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Investigation of the Stress Distribution in the Base (cont. SOV/124-58-11-13184 wh-ch arises upon exposure of the swelling stratum underlying the working, and a plastic - flow deformation, which resutts from the transmittal of the overburden to the stratum under examination via the pillars. From the ratio of the moduli of elasticity, which in the case of coal and soil is 200, it is deduced that upon exposure of the clay substantial heaving must occur, whereupon elevated pressure is exerted upon the timbering. The maximal compressive -stress ( or ) concentration occurs at the edges of a pillar, the greatest crx-stress concentrayion is found at a depth that is one-half the width of the working. A concentrati -.n of tangential stresses occurs along the edges of the working, underneath the p- tars. The influence of the working extends to a depth that is twice its width. Bibliography: 14 references. G. 1. Ter-Stepanyan Card 212 P.I.; GRYAZNOV, N.S.; MOCHALOV, V.V.; FROLOV, V.V.; MUSTAFIN, F.A.; PUSHKASH, I.I.; SLAVGORODSKIY,- M.V;; LAZAREV, BA.; BORISOV, V.I.; Prinimal-i ucha:stiye: CHERKASOV, N.Kh.; ZABRODSKIYj M.P.; RYTCHENKO, A.I.; RUTKOVSKAYA, Ye.N.; SAITBURGANOVA, N.I.; SHTAGER,, A.A.; SHISHLOVA, T.I.; BUDOUT, Z.P.; MENISHIKOVA, R'I.; GOREW L.A.; AGARKOVA, M.M~; KOUROV, V.Ya.; XOG", L.A.; BEZDVERNYY, G.N.;' POKROVSKIY, B.I. Effect of the lengthening of the coking time on.the coke quality and testing of coke in the blast furnace process. Koks i khim. no.9: 23-28 163. AMIRA 16:9) 1. Vostochnyy uglekhimicheskiy institut (for Kuperman, Gryaznov, Mochalov, Kogan, Bezdvernyy, Pokro-iskiy). 2. Urallskiy institut chernykh metallov (for Frolov). 3. Nizhne-Tagillskiy metallurgichaskiy kombinat (for Musts-fin, Pushkash, Slavgorodskiy-,, -t4zarev, Cherkasov, Zabrodskiy.,91tchenko, Rutkovskaya, ~aitburganova, Shtager, Shishlo-is., Budoll, Nbntwhikova). 4. Koksokhimstantsiya (for Borisov, Gorelov, Agarkovaj Kourov). (Coke,Testing) Vf -11270 L -63 K, P Stax, ROR Shte~ger k.1w Ao~ Ch' U~~ w, -Voit_emqo~re '46b A' ii SOMCZt--'.~' Rediotakhnika i 61ektiiiiii" a6uible-1mi rof -diffe"pti ri Me-.. - cwwff -.reel j gat -OA the".. ?RAM j a3161ytioga.' 1 fdr-~ negaft express ons ante. b 6~ 6-1 are for, d-ou- 1 bjAeAl&[~i~"-~-----4i- Lf il" ati -obtidned tealogyptj 40 dit x ~m and'ah inverse e~-ermit r"Junation-'an" + lt Aoe'thield depeifii lap" of' ~fusu -'*V~Vo 04'os-- efm-- id ial gerw-ii:di~ t vaw on,,-the-- 6rAerl~ region. o, negatives ead r ViUW 4Ve-.:t'*j3lg ance ACCESSION NR: AP4040914 S/0109/64/009/006/1040/16461 Au*rHOR: Shtager, A. P.; Stafeyev, V. I. TITLE, N _6H`5-p-e-d_cfMra7c1e r is tic of the double-base diode SOURCE: Radiotel4chnika i elektronika, v. 9, no. 6, 1964, 1040-1046 TOPIC TAGS- semiconductor, semiconductor Aiode, double base diode, N shaped' chazacteristic A13STRACT: Assuming that: (a) the model is single -dimensional, (b) the serni- conductor has a near-intrinsic conductivity, (c) the emitter is of the point-contact 'type, and (d) the injection coefficient is 1, these formulas are developed to describe the current-voltage characteristic: R base-to-base voltage [Ve-L' Irl (-'P- + GZ"; + 1) - kT I base-to-base current where V andl are th eemitter voltaRe and cu=ent Isis: the saturation current e, Card 1/2 :AGGESSION NR: AP4040914 is the resistance between the emitter and the principal base, and R.,2 is the ;resistance between the emitter and the second base. Double -base symmetrical I and nonsymmetrical diodes described in the authors I earlier work (Rad. i elektronika, 1963, 8, 7, 1199) were tested; their p-n junction saturation current was about ZO microamp and L, /L 3. Due to the finite size of the ernitter in the real diodes, the theoretical and experimental I/V N-shaped characteristics stand only qualitative comparison. The best base-to-base characteristics were observed in the nonsymmetrical diode connected with a short principal bass# :,Optimum switching characteristics were obtained with rninirnum I r and L securin 9- the required resistance of the closed diode; y I is the principal base length, L in: the diffusion length. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 8 fornmlas. ~ASSOCIATION: none ;SUBMITTED: ZZApr63. ATD PREM 3091 ENCL: 00 'SUE, CODE: EG NO REF SOY: 00 OTHER: 002 Card Z/2 SHLA~F~ A.P.,; STAFEYEV, V.I. Current gain factor of a filamentary transistor (double-base, diode). Radiotekh. i elektron. 10 no.9:1730-1733 S 165. (MM 18:9) SHTAGXR, Valeriy ~itallyavich; PCPMA, N~A., redaktor; BUSANKINA, N.G., ~'~"iidAt , OKOUNA E S A.' , R.Ta., iekhnichookiy redaktvr. [Band limiters and expanders and their application to telecommunic- ation] Szhimateli-rasshiriteli i ikh primenenie v tekhnike dallnei eviazi i radio, 1955. 58 p. OMRA 9 A) (Telecommmication--lquipment and supplies) MAGER, V.V.,__kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk, starshly nauchnyy sotrudnik. The "compandor" device in steel circuit compressing equipment of the VS-3 type. Vest.sviazi 16 n9.8:3-5 Ag '56. (NIM 9:10) 1.Wauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut gorodakey i sel-Iskey telefounoy avyazi Ministerotva svyast SSSR. (Telephone--Apparatus and supplies) USSR/Corrosion - Protection From Corrosion J. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 33197 Author Inst Title Orig Pub Abstract Ivanov, I.I., Shtager f------ ~?_ V _-V Leuinr-;rad Inutitute of Railroad Transportation Engineers Experimental Studies of the Efficacy of Cathodic Protection From Coorosion Induced by Stray Currents Sb. Leningr. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp., 1956, No 151, 115-119 Studies of.the effects of stray currents on the effective- ness of cathodic protection of the Kokhtla - Yarve - Lenin- grad gas pipe-line, have revealed that this method of pro- tection is not entirely adequate. Thus of the 6 points at which determinations were made, at 2 positive potential va- lues were recorded dur_inl- 13-15% of the Period of observa- t-ion, in spite of the switched on protection, as a result Card 1/2 7-,4 PHASE I BOOK MaWITATION 408 Shtager, Valerly Vitallyevich Podavleniye shmov v klanalakh veshchaniya (Noise Suppression in Broadcasting Channels) Moscow, Svyazlizdat, 1957. 50 P- (Lektsii po, teMmike svyazi) 3,500 copies printed. Ed.: Broyt, E. M.; Reap. Ed.: Popova,.N. E. ; Tech. Ed... Mazel',Ye. I. PURPOSE: The booklet is intended for conimunications engineers and tecbni- cianB. It is issued by the,Ministerstvo avyazi SSSR, Tekbnicheakaye uprwrleniye (USSR Ministry of Communications. Technical Administration) and appears in the series "Ioektsii po tekhnike svyazi"(Lectures on commmi- cations technique). COVERAGE: The booklet Pxs-ines the effect of noise and distortion on the quality of transmission in broadcasting channels. It describes z3bise abating devices for broadcasting channels and sets forth a theoretical analysis of the operation of instantaneous compressor-expemders. The Card 1/4 X- Noise Suppression in Broadcasting Channels 408 bases,of design calculation.for these devices is given and an indidatian of their possible application in various broadcasting channels. Besides the empenBation methods nov used for - nonlinear distortions, the booklet describes the method based on the use of mutuallyinverse patenticmeter circuits. there are 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 2 English, and 1 French. TABILE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Noise and Distortion in Broadcasting Channels 3 1. Noise and its influence on tran-ission quality 3 2. Music transmission characteristics and changes in them due to linear and nonlinear distortion 3. Normalization of electric characteristics in broadcasting channels equipped with compressor-expander devices 7 Devices Used in Broadcasting Channels for Noise Abatm at During Transmission Breaks 9 Card 2/ 4 "Nomogramic Method of Calculating the Operating Phase Constant," (New Works in the Field of Wire Communications; Collection of In- formation) Moscow., Svyazlizdat [19571 85 P. At Li t. The author proposes anomographic method method for calculating with a minimum loss of time, the operating phase constant of complex networks which can be represented as relatively simple, stage-connected quadripoles. This method would supplement the M. G. Tsimbalistiy method. After exp]Ain- in the calculation of the transmission phase constantl the author provides a formula for constructing the nomogram shown in Fig. 4. The author explaim how this nomogram is used and gives an eyample of actual calculation of the operating phase constant for a network of stage-connected low-frequency fil- ters. 7f fill X I,a JIM I H T-Ill (7~ ATC 10 r. A. h- 0. IL lk- A- M. ... ArC It A. rp~ A.- d- 18 Ac 22 %xm) KPP. (c wft) C--4 j'r.F.A--4 C C. If.. A. L 0- It- A. 0. M- C- pa- ..F. M- 21 wwrws wov~ rw us Comm"" "Mume 4c we 2.1malm ftA&G WASUNWIM od slastrual cmmmlfttl~ in. A. 6. Npw (VMS), nwm, 0-12 aww. NEOFITOT, A.S.; SHTAGER, V.V. Operation of a main shale gas pipeline. Gaz, proms 4 no*3; 44-46 Mr '59. (MA 12:5) , (Gas-Pipelines) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3892 Shtager, Valeriy Vitallyevich Chebyehevskiye priblizheniya, primenyayemyye v raschetakh elektricheskikh skhem. (Chebyshev Approximations Applied to the Design of Electric Networks) Moscow, Svyazlizdat, 1960. 78 p. (Series: Lektsii po tekhnike svyazi) 6,100 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: USSR. Ministerstvo svyazi. Tekhnicheskoye upravleniye. Resp. Ed.: K.A. Sillvinskaya; Ed.: N.M. Kondrashina; Tech. Ed.: G.I. Shefer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for electrical and communications engineers con- cerned with the synthesis of electric circuits. COVSRAGE: The book discusses problems in the theory of the uniform approximation of continuous functions by means of polynomials and rational fractions. Such solutions are applicable problems dealing with the synthesis of elec- trical circuits. They may also be used in the synthesis of filters, correctors, delay lines, band pass amplifiers, antennas, ate. The author mentions a recently Card 1/ 4 Chebyshev Approximations Applied (Cont.) published work by Ye.V. Voronovskaye. in which cumbersome and complicated ellip- tic functions are replaced by differential (usually ordinary) equations. This method ishowever, at present only of theoretical importance. There are 20 ref- erences: 19 Soviet and I German. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 1. General information 4 2. Weierstrass' theorems 8 3. Conditions for the best approximation formulated by Chebyshev 9 4. Extremal properties of trigometric polynomials 16 5. Chebyshev polynomials deviating least from zero 19 6. Properties of Chebyshev polynomials. Orthogonal and orthonormal systems of polynomials 22 Card 2/ 4 M,)ISE7-,'EV, Geliy Ionovich; SHTAGER, V.V., nancInyy redo; DAYEV) G.A.p vedushchiy red.; YA LUISKAYA, A.B., teklm. red. [Centrifugal compressor stations) Kompressornye stantsii tsentrobezhnymi nagnetateliami. Leningrad, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1961. 61 pe (MIRA 15:1) (Gas, lqatural-Pipelines) (Compressors) S/194/62/000/007/121/160 D413/D308 2- 6 a AUTHOR: Shtager, V.V. TITLE: Stability conditions for transistor feedback circuits P21RIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 7, 1962, abstract 7-7-12 r'.