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SHUMETKO. G.K.. starohiy kapitan-nastavnik Present-day trends in navigational safetydevices. Rech.transp. 17 no.9:6o-6i S 158. (MIRA 11:11) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut okonomiki i okspluatataii vodno transporta. 'rAids to navigation) SHUMEYKO, G. Now radar~ystems. Nor. flot 18 no.1:29 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Starshly kapitan-nastavnik TSentrallnogo nauchno-iseledovatell- skogo instituta ekonomiki i ekspluatataii vodnogo transporta. (Radar in navigation) - SHUNERTKO , G. - Improving navigational sa-:-rpty- devices. Mor. flot, 18 no.8:23-24 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Starshiy kapitan-nastavnik Tsentral'uogn nauchno-isaledovatell- skogn instituta ekonnmiki i Pkspluatatsii vndnogo transporta. (Buoys) SHURBYKO, Georgiy Konatantinovich; IVANOV, N.A., red.; LAVRENOVA, N.B., [Compiling marine radar guideal Sostavlenie morskikh radio- lokatsionnykh posobii. Moskva, Izd-vo wMorskoi transport." 1959. 40 P. (MIRA 12:8) (Radar in navigation) RUL'KOT, Dmitriy Ivanovich; SARATOV, Vladimir Fadeyevich; SHUMETKO, G.K., retsenzent-, KONSTARTINOV, V.P., retsenzent; KUSHCH, L.K., red.; LOBANOV, Te.M., red.izd-va; BOBROVA, V.A., (Nautical equipment of ships for inland navigation] Navigatsionnoe oborudovanie sudov vnutrennago plavaniia. Moskva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport," 1959. 127 p. (MIRA 13:1) (Inland navigation) (Nautical inBtruments) SHUMEY-KO. G., starshiy kapitan-nasUvnik aids to navigation wth the help of radar. Mor. flat 19 ne.2:7-9 '59. (KM 12:3) l.TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellski3r institut ekonomiki i elispluatatsii vodnego transperta. (Aids to navigation) (Radar in navigation) BUMNOVS'SIY, I., starshiy kapitan-nastavnik; SHMiEYXO, G., starshiy kapitan- nastavnik ~- Technical developments in the use of radar as a means of pre-venting collisions at sea. Mor.flot 19 no.8:8-9 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:11) 1. TSentrallny7 nauchno-lealedovatel'skiy institut ekonomiki i eks- pluatatsii vodnogo transporta. (Radar in navigation) (Collisions at sea-Prevention) BUYANOV, Nikolay Fedorovich; SHUME7KO, G.K.,red.; PETIN, H.I., red.izd-va; TIKHONOVA, Ye.A., [Bried radar description of a route from the Black Sea to the Par East] Kratkoe radilokaisionnoe opisanie marshruta Chernoe more - Dalinii Vostok. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport,* 1960. 26 p. (MIRA 13:5) (Radarin navig6tion) SMEYKO) G., starshly kapitan-nas,tavnik Tfficie~t arrangement of.navigating bridges and deck houses. Rech. tran p. 20 no.10:53-51+ 0 161. (~Mu 14: 9) 1. TSentraltnyy naychno-isoledovatellokiy institut ekonomiki i eksplualatsii vodnogo transporta. I (Ship handling) SHUI-,EYKO,--Qeq:r!gjj h V-P., red.; LAVATOVA, -_~onstantinovlch; FEDOROV, N.B., tekhn. red. [Navigation in the zone of tropical hurricanes] Plavanie v zone uraganov. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport$" 1962. 199 p. (M~A 15: 6 (Navigation) (Hurricanes) SHUMEYK0. G.K. Present-day demands made by navigators on meteorologists and oceanographers. Vop. geog. no.62s27-34 163. (MIRA 17:3) Of' f7. SHUMEYKO, G. ~~, . - The strength of workers is in unity of action. 3 no.4:74-80 Ap 155. (MLRA 8:5) (Trade uaiana) SHUNNYKO,, Grigoriy Vasillyovich - --,- [The struggle for working clasa unity and trade unions] Bor'ba za edinstvo rabochego klassa i profsoiuznoe dvizhsaie. Moskva. Izd-vo "Znanle," 1956. 47 p. (MLRA 10:2) (Trade unions) (World Federation of Trade Unions) SHUMEYKO G. ~I-IiWI.-', - For unity in action of the working class. Sev.profeeimy 4 no-3: 76-80 Mr t56. (Labor and laboring classes) (XLRA 9:7) SHUMEYKO. G. - - Aw&-~o~-,-- . For international unity of workers. Sov. profsoiuzy, Ap '57. (MLRA 10:6) (Labor and laboring classe5) SHUMEYK0. G, - -1 ---. Roformist illusions and capitalist reality. Tsaim. prof. dviz-a. no.3: 41-42 Hr '58. (MIRA 11:?-) (Capitalism) SHUMVfKO.. G. ; PIMENOV, P. ; ORFAVITSKIY, V.; VLADYCHENKO, I.; RYABOV, N.; YEGORICHEV, A.; TARNCIPDLISK-IY, A.; GURVICH, A.; USHATIKOV. N., profsoyuznyy aktivist Let's strengthen fraternal international connections. Sov. profsolusy 16 no.16:49-54 Ag l6o. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Nachallnik TsentraVnogo turistako-ekskursionnogo upravleniya Vaesoyuznogo tsentral'nogo soveta profsoyuzov (for Shumeyko). 2. Predsedatell TSentrallnogo komiteta profsoyuza rabochikh ugollnoy promyshlennosti (for Vladychenko). 3. Sekretarl TSentrallnogo komiteta profsoyuza rabochikh elektrostantsiy i elektropromyshlennosti (for Ryabov)- 4. Predsedatel I zavkoma Kuzi;etskogo*metallurgicheakogo kombinata (for Yegorichev). 5. Predsedatel pravlentya Doma Xalltury stroiteley "Oktyabr''I (for Tarnopollskiy). 