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SF11USf1Lr1;OV, v.
USSR/Chemistry - Organomagnesium Compounds Jan 51
"Kinetics of the Reaction of Magnesium With Ethyl
Bromide Vaporsi.'T. A. Shushunov, A. P. Aurov,
Sci Res Inst Chem, Gorlkiy State U
"Zhur Fiz Khim' Vol XXV, No 1, PP 13-19
Developed methods for investigating kinetics of
reaction of metals with alkyl halide vapors.
Studied in greatest detail reaction of Mg with
EtBr, forming MgEtBr, found-to proceed autocataly-
tically with activation energy of 13 kcal/mol
(detd from temp coeff of induction period). Induc-
tion period decreased in proportion to increase of
vapor pressure of alkyl halides.
-LC I- 180TIl
USSR/Chemistry - Orv~~sliim. c6iim~ 4an 51
Caiftlysis by Ethers of Reaction Or'Y1&VW9iUM WIth
Ethyl Bromide Vapors," V. A. Shushunov, A. P.
Avrov, V. A. Gorinov, Sci Res Inst of Chem, G*r1kiy
state U
"Zhur Fiz Dim" Vol XXV, No 1, pp 20-23
In reaction of Mg with alkyl halides (in this case
ZtBr) etheis act as catalysts. Low-rate coeff of
reaction at significant concn of ether su"ests
reaction occurs in diffusion region. Catalytic
I.&M 12
'USSR/Cbemiatry - Organomagnesium Compounds Jan 51
ability of ethers depends on their nature, MegO
being most effective, Zt20 abduiso-Pk~Q iWit"
qqW1jAhoU&h* catalysis
y"X&.cf.organo-Mj compd.
WSR/Chemistry Insecticides Apr 51
"Kinetics of the Photochlorination of Benzene,"
V. A. Shushunov, G. M. Strongin, Yu. I. Gryzin,
A.- V. Kukanov, Inst Chem, Gorlkiy State U
"Zhur Fiz Khim" Vol XXV, No 4, pp 404-408
Worked out methods for photochlorination of C6H6
with Hg-arc light (A =4360 X). Reaction proceeded
autocatalytically, requiring induction period from
vbose temp coeff calcd~ras 10/kcal/mol. Proposed
mech of formation of active centers from which chain
reaction starts. Based on reacted C6E6 and.Cl,
product was 95% hexachlorocyclohexane, 5% oily sub-
USSR/chemistry - Metal Hydrides~ 21 Jun 51
"Kinetics nf the 'Reaction of Calcium With Hydro-
gen," V. A. Shushunov, A, I. Shafiyev, Sci Res
Inst Chem, Gcr'kiy State U
"Dok Alt Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXVIII, No 6, pp 1161-
In previou-~, phases of the investigation, which
deals with to-pccheri reactions of metals with
gases and of alloys with alkyl halide vapors,
existence of zone in 'which temp dependence of
reaction rDte does not follaw Arrhenius' law has
been esteollshed. Wben layer of CaH2 reaches
USSR/Chemistry - I-Letal Hydrides 21 Jua 51
certain thickness in reaction of Ca with H2, dif-
fusion of H2 through the layer becomes slower
than chem conversion at Ca surface. At higher
temps, rate of reaction is again detd by kinetics
of chem process. Arrhenius~ law is applicable in
entire range investigated, up to decompn t-re of
Y-0 rod-
fliaily bu-, find
r -7 it
t R
A is unstable;, it, 1~'nnt r
NietzkFand Ile
inId deflatrated
'heating b
7 *gan to decompose at 250
275-804-1--c decompu. wus e-sothrmic. - C and
K were produced, but no pses *ej ohsmed. The- K;!
which condensed as a suirror on the cold Parts of the
tion vessel, was not metal teft unreacted during the forma- 1
tion of I but was produced- during decutupa- of L
was ZZYS P'Mpho4c; - this also was not due to an
K. Theitnif decontpn. under CO fit 3OG-M mm pressure
led to a violent expladl6m S"hulden admission of Ot;
'on of 0
min. prestme caused ignition of I but slow Admissi o
rtssure, with H
did not. I with dry-:HCI at &-13 mtn. p
S to
vapor at 15-20 m- n, or when'added in 0.2-0.3 g. portio
to Uquid- H~O, reacted smoothly. - With KCI at 10(()7A
mm.,, or HjO vipor at 50- 100 mm., or, when larg" P.Ortions a
I were kddk don ocdurrid.:. I and
i to li4utd FrO,-ddhgm
reacted slowly, Im produce s, detectable amG
anhyd. EtOH
of the x sak of tettshydrosyclulam. MeOH reactedi
similarly.- I and AcjO at ~1201. pvt tarry - p" ueU* a
t. reaction. whkWdld 'not piQT.:;-&exah3Rr;~t
Alz%tatt; at room temp., a slow react d
formed. I
Put M Ct b_WV1d
(CC4. It did not react with ~4t"IelOhm' 11 Mt-
:L-!. 16 CA, MzO, or liqilid NU.. - Lawrence
U58R/Chmistry CSICIUR Nydride MY 5~
"Kinetics or the Formation of Calcium ZY&I44'If
V. A. Shushunov) A. I. Shafiyev, Gor'kiy State U
"Zhur Fiz Khim" Vol XXVI., DO 5) pp 672-679
The reaction of Ca with H2 between 120-5300 takes
place without spontaneous acceleration. The rite
of the reaction under some conditions is detd by
the rate of diffusion through the hydride film.
The temp coeff of the rate of the chen stage of the
process is considerably smaller than that of tho
diffusion stage. The apparent energy of activa-
tion of the chem process is 5,500 cal/zol, while
the energy of activation of the diffusion is 15,000
Cal/nol. Admixt Of 02 and water vapor to the 52
lowers the rate of reaction between calcium an&
SHU3-P--,`QV. V. A.
"Equipment for DetermininC Vapor Elasticity of Liquids", Uch. Zan.
ljorllcovsk Univ, No 24, 1953, pp 211-212.
The annarati-is consists of a class vessel connected to a pipe, which
serves as mercury manometer. The tested liquid is poured into the vessel,
sealed,and put into a thermostat. The vapor elasticity is measured fro-m
the level differenccs of IIg in the manomcier and the vessel. Wliftz,
No 1, 1955) SO: Sun. No. L90, 5 Apr. 55
V, A tj 0
, U
ax I
V. A. ShtMunw-
The'm I
6 to tenj .
Foe the aga-15"Ise 212
no. for
2204W I-naphthylam for
"Determining the Dissociation Pressure of Chemical Comnounds in the Solid
Uch. Zap. GoOkovsk. Un-ta. No 24, pp 215-216. 1953
Describes a simple apparatus for determining the dissociation pres-
sure of chemical costpounds in the solid state using a static method.
(RZhKbim, No 20, !954)
SO: Sum, No 606, 5 Aug 55
Chemical Abstracts
Vol- 48 No- 5
Mar. 10, 1954
General and Physical Cheadstry
Kinetics of the re dam of tolsloss
C1kljjhWWL and qrnactilifti
r Zhur. Psi-.X~. V. 7u3-1z(1YW); C1.1
C.A. iS, 8ft -This reaction b astocatalyfic at temps.
below 430. but not above. TM I I -ion period 8 is equal
to II(Ap), where A Is a function oftemp. andjo is theinitial
pressure of N. When the oft of the Ca-CamNi Interface Is
const.. the reaction Is of the, lot order. The induction I
period ti falls rapidly from 10 to 3 or 4 me. as the temp. I
rises from 3W to 480*. Tbs rate of reaction r is max. atl
5W*. The activation eness, B e". from the equationi
Id - COP'r. when C Is a conot Is 315 kM /male and the
yalue of E calcd. fions r Is =.O*Q.Y;Z. * The Wifference
is attributed to the asongy of formation of the naseentl
hase. The reaction bas 2 wk. temps. as result of thel-
I F.Irmation of intermediate empds. txptl.*d= are pre-'~~
Sented-Irraphically.__ J. IF. Lamber&JE.-i
Mastics of reaction.of NA
long wim sturvorm-VA
N. ikov (Staf.0;
_d. ". 44, 2WU~The rate of reaction
Z7 53
of tc va . with liquid Na-Phl (11) and K-N&-Pb
-mme"t of the fall of Vapor pres-
Mixts was
d by
zure at several temps. Ixtween 5 and 50* as a function of
nd ill
me a
data are shown, #aphlcilly., When wp was 200*mM.' the
temp, of the max; initial reaction. rate of I and.U was.289.
The self caction becomes lea
-aectelerating-chaticter of the r
n I as the temp..* rises;- and the- kluetl6curves c
0 a These effects are. dut to the dlfftre*ncc' be-.
11F I
st the clean
t. t
h 1
0. coeff. of tho topochem. reaclion
Initial surface and that-of the reaction at the Interipxe be-
tween the initial Hquid phase and. the solid phase formed
during, the reaction - Jbi activat
d H Is 12
5 k
f I the latter
process In the reaction o
. e,
J. W. eberg
"Tbermal Decomposition of Potassium and Sodium." Doklady Akad Nauk USSR 89: 1033-6.
No. 6, 1953.
This paper rates low in originality since extensive prior studies have been made
in this special field. The authors my be unaware of this work or have chosen to
make no reference to it. The paper rates average in ingenuity, thoroughness and
reliability. The senior author is experienced in this field of kinetics of solid-
gas systems. We can find only one previous publication by the junior author, w1lich
is in the field ff organic synthesis.
Kinetics of thermal decomposition of potassium cyanate. Dokl.AN SSSR 93
no-3:507-510 N '53. (MLRA 6:n)
1. GorIkovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet. Predstayleno akademikom A.A.
Balandinym. (Potassium cyanate)
___ _-
i..e of Topoc~ierCcal iteactions.11 Dr _'Iiem 'cJ, Inst OL
J, 1, i S' - ~: ~ -N) I. .~ I I r
P'--isical _,%emistri, 21 Jan ~!4. ( i'lWA A 1L. Jan 1~4)
Source: ISIUM 168, 22 July 1554
V80,43hemistry - Physical chendstry
Card 1/1 1 Pub. 147 15/21
Authors Shushunov, V. A.; Sadovnikova,.G. I.; and Andreev, B. Ya.
