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AUTHOR: Shraybman, S.S. 32-:8--14/61 TITLE: A~-F4i-d Themochemical Method for the Determination oi 4etive Chlorine (Skorostnoy termokhimiche8kiy metod opredeleniya aktivnogo chlora) PERIODICAL; Zavodsktya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 8, PP- 918-919 (USSR) A13STRACT: The paper gives a new method for determining the concentration of active chlorine in hypochloride solutions which takes only 2 - 3 minutes and is based on the measurement of the development of heat that occurs due to the exothermic quality of the chlorine- thiosulfate reaction. Example: lo ml of lo % thiosulfate are poured into a test tube and the initial temperature is recorded. Under continuous stirring lo # ml of the solution to be investigated are added at room temperature. The stirring is continued until the increase in temperature stops (maximum). The final temperature is recorded. The content of active chlorine is determined according -T to the formula X - [T )3 . K, where X signifies - 0,5(T 2 1 3 - the temperatures: the concentration of active chlorine, T1, T 9 T 2 3 of thiosulfate before the reaction, of the test solution before and after the reaction (maximum temperature), K - the temperature the apparatus which indicates the quantity of active coefficient of Card 1/2 0 chlorine per I . "K" is only once determined for the course of SHRAYBMAN, V. 1. Cand Geol-Min Sci -- (diss) "Geoplrjsical studies of the deprth - VI -- -V,-- I structure of the region of southern submegience of the Urali" Mos, 1957. 15 pp 20 cm. ( Min of Higher Education USSR. Mos Order of Labor Red Banner Petroleum Inst im Academician I. M. Gubkin), 110 copies (KL, 24-57, 116) -18- SHRAYIIIIAN . . Deep structure of tho northern Ust-Urt in connection with oil- bearing possibilities. Geol. nefti 1 no-3:31-34 Mr '57. (Ust-Urt-Fetroleum geology) (MLRA IC.-8) , ;; i " ,I, ; i , ~ , j:.' _t ~ GARIETSKIY, R.G.; SHRAYBMAN, V.I. Souhhern underground extension of the nxinl zone in the Ural fold system [with summary in English]. Sov. geol. 1 no.2:99-108 158. (MI-RA 11:4) 1. Moskovskiy neftyanoy inatitut im. I.M.Gubkina AN SSSR. (Ural Mountains--Geology, Stratigrnphic) GARETSFJY, Mdim Gavrilovich; SHRAYBWN, Vladimir Utch; YANSIIINs, A.L., akademik' otv,r~~d,!YEROFEYUVA) 1.1111. red.izd-va;. KUZIMIN., I.F., P .1; GUSIKOVA, 04M. [Depth and structure of the folded basement in the northern Turan platform (western Kazakhstan)] Glubina 7aleganiia i- stroenie skladchatogo fundamenta severnoi chasti Turanskoi plity (Zapadnyi Kazakhstan). Moskva, Izd-.vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1960. 89 p. (Akademiia nuak SSSR. G6ologicheskii.inptitut. Trudy, no.44) (Kazakhstan-Folds (Geology)) (IURA. 14:3) GARETSKIY, R.G.; S=ZINGER, A.Ye.; YANSHIN, A.L. Prospects for -finding oil and gas in the southern F--ba gravity rr=imum region. Sov.geol. 4 no.12:117-121 D 161. (MI-RA 15:2) 1. Geologicheskiy institut All SSSR i Moskovskiy institut nefte-khimicheshoy i gazovoy promyshlonnosti imeni I.M. GubUina. (Emba region--Petroleum geology) (Emba region-Gaa, Natural-Geology) S11 69/62/000/006/002/093 D228 D304 Vollvovskiy, I. S., Hyaboy, V. Z. and Shraybman, V.I. ~_byssal n-eologic structure of the Ferganskaya Depres- C.) sion according to geophysical data 2 ---'a 10 D 1 C, A LH e --ferativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 6, 1962, 5,* ab- s 156 160) tract 6A21 (Sov. geolo-iya, no. 1, 1962, :7, r;-,1 A brief, descrintion is 'aiven o- the results of regional seismic invesilga-4ions (deeD se-NI-smic -sounding) on the Ferganskaya Depression's t-er-ritory in 1958-1959, as a result of which the crust's