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ACCESSION NR: AT4042637 S/3104/64/000/005/0048/0054 AUTHOR: Shteynberg, XXX (Doctor of Technical Sciences)j Molchanovap I. P., (Engineer) TITLE: Effect of neodymium on the breakdown of undercooled grade 25Kh1MF austenite steel SOURCE: Urallskly ma hinostroitellny*y. zavod, Sverdlovsk. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy instituttyazhelogomashinostroyeniya. Proizvodstvokrupny*khmashin, no. 5, 1964. Metallovedeniye I termicheskaya obrabotka (MetaRography and heat treatment);' sbornik statey, 48-54 TOPIC TAGS: neodymium, neodymium alloy, steel undercooling, austenite transformation, austenite breakdown, alloy steel, 25KhIMF steel ABSTRACT: Rare earth metals are being ever more widely used in metallurgy since they affect the structure and properties of iron-carbon alloys. - The published information, how- ever, considers mainly rn-aster alloys containing cerium ~nd similar rare earth elements. The present investigation is concerned with the effect of neodymium. on the Vreawown of Card 1/3 ACCESSION MR: AT4042637 undercooled, austenitic, grade 25Kh1MF steel (R2 steel) used for steam turbine rotors. X Samples were prepared with 0. 05, 0. 10, 0. 15 and 0. 20% neodymium. added to. the steel. The samples were homogenized, normalized and tempeied. Austeaitic transformation was studied both under isothermal conditions and under a constant cooling rate. - The austenite structure was examined by the structural and magnetic particle inspection methods under isothermal conditions and by dilatometr3i at constant cooling rates. The- cooling' temperature interval for the siructural method was between 775 and 300C. Beginning at 550C and lower,, the magnetic device, designed by D. S. Shteynberg was used. The ItChevenar" dilatometer was used for investigating austenitic transformation unde r constant cooling rates of about 1800C per hourin air, and 800, 400, 300, 250 and 100C per hour in a furnace. The authors found that 0. 1.0-0. 15% neodymium, increases austenite stability significantly during the first stage of transformation. A further increase In the neodymium. content (up to 0. 25%) does not affect the kinetics of the breakdown'process. A.Upying with neodymium leads to a slight increase fix the first stage temperatare (25Q. The affect of Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4042637 neodymium during the second stage Is insignificant. Addition of neodymium as an alloy to 25Xh1MF steel Improves the bainite annealing properties, allQwing the zone depth free of excess ferrite to be Increased significantly in large sectiow, thus improving the heat resis- tance of the steel. Orig. art. has: 6 graphs and I table. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-iseledovatellskly Institut traz helogo mashinostroyenlya. -ur~vskly mashinostroitellny*y zavod, Sverdlovsk (Scientific Research Institute for Heavy Machine Building, Urals Machine Design Plant) SUBMTTED. 00 ENCL: 00 Al - SUB CODE: AM NO REF SOV. 002 OTHP-11: 000' Card 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4033703 5/0148/64/000/0a'/03.19/0123 AUMOR: Gelld, P. V.; Golltsov, V. A.; Shteynberg, M. M.; Kosheleva,, V. Yu. te 1ITIE: The effect of Plastic Deformation and Subsequent Anne-3-In on the Ra of Hydrogen Penetration In Austenite SOURCE: IVUZ. Chernaya metallurgiya, no. 4, 1964., 119-123 TOPIC TAGS: plastic deformation. annealing., interrupted quenching,, Fe Ni alloy, Inchiction furnace, hydrogen permeability, Ni austenite, activation energy, pro exponential factor, polytem, crystal structure Imperfections cooplicated migmtion ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the diffusion of hydrogen in an Fe-29% Ni alloy melted in a 60 kg induction furnace for the pur pose of determining the water permeability of work-hardened austenite. The specimens were reduced by 25% since this degree of reduction intensified the work-bardening of Ni austenite. Quenebing frcm-365 C affects permeability and a disruption appears on the polytherm belov which the process is characterized by and a pro-exponentifia factor corresponding