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BLAGOVESHCHENSKIYI Dmitriy Ivanovich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye*N.9 akademiko glavnyy red.; FJVC~OVSKIYj, B.Ye.9 red.,,- STRELKOV, A.A.v red; A.A' _rqao; PUKHALISKAYA, L.F., re(I.0-izd-va; ZMEL , M.Ye.,_tekI4, r [4ce (Siphunculata) parasitic on domestic animals] 1~shi (Siphunculats.) domashnilch mlekopitaiushchikh. Moskva, Izd-vo.Akad.nauk SSSRt 1960.' 86 (Opredeliteli po fauna SSSRI no.73). (M14 .13142) (Anoplura), (Parasites-Domestio animals) GUTSWICH, Aleksandr Vasillyevich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, gluvW red.; BTKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; STRYJXOV, A.A., red.; SHTiiK"R 'BZRG. A.A., red.vypuska; KRUGLIKOVa, [Bloodsucking midges (Diptera, Heleidae) in the fauna of the U.S.S.R.] Krovososushchie mokretsy (Diptera, -Heleidae) fauny SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk.SSER, 196o. 1,,c p. (Oprodeliteli po faune SSSR no.72). (MIRA 13:8) (Diptera) SKARLLTO, Oreat Aleksandrovic'h; PAVWVSKIY, Ye.N~, akademik, glavwy red.; BMOVSK1Y, B.Te., red.; VINOGFADOV, B.O. [deceased], re4o; SMEIKOV, A.A., red.izdaniva;' 'SH2MLIB]IRG, A.A., red.; MIUTAGO. N.A., red.izd-va; ARONS, R.A., -tekha--.r-eA-. [Bivalvalar mollusks in FarBRatern ease of the U*8*3*1. (order Dysodonta)] Dvustvorchatys molliuski 4allnevostochnfth'morei SSSR (Otriad Dysodonta). Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 151 P. (Oprodeliteli po faune SSSR, no-7l)- 1. Direktor Zoologicheakogo inatitata AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Soviet Far Iket-lamellibranchis,U) ARNOLIDI, L.V.; BORKHMIIUS. N.3.; GURIYETA, Te.L.; DERBEITEYA, N.N.; TMMITANOT, A.F.; KERZMM, I.M.; KUZNETSOT, V.I.; LISINA, L.M.; MISHCIMTKO. L.L.; NARCHUK, E.P.; SWIRO, I.D.; SWOSMI- KOV, G.Kh.; ;gVAM~IBERG, A.A.: PUKHALISKATA. L.F., red.izd-va; KRUGGIKOVA, N.A., GVEnrie [Insect pests of corn in the U.S.S.R.; reference book] Vaseko- rkye, vrediashchie kukuruze v SSSR; spravochnik. Mookma, 1960. 227 P. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Academiya nauk SSSR. Zoologicheskiy institut. 2. Zoologi- cheskiy institut AN SSSR (for Arnolldi. Borkheenius. Gurlyeva. Derbeneva, Temellyanov, Kerzhner, Kuznetsov, Mishchenko, Narchuko Shaposhnikov. Shtak8l'berg). 3. Tsesoyuznyy inatitut zashchity rasteniy Tsesoyuznoy akademii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni T.I.Lenina (for Lisina, Shapiro). (Corn (Maize)--Diseases and peats) (Insects, Injurimis and beneficial) PAVIk)VSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavnyy red.; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; STREIKOV, A.A., red.toma: SHTAKELIBERG, A.A.. red., IMUGLIKOVA, N.A., [Pogonophora] Fogonofory. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960, 271 P. (Fauna SSSR no-75) (MIRL 13:4) tPogonophora) MOVEDEV, Sergey Ivanovich; PAVLOVSKIT, Te.N.. akademik, glavnyy red.; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Te., red.; STRELKOV, A.A., rod.;.SHTIZ3LIBHRG, A.A., rod.; KRYZHANOVSKIT, O.L.. red.vypuska; telchn. red. [Colsoptera. Vol.10, no.4: Iamellicorns (Scarabaoidae); sub- families Ruchirinae, Dynastinae, Glaphyrinae, Triebiinael Plastincbatousye (Scarabaoidae). Podsem. Muchirinae, Dynastinae. Glaphyrinae. Trichiinae. Moskova, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1960. 397 P. (Fauna SSSR, no-74) MU 13:4) 1. Direktor Zoologicheakogo institute. AN SSSR (for Pavlovakiy). (Scarabaeldae) PORTERKO, Leonid Alekeandrovich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, gla:vnyy red.; BYKHOVSKIY, Me., red.; STR=OV.' A.A '., red.; STRMOT, A.A., red.;-SHT.AKILIDERG, A.A.., red.; IVAWT. A.I., redAzdaniyiq GOLOVNIN, M.I...;r~;~. i7id-v-a'r-;-"'JMNS$ R.A., [Birds of the U.S.S.R. Pt.4.1 Ptitay SSSR. Pt.4. KoekTa. Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 414 (Opredelitell po faune SSSR. no.69.) I (MIRA 13:3) 1. Direktor Zoologlcheskogo institute, AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Passeriformes) IUMOV, Donat Vladimirovich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.lf., L~'-,-~emik, glavnvy red.; BYXffC7SKIY, B.Ye., red.; VINOGRADOV, B.S., red,[deceased]; STRMXOV, A.A., -prof., red.; SHTAMIBFIRG, A.A., red.; SMDlNOVAi'-A.V.,'~t9khn.r ed." [Hydroids and hydromedusae in marine, brackish, and fresh-water basins of the U.S.S.R.] Gidroidy i gidromeduzy morskikh, solonovatovodnykh i presnovo44nykh basseinov SSSR.-Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1960. 585 :P. (Opredeliteli po faune SSSR, no,70) (XIRA 13:7) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR (fbr Favlovskiy). (Hydrozoa) - SHTAKMIBERG, A.A. Ifew Syrphidae (Diptera) species from the Caucasus. &t. oboz. 39 no.2:438-449 160. (KIRA 13:9) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (Caucasus--Syrphus flies) SHTAKELIBERG, A.As In memory of Vladimir Venliaminovich Popov (1902-1960). Ent. obot. 40 no.1:233-239 161. .