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89700 S/139/61/000/001/008/018 Investigation of E073/E335 phosphors grown from a melt was observed by M.L. Kats and B.Z. Semenov (Ref. 2' Dokl.Ak. nauk SSSR, io6, 415, 1956), who established that the crystals were not phosphorescent immediately after they were produced. However, after X-ray irradiation they would emit light if they were excited by illumination of a wavelength of N = 365 M)1; the above authors consider that this represents luminescence of atomary centres. The experiments of the authors of this paper have shown that this luminescence is not pure fluorescence and is composed of induced fluorescence and optical flashes. The authors investigated separately these two types of illumination in NaCl-N! phosphors grown from melts as well as produced by means of electrothermal diffusion. The latter were first heated for the purpose of destroying the primary centres of luminescence. It was found that the brightness of induced luminescence depended on the dose of X-ray irradiation. Fig. 2 gi-ve5 the results of tests with four different specimens; Curves I and 2relate to synthetic phosphors, whereby for one (Curve 1) the Ni concentration was twice Es high as for the Card 2/6 89700 S/139/61/000/001/oo8/ol8 Investigation of ... E073/E335 other (Curve 2); Curves 3 and 4 characterise the increase In brightness of induced luminescence for crystals activated by the method of electrothermal diffusion. Curve 4 applies to the specimen with the minimum NI-concentration. It is characteristic for all the curves that in the initial stage the brightness is highest for crystals with the lowest activator- content. All the curves show a tendency to saturation, which Is achieved the more quickly the lower the activator concentration. In investigating the initial brightness of flashes, generated under the influence of light from the F-absoirption band, as a function of the concentration of F-centres, new relations were dlscovered~ The results of these experiments are given in FIg-3 (brightness of the optical flashes in the initial instant I versus absorption coefficient in the F-band maximum, which Is a measure of the concentration of the F-centres). - The numbering of the curves has the same meaning as for Fig.2. The influence of activator concentration can be seen clearly since the bend in the curve will occur the sooner the lower the activator content of the crystal. Equal Card 3/6 89700 S/139/61/ooo/ool/008/018 Invest�gatxon of ... E073/E335 anomalous behaviour is observed in the variation of the magnitude of the optical sum of light as a function of the X-ray irradiation time. This is attributed to the fact that with increasing X-ray irradiation t�me, there is a decrease in the number of N! centres, the interaction of which with the electrons leads to the formation of optical flashes. In order to verify this assumption, the authors observed the change in brightness of NaCl-Ni phosphors during the process of exc�tation with X-rays. Usually, with increasing accumulation of electrons at the capture level, there is a gradual increase in the brightness of excited phosphors. However, the authors have observed a different picture in NaCl-Ni phosphors: in a beam of X-rays the brightness does not increase with the progress of time but decreases and becomes continuously weaker with increasing doses of X-ray irradiation. It is probable that thermal destruction of Illumination centres is due to a hole mechanism; with the cessation of electron and hole centres, the initial state of the phosphor is re-establ�shed in which all the N! centres are in the ionised state. Card 4/6 Investigation of .... There are 3 figures iind ASSOCIATION: Irkutski7 (Irkutsk SUBMITTED: June 13, S/139/61/000/001/008/018 E073/E335 3 Soviet references. gosuniveri3ttet imenl A.A. Zhdanova State University imeni A.A. Zhdanov) 196o Card 5/6 wrmim Q'i f 14V Invest�gat�on of .... Fig. 2: .-1 &'/,V S/139/61/000/001/008/018 E073/E335 Fig. 3: I H ' y ~Jl .5 s Card 6/6 95M PARFIANOVICH, I.A.; -SHURALEVA, Ye. I. Details of the mechanism of the optical flash, stiTmilated by light from the band region. Opt. i spektr. 10 no.4:500-504 Ap 161. (MIRA 1.4:3) (Phosphors-Optical properties) PARFIANOVICH, I.A.; SHURALEVA, Ye.I. Correlation of the values of the optical and thermal light sums in NaCl-Ni phosphor. Opt.i spoktr. 10 no.5:680-681 W 261, (141M 14-:8) (Phosphors) (Photoelectric measurements) 8924o S/048/61/025/001/006/031 /.S 0 (r, B029/BO67 ,AUTHORS: Parfianovich, I. A. and Shuraleva, Ye. I. TITLE: Characteristic features of the damping mechanism of optical flash-up PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25, no. 1, 1961, 38-42 TEXT: The authors present some interesting results obtained when studyin the dependence of the damping rate of optical flash-up on the damping of X-radiation, and the increase of brightness of this flash-up with inter- gy rupted action of the illuminating light. First, the known experimental data and their possible explanations are briefly discussed. Fig. 2 shows the change of the ratio between the initial brightness 1 0 of flash-up and its final brightness I,, as well as the ratio between the brightness of flash-up after the electrons are set free from the shallow levels and the corresponding value at the end of the preceding period of illumination (I 2/,l)' These two ratios increase with the X-radiation dose. The Card 1/ 5 8924o Characteristic features of the damping S/048/61/025/001/006/031 B029/'Bo67 blocking effect of the M-centers is not sufficient for an explanation of these phenomena, for which also the mechanism of recombination luminescencein .NaCJ-Ni-#=phors has to be taken into account. Data on this mechanism were obtained by studying the changes in the initial brightness of flash-up and in the optical light sums with the time of exposure to X-rays. Fig. 3 shows the dependence of the initial brightness of flash-up on the con- centration of F-centers for the three crystals nos, 1, 2. and 3. All three curves have maxima which are formed the earlier, the less the amount of activator in the crystal. The dependence of the change of the optical light sum on the time of exposure of the phosphors to X-rays is analogous. The total thermal light sums increase with increasing time of exposure to X-rays. In an X-ray beam, the luminescence of an NaCl-Ni phosphor de- creases with time. With increasing X-ray dose it becomes weaker. Recom- bination luminescence may occur due to both recombination of the