to equil1briun sustenite. Annesilin at continuously Card 1/3-- Accr-,ssiozi TR: AP4033703 increasing temperatures lowered the parameters of austenite permeability, as calcu- lated, from the high-temperature sections of the polytherm to valuer. which approxi- mated those calculated from the low-temperature sections. In order to obtain data which would supplement earlier studies of the imperfections accounting for the anomalous changes in hydrogen permeability, the authors investigated the recovered hardness during a 30-minute annealing of 10 x 10 x. 2-5 specimens reduced by ZT%. At 500 C hardness was recovered by 18~ and activation energy of permeability by 32~,,). The authors conclude that the recovery of diffusion characteristics occurs within a lower temperature range than the recovery of hardness. Hydrogen perme- ability parameters, as affected by plastic deformation and annealing, have an exoonential relationship po -%~ exqB analogous to that determined in earlier studies for phase-hardened austenite. Experimental results are explained in.the light of an earlier theory on crystal lattice imperfections which affect diffusion by ea- trainin,7 hydrogen and making migration in their vicinity difficult. Orig. art. has: ASSOCIATICN: Ural'skiy politekhaicheskiy institut (Urals Polytechnic Institutte) summTED: 28.Tul63 Card 2/3 DATE ACQ: 07May64 ENCL: 00 ..ACCESSICN NR: AP4033703 SUB CODE. M NO FW S(N. 009 OTHER: 001 L Card q ACCESSION NR: A?4029007 S/0126/64/017/003/0469/0470 AUTHOR: Shteynberg, M. M.; Gol'tsov, V. A.; Gel'd, P. V.; Zhuravelev, L. G. :TITLE: A change in the mechanical properties of austenite and the parameters of its hydrogen permeability as a result of phase cold hardening in y -16 - 7, conver- $ion SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovdeneiye, vol. 17, no. 3, 1964, 469-470 -TOPIC TAGS: austenite, hydrogen permeability, mechanical properties, phase cold hardening, y y conversion ABSTRACT: In a previous paper, the authors have shown that phase cold hardening in,t-. a y - f ion increases substantially the activation energy and the pre- 7 convers exponential multiplier of the process of hydrogen penetration in manganese austenites, _Similar properties of hydrogen permeability may be satisfactorily explained provided "that the defects of the crystal lattice are contained in hydrogen "traps," in the c 'vicinity of which the elementary act of diffusion becomes complex. A des ription of,.: the experiment is given; the results are plotted on a graph; the result of phase con- Yersion changed not only the mechanical, but also the diffusion properties of austenite. Changes may also be expected in many of its other physical properties Cord 1/2 JI, ----------- .;ACCESSION NR: AP4029007 1-,,-.i,,-,,,The concept of "phase cold hardening" should be considered in a much broader form :than simple mechanical h ardening during phase conversions. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut im.-G.M. Kirova (Ural Polytechnical Institute) J, ~,SUBMITTED: IOJly63,: N L?NCLi 00- DATE ACQ: 27Apr64 ff -.-SUB CODE: IML , ND REF SOV: 07=i 000, J T 'Card 2/2 of the tc:-~perat~,,re oEl plas"c def~rmat,--on on. --h ~-jne-4CS e of a~ririg of heaL resist-ant qustenltic steels. izv. ~LT SSER. Met. S-0 14-1- ~ ') a 0'am?, 18:10) .andl IllustOatfoin ble, I graph &Aa L .8877;-65- ACCESSION NR AP400388, Inif I tut 10 rib4i- bril. CIATIOW.... Ural ltkl~. I 0'Mclieskii-, imii. ~h I ASSO technic '1'n 'titke)., SUBMITTEDI, 21 may63 -00 SUb COM Y v i- J. 41 cord 2/3 ....... ..... -- --------- --- 8877' tam fi~ -ACCESStON Mi AP460388'- t-t,, -A ~Fi,, A-tv 4F~: a '7791 od 0 .4 th o, nz 4w jwl t6dy heS4~`,: j-, 7 8 .1 es .-'of steelAhl le" _' 575c., -.Ihd f a t Ft Creep -o "samp 164 tb~- OOC,: and iM hbinanch r or 2 a, 24 -'kg/m after rap Id mo 46 3,~.,q 0 _ISWsiciond -206 2- a d: d r 3/3 needed to determine the.effect of- cArbbn'in these alloYs 0 1 ha r g., -arti.s '6' figures, 1 table ASSOCIATION., Urallskiy poiitekhnicheski~--Lls~tu:t (Wal j~dlytedhrd~~-Institute) EWP oVEW4, EWP WT(M)/ W)/E;PF( )" 9/ (z)j' . (b)j,--'. '~I;-63499-65 ACCESSION NR AP5018862 -if, lower the deformation temDerat rIe the more ~inti~6~~the austenite--A c6mosi tion j e.g.. a 00 _fter aging for 1, hr. at aust6nite.