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,ccessicns, Libralr:- of' s SRULIKAN, S.S.; SHULIMAN-ALIBOVA, R.Ye. .1 ~ (Parasites of White Sea fish] Parazity ryb Belogo moria. Moskva. Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1953. 197 P. (MLR& 6;12) (Parasites--Fishes) (White Sea--Fishes) (Fishes--White Sea) 7 1- SHULIMAN-ALIBOVA, R.Ye. Parasites of the pheasant (Phasianus colchicus L.). Uch.ZAP.Len. un. no.172:185-202 154. (KTaA 100) 1. Kafedra zoologii bespozvonovhnykh Iianingradakogo ordens, beninjL gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Parasites--Pheasants) LUTTA, A.S.; SHULIMAN-ALIBOVA, R.Ye. Distribution and ecolog7 of Ixodes trianguliceps Bir. in the Karelo-Finnisb S.S.R. Trudy Kar.-Fin. fil. AN SSSR no.4-82-98 156. (MLRL 1012) (Karelia--Ticks) (Parasites--Rodentia) (Parasites--Insectivora) LUTTA, A.S.; SHUL'MAN-ALIBOVA, R.Ye. Research on the action of YRF-ana benzeDa hexachloride on the tick Ixodes ricinus under laboratory conditions and in agricultural practice. Trudy Kar.-Fin. fil. AN SSSR no.4: 99-115 156. (MLRA 10:2) (DDT (Insecticide)) (Benzene hexachloride) (Ticks) (Parasites--Cattle,) LUTTA, A.S.; SHULIMAN, R.Ye.. Laboratory investigation of the toxic effect of DDT upon all aevelopment phases of Ixodes ricinus L. Dokl.AN SSSR 108 no.2:367-369 It, 156. (MLRA 9:9) 1.1nstitut biologii Karelo-Finskogo filiala Akademli nauk SSSR. Pred- atavleno akademikom Ye.N.Favlovskim. (TICKS) (DDT (INSECTICID11)) S,~?, Ul I Yle, - . SITullman, Ye. Ye. 'It teEt ~jf liver functicn in sicin tuber- culonis uzing Quick's 1-:Vsre-rim.. i k1fnichi. issLcdo- v2lliyz~ 1,, Vol. Vil, 191i',-.1, p. 235-39, - bibliog: 15 Iterris. 1-1 S--`: U-3731, 21 Nay 53, (Letopis IZllurn.~l Inyidt SLatcy, No. lol.,q). I- ) I KN ERTS ER 'V . 6 ~i --n t- e -a a la -~r 4.,,,n on. lat-1 Ln the -,lnp- ts Basin) Tru,iy SEG1111"'rG nc.10:81-8' 164. (RI-HA 17; 10) og -a" SH-ULtMAN-SkTIN, B.B. Ila3mona:r7 hya-line membranes in the newborn infant. Akush.i gin. 36 no.5:62-64. S-0 t60. (M3RA 13--U) 1. Tm TSentrallnoy Pudebnomedit-oinakoy laboratorii (nacha - chlen-koiTespondent ADIF 838k polkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby Prof. M.1. Avdeyev-) Voyemo---m-editsinskogo uprarleniya Ministerstva oborony SSSR. (WIIGS-DISEASES) (INFRITS (NEWBORN)-DISMES) VL cf the lurg-zi it, st*-l,--lbcrr,, Infants. Slud..--med. (MIRA -8:6) i na*j -!bnn dits' -tQ.-a latovator-iya (nachallnEA -- I AJ,,JN SS~3R prof. M.I.Avdayelr) Vcyenn.-~--medi- VU-n1sterstva obcror-y SSSF. SHR-1 LM:,;.Y3I'T:RLj PA 3 5 4 'Ton Boilers - Testing Steel - Testing "Testing Boiler Steel of Unknown Origin c.-- with De- fects," Ya. Shullmayster, 3bgr, 1 p "Marakoy Plot" No 1 If splits, cracks and other defects are discovered in the at-eel of a boiler then tests -at be made to de- termine vhether or not it is safe to owbinue using the boiler. This is dme by testing a smaLU piece of the steel for its metallurgical compositicn, hard- ness, ate. 3MA GUSBV, Vasiliy Fedorovich; gBU~JMYSTER B.I inzhener, redaktor; HATVEIINVA,Ye.11., teihmicheekUy- re,5L-c-- - 0 CAssembling and reDair of turbocompressors] Montazh i naladim turbo- k.ompressorov. lzd- 3-6. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashino- stroit. lit-ry, 1956. 177 P. (MlaA 10:1) (Gompr~essors) 11, 3 Hui Rprairtre- noin journals of Vy 157. . 1, 1 l-! 6 ) (Oranka and nrankshaftt-Maintepanc-e SHUMMEYSTER, Boris J:osifovich';,.,LIVSHIT3, L.M., inzh., retsenzent; ihzfi red.; SAVEL'YEV, Ye.Ya., red.izd-va; TIKHANOV, A.Ya.,; ELIKIND, V.D., [Repair and assenbling of stationary diesel engines] Remont i montazh statsionarnykh dizelei. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo maishinostroit.lit-ry. 1959. 267 P. (MIRA 13:1) (Diesel ongines-Maintenance and repair) SMMOMEYSTXR, F.I. Fiffect of surgery on arterial pressure in chr onicOtonsillitio. Vest. oto-rin. 17 no.6:38-39 N-D 155. (MLRA 9:2) 1. Iz kafedry bolezney ukha, gorla i noes, (zav. prof. V.G. Yermolayev) Leningradskogo instituta uaovershenstvovaniya vrachey i ushnogo otdoleniya bollnitsy imeni V.I. Lenina. (TONSILLITIS, surgery, eff. on blood pressure) (BLOOD PRESSURIN, in surg. of tonsillitis) VOLZHINY S.N.; ~!INAYEV, V.I.; POPOV, S:!1JL.I- ME-YS,,TER. ,,. L. F. Ring-type switch in a relay with. noncontact control. Friborostro- enie no.1:11-14 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2) MINAYET, V.I.; POPOV, G.R.; FEDYUKIN, V.I.; 44TLIMEYSTER, L.F. Device for noncontact measurement of e--ectric conductivity of semiconductor materials. Priboro-atroenie no.1-.29 Ja 165. (MIRA 180) L 24856-66 EWT(I)IT IJP(c) AT ACG NR: kp6oo9439 (A) SOURCE GODEt UR/0377/65/000/003/boo5/boo9 AUTHORS: Lidorenko, N. S. (Doctor of technical sciences); Nabiull1n,-jc-W*; Tarnizhevskiy, B. V.; Gurtsik, Ye. M. Shulimbyster, L. F.; Landsmang Ae Ve -(Ua-ndidate of -iic-- es hacar -scfinic- -73 ORG: All-Union Order of the Red Banner of Labor Scientific Research Institute of Current Sources tVsesoyuznyy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni no-it, -i-n-of istochnikov toka) TITLE: An experimental solar electric power station SOURCE: Gecliotekhnika, no. 3, 1965, 5-9 TOPIC TAGS: solar energy conversionj solar power plant, solar battery, agricultiwal machinery, volt ampere characteristic,. solar radiation, water supply system Z/ ABSTRACTi This paper presents an experimental solar electric power elation or driving siater-raising equipment in p"ture grounds in southern regions. 