(In collection: Probl. ueredachi informatsiip no. 9, M., kN SSSRp 1961, 230- ~39) T-B'XT: It is shovm fhat any type of feedback.circuit with a single.-.- transistor can be r6~resented in the form of.a general circuit con--- sist'Ing of,the transistor and seven elements of a feedback circuit ';' Thes 0 seven elements:i-are adequate for the*analysis of most practi-,--- cal circuits, even t4~n one has to take parasitic'parameters into;'.',. account. Practical circuits containing less than seven elements iii the feedback loop are considered as particular cases (by eliminat-A~- ing a certain number of elements from the general circuit). Repla'-' ing the-transistor by its equivalent circuit gives a transformed feedback circuitt for which the stability criterion is written down in matrix form. Replacing the elements of the matrix by para- Card 1/3 S/194/62/000/007/121/160 Stability conditions for transistor D413/D308 mete-.7s of the gene.ralized circuit jive's stability equations for a single-transistor feedback oircuitA wi,-Ph grounded base or emitter. It ii3 shown that after substitutiz.1g specific elements (Rp L and C) and -also variable jw in these equations, each of them splits into, two: an equation for the imaginary components and one for.the real components. The former is used to.determine-the frequencies of os- cillation, and,the latter to find!numerical relations for the ele- ments defining the transition from a itable to an unstable system. For the case of an avalanche-type process p = ol+ jw is taken as the variable, and one determines the relations between the elements for which the equation can have a root with positive real part (the harmonic comnonents may be absent). A stability equation is derived for a two-transistor feedback circuit.with n -networks as coupling. The stability equations for the single-transistor feedback circuit are used in the analysis of three types of harmonic oscillator; those with inductive autotransforfaerl.,and capacitative coupling The frequency of oscillatio'n is determinedg together with the ei-: fect on its stability of the transistor parameters and of the rela- tions between the*elements of the 6ircuit; the nature and value of the frequency B'Lbilization is also derived. The results,of the Card 2/3 B/194/62/000/007/121/160 Stability conditions for transistor ... D413/D308 analysis ai-e collated in a table. The conditions of oscillation are,binves~U-i,-'ated for blocking oscillators with grounded emitter or grounded base and with symmetrical triggering. It is shown that a subs-tantiall non-linearity in a feedback circuit is no obstacle to the linear treatment of the conditions, for'the appearance of rege7 neration, since in such treatmeiRt it is always assumed that the re- generation process starts with sufficiently small changes; 7 figu- rest 6 references* jAbstracter's note:Complete translation.j Card 3/3 h5681 8/10W63/000/00W003/007 A055/A126 ATITHOR: Shtager,.V.V-' TITLE: Investigation oC. transient Pro6esses-An -translatorized - reg~nemtlve, circuits with the aid 6f.four-pole i~"rloen PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyazt, no. 2,1963, 29 36!;, TE XT: The auth6r-dese.Abes &' gen6ril me* tfiod Ior Investiptlng -trianalent % f processes in transistorized cireuitii. "..1tw miathoil:-Is- bossed onthe thebq'o - au-w tonomous four-poles (ihe' eird4it'-beinj reiftsented7by '. a ..clo~id 145tem 00ininting cted_'four-wpd e apiu". of several cascade-co*nxle. 1 ' S''O' &4-, shown',"In 1).Jaid oa!~ be to a great number of rigenerative,'ciroults with,elth6r zer'o-.or hon.~zer-6'UM162. conditions. The use .6f'four-pole -Matri6ssp :whic'fi'::-is w "sitd-p--by4+aj? examination of such circuits,'" -permits,-.of,rehaeA n-- g-tS6.i~ 'ih'zi~-rapid' sin MU( than when the method .of differe'ntial'equati onxi i-is.-Vsed.' The aUthor fl.rat, .. the current I in a.point of the circuit -(Fig. :I)- of, -a2l ja, (all ea ~j + a22 7 1 al., L. Card 1/3 Investigation of transient-processes in- -AOWA126' where a2l, all an" a22 are-the ele ments of th4:mat'rix [a] ..-.Of the. obtained after the splitting of the circuit in the-~pojrjt ~vftr*- there floom Is a I is the determinant of - this matrix,. 14arsAourd Ja, am the- ~ au ,a. of thia four-pole. Matrix. [a] .:.,can- b6 determined. by'=ltip1yir* Va olemm- U-7. four-pole matrices;..'; a and arei..'.found from,'fqr6ilat a -iX 6a] ial 6 + [a], + [a]I'[a],, ....[a] -1 7 n ja W. a a d the autonomous and nonautonomous+matrices of'the elementar7y fou --polee -are glven~ by existing tables. The'moit general expression for the tr-AnBmiselon factor (Vai- der the usual simplifications).is p2 + alp_ +a2' -K (P), 7'~q' where p is a complex.variable. The original of the --coWle*:rurictjofi . -(4)~ iis tkki transient response: Card 2/3 S/106/63/000/WZ/003/007 Investigation of transient processes in ... I A055/A126 a a + a t a4t h (t) a 3 1 '3 2 e-a3 + R4 al CA + a2 a2 t + a~ (a4 a2 (a 3 + 2 - a3) 4 a4) a, a.3 a.4 a a3 + + (5) 2 a3 a4 e' ~ed method -to ':h By way of example, the author applies.the d sc7ril -t 6 foll9kng con- crete transistorized circuits: . 1) transistbri-zed,~irikger;'' 2) trsnsistorized" multivibrator; 3) transistorized blocking oscillator.-..Expressions~for, . *'.(p) and h (t) are deduced in these three pai-ticular.'ca'ses..., The're are 3 f.igure6..' SUMMI E D: April 28, 1962 Zt, T2 Figure I Z; Z2 Z ~- TS3 r --- syrAGER, Valarly Vitallyevith GOLUBTSOV, I.Ye., red.; LEONOVA, B.I., tekhn. red. (Transistor devices in pulse cixtruits and Iiswitching circuits] Poluprovodnikovye pribory v impul'snykh i kommutatsionnykh skhemakh. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 189 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Transistor circuits) (Pulse circuits) (Electrie networks) .I I 7810-w66 B~2/Ew (j) 7--ACC NR: AP5-'OZ-7618 SOUR-,C*-E CODE:., 6 0 7 616-i ol 6 11 19 6 1"A 9'6 '-C.crd 1/2 VDd.,6 6 -21 TITLE: PERIODICAL: 31L486 S/109/62/007/002/003/024 D266/D303 Scattering of fluctuating waves on large obstacles Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 7, no. 2~ 1962t 202 - 205 TEXT: The purpose of.the paper is to find the mean square value of the scattered field intensity if the incident wave fluctuates. The author assumes that the dimensions of the obstacle are large in com- parison with the wavelength and no parts of the obst-.nle are in sha- dow. Under these conditions the scattered field in the Fraunhofer region can be expressed with the aid of the Kirchhoff integral as follows g+iY Aq? U = K(y, cf) a0e e dS where U can repDesent one of the components of an electfomagnetic field or the potential of an acoustic wavet y and %Yare'the angles Card 1/4 S/109/62/007/002/003/024 Scattering of flutuating waves on ... D266/D303 between the xy plane and the directions of the incident and reflec- ted waves respectively (Pig. 1), K(y, #, rf) - a scalar factor depen- dent on the type and polarization of the fields ~, V~- random varia- bles representing the amplitude and phase of the incident field, r - a veefor drawn from the 0 point of the coordinate system to the ds surface elent of the obstacle. It follows that the general for- mula for the mean square of the field intensity is given in the following form 4 K2a2 et 1 + _1~2 + i (V.1 -~ffq )e]Mr, -42) dS dS (5) 0 S 1S2 11 2 where the bar denotes the average value. As a special case the sea- ttering properties of a rectangular plate (h x h) are investigated. The author assumes that 9 and V are uncorr'elated, both follow a two dimensional Gaussian distribution, their autocorrelation functions are identical and take the form 2 2 R-y -,: e-1 /a (G) Card-2/4 C, n 6- ,,! Z. a s 0 1- D266, S c a e -c i n o u c t u --:- X ' o n c- r dist-ce bcc~, -sum4r,,- further ti,at c, h ,nd 6: zh. 11958, 4) E q c!~ n b e -n- t e meth i n. 0 1 e f c. I I c -n "o r:-. u a q.h q a sin' - in: 00 2 ( 11 - ! 77 s Aa \-I U III'M 2 2 ca! be reduced to t'ne t',s'aa.' action fo::-muia o--~' a rec-Uam--,uI--r -,olatc. In a nure-ric-.1 0, h/,n 100, 0 are taken. T'he ~~-a cu-."-~Cr` + fraction nat' also shovm in a figure. it --,ioted Uerns are I oz' --Pluctuations vil"dens the main lobe an", I e o u-es ex-d 6 the s e 1 a '-. a Th a - e -a -1- a 2 i g e tu-blo c and 2 ncn-'Sovi e '11-1al o c . T-.~-a r e fferencc e t o th-e i h- 6CV4 am;-ua-e -nublica-uio-ei reads as --Follows: J 3. K e I I e U1 V:- ~-,ril 24, 1961 S IT 3/L ~-7aVeS 0.11 ... c a c p1m. Car 4" D26 oLe' dn r4fective diamete- c&' dlsper3icn Of n ; ~-g 165. .3rrelat' Oyl functL n. jo 11c.8-.1523-14,25 asci3la"Ifig yjdy. Rad"'tPkh- I (MURA ]8:8) SHT'AK-,:J'L I -A 4G, A. A. Shtake'-Iberg, A. A. - "Toward a ILMOwledZe of species of the Dixidae family (Diptera Nematocera) of Tadzhi'~dstan," 'In symposium: PaL7ati Akad. S. A. Zernova, ",oscow- Leningrad, 1948'9 p. 236-41 SO: U--'~600, 10 July 53, (Leto-pis 'Zhurnal lny~l- Statey, No. 6, 1949). RIKHTAR, A.A.; FATLOVSKIY, Ye.N.. akademik,.'glavnyy redaktor,% SHTAKIILI~-J-.', A.A. reaaktor; SMIRNOVA, A.V., tekhnicheekiy redak-tor. [Bu'preatidae] Zlatki (Buprestidae). Moskva, lzd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1949. 255 P. (1fauna SSSR, val.37). (Km IOV8) (Beetles) ' ,974 SHTAM3iRG, k..A. Vidy Roda 3 fbarOSTORUS LIf (DEPTIMA, DOLICHOPODLAE) SryecLnyeaziatoskoy Fauny Trudy Zool I,n-Ta (Akad, Nauk SSSR) T. Viii, Vyp 4, 1949, s. 669-B7 SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 42, Mos-k-v-.L, 1949 SHTAXEL 13ERO, A. A. Diptera Data on lepidoptera in the Leningrad region. Part 1: Nematocera Polyneura (Dipte-ra). Trud.v Zooll. inst. AN SSSR., 9, No. 3, 1951 MontYly List of Russian Accessions., 4brary of Congress, March 1952. tMCLASSIFIM. Din .-;Call us ;'w'. (D; -r a 3, 1951. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congrbss, September -195A, Uncl. 2 SIITAMIBKRG. A.A. -V, New species of Do'lichonodidae (Diptera) from TaJilkistan. Trudy zool.inst. 12:401-404 152, (YT.Rk 6:6) (Tajikistan--Diptera) SHTA IBFM, A.A. 104~~ ~-. New species of Cordyluridae (Diptera) of northern U.S.S.R. Trudy zool. inst. 12:1W5-407 152. (MLRA 6:6) (Ihssia, Northern--Diptera) PXRGANIMT, T.S.; USHAKOV. P.V.; SHTAKELIBERfr', 'A,A. In memory of N.P.Annankova (1887-1950). Trudy zool.inst. 12:418-421 !52. NLR& 6:6) (Annenkova, Nadezhda Pavlovna, 1887-1950) SHTAULIBERG, A.A. Short survey of Pal 0arctic species of the genus Zelima Kg. (Diptera, Syrphidae? Ent.oboz. 32:316-328 152. (MLRA 7:1) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR. Leningrad. (Flies) SHTArVB1#111G. A..1L In memory of Mikhail Nikolaevich Rimokii-Koroakov. Nnt.oboz, 32:332-34o '52. (MIRA 7:1) (Rimakii-Korsakov, Mikhail Nikolaevich, 1873-1951) SHT,iK~;LIBERG, i.A. In memory of Andrei Andreevich Rikhter. Ent.oboz. 32:341-344 152. (MLRA 7:1) (Rikhter, &ndrei i,,ndreevich, 10,11-1950) T' AJK IF L'3 CX C., A A. PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, redaktor; VINOGRADOV, B.S., redaktor; ARNOLfDI, L.V.; BEY-BIYZNKO, G.Ya.; BORKHSMNIUS. I.S.; VINOGRADOV, B.S GUTSEVICH, A.V.; KIRICHIRKO. A.H.; KIRIYANOVA. Ye.S.; KOEHANCHIKOV, i.i:; LNMVA, S.G.; LIKHARNV, I.M.; NAINVICH, I.I.; NOTIKOV, G.A.; POPOV, V.V.-, POPOVA, A.N.; SOCHAVA, V.B.; STAEK, V.I.; TMNTITAT, P.V.; IMARITOWOV, D.Te.; CHERNOV, V.B.; SHAPOSHNIKOVI Goth.; SHTAKILIBIRG, A.A.; YUDIN, K.A. LAnimal life of the U.S.S.R.] Zhivotnyi mir SSSR. Vol.4 LForest son*J Leanaia zona. Noskva, Ixd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1953. 