-de.domposition was:---30; irv,the.. met ~_e- u-enc e metal- On ooling from formed at 20C compared Vith.ll%:iri conventionally q- d the aust erature (1186c) to.r.1100- enitizing temp r-70OC-S apartial decomposition of -the: se. temperatures -without e..-.~ solid solution occurred. In specimens quenched-from the di dffect'of aging a 700-- formation, a noticeable decrease in the - strengthening-. t Mod was observed. Plastic deformation at 20C and: at 106 400C produced noticeable i t ui6J700-866 strengthening only by aging at 650C. 'With, ng, emperat C 'M appreciable increase in strengthening-,as'-Com _d W'ith.conv ntiotial. heat treat- pare meht was obtained only after,_900 010C ranged, It -is 'concludeff - ' t t ned &arbide:~ 0- -7. are sirengthe Lpi a ion, n that, in steels, such as E1481, vhich.~ prpc3 , thermom6chanical tr6atkent significant gtrengthening by can be obtained owing t0_ . , -4n; an intensive coagula on of-the precipitated carbide phase. -On.'the icon rary, ' 6 steel such as E1612 ,in which an intermetiallic compound is trecipitated,~ a higher, since thej degree of strengthening can' be~obtained by chan'ging the kinetics: of: aging: coagulation of the strengthening pbase proceeds at a-_su6stanti≪tjowek-rate i Orjjg~ !'.: art. has -figures and 2-tables 5 j t, ASSOCIATION. tdt fiziki metal2av, A SSW Dis it ate ~Of- 14 is a F6 i Emsm I Ural' skiy - p~)Atekhnicheskij inotiint imo Mi - x lrc~#C (Ural Poff~gcMacai-:Inauta . A I Cori 21t ~ 63499-65, NR., AP5018862 ACCESSION SUBMIMD; 13.jul64. ENCL Hl SUB COM, NO - AEF sov -000 04 ATD.PBESS'. 3 pp GO I, 'T ; GF L, Uy ".V. ; SH'IFYNbBC, , !1.11. Fffect of stra-in ani precipitatilc.~n --r t~e rate hydrogen penetration into i term. obr. met. no.4:14-17 Ap 165. (MIRA 18.6' L. Urallrs'Kify pol-iterkhrlicheskiy inszitut~ L 00852-66 DIT (rq)/,74P (w)IM (n) -21g.IA. (d) /T/57P (t)/94P(z)/94P(b)/ZJA (a) lip(c) ACCESSIOR AR: AP5020707 UiR/0129/65/900/908/0025 00- 66.o46.51:669.14.62.4 AUTHOR: ShtenMter M. V. 1q,j TITLE: Effect of alloy elements on 4igh-temperature iron-base ffi~llqyas SOURCE: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabdW%qeA&11ovj, 19. 8~ 41965, 25-27 TOPIC TAGS- alloy element, iron base alloy.. high temperature alloyjvheat resistant allay, recrystallization threshold,, retarded softening., creep rate, softening ki- netics., interatomic bond, molybdenum containing alloy, niobium containing alloV ABSTRACT: There is a scarcity of systematic data on the individual and combined ieffect of alloy elements on ferritic and austenitic bases at elevated temperatures,, and similarly more detailed information is needed on the relationship between al- loying and the formation of structure of heat-resistant and high-temperature alloyss In this connection, the author evaluates the findings of previous experimental in-1 vestigations (Shteynberg et al. FM, 1962, vol. 14, no. Y; 1963, vol. 16, no. 3, 1963) vol- 15p no. 2; 1965, vol. 19, no- 3) of the effect of alloy elt-ments on the! softening and heat resistance of ferritic steel (base 3-3-85" Cr) and austenitic steel (base 14.5-15.5% Cr and 13% Ni) which made it possible to determine certain.~ common features. Thus, it was established that alloy elements (such as Mo, W, Nb) which inhibit the softening of a deformed or work-hardened (in the process of phase-.- Lrd 113 ACCESSION NR: AP5020707 11-4 transformations) all enhance the temperature of the recrysta"ization thresholdpi 0 the activation of thzjs ftening process, and the forces of inte~ratomic bonds in the solvent lattice. This is confirmed by measurements of the temperature.depend ence of Young's moduli and linear expansion coefficients. The elements which en- hance the interatomic bond the.rate reversible temperature- forces reduce of dependent softening of alloys. The retardation of softening and enhancement of heat resistance of ferrite and austenite are accomplished only after a definite minimum conce ratiW4of alloy element,, which differs for different