s--.ructure was ascerta-ined to a depth of'50 - 60 km. Know- t*,le character of deep crustal interfaces (the surfaces o- the U foided basement and olf the granite, the basalt, and-tha subcrustual -Layers) and the stratal velocities, has allowed a better grounded a~)~)roach to be made to the solution of the question of the large :rravity low over the er-anskaya Depression. A correlative relation ZD C) between the propaglational velocity of elastic seismic vibrations and t.he density was derived in the form cr= (0.24 V km/see + Str C~_rd 1/2 S/1069/062/000/006/002/093 ill.byssal geologic structure ... D228/D304 C:> 1-310 /cM in order zo ascertain -he influence'of various deep U crusial layers upon the gravity field. In addition to this, data on -~he density of crus-cal rocks were obtained as a result of la- boraiory research and calculations by indirect methods. If'. is es- iab]_-_*,s_',1_ed as a result of the cuantitative calculatioils: 1) that ,,",e rel-Lef of -Ghe folded basement surface has a considerable in- 7--luence on the ~rravity field of the intermon~ane -Perganskaya De- CD '527ess.Lon; this allows gravity survey data to be employed for de- CD ats depth of occurrence; 2) that the observed gravity eld cannot be due solely to peculiarities in the crust's struc- ~'re existence in this area of a density irregularity in sub- Llare; c.1:Us_Ual matter may, zherefore, be assumed. Z Abstracter's note: Comple-ue translation.-7 r1__d 2/2 VOLIVOVSKIY, I.S.; RYABOY, Nature of regional gravity anomalies in the Bukhara-Khiva region and adjacent areas. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.geofiz. no.5:644-651 Pty 162. WRA 15:8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut geofizicheskikh metodov razvedki i Moskovskiy institut neftekhimichaskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti im. akad.Gubkina. (Uzbekistan-Gravity prospecting) GODIN, Yu.N., akademik [deceased]; VOLIVGVSKIY, B.S.; VQLIVOVSKIY, I.S.; RIABOY, V.Z.; SjgLYBMAII, II.I. Characteristics of the structure of the earthts crust in the western part of Central Asia. Dok-1. AN SSSR 146 no./+:813-815 0 162. (IMIA 15:11) 1. Institut geologii AN Turkmenskoy SSR, Vsesoyuznyl nauchno-issledovatelfskiy institut geofizicheskikh metodov razvedki i MoskovBkiy institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti. 2. AN TurkmenskoySSR (for Godin). (Asi~L,-Central--Seismic prospecting) VCLIVOVSKIY,, I.S.; RYABOYP V.Z.; SHRAYBMAN, V.I. I il. Use of the methods of frequency analysis and syntheois in inter- preting the gravity field in the Bukhara-Khiva area. Prikl. geofiz. ,o.33:161-168 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Uzbekistan-Gravity) S/169/63/000/002/045/127 D263/D307 AUTHOR: Shraybman TITLE: Utilization of-th~d data of deep seismic soundings in the clarification:.of.the nature of the gravitational field of eastern.'Middle Asia Referativnyy zhurnal,'Geofizika, no. 2, 1963, 3-4, ab-,- stract 2G12 (In',collection: Glubinnoye seysmich. zon- -Gostoptekhizdat, dirovaniye zemn;' ~.kory7 v SSSR. L., 1962, 473-474)-,~:' TEXT: The results of deep -seismic,,soundings carried out.along the profiles in the Fergansakaya Depression and Bukharo-Khivinskaya 'province allow a more fundamental approach to the interpretation of: the regional Bouguer anomalies~observed in these territories. Gal- culations. showpd that the regional minimum corresponding to the .Ferganskaya depression is fully accounted for by the gravitational i effect of the surface.of the:folded 2aleozoic basement. The amplitu-, :Card 1/3 S/169/63/000/002/045/127 Utilization of the ... D263/D307 de of the anomaly caused by the effect of the Paleozoic surface is