737 p. (Km 7:3) (Forest fauna) (Zoology) SHTA IBERG. A.A. - '~" -'thort survey of palaearctic species of the genus Sphegina Mg. (Diptera, Syrphidae). Trudy Zool.inst. 13:373-386 '53. (MLRA 7:5) (7lies) 5HTAKELIBENG, AoA.- TMTIWYAN, A*Yeo Morphological otructure of appendixes of the female genital apparatus of h6rieflies (Diptera, 7abamodae). DojdeO Arm.. WA, 16 no*Z: 53-64 '53. (KW 9110) 1. Xaologicheekiy institut Akademil nauk Armvanskoy SSR. Pradstavleno V.0. Gulkanyanom, (Horseflies) (Generative organs, Pamela) SHTAKF.LgBERG, A.A. Palaearctic species of the genus Orthoneura Kacq. (Diptera. Syrphidae). Nnt.oboz. 33:342-357 '53. (PT-RA 7:5) 1. Zoologicheakiv institut Akademii nauk SSSR, lieningrad. (Syrphus flies) SHTAnLOBERG, A.A. In memory of Aksell Nikolaevich Ralkbardt (1891-1942). Bnt-oboz. 33- 369-373 '53. . (HLU 7 -* 3 5 (Roikhardt, Akeell Hikolaevich, 1891-1942) rOPOV, V.V.; SHTAMIRERG, A.A. -Orlgli~ ~devol;-tl`o"n of parasi(tsm lies and their fauna formation in the U.S.S.R.' N.A.Telenga. Reviewed by V.T.Popav, A.A.Shtakeliberg. Ant.obos. 33:384-388 453. (MRA 7:5) (Parasitea-Insects) (Telanga, N.A.) (Braconidae) SHTAKELIBERG, A.A. Materials on the Diptera of Leningrad Rrovince. Trudy Tool.inst. 15:199-228 154. OMU 7:7) (Leningrad Province Diptera) (Diptera-Leningrad, Province) SRTAKELIBERG, A.A. Problems and prospects in developing the systematics and zoo- geography of insects In the U.S.S.R. Zool.zhur. 33 no.4;733-742 Jl-Ag 154. 7:8) 1. Zoologieheskiy Institut Akademil nauk SSSR. (Iusecta--Classification) K-Gr RT, ARDRIYASHU, A.P.; PAVLOVSKIT, Te.N.. akademik, glavnyy redaktor; 131KHOVSKIY, B.Ye., redaktor; VINOGRAWV, B.S., redaktor; STRU, KOV, CA., redaktor; SHTA IBEW, A.A., redaktor; SOSUNTSOVA, YO.M., redaktor; SKIRNOVA, A-.Y-.--, vethni re&kktor. Fishes of the northern seas of the U.S.S.R. Opredeliteli po faune SSSR-no.53:3-566 154. OMRA 7:11) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo institute. Akademii nauk SSSR (for Pav- (Tishes lovskiy) -a -i k, rc~ L r 9 TZIZNGA. N.A.; PAVWVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavnU redaktor; BV.IHOVSKIY, BOYS', redaktor; VINWHAM, B.S., rodakior; STR=ff, A.A., re- daktor; SHTAKIRIff AoAo. rodaktor; BORKE[UNIUS, N.S,, rodaktor; KRYZHANOV aktor; SMRNOVA, A.Y., tekhnichookly redak- *W tor. Hymenoptera; family Braconidae, subfamily Microgasteriuas, subfamily Agathinae. F-T,- SSSR 5 no.4:3-312 '55. (~ILMA 8:5) 1. D'irektor Zoologichookogo Institute, Akad.emii nauk SSSR (for Pav- lovskiy). (Nrmenoptera) SHTAKELIBERG, A.A. New fly species in the Acalyptrata (Diptera) group form Leningrad Province. Trudy Zool. inst. 18:328-333 155. (MaA 9:2) (Leningrad Province--Flies) SHTAK9LIBERG, k-A. Palaearctic sPecion of the genus Penthemilea Mg. (Diptera. bmhIdae). Ignt.oboz. 341:340-349 1-55. (KWA 9:5) 1. Zoologichookly institut Akadenit nauk SM. Leningrad. (Syrphus flies) J) USUMOV,P.V.; PAVWVSKIY,Ye.M.. okademik, redaktor; BYKHOVSKIY,B.Te., redaktor; VIBOGRADW,B.S., redaktor; STRELKOV,A.A., redaktor; SHTA I-Avg A.A.. redaktor Polychaeta of the Far Eastern seas of the U.S.S.R. Opr.po faune no.56:3-443 '55. (MLRA 8:11) 1. Direktor Zoologicheakogo instituta Akademii nauk SSSR (for Pav- lovskiy) (Soviet Far East-Polychaeta) GAUK ill, Yu. I.; FAVLOVS-M, Ye. N., akademik, redalctor; BYKHOV,7,,rf, V. Ye. redaktor; VVIGGIADOV, B. S., redaktor; 3THMKOV, A. A., r-ldaktuor; ShTAKMIB&IG, A. A., redaktor; RADZIVILMIZAYA, Z. A., redaktor; &RONS, R. A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor Gasteropoda, Trochidae of the Far Eastern and northern seas of the U.S.S.R. Opr. po faune No. 57: 3-131 1955. (MLRA 8:7) 1. Direktor zoolo icheskogo instituta. AN SSM (for Pavlovskiy) Msteropoda) I t4K C t,' r3 Cg KOROTMICH,V.S.; PAV1OVSKIY,Ye.N., akademik, redaktor; BYKHOVSKIY,B.Ye., radaktor;VINOGRADOV.B.S., redaktor; STRILI[OV,A.A., redaktor; BHTAKNLI- ,A.A., redaktor Pelagic nemertinea of the Far Eastern seas of the U.S.S.R. Opr.po faune no-58:3-131 '55. (KM 8:11) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta Akademii nauk SSSR (for Pav- lovBkiy) (Soviet Far East--Nemertinea) PAVL(NSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, rodaktor;BYKEIOVSKIY, B.Ye.,rodaktor; VINOGRADOV, B.S., redaktor;STRMOV, A.A.;SH'PAKR A.A. redaktor;EM]IrOVA, X.G.,redaktor; RADMIMMW.T.I., redaktor;SMIRNOVA, A.Y.,tekhnicheakiy redaktor. Mites of rodents in the U.S.S.R. Opr.po faune 59:3-458 155. (MIRA 9:1) l.Diriktor Zoologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR (for Paylovskly) (Kites) (Rodentia--Diseases and pests) GUTSIVICH, A.V.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavnyy redaktor; IVANOV, A.I., redaktor; KRYMANOVSKIY, 0.1., redaktor; NONCHADSKIY, A.S., redaktor; STRAIKOV, A.A.. redaktor; SHTAKILI redaktor vypuska; KOZLOVA, G.I., redaktor iz a T tva;ATWAKJLT'INOVA, K.S., tekhniche- skiy redaktor [Biting midges; bloodsucking -Diptera of the Heleidae family] Mokretvy. krovosoaushchie clvukrylys semeistva Relsidae. Koskva. Izd-vo Akadexii nauk.SSSR, 1956. 50 P- (V pomoshch' rabotaiushchim po zoologii v-pole i laboratorii. 3) (MM 9:9) (Diptera) - RIWLSOV, I.A.; PAVLOVSKIY, Te.N., akademik, glavnyy redaktor; IVANOV, A.I.. redaktor; KRYZHANOVSKIY, O.L., redaktor; MONCHADSKIT, A.S., redaktor; STRELKOV, A.A., redaktor; SHTAKELIBMG, A.A., redaktor; TVERITINOTA, K.S.,- tekhnicheakiy rsdaktor-----'~-~'- [Methods of studying black flies] Metody izucheniia moshek. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956. 