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FXficient interfarm fattening centers. Sell.stroi. 15 no.9:
7-9 S 160. (MIRA 13!9)
1. Glaynyy inzhener Belgorodskogo oblmezhkolkhozatroya (for M.-yfet).
2. KorresDondent zhurnala "Sel'skoye stroitellstvo" (for Shulenin).
(Belgorod Province--Feeding and feeds)
Swampy, lands have become fertile. Sell. stroi. 15 no.12:6-7 D ,6o.
(MIR& 13: 12 )
1. Korrespondent zhurnala "Sel'skoye stroitellstvo.0
(Vologda Province-Reclamation of land)
I-,-- ---------
Efficient-farm buildings are being built. Sell stroi. J5 n0.1-13-14
ja 61. (YJRA 14 -.3 )
1. Korrespondent zhurnala "Sellskoye stroitellstvo."
(Vologda Province-Farm Buildings)
The vil.1age of Prudki will be an urban-style town. Sell. stroi. 2:24-25 F 161. (MMA 14-5)
1. Korrespondent zhurnals. "Sellskoye stroitellstvo."
(Prudk~--Gity planning)
Advanced organization of construction. Sell. stroi., 3:11-
12 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:5)
1. Kbrrespondent zhurnala "Sellskoye stroitellstvo.n
(Kimovsk District-Construction industry)
(Collective farma~--Interfarm cooperation)
The village of Lukashevka grows better-looking. Sell. stroi. 15
no.4:12 Ap 161. (Lukashevka-Building) (MIRA 14:6)
Using reed in multiPle-story dousing construction. Sell
stroi. 16 no.6:12-23 Je 161, (MIRA 141-7)
1, Korrespondent zhurnala "Seltskoye stroitellstvo.'
(Reed products) (Apartment houses)
Large plant for producing building materials. Sell. stroi. 16
no.9:22-2/, S 161. (Mmk 14: 9)
1. Kata-espondent zhurnala "Sel'skoye stroitellstvoll.
(MineralInye vody~Building materials industry)
, SHULENINI M., inzhoner-ekonomist
Automatic machinery comes to the farm. Naukz i zhizn' 28 no-3:4-6
mr 161. 1(MIRA 14:3)
(Automatic control) (Swine houses and eq4pment)
SHULENIR, M., inzh.-ekonomist
Housing construction on state farms. Sell stroi. (i.e.161
no.3:17-18 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:7)
(Housing, aural-Leningrad Province)
SHUIENINJ M., inzh.-ekonomist
They build slowly and poorly on the state farms of Bryansk
Province. Sel. stroi. no.4:16-17 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:8)
(Bryansk Province-Construction industry)
A supply center is the key to a successfl,l construction in the
virgin lands. Sell. stroi. no.5:17-19 My 162. (14LU 15:7)
3z Korrespondent zlurnala "Sellbkoye stroitellstvoll.
(Altai territory-Gonstruction industry)
You should not work like that. Sell. stroi. no.6:28-29 A 162.
- (MIRA 15:7)
1. Korrespondent zhurnala "Sellskoye'stroitellstvo".
(Collective farms-Interfarm cooperation)
(Construction industry)
On old Smolensk Road. Sell. stroi. no.9:8b-10 S 162.
(MIRA 15:10)
1. Korrespondent zhurnala "Sel7skoye stroitellstvo".
(Smolensk Province-Construction industry)
You won't build much using such methods. Sell.stroi. no.3-1:27-
28 N 162. (NIRA 15t12)
1. Korraispondent zhurnala "Sellskoye stroitellstvo."
(Belgorod Province-Constraction industry)
SHULENIN, M., insh.-ekonomist
IUkhnov builders improve their work. Sell, stroi. no.1228-8a
D 162. (MIRA 16:1)
(IUkhnov-Construction industry)
Activities and needs of the Kizlyar interfarm construction trust.
Sell. stroi. 16 no.1:13-14 Ja 162. (MMA 16:1)
1. Korrespondent zhurnala "Sellskoye stroitellstvo*.
(Kizlyar District-Construction industry)
Mistakes of the past should not be repeated. Salt. stroi. 18
no.5829-30 My 163. (MIRA 16:6)
1. Korrespondent zhurnala "Sel'skaye stroitelletvo"
(Orel Province-Construction industx7)
IGNATOK, A.I., inzh.; SHIEIW4, G.M0,j kand. medo nauk, red.; KORETSKIY,
V.A., starshiy inzh.., red.;-SHULENDI, NaA&,, red.; HIMUYIDVA, V.L.,
red.; KOGAN, G.M., starshiy inzh., red.; NARBEKOVA, II.N., starshiy
inzh., red.; SIDOROCHKIN, S.S., starshiy inzh., red.; SOROKIIIA, Me...
tekhn. red.
(Safety and industrial sanitation regulations for founding shops in
the machinery industry] Pravila tekhniki bezopasnosti i Iroizvbdstven-
noi sanitarii v liteynom proizvodstve mashinostroitellnoi promyshlen-
nosti. Ut7-e'rzhderq Prezidiumom TsK Profsoiuza rabochikh meahinostroeniia
19 noiabria 1958 goda.... Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashino-
stroit. lit-ry, 1960. 67 p. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Profsoyuz rabochikh mashinostroyeniya SSSR. 2. Glavnyy tekhnicheskiy
inspektor TSentrallnogo komiteta profsoyuza rabochikh mashinostroyeniya
(for Ignatok, Mikhaylova). 3. Moskovskiy institut okhrarry truda Vse-
soyuznogo tsentrallnogo soveta profsoyuzov (for Shifman), 4. Moskov-
skiy zavod "Stankolit" (for Koketskiy). 5. Uchenyy sekretarl
NIITLITMASha (for Shulenin). 6. Gosudarstvenrq7 institut po proyekti-
rovaniyu stankostraiteltnyih, instrumentallnykh., abr'azivnykh zavoclov i
zavodov kuznechno-pressovogo mashinostroyeniya (for Naxtekova). 7. Mo-
skovskly avtozavod im. Likhacheve. (for Kogan). 8. Gosudarstvennyy ko-
mitet Sovete. Ministrov SSSR po sudostroyeniyu (for Sidorochkin).
I(RIATOK, A.I., inzh.; SHIRLAN, G.M., kand. med. nauki rod.;
V.Ae, starshiy inzh.., red.; _sIIULENIN,_N.A.,_red.; MIKHAYLOVA) V.L.,
tekbiopektor, red.; KOGAN, G.M., starshiy inzh.,, red.; WARBEKOVA,
N.N., starshiy inzh.) red.; SIDOROCHKIN, S.S... starshiy inzh.,, red.;
SMIRNOVAj G.V., tekhn. red.
(Regulations on safety measures and industrial sanitation in
foundry practice in the machinery industry) Pravila tekhniki bez-
opasnosti i proizvodstvennoi sanitarii v liteinom. proizvodstve
mashinostroitellnoi promyshlennosti. 'Utverzhdeny Preddiumom TsK
Profsoiuza rabochikh mashinostroeniia 19 noiabria 1958 goda...
