of the coercive fields corTesp9nding to them offer definite evidence of two ea-
Card 213
. L 44811-66
I - A C- C -N- R -tA-P- 6 63 -2- -0-22,
sentially different mechanism for the occurrence of spontaneous polarization In
NaII3(SeO3)2- Orig. art. has: 3 figures.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 20jun66/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH RV: 006
t) /E-I. ITJP(c J I I/, J AJ/1101
Ku~tC.&' CDDZ: UI-VO67016610111001061410621
,V.0-40v, L ..L
_~;~SR (Institut kristallografii AV. SSSi)
-nst*tuto of Crystallograj~iy___&!
3(4iavior of optical indicatricos of curtain monoclJnAc: forroolactric
;tidr, w!U. eh- Go in to.
Xristallografiya, v. 11, no. 4, 1966, 6614-0,11
'.i'A3S: forrooloctric crystal, optic analysis, crystal optic proporty,
polarization, tamporaturo dopundonco, paraoloctri city, Curio point
is~ g af
STiU.0'2: This is a continuation of oarlior work (Kr tallo r v. 9, no
L' iya 3,
3..)3, a"d it is dovotod to a moasuremont of tho rotation of tho optical in-
in -khroo'monoclinic forrocloctric substancos (triglycinosulfato,'Itrig-
'llithi-wn hydrosolonito) with chango in tomporaturo. Tho 6~nglo of
;Notation *e;as moa:;-4rod by two mothods, polarimotric and conoscopic (both rosults
L;avo excollont agroamont), but only tho conoscopic mothod was usod to moasuro tho
an~rlo of t:hu optical axis. All tho oxpor-iments wero made with tho aid of a zpoctral
polarLmotor dovoloped by tho author (with A.V, Xftronskiy and G.D. Shnyrev), and
Card 1/2 UDC: 548.0:533.52
L 09hh3-67
,,cc ;,u-6o24668
proparcd by t-jo Dcjs-gn Office of the Crystallography institute. The apparatus and
i"o tost procedure are doscribad in dutail. 'rho results show that tho tomporature
dcj:~ondoncu of tho rotation of the optical indicatrix was lincar in the paraolectric
"..Q Z;Uron-ly nonlinear in the forrooluctric phase in the case of triglycin sulfate
an6 sulonato. ';he Curia point5 found from thoso plots wore 43.2 and 22.9C for the
sul.fato and solonato, rospoctivoly. With decreasing tomporaturo, the relation again
-oco.7.os iinoar. in t:-io caso of lithium hydrosonito, the dopondaico was linear in
`na ontira rar.Z;o of tonporaturos. The results are intorprotod on the basis of the
6.,or.,-,oo?t--ca1 and spontaneous olectrooptical and olastooptical effects. it is
s.-,own thLt the obtainud results load to soveral eonoral conclusions and estimates.
owa"ors Lhank 1. S. Zholudov for useful discussions, and the staff member of'
~ho ins, L,4 u- of Physics of the Czechoslovak Acado. of Sciences B. Brzhozin and of
V -th
ho instituto of Crystallography AN SSSR I. V. Gavrilov for supplyine a crystals
~or t:ho investigation. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 13 formulas, arxi 1 table.
s~;B cc)D*-.,: 20/ SUBX DW,-6. l7Nov65/ ORIG Ra. 0051 0Tj PX-F: 012
ACC NR. AP't?002387 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/171/005/1092/1095
ALTMOR: ivanov, N. R. ; Shuyalov, L. A.; Kislovskiy, L. D.
ORG- Institute of Crystallography, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut kristallogra
Akaderrdi nauk SSSR)
TITLE: On the structural mechanism of the electrooptical and thermooptical effects
in ferroelectric crystals of the triglycinsulfate type
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 171, no. 5, 1966, 1092-1095
ITOPIC TAGS: electrooptic effect, ion, ferroelectric material, glycine, sulfate,
ABSTRACT. Theoretical and experimental investirtions were made of the important I
part played by the deformation of SO or Se042- ions in the occurrence
of spontaneous polarization in monochnic triglycinsulfate or triglycin-
selenate crystals. The deformation resulting from the displacement of
nitrogen atoms can be measured by directional changes of the maximur.
polarizability, i.e., by shifts of the indicatrix of the crystal. Measure-I
ments were performed of the shifts of the optical indicatrix in the pars-
electric phase at a temperature close to the malting temperature of the
crystals. These shifts showed up as breaks on the # (T) dependence curves*
which are explained as indicating the presence in both crystals of
Cgrd 1/2
several characteristic temperatures above the curie point, at which the
rupture of bonds takes place. It is suggested that the results can be
extrapolated to other crystals of the same type. Thus, for example. one
can calculate that the melting temperature of triglycinfluoberyllate
is 230-235C... -Orig. art.- liars: 'A kigures - ana 1 table.
SOKOLOV, N.S. (Magadanskaya oblast'); POPOV, VJ1. (", danskaya oblast');
DYMOV, K.M. (Vagadanskaya oblast'); SHUVALOV, -L-V. (Kagadanskaya
oblast'); KATSUYNT, L.P.; BONDARENK ya oblast'~,
MAYO-ZNAK. Ye.S. (Kagadanskaya oblast' DZASOKHOV, Kh.B.
(Magadanakaya oblast')
Eliminate infficiency in the operation of dredges. Kolyma 21
no.1:4-7 Ja '59. (KIRA 12:6)
l.Nachallnik gornogo upravleniya (for Sokolov). 2.Nachallnik dragi
No.175 (for Popov). 3.Nachal'nik dragi No. 173 (for Dymov). 4.Nachallnik
priiska im. Gastello (for Shuvalov). 5.Zameatitell direktora Veeooywno.-
go nauchno-issladovateliskogo instituta zolota i redkikh metallov,
Magadan (for Matsuyev). 6.Nachallnik otdela truda i zarabotnoy platy
gornago upravleniya (for Bondarenko). Mamestitell nachallnika
proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheakogo otdela sovnarkhoza (for Mayo-Znak).
8.Nachallnik priiska im. Chkalova (for Dzasokhov).
(Dredging machinery) (Hydraulic mining)
SNUVAL(TV, M.; BUYAMOV, N., inzh.-inspektor
With amll forces. Pozh. delo 9 no.6:21 -To 163.
(MIRI 1618)
1. Zamestitell nachallnika operativnjo otdola Upravleniya
pozharnoy okhrany RSFSR (for Shuv v .
