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SHUR, Ya. S.; KHOMLOV, A. S. Appearance of a Stable Magnetic Textureyin Ferramgnetics Cooled under Elongation z =-I 10, 1113, 1940 "lie Eile rt ot rl:;i:i(! StreiLlis un %Ursetization Processo% in retrar"azzlettes M,446, and Transformer Steel! in Weak fields. V. 1. 1-11" prtvv--~ it% --ak tip t.. - % ~l 1--r -lw6oIII14 f imn. im-kul, awl i nitim,-titwi, na., 1. 11 li'M .111, 11,1tv and "'I"ll 1'.141 indn"t)-li " a , wr.tun-l "t fill, 'Inn, ")"I 1.11.1ran gill-luiltwil '1114 'uhAptilwal h-niny. and (d) Ol,-r ind-i4nt: it. Ii., pf, -fic-i of the in" guetwnw fit-141. The tv.111cl are .1"titil 01, . ':w-! L~2("M imi-,swtitttwit emi-A-4 an invivav- in indm-ti-I f"r n..". ulll-li tiv T'n't-C-nal t" the 1-141. For turl".1 a i-,i b"'ll. I.-oling in th" "t, th.- tivid e-l-n an in. w., t,-, t,.r miu. L'ol-ding it, ill#- prAwnt", nI tit-- 'i".1 ~.'- --!- -t - F~.v ni,kt-l. l(w(ling its the prt-wrwe of tile ti'l'l nivrV.111. lit ;Jildn"t h,ads. hat a suarkeil cl--rejute at large Tit- M-Sulf.) interprvt-I i it tvirsvis of the vil'CtA of 6.44 .111d it, pl;--owlit -it the boun,lariv- 4 the rivi--vei The Anisotropy of Hysteterts: In Firmwalfzelic SuLale Cry3tals. Ill. T-i- VJ,ct -,I Tki,rmAl.Treattuent in a Nagnetta Field Upon file C!i=iver ut the Amiotrovy of :ba Coetuive Force in Farromatruout: Sinxte Crysuis. -1. '1-r 63. W.S.N.R-P. Wil. 4. ta). 43U-117t- I,! -,~, -t -.1 to-imal tn-,tmrnt ina lualt:wtiv ti-Mon it-- alorli., varimiA vrv.4Mlo~rnphio directiotiq na.4 t'-! mwr t-,el (3-501. Atieon) cilitnincti 115 MbWle CrT*tAJ4. I tic ri Wltw .-rwnt mon (if file &,,ko wn* dt-tertuitiml I- the'Laut! ti-th~~I. ;1114 tlli IV r, - t,.r- -- meamtr,,41 al %g %:trimx% dirt-etions in the plan-- -it 'I,-- I,. tr-fl- it. "11.1 aft"r 'Imy -W141111 (Mill NOW C. Ill a MA1111--tii- fi.-M -4 4 h.. vt-rvave lum. It, "Al ph'tt-l ' if,,- MWIi- tivlw-n 11", -tati"n 'A th'. m.%"ncfie ticl-I aml a certain markett thattivtvr its the Idam, G-r vniars of t1tv amtki 6-tiv-n the ~tme hu'. Rmt th'. if t1w fi,lit apphL41 during thernial treitment. 11--itaits fit,- ~.Om- vi 11. rrsuairiml conitant, or dtcreas~l duriniz theruml trrkt- of in 11- IiA.t. if)!- of fb" drvn~'Itie '1'-P~IAM mt the "A dit, .! ..... .. f..tjL' 1, Ili,-Il the ti. 14 ~.- 'filrina imatul'-fit. It Ill 'Rvv:'~ ilk% ~1w,-tilivil little m It.. tiv- lfter In U'-'rv th-1111-In't" N- rmal trvatme-it ~zati~-i i alverv.i- r-t thl- nvt~im-. ;it ktl~ 'v ~:Otl4tallr Vain.- of H (miu.1. It 6 th~~t !-- IM,tilt'Mil vitect 11v C"Sithining the factors of prk-6!mA ,rwixtattoit and in it fria"tivric field. the foUtywing tremitient -hoidd iw t-, te-Auxival i .... t~rimla -. a twttur" .4hould &~ ~m,swki such flint two -C,, am ilk the plane ,fill, 31"-imen, mot it,-- li'IJ daring (F.-mment 1~- ~ri~ntatvtl in f;t.. Oir',~t-n if 11, tilliTI). 'I h'. M. 11mY vive rme to k L.'( iti k!( M-r,t% e V- I,. -N I SqURY Ya. S. Certain Physical Methods to Improve Plagnetic Matarials. Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute, 1942. so: u-1837, 14 April 52. VONSOVSKI-Y, S. 7., SHUR, Ya. S. Magnetic Defectoscoping of the Bodies of Artillery, jhells(Monograph). Izd. AN SSSR. 1946. O)tt 14 4-.:~ C 6 ~ 004 001, ri go go 00, k 09f? 09:10uou w 1$ 16 F G M I A L Of P JL ," '" 1)"PMCICSICC Of tht C"CrCIVC rarce In silixtr (,r3,%tn6 of Tramfornwr SIcrL J. � -'f V. 10, nit. 1, I'TI(,. it. 299" tin Envii.Alk). raervivi- forCe alld t,mlicnittirt, '16tinct u1 11 tht. crystaill., ... dimetions along which thk- "hAvrVlttjAjjjl4 jirt- gets ri-?ttltx $( 00. -AS-! :I. UhAA A a I I AbtIALLURfICAI LITIERAlUill SWICA Sam 4Q,`fAV astl7al Got aw Tst Jnaii -j MAL %new* Aulwooda9zs ail glict4ei U jot IV ft SC P9 i 0 0 0 00 git-6's 0 o 0 :0 000000 -00 age =00 X*O gee =60 USSR/Physics NOV/Dec 1946 Magnetostriction Thermomagnetic Effect "Magnetostriction of Transformer-Steel Subj'ected to Thermomagnetie Treatzent,"_j-_gLur,,.A- XhokbIovY Ural Affiliate, Acad Sci USSR, Inst Metal Phys, 3 PP! "Journal of Fbysies USSR" Vol X, No 6 Plots magnetostriction curves for unidirectional elastic tension, and compares curves showing that in transformer steel thermodynamic treatment leads to a sharply pronounced tekture vhIch manifests itself weakly on the magnetization curves. Received, 27 Feb 1946. 54T83. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 OW 0 f 0 4 1 J All 0A LL I* it V 00 45 00 00 00 004 16% Mpendriscr of Stax-f-lictim, of NICklrt .... 6.1iiall 00 S~,,, crystal Structure und on Sequence W Appiivmlimi 0 0.0 Magnetic Fileld and Unilat" Elmde Stf"Lws- (In Russian.) In. S. Shur and A. S. Chochlov. Jouront of 00 #,'I Throrrficat Physics. v. 16. no. 11, "llown rhaviv- ii, 00 inthwoce'l by th" 016.,th, I'llp. it"ll ...... I I,v 09 40* 00 periodic application of cyrfic -tre%A III III,- ptv-nv, ~00 of a magnetic field. The cnarrneto*triction #h-peml- 00 almo. to a $rreat extent. on the initial crystal i-tructur~. Ale 44~ a ZOO R zoo AITALLV~GK- LITC44111tf CLASSIfICATICN T Is 17 It 041 6c K,tg(U Kurf icm lun n I :I* 0 Wo 0 0 0 40 o 0 96 000 &10 0000 0 :L4 oooo a w a J. USSR/*agnetostriction Nov 1946 Nickel "The Dependence of the Magnetostriction of Nickel on Initial Magnetic Texture and the Order of Apply- ing Magnetic Fields and Unilateral Elmatic Strains, J. Shur., A. Khokhlov, 10 pp "Zhur Eksp I Teor Fiz" Vol XVI, No 11 Published in BInglish in the Journal of Physics of the USSR., 11, No 1, 1947. 13T75 IN ism TherwitawakesaW Tftdvtt*nl ch Ile um., _,i, c Shift A A h KhA.MIIT_~~ 4rad %cs C M1TfJu1v %',,I 3-1 -4-1 - In Freaffsh ) Thr mtigns,l)- 1. 'natcrial call% tie impro'"I hv %utilett'nK It A'Atill" trnmml ,r comprevitti,-m %hit, it I- ft.-ni a I'MIWCAIUr, IktRI%V Itie Cwtv $-Wle 1'. li-nil-tAltive 1.,..c mttjm..m eQe% J,~ (a) mu't I- U-1 ft's J..~Atwr and nexall- M.1gortimtrii lion malerl.4N. Cul". 1.,Illf mu'( I.- higti 111:11 W .I tiw 'MUM l 1111.e. 4lul (d) I tie in'.113"A I.N. it. the rnv,Xv tit nvivtwl. Am-lt"T' u ftJL u4s S44/0~tl- 1947,; IYAjoistie Properties of FerromagnetB Cooled in the W-68amoe of a Unilateral Tensim,~ Ya. B. Shur)~ Iinati- tute of Physics of Metalap Ural Branch, Academy.of 8~iftaes of the USSR, A pp *Izv Ak Nauk, Ser Fizich" Vol XI, No 5 Desorlbea. the studies which were canduoted to deter- mine the effect of thermomeohanical prooessing M the path.of magnetization curves and the magnetostriction CrIseveral ferromagoetio materials. The purpos6,of th.ese experiments was to explain the nature of wenetic 36792 OW/*hysics (Contd) Sep/Oct 3.947 texture, which arises as a result-of thermamechanicia., pr.001"Sing, as well as the possibility of promedlited chsmges in magnetic properties by memo of this'.:treat- mant. Discusses the selection of samples, methods and' empelmoe, of their measuring, and the results of,,-the mmuremento and evaluation of results. Samples ins- oluded nickel, permalloy and ferroceramics. 36T92 R Y A UWR/Physics Hysteresis., Magnetic Ferrcmagnetism OV/Oct, 19kT. "Temperature vs. Magnetic Hysteresis in Ferrmagnets V. I. Drozhzhina., Ya. S. Shur., Institute of Physics Metals, Ural Branahj, Academy of Sciences of the USSR 5 pp "Izv Ak Nauk, Ser Fizich" Vol XI, No 5 An account of -wrork vhich vas conducted to study the effect of temperature an the magnetic hysteresis fao-, tor of samples of nickel and. ferrooeramics with the purpose of cletermining the baaie regularities of this j.henamena. All the experime6ts were conduct;sd an one, thin samples and atA~emperatures ranging from -1950 C to-as high as 7360 C. -W U " S-~hys ILI X Mag-n,e tite K-.Cnetic F~~rmieability Nov/Dec 1C.'47 "Accommodation of the Magnetic Permeability of Magnetite," 1R. I. Yannus, '-'I, ~4 Ya. S. Sur, -V. V. DruzJ_ -i~,, E. Vlyukhinaa, Ural State U imeni P1, IlIzv __kc~d 1jauk -')_SR, Ser Fiz" Vol XI, No 6 It -,R,is e-,t~bli,.~hed e~vperimentally that some varieties of nlL-Lnetites when broken down fi-ne pow6er exhibit in very sharp form capacity for acccmmo-dation z.-d disz-.ccommoda-tion of magnetic permeability. If the magnetite is subjected to magnetic reversal several times after lying for sc;_T~-ie tLnie outside accoanodating influences, the permeability increases noticeably. If it is then kept outside ---:nd accommo&.ting influence, how,--ver, it arain -radually returns to former condition. P-.,! 571?ri Influence of processes of recovery and recrystallization" on the nisguetic properties of ferrosilicon.--Ya. S. Shur, V 1. I)ruzhzhinA. and M. G. Ltizhirtskaya lrrest. Akad. Nauk Fiz. It. Nc- i at I ItW)* (2 fir,,) and 7'-, tretching ".ni beat tri-jivol at ilifTerviatettip%. R~rv~td. ~.&mjjlk~hafl the Imst maltitetic propvrt irs. S. Paksw~r P~ 57T79 USM/Phys Nov/Doc 1947 Ferranagnetism Magnetostriction "Magnetic Properties of Ferromagnetics," Ya. S. Shur, Inst Phys of Metals, Ural Br, Acad Sci USSR, 9 pp "Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Piz" Vol XI, no 6 Path of curves of magnetostriction and curves of magnetization In the field of weak magnetic poles, in- fluence of elastic strains on path of magnetization curves, and change of electrical resistance of ferro- magnetics In magnetic field, are used to discover magnetic properties of ferromagnetics and to study It In detail. 10-0 E; 77 71J USSR/Magnetostriction Jan 1947 Transformers - Cores Nagnetostriction of Transformer Steel Subjected to Thermom gnetic Treatment, J. Shur and A. Khokhlov., 5 pp "Zhur Eksp i Toor Fiz" Vol XVII., No 1 Published in English in the Journal of Physics of the USSRY 101 No 61 1946. 13T68 S S R '-7r.he. tempemtuie. depindeh4c Of the coerdve~ force -in -&Wr Su A f t N . o r c., . ~ P i Tearej ' ' EkV W - ~ cf; CA n ish), -48, 50&1a.-The in t i 0, AM46: I 5 transformer Steel change in the coercive I with feinp. in . 'Nv-.%s detcl. along t%v a cryst. axes both of whiell Ait readily, Inavietizcd. 'ExpC-j.' showed that the temp. dependeaLe in 1 sminples-%vaq,tbat which -W;Lt t= L"ora" . t LC Ind"ItIngtbut the an Obtn na fiamplc~-Wcra (11A."to the pmence, 01 Ott p0 ry4t. an 4XIS along whIch m4gliet1=03 I Wits (Imcul I.' Rovtur ltac~- VSSR/I~Yst,iiisie, magnetic Apr 19 47 FerromagnetiOn steel-, Silicon Steely Nickel- "On Temperature-Magnetic HySteAeSIB in Ferrcmag- netic Materials, J. S. Schur, V. I. ]Drozbina, 4,pp "CR Acad Sciu Val LVIJ, No I Experiments to reveal-the fundamental laws of the phenomenon of magnetization In nickel and silicon (4% SI) steel apeclmem~s. UT83. Lnango in electrical resistance (Thornson effectj of highly CU*fCfve alloys in magnetic fields. V. 1. 