Moskva, Mashgiz, 1961. 69 p. (tFIRA 15:6)
1. Profsoyuz rabochikh mashinostroyeniya SSSR. 2. Glavnyy tekhni-
cheakiy inspektor TSentrallnogo komiteta profsoyuza mashinostroye-
niya SSSR (for Ignatok). 3. Moskovskiy institut okbrany truda Vse-
soyuznogo tsentrallnogo soveta profsoyuzov (for Shifman). 4. Mo-
skovskiy zavod "Stankolit" (for Koretskiy). 5. Uchenyy sekretarl
Nauchno-issledavatellskogo instituta liteynogo mashinostroyeniya i
liteynoy tekhnologii (for Shulenin). 6. Tekbhicheskiy inspektor
TSentrallnogo komiteta profsoyuza mshinostroyeniya SS'SR (for
Mikhaylova). 7. Moskovskiy avtozavod im. Likhacheva (for Kogan).
(Continued on next card)
pf%~:ertles of the gas-
f., r, E! o-f the
h ~ca ita E.e ly VN L Y', 2 012 8 1 2 le-223 164.
(MIRA 17-. 8)
Characteristics and reservoir
am.hydrite gas-bearing horizon
VNIIGAZ no.10:44-61 160.
(Shebelinka region--Gas,
properties of rocks in the lower
of the Shebolinka field. Trady
(MIRA 13: 10)
L 24408
rom a si ngle ..dounter,-to
the.'c binat on'.o
f at6di- i4itlitti �---10%.-:
est.iirk ed.that ~b of,"ligem- ., ASi
ow .-the ackgroun en --counters, -a -c
ly constant,and-equal to- .26-.3,16. 2 -'!c/min. "io~i ie'. ea'-- -6f
stered a backgroun of 17 24 cjt4iri.. Orig.~- it,
regi '.ha:s.: for-mulita-s':44d Z~ i&
No REP SoV.- 004; "'001"
1 -,1: ~_ %:;
Card 2/3
I. S. ; -SRUI!~N NOVA , ~I_Ye.__
Norms for the expenditure of solo raw materials per area unit.
Kozh.-obuv.prom. 2 no-7:8-11 Jl 160. (MM 13:8)
(Leather industry--Standards)
SHUIMIKOVA. Ye.I., Lmh.; KUTOIN, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk.
Properties of face layers of Russian leather. Rauch.-isel. trudy
TSNIKP no.28:11-26 157. (MIRA 11:10)
. - r'~ -
Tanning sole leather in worm apparatuses. Leg.prom. 18 no.10:43-44
0 158. (MIRA 11.;11)
ACC NR, AP6033510 --~O-U-R-CE-CO-D--E-:-U-R-/T413/-66/060/018/0143/0143--
INVENTOR: Zemskov, G. V.; Shulenok, P. F.
TITLE: 'Method of preparation of titanium and titanium-alloy surface before hot-
aluminizing. Class 48, No. 186244
SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 18, 1966, 143
TOPTC TAGS: titaniumI-99;;Q*9fFr titanium alloy 4=96m;fyjM-67-MJ- Su1Zr'9e-'WG1
t?4Vrn,0A.J0t" P419 7-/,-) CZ
ABSTRACT: This Authors Certificate introduces a method oil surface treatment of
titanium and titanium alloy parts as a preparation for hot aluminizing. To simplify
the process, the parts are oxidized in air at 450-700C for 15-20 min.
SUB CODE: 1l/ SUB CODE: 12May64/
Card UDC: 621.793-52
ACC NRs AP6016594 (A) N) SOURCE CODE: d/Oi29/66/0001005/0052/0055
AUTHOR: Zemskov, G.-V.;.Shulenok,,P. F.
ORG: Odessa Polytechnic Institute (Odesakiy,politekhnicheskiy instiiu0-,-,
TITLE: A new technique for chemical-thermal treatment of.transitioh metals in
molten aluminum-base alloys
SOURCE: Metallovederiiye i termicheskaya obrabotkA metallov, no.-5, 1966, 52-55
TOPIC TAGS: refractory metal, titanium,,niobium, molybdenum, transition metal,
metal oxidation, oxidation resistance, oxidation resistant coatin aluminum alloy
coating/Vk niobium, VMl molybdenum
ABSTRACT: A hots+ ition metals
, p methoA for applying uminum-alloy_~g~in ~s on trans
such as titanium, nj1obiu4 and moly 4-as been developed.' The'surface of tran"t.,
sition metals should be activated to ensure a satisfactory adhesion of the coating.
to the base metal. Several methg4sof activation were teste he best results were'-
obtained dipping into a_fluo de.:-base flux, and -by oxida Ton in air at elevated
res, 400-550C oi VTIAtTit OC for VNII iobium, and 350-450C
tempera f anium, 2,50-35
for M~molybdenum- The latter method ensures a satisfactory continuity of the
coating and a satisfactory adhesion between the coating.and the base metal. Complex.
aluminum-alloy coatings have a much higher protective ability than pure aluminum
coating* For instance, aluminum coating on VNl niobium began to peel after 50 hr av-Y"-
crd - 1/2 UD6- 621.785M.669,77/7a
Calorizing and aluminum-sillcide coating in the molten state
of titanium. Zashch, met. 2 ria.1-101-103 Ja-F 166.
(MIRA 19:1)
1. Od;,-sskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Submitted June 7, 1965.
jjp(~_ _._-qP/W_v/
AO, NR: AP6o03327 ~sOURCE CODE:~ Ult/0365/66/002iddl/,0'10~1/6103 -
!AUTHOR:. Zemskov, G; V.; Shulenok, P. F
.. ..........
.-.,~:IORG:j. Odessa Polytechnic Institute (Odesskiy politekhnicheskiy institut).-
TITLE, Hot-dip.metho.d of coating titanium with aulumminnor aluminum,.si icons.
SOURCE. Zashchita metallov, V. 2 no. 1, 1966, 101-~103
TOPIC TAGS: titanium, titaniumycoating,-c~~~~- v-~L-Wt5, tA~~ Y"Llax
xidation, ax:6~1,NeAsLplsstance COA&D..Z.- /%i.4c~_4c!a_ jQZC0j,_
0 f
ABSTRACT: Protection of titanium and titanium alloys against oxidati6 and.gas
absorption by aluminum or aluminum-silicon coating deposited by h Iot. pping has
been investigated. To prevent the,dissolution of.titanium in liquidl al
the titanium surface was oxidized after mac binin.g'- by heat ling to 400"550C and
holding for 10-30 min (for coating with aluminum) or to 450-650C (for coating
with aluminum-silicon alloy). Oxidizedspeci ns were then immersed into a molten
metal bath.for 5-240 min. It.was1found that the most uniform and sound coitings.,:,_.~
were-obtained in titanium oxidizedL at .4 0 550C for LIO-30 min: and.::,held 20~_90
Cardj/2 69
~i~ VM
'Card 2/2
ACC NR. AT6036280
AUTHOR: Shulenok
ORG: 0AQ5-5CJ10Ye-&v~',t ImMlok
TITLE: Surface alloying of titanium by dipping in molten aluminum
SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Struktura metallicheakikh splavov (Structure of metal alloys).
