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rffef-~. of hydroare-roJenization on animals according to --ome indices. w..rdy Uz.gon.nauct.-issl, inst.1-ur. i 13-125-13-1 '35. -+ _4 r ta Io?,I:kavlovls method). Ibido 13 3- a -vi Effect, ~7-f hydrcyaeroIcnizatic-n on tne peripheral blood of haalthy g-nirea iAes. IbM.s20,5-234. (M r RA N SHTAMBLIG, 0. P. 368413. MILENKOV, S. M. i SHTAMBERG, 0. P. Gistomorfologicheskiye pokazateli deystviya otritsatellnoy, ionizatsii, poluchayemay po metodu prof. Chernyavskogo, na eksperimentallnykh zhivotnykh. Trudy Uzbek. gos. nauch.-issled. in-ta karor- tologii i fizioterapii im. 3emashko, sb. u, 1949, c. 56-61 30. lie-toDis' Zhurnallynkh 3tatey, 0&0 Vol. 50, Moskva, 1,4, SHTAMBERG, O.P Influence of Tashkent mineral water on the external secretory function of the pancreas in dogs. Trudy Uz. gos. nauch.-issl. inst. kur. i fizioter. no-15--95-n3 159, (MIRA 14:9) (1-aNEUL WATEPS) (PANCRFAS) SHTAMBERG, Yuriy (Stamberg.. Jurij); YURACHKA, Frantishek [Juracka, Frantisek) New method for determining the exchange capacities of anion exchangers. Zhur.prikl.k)iim. 35 no.lOt2295-2302 0 162. (MIRA 15212) 1. Pardubitskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut sintetiche- skikh smol i lakov, Chekhoslovakiya. (ion exchange resins) KARANDEYEV, K.B.; MIZYUK, L.Ya.: SHTAKBERGER, G.A. Mmasuring total resistance in a.c.-semibalance bridges. Nauch.zap. IRA AN URSR. Sar.avtom. I izm. tekh. 5:64-82 '55. (KLRA 9:10) (Electric resistance) KARMMV, K.B., MIZYUK, L.Ya.. SHTAMBXRGER, G.A. Separate measurement of active and idle components of complex resistances. Dop. AN UJRSR no.5: 45&-461 '55. (MLPA 9.3) 1. Institut mashinoznavstva ta avtomatiki AN URSR. Predstaviv diyaniy chlen AM URSR G.K. Savin. (Blectric resistance) KLHMBYNV, K.B.; MIZYUK, L.Ta.; SOGOLOVSKIY, Ye.P.; SHTAKM(MR. G.A. The BSK-I electrical prospecting automatic compensator with direct reading. RazvedA okh.nedr 22 no-7:39-49 Jl 156. (MM 9:11) 1. Institnt mashinovedeniya i avtomattki Akadenii nsuk USSR.- (Prospecting-Geophyalcal methods) (Blectric instruments) lot, YARARDEM, K.B.; MIZTUK , L,Ta.; SHTAMBIWAR GvAs r Automatic electronic compensators umed in geopbysical, wasuremntso' Avtom. kont. i izm. tekh. nowl:5~-20 '57. OMU 11W (Electronic measnrements) (Prospecting) ' Trk"-E-Cli,R, (I.A., Cann recn oci -- (diss) "Quasi-balanced S brit:., es t." Y's, 1958, 15 pi) N%Ith 1 ,.I-et 4-fi- ta-Aes (Moo Power Engineering I-st) 110 cotdc-'s p IL-15 (16 LILIeS) (YL, 113) - 160 - SOV/115-58-1-26/50 AUTHORS: Karandeyev, K.B., and Shtamberger9 G.A. TITLE: On a Schematic Diagram for Measuring the Active Component of Combined Resistanoe (Ob odnoy skheme izmereniya akti-- noy sostavlyayushchey kompleksnogo soprotivleniya) PERIODICAL: Izmeritel'naya tekhnikag 19589 Nr 1. pp 53 - '15 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The authors suggest a diagram which would be convenient for many cases of technical measurements, and in particular- for measuring non-electrical values in the control of pro- duction in the radio industry. The method permits measure- ments of the resistance-components separately and independ- ently. The suggested diagram (shown in Pigure 1) presents in principle an unbalanced bridge, with an electronic differential a.c. indicator (which is not sensitive to Card 1/2 phases) with an input resistance of several megohm. It SOV/115-58-1-26/50 On a Schematic Diagram for Measuring the Active Component of Combined Resistance Card 2/2 provides constant sensitivity in a sufficiently wide range of the phase angle changes, since the values of the input resistances on the indicator will not depend on the inter- relation between the reActive and the active components of the combined resistance being measured. There are 2. diagrams9 I graph and 3 Soviet references. 1. Radio equipment-Production 2. Electrical equipment-rResistance 3. Recording devices--Performance KARAN]EYEV, K.B. [Karandieiev, K.B.1; SHTAKERGRI, G.A. [Shtamberher, H.A.] Generalized equation for balin-ced and unbalanced alternating current bridge circuits [with summary in English]. Dop. AN URSR no.3:276-279 158. (MUU 11:5) I.Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Karandeyev). (Wheatstone bridge) 'AW IAN ~Jl ~g HE a o 2 UP vm. A R rip jr,- 7 q 'Jill jg Y,MNDNYEV, Konstantin Borisovich (Karandielev, K.B.]; SWAMBERGM, ~ Genrikh Abramovich [Shtamberger, H..A.]; SIGORSKIY, V.P. (Sihoralkyi, kand.tekhn.nauk,; SHMIM, I.F., red.izd-va; KADA IGH. 0.0.. [Quasi-balanced a.c.bridges] Kvazizrivnovazheni mosty zminnoho strumu. Xyiv, Vyd-vo Akad.nauk UM. 1960, 184 p. (Bridge circuits) OUU 13: 7) S/115 60/000/010/026/028 B021 B058 AUTHORS3 Karandeyev, K. B., Shtamberger, G. A. TITLE3 "Quasi Balanced Bridge as an Element of the Automatic Control Syste PERIODICAL3 Izmeritellnaya tekhnika,, 1960, No. "to, pp. 62-63 TEXTs The complex resistance and its parameters are indicated as being