1 it'.. hrili.-I.6 Mill Va. .14. -.I;httr. J. rOrk. Phys. (tI.N.S. R.) IS. 149 .52 ( ItI18L - Ali attempt in toa4le 1'. explain tile IW- I wrell IN, value lit lite t-4vivivr fortv anti site relatissil si Ilse witils of tile lonstfullillal anti Iyaosiverw Fllujll~nl All' I" Is, U highly Clierrive allov (F.- &'~' Ni 27. At We') lit %vlijclj the v;illjr Ili tile Ows-rivi, flils, ~.oj Ise, Vilaox"I over a %sldq- 1,411ge. Nfeltmurittrotp loads, its fiThis o I w 14w I I It Is I 'K T me, N 111. Ilse .1itrumut and ill, to 411thl tri-led. I,, ti- tht-fl.". Is - I'M she ........... I-- ..I I r Tholls. .1 OfIrvt ~d tile -h- of lite coercive force (frolo 20 to LIM ocritie.10. The I., valus, of the rffcvt elianges, very little for a "it Isis lera tile ill(- fi-tence in the VnIlle if tile viscruive (,live. all'i (,it a Itivull villile of coercive force lite character of the Cliallits, its lite Tholoston effect FrilmilIN tile -lite iodeprud-t .,I the ,nd tittle of annealing. The 411011MIoUS eff-t al~ 4k'k'ttf% -ith a 4% Si-Fe alloy, WE not with a .52:10:38 Olor (with a ryterrive fosrt~ of 300 oersted.0 for which the onsillislinal effect flax a Ill". sign anti tile tr4ltNVCT%C ell-t .1 It. A. U&LA C, U.S.Sk C A vor" 00 M T.".-Mar"I'a 1416 FP. RM KOP. W. Revwwed In USOW&W Pis. Nook ", WOO"). C-~ This paper was !,iritten ainly in preTrar years and completed in 1946. for technical reasons the book was published in 1948. -1 ..1 T;L.~, !: - I-- ~~- SHUR, Ya. S..; DROZHZHINA, V. I.; LUZHINSKAYA, M. G. "Influe-n-ce of ReIaxation and Recrysta.U.,zation on the Magnetic Properties of Soft Magnetic Materials," Z-hurnal Tekhn-cheskoy FJzfki is (j(:j-Q - -,-) No. 2, --D-P !,~7/174 Translation B-79119, 22 SeP 54 Magnetization Permalloy PA 014T92 AVr 19W "Gbeervations on an Article by N. G. Ardashev, Ye. P. Svirina, and A. Yo. Bryuid=ov, 'The Magnetization of Perna.1loy In a Ccms+.emt Langitudirkel Magnetic Field$,$ Ya. S. Shur, R. I. Yanus, Ihat of Phys of Metals, Ural Br, Acad Sci USSR, Sverdlovsk, it pp "Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol IVIII, No 4 Briefs the discrepanciao and deficiencies of subject article. Submitted 30 Apr 1947. 64T92 SHUR, YA. C, 35823 Rabot a instiluta fizi-ki metallov ufan v oblasti fiziki magnitpykh materialov. Trudy in-ta fiziki metallov, vyp. 12, 1949, s. 62-73.- Bibliogr: 3-1 Nazv SO: Leopis' Zhurziallnykh Statey, No. 49, 1949 ,A 00 0* 00 00 SA43& Ma _Km4k Mcrwiarp of IIISkly C-rrjv - AU C 00 4 7t'! t 'ertal" O^ L ties of tbp C'%rvVG of Mag Pregalarl. netization and Me Hysteresis Loop of t Corrrlvp Allo s AI&6443 wW bp Illilkly %li 1l ca y 0y. 1~ A. Shubina and Ys. 4,. Shur. 11. - I f 00 X n luence of The -M Treac. "wag oa Kirrilrical 11100"tane. or the Illinkly Coerelve, Afty. AINIC-0. an Russian.) V. L Droxhzhina. M. G. Dushinskaya, and Ys- S. Shur. Zhur- 00 mal Tekhmicheakod Fi-1ki (journal of 00 Technical Physics). v, 19, Jan. 1949, p. 88-97. 00 Data confirming the hypothesis of the authors concerning the rosg. netic structure of the above alloys. The "Afnico' investigated contained F Fe. 24% Co. 8% A). and 3% Cu- i the -Vicall.y'-, 52% Co. 38% Fe. and 10% V. ZL IL METALLUrGKAL'U~9RALUME CLASISWICATION 11041 40MLnV - 144020 -1 3440 -It 0-1 UNC 431MCNI 611181 OW 04- lit 0 An a 3 9 V An L IM a A V I it a Lv it or 61 K n X 49 K CE n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a W-.401 A -0 a Z04 'ai moo SITUR, YA. S. US'SR/Metals Alurlinum Alloys Magnetostriction Feb 49 "The Magnetic Structure of Highly Coercive Alloys:,III, MaTietostriction Curves of Highly Goercive 'Alnikol and 'Vikalloys Alloys,l D. A. hturkin, Ya. S. Shur, Inst Phys of Metals, Ural Affi-Iliate, Acad Sci USSR, -4 pp I'Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XIX, No 2 Studies course of longitudinal and transverse magnetostriction of highly coercive "Alniko" and I'Vikalloy" alloys in various magnetic taxture states. Results can be satisfactorily explained by assuming that this class of ferromagnetics has special-type magnetic structure connected with fact that they contain finely dispersed, flat ferromagnetic formations - discs - isolated by nonferromagnetic layers, and that each disc comprises one field. Cooling in a magnetic field in the case of "Alniko'll and tempering after preliminary strong-cold deformation in the case of "Vikalloy" causes flat formations to grow in an oriented manner. This in turn causes anisotropy of magnetic properties. Submitted 10 Jun 48. PA 40/i,9T63 SiUR, Ya S Chemical Absts Vol- 48 No. 9 May 10, 1954 Metallurgy and Metallography Timapaware deplondence of th in crysida at truw0imer steel. an vi-a- --4( data were ;g6l;;7d on the variation of orce A6, with tem . and direvdan of testfiW In 9 ,C I tr= disks of ormer steeJ by using a high-sensitivi tozieter. Ile specimens were In vacuum duric testing at high tetpps: Ile temp. dependence was studl either by taking polar isotherms, H. 1*1, in the range - 195 to 0" where a was the angle between a fixed direction In theplane: of the disk and the direction of- testing in the plane of the df 9k, or by detg. the temp. dependence, H. (1), in the range -195 to 4400' measured Along dpections corresponding to the max. and min. H. on the polar Isotherm. At temps.:: above 350 to 400* magnetization of the specimens was un- avoidably produced by annealing that took place in the rn-gaet field. Also, during several hrs.' testing at temps. a 200 , JT. was increased 3 to 570 by a Mg., gm -Two types tem . dependence were,found. The hormal decrease of H. =9 1, temp. was observed in disks having only one mak. one min. as a result of c.ooling In a magnetic field. Tbe difference between max. and znw. in 2 typicalt AM= was 0.09 to- 025 6ersted. The decrease ft -2W to t2DO* iras about 0.06 In each case. An an=albus ln4' crease In JF. with- In6vksinr temp. was observed In'certain' in disks that liad - low abs. value of H. (0.11 r&r)S,=zrXe anisotropy, andA2 rhax. And 2 min. The Anomaly wai observed only for direftions of testing that dad to the mAy. Add In a temp. range from -195 to 72"Op'."' In a typical disk the variation of H. with temp.' was: -200% 0.25; -50*. OM (max.);, 0'. OM; 100%, O.V; 200% 0.18. Aging effects could c' the anomaly to appear in all dirmflons of testing. Thi,Uk. &I temp. de-, pendence of H. wasexplained by the "the6ry of inclusions." ell-, The anomal aied In terms of competltion~ between' y was expi the energy of the~demagnetizing field and the energy of crystallographic magnetic anisotropy or in terms of 90* as, well as 180* displacement of don2ain boundaries. A. 0. Guy Effect at migIng on the temperature-dependence curve of the coercive force in dynamo steel. VA. S. Situr mid K. 11. VIAMYV. 'V"k4jdy Ak". NaNk S.S.s. R. pte vAsiation witit tipar w tile oit,A. v.itn, ..i oie c-tvive foo-ev, 11., in studi-I low Fe';k (11:~ Si) aote,l it ~Noto :44)" The aging eflect is V"Itrt in .11.1plen midil"I I'v N-ing heat"I rullilly in air I0 Ttx) iQW and C'N't-I (Inieldv. It. in'-fra" tit% tittle wl"'i n,h a i, Ilwn In v.:Cuuln'.l it olt'n't, I *.'t%l'*, ~.... I it i". -- it h 1-i'l , tit. f .3fill'. ,V-411. to"It. m0 0-to -ing tit I.Lommon, 1J.'61filig the C"fir j-mf '--- Ilm rill...I W aging; if 'InFinx its, to,nip~ i, l.'I'l It, lovolins to intTvac. Vilect-4 are hn: lot t lit, Cr"A [oil Fiwaxing I.-I"w .14111% life tri'll). driwit'lenve if I/. in drl'l I.v the "r ti- At high like Vilret, of agif.K an'l Irl'tuttwol ;tie tile 9TlAliVC SloOVitS Of tile- 141-~- d"s. the It. at a given (Coup. and tittle.. If I "Inillosom of Pkobc DallimmuLfim = iM Tompwatum Robitim o1 Uw Cowd" Pom lot 21ftL Nickel and PermaWyl. Ya- S. Shur %,Iok.,v I PoINdy .16:4. Yqtjk N.N.S.R.. tile te"T. varistilw, fill mikuoull. S. inve ..( the f.,fee -111. f livitallso ands"Wate" 'h" 'If loorking in, lhe I-r fl-ree .. trolleftwiller St".1. lli,.ILrl. Juld nl,-, nuiterials were "Irt.teii IxvAu,,t,- tlw fer"Houl"Ol i,' 14 419144,11 lot a rt~ klloVbn jInIV p. relations of the f" tile -Ild t he ,' f"r '"N" trai"f'"er *t"l. And niekel. Worioll. -VFP 4111104lool it, hilill va'1111m. -1 lie TIU 'M "Ve"ll Itil All "I&tjj, lll&gll i.e. q%Wrili_ f'Wee Mt (.-rve a t "Null were 4 -11 un-w-wketi Al'I'Villso."A fOr In".. 44 Au, - I- Au. I tvAnsfilruser stm, . I ou.1 "Ild with M. i Irvatturolls. ("' t'lld worketi au.I after %.Fai,,U, ,u,41 r'"' "fl &"d trultsformer *tM ih, jejull. q4tiol 3111 ,t ... Alum. ih~ n If 1. revr",I,le 11 tulle. A Cl, tile %alue of lazatioll eentailk 'rit".41 At temp. 11,11- alxsvr %hivh fill, relative value 41f tile etterelp f4 lj~ jzlirr than rwwvm tamp, TIW curve fr imnAfammer xt~l n, 'Ativ" "killiff"I", at -3*1' 1'. Nit kel i.4 partit,11tarIv wil%itive I" 11"n-MV 61-11m,l a rev.-milple charater in ll~e .11--1e n m Ill:. Il'une GW .11 I.-h.,- t., Ilick.-I. e%prr-Imi fiu- the truip. relAtfl,u 1,~,l ,,, the - sin a u. I - A11,1 1114.111.1,,u it. CP Taidupetature magnetic hysteresis to tetwousarantatka It YAI S 'Lluir out IN A It-i ...... a. ZAu, )-ox. 20 iKi-t#l( Ill.-Wi). I- C.A. 43. 11"14 Et,pil. --It. .r, gll;lt 1.1 OW ILIIIV tit Illo, to,11111. uU.Xo1ti1 of \I .11114 frit-Oh-, 0:1 -,'~ .14), --of, . it lot .,)" I , trolp, villiAl"Pil (hoot - 10.5, to- the Cattle I-Ill, ? to to ~:.k, lir1.1 tit.- IM1111-01tio', vorr ra,116in"I ISAWAIllorly I'v foliollolig tile rr,llll~ Auto klo.'Wil , At.. 'Pat Ifar lrlllp~ vio-ors of file toll.,fropy not lo..jIlli-l-awlion . al"l tile effirt .,I tile tror"Cularnt oil Ihe I'llog. o"Kne,lilAtual. lo ivr. r,.J., ~howo 1'.) otrA,ute .11, troll, Ih, "Wallort-tit." On- 1, ....torst I., . -11.t h.-Id 1. tapplard the 1112;4C I~ Ift-lu.111t 11C.ItIll tit 111117 IlLk% tV11111 Ill Itu. cWte jull thorn v-1441 14, -- 195'. (ollaphoo .ft- givril ill thr Irsup Illaigurtat: hv,tvrr,A. flat of UA13 to 'K) Uestatedoo., of tho, mL&Ijvr cliAtaKr tit injiturtaiwititim Al,"t aft*r comple- loom of a troult ararle 4,% 4 functiotio of the external ficki; .4 the trolp. owalnetuatitto curveto 1(t) fair a inax. temp. of lhorrvq~te I-, :.