(MIRA 14:4) (Popov., Vladimir Venliaminovioh, 1902-1960) .W." i, I`,;'-~'TY3NKO, G.Ya.; SHTAKELIBERG, A.A. ------------ V.V. Popov. Zashch. rant. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.3:63 Mr 161. 041RA 15:6) (Popov, Vladimir Veniaminovich, 1901-1~6,0) NAUMOV, Donat Vladimirovich; PAVLOVSKIY., Ye.N., akademik., glavnyy red.; STRELKGV, A.A.,red.; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; GROMOV, I.N., red.; 140MEADSKIY., A.S., red.; SKARIATO, O.A., red.; SHTAKELIBERG A.A.; ZAMARAYEVAJ, R.A.., [Scyphomedusae in the seas of the U.S.S.R.] Stsifoidpye meduzy morei SSSR. Moskva,, Izd.-,ro Akad.nauk SSSR. 1961. 97 p. (.Ppredeliteli po faune SSSR, no.75). (M-TRA 15:2) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Scyphomedusae) TOMILIN., Avenir Grigorlyevich, prof.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik,, glavrqy red.; CHAPSKIY, K.K.J. red.; BYKHOVSKIY, Mew., red.; GROMGV, I.M., red.; MONCHADSM, A.S.J. red.; SKARLATO, O.A.)-red.; STRELKOV, A.A.., redi; SHTAKELIBERG A.A.' red.; b%D.ROV, B.M.,. red.izd-va; R014A .9 G.M., ~;~.;;~j.;'N&IGHKGVA, N.D., [Cetaceans of the seas of the U.S.S.R,l Kitoobraznye fauny morei SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1962. 211 p. (Opredeliteli po fauna SSSR,, noe79). (MIRA 15:8) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Cetacea) KOZLOVA, Yelizaveta Vladimirovna; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavnyy red.; '19MV-0 A.I., red.toma; BYKF-GVSKIY., B.Ye., red.; GRCMOV, I.M., red.; MORGILADSHY, A.S., red.; SK&IRIATO, O.A., red.; STR=EOV, A.A., red.; -AALUJ&!~~, red.; KOZLOVA, G.I., red.izd-va; BOCIEVER, V.T., tekhn,Vedo (Cliaradriiformo,g; the suborder of shore birds] Rzhankoobraznye; Podotriad kuliki. Moskva, lzd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. Vol.2, no.l. (Birds] Pthitsy. 1962. 432 p. (Fauna SSSR, no.81) (MIRA 15:6) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Shore birds) SHTAKELIBERG, A.A. Materials on Diptera of Leningrad Province. Report No.52 Dolichopodidae. Trudy Zool.inst. 31480-317 162. (NM 16:1) (Leningrad Province-Dolichopodidae) SHTAKELIBERG Materials on Diptera of Leningrad Province. Report No. 6: Dipi-era, Calyptrata. Part 1. Trudy Zool.inst. 31:318-399 162. OURA 16:1) (Leningrad Province-Flies) RUBTSOV,, Ivan Antonovich; PAVLOVSKIY., Ye.N., akademik, glavnyy red.; STREMOV, A.A., red.toma; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; GROMOV, I.M., red.; MONCHADSKIY, A.S., red.; SYARLATO, O.A., red.; S41A~~~ .A.A.., red.; BORISOV, K.A... red.izd.; SMIRNOVA, A.V., [Concise classification key of the bloodsucking black flies of the U.S.S.R.] Kratkii opredelitell krovososushchikh moshek fauny SSSR. ~bskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 19t2. 227 p. (Opredeliteli po faune SSSRJ, no.77). 04IRA 15:8) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Black flies) GHEKANOVSKAYAY Ollga Vitolldovna; PAVLOVSKIY2, Ye.N., akademik, glavnyy red.; STRELKOV, A.A., red.toma; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; GROMOV$ I.M., red.; 14ONCHADSKIY, A.B., red.; SKARLATO, O.A., red; ajgAg~L red.; VELIYATAGO, N.A., red.izd-va; SMIFI-JOVA, A.V., [Aquatic oligochaeta worms of the fauna of the U.S.S.R.] Vodnye maloshchetinkovye chervi fauny SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 4n p. (Opredeliteli po f~une SSSR, n0.78). (MIRA 15:11) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR (for Favlovskiy). (Oligoehaeta) GURIYANOVA, Yevpraksiya Fedorovna; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glav. red. 'STICELKOV, A.A., prof., red. izdaniya; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; GROMOVY I.M., red., red.; MONCHADSKIY,,A.S., red.; SKARIATO, O.A., red.I_SHTAKELIEERG, A.A,- VELIYATAGO,. N.A., red. izd-va; K01WRAT"YEVA, M.N., tekhn. red. (Amphipods of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean (Amphipoda- Gammaridea), Part 1] Bokoplavy severnoi chasti Tikhogo okeana (Amphipoda-Gammaridea); chast! 1. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1962. "0 p. (Operadeliteli po faune SSSR, no.7,4.) (MIRA 15:6) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta Akademii nauk SSSR (for Favlovskiy). (Pacific Ocean-Gamma idae) KLYUGE, Gennan Avgustovich (deceased]; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akELdemi -.,glav. red.ja STRELKOV, A.A.., prof.., red. toma; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye.,. red.; GROMOVI I.M., red.; MONCHADSKIY, A.S., red.; SURIATO, O.A., red.; SHTAKELI d.; VELtYATAGO, N.A., red.izd-va; OGRADOVA, N.V., tekhn. red. [Bryozoa of the northern seas of the U. S. S. R.1 Mshanki severnykh morei SSW] Mookva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1962. 