1he solar, battery is in the form of strips which are directly i1luninated the batt receives additional illumination from inclined side mirrors (see Fig. 1)e The apparatus was tested under field conditions in 190i& The optimm power is 248 W Card 1/2 L 24856-66 Acc NR, Ap6oo9439 at a voltage of 45 V for the solar battery (see Fig. 2). :flg;..l; liagram entrating system: a--width of solar battery; -angle of telination of Fig. 2. Volt- ampere character- istic of solar battery of solar apparatus for nominal radiation mirror,. (8W W/R2). a IV 40 UM 6V The efficiency of the battery was found to be 3-5%,, of the apparatus 2.6%. The apparatus was found to be technically advantageous and proodaing for the purpose of water raising. Orig. art. hast 4 formulas, 2 diagram,, 1 photograph# and 2 i graphs. .ORIG REP SUB CODEs lo/ i SUBM DAT*R i . 3CHay65/ C ard 2/2 c~ ACC NR: A1-6035253 4, SOURCE CODE: UR/0377/66/000/004/0072/0075 AUTHOR: Shullmeyster, L. F.; Yelevich, G. V.; Yegorov, A. V. ORG: All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Electric Power Sources (Vsesoyuz- niy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut istochnikov toka) TITLE: Automation of a solar power plant ,SOURCE: Geliotekhnikzx" no. 4, 1966, 72-75 TOPIC TAGS- solar power plant, automation, solar battery, automatic solar power plant !ABSTRACT: An attempt has been made to investigate the automatic control systems ;of a solar power plant rotating around a single axis and the main problems encounter- ed in using the plant. The storage battery feeding the control systems is additionally charge during daytime using the power surplus of the solar battery as well as during hours when the water-raising meter is in idle condition. The block diagram of the entire system is discussed ard Lhe designation of individual elements is analyzed. Following are the system's basic specifications: feed voltage, 273+_10 v; water Card 1/ 2 ACC NR: AP6035253 raising unit's electric drive capacity, 0. 3 kw; tracking motor capacity, 96 v; !maximum displacement angle, 10*; adjustment limit for cutting-in power consumers, 1500-1100 V/M2; maximum weight of the automatic system, 6 kg; maximum power consumption for local internal needs, 5%. Orig. art. has: I figure. [Based on authors' abstract) [NT] i.SUBCODE: 10/SUBMDATE: none/ORIGREF: 001/ Card 2 / 2 SHULIMNYST2a. Molsey VIladimirovich; lARINA, V.F., red.; CRECHERIN, A.11., [Monotype method of typeset ing] Tekhnologiia nabora na monotipe. Moskve, Gos. izd-vo "Iskusstvo." 1957. 463 P- (MIRIL 11:4) (Konotype) SHUL'M&ISTER, Moisey Vladimirovichj BRILLIANTp M.D.; LARINA9 V.F.p MALEK, Z.N., tekhn. red. [Monotype; arrangement and operation of typiKasting composing machines in two volumes] Monotip; ustroistvo i ekspluiLtatsiia bukvoot3.ivnykh nabornykh mashin v dvukh Rhigakh. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo *Iskusstvo.0 Book 1. [Ddsign of composing punching machines] Konstruktaiia naborno- perforiruiushchei mashiny. 1961. 301+ p. (List, of specifi- cations of parts of composing-punching machines] Spetsifikatsiia- ukazatell detalei naborno-perforiraiushchikh mashin. 72 p., (MIRA 14:81 (Typesetting machinee) SKULIY=STEH, Moisey Vladimi-rovich. Prinimali uchastiye: BRILLIAITT, M.D.; KHOMYAKOV, M.A.; SRIORODOV, B.P., red.; GORINA, V.A., tekhn. red. [Monotype; installation and operation of monotype casting machines in two books] I-,onotip; ustroistvo i ekspluatatsila bukvootlivnykh naborriykh mashin v d-vukh knigakt, Moskva, Iskusst-vo. Book 2. [Cc!istruction of an auto-natic casting machine] Konstruktsiia otlivnogo avtouata. 1963. 392 p. [Monotype; a catalog of parts of automatic casting machines. Supplement to book 2 IlKonstruction of an automatic casting machine"] Monotip; spetsifikatsiia-ukazatell detalei otliv-nykh avtomatov. Prilozhenie k knige 2 IlKonstruktsiia. otlivr-ogo a-vtomata." 151 P. (MIRA 17:4) ~ S-H UL I VLEYS TE RJ T. G:reat, poasibilities. prof .-'Uekh.obr. 18 no.12:18 D 162, (MA 14:12) 1. Zamestitelt direktora po uchebno-proizvodstvennoy raboto kolrranskogo uchilishcha melchanizatsii sellskogo khozyaystva No.9., Ilo-vosibirskaya oblast'. (Kolyvans-Agriculture-Study and teaching) SHULIMIN, B.-M. Practice of' using systems of coyote and deep holes in ore breal-in in Russian mines. Trudy Gor.-geol. inst. UFAN SSSR.. no-34:-115--123 '58. (14IRA 14:10~*~ .- (Mining engineering) M SHUL I MII-T.,. ~ BI.M.- Comparative evaluation and field of the use of s7stems involving ore breading by means of boreholes and blast charges. Trudy G-or.- geol.inst.UFAN SSSR no.41:133-145 '59. (MIRA 13:5) (Mining engineering) * T T B. '.-7. , Cand rl~ech -~ci "Co,.,-parsui ve eval uazJ -n of -v.: t e u, ~5 t- o r u b r e e: -.,,i o tij nby deep bore holes -na mining cna-r-es in workin- ci* ore de-posi Iks." Sverdlovsk, lQ-6G. 16 Pp; (Ural'- skiy Aff-i , liate of the Academy of 6ciences U'S&R, Mining:! Geolov:~, Inst,..; 160 conies; Pilice -,,,ot 1-i-ven; (KL, 22-610, 140) ZUBRILOVYI.Ye.; ILIVITSKIY, A.A.; UTKIN., L.A.; SHULIYJIN, B.M. Main directions in ix~proving the technology of underground mini of thick ore deposits in the Urals. Trudy Gor.