Title I Kinetics of barim sulfate reduction
Perlod:Lc&]L Zhur. fiz. khim. 8, 1472-1418, Aug 1954
Abstract I The kinetics of BaS04 reduction with 0 j H abd CO was investigated,
It was found that the reduction of BaS04 with-C.-in the absence of gases
depends to a large extent upon the composition of the basicmixture.~'.~.'.'
The reduction process becomes highly accelerated by thepresence of CO
or C02- It was eatiblished.that the thermal decomposition of Baso
into BaS04 and BaS is not the phase which determined the irate of f r-
mation of BaS. Five references: 4-USSR and-l-USA (1930-2949). Graphs;--
Institution State University, Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry,, Gorkiy
Submitted December 15, 1953
Subject USSR/Chemistry
Card 1/1 Pub. 152 - 14/21
AID P - 1584
Author Shushunov, V. A. and PavlovJ A. M.
Title Synthesis of cyanamides of potassium, sodium, and
Periodical Zhur. prikl. khim., 28, no.1, 98-100, 1955
Abstract Methods for the preparation of potassium cyanamide (95%)
sodium cyanamide (98%), and calcium cyanamide (98%)are
described. Eight references (2 Russian: 1934-351
Institution: None
Submitted : Mr 11, 1953
4:. /Y
.'Effect Of
ainau-auratme earm- Cyanx v. A%. bnusnttnGy ana
I rIMLjg8-.O-SS=-ZhUr.
8, 11 1-4 19ON; cf.-C.A. 50,_M47k.-The
'effect of NaCl tesofBaMxaudCxMg_~~
c n the decompn. re
wasdetd. The percentages of cyanamWe N, Pi and cyanide
N. V, forZ Lre reciprocal functions oU time. The d!!;
crease of Pand la increase of bp In BaCM& + 2NaCl at 900
are greater than at 0400 without NaCl. 'Heating C&CNj
for 4 bxb,. at 1100o in an atm. of N does not change the
compn. With 2NaCI at 112D* the reaction is complete
W - 0 and V - 14%) In 5 min.; at M and 1030' the
reaction Is complete (with higher values-of V band lower
-values of kj within 9-10 min. The rate of decompa. in-
creases with the proportion of NaCl so that with 16 mol
NaCl it is complete at 940* after 5 min. (h' and k' t
aqd 16%, resp.). 1. Bencaru
sqdi and---
calLcIfurn c 11nam
Or, I'mithi
I:Xpfil. Cke"t. U.S.S.R.) 28, 87-0:
(165-5)(Fngi. tr~nslation).--Dlcyan innilde and NaIO
or K,O were ground -kepamtely in, an atm. free of C02 and,
HA mixed In stoichionictric proportions, and heated In a -
I ~raa k under a few man. Hg; the HxO produced by
on vas continuously evacuated and condensed in,
liquid-air traps. The tctup. of the NIL on. was ramied
to 300* (1 hr.) and maintained for at 360470
yleldl?8%. The temp. of the X-pregn. was raised to 100'!,-
(I hr.) and maintained at 185-195 2 hrm.; yield 95%.
CaCNt was prepd. by passing HCN gas through a cohnun
f CaCOI in a vertical quartz tube at 840-9W! for 3-3.5
hrs.; yield 98%, slightly gray; on heating at 1000-1100.
for 15-30 min., it became white with a loss of IL2% N.
I. IlencowiU,.J
Subject USSR/Chemistry
Card 1/1 Pub. 152 - 5/22
AID P - 3741
Authors Shushunov, V. A. and A. M. Pavlov
Title Kinetics of thermal decomposition of cyanamides of
alkall metals and alkaline-earth metals
Periodical Zhur. prikl. khim., 28, 9, 934-938, 1955
Abstract The decomposition of cyanamides is greatly accelerated
In the presence of Iron . Decomposition of liquid
cyanamides of potassium, sodium, and barium on heating
takes place with formation of cyanides.
Institution Gor'kiy Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry
Submitted D 15, 1953
r- ~ ~ ~0 ~~ I I V A/ ( t,III
A~ V, fi
USSR/Organic Chemistry. Theoretical and General E-1
Questions of Organic Chemistry.
Abs Jour V, Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No. 8. 1957, 2666o.
Author Kolpovskaya G.A.i- Moryganov B.N.i-
Razuv~iev, U.; Shushunov, ~.A.
Title Chain Reaction of Carbon Tetrachloride with
Isopropyl Alcohol Initiated by Acetylized and
Benzoylated 1-Oxychclohexanone Hydroperoxides.
Orig Pub Zh. obshch. khimii, 1956, 26,.No,, 7, 1981
Abstract Acetylized (1) and benzoylated I-oxycktlo-
hexane hydroperoxide (II) starts a reaction
between CC11+ and isopropanol at 40 to 500.
The basic resulting products are HC1, CHC13
and acetone (III). The influence of the
concentration of I and II on the initiation
Card 1/2
------------------- ------------------------- ------------------- -- ----- -------- ------------------------------------
Some ~kvmls to OL
a. of NAM
not J~~Ikv
ted Y SiOt,
namida forined.'
B4; St,
of., XCUS. ('!I~w
ie effettvt
InAhp,orget of "TE
-OW-70D7 OOIY O'tfAct,D
Ou thlkw!M th mu 4 tue process" wwch
high-tem igildlog 1?~t4
- --------- --
USSR/Physical Chemistry Kinetics. Combustion. Explosives. Topochemistry.
Catalysis, B-9
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 19, 1956, 61086
Author: V. A., Zateyev, B. G.
Institution: None
Title: Isotope Exchange of Carbon Between Solid Carbonates of Lithium,
Sodium, Potassium and Barium and Gaseous Car-bon Dioxide
Periodical: Zh. fiz. khimii, 1956, 30, No 2, 321-328
Abstract: Investigation of isotope exchange of carbon between gaspous C02
and solid carbonates of Li,-Na. K and Ba tagged with C14 at
temperatures of 4oO-k250 and C02 pressures of 100-300 mm hg. At
low temperatures (4oO-16oo) the exchange ceases rapidly. At high
temperatures the exchange proceeds to a considerable extent of
conversion and its velocity is proporti-:;nal to the amount of the
salt used and does not depend on pressure of C02 and admixtures
of H20 vapor and air. With a concentration of H20 vapor close
Card 1/2
USSR/Physical Chemistry - Kinettics. Combustion. E(P.IoaIves. Topochemistry.
Catalysis, B-9
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1.956, 61086
Abstract: to saturation the exchange is accelerated. Velocity of exchange
between C02 and the Investigated salts is maximum for BaC031
minimum for L12CO and greatly depends upon the method of prepa-
ration of the sali. In the opinion of the autIO-4,at low tem-
peratures in the exchange take part only several surface layers
of crystal lattice while at high temperatures deeper layers of
t4% carbonate. Thett"ctions investigated proceed in accordance
the zero order as concerns C02-
Card A/2
--liecomposition of nitrogen trichloride in a carbon tetrachloride
solution. Zhur.neorg.khim. 2 no.9:2272-2274 S '57. (MM 10:12)
(Nitrogen chloride) (Carbon tetrachloride)
&IOCLAS Idtktod wittt
G. A R ~U u vanerv, Juj
n m -
Wit. 0
PrOH and C W '
C14 IWtIa the reactl6a,lpotween -iscw~
4 CCJ4
ted b
Y. 114% Wm studlecl by mating 15
MI. of the mixts
of the reuting IIquW id 20
~Aftcr a predetd. h;e7b i Milt, was placed Into a ;k
er.&4d Bzg%~*
vvAtej la
funnel coutg. Ifto. and the HCI in the
'L nt up ing.- sub-
and Caj ivajjb~6t
-.'; . !" - -
7 kilo (41 awrical
Ot Atm Ut cr -wit W
BZA In low co~c Pla
Ithese conon. ll1w6
cant role in the reac ;on between toe W
d. C~L Ideso
, C
, i
d Nund Su
su frichlorotcaulcatidVien IA.
tht retieflon qj~odqe
The av. chain length'of the Orodnct3 tomed (j)-vias telatO
7 the exprestlon Ct- iw~-
to the inflial BrAh j:jmn. (4t~)
Tht initial Bz3% decompn,j jvhejj ptesmt in iL low
',A i~~I'
concn, In the Jsorj4tOIj-CCIj Mixt., played 'Si6, signifimt.-
roje In the formation of HCI. W" a.
0 SOV/81-59-5-15247
'Pranslation from. Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, 1959, Nr 5, p 167 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Shushunov, V.A., Shlyapnikov, Yu.A.
TITLE,, The Catalytig Decomposition of Organic Peroxide'Compounds.
I. The Kinetics of A~i_dic-Catalytic Decomposition of Cumene
U_ -Hydr-operoxide in Glacial Acetic Acid
PERIODICAL: Tr. po khimil i khim. tekhnol., 1958, Ur 1. PP 50 - 54
ABSTRACT; A study is made on the kinetics of cumene CC-hydroperoxide (I)
decomposition in a 99%-solution of CH 3COOH in the presence of
H S04, Me decomposition of I, under these conditions, takes
pUce witri the formation of 80 - 90% acetone (11) and 96 - 100%
phenol. The reaction rate is proportional 'to the H 2S0), concentra-
tion in the first degree and in concentrations of I less than
0.02 M, it obeys an equation of the first order relative to the I
concentration. In higher concentrations of I, it is noted that
the self-acceleration of the reaction is the greater, the higher
the concentration of I, which is explained by the effect of the
Card 1/2 formed II, the impurities of which speed up the reaction.