elements,, is ,attained 0 _y:T~.0-4.0%) appear to be beat suited to inh~fbit softening, while Nbj':T~Jnd V are prefprable so far as reducing the.Sreepliate of austenite is concerned. Vanadium (5 2%) does not increase the energy of interatomic bonds in a-solution and does not retard softening and creep rate in ferrite, but it greatly enhances the heat resistance of steels of the ferritic-pearlitic class by- preventing the transition of W jp4d 140 to carbide phase and impeding its coagula- tion. Combined alloying witiT-R& land W is particularly effective, since then creep rate may decrease by one order as compared with separate alloying. Analysis of overall findings gives-reason to believe that the effect of alloy elements on the softening kinetics and recrystallization temperature threshold of ferrite and austenite corresponds to the effect on their heat resistance. Such a correspond- L - -- - ----------- ACCESSION NRi AP5020707 ence makes it possibleo when investigating a large number of alloys, to select with relative ease the group of alloys which it is worthwhile to subject to long- time creep tests. Orig. art. has: I photo, 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskly institut (Ural Polytechnic Institute) SUMITTED: 00 ENCL; 00 SUB CODE: ?!~t-As NR REF SOV: 007 OTIMR: 001 Card 3 CODE: UR/O Y AUTHOR: Smirnov. M. A. (Sverdlovsk)-, Sokolkov, Ye. N (Sverdlovsk); Shte vnbe-r&-,- M., (Sverdlovsk) Y'/, V ORG: none TITLE% Effect of plastic deformation temperature on the kinetice.of Ue- hI~~ in heat resistant/austenite' steel qlff~' -SOURCE: M SS-W 1;1 Is RInestlya. Metally, no. 5, 1965, 149-155 TOPIC T -bide ase, steel m ructure, h metVa , met I PS austenite steel, car rea a 021 US& tr*:t- a acing an c ftef, ration, metal karde?ft t lerun, ateelf ert pna 0 ct*shtlon d ~? a rath f inetics,o lWet HIM. emperature of plaqic deformWon.on the k age'*. 44rdening In heat rig Litant'.a4stenite F-1461/lmd ElMil7steels was Investigated. Steel was reinforced vlth"Cr2sCr, and VC carbides and E1612K steel-was reinforced -With y'-phase and sow TICI Steel samples (13 x 13 x.70 mm) were heated to 11800C* held at this temperature for 2 hours and then cooled to liO-4000C at a rate ot 5000CA minute. Next, the steel samples were soaked for 3 minutes first in a furnace,at UOO-7000C and then in a salt bath at 6000 and 4000C. FoilcZg this, one portion of samples was deformed prior to hardening (reduced by 25-280, and another portion. was hardened directly. Scme samples we're quenched in water (directly from 116000 and subjected to deformation at row temperature. The E1481 steel samples were hard- UDC:. 669.14.018.44-157.6 Card L 11204-66 ACC NRt APS026363 ened at 6500, 7000, 7500, and 8000C, and E1612K steel samples were hardened at 7000, 7500, and 8000C. Plastic deformation on steel age hardening increases with deforma- tion temperature as well as with the rise in age hardening temperature. In contrast to E1612K steel, high-temperature plastic deformation in E1481 carbide steel results '-I'ft reduced strength due to age hardening at 7000.-8000C. Cold and warvA plastic defdr-; matione accelerate these coagulation processes In the hardening phase which are behi4 fix= the material hardness viewpoint. For E1612K steell the damains located '-,n4Kt to the grain boundaries are more done after the high-tempeiature plastic d 'N~mAtiou than either after drecVquenching or ifiir,warm-deformatlon. Fig. I... Va.riatich of lattice parameter. steejL: A" ~-ffaft of.'thei solid solution of E1481 a 0. f V v-4 a function of time. (Light symbols indi A- j I I' cate 6500C solid symbols indicate-800004. V 4- 1--directly quenched samples; 2-plastic., deformation at 200C; 3--plastic defamation at 6000C; 4-w-plastic defamation at 9000c; 5--plastic defamation at 11000C. tovrw i. Card 2/4 ago to o SHTEY14BERG . M.M. Addition alJoylng of heat resistant iron-ly-se alloys. Metalloved. (MT 18:9) i term. obr. met. no.8:25-27 Ag 165. IIRA 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. SOKOLKOVY Ye.N.; SMIRNOV, M.A.; �~~L7NBERG, M.M.; NIGHKOVA, M.M. Effect of the temperature of plastic deformation on the kinetics of the aging of heat-resiatant, austenitic steel with carbide precipitation hardening. Fiz. met. i metalloved.20 no.l.