584 p. (Opredeliteli..po faune SSSR, ne.76.) NIRA 15!6) 1. Dirokkor Zoologicheskogo inatituta Akz&ftii nauk SSSR (for Favlovskiy). (Arctic regions-'-Polyzoa) LIKHAREV, Illya Kikhaylovich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N.,Ia*emik, glavnyy red.; STRELKOV, A.A., red.toma; BYKHOVSKIY-, B.Te.,\ red.; GROMDV, I.M.; red.; MONCHADSKIY, A.S~, rad-, -SKARLATO., O.A., red.; SHTAKELIEERG, A.L., red.; ZENDELI, MO., ;, (Mouilsks Cla~siliidae] Klauziliidy (C4=ijlidae). Moakwa, Izd-vo Akad.nauk 35SR, 1962. 317 p. (Pauiiii'SSSR, No.83. Molliuski, vol.3, no.4) (MIRA 16:2,) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta AN S8SR (for Paviovskiy). (Clausiiiidae) GRUNIN, Konstantin YakovIevich; FAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glAV*y red.; SHTAKELIBERG, A,-A., prof., red.; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye." redj MMOV,' ~f-.M., red.; MONCHADSKIY, A.S., red.; SKARLATO, O.A., red.; STRELKOV, A.A., red.; MAKOVSKAYA, L.M., red.izd-va; BOCHEVER,, V.T., (Warble flies (Hypodermatidae)] Podkozhnye ovoda (Hypodernatidae). Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1962. 237 p. (Fauna SSSR, Ser. 82 no. Nasekomye &~Iye, v6.1.19, no.4). (MIRA 16:4) (Warble fliee) SHTAKELIBERG, A~A. Diptera of the genus Tetanoc6ra D-ini.(J)lptazaL, .-7c-icvvjzidae) of tbe European part of Ithe U.S.S.R. Ent. obc;z. 4.2 no.4.* 912-923 163. WITRA 17:8) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut AN ~SJSFR, Ie.-iingraift. GOLIKOV, Aleksandr Nikolayevich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavnri red.; STRELKOV., A~L... red.toma; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; GROMOV, I.M., red.; MONCHADSKIY.,!A.S., red.; SKARLATO, O.A., red.; SHTAKELIBERG, A.A., red.; KONDRATIYEVA, M.N., [Gastropods of the genui.N6ptunea Bolten) Briukhonogie molliuski roda Neptunea Bolten� Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963.' 217 p. (Fauna SSSR, no-85. Molliuski, vol. 5, no.1). OCRA 16:5) (Gastropoda) BORMSMIUS, Nikolay Sergeyevich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavnyy red.. STREMOV, A.A., otv. red.; BTAHOVSKIY, B.Ya., red.1 MCKCRADSM, A.S.,red.; SKARLATO, O.A., red.; SHTAKELIB~qj,A.A.. I. d. [Practical guide to scale insects (Coccoidea) ocaurriug on cultivated plants and forests species]. Praktiaheskii oprede- litelt koktsid (Coccoidea) kulttuimyk-h rastenii. i lesnykh porod SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 311 Pe (Op- redeliteli po faune SSSRv no*81)9 (MIRA 17t7) SHT AKPMBERG, A. A. "The main characteristics of the diptera fauna of North-west Europe." report sdomitted for 12th Intl Cong of Entomology, London, 8-16 jul 64. , SHTAKLLIBERG, A.A. Materials on identifying palaearctic Syrphidae (Diptera). Zool. zhur. 43 no. 3:467-473 ~164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences of U.S.S.R., Leningrad. - v .-~. eq~ 1 SVETOVIDOVy Anatoliy Nikolayevich; PkVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavnyy red.; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; GROMOV, I.M., red.; MONCHADSKIY, A.S., red.; SKAIUATO, O.A., red.;ISHTAKF-LtBFRG, A.A., red. [Fishes of the Black Sea.]Ryby Chernogo moria. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 550 P. (Opredeliteli po faune SSSR, no.86) ZAGULYAYET, A.K.; P"LOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, otv. red.[deceased]; BYKIIOVSKIY, B.Ye., akademik, red.; GROMOV, I.M., red.; M,OCHADSKIYI A.S., red.; SKARLATO, O.A., red.; STRELKOV, A.A., prof., red.;-SHTAKELIBERG, A.A., red. (Moths and pyralids attacking grain and foodstuffs] Moli i ognevki - vrediteli zerna i prodovollstvennykh zapasov. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 270 p. (FIRA 19:1) 1; SN-AXELIBMG, AOA. New data on the tiixonomy of palaearctic syrphys flies (Dip- tera, Syrphidiae). Fht. oboz. 44 no. 4:907-026 165 (MIM 19:1) . 1. Zoologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad. BORMSENIUS, Nikolay Sdrgeyevich; PAVLOVSKIYf Ye.H.9 akademiks glavnyy red.; BMMOVSKIY, B.Ye.9 red.; STRELKOV, A.A.v Red.; SHTAKELI.IKERG9 A.S.p red.; KRUGLIKOVA, N.A., 1116mipterans and homopterans NasekWe khobotnye. Moskvap Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR'l --n'0.77. Vol.A *C.*border df -7scaloiimect4s (Coccoida); familed KermococcidAeg Amiterolecaniidael, Iacaniodiaspididaei--Aclordidas] Podo- triad ch~rvetsj i'shchitovki .(Coccoidea); rom~istva Kerm6cocicidasp ABterolecaniidaol.LecanioAaspididaei.Aclerdidae. 1960.283 p. (MM 14j2) ~Stale insefts) SHTAKEL'BERG, N. Face production problems. W20 no.9:45-47 S '59. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Uchenyy sel.