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50 8888S S/044/60/000/007/041/058 On the weak continuity... C111/C222 of the Nemytskiy operator remains true also in more general functional spaces. (Abstracter's note: The above text is a full translation of the original Soviet abstract.1 Card 3/3 SHRAGIN, I.V. Measurability of some functions. TJcb.zaP.150PI 77:181-186 '59. 09-Ri-- 113:5) (Fanctions of real variables) i6(1) AUTHORS: Vaynberg, Shragin,..I-,-',' SOV/20-128-1-1/-8 TITLE. Nonlinear Operators and Hammerstein Equations in Orlicz Spaces PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademi-J, nauk 339R,1959,Vol 128,Nr 1,pp 9-12 (USSR) ABSTRACT.- The authors Drove new existence and uniqueness theorems for the nonlinear equation (1) U(x) -- ~ K(x,y)g(u(y1,y)dy Z Vu B as well as existence theorems for eigenfunctions of the Hammerstein operator F in Orlicz spaces. The most essential difference from the known resulta in this direction consists in the fact that the complete continuity of the linear in- tegral operator A (2) A K(x,y)v(y)dy is not demanded. The Orlicz spaces are introduced about according to Zaananq whereby former results of the authors Card 1/2 Nonlinear Operators and Hammerstein Equations SOV/20-128-1-1/58 in Orlicz 3paces and of others /'-'Zef 6 - 10,12_7 are used. Six theorems are give n. There are 12 references, 7 of which are Soviet, 3 Polish, i Amerinan, and i Dutch. AS'SOCIATION: 1,oskovsk-ly oblastnoy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni N.K Krupokoy (Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute imeni IN.K. Krupskaya) Kostromskoy gosudarst-vennyy pedagogicheskiy inatitut imeni N.A. Nekrasova (Iastroma 3tate Pedagogical Institute imeni N.A. Nekrasov) PRESENTED,. 11hay 12,1959, b O.L. Sobolev, Academician y SUBMI~TED: May 11, 1959 Card 2/2 SHRAGIN, I.V. Continuity of Nerytskii's operator in Orlich spaces. Dok]. iiN SSSR 140 no.3:5543-545 S 161. (YL-IfUL 14:9) 1. Kostromskoy gosudarstvennyy pedagogic~eskiy institut im. N.A. Nekrasova. Predstavleno akademikom A.N'.Iolmogorovym. (Operators (Mathematics)) (Spaces, Generalized) SHRAGIN, I.V. Continuity of Nemytskii's operator in 0--licz spaces. Uch,. zap. Kish. un. 70:49-51 164 (MIRA 18:2) -2 * 1 ;:-,~ *`z--: , -; . , . ( '; L-~: ~-- P-17 -- - - . 1~ ~; i :',"Is or - ~ . ~ i ~ - -' 1 ! of Nen-~, u ;'-,, , Perator in Urrlicz- spaces. . " Er 1* . t~'! li 161, OMR-A~ 18.-1) VAYNBUiCi. M.M.; SHRAGIN I.V. (,klo,,ikva.) Th-m ParwnersteJm operator in Orlicz 3paces, Fart 1. Izv.-,rj-s.uchr-b, zav.; mat. no.1.17-27 165. (Yj R."; -! ---) VAnl-,,FR(',., M.,'.',, fl,-10~3kvA~; SHRAIGIN, I.V. (Msek-ia) Harrumerstein orsrator -in Orlicz spaces. Part 2t Topological methods. i7v~ vys. unlLeb, zav.; mat nc.3z32-37 165. (MA 18:71 14(10) SGV/9/9-59-1'5-3/l3 AUTHOR: Shragin, N.V., Engineer TITLE: Prefabricated Reinforced-Concrete Lining for Canals of the Verkhne-Dallverzinskaya Irrigation System PERIODICYLL: Gidrotekhnika i melioratsiya, 1959, Nr 6, pp 15-10,, (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article is concerned with prefab rein-L"orced- concrete lining of canals of the Verkhne-Dallver- zinskaya Irrigation System, Tadzhik SSR. It states the opinion that as long as there are no !GO" 6; water- tight joints developed to unite the reinforced- concrete plates, this water way lining method is seriously hampered. The 47 kim long Magistrallnyy kanal (Main Canal) of the above system was lined in 1956, with a 6 km long section of its left bank lined with armored plates 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7 m in length, 3 m in width, and 12 cm in thickness. How- Ca.