The Catalytic Decomposition of Organic Peroxide Compounds. I. The Kinetics
of Acidic.-Catalytir-, Decomposition of Cumene -Hydroperoxide in Glacial
Acetic Acid
Acetophenone Is a weaker catalyst, benzophenone and phenol do not affect the
reaction rate, The reaction rate increases considerably when (~H 3CO)20 is
added to the solution. The Initial reaction rate decreases when the water
concentration increases to 5 mol.%, and changes little with a further increase
in the water concentration. It is assumed that the additions introduced
change the conditions of solvation of the molecules and ions, which take Rart
in the reaction. The activation energy at a concentration of I of 7.2-10-3 M
In glacial CH3COOH is 20.0 kcal/mol, in -the presence of 0.1 M II is 16.1 kcal/
I. Moiseyev
Card 2/2
6cl- i4
'570,200 SOV/81 59-5-15248
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Kh1miya, 1959, Nr 5, p 167 (USSR)
AUTHORS; Shushunov, VA.,_,Shchenn1kova, M.K , Volkov, I.V,__
T=: The Catalytia Decomposition of Organic PeroxidelCompounds.
II. The Kinetics of the Decomposition of Cumene Ot -Hydro-
peroxide, Catalyzed by Stearates of Certain Metals
PERIODIC-AL. Tr. po khim:11 I khim. tekhnol., 1958, Nr 1, PP 55 - 59
ABSTRACT; The decomposition of cumenV OL-hydroperoxide (I), in the
presence of' C02+ I Mn2+ a Cue+, Fe2+, N12+ and Na2+ stearates,
in a solution of chlorobenzene, takes place with the formation
of acetophenone and dimethylphenylearbinol, as the main pro-
ducts of the reaction, The reaction rate is proportional to
-the I concentration and concentration of the catalyst in the
first degree. The initial I concentration does not affect the
catalytic rate constant which points to the absence of an in-
duced decomposition of I. The catalytic activity decreases in
r.02+ _., Mn?+ > Cu2+ > Fe
the following series: - _2+ > Ni2+.;;~ Na2+.
Card 1/2 Zink stearate has no catalytic activity in relation to this reaction.
S , ~,
Mechanisms of chemical processes conducted in cyaniding baths.
Zhur.'p6ilkl. khIm- 31 no.91371-1376 S '58. (MIRA 11:10)
l.Gorlkovski.r nauchno-issladovatellskly institut.
(Cementation (Yetallfirgy))
Translaticn from?, Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, 1959, Nr 5, p 20 (USSR)
AU'rHORS6 Shushunov, V.A., Blagina, M.M._
1! 1 TIE _. F -Kinetics of the Reactions of Iron Metal With Its Oxides
PERIODICAL- Uch. zap. Gorlkovsk.un-ta, 1958, Nr 32, pp 9 - 12
ABSTRACT. The author investigated kinetios.of the following reactions:
+ Fe -3, 4F60 (I) and Fe 0 + Fe --+3FeO (II), in a mixture
Fe'04 Je-3ox
~Fhigh-dispersed powders of idea and Fe metal, Batches
(2 - 3 g) were placed in a test tube and subjected to vacuum
treatment down to 10-4 mm Hg with continuous evacuation during
the experlments. Temperature changed from 5000 to 9000C. After
the experiment the mixture was hardened by Immersing the tube
into cold water. At 9000C (in the case of reaction 1) Fe2+
concentration reached 95% within 11; minutes; and within 60
minutes in the case of reaction II, It attained 83%. Fe-metal
remained in the final product. To ensure full conversion of
Card 1/2 Fe203 and FeO a four-fold surplus of Fe is indispensable. In
AUTHORS: Shushunov, V. A., Zateyev, B. G. SOV/76-32-7-11/45
TITLE: The Kinetic filethod of Physicochemical Analysis (Kineticheskiy
motod fiziko-khimichetikogo analizalVII.Inotopic Carbon Exchange
Between Gaseous Carbon Dioxide and Sodium Carbonate With
Potassium Carbonate or Sodium Sulfate Melts(VII. Izotopnyy obmen
ugleroda mezhdu gazoobraznoy dvuokislyu ugleroda i splavami
karbonata natriya n karbonatom kaliya ili sullfatom natriya) -
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 32, fir 7,
PP~ 1517 - 1520 (USSR),
ABSTRACT: Continuing a previous paper the authors investigated two binary
systems: K 2C0 3 -Ila2CO3and Ka 2CO 3 -Na2soV as both of them
f~)rm a continuous neries of solid solutions and the former forms
the chemical compound K 2C0 3' Ila2CO3in solid solution. The
authors used a powder of the rielt of a certain fineness which
was thermally after-tre-itcd, with the radioactive isotope c14
having been used. Thic -i-:itope from the melt converted to the
gaseous phase and the co:-centration of which in the gaseous
Card 1/4 phase served as det----ruination value of the isotopic exchange
The Kinetic Method of Phynicochemical Analysid. VII. SOV/76-32-7-11/45
Itiotopic Carbon Exchan(:e Between Gaseous Carbon Dioxide and Sodium Carbonate
With Potassium Carbonate or Sodium Sulfate Melts
intensity. The system K2 00 3 -Ira 2CO3was very closely inves-
tigated by S.Z.Val:arov and M.P.Shullgina (Ref 2), and these
scienfists also found the mentioned chemical compound. As it
was to be expected that the occurrence of the chemical compound
will also show In the isotopic exchange a number of experiments
was carried out and it was found that the isotopic carbon ex-
change takes place most easily in salt melts of-equimolecular
composition, A singular point can be observed in the diagrams
mentioned, the occurrence of which is explained by the formation
of the chemical compound X2CO3 Ila2CO3, which, however, is only
stable below 5000C, and in the present case was only metastable.
As was already found the velocity of the diffusion processes
plays a decisive role in these experiments, hence a promotion
of the diffusion by the type of crystal structure must be
present in the chemical compound mentioned. The second system
Na2CO 3 -Ila2so4was closely investie-ated by S.Z.Makarov and
Card 2/4 S.N.Krasnikov (Ref 4). In this system no singular point was
The Kinetic Method of Phroicociiemical Analycis. VII. SOV/76-32-7-1 -1/4 5
Isotopic Carbon Exchang-e Between Garjeous Carbon Dioxide and Sodium Carbonate
With Potassium Carbonate or Sodium Sulfate Melts
found in correspondence with the conditions prevailing.
It was found that the velocity of the isotopic exchange of
the pure Na2CO3 amounts to about the threefold of that of
the salt mixture; a change of the content of Na 2so4 from
20 to 80 molaeo in the latter shows almost no change of the
reaction velocity displayed. There are 3 figures, I table,
and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Gorlkovskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut khimii
(Gorlk.iy Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry)
SUBMITTED: February 27, 1957
Card 3/4
Vic Kinetic Method of Physicochemical Analysis. VII. SOV/76-32-7-11/45
.Isotopic Carbon Exchange Between Gaseous Carbon Dioxide and Sodium Carbonate
With Potassium Carbonate or Sodium Sulfate Melts
1 1. Potassium carbonate-sodium. carbonate systems--Chemical analysis
2. Sodium carbonate-sodium sulfate systems--Chemical analysis 3..Exchange ,
reactions 4. Carbon isotopes (Radioactive) -Applications
Card 4/4
AU 'TH C) R 'hushunov, V. A., '--')okolov, N. A, '%-.7 !7' -32 - 8- 11/77
- - -------------------------
.3 01 L;~
Kinp t' nzoyl Peroxide Decomposition in Alcohol-
Benzene Solutions (Kinetikn razlozheniya perekisi benzoila
v jpirto-benzollnykh rnstvorakh)
Zhurnal fizi-cheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol. 32, Nr 8,
P P - 17 ") 6 - 18 C 3 ( U SSIi )
There -xist quite a number of publications on the investi-
gation of the abovo mentioned decomposition, among them are
some giving contradicting results. Little attention has been
paid to experiments in alcohol solution, however, the publica-
tions by G.A. Razuvayev and V.N. Latyayeva (Ref 14) and
Kharasch, Rowe and Urry (Karash, Rou, -furi)(Ref 15) must be
m.,.,ntioned. A.I, Popova took part in the present experiments.
'~he experimental technique is described., In the experiments
mostly an equimolecular mixture of alcohol-benzene was used
as it was founl that at a content of more than 90 molar 76 of
alcohol no satisfactory roproducibility could be reached. It
was found that the reaction is of first order and that the
rate of dccomposition considerably increases with a change
~ardl 1/A
from methanol to ethanol, or frem butanol to isopropyl- or
7h~- Finetics of Benzoyl Peroxido, Decomposition SOV/76-32-3-11/37
Alcchoi-Benzeni jolutions
se-c-but,vl alcohol. This rate, besides being dependent upon
the tcmp--~rature and the nature of the alcohol also depends
on its concentration in the solution. The free radicais formed
in the decomposition of acyl peroxides mainly enter reaction
-ith alcohol and not i-tith benzene, as could be found. The ex-
perimenLs showed that in the decomposition cf one mole of
b-~nZOyl D-~-.Iroxide 1,5 moles of benzoic acid and 0,9 moles of
acetone are formed. A scheme of the course of the gross-pro-
cE?ss is given, Contrary to S.R. Rafikov and V,S,. Kudinova
(Ref 2) the authors found that,the molecular transformation
of the peroxide takes place at a very low rate, which can not
bra measured, as compared to that of the chain decomposition.
'Ch(., reOU.It3 3how thnt the constant of the reaction velocity of
T C,~H depends only little on the nature of
('6.'5"00);>---.'% 25COO~
the solvent,
There are 8 figures, 2 tables, and 19 refel7ences, 7 of which
ar2 Soviet,
Ca rd 2/3
.Tile Kingtico of 3enzo-, I Paroxiie Decomposition SOV/76-32-8-11/37
in Alce;hol--Benzene Solutions
Gor1kovskiy nauchno-issledovatellikiy institut khimii
(Gor,kiy Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry)
3UBNT1TTEL,. February 27, 1957
'ard j
1 1/3
5(4) SOVI/2o- 121-4 -.32/54
AUTHORS: Shushunoy_,_V_--A., Andreyev, B. Ya.