-retarl Leningradekogo oblaetnogo pravleniya Nauchno-tekbnicbeskogo obahchastva mashinostroitellnoy promysb- lennosti. (Leningrad Province-ReBearch, Industrial) S11TAKMOBERG, N.A. Developmmnt of fever reaction In animals in relation to Injection sites of pyrogenous substances. Fiziol.zh.SSSR 37 no.2:195-205 Mar-Apr 51. (CTAIL 21:1) 1. Laboratory of Pathological Pbysiology, Leningrad Scientific-Re- 4-, t~ search Institute for Prosthese'sand the Department of Pathological Physiology, Military Medical Academy imeni S.M.Kirov. LAZAREVt Nikolay Vasillyevich, prof., zasluzhanyy deyatell nankt-WLR-. red.; SETAKFXIBERG. N.A., red.; RULIVA, H.S., [Ke cinal regulation of the inflammatory process; a collection of papers] Lakarst"nnaia regulistalia vospalitelinogo protsessa; abornik rabot. Goo. izd-vo mad. lit-ry, Laningr. otd-nie, 1958. 271 P. (KIRA 12:2) (INFLANKATION) ~~ t7t i rt N t- L. U L; r-, ~7-, N . t , SHTAKIN, S., inzhoner. Standard system for air-conclitioner vater cooling. Khol.tekh- 32 no.4:21-23 O-D 155. (MIRA 9:4) (Air conditioning) 31 ITAL I , 11. ItHow to Understand Cloud Formations," published in the Soviet periodic--l 11;4'ings of the Fatherland", No. 10, PP. 11-13, 1954. Bachelor of Gedgraphical Sciences, Lecturer. Summary D286292, 20 July 1955 -~ i IIri T- )11% ' Subject Card 1/1 Author Title : USSR/Electricity Pub. 27 - 26/30 AID F - 2362 -Aq~ ~11 ~ , Chairman of the Technical Commission of the International Broadcasting Organization, Prague XI Session of the Technical Commission of the International Broadcasting Organization (Current Events) Periodical Elektrichestvo, 5, 85 My 1955 Abstract The conference took place in Prague from If 30 to D 10, 1954. Representatives of nineteen European and Asiatic countries . participated and discussed 20 problems, Including some s'cien- tific and technical reports. Institution: None Submitted No date 40054 r, L; 6 S/08 62/013/002/011/011 er B1 02Y3104 AUTHORS: Klyugin, S. A. (Deceased), Shtall, M. Z., Soboll, N. V. ----------------- TITLE: Measurements of the emanation content in ventilated rooms by the filter method PE'RIODICAL: Atomnaya ener.aiya, v. 13, no. 2, 1962, 169-191 TEXT: The filter method (Harley, Nucleonics, 11, no. 7, 12, 1953; Schuman, "'.rch. 'Veteorol., Geophys. und Bioklimatol., 9, no. 2, 204, 1956) was applied to determine the emanation concentration Qem = N 1X1 = A(T)/vF(T,to,k~ :1--Fe, A'q) denotes thetime dependence of the a-activity of the filter, t .the filtering time,,v the rate of air transmission through the filter 0., and T the moment of a-a6tivity measurement. F(T't 0 k) is a function of X the Rn. RaA. RaB. RaC decay constants. ,The radon concentra- 1,2,3,4' Tn' ThA' ThB1 ThO tion determined by the filter method was always higher than that determined elecT,rometrically. If the air contains mixed emanations of commensurable Card 1/2 S/089/62/013/002/011/011 P'.easurements of the emanation ... B102/B104 amount-- two cylindrical filters have to be used successively (Atomnaya enerZi-ra, '10, no. 1, 64, 1961). For to - 30 min A(T) has been determined for different k (0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 100) for Rn- as well as Tn- contaminated air. Also A(T)/.N,;~, - vr-, as dependent on Toril/v was measured for different T and Rn- and Tn-contaminated air. T is the time 0 off nassacre of the air through the.filter tube. The curves show that the activity of" the Tn deposits increases wi-th increasing aspiration rate whereas that of the Rn deposits was almost independent of the rate. The filter method has Droved to be the simDlest for determining the emanation concentration directly aand, at'the same tire, the most sensitive (Tn concentrat-ion determination down to 10-12 curies/lite'r). There are 2 figures and 1 table. 3 j Bl, I -I'T'2 Djune 17, 1961 lard 2/9 S/056/62/043/006/016/067 B1 02/B1 04 AUTHORS: Sorokin, A. A., Shtall, M. Z., Shpinell, V. S. The Z'97 TITLE: r decay scheme PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 43, no. 6(12), 1962, 2056-2o62 TEXT: It has been found previously (Ref. 1. Izv-AN SSSR, seriya fiz., 20, 97 913, 1956) that in the Zr decay, besides the 745-kev isomeric state (T 112 60 see) of Nb97 several higher level*s are excited with intensities 00 (cf. Ref. 2. Nucl. Phys., 1, 499, 1956).