-d 1/3 ever, the concrete-bitumen joints used there proved SOV/99-~59-6-3/13 Prefabricated Reinforced-Concrete Linin-r- for Canals of the u Verkhne-Dallverzinskaya IrriGation System a failure since the bitumen r-ass in hot weather melted away. Yi cold asphalt mass is of great help for this purpose, yet it does not fully eliminate difficulties in keepinG the lining watuer-tight. At Uhe r~resent time, the distribiltor canals of the above system are being lined -~,,_Jth reinforced-con- crete plates. Having a trian~~ular section, each canal is lined vrith 1.7 x 3.G r, plates 6 cm -;n thick- ness. The joint spaces are filled by a bitumenous mass plus a concrete solution. Ho-,-.,ever, this method can only be applied to stable Grounds -not subject Uo leaching, otherwise a double lining with a 1-2 cm thick insulation layer in-betvieen is required. The following personalities and organizations are men- tioned in this article in connection with water- tight joints: Engineer T.S.Genkuzen, Stalingrads- Card 2/3 kaya ges (Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Plant), SOV/99-59-6-3/13 Prefabricated Reinforced-Concrete Lining for Canals of the Verkhne-Dallverzinskaya Irrigation System Kayrakumskaya ges (Kayrakumy Hydroelectric Power Plant), and the Tsentrallnoye normativno-issledovatellskoye byuro U-inisterstva Kommunallnogo Khozyaystva RSFSR (Central Normative and Research Bureau of the bli- nistry of 1"lunicipal Economy of the RSFSR). There is 1 Soviet reference, 2 photos, and 2 sets of diagrams. ASSOCIATION: Tadzhiktselinstroy Card 313 ~jf~~GIN on Moiseyevi~ch; TROPKINA, G.N., nauchnyy red.; RUSAKOVA, ~Olom~~ L.Ya., ved. red.; SAFRONOVA, I.M., tekhn. red. [Refining oils with phenol]Ochistka masel fenolom. Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 84 P. (MIRA 16:2) (Phenols) (Mazut) MEME ACCESSION NR: AR4031091 S/0282/64/000/002/0030/0030 SOURCE: Referativny*y Shurnal. Xhildobeskoys L kholodillno" mashinostroyeniye- otdeltr4V vy,*pusks Abs. 2,47*276 AUTHORs Shraginq S. M. TITLE: Use of an *=-MXP washer for cleaning petroleum tanks CITED souRcEa Transport i khraneni". nefti. Nauchno-tekhn. 8b.'j no. 50 1963s 26-27 TOPIC TAGS: petroleum tank washers gasoline tank washers petroleum residue wasbing TRANISIATION: A brief description is given of an M=-ChGMP (designed by the Black Sea State Steamship Comparq) used by the Novokuybyshevsk Petroleum Re- fining Plant for cleaning tanks which had contained white products (volume of each tank, 200'm3). As a result of the cleaning# the sud, rut, and petroleum product residue.were completely removed from the tanks. Water was fed by Card 1/2_ ACCESSION NR: AR4031091 the ~ater-supply system under 4-6 atm pressure at a teqmrature of 13-3,50. Tanks which had contained gasoline were washed for 2 br. DATE ACQ:' jI`Mar64' SUB CODE: CH ENGLt 00 Card 2/2 nd SHRAGO, B,I. Gas removal from accessory mineral deposits in flat and inclined coal seams mined by means of crosscut levels. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.9:41-43 S 162. (SERA 15:9) 1. GlavW inzh. shakhtoupravleniya No.11 shakhterskogo tresta ugolInykh predpriyatiy kombinata Rostovagoll Ministerstva ugollnoy promyshlennosti SSR. (Mine ga-ses) S-4RAGOo-Ij. Catchment of methane by means of drainage holes and ventilation drifts. Ugol' 39 no,11:55-61 N 164, (IMIRA 18:2) I. Treat Shakhterskantratsit. VEFTS, V.L. (Leningrad); SHRAGO, L.G. (Leningrad) 0 OpUmization of transmission coefficient values and Ecale determi- nation in work with electronic models. Izv. AN SSSR. Tekh. kib. no.IzI87-192 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:4) SRIBNER, Leonid Andreyevich; SIRAGO, Leonid Konstantino-yi,,h- SFYM G.A., kand. tekbii. nauk, retsenzent; BYKO'VSKIY, A.I., inzh., redAn, GORNOSTAYPOL-SKAYA, 11I.S., tekhn. red. [Design of position-type program control systems] Proektirovanie pozitsionrjykh sistem progrommogo upravleniia. Moskva, ~Iashgiz, 1962. 