54 p. (V pomoshch' rabotaiushchim po zoologii v pole i v laboratorii, 4) (MLRA 9:10) (Black flies) VYSOTSKAYA, S.O.; PAVIUVSKIY, U.N., akademik, radaktor; BTKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., redaktor; VINOGRADOV, B.S., redaktor; STFMUOV, A.A., redak- tor; SHTAKKL'BEW A.A., redaktor; DUBIKIN, T.B., redaktor; IE-Te., tilih= eakiy redak-tor. [Short guide to fleas having an epidemiological significance] Kratkii opredelitell blokh, imsiushchikh epidemicheakoe znachents. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSM, 1956. 99 p. (Oprodeliteli po faune SSM, no.63) (KM 9:8) (Fleas as carriers of disease) /r SERDYUKOVA, G.V.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavnyy re4aktqr; BYKHOVSKIY. Me., redaktor; VINOGRADDY, B.S., redaktor; STRELKOV, A.A.,*redaktor; SIMA Ll- A.m redaktor.; BLAGOVESHCHESNKIY, D.I., redaktpr izdapiya; luz- LO*.+4w.*h. redak-tor izdatellstva; KRUGLIKOVA, N.A., tekhniclieskir re- daktor. Clxodid ticks of the U.S.S.R.] lksodovye kleshchi, fauny SSSR.,Moskva, Isd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR. 1956. 121 P. (Oprodeliteli po faque SSSR no.64) (KIaA 10:3) l.Direktor Zoologicheskogo insi.tuta AN SSSR (for Favlovskir). ('2icka) SHTAKELIRRR A.A.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ya.N., akadamik, redaktor; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., VINOGRADOV, B.S., reclaktor; STRELKOV, A.A.; redaktor; SMMNOV, A.V., tekhnicheski7 redaktor. (Syn'anthropic diptera-df the-U.S.3A.1 4inwntro'pnye (Iwkr7l7e faujW SSSR.(Qpredeliteli po faline SSSR no'60) 1956 163 P. (KERA 9:.4) 0 i.Direktor Zoologichaskogb instituta AN SSSR (f6r.Favlovskiy-) .(Diptera) BREGETOVA, N.G.; PAVT-OVbKIY, Ye.H., akademik, redaktor; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Te.. reclaktor-, VINOGRADOV. B.S., redaktor; STRELKOV, A.A., redaktor; 12ERG, A.A..,redaktor; MONCHADSKIT, A.S., redaktor; ZINDELI, M.T4i-.7rMinicheskiy redaktor. [Gamasid mites (Gamasoidea); short guide] Gamazovye kleshchi (Gamasoidea); kratkii opredelitell. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSM, 1956. 246 p. (Opredelitell po faune S=, no.61) (KM 9:8) 1. Direkto-r zoologicheskiogo instituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy) (mites) NOVIKOV, G.A.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, redaktor; BYKHOVMY, B-Te., redaktor; VINOGRADOV, B.S., rdaktor; STRELKOV, A.A., redaktor; --sl~RAMIBERG, A.A.- redaktor; KOZLOVA, G.I., redaktor; SMIUOV'k, A.V-., takhnichaskly redaktor. [Carnivorous mammals of the U.S.S.R.] Khishchays mlekopitaiushchis fauny SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademil nauk SM, 1956. 293 P. (Opredeliteli po faune SSSR. no. 62) (KM 9:8) 1. Direktor zoologichaskogo Instituta AN SSSH (for Pavlarakiy) (Carnivora) KOZHhITCHIKOV, I.V. ; PAVIk)VSKIY, Te.11., akademik, glavny-, red.; SiM,IMIBERG, A.A., red.scrii; KMZHbMVSKIY, O.L., red.toma; --kWGLITOV.&,- N.A.-, Lep-i.doptera. Vol-3. no.2: [Bagworm moths (family Psychidae)] Chel-chlonosy-menhechnitsy (sem. Psychidae). Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1956. 516 p. (Fauna SSSR. no.62) (14= 13:4) 1. Direktor Zoologicheakogo institute, All SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Bapiorm moths) DUBININ, V.B.;.-PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.W.. akELdemik, glavnyy redaktor: B)XHOVSKIT. B.Te., redaktor; VINOGWOY# B.S., redaktor; RH'PArkT,I'AV2 Q16 A.A.- redaktor; S7RWKOV, A.A., redaktor; ZEMMI, R.Ts., tsk-hnj gkly redaktor. .[Feather mites (Analgesoidea)]. Per'evye kleshchi (Analgesoidea). Pt-3: [Family Pterolichidael'. Semeistvo Pterolichidae. Kooky&. .Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956. 813 P. (7huza SSSEL vol.6,.no.7). Mu lo:6) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (mites) (Parasites-Birds) RTJBTSOV, I.A.; FAVLOVSKIY. Ye.N., ak-demik, glavnyy rodaktor; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Y~.N.. redaktor; VINOGHADOV, B.S., rodaktor; SHMM' W AA#". redaktor; STEMOV, A.A., rodaktor toma. [Black flies (fam.Simulildae)] Moshki (mam.fiimulildae). Nomkwa, Izd-vo Akademn nau SSSR, 1956. 859 p. (rawm SSSR, vol.6. no.6) (Black flies) MaA 9:12) SHTAKRLIMMG, A.A. [Stackelberg. A.A.] Ifew data on the systematics of Palaeartic species of the genus Sphegina Mg. (Diptera, Syrphidae. Part I [with summary in German]. I;nt.ob.oz.33 noo3:706-715 '569 MW 9:10) 1.Zoologicheskiy institut Aka!dmii nAuk SSSR, Leningrad. (Syrphus f lies) New data on the systematics of Palaearctic species of the genum Sphegina Mg. (Diptera, S~rphidae). Part 2. Znt.obos.35 no.4:935- 943 156. (KLBA WiV2) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut Akadenii nauk SM, Leningrad. (Soviet far last-;--~hus flies) 'i HTiq I\ E L'13 E ij~ C-n M BET-BITEIIKO, G.Ya; DAKILEVSKIT, A.S.; -IVAFnV- A.T,.; PAVLOVSKIT. Te.l.; akademik; A.A.- IVANOV, A.I., rodaktor; K-RYZMOVSKIT,. O.L., -JA.B-., re redaktor; MONC daktar; STMILKOV, A.A,;redaktor- Pta SERIUS, N.S., rodaktor;PBTROVA,P.Y*.,takhnichookiy redaktor. CGuide to classes and orders of land Art~ropodaj Opredelitell klassov i otriadov naze6nykh chlenist.oniogikh. Koskv&, Isd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1957- 88 P- (V pomoshch' rabotaiushchim po zoologit v pole i laboratorit, 5J (MLRA 10:6) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo institute, AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiv) (Arthropoda) KOZLOVA, Ye.V.; FAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N.,alcademllc. glavnyy redaktor; BTKHOVSKIY, B.Te., redaktor; VINOGRAWY, B.S., redaktor; STRELKOV, A.A.. redaktorp I .. SHTAKEL - _BER A ., redaktor; IVAHOV, A.I., redaktor; KOZU)VA, G.I., riaa-R-of' -T-zcTa-tFmtva; SMIRITOVA, A.V., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Characlriiformes. Suborder Alcae. 