TITLE: The Kinetic Isotope Effect in the Reaction of Hydrogen and
Tritium With the Oxides of Some Metals (Kineticheskiy izo-
topnyy effekt v reaktsii vodoroda i tritiya a okislami
nekotorykh metallov)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 121, Nr 4, pp 669-692
ABSTRACT: This paper reports on the investigation of the influence of
the presence of various isotopes on the velocity of the re-
duction of the oxides of some metals by hydrogen and tritium.
The experiments were carried out under dynamic conditions
by means of an apparatus described in a previous paper. The
carrying out of the experiments is discussed in a few lines.
The mixture of hydrogen and tritium was produced by the chemi-
cal decomposition of water. The metal oxides were prepared
according to several methodst after which they were fractionat-
ed by screening. Assuming that the oxides are reduced accord-
in-- to the first order with respect to H2 and also with respect
Card 1/4 to HT, and on the basis of some other plausible assumptions,
The Kinetic Isotope Effect in the Reaction of Hydrogen and Tritium With
the Oxides of Some Metals
the authorsfound 1g A - ((I/a) - 1)1g p + B. This equation
describes the dependence of the specific activity A of the
gas on its pressure p. It is valid if the temperature and
the volume of the system are constant. The kinetic isotope
effect a is equal to the ratio of the velocity constant k,,
of the reaction of H2 to the velocity constant k2 of the
reaction of HT with the metal oxides; the condant B char-
acterizes the initial state of the gas. In all the investi-
gated reactions lg A was an exact linear function of Ig p
and this confirms the correctness of the above~mentioned
assumptions. The character of this function does not depend
on the initial pressure of the gas, on the batch (naveska)
of the oxide (which is to be reduced), and on the tempera--
ture. The authors plotted the values of 1g A against those
of 1g p, and from the inclinations of the corresponding
.straight lines they calculated the values a of the kinetic
isotope effect for the various experiments. The results of
these calculations are given by a table. a does not depend
on the initial pressure of the gas, on the batch of the oxides,
Card 2/4 and on their degree of dispersion. However, this effect
SOV/2o- 12 1 -4 -32/54
The Kinetic Isotope -,;'ffect in the Reaction of Hydroeen a;-d Tritium 'Witli
the Oxides of Some Illet-als
dej--ends very much on the temperature and on the nature of
the oxides which are to be reduced. AlIthe oxides investi-
gated in this paper may be subdivided into 2 groups: The
first (second) group consists of those oxides which react
faster (more slowly) with hydror-en than with tritium.
A, 0. Cu 0, CuO, HgO, PbO MnO and Fe at high tempera--
1~2 2 29 203
tures belon- to the first 6-roup, but Mn 304" tin2OV Nio-, COO,
Fe 0 belonc, to the second group. Also the possible existence
3 S
of tAe reaction IIT + It 0 HTO + H has to be taken into
2 ( 2
account. This reaction may be catalyzed by the oxides and
by the metals produced by their reduction. The oxides of the
first group very slightly cataly-.e the above mentioned re-
action. However, the catalysis by this reaction is very
characteristic of the second group of oxides. The influence
of this reaction on the exneriments discussed in this paper
cang however, be disregarded. The dependence of a on the
Card 3/4 temperature satisfies the Arrhenius (Arrenius) law. Finally,
SOV/2o..121 -1-32,/54
The Yinet-;c Icotope Effeett in the Reaction of ITydroGen and Tritium with
the 0-xides of Some 'Metals
5ic)-,.,e anomalies are rnen-cloned. -2here are 4 figures; 2
,,n4 9 references, 3 of which are Sov4et.
ASSOCIATION: 1'auclmo-issledovatellokiy ins titut kh-.;Mii Pri Gorlkovskom
-,osudarstvennon universitete Lin. 11. 1. Lobachevskogo
(Scientific Researoli Institute of Chemistry of the G,-jr,ki.-i
State University imeni 11. 1. Loliachevskiy)
PRESE1.11TED: April 2, 1958, by V. It. Kondrat*yev, Academician
SUBMITTED: March 27~ 195F~
Card 4/4
5 (4)
AUTHORS~ Shushunov, V. A., Shlyapnikr.-r, Yu. A. SOV/20-128-2-33/59
TITLE: The Kinetics of the Acid Decomposition of Aralkyl Hydrogen
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Ur 2, PP 341-344 (MSR)
ABSTRACT: In thp beginning the respective literature is briefly referred
to (Refs J-8). Statements testify that the hydrogen peroxides
of cumene, diphenyl methane and tetralin ass well as of other
aralkyl bydrogen peroxide dissociate when heated with strong
acids, forming the adequate phenols, ketons and aldehydes.
The present paper investigates the reaction of the hydrogen
peroxides of cumene, p-tert.-butyl cumene, 1,1-diphenyl ethane,
ayclohexyl benzene, p-diisopropyl benzeneq p-oxycumene, sec.bW71
benzene and diphenyl methane with sulphuric acid. The reaction
is of first order for the hydrogen peroxide as well as for the
acid. The initial concentration of the hydrogen peroxide has
no effect on the reaction constant. The decomposition
products as well as the kind of solvent effect in different
ways the reaction rate. The reaction is especially retarded by
water addition (Table 1) and is greatly accelerated by
Card 1/2 addition of acetic anhydride (Fig 1). The azzelerating effect
The Kinetics of the Acid Decomposition of Aralkyl SOY/20-128-2-33/59
Hydrogen Peroxides
of acetic anhydride is due to the fact that water resulting
from the decomposition process in absorbed by acetic anhydride
thus eliminating the retarding effect of the water. An ionic
chain reaction in eight stages is constituted for the decompositim
of cumene hydrogen peroxide. Table 2 shows the calculated
reaction constants and the apparent activation energies of the
investigated hydrogen peroxides. There are I figure, 2 tables,
and 13 referenceaq 2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khimii Pri Gortkovskom
gosudar"stvannom universitete im. N. 1. Lobachevokogo (Scientific
Research Instituta of Cbemistry at the Gorlkiy State University
imeni N. I. Lobachevskiy)
PRESENTED: Alay 14, 1959, by V. N. Kondratlyev, Academician
SUBMITTIED: May 12, 1959
Card 2/2
7~Ljoo 5/081/61/000/011/010/040
AUTHORS: Redoshkin, B. A., Shushunov,-V. A., Kurochkin, N. I.
TITLE: Oxidation kinetics of cyclohexyl benzene by oxygen
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, no. 11, 1961, 62-63, abstract
116451.(Tr. po khimii i khim. tekhnolog. (Gorlkiy), 1960, vyp.
1, 3-8),
TEXTs The rate of oxidation of cyclohexyl benzene (I) does not depend on
the pressure p of 0 2 at p,-200 mm Hg and on the initial amount of (I); with
temperature increasing from 115 to 140 0C, it grows rapidly. The apparent
activation energy of the gross process is equal to 24 kcal/mole. The yield
in hydrogen peroxide of (I) drops during the reaction which. in the
authors' opinion, indicates the pres=nce of induced decomposition of the
hydrogen peroxide of (!)I as won as an acceleration of its thermal
decomposition under the aoLijn of the decomposition products.
[Abstracter,4 note: Complete translation-]
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Shchennikova, M. K., Shuahunov, V. A., Milovanov, A. I.
TITLE% Catalytic decomposition of organic peroxide compounds. 9.
Influence of the length of the hydrocarbon chain of some
salts of fatty acids on their catalytic activity during
decomposition of cumene hydroperoxide
PERTODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 20, 1961, 58 - 59t
abstract 20B442 (Tr. po khimii i khim. tekhnol. (Gorlkiy),
no. 2, 1960, 165 - 170)
TEXT: A study has been made of the decomposition of cumene hydrop*roxide
(I), catalyzed with cobalt salts of fatty acids in an equimolecular mixture
of chlorobenzene and acetic acid. In particular, the effect of catalyst,
temperature, and concentration of I on the reaction rate was investigated.
The increase in reaction rate and the decrease in activation energy with
increasing length of the carbon chains of cobalt-salt anions of monobasic
fatty acids were found to follow certain rules. No such rule could be
established for the cobalt salts of dibasic fatty acids. For Report VIII,
Card 1/2
S/08 61/000/020/016/089
Catalytic decomposition of organic... BIOIXB147
see RZhKhim, 1961, abstract 14Zh13I- I Abstracter's notes Complete
translation. I
Card 2/2
Oo B1 1O/B138
AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, Yu. A., Brilkina, T G,, Shushunov, V. A.
TITLE: Oxidation of organometallic compound;,. -3Synthe-s--is--and
some prcperties of triethyl lead oxide
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 19, 1961, 145, abstract
19Zh44 (Tr. po khimii i khim. tekhnol. (Gor;kiy), no. 3,
196o, 381-387)
TEXT: The oxide of triethyl lead (1) was obtained by reaction of disperse
metallic Na with triethyl lead monohydroxide (II) in benzene. I decomposes
at ^j 200C, reacts vigorously with acetone and acetaldehyde, and reacts
instantaneously with water tc form Il quantitatively. When reacting with
methyl, ethyl, benzyl, and a,a--dimethyl-benzyl alcohols, as well as with
hydroperoxides of tert-butyl and a-cumyl, I gives the corresponding 0,Ky
and peroxy derivatives cf triethyl lead, which are unstable at -j200C.