a suitable element for solving a series of transformation problems and for obtaining information. Ways are described for the continuous measure- meat and recording of the changes of information parameters. The method of utilizing the a.c. bridge under scalar conditions permits to simplify the measuring- and control procedure. Two cases are possible here: co- ordinating the scheme to the module- and phase condition respectively. Analytical conditions are mentionedi characterizing separate measurement of the components for the schemes of both conditions. Concretq variants of the schemes of quasi balanced bridges are mentioned for the separate measuremsnt of the active and reactive ccmponents of complex -resistances. Card 1/1 KARAI~EYEV K.B SHTAMBERGER, G A Simultaneous measurement of capacitance or -inductance and resistance with independent adjustment of network elements. Avtom.kont.i elek izz. no-1:5-11 160. 0-MA 15:8) (Electric measurements) (Impedance (Electricity)--Measurement) GRINEVICH, F.B.; SJITAIMBF.RGER.,_,G.A~ Automatic bridge indicating thd condition of capacitors in term3 of a percentage. Avtom.kont.i elek.izm. no.1:13-20 160. WFA 15:8) (Condensers (Electricity)--Measurement) 141ZYUK. L.Ya.; SHMEMETIM, EI.V.;_2 ~IAIIBE~IIIER ~G~ Transistorized attachment to the EF-I potentiometer. Avtom.kont.i elek.izm. no.1:93~-100 160. (MIRA 15:8) (Electric prospecting-Electronic equipment) (Potentiometer) YCAMDEYEV, K.B.; SHTAMBERGER, G.A.1 DUDNIK, R.L., red.; SHMOVA, Ye.G... tekhn. [Generalized theory of a.c. bridge networks) Obobsbehen."alia teoriia mostovykh tsepei peremennogo toka. Novosibirsk,, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSR, 1961. 222 p. (MIRA -14:10) (Bridgb circuits) SHTANBERGER G.A. Effect of the reciprocal of pulse duty factor of a square control voltage on the performance of a synchronous detector. lzm.tekh. no-9:46-48 S 62. (KRA 15:11) (Pulse techniques (Electronics)) (Electronic measurements) KOTYUK, A.F.; LEVCIMMO, D.G.; PASIKO, E.V.; SI]TANMGHR,_GA,,- Y"IDEM) K.B.., otv. red.; VYALYKH, A.M.p tekhn. red. (Apparatus for aerial electric prospecting using the infinitely long cable metbod]Apparatura dlia aeroelektro- razvedki metodom beskonechno dlinnogo kabelia. Otvet. red. K.B.Xarandeov. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo ot-niia AN SSSR.% 1962. 78 pe (MIRA 15-.9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Karandeyev). (Electric prospecting~Equipment and supplies) (Aeronautics in geology) I- ` --,i-~ ~. . I ~ , - .. ~-_, , -- - ", -,-, -- 7, - 7-~. .1~ '. t - I P:-, -_ " - . N~ ---- -- k,.- , , - ~ ~ SHTAMBERGER, G.A. Quadrature indicator vith an alternating output voltage. Izm. tekh. no.9:35-37 S 163. (MrRA -17:1), ZAGORSKIY., Ya.T.;SHERE='=YE.V.; SHTAMBERGER, G.A. - -40;41 Universal wide-band d.c.device. Priborostroanit '0'-.10:.12-14 0 163. (MIRA 16:1.1) SILTM[BERGER, G.A. Separate measurement of complex-magnitude components by balancing methods. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; prib. 6 no.3:3-9 163. (MIRA-16,.-9) 1. Institut avtomatiki i 61ektrometriip Sibirskoye otdeleniye AN SSSR. KARANDEYEV, K.B.; SHTAMBERGER, G.A.; GELIFAND, V.D. Dependence of ~he selectivity of a synchronous detector on the asymetry of the controlling voltage. Radiotekhnika 18 no.3: 37-41 Mr 163. (WRA 16:3) (Radio detectors) (Palse techniques (Electronics)) KARANDEYEV, K.B.; DAYEV., D.S.; PASIKO, H.V.; SHTAMERGER). G.A. Design principles of apparatus for geophysical prospecting by alternating aurrent -methods, Izv. AN SSSR Ser. geofiz. no.2:254-259 F 164. ~KMA 17:3) 1. Institut avtomatiki i alektrometrii Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. f quasi- MeELTIS 0- Wacu--ng R A SHTAMBERGER, G.A. A.c. balancing measuring circuits. Izv. vys. uchebo zave; pribe 7 no-4:16-21 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Institut artomatiki i elektrometrii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AV SSSR, p G Tnady C, 's O~ I e C .0mmon che I kl.,- Some tj , I A jP, avlom. LC SSSA i~natil an of: -d6t d ASSOGIATION'-:~'l "'ol ipot l I I oppy -esgiiiOalk ralr.,t~o- A - -"rveyp,.--, magi on 7!OequWd6:th= dtff 6d b Imiky to be e -d~ V4. hidk 6(740~16 vaiidul b ~ aftenttqn-i~: cE!Ued:td.. to k" led I 'eep-pa -1 W' a A c- 01 41 Y-'~ stitu SOMATIC 9R . - - - - ; i~ . - .,- j, I , - . - - I . , . . k ." o . ~ 1. Cnrd f) F: WTI GW NR: AR6016016 SOURCE COT)V,:- UR/0271/66/000/001/A035/A035 AUTHOR: Gellfand, V. .;Shtamberger, G. A. TITLE: Method of measuring rectangular- voltage off-duty factors SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avtomat telemekh. i vychisi. tekhn., Abs. 1A256 REF SOURCE: Sb. Geofiz. priborostr. Vyp. 22, L., Nedra, 1965, 66-73 TOPIC TAGS: rectangular voltage, off duty factor, geophysical equipment ABSTRACT: It is noted that geophysical a:S s _fgjj~~ uses various circuit operating under key conditions. In these circuits it is sometimes necessary to maintain an invariable off -duty factor of the control voltage. A method is described for controlling and measuring the off-duty factor of rectangular voltage, which is free of many drawbacks inherent in other methods, e. g. , measurement of the constant component or the second harmonic. Rectangular voltage is differentiated by means of an R-C circuit. The resulting heteropolar pulses are I / 2 UDC: 658. 