143-p.] Rzhankoobrqznye* Podotriad chistikovye. Moskva, lzd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1957, 143 P.OPiLunix SSSR, vol.2, no-3) NLRA 10:3) 1. Direktor Zoologichesko o instituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy) (Auks5 YoULYCHIVA, A.I.; PAVLOVSKI~'-Y~.N., akadem~ik, gla.nyv redaktor; BYKHOVSKZY, B.Ye., redaktor; VINGWOV, B.S., redaktor; STRELKOV, A.A., redaktor; SHTAX1113ARG. A.A., redaktor izdanlys; KRIjGLIKOVAI, N.A., takhaicheiskiy ~redMftlodl [Talitroidea in the seas of the U.S.S.R. and adjacent waters (Amphipoda TalitroidesOl Morskis blokhi morei SSSR i sopredellnykh vod (Amphipoda Talitroidea) Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1957. 185 P. (Opredeliteli po faune SSSR no.65). (KLRA 10:4) l.-Direktor Zoologicheakogo institute AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy) (Amphipoda) LUKITANOVICH, F.K.; TER-MINASYAN. X.Ye.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N.. skademik, glavnyy redaktor; BY)MOVSKIY, B.Te., redaktor; VINOGRADOV, 13.S., radaktor; STREELKOV, A.A., redaktor; q!9 redaktor; TVERITINOVA, K.S., tekhnicheskly redaktor. [Grain beetles (Bruchidae).) Zhuki-zernovki (Bruchidae). Mookv 'a, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSRP 195-7. 208 p. (Fauna SSSR, no.67, Zh eatko- krylye, vol. 24. no.1). (MIMA 10:7) (Beetles) TARASOV, N.I.; ZMV111A, G.B*; PAVWVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavny7 red.; BYMOVSKiY# R.Ye., r~d.; VINOGRADOV, B.S., red.;.---SHTAoLBXW, A.A., red,; STR=,OV, LA-*, red.; SARGIMA. G.I,. red zl~ tokhu. red, [Barnacles (nirripedia thoracica) In the seasof the U.S.S.R.] U80- nogie rak! (Girripedia thoracica) morei SSSR. Koekva, Izd-vo akad. nauk SSSR, 1957. 263 P. (Fauna SM, no.69). (KIRA 11:0) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Cirripedia) BORKHSONS, N.S.; PAVL041EIY',~Ye.N., akademik, rodaktor-, BMOVSKIT,, redaktor; VIIJOGRADOV, B.S., redaktor; STRUMV, A.A., redaktor: redaktor izdaniya; KRUGLIKOVA, N.A., tekhnicheskiy tor, -1404 [Suborder Coccoidea. Family Coccidael Podotr. chervetay i shchitovki (Coccoidea). SemsistvoIpodushechnitsy i lozhnoshchitovki (Coccidae). Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR. 1957. 493 P. (Fauna SSSR. no.66. Nasekomye khobotuye, vol.9) (KIMA.10:5) (Scale insects) _T /I K F- L_ IN'(~ P AUTHOR: Moravskaya, A.S. 26-12-34/49 TITLE: All-Union Conference of Entomologists (Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye entomologov) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1957, No 12, p 112 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author reports on the 3rd meeting of the All-Union Associat- ion of Entomologists of the AN, USSR which was held at Tbilisi on October 4 - 9, 1957. It was opened by the vice-presidenti G.Ya. Bey-Biyenko, Member-Correspondent of the AN, USSR who gave an account of the Association's achievements during the 40 years of Communist regime. The following discourses were delivered: "Ways of development of general entomology in con-. nection with the demands of theory and practice" by Professor A.A. Shtakellberg; "Basic results in the field of the study of morphology or insects during 40 years of Communist regime and the next problems of morphologists" by Professor D.M. Shteyn- berg; "Review of the inquiries into the problems of entomology in Georgia during 40 years" by L.P. Kalandadze, Member-Cor- respondent of the AN of the Georgian SSR. The participants consisted of representatives 'of institutes, universities, botanical gardens, experimental stations, game reservations Card 1/2 and other scientific establishment6d All-Union Conference of Entomologists 26-12-34/49 ASSOCIATION: Forest Institute of the AN, USSR (Moskva) (Institut lesa Aka- demii nauk SSSR (Moskva) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 SHTAKBLIBKRG. A.A.. Basic res-alts of work on insect taxonomy in the U.S.S.R.; 1917- 1957. But. oboz. 36 no.4:766-801 '57. (KLRA JO:qj 1. Zoologicheakiy institut Akademli nauk.SSSR, Leningrad. (Entomological research) (Insects--Glassification) P.aVILISHCHIKOV, Nikolay Ilikolayevich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.11., akademik, glavnyy red.; BYKIIOVSKIY, B.Yo., red.; VIROGRADOV, B.S., rod.; SIMMOV, A.A., red.: SHTAKELIBERG, A.A., red.serii: KRTZHANOV- SKIY, O.L., red.toma; TGUMVA~;- N-.;-A. , t elchri. r ed. Coleoptera. Vo.1.23 no.I: [Longicorn beetles] Zhuki-drovoski. Pt.3: [Subfamily Lamiinae. Ft.l.] Podsemoistvo Lamlinae. 1958. 59+14oskva,,'Izd-vo Almd. nauk SSSR. (1huna SSSR, no.70). (IAM 13:4) 1. Direktor oglogichoskogo institute, All SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). beetles) 4. AKRAMOVSKIY. K.u., ARITOLIDI, L.Y., BBI-BIYEIfKO, G.Ta.,BORKHSENIUS, N.S., VFJ=HCHAGIJJ. N.K., DAD, S.K., DIYAK ONOV. A.M., KIRICHENKO, A.N., KIRIYANOVA, Te.S., K0ZHANCHIKOV, I.T., KRYZHANOVSKIY, O.L., LEFITEVA, S.G., LIKKABBIT, I.M., IWIIf0VA, M.K., NIKOLfSXAYA, M.N., NOVIKOV, G.A., POPOV, V.V., PORTATKO, L.A., RYABOV, M.A.. TER-MINASYANN M.B.. CHER-NOV. S.A., SHTAKFjL'.BFM, A.A.i PAVIA)VSKIY, U.N., sked., glavnyy red., VIROGRADOV, B.S.,Edeceased], red.; K0ZLOTA, G.I., red. izd-va,; PEVZIaR. R.S., tekhn. red. [Animals of the U.S.S.R.] Zhivotnyi mir SSSR. Moskva. Tel. 5-Nountain provinces of -%ropean Russia] Garnye oblasti evropeiskoi cbesti SSSR. 1958. 655 P. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Akademiya neuk SSSR. Zoologicheski3r institut. (zoology) SHTAnLIBERG, A.A. Materials on the Diptera nf Leningrad Province. Pt-3: Diptera Acalyptrata. Report No.l. Trudy Zool.inst. 24:103-191 '58. (Leningrad Province--Flies) (MIR& 11:10) SMAKEL IZERG, A.A. ~~, 1- tP -- - on the Diptera of Leningrad Province. Pt.4: S7rphidae (Diptera). Trudy Zool. inist. 