Kiev, Izd-vo Naukova dumka, 1966, 122-129
TOPIC TAGS: titanium, titanium alloy, surface alloying, titanium surface alloying,
metal aluminizing
ABSTRACT, Surface alloying of titanium by dipping in molten aluminum or in aluminum
alloys has been investigated. Several alloys were tested to determine the effect of.
alloying elements on the oxidation resistance of titanium. It was found that silicon,
chromium, beryllium and tin had a beneficial effect, while zirconium, copper and
vanadium lowered the oxidation resistance of the coating, particularly at 1000C.
The effect of a second element on the oxidation resistance was studied in greater
detail on aluminum-silicon alloys. M titanium specimens were dipped in molten
alloy containing 5, 8, 12, 15, 20 and 30% silicon at 650-1000C. Prior to dipping,
the specimens were oxidized-in air at 400-550C for 10-30 min. The oxidation
:behavior of the coated specimens was tested at 700, 800, 900 and 1000C for 100 hr
bmd at 1100, 1200 and 1300C for 20 hr. Coating was found'to increase greatly the
MR' AT6036280
Fig. 1. Weight gain of titanium at 900C.
versus time
I - Uncoated; 2 - coated In pure aluminum;
404- 3, 4, 3 - coated in alloy with silicon
content of 5, 8 and 12Z,, respictively,
L.~SC- X -!K-WUM in kr,
the oxidaticn resistance (see Fig. 1) At 1000C the oxidation rate amounted to
.0.1 mb/cm2-hr. At.1200~-1300C the coating protected titanium against oxidation and
Card 2/3
ACC NR, AT6036280 ------------------ --
gas absorption for not less than 3 hr. The method of ox$dizing the surface befor a
dipping greatly simplifies the process since it eliminates fluxing, etchingetcol
used in former methods of surface preparation. Orig. art, has: 4 figures#
SUB CODE: llj 13/ SUBM DATEI 17May65/ ORIG REF: 003/ Oil REF: 001/
AUTHORS. Yelyutin, V.P., Pavlov, Ytv.A., Surovoy, Yu.N. and
Shul enov, V. I.
TITLED Electric Conductivity and Thermal Expansion of
Vanadium, Molybdenum and Tungsten Oxides
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Chernaya
metallurgiya, 1961, No. 7, pp. 12 - 17
TEXT The oxides V 2051 moo3 ~nd 'WO3are n-type semi-
conductors. The electric conductivity of V2 05 was investigated
by several authors within a very wide range of temperatures
(-200 to + 1 200 0C). One of these authorsdid not study the temp-
erature range of interest to the authors,of this paper, whilst
the results of the others might have been influenced by the
interaction of the V 205 with crucible material. As far as the
authors are aware, data on the electric conductivity of Moo 3
and WO3 are available only for temperatures below 200 0C. in
Card 1/9
2106-%/14 8/6 1/000/007/001/012
Ele(:trlr, Conductivity E073/E335
In a special. series of experiments with specimens consisting
of V 205 and finely-ground graphite, pressed and sintered for
6 hours at 250 0C, it was found that the electric resistance
inc.reased monotonously at a.1-1 temperatures with increasing
hclding Eime,, On the other hand.. the electric resistance of 0
pres-sed graphive powder was found to dr-op on heating to 300 C
anci remained constant on further heating. This behaviour
of specimens is attributed to interaction
b-t-tween them, accompanied by the formation of CO + CO 2,
th-_- -,arboni consumption of the reduction rear.tlon lead=- t-c a
deireaz-~E in the elel:-tric- conductivity of the specimen since
th,? ronduttivity is basically determined by the ele;~tric con..
dur..!i-ity of the graphite. It follows therefrom that the speed
of change of ihe eler-tric; resistance at various temperatures
r5n -15er-ie a,~_ a charact-eristie- cf the Speed of the process
-~f redli,:.tion of the oxide by the carbon, Fig. 5 shows the
dep~ndenrt:-, of' thl speed of change with time of the elec;!~ric
/min) as a function of the temperature
h P V D pluz, C Spec.-imeng a sharp increase was
Card Y9 - 3 5
Electric Conductivity - ... E073/E335
observed at about 380 OC. The conclusion drawn is that the
beginning of appreciable reduction of the oxides coincides
ifith the transition from impurity- to intrinsic-type conductivity,
The results of dilatometric measurements on V 0 Moo and IVO_
2 51 3 :0
specimens, for heating and cooling rates of 150, 200 and
250 OC/h, respectively, are plotted in Fig~6 E V20 5' MOO3 (Fig.6a),
'WO3(Fig. 6[,)],(change in length, It versus temperature, 0C).
The temperature was measured with an accuracy of + 10 0C and
the length with an accuracy of Oo5 ji. Thermal expansion occurs
up to 350. 440 and 680 OC, respectively. From these temperatures
upwards, which correspond approximately to the bends in the
temperature-electric conductivity curves, contraction of the
specimens was observed. This contraction is attributed to
polymorphous transformation or to plastic deformation caused
by the measuring equipment as a result of the sharp drop in
strength of the oxide at this temperatures It is concluded that
at the temperature of the beginning of the reduction process, a
change is observed in the physical properties, which is accompanied
Card 5/9
Electric Conductivity ....
by a sharp decrease in the strength of the sintered specimens
and by a slowing-down of the drop in the electrical resistance
during heatdng. The beginning of the intensive chemical
interaction corresponds with the transition frow impurity- to
intrinsic-type conductivity.
There are 6 figures and 9 references. 8 Soviet and 1 non-
ASSOCIATIM, Moskovskiy institut stali ('Moscow Steel
SUBMITTED,, January 25, 1961
Card 6/9
SHULEPIN, A.M. 'Z~ " ~,
ip , , -
--%% Rxperience from the work of the hydrometeorological station Usba.
Meteor. i gidrol. no.8:55-56 Ag 157. (HiiA 10t8)
(Iesnoi (Murmansk Province)--Meteorological observatoriesY
SHUMP-IN) vfs~
Selection of boundary conditions using the method of spherical
harmonics. Atom. energ. 19 no-4:385 0 165. (MIW 18:11)
(Asst, Chair of Hospital Surgery)
Dissertation: "Cancer of the Mamary Glands According to the Data of Three Surgical
Clinics of the TiGlqi (Turlanen Etate Medical Institute) ineni I. V. Stalin During the
Period 1935-1945." Cand Fed '14cij, Medical Inst imeni I. V. Stalin, 25 Jun 54.