-geol.inst.UFAN SSSR no.54:5-12 160o (bEMA 14:6) (Ural Mountains-Mines and mineral resources) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/529a Akadr-miya nouk SSSR. Ural-akly filial. Gorno-geoloZ4chcakiy in- atitut. Podzemnaya razrabotka rudnykh me5torozhdenly (Undere;round Exploita- (Serien: Ito. tion of Ore Deposits) Sverdlovsk 119601 165 P. Trudy, vYP. 54) I.;jOO copies printed. Editorial Board: K. V. Kochnev, Zrofessoi, Doctor of Tcchnic~.2 Sciences; L. Ye. Zabrilov, Candidate of Technica: sciancea; A A. Ilivitakiy, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Ed. of Publishln~ House: M. S. Ebergardt; Tech. Ed.: N. F. Seredkina. PLRPOSE: Thi a publicaticzi Is intended for engineering and technical personnel in the mining industry. COVERAGE; This is a collection nf 22 articles by different authors on problems of underground exploitation of large massive ore de- posits in the Urals. The articles are based an studies carried LAl out in the Laboratory for the Exploitation of Ore Depoolto of th Gorno-goologichookly inatitut UFAN SSSR (Institute of Mining Geology, Ural Branch AS USSR), between 1958-1959. No poroonalitie articles are acconmonled bv referene ca are mentioned. Most or the TECHNOLOGY OF UNDERGROUND ]EXPLOITATION A nakisoyevokly, I. a. On Reducing the Volume of Drainage Sump5 in ta FJ3- 53 meta kEn Aleksayevakly, I. G.. Shaft r-&Inaga Sump With Vertical Well-Type Water Pit* 59 Urvantsev V P Now Methods of Overhand Stoping (Foreign 65 111in A M j and R. A. I!Xazok Com~ioon__`o-f-t_he '3-yetam-of *0=d_t0LvE;_i Caving With the Combined Syetem Under the conditions of the Vyookogorekly Hine 79 babrilov, L. Ye., and Selective and Total Extraction of Copper and Sulphur Ores of the Degtyar3koye Deposits 65 Zubrilov, L. Ye., and Z_N_Shqjjrjjr, Analysis of Labor Input In lbreed Level Caving at -16 WOMMIDIT91Y Mine 91 fivilhar %JK-OV N., and V_ A__�hLhejkMgv. improvemet)t or I!;- "_' k'j'~ cllnRi 1ke-EVIoltation at the Berezovokly Mine 103 Ahurygin, A. I. Practice In F-VIniting Thin Ore Sections of the 1weetyarokoye Deposit III .-Ah-ul -lain, B. M. On the Transition Boundary prom Mining to pit 1Xtr&_cTrft_TK-ExPlOitIng Dopouits of Massive Oren 115 On the Influence of the Coefficient Of Loading on the Effect Of ExPloGion In Stopo Cutting 121 *Gtkin, L. A, TOw&rds a Study of the Seismic Effect of 3tiong Ex~ ploolona 125 Nikolin, V. I. Evolustin the Different Methoda of FormIng Wn-ne-la In-the Floors of fch=ber) Blocks 131 _YffgAft2Y.,_P-V., A~ N. Ik6nnikov, VL. P. Ko A m aneyets, Yu. A. o rgp d Eica-vaVbra at er XOhAkM and P CEQPjhiU6ov- Use o n ergroifn 'I eeply 137 VShchelkanov, V. A. Utilizing the Force Of Explosion and the Ore's Own ifoisht for Tranaporting Crushed Ore in EXploiting Inalln ad Depoalta 149 Shchelkanov, V. A. Evaluating Methods of Delivering Crushed Oro In Exploiting Inclined Depo5lta 155 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 61t JA/dwm/ee NIKOLAYEV, S.I.; IL'IN, A.M.; ZUBRILOV, L.Ye.; SHUL'MIN, B.M., m-ladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Possibilities for increasing labor productivily in the "Magneti- tovaya" Mine. Gor. zhur. no.11:10-13 N '61. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Direktor Vysokoaorskogo rudoupravleniya (for Nikolayev). 2. Glavnyy inzh. Vysokogorskogo rudoupravleniya (for Il'in). 3. Za-ieduyushchiy latoratoriyey razrabotki rudnykh mestorozhdeniy Gorno-geologicheskogo instituta Ural'skogo filiala AN SSSR (for Zubrilov). (Sverdlovsk Province--Iron mines and mining) NIKOLAYEV., S.I.;, ILIIN, A.14.;; SK&KUN, G.F.; SHL&IMINY B.M. Breaking a large block with large-scale blasting. Gor. zhur. no-4:17-20 Ap 263. (MIFA 16--4) (Sverdlovsk Province-Blasting) NIKOLATEVY -S.I.; ILIIN, A.M.; SKAKUN. G.P.; PLEKHANOV, G.V.; S '~L IMI11.11, B,1,11. Large-scale blasting of blocks at the 'ImAgnetitovaia" Trudy Inst.gor.dela UFAN SSSR no,7:8?-94 163. (14IRA 17:3) ZIIBR--LOV, !-.Ye~, k-rid, tekhn.nauk: lY;;*,C,,K, kand tekhri. nauk-, SHIULIMIN, B.M., kp-nd tt-idui. rjauk D,~t,---rminin- Lhe e-zar-omically advan-~agecuZ limit Gf drawing frcm. cavea 0 Y-s;-kzg,:,,rs I block-, at. the "Magnetit-ovaia" R-n~ of the k.,.y Wining Administration.;gc:r.zytur. 7 no.O";;L9--22 16,4. (M T RA institut gor-n-c.cro dela Gosrae-,allurgkoirdteia SSSR, P..ekomendovana, ka-fedroy razrabotki rLzdnykh mestcrozhdeniy, 6-58-2-9/21 AUTHOR: Shullmin, 'MIT. V. TITLE: On the Problem of the Levelling of 3rd Order (K voprosu o nivelirovanii III klassa) PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i Karto-rafiya, 1958, Nr 2, PP. 34 - 36 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the rules for the levellings of the 1rst, 2nd9 3rd, and 4th order dating from 1955 some modifications of the level- ling of 3rd order were made. According to the new methods the elevations are computed only from the readings taken from the central cross section and as final value the arithmetic me an A hmean hblack + A hred)/2 is taken. The readings from the blemeter cross hairs are used only for contro2 purposes. This modification is due to greater accu-- racy of readint-, from the central cross hairs than from the lateral hairs. According to computations made by L. A. Card 112 Bashlavin the relation of the standard deviation per I k1m On the Problem of the Levelling of 3rd Order &58-2-9/21 of line is 0,94, in levelling according to the old und the new method. Thus, the new method lags only little behind the old method as to accuracy, however, it hasgome advantages as to working productivity. There are 2 tables, and 2 references.i which are Soviet. 