even slightly greater than the'amplitude of the observed anomaly. The residual Ag. - Ag., curv.e shows a maximum corresponding to the depression. When the effect of separation boundaries within the: crust (practically coinciding with the surface of the Paleotoic) is taken into account, then the amplitude of the residual positive- Bouguer anomaly becomes still greater. It follows that the gravita'. tional field is apparently fundamentally affected by the density inhomogeneity of suberustal material, which is connected with its;/. local densification resulting :in the pronounced sagging of the re-.' gion of'the Pergansakaya depression. Analogous phenomena are ob- served in the Bukharo-Khivinskaya province where, according to deep seismic sounding profiles, there occurs a dipping of all crustal strata from NE to SW, and the gravitational anomaly increases in the same direction. When the'gravitational effects of the relief of.,., the Paleozoic s4rface and of deeper crustal boundaries are consi-I dered, the amplitude of the residual anomaly increases'rapidly. All.. ,facts point to the supposition,fthat this positive residual anomaly Card 2/3 y, R ~NrtF:tj.. -.4 N . v 10 V K 11 . S fd~ V! P I 3"r,*.Ic-,;-:c- of, t*,-..C- t-'aaemer"', cf t~-e Tu'ran B -I U: 'A . g 9 0, 1 no~6xl9-29 ACC NR-AT6028367 SOURCE CODE: UB/0000/0'5/000/000/0026/003R ATRHOR: Vollvovskiy, B. S.; Vollvovskiy, I. S. ; Tal'---Virskiy, B. B. i Shraybman, V. 1.1 ORG: none TITLE: Structure of the Earth's crust and upper mantle of the main geostructural zones of western Soviet Central Atia SOURCE: International Geological Congre~.s. 22d, New Delhi, 1964. Geologicheskiye r--zulltaty prikladnoy geofiziki (Geological results of applied geophysics); doklady sovetskikh geologov, problema 2. Mloscow, Izd-vo Nedra, 1965, 26-32 TOPIC TAGS: seismolog!,r, Earth crust, gravity anomaly, basement, meganticline nye-gasyncline, upper mantle 5 MOHo,90ViCIC D150oAjrt,0017'~' / Wr57-Ee1J E. T CEA.--rOel~fk f-),51,9 ABSTRACT: Three different zones distinguished in western Soviet Central Asia are as follo~is: an area of recent contrasting movements of Tien Shan, the Epihercynian platform ind the Kopet-Dag foredeep. These zones include m;ijor structur&L f'eatures of the first order, such as arches and de-Dressions in the T)Iatforr.Ti and me.~;anticlines Euid magasynclines in Tien Shan.,. The data obtained from deep seismic sounding and seismologica. t. o-bservations made it possible to estimate "he crustal thickness of wcstern Soviet Central Asia and to discover certain regularities in variation of the crustal thickness. In general, the data suggest that, in the oroge-nic area of Tien Shan, the crust is much thicker than within the platform. In addition, Tien Shan _4cc--.Nk~-X~6009029 ~-OU-R-C-i -COVE: UR/0169/65/000/010/GO03/GO03 AUTHOR: Vol'vovskiy, B.S.; Vollvovskiy, 1. S.; Talt-Virskiy, B.B Shraybman V. I# ORG: None TITLE: The structure of earth crus_~ and the top mantle of the basic geostructural zones of GentralAsia SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. IOG13 REF SOURCE: Sb. Geol. resulltaty prikl. geofiz. Geofiz. issled. stroyeniya zemn. kory, M., Nedra, 1965, 26-32 TOPIC TAGS; e,7th crus`F~~t_h crust structure, seismology /Central Asia tuj= Tu ran Tyan'.Shan, , ABSTRACT: In the present geological structure of CentralAsia, there are regions rela- ted to the three basic geotectonic categories of continents, the Turanian epi-Earcynicauj platform, the alpine folds region of Kopet-Da.o, and the orogenic region of Tyan'-Shan', The relation between surface relief of thefolded foundation, the thickness of the eartl crust, and the relative density changes of