*.%i) 1.,5111, 1- . fit,41 offloq)toti- ; .4 oorall tn-141% I-,c A ~iutllv jurviou-4 tubtectcil to fbarki% tit) Ito "I - Fw vri% vtr;sk firkf~ their air mtl~ialttrv tmitt. far. ,vtt- %loor kn-o lf--jwktu,,,o oa.4%. tivoir [tie Corte painitt ou tho, I-Ilog I-Al.. 1'. "d Ih.- I'l .. an a-, 1.4 to 1'..11%,o11 11ho, Orr ot Atowl .;:,p jt%&ar I.. twid, W WI&I C2 It. NI, .,.e oiota. n-o loo, raw fill. 1-n 0.30 I:: all. IA dituita6h R, the field Incro,toutes. On I the "Poling twallachral is tual. occurlt At da titillp. Cortelb. pawding to & m1n. on tile beating bmitch. T1w beating vurve, inletatiect (teauji, ustagnittic hy-Metallais) OUIT for 1501als I le- thoon 0.01 tat. land law taimp. cycles that twitch .350-400' for ferytx4livon. Am the field incirvistairs. the temp. Intragnelk, hypterrit decirrallast and disappelan entirely foe all (wid of M, ... fan, ferrootilk'so. -24 ,. faw Ni~ Tile IWAttliput h:%- A alrAt efiret am tile [(I) CUFYVS for fervill- ailict-41 thut it it" Ito effect am If"- flat SO in ~MJL fiarsd'. And tilt. tilt-vt is climinat" only by anna,41hokit at a temp. antich hisher than the Curk temp. .11/16 much VrAter fur NI than for fcnvsilklxl. probably tairciiaLvair for Ni the anialloa- [ropy sold Illagnictmtriction Masts. decrarow morr MPQLY than for ferrosilictan. The temp. miaguctic hysteresis is attributed to changes of maignetic x1mvium during temp. cliantres. owing to the temp. dependence of the qlaiiovits m"lleti"litolt, &tilt to changes of the boundoury energy at. domallms, which depends on the anixioadrollay and magneto- striction t,%)vttt%, notal it&% internal tensions. H~ -T-r -i W- -- r- - TS - 7 3 3 -~'- RE 0 0-9- *-a- 4 0 -0 a-*- a li--40- 0 0 a 4 a 0 0 0 0 9 0-0 0 05 1 1 a 4 1 6 1 1 to it 11 U W U 16 1? a It a )tJ2AxAji-* '~JOJI 2s 3016 hip Hx& of Atli WO;C* A a A - -- -.AA -J--A..A. A P m, -,a -1-,L- ~'- 0 i-C CilrIC.S. 1. ..VCN%14~ -0 -I'VVESIAS -01. 3A A 53 u 00 538.245 51SAM 06 8048. Magnetic structure of highly-coarcive alloys. IV. Bysteresis of -00 00 dl, mat~~netostriction In the highly coercive alloys Alnien #-nd Vikelloy. D. A. -00 00 Sbturkin and Ya. S. 54iur... T. Tech. Phyn.. USM . 20, 1393-9 (Nov., 1950) -00 so V, In RuMian. .00 00 Pbr Pt III. see Abstr. 1876 (1950). Mmerimental investigatiot. or the je 0. 00 a; hysteresis of -,mgnetost-riction on Alnien and Vilcallov specimen which had =00 so '3 been given various mopmetic structures by special treatments. The results ae 0 00 are analyses under the assumption of the existanca of a special magnetic 000 00 structure in these alloys characterized by the fact that the ferroungnetic !:1 -.0 0 0 consists of finoly dispersed flakes maimetically Isolated from each other =0 0 by non-ferromagnetic interstices, each flake representing a single domin x0e, of spontaneous ragnetization. N Owing to this the procossis of technical =0 0 magnetization aro only due to a rotation of the magnetization vectors of i'a 0 4.9 the individual domains. The orientation of the maFtnetization within a sinale ZO 0 J domain is determined by the aha~)s of the flakes, which have very antootropic -so@ '41P decagnatization factors, and -also by the interaction of the magnetization !SO 0 0 vectors of the irdivtdual domains. Alan. the thermo-mrnetic treatment of Ae (CM). 'ASS- IL A NITALLURGICAL UTIMATLRE CLASSIF$CATICN CZ-- tso 0 0 ZOO -1 J.t *it Stijl -Na 11. 0 s7 in~ ;i 'i U A~ It R It it tt it eg OW a I n 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 "0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 94 0 0 4 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 4 *-0-* 0000 0-0- --0-*--* 0-0- 0 -0- 0 0-0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 000 0 *606 * 0*0 Goes 04000060004 0 00 00 00 00 :0 the AIn1co and tomperinp after stron cold-mrking or the Vikalloy result :0 0 in the maimetic flakes growixw, in an orientated fashion. this accountinp for o: the stron anisotron of the mapnetic propertioa. B. F. Krpus 00 :00 *0 00 00 00 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 a 0 000000000000*0*000000*0000000404000000000 th 11, Cal z....t- V"7r~shrtn~V~t' Dun.ev (Cce'lli Ural State UnN" I kad. Nsssk S.S.S. H. 72, 2M A(M50).-An r,piL studV ;Tail ulade of tile effect of cooling ferro-augn.ti.- alh-~-t (ton% a high tetup. kg.!sq. nun. The texture developed by this thertnornecit. I itzatinent wasdetd. by inesuatring pernteability.p. and tuag- ,sets-,.triction. X. while the specitnen was subjecred to a single Specintens were narrow IuLnds :lt4) unu. Ions t%tul 0.4 to mi. nun. Ili area. Three and )VAlf ','~ Si Steel cooled ItOin tM)O' Showed U MaX. m IM W~j I -Oat e V. With increasing w, id decvrAsed ointinumWv vor vA 0. tile value of g at v w 0 was a min.. but it in- vrva~cd with inLrca-%iuX * up to w - I and then decreased axam. For FA - 0 tile villue 9-4 X was I")%. ftw fichis up to Im mrsictis at a - O.M tv lemi. At a - 2 or toute X was ties. With itictrasing VA, X teud"I to IW Iles., and for VA - 1. Awas flee. at least in sulall fieldsat all valucsof 0. sinti- lar results were obtaiurd for 56-pertualloy (&V7,o Ni. 1% Ms)) cooled froin I'M% Cu-perinalloy c--led froin 600'. and Iwtutiudur (411% Fe. 40% Co. '.'% V) cluiled (rotu 7ck)'. Thrism-nimb. ticAlitwitt ratuics ;i lnrf~rr"l wientalln of ulagned'uttion arar tile dirrvtum --I trr-illa. If 06 trrattocot did not cuuw a change i-i igis of k and wrivult distortion of tile cryst. lattice. ju would increase with in. creasing vA. The chanite in sign of X sectned decisive in the Si steel. 1-ut distortion pUyed a role in the permaDays. RrzRrdk-*% v4 the Curie tenip. valur. thrrint"nech. treat- incot llrudu~vd a texture. The ba,-wic cau.4c of the texture 6 residual oricntra Stresses. A. G. Guy of am nugneduadva towwass and 11111711. Va. a. Shur and \'. sl D.6 xAS"d:N. S.. S.K.TC.225411(119M). -9.Lmpks of Ain" (Pa 51, Co 24, NI R, Al 3%) Vogt heated to 1300" and cooled rapidly in Gelds oriented along and the asda at the sample, and without a Geld. and annealed at 6W* for several best. Samples of vicalloy (CO 152, Fe 38~ V 10%) were subjected to cold deformation by 'traction (95% reduction) and annealed at WO* for 30 min. Magnetization curves and hysteresis loope were dra- by a vertical itstatic magnetometer in the temp. interval -195 to 6W*. and the coercive (am If.. the residual induction 4v[., and the saw. induction 4.1. were drawn as functions; ofthetemp. Temp. increase did not came a monotonic dio- Placerriesit of the steep part of the maqwthation carve for weak fields, and did not cause the coercive force to decrease. Tliss whicl; differs Awply Irolls that of -it 111~x- net", W&P explained by the uJagnetic istructurr of th~ high coercive allays. The trinp. curve of the coercive form w~4 explained qualitatively by wLisutning that it depcittis ass the farm of the insulated domains and their magnetic interar- tion. i.e.. II.-NI.. where N is the demagnetizing c,-fl, along the direction in the domain in which it is greAtest anti 1. i, be wn. magnetization. The observed temp. curvr~ of the coercive form were explained by 2 cilects. from -- 19.11 to 160". the decrease of the satts. tna~'.Ctizatiou CAusett th'. masuctic interaction to decrease. causing the demasuctitiolt coeff.. and hence the coercive force. to increase. Forbigher =.. as the temp. hicreascd, the satts. magnetization, anti the coercive form. decreased. Ellen 11. Donlan Efiect of themulmapdW tremarwat on the elftArkal m -H- sia"a" 0# mattZrage m 4T - StAltsevs. Do y Abar1tabuil 13 5 (Itlom; cf. C.A. 43. 1931t.-m-The animotropy of trukanctic 1,1.1wellieS Its panit f9tFOUakgH*tjC "Uhttfiall that hAVC been k~%WSAVSJ front the Curie IRAnt 90 t%XMU tTlup. I'S 'A 11MUSICtiC ficht I. Captainml by St"Unling thAt the crystal lattice itself i% dcloriuvd dating the tbettvaintagnow tivatutcut. %hich leads to LnAgmetic uni-mminshy Said to the anisotropy of other plays. prollerti-m. The relative rhattice of the elre. resist Alive. aFit, of fidi-i'vintAlloy W51. Ni. 34vi. PC) after tIl c t-mu"Surtic t9m tit AW. which was it ir Smiled for 391 atill., then cooling ill A 1114zu.lic field ~t ttxi* 1~-, lit.) i-* givvii xTaphivally an a lutictitnt tit the Itioxitudimil firld. for bdulptr& castled without a ficlil. in a kingitudirtAl. -4 in . tuAn.ver- fichl. Tbe ( X to- ohm) .1 list ~tuplc:m cuil" without firld. Louted in toulgitudinA ~Ssmt cilliled in tmu.vcre ficid. resp., are r 1953. 11MAl. .-J W-M. AP. 16. X. And '-'%: P. IPW. 1067. anti 19M. where P t% the clec. resistance of a dernaguetUed sampic. U. 6 the ch-Slige in resistance in a nutguctic field which brings the -111ple to satu.. r. - r + V. is the total resistance in the tiA.I. Since r. is not coast. lor various treatment. the as- -umption is catifirined, but the anisotropy in the curves at, , (11) 6 due to the inagnetic texture produced by thernto- m..gnctic treatment. Men 11. Dunlap Depeadesca or dw fares as vWWOWS at Mak-Coar- do@. T. 11. ZGUW MW-Ya. S. dve a" an as == .%or. DoAlody Abed. Na" S.S.S.&H, IPWden of Abli (25 Ni. 14% AI'mmakider Fe) wese prepd. in two war: I) rok! F do by crush- Ing ingots a bad sh- -, thom , - t jeading to max. ff.; (2) Ingots wm enobed asul tbas treated Itbernmily. Grapbsofthaeonclo 11, - Mona* facedan of rapidly for d < 100 # for cold4landsead powder and for an- nc&W powdels of cradled tempo kgots. This ~ Is explained by sammift that Cdd som I ZI ak9Mn the netic Stractum OW .0 tweak up the vu;-v~td. Zid-laWW. of the-"Ial higb temp. phase. 11,(d) b comm. for values of d ken 25 to 700 p it the ingots am fta , I , , thea bmted to the tmp. of NOW -AAn., - then wonsded ftw 31D ob st econ. temp. (675- .775'), or it the pripd. pow6m on cooW wkh optimum rapidity. Tbgn the thermal tmtumt products uniform structural chasm throughout the vd. of the Powda Par- ticks. Elk. usft/Netale Coercive Forcej, Steel's Jan 51 "Temperature Dependence of the Cnercive Force in Nonocrystals of Transformer Steel,," K. B. Vlasov, Ya. S. Shur, I& Ferromagnetics,'inst Phys of Me- .tals, Ural Affil, Acad Sci USSR :"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XXI, No 1, PP 39-50 Results-of measurements of temp, behavior of coer- cive force in monocrystallic disks of transformer steel: Shows temp behavior of coercive force de- pends on crystallographic direction along which 174T41 USSR/Metals - Coercive Force, Pteel;s Jan 5l (Cohid) measurements are conducted. Analyzes bxptl..,law~ obtained on basis of theNry bf-JAgnetizatiox curves used in eng. Submitted~q oct 49. 