Water supply transport for fire extinction. Pozh.delo 10 no.2:18-
19 F 164. - (MIRA 17:3)
1. Zamestitell nachallnika operativnogo otdela Upravlez,iya po-
zharnoy okhrany RSFSR.
SHlP1ATG!,*, ~T. ~ .
Ash Disi!osal
Operation of wet ash-collectors of the centrifugal scrubber type designed by the
All-Union float Engineering Institute.
Rab. energ., 2, No. 7, 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessionso Library of Congress, October 1952. UNCIASSIFIED.
SHUVALOV., M.A., inzh.; ZAKHMOVA., L.B., inzh.; Y--IT,.AK, L.N., inzh.
Regulation of the of superheated stean, by war-jing
the intensity of the flame in a boiler operating on natural
gas. Sbor. nauch. soob. ~~?I no.17:98-104 162.
(,XITI~A 17,.-6)
2. UST' (6-CO)
L, .Stean. Boilers ?:-61.eating
7. initial results of ope ating air preheaters of srmll dixtensions designed bj, the All-
Union Tnstitute of "'eat Elek. sta., 23, so. 1, 19c:2
~L .1 _ng-1 necring. i
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953% Unclassified.
311LJVALOV, H.A., inzh.
; ~
Achievements of planned technical and economic indices In the
Southern Kuznetsk Basin State Regional Blectric Power Plant
(GRNS). Nnergetik 5 n0-110-7 N '57. (PURA 10:12)
(Kuznetsk Basin--Electric power plants)
KURBATSKIY, Oleg Pikhaylovich; SHUVALOV, M.G., red.; LYUBIVA, R.M.,
red. izd-wa; red.
(Water-jet apparatuses in fire extinction] Vodostruinye ap-
paraty v pozharnom dele. Moskva, Izd-vo MKKh RSFSR, 1963.
102 p. (MIRA 16:6)
(Fire streams)
VMESKUMV, Vadim Konstantinavich; ~~'IR LOYUil,~h
qil Griaor lyevich;
i,Uz;Ill) tARXHOVA)
A. A, , nauchn. red. TAbUTIDIA, M.A., red.;
K.Ye., tekhn. red.
[iire safety in the performance of construction and erection
work] Pozharnaia bezopastnost' pri proizvodstve stroitellno-
montazlmykh rabot. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 111 p.
(MJIL4 16:12)
(Construction industry--Fires and fire prevention)
KUZNETSOVA, AnLonizia Yevdokimovna; SHUVALOV, M.G., re-d.
[Water supply for fire extinction] Protivopozharnoe vodo-
stiabzhenle. %LIoskva, Izd-vo MOva konmn.khoz.RSFSR, 1963.
267 p. (KIRA 17:7)
FEDOTOV, I.I., inzh.) SRUVALOV, N.G., inzh.; ZADHEFROVSKUY, I.Z., inzh.;
YjiAZA11OVSKrr-) -PJF.-,iKzh-.; SLCUICHIDSKIY, V.V., inzh.
New method for saturating and drying the s'tator windings of
asynchronous electric motors. Vest. elektroprom. 32 no.4:28-31
Ap f6l. (MIRA 15:5)
(Eloctric motors, Induction-Windings)
SEDYKH, Veniamin Mikh&yl~-vi.,n, BOGHAMUKOV, Matislav Mlkbaylovich;
SHUVALOV, Nlkoia7 Grigirlyev.i~.h7 KOUSTROMITINOV, Konstantin
Iiikolayevich- BURLUTISK-Cf. DmItriyevich, SHCHERBAKOVA,
1 .1
Lidiya 14aksimcvna7 SHCIMPBAKOV,~ VOmtin lnn,,~kentlyevich
(Mining aryl dressing miza minerals]'lasrabotka i obogashchenie
sliudianykh rld. M--skva- Np.jra.. 1965. 247 p. (MIRA 18:12)
F(,1fd-JJKO. S.A.,, lnzh.; , inzh.; 31,014CHINISMY, V.V., inzh.;
Some problem-5 of Ue Lerminology of the windings of electrical
machines. Mektrotekhnikd 35 no.11;28-29 N 161,.
(MIRA 18:6)
Monuments of military gloryl several characteristics of the
toponymy of the populated localities of Chelyabinsk Province. . I
Izv. Vses. geog. ob-,7a 96 nc.3:1',4-247 0'6/, (MIRA 17s8)
SRUVALOV, N.K., inzh.
Investigating transients in electronic modeling units.
SudoBtroenie 24 no.11:41-45 N 158. (MIRA 12:1)
(Electronic calcul&ting machines)
Shuvalov,, Nikolay Konstantinovich
Sistemy programmogo regulirovaniya, rabotayushchlye na kombinirovannow printsipe
(Programmed Control Systems Operating on the Combined Principle),, Lenihgrad.-
sudpromgiz, 1960. 74 P. Errata slip inserted. 5.,000 copies printed.
Scientific Ed.: A.D. Maksimov; Ed.: N.A. Aptekman; Tech. Ed.: R.K. Tsal.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers vorking in design organizations
and may be useful to students taking advanced courses in power engineering
COVERAGE: The book discusses the fundamental characteristics of the combined
principle of control with respect to programed system. The increased precision
resulting from the use of the combined system is stressed. Methods of dasigning
adjustment devices with an arbitrary form of control action are given. CosTarative
data on systems operating on the principle of control by deviation and on the
combined principle are examined. The author thanks Professor T.N. Sokolov,
Professors Ye. P. Popov and A.A. Voronov., Doctors of Technical Sciences, and
O.P. Demchenko and A'D. Maksimov
Candidates of Technical Sciefices.
C ar4-4*
Programmed Control systems (Cont.)
There are 24 references, all Soviet.
Ch. I. General Problems of the Theory Of Programmed Control Systems
1. Programed control system and their requirements 3
2. Errors of programilied control systems and ways of obtaining
systems with mininim distortion 6
Ch. II. Functional Diagram and Block Diagram of Programoed Control system 13
3. Three fundamental principles of control 13
4. Block diagram of programmed control systems assuring
invariance conditions 15
5. The law of control in programmed control systems 18
,-Cli-. III. Selection of Circuits and Calculation of the Parameters
of Adjusting Devices and Programmed Control Systems 22
6. Stating the problem on the method of mathematical synthesis
of automatic control systems 22
7. Designing programed control systems with an arbitrary form
of control action 27
Card 2/4
SHUVALOV, Nikolay KakBimovich; KORNILOVA, M.I., red.; SHADRINA, N.D.,
(From congress to congress] Ot 9"ezda k ellezdu. lzd-vo
VTsWS Profizdat, 1959. 33 P. (MIRA 12:4)
1. Direktor zavoda imeni Vladimira Illicha.
(Koscow-Blectric machinery industry)
V.P.;_~HUVA~~ll,_Y,!i.;_AVETISYAN-, Ye., red.; F.R.HIN, Yu.,,
tekhn. red.