* The values obtained in Refs 97 I and 2 for transitions excited in the Zr decay coincide, those excite4, 97 in the Nb . decay do not agree but energy and intensity of theJ~'-lines agree with each other. In order to explain these facts, the Zur97 decay was studied in detail. The spectra of the /"-lines and of theff coincidences 97 97 97 arising in the decay Zr --) Nb ---? MO were measured with a coincidence Card 1/3 S/056/62/043/006/016/067 97 The Zr decay scheme B102/B104 scintillation spectrometer apd.a. Nal(Tl)-~crystalspectrometer with ~)Y-24 (FEU-24) photomultiplier and a Api-100 (AI-100) 100-channel pulse-, 65 208 height analyzer. The lines 1.12 Mev (Zn ) 2.62 Mev (Te and 24) 2.76 may (Na serVed as standards. The above-mentioned higher levels were found to be at 1.159 1.359 1.759, 1.84, and 2.1 Mev. The suggested 97 97 _Nb decay scheme is shown in Its characteristics are Zr Fig- 5- discussed in detail. The characteristics of the 1.15 and 1-35 Mev levels:, could not be determined. The absence of transitions from them to the 0-745-Mey level indicates spins of above 3/2. The decay scheme suggested, eliminafes the contradictions that arose between Ref. 1 and Ref. 2. There are 5 figures and'l tables ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo.gosudaretvennogo universiteta (Institute of Nuclear Plysias of Moscow State~ University) SUBMITTED: July IS, 1962-' Card 2/3 A. A. ; SHTAL' M. RYBAKOV, V. N. J "Conceniing the Decay Scheme.o.f Te (tl/2%=16 hr.)." report submitted for.All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopyp Tbilisi, 14-22 Feb 64. DOW (Moscow State Univ) k a, AM5V. K. Ya.; DANAGULYAN, A. S.; -MURAVYEVA, K V. V.;- INKITYUK, L. N.;.SOROKIN, A. A. "Investigations of the Decay of Nd139m(t 1/2~ 5.5. hr.)." report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Tbilisi, 14-22 Feb 64. OIYaI (Joint Inst Nuclear Rao) 7 1,57 IVI. 2_ Lliq.9 5 ~-6 EWT(m) DIAIP/ESD(t)/ESD(gs)/SSD/AF,*IL ACCESSION Mt. AP5000308 S/0056/64/047/005/1644/1652. AUTHORS: Gromov, K. Ya.; Danacrulyan, A. S.; Nikityuk, L. N.; M Sorokin, A. A., Shtall, M. ., Shpinel', V. S. TITLE: Investigation of the decay of neutron-deficient isotopes of neodymium (, New ir-1-ope bid-138 SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoraticheakoy'fiziki, v. 47, no. 5, 1964, 1644-1652 TOPIC TAGS: neodymium, isotope, level scheme, conversion electron spectrum, gamma gamma. coincidence, gamma transition ABSTRACTt This is a continuation of earlier work'by a group headed by one of the authors'(Gromov, Izv. AN SSSR ser. fiz. v. 27, 1357, 1963) on the decay of Nd139m. Neutrort-deficient'neodymium isotopes were obtained by bpa ~barding tantalum or erbium-oxide tar- 1: gets with 660 MeV protons in the sy nchrocyclotron of the Mal. The'! Card 1/5 L 16095-65 ACCESSION NR: APS000308 spectra of the conversion electrons, ,y rays, and 77 coincidences .were investigated for the 5.5-hr activity of Nd with a double ~focusing 13 spectrometer (T~/2 angle). The results show that most y. transitions observed in this-activity belong to Pr139 excited during the decay of Nd139m. A decay scheme for the Ndl39--Prl39 system is deduced from the experimental results and is shown in tal proof of the ~Fig. 1 of the enclosure. In addition, experimen existence of the isotope Nd138, with a half life of approximately 5 hours, is deduced from the presence in the conversion-electron spectrum of an EO transition.line in the Cel38--Prl39--C,138 decay. The decay scheme of the latter.chain is shown in Fig. 2 of the en- closure. "The authors thank L. N. Kryukova for help and to the group of chemists of LYaP OlYal or separating the neodymium frac- tion." Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 3 tables.* ASSOCIATIOUs Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Nuclear Physics1natitute, Moscow-State University) Card 2/5~_ L 16G95-65 ACCESSION NRt AP5000308 SUBMITrF.Ds 30Apr64 SUB CODEs NP Card 3/5 L 16095-65 ACCM,;Icr; uRt APS000306 Dcumms 01 139M Ficr.l. Decay scheffe of Nd tfdl is hr f#17 1 A I M, v/V F 512 C.rd 4/5 GROMOVI K.Ya.; DANAGULYAN, A.S.; NIKITYUK, L.N.; WRAVIYEVA, V.V.; SOROKIN, A.A.; SJITALI M 7 SHPINELI ) V.S. Decay of neutron-deficient neodym_ium isotopes. The new NdI38 isotope. 7hur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 47 no-5:1644-1652 N 164- (KIR-A 18:2) 1. In3titut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.~ L 30031--66-----IK(F) AM K -71%0201A SOURCE COM UR/O 7 AUVIORs fS*)dwdov,'V- Not fv!!jkov. V. M. iScrokinA-t-Aes ORGi Joint.-Institute for Mmlear Rosearch (Ob"yedimmUy Imbutut 3 doh Tmotitate of, Nuclear Mrsics, m2goo godyersitY tut yed Isslodavanly nay MAI Hookuwakogo gowA&rstvev wdveridtata) TIM t Ratio of To Isc;WrIeWs In the dLdntegratlou ist I ad Ce 1w 660 MY SOUMEs Tuderneya fislim, T- 3. foo 2, 1966, YO-AS TOPM TAGSv Isomer, tellurium, protoup nmelow spin# probBMUty ABSTRACTs Ito ratios or um wollptles.1or the gromum of bl& ad low-min !:fl-.-,-e, states have been mamuvd for To wd Isomorm, obtatrAd In t3w disintemetA of Cs ard bir 660 HaV Wotons. For " timme raUes we 8o4803 WA 0977-0*070- for TO , 0.6_w.o7 ana I.W.1 Origo art* Mae I figwe and I table sed on astheref Engo abwtff ripa sm ccm 1 20 MM DAT9 o 2WuI65 CM NSIP's ea" rin on C"- 3A DUBININA, V.N.; IVANOVA, A.A.; KOINILITSYN, V.S.;.�.HM SHCHEGLOV, A.D. Critical remarks on F.A.ShutlivIs book "Geology and metallogeny of eastern Transbaikalia." Zap.Vses.min.ob-va 92 no.4:492-495 163. (MIRA 17:2) C-7 i F 11'. 