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ACC NR: AP1700--:- Soma com uR/oo56/66/o5i/oo6/1622/1633 AUT11OR: Golovashkin, A. I.; Levehenko, I. S.; Motulevich, G.T.; ShubLn, A. A. OIAG: Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, Academy of Sciences, SSSR (Fizicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SS511) TITU: Optical properties of indium SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz, v. 51, no. 6, 1966, 1622-1633 TOPIC TAGS: indium, optic property, conduction electron, electron density, electron ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier investigations of 'he optical properties of polyvalent metals carried out at the Optical Laboratory of the Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev (ZhrTF v. 51, 122C),'1966,-and earlier). The present paper deals with the optical properties of indium in the range from 0-55 to 10 ~L, made at temper- atures 4.2 and 295K. A new technique for preparing indium films whose properties do not' differ greatly from those of bulk indium is described. The experimental apparatus was described in earlier papers. The measurenentz at room temperature, which-were carried out in two different experimental setups, agreed within 0-5%."-The measure- J ments at helium temperature were performed with- the apparatus described earlier. I (ZhETF V. 47, 64, 1964). The following microscopic properties of the conduction-elee-J-_ trons were determined: conduction electron density, electron collision frequency,* mean electron velocity on the Fermi surface, and total area of the Fermi surface. L 1/2 ACC NR: APT003 202 The following characteristics of the interband transitions were determined: Fourier coefficients of the pseudopotential, threshold frequencies of the interband transi- tions, and the *frequency dependence of the absorption near threshold. Relationships,, between these two groups of properties are established and the temperature dependenue of the properties are determi.ned. The agreement between the electron-structure para-, meters obtained by different methods indicates that these relationships agree well with reality. Orig. art. has;' 6 figures, 12 formulas, and 4 tables. SUB CODE: 20/ suBm DATE.- 23jun66/ OBI(; IREF.- 014/ oTH REF. o06 Card 2/2 I-o Us o si Eu F, lo j, I A o..- -o A 'j t a 6.8 ,6d Z, loi i. I ' t ot s oil Irl AiA ..ii: g4v 1: o E Ilp ZI 4A 16, AUT FLO R Shubin, A. 3. S/194/61/000/00~/026/077 D201/D302 ~ZITLE: Circuits of the control unit of multichannel auto- L matic optiraizers PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektroii,ka, no. 6, 1961, 44, abstract 6 V311 (V sb. Avtonat. upravleniye. M., Ali SSSR, 1960, 129-134) TILXT: Multi-channel automatic optimizers have operational and control parts. The control part assures the required sequence of operations i-,rith various methods of optimization (the Gauss-Seidel method, the method of greatest slope, the gradient method) together with transitions from one method to another. A circuit-, is describ- ed as designed for a 12-channel automatic optima-zer. The circuit uses electron tubes and Drovides 100-operations per second. 3 ref- erenccs. Z7Abstracter's'note: Complete translation-7 Card 1/1 s/io3/6o/o21/o5/o9/o13 B0O`7/BO1 1 AUTHOR: Shubin, A. B. (Moscow) TITLE: Ten-channel Automatic Electronic Rela Opti'mizer PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 1960, Vol. 21, No- 5, pp. 624 - 632 TEXT: The process of automatic determination of partial derivations and the motion in the direction of gradients can be realized with the aid of the so-called systems of automatic9optimizing. Theoretical con- siderations on the searching process are given in the papers of Refs. 1, 2. The paper of Ref- 3 offers a complete description of the elec- tronic variety of the optimizer. An electronic relay system which searches the extremum automatically is described in the present pa- per. This system is designated as an optimizer. 1. N. Bocharov, A. V. Kalinin, R. I. Stakhovskiy, and the author took part in the planning and adjusting of the system. The optimizer allows the search for the extremum of a function of several variables (up to 10) in the pre- -Card 1/3 Ten-channel Automatic Electronic Relay S/103/60/021/05/09/013 Optimizer B007/BO11 sence of restrictions. The functions whose extremum is to be found and the restricted functions are given to the optimizer in the form of d-c voltages whose variation range equates + 100 v. The optimizer can operate with an object supplying the values of functions whose extremum is to be found in a continuous operation, it can, however, work also with such objects as supply the function values at certain instants only (e. g., after the solution on an electronic simulator). The optimizer consists of two parts: the operational and the control part. The computing part of the automatic optimizer is based on con- Unuous electronic blocks. The voltages x , X X at the out- 1 2 .1 put are produced on d-c integrators. The system is chxe?ly intended for operations with an electric simulator. The accuracy of the ope- rations carried out by the simulator and the optimizer is of the same order. Tile control part of the optimizer analyzes the information reaching tile optimizer as well as the state of the optimizer itself, and switches according to the information obtained. Relay and step- by-step switches are the main elements of the control part. Fig. 1 shows the optimizer from outside, Fig. 2 the basic circuit of the operational part whose mode of operation is described, Figs. 3 and 4/ Card 2/3 Ten-Channel Automatic Electronic Relay s/io3/60/021/05/09/013 Optiwizer B007/B011 the circuits of the various blocks and, finally, Fig, 5 illustrates the circuit of the control block. The various parts are described, and their mode of operation is explained. An example illustrates the solution of a problem with the aid of an automatic optimizer. In conclusion, the following is stated: The system described allows variation problems and problems