174T41 1, 6 1 1 to 11 13 is u is 14 1) is to A 10 It a In n, x v a L--f f-a L--L 14 P 9 A I I if I IL -L I- -L, AA N CC w f Ther"101 Dclornilencir of the Effevi 0 rile. of Ferrontimanelic 460 (lit ItliNsi.m. ) A. A. tatkallits Ilktl Ya. S. -kbox- DA1, deirsic Nftuk SSSH. Olcl~ofts of the Acudrt3w -( St' 041 dic USSR,) m-W wt.. V. -18. MAY 11, 1951. p. 2-13-24 00 Silst, trcLktlllrllt cj,jjse3 ct-ttain changr Lit Lattita., it 1, th',ru"A that the V11"i ol such I ' 00 The th 1.11 111 11,- Cf).%tjjj I.IttiL't' 00 1,v WI)IL tin and 60 (5.5-1 Al. 9.6-1 St. re-,t Fc. I - jr -go ja 11 UU1411,5111um" v it ALI &I Ad or k I Sortie ALI- -00 n I tY-%- Attictit, y wa~ J%Ih-I** r0 41 f r as a ZOO i -AID 00 -_Oe A S S L A b(TALLURGICAL LIUMATURE CLAWPICAtION v'Z, u Av ; . & 4 . -~qq go 11, -to 'nj I na W 91 It It M K it 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 6 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 q-* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 it 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 4 0 0 goes 0 9~5 to h-Q 41ra:gM o r' t1cles for- poi#deN7*T *W j~rctlc T) 'Z hw~ I .'Itav. and %Akcaw-Houk S.S.S.P 81 i W4 IcIc dimextslons ad d'of ivoltage. and '6~p on tbeve&-r. -the Ove forte, If.. was'studled'vVith 0-4%,S4-6.3% At, 85.37, Pa For powdliivthli6v~.tlo t anneattil there was a Itnear lucreast hi'lli _wIth,dtmabI diam. of the Particle, -For particles- at 4law. .50~.Itfi Jucrean is much sharper; Tor auntated piKrtktaa. .37S, .1~ triaias almost const for diam. >-50 A but'a steep Increase Is- ';'observed forldiam, 50 1.. - The-temp. curves far h-.1Z for samples o various pai f rtfcle.. For.par~CW h~ L-ILd from ~~ , ~ c , -i T2 f zoo, z.- sh IV low 33L23 gm AALWANDMA AM cowd am4m. sk 557- V. A. ZAUDDVA- 69 (,Vo. 4.1951) Ix Jt""d' 2-7 MAU) Of CYU.U6d 0& (IWWb 44 "m di- W-~ Ab"o (an awy * W _ C~ 51% J;.. 24%. C111, 14'/'. N-'i- lr,'-* A' aed r/. 01-) ub- -t'"'W #s (a) bcalids 60 13wc too v Aftor, V.Sk ~ Uum-Nowt at dwc fw~ -- A "Nowsm &,W osnvks GOOM 29 -OWW& J,d Md- loop' ralowiv*- ~~ . , 4! . ., _ of -195, tamp. law - -AM hom 3 to OMOWA&. MNVW'r * PF to sso*c is a 00 XQ ,"W& age" *As fac do , bw 3 ,,n &t 8 wbkb dis- d 3600WVAdL a 4fAn the rsodmgtir, 6" the F'r S&STIPW uls", in a uamw- movo tO 12owsuft-d 6-Pp""d cffmjwaswots-!" 'm VOW of Ibc 't 120 OWSUW6; addooldlB abwb tmn for dw W. nuoun ihystcrcso nvorstk fiddL ongitudWd -57(--e j7lysr~ 5-Ull, Ya. S. and V~J',."')CIVSKTY, 3. V. "Ferromagnetism," GlavTol-igrafizdat, Main Folygraphic Fublishing House, 816 pp, 1952 SHUR, U.S.; KISHIN, D*D. Iffect of weak *2"tic streaeof on the InItIAL]. sweeptibility of ferromagnst- ice. Isvest. Mad. Nmuk Ber. Fis. 16, 634-9 '52. (xmi 6:3) (C,& 47 no.20%20296 053) Atteripts to obtain ex-perimentally detailed data showing dependence of vlar7riet-; oroncrt-es in fields- on elastic "Casions. Results airee i-Tith C - - 'i 1.1ronsovshly's theoi-j (Zli:='~, 17 1947); (Ferromagnetism, 191~8'). 251T28 LUKSHIN, A.A.: sm. ra.s. Dependence of the effect of thermomagpetic treatment on the initial properties of the ferromagnetic material. Isvest. Akad. Sauk S.S.S.R.. Ser. Pis. 16, 647-52 152. MR& 6:3) (CA 47 no.20:10295 153) A 1c CP -2 c-r' soft -T--aunet4c ter~a's a~ a farc-cn. ~f tic si z~-,c ~ja; a-,.-.L-, z-.t~ z-,r. Ser. Thcrmomechanj-lcal -.treatment of' S, and of -Lransfomer steel ~ z permalloy '~'i, re-mx-ander (3.7,~; Sd, remainder 7e) and 65 , 7e) is studied. -Its a i .cs-u 1, nwe plotted in cur-,res, -.;Ihich. shou optiral tei,.m. for steel 'L,:) be 6000 c and for nermallo-, 4,'oO c. 2 "1-L39 d L i a -,ssi o!is, Li--ar~ f Go --ress th!71 cf..Puss- -n Acce-...- 0 71-(: June I-I. -,L~ (V USSR/Physics Golldgamer-Thomson Sep 52 Effect Transformer Steel I-nange in the Electric Resistance of Monocrystals of Transformer Steel in a Magnetic Field," T. D. Zotov, Ya. S. Shur, Inst of Phys of Metals, Ural Affiliate, Acad Sci USSR "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol 86, No 2, pp 267-270 GolIdgammer found that the elec resistance of a ferromagnetic increased in a longitudinal magnetic field and decreased in a transverse field. 1~ was found recently that resistance of some ferro- magnetics decreases in both types of fields. 235T100 Describes exptl study of this effect in monocry- stals of transformer steel (3.5% SO. Sub- mitted by Acad I. P. Bardin 16 Jul 52. (C +7 no- 17 235T100 to Va. cl ~7' as'ic tresses on initial t4 bilil,~,, of ;~erronaCnet-:cs Ya S. 51 J. U A'" "0 77-i Oar and : ml S' -te ec -,;~2. lnvestj-~,,,ate exper-1,z.,iontnally de-oondence of na[-nct--;c properties in -,,--al-, fi.elds upon weak ela-tl-c stresscs in a nmiber of ferromagnetic mterialo of various magnotic StnictiLro, internal st-rosses, cr-yzIUal1o[.-,rap.-ic directions. Established the [!,,ovcr-,dng rules. Cor:pare results and 11-4-n,.~ them in aErcoment i-rith 'Whose of S. B. 7onsovskiy (see ZhELP, 17, 10,47). Presented by Acad '11. A., Leontovich U Feb 52. 256-illo A "r Specimens, V-Aalirotropy of the ma&etk properties in Pow d kl D o a q of MaBi PM6~. R. IV. Shtol tj -Ind Ya. S. Shur. - y 781A 51T=M 5 *ui made 19 U S Ak d M k S S R 95 S , . a . au . . . ~ , ; ( p~ on alloys prood. by sintednc Nin and 131 itt 5SO* These-, alloys contained 30 vol. % of the ferromagnetic AfnBi phasc and the balatice freeIfu and 81, the satri. triagnetiza rc 8 W tion t b 0 ocra was 2400 riusus, Land the coerc e fo e, H., was ' ec . and fractions The alloys %vere powilered mechanically from 1.2 min. to 3 #& 10 alk im. were obtained.- Magnetic s truc- 'd * i ture wus'ercrit6d"I re' specimen!; lt~'inkxlng powder of a given sizi iie varnish-t&qi!,qryi"g between the -: polei of an,'ci kbtio~iajnct. Rinallal, textures wcre.~ob- Noctlij ficid-along the specimen axis.' and trunsversL. tuft. by h4vtnillie magnede fwld..' Perpendicular to lte'axis, Spechneiii - Ith nu, 0.' texAum were prepd. by deking tit Lite absence qf'a* field. Magnetic -b *4 bull ad Qt -195 and rties1 ic, ere iletti is . w y t M4 %n Specimens With O,textuie showeg a continuous in- a ase in par-- crease In 11, frbin'5W. io 6600 with decre ttclL size.from 250 to 3 ~i. .- Sikeimen's with 3-p particles had ' R. -vultws tit 20- of- OWl itild 1600 far 11 ~ and L textures, ' resid-ml. mugnetizatich. to tile resp. The ratiol,/r,--of- t fit ~;atn. magnetization vvau Q.0 foi tit,-- 11 texture, 0-61 for 0 ~e'arkd 6.15 far the%L texture. A plot of H, vs. pirticle =tu shovied a ihitrp ijrelt~kln 11, at diams. below about . i ' ' " ' * Ight s1 decrease below 7ju tires and a () text Ior 11 afid 16~, for.--L texturwi. At -195' H. and 4/1. were low and there: was little effect of p rticle size or of texture- ~The riiults- at 220* showed that.the finer purticles-approached.a one--, domain structure. The deciellse in H, at -195* -shoiked" that magnetic anL-A),tro y ls.n.ecded for high p A IE /CS' C/ 7-1~ Piz ----------- Z., Allvestiguliou of tile itaguelic structure ot the crystals ot siliecous iron by the suelhod 61 powder figbres. Va. S Shor and V. 14. Alwl'.%. i Alm,11olvd.j M-Mi- S.S.S. R.. Und. Pilial. 1. N,-~. 1.5 Woklady A kad. Nsillk S.S.S:R. '104', 21Y) AIX 191M); - cf. C.A. 50, 2221.1g; intr-.6watiml W;e; Stmatle fly 'Itlethods wwil ill tilt! i'mvinis ism ,sligalit'll oil suburvas. T;I, I'm- terial simlied was stvc! cmitit. Si. The orientatiml of tile hulividoal crystallites %~vw; establishol fly x-nlys Willi aecarivy its -L-2*.- Evalisalion of Ole resmIls imlivate,. that Elie mague(ic stnicturv: "r the %tarfact: artits j&crystah, is 101141Y emartkIlt-41 hy tile crysta Ill agraphit., 41riclantilai. The main areas are always a's-1. with enelimA-11 ur-ms ilint, pro- tltlcc,.t deerva--w- tif tilt- utagitett&~tatie vitergi-of flicsystents. tile surface of thesaIIII)l cohirille- Willi tilt: plailes (t)(A) c or (011), the enclutied arcas alilieur tioly at tile end lif tile Inainareas. depellditig oil tile crystallographic mielitatioll of tile sor. face areas of the sample. The most common types ard" droplets. deudrites, and combs. Tile magnetization Vectors of tile enclosed areis are oricoted distruwardly at tilt- samill- est possible angle% to the surface. C(. followitig abstr. M. 0. 1 lolowaty'. 4F 7- - /-/7 YS-., C 6 SHJR, Ya.S.; ZLYKOVJL, V.A. Relation of the coercive force to the thickness of sheets made of magnetic materials. Fiz.met.i metalloved. 1 no.1:18-27 '55. (MLEL& 9:3) 1. Institut fiziki metallov Urallskogo filiala Akademii nauk Ssh-i. (Magnetic materials) (Ferromagnetism) SHUR,Ya.S.; BARANOVA,11.A. Memperature dependence of the magnetization curves and histeresis loop of Alnico and "Vikalloy" alloys. Trudy Inst. fiz. met. no.15: 19-28 '55. (MLRA 8:6) (11-tagnetic materials) SHUR,Ya.S. ; DTJIIAYFV,F.1-T. Magnetic texture formed in soft magnetic materials following heat and mechanical treatment. Trudy Iust. fiz. met. no-15: 29-41 '55. (MIRA 8: 6) (Magnetic materials) DROZB;MIIA,V.I.; LUZHINSKAYAJI.G.; MOROZOVA.Y.M.; SHUR,Ya.S. Effect of magnetic texture of ferromagnetic materials on the trend in the modifications of electric resistance curves in the magnetic field. Trudy Inst. fiz. met. no.15:42-56 '55. (Ferromagnetism) NLRA s:6) USSSR1 Physics Crystallography Card 1/1 Pub. 22 21/62 Authors I Shur, Ya. S.,, and Abel's Ve R.. Title Study of the "sub-regionsit by the method of powdered figures applied to ferrosilicon crystals Ferlodlcal I Dok. AN SSSR 102/3, 1.99 501, I-lay 21, 1955 Abstract The results of experiments conducted for the purpose of studying the con- ditions under which the so-called "sub-regions" foTmed-in ferrosilic.on., crystals and their (sub-regions)-effect on the process of technical mag-,~,~ netization are described. Six references:. 