1 N I '). I- I . ; S' H TA L 19 N. V. " Upper Jurassic instrusions of th,, .~ginskaya S4., -tural zona in .-U- Transbalkalia. Trudy VSEG-E-r 83.:.269-181 163 (MIRA 1?,.--7) SPIZ, HA.R-5K 7Y inimal-' uchaStiyal BOROVIKUI L.I.; T -,-UBI:,SOV, Ya.7.,- SALOP,~L.I.; SHTAL' N.'V. Falec uap:3 ar-I piottirig -rhem. Metoi. (MIRA 6"` - T - - - - _:i - - - --- -- Z, . - . I - . - I - Chemical Abst. Vol. 48 No. 9 May 10, 1954 Organic Chemistry SHTAL11 9. S. USSR/Chemiatry Antibaicterial-Agints JTan-52 "Azo-Coupled Products of a Diazo Derivative With Aromatic Hydroxy Acids," M. S. Zhedek, S. S. Shtall "Zhur Prik Khim!' Vol XXVI, No 1, pp 114-116 Listed colors and antitubercular properties of 20 azo dyestuffs obtained by.coupling diazotized 4- nitro-41-aminodiphenyloulfone vith aromatic hydroxy acids. Inhibiting effect of dyestuffs on growth of tuberculosis bacilli in vitro is changed by intro- duction of carboxyl groups, detd by positions of, substituents in benzene ring, and loweredby esteri-... fication of.carboxyl groups. Growth of and gas -formation by Bacperfringens are, certain of dyestuffs. SHTALI,-)L,_, kand.geograficheskikh nauk (Leningrad); YANKOVSKIY, I., kand.geograficheskikh nauk (Leningrad) How to observe and evaluate the weather during flight. Grazhd. av. 12 no.11:12-14 N 155. (MIRA 15:9) (Meteorology in aeronautics) kand.geograf.nauk (Leningrad) Wheather conditions and high-speed fli.ghts. Grazhd. av. 1.-; no.3:15 Mr 162. (KRA 15:5) (Weather reporting, Radio) (Aeronautics, Commercial) YAKOVIEV, A., starshiy prepodavatell- SRTALI, V., kand.geograficheskikh V naukY dotsent ..................................... Let us visit a meteorological station. Grazhd.av. 19 no.10:18 o 62. (MMA 16-.2) 1, Vyssheye aviatsionnoye uchilishche Aeroflota (for Yakovle-0. (Meteorological stations) SHTALIP V., kand.geograf.nauk Meteorological protection of supersonic airplane flights. Av.i kosm. 1+5 no-5:94-95 My 163. (IlLiA 16:5) (~bteorology in aeronautics) Meteorologiia na sluzhbe av-Latsii. 2. is-.r. i dop. izd. Kiev, Na varti, -1937. 134 1)-, illus., plates, maps. Bibliograplr,r; p. 13h. Title tr. : 1-11--teorology In the service of aviation. TL556-s5 1937 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in Vie Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955. SHTAL, V. A. an d KUIAKOV, A. A. "The Chemical Arm and Defense Against Chemical Attack.," Chapter III of the book "Military Meteorology" published in Moscow, 1940 Translation of this Chapter No. III - D 358816, 1955 KlitiY10145 A. A. 1, ?nd V. A~. SW ALI. Voennaia rrieteorologiia. Moskva, Boenizdat, 1940. Title tr.: Ptilitary meteorology. NCF So: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955. tic- Wmrt- 0. 3 .0 barld,. sp 4 obo"',"Umeat or., ~IMN7 q coMlotoi-ly fais .'- ~ but lti'-AiC4 .'Q'w WN parces;x0o 0 Fwc go or7l --i . SHuL,V. COL - - ~ -1 Fz, 17372 Subjen, t; Card 1/1 AaUic,r- TiFle Periodical Absiuract Institution Submitted y AID P 775 USSR/Aeronautics Pub. 58 - 6/16 Slit-all, V., Kand. of Ge,,-)gr. S!:~.I-:!nr~eo, Dotsent Clouds and their estimation in flight Kryl. Rod., 10, 11-13, 0 1954 The author describes cold, warm., and oc,~~Iuded fronts, gives sketches of their and compares them with photos of cloud form-ationa. Photo's, diagrams. None No date SHTALI, Viktor Aleksandrovich; YANKOVSKIY, I.A., otvatstvennyy redaktor; tt2tfft#MM I.V., redaktor; SOLOVXYCHIK, A.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Meteorology in aviation] Keteorologiia v aviatsii. Leningrad, Gidrometeorologicheskoe izd-vo. 1956. 83 P. (KLRA 9:7) (Meteorology in aeronautics) I SHTAL', V.A., kandidat geograficheskikh nauk, dotsent, inzhoner-polkov-nik. Where is Engineer Kogan-Beletakit's mistake7 Test. Yazd. Fl. 39 no.4:83 Ap 157. (XLU 1039) (Airplanes--Piloting) SOV-26-58-9-14/42 AUTHOR: Shtall,.Y.A., Candidate of Geographical Sciences; Morachevs- kiy1'V.G, -j-Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences (Lenin- grad) TITLE: An Active Influence Upon the Weather (Aktivnoye vozdeystviye na pogody) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 9, PP 85-88 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A survey is given of American, French and Japanese experi- ments and achievements in rain-making, weather modification and the warding-off of hail. The effect of the explosion of hydrogen bombs on the weather is doubted, as the speed of the explosion prevents any influence on the weather process beyond'. an area of 30 square km in the case of a single bomb. The ef- fect of remaining ionized dust and other fall-out has not yet been sufficiently studied. Soviet research and experiments in weather modification for the benefit of agriculture and aviation is centered mainly in the j~eningradskiy institut eksperimen- tallnoy metebrologii /LIEM/ (Leningrad Institute of