-220-127 11 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR i Urallskiy-politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M.Kirova. SIMAKOV, Yu.P.; GELID, P.V.-, SHTEYNBERG, M.M.; GOLITSOV, V.A. Effect of ordering on hydrogen penetration of N'3Mn. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 20 no.4024-530 0 165. (MIRA 18:!l) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M.Kirova. ACC NR: AP6021070 SOUR~'ff_`COD_t'.' '_CTA/014W/&/000/006/0125/0l30 AUTHOR: Shteynberg, INI. M_.; Smirnov, M. A.; Zhuravlev, L. G.; Sokolkov, Ye. N. ORG: Ural Polytechnic Institute (Urallskiy politeklinictieskiy institut); Institute of Aletal Physics, AN SSSR (Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR) TITLE: Effect of the t eImperature of plastic deformation n the mechanical properties of high-temperature austehitic steels SOURCE: IVUZ. Cherni.Lya metallurg iya, no. 6, 1966, 125-130 TOPIC TAGS: high temperature steel, austenitic steel, plastic deformation, ultimate strength, plastic strength/EI481 high-temperature steel, E1612K high-temperature steel ABSTRACT: This effect wi~z investigated with respect to austenitic high-temperaturi steels ~~M481 (Cr-Ni-Mn) and EJ61~'K Ni-Cr) after they were subjected to 26r,~8% reduction by hot or 4, -mid rolling. To this end ~thellpecimens were subjected to tensile teW at room temperature ~._Wa at 650"C. Findings: for steel E1481 in aged state (twp-stage agi*%!' 6600C for 16 hr and 760*C for 16 hr) under conditions of hot tests maximum strength is atojined following deforma-, tion at 6000C, and maximwn plasticity, at 1000-1100*C; in the latter se, altering the re- Card ___1!D_Q-_6Ak,14. -12:620, -918.-45- L 41271-66 ACC NR.- AP6021070 gime of aging (reducing the aging temperature to 730*C) makes it possible to optimize 560i strength and plasticity. For steel E1612K (single-stage aging at 7000C for 25 hr), plastic deformation over the entire range of temperatures considered (up to 1100*C) enhances the steel' tr gth but its plasticity remains low; this can be remedied by introducing two-stage- in ut then strength is not as high. By contrast with E1481 steel, the optimal mechanical" propertie in hot tests of E1612K steel are assured not by high-temperature deformation but by warm and, particularly, cold deformation. The differences in the strain-hardening kinetics of these steels are chiefly due to the diffetences in their kinetics of aging and in the distribution and, particularly, coagulation rate of the particles of their hardening phases (carbide phase in the case of EI481 steel and internietallic phase in the case of EI612K steel). Orig. art. has: 2 figures and I table. SUB'CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: 02Jul65/ ORIG REF: 004 L 18738-66 Ewf1mVfi*WC1V W ACC NRt AP6005136 SOURCE COM UR/0126/661021/001/0048/0053 AUTHOR: Shk1yar, R. S.; Sqkirnov, M, A!j Sbteynberg, M..M.; Sgkolkov, Ye. ff.; Farber, T.-R. ORG: Ural Polytechnic Institute im. S. 14. kirov (Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy in- stitut); Institute of Metal Physics, AS USSR (Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR) TITLE: Investigation of the fine stvueture of austenitic steel with iutermetallide. hardening, deformed over a broad range of temperatures SOURCE: Fizika metallov L metallovedeniye, v. 21, no. 1, 1966, 48-53 TOPIC TAGS: fine structure, sustenitic steel, x ray analysis, plastic deformationt.: metal grain structure/E1612K austenitic heat resistant steel ABSTRACT: Knowledge of the type of fine structure, arising in the hotll~_-anA_C_o~f "-o metal as a function of the regime of its deformation is a prerequisite to.selecting:,-7.- the optimal regimes of its hardening. In thit"'Connection, the authors raO)ograph- 06.4 C, ically examined fine structure of austenitict'heat-resistant steel H1612K 6. 1% -13.8% C."/0.65% Ti actordin- - t tFe shape, 14.9% Cr,' M~13.25/. W. 1. 