2 USSR., 1 French, 3:USAA1938~-t~'I.-- 1953). Illustrations. .Institution The Acad. of Sc..,~'Ural-Branch,,Inrtitute:of the Physics of Metals Presented by: Academician A. I.1ikoin, February 52 1955 31ITUR~ Y. S. ond ,,Stz)~,,jj,.3,y of ma,letic atruoture of Pesiduol-I'Lognetized Soft magnetic 4 Materiels," raper slO'r-tted at ti7e In-II-er--at-ional Conference on Physics -of Pl-.eroraians, Sverdlovsk USSR, 21-11 110Y 195~ 31RD., Y..S. ai-.-3 ADELS, V. -:.. (Sverdiovs,.~) "Investi,gatIon. cm "lie MaLVctic Structure of silicon-Iron Crystols by '!7 . earls o,- Fc.,,,,de,, Patterns," paper presented at the InternatIonv]. Conference or Physics of Mognetic Pherloimenc, Sverdlmrsk, UJOSE, 2Q-33- M-jy 1996 Sliur" Y. .3. , ~111()Ifrlz, i]. V. wid lUC-IDMI OVA, G. S. (3vord-lovs1c) $I. L-lagnetic Prozerties of 1-lognetic Oriented Powder Specimens with High Coercivity"" paper presented at the International Conference on Physics of MLignetic Plie--~omena, Sverdlovsk, USSR, 23-31 1 OY 19156 ) M A 5;~, -4,, -K j~w IM MY an ~W. ~ ~V V -.ILfd,.Thu M-U~V- AHOY*. AL G. LUZk gDAWD, and F, lrz~ L. ~A-,S Z.- 1956. 9~ A Ntw*% krigimcu oil -- -------- thati amall M 014L ge a a ferromagnadro their only efrect i4 to igov~ OW anisotropy in vid'PAI domains i.e. to increaseft, (we ive 44d). At the mme time arnall streased improve the magnat'LO texture. i.e. increase B, (remanent mWetlZatfkM)- Lmrgs guvaes convert &rtanuigmt1o phaws lato nan-fanvzoagastio, i.e. reduce H and B, An an example of the use of tter4w- .,.h. j;;sa~at S. a al. quot. the improvement of- 9, from 400-480 Oe. befa treatment to W"W Ge, %Nr. re and of (BH)~ from 2-3 before to 3-4 x log gau6.0e. after. roce- The best magnet3 imp bars H. &o 0a., 4-2 x 104-1 jbZtPd E, 10-4 k. 31 F J. USSR / Magnetism . Ferromagnetian F 4 Abs---,Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, No 9534 Author :Startseva, I.E., Shur, Ya -S. - Inst : Institute of Physics of Metals, Ural' Branch, Academy of Sciences USSR, Sverdlovsk. Title :Residual Magnetization of Nickel and Its Stability. Orig Pub : Fiz. metallov i metallovedeniye, 1956, 2, No 3, 568 Abstract :A study was made of the influence of the preliminary treat- ment (recrystallizing annealing, oxidizing annealing, and plastic deformation by tension or compression) on the value of Ir of nickel and its stability against alternating ma- gnetic fields, mechanical vibrations, and temperature fluc- tuations. It was observed that~treatment of the material (even such treatment that does not lead to the creation of a crystalline or magnetic texture) can change radically both the value of ir as well as its ability. In this case the stability of Ir can both increase and decrease increa- Card : 1/1 Lsing Hc. USSR/Magnetism Ferromagrietism F-4 Abs Jour : Referat 2hur - Fizika, No 5~, 1957, 12003 Author : Startseva, I.Ye., Shur, Ya.S. Inst Title Change of the Magnetic State of Soft Magnetic Materials Under the Influence of Alternating Magnetic Fip-lds. Orig Pub Fiz. metallov i metallovedenlye., 1956., 3., No ly 190-191 Abstract Report on a study of the variation in the value of Ir of annular specimens of nickel and permindure under e in- fluence of alternating magnetic fields having an amplitu- de that diminishes smoothly to zero. It is shown that such an alternating field cannot only demagnetize a resi- dually-magnetized specimen, but in some cases it can in- crease the Ir of the specimen, and also change the sign Of Ir. Card 1/1 q.(3SR' gnetism FerroMagaetisM /Ma Abs J0Vr Author Inst Ti-tie orig pub Abstract a, No 5., 19571 ferat Zhur .. Fizik i2oo6 Re F-4 V Bulatovay Shur Ya.S., Kandaur0va.? G.S.j. Shtollts, Ye. -, L.V. Fhysics of Metals-, Ural' Branch, Academy Of Institute of sk. Sciences) USSR) Sverdlov Investigation of Magaet:Lzatjon processes J_uL a High.*Coer- c:Lve YnB:L Alloy by Means of powder patterns. 2 Fiz. metallOv i metallOvedeni-Ye! 1956, 3, NO 1, 191-19 The mgnetic structure of the MnBi alloy and its varia field vere studied. The specimens tion in the magnetic ed and consisted of individual- par- had Hc --, 1,000 oerSt uring - 15 -- 20 microns, ticles of a MnBi alloy meas crystals there insulated by layers Of B1. In certain. exagonal axis Were observed on a plane -parallel to the h Card 1/2 - , r-,, ~I , I I, p ~ -: -I I . ~f : GIAZIa, A.A.; SHUR, Ya.S. '.~' , Effect of thermomagnetic treatment and ordering processes. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 3 no-3:568-569 '56. (MI-RA 10:3) 1. Institut fiziki metallov Urallskogo filiala AN SSe. (Thermomagnetism) (Ferromagnetism) ALF_I~HOR: Shur, Y a. S' _D:,zllins -1 c ay a , L1.1-1. E.,n.'L 'Shubin a, L A. 108 i~f lu(.~jjce of ela.---tic stros-les on cro-ceities ! i __ na 1~ul ~p U Of Vic~~-Llloy. (Vliyaniye upna~** itn~ye j a z n : ;tw1 splava vilml loy ;V0 , _ ~_ ._/ ~;RIODICAL P : -~,- i - -1 ~j 11 (pjjy,,;Jc,-, -of and 0 _ 1' VO I . I-To I Of ul-.ilatelai ola-tic srl-rctcllin,,~- and U01111110r4 Oil p_-opcjti~,.s oT* 1-j-he Iaigh 1. 2, V oi:~,) inv-:,sti- hat e !as st- re s ~~e s having a consld,_~:atbl,,~ illflLL~.'RCO- on th,_~ tic C of Vicalloy. _uj'l~istic st-re-l-'clUin- leads, to on :Lncre._,~ se of H, to seve~_al times th,3 ori~jina-l value and CJ also -U'-o a_,a ii-icrea!~,e of 13 in t'.1--c caEe of elastic -torsion U %, -1 H _L - I . 3z al--o *ncr- ases but d;a c rc~ a se s It is sho,.vn that the - r inSre-.7,,se in H bo-t-111 -�:'or Suret-lchin,; and- to,11sioli is C--:ased -) lm - C_ 'by an inlcrea -so in the anisotrouy of t.-_,e si n-le do-,iiain f orul- C) - -7 dx_Lcrease of uhe an_isot_,~o.-py of the stresses. ations ~d:ae to the . ,-- of t-h_~ reS1rLU_.-?.l induction in zhe case of stretching Char., - ic~-- :Lie -~-o m increase in the lon~~-i-'-dinal m-a-Gae'-ic texture L; U_ and in -the cease of i-L; is due to a wea krenin-, o+' the -- ~24e results Qbt!~1_ined cojalfi7m tl-Iat- t1-1-- h--'L-' coercive t- l~e . :~tu _ _ ;, forc--s 6t'&~,~rcive allo-- --re dae to lar~,e maEpetic anisotro- - domad.-n 7,7ra-phs, Dies iii -,jresonc:~ 0-,-, a . Z. - ) refei_x~,-ices, 1 Q- 7 j (- 11 is Rus:E;ian. _ Institute of 1-rL'a'i-lal F'aysics, Ural of the Ac ~C Recd. Au&~a~t ~, 1956. AUTHORS: Luzhinskaya, Id. G. and Shur, Ya. S. 126-2-9/30 TITITE- The effect of elastic stresses and thermo-mechanical treatment on the magnetic properties of some solid magnetic materials. (Vliyaniye uprugilth napryazheniy i termomekhanicheskoy obrabotki na magnitnye svoystva nekotorykh zhestkikh magnitnykh materialov). PERIODICA-L:"Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye" (Physics of Metals and Metallurg,:,Y), Vol.IV, No.2, 1957, pp.239-244 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In previous papers (1 and 2) -the authors have shown that elastic stress and thermo-mechardcal treatment have a real effect on the magnetic properties of materials with high coercivity. Results are now reported on the effect of elastic stress, torsion, and thermo-mechanical treatment on the magnetic properties of the following alloys: Card 1/2 ('9% V, 52% Co, 40% Fe), (14% V, 52% Co, 34% Fe), and (15% Ma, 85% Fe). The thermo-mechanical treatment consisted in the application of one-sided tensile stress during tempering. Experimental details were given in earlier work (1 and 2). The effect of the above mentioned factors on the magnetic properties of the Fe-Co-V alloys, and the alloy (12% V, 52% Co, 36%- Fe) which was investigated earlier, turned out to be of the same character in all the cases F-2 USSR/ /Magnetism. 1958, 1153 Ref 2211= 110 , I Pbs JOur hISkfLya3 14,Go) Shur, 'Ya.S. - lirall Branch.? kcaaemy of Author Lu stitute of Phy Cs of Metals) In erdIO`qsk' 'Working -Inst sciences) IJSSRI Mal-MecIlanical 'jastic Stresses and Ther saetic )katerjals of certain Rigia Me Effect of F properties 239-0,44 Title 0':' magnetic met.,110'Vedentle, 3-957, 4, 140 21 Fiz. metallov ten- orig pub . influence Of elaSt'C e of the . ..I vorkin-S, On g"tion Vas ,ad 3__Mecjjan,c Ing cOMPO An investi orsion and a,.so therMO, of the follov CO, re, bstraLct Sion and t ic properties of 83-10V Irel 14~ D) 54 Cho.- 'Ler The the ma gaet remMinc 0.. , thermal-m' 56$ Co jainder I - ral tensiOu sition- % V, ~ Ma, rem unilate n, .. and 15 imposing eir tempering, ,aind-er Fe, StS of Supe, of! th nic&l -working con5l s cLuring the time Stresses or, specimo-"' card 1/2 ------ 77777- -- - USSR/bja~petism - Ferromagrietism F-2 1 f Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, NO 1, 1958, 1153 leading to the development of a high-coercivity state. It was established, that the above effects cause a chan- ge in the magnetic properties of these anoys, thanks to the change in the magnetic anisotropy and the magnetic textiire. Card 2/2 126-2--/35 ,h Coe, -6 on the Domain Structure of the HiE.- cjtivity Ll an3ane se -tis Muth Alloy. i.,r1portal,~,t to observe directl-Y tli-e domain structure and its chai-i-es caused by the effect of a magnetic field and for -this0purpose -the authors carried out the here described investiGations for studyinE tho doilain structure of the hi--1-! coercitivity alloy manganese -bismuth, usinC-, the povider pattern method. The Mn-Bi alloy was selected for the exi)eriments because it has the hi-hest maGnetic anisotropy energy; when crushed into finer particles the coercive force in particles of -the order of 10 to 20~L reaches up to 5000 Oe and it can be assumed that,as a re.-;ult of the 1,iE;h value of the ma,-,netic anlisotropy u constant such co!aparatively large particles will have I ZD either a sin~---le do-,Llain or a nearly single domain magnetic -h? U structure,., icl,L can be detected by powder patterns. Atte-rapts- 'Go study the do-aain structure were made by various authors (Ref.L~) but the re-sults did not allow any definite conclusions oxi the doi~,.ain struct-lure of the high coercive Olloys andi -Darticularly on the magnetization process itself. The experiments were made on cylindrical specimens, 6 mm dia., 10 mm lone; produced by -;ntering in vacuum, of manganese anti bismuth powders at 300 C for one Card 2/4hour. It was established microsco-oicall-Y that after such 126-2-6/35 bn the Domain Structure of the High- Coercit-J,.