1. Mapping-Equipment 2. Geophysical surveying 'lard 2/2 1 3(4) AUTHOR: Shullmin, M. V. SOV/6-59-10-3 / '2 TITLE: On the Influence Exercised by Errors of Diameters U)?on the Measurement Accuracy of Horizontal Angles PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1959, Nr 10, PP 15-18 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Vostochno-Sibirskoye AGP (East Siberian Aerogeodetical Organization) attempted to determine the iifluence exercised by diameter errors upon the results of measurement. For this purpose, the optical transit of the OT-02 type Nr 9705 was chosen. The errors of the horizontal-circle diameter were twice determined every 50 by S. V. Yieliseyev's method. This work was done very thoroughly-by Engineer E. S. Ukhova. on the basis of the resul[ts the diagram waB,plotted which is shown in the figure. The following results were obtained: (1) The influence of diameter errors may entail superfluous repetition of the individual observations, as shown by the fact that 801"fu of all repeated observations had to be made in consequence of the influence of diameter errors. (2) If cor- rections are therefore made,.the root mean square error of the direction (in m observations) will be higher by an average Card 1/2 of 25%. (3) To eliminate inaccuracies in the repetition of 0,1 the Tnf'u~- I nce Exercised by Errors of Diameters SOV16-59-10-3121 Upon the IMeasurement Accuracy of Horizontal Angles observations, observers are advised to plot diagrams for diameter corrections on the basis of investigations of the limbus in the plant. To avoid needless repetition of observations, it is recommended that the specifications for triangulations of the first, sepond, third, and fourth order permit angular differences betwaen observations of up to 5" (if this is caused by the influence of diameter errors) when using optical transits of the OT-02 type. There are 1 figure and 3 tables. Card 2.12 3(4), 24(4) 3/006'60/000/02/005/024 7 AUTHOR: Shullmin, M. V. 13007 13011 ------------------------------- TITLE: On the Formula for the Computation of the Run With the Optical Micrometer OT-OZ,,/ Nrl~ PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1q60, Nr 2, pp 26-28 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The run is defined by the difference between two values of the semicircle division - the nominal value and the one de termined by means of the micrometer. The magnitude of the : c- run in seconds is calculated from formula (1) and (2) res,p tively. With large values of the run, howeverj both formulae become inaccurate. The precise formula, in this case, is equation W- When determining the run for the upper and lower image of the circle diamete=, formula (3) can be converted to formula (4). In this case, formula (2) obtains the form of (5). When utilizing formula (3) the correction for run is introduced with the inverse sign. Moreover,the utilization of these formulas eliminates the sign confusion when introducing the correction for run, as is the case when utilizing (1) and (2). A table offers the comparison between the run values Card 1/2 calculated from formula (1) and from formula (4). The same On the Formula for the Computation of the Run S/00 60/000/02/005/024 With the Optical Micrometer OT-02 B007YBOII table shows the greatest error in the correction for run. It may be observed from the table that vith the run not exceeding' 211, errors arising in the calculation of the run and in the introduction of the corresponding correction are negligibly small. If, however, the run value equals 311 and more, the errors will be of the order of t3nths of seconds, and munt be con- sidered. Therefore, when observing by the aid of OT-02, one should utilize the accurate formula (3), even though the run value seldom amounts to 4-5". Thr,-e Is 1 table. Card 2/2 SHULININ,,.M.V. For efficient use of field measurements in producing a map on a acal of Is239000 by the atereotopographic method. Good, i kart. no. 1203-36 D 160. (Aerial phot'ogrammetry) (MIRA 14:3.) ti- SHULIMIN, MIVI Engineer Kusov's suggestion. Geod.i kart. no.6:39--42 Je T61. (MIRL 14:6) (Leveling) SHUL;MIN,-- M.V. Photogrammetric control of elevations by the use of small-scale aerial photographs. Geod.i kart. no.2:36-40 F 162. (MMA 15:3) (Aerial photogramm try) SHULIMIX, M.V. Study of errcl-"~ 'k., tlna hein, 4!5 ~f pc-*rts from ='l-Uple ~tlr. -- observations Qn t-ll~ aTD-2 stereotoromets-,r. Geed. i kart. n0.9- 46-49 S 163. (~ETIA 16s!