(School of socialist management; book for reading in schools
for workerv studying the economics of industrial enterprises]
Shkola sotsialisticheskogo khoziaistvavaniia; kniga dlia
chteniia v shkolakh rabochikh izuchaiushchikh ekonomiku pro-
myshleniVkh predpriiatii. Moskva, Gospolitizdat, 1962. 295 P.
(M3RA 15:9)
(Industrial management)
iUj, ',,,;
Kg"j!: n Y e K 011 T 0lj I C h , VG.
TOL,',TYK!ty A.S.; f:!;J?L',AN3Kly, V-P-; -ZP,
"ca-T I , ~Y Pl" Y ered
Of 801--UlliSt Malla't,ement; a school reaae-, for worker3
studyln~--, the Of industrial enterpvioes] ~*41"),la
,317,tsialisticher~.ogo khozi,li --i,v:)van-i JAI; knigga d'li,,,. -hteni.,a v
,kolakh j%jixjclvLkh, izuehptjush,,hAkh akc-mindla, prov:yshlennykh
sh - ' 'ity
predpriiat-li. 17.d.2., lierer-, (lop.
19 6 ". 31-E Ii.
AUTHORS: Pushlankov, M. F.; Komarov, Ye V.; Shuvalov, 0. N.
TITLE: The effect of the nature of diluents on the extraction of
uranyl nitrate using Tri-N.-Butylphospate
PERIODICAL; Hadiokhimiya, v. 2, no. 5, 1960, 537 - 540
TEXT- A study was made of the effect of certain diluents on the -?x-
tracting ability of TBPh4 where it was established that withIn the limits
of the row investigated, the change in the extractin.g ability of the TBPh
~cannot be aisociated in the same way -aith the degree of polarity of the
diluents. The extracting properties of the TBPh are said to depend both
on the degree of dilution and on the nature of the diluent. The authors
have studied the effect of both polar and non-polar diluents on the extrac-
tion with a solution of TBPh of uranyl nitrate within a wide range of ccn-
centrations of the latter. Infra-red spectroscopy was used to determ.~n~:_-
the varfots nature of the interaction of the TBPh molecules with different
diluents. The manifold recrystallized hexahydrate, uranyl nitrate, was
used. The experimental procedure was as follows; The Kharlko,, Plant TBPh
Card 1/6
The effect of the nature -,,f AOr,-11/A!30
C--r a d 4 n g c hemi z al r e age n t sr e p r o c e 3 S C- Ii vii ' h a3 o 1,' t 1 r, n o f zo d z u:-. a 1 k -a-
1i a-rid a solution of permanganate and were then dried and distilled und-St
vacuum. 'retrachlorodifluoroethane. tetrachloroethyl,~-ne, chloroforr:~i and
bromobenzene were purified by simple distillation. The-. F--~rity of tht.-
nic liquids was checked by the boiling point and specific wz~igbt. The
uranium was detf~rmined by the weight. method in the water a-H organ:c phasess,
in the form of U308, The TBPh content was determined by th'~ phosphorous
a--,I~--~rdin- t,-- the weJEh', -method in th= form Of M-2P'-')O,,. The distribution
v C,
~-01~fficient was calculat-d az? the ratio of the analyHcal c3ncenlratincns of
uranium in the or--anic and aq-uecus phases. The organi- layer was a mixturti
of 40 voluille ~o TBPh and 60 volume diluent. The experiments were carvied
Out at 20CIC. The infra-red spectra of the pure TBPh and its 3oll.ition3 in
carbon tetrachloride chloroform, and bromoberizene, within the area of Va.
lency fluctuation of the phosphorous group, were obtained by rueans of a
VV,C-12(IKS--12)--type spectroscopi-~, with a prism made of sodium chloride. The
measurements showed that tile spectral width of the aperture was about 2 -,M-~
All the measurements were carried out with the same clivette, with openings
made of potassium bromLde. The absorption crefficient k was calculated
according to the formiula:
Card 2/6
The effect of the nature of .... A051/A130
k = 1 - log 10
1) C-1 I
The study of the infra-red spectra of the pure TBPh and its solutions in
the carbon tetrachloride, chloroform and bromobenzene led to the conclusion
of the various energies of the molecular interaction in all cases. The
latter proved that a significant deviation exists in the solutions investi-
o-ated from that of the ideal state. Figure I shows graphically the re-
sults of irradiating the distribution of the uranyl nitrate between the
aqueous solutior and the TBPh mixture with diluents. The threshold value
of saturation is reached at concentrations of the uranyl nitrate in water
equalling 960 g1l, when the ratio (TBPh) (U) in the organic layer becomes
equal to 2. The table shows that an increase of the extracting ability of
the TBPh when shifting over to the investigated diluents, from chloroform J
to tetrachloroethylene, cannot have the same affiliation to the characteris-,
ties such as dipole moment (p), dielectric constant (6) or refractive in-
dex (nD), (Ref. 3: A, Vaysberger, E. Proskauer, Dzh. Riddik, E. Tups,
Organicheskiye rastvoriteli, Izd. IL.M., 1958). The authors assume that
the change of the extracting ability of the TBPh in various diluents is
Card 3/6
The effect of the nature of A051/AI30
connecied with the change of the intermolecular action of the diluents with
the TBPh and the disolvate. The solutions of TBPh in chloroform are found
to differ most of all from the investigated diluents, which is explained by
the fact that an unstable molecular compound of TBPh and the chloroform is
formed by means of a hydrogen bond * -fxperimental data on the TBPh absorp-
tion in the region of 1160 - 1300 I-M , are shown in Figure 2, 3. The
spectra show that the absorption intensity changes in different ways de-
pending on the nature of the diluent. There are 1 table and 3 figures.