6.Predeedatell k-amissii po zarubezhnym svyazyam zavodskogo komiteta stankastroitellnogo zavoda imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze (for Gurvich). 7. ~vtomobil'nyy zavod imeni Likhacheva. (for UBhatikov). (Russia-Relations (General) with foreign countries) S-ITjI-I--"I'KO' 1. -"~. Su--ar - Manufacture and Refining S-,iccesses of the collective of the Veselr y Fodol suoar .~,actory. Sakh. pro-m. 26 No. 6, 1952. I~Ionthly List of -:-,,ussian Accessions, Library of Congress, August 1952. Unclassifte;-A. A054^12~t A;-,*T,;T,09.-S: A. A., Shurrieyko, R. Zrjg�nee:r-s T af L S. ~,Ae.-ztz-'engbh cold:-drawm LODICIAL.,- 11, 1961, 1043 - 1044 P ERL TIEDICTM. rOCT 848o-57 348c-57) Prescz7lbes for ;:,old- dr-Awn. wires of t-.-,.5 stael grades 70 &nd 90 nsed in of 1950 kg/mn2 and a. yield pe;int of 1-20 kg/nm2, WI-4h a pala"!V= 6--: not less ---i~hami 5% and a minimum bending nurdcsr o' are ati-ained afte-- -1-sw-temperat-a-z- armealing otf 'the wl~- 4- cr s,:.di,,3m bath. T--- expensi-ve -prosess, :-slnf:,~t- muf-q-at -P- -'~x produce6 since 19~:q aleetrother-Trial ama d7r,!iw--!njz., 'fes-tp carrted out 'at -the Donct5kiy. (Do--'ats. Seiei~'.ffir; Res&,--rak proved t-hat at a aeT.'ainloorrelatiem of-Inealling-time and tmr- z I ~Dw C-Mpe rature am-1 5al i ag ol- wi r e c an be c--,9f-t'zed and It c. az-. b s~- u a ed S :S ei~ngat:Lor-- tAan --recraired -riy G-GSTI-,; -The aixt'ho7r, ea-I ef '5,0-m~ dlamet~--r 1~thanga 1~- meehanI _,rjz ccld-CLI-a-,r. Wire ... AO;~4, ~b, 1 2!-l-, nontent) prod,.icad at -the Khar~tsyzsk b6ati-" 45-0, ealing., a-f:,, ~,Lql - ,r -18 10, sec~.,nd3, (tasecl ek~a a Sent -'r !1.6 wirs-4 i6 d nz c _"Lne 9L e k~_Imln 2) should Ue rualn~,alned Pcr- ull, '-'ea"ArIg perl!,ds t'astz-i 9- x: t o 4F, 46o0- 20 ze,5mad:i. ~,,"+1A o 4,,)oOc-, W~Len )-.eated t0 - C, only for .9ximirr, whe--~, -t;he w1re is heated '0 3500C fcr' 10 th tem -atiur-e and antAllns 7--t ,~:_07-_zatlcn irzcrs~scser. Witt t e pez 'Imex of 10 20 secondsi, Mie number of b4ndings is alsc~ vais*~i r- a defined regularity cduld ric"t, I-e f6und. 'En C- effect c'-f els-.-trlc _-.6:ting _,.i fr lan -Pc-r aubJer_,~- tc ~.ow-ts.,nP-_:ra-7_Lre -innea I-ag. avecirrieris wlt- ~,nd without arm&a-lirLa is tne uie. 113-troost'i:~*Ir- and A-o-- - advantage of ly ht-ated wi--es I~s that tt~~v ca-- -L~ Ine 4~ 2"r, .9mcl-I coils, -20 kg at the ml-n-irmim, as :Ic-; lorzer tt~an 6 m., w17-.f~treas in the C-Dnv-ertional prc-3826 tte wi. e l.-. fato 2000 mm In diEmetsr !)-nd as F_ vulle they h&~rs -10 be unf:;ciled and vi ~jn66' EWT 1 27(ig ACC NRt AP60111,12 SOURCE CODE: UR/0097/65/000/010/C615/0618 -7, AUTHOR: Gorodnitskiy, F. M. (Candidate of technical sciences); Yukhvets, I. A., (Candidate of techn sciences); Korenev K. I. (Engineer), RiO Ya. (Engineer); Shumeyko, R. (Engineer); LlychaW_.T. N.. (Engineer); LityIngy7A.Is (Engineer);"'Marevi-ch, A. A. (Engineer-) ORG: none TITLE: Propertie s of high-strength reinforcement material. subjected to. electri al. heating SOURCE: Beton i zhelezobeton,.no. 10, 1965,, 15-18 TOPIC TAGS: concrete, wire, solid mechanical property ABSTRACT: , Specimens of high strength reinfor6iri wire'for concretd-i-(ere-~-n, 9 subjected'to mechanIcal tests to determine the effects of.,zlectrotharmal 'J prestressing on the strength of reinforcing materials. The experimental A ~procedure is described and the mechanical characteristics, chemical compo- and geometric shape of the various wires studied are given. it is ;found that the optimum pretensioning temperature (I.e. the highest t pera-m. ;~ture which does not reduce the ultimate strength of the wire) is 4000C for ard! a 5-mm wire and 3500C'for a 3-M wire. These temperatures meet the.. stand requirements for permanent elongation of wire which is not low-temperatu re annealed during manufacture, Since 3-MM wire is not sufficiWitly. tensioned 1/2 UDC: 666.982.~ Card /2 N TOVPENETS, Ye.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; IVASHCHENKO, V.M., inzh.; STYCHINSKIY, L.P., lnzh.; ZHUKOV. A.I., inzh.; MERSHCHIY, N.P., inzh.; KORENEV, K.!-., inzh.;_SHuyByko, R.I., inzh.; IVANOV, F.I., inzh. Mechanical properties of reinforcement rods after heat treatment from the rolling process temperature. Stall 25 no.2:157-160 F 65. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Donetskiy politekhnicheskiy institut; Makeyevskiy metallurgi- cheskiy zavod; Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut "Donpromstroy" i Novo-Kramatorskiy zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya. SHUMEYKO, R.I., inzh. White zone in the microstructure of wire and its properties. Stall 25 no.2:185 F 165. (MIRA 18:3) bse of the method of electron-microscopic replicas in studying Upper Cretaceous Coccolithophoridae. Dold. Ali", SSS'R 147 no.2:471-473 N 162. (14IRA 15:11) 1. KharIkovskiy gosudarstvenny-j universitet im. A.M. GorIkogo. Predstavlene akadonikcm N.M. Strakhovym. (A1_gad*_8bss~1)_..._ (E'lectron microscopy) ANNANIIJRADOV N kand. med. nauk; SHUMEYK0, T., red.; SAKHATOV,B., tekhn. rea. I [Archman Health Resort and its therapeutic properties] Kurort Archman i ego tselebnye svoistva. Ashkhabad, Turk- menskoe gos. izd-vo, 1960. 