562:533 A 10 1 ACC NR, AP7009076 SOURCE-Cote: INVENTOR: Shtamberger, G. A.; Shullts, V. P.; Mezentseva, A. D. IORG: None !TITLE: A device for measuring the intensity ratio between two electric signals. tClass 21, No. 190985 [announced by the Institut~on of Automation and Electrometry, I 4Siberian Department AN SSSR (Institut avtomatiki i elektromet~ii Sibirskogo otdelniya IAN SSSR)] iSOLENCE; Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 3, 1967, 53 PPIC TAGS: electronic measurement, electronic.signal, signal analysis TRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for measuring the intensity i io between two electric signals. The unit contains two receiving elements for the -st signal, a single receiving element for the second signal, an adding stage and a tracting stage. The input of the adder and t'hat of the subtractor arb each con- .ted to one of the receiving elements for.the first signal, while the outputs of se stages are connected to a multiplier. The multiplier output is connected through:' averaSing unit to the comparison result indicator. To improve accuracy in ratio ,surement when both the signals to be compared are subject to interference, the tallation is equipped with an extra receiving element for the second signal and two Card 1/2 uDc: 621-31T.61.082 FACC NR: AP700 i 9076 lintdrlocked variable dividers with identical transmission coefficients. The compari- ison result indicator is made up of a control unit and a final registration device. IThe receiving elements for the second signal are each connected through one of the di- 1-7 ders to the inputs of the adding and subtracting stages. The output of the averag- ring unit is connected through the control unit to the controlling input of the di-. iders. When mismatch reaches zero, the transmission coefficient.of the dividers is ed to the final registration unit. --additional receiving element for the second signal; 2--dividers; 3-comparison re-. sult indicator; 4-servosystem; 5-final registration unit; 6-receiving element for he second signal; 7-adding stage; 18-subtracting stage; 9-averaging unit; 10-mul-. tiplier; 11--receiving elements for the first signal :SUM CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 14,Tun65 Card 77 SATAMURG, N.G.,, 9,zh. Construction of a precast reinforced concrete dam on the Stepnoy Zay Hl~er. Gidr.str6i. 31 no*4r20--22 Ap 61. (KM 14:5) (precast concreteconstruction) (Ste-Pnoy Zay River-Dam) SH-1AMBURG, V.F. Conditions for the operation of drill pipes in deep dzrill-inp and the possibility of replacing steel pipes with light-alJoy pipes. Trudy VNIIBT no.12:8-15 164. (MI-RA -~-~t4lr V. F. TIIIOF.';y ---d tne Z,- j-j 11 in g C ', al w~)rk, ,, .re mIllfrL~-*IX116 Of '- I,' . I , L;-! 2 no.12t!-,'- D er khoz. 4- .jm !8:2) iRA KUZNETSOV, German Ivanovich; FAYn, Genrikh Moiseyevich; SHTAMBURG, Valentin Fedorovich; SHEINA, Antonina Aleksandr.ovna,- MIKHEYEV, N.I., red. (Drilling pipes from light alloys] Burillnye truby iz leg- kikh splavov. Kuibyshev, Kuibyshevskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1964. 51 P. (MIRA 17:12) bits --of- ,~.Po th bit 4b ~-' W, -bm~ W. 'o ,,rotary, ''Wisting' 00 0 trugth -va, Is. va rrom 1. 84 0 kai' ttWb ~2j "All imag Olipw ww' d ConsidertWe'alternat:,.m ~.~loaqq -- -i~pp ~Wqrklmg ------ p action of a md- ml! "COOMPYe.". _31 it corlditi M-A-Z Titanim pipes'sdth I lhe' A %ft f 0 expelp v Al. tm %E A- -PO Vag gre tw zieg Int. h2d ',V64- iz~' M, -9.0 kg s#Oi* alimifta T~M2 AW _t9- 2'0 Th' allb& 4171- 2, An4 '111rig pjp~f, 18-4) 12 v 4 8-- 5 6 b4- no. On'l, na, .. '--~E V L . F K I ! Z.,'ll n g a ng -'-i g h ~-- a 1 ~ Loy g p i c~ e- 3 'M'R: 18-4) PEYSAKHOVA, I.A.; SUTYRINA, V.A.; SHTAMBURG, V.F.; YAKUBOVIGH, M.A. ---- ---- -- Bench for testing drilling pipes for fatigue-strength. Mash. i neft. obor. no.1:7-10 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Vsesoyilznyy nauchno-issl:edovatellskiy- institut burovoy-tekhniki. THAKHTENBFRG, D.M.; RODIONOVSKAYA, E.l.; KlJ,,YNERl C,.l.; SlITAMR, V.Ya. A--,- Study of some physicochemical properties of cleandomycin. Anti- biotiki 10 no.1.1:982-989 N 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iBsledovatellskiy institut antibioti-kov, Yloskva,i Rizhskiy zavod medpreparatov. Submitted January 16, 1965. UW/Wdidin6 - r1obition Sep/Oct-48 Medicine - Reflex Action "Ontoge'neele of the Machani am of Rustic Reflex Adtion)" S. X. Shtamler, Lab Growth Malol) Cen Pediatric Inst, Moscow) 7 pp "Fiziol Zhur SSSR" Vol 33MIV,- No