10 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The three references
to English language publications read as follows: Z.J. Dizdar, J. K. Rajn-
vajn, 0. S. Gal, Bull. Inst. Nucl, Sciences "Boris Kidrich". 8, 5991958;
T. V. Healy, H. A. C. McKay, Trans farad. Soo,, 52, 5, 633, 1956; R.C. Lord,
B. Nilon, H. 0. Stidham, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77, 5, 13659 1955.
Card 4/6
Method of zalculating the distz:ibution of substances in a
couritex.--urrent extra,:;tion. Radiolkhimiia 3 no.6;.667-675 161.
- ('111RA 14:12)
AUTHORS: Pushlenkovt m.F., Komarov, Ye.V., Shumalov, O.N.
TITLE: The influence of the nature of solvents on the
extraction of uranyl nitrate with tributylphosphate
PERIODICAL: Radiokhimiya, v.4, no.5, 1962,-543-550
TEXT: The authors studied the dependence of the distribution of
U02(NO3)2 between water and organic solvents on its concentration
in water and evaluated quantitatively ihe influence of the nature
of solvents o-a the extraction of U and water with tributylphosphate
(TBP). The ex-jerimental procedure was described previously by the,
present author; (Rdiokhi,iya, v.2, no.5- jL96o, 537). Distribution
coefficient a for the investigated ranie of U concentrations
irrespective of the nature of solvents is given by
1 CT 1 2 CT
a X (6)
2 16Qx4y3 X 16Qx4y3 X
10T i ) +
Where x - equilibrium concentration of U in aqueous solution,
Y+ - mean activity coefficient Of U02(NO3) in water,
Card 1/4
The influence of the nattire ...
cT - overall concentration of TBP in the organic phase
(TBP -f12 0 + free TUP) and
4x2 3 2ax)2
Y +(cT
and is related to the total transfer of water and U02(NO3)2 to the
organic phase. The solvents used were: CHC13, CICH2CH2CI, CC14
and bromobenzene. TI)e equilibrium constant for the formation
of solvate L102(N03 )- TBP2 is given by
4x2y3 T2y2
+ T
where YS and YT are the activity coefficients of the solvate
and TBP respectively in the organic phase and T - concentration
of free TBP in the organic phase. As this constant is related
only to the distribution Of U02(NO3)2, the variation of (py2)/(y
produced by changes of the solvents measures quantitativelyTthe S
Card 2/4
The infLuence of the nature ... E075/E436
effect of solvents on the distribution. The values Q. (0y 2
abd increase in tile order CHCI), Y /YS
Owater Hr, Comparison of 2 ) Y C'C'12C'12C' I
CC14 and C6115 (0y T . S and P,,ter shows that
the distribution of water influences significantly the distribution
of U. By changing the concentration of U in tile organic phase
between 0.1 and 0.5 M and that of TBP between 0.07 and 0.7 M, tile
above values do not change appreciably, but by increasing the
concentration of TB13 from 0.7 to 3.3 M the activity coefficients of
U02(N03)2in both CC14 and ChC13 increase rapidly. CHC13 and
C1CH2CH2C1 decrease the extractive capacity of TBP more than tile
other solvents due to hydrogen bonding of H in C -14 groups, next to
C- C1 group, to phosphoric groups. The association constants for
CHC13 and ClC112CH2C1 are about 7 and 0.6 respectively. The large
constant for CHC13 explains a rapid decrease in Q with increasing
concentration of CHC13 in the organic phase. It is indicated that
CHU as a solvent in the extractions of various salts with TBP,
shou?~ decrease considerably the distribution coefficients in
comparison with the solvents not associatinj with TBP. Although
bromobenzene is more polar than CHC13, (PY T)/YS values for
Card 3/4
The influence of the na ... E075/E436
bromobenzene exceed those for CHC13 and CC14 by factors of 100 and
2 respectively. This shows that the effect of solvents on the
extraction cannot be estimated from their polarities. There are
8 tables and 2 figures.
July 7, 1961
Card 4/4
Characteristics of interphase equilibrium during the extraction
of uranyl nitrate with orgar-ophosphorus derivatives with calculatd-n
of the activity coefficients of components in the organic phase,
Part Ir Determination of the activity coefficients in the s-Ystem
diluent .. tributyl phosphate - U02(f'03)2 - H20 from the varor pressure.
Radiokhimiia 5 no.5s536-543 163.
Characteristics of interphase equilibrium during the extradtion of
uranyl nitrate with organophosphorus derivatives with calculation of
the activity coefficients in the organic phase. Part 2: Extraction
of uranyl nitrate with a mixture of tributyl phosphate with diluents.
Characteristics of inter-phase equilibrium during the extraction of uranyl
nitrate with organoph9sphorus derivatives with calculation of the
activity coefficients of 3omponents in the organic phase. Part 3:
Extraction of uranyl nitrate with a mixture of tributyl phosphate, dibutyl
butyl phosphate, butyl dibutyl phosphate, tributylphosphine oxide
with diluents. 551-559 (MIRA 17 ~ 3)
0 1 r
PUSHLENKOV) M. 10. ; SHINKOV) V. G. ; Siilj'JAWVI? , . ii.
"Extv,x--tiori pvo~ccsing- of t~.e irradiated fuel-- by using tli~e solution of
tr i ,r~ut,,Iphosrhute in cazi)on tetra,--- hdor ide. "
report l'or 3rd Intl Conf, Peatof'iil. Uset; of' Atomic Energy, Geneva,
,~l Aug-) Sep 6h.
Effect of sRlting-out agents on the activity acefficlent's of uranium and
plutonium in nitric acid solutions. Radlokhimiia 7 no-3.:265-270 165.
(MIRA 180)
TKACHUK, V.G.,; PRESNYAKOV, Ye.A., red.; SMALOV. P.A., red.;
(Studies on underground waters in Eastern Siberia] Materialy
po podzemaym vodam Vostochnoi Sibiri. Irkutskoe imishnoe
izd-vo. 1957. 180 P. (MIRA 12:5)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vostochno-Sibirskly filial. Irkutsk.
2. Institut geologii Vostochno-Sibirskogo filialm AN SSSR;
Irkutskoye geologicheakoye upravleniye Minist6retvs geologii
i okhrany nedr SSSR (for Tkachuk). 3. Irkutskly gosudarstvennyy
universitet im. A.A.Zhdanova (for Presnyakov).
