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SHUBINA, N.K. Materials on the problem of the pathogenesis of obsessiTe conditions. Probl.sud.psikh. 8:443-450 159. (MIRA 13:6) (Cbsessions) SHUBINA, N.K. Some data on the dynamIcs of psychopathics based on materials of prolonged cataimnesis. Probl. obahchel i sud. psikh. no.14: 102-116 163. (MIRA 18:9) SIUJBINK, N.Y. Organization of large-scale mapping operations for agricultural purposes. Test. Monk. un. Ser. biol., pochve, geolp, geoge 14 no.3!199-203 159. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Kafedra kartografti Hoskovakogo universiteta. (Agriculture--Mops) (Photographic Interpretation) SMINA, If,.Y,-- Working out a general cartographic foundation corresponding to the economic needs in the use of maps. Vest.Hosk.un.Ser.viol., pochv., geol., geog. 14 no.4:225-229 '59. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Kafedra geodezii i kartografii. (Agriculture-Maps) SHUBINA, N.V.J, aspirant Repres.witation of agricultural land use on topographic maps. Izv. vys.ucheb.zav.; geodA aerof. no.6:97-106 161. (MM 15:3) 1. MDskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Topographic maps) S/035/62/000/011/062/079 A001/A101 AUTHOR- Shubina, N. V. TITLE: Possibilities of' improving the contents of topographic maps for water-economy purposes PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeiiya, no. 11, 1962, 21, abstract 11G157 ("Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. Geografiyall, 1962, rio. 3, 43 47) TEXT: In order to use topographic maps, 1 10j000 and I : 25,000 scales, in water-econoiny purposes, the author proposes to complement their contents with special hydrographic data. In particular, it is expedient to provide topographic maps with a f'uller characteristic of water conditions of rivers and lakes, to subdivide channels according to their destination (irrigation, wate-r-collecting and overflow, drainage), to single out irrigated lands (irrigated by gravity flow and mechanically, as well as estuary irrigated), and to denote the level of ground waters and their discharge. Moreover, specihl objects (water trough sites, pumping stations, water towers, hydrometric stations, hydrotechnical tun- nels,etc.) should be designated on the maps. P. Kuznetscv [Abstracter's note: Complete translationi Card 1/1 i T ,t _.r T;-I II SHUBINA, ii. V. Work practice of the Cooperation Council organized at the hospital. I Zdra v.RGs Feder. I no.5:26-27 My 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Glavayy vrech Astrakhanskoy Basseynovoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy imeni Z.P.Solovlyeva Nizhne-Volzhskogo vodzdravotdela. (UMUSTRIAL HYGIIIIN) DAVYDOV, N.; -!!!T Quality of the trainIng of miners. Prof.-takh. obr. 14 no.4:19-21 AP '57.. (MLEL 10:4) 10 Starchiy inspektor Kemerovskogo oblastnogo upravleniya. trudovvkh razervov'(for Davydov). 2. Zaveduvushchaya matodichaskim kabinetom (for Shubina). (Mining engineering--Study and teaching) 27-58-6-e/35 AUTHOR: -9bubina, O-,,-F~.-nd of the Educational Methods Office of Kemerovo ObIaSL TITLE: Shortcomings in the Preparation of Builders (Nedostatki v podgotovke stroiteley) PERTODTCAlo Profonsionnllno-Tokhnicheakoye Obrazovaniye, 1958, Nr 6, p 9-11 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author inspected various building and mining industry schools and found that the results of teaching methods were far from satisfactory. Some schools showed very good results, but in many others the students did not even know how to use the simplest tools. The author cites many such examples. She finds that the fault li&s mainly with the lack of knowledge of young teachers and with the careless attitude of the foremen in charge of practical instruction. ASSOCIATION: Ucheb-n-metodicheskiy kabinet Kemerovskoy oblasti (The Kemerovo Oblast EJucational MethodS Office) 1. Construction industry"Study and teaching 2. Mining industry- Card 1/1 Study and teaching 3. Education-USSR SHAKHPER, P.; SIRIBINA, 0. -- Educational center at a construction site. Prof.