24.,192-246 '58- (MIRL 11:10) (Lnningrad Province--SyrphuB flies) MYMCM Gi.Lyarov, L. S., Doctcr of -,,iolo__,,J_ca1 35:~iences. 3o-l.-35/39 TITLE; Theoretical and _'Pract-ical ',icrk Carried -.ut by vntomoiokJsts (Teore- ticheskiye i rrakticheskivz raboty entoiloiogov). A114hion t-ntoL,,oloaical(bng!rerice*"sesoyuV[Ioye entomol3gicheskoye scveshchaniye). PERIODICAL! Vestnik AN SSSH, 1958, Vol. 28, Mr 1, :~i. 129-13o (USSR). ABSTRACT: ay invitation of th, Georgia Departmert of the Anrlhicn Entomologi= cal Society - conference --cock place .-t Thii-issi from October 4., to October 9, lg,,)'(, viLi.Luri was attended b, 'more than 5oo delegetes of the entire country. The program contained ; eports on general questions of entomology as viell as such dealing ~-ith entomological problems of the Transcaucasus district. The follo-!-ng reports were heard. 1) A. A. Slitakelfbare: on the achiev;'aents of general entomology as D. M. Shteynberg: viell as on ttt~ results of morphological- in- sect researc., in the USSR. 2) L. P. Kalandadze: On the resultv by Georgia. ..-atomolo- gists. 3) G. I. Kancheveli. On the result: obtained by the investigation of blood-su6t ig midgets. card 1/4 4) G. Ya. Bey-Biyenko, (Leeningrad',: on various aspects of the for- Thporptical and Practical Work Carried out b,~~-'--ntomologists. 30-1-35/39 An-Un ion ",ntomological Confei-encts mati(-.)n of insect complexas~ especially of vermin found in seed- and culture plants. 5) 14. S. Gilyarov, (Moscow). 'roblems of evolution and phylogenesis z)f various groups of insects in general 6) J. B. Hodenddoff, (Moscow)! Dto. for dipterous insects. 7) 0. A~ Chernova, (Lloscow)i Dto. for one-day flies. 8) G. A. Viktorov, (Moscow), Dto. for parasitic hymenoptera. 9) V. K. Eglitis, (Riga); C-i the place of insects in the biocoeno~ S4; of the soil. lo) A. S. Danilevskiiy, (Leni-,.-.,,rad): Investigations concerning photo= periodic reactions in insects. 3-1) P. S. Ushatuinskaya, (jjo-3cow)-. Research work concerning the pe= riodic changes in metabolism during the development of insects. 12) G. A. Mazokhin-Porshnyokov, (Moscow).- Numerous data concerning the present conception of the perception of the ul-- traviolet spectrum part by insects. 13) K. V . Arnolldi (Loscow). Criticism of the present conceptions of Card 2/4 the structure of areas of species. Theoretical and Practical Work Carried out by Entomologists. 3o-1-35/39 All-Urica Entomological Conference 14) V. F. Paliy , (Lvov)-. on the causes and the treat= A. I. Vorontsov, (Moscow district): ment of the prognoses of the mass multiplication of insects. 15) V. A. Shchepetellnikova, (Leningrad): The results of many years of work in the field of bion logical methods of vermin- insects. 16) Ya. I. Prints, (Kischinjow): On the pgyUoxera problem. 17) A, V. Gutsevich, (Leningrad)t on blood-sucking midgets. 18) G. V. Rekk,(Thilissi): Results obtained from examining the spider tick. 1-9) 1. A. Batiashvili, (Tbilissi). On the ticks in fruit trees and berry-bearing bushes. 2o) P. I. Marikovskiy, (Tomsk). On general entomology. 21) 1. V. Stebayev, (Moscow). on the investigation of the fauna of the soil. 22) 11. 1. Goryshin, (Leningrad). On the correlation of the light- and temperature factor in the develop- ment of insect types. Card 3/4. 23) Yu. B. Byzova, (Moscow). On the compensation development and the Theoretical and Practical Work Carried out by Entomologists. 3o-1-35/39 All-Union 'Intomological Vanference secondary differentiation of insect cuticles. 24) A. G. Sharov, (Moscow). on the peculiar features of fossilized innects of the lowest kind. It was decided to convene an Allunion Congress of Entomologists in 196o and to combine it with the hundred years' jubilee of the Society. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. 1. Biology 2. Scientific reports-USSR SIITA"LIBYAG. A.A. Brief survey of blemarctic species of the genus Spilomyja Mg. (Diptera. Syrphideel [with sumery in Bnglishj. Ant. obos. 37 no. 3:759-768 158. (MIRA 11:10) 1. Zoologichaskiy institut AN SSSR. Leningrad. (Syrphum flies) LINDBERG, G.U.; LIGRZA, M.I.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akad.. glaviV7 red.; BYE31OVSKIT. B.Te., red.; VIX)GRADOV, B.S. (deceased]. red.; STRELKOV, A.A., redA; SHfAMLIBIRG A.A., red.; ANDRITASHEY, A.P., red.; SMIRWVA, A_.V.~ [Fishes of the Sea of Japan and contiguous areas of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Tellow Sea.Pt.l: Amphioxi. PetronV- zones. Vqx1ni, Blasmobranebli. Holocephalij Ryby Ikponskogo moria i soprodellzWkh chastei Okbotskogo.i Zbeltogo morei. skva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR.* Part 1. Amphioxiv Mo ' Petrouyzones,, .Rlasmobranchit,.Holocepball. 1,959.207p (Opredelitell p9 fa-dn6-SS3R.,no.68).. IMIRA 121l2) 1. Direirtor Zool-oglchs9k46jmvtituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy) (Japan. Sea of--Fishes) SHTAKELIBYaG. A.A. In memory of Igor' Vasillevich Kozhanchikov (1904-1958). Xnt. oboz. 38 no.1:243-251 159. (MIRL 12:4) (lozhanchikov, Igor' Vasil'evich, 1904-1958) KRYZHAITOVSKIY, O.L.; LIKILA.REV, I.M.; POPOV, V.V.; STRELKOV, A.A.; SHTAKELIBEW, A.A. "Invertebrates of the Zeravshan Valley" by R.A. Alimdzhanov, TS.G. Bronshtein. Reviewed by O.L. Txyzhanovskii and others. Zool.zhur- 38 no.5:786-791 MY '59. (MIRA 12:7) (Zeravshan vallpy--Invertebrates) (Allmdzhanov, R.A.) i (BronshtHin, TS.G.) SHTAKELIERG, A. A. LA ~~-Iz4w le, "Binige charak-teristische Eigenhelten der Depterenfauna der Nordvestern von Europaisch-UdS,9R. re port preaeTrbed--at theIntl. Congreas of Entomology, Vienne, Austria, 17-25 Au&uvt 1960