Experi- mental Meteorology), the Glavnaya geofizicheskays. observato- riya im. Voyeykova /GGO/ (Main Geophysical Observatory lm. Card 1/2 Voyeykov), the Tsentral,naya aerologicheskaya. observatoriya/ An Active Influence Upon the Weather SOV-26-58-9-14/42 TsAO/ (Central Aerological Observatory), the Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy.institut Grazhdanskogo vozdushnogo flota (State Scientific Research Institute of the Commerci-al Air Lines) and other organizations. In 1949, Nikandrov, V.Ya. with his group succeeded in producing rain from cumulus and strato-cumulus clouds in 11 out of 15 trials. The methods employed are based on the artificial formation of crystalli- zation nuclei by the spraying of CO , AgJ and other agents into clouds to effect a disintegration of the cloud. Dry ice for crystallization nuclei is used mostly. The prevention of hail formation was successfully tried in 1956. There are 5 photos and 8 references, 3 of which are Soviet, 1. Artificial precipitation 2. Meteorology Card 2/2 -.~;HTJLLI, V.A., kand. geogr. nauk. Weather evaluation in zones with air currents. Vest. Vozd. Fl. 41 no.12:46-51 D 10. (MIRA 11:12) (Meteorology in aeronautics) KOZAKOV, L.A.;,SHTAL', V.A. Stratosphere-and,mesosphere.-I-Priroda 52--no.9:17-21 -!63. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Leningradskiy gidrometeorologicheskiy institut. a-V t'--:a -w tA. ~y ne;-val-b'es, - a'4`,-in,,:- c-lumui"~Mbu.s: ~d afocy of .:s upersoni V, j(' ALEKSNYEVA, M.V.; ANMONOV, B.Ye.; GURVITS, S.S.; ZHITKOVA, A.S.; SHT I ~.redaktor; RAWV, S.I., tekhnlcheskiy redaktor. [Identifleation of harmful agents in the air of industrial installs- tional Opredelenie vrednykh veshchestr v vozdukhe proizvodstvennykh pomeshchenii. Izd, 2-e. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo khimi- cheskoi lit-ry, 1954. h09 p; (KMA 8:4) (Air-Analysis) TOROPGV9 S.A. 9 kand. tekhn. ApIky rVd.; -SWALI - V ~ K.v spets. red.; KUZNF, TSOVA, N.I.9 red.; SHIKIN; S.T.r tekbn. red;- Physicochemical methods for analyzing the atmosphere3 Fiziko- khimicheskie metody issledovaniia vozdushnoi sredy; sbornik nauchno-issledovatel'skikh rabot, Pod red. S.A.Toropova. Moskva2 Izds-vv-VTsSPS Profizdatq 1961. 93 p. (MIERA 14:9) 1. Moscow.,Vsesoyuzryy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut okhrany truda. (Air-Analysis) (Eudiometer) - - --- ; I - -1,A--~ ~ ! " 1. , -7.- ~-. , 11 1 1 ~7 PRAVOTOROVA, N.N.; SHTALIBEW, P.I.; PLUMANOV, Y.Ye.; BRUT-BRULYAKO, B.H.; OSHMOV, Loom for flax weaving. Tekst. prom. 17 no.8:28-29 Ag '57. (Looms) . (Flax) (MLRA 10:9) Antiosidants In v'!U4 the sftbft of dry milk products. S. Shtal'bca (AH-UMOU Inst. Milk Intl., Nfowuw). if' A-Na-y*-FF-#W-. 10, No. 8, 7-8(1049~,-Addn. of small at (s. of vitamin It. vitamin C, vitamin D, glydne, and Na p"hosphAte ~tabilixe dried ctleamuignificantly in Ili in r"pert to last r preservat lion. CA Stability ot dry milk products in storage' 5- Sht"11=9 and Nt. Shilovich. Molocknoya Prows. 12. I 19.50-thicd milk. cream, juid butter products survive stor4ge better at levels of low moisture content. The use .f bitumen-imptegnaW paper for packing is advised. Gen- trally at 2* less deterioration occurs than at 10'. G. M. Kowlann(F SHULIBJUG, S,; KRETOVICH. V. The substances responsible for the specific odor of dry-milkj4ducts. Molochnaya From. 14, Ho.5, 27-9 '33. . tx&"-j6.-4) (CA 47 no-15:7687 153) -W -,P pr , " A, : ~~4~ 1 % to --SHTALI L70-16G, ---- . I tv I 25 3ij WadTO 0 4C . - tu i 0 U11 u1 I 04n in p is -Of jnJi, - . . .4 li a t . 4kaabhW-. itp. M th co a or v " "., i*' -4c' vid ailik a t At-0.8 M4 shoidd 6e cohat to, 5 4, , 'shod bi tit' I silo CM - 'h hitaic tait for Uotra f ji I" ld big P P 85P. hflkhr _J0 040 v ava.ap 1' d4t-T-W d ~ witk- iN ffibu - At: 0 1 0 It thl =44 6d.'.~ If noyellow &I -test cin Oct* T Jhc t t-OR 0,44t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SHTALIBIMG, S.M.,kand.tekhn.nauk; BANNIKOVA, L.A.,kand.sellskokhoz. nauk- Development of thetacbnology of dry dietetic sour milk. Trudy VNIMI [MoIj no.20:96-102 '59. (MIRA 13:10) (Milk, Fermented) B3ZUGLOT, I.Ye.; KURDY(JMOV, V-1T., inzh.; V rabote prinimali uchastiye: GABRILEITKO, I.V.; GRABOVSKIY, I.I.; J=HCHADIM, A.G.; BELOBO-RODOV, V.V.; VISHNEPOLISKAYA, F.A.; MATSUK, Yu.P.; GAYTSKHOKI, H.I.; USACM, A.S.; ABKINA, N.N.; RUMYANTSBVA, A.G.; KOSHFW7, A.P.; GRIGORIYEV, F.L.; LUKASH-WICH. A.M.; STTAZHKINA, A.G.; MIKHAYLOTICH, A.N.; YZDB-!SXIY, P.M.; MASLOV, F.V.; MDRYASHEVA, Z.P.; PROSMUSMN, R.M.; BOYTSOV, N.I. Operational experience with a newly introduced oil-extraction line equipped vith the DS-70 belt-conveyer extractor. Mael.-zhir.prom. Z6 no-3:29-31 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Vriesoyuznyy nauchno-tualedovatellskiy inatitut zhirov (for Bezuglov, Gabrilenko, Grabovskiv, Neshchadim, Beloborodav, Vishnepollskaya, Mateuk and Gaytskhoki). 