(Turkmenskaya Iskra, Ashkhabad, 13 Jun 54)
EO: SUI 318, 23 Dec. 195h
SHUILL17DULl IT-A-es kaiid,npd,nauk
Stomach cancer. Zdrav.Turk. 3 no.3:3-6 14.y-Je '59.
(141R& 12: 11)
1. Iz gospitallnoy khiri=gicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof.I.1?.
Borazin) Turlcnenskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta
im. I.V.Stalina.
L .06592-67- EVIT ~ra)/Cf T TJP(LJ~D JJW a -JG
-AZC-NR. AP& E ~Dj~~ 8/096 /017
SLZ /00
AUTHOR: Pelevin, 0. V.; Millvidskiy, M. G.; Belyayev, A. I.. Khotin. B. A.1
Sh'ale-pnikov, M. N.. Voronk-o-v, V. V.
~ORG: State Scientific Research and Planning Institute of the Rare Metal Indus
~(Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proektniy institut redkometallicheskoy
lof volatile substances
:TITLE: Determination of the vapor pressure
~SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya. v. 32, no. 8, 1966, 968-970
!TUPIC TAGS: vapor pressure, selenium, radioactive isotope, temperature dependence,
'diato;-,)ic molecule, thermodynamic analysis
:ABSTRACT: A static method was developed for determining the vapor pressure from the
,radioactivity of the vapor, based on a proportional dependence of radioactivity to the
iquantity of material in the measured volume. In the proposed technique only the molec-
!ular composition of the vapor need be known. A sc atic diagram of the erimental
lapparatus shows 13 components. The saturated vapoAressure of seleniumin detelmined-
f at7teimperatures ranging from 300 to 5801C. Quartz ampoules with weighed portions of
IiSe 5 were evacuated to a pressure of 1-3-10-6 mm Hg and placed in the apparatus. Cali-
'bration curves were obtained by a series of experiments using different weights. Log
UDC: 541.12.034.6
Card 1/2
t, o6592--67
ACC NRt AP6029954
iPSe is given as a function of temperature, PSe being determined by measuring the count-
ling rate for different condensate and/or vapor temperatures during heating and cooling,
!In the presence of a condensate, the counting rate depended exponentially on the con-
Idensate temperature, while after full vaporization, the counting rate was directly pro-
,portional to the average absolute temperature of the vapor phase. Thermodynamic equa-
'tions were given for the dissociation process Seb * 3SeZ and the free energy was relat.
led to the Sez concentration, the vapor pressure, and the cross section area and length
!of the r.,lpoule. By extrapolating the rate constant for saturated selenium vapors to
the minimum temperature of the lower zone of the calibration curve, P was
.calculated to be 95% P. For unsaturated vapors a new equilibrium condition was estab-
'll.shed with even greater quantities of diatomic molecules. The heat of vaporization
,of selenium was calculated to be 25.6 Kcal/mol. The above method may be used for de-
itermining the molecular composition of vapors. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 2 formulas,
!SUB CODE: 'LO jvb/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: OOl/ OTH REF: 004
Card 2/2
L 44UQ_-U E llff (I
U_ NKs AP6005364 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/001/0110/01-10 1
AUTHORS: -Khlebnikov) S. P.; Shulepo'V, A. A.
ORG: none
TITLE: Method for producing a
Institute of Automation and Re
Klass 42., No. 177693 Zainnounced by
ichnical Cybernetics) (Institut
SOURCE: Izobreteniyap promyshlennyye obraztsy, -tovarnyye znaki~ no, 1. 1966, 110
TOPIC TAGS: delay mechanism, magnetic tape, magnetic recording
ABSTRACT* This Author Certificate presents a method for producing a regulated
delay by varying the loop leng].th between the record and the readout heads with the
aid of a movable carriage for constant tape speed. To increase the maximum allow-
able time delays up to a double value with fixed length and direction of motion of
the tape ring, for recording and readout of information the general-purpose magnetic
heads are functionally switched during the motion of the movable carriage to a
position corresponding to the maximum loop length between the heads for the given
design. For readout of information recorded on this loop to the moment of switching,
an additional head is connected temporatily to the input of the reproduction ampli-
fier. This head is disconnected when it reads out a magnetic mark produced on the
2 UDC: 681.142
L -14444-66
ACC NR: AP6002971 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/024/0145/0145
,INVENTOR: Lobov, A. G.; Ollshanskiy, A. V ShuleDov. L. V.
ORd: none
TITLE: A tractor with a bulldozer attachment. Class 63, No. 177286.1announced by.
the Red Banner Military Engineering Academy im.,Y. V. Ku (Voyenno inzhenerna.;
ya ~rasnoznamennaya Aaaemiy-a)]
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 24, 1965, 145
TOPIC TAGS: tractor, construction machinery
:ABSTRACr: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A tractor with-a bulldozer at.;-
tachment including a scraper blade, a blade-raising mechanism, upper push rods,
lower push rods which are four-link hinged mechanisms with flexible connections and
a support roller mounted on one of the bottom links.- The device is designedfor
uniform load distribution on the caterpillar tread of the tractor and for.reduced
frame vibration during motion. The rear end of the tractor body Is made in the form.
of the bulldozer scraper attachment mounted so that it can be moved intothe working
Card 1/3 - -------- --,.----.---.-~-UDC:,~--621.868.238.6-:,621.878.23
. Card
- . -343
L. i4444-66
ACC NR: AP6002971
''I J,
Card .
SHTILEFOV, S. V. - "Effect of Temperature on the Process of Graphitizetion of Coke."
#Dissertations for Degrees in Science and Engineering Defended at USSR Higher Educational
Institutions) Yoscow State Pedagogical Inst imeni V. 1. Lenin, Moscow, 1955.
SO: Knizhnays Letopis' No. 31, 30 July 1955.
*For the Degree of Candidate in Physicomatherratical Sciences.
USSR/Sclid State Physics - Phase Transformations in Solids, E-5
Abst Journal; P-eferat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 3 (13
Author: Kunin, N. F., Shulepov, S. V.
In-stitution: Chelyabinsk Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agri-
culture USSR
Title: Rffect of Temperature on Graphitation of Cokes
Original Peilodical: Dokl. AN SSSR, 1955, 1o4, No 3, 4o1-414
Abstract: An investigation was made of graphitation of cokes using the method of
measuring the thermal emf in specimens roasted at various temperatures. When roast-
ing at 1,000-1,4000 the thermal emf diminishes insignificantly, at 1,400-:-'311000 it
rises sharply, and a further increase in temperature causes a sharp drop in the emf.
The reduction in the thermal emf at temperatures from 1,000-1,4000 is due to the re-
moval0of volatile ccmpcments of the coke; the Increase of the thermal emf at 1,,4oo-
2,000 is explained by the grovth of the graphite layers, and the reduction in the
thermal emf at temperatures above 2,1000 is due to the formatlon of a 3-dimensional
graphite structure. The soaking time (fram one to 7 hours) at temperatures of 2,100-
216000 does not affect the value of the thermal emf.