of finding the extreinum of a function of several variables. The optimizer given here chiefly serves for working with an electronic simulator with relay control. The principles applied in this instrument can be, however, also applied in the manufacture of optimizers operat- ine with real objects. It is pointed out that an optimizing of real objects to be carried out in two time ranges is possible'. a quick find- ing of the extremum on tne simulator and the subsequent transfer of re- sults on the real objects There are 60*fiSures and 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: January 5, 19060 Card 3/3 L 049io-67 ACC NR, AT6022616- SOURCE-CODE: AUTHOR: Sagalov. Yu. E.: Frolov. V. I.; Shubin, A. B. ORG: none TITLE: Automatic tenAing of threshold elements and threshold networks SOURCE: Moscow. Institut avtomatikd i telemekhaniki Samoobuchayushchlyesya avtomatichesidye sistemy (Self -instructing automatic systems). Moscow, Izd -vo Nauka, 1966, 81-93 TOPIC TAGS: Boolean algebra, threshold element, pattern recognitiont automatic machine teaching, adaptive pattern recognition A.BSTRACT: The threshold element (TE) and threshold function are defined and pertinent mathematical expressions are derived. Linear separability problems are briefly discussed. The automatic teaching of TE is analyzed and the concept of the teaching sequence is explained. The mathematical apparatus for the geometric interpretation and proof of the convergence of the TE teaching process is presented and an algorithm is derived. A system for the automatic synthesis of threshold elements operating according to this algorithm is described, along with a discussion of the technical realization of the error detection circuitry. By extrapolation, Card 1/2 L 0010-67 -- -02676 ACC NR--ATG many of the conclusions reached with regard to TE are applied to a study of threshold networks (a set of TE connected in some fashion), and It Is shown that the use of such networks is dictated by the Impossibility of realizing relatively complex functions with a TE alone. Some results of experiments involving the teaching of TE and threshold networks are briefly discussed. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 19 formulas. SUB CODE:O?,d6 SUBM DATE: 02Mar66/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 008 Card 2 L-OV99-671 d c ACC NR: AT60221677 SOURCE CODE: l~ll//0000/i;6/000/Cit)0/0094/-'0101 AUTHOR: Shubini A. B. ORG: none TITLE: Some methods of pattern recopittion using threshold elements SOUBCE: Moscow. Institut avtomatiki I tolenickhaniki, amoobtichayushchiyesya avtomatichesldye sistemy (Self -Instruc tin aUtOnlatiC Systems). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 94-101 TOPIC TAGS: pattern recognition, character recoplition, threshold element A13STRACT: The general problem of pattern recognition Is briefly discussed from a purely tinporetical point of view, with attention given to the various interrelated aspects and supposi- tions involved. It is shoum that, technically speakIng, the realization of the pattern recognition problem breaks down into tAA,o sub -problems which are to some degree Independent: 1) the rational selection, or organization of the selection, of the essential (to recognition) coordinates! Iof the pattern, 'I) the actual recognition of the pattern according to the coordinates selected. A S"I'MiJol recognition method is described which employs certain ideas outlined by A. A. Felldbaum~ 0 zjel~otorykh printslpak-h raspoznavanlya obrazov. Sm. nastoyashchiy sbornik.). Pattern CC14'a 77 ACC 14R: AT60226TT coordinato selection Is discussed an the-basis of a generalized block diagram of a recognition- device using threshold elements for the segregation and reco&MlUon of local attributes in a stage between the picture coordinates and the recognition circuit. The method of scanning, the adjustment of the threshold element and the attribute discrimination process (primarily through~ external configuration coordinates) are discussed in detail. Several methods of attribute dis- crinaination ba6ed on different adjustments of the attribute threshold element coefficients are proposer] and comparative data based on the results of practical testing are discussed. Tests involving the recognition of very simple patterns with the system described yield entirely satis-~ factory results, and although study -with more complex configurations has not yet been concluded here, too, encouraging data have been obtained. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. SUT CODE: 0'9,0( 6/ SUBM DATE: 02Mar66/ ORIG REF: 002 2/2 YAKOVIEV, P.; SIRT131N, A.D., dotgent, na,,-,chn, .py rukovoditell Au-~ oma t4 or. -jf prc& C~ 4on -n the IndustrY. Sbor. nauch. ab. stud. Petrozav. gos. un. no.6:97-1"', , -62 . r z OLAIRA 17: 1-1) 1. Kafedra mekhanizatsii lesorazrabotok Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvenrorTo unive-voiteta. SHUBIN, A. D. SHUBIN., A. D. - "Investigation cWthe process of cross-screw debarking of round timber using dull cutters (teeth)". Leningrad, 1955. Min Higher Education USVt. Leningrad Order of Lenin Forestry Fagineering Academy imeni S. M. Kirov. (Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Science). SO: Kni; n jMtopial - No. 46, 12 November 1955. Yoscov 14-57-6-11655 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 6, p 7 (USSR) AUTHOR: Shubin, A. F. TITLE: Literary Selections Suitable for Reading in Geography Classes in the USSR (Khrestomatiya literaturnykh proizvedeniy dlya chteniya na urokakh) PERIODICAL: Gor1kovsk. gor. in-t usoversh. uchiteley. Gor1kiy, 1956, 151 pp, ill. ABSTRACT: These literary selections have been prepared for seventh and eighth classes. The idea originated with a geography teacher in school No. 7 in the city of Gor1kiy, who used literary extracts in his classes. The material has been arranged in the order followed Gard 1/1 by Secondary 9chools. A, A.A., tekhn. JASILIMA, O.S., red.; POOKAM SHUB [Readings on the geography of the U.S.S.R.; literary works for use. in lessons] Mirestomatiia po glografii SSSR;*literaturnye proizve- deni'la d1la ispolizovaniia' na. urokakh. Noskm, Goo. ucbsbuo-pedagog, izd-vo H-va proov. RSPSR, 19Y7. 