26% Al) g o strucfu-re and i6fensity of the (220)ct and (311)~3 reflexes, with measurements of the lattice constant of the solid solution. Hardening phases were isolated by means of electrolytic dissolution. Texture was examined following various regimes of defor- Card 1/2 UDC: 669.15.018.45 + 157.07 ACC N R: AP6005136 mation. Prior to their radiographic examination the specimens were heated to 11800 C for 2 hours, whereupon they were partially cooled at an average rate of 500 degimin to various temperatures within the 1100-400% range. The exposure to various partial-,. cooling temperatures in the furnace (1100-700*C) and in a salt bath (600 and 400 C) lasted 3 minutes. After this part of the specimens was deformed at.these temperatures-.,- in a grooved rolling mill with 25-30% reduction in area and with subsequent water quenching, while the other part was quenched without prior deformation. It was est- ablished that quick partial cooling leads to the comminution of grains into fragments,.*, Plastic deformation at 1100 and 1000% intensifies this fragmentation of st'ructure.' At lower deformation temperatures (900-20*C) the formation of fragmented structure is not observed. Decomposition of the supersaturated solid solution was observed through- out the temperature range investigated. Texture-formation occurs already in the~pre__ sence of relatively small deformation (20-30%) and this must be taken into account,' since texturedness of the material complicates the analysis of radiographic data. Roentgenograms of the specimens display a large number of Laue reflections, as well. As isolated distinct reflexes (220),y and (311)0. The Laue reflections ofter, consist of two spots displaced relative to each other and linked by a coamon background; the reflexes (22O)CI and (311)p became subdivided into several overlapping subspots; all this points to an intensive fragmentation of the grains, particularly on partial cool. o 800-700*C. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. ing t SO GODIS: 119 139 20/ SM DATE: 20Jan65/ ORIG REFt 008/ OM RKF: Card M5"t) R-tA?- 05148 SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/66/021/001/0148/0150 AUTHOR: Gel'd, P. V.; Simakov, Yu. Pi~; Shteynberg, M. M.; Colltsov, V. A. ORG: Ural Polytechnic Institute im. S. M. Kiroy(Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy in- stitutT TITLE: Effect of ordering on the hydrogen absoEption of-the alloys of iron with co- balt SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeaiyq, v. 21, no. 1, 1966, 148-150 TOPIC TAGS: ordered alloy, iron alloy, cobalt alloy, second order phase transition, hydrogen, temperature dependence ABSTRACT: The statistical theory of the diffusion (and absorption) of interstiti-a- atoms in the lattices of the alloys undergoing ordering processes claims that the anamalies of the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient D in the neigh- borhood of the temperature To of the order -_ disorder transformation differ depending.. on whether the phase transformation is of the first or of the second kind. In the former case a sharp change in D and in the activatioa energy 9 of the process ifto be expected whereas in the latter case only a change in E is to be expected. To ver- ify whether the conclusions of this theory apply to alloys in which ordering occurs as a phase transformation of the second kind, the authors inveatigated hydrogen ab-, sorption in FeCo alloys (FeCo; FeCo + 1*8%_V- Fe + 60% Co) by means of LechnLq"a 19 -V r~r.4 1 1,4 V~ - Cie E-2 FA-CCNR, AP6005148 0 described earlier (Simakov, Yu. P., at al. FM, 1965. 20, 4, 524; Ryabov, R. A*, Gelid, P. V. FMK, 1957, 4, 289; 1959, 7, 733).,Repeated measurements of the rate of penetration of hydrogen into the equiatomic alloy FeCo showed that in the 700- 720*C temperature region, which is sufficiently close to To, the curve of the temp- erature dependence of hydrogen absorption undergoes a sharp inflection; at tempera- tures below Td the alloy's ability-to absorb hydrogen~decreases much more rapidly; thus, there is no discontinuity in the temperature dependence of hydrogen absorption for the FeCo alloy in the neighborhood of To and the inflection of the experimental ad curve is due to the change in diffusion parameters. Similar results were obtain for the alloys FeCo + I.