73 p. (MIRA 16:5) (ARCHMAN--HEALTH RESORTS, WATEIMIG PLACES, ETC.) 1,;OVIKCVJ, Lconid Dmitriyevich-; SLUMEYKO, T., red.; SAKHATIOV, B., tekhn. red. -- (Powei- engineering o--:' T'urkmenistanl EnerEe-uika Tur-Imenistana.. Ash- khabad., Turlmer-skoe Los. izd-vo, 1961. 31 p. (1,!IRA 1/-. 11) (Turkmenistan-Power en,r-,ineering) RODYUKOV, V.I.; SHUZ=KO, T.I., red.; PURLIYETA, M.K., tekhn. red. . --_- ......- [Economic relations of Soviet Turkmenistan] Ekonomicheskie sviazi sovetskogo Turkmenistana. Ashkhabad, Turkmengosiz- datY 1963. 82 p. (PaRA 16:12) (Turkmenistan-Industries) (Turkmenistan-Freight and freightage) USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals - Diseascs Caused by Viruses R-2 and Rickettsiae. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 10, 1958, 5441o Author : Nikiforova, N.M., Shumeyko, U.Ya., Anikeyev, A.P., Rubinskiy, Ye.N. Inst : - Title : Ey-pc-:-ience in the Hyperimmunization of Horses for the Purpose of Obtaining Serum Against Swine Erysipelas According to the Technique in Use in the German Democratic Republic. Orig Pub : Inform. byul. biol. prom-sti, 1957, No 2, 20-25 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 - 15 - SHM,IEY,'KO , V. , 5Tarshi-y shikhtovshchik Prog-ressi-ve method of furnace charging. Metallurg 6 no.12 ---18- 19 D 106-1, . (rIg-RA -14:11), 1. Max-tenovskiy tsekh zavoda "ZaporozhstaV". (Open-hear-th furnaces-Equipment and supplies) SHUMEYKO, V.D. (Kiyev) Applying the Rayleigh-Ritz method for determining the frequency of natural vibrations of a bar. Prykl.meir-h. 7 no-3:332-335 161. (MIFLA 14: 6) (Elastic rods and wires--Vibration ) 8(0) SOV 1112-59 -4-6947 Translaticn fzo-n: Referatti-,-,--)ry Elektrotekhnika., 1959, Nr 4, D 75 (USSR) AUTHOR: S-hL,-----ie-,rko TITLE: H-igher Explosicn-Szlet-,r Qua-l-itiee of Flexible Rubbe-- Cablea PERIODICAL: V sb.: Garn. !~lsktrotekhziilk;i, M., Ugletlekhizdzt, 1957, pp 35-54 ABSTRACT: Raisilng the saZiety of rulbbez-lia-sulate-d cables in t-he rniazes is co:zsidered- - The s-af ety c=-Zl be -attzlned. by a high-speed r7otective Eysta-r-a tha:t woul-3 cut ofz the da.-magee cable, izrestalling a short-circuit. Methods for determin4l,-g "he safe operating tiine for a protective system in case of cable darmage by a falling rock or --~. alaarp object are presented, 2-s well as the pr-inciplll-~.-e e! high-speed protective systems. Methods for hazard elirnination in- case af cable damage by sp-,~rk-igxakted methane-air mix-rure ?---e cliscuarzed; th.e svark can be caused by a seh-c-excite-t-Jo-n- E.%LW of the motor, when the is turn-:~~- off, 2.nd by an E-klr- L-idl"ilsed. in the aro-anded cable ccaductor. Schenries, gra.phs, and oscillola-Z-ams ~--e supplied. 1. V. lKh. Card 1 / I SMIF,YKO, V.I.,inzh. ---, .. Flexible shielded cAbles. 'Bezop.truda v -prom. 2 no.5:24-26 my 158. (Cables) (MIRA 11:4) LW,YBOV, RJI.,prof.; SRUNDYK0, V.I-, starshiy nauch-Wy sotrudnik; SLIIIN, I.P. st,-irshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Flexible, shielded cables in mines. Ugol' 31 no.4:29-31 Ap '58. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Donetskiy industriallnyy institut (for Leybov). 2. Makeyevskiy nauchno-issledovatellakly institut -po bezopasnosti gornyl,-h rabot (for Shnmeyko, Sumin). (Electricity in mining) SHURM-0, V.I. , gornTl inzhanor Protection of mine viorkingB in the Lvrv-Volyn Basin. Ugol' M.r. 3 no.6:10-13 JO 159- (MIRA 12:11) 1. Donettikly ugollny-y inatitut (DonUGI). (Lvov-Volyn Banin-Subuldencoa (Earth i:;ovotnojA8)) SHm4B,YKO, V.I. Purpose of flexible shielded cables and methods of testing theri. Triidy MakNII 9 no.2:193-227 '59. OURA 12:8) (Electric cables--Testing) KOLOMIYTSEV, N.M.; SHUMEYKOv V.J.9 starshiy naucllW sotrudnik Making progress In iiie expansion of coal mining in the Lvov-Volynt Basin. Ugoll Ukr. 5 no.1:15-17 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Nachallnik upravleniya toplivnoy promyshlennosti Llvovskogo sovnarkhoza (for Kolomi sev). 2. Sotrudnik Donetskogo ugollnogo instituta (for Shumeykor- (Lvov-Volyn' Bas:Ln--Coal mines and iining) . SHUMEYKO, V.I., gornyy inzh. Efficient type of metal supports for stopes. Ugol' 36 no.7:6-8 J1 '61. (YETURA 15: 2) (Time 'Umbering) SHUMEYKO, V.I., gorny';- inzh.; ORESHKIN, V,L,, gornyy inzh, Location of development workings in the ground of mined coal seams. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no-5:11-13 MY 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Donetskiy nauchno-Issledovatellskiy ugolInyy institut. (Coal mines and mining) SHUMEYK0., V.I., inzh.; ORESHKIN, V.L., inzh. Results of studies of the movement of a rock massif enclosing a seam being mined* Sbor. DonUGI no.2901-41 163. (NIRA 16:10) (Lvov-Volyn' Basin-Subsidences (Earth movements)) MOROZOV. V.ji.. -, SIMU-7MO, V.N. Ifew loci of Alectwobius aBnerus verrucosus in Krasnodar Territory. Med.paraz. i paraz.bol. 28 no-3:342-343 14v.-Je '59. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Iz Krasnodarskoy krayevoy sunitarno-epidemiologicheakoy stan'vsii (glavnyy vrach Ye.V.Strikhanova). (-DICKS, Alestorobi-Lis asperns vervicosus in Russia (Rus)) AID P - 261l Subject USSR/Meteorology Card 1/1 Pub. -11-a - 14/26 Authors Simonov, Ya. P. and V. P. Shumeyko Title A universal model of a heliograph Periodical Met i gidr, 4, 49, Jl/Ag 1955 Abstract The desIgn of the universal heliograph used at hydro- meteorological stations is criticized for its complex operation and frequent failures. However, it is mentioned that this type is the only one which operates efficiently in polar regions. Institution : None Submitted : No date SHUMETKO, V.P. The climate of the Russian lowland in the z:>Pst" by I.E.Muchinskii. Reviewed by V.P.Shumeiko. Meteor.i gidrol. no.10.-48-50 0 157. (MIRA 10: 11) (Climate--History) (Ruchinskii, I.M.) I $HIYEM. V. P. "Climate of the Ukrainepb7 1. E. Duchinokii. Reviewed by V. P. Shumeiko. Meteor. i gidrol. no.4:50-51 Ap 161. (MIU 14:3) (Ukraine-Climate) (Buchinakii., I.E.) SHWdEv.Ko$ V.P. 'lClimate of the Ukraine in the past, present and future" by I.E. Ruchinskil. Reviewed by V.P. Shumeiko. lzv. Vnes. geog. ob-va 96 no.5:439-440 S-0 164. (MI-PA 17~.12) SHUMIKHIN X. kapitan-leytenant Navy friendship is indissoluble. Voen.znan. 36 no.12:15-16 D160. (MIU 13:11) (Russia--Navy) SHUMMIN, N,, kapifan 3 ran:~,a Ships' ele.~-,tricians, Voen. znan. 38 no,7:21-22 Jl 162, (MJRA 15.-6-) (Submarine boats) SHUMIKHIN, V. , mayor A lad from Kineshma. Av.i kosm. 45 no.8:76-78 162. (AURA 15:8) Norld War, 1939-1945-Aerial operations) ~HUI-IIIKHIN, Yu. USSR/Hadio - Pulse Techni~ues Aug 50 Television "Pulse Technique," B. Krivitskiy, Yu. Shumikhin "Radio" No 8, pp 20-23 Lxplains basic elements of pulse transmitLers and receivers and properties of video pulses and radio pulses. StaLes many Soviet scientists are working on this subject. OW PA 164T9P 1. SHU1,11KHIJ,~... YLT. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Technology 7. Introduction to impulse technology, Moskva, Gosernergoizdat. 1952 9. -Monthly List of RussiLn Accessions, Library of Congress, March,1953"Unclassified. SIMMIXIIIIIjii., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk Radio in aviation. Lryl,rod. 3 no.5:14 My 152. (KYRA 8:8) (Radio in Aeronautics) YEVDOKIMOV. P.I., redaktor; KRIVITSKIY, B.Kh., radaktar; Shumikhin, Yu.A., radkictor; TIUSKIN, X.A., inzhoner-podpolkovnik, redZkVo--- ?L*A- KOVA, T.F., tekhnichaskiy reduktor [Transmitting electric measurement data by radio; collection of translations on radlotelemetryJ Takhnika peredacht resulltatov izme- renii po radio; sbornik perevodov po radiotelemetrii. Moskva, Voen. izd-vo Ministerstva oborony SSSR, 1955. 148 p. [Microfilm](MLRA 8:6) (Telemetaring) AID P - 4398 Subject - USSR/Radio Card 1/1 Pub. 89 7/11 Authors Maksimov, M. and Yu. Shumikhin, MIL. Title Radio-telemetering Periodical Radio, 3, 43-46, Mr 1956 Abstract The measuring at a distance by radio recording is discussed. A block diagram of a 23 channel voltage type measuring system is presented. Samples of radio recording of wave signals by me ans of a measuring radio instrument mounted on a rocket are shown. A detailed description of the instruments' functions is given. Five diagrams. Institution : None Submitted : No date SHUMIKHlN, Yu. -Automatic tracking. Radio no.10:18-22 0 '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Radar) 6(6) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2244 Shumikhin, Yuriy Artemlyevich Televideniye v voyennom dele (Television in Military Operations) Moscow, Voyen. izd-vo M-va obor. SSSR, 1958. 79 p. No. of copies printed not given. Ed.: A.I. Usikh, Engineer, Colonel; Tech. Ed.: R.L. Solomonik. PURPOSE: The book is intended for the general reader. COVERAGE: The author briefly discusses the fundamentals of television technique. He describes methods of using television equipment for military purposes, in particular, for ground and air reconnaissance. He also describes the use of television for controlling flights of pilotless objects. The use of television for air, marineAand submarine navigation is also discussed. No personalities are mentioned. There are 23 references: 13 Soviet (including 2 translations), 9 Englishand 1 French. Card 1/3 Television in Military Operations SOV/2244 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. I. Fundamentals of Television Technique 5 1. Diagram of television transmission 5 2. Possibilities of using television for military