Desdrib6s'experiments on-cats and dogs. Notes differ- ended b6tVedn-rbactionO of kittens and puppies and those of adult animals. Sulmitted 7 my 46. F, A YRN3K3nffA, S.I.; SETAMIAR, S.M. Characteristics of neural regulation of the rhythm of cardiac contractions in rabbits In various stages of ontogenesis. Biul. eksp. biol. I med. 38 no.7:10-13 JI 154. (NW 7:8) 1, 1z laboratorii Yozrastnoy fixiologii (zav. prof, LA.Arshavskiy) Instituts, obahchey I eksportmentallnoy patologii (dir. akad. A.D. Speranakiy) ANN SSSR, Xoskra. (HIM, physi'ology. rhythm, usural regulation. age factor in rabbits) FUSHKAREVA, Z.V.; MOVSHCHIKOVA, F.F.; SM!AKK._ A.K.; S14IRMOVA,L.V. Investigations of chemical processes in the synthesis of papaverine; synthesis and properties of certain acyl derivatives of -amino- - (3,4-dimethozy)-cinnamic said. Med.prom. no.2:25-29 Ap-Je 155. NLRA 9:12) 1. laboratoriya orgenicbeekogo sinteza. Urallskogo politekhnicheskogo institute imeni S.K.Kirova. cinnamic acid. o( -amino- (3,4-dimethoxy)-clanamic acid acyl derly., synthesis in pro&. of papavertne) (PAPAVICRINI, preparation of, synthesis of of- -amino-~-(3,4-dimethW)-rtanamic acid acyl deriv. in) SHTAMM, A.M., inzhener. Removing edges and weak corners in pressing plywood. Dar. i leso- khim. prom-3 no.11:15-16 1 '54. (MT.'RA 7:12) TaNII7M. (Plywood) if M is is it Avg is a 1 21 IS 36 a 36 PI-t U -1 A I-A-L, a .p OPP,, A OSIAJV~ - I 160CISSIS ..a #4001014% Mof, A ,e'9 ir Somim J- CAem. 14. (Russia) 0. 1:17MA(IM).-Nutnerm, job. elpts. were fill, .04 Wenti"I c'"11116011A to find the right quantity of lflkf(l~ to be u-w,t In C..Il. 166 itialiwi 193 ~iwh a manner as to avoid leaving non-r"eted C%Jl~ or ws-ting UNIN -00 Thr'... 114olithadelics 4 aliffelvot degrees of purity Were tried. namely. Chreff purr C'Jl~ -00 06 S in so W and trehniM CkJli in. '7915' and MV. 111#801 was p"uni into a thick .00 0 uAlted gfa%%. a %inter making 40D r. p. m. was brutigtit into action and finely dMiled e6 0 Citlf. jwwder was introduced through abole in the Ptictivvir. TheCtsHowmallawrif to become soaked In the HtSO* the beam was inkatfud In a water both at M-33* 00 X tind a mist. of 11NO. and 1140~ wait olowly Introduced through a pepantnty funnel 400 duting 43-411) sulft.. avoiding fluctuations In temp, Toward 4%e end of the nitro. d* inut the truip. was AO-M% the tecnp~ wait raised by brating (Whoth to 65' anti 00 tfor stirring wits noPlinued I hr. longer. The mist. was poured first into 110, then. ago 00 altrr twinX inrltrd, into 1% N&.CO, to dissolve away diPPJ")hrnW foraird in virs4if QtLifititV. then again into IW; finally the Ciel[PN(h was dried Pind weighed and age 1400 00 boo 'je 0 '00 .11ALLoNOCAL LITIOATOC CL.11MICATIOW Pa.. g to `..45.- sod, 45. OW, If -4 a - - - 0-0- - n . . . . . 7JU:XV Poo ISI- it 90 rt it K MAX) n 0 0 a go 0 0 0 4 4 0 00 0000 00 : 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 .00 00 00 00 00 so 00 00 00 of 00 00 00 00 06 00 its in, p. was tirtd, The tn. p. was taken as the criterion of the purity of the nitto 0 tirriv. litipti. results show that Ow best yieW via.. 9MANS17a. are obtainvil with a 3" m r%cc%% of IIN(h over the theoretically. , , I mol. per inlul. of C,.11.; In that co-I W nj~ 1). of the proilud obtained is tk h;gbeoL If HNO~ is taken in lcswr quantity, " so ', V traction is Incomplete. whenw by-prodiarb are famed it too larige a quantity : 00 of liNth is taken. The quality of the C,Jfs taken is at little impartaticr, provided 3' diffe i t l th 79 tl f th f th CJI N( bl i d h o ower s no an . w rences o e o a ne . e in. ps, o . its in. p. P were not more than with *0 thell gnodn of Colill, lfllNOprrlwI.byVaIen. f 00 tiller's process is used for n1trittical, "acidowtif. NOsnd NOg. them. it. of the pro,luct A,tainedisowyo.1-0,2*11own. UdwmptstHsSO4o(ooeopentionisutilitrilasaiii 00 for the ncat operatinn, this only lawns On a. p. of the Cj,,HlNO, by 0.2*. IINO, 00 prrwnt frislijitht quantity in HNO, op" up the commencement at the maction. which i4 othvrwisc slow to start when m* tione C,Jfs: in lorM quantity. however. HNO* 00 I- harmful. as it causes excessive nuctastions of temp. during nitration and thus badly 00 affects the results- III. Ibid 15224.