307 p. ',(I4IRA 15:5) (Automatic control) (Milling machines-liumerical contrQ_1) %A- SRIBNFR, L.A.; SHRAGO., L.F.; DEGTYARFV, O.N. Coincldenc,.e air-,uit5 with poSition contact pickups set in the l9tvo from five' code. L-Tt. I prib. no.4,035-37 O-D t6L (MIRA 18.2) SVI-IDI-'I!I'X, ]~.I:n~-i-tcnov-~ch; BARAB-TARLE, Matus' Yelevich; I-IIZIEVSKIVY, Lev Ll-onidovich: 'HASHKOVICH, I-Likhail Favlovich; SiIBIMR, Leonid An6reyevich;-SDAGO, Le2onnjid Kons "-i~ hgnalutinoyi-ch. ORLIKOV9 III.L., kand. tekhn, na ;-r--R-s-enzent; ROMITOV, A.L, inzh., red.; B-YKOVSKIY, A.I,p inzh., red.! GORI[OSTAYFOLISKAYAP MOSO, tekhn. red. (Program control of jig drilling machines I Progrw-u-moe u'pravle- nia koordinatno-sverlil'iWmi, stankami. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 87 p. (MA 15:9) (Drilling and boring machinery.-Numerienl control) AGG NR,. AP7004253 SOURCE CODE: UR/0432/66/000/002/0016/0018 AUTHOR: Sukhanov, I. N.; Shrago, L. K. ORG. none TITLE: Punchtape holder in the program mechanism in program -controlled metal-cutting machines SOURCE: Mekhanizatsiya i avtornatizatsiya upravl,3niya, no. ?Z, 1966, 16-18 TOPIC TAGS; metal cutting machine, program control , pu,%At&& ?o ~er ~4 f"r ABSTRACT: Various methods of holding and transporting punchtape (two-reel tape -recorder -type mechanism, unwinder mechanism, endless loop, etc.) are briefly reviewed. The simplest tape-holding device, the bin (or hopper)., was experimentally investigated in the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Machines and Tools. Optimal bin sizes were determined by photographing the Card l /Z UDC: 6ZI.90.OOZ-529 ACC NR: AP7004253 behavior of the tape transported at a rate up to 50 m/min by a special variable- speed mechanism; the tape length accommodated up to 150-350 frames. The above experiments yielded these findings: the bin height should not exceed 500 mm; not over 10 m tape per 10 cm bin width should be stored; 1 dmR of side wall should correspond to 1. 8 m, tape or less; bin lid is necessary; there is no essential relation between the tape speed and the bin capacity; the bin size is reasonable (500 x 500 x 36 mm) for tapes up to 35 m long. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 09, 13 / SUBM DATE: none Cc,rd 2/2 SRIBNER, L.A.; SHRAGO, L.K. Investigating new coincidence circuits with contact poBition transducers. Avtom.i prib. no.3:/+2-44 J1-S 162. (miRA 16:2) 1. Spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro No.3 Odesskogo, soveta narodnogo khozyaystva. (Electric circutts) SVIRIDENKO, S.Kh.; AK24ECHIET, L.S.; VOLKOV, A.A.; KEYSTIELI, A.M.; N,MEVSKIY, L.L.; POLYAKOV, L.M.; RASHKOIJICH, SRIMER L.A.; KWALOV, Yu.G.; SHPIGLER L.A.- SERAGO .1 4"- ..' - -, '..) L.K.; ORLIKOV, M.L., inzh., retsenzent; inzh., retsenzent; VATSIYEVSKIY, A.G., inzh., red. [Elements of the automation of machine tools] Elementy avtomatizatsii metallorezhushchikh stankov. Mos",a, 14ash- giz, 1964. 210 p. (MI.-~A 17:12) of ~:.u .urvous 4 -al ns t~ ~:31, 2'. ~,u, Sul-vev of nd -ec,ii,-:,;al r n fe!" ~ e. ai Li t JS i I e r d u ~i a 1 -i-,, ', i m5 ARLOZOROV, Z.G., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudniic; SHRAGO, M.I., nauchnyT sotrudnik; GAVRILOV, G.B.; OST, I.A. Q jv~. 11 Role of the nervous system in the mechanism of reactions following blood transfusions. Vop.perel.krovi, 4:43-~O 155. (MILRA 9:12) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) (BLOOD--TRAIISYUSION) SERAGO, M.I., aauchnyy sotrudnik Soma functional changes in the nervous system in pernicious anemia. Yop.parel.krovi 4:77-85 155. (MIRA 9:12) (HERVGUS SYSTFX) (ANEMIA) ZALKINA., A.P.. starahiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; SHRAGO, M.L. nauchnyy BotrUdnik: BIBIKOVA. Ye.S.; SMIRNOVA.r-.fg-. Transfusion of the wintarmediate layer" of stored blood in leucopenia, agronulocytosis, and