-ity _Uan,,,7;a_Yie se -Bismuth j Alloy, sinterinE; 8Decimcn consists of formations of the U_ -U', diff-le ons of 15 t 20 man-anese-bismu 11 col-1-130und v;-.L n3j 0 11 r' in separated by terlayers of bismuth aiid MianGeneset the s-Decimiens haGI a coercive force of the order of 1000 Oe. Tiie results are described and t'ne po,.rider patterns are reproduced in a number of photographs. These shom that in a mang-anese-bismuth alloy cons i s-'U-inL-;, of LInBi crystal- lites of sizes of 15 to 2511 and separated from each other by non-ferromaE;netic interlayers, the process of reiua-netization parallel to th-- axis of the easf8,st magnetization can Droceed in the followinG two wayst by C." the forLiiation oi nuclei, their grovith and transfor6e-tion of some of these in the rgnge of reversible magnetdzatai~~i axid a displacement of 180 boundaries between the individual areas, whereby a coercive force of 1000 Oe ca_-n be achieved; solely by rotation which is achieved if .,he ~-,aL,'nletizin-_- force is aaequat-e for anihilatuing the rema,-:,,netiz~-?,tion nuclel,whlch e_xcludes occurrence of closinG areas,amd ixa -'Ghis case the coercive force can reach several thousand Oe. Apparently the revealed features are due to the fact lh_~t the dimensions In the Card 3/4 12ovestlGated crystallites are near to the critical size -OMIG-q4 ~-q4 SO GI[4 BUTSPUC JOJ 'TV %~~T -t7la PJp0 SuTuTpquoo )ZoTT-e . mnuTmnTp-uOaT UL3 0 T-e pu-e ea-n4L-a9drua4 9uTa9PJO TpOT41JO q9T-q P -pu-e 4uTod aTano -qSTTI P Zq PqzTaG40pa-u0 .90TTP up 4 4 a 6 PGTPn4s SpIA (A %lz~ J %617 '00 %647) anpTiamied av-q4 GITOIUJG'q4-Ina *PGTPn4s ZTTnS 4som uaeq G.&P'q :lj=a9Pao go sasseooad 9-q4 -q0TuP aOS ~kOTTpmaad-2/, !nUG-m4p0J4 Tq p'94o~jj-e ZTGATSU04UT 4som Gap -qoT-qzA '(oil %~ 'Ga %t~ 00 %6~~ 4-IN %Iir~) XeA,u-curaad Pup (GJ 566t~ 'TK %99) IOTT-emaOd-99' :s0T4GuspmOajqj BuTIAOTTOJ Olq4 Pa4P�T4sGAU-C Sao7q4-np eql *UOT4pZT4quspm uoTq-eam4ps 9q4 So oi4sTaG40pap7q0 GaM47eaedma4-9-44 UT a9up-qO P 04 Pp9T PTnOJA STq4 4Pq4 pa!:~PdTOT4up aq uvo 4T' DGJJG TPzn40-nJ4s Mau P On PL39T sOOP 4u m a 4,eGJ4 0Tqqu9pw -Omaaq4 JI *Saoq0TPppuo0 pup 9oapos Gap m~Tqoad sT-q!~ uo pn-ep ,~XeJG4TT ! I Gam4paadM94 SuTaaPJO TpOTaTao aq4 IAOT9q saannn-ejadiuan. 4p STuO GATqoejja aq pTi-Lo-qs 4u9m4poJ4 sTq4 14UGm4pGaq DT4qu9pmouuqq4 So UISTU-e-q0aul Gq4 UT GTOa 4ue4aodm7 up XpTd sassoooid BuTaepao aq4 jT :sUoTq-ejaPTsUO0 9UTLIOTTOJ aqa -PLq P9UaaAO9 GLIIA smGTqoad -aua _as G.qq UO 4uamqpGa4 si-q4 go a0uGnTJuT q0tiepuedap Gan4va9dtU94 9q4 OSIp PUp 9AT.-n0Gjjq qj JOJ P9U-FulaGq-GP q-3-u-qm uT s~kOTTp 0-149U53plloaa SUTATOS J09 spit, 09upj qamqpa9dm04 a'q4 MGTqojd sTqq 4 0T4Gu9pMOUlJ~,qq .quTJapao So uouamoue-qd aq4 Pup 4-Ma"14p 11 So msTu-eqoGuf ~qq uaaj.-,49q uoTq.'eIGJ p .9u-E-ijs-1Tqpi.sG SO 40Gjja 9,q4 plpn4s 00, asodand qq4 aoi SP-OTT-e SuTaGPaO uT -TA 4T nuqm4pqa4 0T4quspmOmaGqq SO A . 49eja4UT 4pGas So s ' 4SIxe s9op uol4l-'T~a p q0us So nuTod 91q4 uIOaJ 4eaOjGjGlqj 'aaAGIAOH npr[4 quTmjTj7aoo p4pP Tpquam-Eaqd~a Ou Gap aao-q4 an OT4auspmoulaoq4 .SuTjgpjo j0 uouemoua7qd a~q4 Pup T So q0uq4sTx0 So 40ajjo olq4 ,el,,qaq uOT4pTGa-a94u aqq UO Passaacixe Ueaq GApq suoT4d-unss~e SO a8q'Jmu V *dd t/T PaVO :,IOVHISEV (USSR) ft-om '~-TOA ',~66T 6GfjUepGAOTTv49YI T AOITP49A pXT2Ta :'IVOIGOIH~q'cl (pkT_uG_q0OPeSj0dn Tumss~sqojd qpMoMa94 pq -6.RA9 0 s T:~14ocuejqo sou4TU qGjjq TZ assGooad ;Dq!4- Pup q-'u0m4pGa4 ,su-Ijapao Jo S @a au 4 U0 qa-pa j0 40ajja Gq4 uGam4eq UOT4VT (-pSTua~qoopp.,~jodn Sssas4oad T pjCau ;SuTaapao j0 sassaooad pup 4uGw4vaa4 0j4Gu9vmOmJ9,qjj c 'an"S *v *V aaz-eTO -PIM S *pX 'SHOH"flV -S TDeraomaLnetic treatment and processes of orderin(~. 126-2-21/35 Fart 1. On -the relation between the, effect of the rLaoaa--ne t ic treatment and the processes of ordering. laa-I'Metic treatment the saturation mab,-neto strict ion X I_) s and the coercive force H were measured, on the basis of which it is posAble -to evaluate the ma,~;netic texture. The -,pecifaens viere in the form of strips of The ordering was effected b 60 x 4 x 0.2 mM5. y annealing f or 100 hours at a temperature slightly below T. . whereby the teuiperature was maintained constant with an'accuracy of + 1'C. The disordered state of thQ specimens was procLuced by hardening from ?00 to 800uC. The thermo- magnetic treatment consisted of slow cooling from a temT)erature above the Curie point inside a mafxnetic field of ~O to 200 Oe -~uhereby a possibility was provVided of hardening the Speei7liens during -the ma6netic treatu-Ment from any temperature. On the basis of -the obtained results it is concluded. that the phenomenon of orderin::- does not play an important role in the mechanism of theraiomagnetic. treatment. This is obvious from the fact that the thermo- maGnetic treatment can be effecte(I at temperatures above T.. Furthermore, measurement of the temperature dependence Card 3/4 of the saturation raat~_~netizatuion indicates that in thermo- Thermomagnetic treatment and processes of ordering. 126-2-21/35 Fart-1. On the relation between the effect of thermomaGnetic treatment and the processes of ordering. maSnetically treated alloys there is no appreciable orderlnt~ of the phases. Apparently ordering plays a secondary role durinG ther-r..qoma,--.-netic treatment which consists in establishinr-- a barrier to the formation of a ma(~netic texture, as can be seen from the results obtained for the alloy of iron uith 120166 Al. There are 5 figuresi 2 tables and 13 references, 2 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: March 211 1957. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch of the Ac.Sc. USSR. (Instibut Fiziki Aletallov Urallsko-o Filiala Ali SSSR) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 4/4 126-5-3-6/31 AUTHORS: Shtol'ts, Ye. V.7 Shur,,..Z~. S. and Kandaurova G. S. 7 TITLE: Magnetic Properties of Magnetically Anisotropic Specimens of FerromaGmetic Powders (Magnitnyye svoystva magnitno- anizotropnykh obraztsov iz ferromagnitnykh poroshl--,ov) I. Magnetization Curves and Partial Cycles of Hysteresis Loops (I. Krivyye nomagnichivaniya i chastnyye tsikly petell gisterezisa.) PERRIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Uetallovedeniye, 1957, Vol V9 Nr 3, pp. 412-420 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The magnetization curves and particularly the hysteresis loops have been investigated by the authors on MnBi specimens which were produced ~y sintering powders of manganese and bismuth at 550 C for two hours. The coercive force of the alloy amounted to So Oe. The TAn 1 powder was obtained by mechanical crushing and subsequent sorting into fractions with various particle sizes between 1.2 mm and 3'P~ The investigated specimens vrere cylindrical and they were produced as follows: the powder was carefully mixed with -",he binding substance, anep V propriate mould was filled with the mixture. Following that, the mould with the powder Ta's e-xposed to a magnetic field and the Card 1/3 hardening was ef f ected in the magnetic f ield. ( The angle 126-5-3-6/31 Magnetic Properties of Magnetically Anisotropic Specimens of Ferromagneti-:~ Powders between the texture and the specimen axis is denoted by (p,) A depende.nce ~,R established of the character of the ani-so-t-ropy of7fdagnetization curves of magnetically textured specimens, made of thin powder of -the MnBi alloy, on the dimensions of the polmder particles. For certain r_articli- dimensions, ` a magnetization p-rocess is observed in the 7--)nGitualmally textured specimens -,,vhich manifests itself in the fact that saturati.on is reached in fields of lover than the max-inram values of the residual On - ization and the coercive f orce. t;he basis of the measured magnetization 3urves and of particula:!:- nysterosJs cycles of izotropic and magnetically te-xtured of Mn-Bi alloys of various degrees of dispersion, it was estEblished that J-n fine powders a magnetic transition structure from the multi-domain to the sin-' -e-domain one as well as a single-domain structure can exist, A model of the transient magnetic structure is put f orria-rd. There are 9 figuresl 1 table and 7 references, 6 of which Card 2/3 are Soviet and 1 French. 126-5-3-6/31 Magnetic Properties of MaGnetically Anisotropic Specimens of Ferro- magnetic Powders ASSOCIATION: Institut Fiziki Metallov Urallskogo Filiala AN SSSR (Instultute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch of the Ac.Sc., USSR) SUBIJITTED: May 17, 1957 1. Metal powders--Magnetic properties 2. Ferromagnetic materials --Preparation 3. Hysteresis Card 3/3 AUTHORS- 126-5-3-7/31 ~~Shur~ Shtol'ts, Ye. V. and Kandau.-ova, G. S, TIT=-, The MaE-netlic Properties of Ida-netically Aniso-1--ropic C7 U Specimens Mlade of Ferro-maGnetic Powders (h!aQnltnyye svoys-tva maGnitno-anizotropnykh obraz.sov iz ferro- masnitriykh poroshkov) II. The Dependence of the Curves of Niagnet-ization on the Method of Obtaining- the DemaGnet- ised State (II Zavisimost' kri-iry1ch namagrichivaniya ot sposoba polucheniya razmagnichennoGo sostoyeniya) PERIODICAL: Fizika -?.Aetallov i Metalloveden-iye. 1957, VOL.,V, Nr 3, 1- 13R) pp 42 4-27 (US, ABSTIUCT: A series of powders each with a uniform particle size, lyinG in the range 250 to 4'u., was made from a maagaaese- bismuth alloy containing about 50% ferroraaFnetlic phase. Map--nelised dies were prepai~ed from the powders by mixing them with a sui'uab;e filler, pouring into a mould, fusing at about 60 0 and cooling in a magnetic field. The gies were then demaGnetised either by cooling to -196 C in an alternating field, or at room temperature, by using a field of variable magnitude but constant- sigm to return the material to the demagnetised state from the appropriate point on one or other branch of the hysteresis Card 1/3 loop. A part of the paper is devoted to the study of 126-5-3-7/31 The Magnetic Properties of Magnetically Anisotropic Specimens Made of Ferromagnetic Powders II. The Dependence of the Curves of T Magnetization on the -Method of Obtaining the Demagnetised State these lc,,=ves of return'. Subsequent remagnetization to saturation was shown to follow a course dependent on the mode of demagnetization. Demagnetization by the first method permitted rapid remagnetization. After demagnetization at room temperature by a field of the same sign as the original magnetization', the remagnetization curve assumed a step-like form except at large particle sizes. If, however, the specimen was demagnetised by a field of opposite sign, remagnetization proceeded comparatively smoothly except at the lowest particle sizes when the curve again had a step-- like appearance. An attempt is made to explain the observations qualitatively in terms of a transient magnetic structure intermediate between the single and many domained types. In presence of such a structure in the direction along the wcis of the texture of magnetically anisotropic specimens, a fundamental role in the process of magnetization is played by the hysteresis in the formation and growth of remagnetization nuclei. Card There are 8 figures and 2 references, both of which are 2/3 Soviet. 