electrons with the ionization centers of luminescence and recombination of the 'electrons with the hole-type centers of the basic material. No agreement can be obtained between the rules established in the present paper and sensitized luminescence. Recombination luminescence in NaCl-Ni phosphors is caused by ionized luminescing centers. These ionized centers are Card 2/5 39240 Characteristic'features of the camping ... S/048/61/025/001/006/031 B029/3067 assumed to have existed in the NaCl-Ni phosphors already before excitation. ;'xposure to X-rays reduces the number of ionized centers, and their recombination with fre electrons leads to different luminescence-phenomena.' The dependence of the aamping rate of the optical flash-up and of the in- crease of its brightness with interrupted action.of the.illuminating li-ht *on the X-radiation, dose "can be explained- as'foilbws: 1). reduced probability of recombination of free electrons with ionized luminescing centers due to the blocking effect of hi-centers; 2) reduction of the number of ionized luminescing centers during exposure to X-rays. The ratio of optical.light sum to thermal light sum depends on the activator concentration and, for a given sample, also on the degree of phosphor excitation. This is the reproduction of a lecture the Conference on. Luminescence (Crystal Phosphors)v Kiyev, June 20-25, 1960. There are 3 figures, 2 tablbs, and-6 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. - ASSOCIATION: Irkutskiy.gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova (Irkutsk State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov~_ Card 3/ 5 8924o Characteristic features,of the damping ... 3/048/61/025/001/006/031 B029/Bo67 IS -12 t. vac Fig. 2 Card 4/5 Fig- 3 .59240 Character4stic features of the'damping S/048/61/025/001/006/031 B029/BO67 20.c 70-C lipsteTanna k,,,. CM-* S nT AST AST/5"T SOnT AST AST/SonT Q , Table 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 80 820 20 0,02 820 9,3 0,01 /10 500 /11 0,08 825 8,5 M2 3 2,20 260 92 0,35 468 54,0 .4 0,60 88 1311 1,52 134 48,0 0, 36 Legend to Table 1 Degree of optical illumination of NaCl-Ni phosphors of different activator concentrations. Subscript T denotes thermallonT optical. Card 5/5 20840 074/1 0/13 e,( / /S 3 3 AUTHORS: Parfianovi,-h, I. A. S/04e/6:/02 1;10r) 3/'02.?/0-! -1 anj Yri~ i. TITLE: S t- 'idy of~' t',;;-- p*,.,-c-'1.-.d--~,a.; c'L F-cenit-PrL fn crystals PEa10DICAL- Izvestiya Akademf-i 1.aulr- SSSR~ Se:74-y~i ff zic h~--s ka-- i 1041, 7, El v. 25, -o~ 3, - TEXT: This paper was preS,:nted at t~-Ile 1?tla en lumines~~ - 1960~ T!- ud4 ei the (crystal phospliors), Kiyev, Jun,.~ '0- 2;j, e aur-hors st optical scin+411a4,iCn -,~d -ce~-.ters ir. pure ard ac-,1-vatc-d the decay 0'- F In- 0~rd'er to explain the mechazri--:2m cf photciecay of -6*-,-e NaC1 crystals F-centers. The F-cenzers were produced by r--=ais olf X-r-=yi; lig-1.1t from the te the cryztals. 1' could pr~-ei t-i- tbe F-bands was used to de~,oloral weakening of the F-band under 1.11e cf iigh-~ oa---~7ed by th,~-: -.ran~- lormation of the F-centers intc --~h--, cenrer-:; (Y1 -~- F7-129--ter~~). After a certain 14-mi 'L cercentratior. c f -1- ele;~ - rciiS i~ at- 'L a4 ned a+ 'che flat decay le--rels, deCay cea3eo, ThiS -L~- illjustr-~-~ed --1y the re3ult, graphically sliown in F--'Ig, Thl-s diagram shojvB the relazi-,--~ -~ha:I~C- Card 1/3 20840 S/0 18, /6 ~ /025/,--0-/()29/04 j Study of the phozodocay of.... B10A1B?02 the concentration of ~iie F-centers in a pure. NaCI crystal whe~re I -o X-.ra-,,5 and curve 2 ifter heating tc 'C'C f 3'r was taken after exposure 4-1 seven minutes. Curve 1 consists of two par:~s. The pars --.I crie 0, 4,ae- terizes the rapid deca,7 of "lie F-,~enters, the secon I . decay. Tt could be ::hown in an NaCI-NJI _rystal that th~ cf an activator reduces the stability ~f the F-centers, Fig. 2 the relative changes of the concentrations of the F-~enterrs on plictodecay for one and the same NaCl-Ni crystal for different j-4MeS Or ~XpOSUr ~ t-O X_raye Curve 1 holds for a Curve 2; for a 5-hour-irra-dia- tion. The authors infer the exis+.ence of twn differen' F-cer-ters from -the shape of these curve-s. Also in NaC--!-Cu pho--phor a decrease iri the stali- lity of the F-center-s -with increasing activator concentraticzi could bo~, observed. The activator absorption band with Xm = 255 my in these phosphors is weakened by heating, wherecis -"-.he stability of the F-centers increases. This result leads to the assumDtion that the stability of the centers not only influences that part of the activatGr which is distributed ~n the cationic nodes of the fundamental lattice but also that which lies in the especial points of the crystal. This part of the activator i,)ns can be relative!-.,- easily diG-placed by heating the cry-ztal. T'-r,e--e are J Card 2/3 20840 S/CZ8/61/025/003/029/047 Study of the piollode-cay of.... B 10,11 /B 20 2 "~ F'ioires and 7 rcfk-,rences: 2 Sovie'u-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. .-.SSGCIATTO'L7.: Irkutskiy Cos. universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova (Irkutsk State University imeni A. A. Zjl~danov) KA, P, ~M, bF. U 0 UO 's. a 2S0 SOO M few t, ccff a 7S S *~2 as 725 7 IS zra Sea 7SO vego tzso cer Card 3/3 S/048/62/026/004/009/014 B100102 AUTHORS: Parfianovich, I. A., and Shuraleva, Ye. I. Farticularities of luminescence and the structure of some allkali-halide phosphors PE'RIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 4, 1962, 497-505 '.---'XT: This review article deals with investigations carried out in the years 1928-61, with special regard to -the role played by dislocations in the recombination luminescence of NaCl-Cu and NaCI-Ni phosphors r-rown from mrelts or from NaCl crystals by electrolysis or diffusion. The luminescence properties of various phosphors differ greatly, depending on the specific features of their structure. Regardless of the absence of ionization of the luminescent centers by exciting irradiation, some crystals luminesce as a result of direct recombination of electrons with luminescent centers, while other crystals possess the luminescence characteristic of ion activator centers. This kind of luminescence is Card 1/2 S10481621026100410091014 Particularities of luminescence ... B104/BlO2 not due to recombination. There are 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: irkutskiy gos. universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova , (Irkutsk State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) Card 2/2 PARFIANC:VICH, I.A.; SHURALEVA KATS, M.L. Discussicn of the reports of I.A.Parfianofich and E.I.Shuraleva and M.L.Kats. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 26 no-4:513 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Odesskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Alkali metal halides-Spectra) PARFIANOVICHP I.A.; KRONGAUZ, V.G.; SHURALEVA, Ye.I. Effects of the increase in brightness of optical flashes-in pure NaCl crystals. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; fiz. no.3:66-70 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Irkutskiy gosudarstvenny universitat imeni Zhdanova. ACCESSION LVR: AP4025090 S10139163100010061009010094 AUTHORS: Parfianovich, I. A.;.-Shuraleva, Ye. I.: Krongauz, V. G. TITLE: On photostimulated. luminescence in pare NaC1 crystals SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizikaj no. 6, 1963, 90-94 TOPIC TAGS: optical flash, M-band absorption,-x-ray tube, energy transmission phase,, F-center, photostimulated luminescence ABSTRACT: The optical flash from stimulated F- and M-band absorptions in pura natural NaCl crystals has been investigated. The specimens included one untreated NaCl, two heat-treated crystals at 300 and 760C, and another grown fron, a melt. Excitation was supplied from an x-ray tube BSV-2Cu (50 kv, 10ma) through a 0.1--.,= aluminum fIlter at room temperature. It was found that the mechanism involved in the process of flashing is not only the general type but also involves a complex process, including the excitation energy transmission phase from F-cen- ters to other electron centers. It is concluded that the presence of two photo- stimulated luminescence mechanisms is connected withr=wniform distribution in recombination centers and capture centers in the crystal-volume. Orig. art. has: Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4025090 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Irkutskiy gosuniversitet irneni A. A. Zhdanova (Irkutsk State University) SUBMITTE6: 16Jul62 DATE AOQ:' i4Feb64 RICLt 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 003 Card 2/2 11AITIANI(NICII, !~A.; SHURALEVA, Ye. I. Co-Lor centerF and center~i rj-f' 1---,,-~inescencce in alkali hall-de phosphors. iz-,f. All S'SP '~er. fiz. ~-,9 no.!: .;-,. ~,- -1 19-26 Ja 165. 18:2) 1. Irkutuskiy gcsudarstvennyy univerqit6t. '~; NR REP SOV: 004 OMR- 000 , -J, t d 2/2 C ar held in Llvov, ju -jan-a yet) iw,%/ .9 ~196501400-411 SOURCE: AN SSSR. lzvestk~ao Seriya fixicheiskaya vi~ 29 n94 3 7- -T. ),'AQI -1.~Al~ celid L 2 !!tg.5-66 EWT(I)/EWT(m) IJP(c) 'JDjjG ACC NR: AP6013056 SOUWE CCIDE: UIZ/0048/66/030/004/0581/0589 AUTHOR: Parfianovich, I. A.; Shuraleva, Ye* I.; Penzina, E.H. Krongauz, V. G ORG: Irkutsk State University (Irkutskiy gosudarstvennyy universit6t) TITLE: Roent enolum nescence of and trapping levels in NaCl and KCI crystals activated by Ag a Cu port, Fourteenth Conference on Lumi scence held in Riga 16-23 Septem 19657 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 4, 1966, 581-589 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, thermoluminescence, luminescence center, sodium chloride, potassium chloride crystal phosphor w + ;~Ynsic of ionizing radiations is A13STRACT: dne of the outstanding problems in the elucidation of the mechanism of roentgenoluminescence (RL). Accordingly, the purposes of the present study were to investigate the RL mechanism in Ag-activated NaCl and KC1, crystals and to obtain new, comparative data on RL Pf like crystals activated by Cu. in,.7:.'_.~ view of the similarity of this activator to Ag, The work included determination of the ,temperature dependence of the stationaryIRL and recording-thermostimulated and light- istimulated emission curves. The experimental data are presented mainly in the form Of, ~graphis: plots of build-up of RL, temperature dependences of the RL and glOw Curvesp L~usleuchtung curves, optical flash curves, and absorption curves At temperatures r L 26495-66 ACC NR, AP6013056 above 1000 C the RL spectra of all thq phosphors have a principal peak associated with type I centers.-ViNaCl.AgLand NaCl.:Cu'-Also exhibit an emission identified with type II. centers. The Mi phosphors, however, in addition to the type I center luminescence, emit visible bands that cannot be identified with type 11 centers. In general, the stationary RL is made up of two components - 2;short-lived and a long-lived one - whic are characterized by different relative intensities at different temperatures. The experimental data are analyzed at some length and some hypotheses are proposed. It is noted that the characteristic green phosphorescence of KCI:Ag Is also obserted, altho in weaker form, in the case of "pure" KCI crystals. In view Of the temperature range, in which this green afterglow is evinced it is inferred that this emission is due to recombination of free electrons with Vk centers, for holes are immobilized at low temp- eratures. However, holes may participate in other forms of green luminescence. In general, there apparently participate in the roentgenoluminescence of alkali halide phosphors several different types of centers (including oxygen centers), some of which are more active in one temperature range, and some in another; both electron and hole processes are significant (above the temperature of self-trappijig of holes), Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CCDE: 20/ SUEM DATE 00/ ORIG RU: 009/ OM REF: Oll Card 2/2 L 2648?-66 EwT(l)/EWT(m) IJP(c) . JD/JG ACC N Rt AP6013057 SOU11CH CODE: UlVO048/66/030/004/0590/0592 AUTHOR: Partianovich, I. A.; Babin, P. A.; Z? ORD: Irkutsk State University (Irkutskiy gosudarstvennyy univers:Ltet) TITLE: Some peculiarities of the roentgenolt~mlnescence* of NaCl and F 1 crystals in Rixa activated by Ag and Cu /Report. Fourteenth Conference on Luminescenog held 16-23 Se2tember 19657 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 4, 1966, 590-592 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, crystal phosphors x ray ef feet ABSTRACT: Investigations by the authors and others have shown that NaC1 and. KCI phosphors doped with Ag and Cu exhibit some peculiarities as regards-build up of their roeat,-enolumtscence (RL) and the temperature dependence of the JIL. In the series Of experiments first described the phosphor specimens were first x irradiated to attain- ment of a steady RL intensity, i.e., to "saturation"; then the radiation was cut off for a period (dark pausi&), and then again turned on. The measurement:*. results