thrombopenia. Vop.perel.krovi 4:165-174 055. (BLOOD-TRANSFUSION) (KIRA 9:12) (IBUCOPENIA) (AGRANULOCYTOSIS) MILOSTANOV. N.N... professor; KOLENKO, N.A., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; SHRAGO, M.I., kandidat meditainskikh nauk Surgical methods for treating hemorrhages in some diseases of the hemopoietic system (Werlhof disease, thrombophlobitic oplenomegaly, giliary cirrhosis). Nov.khir.arkh. no.1:24-29 Ja-1F '57. (MLRA 10:6) 1. Adres avtorov: Kharlkov. u1. Chernyshevakogo, d9, Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskly institut perelivaniva krovi i neotlozhnoy khirurgii. (HEMORRHAGIC DISEASES) ARLOZOROV, Z.G., starshiy nauchnyy ootrudnik (Kharlkov, ul. Tolkachevskaya. d-3, kv.4); GESHYANTHIR. R.A., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; ZALKINA. Xh.F.. starshijr nauchnyy sotrudnik; SHRAGO, M.I., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk ----"=Nmwmaw Using the preparation thromboplasmin, in thrombopenia and hemorrhages of varied etiology. Nov.khir.arkh. no.1:32-36 Ja-F '57. (MIRA 10:6) 1. Ukrainskiy institut perelivanlys, kzovi i neotlozhnoy khirurgii. (HEMORRHAGIC DISEASES) (BLOOD PIASKL) (Kharlkov) Comparative evaluation of various methods of treating chronic leukemia in relation to immediate and late results. Vrach.delo n0-5:537 my '59. (MM 12:12) 1. Klinicheskiy otdel (rakovoditell - prof. N.N. Milostanov) Ukrain- skogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta perelivaniya krovi i neot- lozhuoy khirurgii. (LEMMIA) SIRAGO, M.I.; ZALKIVA, Kh.P.; VESKOBYNIKOV, N.M. First observations on transfusions of bone marrow in hypoplastic and aplastic anemias. Probl. gemat i peerel. krovi 6 no.2:33-34 jol. (MIRA 14:211 (MARROW-TRARSPLANTATION) (ANEMIA) KOLE' ,IKCLLEGEZ 0, ~1. A.; ~11 -1. 1.; ZALKINA, Hh. P.; BAIEr, S. A. _ GIGO ~I Treatment of 'elerlhof"s disease with hypophysial-adrenal gland hormones and some data on the functional sta"I., of the Igpo- physial-adrenal. gland system in this disease. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi no.8:27-30 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz gematologicheskogo otdela (zav. 11. A. Kolenko-I.--gezo) Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituts, erelivaniya 1-rovi i neotlozhnoy khirurgii (dir. L. A. RipyaM i endolwi- nologichesko-y kliniki (zav. L. P. Lobachevskaya) Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovat-ellskogo instituta, e-idokrinologii (dir. S. V. Maksimov) (PURPTUR-4, (PATHOLIOGY (ADRENAL GLX 1DS (PITLUITI.Axf BODY) BAKHVALOV, A.-P.; AWGO, Z.Kh.; ZHITOMIREKATA, L.M.; ISHKOVA, A.K., 1-1,6 , I,, ir. red.; MAYONT . -, LCoin mechanisms of vending machines] Monetnye mekhanizmy torgovykh avtomatov. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1960. 79 P. (MIRA 13:12) (Vending machines) SHRAIBER, B. [Schreiber, B.I. inzh. (Praga) - -- - - 4 Polyester premixtureIs. Tekhnika Bulg 11 no,4:150-153 162, GORB, T.V. [Horb, T.V.], doktor sel'skokhoz.nauk; TMSHCH&NO, F.K., kand.biolog.nadk: O.T. [Bohaievalkyl, O.T.J, kand. veterin.nauk; POrl-AMM, M.D., [Potlomkin, M.D.Aakademik; KNIGA, M.I. [Knyha, M.I.J; POPOV, O.Ya., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; KHMELIK, G.G. [Hmelyk, H.H.], kand.sellskokhoz.naul~-.--SBRAM I P kand.sellakokhoz.nauk [deceased]; KOPIL, A.M., kand-.-i-ellskokhoz. nauk; TSJMYUTIN, V.K., kand. sell skokhoz.nauk; BOZHKO, P.Yu., doktor sellskokhoz.nauk; KROMIN, S.S., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; ZEMLTANSKIT, V.M. [Zemliauslkyi, V.141, kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; BORISENKO, A.M. [Borysenko, A.M~], kand.biolog.nauk;* ZAKHARENKO,jV.B., Icand.biolog. nauk, SMIRNOV, I.V. [Smyrnov, I.V.1, kand.biolog.nauk; KEUU3USTOVSKIY, I.F. [Khrabustovslkyi, I.F.], kand.biolog.nauk; TORSTYANETSKAYA, M.N., [Trost ianet a 'ka, M.N.], assistant; ALESHKO, P.I., inzh.; VASILlYW, Vasylliev, O.