The rate of thermal decomposition of I at 70-900C without solvent was
studied. The products obtained consist cf an equimolar mixiure of
C2H6 and C2H4 (with an impuritY of 1-1,,5 % of butane), 0.97 mole of
Card 112
S/O a 1/6 11COICIO! )/032/085
Oxidation of organometallic- BIIO/~138
triethyl lead per mole of used I, and a solid aubstance containing 87.1 %
of Pb, which is insoluble in organic solvents. The authors assume that
the accelerating effect of I on the oxidation of hexaethyl dilead by 0 2
in n-nc~nane solution is caused by the ability of I to decompose with
the formation of ethyl radicals, whereby a degenerate 1--hain reaction is
effected., For Report 2 see RZC, '1961, 8Zh231. [AbstracT~erls note:
Comolete translation,]
Card 2/2
SIOB V611000101910331085
5.-5100 B11O/B136
AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, Tu.. A., Radbill, B. A., Shushunov, V. A.
TITLE: Oxidation of organometallic compounds. 4. Oxidation of
hexaethyl ditin with oxygen
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 19, 1961, 145, abstract
19Zh45 (Tr. po khimii i khim. tekhnol. (Gor'kiy), no. 3,
1960, 388-393)
TEXT: The oxidation of hexaethyl ditin (I) with oxygen (II) in n-nonane
solution at concentrations of I ranging from 10 to 100 Mole% has been
studied. The oxidation rate of I is described by a first-order equation
according to the concentration of I, and is independent of the presaure
of II within the range of 300-500 mm Hg. In the temperature range of
60-900C, E(act.) is 19.5 kcal/mole. 0.55 mole of die-thyl stannic oxide,
0.62 mole of triethyl stannic oxide, and 0.12 mole of acetaldehyde are
formed per mole of oxidized 1. Water was found qualitatively. The
oxidation of I is not catalyzed by addition of 13.2 mole% of triethyl
lead oxide. Addition of 2,6-di-tert-bu-tyl-4-methyl phenol lowers the
Card 1/2
-C)t r
AUTHOR"': A., A1f2ks.-wdvo,,, Y~i.A
TITLE: Concerning the D--~cornpouitlon of the Benzoyloxy Radicals
ill Solut-101-10
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ob3hchey k1liulii, 19SO, Vol 30, Nr 2,
pp 632-6311 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Ben"zoyl peroxide on heating di~;Sociates into benzoyloxy
radicah3 .vhich, in turn, d,~,compose into phenyl radicals
and CO 2'
2CO1,4:00. (1)
COIL.C.00 -Cull,- I. cu., (2)
It' the zbove reaction-? are revei,~Abl-e then, in the pre-
serice of tlag,r,,ed CO,3y the tracer atoms 3hOLl1d pass into
th,2 nonde,.,ompu~;ed ben.-o,~i peroxide and also into the
bunL:oic ;--,id formed in ruaction of the be-nzoylo r radicals
a ...'ith the ~301,:.Lnt.
(~jll..C()O- lilt - C"110,:0011 -t It-
In the nreOtz:nt 6-tudy, benzoy! p_roxid~- ~.-;az: decomprzed by
heat-inl- to 70-80 0 the Presence Of C 1402 in %arious
0 1 'v _,nrbon tQtrwchloride, lue;nzene, mi:.:tures of
-its (I
alcohoI3 with benZene, et-c.). It was established
'Ghat reactlon (L)) wat_- irreversible and that, under the
('Oeidlticm~~ oe the e- 4pe rime tit., there was no exchange of
and the bf_,nZoy1(,'-.'y c There
C atorm; hetw(~!cn 110, iadi Z112
a re 2) 1uble~;; and rufercrice~3, 3 U.S., 2 So ';iet. The
U.S. references are: L. Jaffe. E. Prooen, M. Szwarc,
J. Chem. PhyL;., 27, 416) (195-l'); M. Zwiebcl, J. Turicevich,
W. Mj_ller ', J. Ain, Chem. SOC., YI, 376 (19~~q); A. Seidell,
Ololublllti(~:; cX Inorguriic and MeLallorganic Compounds,
Vol "i, N.Y. (195-3).
ASSOCIATION: Gor''Ic-Pi, Scien'tj.Vic R;_..;1-t2urch of Chemistry
Institut khimii)
SUBMITTED: pfebr!lary L~~'
Gard 21d
AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, Yu. A., Brilkina, T. G., Shushunov, V. A.
TITLE: Oxygen oxidation of distannic ethide, diplumbic ethide and
tetraethyl lead
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 24, 1961, 75, abstract
24B541 (Tr. po khimii i khim. tekhnol., [Gorlkiy], no. 1,
1961, 3 - 11)
TEXT: The oxidation of distannic ethide M, diplumbic ethide (II) and
tetraethyl lead (III) by oxygen was studied in solutions of n-C H 20 and
C6H3C13 at 50 - 90 0C. Additions of triethyl-tin peroxide cause
considerable acceleration of oxidation afIalthough the initial increase
is not sustained, the reaction rate returning to normal in the course of
time. The products of oxidation of I are tin diethyl oxide, tin triethyl
oxide, CH3CHO and H 20. Activation energy of the process is 19~5 kcal/mol.
In oxidation of II lead oxide, III, C 2H 5OH, CH3CHO, and H20 are fcrmed.
Card 112
BI 44 BI 01
AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, Yu. A., Shuahunov, V. A.
TITLE: Organometallic peroxide compounds. 2. Synthesis and some
properties of triethyl tin peroxide
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal.. Khimiya, no. 22, 1962, 227, abstract
22Zh240 (Tr. po khimii i khim. tekhnol. [Gor0kiyj, no. 3,
1961 , 644-651
TEXT: (C H SnOOSn(C H ) (11) was synthesized by reacting
2 5 3 2 5 3
(C2H5)3 SnOSn(C2K 5)3 M with anhydrous H202- - A solution of 2-3 9 1 and
1 equ. H 0 in 15 ml ether was agitated for 10-15 ain (200C) with 1-1-5 9
2 2
anhydrous Ka 2SO4 (111); the solvent was evaporated and 10-15,ml of
hexane were added in the presence of 1-1.5 g III. Within 5-6 min (of
agitation) II was separated after the solvent had been evaporated from'
the filtrate. In the synthesis a contact between roaction mixture and air
moisture was avoided. II hydrolizes readily to give (C2H 5)3 SnOH and H202
Card 1/2
AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, Yu. A., Brilkina, T. G., and Shushunov, V. A.
TITLE: Bistriethyl-lead Oxide
PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No. 1, pp. 89-92
TEXT: Bistriethyl-lead oxide,((C 2H5)3 Pb)20, was synthesized with a view to
establishing its properties and studying it in detail. In an earl.4-er work
the authors had found that bistriethyl-lead oxide has a marked ac.-elerating
effect on the oxidation of hexaethyl dilead by oxygen. They assume this
effect to be due to free radicals formed by decomposition of bistriethyl-
lead oxide. Basing on their own results, they state that this compound has
never actually been obtained by other researchers (Refs. 2-4), since
bistriethyl-lead oxide hydrolizes in alcoholic and aqueous solutions. The
authors therefore applied a different method: They dispersed metallic
sodium in n-nonane, removing the n-nonane thereafter by decanting and
distilling off, and then poured on dry benzene. To this mixture they added
a triethyl lead monohydroxide portion so calculated that sodium was well
Card 1/3
Bistriethyl-lead Oxide
S/020 61/136/001/017/037
Bo 16%;
in excess. In the course of 2-3 h triethyl lead monohydroxide was trans-
formed into bistriethyl-lead oxide which is readily soluble in benzene.
After filtering off the solid residue, and distilling off the benzene,
bistriethyl-lead oxide was obtained as mobile, faintly yellowish-green
liquid with a sharp specific smell. At room temperature, bistriethyl-lead
oxide hydrolizes to triethyl lead monohydroxide (to an extent of 98-99%).
Alcohols and tertiary alkyl- and aryl hydroperoxides act similarly to
water, transforming the bistriethyl-lead oxide to oxy- or peroxy compounds
of triethyl lead, besides triethyl lead monohydroxide. At temperatures of
only -100C, several of these reactions occur at an appreciable rate. The
authors studied the effect of methyl-, ethyl- and benzyl alcohol, dimethyl-
phenyl carbinol, tert-butyl-and a-isopropyl phenyl hydroperoxide on
bistriethyl-lead oxide. The following compounds were obtained: ethoxy
triethyl lead, terto-butoxy triethyl lead, a-isopropyl-phenyl peroxy
triethyl lead, methoxy triethyl lead and a-isopropyl-phenoxy triethyl lead.
The organic oxy- and peroxy compounds of lead are unstable and decompose
gradually at room temperature in sealed ampoules, accompanied by a color-
change to redbrown. Bistriethyl-lead oxide reacts vigorously with acetone
at room temperature, under formation of triethyl lead monohydroxide. In
Card 2/3
Bistriethyl-lead Oxide
the presence of a great excess of acetone, mesityl oxide and a resin which
was not further investigated were formed. On heating, bistriethyl-lead
oxide decomposes comparatively rapidl with liberation of an equimolecular
mixture of ethane and ethylene, and 1~ butane. The residue is tetraethyl
lead (Ref. 7). There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 7 references: 2 Soviet,
2 German, 2 US, and 1 British.
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut khimii pri Gortkovskom
gosudarstvennom universitete im. N. 1. Lobachevskogo
(Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry of the GoilkiY
State University imeni N. I. Lobachevskiy)
PRESENTED: July 4, 19060, by M. I.,Kabachnik, Academician
SUBMITTED: July 4, 1960
Card 3/3
Decomposition of cumeme hydroperoxide catalyzed by cation
exchmige resin KU-2. Dokl. AN SSSR 139 no-5:1128-2131 A 161
(mim 14:85 0
1. l,lauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khinii pri Gor1kovskom
gosudarstvennom imliversitete im. N.I. Lobachevskogoo 2. Chlen-
korrospondent AN SSS-R (for Razuvayev).
(Cumene peroxide) (Ion exchange resins)
'ZI -1, 7L B103/BlOl
AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, Yu. A., and Bhushunov, V. A.