are Pre- sented in the form of growth curves; it was found that whereas in the case of both NaCl:Ag and NaCI:Cu -the second growth curve is virtually identical with the Initial one, in the case of KC1 phosphors the dark pause results in initial intensification of--,,- Car 1/2 L 26487-66 ACC NRt AP6013057 the RL, that is, instead of the gradual rise characteristic of the initial irradiation (and of the NaCl phosphors) the emission abruptly rises to a sharp peak that is sub- stantially above the steady RL level and then gradually falls off to the steady level (in some dases with a slight preliminary dip). This effect is temperature dependent and disappears about 30801K. This would imply that the "flash" effect is due to some sort of trapping centers that dissociate at this temperature; the possible nature of these centers is discussed in general terms. Further experiments Involved study of the temperature dependence of the RL and recording.of glow curves after x-ray excita- tion. Here again the curves for the NaCl and KC1 phosphors are different; Kcl:Cu, for example, is characterized by strong increase in the RL intensity in the temperature region of quenching of the photoluminescence excited in the range of the long-wavelength absorption band. Some possible reasons for this phenomenon are suggested, but admit-. tedly these are not the only ones that may be hypothesized. In conclusion, it is in- ferred that in the range of highertemperatures, where trapping of current carriersiis unlikely and RL Is the only detectable form of recombination luminescence, there occurs a change in the mechanism of excitation energy transfer to the luminescence centers.. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CCDE: 20/ SUEM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 002/ OrK MW: 000 Card 2/2 ACC NRj AP7004958 souRcE CODE.- UR/0048/66/030/009/1416/1419 Aurj1OR; Partinnovich,I.A.; Ivakhnenko,P.S.; Shuraleva,Ye.I* ORG: Irkutsk State University (Irkutskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) 1TITLE: Investigation of the roentgonolumineacence, absorption and emission spectra of NaCl:Eu single crystals /Heport, Fourteenth All-Union Conference on Luminescence (Crystal Phosphors) held at Riga# 16-23 Sept. 19657 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheakaya, v. 30, no. 9, 1966, 1416-1419 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, sodium chloride, europium, luminescent crystal, lumines- cence spectrum, absorption spectrum, x ray irradiation, luminescence center, temper- ature dependence ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the luminescence and absorption of NaCl:Eu crystall grown from a melt in order to obtain information concerning.- the nature and conversion of the luminescence centers. 7he absorption spectrum of crystals that had been heated to 3500 C had peaks at 2409 340, and 370 W. Illumination in these bands excited luminescence peakJng at 425 qi. All three of these absorption bands are a Tcribed to the same type I centers. In annealed crystals there were found centers of a second type (type 11), characterized by absorption peaks at 260, 272, and 330 m~L and a broad luminescence spectrum peaking at 455 qi, which was strongly stimulated by illum:L- nation in the 272 xV band but not by Illumination in the 260 mp band. When the 1/2 ACC NR: AP7OG4958 specimens were Irradiated with x-rays there was first a build-up of the luminescence# then a decline. The decline is ascribed to transt6rmation of the luminescence centerE by the x-rays. Induced absorption peaks were found at 272, 312, 410, and 570 m~L. The 272 and 312 uu induced absorption bands did not appear In annealed crystals and no emission was observed from the Induced activator centers in any of the specimens. The roentgenoluminescence intensity exhibited a complex temperature dependence, first de- creasing as the temperature was raisedabove room temperature and then increasing and passing through two m=ima at about 150 and 3200 C. The 1500 maximum was found to be due to increase of the build-up light sum. From the temperature dependence of the absorption spectra it is concluded that.the presence of the 3200 C maximum is ';due to conversion of type I centers to type 11 centers at temperatures between 160 and 2600 and their subsequent re-establishmentat higher temperatures. Orig. art. has;s 8 figures. SUB CODE: 20 SUM DATZ s none ORIG. RIW: 005 SHURATIOV, V. 26451 0 klassifikatsii waslos-bivateley. Moloch. Prom-St', 1949, No. 8, S.23-2F SO: LETOPISI NO. 35, 1949 ArkAtolcter. ~'or noncontr*ctual bulldtng. 'triAtol I no.6: 1-21 Je (Aportmeat houses) SHURAN, I., arkhitektor. flew model plans for residential homes. Zhil.-kom.khez. 7 no.9:24-25 '57. (KIIRA 10: 10) (Apartment houses) SRURAN, I., inzh. %M 4 1 New structural components. Stroitell no.11:28 N '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Building blocks) SHURAN, I., inzh.-arkhitektor --': . ,Standard designs of prefabricated houses used during highway construction. Avt.dor. 21 no.3:27-28 Mr '58. (MIRA 11:3) (Buildings, Prefabricated) LOPATIN, G... inzh.; -SHURAN,-I. . inzh. Simplified sheepfolds. Sell. stroi. no.12%13 D 262. (MIRA 16:1) (Sheep houses and equipment) ROZINOV, M.V.; SHURAN, N.M. Rare case of natural mummification of a corpse. Sud.-med. eskpart. 6 no.2:48-51 Ap-Je'63. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Byuro sudel~uomeditsinskoy ekspertizy (nachallnik L.S.Velishava) Moskovskogo .4rodskogo otdela Mdfavookhraneniya. ICAL JURISPRUDENCE) (MMAIES) SHURAN. Te.M., raclaktor [Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; map] Soiuz Soystskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respnblik. Otretstyennyi redak-ter Shuran, Te.M. Moskwa, 1953. (KLRA 7:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glaynoye upravlenlye geodesil I kartografii. (Russia--Administrative and political divisions--Naps) ASOYAN, N.S.; GAVRILOV, N.I.; GORNUNG, M.B.; EFJHI~1&11, K.S.; OIEYNIKOV. I.N.; PUGHKOV, I.B.; CHMIIKOV, G.P.; SHURAN -,-Ye.M., i-pd.;ZABIROV, B.Sh... red.; KUZNEETSOV, A.D., tekhn. red. [Wast Africa; 1;5 000 0001 Zapadnaia Afrika; 1--5 000 000- Moskv-ay Geografizdat, 1961. _[Text] 45 P. (IORA 15:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravloniye geodezii i karto- grafii. (Africa, West-Maps) KRIMER, I.L.,; SOBOLEVA, V.S.,; SKURYGINA, P*V., P.V., otv. red. red.; TRET'YAKOVA, L.Ye.,; BALANTSEVA, I.I.,; SHAPIRO, Ye-M-s; YRDOSEYEV, V.A., red.; BENEVSKAYA, V.A.. red.; SOLOVIYKV, S.M.. tekhn. red. [Cartographic chronicle; organ of the state bibliography of the U.S.S.R. for 19J1-19531, Kartograficheakaia Istopis'; organ gosudarstvennoi bibliografii SSSR. 1951-1953. Moskva, Izd-vo Vses.knizhnoi palaty, 1954. 