143 pe (KM& 11:7) (Geography) Wes 009 0 0 00-00 WO-c-c-4-6- OG it h is 27 a .4 111 it u U_ 0 -u - v N w JU 16 Is 94 It 9 111 a- It I$ A, I L 0 L -1 4_ JL_4__L_,+ A-A f 4 N I J it V i . _A... I AA 0 (X W U ;I s It A k , 00 d I A L A IN 0 V . Ow" Apatites, Nt. 11. Fiveg wid A V~ ShIll-ill. A. I. I. I'milgImIl 1038. IN: pp_ hh.", W"al. /hur. 1. No. 1. !'.'-1 walf). -III tht, Jquml. d V.4'allic Of A OTIKIU thc OICII-11- ofIlie plity4plialestwidoin occur.4 Ili Com- ?It, trialtv -tbill 4, The still. of apAtites illil I I jantiiie,&. 0 it, al " 1.1111m1 I"m comr, 430 Klithill.h.1- - 04 1 ttlilliw4 wm .4 11,11. I'll,- iipaltir tor allm tit,tilm,sit Ili It"- Kill-' IL I-kill 11%1 - It I I'll, 1-1111AW c"llig. ;w r, 00 d P.I... Ill, pl-ill't, 4k.- 'l-.1 - o, woo 00 1 t1wv 'All Iw tuade I,, vidd Oft"I .11, Mill. Ih-lAtwill % .00 11 -I Ow md- of ews".111latt, (Ili till: ImAlIVII: .11. N.. and 1"410 W crilkeall. W, It. 11,1111 0 a* 00 00 so* 370 1 6 60 00 1_ ( 00 . "IWAGIC., umwkat CLAWFICATICh c Z 1, .. la- - __ 1, 414i . J at it ts it w It it rt it 4 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 *no 0 0 a Ole 0 ir 0 0 0 0 0 c0 0 c 0 0 SPUBIll, A.P., personal'ny._. j-.-arisioncr Relyin-cr on actije r-,e,-.ibers. Zl-il.-rkom. k ~ 11 no.1C:8 ' h 0 Z j 161. (FiRA 15:1) 1. Chlen Kommunisticheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza s 1919 goda. (F~yatigorsk--Housing management) ACCESSION NR: AP4028946 S/OQ57/64/034/004/0611/0616 AIMIOR: Shubin, A.P. TITLE: Concerning axially symmetric flow of a perfectly conducting gas SOURCE: Zhurnal toldinichesleoy fixilti, v.34, no.4. 1964, 611-616 TOPIC TAGS: mngnetohydrodynamics, compressible fluid magnetohydrodynamics, axially symmetric magnetohydrodynamic flow, isomagnetic flow ABSTRACT: A particular type of steady axially sy=etric magnetohydrodynamic flow is discussed. The fluid is assumed to be compressible and perfectly conducting, and. the radial and axial componen#s of the magnetic field and the azimuthal component of the velocity are assumed to vanish, In addition, the flow is assumed to be "iso- magnetic", i.e., it is assumed that H/pr is constant, where H is,the magnetic field- strength, p is the density and r is the distance from the axis (A.I.Morozov and L.S. Solovlyev,DAN SSSR 149,No.1,32,1963). Under these conditions the force on the gas is the sum of the gradient of the total pressure (hydrodynamic plus magnetic) anda radial compressive force due to stretching of the magnetic lines of force. It is shown that a class of isentropic potential flows exists. The equations of the char-- Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP402894G actcriSticS for supersonic (signal velocity) flow are deriveds and these are trans- formed to velocity space for the case of potential flow. In the case of potential flow (but not when vorticity is present) the Alfven velocity can become equal to the acoustic velocity on some surface. This is possible because of the presence of the radial magnetic compressive force in addition to the (total) pressure gradient. .The potential is expanded in a power series about a point on a straight streamline at which the velocity is equal to the signal vqlocity, and the first few coeffici- :ents are found for the two cases in which the Alfven velocity in either much great-i ,er or much less than the acoustic velocity. Thus, the (approximate) equation is do-! ~rived for the surface on which the gas velocity reaches the signal velocity. "The tauthor expresses hi@ gratitude to A.I.Morozov for valuable discussions."' 1has: 24 formulaawmA.-I=JUgure. 'ASSOCIATION: none SUBMrrXEDz 11May63 DATE ACQ., 28AprG4 ENCL: o0 SUB CODE: PH NH MW Sovt 006 aMR.. o0o Card 2/2 ACCESSIM7 NR: A.24019240 S/0056/64/046/002/0710/0718 AUTHORS: Morozov, A. I.; Shubin, A. P. TITLE: On the theory of electromagnetic effects in the presence of the Hall effect SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no. 2, 1964, 710-718 TOPIC TAGS: Hall effect, semiconductor, solid conductor, stationary electro-magnetic process, quasistationary electromagnetic process* equilibrium current configuration, equilibrium field con~Eiguration, oscillating current structure, damping length, skin effect ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that the manifestations of the Hall effect in a plasma are made complicated by many factors, the authors analyze the specific role of the Hall effect, using as an example a homogeneous solid medium with constant carrier conductivity and con- centration. Both~stationary and quasistationary electromagnetic Card . 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4019240 processes in the medium are considered. The cases include direct current (planar and axially-symmetrical flow), nonlinear quasista- tionarv fields, and plane linear waves in the presence of direct current in the medium. It is found that: (1) Only ecRi-ilibrium- --Field and current configurations can exist for a long time in a medium with a strongly pronounced Hall effect and high conductivity. (2) If the geometry of the conductor with strongly pronounced Hall ef- fect and high conductivity does not permit the formation of an equilibrium configuration, then the current flowing in the conductor,- oscillates strongly-over the cross sectioa. T!he possibility that the current is nonstationary cannot be excluded. (3) The damping length of the electromagnetic waves can greatly.differ from the ordinary skin-layer thickness. The larger the conductivity of the medium, the larger the damping length. -The wave then propagates through the medium with a velocity on the order of the carrier 'velocity (or carrier effective velocity). "The authors are grate- ful to L. S. Solov'yev for interest in the work and for remarks.w Card 2/3 ACCESSION YIR: AP4019240 orig. art. has3 48 formulas and 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 