2. Leningradskly zhirovoy kombinat (for Kurdyumov, Usachev,tAbk1na, Rumyantseva, Koshelev, Grigorlyev, Lukashevich, Styazhkina, Mikhaylovich, Yedemskiy, Maslov, Kudryasheva, Prosmushkin). 3. Leningradskoye otdeleniy-e tresta. "F~rodmontazh" (for Shtallberg and Boytsov"). (Leningrad--oils atid fats) (Extraction apparatus) 7'1~ k C 4 z 11 US3R/Cultivatcd F~Iants, Medicinal Flants. Essential Oil Plants. M Toxic PLants. , Abs Jour : RQf ZA-Lur - Biol., 11o 8, Ic,)58, No 3484o -uthor : Shtalc L.Zh. Inst :-Mc'dicalInstitutc of [Uga Tit-, 0 Study of Stonecrop (Sedui-i acre L.) Growing in the Latvian SSR. OriL.,- Pu]b Sb. nauch. rabot 1-Uzhs!:. ,:ied. in 1956, vY-.P. 6, 41-56 ",bst:.-act .'.111,aloid cor.,Po,)-ndr, ietantified in 33 GaLM--les of Sedum acre gro-viing in various rayo-as of the Iatvinn 'SR. It was found that stonecroD (E,;roirin:; iild) contains :!;.27 percent of al- haloids -nor.-absoluto d--.,,,r weight. A'Ls cc rt-ained wz~s the tot-,! amount of alka-loidL containcd in different -Darts of the plant in various phases of dovalopment', which led to the con- clusion that the wriod of blooming and flowering is the best time for the gathering and preparinG of stoaccrop for medicinal purposes. Screbryannyiy. Card 1/', BRTALIMN, M.V.; BALAROOV, V.N. Using the L%S-55 apparatus for !-ray structure analysis in the shop. Zav. lab. 24 no.5:649 158. 11.-6) 1. Nakeyevskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod im. Kirova. (X rays-Nquipment and supplies) SHTALIMAN, M.V.; SVETLICHNAYA, S.S. Investigating the phase composition of open-hearth furnace hearth bottma by X rays. Ogneupory 27 no.7:323-327 162. (NMA .15:8) 1. Makeyevskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Open-hearth furnaces-Maintenance and repair) (I rays-Industrial applications) SHTALIMAN, M.V,, inzh. X-ray determination of stresses in chilled cast iron roUs. -Meta.Uoved. i term. obr. met. no.8:19-21 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:U) 1. Makeyevskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Cast iron-Metallography) (Strains and stresses) ALFEROV, K.S.; SHIVALIMAN, 1-11.107.; SVETLICHNACIA, S.S. X-ray diffraction study of steel for reinforcements* Metalloved. i term.obr.met. no.l.,28-32 Ja t65. (MRA. .18:3) 1. 14akeyevskiy raetallurgicheskiy zavod. SHT V -d~Ltsent. Photochemical transformation of F-centers in heated potassium chloride crystals. Nauk. sap.'Kiev. un. 13 no-7:111-121 '55- (MLHA 9:12) (Potassium chloride) (Photochemistry) 1. SHTAinym, A. A.: 2. USSR (600) 4. Poultry Breeding ZfELUDKOV, N. A. 7. Course of incubation. Ptitsevodstvo no. 5, 1952. 9. Monthly list of Russian Accessj2ng., Library of Congress, February 1953, Unclassified. SH'-PALTOVM, A.A. Operation of the "Record-3911, "Record-42", and VIR-9 incubators. Ptitsevodstvo 8 no.3:25-28 Kr 158, (KIRA 11:2) 1. Starehiy inzhener Glavnogo upravleniya ptitsevodetya Ministeretva R61'skago khozyaystva RSFSR. (Incubators) c, ~Y DANOV, M.; BMLISON, A.;-VOLKOV, V.; VOZIIESEITSKIY, S.; ZELENUKHIN. S.; IOFZ. N.; KORENEV. P.; KRIVINSUTA, I.; KULAGIN. M.; MARSAVIN, M.: MINAKOVA, F.; POPOVA, M.; SUKHM, S.; -S-HTAWOVNYY. A.; FALIDY)CYA, L. FHOKTISTOV, P.; CHULANOVA, M.; YATSYNIN, N. Obituary. Ptitsevodstvo 9 no.2:48 F '59. (MIRA 12:3) (Shutov, Nikolai Ivanovich, d..1958) 1 t 00001 I o t 0 ftt e It% ttt I It . m u 1. A Of A 9_1 F11"Irluil AND #400141191 WSell ISIS NOW smp In qxiihim~* N-'N'll-T led- T. &:T_ !WP H Y . u. - hanovicn b wNN. _ auiyo Id.. 0. Uft of *00 Pyrvdtae " sWvcnt v~T- i ( u ves s er xfttywjov g h -d higher yield in con-ling IISNOISCJUNHA~t~ 0 0 0 lei -010 . I 1 ILL 2 "TALLURGICAL ILITINATILAII CLAWP66ATIWO --Vw We 0 - - - _ view valAw .1 am' o", _ _ Awl IIjjLjI ax a" Ali --7- U a tv. No All; I 6d 0 4 9 1 IV - IN.9 A 0 2 6 w KA %I Up it a F 0 0 0 0, 41 0 0 0 40 0,00 A UM/Medicias, -,Heart Disease Fob~ .49 VAdioine Digitalis Purpares, Administration and Dosage "Tivatment With Targe Doses of Fo:Lg1cwe (Dijotalis PMIPW")," V. 7a. Shtam, Therapeutic, Ik.,,pt, LUS% Tovn Hosp, Leningrad Oblast, 3/4 P "Bor Mod" No 2 Dosage of digitalis purpurea in e-ases of serbre neglected decompensation of heakrt action i e in- ?Llvldval and based on myoewdiodystrophin and myooardiocirrhosi a. I In determizing fioocag* of digitalis conditioa of the caarp and extent, of 46/49T64 MiR/Medioine - Heart Disease Ooard) F.eb 4.9 ~edewia should. be considered. Tlme4 deoreaae in dosage before derelopment, of toxic reeations is 'r I extraotely important. KAWIDEYEV, K.B.; SHTAMBERG, G.Aoj, kand.tekhnnauk Meannrement of the ratio of two volt&W. Elektrichestvo no.12: 7-10 D 162. (KrRA 15:12) 1. Institut avtomatiki i elektrometrii Sibirskogo otdeleniya . AV SSSR. 2. Chlen-Icorreopondent AN SSSR (for Karandeyev). (Electric measurements) -