-tekh.obr. 16 no.2:30-31 F '59. (MIRA 12.5) 1. Direktor nchebnogo punkta treate. "Kamerovotsentrostroy" (for Slv~khper). 2. Zaveduyuahchaya Kemerovskim oblastnym uchebno-metodicheskim kabinetom (for Shubina). (Kemerovo--Bducation, Cooperative) ~-Ii SHUBINA. 0. Now machinery and now demands. Prof.-takh.obr. 17 n0-219 P 16o. (MIRA 13W 1. Zaveduyushchaya metodichaskim kabinstom Xemerovskogo oblastnogo upravleniya. professionallno-takhnichemkogo obrasovaniy&. (Kemerovo Province--Technical education) SHUBINA , 0. Personnel for mechanization in the mines. Prof.-tekh. obr. 18 no.4:19-20 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Zaveduyushchaya matodicheskim kabinetom Kemerovskogo oblaetnogo upravieniya professionallno-takhnicheskogq obrazovniyu. (Mining bngineering--$tudy and teaching) AUTHORS: Shubina, 0. A. and L. I. Chechulina. -'Lindi-w-n E-Sx-tractioiT as a by-product from DaraF-1n. ores. TITLE, o (PoDutnoye -izvlecheniye indiya iz Darasunskilch rud). PERIODICAL: Tsveti,-.,c _"Jetally,, 10357;~'No.q, pp. 14-18 (USSR) A ABSTRACT: The presence of indium. in Darasun ores was established in 10,40 by V. I. Sobolevskiy and viork aimed at exturacting this element has been carried out by the Irgiredmet organization since 1955. The authors give analysis of the ores and concentrates and clern-ribe thn concentration scheme used at, the Darasun enrichment plant and the scheme for treatinL1, the co-Liective concen-rrates. It was shown in experiments that with the Gold-containing ores of t-h-e Darasun. deposits wituh high zinc and indium contents a concentra-~Ue containin- 290-300 S/ton of indi=," and 40-45% zinc (r,70c,,o' extralction) can be obtained by the selective flotation method adopted; the authors Give details of the method. For the typical Darasun. orcs u with O.,')Plo' Zn and 2-3 ,/ton of indiira i "I was better to finish the selection by the production of a copper-lead- zinc concentrate 7 vit-h 90% e-,,Itrac-*Uion of each of these elements ,uld ?V16 e.-ftraction of indium... The indium content Card 1/2would arqount to 65-70 ton and 10 to 15% each of copper, Extraction of indium as a by-product fro.,,~ Darasun ores. 136-9-3/14 lead and Zinc. The Liethod proposed. for extracting indi"Lua, from the copper-lead-zine concentrate is to use a chlorinatinG roast with subsequent leachin6 with sulphuric acid and chloride solution into ~which about 9Wo of each of the elements pasLes. Gold is extracted from the cake by cyanidine.;. The authors finally recom-mend the testin of their proposals on a larGe scale. An editorial note ur,L-,.es that the extraction of indium from the various Soviet concentrates should be oro-anised centrally. There are 2 fieures and G tables. ASSOCIATION: Irsiredmet. AVAILABLE,: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 1. Ores-Deposits 2. Indium-Extraction YE RtLUT, B. A.; ESS'~,L' A. Ye. ; 15ROITITSKAYA., V . Y~,- ; SMEINA, S. B. . WASNIKOVA, A. T.- V .1 Ye "Tsito'oto.metricheskoye opredeleniye soderzhani-ya rak v kletkakh ner-2, zarazhennykh rnk-soderzhashchim virusom." report presented at Symp on Virus Diseases, Moscow,, 6-9 oct 64. Instdtut virusnykh infektsiy, Sverdlovsk. KOFVILLEMP U.Kh.; SHUBINA. R.V. - ----- Feasibility of absolute polarization of magnetic nuclei by the pulse method. Fiz.tver.tela 4 no.7:1717-1727 Jl 162. (MBA 16;4) 1. Kazanskiy filial AN SSSR. (Magnetic fields) (Nuclear spin) KOMILLEM., U.Fdl-.; SHUBINA, H.V. .L Double excitation of free induction and spin echo in crystals Ln the absence of a static magnetic field. -Lzv. -rfs. ucheb. zav.; fiz. no.5:6-13 '63. (MERA 