&% V and Fe + 60% Co. In all these cases the degree of short- range order was found to increase on cooling of the alloy below TO. Hence, when disT cussing the temperature dependence of hydrogen absorption for T < To, it is pointless to speak of the activation energy of the process as a quantity characterizing a fixed potential barrier. These experimental findings indicate that during the ordering of FeCo alloys the temperature coefficient of hydrogen absorption markedly increases. It is important to note that a reversed pattern was observed for Ni3Mn (an alloy in which the ordering process takes place as a phase transformation of.the first kind): ordering led to an increase in its hydrogen absorption and decrease in its tempera- ture coefficient. Thus, the pattern of variation in the ability to absorb hydrogen in, the neighborhood of To essentially depends on whether the ordering process is a phase. transformation of the first or second kind. It is worth noting that a distinctive change in the rate of hydrogen absorption was observed between 350 and 500*C during C,,d_2/3 ACC NR:AP6005148 the study of both the equiatomic (Fig. 1) and other FeCoalloys;'aa is known, it is exactly within this range of temperatures that anomalies in various other physical properties of the alloys have previously been observed. This phenomenon may be associated with the ordering kinetics; at any rate, it deserves further investigation.: Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 formula. SUB CODE: 11, 13, 20/ SUBM DATE: 25Mar65/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF: 001 3/3 AP)IJ L_~~ard M . V. ,,-I .-.dr -~,I Elie-' f-trni. (MIRI- I` I C 3 L 27970-66 EWA(h)/EWP(k)/EWT(d)/EWt(m)/ETC(m)~~/Elvp(wy/E*.V) -ijo(-C-EMVWW NRt AP017672 SOURCE CODE: UR/0198/65 8 AUTHOR: _~hteynberg, M. V. (Odessa), ORG: Odessa Construction Engineering Institute (Odesskiy inzhenerno-strbit instRut) TITLE: Calculation of circular cylindrical shells with thickness variable in the 4, direction of the generatrix 10 SOURCE: Prikladnaya mekhanikap v. I,' no- 7,, 1961", 28-36 TOPIC TAGS: cylindrical shell structure,.thin shell structure A method is suggested for--ihs-76alculation-of a thin ABSTRACT: al circular cylindrical shell with diverse fixing of the longitudLn iand transverse edges and with a thickness constant In the direction iof the are and'changing In the direction of the generatrLx. The ichange in the thickness of the shell is according-to the laws j T1 -+15. ~which given sufficiently small values of X" is very dose to -4. ;lines;. Forces, displacements and loads arsexpanded in. series Jn terms of,fundamental functions of the central an 19 which satLsd~: 9 .71 -fy any homogeneous boundary conditions at the longitudinal edges..:'.-I ~The boundary conditions at the curvilinear edges may also be non--1 homogeneous. The method indicated makes it,p9saLble to roduce'the Card 1/2 SMNBIRG. N.; YRZYMIKH, V. - Operation of gas generators at granaries of the All-Union Office for Storage and Distribution of Grain. Kuk.-elev. pros. 20 no.4: 24 AP 154. OMHA 7:7) 1. ZhitomirskiLya oblastnaya kontora Zagotserno. (Gas generators) SHTEYNPMG, N. 3* Ob usloviya-kh, dostatochn-ri-h dlya mono:-rernosti funktsii komrleksnogo peremer-nogo. Matem. sb., 17 (59), (10,45), 45-56. SO: Mathe-matics in the U-7~3R, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A.G., Markushevich, '..I. , Rnslievskly, P.K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 USSR/Mathematics - Interpolation of MW/Jui 52 Entire (Integral) functions "Interpolation of Entire (Integral) Functions," N. S. Shteynberg, Sverdlovsk 'Watemt Sbor" Vol XXX (72), No 3, PP 559-574 Develops the methods of M. V. Keldysh and I. I. Ibragimov in connection with the demonstration of conditions sufficient for the convergence of the Nevton and Abel-Goncharov interpolational series. In current article the author considers 9 as a function of r or i5; where G and r appear in the inequality log M (3)f- C(O)n(Or), where C