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; BUGAYRNKO, I.I. [Bahaienko, I.I.], starshiyprepodavatell; TRAKHTOMIROVA, 0.0., kand.ekonom.nauk; BUTKO, S.D., kand.ekonom.nauk; TRUSHIX, K.G.. ET818Bhyk, K.H.1, doktor elconom.nauk; Y.AROSHMO, V.D., kand.ekonom.nauk; LIS1Y, I.Y. [Lysyi, I.I.], red.; YXROSHENKO, T.G. [IBroshenko, T.H.], [Handbook for zootechnicians] Dovidnyk zootekhnika. 2., dopovuene i poreroblene vyd. ]K~riv, Derzh.vyd-vo sillelkohospodarsikoi lit-ry uRsR, ig6o. 728 p. (MIRA 15-2) 1. Vsesoyuznaya akademiya sellskokhozyaystvennylch nauk imeni V.I. Lanins, (for Potemkin). 2. Chlen-korrespondent Vsesoyuznoy akademii I - sellskolcho yaystveunykh nauk imeni Y.I.Lauina (for Kniga). ?Stock and stock breeding) BYKOV, I., podpolkovr4 r otstavke;_SHRA14CHEIIKO, A., polkovnik, kand.- voyennykh nauk "Pedagogical principles for teaching members of the Soviet Armed Forces" by A.V.Barabanshchikov. Reviewed by I.By~oT, A.Shramchenko. Voen.vest. 42 no.51l22-126 My 163. .- (MIRA 16:5) (Military education) (Barabanshchikov, A.V.) F-_;.'T IJIT Ye . T Ye.l.; SFOFNY~-KCV, V.V. Radioa,-~Ive fallout on the Far-Easlern snore of the ~~acific Gcean ir, 196'1-1963. Atom. c-nerg. 18 no.3:300-301 Mr 165. (MIRA i8-.3) PHASE I BOOK EMDITkTION SOV/3879 Grigorenko, Petr Grigorlyevich, Candidate of Military Sciences, Docent, Major General; Dmitriy Matveyevich Milyutenkov, Candidate of Military Sciences, Senior Scientific Worker, Colonel; Ivan Ignatlyevich Prokhorkov, Candidate of Military Sciences, Colonel; Andrey Alekseyevich Sidorenko, Candidate of Military Sciences, Lieutenant Colonel; Aleksandr Filippovich Shramchenko, Candidate of Military Sciences, Senior Scientific Worker, Colonel-.- Metodika voyenno-nauchnogo issledovaniya (Methods of Military-Scienc6 Research) Moscow, Voyenizdat., 1959. 266 p. No. of copies printed not given. Ed. (Title page): P. A. Kurochkin, General of the Army; Ed.: (Inside book): B. N. Morozov, Colonel; Tech. Ed.: A. N. Mednikova. PURPOSE: This is a textbook in military science research for high-ranking of- ficers. COVERAGE: This book., based on Marxist dialectical principles, ~as written by a team of authors at the Military Academy im. Frunze and is an attempt to systematize military science research principles and techniques. The book mm-V-6- 74ethods of Militaxy-Scienb6 (Cont.) SOV/3879 discusses the use of logic and statistics in military science research) organization of a military science research project, selection and pLanning of research projects, proper use of reference materials and militaxy ex- perience, proper style and preparation of mnuscripts pertaining to military science research projects, etc. No personalities are mentioned. There are 86 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Ch. I. Features of Military Science Research 5 1. Object of military science research 5 2. Specific character of military science research 8 3. Ways in which military science work may be carried out 13 4. Kinds of military sciene-e writing 20 5. Basic principles of military science research 26 Card-*6--- I -NNE M ZABORO, B., polkovnikZ CHERVONOBAB, V., polkovnik; SERAMCHE147KO, A. !~~ lkovnik; KURKOV, A., polkovaik, kand.voyen.nauk ~, '- .-.--..1-.-- -1 .... I po Tank attack in conjunction with motorized infautry; comments on the article published in no.l. Voen. vest 39 no.2:34-42 F 159. (MIRA 12:7) (Tank warfare) C NR A~-V.01 0'-')'/ AC Shramchenko, A. F. (Candidate of Military Sciences; Colonel) Handbook for the tactical training instructor (V pomoshch' rukovoditelyu taktich- eEkikh ucheniy) Moscow, Voyenizdat M-va obor. SSSR, 65. 0205 p. illuB. 