16:12) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Kazanskogo filiala AN SSSR i Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni V.I.Ullyanova (Lenina). L 31494-66 E,JT(1)1F-WT-(M)- -- -IJP(c) ACC XR: AP6013023 SOURCE CODE: uR/oo51/66/o2o/oo4/o66l/o668 AUTHOR: Shubina,_R. V. 79 ORG: none 7 7 TITLE: Raman analog of electron and nuclear spin induction and echo SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya.. v. 20, no. 4, 1966, 661-668 TOPIC TAGS, Raman effect, Raman ipectroscopy, electron spin, nuclear spin, laser application, Schroedinger equation, relaxation process. POASE. CREA~Zed ro.-- ABSTRACT: The author investigates the possibility of using high power pulsed light sources in Raman spe troscopy.~-To this end, a solution is obtained for the Schroedinger equation of a system of particles with a discrete energy spectrum, subject to simultaneous action of two pulsed generators. The quantum mechanical system, subjected to the pulsed generators is assumed to h&ve a certain number of particles with nondegenerate nonequidistant levels. The frequencies of the generators are different. The solutions obtained for the Schroedinger equation show that such an excitation will give rise to signals which are the analog of spin induction and spin echo and that the information contained in these signals is more abundant that thatt contained in ordinary Raman signals for the scattering Card 1/2 UDC: 539.192 L 31494-66 ACC PTR: AP6013023 of light, radiowaves, and phonons. If the generator intensity is sufficiently strong, the pulse duration can be chosen so short that the excitation processes in the medium will not depend on the relaxation mechanisms. The solutions in- dicate the existence of a great variety of nonequilibrium states of matter., which can be used to extend the capabilities of pulsed Raman spectroscopy. Signals obtained for the C135 ion in NaC103 are described by way example. The author is deeply grateful to U. Kh. Kowillem for guidance.- Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ Sum DATE: 12Feb65/ ORIG W: 0031 OTH REF: 003 Card 2/2 Mc, L 7:66 1 '1 T-jP 'i-rvl Im .. ~ I -(1q 91- - kCC NR: AP6014033 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/050/004/0936/0942 AUTHOR: Shubina, R. V. ORG: Kazan Physicotechnical Institute, AN SSSR (Kazanskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Free induction signal in exchange pairs SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 50, no. 4, 1966, 936-942 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic resonance, wave equation, signal shape, oscillation, temperature dependence ABSTRACT: Equations for the initial amplitude and shape~of the free induction signal were obtained under normal conditions of magneti resonance, and a dependent- wave equation for the interaction of two coupled spins in fields of-arbitrary intensity was employed. The temperature dependence of the signal was taken into account. It was shown that due to the relaxation terms, the decay of the free induction signal is oscillatory. The signal amplitude contains oscillations with a frequency proportional to the interaction constant of the bound paired spins. It was shown that the variation in the shape of the free induction signal depends on temperature T. Near T = 0, the decay of the free induction signal becomes weaker. 3+ The results of the theory were considered for the caE~ oF '.d pairs in ethyl rard 112 L 36392--66 ACC NR: AP6014033 sulfate LaES. The author thanks U. Kh. Kopvillem for supervising the work. Orig a art. has: 3 figures and 5 formulas. [Based on author's abstract] [NTJ SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 20jul65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 009 RODIGIN, Rikolay Mikhaylovich; KOROBIBYNIKOVA, Ida Yegorovna; KRA OV, N.A., inzh., retsenzent; SMINA S B inzh., retsenzent; ALISIOVOK. G.I., inzh., rat_g6-Eie"n-_t; DUGINA, N.A.,,' [Using eddy currents*-in controlling the quality of products] Kontroll kachestva Izdelii metodom vikhrevykh tokov. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1958. 61' p. (MIRA 12:3) (Metalwork-Quality control) (Electric currents, Eddy) &I o IL 3,8 IS: r *3 t A a AE, E :!I IL P A IL v &.3E. zl~, IM ar~ !i Rj~ e.'-d Al nA .- I fl, " " * 'J'o 4 10 4 ol IM b V 1. pd td o23 j TT SMMINA, S.B.; SHAYETICII, A.B.; PROSTAKOV, M.Te.; B;LSOVIt. Ye.P. Simplified method for determining tin content of canned food by means of spectrum analysis. -Kons.i ov.prom. 14 no.12:30-31 D '59. (141R& 13:3) 1. Urallskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernykh metallov. (Food, Canned--Analysis) (Tin-Spectra) t 00/00 94/201 S/137/62/0 4/1 A15VA101 AUTHORS: Shubina, S. B., Shayevich, A. B., Basova, Ye. P. TITLE: Quantitative spectrographic analysis of ferrochrome, chromium, ferroniobium, ferrovanadium and ferromolybdenum for the content of small admixtures of non-ferrous metals PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 4, 1962, 6, abstract 4K31 ("Nekotor. vopr. emission. i molekulyarn. spektroskopii", Krasno- yarsk, 1960, 82-90) TEXT: An,80,mg test batch is introduced into the channel of a carbon electrode 6 mm in diameter; a 6 mm coinical carbon rod is used as a second electrode, Test sample is heated and a spectrum ia excited by aA[--2 (DG-2) generator (I - 15 - 16 amp). When Sn and As admixtures are being detemined In Fe-Cr and Cr, or when As is determined in Fe-Nb, test sample's are supplemented with S, in'an amount of 0.1% of the volume of the analyzed substance. The analysis is carried-out with,the aid ofkcn -28 (ISP-28) spectrograph whose slit has a width of 0.010 mm. Test samples are analyzed by the three-8tandards method. The reproducibility of the determinations is characterized by a mean Card 1/2 SHAYXVICH, A.B... SMJBINA, SAL Essence and field of application of the fractional exponent method of superposed (Synthetic) spectra. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. no.4:115-118 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Urallskly nauchno-tesledovatel'skiy institut chernykh metallov, Sverdlovsk. (Spectrum analysis) S/032/60/026/012/009/036 B020/BO56 AUTHORS: Shubina, S. B., Shayevich, A. B., and Basova, Ye. P. - - - aftIONWA930W TITLE: Spectroscopic Analysis of Ferro Alloys and Chromium for Non-ferrous Metal Impurities PERIODICAL- Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1960, Vol. 26, No. 12, pp. 1364-1366 TEXT: In the present paper the spectroscopic methods of determining-lead, tin, antimony, bismuth, arsenic, zinc, and cadmium in ferrochromium, chro- mium, ferroniobium, ferrovanadium, and ferromolybdenum are described. De- termination of these impurities in the relatively high-melting substances with multiband spectra may be carried out by means of fractional distilla- tion in the arc by means of an evaporator or by a previous chemical pre- paration. If the impurity content is not too,low, the fractional distilla- tion from the channel of the "cup-shaped" electrode (Ref. 1) in the a.c. arc is most c6nv6nient., The test sample was a Dowder to which sulfur, soda, and graphite were added to increase speci. -insitivity. The results obtained by analysis on the basis of the "absolut -31ackenings of the Card 1/4 Spectroscopic Analysis of Ferro Alloys and S/032/60/026/012/009/036 Chromium for Non-ferrous Metal Impurities B020/BO56 bands were sufficiently reproducible. The standards were prepared synthe- tically from the pulverulent sample with the lowest impurity content, the samples with solutions of known impurity content were wetted and dried. As the decomposition temperature and the sublimation temperature of the oxides of impurity elements