(Siberia, lastern-Water, Underground)
1. SMALOV, *- P.""P..
P. TjsER (600
4. Greenhouse Yanagement
7. Get ready in Lhe fall for thawing ground for hot beds. Sed i og. no. 9, 1952.
9. -MOnthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January' -1953. Unclassified.,
0--ZC--T 30,300V Url-f ssn-c ~fD
vi; Lo ,~c,
j, o
o ov, i z 7z ,r- t v' a e:- z.
5 5-1- 6 1 - 5 1 417,
SC: Vol. lQ40
ACCESSION NR: AP4000438 S/0089/63/015/005/0411/0413
AUTHOR: Oparin, Ye. 14.; Saukov, A. I.; Shuvalov, R. S.
TITLE- Inelastic scattering of neutrons with an ener,gy of 14 Nev by
light nuclei
SOURCE: Atomnaya energiva, v. 15, no. 5, 1963, 411-413
TOPIC TAGS: inelastic neutron scattering, fast neutron spectrum,
light nucleus, neutron passage, beryllium, lithium, boron, carbon,
nitrogen, oxygen, time of flight technique, plastic scintillator,
neutron cross section, reactor shielding, radiation shielding, neu-
tron, scintillation counter, neutron passage through beryllium, neu-
tron passage through lithium, neutron passage through boron, neutron
passage through carbon, neutron passage through nitrogen, neutron
passage through oxygen
ABSTRACT, The spectra of inelastically scattered neutrons for lith-
ium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen at the incidents
neutron energy of 14 Mev were investigated with the time-of-flight
method (see Fig. I of Enclosure). A plastic scintillator, measuring
1100 mm both in height and in diameter, with a FEU-36 photomultiplier
served as the neutron detector. The resolving time of the equipment'
(2-r), measured by the gamma peak, is equal to 3.5 x 10-9 sec. During
neutron recording, this time increased to 5.4 x 10-9 sec. Specimens
of the following compounds measuring 60 x 100 x 100 mm were -~nvesti_
gated: lithium hydride (Lill), beryllium, carbon (graphite), boron
carbide (B4 C) , melamine (C6116,16 ) , and water. Since the measurements
were carried out at an angle of 90* to the initial neutron beam, the
presence of hydrogen in the investigated compounds had no significant
effect on the measurement results. Because of the insufficient re-
solving power of the measuring equipment, the discrimination between
peaks of elastically and inelastically scattered neutrons was obtained
using additional data from "Nuclear Physics," V, 11 (1959). Solid
lines in graphs a and b of Fig. I represent the spectra of inela5-
tic'Illy scattered neutrons calculated from Maxwellian distribution
at the temperature T - 2E aV* The data obtained may be useful in
calculattons of neutron passage through thick layers of materials.
Orig. art. has: 2 figures, I table, and I formula.
Card 2/6
-ACC--NR-g - ____ I
AP7000131 SOURCE CODE: UR/01_15
AUTHOR: Allbikov, Z. A.; Voroblyev, V. V.; Phuvalov, R. S.
ORG: none
TITLE: A converter of time to amplitude
SOURCE: 17 ritellnaya tekhnika, no. 11, 1966, 85
TOPIC TAGS: digital analog converter, electronic circuit
ABSTRACT: A tim-to-amplitude (t -,- A) converter is described. Time-dieplaced input
pulses u1 and u are applied -to two monostable turinel diode flip-flop circuits
-i the input of the converter (see Fig. 1.) The output pulses of these
(TD1 and TD2) a
FT Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the time-L
to-amplitude converter
Outrut 10 4TDt4~c
T 5$
Card 1
L: L_ I A 6ZhlP
fiiT)-,'IoT;s ere of equal amplitude and time duration. Pulse rhapers cc-,ntaining
tunnel diodeF TD3 and TD4 extend the working amplitude range of th-- cop%~ezrtc!r. The
two pulses are then amplified by the P411 transistors and applied to thq grids of the
6A3P tube. As long as the two pulses overlap, capacitor G (18 nf) in the anode
circuit of the tube 6A3P linearly discharges through the tube. The voltage change
across capacitor C is amplified by tube 6ZhlP and is proportional to the time'shift
between the two Input pulses. The converter has an input resolution of hO x -12 10st
(at mid-height of the input pulses) which otaya constant for input frequencies
between 50 and 100 kc; It was used for measuring input pulses in the amplitude range
from I to 90 with durationEl of (3-100) x -9 10 sec. Orig. art. has: 2 figures.
SUB CODE., 09/ SUBM DATE: 28Aug65/ ORIG REP: OOl/ OTH REF: 001/ ATD PFZW: 5107
Card 2/2
"On the Biological Complexity of the Soil-Vegetation Cover in the Arid Zone," Bvull.
1.!Osk. Obshch. Isnytat. Prirody, Otdel Biol, 53, No. 1. 1948.
Soil Sr.-M~nce
jail 1)~-c
"un the 3iolo.-ical Cor~i~)IeAty of the Soil-Veretati-on Cover Lin tile Arid -'une," Ye.
P. Korovin, S. L. Shuval~)v, 1' 11r,
t Mosk W)shcri Is~,.-Jlt Pri, Utdel Biolo" Vol LIII, No 1
Ex,x- riments an ! studies conducted in water shed district located L-L-20 to 45-20 latitudes,
east of Churi* meteoroloFical stal,ion. "resents data on fundamental !-pysical
geo,,ra:)~--icall prDr:esses of Ust'-Urt plateau, relationship of association inside of
comv~lex, salt state of -) ant comnlex in connection with s6il, and com.plexit,,, Df cyclic
PA 611'532
-~ Fi i;i A iAJ V'p6;1 ,
25052. SHUVALOV, SA K Voprosy o Komplekenosti Pochvenno- Rastitallnogo Pokrova Vstl-
Urta. Trudy Yubileynoy Seasii, Posvyashch. Stoletiyu. So Dnya Rozhdoniya Dokuohayeva, *.
m.-L., 1949, S. 166-82. - Biblogr: S. 181-82.
SOt Letopis' No. 33, 1949
BKDRINTSEY, K.N., knnd.ekonom.nauk; KORZHENFVSKIY, N.L., doktor geograf.
nauk; KOROVIN, Ye.P., doktor biolog.nauk; SHUTA;PT,,,3.A., kand.
goologo-mineral.nauk; YAKHOhTOV, Y.Y., prof.; BJffMiIjCV_,'A.G.;
M.D.; DOROSHEY. N.T., mladshiy nauchuyy sotrudnik; SCHASTNIF. N.V.;
(MIRA 1):7)
[Uzbekistan; economic-geographical features] Uzbekistan; skonomiko-
geograficheskaia kharaktaristika. Tashkent. 1950. 302 p.
1. Akedemiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. InBtitut ekonomiki.
2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Uzbekskoy SSR (for Korzbenevskiy). 3. DeY-
stvitelInyy chlen AN Uzbekskoy SSR (for Korovin). 4. Institut eko-
nomiki AN Uzbekskoy SSR (for Doroshev).
(Uzbekistan--Economic conditions)
Lan n
L i
T -T7
SIRJVALOVO SIA*, kand. gool.-mineral. nauk.
- o -- -
"Sterosem soils of Central Asia" by A.N. Roxanov. Reviewed by SA.
Mmvulov. Izv. AN Uz,SSR no.ltI40-148 153. (MIRA 110)
(Soviet Central Asia--Sieroxem soils)
(Rozanov, A,N.)
Natural prerequisites for the division into agriepltural region@
of the now reclaimed farm lands In the northern *ovinces of
Kazakhstan. 1zv.AN SSSR. Ser.geog. no.2:54-61 Mr-Ap 155.
MM 8:6)
1. Institut geogr&fti AN SSSR (for 'Fedorovich) 2. Fochvenlwy
inatitut AN SSSR (for Shuvalow).
(Kazakhstan-FrVelcal geography)
Natural prerequisites for the division of northern regions of Us
Kazakh S.S.R. into agricultural districts. Vest.Al Kazakh.&SR
11 no.11:45-56 N 155. (KWU 9:3)
(Emakhatan-"ical geography)
On new lands. Prirods, 44 no.5:59-67 My 155. (MLRA 8:7)
(Reclamation of land)
TYURIN. I.Y.. alcademik. radaktor; KOVDA, V.A.. redaktor; IAVRINKO. Ye.M..
redaktor; BAZIIAVIGH, N.I., redaktor; LETUNOV, P.A., redaktor;
RODIN, L.Ya., redaktor;.SEUVALOV S.A., redairtor; NAMOV. T.Ta.,
redaktor izdatellstva; SHEYCHE 6, tekhnicheskiy reciaktor
[Takyrs of Western Turkmenistan and ways of reclaming them for
agriculture] Takyry Zapadnoi Turkasnit t puti ikhsellskokhoziai-
stvennogo osvoonlia. Moskva. 1956. 735 P. (HLRA 9:11)
1. Aicadamiya nank SSSR. Pochyennyy institut. 2. Chlen-korrespondent
AN SSSR (for Xovda, Lavrenko)
(Turlcmenistan--Reclamation of land)
Second Conference of the All-Chinese Society of Soil Scientists
and First Conference of Soil Research Institutes of the Chinese
Aendemy of Sciences in Nanking. Pochvovsdenie no.4:102"10is
Ap '57. (Mi" 10:7)
(China--Soil research--Congress*~)
.1 ~1. 1.. -
SHUVALOV , S ~. A - . - ~
General characteristic@ of soil formation in the humid subtropical
areas of China; from observations made in the Yangtze River Basin.
Pochvovedenle no.4:20-27 Ap '57. (KIRA 10:7)
1. Pochvennyy Institut In. T.V.Dokuchayeva, Akedeuil nauk SSSI.
(Yangts* Valley--Soil formation)
Meeting of Soviet soil science delegates. Pochvovedenie no. 9:147-
150 158. (MIRA 11:10)
(Soil research)
Subdividing the territory of tho U.S.S.R. into son-f8m. ..
vedenle no.10:1-11 0 1~8. (RII?A 11:10)
1. Pnchvennyy Institut Im. V.V. DoVnichayeva AN SSSR i Sovat po
izuchonlyu proizvoditelInykh sil All SSSR.
Soils of the agricultural regions of Central China; from field
observations in the Yangtze Basin. Pochvovedenie no.11:
78-86 N 159. (MIRA 13:4)
1. PochvenrWy institut im. VJ.Dokurhayeva AN SSSR.
(Yangtze Valley--Soils)
30(7) SOV/30-58-11-j6/46
AUTHORS: Lazarev, A. A., Shuy~jl~ov. ~A. Cardidates of Geologic-
Mineralogic Sciences
TITLE: Gold Medal of the Soil Map Exposition of the USSR (zolotaya
medal' vystavki za pochvenruyu kartu SSSR)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Nr 11, pp 119-119 (USSR)
A3STRACT: This map on a scale of 1:4,000,000 was exhibited by the Poch-
vennyy institut im. V. V. Dokuchayeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Soil
Institute imeni V. V. Dokuchayev of the AS USSR) at the World
Fair in Brussels and was honored with the Gold Medal, in
recognition of Soviet soil research and cartography. This map
was developed by the senior collaborator of the Soil Institute
N. N. Rozov with the cooperation of the senior of the Institute
Ye. V. Lobova under the scientific direction of I. P. Gera-
simcv, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR. The map was published
in 1954 and represents the resul-, of the work of several
generations of soil experts. The map is an indispensable aid
in the calculation of soil available, its valuation and
distribution for agriculture. It serves as a teaching aid in
Card 112 universities and institutes of agriculture.
AETIPOV-KARATAYEV, I.N., skademik,; TYURIN, I.V., glavnyy red.;
GORBUNOY, N.I.. red.; VIRIGINA, K.Y., red.; ZC", S.Y., red.;
M.N.. red.; LOBOVA, Te.T., red.; MISHUSTIN, U.N.. red.; RODR,
A.A., red.; ROZABOV, A.N., red.; SOKOLOV, A.V., red.; PRIM.=.
Y.M., red.; __;~.A., red.; TAFIMOV, A.L.. red.izd-va;
[Reports of Soviet soil scientists to the 7th International
Congress in the U.S.A.] Doklady sovetakikh pochvovedoy k V11
Nezhdunarodnomu kongressu v SShA. Moskva. Izd-vo Akad.nauk SM,
1960. 487 P. (MIRA 13:10)
1. International Congress of Soil Science. 7th. 2. AN Tadzhik-
skoy SSR (for Antipov-Karstayev). 3. FochvewVy institut im. V.V.
Dokuchayeva Akademli nauk SSSR, Moskva (for Antipav-Karstayev. Gorbunoy,
(Continued on next card)
ANTIPOV-KARATAYEV, I.N.---(continued) Card 2.