/ Or / - 1 -
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,0e-,, V -.v_t 0 ce C/cm
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.0 e_ -~-S~ts j:A)S (04
Lind, 'e5 s COLI o0e side connections
:or e G t-rl- "0 OL Olt t. -,.rere made of soft
ra -k- es --d-the shallow drilled holes.
Powdc. -pressing them in a plastic former
15 x -~ GO'Ir dx e~-r plates 40 mm long, which -were
cla"zipe. ,eating and cooling surfaces. The mean
Card 2/
On'the conductivity.... E114/E435
1,,,radient was 250C/cm, and in 'the middle of the specimen 130C/c,-,
THe Nernst-Ettinghausen coefficient was measured at*magnetic field
strengths not exceeding 8000 gauss, and was thus independent of
the field strength. Results are shown for graphite made at
different temperatures starting with petroleum coke, but it was
proved experimentally that other starting materials give similar
results. The Nernst-Ettinghausen coefficient was negative and
was dire.ctly proportional to the temperature of graphitization.
For solid electrodes,'it was about 40 times greater than for
powders, e.g. for solid specimens formed at 26oo0c it was
1-4 x 10-2 absolute units. Since this coefficient is proportional
to the mobility of current carriers, its growth with temperature
implied increased mobility due to larger crystal size.
Discrepancy between experimental and analytical determination at
lower temperatures was assumed to be due to incomplete
.-,-raphitization Concentration of free electrons per atom was
.Lotuid to be 4X- 10-4. As te,-.iperature of graphitization
increased beyond 2000'C, the Hall constant, the Nernst-Ettinghausen
coefficient and the electrical resistance of graphite all decreased.
Card 3/4
Dilatometer for studying the thermal expansion of graphite. Zav.lab.
29 no.5-624-625 163. (NDU 16:5)
1. Chelyabinskiy pedagogicheskiy institut i Chelyabinskiy
elektrometallurgicheskly kombinat.
(Graphite-Thermal properties) (Dilatometer)
(Expansion of solids)
~ , --
SABININ, K.D. (Moskva); SHULBPOV, V.A. (Moskva)
_ _. --. ~!,",-
Short-period internal waves of the Norwegian Sea. Okeanologiia
5 no.2-.264-275 165. (MIRA 18:6)
L 2789-66 E*v[P(e)/EI-IT(m)/EPF(c)/E.4P(i)/T/EWP(t)/r,,WP(k)/'r-,WP(:b)/Et(tft(c)
ACCESSION NR: AP5022245 UR/0363/65/ool/007/1005/1009
546.26-162:539- .17
I. .;.Ro
AUTHOR: -Slxulqpc)v. Oshchepkova, N. v.- 12ukhorakov, dionov, S6 Go
Pronyushkina, M. V.,
TITLE: Defects of the microstructure of-synthetic graphite.
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorgarlicheskiye materialy, v.. I noo'7
TOPIC TAGS: graphite carbon product
/ 77~1 and ~Jum_
ABSTRACT: The purpo P ofthework.was a microscopic study of.fine-
grained hot-extrudedfIraphi.te.a-nd the.'determination.of the microstructut e--
fects and their influence att the basic,physi.comechanical _properties. -of the
material. Electrode material,.Ilgreen!~.~and heat treated electrode blanks,--And,:
graphitic carbon materials produced by 4offiesticelectrode plants,~werd-investi-
gated. Defects in the form of conglomerates, i.e., round masses with 'a circular.
.1 .0,
particle orientationi were observed in all the sainples. The opierties of the"-'
uniform material And material containing congiomerates are compared.. It- i-sJoun
that the density does not determine the quality of:the microstructure and,. ans
Card 1/2
Effect cf the temperature of treatment on the moduli of elp-stIcity
f carbonaceous 7-aterials. Trualy Cliel. gos. oad. inst. 2:145-152
164.. OMIBA 18:9)
SHUU-i6V, L'!.V.; 0-1~11"HEPWVA, D.V.; SUKITCRUKOV, 1.11F.; aC,,j'-7GjN0V, S.c;.;
. 4
.c.rostructure defects of artificial graphite. izv.AN SSSR.f.'eorg.
out,. I no.7:1005-1009 JI 165. (MILRA 18:9.)
1. Gcsudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut elektrodnoy
. ~~.! : i - ? ;~ ~~ f t , .- . - . ,
. . ~,~ I - -, ; olllj~E'iTIV S V
expansicn of coke-pitrh ry-iteriaifz under different lieritu
tniatmem in the ar-i high tuemrt~rrat.ur~~ ranres. Tri,ai-jr Ch~~I.
inst. 2:153,158 164.
L -21211-66-- KAT (1)-- GW
ACC NR, AP601-1945 SOURCE CODE: UR/0213/65/005/006/1038/iQ42
AUTHOR: Chindonova, Yu. G.; Shule 0v V. A.
ORG: Acoustics Institute AN SWR(Akusticheskiy institut AN SSSR)
TITLE: Sound-scattering layers as indicators of internalwaves in the ocean
SOURCE: Okeanologiya, v# 5, no, 6. 1965) 1038-1042
TOPIC TAGS: acoustic echo, ocean acoustics, biologic ecology, acoustic scatteringj,
oceanography, sonar, oceanographic expedition
.dey!' in the winter-spring seasons
ABSTRACT: During the voyages of the LIP ~tL~ebe
of 1962-1964 the depth of the ocean floor was measured by an echo sounder; it also,
was possible to obtain records of sound-scattering layers. Thi
s paper discusses
the collected data on these layers to determine their relationship to internal waveso-_.:
The observations were made in the open ocean, and therefore the results differ from
earlier studies made in coastal and shallow waters; the variations of the sound-
scattering layers have greater amplitudes,and the layers are at greater depths. It
is shown that data on the distribution of these layers can yield important informa-
tion on the amplitudes of the internal waves:and the depths to which they penetrate.,..
In addition, the results give additional information on the ecology of pelagic
animals populating the ocean. A table gives data,on the location, time, amplitudes,
wave lengths and depths of sound-scattering layers whose distribution is related.
to internal waves. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table. [JPRS1
SUB CODE: 08, 06, 20, 17 SUBM DATE. 19Jul65 ORIG KEF: 003 OTH REF:. 00,r
L-Card 1/1 4i,) UDC: - 5r/7-472(-26) Lk
AUTHORS: Mozzhukhin, Ye.I., Shulepov, V.I. 32-3-39/52
TITLE: The Application of Coal- and Graphite Heating Elements in the
TVV-2 Furnace (Primeneniye ugollnykh grafitovykh nagrevatele
v Fechi TVV-2)
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr3, pp. 359-360 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the laboratory for powder metallurgy of the institute mentioned
below the tungsten heating elements of the TVV-2 furnace were
exchanged. This exchange can be repeated and takes 20-215 minutes.