--As stated above. on washinx the reaction proiluct with I% N&#COv the Lotter exto. from it an admixt The elimination of this 046 admixt. raiscs them. P.ol CANOiliYO.73'. TheadwixtisfoundtooonslAtof:3.4- 0411 dinitro-nalsht.W. the mits of which am the Marcius yellow, (a dye); It can he wlxl. ill lite purr state in the quantity of 1% of the wt. of CielfrN% obtained. Ile 00 formation of this by-product is the frawn why nitration of C,.H. requim a 3% excess 00 ovtr the cquimol. quantity; each tuall. of the dinitructaphthell in the Course of its forms, tion Olusumeq 3 molt. HNC~. cis.. I for oxidation and 2 for nitration. B. N. 00 soosoevooooooootogooo000000000000, 0 9 0 * 0 & 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 to 00 90 0* of 04 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 01111100,40. ~] USM/Chamistry - Synthesis Feb 1947 Albuold "New on the Synthesis of the Prep&ratim Albucid," L K Shtairm and E J Tsekhanovich, 1 p "Farmatsiya" No 2 On the basis of the experimental data obtained, a new method is proposed for obtaining Djacetamide by the acetylization of acetamide. This method was successfully introduced into the production of albucid 1T66 PETROVA~ A.F.; KRALILIq N.A,- SHTAMMI L.K'; TRAMITENBERG, D.M,;--RODJ6N6VSKA%Vj E.I.; GORDINA, Z.V. Extraction of a crystal-line erythromycinFbase from aquqous solutions. Med. prom. 14 no-9:32-36 S 160. (MA 13:9) 1. Sverdlovskiy zavod meditsinskikh preparatov i Voesoyuznyy nai4chno- isoledovatellskiy institut antibiotikov. - (ERYTHROMIGIN) M- - - MELAMED, I. I _ inzh. page of the vatchma er. Mest.prom.i khud.pronys. I no.2/342 N-D 160. (MER 34:A.) SHUKHKAN, Z ; SHT~M V.1 SHLEYMOVICH, S.; KALMYKOV, P.; RALITSEVICH, V.; FK~Mffl, ~O~N, I.; SOKRATO~, Yu. There are all conditions for building strong and good eleva- tors. Muk.--wlev/. prom. 2C/ no.8:i8-19 Ag 163. (KIRA 17:1) 1. Zamestitell upravlyayushcheko trestom TSentroeleva- t6mel'stroy (for Shtamm). 2. Nachallnik sektora organiza- tsii stroitellnykh rabot Gosudarstvennogo instituta Prom- zermoproyekt (for Ralltsevich). 3. Starshiy inzh. TSentrall- nogo konstruktorskogo byuro tresta Spetselevatormellmontazh (for Potemin). 4. Zamestitell nachallnika proizvodstvenno- tekhnicheskogo otdeleniya tresta Fetropavlovskelevatormell- stroy (for Sokratov). SHTAMM, V.h. Shtamm. V.A. "Indoor forcing of plants," Byulleten' Glav. botan. eadil, Itsue 1, 1948, p. 91-92 SO: U-2888, Letopis Zhurnallnykh Statey, No. 1, 1949 3 ohT.41-11,1, V. A. 22567 Shtammi, V.A. Opyt Kulltury Krrjazherd'.rd. B-julletuen' Glav. Botan. Sada, Vyp. 2) 19119, S.-101-02. SO: Letopis No. 30, 1949 SHTAM, V.A. I Causes of irregular blossoming of the filbert. no.16:93-95 '53. (KLRA 7:4) 1. Glavayy botanichasIdy sad Akademii nauk SSSR. (Filbert) SHTAMM V A : OAW-- Biology of Gagea lutea L. Biul,Glav,bot. sada no.19:90-95 154. (XLRA 8: 2) 1. Glavnyy botanicheekly sad Akademii nauk SSSR. (Liliaceae) S!!HgT~Axmv~~JAw V91- =Mta~qh, inzh., EYMOBT. P.A., ; KOCIMTKOV , L.L. red.,~ GOLUBXOVA, L.A., takhn,red, [Technology of the construction of storage elevators] Tekhnologiia stroitellstva zagotovitelInAth elevatorov. Pid red, P.A. Simontan Moskva. Izd-vo tekhn. i ekon. lit-ry po voprosam mukomolinokrapianoi. kombilco--movaoi promyshli. i elevqtorno-skladskogo khoziaistva, 1957- 162- p. (MIELA 11:9) (Grain elevators) 4. Cement industries 7. Yost advantageous height of cement factory warehouse bulkheajs TSe=ent/ No. 1, 1952 9. Yonthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of CongreEs, june 1952. Unclassi-fied. KRYWV, S. 1-'., Eng.; ShTAI~111, Ye. L. Cement Industries Bulkheads of the mi-xiti.;T shed of cement plants. TSement 19, No. 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, W une 1953. Unclassified. I - - SHTAMN, Ye.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. ".- -If -.1 ~ .. L- 1, Prefabricated, reinforced-concrete bunkers for grain storage with hinged joidta. Yor.i r.ech.flot 13 no.4-.29-30 Ag '53. MRA 6:io) (Grain-Storage) KRYLOV,S.M., inzhener; SHTAMK,Ya.L., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk The building of horizontal 23m. diameter tanks with the use of sliding forms. TSement 21 no.2:20-22 Mr-Ap '55. (MMA 8:8) (Concrete construction) MAIZWOV# A.0.1 IM51-YOUVIS Chw*es in the intensity of adhesion between cells in the series normal liver - solid hope-14cm - aseitic hep&tma, TSitologiia 7 no.3414-416 Nf4a t65. 'MM 19110) 16 laboratoriyu makhanismor kinbaerapneu Institute *kMri.. mentallnoy i Irlia4chaskay sukalogii AMN SSSR# Mookne jV, C. VAS j~V, MODYA140VA, Ye.A~; HLO~.HKO'vA, 27-1.; jq:11 L I YE Ye.V. Nature of cohes-Lon of liver cElls. Biol-i-zilra F- ro.3:354-360 163. (IMIRA 17:11) 1. Inst-itut e ,mi.'s V, klinichel.'r-'oy onkolof.;-i-~ . erirn.erTallnoy AfTU SSSR, Moskva. AUTHORS.* Leshchinskiy, N. I., Shtant, A. S., Sinitsyn, V. I. 32-11-59/6o TITLE; on the P1,oblem of the Organization of Laboratories for Work With Radioactive Substances (K voprosu ob organizats-ii laboratorly d2ya raboty. s radioaktivnymi veshchestvami). PERIODICAL.* Zavodbkaya Laboratoriya, 1,257, Vol. 23, hIr 11, PP* 1396-1398 (USSR). ABSTRACT: In the introduction to this article it is explained that the problem concerned has not been dealt with sufficient clearness in beientific publications. A publication with the title "Flannin of, Laboratories 9 for Work with Radioactive Isotopes" by I. V. Malashenko is declared most descidedly to be at fault because it is based updrr wrong and obsolete conceptions. Tte article mainly criticizes several measures mentioned in the~publication by Malashenko, and the allegedly "core rect measures" are given in order to be compared with the formeri, The article contains a sample plan for the laboratory-concerned# from which it is possible to distinguish strictly between "contaminated rooms"J"passage roomsit and Itpure (uncontamined) roomst'. According to the plan the laboratory consists of the following parts.: 1. A storage room for radioactive substances. 