126-5-3-7Z31 The Magnetic Properties of Mag.-Lietically Anisotrapic Specimens Maue of Ferroman-netic Powders II. The Dependence of -.-he Curves of C.-~ Magnetizat-ion on the iffethod of Obtaining the De-magnetised State ASSOCIATION: Insti-tut fiziki inotallov Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR (Institute of j'qletal Physics, Ural Branch of tile Ac,,Sc., USSR) SUB:,;1ITTRD.- May 1'7, 105'7 I/ I 1. Metal powders-Magnetic properties 2. Fem-omagnetic materials ---Tr=st methods Card 3/3 AUTHORS; Shur, Ya. S., Abells, V.Et., Zaykova, V. A. 48-8-17/25 TITLE: On the Part Played by the Closing Domains in Processes of Technical Magnetization (0 roli zamykayushchikh oblastey v protsessakh tekhnicheskogo namagnichivaniya) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya AN SSSRI Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1957, Vol. 21, Nr 8, pp. 1162-1167 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The following magnetic domains are distinguished in this paper: Basic domains, which extend over the entire thickness of ferromagnetica in thin crystals; the slosing domains, which are situated on the edge of the sample or on its surface, in which the magnetic current of the basic domains is closed, and sub-domains - particularly closing domains - which form before defective places, where the uniformity of magnetization is disturbed. In the chapter: The shape of closilig domains and their connection with natural crystallographic anisotropy the statement is made that, if the surface of the sample is parallel to one of the directions of the light magnetization, no closing domain is formed on the surface, and such a domain can be found only at the ends of the basic domains. On the boundary of the flat sample the closing domains form as tri- angles. This was disclosed for the first time by Landau and Card 1/3 Lifshits. (In this paper various kinds of occurrence of On the Part Played by the Closing Domains in Processes of 48-8-17/25 Te-hnical Magnetization closing domains are further described which are ascribed as ki drop'tII'comb", "pine tree", "stem" etc.) . In the chapter: The dependence of the shap.S_of q.~oping domainsJon-the thickness of the sample the change in the formation of the closing domains from a 100 -thickness of the sample up to 5 is described, and it is said that the particularly thin samples under 5 have no more closing domains of the surface. In the chapter; Modification of the shape of closing domains in the case of an elastic extension of the sample it is said that, corresponding to the increase of the force causing extension of the sample parallel to the orientation of magnetization, the magnetic structure becomes gradually simplified until finally it goes over into the extinguishing closing domain. In the chapter: Transformations in closing d-omains a.ccompanied by an increase of the intensity of the magnetic field it is said that in the weak fields the processes of shifting the boundaries of the basic domain take place and, if a closing domain is encountered, this boundary vanishes. The same, how- ever, occurs again as soon as the place of this domain is passed. After the definite completion of the process (with growing intensity) these boundaries vanish, but the closing Card 2/3 domains remain. With a further increase of intensity the > ~~-UIIHOR3 Shux, Ya. S., Shtollts, Ye. V., TITLE, A Mote on the Peculiarities of the Tech.-Lcai Powder Samples with Texture (Osobennost-i k~, namaGnichivaniya v tek-9turovannykh obraztsakh iz tv-~nk!'I'I PLHIODIC&L, IzvusLiyu AN SSSR Sertya Fizicheskaya, 1957, "L, ~,'r i/, pp. 1215-1219 (USSR). '~L~STRAGT. The purpose of this paper was the investigatir,n of tht:, of the magnetic properties of powders consistl-m~ nt' lparti.-Ies wlf-h size approaching the critical dimensions. The. --x*,3 Mri-'-ii fllLo:~ utilized here displays- an anisotropy of", hein6 the largest among the ferromagnetica. it was establisiied, that a refil--c- tion of the size of the particles lead to a ensen"ial of the magnetic properties. The investigation of th-E marnetic. prr,- perties of fine highly coercive powders showed, that. the existenep of a magnetic transition texture Jn particles with a size larger thrin bl'ir-. crit-:2-tal rljrenq~nns mrst b(- in snch raser7, the jpa7rt-t-I;,,r: contain blocking domains apart from the b;a-qic domains. conditions these blocking domains vanish and thpn fhe magni,,t-- rpv-~'r- sal process, takes place just like in one-domain part-inle.,3. Among other influences the blocleing domains play a leadine in the OT HORS Shu-, Ya. S., Startseva, I. Ye. 48-9-8/26 TITLE! A Note on the Remainina Mac-netism of Nickel and its Sbabildty (OsLatochnaya namagnichennostf nikelya i yeye ustoychivostf). FER!CjDI1,'AL'. Izvestiya AN, SSSR Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1957, Vol.. 21, Nr 9, pp. 124o-1245 (USSR-)- S TR ACT: In this paper the influences of various kinds of preparatory treat- irents of ni~~kel, changing its crystal texture, on the magnitude of the remaining magnetism and on its stability with respect to alter- nating magnetic fields, temperature fluctuations 2nd mechanical vi- brations are investigated, It is sho;Nn, that the remaining magnetism of nickel samples can very in a wide range under the influence of various treatments of the material-, which change its crystal texture. It is shown further, that the stability of,the remaining magnetism with respect to different kinds of demagnetizing effects is also dependent on the crystal texture of the materiaL, and that stability is not al-ways- connected with the magnitude of the coercitive force. Samples, which have under-one different treatmt!nt and displayed identicaL valhes of coercitive force., may possess a strongly varj-3-ng C ar d 1/2 stabil-J-11.y of the remaining magnetism. The relations established here 0 - AUTHORS'* Shur, Ya. S., Luzhinskaya, M. G., Shiibir-a, L. A. 48_9_1~/26 TITLE: Note on the Influence of Elastic Stress and of a Combined Heat and Mechanical Treatment on the Magnetic Properties of Highly Coercive Alloys (V3dyaniye uprugilth napryazheniy i termomekhani- che3koy obraCbotki na magnitnyye svoystva vysokokoertsitivnykh splavov). PERIODICAL: Izvestiya AN SSSR Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1957, Vol. 21, Nr 9., pp. 1275-1279 (USSR.). -0S M_ ACT: In this paper the influence of elastic stress (dilatation and tor- sion) and of a combined heat and mechanical treatment on the magnetic properties of some highly coercitive alloys; was investigated. The combined heat and mechanical treatment consisted of aosing a dilata- im, ting stress on the samples during tempering, under which conditions that crystal texture im formed, which corres-ponds to the highly coer- citive state. It is shown, that the elastic strest; and the heat and mechanical treatment have an essential influence on the magnetic pro- pertles of some highly coercitive alloys. These effects permit to in= crease the magnitude of R (coercitive force and (DH) (maximum C. G max ma.netic energy) of a number of alloys. For example, the value of Ile Card 1/2 can be raised by 25 % and that of (BH) max by 4o % in the case of an SHTM Y Ya. S. -- (Sverdlovsk) "Magnetic Structure of Ferromagnetic. Bodies." report presetnted at Colloquium on Magnetism, Grenoble, France, 2-.5 Jul 58. Eval: B - 3,111,755 'H011ILS. Glazer, A. A. and Shur', Ya. S~ SOV/126-6-1-6/33 TITLE; Thermomagnetic-jnrtr~- 1~af~ro~ce--sses of Ordering (Termomal-S'nitnaya obrabotka i Protsessy uporyadocheniya) II Influence of Theriaomagnetic Treatment on the Struc-'urai Transformations in Ordering Alloys (II Vliyani-ye -t-ermomaGnitnoy obrabotki na. s'Lrukturnyye prevrashcheniya v -aporyadochivayushchil-,hsya splavakh) PERIODICALz Flzlka Nketallov i Metallovedeniye, 1958, Vol 6.., Nr 11, pp 522-59 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In earlier -1-iork (Ref,--') the authors that the thermoma--' -c.~etic treatiaent in various orderinS alloys (78-Derm-alloy, 66-permalloy, perminvar and pemaendur) can be effective also when the external magnetic field is applj-'-ed only at, temperatures above the critical orderino, teiaDerature T Furthermore.. Ir 7,,as established L3 that 'uhe c-,,ixve of the aependence of tli6 saturat-4-on magnet-isat-1-an oia the te-aperature I (T) in specimens subjectje~a. to thermomagnetisation tKatment -coincide with the respective curves of alloys in di-sorderea and non- ordered alloys, :Prom that it was concluded t-hat the zagnetic sin,-,le-axcis character caused by thermomaGnetic Card 1/6 treatment is not due to ordinary oraerinnS of the atoms SOV/126-6-1-6/33 Th,~,rmomasne t, Ic T-reatment, and Processes of Orde-ring. II Inf luence of Thermomargnetic Treat-Elent on the Structural TrP.- sf o=r-- tions in Ordering Alloys but is due -1-.o some other regoupiA. of the atoms, Neal ai-ld Tanisuchi et alii Ref.,22) arrived at similar 'ating that a -partic-lar type of "orientated u c -1.:D n z- , s t -11 - - V- formis, It was ~-Iso Pointed out that i-n e.1-Yoy,v.,hich crciers Tuo-re quickly t'han the other -investigate-d al-loys, the thiermoma,Metic- t-reatmei)t p t 17 le3s effecti Ap---ren'~ ,, the presence of an cr,fte--ed structi=,e 41--riflue tic eS the -Progres-c of t---he p-.G3esses leadinn- t-herrjora!