()) ShULIMIN5 rq.v. Analyzing the accuracy of the stersotopograpbic method for making maps on a scale of 1:25,000. Geod. J- kart. no.3.4" 49 I~Lr 164. OAJRA 27:9) L 04 699-b7 LAVT EW K j IJP(c) WW/RM SOURCE CODE: UR/0229/66/000/00 ACC NR: AP6031283 8/0064/006T AUTHOR: Pikull, V. V.; Shultmin, V. I. ORG: none TITIZ: Experience in the design and construction of plastic lifeboats SOURCE: Sudostroyeniye, no. 8, 1966, 64-67 TOPIC TAGS: life raft, polyurethane, shipbuilding engineering., plastic filler ABSTRACT; On the basis of modern views on the nature of e)cternal and internal forces, the design and construction of small plastic lifeboats is dis- i,cussed, and the possibility of applying similar methods to the bu-.Llding of large lifeboats is analyzed. The Soviet Interdepartmental Commission for the Use of Plastics in. Shipbuilding has approved for small plastic lifeboats (up to 6 m lon a frameless construction technique involving the use of a type PPU-3S ~ polyurethane foam sandwichei between two shells (see Fig.'l). The inner UDC: L 04699-67 ACC NR, AP 0312K -1 Fig. 1. Cross-section of a framvless, lifeboat 3 1 Outer shell,*3 mm; 2 - keel; 0 -4 'stic pi 3 inner shell, 2.5 mm; 4 a 6 filler; 5 bulwark; 6 middle keelson- shell is locally reinforp6d with brackets/and is provided with semi- bulkheads of type PKhV-110foamed Plast :hwhich divide the space between I 21-1-C V the shells. The plastic filler cannot be considered to contribute to it effects only a lccal the total strength of the boat's hull, since stren;,thenina of the shell structure. The hull is calculated as a uniform- ly loaded beam of Prismati,_- section with two points oi- support on its lifting eyes. Calculated values for strength and -~iodulus of elasticity Eire tabulated for 13 type5 of lifeboats carrying between 10 and 99 per- 2/3 Card L 04699-67 I-ACC Nk-.__AY66~i2d~ sons and assuming a double-shell structure of 3.0-mm (outer-shell) and 2.5-,---,' (inner-shell) thickness. From the results of this analysis, it i can be concluded that glass-reinforced plastics with the following s-oeci-Lications can be used for the shell structure: bending strength, 1400 kg/cm2; shear-brrength, 500 kg/CM2; and modulus of elasticity, E = 0.70 x 105 kg/cm2. The strength and E calculations are based on the theory of a continuously supported beam under a static load effecting a maximum deflection of 1/50 of the beam span. A table presents the calculated characteristics of the plastic filler f.,r the 13 types of lifeboats discussed. In addition, most types of rigid and semifl9xible foamed plastics are suitable for use in panel con- struction. It is concluded that for the outer layers of shells coa- taining glass fiber with satin interweaving the modulus of elasticity can be augmented as*much*as required for applying the same material tor the 3-mm-thick shells of the larger lifeboats. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 3 tables and 6 formulas. [ATD PRESS: 5088-F] SUB CODE: 139 11 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 005 . n /-1 Fir rq T 20-4-35/60 TITLE On the (0 mekhani zme dej z -.r;, PERIODIZAL Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, vol. lit, N PP. 759-762 (USSR) ABSTRACT A great number of investigations were devoted to the study of the catalase process. The current conceptions on the kinetics and the mechanism of the action of catalase, however, are unsatisfactory. Especially strange is the incongruity of the most widely spread schemes wi-th the experimentally obtained data and with the concepts of the never chemical kinetics. In the latter the problem of composition, structure and pro- perties of the activated transition complex is fundamental. Equally fundamental in enzymology is an analogous problem concerning the transition somplex of the enzyme with the substratum. The mechanism of the enzymatic process of aatalase and that of the thermal, catalytic and photo- chemical decomposition of hydrogen peroxide are ne doubt related with each other and essentially contain equal terms. According to Semenov the linear structure of the CARD 1/4 transition complex and the participation of free On the Mechanism of the Action of Catalase. 20-4-35/60 radicals, as intermediate reaction pruiuct8, are of great importance. In the case of suitable mechaniSM, sufficient- ly deep activation barriers of the reaction can b~s imagined. The free radicals, similar to the zieutrons on the occasion of nuclear transformation of atoms, enter almost without activation energy into a close interaction with the molecule3 and considerably in- crease their reactivity. The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide can, according to a number of characteristics, be classified with the class of 'branched chain reactions. A probable scheme with participation of the free radicals OR and HO 2 is given. It is obvious that an Increase in the speed of development of one or the other of the two free radicals accelerates the reaction. But the tests of a simple transference of the data and conceptions of the chemical kinetios to the enzymatic catalysis failed. The authors believe that additional assumptions are necessary for understanding the mechanism of the enzymatic catalysis. The theory expects the appearance of a higher hydrogen peroxide in the process of catalase (comp. Bakh). Emanuel~and Kruglyakova CARD 2/4 proved the formation of a considerable concentration of an On the Mechanism of the Action of Catalase. 