18ju163 DATE ACQ: 27Xar64 SUB CODE: PH NO REP SOV: 003 Card 3/3 ACC NRt A~6001905 UR/029-4/65 003/006/0827/0837 AUTHOR: Morozo,~, A. I. (Moscow); Shubin, (Moscow) ORG: None TITLE: Flow of a plasma between electrodes with weak longitudinal C4.jVjty condu SOURCE: Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, v.3, no.6, 1965, 827-81~7 TOPIC TAGS: heat conductivity, magnetic field, Hall effect, electric field, electrode ABSTRACT: The article considers the steady-state nonviscous plane flow of a highly conducting plasma in a narrow channel under the effect of _a_7 transverse magnetic field and in the presence of the Hall effect'2!,*i The~ presence of the Hall effect leads to the appearance of a compo__-n%t'-of the electric field directed along the flow. In the calculations, the 'walls of the channel are considered to be the electrodes between which the flow passes. If the electrodes are divided.into infinitely thin- layers, no condition is posed for Et on the surface of,th.e electrodes. -allic and are not divided into layers,.the If the electrodes are met following condition must be satisfied,on their surface. LSjard 1/2 UDO: c338.4 L-11906-66- - ---- ---- ... I- I ACC NR- AP6001905 ?~ I 1 -1. SHUBIN, A.F. Pictures by Russian artiste as visual aids for geography classes* Geo v shkole 22 no.1:50-54 Ja-F 159. (MM 12:4) ~aeographjy--Study and teaching-Audio-vieual aids) .SHUBIN, A.B.; NOVAKOVSKIY, V.M. Properties and application of lonite diaphraps. [Trudy) UNIKHIM no.9:136-163 16.1. (MIRA 15:12) (Electrolysis-Equipment and supplies) (Water-Electroly#s) SHUBIN,, A.S.; SMIRNOVA, L.M.; NOVAKOVSKIY, V.M. Electro-ionite method of purifying waste waters from plants manufacturing chromium compounds. (Trudy] U14IKHD4 no.9:164-180 161. (MIRA 15:12) (Water-Electrolysis) SHUBIX,.-A~S..; S,,=OVA, L.M.; Prinimnla uchastiye , MACH, V.M. Use of ion exchange diaphragms for the purification of waste waters from plants manufacturing fluorine compounds. Zhur.VKHO 6 no.4: 474-475 161. (NIRA 14:7) 1. Urallskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy khi-icheskiy institut. (Sewage Al ification) (Ion exchange) SHUBIN, A.S.--TK.ACH, V.M.; NOVAKOVSKIY, V.M. Use of ion-exchange materials for the removal of hexavalent chromium compounds from waste waters. Zhur.VKHO 7 no.1:113-114 ,62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Ural'skiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy khimicheskiy institut. (Sewage-Purification) (Chromium compounds) SIIUBIN' A.S. [Studies in the process of convective drying b:- the radioactive isotope method; abstract of a dissertation submitted for the degree of candidate of technical sciences] Iseledovanie metodom redioaktiv- nykh izotopov protsessa konvektivnoi sushki; avtoreferat dissertatsii, prodstavlannoi na soiskenie uchenoi stepenI kandidats tekhnichookikh nauk. Moskva, Moskovskii. takhn. institut piabcbevoi promyshl., 1956. 15 P. WaA 10:1) (Radioisotopes-Industrial applications) (Drying) SqUBITN, k. S. SHT IN, A. S. : "The use of radioactive isotopes to investigate, the process of convective dry-ing." Min Higher Education USSR. Moscow Technolo_gical Inst of the Food Industry. Moscow 1956. (Dissertation for the Dd&eel~,~-7-a',C- 0&,~Gandidate in Technical Sciencesi Knizhnaya. letopis', No 39, 1956, Moscow. SHLIBIN,-A.S.; VZYNIK , A.I..,professor, doktor tekbnicheskika nauk, redaktor [The use of radioactive isotopes in studies of the process of Con- vection drying] IssledoVan'ie metodom r"ioiktivnykb isotopov protsessa konvektivnoi sushki. Po d obsbahei red. A.I.*Veinika. Mos~74, M-vo vysshego obrazovaniia. 1957. 19 P. (MT-RA*10:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN BSSR. (for Veynika) (Radioisotopes-41ndustrial applications) (Drying apparatus--Food) ~NYNIK,IA.I.; ShMIN, A.S. Uaing the tracer t6chnique for studying phase transformations of moisture in the process of drying. Trudy WrIPP no.8:110-114 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Drying) SHUBIN, A.S. .... ...... Mechanism of substance transfer within the material in the process of convective drying. Trudy XTIPP no.8:115-124 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Drying) SHUBIN, A.S. _ o~*~ Mechanism of the internal evaporation of moisture'during drying. .L Trudy MTIPP no.9:91-99 '57. (KM 10:12) (G~rain--Drying) (Ivaporation) 10(4); 21(5); 24(8) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2457 Voesoyuznaya nauchno-takhnichookaya konferentelya po primeneniyu radloaktivrykh I stabilinykh Izotopov I .4zluchonly v narodnom khozyaystva I nauke. 2d, Moscow, 1957 Toplotakhnlka I gidrodinamika; trudy konferentall, ton. 4 (Heat Engineering and Hydrodynamlos; Transactions of the All-Unlon Conference on the Use of Radioactive and Stab Is oto pes and 1e Vol 4) Moscow, Radiation in the National Economy and S4I... : . r1ed. 2.51. Gooessergolzdat, 1958. 88 p. Errata alip I. copies printed. Sponsoring AZenclest Akademlya nauk SSSR . and USSR. Olavnoye upravlaniya po Ispol-movanlyu atomnoy onergil. Ed. ), 0. Ye. Kholodovskly, &~nd Edo. : M. A. Styrikovich (Resp X. S. Foalchay, Ed. or Pub Houses L. N. Sinalinikova; Tech, i. F-d.i X. 1. Bormnov. PURPOSE: This collection or articles in Intended for scientists and laboratory workers oonCerned with the use at radioactive And atabI6 Isotopes. - 0. COVERA0jj This collection of papers deals with the applicat'l ofradicactlYd and stable lj;qtopos an measuring tools In varLoux types or scientific investigatlon. No personalities are ment'Loned. Referencing are givan aft4r some of the articles. 2. Bartolomey, 0.0., YAL.O. VInokur, V.A. Kolokolltaev and 7~1_ ~ D .?etukhov. use or OAmma Rays for Studying th-t Prooes a o Ifriialon9 3. AUWAladZe. S. j and V.X. Moskvioneva.- Uab of Gammaradio- - - - oWltifluid System 12 aErFoof n soapy for Studying the IlydroTy 4. 201atasklm-Z-G., and N,A. Shgpk.!LTL_ Method of 'Tagged' Atoms - m ~~jntcnt In Surface Bolling of a r0 gating Water and X5-a V-S- Dl*tarmlning the Specific Surface Area of WZO-zin~?