the stirface mantle of these regions is dis- cussed. indicate a correlation between the geotectonic state, the earth structure, and the character of the density changes of the subcrustal. masses. To the Tyan'-Shan' orogenic region (relative to the Turanian platform) corresponds an the crust thickness and a relatively smaller density of subcrustal masses,. Card 1/2 550 L. 14J V. ~b With rulvo- alutc--t ill 'I 1"t Of.high-premiro gas 'dawage kv&~ exmmiA ftoill tho lck-"i (.',f "~I. 1 md by a -given ma4s of ith givclu jlmducu a qivcn dan--6 ~.Mhtance (ineasueed b lag',. waytudied indudIng nd k1 011C X n y Ilia 11 yj iffe. runt1m,m-ea, an and a 0-cestpli affo- )mo a Y, t to th, ercs onjsistauoe of NiAnd Or cellard conclusiona &r2: Erm,-Gn'mftk~urfacc,4 rough. thas inerc-aa- ing resBtanve to flow olver th~,m and aLso lcwfin~ te reduced rl, f fll., A011 likeN% red v5 ter ce , 0~' 1% - . I I i . I 'a -1 1-Bi mwit,'t Mynby' damaging prut~.-cti" btLt a o --ft-16fig PRITMes' of foodm-, inat*c-r embeddc-d'ill the ~ZuetaL Inden!atiou hardn~~j and acmatch hardln,.~F,3 am no-guido to Empirical lelt'timi axt~ a7 ilable c0 4 n. livahig erosioa.mi5tanu with r"lovity of nbril'siv-e (approx- 0: 1/0), angle (6) of att'lok (approg. Cr I [-ill 0~' fillrdw-ci of tile and dc-anlimis of if'~4 of I I ti by iN Veil.' '~k 01 ue lit lit, it P1 1. SHRAYER, A. B. 2. USSR (600) 4 ,it Knitting Machinery 7. Design and the qualities of operation of mechanism for automatic hemming on "kottoh machines." Leg. prom. 12 no. 11 1952. 9. Monthly Lists of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified. OVI 1+ SUBJEM USSR/Welding 135-2-8/12 AUTHORS: KOMARCHEV, A.I., Engineer, and SHRAER, A.B., Candidate of Technical Sciencon. TITM Radial spot-welding machine for light alloys, (Radial1naya tochechnaya mashina dlya evarki legkikh oplavov). PERIODICALt "Svarochnoys Proizvodetvo", 1957, # 2, pp 23-26 (USSR) ABSTRACTo The welding machine XT nP-600, put into production in 1956 at the plant "Eiektrik". The maohinst designed by VNIIESO for welding light alloys, accommodates stock from 0,5+0-5 to 1.5+1.5 am thickt has an overhang of 900-1200 am, and the distance between shoulders in adjustable between 200 and 600mm. Supplied together with the machine is the ignitronic circuit breaker nATM-150 which control@ the current value in the range between 40 and 100 % of it@ maximam, and the duration of the current impulse between 0,02 and 0.5 M- An editor's note to the article states that the welding ma- ohine MTnP -600 is a tated to be lose complicated than the type MTon. Simultaneously it consumes high single-phase Card 1/2 power at coo f w 0,25, It is yet to be found out where each TITLEt Radial spot-welding machine for light alloys I (Radiallnaya tocheohnays, mashina dlya evarki legkikh splayov). 135-2-8/12 of the two types Is to be most rationally applied@ The article contains detailed description of the electric ooh*mot 4 diagram@, 1 drawing and 2 photographs. INSTITUTION i 8RWV3CO (VNIIESO) PRESENTED M SUBMITTEDi IVAILABLEt At the Library of Congress. Card 2/2 0 110-9- Il 1/2' 3 AUTHOR: Shrayer A.B., Candidate of Technical Sciences. TITIE. On the Rigidity of Contact-welding Machines. (0 zhestkosti kontaktnykh svarochnykh mashin) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlenn sti, 1957, Vol.28 iqo.9, pp- 43 - 46 ~USSR). ABSTRACT: In contact-welding machines, deformations may so alter the mutual position of the electrodes during the process of welding that the necessary welding quality cannot be maintained. The mechanism of transmitting pressure in a spot-welding machine with arms is considered. The vertical displacement of the two electrodes under