and the evaporation temperature of the metal impurities is near the heating temperature of the sample in the electrode channel, the conditions of entry into the arc are the same for an element determined from samples and standards in the case of quan- titative evaporation. As an example, the evaporation curves of lead from a standard sample ferroniobium and from synthetically prepared standards are mentioned (Fig.). The initial standard solutions are specially prepared for each impurity , because all of them together cannot be kept in solution. Each solution contained 0.1~6 ofthe impurity. The weighed portion of 80 mg of the average sample, granulated to 150 to 200 mesh, is introduced into a channel of a carbon electrode having a diameter of 6 mm. As a second electrode, a carbon rod with a diameter of 6 mm was used, which was ground to the shape of a truncated cone. For excitation of the spectrum, a AF-2 (DG-2)genEmtar with 15-16a-was used. For the deter- mination of tin and arsenic in ferrochromium and chromium and of arsenic Card 2/4 Spectroscopic Analysis of Ferro Alloys ani S/032/'6-J// 026/012/009/036 Chromium for Non-ferrous Metal Impurities B020/IG56 in ferroniobium, elementariy'siiilfur in a quantitk of 1/10 of the volume of the analyzed substance is added to the samples. For suppressing the speo- trum of the basic material in the analysis of ferrovanadium and increasing the sensitivity in the determination of tin in these alloysp graphite in a quantity of 0.25 - 0.50 of the volume of the analyzed substance is introduced into the sample. Them c n-~e (ISP-28) speatrograph having a slit width of 0.010 mm was used. The analytical bands are given in Table 1. The analysis is carried out according to the three-standard-technique. The reproducibility' of the determinations' is ahara6teriized by the mean square error of the determinatio'n of three samples, and amounts to 6 - 12%. The limits within which the certain impurities may be detected are given in Table 2. In one -working layer, 10-15 samples may be analyzed for all impurities by means of the method described. There are I figure,. 2 tables, and 5 references: 4 Soviet and 1 US. Card 3/4 TOPALOV, Leonid Ivanovich; SHAYEVICH, Aron Borisovich; SHUBINA, Sof,' a _F_ IN K~_~ -4WjX#,zgt~#enzent; CHAPAYK A Borisovnq; T T: tekl'g. red. izd-va; MALIK07j, [Spectrum analysis of ferroalloys]Spektrallnyi analiz ferrospla- vov. Sverdlovsk, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 288 p. (MIRAL 16:1) (Iron alloyB--Spectra) DUBROV, N.F.; GORLACH, I.A.; PRIVALOV, S.S.; SHAYEVICH, A.B.; SHUBINA, S.B. At the Urals R~-Pearch Institute of Ferro-s Metals. Stall 22 no.9:812, 854 S 162. (MIRA 15-11) (Ural Mountain region---~,Metallurgical researc'h) SAAEVICH, A.B.; ___ Possibility of controlling liquid ca3t iron without sampling. Zav.lab. 28 no./+.447-4.49 'J2. (MIDIA 15:5) 1. Urallskiy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut chernykh Metallov. (Cast iron-Spectra) SHUBINA, S.B.; SHAYEVICH, A.B.; KILINA, S.I.; ~ELINIKOV, S.I.; BAZANOVA, L.A. Rapid determination of oxygen in metals by spectral analysis. Zav.lab. 28 no.8:942-943 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Urallskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernykh metallov. (MBtals--Oxygen content) (Spectrum analysis) S.B.; SHAYEVICH, A.B.; DEWNTIYEVA, V.G. ,NUBINAP Determination of hydrogen in steels by spectral analysis. Zav.lab. 29 no.5:552-555 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Urallskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernykh metallov. (Steel-Hydrogen content) (Spectrum analysis) BASOVA., Ye.F.; ZHOROVA, N.I.; SHAYLVICH, A.B.; SIIUBINA, S.B. Spectroqmphic determination of nonferrous metal impurities in raw materials us6d-in the manufacture of ferroaIloys and heat-resistant alloys. Zav. lab. 28 n0.9:1075-1076 162. (MIRA 16W 1. Urallakiy nauchn~O-iisledovatellskiy Institut chernykh metallw. (Alloys) (Nonferrous metals-Spectra) SHAYEVICH, A.B.; ~$WBINA, S.B. Problem of standardization during spectral analysis. 