~wders by the Sorption Method With the Use of " Atoms 20 Tagged a d -IT-1KqrkA.ZaYa. Use of Radioactive :Iaotop n a ?Loakv N-i 635 Aiq~ u . for studying fate Corrosion of Concrete 28 l 7- TaytovI h~A'A- and V.A. _jXkJU. Methods for Ntermining the Density and Molsiture Content Of Soil& 'With the Aid or Radioactive Esmalsions 33 8- POlOZ0jA-J.Q.* and Study or the Processes of - KoistTF Ftransfor In Building Materials by Means of aammradio- @copy 36 9* -Ar7rlkQ-Y19h~M.A- I-Kh. Xhaybullin, and L. X. ~rhokh2ov. Use of Radioactive joato-f-or- 1 ng thi'-5oliibjjjT3F-or S V lt W m 0 a s In ater AP r At h ?resource 4 1 A 10 .3.tersuass L.S, A.Ya. AntanV, and A,,V. Surnov. Inve.ti- X;tIOn-Tf!t-9Fgara~ r -tici of Vapor it-4i-ProssUre of 1813 - Abu. atm. With the Aid Of Radioactive isotopes 46 11 Vubrovak Use or Radioactive Isotopes for Observing th; iia'ffon of the Xolcan 01&3s Mass In Glaze Purslaaa Tanks 52 12. _RAQ tg-na!qb V~Y.. Use or Hadloactivu Znotopon In Studying Ion or lulds Throu 11 ~ th tra h Porous Yadja . g 57 13. j4yp_kLnakc` ffa, D.I.# and A..YA.-J1!%kslIn. Radioisotope Nit-hods - - i- 1 Ti j for InVdst 3 7ZOW Proad a&S of Fluids In a Porous, Nedlu. 62 8 g 14- bq1,3Aj-M-A-., &,!!, Zarubin, V,S. KnmIns1ciy, and L.L. Korea - ** X. - ,ild - in t a Co. jo I- _ InvesEigation or the h R6-tor ji pj of ASettling Centrifuge With the Aid of Radioactive Ino-open 67 25. Volarovich, M,P., N,V,.~urayov, and V.Yss, - _Klnkv. Invest- - - -l - a a itatlo n r-tht-motloss Of Water Eft-Foat Under Laboratory ~d Field Conditions With the Una of Radioactive Isotopes 72 36. Ar~bostge1jakLy, _M.N. Use of Radioactive Isotopes for Invest- lgating Sunpon.alone of River 3J.1t 7a 27. . YAYMU-A.X., an4_A.3__=L 'n. Use of Radloaotlvd Isotopes -7 7?~M for 1"V88tigatIng the Mochanxs D m 0 e rying Process ell Ulp j-, , n , ~!h Tv IT KARDA:7- 1 - a*,; Xrru- ,and [Use of at-D-ndc enel-gy in the fluod 4-ndustryl, I-Drimenerde ;_-to~7 oi energi- v pishchevoi promysIrdermosti. ilioskva, f-Ishche-vala promyshielmost" 1964. 398 p. i AM5015050 BOOK EXPLOITATICK UR/ Pertsovskiy,, Yevgeniy Solomonavichj- Shubins Anatoliy Stepanorvich Application of atomic energy - in the food industry (Primenenlye atomnoy energii T i pishch-e'v-o-y -promyih-j~a-r~i;s~i) Moscow, lzd-vo "Pishchavaya PrmWshlennost'N. 19640 398 p. illus.- biblio., appends 1400 copies printeds Reviewers: Prof& V, Ve I Rachinskiy, Cand. of Tech& Sciences As V. Kardaahey; Editort He Ve YermokhInal Technical editort A. M. Satarova; Proofreaders: N* A. Yastrebova, G. Y. lyanaw&:O' TOPID TAGS: atomic energy-,, food industry., nuclear radiation, nuclear raactor,, radiation detection, radiation protection,, radiometry,, radioactive indicator PURPCGB AND COVERAGE: This book has been authorized by the Uinistx7 of Higher and Secondarr Special Education of the R.S.F.S.R. as a textbook for vuzes In th food industry. Basic concepts concerning nuclear rqdiation and methods of re- cording it are outlined. Instruments for measuring radiation intensity,, dosage and mathods of protection against radiationp nuclear reactors, and the application of radioactive indicatofs, in the food industry are described. The application of ~Mhganj radiation gources-and thq utilization radlatl'o?Bf n Sr tke igtrol'of I us r processes ln the food 2mustry are ana9zed a ar Be on- L Card 2/3 UDCt 664.Ot621.039 AM5015050 V-Lsts I. A, Nurchatows A,-~Kt Ix)ffe,- U.-Ak Leontavichk L. Do Iandgu, 1,_-Ya. -Ta=A- V. 1. Vakslei-. -&W-Ao I* Allkhanov are noted as having contributed greatly to the 7~-Y-elopn~e-nt of the scie-rice -of -atomic energir and of methods for its peaceful application. TkBIZ OF CONTENTSt Introduction - - 3 Ch. I. Basic concepts of the physics of nuclear rqdUtlen 7 Ch* II. Recording nuclear radiation - - 49 Ch. IIL Radiometric Instruments 83 Ch@ We Dosdmetry and protection against radiation U8 Cho Vo Nuclear reactors - - 134 Cho VI, Application of the method of radioactive Indicators In the food industry - - 160 Ch. VIL Application of high-power radlatien sources 228 Cho VIII. Application of nuclear radiation for control and sonitarlag of induatrlal processes 306 Card- 2/3, AM5015050 Literature - - 385 Appendixes - ~ 387 SUB CCDEs 06, 18 /SUBM DATR: 23NOY64 ISM REF: 130 /OrH RIFt 053 GRIGORIYETA, Tatlyana Andreyevna; SHUBIN A.S. redaktor; SAGHRVA. A.I., takhnicheakiy reclaktor [Innervation of the blood vessels] innervataiia kroTenoanykh soeudoy. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo med. lit-ry, 1954. 373 P. (MLRA 8:3) (Blood vessels-Innervation) GRACHICU, Magdalina Bergey.-3vna; SEIUBIN, A.B.. redaktor; ROKANOVA, Z.A., tekhnichaskiy redaktor -- ON 711-4- [Morphology and functional significance of innervation of the larynx] Morfologiia i funktsionallnyoe machenie nervnogo apparata gortani. Koskva. Goa..izd-vo med. lit-ry, 1956. 161 p. (MLBA 9:10) (LARYNX-INNERVATION) A USSR/1,4icrobiology. General Microbiology. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur.-Biol., No 7, 1958, 28834. Author : Kolmykova, V.N., Shubin, A.S. Inst :Not given. Title :Electron-Microscopy of Acid-Resistant Bacteria. Orig Pub; Elektronnaya mikroskopiya kislotoupornykh bakteriy. Labor. delo, 1956,, No 5, 8-1o. Abstract: With the aid of the electron-microscope a study was con- ducted on morphology of cells of 2-3 week-old freshly isolated tubercle bacilli and 4-7 day-old cultures of the following acid-resistant saprophytes: Rabinovich and Friedman Eycobacteria, cultures No. 225 and 227 isolated from scrapings of the inner surface of water faucets, and culture No. 228 isolated from humans. F-1 Card 1/3 1~ USSR/Microbiology-General. Microbiology. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Biol.., No 7) 1958., 28834. Tubercle bacilli have the shape of bent rods with rounded tips 1.18 - 213,,,,, in length, 0 .43 - 0.7 /4L in width. 