purposes 7 3. Principles of television transmission 13 4. Basic units of television equipment 23 Ch. II. Television Reconnaissance 38 1. Possibilities of using television for reconnaissance purposes 38 2. Television system for tactical reconnaissance for ground forces 39 3. Television system for air reconnaissance 44 Ch. III. Television Control of Flights of Pilotless Controlled Objects 52 Ch. IV. Use of Television for Air and Marine Navigation 59 Card 2/3 Television in Military Operations SOV/2244 1. Television in air navigation systems 59 2. Television in marine navigation systems 66 3. Submarine television 70 Bibliography 79 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JP/Jmr 8-26-59 Card 3/3 BOGATOV, Geralld Borisovich; SHUMIKHIN, Yu.A., red.; I.UZIONOV, G.Ye.,, tekhn. red. [Achievements and objectives of present-day television] Dosti- zheniia i zadachi sovremennogo televideniia. Moskva, Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1961. 175 P. (Massovaia radiobiblioteka, n0.425) (MIRA 15:2) (Television) filipl, YLi.A.j rod. bARSUKOV, [Low-frequerleY gerprat0r"S OTid -Edective p-rplifiers] Ge- noratoi-j -' sa-kt-vj-7 ~! I -i -* te". i r, i zko, A c " L st C~ty. I - -L y e -L.,. I I -LII ~ 11 1. i!;C).- .,~kva, Enorgida, 7~i p. (Fj~j-,sovaia radiobiblioteka, 13-3 5 ) (t-URA 17.9) FE 11 1 Dl-All Lev Davidovich; -7 , .0 -red. (Television reception] Televivionigi priem. Moskva., Energlia, 11965. 207 p. ('Massovaia radio biblioteka, no. 565) (MIRA 18-8) MERENKOV, B.Ta.,- TOLSTIKHIIIA, K.I.; SHU141KHINA, I.V. Debydration of cbryaotile-asbestoo and serpophite. Trudy IGIR no-31-:54-67 '59. (MIRA 12--7) (Asbestos) ZAGREBIN, D.V.; SHUMIKHINL, K.G* e . Tables of basic precession values for 1950-2000. Biul.Inst. teor.' astron; 5 no.10:682-693 154. (MIRA 8:4) (Precession) PHASEI BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5461 t,tkadfniya naul, SS51-z. Institut teoreticheskoy astronornii. Astrononiichc-skiy yezliegodnik 3S')R na 1962 g- (Astronomical Yearbook of the USSR for 1962) 11.,loscow, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 19V0. 647 p. Errata sUp inserted. 2, 000 copies printed. Sponsoring A,-e,-icy-. Institut teoreticheskoy astronurr-i A',--ademii nauk SSSR. Ed. : 'M. F. Subbotin, Director of the Institute of 7"heoretical Astronomy of tne Academy of Sciences USSR. Correspond 4 ngr Member, Academy of Sciences USSR. PURPOSE: This book is intended for astronomers and geophysicists. The Astronomical Yearbook of the USSR for 1962 has been corn- pilk-!d in ack-ordance with ch.,%n)~es proposed by the International Astronomical Union to member organizations at its meeting in 1958. In addition to wwal C a Astrono-;-.'cal SOV/5461 inFor-nation on the Sun, M,oon, Larth, and pll..*nets, the Yearbook contains me ep me_-icles o~ the lunar crater Moestin, A, xhich unt-11 1360 were by t4e i'lerliner Astron(,misches jahrbuch, (Berlin Astronomica* earh-ookj, and %-ihose regular publication has now been undertaken by the lnst~tu,e of Theoretical Astronomy of the USSR at the request of the Union's Committee on EpherneridLs. The solar, lunar, and planetary coordinates in zhe Yearbook are based on data supplied by the British Nautical Almanac as stipulazed by the Astronomical Union. The material in the Year-book w,s compiled and prepared by the following scientists: computation of ephemerides of th~ lunar cratc~r Moesting A on hign-specd computer BEMS at the Vychis--:L- teilnlyy AN SSSR (Computer Center AS USSR) - D. K. Kulikov; reduction of :iolar and iunar ephemerides - A.G. NIal'kova and G.A. Mazing; comp'~Ita- tion of nutation on higll- speed computer BEMS ~ D. V. Zagrebin, 0. M. Gromova and A. Ya. Faletova; computation of reduction values of visible po'sitions of tcn-day and near-polar stars - DI. B. Zheleznyak -Ind M. A. Fursenko; prep- aration of original data on visible positions of ten-day and near-polar stars - Czi,r-~d-~~36 !~stronornical Yearbook (cont. SOV/5461 E. A. Miu-ofanova (;n chzar~le), O.M. Gromo a, G.A. Mazin-, ~F. 1. Allashin- 9Y .1 G. Pozi-yak, '.~. G. Snurnikhina, and P. -A. GLitkina; heliocentric Mov GIIjrd;n.-,',e3 of the larlf:o planets - 0. Ni. Gro a, A. G. 'NTal'kova; reduction ~x I w - --- - - - va, and K. G. Sh um i kh ina; values (Iri,,!onO,-nQtrIC ~Ystc--,I-I) - L. A. Nlitrofano inc-an positforis of sltatrs - E. A. 'Mitrofanova. M. B. Cronin,,-z-,, K. G. SI,uzn-,khina-, M. A. Fursenko; solar and lunar eclipses -N-I-it ro-ft-In-o-va-, --N. - 7ursenko; p1nnetary conf; gurations - E. A. fanuva, 0. M. Grornova; eph craer ides for physical solar observations - P. A. ~,utkina, f*-T. Masiiinskaya; ephemerides for physical lunar ob~:ervations - G.A. Dilazing, P.A. Gutkina, X. G. Shumikhina; uphen)ar~Jes of zhe illumina- I A i nus - T. 1. Mas ion of the discs of ~Mei-cury and hinskaya, G.M. Poznyak; t eohernerides for physical observations of N-lars - G. M. Mazing, T. 1. Mashia- S~aya: cpIlerner;des lor playsical observations of Jupiter - T. 1. 