7,000 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: Wilitary-training, tactical warfare PIRPOSE AND COVERAGE. This book gives instructions on the preparation and conduction of tactical training. The content, purpose and requirements for tactical training are viewed) and the amount and order of work in preparing for it are included. Also, the content and methods for handling main documents required for this training are shown. The book presents problems in preparing the region of training, organization of imi- tation, and safety measures as well as preparation of assistants and sections for the study of the mandal. The book informs about initiation df traWhg and duties of the Instructor and assistants in training any group at various stages. Questions of party-political work and the inclusion of it in training are-given. This book is recommended for officers of the Land Forces, instructors and classes of military academies and instructors of higher combined military commands and tank schools. TABLE OF CUITENTS (abridged)s Introduction-3 Card 1/2 ACC NRt AM6010597 Ch. 1. General position-8 Ch. II. Preparation for tactical training-'.67 Ch. III. Conducting tactical training-145 Supplment--194 SUB CODE.s 15 SUBM DATE: 19Ju.165 ___ &02 6~_ 00 ACC NRt AT7 4 SOURCE CODE: UR/3239/66T0_0_07n_T/_ - i76-0 ~9 AUTHOR: Golubehenko, A. I.; Dmitriyev, L. I.; Lobov, I. V*; Shreytull, A. Yu. 0,RG: noy~e' TITLE: Invest,igations of the effect of a marine gas turbined forevard arrangement oni combustion chamber characteristics. SOURCE: Nikolayev.- Korablestroitellnyy institut. Sudostroyeniye i I moi'-skiye soor,uzhenfya, no. 3, 1966. Sudovyye energeticheskiye ustanovki (Shi!p power equipment), 61-69 TOPIC TAGS: 9 as tu'rbine, gas turbine engine, marine engine, turbine design, combus'tion chamber, combustion chamber temperature+, ABSTRACT: The! effdct of foreward-arrangement design on the combustion chamber charac teristics of marine gas turbines has been investigated on four types of annular combustion chambers burning T-1 GOST 4138-49 kerosene or GOST 4749-49 diesel oil. Flow aerodynamics in the combustiorl chamber, combustion completeness, gas-outlet temperature field, combus- tion-chamber resistance, and the limits of a steady combustion are discussed in detail and individual design features are graphically Cord 1/2 ACC NRs AT7002854 respresented. As demonstrated, axial-velocity distribution in the combustfon chamber, combustion completeness relative to the excess- .air ratio, mean exhaust-gas temperature, and the combustion chamber's wall ti!mperature and resistance are significantly influenced by the partic- ular design of the coffibustion chamber's tforeward arrangement. Generally the combustion-chamber opening factor 0, which is the relationship of all of its apertures to its middle section primarily affects the resistance (increased 0 decreases resistance, and vice veroa); increased recycling improves the combustion conditions, and the use of an airflow whirling device to direct a vortex against the flame-tube walls improvel the temperature field of the flame-tube walls and behind the combustion chamber. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE,41 113, SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 005 Card 2/2 PURAUIN, V.; SHRAMCHONKO. B.; DUBOVOY, A., redaktor. [General meeting of workers and employees] Gbahchie sobraniia rabochikh i aluzhashchikh. (Moskva] Profizdat, 1953. 55 P. (KTRA 7:6) (Labor and laboring classes) SIMAMCMITKO, B. Visiting Rumanian friends. NTO no.1:56-57 Jn '59. MRA 12:2) (Russia-Relations (General) with Rumania) PETROV, dots.; BORISKII~l, S.V., dots.; VASIIENKO, N.A.) starshiy prepod.; GERSHJUTOV, Ye.M., dots.; DEI~ENTIYEVA, A.N.,. starshiy prepod.; ILIIN, V.P., dots.; NIKITIN, D.P., st&rsh:ly prepod.; NIKITIN D.P. starshiy prepod.; SHRAMCIEN 11 .4 3 KO,-X-G., slarshiy prepod.; YUSHIN, V.I., starshiy prepod.; POPOV, A.S., red.; MESHALKIN, V.I., tekhn. red. [Book of the trade-union committee chairman; aid to the factory,plant and*workshop committee chairman)Kniga predsedatelia komiteta profsoiuza; v pomoshch predsedateliu fabricbnoM, zavodskogo, t8ekhovogo komiteta. Mgkva, Profizdat, 1962. 