162 p. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Veasoyuznaya knizhnayq palsta. (Bibliogra-phy--Kaps) YANY5"Y19 S-K.*; SLASHCHEVA, S.K.,; MHER, I.L.,; 50OLIVIs 7.5.9,;...5WJRA . Ye.X.,; nMOSEY19T, V.A., red.; BEREVSKAYA, V.A., red.; SOLOVIYET, S.N., [Cartographic chronicle; organ of the state bibliography ofthe U.S.S.R.. 19541 Kartograficheskaia letopis'; organ gosudarstvennoi bibliografii SSSR, 1954. Moskva, Izd-vo Vaes.knizhnoi palaty, 1955. 124 p. (KIRA 12:7) 1. Vsesoyuznaya knizhnaya palata. (Bibliography--Maps) ___L_13550-66___9WT_(d)/EW ACC NRI AP6001157 SOURCE CODE: UR/0367/6'i/002/003/0501/0511 soc AUTHOR- Domokosh G. (Associate) auran1I,.P_ (Associate) ORG: Joint Institute of Nuclear ResearebAObllyedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy); Budapest Physics Institute.,L.~~(Budapeshtskly Institut fizikil TITLE: Spontaneous breakdown of symmetries in quantum field theory SOURCE: Yadernayafizika, v. 2, no. 3, 1965, 501'511 TOPIC TAGS: quantum field theory, mathematic analysis 16, 'IV 2111 VY15- ABSTRACT: The authors examine symmetry reakdown s tions in quantum field theory by t 01 n15n Pa lo n , ]~en4 means of functional methods. It is shown that if a normal so, tion is renormalizable, t 0 Is ti ~dn h 4 '~l sto e t a symmetry breaking solution is also renormalizable. The dstone theorem is proved for -Y p eferred orthogonal symmetry groups. In the case of SU(3) -symmetry eferred direction in unitary -consistency c I ,I. . it coincides with the space is uniquely determined by the self ond'tion on ']L.., itI hypercharge axis. The general procedure is illustrated by an ex f a self-coupled an exam scalar field. Approximate calculations are performed by means of a generalized diagram technique. A discussion is given on the validity of the Gell-Mann-Okubo mass formula inde- pendent of the perturbation theory. Some unsolved problems of a fundamental nature are indicated. Authors find it their pleasant duty to thank Prof. N. N. Bogo.1yubov and Prof. Jona- Lasinio E Iona-Lasinio I for many Interesting discussions on the suNI-ec-ts studied. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 26 formulas. Card 1/2 6 ~~C-C NRt AP6001157 007 OTH RE 22JaUC-r-i OTI, 7 SUB CODE: 12)I83,20 SUFM DATE: 22janC' 242-- Sh, 7 S/056/62/042/005/049/050 B108/B138 3e'-u,.,ior of -he real :Dart of scattering amplitude at very U ener~;ies -'ur-,,! e1 -.)erl,- ticheskoy fiziki, v. 42, :0- "enallnoy i teore~ j, 10,62, 1425-14206 CjIYaI, 196'2) it was found that the ea ~a I kl j CPI-,Ys .. Rev - - 115, - 174 1, 19 59) furni she s two pos sibl e s. eouation L One of of asymptotic behavior of the izaGanary part of amplitude. se 1,::huv.4ors \fw.-.ich is unique as it alone can --ive constant total cross coincides xith a Reg,3e-type behavior (Nuovo Cim-, 14, 951, 1959; 9-`7, 1960~: :~sls, -L(U)S L(t) (L(O) = 1). If I 1>)'l the imaginary D-ar~' of the elastic scatfteL2,ing amplitude in the second channel of isoscalar .=.ticles ;.ill have the form A. (-" L(1). The real part of the U(U, t) = f t)u L amp!itu,le can be found from these formulas by using s---u if t is finite Card 1/2 S/05 62/042/005/049/050 e.'iavic,r of real part o' scat'er-; X 1 BiO8 1.36 and S ->00: L't) 1 co-zL"t) ReA~S, t) = f(t)s sinnL(t) + 00). to the o.~,tical theorem, f(o) = a, '. This procedure is applied U 0 ter-: Ob"yed-nennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) S U I T T ED 'dlarx c h 3 1 , 1962 Caro 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4012083 B/0020/64/154/002/0317/0320 AUTHOR: Shuranli, F. TITLE: Peculiarities of a solution for the Bothe-Salpeter equation in an angular momentum plane SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. lq4, no. 2 1964, 317-320 TOPIC TAGS: Bethe Salpeter equation, relativistic equation, quantized' field, quantized field theory, relative time variable, quantfim mechanics, angular momentum, scalar meson, vector meson ABSTRACT: A solution to the Bethe-Salpeter equation by a ladder ,approximation based on the theories of scalar mesons with a IV+ interaction and with a vector meson substitutionAnteraction where- the particle mass and the total energyj-s was equal to zero was studied previously by the author. (P. Suranyl, Phys. Letter 6 59). The present work is devoted to the case where the particle Mass and J-S are not equal to zero. The Bethe-Salpeter equation,''- .after rotation of-the Integration boundary In the co-plane, can be written in the form Card ACCESSION NR: AP4012083 e. Nonetheless, an iterative are not kernels of the Fredholm t solution to the integral equation 1) for the case m jL= s = o 1 V (i.e. will exist if Re 0. The author showed that , > Vi >0 in some domain of the variables a, m andu. The f6rmal solution can be represented in the form. of S1 (X).:Kj (k) K, T, I - V (X) dX "S, (M I )- V X - 1 , ( , wher6' V ( X) and S ( X) are the eigenvalues and eigenveators of the e operator V . The Rernel *,;~ possesses a pure continuous spectr=, k th l V h e erne while as a discrete spectrum. . generally "Author. wishes to thank A. A.-Logunov, G. Domokosh, 1. T. Todorov and D. S. Chernanskiy for valuable discussions." Orig. art. has: 10 equatlons. ASSOCIATION; Ob"edinenny*y Institut yaderny*kh Issledovanly (joint Nuclear Research Institute) Ca rd ~A 3/f 7S DOWKCISH, G.-, - - &. eor. Sporitan--c-,,ii dl-sturbance o--" symmetrit--s fn quar-tim `fe--d wh Y. !Ad. 2 5 1 &:~ Wy.-~,,, -'s,91 ,., 0 J. 1. Ob"yedinentrivy institull yadernykh issiedovani-y. "Hu- V.-I ; r'.-i- Od , ii 1 " . 7 r I =- ..r . Ke-.e-n-vct, Fernercvskoe -kn~-zhrioe , - (m -, p ~ -. E. - /, ) I 13.2 p . SHURAITOV, S.A., red.; SHVETSOV, G.V., [Standard statutes for fruit growing cooperatives of workers and employees] Tipovol ustav eadovodchaskogo tovarisbcbestva rabochikh i aluzhashchikh. Moskva, 1957- 13 P. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Laws. statutes, etc. (Fruit growing) 'Ib SHURANOV. S.A., red.; SHVETSOV, G.V., LModel statutes for garden clubs of workeri3 and employees] Tipovoi ~jatav eadovodchebkogo tovariehcheetva rabochlkh i aluthashchikh. Moskva, 19.57. 13 p. (MIRA :Ll;l) 1. Sadovodcheskie tovarishchestva r-abochikh i sluzhashchikh. (Gardening-Societies, etc.) SERJR NOV, S. (Our collective orchard3 Nash kollektivnyi sad. Moskva. H-vo khoz.S=, 1959. 78 P. (MIRA 13:7) (Fruit culture) SHURANOV, S.A. Protection of fruit trees. Zashchc rasto ot vred. i bol. 5 no.l!,51.