Ivanova,,KononoTs, Rozanov,,Fridland, Sokolov).- 4. Laboratoriya
lesovedeniya AkBdemii nauk SSSR. Koskvs (for Zonn). 5. Vaesoyuznvy
nouchno-iseledovatellskiy institut udobreniy i agropochvovedeniya
Vsesoyuznoy ordens Lenina Akademii sellskokhoz.nauk imeni V.I.Lenina
i Inatitut zemledeliya akademii seltakokhoz.neuk Belorusakoy SM (for
Y,edrov-Zikhman). 6. Institut mikrobiologii Akademii nauk SSBR, Kookwo
(for Mishustin). 7. Nauchnyy institut po udobreniyam i insektofungi-
taidam im. Ta.V.Samoylova, Koskvs (for Sokolov).
(Soil research)
LETUNOV, P.A., doktor sellkhoz. naul-9 otv. red.; IVANOVA, Ye.N..,
doktor aellkhoz. nauk, red.; ROZOV, kand. geogr. nauk,
red.; FRIDLAND, V.M., kand. geol.-miner. nauk, red.; MASHKO,
D.I., doktor geogr. nauk, red.; SHUVAIDV S.A.M kand. geol.-
., ak-ad. red. kart; MARKOV~
miner. nauk) red.; GERASIMOV, I.F~.
V.Ya., red. izd-va; KASHINA, P.S., tekhn. red.; RYLINA, Yu.V.y
tekhn. red.
[Subdividing the territory of the U.S.S.R. into soil zones;
in connection with agricultural use of the land] Pochvenno-
geograficheskoe raionirovanie SSSR (v sviazi s sellsko-
khoziaistvennym ispolIzovaniem zemel'). Moskva, Izd-vo
Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 422 p. (MIRA 15:5)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Scrvet po izucheniyu proizvoditellrqkh
sOKOLOV, A.V., doktor sellkhoz. naukj, otv. red.; IVANOVA, Ye.N.p red.;
SBU.jrAWV,-S.A., red.; ROZOV, N.N., red.; NOSIN, V.A., red.;
FRIDLPIID, V.M., red.; MARKOV, V.Ya.., red. izd-va; FCLENIOV'% T.P."
tekhn. red.
[Agrochemical characteristics of the soils of the soils of the
U.S.S.R.; White Russian S.S.R.p Latvian S.S.R., Lithuanian S.S.R.,
Estonian S.S.R., Karelian A.S.S.R., and the norhtern regions of
the European part of the R.S.F.S.R.]Agrokhimicheskaia kharakteri-
stika pochv SSSR; Belorusakaia SSR, Latvi-iskaia SSR, Litovskaia
SSR, Estonskaia SSR., Karellskaia ASSR i severnye raiony Evropei-
skoi chasti RSFSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 279 p.
(MIRA 15:12)
1. Akaderr-iya nauk SSSR. Pochvenryy institut imeni V.V.Dokucba,.%-eva.
2. Otdel geografii Pochvennogo instituta imeni V.V.Dokuchayeva
Akader-ii nauk SSSR (for Ivanova, Shuvalov, Rozov Nosin, Fridland).
(Russia, 14orthwestern-Soil chemistryi
SlfJVA,',r)V, S.A.
C. Om e a 3 f >-- ~-, - t 3 0 f tlb~ -a ~ e - ~ f 4. *, & n i. 1 3 ',-Z- - -~ :a L, th, -,, ~11 f ~,- n. i '. LL-f
of the U.S.A. nc.4-a'--16 - 'i RA "i 7 Z- )
GENU~3OV, A.Z.; K'D.BERG, N.V., kand. sellkhoz. nau~q WGHUi3I;*",
[Soils of the Uzbek S.S.R.] Pochvy Uzbekskoi SSR. Tashkent,
Izd-vo "Uzbekistan." Vol.3. 1964, 294 1). (MIRA 18:3)
I. Akadernlya nauk Uzbekskoy SISR, Tashkent. Institut poch-VL;-
RFSFIETOV, D.N., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; SHUVALOV, S.A., inzh.
Methods for fatigue tests under variable load conditions and
the characteristics of fatigue surfaces. Vest. mash- 38
nn.9:3-7 S 158. (MIRA 11:10)
SIIUVALOV, S. A. Cend Tech boi -- (diss) "Contact strength of machine parts
-4-n*variable loading regimes and the=etww"g up of the fatigue." MOB, 1959
J ~ ", ~ * r-, " " -
19 pp with diagrAM& (Yin of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education RSFSR
Mos Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner Higher Tech School im Bauman),
150 copies (KL, 49-59, 141)
60V/1"'_2 -- 5 9-5 -1/32
AUTHOR: Shuvalov, S.A., Eng7ineer
TITLE: The Endurance Life of Machine Components Under
Alternating Load Cycles and Cumulative Fatigue
(Dolgovechnost' detaley mashin pri peremennykh
rezhimakh nagruzki i summirovaniye ustalosti)
PERIODICAL:Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, 1959, Nr 5~ PP 3-9 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The results of research on cumulative fatigue are
reported carried out at the Department for Machine
Components of the Moscow figher Too'halcal 15chool ~ (MVTU)
ime-n:L Baumana. . The method of investigation
c.onaerned wi-th cojitac-t - afreq es. was reported by
D.N.Reshetoy and S.A.Shuvalov in resthik
mashinostroyeniya, 1958, Nr 9. In the cumulative
damage theory of fatigue failure, the sum of the
relative damage contributions reaches unity at
failure. This can be true only if no strengthening
takes place as a result of micro-plastic deformations,
With strengthening, the integrated damage is greater
than unity. This is observed when the peak stress of
Card 1/5 the cycle exceeds the endurance stress. The true
The Endurance Life of Machine Components Under Alternating Load
Cycles and Cumulative Fatigue
cumulative damage value enters into the expression
(equation 3) for the equivalent static stress. The
opinion has been expressed that stresses below 80%
of the endurance stress can be ignored since they
contribute nothing to cumulative damage. The
present author's tests with contact stresses were
carried out on a roller-type machine with forced
sliding at 15 - 18 cm/sec. and a programmed load cycle.