71.1ashinskaya, -E. A. Saturn's rin.,,s - G. A. Mazing. T. 1. Mashinskaya. sunrise and sunset - A. 1. Frolova-, rising and setting of the moon - P. A. C;utkin,- and K. G. Shumil:hina; a!-,itudes and azimuths of the Polar Star - A. G. Alal'kova Card 31/16 Astronorn4cal Ycarlook (Conz.) SOV 15,161 K, G, aining latitude by the altitude of the tab!E~ for deterr.' --oiar K. G. Sihum"kh;aa and P. A. Gutkina; pvcpava,i.~,n of manuscript r.-- V- ~d -i; re - -t for publii-a"lo Ku6inov, view and edition of "Expl-*natory Notes", D. K. K-ul;kov. There are no references. OF CON'TENTS: Fo-.-eword Times of the Yew% Some Constants 5 Ephemcricies o"' the Sur, 6 Orthog,onal Equatorial Coordinates of the Sun (1962. 0) 22 Orthogonal -Equatorial Coordinates of the Sun (1950. 0) 30 Card-1-1116- ID li 1111., 1,, N.A. KONTOROVICH, F.(".; NSARKlNA, ~' Some set-theore tt-al pp-r~jt-,ns of bodies. mat. Ob-va U--Gu 4 no.1;49-56 163- Mat. zap. Ural- (MIRA 17:9) V.N.; GRIGORIYET, M.G.; KOZHEVNIKOVp A.I.- KOROLEV, B.A.; MATYUSAIN, BLOKHIN, I.F.. FARIN$ B.V.; TSIMKHES', I.L.; KALININA$ G.V.; FEDOROV, A.M.; KOLOkOLITSEV, M.V.; SOKOLOV, V.V.; PRILUCHNAYA, O.A.; SIRRIZLKINA, ye..I-; ABRAMOV, Yu.G.; RYURIKOV, A.Kh.; IKONNIKOV, F.I. ; VOZNESElTSKIY I.Ya.; TEPLOV, S.V.; MIZINOV, N.N.; KUKOSH, V.I. V.M.Durmashkin; obituary. Ortop., travm. i protez. 21 no.8:81 Ag 160e (MIRA 13:11) (DURMASHKIN., VIKTOR MARKOVICH, d.1 1960) ACC - NRt AR5020054 SOUFM CODE: UR/OW1/65/000/012/SO5?J/SO5ts AUTHOR: Kessenikh, R.M,; Sotnikav, V.G.; Tripml V.G.; -.Shumikov. U.N.; Gruzdeva, Yu.G.; Povelichenko, A.P. ORG: none TIT`rZ - E ffect of plasticization on the physical prop,=rties .,UY'rinylehlaride tar SOURCE: Ref. zh. Khimiya, Abs. 12S34 MEF SOURCE: Izv. Tomskogo polltekhn. in-ta, v. 126, 196 36--'? TOPIC TAGS: polyvinyl chloric.-a, plasticizer, electric properT,- viiyl plas-Ac, brittleness, thermal stress TRANSIATION: A study was made of the effect of low-molecular . '_,r pl-tstilLizerL from dioctylphtalate (DOP) and dibutylsebacinate - (DBS) on the and elec- tric properties of polyvinylchioride (PVC). It was establis.ed PL affecta the maxim= of dipole elasticity losses and when the content of PL is considerable it dis- places the maximum to lower temperature areas and decreases Iti -alue; the effect on FIC produced by DBS is stronger than that of DOP. There is a PL effect at 20* on the resistance of specific volume in plasticized PVC when the compound contains ;~,20% of PL. The greatest effect is achieved by DBS, lowerirw, --ae specific volume xe- sistance by 3 pointsJ, as compared to pure PVC. If the compound contains 54 of DBS., the specific volume resistance goes down by 5 points and is ZtL~--aer lowered at higher Card I.L2 L r(-783-0'6 ACC'NRt AR5020054 ;emperatures. The introduction of FL lowers the embrittlement tc---,,erature (ET): with content of 5% of FL in the compound, as referred to the ET o:: WC, the BT equals .00; with a 5(* content of FL in the compound, the ET equalz r0. DOP and DBS have an LIMOSt identical effect on the thermal expansion and the ET In PVC plastics. By means! if a roeatgenographic analysis it was established that the :Utroductioa of PL i-ato PVC 4~~20%) stimulates a better ordered structure of the material; howeverY a furtL~.-r in- :rease of PL (50%) will disturb the order of the compound structure. SHUMIKOVSKIY.N.N.; MIKHAYLOVSKIY,V.N. On selecting the channel the "depth parameters* in URSR no.1:5-26 '53. (Oil well and medium of communications oil wella. Nauch.zap. IMA logging, Blectric) in measuring LIviv.fil AN (MLRA 8:11) -ec n t +(3 F-ungus Diseas~,:7 vhen Sc,,,n T -n 'ztub' 2e,11 c z t v 1. L~inf r,-n, c- T- o - S- -, T- 77 F C 3 13 T, a , I .SIM- I Lj-:N~~'O IYi,11. 11. 2. USSR (60)) 7. "An F--q--,erimenL in Supplementar, . y Nour-shment of Barley to ComLat Striped Spotting", Trudy Vsesoyuzn. In-ta Zashchity Rasteniy (Works of f.he All-Union Institute of Plant Protection), No 3, 1951, pp 74-77. 9. ?,a-krohiclogiva, Vol XXI, Issue 1, *-'oscow, Jan-Felb 1952, pp 12-1-132. lip-classified. ti j r.1 I "-c1 ,VK0 CUFAMA.1113AIJIM K01)(11MATOR 1)*U1111111111 OIWA ISIXTialiZatiOn (if the crown ru-M of Oats.1 -BtM. Zh- V- IK4- t~, 36, 6, lit). 635-642, I diag., 19.31. lit studies at tile I'lln-Soviet Institute of Plant Protection, U-ningraid, Rhamnus jimilla.44 was found to tie an alternate host of viat crown rust (Purciiiiii comiala) in the C.S.S.R. JR.A.31- 30. P. Eradicat-Wix of R. Imillasi; is reconinientled as a lore-veotative ineasure siguinst further oat infi-vtion. The results of a three-vear ,-I otiv of (114, c4inipleti. lift. vycle of this fungus are dewribed. In cr(m4 inoculation exIm-rituents with the busidiospores R. P011428ii, ft. Odhaflinl [ibid.. 29, 1). 