When using carbon tubes with an outside diameter of 70 mm and an
inner diameter of 60 0mm work could be carried out only up to a
temperature of 1200 C; for higher temperatures graphite heating
elements of a special shape were developed. The furnace was used
for work carried out in an inert gas atmosphere, in which case,
however, various alterations had to be carried out. For work car-
ried out in a gas-atmosphere the tungsten heating elements gave
satisfaction and so did graphite heating elements. It is not ad-
visable to work in an atmosphere of dissociated jamr-onia, because
Card 1/2 the small quantity of undissociated portion may cause considerable
The Application of Coal- and Graphite Heating 32-3-39/52
Elements in the TVV-2 Furnace
corrosion in the copper body of the furnace. %-ere is 1 figure.
ASSOCIATICN:'- Moscow Steel Institute Imeni I.V. Stalin (Moskovskiy institut
stali im. I.V. Stalina)
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
1. Laboratory furnaces-Modifications 2. Heating elements-Test
methods 3. Heating elements-Test results
Card 2/2
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 1, p 75 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Yelyutin, V. P., Mozzhukhin, Ye. I., Shulepov, V. I.
TITLE: Effect of Combined Chemical and Heat Treatment on Heat Resistance
of Alloys (Vliyaniye khimiko-terriiicheskoy obrabotki na zharoupornost,
PERIODICAL: Sb. Mosk. in-t stali, 1958, Nr 38, pp 427-432
ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the effect of combined chemical and heat
treatment (CHT) of the surface of specimens of a TiG base (71.516
TiC) alLoy cemented with a NiAl compound containing 54 atorn-jo Ni
and 60 atom-% of metallic Nb, Zr, Cr, or Be on the resistance to
scale formation at 1150- 12500C. The CHT consisted of annealing of
the specimens covered with a 50:50 mixture of ZrO2 and alloying
metal and 1% NH4C1 in an HZ atmosphere at 15000. Saturation of the
surface with niobium and zirconium does not improve the resistance
to scale formation of TiC - NiAl alloys. GHT with beryllium and
chromium increases the heat resistance by 1900% and 200%, respec-
tively. The authors note that a change in the procedure of saturation
Card 1/2 of the alloy surface with chromium (for example at 11500 temperature
SOV/137-59- 1-575
Effect of Combined Chemical and Heat Treatment on Heat Resistance of Alloys
in an atmosphere of air) has no effect on its resistance to scale formation. How-
ever, GHT conditions should remain constant (15000 temperature for 0.5 hour) for
Be, because any difference in the interaction between Be and TiC and NiAl re-
sults in a different concentration of Be in these phases. The authors submit that
during longer GHT Be reacts predominantly with the NiAl and that the TiC grains
become exposed, which lowers the resistance to scale formation of these alloys.
R. A.
Card 2/2
- -T.I.- YURMICH, Yu.B. . __~E~L~V __
Electric resistance and structure of WC-Co alloys. riz. met. i
metalloved. 10 no.2:207-215 Ag 160. (MIRA, 13:9)
1. Veseoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellski3r institut tverdykh splavov.
(Tungsten carbide) (Cobalt-tungsten alloys-Metallographf)
(Rectric resistance)
AUTHORSs Yelyutin, V. P., Natanson, A. K,, S1032160103610310361064
Shulepov, __I -Yudkovakiy, R- T BOIO/B117
TITLEs A Device Used to Mess=e the Electric Resistance of Alloys at High
PERIODICALt Zavodskays. laboratoriya, 1960, Vol 36, N.r 3, pp 344-346 (USSR)'
TEXTs A special device has been designed (Fig 1) for measuring the electric
resistance of samples 1 x 6 x 20 up to 10 x 15 x 40 mm in size and used in powder
metallurgy, at 2000 to 25000, with a standard furnace of the type TVV-4 used to
heat the samples. The sample is attached to molybdenum- or tantalum electrodes
by spot welding. The electric resistance is measured by the compensation method
(Fig 2, circuit diagram), and calibrated resistgre - are used which were
calculated by the following equation: R. a R Vx (R and R - electric
E TZ- x E
resistances of the sample and the calibration sample, V. a voltage drop in the
sample, VE - voltage drop in the calibration sample). Phase transformations
occurring in Ni-Al-Be alloys were investigated, and it was found that the
electric resistance ranging between 0.1 and 0.5 ohm has to be measured at
Card 1/2
Electrical conductivity and thermal expansion of vanadium,
molybdenum and tungsten oxidese izv, vys, ucheb, zav.;-chern.
met- 4 no,7:22-17 161. (MIRA 34:8)
1. Moskovskiy institut stall.
(Metallic oxides-Electric properties)
(Expansion (Heat))
LYSOV, B.S., kand.tekhn.nauk [translator]; MOZZHUKHIN, Ye.I., kand.
tekhn.nauk [translator)j SHULEPOVp V,Ljkamd.tekhn*nauk
(translator] ; IVANOV, A.P.-[-tr-an-si7at-o-r-];-~IROTINL, Ye.P.
[translator]; NATANSON, A.K.,, kand.tekbn.nauky red.;
[Molybdenum] Molibdex; sbornik statei. Moskva, Izd-vo
inostr.lit-ry, 1962. 393 P. -Translated from the English.
(MIRA 15
1. Kafedra metallurgii redkikh metallov Moskovskogo instituts.
stali (for Lysovp Mozzhukhin, Shulepov).
elyutin, V. P., Pavlov, Yu. A., Shulepov, V. I., and Myaki-
sheva, T. G.
TIL TI-,:. resistivity of V 0 MOO and WO when heated in
2 51 39 3
ildror,.en atmosphere
P-':R'LCD-ICA-': Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 36, no. 7, 19062, 1524 - 1527
T -~;X T ;"lie initial stage ofthe -:eaction of V 0 wi th H
moo and WO
2 5t 30 3 2
,-:eas studied bz me-a-uring the electrical resistivity (appars.
atus, see Izv.
vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniy, Chernaya metallurgiya,-no. 7, 1961). Oxides
sLntered in an 0 flow for 6 hr were used. At all temperatures applied
(200 - 7000C), resistivity was found'to diminish in the course of'heatine.
/j,'?/RJV-for V 0 was 0.002 at 250 0C, 0.004 at 300 0C9 0.007 at 3500c,.0.016
0 9 r, 0
at 3575 C, and 0.027 at 380 C (start of reaction with H ). For MoO' and
2 3
1;0 42-/R.~JT'rose slowly at low temperatures, and*rapidly ndar the beginn-
Card 112
Elect,rical resistivity ... 13101/Bl 38
inE of reaction .~,ith ,,(4300C for MoO 630'C for WO The slow rise
31 3
corrt:~s--,'-~nds tc the extrinsic conductivity of the oxides zith chemisorbed
reacting- as don3r with the oxide, while the steep rise of the curve is
due to the chanaleover to intrinsic conductivity. Here, an-intense reac-
tion with F starts in the gaseous phase owing to sublimation (dissocia-:
tion) of the oxide. There are 4 figures and 1 table.