7Av.lab. 29 no.4:429-431 163. (KIRA 1615) 1. Urkllskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernykh metalloy. (Spectrum analysis-Standaros) SHAYEVIGHY Aron Borisovich; SHUBINA, Soflya Borisovna [Industrial methods of spectrum analysis) Prov7shlewWe metody spektraltnogo analiza. Moskva, Metallurgiia, 1965. 223 P. (MIRA 18:2) !EK,IAN, B.A., PLOTNIKOV., N.P., KADKINA, Ye.V.; MYP3NIKG,'V'A, A,", SHLIBINA S. B. (Qverdiovsk) M-rphology a-r-d cytochemistry of the cells of the HEP-2 ttssue culture under normal conditions and in enterovirus in-fecclons. ~,MIRA Arkh. pt,, 26 nc-9:47-5z5 16 18:4) Overdlovskiy,.-~-'~ssiedovate-ilskiy instit-Ut. vLrusrykh infek-".si'y !dir. G.FoBogdanov). eat M 1 AIk._JL_A L-A-h--r- 1- A 11- _r I **A V~Akot"__". It so" 'Ne"woment of Iles coAcleat of recomblet4don of aftenk hy&affen at tradow vadaces by a dwimminatim I H + 0 h ho t w ure .. e m o t e of The lower limit of lplt Chem Ph t bl dS L Sh U 1 ns . . 6 " ys.. . u A. D. Zonau 11k l chro (IJI ll sc J d M w) A 002 , ' . . . o o . ce . y --The lowest' 1240-M(tw)(in Rusian) S R ) 20 a . . . . C- rciNurc t whkh the mixt. 2 fit + 01 can bej total It 1~1 p 1111"I at 4411' is 1.0.5 and 7 nuu. if% in alass ytaxels" 69-11 - ;! ~, Z lil qu CM. in thAnt., WSC P. The grtatmt incstetat was ob- 1 u 0,31 vvd with ZnCr.(), and staphitc. buth Ova - OM at 4 An. nun. In a vrivi that, alune. gave 00 W, Pt. and stainless steel show stualler increases of P. ' froan 0.94 to 2~34. and Untrrstctl quartz raitctl p at 440 goal KCIdidnotaffect goa Mlslyt"l its.. of It, %I that 0 etbuld not IV nuv~urrd. Fsom th~ expil. p vahmi the rtwff, e uf te- o a combination tA It atmns at various surfaLes can Ix_- valed. W"i L, I a 1-1. -A It Sebago Wtv 0,4V oat i U_ As t -sT-4 I I 0 0 0 0 0 5,4009000000000 ~ -00 -00 '00 -00 -00 as* =00 coo 0, a 'I u &1 44 a k tfas 7to: Z"Cret)' all" ff"I'llile I~vr 1.11 at 4t)[0, An 0.14m at 0 coo 440% 111 OJXIMI At *,IKIV. %%' 0.jxk%~, ,, AM" -tablit., %tcvl UAZ% at 440'. untra-atcel quattt j).jAx)s at 440% tluwt& 'Coo Tinsed with Ill; 41,tnNq at 44o-. and p).Tex ghw% washed i h -** w t a R111,0v 9-411. flARkr2at 440% Th,pirmumfinthe, 2 free twCwtlcr of vaphitr was tic til. also at alld ~W ; from these Vista" the cnvfxv --farciva(6.1 4 11w r dan 11 + of 'he uPP`r litnit Of ignition with temp. between 310* seat zoo 410* In a g" veswl -shed with K.BA sale. the sdi. zoo vation-MYO(I8.000COI-iscomputed. Alltheab"tj ' Woo r"bults SUCC with SCIMCOV s thcOrY (C.A. 38, 318101). j - j - Rikemare tioo se 9 A a 3 9 v -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Illease 000006 A.~ W Z biffiiitig the -S M I a! ryopral XC!Fpv-r FRiaii Akad.-N60-1 Shub n ~-For Of ilfg- I- t( the Als"t- therthowup el am ;rtb Irk iwd h tw t rA 'N th effectsi: -A AlrW recotdint' Of 'on 0hotoiraphIC ~ PaWr- (Kurijakoo-'differ curves ,.,p I rotatift-of the recording vanomiter) Is-poswble It Ul 13-comlderably~ accelerated a 9/mW* Bus, and: ltossowWYA (t~l i to 100 ml ~wjtlj'g metid heatlok block-~'._ scr -tmful ~ . '. "'I . lbed mveq cm;n I V (up: to, -);-,.hemtlrird viiim for inr ad lReltdtkU thow", inalyd;~ )[te' 2CAGASAJOE an curves I ' ~N' ~~ ibi*s 2 t7.* i~"- t Ahttmkift, c lh- th;;~jc eftts; and one 9X' ithodii- t Ath-detiji-Ar. IdAcTO in trien V by Id peyfwwtf- ift, t ~ItFtzmo"' I the mjer&~ithOdj,.gathWp 5010CWhWOUPW" Ifew fttire~ couril,- Of thC flakrocam em 'Thi'e OF onk 0 cc UU W, Na' Qua, t, ble modlMilcatiolk tel 'yl -N-7- -A 5(4'/, 21(5) SOV,"78-4-4-,43/44 AUTHORS.: Nikclaye-.