-52 Ja 160. (MIRA 14:6) (Fruit trees-Diseases and pests) I ~- SHUl-Ut-NOV I All- Posters Tor stock farmers. Veterinariia 37 no.8-94-95 Ag 260. f (MI-e-A 15 -4) (Posters., Russian) (Sto.--.k and stockbreedingl) --4172-66- LVT(d)/EWT(-l)/EPA(i3)-2/EEC(k)-2z- IJP(q) GG .-ACC NRs AP5025693 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/018/0040/004o INVENTOR: Gladyshev, G. I.; Shuranov, V. A Anton6v, A. V. ORG: none TITLE: Instrument for measuring the parameters of dielectrics at-low:temperaturee n. the centimeter wavelength rangei, Class 21, No.,1(46f(. Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znak SOURCE ov, no. 18, 1965, 40 TOPIC TAGS: cavity resonator, measuring instriiment,_Idielectric.proper~ty, electron c-_1 ement, dielectric material- measur ABSTRACT: The proposed instrument for measuring the parameters of dielectrics at* o 'low temperatures consists of a tunable measuring resonator, a waveguide connected t the resonator, a hermetically sealed body,,-and-,a dewar.- Provision is mad6 to-main-, -tain controlled low temperatures in the working pace of the resonator. The cavity of the resonator is-ringed with a coiled heat exchanger linked with the dewar. . Tem-me. perature stabilization and control are effectedby application of a controlled voltage to the end of.the tubing passing-into. the dewar.._: Orig. art. has: .1 figure. [DWI SUB CODE EC EuJ6 PYSUBM DATE: -llJul63/-- ORIG*REF:- 000/ OTH REFt'-%100d/. Al~~, PRESS.- 6rd ~ljl v jo~d -335--, 3J -uDc ~621.317 -- I UGL'', ,, I -, 111.111. " .01" . .1 ------ -I.." I --N ~tf ~ -'iN.; ~ Undc -1 U wat~a-rs of Provjnce. Mat, Kom. po izuch. podzem. 162 . (MIRA 17-.8) ,rod. S--'~b. iDal' Vost. no.22-101-112 SHURAINOVA....Kh-R.~,, Bi0j)Jectric characteristics of the reaction to light in the electro- gram of tectum opticum in pigeons. Hauch.dokl.vys.shkol3r; biol. nauki no.2:67-?2 '59. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Rekomqndovana kafedroy fiziologii vyashey nervnoy deyatel'nostl Mosknvskogo gosudarstvannogo universiteta im. H.V.LomDuosova. .CTROENCEPH&IOGRAPHY) (VISION) (BLE KIIOLODOV, Yu.A.,- KRUSHINSKAYA, N.L.; SHU,_WIWA2 Zh.P.; SHCHIMBINA, Z.D. Comparative physiological data on the differentiation of two posi- tive stJ,-xili. Trudy Inst. vys. nerv. deiat. Ser. fiziol. 6:188-194 ,&l. (MIU. 11,: 12) I.Iz Laboratorii sravnitellnoy fiziologii vysshey nervnoy deyatuell- houti, zav. - L.G.Voronin, (CONDITIONED RMPONSE) SHURANOVA, MI.P. Prolonged shifts of the cortical potential after stiraulation of the reticular formation of the midbrain. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no-5:1.220-3-222 D 163. (MIRA 17.-1) 1. Institut vysshey nervnoy deyatellnosti i neyrofiziologil All SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom, V.N. Chernigovskim. X-- SHURANOVA, Zh.P. Constant potential in the rabbit cerebral cortex. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 57 no. 2:3-6 F 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Laboratoriya elektroentsefalografli (nauchnyy rukovoditell- chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR prof. M.N.Livanov) Instituta vysshey nervnoy deyatellnosti i neyrofiziologii (dir.-chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR E.A.A5ratyan) AN SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlena doystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR N.I. Grashchenkovym. chai:iles in the steady octe!-tial o-i' the ceT-ebral cortex in response to photic ar-d, st"im:--lat-Jar. of 'fic s'ructures of the brain. Zhur. vys. nerv. delat 1,S no. 1:62-66 Ja-F 166 (I'ITU 19:2) 1. Tn.,i,,iuut V,rsshey nervroy devatel Inosti i neyro'Liziologii .7 A7: SSSR. &i1mitted Hay 31, 1%1,. DOROMOV, A.; LAZARDRKO, I.; SHURAPEY. G. Change the conditions of livestock reception at meat com.- bines. Mias.ind.SSSR 30 no.2:24-25 159, (MIRA 13:4) 1. lAoskovskiy qrasokombinat i7neni A.I.Mikoyana. (Moscow-Heat industry) jl!10-66 EPA(s)-2/EWT(m)/ -L __ ! W_ - 1,71 -ff) --I~M ~- ZPE c)JEWPjjyff~ OP _fflZ___~(15)JETG( ACC-NRi AP5027904 -Te]1JG1RM SOURCE CODE: UR/0189/65/000/005/0063/0007 ;AUTHOR: Voroblyev, A. F. ibpiki m+,,N A. Skura tov" .9. 7 qq; t~ L/ (f ORG- D 73hemistry, Moscow State University, (Katedra fizicheskoy khimii Moskovskogo gosuclarstvennogo universiteta) - Y51. >7) TITLE: E f formation of Rb super + and Cs super + ions in infinitely dilute aqueous solutions SOURCE: Moscow, Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 11. Ehimiya, no. 5, 1965, 3-7 TOPIC TAGS: rubidium, cesium, enthalpy, rubidium compound, cesium compound, calorimeter ABSTRACT: The work is a part of syste 1ic mivestigations of the thermochemistry of ionic compounds being performed at the ermochemical laboratory of Moscow State P ~ University. The enthalpies of formationl f ribidium and cesium compounds are best de- termined via the enthalpies of formation of the Rb+ and Cs+ ions. Ethalpies of re- actions of metallic rubidium and cesium with water and enthalpies of dilution of rubidium and cesium hydroxides were det min d bffj e experimentally. A vacuum apparatus was used to prepare high-purity metaLf ples and to pour them into the ampoules employed in the calarimetrir-measurementB. An air-tight low-heat-value calorimeter was employed. The data obtained permitted the calculation of the enthalpy of formation UDC: 536.7 Card 1/2 . .-- - ~. . V.- " ~, I ~k'Z-r~ - -- ~a .' ' - 1 E e - - ' r,--' - ~ - - ttll- " " " ~--; ' : - -:1 -' c ~- t i-, E3 '-- 1 - ~: ~- -,n 7 vlna RI-rer, --I~l I., - ". . - I- ,7,J 1- . 1 rti ~ -1.6 nr-% r ~ " ti, I . I -, -, , (NITT-I.P~ 1~ ~ 6' .,.. ~_ -1--- -~ ., in::h.; '11--k T' I D.,, imh. I -*s _-~ _1_2.64 Combined bcrclAboard for clectiric -airing. ?x-J~Lxlroatxocnio ro.2,2': 16'- (;x- r";I) SHURAVIN, A.D. Multiple -purpose cutter head for milling machines. Mashinostroitell no.3:29 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:4) 6:;'~ / SHURAVLEV, Mikhail Vasillyevich, SKORNYAKOV, Venedikt Borisovich; L9D_NEV,M.P.J. retsenzent; GUBASHEV, N.I., red.; SKORDBOGAGHEVA, A.P.9 red.izd-va; MATLYIK, R.M., tekhn. red. (Cleaning and finishing of rolled products]Otdel-ka prokata. Sverdlovsk, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 215 p. (MIX\ 16:2) (Rolling (Metalwork)) (Metals-Finishing) I S-~FURjWTLZH~`~ Z~HL71,:HOVITSKIY, A. A. (Prol'., D'... 11'1`-_--:_. 04-.