20-4-35/6r) intermediate product (H02) which can permanently main- tain itself in the solution (in form of H 204). The formation of the higher peroxide in the process of oatalase must also manifest itself in an incomplete separation of oxygen. The non-decomposed peroxide must contain more oxygen than is necessary for a normal peroxide. In their search for a convenient and reliable method the authors remained at a combination of: 1~ Permanganate titration of peroxide, and 2) a somewhat modified Winkler method. The difference between the data of the two methods yields the quantity of the higher peroxide. Fig. 1 gives data on the values in time according to the two methods on the composition of peroxides of the.reacting mixture (auryes of types I and.2), the curve 3 - 2, i.e. to the content of the higher peroxide. Fig. 2 records the dependence of the moment at which the optimtm concentration is reached on the concentration of the-enzyme. A.aatisfactory in- verse dependence of the optimum moment on the concentratim of the catalase is obvious. Thus the obtained ex- CARD 3/4 perimental data are in good agreement with theoretical 17(3) AUTHORS: Shu'r irt';-nal, A. I... Afanas--,--.-, P. V. SOV/20-124-6-46/55 TITLE-, On Pr,>---=ss (0 katalaznom. protsesse-) FERIODICIIL~ Ak arlemii r-w-J-z SSSR,, 1959, !24, Nr 69 P-P 1347-1349 T"SSR A B S T 101 C T.- 1r, +:hc- --a-r allas-:- pz,D~-ess a h-I'Lgher hydrogen peroxide ( X 4 3 f.-rmed as -ntermedlttlte prorluet (lie' 1). The existence of this pyodu~~t in, time must be subjeoted to the stationary lavis. This ,rhich z-rrespon,13 -Vo the maximum accumulation X J,epend -,P.'-,y -7n the conseiAration of the perox-J"de 4 0,.iS',. A - t, ~-hea schew-~- of catalas process suggested ':~, on S 'Re-F -'. the dependence of the resulting X 4 a- '-,e el,~,--`--ed (1). FrOLI this the .~~,P~ndsr- ;.-.f `,-LE the frae ferment F -,n the :~r 1,17e S (2) is further derived. By the dependencte of the - -.--,--r.-%entrat--'cnof the fermentF Car-d 4 0 On the" P-.-- :ess SOV/20-'24-6-46/55 T, :3 -3 r:rat~ entz, a-,: f on 3 s determined.. k, 5k99 -Z ~-n3 he -a~- ---nstants of the ~~orres-pondizng has its maximum at a positive real %a. X4"' ent r a t- n , whi c h i s f o rme d i n the c.-A ~-s- c,~taine iaximum at a certain ts ir - S - e n a'-" - rL., It. x7z-!.s th=, gurpose of the present paper to ~-4-per-Imenta-ly and theoret-lic-ally the depeuder--,,e of n tie S. F-1 r-re presents do~`,7j -.-n, thEw. -f Its--her peroxide (a4etermination In PFff c~n the basis of experimental rts t ur s S Ae may Been, the conaentration fcrmed py'. -ess is largely -lependent on the H 0,. Figure 2 shows -.-he 2 - of 'he maxAmum ~.-:Dnr~sntration of highem, peroxide on th- Ac--ordingly, experimental data are In with +~heor=ti:!al expectations. Figure 3 shows ths `r.-tial 7rate of the f~atalase process on of TT~~ 02 as determined by graphi,, C a -,":r~d:-ates that the rate of the On ~he Catalasc- P-r:-.-e-zEF SOV/20-124-6-46/55 ,-.a~alase proress is really dependent on the s 'ubstrate -n-r the supposed s-,.t.sntrat-or. as was expected. Frcm figure 4 parallel~am between the dependence of the rate of the catalase p-z--.Ioess )n the substrate conoentration on the one hand and the dependeyL-e of the concentration of higher peroxi-de on the same on the other may be seen, It may be concluded fT,~)m the above data that the mechanism suggested reflects to a -ertaln extent the real catalase process. There are 4 figures and 3 S-.)viet references. ASSOCIATION- IZ-:5t-'.tut im,, A. N. Bakha Akademii nauk SSSR IIr-q-llt-ate of Biochemistry lmen~-* A. N. Bakh of the Academy of S--:Len-ps, USSR) PRESENTED-. 2-~. -!958, by A. L. Kursanov, Academician S U BY1 I T T"E D Card 3/3 S/2~ 5/62/002/0'011 1/3~,7/-Dl C :)26c:/D3G2 C? -i S Cl v sl-I J- '-,~T e k r a s 0 va T rli na v s tu -d y o th r a d i o -p -- o -', e c tj -4 v eaction on pro-ozoa o -P A - - *orotect-ive substances P'l]-, 1 (121) 1 cI Ladliobiologiya, v. 2, no. 1, IP-62, 143 15 54 zJ o~ectJva effect of A77T 'ar.Jy%oe-h,r'--;s thic, r 3 -he radicor i. L 4 n :r) at "-Cjl~ 0 - 0 0 3 3 , re at 0.005 - 0.02, cys' cyszeinam- .1 e 4* 0.0166, and heroin at- 0.0017 - C.'06b 0 c-. 0-00117, 0.003, and j udatum" c 'I -1--u u-,, re"I individually -/mil . vias studied in "Paral-ecium ca 2-10,". AET ,-mas dissolved in vuice dis- -d v,,a~er, ma,~e .-i- -u'y, YaOH to PH 7 - 2 , a- ~,-i d t I'a e other -izxotectors Ln tvii-ce di stilled wat e r alone. -'-fter I:z rnir. J e res'oective mi-edium infusoria v., e -- e r r,-- -d i al e d with r 2- s a t, a dose of 100 lcr. at 1 - 30C with 100 Par an, e c i a ml. C5 ple-~.-i-lass container -*z,- -,.-,,,,ich vacuum ccnc-,- -leass vessels withir. a - -- r- tj ~ -L - ons cov- uced. -~-2',T clearly increased survival of in-fuao- u -m- d be prod U-L r-La both wit-h. nH 5 and ~neutral --edium and there was some -rotec`on, Card 1/3 0 Q; M r-A 0 (D p (AI P (0-t 5:4j c1 tv (1) CN 0) 1 ~4 0 0 4, 0 ".1 Lo Q) 0 -,-1 0 (1) ~1) '-I C: 0 (.