TITLE3 Triethyl tin peroxide
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 140, no. 3, 1961, 595-597
TEXT: Since peroxides of the type 'nMOOMRn (R = hydrocarbon radical,
M . metal) are only known for Cd, Si, and Ge, the authors investigated the
triethyl tin peroxide (TETP) synthesized by them, (C2H 5)3 SrOOSn(C2H 5)3* The
synthesis was carried out by mixing equimolar amounts of triethyl tin oxide
and anhydrous H 202 , dissolved in absolute ethyl ether, in the presence of
anhydrous sodium sulfate. After 10 - 15 min vigorous shaking, the mixture
was filteredt and a new portion of sodium sulfate was added to the filtrate .
After distilling off the ether at reduced pressure and room temperature, a
small amount of hexane was added, and shaken for another 2 - 3 minutes.
After filtering off the sodium sulfate, hexane was distilled off. The
residue was a viscous, golden-yellow liquid, pure TETP (100-101 % active
oxygen). Its synthesis was achieved according to the reactions
Card 1/4
S/020 3/02
Triethyl tin peroxide B 103/ 101 01
(C2H5)3 SnOSn(C2H5)3 + H2 02~7-~ (C2H5)3 SnOOSn(C2H 5)3 + H 20 (1).
The resulting water was bound by sodium sulfate. The tin content was
53.6 %, the molecular weight 443.4. TETP is very'easily hydrolyzed by
water without heating: (C 2H5)3 SnOOSn(C2H5)3 + 2H2 0--*2(C2H5)3 SnOR + H202(2)
This reaction was used to determine the active oxygen by means of
permanganatometric titration. TETP is very unstable and decomposes
completely within 24 hr at approximately OOC. At 600C, decomposition
proceeds most vigorously in a sealed glass phial; an explosion eccurs
after 2-3min. In n-nonane solution, this reaction is much slower. It can
be described by a kinetic reactipn equation of first order. During the
reaction, a white depoFit is precipitated from the solution. It is
unsoluble in ordiaary organic solvents and was identified as diethyl tin
oxide. A second product of thermal decomposition, ethoxy triethyl tin
(boiling point 190-1950C), remained in the solution. It can be hydrolyzed
with water, thus forming triethyl tin monohydroxide. From 1 mole of TETP9
0.93 moles of diethyl tin oxide, and 0.98 moles of ethoxy triethyl tin are
formed. The apparent activation energy of TETP decomposition in n-nonane
is 14 kcal. Polymerization of methyl methacrylate and acrylonitrile is
Card 2/4
2Y3 71
3/14 0/00 3/013
S/020 6 /020
Triethyl tin peroxide B103/BlOl
initiated by additions of TETP. At room temperature, TZTP reacts very fast
with hexaethyldi-tin, giving triethyl tin oxide as a result of the
(C,~Ij,)s Sn6 + (QH&)a SnSii (r_tHs)& - (Qffs)s SnOSn (QH&)s + (C2Hj)* 9n (7)
(CtH5)3S6+(CHa)sSnOOSn((:~lig)s-(C&Ho)oSnOSn(CH,)$+(Citll)3Sn6 (8)
(Cstla)sSn(J+(C%H&)s~n-(CiHs)&SnOSn(C,Hs)a (9)
2 (Ct,84S~t - (QjH&)j StiSn (C4HA)s (10)
During the reaction of hexaethyl di-tin with oxygen,TETP may be formed as
an intermediate which, could not be proved because of the high reaction'
rate. However, oxidation is accelerated by additions of TETP. The
methods of these experiments were described before (V. A. Shushunov et al.,
Tr. po khim. i. khim. takhnol., GorIkiy, 1959, -P. 329; Yu. A. Aleksandrov
et al., ibid., 1960, P. 381). The oxidation of hexaethyl di-tin is
accelerated either by TETP, or by the radicals formed during its transforma-
tion, but not by diethyl- and triethyl tin oxides. which are formed during
this process. The reaction of TETP with hexaethyl di-tin is accompanied by
a forration of radicals -which initiate oxidation of hexaethyl di-tin! by
oxygen. There are 3 figures and 3 Soviet references.
Card 3/4
IQ 27
076 1 /14 0/00 3/013/0 2 0
Triethyl tin peroxide B103/BlOl
ASSOCIATION: Gorlkovskiy goeudFirstvennyy universitet im. N. I. Lobachevdmgo
(Gorlkiy StateUniversity imeni N.,.I. Lobachevskiy)
PRESENTM February 25, 1961, by B. A. Arbuzov, Academician
SUB14ITTED: February 22, 1961
Card 414
? 0
3 2
Shushunov, V. A., and Brilkina; T. G.
Regrouping of some organotin and organolead peroxide
Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 141, no. 6. 1961, 1391-1394
TEXT: The regrouping of Sn and Pb peroxide compounds was studied. Since
the monohydroxides of trialkyl and triaryl tin are strong bases, they
react readily ~iith peracids to form the relevant organometallic compounds:
RI-Sn-CH + RCOOOH RI-Sn-OOCOR + 1120 (4). Such a compound can be
regrouped similarly to: RI-6-OOCOR RIO-6-OCOR (1). The product
formed is hydrolyzed with separation of the relevant organometallic oxide
and other oxygen-containing compounds. A homol-eneous reaction mixture
of equimolar quantities of triphenyltin monohydroxide with a),peracetic,
Card 1/5
Regrouping of some organotin and... B103/B147
or b) perpropionic acids at OOC was kept in the dark at room temperature.
Within 40 - 50 hr, the peroxide compounds in the solutions were completely
consumed and gradually well-defined needle crystals were precipitated
without gas liberation. In cases a) and b) they were insoluble in cold
anti poorly solub18 in hot benzene. In case a) it was a non-meltable 0
Product up to 250 C, in case b) the product could be softened at 170 C
,, Acid hyirolyuis
and formed a non-melting compound on further heatinr
resulted in the formation of free acetic and propionic acids, -espectively.
On the basis of their quantities and the amount of (C 6H 5)2 Sn(OH)Cl
(meltin6 point 185 0C) formed on heating of the precipitations with HC1,
the formation of (C 6H5)2Sn(OH)OCOCH 3 or (C 6H5)2 SnO-(c6H5 )2 Sn(OCOCH 02
is assumed in the regrouping. The yield was 72% in case a) and 45% in
case b). A considerable quantity of finely crystalline substance,
insoluble in water but soluble in methanol, (melting point 128 - 13o,c)
was obtained by alkaline hydrolysis of the alcohol-dissolved compound;
under the effect of HC1, this --nibstance is converted to (C H ) Sn(OHICI.
5.6 2
In both cases, 90'; of' phcnol (related to the hydroxide) was isolated
after senaration of' the solid products and the unreacted initial hydroxide.
Card 21,
Regrouping of some organotin and ...
This is explained by
Coff'o-SIn-QCOR+ 1120- (C,1-1&),jSn(011)OCOR + C,H6011 (5)
C6UJ50 - Sn - OCOR + CH.OH - (CSH.,)s Sn (OCH,) OCOR + CH,OH (6)
The same reaction was performed with (A) triphenyl lead monohydroxide
and a) in c) methanol, d) dioxan, and e) sulfuric ether; furthermore
with (B) triethyl lead monohydroxide ilith a) and b). In c) the filtrate
resulting from precipitation and filtering of the scanty diphenyl lead
oxide precipitate was treated with aqueous alkali. Awhite precipitate
formed from which phenol was isolated (yield 3W14, here and later related
to initial A or B). By boiling methanol, the water-insoluble precipitate
was separated into A and diphenyl lead oxide (C). Total yield in C from
the reactlon mixture: 35~6 of the theoretical value. A reacted slowly
with a) in d) owing to its poor solubility. Nevertheless, 406 of phenol
Card 3/5
Regrouping of some organotin and ... B103/BI47
was isolated after long standing in the dark at room temperature and
subsequent heating for 3 hr at 500C or for 1 hr at 70 0 C. A was not
completely consumed. The reaction of a) in e) was impeded by the poor
solubility. Also in this case, a compound was dissolved after 2 hr of
shaking, which yielded phenol (34,) after hydrolysis. A slight quantity
of gas escaped in the initial stage of the reactions in d) and e). The
result-s were less clear_in gase B with a) and with perbenzoic acid. On
standing for 36 hr, at 10 C the peroxide compound was sl'owly regrouped.
Snow white large cFyBtals of triethyl lead acetate were precipitated
(melting point 158 C, yield 75%). B reacted with a) in aqueous solution
rather rapidly at room temperature with slight gas liberation. After
24 hr standing in the dark, no peroxide oxygen was found, but acetaldehyde
(9wing to oxidation of ethanol) as well as tetraethyl. lead (owing to
disproportionation of triethyl lead acetate or diethyl lead diacetate).
The reaction of B with perbenzoic acid in e) was similar to that with a).
After standing for 1 hr at -20 to -10 0C and subsequently for 12 hr at
room temperature, no peroxide oxygen was found. Triethyl lead benzoate
(melting point 125 - 127 0C, yield 35%) was isolated from the solution.
Moreover, a readily water-soluble organolead compound formed which was
Card 4/5
Triphenyl lead oxide. Zhw.ob.kbim. 32 no.8:2684-2ift Ag 1629
kAMA 15:9)
(Lead compoundB)
Cm7l peracetate. Zhuz.obekhim. 32 no.8:2724-2716 A 062.
I fa 15:9)
I* Gorlkovskiy gosudaretvenimyy universitet.
(Forompoetle acid)
Radiochemical investigation of the reaction of cumene hydro-
romide vith cmene. Zhur. ob. khim. 32 no.12:3959-3962
9162, (MIRA 16:1)
(CUmne) (Hydroperoxide) (Radiochomietry)
Effect of certain factors on the rate of oxidation of,cumene
by oxygen and on its hydroperoxide yield. Zhur.prikl.khim.