2, A repair room to deal with the "contaminated zone" from within. 3. Medicaland dressing Card 1/2 stations, shower baths, and rooms where clothes can be changed. 4. on the Problemof the organization of Laboratories for Work With 32-11.59/6o Radioaa6ive Substances. ATashroom with special facilities for conveying "contaminated washing", and a device for taking over itpure (decontaminated) clothes". 5~ A room for work carried out with little active substanae~r with bu:ULt.dn chest of drawers. A "pure corridor" with doors, leading to "Pure rooms". 7. Emergency exit from the "contaminated zone"* An automatic manipulating device for the transport and handing out of radioactive substances to the rowof protective chambers: (Irboxes"), where work is carried out. It is pointed out in the article that the use of wooden material (also if painted) for boxes, chests, etc., in the "contaminated zone" is not permitted. Provision is made for thorough ventilation and corresponding filtering of rooms, Filters may be exchanged only on the "contaminated side". "Contaminated wastell must;,be,dxamined -as to';the degree ~6f-their contamination., and must. be removed and isolated. In conclUsion it is said that. planning of the sanitary installations -is further stiidied and developed in varlous different forms to suit scientific institutes as well as tech- nical and agricultural institutes. There are 1 figure, and 3 Slavic references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 110), 21(8), 21(3) AUTHORS: Shtan' A. Leshchinskiy, N. TITLE: New Rules.f.)r the Transport of Radioactive Sfb3tances PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 4, P 399 (USER) ABSTRACT: The Glavnoye upravleniye po ispoltzovaniyu atomnoy energii.pri Sovete Tylinistrov SSSR (Main Administration for the Use of Atomic Energy of the Ministers' Council of the USSR) and the Gosudarst- vennaya sanitarnaya inspektsiya SSSR (State Sanitary Inspectorate of the USSR) confirm the new.rules for the transport of radio- active substances by rail, aircraft, and automobiles. According to these new rules radioactive substances are subdivided accord--, ing to the physical characteristics of their radiation into three groups. The first group comprises radioactive slibstances,which, besides a- and A-particles, radiate also ~_qu.anta (co6o, j131, Ir192, Cs137 and others). The second group comprises such radio- active substances as are sources of a neutron-radiation or.also of a neatron- and a f-radiation.'The third group comprisea such- substances as emit offly a- and P-particles (Po~-"O, Sr90, P32, S35, c14 and others). T e ackiAgs in which the radioactive sul- Card 1/3 h P liew Rules for the Transport of Radioactive Substances SOV/89-7-4-24/28 stances are transported are subdivided according to the dose rate of radiation on their surface or at a distance of 1 m from tUpacking into 4 transport categories: 1) The first cate-: gory comprises such packings on the surface of,which the dose rate of radiation does not exceed 0.1 millicurie/sec. These packingsare completely undangerous, may be transported by any kind of conveyance, and may stored in any kind of store-room to- gether with other goods. However, the total activity in one package must not exceed 2000 millicarie. 2) The second category comprises such packings in which the dose rate of t-radiation does not exceed 3 millicujie per second (and at a~aistance of I m from the package does not exceed 0.1 millicurie per second). Also these packages may be transported by any means of conveyance and may be stored in ordinary store-rooms, but not more than 10 units (in the case of transport aircraft 20 units) per transport unit or store-room- 3) In the case of the third category 55 millicurie per second and 2.5 millicurie per second at a di- stance of 1 m are prescribed. This category 9f packages must, according to the kind of transport, be kept at a distance of at least 1 to 10 m from human dwellings and at least-5 m from photo- Card 2/3 graphic materials. Should a transport in packages of the afore- llew~ Rules ior the Transport of Radioactive Substances SOV/89-7-4-24/28 mentioned categories be found to be unrational (e.g. because of their too high weight), a fourth transport category is pro- vided. Such packages may be transported in individual cars, automobiles, aircrafts, or at remote spots in ships. Liquids and gases must be transported in hermetically sealed vessels, powddrs- and solids in tightly closed containers. The main package must be enclosed in an additional outer.packing. These rules hold for all organizations producing, transporting, and using radioactive substances. There is 1 Soviet reference. Card 3/3 POSTNIKOV, Vladimir Ivanovich; 13TMMO, Viktor Aleksandrovich; TATOCJBNKO, L.K., kand.tekhn.n'auk, retsenzent; KALINOVA, R.S., retsenzent; SHTAXI, A.S., kand.khim.nauk, red.; SEMENOVA, K.M., red.izd-va; ELIKIM), Y.D., [Efficiency of radioactive control in the machinery industry applied to gamma-ray flaw detection] Bffektivnont' radio- aktivnogo kontrolia v me8hinostroonii; primanitellno k ga- defektoskopii. Predial. A.T.Topchievs. Koakva, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry. 1960. 