pressure is the same. The elastic vertical disDlacement of the two electrodes is always in the same dir- ection, which is that of the working stroke of the upper elec- trode which is connected to the pressure mechanism. It might be thougbtfrom this that deformation of the electrode support arms is unimportant but this is not so. The way in which bend- ing of the arms and other parts of the machine can cause dis- placement of the electrodes is shown in Fig.2. Evidently, the relative positions of the electrode depend on the angles through which they are turned from the verticai. The normal process of high-quality spot-welding limits these angles, which may Card 1/3 readily be measured. The method of doing so is illustrated in On the Rigidity of Contact-welding Machines. 110-9-11/2-3 Ifig. 3. The requirements of the standard f'OCT-297-52n 'Cont-act electric welding machines' relative to the rigidity of the machines are then considered and found rather loose and illogical. A graph of electrode displacement as a function of the length of the arm for a machine that is in accordance with the standard is shown in rig.4 and the angle of rotation of the end of an Elec- trode as function of the span in Fig-5. It is shown that in some respects the requirements in respect of rigidity could quite easily be relaxed. Experience with machines complying with-the standard shows that they are very satisfactory for making high- quality welds. The amendment of the standard to permit equal angles of rotation of the electrodes for various spans above 400 mm is an important factor in reducing the quantity of metal required in large welding machines. Great rigidity of-the arms is not -Darticularly advantageous in contact welders since if they are very stiff they do not give when the electrodes expand. Elastic deformation of the rollers of seam-welding machines has relatively little influence on the relative positions of the rollers and the welded sheets. Therefore, there is no need to limit the flexibility of these machines and their parts should be designed to have only the requisite strength. uard2/3 There are 5 figures. SOV/110-5 9-5--- 12/25 AUTHOR=. Shray-er, A.B... Candidate of Te-chnical Sclen,-_s TITLE- The Rigidii%y of Conta~-t Welding Machanes and ths- Cons ervat Use of Material (Zhestkost! i metalloyemkost' kontaktnykh s-t;-ara:_-hnykh mashin) PERIODICAL- Vastnik elektrrvrcm-ishlennosti,19L~9,Nr fz, pp 43--k' (USSR) ABSTRACT*. According -to standard GOST 297-52. in de-aigning a contact welding machine the initial chavet,::ter-.415tis of its rigid-ity 'is the vervlical elastit displacement of the lower elactrzde. The standard sp~~,;A_ft~ss an &ng.le of rotation of the eisct-rcde which j..s -:-onstan,. up to spans of 4.00 mm and is: then r,-duc!~d fc,,-Y- Icnger s~pans. There is no jus-Lifizatior. for thIs r-qaarem,~,nt and accc.::'dingly long-,spar. machines made to the st.andard are more rigid than They need b--. The author sugges"z that f:-r spot and seam.-walding with !~pheri~;al elt~crrcdes The ab~Fc.-Lute. ,ralue of the angle c!f rotat~icn cf, !:he Is not imporiant. What matt.ers is vl-be:t the po3-D.,~ of ~~;ony-&C't betvreen the -sLa-7-trodes and ~-hF~ ma-,.erial zh-_'~,Id on a comnicn. ,erti~al axx,;_, with ~.h--_ .-entres ~f -1he c-onta;-.t surfa-:-es of ihi~ as shzi%p.~n in Fig In PrLa__tj~_~'; Card 1/3 The -appe-r- ~MJ alezt.~~-~-.I_=,s rurn SO V/110-59 The Rigidity of Consa_-. Welding Ma_--hiries anl "h& Us~ of Material through diffev_zxit amounts sr-- thl-.t the r,-irtt of crinta- f, be.,,:;,.).mes dx_splac-~-~d. Of grz-aior rigirlivy xs requir-ad -whi-xi flat-anded eLex_-,:rc1P__,3 at- u-_ed as will be seen from Fig 2. Formulae :5.ce h,,- diameter of flat and fc--r the pe-m-L.