1-191, ft.dolturicusfibid.. 23. p. 5011,and R. oleoides were all ififeett4l, butriot R.frungula jibid.. 29, p. 1-191. The aecidiospores from Rhamnus attacked oats stronglv. 1. SHUI MILENKO, YE. P. 2. USSR (600) 4. Fungicides 7. Effectiveness of the preparation NIUIF-2 (granozan) in controlling diseases of the seeds of grain crops. Sel. i sem. 19 no. 10, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. ul tic n Iq L" ]~~At).3~! P~I-p --c,,)jd) ii-our urv. t, lic ir jo., lo llnu"n C, TI ci ,,7, SHUMILENKO, Ye.P.; DMMIDOVA, Z.A., kandidat biologicheskikh nM*, otvetstvan- ktor [Diseases of potatoes and ways of combating them] Bolezni kartofelia i mery bor'by s nimi. Sverdlovsk, kkademita nauk SSSR, Urallskii filial, 1956. 41 p. (MLRA 9:11) (Potatoes--Diseases and pests) BOGACH.WVA, V.I.; KOROBEYNIKOVA, A. V. - SHUMMI Ye.P., kaud.biol.nsuk, 11%t- - otvetstverirkyy redaktor; POT.A~OV-X-,;f!1., redaktor; IZMODFNOVA, L.A., tokhn.redaktor (Posts and diseases of clover in Sverdlovsk Province and ways of controlling them] Vrediteli i bolezni klevera v Sverdlovskoi oblBBti i mery bor'by a nimi. Sverdluvek, Akad. anuk SSSR, Urallskii filial, In-t biologii, 1957. 46 D. (MIRA 11:2) (Sverdlovsk Province-Clover-Diseases and pests) Country t USSR 0 Ca te gory Plant Diseanes. Diseases of Cultivated Plants. Abs Jour. Ref. Zhur.-Biblogiya No. 11, 1956* 141)o 49249 l Author 3 Ye.P. Institute : NO t g iv a n Title : The Influence of Carbon Nutrient Sources on the Morphological and Parasitic Properties of the Clover Sprout Disease A ant Alternaria tenuis 91 Orig. pub... Alikrobiologiya, 1957, 29, No. 3, 374-379 butract . It was found that the form, dimensions and color of spores and hypas of the fungus A. tenuts, Its fermentative activity and virulenoy aze related to the source of G In its environment. When the oultures, soil was Infected with the fungus grown In medium with ssaecarose considerable loss of germinating ability and i00% infection in the sprouts were observed. It is presumed that when Card- 1/2 Gournzy I1i "I a R Q Category : Plant Diseasda. Diseases.of Cujtjvatt~d Plants. bs. Jour.- Ref. Zhur.-Biologiya No. 11, 1958. No- 49249 Author Institute Title . Pub.: Abstract : this agent is grown on saacharose medium the,vir- ulen-ce of the fungus is heightened, whereas culti- vation on medium with mannite reduces its viru- lance.--V.V. Vlodavets 2/2 SHUMIILFj4%,,,.,. 9,,Pw -x -'s Hibernation of stem rust (Puccinia graminis Pers.) under conditions prevailing in Sverdlovsk Province. Bot.zhur.42 no.1:95-97 Ja '57. 1. Institut biologii Urallskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSM, Sverd- lovsk. (Sberdlovsk Province--Uredineae) SHUMILF,NKO,Te.P-.-, Diseases of clover in Sverdlovsk Province. Trudy Inst. biol. UZO SSSR no. 15:47-?0 160. (MIRA 13:10) (SVERDLOVSK PROVINCE-CLOVER-DISEASES AND PESTS) (FUNGI,, PHYTOPATHOGENIC) (BACTERIA,, PHYTOPATHOGENIC) SHUM11,FMKCI, Ye.P. TransmIssion of brown rot by the seeds of flol,,ering plant,. 17: 5) no. 48:84-85 163. (MTr 1. llrallskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut Akademii kcirmunal I nogo khozyaystva, Sverdlovsk. SHUMTLENKO, Ye.r. '.. 'Ctal and b1ological means of controlIJng some I -a-- - of flowi~ring plants. Nau:~h. tmdy A'MHno.24.aI2-;--!36 lt~;. (MTRA- IS 2,2 ) Results of testing vopper praparations fni- controlling g-.,-ajr Isaf apot of poplars. 27bid.-.13'7-~UO M L a a a P-j a 01 AI Wit tfiffs 002 i XJL 4M ~ Vr! ....... ... /77 S "vn,,vAt.A.. and Pal"v, t. I. DRYIN6 Pltf)~K---Ais 'X%t; I, tu,q- ,r ou% IN,% KKVMAVf.MkV MA fUUIAI-% Ojrq'v~ b 3 111 1:1 24 (MC) -Thr dryint -ndishnst, of t..Ik-. IF of %imilax grouvr1rical shApe cast be to the principles Of -sisuibuity.- liodies containing IN *41 *at" can with,,tmnit only a certain temperature without Pt- 00 tw~,&kinx Th6 truiperaturr Li cat" "critical- Irnipcra- &00 *at tutr It deprud. ott the luoi%turr contrut J the ln%ly, It,% 00 0 nature, &oil the mix. This Mtical 1rust-ruturr WM% lowered by adding finely grained grog to thi, inaterial- tesled. P C, 4p.. JP 06 00 00 00, *0 00- It 00 rt 6 00 I& --N Ot 4 v00 or n x lk ;C M 1; It a a a am at 31 It, 10" le, OW 0 0 0 00 4, '0 W "I" D 00 00 1 0 000 00 Or4~0 100 :00000000000 00 0 0 0 0 00.0-9 04 0 0 0 4 u u 4 v 4 " a 00 4 too Awa 41 Of 1:tZ Pmm*d b9idt. A. A. Sl 0 937). &OX &0 .3 *Oa 00 u 00 a 2 11; a *-ILA METALLU"ICAL LffENATURC CL AI%WiCAT#CM Dom livivalv" Idna" -4 1 , 4st I -,4--W u s IV .0 It a 0 41 -To :::::1:09000969 6 0000000 I lop" 0 : *1* 0 0 0 0 0 : : : : : * 0 * 0 0 0 0 000 00 00 0 0 9 q q 0 * 00 -00 -00 x9e S wee goo woe 4 dk- SL 49-- IF 900061 S 0 1 k) )1 11 It 14 Is a It M IT r"!6.MnAVA -&.-L a P .F.q R S T ~y !--A, Y- L M is Cc W i ..Ccl 110 1 -t- The effect of the condensation of Steam 0v of ceranc arWes. A. A~ hhutttilin~ or Ilratnex tnkvv plswc more rapidly with cc 00 0 ii.