35 no.4:832-838 Ap '62. (MIRA 15:3)
(Cumene) (Oxidation)
AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, Yu. A.; Brilkina, T. G.; Shushunov, V. A.
TITLE: Some tin and lead organic peroxide camp ounds
SOURCE: Soveshchaniye po, kh1miL perekisny*kh soyedinenly. Second, Moscow, 1961.
Xhimiya perekisny*kh soyedineniy (chemistry of peroxide compounds); Doklady*
soveshchaniy. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963, 291-297
TOPIC TAGS: tin, lead, peroxide, tin organic compound, lead organic compound,
peroxide compound, metal-organic compound, metal-organic peroxide
ABSTRACT: Results of the investigation of some properties and reactions of triethyl
tin peroxide, tert-butal triethyl lead peroxide, a-cumyl triethyl lead peroxide,
di-tri-ethyl lead-n-di-isopropobenzene diperoxide, as well as triphenyl-tin-peracetate
and triphenyl-tin-perpropenate, triphenyl-lead-peracetate, triethyl-lead peracetate
and triethyl-lead perbenzoite are related in this article. The peroxide compounds
were easily hydrolyzed by water with the formation of tri6thyl-tin monohydroxide
(or triethyl lead monohydroxide) and hydrogen peroxide (or the corresponding hydro-
peroxide) at room temperature. The results of the analysis are presented in a table.
The above mentioned compounds were produced, precipitated, and characterized for the
Card 1/2
first time. The thermal decay of triethyl tin peroxide an(t its'reaction with hexa-
ethyldi-tin in a n-ionane solution was investigated. Definite results were obtained
which indicate the decay of triphenyl tin peracetate and triphenyl tin perproponate.
as well as triphenyl lead peracetate by means of regrouping. Orig. art. has: 3
formulas, 6 figures and 1 table.
ASSOCIATION: Gorkovskiy gasudarstvenny*y univeraftet Lobachavskogo
,(Gorky State University)
.SUBMITTED: 13Dec63 DATE ACQ: 06Apr64 ENCL: 00
Card 2/2
GERASR!OV) Yakov Ivanovich, prof.; DREVING, Vladimir Petrovich;
YEREVIII, levgerviy Nikolayevich; KISELEV, Andrey
Vladimirovich; LEBEDEV, Vladimir petrovich; FANCHENKOV,
Georgiy Mitrofanovich; SHLYGIN, Aleksandr Ivanovich;
NIKOLISKIY, B.P., prof., retsenzent; UPSHOOV, V.A., prof.,
retsenzent; LURIYE, G.Ye., red.; SHPAK, Ye.G., tekhn. red.
[Cou.rse in physical chemistry] Kurs fizicheskoi khimii. [By!
JA.I.Gerasimov i dr. Moskva, Goskhimizdat., 1963. Vol.l. 624 P.
(MIRA 17:1)
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gerasimov, Nikollskiy).
2. Kafedra i-,hizicheskoy khimii Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo
universiteta (for Nikollskiy, Shushunov).
T 0179A-Ai; r-lprr W/cvfp )/T prof 'tn-1./--'P
ACC NRt AP60126 6 SOURCE CODE: UR/00`79/65/035/001/0115/
AUTHOR: Aleksandrov. Yu. A.; Shushunovo,y. A.
ORG: none
TITLE: qEgan2me~alLic proxidelt. r
ompounds. V. Perhydrate of. riethylt~in hydrope o3dde
SOURCE: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, V- 35, no. 1, 1965, 115-U7
TOPIC TAGS: organometallic compound, pero;calde, organic synthetic process, chemical
AbSTRACT: Trlethyltin'hydroperoxide,-one of the least Investiss-
ted organotetallic peroxides, has been synthesized. Triethyltln',
oxide was reacted with hydrogen peroxide to obtain this oompourAb*
!It oan be assumed that in the synthesis of triethyltin peroxldel-.
:the hydroxide and hydroperoxide of triethyltin are formed an
Intermediate products.
nOR + (C2'S)380M
(C2H5)3SnQBM(02X5)3 + B202 -'W (Z2A 5) 33
(FA)~Snol.+ (C255)38AOON -P (005) -^Own-
Triethyltin hydroxide'must-also react with hydrogen peroxide
Card 1/2 UDC: 547 .258.3.1+541.459
L 21796-66
ACC NR, AP6012646
which has acidic properties,
(C255)38nN + B202 ->(C2H5)3
The perhydraze of triethyltin hydroperoxide slowly decomposes evenj
at room temperatures. Decomposition of small amounts ofthis con.;
pound occurs at room-temperature gradually and Is accompanied by
the formation of solid, liquid$ and gaseous products..' Only one or.-*
the thermal decomposition1products has been investigated -- the
oxyhydroperoxide of diethtltin'(C H-) Sn(OH)OOK.. This produ~C Ia.
a fine-oryhtalline compound, lnpiug In organi ts'a
a le a solven nd
exploding when heated to 150-1800. Orig. art has: 5 formulas. [JPRS1
SUB CODE: 07 SUBN DATE: :12Nov63 ORIG REF: 004 OTH 102~ 0; 001
L 0531t'.-67 F, Ir- j ) /-9,S7 ( TO lytIrp (t) /1171 TJFF(c) RMfol-d/Jij
CC N R. AM6021382 Monograph
Brilkina, Tamara Grigor'yevna; Shushunov, Vasiliy Aleksey!~Yich
Reactions of o'rganometallic compounasivith hydroge d perox desV Reaktsii metallo-
ogranicheskikh soyedineniy s kislorodon, i pere'r-lisyarrd) Moscow, Izd-vo "Nauka,"
1966. 265 p. biblio. (At head of title: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Crtdeleniye obshchey
i tekhnicheskoy khimii) Errata slip inserted. 3300 copies printed./
TOPIC TAGS: organometallic compound, group I metal, group II metal, group III met4
group IV metal, organoboron compound, organosilicon compound, reaction with oxygen,
reaction with peroxide
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is a review of studies on the reactions of oxygen
and peroxides with organometallic compounds containing metals of groups I, II, III
endIV. Reactions of oy&kL bopo m compounds are included. Chapter
. ~o_njand organosilicc -1
5 reviews the reactions of oxygen and peroxides with organometallic compounds con-
tainipgdifferent metals Me'-Me" and Me-C-Me" bonds, designated as compounds of
class 1 and class 2, respectively. Chapter 6 reviews the reaction mechanism of
oxygen and peroxides with various organometallic compounds. There are 210 Soviet
End60qWestern references. The references are given at the end of each chapter.
Introduction.- 3
Card 1/2 UDC: 547.1'3
T. Or-AIP-(8
ACC NR, Am6o21382
Chapter I. Reactions of oxygen and peroxides with organometallic compounds con-
taining metals of Group I -- 10
Chapter II. Reactions of oxygen and perovides with organometallic compounds con-
taining metals of Group II -- 50
Chapter III. Reactions of oxygen and peroxides with organometallic compounds con-
taining metals of Group III -- 97
Chapter IV. Reaction of oxygen and peroxides of organometallic compounds con-
taining metals of Group IV -- 1h3
Chapter V. Reactions of oxygen and peroxides with organometallic compounds con-
taining atoms of different metals -- 232
Chapter VI. Reaction mechanism of oxygen and peroxides with organometallic com-
pounds -- 243
SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 15Jan66/ ORIG REF: 219/ OTH REF: 6oo
1OL03 67 E4T(m)/S'4P(J)
ACC NR: Ap7003493 SOURCE CODC: UR/0074/66/035/008/ 1430/1447
AUTHOR: Brilkina, T. G.; Shushnovv V. A.
ORG: Stato University, Gor1kiy
TITLF; New developments in research on the oxidationfLf organomotallic
---- i~ I
SOURCE: Uspokhi khtmil, v. 35, no. 8, 1966, 1430-1447
TOPIC TAGS: organometallic compound, peroxide
ABSTRACT: The synthesis, properties, and reactions of organorrict allic comnounds
are currcntly subjects of intense interest, in view o ftheir great th,coretical
and practical importance. Much of this interest has been centered upon the
reaction of such compounds with oxygen, and since it has been demonstrated that
s-,-.c, a reaction is accompanied by the formation of organometallic peroxides,
n has a"so been centered upon the reactions of various peroxides With
or-,ano~.-.ctallic compounds. Tne autnors c;urvey tllro pz--4nciples and maechan-1
Zind specific examples olf L*.-.o oxidation of ori:anonotal3ic compounds by
C~:YOQ,n, as well as the actions. of organometallic coripounds with _o?~ganic and
-crfzandc peroxides. z ~Jep has: 9 formulas.
RS: 38,9707 Orig. art." 3
SU3 CODE: 07 / SUBM DATC: none / ORIG RZF; 076 / OTH R-EF: 092
uDC: 547.24:547,438
Card 1/1''
"'ihe Effect of lieav-. ','etal Salts on the jlds~xptic--.- of CeIrtain PrLmary
Alcoholo of the FaLty Series." Cand Chem Sci, Gor'kiy State U, GorIkiy, 19.c)'5.
M, J`o 7-0, :Iar 55)
So: Sum. No 670, 2~ sent 55 - Survey of Scientific and Tc-cimical Dissertations
Del-'ended a' j14--:-cr 'E'ducantional Insbituti-ciis (15)
I ,
Grigorly 3 doktor khiv.. nauk, prof.;
PAVLOV, Ale~SOY PLiZ-OTIOViCh: 001403INT-TW. AlPl"!)t0P'
1-1vinvich; MIRONOV, Nikolay Nikobnye-7ich;
SHUSHUNOVA, Ada Fedorovna; ALAVMDGV, Ya.G.p red.