-;sible anSls ,Df rc-cation, The appropriate ~:,alues for a numbi-r of types of sp~_t w~.Iding ma--_hi_nes a-e ni3t~ii -in t',=_ble. I ', Th sm way be all..-wed tc rc~r-3te mc-a J_f the material being weld-33 La rhirk, z-.g be seen fz-c,m the C:Urves in Fig In e~ddition to 1_im.ittrig the it i5 31,zo necessax-y- to li-mit th~ ho-riz-c-aral di.splacement c,f th.a Pc-v J:?S_JQ~n pu:rp.-Ses in Js x--r~essary -ro kno-w 4he rigidity and angular of -ea~--h of -,~h-2 ~cmpurnexxts of 41-.e -Lelding machinz~ Wh~_n _crrec; ing mu.,,,-i,- nct te made. unnet"-s5exil-Y ~SlL-A- A -U!~g:-am nf ~'he daforma~lcns i1n searr vg cf -the _Idir Card 2/3 press -type %s giv=_n ~in Fig, t-hz ncl-at-io-ri in this SOV/110, -5 9--5 -12/25 The Rigidity of' Conta~~t Welding Machinas and rhe ConE5er-,~ati-4e U-se of Material figure is explained at length, The methods of determining the vertif;al and horizontal displa(-.ements of the electrodes are then expounded. At present the rigidity of contact.-welding mac-hines is asses-sed indirectly. For example,. at the "Elektrik" wiorks measurements are made of the dowirward displacement of the lower- electrode., upper displa,~;ement of the upper electrode and also horizcntal displacement,, Test results on modernised machines 2eries MTP are given -in table 2. The results confirm that -:~be MaChj.rL?5 Meet the standard GOST 297-52,but it would tvidently be possible greatly to reduce the amount of metal used in their- construczion. Several examples are- given of the use of the balanced rigidity method to redu---e the weight of these machines, There are '7 --Pigux-es.. 2 tabl,--; and 2 Soviet references,, SUBMITTED. July 19-,~8 Card 3/3 SHRAIMI A.B.j kand.tokhn.nauk integrating mechanism for perfeiuing intermittent (diocontinuous) movements. Izv. LETI 57 no.39:324,329 159. WIR-A 15:10) (Mechanical molrents) SHRAYER, A.B. Semiautomatic machin,~ for sealing in switchboard lamps. Biul.tekh.- ekon.irSorm.Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inf(-,!-f-, 17 no.1:60-61 164. T- j, KOVALOSKIX, V.V.; PADUCHEVA, A.L., kandidat lito'logichaskikh nauk; SMYFa,. Water metabolism In Karakul sheep and its seasonal characteristics. Dokl.Akad.sellkhoz.22 no.1:31-37 '57. OaMA 10:P-) 1. Chlan-korrespondent Vaosoyuznoy akademii sel'skokhozMetvapa"kh nauk imeni Lenins, (for Kovallskiy). 2. Vsasoyuzny" .y nauchno-isslado- vatelOokly Institut shivotnovodatva. (Karakul sheep) ON4-5� 1 61 LUTHOR: PADUCHEVk,A.L., KOVALfSKIY,V.V., SHRAYER,B.S. MAOU5109 TITLE: The Changes of Water Losses Due to A -aption in the Case oi- Karakul Sheep at Various Tmperatures and Scarce Watering. (Prisposobitellnyye izmeneniya "nechuvstvitellnykh poter vody" u Karakullskikh ovets v razlichnykh temperaturnykh usloviyakh i pri pazrezhenii vodopoya, Russian) PERIODICLL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 113, Nr 4, pp 923 - 926 N.S.S.R.) A.BSTRACT-. The biochemical reactions and processes which develop in the organisms as a response to the influences of the environments and which guarantee its adapt&tion to these influences are an important physiological characteristic. They determine its viability under different conditions of existence. The water transformation by water evaporisation from the skin surface and from the respiratory organs is directly connected with the processes which are indispensable for the balance of heat econo- my, that is, for securing a certain boundary area of temperature fluctuations in the interior of the body, characteristic of every kind of animals, which harmonize with the development of the vitally important processes. In the case of some