'The thickness of rods varies. In the cells with polar arrangementp impervious granules were found or groups of granules) cytoplasm density varied, sheathing 0-035 - 0.065/11- thick and shown clearly. Acid-resistant saprophytes are characterized by their great variability of rod forms: in the same culture are frequently found straight, bent and coccal forms. Cell tips are rounded. Their cytoplasm is denser than that of tubercle rods. Sheathing does not show. Granules frequently are bipolar; however, the granules are sometimes arranged also along the longitudinal Card 2/3 F-I cell axis. Vacuoles are found in the cytoplasm of SRTBIIII, A. S TIElectron .1-ticroscope &xaminations of the Vi-rus-like Bodies in Malginant Dm.m; in Humban Bbings. " paper submitted for preGentation at Fourth Int;l. Conference on Electron Microscopy, Berlin, GFR, 10-17 SeP 58. institute of Experimental Pathology and Therapy of Cancer, Moscow. < C-I)Poo,B?q, 25 Jill 58. PISKUNOVA, G.A-14~I ~1 , A ~.. Chick embryo culture of virtia-like formations from humen gastric polypi. Top.onk. 4 no-1:3-11 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz oidela etnologii opykholey (zav. - deystv. chlen AHN SSSR prof. A.D.Timofeyevskir) Institute eksperimentallnoy patologii I terapii rake AMN SSSR tdir. - chlea-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. N.N.BlokhtnX Adres avtorov: Moskva. 3-ya Neshchanskaya d.61/2.korp.9. (POLYPI, stomach, isolation & cultivation In chick embryo of virus-like form. (Rue)) (STOMACH fiEOPIASMS, po3,vpi. isolation & cultivation in chick embryo of virus -like form. (Rue)) (VIRUSES, virns-like form@ in human polypi of stomach, isolation & cultivation in chick embryo (Rue)) SHUBIN , A.S. (Moskva, K-61 Vorotnikovskiy per., d.7/9, ky.20); TIKHOMIROVA, T.I. (Moskva, 3-ya Meshchanskaya, d.*61/2, korp.9) Electron microscopy of ultrathin sections of tissue of breast cancer in mice of the C-311A line and of sarcoma 45 in rats. Vop.onk. 5 no-11:573-578 159. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Otdel etiologii opukholey (rakovoditell - deystviteltnyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. A.D.Timofeyevskiy) Instituta eksperimentalinoy i klinicheskoy onkologii (dir'. - chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. N.N.Blokhin). (GANGER) (ELEGTRON MICROSCOPY) PISKUNOVA, G.A.;,-SHUBIN, A.S.; KOLMYKOVA, V.N. Method for a virological examination of the blood of leucosis patients. Lab.delo 6 ro.6:12-18 N-D 6o. (MIRA 13:32) 1. Otdel etiologii opukholey (zav. - deystvitel'nyy chlen AMN SM Prof. A.D.Timofeyevskiy) Instituta eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy onkologii AMN SSSR. (LEUKEMIA) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) SHUBINI,,-. -A.S. . Detection of a virus in ultrathin sections of some tumor cells using the electron microsocope. Vop.virus 7 no.4:112-113 Jl-Ag ,62. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Otdel etiologii i patogeneza opukholey Institute. eksperimentall- noy i klinicheakoy onkologii AM SSSR, Moskva. I(ELECTRON MICRSCOPY) (TUMRS) (VIRUSES) ' JIU3 T ~, I I I -1, A.S.; MAlY,0W!AY!., N.I.; MPMENKC1, '.P. Electron microsr!o:-,y of the mov-xi hemocytcblastcs-*~2-reti~--a-'Co-4- vir-us. Vop. vlrus. 9 no.4,:720-722 N-D 164. (MTRA 18:111) 1. Institut eksparimentallnoy i klinicheskoy unk.)lcgii AW, SS)Rt Moglcva, j. institut epidemiologii i mikrobiolci.-ii, Miyev. SHUBIN, A.S.; MAZURENKO, N.P.; NIKITINA, A.S. Electron microscopy of Mazurenko virus in tiBauea of leukemic rats. Neoplasma (Bratial) 12 no.3t261-264 165. 1. Institut sksperimentallnoy i klinicheakoy onkologii AMN WSR, Moskva, SSM 8 1 1 0~ - I i I A Lak.~r:-,nncv -d kro--korii i (i:%v.-- kaird- f:~k-,~~rc~%f r t;- 7~ V i+ L n v v r j~ J.'!, :-,,~n n v j. ro, SHIPP', 14 . Ye. Shubin, A. Ye. 9 "TsiL,ay sheep of Moldavia and methods of improving them." Min Higher 17 ,ducrtion. Leningrad Agricultural Tnst. Leninrad, 1956. (Dissertation for the Derree of Candidate in Agricultural Sciences.) Knizhnava LetoT)is' No. 25, 1956. Moscow. POZDNY-AKOV, Mikha il Mikhaylov ich, ; SHUBIN, Aleksa ndr Yef imovich [Sheep breeding in the southwest] Oytsevodstvo severo-zapadnoi zony. Moskva, GoB. izd-vo selkhoz lit-ry, 1958. 127 p. (MIRA 11:11) (Sheep) USSR / Farm Animals. Small Horned Stock. Q-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1958, 54792. Author : ~Ye . Inst : Not given. Title : Meat-Wool Sheepbreeding in the Northwest Zone. Orig Pub: Ovtsevodstvo, 1958, No 1, 11-13. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 44 SHUBIN.,A.Ye.. kand. sell skokhozyaystvennykh Auk, starshi3r nauchnvy sotrudnik; ZHUKOV, V.I., starshiy laborant Fattening and supplementary feeding of Ramanov lambs. Zhivotnovod- tvo,21- no.6:62-63 Je '59. (MIR& 12:8) : . Severo-Zapadrqy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut sellskogo I .(Iamhs--Feeding and feeding stuffs) SHURT11. B.,vrach r,-- .- 4 - -1 George is --oin- to live. -%botnitsa 36 no. 6:24-25 Je '58. ( i-f IRA 11 :W 1. Braynskaya zheleznodorozhnoy bol'nitsy. (POLIOMYELITIS) -,- SHIJBIN, B.A.; PKZUKIfIN, V.A. Formation of primar,7 molten salts and titanium crusts in re- ducing TiC14 by sodium. TSvet-met. 31 no.12:44-50 D '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Titanium chlorides) (Reduction. Chemical) RrABICHSKIY, Ya.I., inzb,~ SBOI~~? "...,inzh. Introducing automatic control of water pumping stations for the drainage of mining areas and open pits. Shakht.stroi. 4 no.7:14-17 J1 060. (MIR& 13.7) 1. Giprougleavtomatizataiya. (Mine drainage) (Automatic control) SHUBIN, B.F., inzh. Automatic switching-in of condenser discharge resistors. Energetik 10 no.9-.24~25 S 262. (KRA 17: 1) SHUBIN, B.M.; FUTORYAN, Ye.S. Physician's tactics in the diagnosis of mechanical Jaundice. Sav. med. 27 no.11:11-14 N 164. (MIRA 18:7) 1. I-ye khirurgicheskoye otdeleniye Gorodskoy bollnitsy No.62 (glavnyy khirurg - kand. med. nauk G.M.Polonskiy, glavnyy vrach V.D.Margolin), Moskva. FUTORYAN, Ye.S.; SHUBIN, B.M. Anatomicotopographic basis of the kpproach to the right intrahepatic duct and cholangiocholecystogast.