The highest and lowest stresses in the alternating
cycle, each divided by the endurance stress are
plotted against each otIzer (Fig 3). Each point denotes
a combination of cycle extrema. Associating with this
point the corresponding numbe-r,of cycles to failure,
an endurance surface is define;d. A series of tests
with steel 45 has shown that, in materials subject to
strain hardening under alternating loads, the cycle
peak can be increased. On the basis of experiments,
several forms of empirical relationships between
Card 2/5 endurance life, stress levels and law of loading are
SOV/ 122-5 9--5 - 1/32'
The Endurance Life of Machine Componentj3 Under Alternating Load
Cycles and Cumulative Fatigue
put forward. Present stressing methods use the
cumulative damage theory, assuming the damage to
reach unity at failure. Tests conducted to determine
the actual damage values show that, in the region where
the peak stress exceeds the endurance stress, the
damage at failure exceeds unity. For a linear law of
loading, the maximum values are found when the
minimum stress in the cycle is 85% of the maximum in
a range of maximum stresses amounting to 1.6 - 2.1 times
the endurance value for contact stresses. The damage
reaches 4 - 7 for steels below 230 Brinell and 2 - 4 for
steels of 230 - 300 Brinell. With a more gradual law
of loading, the line of maximum damage value moves in
the direction of smaller differences between minimum
and maximum stresses. In the remaining region, where
the maximum stress exceeds the endurance stress, the
damage at failure is found to be between I and 2. Such
a pronounced increase of damage endured at cartnin
points of the field is apparent1v due tc. the fact that,
Card 3/5 with st-L11 grenter stress levels, the plasti;:
The Endurance Life of Machine Components Under Alternating Load
Cycles and Cumulative Fatigue
deformation spreads over substantial volumes of the
metal. The maximum damage values can be used only in
those instances when the required endurance life does
not exceed the number of cycles corresponding to the
achievement of a prolonged fatigue limit and -when the
certainty exists that the actual loads cause the
required stress values. It is stated that tests by
different research workers have yielded satisfactory
agreement on the damage values at failure. A
procedure is recommendad by which the "safe" overload
is found graphically with the help of curves (Fig 5)
which take into account the ratio of the stress cycle
amplitudes and the law of loading during the cycle.
In design calculations, the load curve is usually
known but the zone of the maximum and mini-mum stress
Card 4/5 levels is not known. If so, the equivalent number of
SOV/1'112-59-5- 1/32
The Endurance Life of Machine Components Under Alternating Load
Cycles and Cumulative Fatigue
cycles must be found from the cumulative damage
equation. There are 8 figures and 10 Soviet
Card 5/5
AUTHORS: Kuklin, V.B., Engineer; Reshetov, D.N., Prof&ssor, Doctor of--Tech-
nical Sciences; Shuvalov, S.A., Engineer
TITLE: Calculation of Couplings With Circular Ribs
PERIODICAL: Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, 1960, No. 9, pp. 19 - 23
TEXT: The design principles of couplings with circular ribs (for heavy
axial loads) are discussed: the type in which one of the two parts stretches
and the other shrinks under load, and that in which both parts stretch or shrink
simultaneously. An approximated calculation method is suggested and practical
recommendations are given concerning the shape of the ribs so as to distribute
the work load over the ribs. It is recommended to vary the rigidity of the cou-
pling by changing the encompassing part, and by using different groove depths
between ribs; couplings of both types are advised for design with equal strar4h
of the inner and the encompassing outer part. It is stressed that the ribs must
be geometrically true and with high surface finish, and the radius at the rib
root must be as large as possible to reduce stress concentrations. There are 5
figures and 3 Soviet references.
Card 1/1
it) ILIbb
S/14 61/000/005/005/009
AUTHORS; Shuvalov, S.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and
-KU5ffUVVa-1_o_v-,_-1-.-V. , Engineer
TVN,B,r Con0doration of vnriublo loads when calculnting
fatugue realatance in bending
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshykh uchbenykh zavedeniy. Mashino-
stroyeniye, no. 5, 1961, 51 - 59
TEXT: The authors suggest the use of a unified method of fatigue
tests for components working with variable stresses in order to
assess the effect of metal training by various loads. Experiments
carried out by BHOWnTMAW (VNIIPTMASh) and QHKI qm (TsNII Ch?A) em-
ployed variable symmetrical loads in bending on a MBn -12000 (MVP-
12000) program controlled machine. Specimens were plain roundy
without stress concentrations. The amplitude of stresses during
each test was continuously varied by a cam mechanism following in
section AO (Fig. 1) the step function of
Card 1/8
Consideration of variable loads D221/D306
fit '', 11'r
where M (a n are thr) current, maximum and
,t' Mmax' MmIn 11 O'lax, (~n
minimum amplitudes of bending moment; n c - number of half cycles
of load per period of stress amplitude variation (per one turn of
cam); a = V4 is tile exponent that characterizes the changes of
' a'
(curves 1 and 2 in
stress amplitudes within the range VMax min
Fig. 1). The selected law of variation corresponds to cyclic loads
of cranes. The total life of specimen N, is determined by N = n C
where A is the number of cam turns until the destruction of the
specimen. A graph is plotted for steel 40 on the basis of experi-
mental data . The analysis of curves indicates that an increase bet
ween the maximum and minimum levels of stresses shifts the fatigue
line to the right. There is a simultaneous level increase in the
maximum stressing. With adequate accumulation of results due to
Card 218
Consideration of variable loads D221/D306
similar tests, it will be possible to provide empirical relation-
ships between the life duration and load curves which would form a
basis for calculations of a specified service term. At present,
the calculation of components subject to variable stresses is being
carried out Iri reopect -to the equivalent load or limit stress.1n
the' case of the intermittent law of fluctuationa in the stroon am-
is employed as stated by S.V. Serensen and L.A. Kozlov (Ref. 4:
Vestnik mashinostroyeniyap no. 12, 1953). In the above equation,
dni is an infinitely small number of cycles of loads during the in-
termediate stressing of (Yip Ni is the number of cycles prior to
destruction with a stress of di on the endurance curve and in the
case of a constant amplitude of stresses. Coefficient a is a cha-
Card 3/8
Consideration of variable loads ... D221/D306
racteristic resistance to overloads of the material, ?v is the num-
ber of fluctuation periods of the stress amplitude during the life.
OtiWAILMAng Lho d1frarontifil dn, from Eq. (1) into
N = ncXI
as well as N from the expression of the endurance curve, N 0~
i i i
N CY Ml, the author deduce
ldo,=a, (5)
NO (011121 3011n)1
where 6-1 is the continuous limit of endurance in the case of a
royistant amplitude of stresses with a symmetrical cylee; N is the
ance curve;
c"111ber of cycles corresponding to the bend of the endur
h is the number of cycles of destruction given by Eq. (2); m is
Card 4/8