kinds of animals which have only hardly developed sudiferous glands heat regulation at high temperatures is realized by fast breathing which intensi- fies water evaporation from the surface of the respiratory organs. Card 1/3 For these animals the occurrence of a heat edema is typical. The ChaAges of Water Losses Due to Adaptation in the Case of Karakul Sheep at Various Temperatures and Scarce Watering, 20-4---m-,/61 6 - 2�0. With the same temperature conditions the breathing ventilation and loss of water in the case of pregnant sheep is considerably higher than in the case of '~Iiose which have al- ready born lambs. In the case of scarcel., ra'.ared sheep the as- certained regularities of normally waters-" :he:~p are fully pre- served, i.e. the increase of loss of wat-,r Y.-iTh risin temper- ature and the dependence on physiological condition. fhe absolute exponents of water secretion and the ventilation volutie, however, are here considerably lowered, i.e. by 30~-b' and more, In the case of scarcely watered sheep the determination of the evaporisation intensity was carried out before and 1 - 2 hours after watering. In one series it increased by 5, in another by 38 %. (1 illustration, 2 schedules, 5 citations from Slavic publications) ASSOCIATION: Allunion Institute for Animal Breeding. PRESENTED BY: L.A.ORBELI, Member of the Academy SUBMITTED: 27.9-1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 SHRAYER, D.I. Dividing sector for movirg the 911-Lde ruler to a given dimension. Rum. i der, prcm. ho.1-:16 Ja-Mir 164. (MIRA 17:6), SHRAYER D. Effect of culture medium depletion on Zschrechia coli growth [with summary in English]. Mikrobiologiia 27 no.6:705-708 N-D '58- (MIFLA 12: 1) 1. I-y LeIiingradskiy meditsinskiy institut imeni I.P. Pavlova. (3SQW-RICHIA COILI, culture. eff. of culture depletion on growth (Ras)) RABKOVA, L.M. (Leningrad, Primorskiy prospekt, 23, kvartira 27); SHRAYER, D.P. (Leningrad, K-156, prospekt Ehgellsa, 3, kv-4) Clinicobacteriological comparisons in tumors of the urogenital,,organs. Vop. onk. 9 no.805-60 163 (MIRA 17--4) 1. Iz urologicheskogo otdeleniya Instituta onkologJ-i AMN SSSR (rukovoditall - Prof. I.N. Shapiro [deceased] i iz kafedry mikrobiologii I Leningradskogo meditsinskogo' instituta (ruko- voditell - doktor biolog. nauk E. Is. Rokhlina). SHRAYER, D.P, Examination of sputum microflora by 'rhe Mch-F-Jitlazatc, method, Lab. delo no.10:631-632 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Otdel mikrobiologii (zaveduyushchiy - kand. med. nauk V.I. Kudryav'(jseva) Leningradskogo nauchno-.-Issledovatellskogo instituta tuberkuleza (direktor - prof. A.D. Semenov). SHRAYER, I.A. Restoration of esophageal passage following burns. Sovet. med. No.2: 40 Feb 52. (CLML 21:5) 1. Professor. 2. Vinnitsa. SHMIYER, I.A.; OSADCIIUK, M.I. Closed traimia of the pancreas. Vaot,, kbir. 84 no. 2:118-3-20 F 160. (PAITCREAS-WOUNDS AM INJURIES) SHRAIERy I.A.v prof.; KUCEZFUMO, A.Ye.p Pathogenesis and closure of pancreatic fistulae. Yest.khir. 85 no*10.-22-24 0 160. (MBA 13 0.2) 1. Tzgospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zay. - prof. 1.A. Shrayev) Vinnitskogo meditsinako o instittita. (FISMI - .2 SHRA)MR) I.A., prof.; ZORYA, V.G., (.Vinnitsa,, ul.R.Lyuksemburg, d.2/21, kv.91) r Potentiation in local and generall anesthesia. Nov. khir. arkh. no.l: 95-9-0 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. I.A.Shrayer) Vinnitskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (AMSTH~;SIA) SHRAMR.) prof.; SIMFRANSKIY, L,L,, (Vinnitsa) Case of reconstruction of the wriet during primary surgical management. Kaz, med., zhur. no.1-73-74 Ja--..F 162. (MRA 15:3) (WRIST-SURGERY) 1~