-j rj,) 1 0 I- 4) F I Q) H P (1) lrj r- ,-I P ~ ~-i U) o d, A -ri ~ I li) ~4 (D Cl ,f) k 0 C\j r-l ;71 iR-MM GRAYEVSKTY, ye.ln..; 11,11TRUAMU, I.V.;, SHULIMINA, A.I. Lkpra-Llnation cf the. antilradiatio-n act'Lcr of sorne protective sub- stances on Protozoa. Radiobiologiia 2 no.l.'L48-155 Ja 162 (MIRA 18t1) LL L FEDOROVA, O.F. (g. Leningrad); SHZNIKOVA, A-Ye. (g, Leningrad) Experience derived from the conduction of an excursion of a class on pkvaics and chemistry. Fiz. v shkole 14 no-5:74-77 S-0 154.(NT-RA 7:9) (Physics--Study and teaching) (School excursions) (Chemistry-- Study and teaching) SRUIQV A.S. - VEM-M, A. I. ~f Observations on the hemoly7jpb and venon scorpicns. Zool-zhur- 38 no.7'.1018-1027 J1 159. (Mllul 12: 10) 1. Department of Zoology, Hebrew University (Jerim-118TI. Israel). (scorpions) (Hemolymph) (Venoj-Physiological effect) ___. S~j B.S., inzh. Concerning some problems in the development of a 20 Av. electric power-distribution network in the Latvian S.S.R. Energetik 9 no.30-6 W 161. (KMA 14 z7) (Latvia-El,~ctric power distribution) 1"~ 11, KIIISMIIJI Z.P. [Krisans, Z.] kand.tokhn.muk; 9HUWV-,B.S.-,-inzh. Choice of the voltage rating of electric power distribution networks-with consideration of future loads. Mekh. i elek. sots. sellkhoz-. 20 no.3-.34-36 162. OvaRA 15:7) 1. Institut energetiki AN Latviyskoy SSR (for Krishan). 2. Latgiprosel'stroy (for Shulov). (Rural electrification) (Electric power distribution) MOGILINITSKIYP Noya Abelevich; SHULO-V,.-Bo.3~~g-_Solomonovich; KIKOLAYEVAY M.I., red.; LARIONOV, G.Ye., takhn. red. (20 kv. power distribqtion system-in the Latvian S.S.R.] Pri- menenie napriazheniia 20 kv. v Latviiskoi SSR. Moskva, Gos- energoizdat, 1963. 166 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Latvia-Electric power distribution) SIROTA,, kand. '-.ekhn. nauk (KIyeV"); NAU14OVSKIY, L.D., Inzh. (Leningrad)? TSIREL', Ya.A- inzh. (Leningrad); KLEBANOV, Z.1. (Bcbruysk)~ YA~EINSKIY. A.F. kBobr--yek,",, WYCHUK, S.I. (Bobrzuysk)~ IOZEFAVICHUS, -;_nzh. (Kai-"r.--'rgza-djjLSH!MMF, B.S., inzh. (Riiga) Neutral operating r-oJe in i~lectrl-! power dfstribution systems. (MIRA 17.61 Elektri3hestvo no-LI84-91 Ja 16.1. GORBACH3VA, 1.N.; BUSHBIK, G.V.; VARKAKOVA, L.P.; SEOLOV- L.K. - PIINOBRAZEMN- SKIY, N.A. Synthesis of the methyl ether of the racemic alkaloid dauricine. Zhur. ob. khim. 27 no.8:-2297-2301 Ag '57. (MiaA 10:9) 1. Mookovskiy inctitut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii. (Alkaloids) Ic' KHEYFITS, L.A.; ~HULOVq L.M.j BROUN, E.V.; BEDOV, V.N. Terpenophenols. Part /+: Products of the condensation of camphene with o-cresol. Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no. 2:672-677 F 161. (MIRA l1+: 2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut sintetich6skikh i natura3.lnykh dushistykh veshchestv. (Camphene) (Cresol) KHEYFETS, L.A.;-,- SHULOV L.M.; PERSIANOVA, I.V.; BMLV, V.N. Tepeneophenols. Part 5: Determination of the dissociation contants of some sterically hindered terpenophenols in *.queous organic solvents. Zhur. *bim. ob. 31 no.3:723-726 Mr 161. (MIPA 14:3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut sinteticheskikh i naturallnykh dushistykh veshchestv. - I (Phenols) KHEYFITS, L.A.; SHULOV, L.M., BELOV, V.N. Terpene phenols. Part 6: Ccndensation of comphene with -p-cresol and further transformations of the condensation product. Zhur.ob. khim. 32 no.5:1474-147,6 My 162. (KRA 15:5) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh i naturallnykh dushistykh vashchastv. (Camphene) (Cresol) KHEYFITS., L.A.; ~HULOT,-J,4.,* KOKHMANSKIY, A.V.; BEMOV, V.N. Terpene phenols, Fart 7: Conversions of condensatJon products of camphene with o-cresol. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.8:2717-2722 Ag 162, WIRA 15:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh i naturallnykh dushist7kh veshchestv. (Camphene) (Cresol) KHFv,F!'-"S, L.A..; SIRJLOV, GOI,'[)(.,VSKIY, A.Ye., BFTPV, V,N~ New odorous substances based on ncrhornene~ Trudy 171411- NDV no.6:215-29 '63. (WP-A. 17-4) KHEYFITS, L.A.; SHULOV, L.M.; MOLDAVANSKAYA, G.I.; SKVORTSOVA, A.B.; NOVIKOVA,'--Ye.N. Oximation of terpenocyclohexanones. Trudy IINIISIIDV no.6:112-116 163. (MIRA 17:4) BOGDANOV, K.A.; YAKUSHEVA, Ye.F.; SHUDIV, L.~L Odoriferous principle with a sweet-*sk odor obtained fro . -p a dicregol mixture. Masl.-zhirprom. 29 no.1.37 Ja 163. (MIRA 16t2) 1. Kaluzhskiy kombinat sintetichaskikh dusb-istykh veshchestv (~or Bogdanov, Yakusheva). 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchn&-issledovatellokiyt institut sinteticheskikh i n4turallnylffi dushistykh veshehdstv (for' Shulov). I (mask) (Cresol) KHETFITSY L.A.; SHULOV, L.M.; KOKHMANSKIY, A.V.; BELOV, V.N. [deceased] Terpene phenol3. Part 11. Condensation of norbornene with o-cresol and transformations of the condensation product. Zhur.ob.khim. -53 no.7:2412-2418 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh i naturallnykh dushistykh veshchestv. (Norbornene) (Cresol) KIIEYFIINIIY L.A.; SHULOV, L.M,; BELOV, V.N. (deceased] Terpene phenols. Part 12; Condensation of camphene and norbornene with p-cresol,and transformations of condensation products. Zhur. ob. 