[Monual c-f-l;iboratory work in inorganic chemistry] Ru-
kbvr-istvo k prakticheskim zaniatiiam po neorganicheskol
khim.ii, i,-d.2., ispr. i dcl). Mo.:-,Wa,, Vysshaia shkola,
196A. '1182 p. (MIRA 17:6)
~Q t1 Z~S-0 0 66824
A U THOR: -50V/155-58-5-32/37
TITLE: On the Existence of Particle-Similar 3olutions of the Non-
Linear Relativistic Equation of the Scalar Field
11ERIODICALt Hauchnyye doklady vysshay ohkoly. Fiz iko-matematicheakiye
naukirI958,Nr 5,PP 192-196 (USSR)
AB:3TRACTs The solutions are denoted as similar to particles, if the
field function is essentially different from zero only in a
c - 1 . The
sinall range. Let Lagrange function
~ + 'F
is considered, wher for the non-line ar fanction F the
simplest form Fl(u ) _ - a2 .9~ (u_jj
) is assumed; 5~u-u
0 0
for u
. In the stationary
spherically-symmetric case the field equation has the form
7 2u - (I -E) 2u - 0 for u , u 4--l"
Card 1/3 0
On the Existence of Particle -Similar Solutions of SO'1/155-58-5-32/37
the Non-Linear Relativistic Equation of the Scalar Pield,
u A sin 62_ 1 + a 2r for u < u and u = B e- r
r 0 2 r
for u ~~uo. A particle-similar solution exists, If u I and
u2 can be divided up at one point so that the two u-valuea
and the two corresponding ul-values are equal there. Under
the assumption that a 2>> 1 the author investigates by
direct calculation the possibilities of such a decomposition
and shows 1.) the existence of a mass spectrum depending on
a and u 0, as well as the existence of a finite particle
radius r0 2.) the boundedness of the possible number of
masses 3.) that the field mass is greater than the mass in
the linear equation.
The author thanks Professor Ya.P. Terletskiy for the guidanc
Card 2/3 7
24 (5)
AVTHORS: Glasko, V. B., Leryust, F., SOV/56--35-2 20/60
Terletskiy, Ya. P., Shushurin, S. F,
TITLE: Investigation of Particle-Like Solutions of a
Nonlinear Scalar Field Equation (Issledovaniye
chastitsepodobnykh resheniy nelineynogo uravneniya
skalyarnogo polya)
PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 19569
vol 35, Nr 2, pp 452-457 (USSR)
ABSTRACT. For the investigation of possibilities offered by the
nonlinear field theory of elementary particles Refs 1 -, 9)
an investigation of the particle-like solution ~Ref 1) of the
simplest nonlinear equation of the scalar complex field is
of especial importance. Thus it is e. g. possible to find
a qualitative solution of the problem of the existence
and character of the mass spectrum. The authors proceed
from the Lagrangian for a complex scalar field
a Vev T + DT* gy - m2 ~Tly + F('F*'Y)]
Card 1/3 axo axo
Investi6ation of Particle-Like Solutions of,,a SOV/56-35-2-2o/6o
Nonlinear Scalar Field Equation
(X0 = ct, F (v) - a determined nonlinear function, m -- a
pa-rameter with the dimension of a reciprocal length)
with the field equations
2T 2Tlbx 2 m2 [1 + F I T = 0;
V 2T 9T*/Sx2 M2 [1 + FI(T*T)]T= 0
where F) (v) = dP(v)/dv
E and q are then written down as functionsof T, 7 and
introduced: iF-x 0, . iF-x
T = U(r)e- 0 T = u(r)e o
parameter, proportional to a frequency), and E and
are given as functions of u and r- With P(v) = -AV /2,,I= Gmru
and r Im - & "land ? are introduced and with their
aid tile first three particle-like solutions are derived.
(See also figures 1 to 3) The relevant mass spectrum is
obtained by numerical integration for the simplest cubic
Card 2/3 term. Under favorable physical conditions a finite spectrum
InvestiGation of Particle-Like Solutions of a BOV/56-35-2-20/60
Honlinear Scalar Field Equation
is obtained. There are 3 figures and 10 references, 2 of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State
SUBMITTED: March 22, 1958
Card 3/3
of sol.;,-4~~ns of
nmilinef~-- equa`icns of' t'n~ firld." Los, 196C (~Ur of Educ,,~+-on RSFSR. Moskovskaya
Oblast !:,7d in--t- Lv, "I. 'K. Krups'k-gyi) (KL, 1-61, 1R1)
S/18 62/000/005/002/008
AUTHOR; Zhushurin, S. F.
TITLE: Study of the existence of particle-like solutions to a quasi-
linear equation of a scalar field
PERIODICAL- &,oscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya III. Fizika,
astronomiya, no. 5, 1962, 10 15
TEXT: The proof that particle-like solutions exist to a quasilinear
equation for a complex scalar field with a cubic nonlinearity has been
given in a previous paper (Ref. 1.ZhE;TF, 35, no. 2(8), 452 - 457, 1958).
Here those studies are generalized for arbitrary exponential nonlinearities.
For this purpose the author considers a di fferential equation of the type
L y + L y + 4,(y) = 0 having a solution of the form y ..;!'R (r)P(m)(cos 9),
r .9 A.^ k-m k k
.where L and are radial and azimuthal parts of the Laplacian P(')(Cos 9)
- r k
are generalized Legendre polynomials. Summation of the polynomials of
equal order in these equations leads to the following expressions
Card 1/3
Study Of the exi:~tence of... B102/B108
CU (m) (m)
5ince, however, L .
(Y I ~ Fk(r "(M)(CO6 9) P MP the radial part
Z )'k 9'k k
.k =,n - I
is subject to b R + MR + P = 0 (4). If the nonlinear term of ~he
k k _ n 2+1(n/2+1
Lagrangian foi Ehe compiex scalar field is chosen to be F(v) . Av
then (4) can oe writter, as -1 d (R r) + O-L 2 2 )R +m2 F - 0. If the non-
v dr2 k -mo k o k
linearity is fiouurriec cubic kii - 1), then this equation reduces to that ob-
tained in Ref. 1~ ;,t arbitrary n-, after substitution of the variables,
+ yn/xn)y (7). Existence and type of the solutions of (7) are
YtO ;e inveFtigated. The problem of the existence of particle-like solu-
tions can be reduced to the problem of the existence of solutions which
are near zero if the values of the independent variable are sufficiently
high. Such solutions exist for the nonlinear equation if they exist for
the linearized, y" - (1-1/xn)y, whichis proved. The author confines him-
self to proving the particle-like solutions of the Cauchy problem for the
linearized equation by studying the behavi-r of the solutions to the
steady-state ocal-~r field equation v2u +L;L_2_m2J1 + (u*u)nlju . 0. The
Card 2/3
Study of ti~,u existence of ... B102/13108
results obtained analytically are verified by studying the phase
trajectories uf the equation y" - (1-1/X2)y with an MH-7 (MN-7) electric
simulator. There are 4 figures.
ASSOCIliTlON: Kafedra statisticheskoy fiziki i makhaniki (Department of
Statistical Physics and Mechanics)
SUBMITTED: November 22, 1961 (initially),.
May 18, 1962-(after revision)
Card 3/3
MTHOR: Shushurin, S.F.
TITLE: Approximate solution of ordinary differential equa,
tions by linearization
PERIODM)L: I-loscow. Universitet'. Vestnik. Seriya 1, Matematika#_":.
mekhanika,mo. 6, 1962, 3-8
TEXT: Chaplygin's method has the disadvantage of possessii
ing no rule for finding the zero approximation. The author proposii
a method which permits qualitative analysis of the solutions (aingu.'
lar points, behavior at infinity etc). If the right-hand side of
Y(P) M F(X'Y'y1'y1'.'...'y(O_1)1'.
(where F is non-linear, continuous and bounded in finite intt ali,
contains any linear terms, these should be placed on the,left4--
side. F is plotted in a (p + I)-dimensional space with 3c A -please
meter. The region of approximation H is chosen between Q
Card 1/2
T M,n
Nat-are of the J,-wrus of princtipal soi-Is in the taiga aubzsra and the sub-
zone of southern taiga of the We,3t Sthprinn Plain. Trudy Biol. Inst. Sib.
otd. AN S5.13R nc,120i-92 t 64. (MI RA 1817)
SHUSSER, I.A., i!=h.
Planning the second track under complex topographical condition..3.
fl~~ I ~ ~ C ~
Transp.stroi. 11 no.4:32-33 Ap 161. k
(Ural Mountains-Railroads--Construction)
Toward new boundaries in competition. Avt.transp. 40 no.2:11 F
162. (MI&K 15:2)
(Simferol)ol--Hiphway transport workers)
SHUST, _ I.T.,_,-ekskavatorshchik
Two annual norms have been fulfilled. Transp. stroi. 15
no.9:34 S 165. (MIRA 18:11)
1. Baza mekhanizatsii tresta Murmanskmorstroy.
Country U.'S, SR
Cat.)(-,ory F.:rii
Abs. Joar 1-c-P Zhv..2-13~ol Vo 1," 19';' 71~' 03-
T 7.
OT7 Z0ov-I-,,,e-rInz~-rv
7 1, ,
Tit1c Axt-3:.-I-Is G~C, Dcrsal E~knr-~.
Or 1~7, Pu b. Sbo- tre Lvvixrolre in-1-7 10!Y19
ii,013tract .-e Aol-s".I S1,40r!, dro supplial
blou~! dirnctl,,r 10.1e t!,,,,, artary vane
by (A), in tim
rC,, 01, Of trAC OCCiptlt A X.~ M' -L'.3.0jag :je?nIj?Itq
coreesfo&. to openn. gs
-.-ih:~ch tlhey s-it . I-Bet"le-an A 'l-here O.-ist
-,,.nastomoses: 0jue o-P thel L; 31tutad In-
t ally tho ;P-Dral ar-0, condp
1,~,.r -A. a number o.-? th:-mi -,Atuatled e:.tra-
i7c;-otebrally bet-~-een 1-.1-ke z;-ag.-,~ent brane.1i of
C a rd -