-,. A. V., Shubina-,-. S. M. TITLE- On the I2otope Ex:~hange of Tribatyl Phosphate Witl Phosphor4 -c Ac~d 101b i.7,7topa:jm obmerLa tributilfosfata s wtt~:,rlt~floy fosforn:~y kislotvy) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal nc-,rgan-.;,-;heskoy kh_~mii, ',0/59,, Vol 4, Nr 4, PP 9506--958 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors inves-,igated the exchange between tributyl phos- pha-~e and phosphori_% well as their deri- vatIves. The co-ntac-, -,,-;me3 rcLnged from-one mlyra-r-a to one month, and the investigation :~overt:id ac--;d and.-alkaline solutions. The reaults are listFid in table The authors did not observe an exchange be~-.weer, radioaoti-;-e-.p~osp-hori:;'acld and tributyl pho-sphate. By a slingle",T-ashing-out tributyl phosphat--i I's almost compl.etaly freed from the P.-activit-y c' tagged phosphoric azid. There are ! table airl 2-r-aferences. SUBMITTED: February i958 Card VI 5(2~3), 21(5) SOV/2o-127-3-27/71 AUTHORSt Nikolayev, A.. V., Corresponding Member,,AS USSR, Shubina, S. M., Sinitsyn, N. M. TITLE: Extraction of Nitric kcid by Derivatives of Butylphosphinic Acids PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 3, pp 578 - 58o (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present information constitutes part of the work on the extracting properties of some butyl-phosphine compounds; tributylphosphate (TBPh), dibutyl ester of butylphosphinic acid (BPhSW), butyl ester of dibutylphosphinic acid (DPhBE) and tributylphosphine oxide (TMO). The acid derivatives mentioned in the title are more efficient as extracting agents than TBPh for important elements such as uranium and plutonium. Since this extraction is usually carried out from nitric solutions, it becomes necessary to investigate the distribution of HNO 3 in the aqueous solutions and the so- called organic solvents. No data have been published in this Card 1/4 connection (except on TBPh, Refs 2-4). This gave reason for Extraction of Nitric Acid by Derivatives of 50-V/2o-127-3-27/71 Butylphosphinic Acids the present investigation. The dependence of the HNO distribution on the concentration of used extracting agents and on the presence of uranyl nitrate in the solution, was studied here. Saturated, highly boiling hydrocarbons (SHC) and CCl4 were used as diluents of the extractin.- agents. According to the data given by table 1 showing the experi- mental results, the extraction of HNO 3 increases with an increased concentration of the extracting agent in the SHC. The HNO3 extraction rapidly increases during the transition from TBPh to TBPhO in the series (Fig 1). An increase of more than 5o% of the concentration of BPhDE in the diluent, caused an abnormally reduced acid extraction, compared to other extracting agents of the same series (Fig 1 and Table 1). During the HNO extraction with a 5% solution of TBPhO in 3 SEC a second organic phase was separated which apparently is a combination of TBPhO and HNO 3 (Ref 2). When C01 4 was Card 2/4 used, this second phase did not occur: Table 2 gives the Extraction of Nitric Acid by Derivatives of SOV/2o-127-3-27/71 Butylphosphinic Acids extraction results by means of the same extraction agents, in the presence of uranyl nitrate. Within the concentration sphere of the extracting agent-00'J 50%, the HNO3 extraction is reduced according to the rule, in the series of TBPh to TBFhO. This is probably due to the increase in the ex- traction of the uranyl nitrate and thus also due to the displacement of HNO 3 from the organic phase to the aqueous phase. This displacement is the more intensive, the more effective the extraction of the extracting agent of ~ranyl nitrate (Tables 1 and 2). Consequently the presence of uranyl nitrate influences HNO extraction less and less with-a 3 r~J5o% BPhDE concentration and is finally hardly noticeabl'eo All this proves that the extractability forms the following series: TBPh ( DPhBF, $PhDE