ASbuCIATIOY. 1-:oskovskiy institut stali (Mfosco'w Steel Institute)
SIUB;~;ITTED: ',;arch 1, 1960
Car" 212
Dependence of the electric resistance of WC-Go alloys on their
structure. Fiz. met. i metalloved.-13 no.5:794-795 My 162.
OMA 15. 6)
1. Vsesoyuznyf nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut tvardykh
(Tungsten-cobalt, alloys-Electric properties)
VA4IL'YEV, 6.A. f
Apparatus for MasuAng internal friction and shear modulus
at high temperatures. Zav. lab.'28 no.922123-1126 162,
(MMA 16:6)
1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov..
(Testing machines)
L 24473-66 EWTW/T/VP(t) LYP (c) JGIJD16S
:ACC NR: AT6010576 (N) SOURCE'CODE:. UR/0000/65/000/000/0083/0095
~AUTHOR: Malltsev, M. V%; Shulepov V. I Britnev, G. P.; Zhdannikova, vs No,~
iDannelyan, T. A.; Popova, Yui b. V_'
feroTg E. IS; Shmmbem, B. It.
',ORG: All-Wion Institute of Light Alloys (Vsesoyuznyy institut leg)cikh splavov)
'TITLE: Some data on the kinetics of the dissociation of a solid solution of inter-
istitial impurities in cast molybdenum-
"SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Mekhanizm plasticheskoy deformatsii metallov (Mechanism of the,
'plastic deformation of metals). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 83-95
:TOPIC TAGS: molybdenum, cast alloy, solid solution, crystal impurity, crystal
lattice defect
'ABSTRACT: The authors study the effect which the number and distribution of.crystal
:lattice defects have on dissociation of a solid solution of interstitial impurities
.in enum are,
molybdenum. The density and distribution of dislocations in cast molybd
:determined principally by the parameters of thecrystallizAtion process (the rate oF7.1....,
;crystallization, temperature gradient in the liquid and solid metal etc.). An x-ray
alysis of a molybdenum single crystal produced by electron-beam zone melting and
'-Card 1/2
L 41024-66 &N(m)/EWP(w)/T/aiP(t)/r-,TI ijp(c) JT/jD/,TG/(!D
ACC '4" AT~009602 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0125/0130
AUTHOR: Malltsev, M. V.; Shulepcrv, V. 1.
ORG: All-Union Institute of Light Alloy# (Vsesoyuznyy institut legkikh splavov)
TITLE: Nature of the brittlenessof molybdenum
ill _0
SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Fizicheskaya pr1roda khrupkogo razrusheniya metallov (Physical
nature of brittle failure of metals). Kiev, Izd-vo Naukova dumka, 1965, 125-130
TOPIC TAGS: molybdenW&, brittleness, crystal impurity, plasticity, phase composition)
;CA'~ 'SGWV%Qn'0aSNC
ABSTRACT: On the basis of a literature survey It is shown that molybdenum, a naturally
plastic metal, becomes brittle at low temperatures if it contains even less than one-hundrethh
of a percent of interstitial Impurities: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen, since then a
considerable amount of second phase may still form. E.g. if a carbide of the Mo6Me C type
segregates In Mo containing metal Impurities, an 0. 01% C impurity will form a X~A phase
amounting to several vol Clearly, to real metal there form even less compact compounds
of Mo, Interstitial impurities and metallic impurities -- oxycarbanitrides, whose volumetric
content in equilibrium state at low temperatures may be quite substantial. The energy of inter-
Card 1/3
ACId NN, AT6009602
action between dislocations and interstitial atoms should be maximal for metals of the VI
group, and so should be the elastic stresses that arise in the matrix during the segregation of
interstitial atoms on dislocation pile-ups or on grain boundaries. Hence, the decomposition of
the solid solution, which in cast Mo localizes chiefly at the polygonization boundaries, and in
deformed Moat high temperatures, both on the grain boundaries and in the grain interior, is
accompanied by a type of hardening such that the metal Is brittle In the sites where this de-
composition takes place. There exist several theories of the mechanism of action of intersti-
tial impurities. Of these, the most common Is the theory attributing the high brittleness of
metals in the VIA group to the formation, around the individual dislocations, of Cottrell at-
mospheres consisting of atoms of Interstitial impurities which sharply reduce the mobility of
dislocations. However, numerous experimental findings contradict this theory. In particular,
it is widely known that the individual crystals into which a Mo ingot readily divides represent
a supersaturated solid solution and at the same time display high plasticity. An interesting
finding is, in this connection, presented by L. A. _Movchan (Fiziche&Wye-i kMmicheskiye,
neodnorodnosU v litom. metalle. K., Gostekbizdat UkrSSR, 1960): the high brittleness of cast
molybdenum may be largely explained by the formation of a network o1plygonization bounda-
ries during the cooling of the ingot. In ordinary d1swrsion-haMd"jn&Uoys of the duralumi-
num type, the hardened state is unstable at high temperatures. Isothermal eWsure is followed!
by the reaction: Guinier-Preston zones _*disperslon segregations --,coagulated seoond-phase ~
L 41OZ4-~,6~
segregations. By contrast, in Mo the atomic volume of the segregating interstitial phase per
atom of metal is much greater than in the original solid solution, and hence coagulation of
second-phase segregations is sharply inhP~ite(i, by virtue of thermodynamic considerations
(hydrostatic pressure arising around Fie second-phase particle during its segregation). Hence,
if the second-phase segregations are coagulated in Mo by some technique (e.g. special heat
treatment) without relaxing the atf~-ndant local stresses, then conditions for the formation of
microcracks during the plastic deformation of metal are created in these sites. As a result,
one mechanism of high brittleness of Mo -- dispersion hardening -- is replaced by another,
namely, by the presence in the metal of stressed microvolumes in which crack formation is
more apt to occur. As proposed above, this explanation of the nature of the brittleness of Mo
and its alloys, is in good agreement with experimental findings and clearly may be extended
to other metals that are brittle in certain structural states and have a high modulus of elasti- 1,
city and small dimensions of the atom: Cr, W and Be. Orig. art. has: I table.
SUB CODE: 11, 20, 13/ SUBM DATE: 26Sep64/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 004
Card 3/3
ACC NR3 AT6026903 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0010/0021
AUTHOR: Piguzov, Yu. V.; Verner, V. D.; Shulepov, V. I.; Rzhevskaya, 1. Ya.