~_-_:.) "Measurement of' -,.he ActivIty of Su'_-.,h-u~, D.4--~'used Tron," book The AnolicatTon o' Radio-sotopes in Metallurgy, SY_-.T.,.osJ=_ =IV; 14.0 S c ow; St~~Lte P-ulblishing House for Literature on Ferrous and Nonferrous Metallurgi, 197,5- V. K. Sn1-RA%,TEV: Prof. A. A. ZTIUKOVITSKIY) Dr. Chem. SciT./Chair of Physical Chemistry, ~,Ioscow Irislu. of' Steel I'm I. V. Stualin. 1. :) 721DCV, '-. ; 2. ussR (6on) 4. Meat-Analysis 7. Speedv methcd for rletervdning glypo.-en in meat. Mias. ind. SSSR 23 no. 5 19112. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. AVETISIYANJ, G.M.; ATSEKHOVSKAYA, V.A.; SHURAYO L.I.- Effect of nicotinic &aid on blood coagulation under experi- mental conditions. Farm. I toks. 26 no.2:216-219 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Kafedra. farmakologii (zav. - prof. I.E. Akopov) Kubanskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Krasnoy Armii. USSR/Engineering - Hydraulics, Canals Jun 51 "Removing Earth Mass by Explosions During Con- struction of Canals,"A. A. Shurayev, D. M. Kush- narev, Engineers "Gidrotekh Stroi" No 6, pp, l1_16 Describes blasting as most efficient method for throwing ground material from proposed canal bed. Discusses combination of this method with hydrau- lic removal of ground and application of dynammon 9s*more effective and economical explosive than amatol. Blasting costs are 25-30% above cost of 199T50 USSR/Engineering - Hydraulics.. Canals Jun 51 (Contd) excavator use, but meth6d is recomended in cer- tain cases, since it requires considerably less manpower. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 09 A, A A it I A -L, A ~ft_ P..Q 1. J- 1; Y - -?--1 411 CC DD 99 00 -00 00 Using sulfuric ada as catalyst in making dryin I Oda , d f t ff d A il A V 00 c ". rva. rom cas . a or o . a b"I.0 Airtime two 11010N. 00 na-lot till to tnakr a dry ail. It Wirk). b all ilclivr till", .~ I * t li t li 1 flk d i t . . xu l, a ll, w ~ . rrmu mt .,i ng ry 0 4D acid it,,. (2.7-8-2); its color (i-lotswIrr it-ith.) t~ milt:170 00 to-A.-Ol. 14ving lqw"rwhat *A,,wrt than %ilh lilv~lml ' . " " '1 1l, Will i, 11"t Immu'l fly 1, 4, M&A 0. -Ill. ill 2 bl,~ m I '211'. Thr r.mipli-tv contm"itut fimit raw camot .0 in A 00 I.I.- t%..1 1-4, Itiall t% 1". ),A,~... 11 ... till A 00 00 06 00 0 00 00 to =00 :0 "400 09 TALLURUKAL LIUMAlt.0t CLAj%IP.CAT4ON T ir AA 11 'M 11 a It a IS It ct n It tW K&O a t 0 0 0 0A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 Oie 46 0 4 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. Off, U m is I, III$ "Itiva 331dis us m v ldm4u 41 At it Eq 00 L-A-- A 9, P 9 It 1- 1 2 h A t 1. 11 t-, I 00 A productiom of sallae I12~rm oils trwn.C *lot Olk 01 Nita :: . Maig-beisO A. Vasil e acidity. G. bbum*v zhiropre Delet 13, No. 5, 33(lWII0.-RA- C"tor oil is treated with 0.5% of concd. tl,!;o, anti ht*ntcd at 22W fcw 4-6 bra. to a requirt4f vi*Cmi(Y- The ull is ampood. ci i h 10% C t a l, with Natiff 4m% the NA ftsp 14 w l l I ut- ll xh. CA Nits am washixt (Ic4 floul Cl i4ild ifitullm 04 pentilic at I to-jo*. The fibus, be-- dust dry in 3 his. 00 z and contpletely dry in 214 hrs. In their elasticity and * 00 r~istancc to 0.5% NaOlt anti RIO they couipare favor- X alply with the coatings obtained from cmitor W of low =00 00 00 =00 00 go 0 00 -a 00 Mae 00 =00 0 : 9: we's 00 _!1.-S A AICTALLURGICAt LITERATURE CLASSAFICATIC06 gq-, too Sao., IWOZI.. - ~j 0 tA0 10 A4 ; Olt skill I Is . -fts 0-3 AO J. ~ 1-, s, a ft it At 1 10 Z 0" ; 0 0 0 0 0 0000 00 0 : on ~1" a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '.O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 9 o 0 0 O - W~ - - " - ~~ 7 _ _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 41 T 1 9 t * 0 0 # 0 0 0-0~ o o 0 0 X, )z 11 u 11 20 1? 11 N M 1 - 2) 22 a M 21 26 27 21 29 joil Jim AIA kv Mi9 c" a a a C L_ f E, _M_ I L L -it F_. 9 PE 3, ~ I ti T -:t -&.-I z 4k -04 Cc Do U,~~ -k--i- L-Ii. I 00 1 00 .00 00 M cAlt"171ill ~,Ip,tock ca Inot 1_~ I:,,t !--t- if., 1-1 ill ale. wid irl"L Ili ltu. SjL14.wz",y : 00 7 141IJIMl 1,y Ill.- fijil.,wing ittedt-1: F" 5 X. .f --t;)- -00 1113 111-, 1., I'tin Mtw "t Ill, I ", t"l. . a 0 ,ill m A wat,t 1'.1th all't willf.4111" %-Ith .00 00 % mu, III-A. goo 41111411 th. 1--t,tu." I. .... p, -14 I-(h,- Iq L.1- 1-11w, '300 1141 all it.. I.. I t"'In Ib, 1111, it Ili v lit 111C 1,11A .-lit'lit t,l Lit j. if,. 40 it t liv ki"I'll tuallll~ t'aml-th'. TwIltial mL Cha~. 111"u, 00 T! f 00 0 If 0 if T'j CA. MWICATIC. z4 010 "O0 t It AT 43 it 11 011 'to n (I 0 0 0 0 I ill Tt. V. 0 0 l8lif 0 0 0 o 0 o o 0 0 *1* e o 0 0 o a 0 0 0 0 I * Analysis Shuraev and 4 k Ir"1106 0 , Del 15. No. 0, L' i t 193 a detn. of free and combined fat acids in ca~tor-oil soapstock cannot be used because =e oir-issol. in ale. and insol. in-I-Ltjq. &-atisfactory results can be obtained by the following rnMorl: To 5 g. of soap- stock in a porcelain evapg. dish add a min of 110 '(5 nil.), ' _ ftL~ i i and zc with heat, with stirring, on a water bat nJ Ti dif~~ To convert the_kZjgoap into insol introduce dropwise .- til the 7 uP milky soln. stops and th=Fi5 om aq. layer becomes en- tirely clear. Evap. to dryness, work up with hot ale., filter. wash the ppt. in the filter with ale. and det. neutral c-astor oil in the filtrate as usual. Det. combined fat acids -7-oin Mie'difference of the total content of fat acids, dct(l. in the timial mannt-r, and the twittral oil. Chas. Blanc is M as v0 IL is it 1) 0 Ce A L 2 9 1 &A 80 CC tj a t 00 09 L)A :-go IN 0 Catalytic action of oxides d fat acid salts of lead and n manganese in the process of dehydration of castor oil. G. 1,111trAcv. Org. ch~M. IR2, (1% S. S. R.'I 6, .71'.1., G 00 IM91. --Ricinolvate~ of Ills an,l Nin. obtaim-il l,v ~~json. of 4-rud, ciimor oil anti doulAr dt-vortilln. of th, Na ~~p 00 Willi aq. solus. of salts of Nin and Pis, arc irLwA. in ors. zoo .~Jvt lit4and its the oil and Art! int-apsible of valalyzilill thr 0 ill,liv.1ration is( ca%lor oil. The ricinolvatcs piltsil. in a 00 innUr way from da,hydratt-d oil stre equal in th6reafalviii: Ill 00~ a sinc wtimi to the metallic oxidt,A. 00 z 00 -t H WO 00 9 0 Is ~ T zoo 0 1 see ; 0 5 ISO* ' 00 ::, 0 . I I !L* 4D I I : o S L OT ALLURGICAL LITE11.71,41f CLA%Ilf�CATSGW F Z- so 9; it i 'ji It A. U " At, L I a Od 0 it v I v IN 9 a 42 2 0 n I TA vs, t, is as or v it it 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4; 0 I _6'A W 0 0 0 0 0 * .6 IP to 19 12 ! It U 0 34 Is A V A 20 jo V 12 U W a M V a X 0, 4j 41 U aV 0 A A L Z -L-J, r-x- j. -L-L-At-x 1 1, 4 Y41-A-1-1-M I$ CC UP Q t- k S d a , 6 . 