-ostomy. Khirurgiift 39 no.1007-" 0 163. (MIRA 1-7-9) 1. Iz 1-go khirurgicheakogo otdoloniya (zav, kand. med. nauk G.14. Polonskiy) Gorodskoy bollnitsy No.62 (glavnyy vracb V.D. Margolin). OKULOV, Igor' Borisovich, inzh.; SZ!gjL__PRris Minich - Prinimala . inzh., uchastiye GVOZDEVA, Z.P., inzh.; MARGOLIN, P.A., inzh., retsenzent; BELOBORODOVA, O.S., inzh., retsenzent; DUGINA, N.A., tekhn. red. [ElectrrADIa:'-ing]Gallvanicheskie pokrytiia. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 176 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Electroplating) POLONSKIY, G.M., kand. med. nauk; FUTORYAN, Ye.S.; SI~UBIN,,_B,_&.;- KIRYUKHIN., V.P. Two cases of cancer of the extrahepatic bile di:cts. Khirurgiia 41 no.4:133-134 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. 1-ye khirurgicheskoye otdeleniye Gorodskoy bollnitsy No.62 (glavnyy khirurg - kand. med. nauk G.M. Polonskiy), Krasnogorsk. L~,I-I~ nylc-~-, C C-TO.I' Oll r`tj ~,s 'ei". TARCHEVSKIY, V.V.; SHUBIN, F.M. Cavering ash dumps of electric power stations with plants. Zap. Sverd. otd. VBO no.2:139--:L43 162. (MIRA 26t8) SHUBIN, G. For high labor productivity. NTO no.9:11 S '59. WUU, 13:1) 1. Uchenyy sekretarl pervichnoy organizatsii Mauchno-tekhniche- skogo obshchestva metallurgicheskogo zavoda, Sverdlovsk. (Sverdlovsk--Efficiency, Industrial) SHUBIN, G, starohly inzhoner aviatsii spetsiallnogo primonordya (Barnaul) ~_- Interesting experiments. Grazhd. av. 19 no.4,21 Ap 162. (MIRA 15-5) (Aeronautics in agriculture) OZDOYi;V, V., inzh.; SHU';_-,IN, G., Above sugar-beet plantations. Grazhd.av. 20 no.7:29 J1 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Podrazdeleniye aviatsh spetsiallnogo primeneniya, g. Barnaul. (Aeronautics in agriculture) KNORRE, Ye.]~-; SHUBIII,_G G. Determining the age of moose. Trudy Poch.-Il.gos.zap. no.7:123-132 159. (NIPA 15:5) (Moose-Age) SHUBIN9 G.G. 5 YAZAN., Yu..F. (bganization and mana ement of a moose farm. Trudy Pecho-U. goa.zap. no*78213-240 959. (MM 15:5) 0eaboro-Ilych Preser.7a.-Mbose) SITT,*,Bll", GA~ j f Samiaut-cimptic imachin#j ror gririding spring ends. Mashinostroitell no.11U, N 164 1 (MIRA 18:2) SHTJBIN, G.I., Icand. tekhn. nauk . , . .... - - r In the Vorkh-Isetsk Mettillurgical plant. Stall 18 no. 6:559-560 Je 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Sverdlovsk-Hatallurgical research) SHUBIN, G.P.,? starshiy inzh. Aerial method in the chemical control of the auslik Citellus crythrogenus. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.3:10-11 Mr 161. OffM 15:6) 1. Grazhdanskiy vozdushnyy flot. (Altai Territory---Susliks) (Rodent control) SRUBU4, G. S. "The features and t-he calcullation of the duraticn of inter-sive ~irry:*Ln~ processes." report submitted for 2nd All-Union Conf on Heat & Mass Transfer, Minsk, 4-12 ma,y 1,)64. Moscow Wood Technology Inst. -L~28864_66 EV 4 P ( kfE W T /T DW V (v /EW P ET - Ijk, ACC NRt AP6011536 (N) SOURCE CbDE:~UR/0135/66/000/0.0.4/6031/0033 AUTHOR: Shapiro, I. S. (Candidate of -sciences),-. Belydei, B. DI (Engineer) LeP13, V. R. (EngineerT; S~Ain~ G. S. (Engineer); -Samokhin, 0, G_,-~(Technician), ,,Rozhnov, V. S (Techniclair) ~7_ ORG: none TITLE: Gas-electric arc cu ti of aluminum al.loys up to 250. am. thick SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo,:no. 411 1966, 31'.33 metal cutting, metal cutting machine tool, gas cutting, cutting tool,- TOPIC TAGS: A rectilinear cutting machine, rectifiermetal plate cutting apparatusi. flame cutting, aluminum alloy, electric are, hydrogen PPRA cutting tool, 012-1 cutting tool P ABSTRACT: So far the*'maximum thickness of aluminum alloys:cut industrially, by' the gas-electric-!a*- '-'*-"'- ------ '~.urther technical. IprogresIa dictatee'the need re method has.beAn 7Q j --w. this co to enlarge tliii mum. nnection,-the authore,investigated the possibility of cutting Al alloya,'250 mm thick by ~ the gas-electrii:-- e 7._ qc me thod and ping' efficient equipment and-.techniques for this. purpose. AN V-1501*250H iectifier deve-~~ loped by the -authors was' power source for the cutting airid and the cutt ing was performed with the aid of an PPR-1-semiautomatic rectilinear cutting machines- d 112 UDC: 621,791,945.SS!669-71'i L 28864-66 ACC NR- AP6011538 slabs of.the Al alloys AMg6 and D6 and avial-type alloys 70-250 UM thick were, cut. A-z- major factor in cutting metal plate "piercing time" (time from the instant of ignition of the c utting.arc:until.complete melting of~the spot at which the are is first applied): the shorter the piercing time is 10 the fag ter the f ~A cutting rate; this involves,a certain (optimal) rate ofhydrogen consumption or specified thickness of meta'l. it was found-that the optimal.'emasumption-ol R in- 2 creases with increasing thickness oUthe metal being cut owing to the attendant-in crease in the length of the cutting arc and hence also in the amount 'of the hydrogan-. dissociated. Another factor to.~be considered is,the optimal angle.of approach.of the,- electric are to the line of planned cut~an&the subsequent rate of advance of the 17 cutting head. Oscillographic studies of. the change in cutting-cre-voltage following contact with metal showed that then a linear,increase in volta stakes place Thia'-`-;:~~, Ce- made it possible to developeaspecial servo-system functionally -- through-feed- back -- relating the cutting rate to the arc voltage as based on-7the use of a cutting_ head powered:by a DC motor whose armature is c.onnected,to a power system via an MU:- 7:- ~9 magnetic amplifier with self-magnetization and internal positive current feedbackl--. whicli adjusts the motor RPM to an extent corresponding.t6 the required rate of advance'., of the cutting head as function.of the'operationperformed at the moment (no -P - 11:.` nned line of,cutp,actual-,cutting). on this, basis ~ the 0PR-l I;z,, ignition, approach to pla plate-metal cutting apparatus for rectilinear as well as profile cutting has been do-- veloped; it is equipped with a special extensible panel- for; remote control of theIZ.'--*~I,,77 operations if desired* Orig. -art* has-..~:; 5: figures, I. table* SUB CODE: 11j. 1~31 AEFi~:,': 00:.