-am on the ware than with(mit it. Optim rapid heatitiX were obtain"I when the Eni3 0 thi3 had a no. of advant with hot water; 0 : condenation of st~.Arrt on the raw inalerial. 00 06 , I ja 11 40 -IL -1 a tht drying -tjfh,rv 1939. .00 drnmadon if in results for . %as prcpd. -00 ges over the R. P W 0' ~ ' ASA,.SLA OCTALLOWAL LITINIATUAll CLAISIFICAfIGN - - - ; 8 i --- - 9-z Z. --- - -,-- - -- , -- i , d I , - . .191, 63.1m. AL ILI %4IC04 .&V a- JOE 41,41 -C aw Q.- Is I S AT 10 IS it -7 A I AIR + - --~d o 0 0 0 010 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 * 0 0 0 cv~e a e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 a 0 oi 0 0 0 i0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 09 0 Ole 00 0 0 0 0 0 le IS a a 0 0 0 0 0 o: A A C---& --- L--L-fL- k-- 0 A F6' k-.I . T - Y f & 1~ AA ;X. CID CL Mectrodrying of commic products. A. A. ~hmtfihti- - 194(t, - 1, 0 f! 2,'"1; cf, C. .4. 34. Ollittil.-Iliv mllitivil pi-I I C t d i o f 0o lk~~ mv r at 1- S A11- n otto lo.w~ r mmi f. P i Iv~s as daymot 11W V.dtaxe I. 'l-tv (It. v. Purrolulas nece-try bw thr vak-ti, .,t I-so 1- 111"-t -11-1 till -I"(- -It brat frlimr-1 " " 4 v Nt. t.. M.- .3 Ce 0 I - -L t1AL4uJ1(iKA& LiTtA1.14.4t CL.ISIFILAIM. U a IV a:) is' 0 to alvar6t all -C U to ft k( at Kw so 00 0 0 0 e e vo * 0 o * Role coo VOO too I I we a I a 5 '1 1, to 0 0 fer-So " *0 owo 08699060000000090090600000~ 00 I lei lei 101 T toy lei 00 00 00 00 of 00 00 00 00 00 Ole w 00 .9.Z 00 0g I coo 0 C;- 00 12 too 410 0 0 ~-v 00 00 its 00 09--, 60- 0 1 . . 00 Ir -i A4 w 60 -13 ii 0 rl W" 7) lei 00 1** 00 00 00 es *0 Of 00 00 00 '01 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 07 ~ ,L, A_ - u 1 4 6 r 9 1 10 If U ii I& Is 96 it 4 a III A I$ Avuh sit 3213 Unit 1--s- F ~ I. I lit A-~p--ltk-S~47 t~s 0 -00 00 Hy4tati*n of nasliftwolto. & A. 411~10111-1.% ()XIIINP11PY, IZ 00 [1L1 J.IW-10 (1947) -Thr'biretration elf nlague-ilt- ina pitat file- 06 ir Misgu"itr Work4 proceveles without lo-e (if Willer fit the- %tarmind iuK meditun, find the water balance can bc exprev.,ed Isy x + It- -00 At x. I- W,. where x - frtv ub~lolute utoi,turc onab.ilute -00 dry weight) elf the material for fifty given 1wriod. it' ee~ w;itvr of hydration (%. bascd on ab%olute dry weight) for the wife Iterriod -00 fear V. and s# and We - moi%tu" and wAlfrr 1A hydration ff.' s -00 0 14 feet file initial lvvioll, At conmant terntwit-aturr Of the tri,tirrLd, -400 t, inul W. will depend Only ullem the length of tiniv, -, By apply 0 * I!, I 1, goo! ing to thii prove" the equation of the kinetiL% of a reaction and qolvinj. x - x.e -" (1) anti It' - It'. + x. e zoo (11), where k is it constant for the given tvinimrature. I call ber ZOO 00 a u~l to dctermine (a) frett mointurr in ttnegti~ite after it given tnnrint,,rv.d.ifx.aruI k are know if, (b) amount elf Witter Of IlYtIM 00V tion in the tmfgnc~ite after, at a definite tK-ri-I. hydration" h.- zoo .490 a 'tarted. and (c) the time interval for which x will be equal to .1 groo Kivcn value of x,. 11 can be used to detennitte (a) amount of -2011, v goo id water elf hydration after a time interval. :. for known iralut.- of It'. and x.. M amount of remaining free water in the magueitc. coo and (r) time interval for which hydration of magne~itc will havea 640 0 given value of 11.. C(. Ceram. Abstracts. 19649, Aug.. It, In7w. ;F00 W- t100 ASle.1, A F.TALLUPrKAL LITIERAT41RE CLASSIFICATION S.)d1j .41, G", cat 8111.11 Mc Q., 11 1-- 0 - I I % - I An I 1 0 ad a K a I If be 9 ~Q a 3 a V 0 U 11 91 ; 11 C. III K ACE It If 11 a 19 It W'W A I am 4000000!0090060069000600006 6 4 ;Q04060660660*00061140 o oooloolegoo*oeoooeoooosgoooosooogosoooooooeoo,A suzaLIN, k. A. USSR/Minerals 4ug 48 Refractory 14ateriala Firebrick "The Mechanical Stability of Unburnt Magnesite Brick (the Semifinished Product)," A. A. Shumilin, Cand Mech Sci, 11 2 pp "Ogneu.-Dory" No e Presents results of experiments on subject. Graph shows mechanical strength plotted against hydration moisture, -22/49T65 PA 32/4.9T65 "A J8/4c,iTQ4 USSR/Minerals clays Nov 48 "Drying Clays at the Locations Where They Are 41 Obtained," A. A. Shumilin, Cand Tech Sci, 4 Pp "Ogneupory" No 11 Ye. 0. Domoratskiy ("Ogneupory" No 10, 1947) shoved it was possible to dry clays at the mine. Shumilin discusses pros and cons of this arrangement. 18/49T94 W-O--W 0-0-0-AV its 7!-7 Is it is It is Is F916 -:I A A GA It 00 00 000 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to " t it 32 as if 36 316 32 a is M 32 33 W A Is 37 Is p 41 41 U 41 a a 1_9 A 0 j It 1.~ A.. 41" ~.Vf o, -00 _00 Mechanliall strimath of unfired magnesite brick. A. A. 0 0 0ca,tp-y. 13 IS) 3411--ok 194S) Mechanival orl trrragih Oil of untifrol mastriesite brick a-i functftoii of thr ' lo"I'VVIltaltr ill hVilralital invDisturr k1l j. lwr&wr Alul After drying, is shown ill tts'l Curves Xl~%turr clontent -A' 00 initially 2.5" and. after drying.