356 P. (MIRA 16:2) 'l. Moscow. VysshayA zkochnaya Ahkola profdvizheniya. 2. Kafedra "Prof- sdYi=6Y.6.siroitellotvoll Moskovskoy vysshey zaochnoy shkoly prodvi- zhogiya Vaesoyuznogo toentrallnogo sGveta profepyuzov (for a.U except Popov, MeshaWn). (Trado unions-Handboolm,, "nualp, ate.) 1. YULIKOVA, 14. ; 91UUd4Gf1BNKO, M. ~- Labor problems in worl: 9chedulas of research institutes. Bi-,.,l. nauch.inform.: trud i zar.plata no..5:449-52 '59 iMIRA 12:6) (Industrial research) SERAMCBENKO', M.; SHTEYNM, A. An 4;ademic-coordi--gLted conference on the stud7 of labor resources. Bini.nauch.inforza.; tnid i zar.plata 3 no.6:44-49 16o. (MIRA 13:6) (labor suyply-Congreases) GMELOVI G.; SILIWICHENKO, M. Practice in usimg group wage systems. Sotsotrud 8 noJM-m% W 163. (MIRA 16:3) (Kramatorsk-Wages-Machinery industry workers) SHRAMCHENK09 O.S. Immediate results of the treatment of skin cancer with omaine ointment.,. 21+ no.3:123-126 * 160. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Iz Rostovskogo-na,-Donu nauchno-issledovatellskogo institut4i tentgenologiig radiologii i onkologii (dir. P.N.Snegirev) Ministerstv&-zdra-;,ookITeneniya RSFSR. (SKIN-CANCER) (COLCHICINE) SHPAMCHENKO, Svyatoslav Aleksandrovich, kapitan leytenant. Fleet midshipmen. Mor.zap. 12 no-1:34-41 Ap '54. (MLRA 7:8) (Naval education) Category: Caechoslovakia/Genera-1 Division. ConEresses. Meetin-gs. A-4 Conferences. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol., No 6, 25 March, 1957, P1368 Author Sliramek-Gushek Inst not given Title The Third Conference of Hydrobiologists and Iclitliyologists in Smolenit6i. Orig Pub: Zool. listy, 1956, 5, No 2, 186 Abstract: The conference, called by the Czed-ioslovak and ERLovak Aca- demies of Sciences, was held from:.September 26 to 30, 1955. Participating were 100 scientific workers. 14 main re- ports and 26 brief comrunications were read. The confer- ence discussed accomplishments in research of separate de- partments in hydrobiology and icht'ilyology. The current problems in ichthyology and hydrobiology were pointed out -- the problems of increasing fish production in reservoirs, the problems of water purification, and the training of qualified cadres. -Card I/1- _-23- ACC NRt AP6023573 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Shramenko, A. (Lieutenant colonel) OR G: none UR/0018/66/000/007/0077/0078 TITLE: Celestial orientation of devices at command and observation posts SOURCE: Voyennyy vestnik, no. 7, 1966, 77-78 TOPIC TAGS: military training, artillery weapon, celestial orientation ABSTRACT: A method is suggested for celestial orientation of devices at command and observation posts, as well as guns at artillery firing positions. -'~ Azimuths of a celestial body are computed at 1-hr intervals for a point located in the center of the command and firing-position area. Then the change of azimuths per min is deter- mined. The longitude and latitude of the point (for which the azimuths are com- puted), azimuths of a celestial body, and changes of the azimuth per min are report to command and observation posts and artillery firing positions. The procedure is analyzed for determining a grid azimuth by the time angle of a celestial body. [NT] SUB CODE: 15 / SUBM DATE: none/ Va~ ;-,,-,a ral. !,Tr;. can-2er e-, T e r. tu Lont'-Iv List cf 'v,i-issian z~ccessions, Litrarl-': cf cni rass junle T~,-3. SHRAMKO, A.I., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; SHEVCHMO, I.T., dodsent, di- Lesions of the