143 P. (HIU 14:4) (Radioisotopes--Industrial applications) RUMANTSE7, Stepan Yesillyevich; KATSYCK, L.N*9 kand.takhn.nauko retsensent; SHTA 19 A.S., lmnd.khim.nauke retsenzent; MISHARIN. G.I., inzh., KATYBUTA, A.T.9 red.; KA23MI, TO.I., [Use of radioactive isotopes for flaw detection] Primenenie radio- aktivn.vkh izotopov v defektookopii; rokovodstvo po primnaniiu radioaktivnykh izotopoy v promyshlannoi defektoakopii. Koskva. Izd-vo glav.upr.po ispollsovaniiu atomnoi energii pri Bovete mi- nistrov SSSR, 1960. 293 p. (KIM 13:7) (Metals-DefeetB) (Radioisotopes--'Industrial applications) FF~ASEE I ECOK E72LOITATION SCV/5410 il ntol~aya konferentziya Do mirnomu ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energli, Ta3hkent, 1959. of the Talhkent Conference on the Peaceful I zd likent, I Lvo AN U-.SSR, 1960. - s of Atc-mic EnorZy) v. 2. Tam 1,49 p. Errata slip inserted. 'l,M copies Drinted. S-;nsorlng Agency: Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. _---n-lbla Ed.: S. V. Starodubtaev, Academician, Academy of .:~_!OZICP3 Uzbek SSR. Editorial Board: A. A. Abdullayev, Can- of Fhy3laB and D. Yl. Abdurasulov, Doctor Cf 7~:~idi._,al Sciences; U, A. ,,ri.-ov, iteademician., Acadcay of Q~.-'~ncea Uzbek SSF.; A. A. Borodulina, Candidate of Blolooical V. N. Ivashev; G. S. ilcr,-jrova; A. Ye. Kii; Ye. ':. .0 Candidate of Physicz and li-athematics; A. 1. Nil- li%rev, ~"_:"jldate of 11,11edleal Sciences; D. Nishanov, Candidate of Chc.:~lcal S:iencea; A. S. Sadykov, Corresponding j.Tember, Academy of Sciences Academician, Academy of Sciences Tjzbek SSR; Yu. N. Talanin, Tran:,acticns of the TaAkent (cont. SOV15410 Candidate of Phyvics and rlathema-tic:3; Ya. Hh. 1111urakulov, Doctor of Biolo3iwl S~~iences. Ed.: R. 1. Khwaidov; Tech. Ed.: A. G. Babal-.-hanova. FURIT r,~S E :The pu.)11--aticn is intended for spientific workers and eil al Ists cmploy,~,d in enterpriaes wh,~re radicactive iso"cpes ar.*1 ruclear radiatlon are wed for re-=~,arch in cheralcal, geo- legica-1, and technological fields. OUVERAC-E: collection of 133 articlei repre5ent:.,; tle second vols--.e of the 12ran8aationa of the T-a-=hkent Conference on the P-zs--,e~ul Uses of Atomic Fner_L-j. The Individual. artiilea deal a wide ran,~~e of problems in the field of nuclc-ar radiation, L.Ion and chemical analy,,:Is ef ralicaetive in--~Iuding: product lzotcp~B, inverit1gation of the kinetics or chemical reactions by me-ans,'of i3otopes; application of spectral analyn13 for the manufacturing of radioactive preparations; radicaotive methods fcr determining the content of elements in the rocks; and an ana-yals of methods for obtaining pure substances, Certain Card 2/20 17 6 Tran-.-,ctio,.,3 of the Tashkent (Cont.) S OV/5410 jn3tmn,,.onta used such as automatic regulators, flo*;.Motorsi, level c-iu_~ca, anA high-nennitivity &_=a-rolays, are described. rer~f,nalities 170 are mentioned. Ruference3 follow individual arti,1,3. TABLE OF MITENTS, RADIOACTIW ISOTOPES AND tMCLEAR RADIATIO1,11 III E-IGI14EMIIIG AND GEOLOGY Lobanov, Ye. N. (Institut yadernoy fiziki UzSSR - Institute of Nuclear Physics AS UzS3R). Application of Radioactive Isotopes and Nuclear Radiation In Uzbeklatan Takaar, and V. A. Yanush]tovskiy (Institut fiziki AN Latv SSR - InstItute of Physics AS Latvian SSRI. Problems of the Typification-of Automatic-Control Apparatus Based on tfie Use of Radloactivq Isotopes Card 3/20 7 9 Tran3actions of the Tashkent (Cont.) SOV/5410 1,2chchinnkly, 11. 1., 0. 11. Lokhanin, andA. S. Shtan' (Glavatom - :1ain A,-~-,.Iinistration for the Utilization oir ~,Ma a ~.EznerE71, Organ- i2ation of Laboratories for Experinents Using Radioactive Sub- ztanccs 132 B-IberSall, A- V., 11. 1. Leshchinskiy, M. M. Korotkov, and 0. G. 1 ~:-a' clov. Development of a Transportable Gamma-Plant for Seed 1 ic Irradiation Before Sawing 148 Artmeladze, I. D., A. A. Bibergall, and T. V. Toot3khladze. [In- ~titut fiziki AN GruzSSR - Institute of Physics AS Gru=SSRI E-,perimental Scmi-Induatrial G-- a-Flant for Radiation Process- ing of Agricultural Products in Geora-a 155 Bibergalf, A. V., N. I. Le3hchinakiy, U. Ya. Margulis, and V. G. 1,2iruGhchev. [TUnister3"Wo zdradvookhraneniya - I'linis- try of Health USbR1. Some Probiems of Design and Construction of Hig:h-Capacity Gamma-Plants 164 Card 9/2 0 LOKHANIN~ G.N.; SINITSYN, V.I.;.