-D,,.:,,aetic treat-mentu to eStab-:'Isbu7--en-k of a sinGle-axfs mag--netic anisot-ropy, cnn ",-.e ~~oLncluded tnat the processes taking trE~atment depend on the sti~u~jtural state cl* the allc.-, To elucidate the features of the strucuu-ral state of fer--romagnetics after thermo-- mta~;Dotic 4[,,reatruent, the authors investigated the effect produced by therT;iomagn-etj-c treatment on speci.mens of certain orderir-jS alloys after they have beer, brought into ~he order or disorder state and also Card 2/6 to stu.;fl-,~~ the klr-etics of the process of ord-erinG of SOV/126-6-1-6/33 Theriaomw-netic Treatment and Processes of Ordering,. II Influence of Thermom-a:--nezlc TreatMent on the Structural Transformations in T Ordering Alloys preliminarily thermomagnetically treated specix-mens. The inlrestiSations were effected on 60 x 4 1-1 0.2 mm specirdens of the alloys 78-permalloa,., GG-permalloy and perminvar (3LW6 Ni, 34% Fe. 20,016 Co, 3% Mo). For producing the ordered state, the specimens were annealed at a tem-Derature slightly below the critical ordering temperature T 0 for durations up to 100 hours, A disordersd structure was produced by hardening in oil from 700 C,, The uhe~Womagnetic treatment consisted of slon coolin- fro UL 700 C inside a, maGnetic field of 50 or 200 Oe, For evaluating the effectiveness of the thermoama.netic treatment the saturation magnetostriction was m which permits evaluating the degree of the easured', ma-netic texture, and also -he coercl-ire force., 1:,~_'ich .0 u - Gives an idea on the chancre of the magnetic proDerties C) durine tho theri-aamagnetic treatment, The sainae parameters enabled conclusions on the structural state of thhe alloy, The experimeLital results., which are graphed in FiSs,,1-5, Card 3/6 allo-.,F;- certain concluslolls relating to the structural SOV/126-6-1-6/33 Thermoma2,netic Treatment arad Processes of Orderinb, II Influence U J_ - - of Thernomat-netic Treatment on the Struct~aral Transform-atiolas in Orderir.,6 Alloys state of a ferromagnetic which -was anmealed inside a ma~~netic field, It was found that this state is not ~"-he state of ordinary order includinE directional order,, This view is supported by the earlier established fact that the thermomagnetic treatment can be effec-ted at te_,;iperotures aboveTa where ordering caimot take place,, FLu~the-i~more_ this is confirmed by the fact that the curve of th~~ temperature deper_~aence of the sa-IC'urat-iori a)--.1--netisation of s~:)ecizaens rvhlch have been subjectiled to 1 e t- i -_ t r e a- t m e tharmoma;--- co-inclae Y;Ith the c-arves for spe,_-- ".~ie of a non-ordered all oy . On the U OL'!"er .11-hib st-Lte is not the ordir-axy state of chaotic dist-_rlbatior cf the atoins ac-ording -o th- of Bozorth; this vier- seems to be borne out b-y the fac-11 that,i-n a ferromagnetic arnealed. inside a faa6netic field, t1le orderin- takes place more slovily than in a non- ordered alloy, Such a difference in the kinetics of orderings permits the ass~up_ption that the structure of Card 4/6 the non--ordered s-Deciraen and of s-Decim-ens ar,,.-,ealed insidle SOV/126-6-1-6/33 Thermoma6netic Treatment and Processes of Ordering, II Influence of Thermomagnetic Treatment on the Structural Trannsforrilation-5 in Ordering Alloys Card 5/6 a -ia-netic field differ. It can be anticipated that due- to annealinS inside a matSnetic field a particular structural state will occur in the ferromagrictic which differs from the ordinary ordered state or from -the directional state as Tell as from the disordered state, It can', therefore, be assumed that a small quantity of atoms participate in the formation of this particular st_-uctural state., since during thermiomagnetic treatment of disordered alloys their saturation ia-aEnetisation does not change and the formation of a ma6netuic uniaxiality during thermomagnetic treatment proceeds faster than the ordering of the alloy, It is most likely that the structural state established during thermoaa~~netic -t-reatment represents an "ori4ei'--itated super-sti-uctua~ell whIch has been predicted -theorezically by Neel and TaniE;uchi et aiii (Ref.,2), SOV/126-6-1-6/33 Treatment and Processes of Orderir_~~, II Influence Ther_aoma6ne t4 of Theririo:.-iab-'etic Treatment on the S'Uructural Tr'qrtsforfuations in Orderin-~r Alloys Cj There are 5 figures and 3 references, 1 of vhiah is Sovie-t.., 2 English. ASSOCIATION- institut fJ_zi_ki mietallov UrallskoEc. _17'iliala AN SSSR (Instit-at-e of Niet-al Physics, Ural Branch of the Ac,Sc, CJSSR) SUBMITTED: Maj- (-_ 19r5'f7' Card 6/6 1. Alloys.--Magnetic factors 2. Alloys--Heat treatmerft 3. Magnets---Preparation 4. Mag-_ets--StructiL7a! analysis sov/126-6-2-5/34 jh S. and Shtol'ts, Ye., V. AUTHORS: Kandauroval G. S~7 S TITLE- The ?Vla,;-netic Properties of Magnetically Anisotropic S-ecimens Prepared from Ferromagnetuic Powders. & CD (111a,-nitny-ye svoystva maEnitno-anizotroDn,-Tkh obraztsov i~, ferroma6nitnykh poroshkov). III. Anisotropy in T. r~IaEnetic Properties (Anizotropiya maEnitnykh svoystv) PERIODICAL: Fiziha 211etallov i Metalloveaeniye, 1958, Vol 6. lir 2, pp 2-29-236 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The domain structLxes of poviders of ?,I-iaB-i alloy and Co are determined from disc-shapea specimens prepared from poviders of 1 to 100 ~L in particle size. The lln-Bi alloy was prepared by sintering the components at 320'C; M-nBi content about 50%. The sinter was powdered and used 1,,..-ithout annealing. The Co was por-ae redo f rom a piece of cast metal and annealed in vacuo at 600 C. (The method of preparing the discs is not described). FiS.1 shows the ma-netization curve for an -,%,InBi disc of particle size 25 -~', 1.vith various anzles (P between the field and textur-~ a:,ces. Fic-.2 gives the cor-raspondin~j hysteresis loops. FiU.3 shows a polar dial--ram of the coercive Card 1/3 force for ,,!nBi discs of various particle sizes (texture SOV/126-6-2-5/34 The'Ma6netic Properties of Magnetically AnisotroDic Specimens Prepared from Ferromagnetic Powders. III. Anisotropy in MaSnetuic Properties axis horizontal). Fig.4 shows how the coercive force of MnBi varies with particle size for two values of y; Fig.5 resembles Fig-3 but the residual magnetization is shown instead. Figs. 6 and 7 are analogous -to Figs. I and 3 respectively, for Co powder of 411 particle size; FiG.8 is analogous to Fig.4 and Fig.9 to Fig.5. The results are discussed in the light of the prediction that single-domain particles should occur in larger sizes the hi6her the anisotropy constant and saturation maGnetization. The results agree with this prediction in general,, but the precise shapes of the theoretical curves (shown dashed in Figs.10 and 11) are not the same as those found by experiment for DInBi of 41L particle size. Some of these effects can be attributed to the method used for demagnetizing the JV1LnBj powder (decreasing alternating Card 2/3 SOV/126-6-2-5/34 The 11,1aGnietic Properties of Pla,-:,,ne tic ally Anisotropic -Specimens Prepared froin Ferromagnetic Powders. III. Anisotropy in MaE;netic Properties field at liquid nitrogen temperature). There are 4 eauations, 11 figures and 8 references, 6 of which are Soviet, 2 English. ASSOC DITIGii : Institut fiziki metallov Urallsko~;o filiala AIN SSSR (Institutue of Idetal Physics', Ural Branch of the Ac.Sc.1, USSR) and Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy -dniversitet iTrLeni A.!ri.Gor'ko,o (Ural State University imeni A. Li. Gor~~Y) SUBIT1ITTED: h1ay 17, 195? Card 3/3 1. Ferromagnetic materials--Magnetic properties 2. Alloys-- Sintering 3. Powders--Applica-tions 4. Alloys--Heat treatment SOV/126-6-3-5/32 t., HOR~:Shu-, a. Y~-~. V. ji !'!iridaurovu -T 0 -T A TITIS- 7 J o f :3 4L-1 -J c a- I ly -Aji i so b r - i---,ci-i ns oi~ C ---s , IV. Tc-:-.,, -,eratu~re Dependence of Of Pow,7-, U - 7Ta-:,aetic Properties Po--.,rd--red S-ecimey f the Alloy -,,Lr-)Bi. Ma - n i -1, ny y e s vo y sv J an i C3 --otroDnyhL, obraztsov iz f err itnyldl porosb-1;:ov. IV. Teq,-eraturnaya zavisimostl aa,.nitnyX',-"'i svoystv obraztsov solava - i) T PERIODICAL: Fizi"'M "ilietallovedeniye, 1953, Vol 14r 3, 4-20-42-5 (U337R) ABSTRACT: Previous -1---a-oers of 'Ghis series -;,rere -published in Urs 5 an,,f. 6 of the present, Journal (1957, Refs.1-3). The aniso- he coercive force in powaered s-peciranens of lffhBi Uropy Of t- in the tcm,-,,,~rature region -196 to +200C has been studied and results are now reported. A study was raade of the ma-netisation curves, recovery curves and other feat=es of ,,60C. It is the '"-ystueresis loops at a temperature of -10 shown that vilhen the 0 temperature of finely ~c-wdered s-7.eci-nens he man-netic is reauced from +20 to --lc 00, the foi-m-, of t ~D -i--ture of c particles chan-as due to a reduc'i 3n in str-L Z U- the constant of anisotropy. A study off the temperature de~-endence of the -iai7netic -oro-,)erties of s-,)e c -2L !Lens of 2~4z'-)Bi .1., - U in ~he sa7ie Card 1/2 of different disT-)ersiV h~-s sha,~~qa that Q SOV/126-6-3-5/32 11agnetic Properties of Man-netically Anisotropic Specimens of Ferro- gnetic Powders, IV, Tem----erature Dependence of li'lagnetic F'roperties Ma, CD of Powdered S-.ecimens -if the Alloy 1,;!nBi specimens at dif.-f~"erent temperatures the existence of mal-.7-netic structure of different foria may be observed. Thus,, the transition structure which is oresent at room temperature in fine 7,ovidurs (1 - 10 It) disappears at -1960C and instead of it a multidomain structure is found, This is connected with the reduction in the constant of anisotropy at low tempera- tures, There are 6 figures, 1 table and 11 references, of whicli 8 are Soviet'. 2 French and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Inst4tat fiziki metallov Tfral'skogo filiala AH SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, Uralz Branch, Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: June 21, 1957, 1~ Bismutb~mang,~inese powder alloys--Magnetic properties 2. Bismutl,,manganese powder alloys--Temperature factors Card 2/2