'k-him. 33 no.8:2748-2751 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh i natarallnykh dushistykh veshchestv. - L. ~'-; -`i;7-JL-0V, L. tMI..; ~~URi~, Yu.; ~OL'I'-OVCSKIY' ~".. "S-n~es- z,-,, na osriove norbornena." ~ . -- -1 report submitted for 35-h Intl Cor-~S, Indi.istri-'C-l Cnemistr-yr, Warsaw, Sep 64. BM3TROV, V.F.; ShILTLOV, L.M.; rl-FEYFITS, L.A.; MOLDOITAKSKAYA, G.I. Protw, magnetic resonance spec-t~ of terpene ph--..ols prepared by condensation of cannAriene with phenol and c;resols. ihu'r. ob. 1~ I khim 34 no.?:2.1~76-2477 31 *-Qi+ (MIRA 17:53) 1. Institut lkhiadcheskoy fizLki- P11 SSSR i 'Vsasoyuzn7Y nauc:a-nc- issledovateliskiy inst-itut, sinteticheskDkh i naturallny'-kh- d-ashistykh veshchestv. . I 1 1,10 L1JW'-' I ~~KAYA i iV if"!! .r"',r of 2mm- aikyl phenols an(] alky'l cy3l.chexE,nones. Zhur. anal. khim. 18 no.2:26'1-274 F 103. F,[I RA 2 7: 1 1. All-Unim S'cientific-ilesearef Institute of Synthetic. and Natural Perf~imes. Moscow, G,J.,~ SHULOV, L~M. Terpene phenols. Par-t 20- Structulire of terpene zracUcals in terpene phenols obtained from cwiphene. Zhin". org. khim. 1 no.6ilO57-1063 Je 165. (1-nRA l8t7) 1. Vsesoyltznyy institut sinteticheskikh I naturallnykh dushi3tykh vashchestv, XMFYFIV,;, L.A.~ V111M, L.M. T Terpene phenol.,i Part 21~ Structure of teroene radicals in terpene phenols obtairt-I from c- and p-cresols anti .amphene. Zhur org. Ilz4lm. 1 r,.o.6vICf:- 1067 Je 165. i MJITZ A 18 i 7) 1. Vsqsoyu,-.-.riyy niAuclini--,,-isiledovai~ellskiv -L-stitut sinteticheski-kh i natnralinykh dush--stykh veshchostv. SHgLOv, M.I. Safe replacement of fuses in the presence linder potential. Energet1k 6 no.8:27 Ag 160. (KIRA 13'-10) (Electric fuses) SHULOV M.S.; IGOIKIII, V.11., redaktor; MITLIKOVA, I.R., tekhnicheekly ra- - " * 'liktor [Booklet on safety measures for gas welders] PwAatka po tekhnike bezopasnosti dlia gazosv*arshchik-a. Moskva, Nauch-no-tekhn. izd-vo avtotransportnoi lit-ry, 1954. 25 P. (MIRA 8:6) (Oxyacetylene welding and cutting--Safet.7 measures) DOMBR07S""T. V.A.; GAGENL-TORN, V.A.; GUTKEVICff, S.M.; POLYAKOVL, T.A.; I%w4GTINTXOV. M.A.i_SHULOV, O.S. Z'he 20" reflecting tele8cop,6 with an astrophotometer -for photo- met,ric, colorimetric and polarimetric sturlies. U-,h.zap.LGU z,o-3284.83-91, 165. (MIR& 18:10) SHIFLOV - O.S. .; characteris tins of the set of the FEU--31 and FEU-' Photo- Basj~ 64 multipliers. Uch.zap.LGU no-328-.95-103 165. (MIRA 18:10) SHULOV. O.S. Polarization in r& Lyrae. 'Uch.zap.LGU no-307:155-165 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Stard, Variable) (Polarization (Light)) ILIINOV, S.F.; NOVAK, D.D., kandidat vaterinarnykh nauk; LAVRUSHKO, T.A.; SHULOV, V.V.; KLIMOV, N.D. Crowfoot poisoning showing clinical aspects of a bradeet-type disease. Vaterinariia 32 ne.3:79-84 Mr 155. (MMA 8:4) l.Direktor Yuzhn*-K&zakhstanm)L-oy NIVOS (for Illintv).2.Starshir nauchny7 notrudnik NIVOS (for Nevak).3.YeterinarM7 vrach NIVOS (for Lavrashka).4.Glavnyy vaterinarnyy vrach Chimkontakoge uprav- leniya sovkhozov (for Shulov).5.Direktor Chimkontskey mezhaovkh*z- ney vetbaklab*ratorii (for Klimov). (SHEXP--DISEASES) (CROWPOOT--TOXICOIDGY) SHUMIV, V.V.------ Pregnant mare's serum is a Dowerful aid in stockbreeding. Yeter- inariia 36 no.11:12-15 N 15� (MIRA 13:3) 1. Glavnvy veterinarWy vrach Chimkentskogo tresta kELrakulevodcheskikh sovkhozov, Yuzhno-lazakhstanskoy oblasti. (Serum) (Stock and stockbreeding) SHKURINA, T., dotsent; SHULOVICH, V., doktor, assistent Gollected papers from the first, second, and third gynecological weeks in Belgrade. Ak-ush.i --in. 35 no.6:115-121 X-D 159. (MIU 13:4) (GYnCOLOGY) SHULIFEKOV.9 G.S.31 -inzh. - - -- - -- ----- Soil stabilization on highways 25 no.7:6-7 JI 162. (Don Valley6-Soil in the Lover Don region. Avt.dor. (HIPA 15:8) stabilization) SHULIFENKOV, V.M., inzh. Traction calculations for diesel locomotive traction. Sbor. LIIZET no.158'.147-158 -158- (MIRA 11:6) (Diesel locomotives) SHULIPENKOV. V.M., inzh. Establishing efficient load norms for freight trains using diesel locom6+ive traction. Sbor. LIIZHT no.158:159-165 '58. (MIDU 11:6) Ma --Train load) (Diesel locomotives) ilroads k SIIULIFE14KOV V M~~zh. Graphic analytical method of calculating the heating of electric traction machines without plotting time and current curves. Vast. TSNII MPS 21 no.2sl6-19 962. (MIRA 15.--.) 1. Belorusekly institut inzhenerov zhaleznodorozhnogo transporta. (Electric locomotives-Design. and construction) NESTERENKO, N. I. (Minsk); ZAYTSEV, P. F., kand. tekhn. nauk (Minsk); AKINOV, V. I,, kand. tekhn. nauk (Minsk); SHULIPENKOV, V, M., inzh. (Minsk) Prospects of the expansion of the White Russian Railroad. Zhel. dor. transp. 45 no.1949-51 Ja 163. (MIRA 16-4) 1. Glavnyy inzh. Belorusskoy dorogi (for Nesterenko). (White Russia--Railroads) ShULtPI~NKOV, V.114.) starshiy prepodavatell Needed textbook of teclu~ical ana economic calculations. Zhel. dor.transp. 45 no.10-.92-93 o 163. (MLRA 16:11) 1. Beiorusakiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo trwisporta, Gomel'. AKIMOV, IT.T.- +.ekhn.nauk (Gomel'); ZAYTSEV, P.F., kand.tekhn.nauk (Gomel'); POTAPENKOV. Z.I.. kand.ekonom.nauk (Gomelt); SHULIPENKO. V.M. inzh. .9 (Gomel'); SALKO., L.I., inzh. (Gomel') Preparing a railroad line for high-speed traffic. Zhel,dar.tranap. 47 no.10:55-57 0 165. (MIRA 18:10) od ca 3 SITLJLI?IN, A.A.; STR11KHOVA, A.!. Utilization of abrasive tool scraps. Stan. i instr. 36 no-10:37-38 0 165. (MIRA 18:11)