urinary bladder and of the rectum complicating radium and mesothorium therapy of gynecological diseases. Akush.i gin. no.2:51-57 14r-Ap '53. (xTRA 6:5) 1. Kiyevskiy nauchno-issladovatellskiy rentgeno-radio-oakologicheskiy in- Stitut. (Genitourinary organs--Diseases) (Radium--Physiological effect) (Hesothorium--Physiological affect) SHIMNKO. A. I. - R0STOVTSHVA, O.H. pftv~- Potassium and calcium content of blood serum in cancer. Hekvch. zhur. 23 no.2:46-49 153. (MIRA 8:2) 1. Kiivalkiy rentgeno-radio-onkologiohj#y institut. (CANCER) (POTASSIUM IN THE BODY) (GALCIUM IN THE BOODY) (BLOOD-EXAMINATION) SHRKI-ENK0, A.I.; ROSTOVTSEVA, O.M. Certain features of the change in potassium and calcium content of the blood in cancer treated with radiations. Hadych.shur.24 no.3:73-77 154. (MT.RA 8:10) 1. Kilvalkiy naukovo-doslidnly rantgen-radio-onkologichnty i1sti- tut. (GENITALIA, YFWALE, neoplasms, blood calcium & potassiumi In radlother.) (BLOOD, calcium & potassium in NftI6 genital cancer in radiother.) (CALCIUM, in blood, in cancer of female g6filthlih In radiother.) (POTASSIUM, in blood, In cancer of female genit9lia in radiother.) (RADIOVIE11AW, in various diseases, cancer of female genitalla, off. on blood calcium & potassium) SHRAMENKO, Aleksandra Ivanovns, kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; SEMENOVA, A.I.. redaktor; LOKEXATYT, Ye.G., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Protection against radium radiation and substitutes for it in institutions using radiotherapy] Zashchita ot izlucheniia radiia i ego zemenitelei v radioterapevticheektkh uchrezhdaniiakh. Kiev, Gos. mod. lzd-vo USSR, 1956. 30 P- (MIRA 9:12) (RADIOACTIVITT--SAFNTT Ml-;ASURES) 'IMHIKOTISKAYA, M.F.; SHRAIMINO, A.I. 17,ew technic in the treatment with radioactive preparations of cancer of the fem-ale genitalia. Yed.rad. no.5:62-68 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz f,auchno-issledovatellskogo instituta eksperimentallnoy khirurgicheskoy apparatury i instrumentov Ministerstva zdravookh- raneniya SSSR i Kiyevskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo rentgeno- radiologicheskogo i onl-ologicheskogo instituta. (RADIOTHERAPY) (GENERATIVE ORGANS, FE1,91FCANCER) SHIWIEIIKO, M. Device for determining the length of the vaginal portion of the cervix uteri. I-led. rad. 7'no.ll-.?4-75 N'62. (MLU 16:9) 1. Iz radiologichesko-o otdeleniya onkologicheskoy kliniki Kiyevsk-ago nLucLno-issiedovatel' rentgeno-rqdiologi- cheskof,o i onkoloc-lr,~lrslkoro -1-Istituta. (RADIOTI-MAPY) (UTERUS, -TIUMORS) (,,ED .. .... MO APPAWUS) .'~ 11: ?01~EIIKO, Aleksandra Ivanovna; GORODETSKIY, A.A., red. [Tre;itment of cancerous diseases with enclosed radioactive preparations] Lechenie rakovykh zabolevan-Li zakryt~mi radio- aktivnyr.i preparatarti. Kiev, Zdorovlia, 1965. 183 P. (MIRA 18:8) P4riag, A.X. Shramenko, B.:,, Fisun, A.N. 'cn An;r-'.re cros--~ of In Icad by usInF a very thick larget and a Plc,.*.r,,n b,,am FZRIOXCAL! RcferitivnTi zhurral. F-'zlka, no, 6, 1961, 96, atatract 6B392 ("D-ckl. i scib:,h::h. Uzh;_rorcd3k. un.t. Ser. f1Z.-matem, n,", 1960, no.3, 1-4) The aLthcrs d-IscuEs prellminary reZulls of calcuiiticn. of' c.- section of ( r red by them. earlier, an the ,. n) in Fb fr3m -he data, obtall yield of fr~-M a very th-*,,k lead target us.-ng ~ manoenerFetic elec- :r.:r, b,,im RZhP-,z, 191-5-1, ID471). 1he xilhcrz are of the opimon that the accuracy cc of C-( n) in th~ region:p, 15 Iviev ts by no means wcrse thar. in '.hc- re;,cn cf lrx~-r They ~clrT~ cut 'he,, be methcd of "difference of phw.-.m~", winich *,:a-- f-r caLlculat-ons of !.he crcss 5ect'-~-n, yields *.n, ~:c~-;ra~-V tj 2j - 5C% rccr~,r !:,. the rcg:on cf energies beycrJ '~he E.1ant re- Z-nanzej thiz can liad ~c the smo:!'hing out of a possible etc-.ndar-jr maximm. The Carz 1"-:)