-~', SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG C.rd 2/2 OSADCHEV., Vasiliy Georgi-yevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; IVANKOV, Petr Timofeyevich; LOTSMJANOVA, Platonida Nikolayevna; SOKOLOV, Tikhon Davydovich; SHUB121 KAKOV, Ye.D., red.; SIM S. red. izd-va; VDOVINA, V.Yl., Y tekhn. red. (Handbook on woodwork and the processing of wood; for workers in shops manufacturing consumer goods] Spravochnik po obrabot- ke i pererabotke drevesiny; dlia. rabotnikov tsekhov shirpot- reba. 2., perer. izd. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1961. 371 (MIRA 15:2~0 (Woodwork) (Wood-using industries) SMM IN, G..S.. "Experimental Investigation of Heat and Mass Transfer at High Temperature Convective Drying of Flat Wood Materials." Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Minsk, BSSR., June 1961. SHUBIN, G.S. General method of calculating the duration of high-temperature drying of luiaber. Der. From. 13 no.3:5-9 ~tr'64 (,XlRk 17.-7 ) 1. Moskovskiy lesotekhnichesk!7 institull, SHURIM, G.V., Cand Geo Min 6ci -- (diss) "Geology and ---, --- ----- 4- Xxxxs genesis of iron ore deposits of the Krasnokamensk~yd- x gro-up.1, Tomsk, 1958, 13 po (Min of 'I-Lgher Education USSR. Tomsk Order of LA4 Red banner Polytechnic Inst im Kirov) 100 co-,)ies (KL, 29-58) 129) - 23 - SHU90, G.V. ...... ...- Contact-metasomatic formations in iron deposits kamenskaya group (Eastern Sayan Mountains). Izv. '58. of the Krasna- TPI 90:130-144 (MIR-A 12:2) 1. Predstavieno profescarom A.M. Xuzimillym. (Sayan Mountains-Iletasomatism) SHUMI, G. V._ _ ~acrohardness of sodium chloride crystals. IzT-v7s.ucheb.zav-; fis. no-3:3-e '060- 3 r 1. Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. S.M.Kirova. (Sodium chloride crystals) SHUBIN, G.V. Fragility and Plastic deformations of s~di= chloride. Izv.vys.ucbeb. zav.; fiz. no.1:98-103 161. (MM 14:7) 1. Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy inBtitut imeni S.N.Ki-rova. (Deformations (Mechanics)) (Salt crystals) SHUBIN, G.V. --- Diabases in the middle Kanzyba River (Eastern Sayans). Izv.vjs. ucheb.zav.;geol.i razv. 4 no.10:72-77 0 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. (Kanzyba Valley--Diabase) SHUBIN,--G.V. ~11-, - Structure of the Ilinskoye gold ore deposit. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; geol. i razv. 4 no.11:68-72 N 161. WM 15:2) 1. Tomskiy politekhnichepkiy institut imeni S.M.Kirova. (Chita Province-Gold ores) As Is TWP,jsLvp ant-ii F~,rocjastic Cl-l" 4.n tbe ll~la ona- zone. Trudy ZabN--j. (MIRA 18:2) S IPJ BI 117 , G . ',,, , Ratio of gold ore to small Intruslono as exemplified by the ilinsk deposit in eastern Transbaikalia. !zv. -i:,s. uc-',.A-b. zav.; geol. i razv. 7 no.9:65-70 S 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Tomskly politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Kirova. sl!unrT, I . Radio trainin- "or tank crevis. No 12, 11 - 'T Tankist, lo 12, 19118. -SHUBINg I..j deputat Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSRP stalevar Creative work in the name of cammini am. Sov. proi.lsoiuz7 17 no. 2:24-26 Ja 161. (KMA 14:2)- 1. ZIatoustovskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod imeni Stalina. (Zlatoustovsk-Steel industry6--Technological innovations) (Socialist competition) SHUBIN, 1, , inzh. Electric heating of oil in an engine case. Avt.transp. 39 no,10:18-19 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Motor vehicles--Cold weather operation) AU'T',ORS: Bayev, L. V. , Malinin, 1. Rabotnov, Yu. N. , and Sh 11 U n 1. A. T T L DeViCe for C17eeD Snd relaxation 'es'in- oc' -)l=st-;cs L L_ r..RIOD7CAL: Zavo4skaya laboratoriya, v. 23, no. 4, 1962, 408 cM TEXIL: A tes~.inz device base---; on the loading of a lever is described- 'T h e sL--e of the pl-.istilc specimens is 55 - 100 mm lenEth, 1 - 10 mm thickness. The load of the lover can be chanFed between 0 to 200 or 50) kg. An imm- A roved mo,-el of the device for breaking load up to 1500 kg ii-ras tested. T h. e lo_~_'_inC limits arc ch-arged by replacing the lever with 1;10 arm raiio b;,r a lever with ratio 114. For relaxation tests the loading is :7eplace-A by a spring. The device can be adjusted for constant temperaturia. No compensa- tion for dynamometer deformation during the relaxation test is provided. Tests of~~A~T-_;,,(KAST-V) glass-reinforced plastic show low cI.eeD (0.5r~a at 10 kcr/cm2) along the warp, and higher creep (3P16f at 7 kg/cm2, - at an angle of '50 to the warp. There are 3 figures. Card 1/2 0 S/032/'2/028/004/022/026 Device for creep ... B124/B101 ASSOCIATION: In3titUt obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AkademiJ nauk USSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR) SIMT14Y I. A. Volga i volzhskoe sudokhodstvo; istoriia, razvitie i sovremennoe sostoianie sudokhodstva i sudostroeniia LThe Volga and Volga navigation; history, development and present state of navigation and ship-buildinZ7. Moskva, Transpechat', 1927. 908 p. illus. Bibliographical footnotes. Contents. - The state of waterways, p. 16 & 32. Northern sea route, p. 76; State of road construction, p. 110; Waterway, p. 109; Air communications, p. 114, 130. DLG: HE675,l,V6S48 SO: Soviet TransDortation and Comunication, A Bibliography, Library of Congress, Keference Department, Washington, 1952., Unclassified. SHIJBIN, I. A. Vozdushnye soobshcheniia. ffir communicationj (His Volga i Volzhkoe sudokhodstvo. Mosk7a, 1927, P. 114-1310). DLC: HB675-1.V6S48 SO: Soviet Transi3ortation jaMd- Communications, A Bibliograohy, Library of Congress, Refexlence De-nartment, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. DANILOV, N.S. (Novosibirsk); KUPRIYENKO, P.L. (Novosibirsk); MALININ, N.I. (Novosibirsk); RABOTNOV, Yu.N. (Novosibirsk); SHUBIN, I.A. (Novosibirsk) Program-controlled machine for investigating deformations of plastics under complexly stressed state conditions. Izv. AN SSSR. Mekh. i mashinostr. no.6:20-24 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:1)