ORG: none
TITLE: A study of the behavior of interstitial atoms in molybdenum by means of in-
ternal friction
SOURCE: X1 SSSR. Institut metallur-gii. Vnutrenneye treziye v metallakh i splavakh
(Internal friction in metals' and alloys). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 18-21
TOPIC TAGS: internal friction, molybdenum, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, activation ener-1
.Zy, temperature- dependence, solid solution, quenching, tempering, plastic deformation
APSTWXT: -An internal friction study was made of the effects of C, 02* and N. additi
in mollybdenun, . The ten, perature dependence of internal friction was 'ffi-easure-c7-in a vacu-,
= on samples of 1 rmn width and 0.35 mm thickness. Oscillation frequencies ranged from
,0.5 to 2.1 cps. Quenched samples exhibited a wide internal friction peak, spread overl
the range 60-4000C, the height of which increased linearly as a function of quenching
,temperature due to the higher solubilities of the interstitial atoms. The concentra-
tion ratio C/C max for C, 11,12 and 07 corresponded with the internal friction ratio Q 1/
/,~ -1- The peak itself consisted of three components-I, 11, III--a high central por-(
L 04~~&-67
ACC-NR:--- AT6026903
tion %M) and two neighboring plateaus (I, III). The related activation energies as
detezmined by the Wert-Marx method were 26, 32, and 39 Kcal/mol for 1, 11 and III re-
,spectively. Component III was associated with carbon since it vanished after quenching
from 10001C, and the concentration of carbon in solid solution is negligible below
:12000C. The central component II may have been_caused by oxygen since oxygen is the
:,most soluble interstitial in molybdenum; also Q 1/ 1 correlated best with 02/02
,Canponent I was probably caused by nitrogen. The activation energy for nitrogen diffu-
sion in molybdenum was previously determined by Hartley and Wilson to be 25.1 t 2.7
Kcal/mol. The peaks and the low temperature background decreased in magnitude after
:tempering at 6000C for 30 min, or in quenched after annealing in. hyAr9gen, at
.16001C. Deformation of vacuum annealed samples pushed 'the high 'temperature side toward
:the left, either as a result of the breakaway of dislocations from Cottrell atmosphere
or because of lo-calized differences in deformation conditions. Orig. art. has: 6
"SUB CODE: 11,20/ SUBM DATE: 02Apr66/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 004
Card 2/2z,-
SIIEVTSOV. P.P.. kand.takhn.nauk; SHULEPOV, V.N., inzh.
'eceleration of fast tractors with speed shift during runnin . Trakt.
i sellkhazmash. no.9!1-3 S 165, (MIRA 18:10)
1. Volgogradskiy sellskokhozyaystvanrjyy institut.
Deposition of aerosolt from laminar flow under the effect of gravity.
ho.1l.zhur. 23 no.6:687-689 N-D '61. (FIRA 14:12)
1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii A14 USSR, Kiyev.
(Aero5ols) (Laminar flow)
AUTHORS: Shulepov, Yu. V., Dukhin, S. S.
TITLE- Theory of electrical coagulation of spherical aerosol
PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, v. 24, no. 6, 1962, 749-751
TEXT: The capture efficiency E of one aerosol particle by another is
calculated from the general equations m d1l,/dt - ~1 + m F12e and
--V. - -15. 1 . 3 1 gf 3
m d V" /d t - F + m F here m - (4/3)nR;r and = (4/3)nR
2 2 2 29~ 12e' w 1 m2 w-
are the masses of th 'e first and the second particle, respectively;)p is VI/
the particle density, R and R the radii; g is gravitational acceleration;
1 2
is the vertical unit vector; F12e is the force of electrical interaction
between the particles; v1 and v 2 are the velocity vectors of the first and
second particle, respectively;t is the time; F I and F2 are the forces
Card 1/3
Theory of electrical coagulation of B101/B160
which, owing to the viscosity of the medium, act on particles 1 and 2.
Attempts by L. M. Levin and R. Cochet (L. M. Levin, Dokl. AN SSSR, 94t
no. 3, 1954; R. Cochett Ann. geophys., 6, 33, 1952) to solve the above Bet
of equations are discussed. It is shown that solutions can be obtained
for any ratio of the particle radii, R 2/R1, using the following set of
equations; 6ny, dxl/dt = K(x 2 " x1)/[(XI _ X2)2 + (YJ - Y2)213;
6n?LRjdyj/dt = m,g + K(Y2 - Yl)/L( x1 - x2) 2 + (YI - y2) 2J3
6,,~R2dx2/dt = -K (X2 - xd/ 1( x 1 x2)2 + (y 1 - Y2) 213 ;
6 nvLR2dY2 /dt = m2g - K (Y2 - YO/ x1 - x2) 2 + (y 1 - Y2 )2] 1; here,
K = 2Q 2R3 , and Q is the electrical charge of the first particle. When
1 2 1
the larger particle is charged and the smaller oqe uncharged, the capture
efficiency is given by E 2 = (45/16 gjr)2/5 Q4/5R4/15 R12/5(R R 2/5, but
1 2 1 1 1 - 2)
Card 2/3
Theory of electrical coagulation of ... B101/B180
when the smaller one or both the particles are charged, then
2/5 4/5 -6/5 -2/5 2/5 3(R R )R
E3 ' (4 5/16 2 R1 R-2 (R I - R2)- EI - 3QIQ2/ng'-Rl 1 2 2'
The known formulas, derived on the basis of the elementary act of
electrical coagulation as a one-body problem, are particular cases of the
formulas derived heFe. There is'-1 figure.
ASSOCIATION: Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN USSR, Kiyev
(Institute of General and Inorgaiiic Chemistry of-the
AS UkrSSR, Kiyev)
SUBMITTED: May 18, 1961.
Card 3/3
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Solution to instability in an unstably stratified atmosphere.
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ikL',.V4tj-)rt W-k:-~
Activation of bleaching earths of the Volga region. Zhur.prikl.
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l.Nauchno-issledovateltaki7 institut khimii pri Saratovskom gosudar-
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(Volga Valle7--Bleaching agents)
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1. Iz kafedry urologii (zav. - prof. A.M.Gesparyan) I leningradekogo
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(KIDNEYS. in DISBASIS, etiol. and pathogen.
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SHULEPOVA, N.A... kand. med. nauk
Surgical treatment of urological patients with cardiovascular
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Symmetry of the Pattersen function, Kristallografiia 1 no-5.'
594-595 '56. (MLRA 10:2)
1. Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat im N.I. Lobachevskogo.
(Crystallography, Mathematical)
'Foj s
FRMYODITMU, A.S.; LAYROY, N.Y., doktor takhn. nauk, prof.; AL'T-
.SHULER, T.S., doktor tekhn. nauk; POPOV. Y.M., kand. tei~i.-
nauk;TSMLIN, B.S., red. izd-va; FRUSAXOVA, T.A., tekhn.
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[Fuel g9ses in the national economy; work of the-All-
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stitut gospehikh iskopayeMkh All SSM (for Lavrov. Pappv)
(Gas as fuel~--Congre sees)