0 t A- V T Dehydgmdoct of castor oil with aultiarfe acid. 6-ilmr-Y. - 00 31 1939. No. 36 (I.KI) m gradnally add-i in all allit. (4 1) '0 -11M. t-w 'U", 11W mixt. 1, K I)y wt. to water mor 0d &I 0 .,t, tautly stirred and lorattd. At utKmt 150, t1wre i~ a 42 L 0 V 00 pid reaction of dehythation, The temp. is Itailuatly ". ' tootitaitz morc thorough d0t)-dration and to raiwd to 275 Iexpel the S()~,. 1-hc mixt. ij kept at 2-15' for aIK-t aild then ccolrd. At tljc- -443hent and drilr axle -1.1-11.1 Xivv a drying oil.. It. Z, KaInith 2 k 7 Are* S S L A OETALLUNGKAL LIMMATURE CLASSIF&CATICS4 is AV 0 U 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 4" 1 00 :,* 0 1 6 *4P 10 10 0 LT-* 0 0 0 40 0 0 00 4 -1119~ aK 0- Lit An L S v two a vlarvsAau 3- M 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 Ole 0 a 9 40 0 6 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 000 00 '00 Fee r- -r,- 'r, -eL -m- -ML -IL IF IF too ~v 9 W 9 V v T q e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 v 4 IN 4 0 0 a oopp A I A P a 1; SO tom I/ a )v a a a j, a is v W4 I it 11 m 13 m a jo 1 I I I K CC OP A A 1 y Njolval uii wag:0 i b r A f . -L- -A-x r a t .- 9 4-L- --s , --* *--.a- 00., 00 00 j-00 Manufacture of soap from debydrated cantor oil. G. I SkursevatilIM.MtkIC&I". 31#931AftR')-ZhIrIIrQYUI'ram 041 19w, Sw #, :N)-7- Dehydrated vaxttv A1 Itiv" w-j, of -00 00 thi, -am., quahtv as that pMkI. frimi natural umsaid. ml- 06 t- A - 041 800 00 .00 000- 000 00 a U00 00 90 0 00 00 Nj to 0 tie 0 S t L A .11ALUM.KAL LifflIATUSE CLAWFICATION U "is Cr IF or di a a 'I it PC 111C W, .90 14, IV jAn 1 t a as 0 0 O!q 0 a 0 0 0 o 0 a a 0 0 o 0 o 0 0:6 a 0 0 0 o o 0 o 0 a 0 ~44 a oooooisooeoooooeooooooO*O!Oooeooooooe*ooooee:i 0 e 0 0 0 0 6 la a e 0 0 4fe 0-00 0-0 -0 O 0 6 42 0 0 l 1. it )- A 27 A A 11, 11 -,b w L I A, L It 11".r 1~ L 16 CL CID CL 00 Parallel esterification and dehydration of caxtor oil of 00 high acidity. Slamm-v mul A Vaml'~vm Orc Ckr- Ifid (I - S 11(11411) cf. C. 41 - 33. INLMI 111. mut ill .-iltliv- jwl. 4 1,111 1.4 ..If .4. 1.1, '110 NIV-1.4 ill Ow A 11 51". .,1 "Otted. pl(W.-t4l 1411.1 are C"1111PIrtir.1 'at "N) "13 a tilewiditV.4 it. Th.' 00 1-i'll-K '1-0 -1 riv- .1-1 &V it, -4 11~ I.. . ..... I.- Cis.- Him- 00 0 st file 0 0o') 00 j 00 06 a! z aloe Are 0 00 21 ::0o O'S, 'ZOO see moo SITALLURGICAL LITIM.TURE CL.SSIOIC.TICO I Ir4p 0 T 1k 1. ld.j QK-d~ ; - - P IT 10 u J 0; gv 1, it w if st it Of U K 9t It It K HID n 1 114 00*0000 ,OT 's 0000:4p 0 00 00000000000::: 000 0000 4 000 :::iooeo*o:ooeeeoeoeeooI Joe@*** 00000letDoesoo 0 0 0 0 "--0- 0- 0- so 0 0 q * 0 0 0 a f it #I t4 11 14 17 $9 IV JO 11 1) 13 .4 J3 A P J11 J9 r )I IJ 11 It Z is If A. 01 Q -1 64 a r L__I a so P I V V J_L, )kA 06 OD U 00 00 00 -00 Fffopcft of asoule isasivants an the proportica of drying oil 00 O'C' Ow~' 14.1 (1 (runs CaRtar oil. it "X~ l " trll. 1 I'ving oik ~"nfx vwmw .-d n.1 *0 s~ R 1 7. an acili -00 Att'sAvv (iffy .11'td~? (11ftwiltstw ~"~ -114'a"t-V Afivi 40 0 1". J." I'm mt~m'ta't'"% its :4wls tilt 0 0 JoIttittle he's 1, .1111 It -twidat'l -ts"ph. d 00 .101%.frot"I lvo~f lk-11"IC11,11 X44-1111, 00 .-1- "il 4-.0.1 1.- f.'r I 00 00 'Y _4D 0 I-AS 00 00 0 L A CTALLURGK&L LiTtRAYL91 CLASSIVOCATIC" t-2- r I -1i Av- so 11 V AA j 1 4 is I W Of 43 0 it t I I m is I zi% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 too**** toolDIDID #000 00 00 *go* i00 00 00 0 00 & o go 00 a* a C & 00 0 0 0 f 0 0, 0 0 a 0 0 t: 0 * 0 0 * I 9 1 1 " . I IT ci. At m a a c D KIN I "Cie A t__~% Q! q~ ft's-1 uw 1 4 - -L ;, 4 4 1 AL -A . is. * i"n rg 0 of, fez wit 040 0 op 09 0 at= & a 7:9 00 -risinitA1.4 Imijr.1 pur All 11AIII-Alli, 1.-" -6 17 Ill"Al .21-% go 00 0 IT 11 kIIIII).11 141 j:. q.N *01 00 ..fill 0o -isip"s q2Iq 411AL 110 AOI%W3 tuail Ito ruiblo 1uju!vjqO - 00 : e ! 00 m n w c n I t V 5 A it 4 't T-T-Ir 3 T---1 4 1 1 IF 00 n -V it I, It n it `1 At w v 1. It it 'I It 111 4 v I v I 1 0 Ol e 0 111 0a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00= go, 00- 00- 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00.0 0 0 111 0 400 u 0"* .2 .3 44 C 'o ILOO Ts CA 00 00 00 tr &0 -utxivft a.%oijop, A-1 IPI 1!0'1,1v, Jq.L V! Po "q1 10 *EOU t Jill ..Ml In -W vu- " imp 3fulAil, -421wuql sit 'pailvrq uau-i% 00 IT aq,4 S4-4~ qll,VL ,p s! snoqw u! ,julp scep z U! %*p WIRAI, UO tm tuial 11-i-All ql~- vi,39tialwi u3qm I-odur. 00 ~ql umil SPPV aq.L '1939 pau!viqo ais uppv -111mu" 00 JO sd- -Iqi gentlit lu4j3W-! qi!A, lia p3.wwsiov,Xuodv-~ 00 votj '-a.l!-A *V Pug Aawnqc;,i aAQ~aJ416 (q po pantIOU03 wwj 00 es I it 1, it a 64 11 J, it Cmarin substitule foi manufactufe of gatalith N.:""'I 14 1 (1 Nt M PiAm 7!~777 ana e. a~. inO. SSF ta-c with a sniuMon c-I -6tas-Silum rcman7, I'on' y Lict o~ s!~JL- ions, Libra-r of Cor-ress, Augus-t. 1952. -,"'--I-,kc-!E--T-F7E:D -111ccess- Z'.~! -- --I---- -- - - , -- I..,: -,., --- SHURAYEV , '] . , j-, ~ ~ P I E't, . 1). - ~--S of soc ;__-_ sause~,-,^ Z.-4t. llz-~ -*. - ~73, L, 1952 - -1 1~'.onthly List of Russien Acct,-,sions, Library of ConE--,!,ss, Uecemb~-r 1-952. UNTOIASSIFIED 1 . 77-',Tjjq_A7.V G. , J. .-j . T-13JR (6G0) 4. Meat - Specifications 7. Mistakes in figures and formulas. Mias. ind. 24, No. 1, 1953. 9. h1on.thly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, may 1953. Unclassified. --'EV, V. Magnitogorsk metallurgical comb-ine. !'etal I;I-E-. ~I 0 164 N~?shtatqyy kon-espondEm' zhtrnala "M ta. IT7"Iff'~-M, L. --K. ':Dr ' I - L-4 s record. 2-0 nc,.3!23 tlr ? -fcii- t 17 = w* r ' ~ t I -- -, a , - 'i k - 1~ ~ t -;~- , '~ " - 1 1, J, Ror-sporiden', gazety "Mognlitc-gorsicl-y raboch2-y'l (for Vti t s h ~ eyrt) . 2. Neshtalny7 kcrre-,~pondent. zhurnala "Metallurg" (for Shura.-ev). SECURAYRVA, N.S. (Nevel') R.G. Piriatinskaia's forty-one years of ser7ice. Med.sestra. 19 no.1:39-W -Ta 16o. (KIIRA 13:5) (PIRIATINSUYA. RAISA GRIGORIBM, 1900-) ALBANIA Miarobiclogy. Medical and Veterin&ry Microbiology. F-S Abs Jour.- Referat Zh.-Biol., No 6, 25 Marsh, 1957., 2:201,11 Author Shurtani Inst Title Different Forms of Brucellosis. Orig Pub: Shende/.es ja popull., 1955, No 5.9 5-9 Abs t ra, at _:~'--Stract . Card 1/1 -47- .! I -, I, ~ , C "IT i? , ti., Trained ~-.orlrcers -rcr and invention. p. IC F,-itsi cnalizatsii ',,cl. c. 3, 1:ar., 1?52. Sofii-- VTO. 10, Nor.thl-v Index of East European Accessions (="AI) LC, Vol. 7, 5b S* I T H-C.-P, Periodical: RATSIM.ALIZATSM. Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1958. 3 ;F - '. I lo Planning the work f r rationalization of industry. p. 1. ~-Ionthly List of East European Accession (E:~AT), 7 ., Vol. 3, no. 2, FebruarY 1959, Unclass. SHURBANOVP V. National technoscientific conference on milk industry. ElLim i industrila 23 no.6:195-196 161.