~!i=T=AN:"~ A.S.- MATVEYEVA, A-.V., red.; BOKSHA, R.V., red.; KAZELI., Ye.I., tekbn. red. [Protective equipment and devices for working with radioactive substances) Zashchitnoe oborudovanie i prisposobleniia. dlia raboty s radioaktivnymi veshchestvami. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry v oblasti atomnoi nauki i tekhniki, 1961. -129 p. (MIRA 14:11) (Radiation protection) S/08 62/000/010/049/085 Bi 66XB1 80, R'UTHORS: Sinitsyn, V. I.,'t A. S. TITLE: Appliances and apparatus based on the use.of radioactive isotopes for the control and regulation,pf technological processes in the chemical industry PERIODICAL:' Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 10, 1,062, 357-358, abstract 101177 (Vestn. teklin. j ekon. inform. N.-i. in-t tekhn.-ekon. issled. Gos. kom-ta Sov. Min. SSSR po khimii, no- 5s 1961, 35-P) TEXT: Mass-produced Soviet appliances of interest to the chemical industry are briefly described, together with some planned for mass-productiogoin 1961. 1. A level indicator for the interface between, two media. Co radiator, gamma-rays, activity 0.5-60 mg-equiv radium ("Kalugapribor" Factory). 2. Level regulator-indicator with pneumatic outlet Pv~lt_l (RUP-1), made at the same factory. 3. A series of relay-type appliances, made at the Talinn Plant, based on the SPATt (URAP) electronic relay unit: level recorder for measuring vessels, with an accuracy of Card 1/3 115/081/62/000/010/049/085 Appliances and apparatus based... B168/B180 + I., 2 mm: maximum level recorder P7PY-4 (RPRLT-4), accuracy t 5 cm; device. ?V.-A (RK-4) for regulating the filling of containers on a conveyor, a_ tracking level-gage s?-6-A (uR-6-A) for storage tanks; c;ntinuous dens ity gage (PZhR-2), range 1-1.5 g/cm3, error 0.51~"'- 4. Ionization gage '../,,~-3A (MIR-3A) for inactive gases and steam, range Hg-,'error 5%, alpha-particle d6urce Pu 239 ("Kalugapribor" Factory)- 5. Non-contact device b43 (BIV) for weighing sheet materials in the course of manufacture, range 200-800 g/m2, error t 5 %, source 204 T1 . 6. Gage for measuring deviation of sheet thickness *from a standard (URIT-1), range 50-500 g/M2 , error � 3 %, beta-radiation, consistine of 5 units. 7- One- or two-level regulator AP7Y (ARPU) for the interface between two media, difference in densities 10 and 90 %, operating time 10 see, error 40 mm, model ----3P (V-3G) (Talinn Factory). 8. f--thickness gage 0-7W(BTP) for coatings (varnish, paints, electroplating, etc.), range a few mg1cm 2, accuracy +_ 2 %, source Ti 204, 120 pe (Talinn Factory). 9. Pulp density gage 14NU (M), range Card 2/3 S/061/62/000/010/049/085 Appliances and apparatus based ... B168/B180' 1.0-1.5 and 1.6-2.1 g/CM3, error 1.5 5~, gamma-radiation source Ce 137 50 mg-equiv. The following are being developed-. 10. P 9~tassium concentration gage ~fJ,-i-l (RKK-B-1) for measuring thelittntensity of 40 inherent radiation of K , range 0-20 ~If, error t 1-5 avtomatiki USSR (Institute of Automation U.krSSR)). 11. DensitoatiRr for liquids 7'- r-5,4 (PZhR-5.4), range 0.1 to 0.6 9/cM3, error � 2' n gamma-radiation 137 (NIITeplopribor). 12. Liquid analyzer source Cs 1 (RAZh-1) for determining the concentration of one of the components of a binary fffixture, source Br9o.(OKBA). 13- Ionization methanometer TM-4 (TM-4) (for atmospheric air), range 0-5 %, error � 0.2 %, dource - tritium. 14. Level indicator compressed cylinder gas OY-3 (IU-3), portable, 6o I accuracy �10- mm, source Co 1 mg-equiv. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 3/3 BOOHKAREV, V.V.;--�!EEA111, A.S._ International Conference on the Uses of Radioisotopes in the Physical Sciences and Industry. Atom. energ. 10 no.2:180-185 r 161. (MIRA 14:1) (Radioisotopes--Congresses) 22886 S/089J61/010/005/015/015 B102/B214 AUTHORS: Leshchinskiy, N. I., Shtan', A. S. TITLE: New rules for the transport of radioactive substances PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 10, no- 51 1961, 544-545 TEXT: On December 26, 1960,the Gosudarstvennyy komitet Soveta blinistrov SSSR po ispolzovaniyu atomnay energii (State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the Use of, Atomic Energy) and the Gosudarstvennaya sanitarnaya inspektsiya SSSR (State Sanitary Inspection of the USSR) published new rules for the transport of radioactive substances. These rules were published in accordance with the Soviet sanitary-regulations and the recommendations of MAGATE (Vienna). The rules concern packing, labelling, and transport of the articles. The radioactive articles for LrangDort are divided in three ~r-oups: 1) Substances emitting a-, P-, and y-radiations (such as Co 60 , CS197, etc), 2) those emitting neutrons or neutrons +ggamma radiation, and 3) those emitting a- or y-radiation 210 14 (PO Sr I C , etc.). According to the dose rate or neutron flux at the packing surface or at 1 m from it four categories of packing for trans- Card 1/3