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GIRSKIY, V.A.; SIMUNWa A.N. . .. --- -,-. - Standardization of model cement storage yards. Mekh. stroi. 18 no. 3:8-11 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Giprostroyindustriya. (Cement-Ztorage) GIRSKIY, V.A., inzh.; SHPRINGER, A.N., inzh. Level indicators for cement. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 8 no.11:519-521 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Level indicators) (Cement--Storage) SHPRINGER, A.N. Organization of the unloading of materials at reinforced.,concrete products enterprises. Bet. i shel.-bet. 8 no.2:86-88 F 162. (MIRk 16:5) 1. G"Lavny*j tekhnolog Vaesoyuznogo gosudarstvennogo proyektno- konstruktorskogo instituta, Moskva. (Concrete plants-Equipment and suppites) (Loading and unloading) Fla2l P UISS IVEnrineerinF, Engines, Diesel AUF It b "Fifty Years of Diesel Production," A. A. Popov, Cand Tech Sci, and Prof 13'. i Shprink, 2Z pp "Vest No Reviews proRress of diesel construction in Russia from 18,08 to 1946. PA 114A)T33 ANDRIANOV, V.N., prof.; DRUZHININA, N.A., assistant; MISHARINA, Te.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; NIKONOV, L.V., doteent; 69!R=,,Jj~ .prof... retsenzent; GLEBOVICH, A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; 47 A.. red.; VOZBESENSKIY, A.D., [Electric machines; instructions and assignpents for students specializing in the electrification of agricultural Elektrichaskie maahiny: metodicheskie ukazaniia I kontrolinya zadaniia dlia stu- dentov spetsiallnosti "olektrifikstaiia oollakokhozisetvannogo proizvod.stva.0 Pod red. V.B.Andrianova i A.A.Glebovicha. Kdskva, Moak. in-t mekhanizatsii i elektrifikataii sell.khoz.. 1958. 56 p. (MIRA 12:2) (Electric machinery) BOGATSKIY I D.P. I prof.; MINEWAp I.A. t dots. I SHPRIN 4_ ~*E* t prof . # re- tserizent; MAKWVj A.M.j doteent, retse-AIR; M &SOVAI L*A#j nz n red.; VLADIKMOVA, L.A., tekhn, red, me a (Phitse rule and its cippliahtles in the tecbnology of t leetures for students of,the engineering faculty] Pravilo faz i ego prIlnenenie v tekhnologii metallov; lektsii dUa studentov inzhenernogo fakulltata. Moskva, Veen. sellkhoz. in-t zaochnogo obrazovaniia, 19 6.0. 39 p. (MIRA 34:7) 1. Zaveduyushcb4y kafedroy remont4t traktorovf avtomobiley i sel'sko- khozyaystvennykh mashin Vsesoyuznogo sellskokhozyaystvezmogo instituta zw3abnogo obrazovaniya (for Mamedov) (MetaUurgy) (Phase rule and equilibrium) DMITRIYEV.A, R. (translator]; LEZINOTA, 11. Ltranslatorj; SURINK, T. Ltranslatorl; TSYIZLIN, L.M., red.; SEMOVA, FWAKOTA, N.D., [Agricultural statistics in capitalist countries] Statistika sel'okogo khozisistva v kapitalisticheakikh stranakh; sbornik statei. Moskva, Gosstatizdat TsSU SSSR, 196o. 226 p. (MIRA 14:1) (Agriculture--Statistics) TARTAKOVSKIY, V.I.; ETKIN, A.A.; KOGAN, M.L.,_SHPRINTSEN. G.I. -.- - - ~ -1 ~ , I kna-log position system of program control for boring and turning lathes. Stan. I instr. 36 no.4,.18-20 AP 165. (MIRA 1825) ib SHPRINTSIN, N. Eistor-l- - JTPE~'r.e.17-E C e ". 12. Venin. --- N. S",zr;nts-n. S.DT-. e~,. no. -1 .- :~ - 1, ~ -. I -.' - -L --- 3, 10152. Month! List o~ 1'.Ussivr Accessions, Libr=ry of Con~,-resz, Decenter 1952. UnclFssified.. SHPRINTSIN, N.G. View of PetersInirg from the collection of the *Kunstkaxera." Izv.Vser.,geog. ob-va 85 no.4:4?5-480 Jl-Ag 153. (MLRA 6:8) (Leningrad--Art--Galleries and museums) (Galleries and museums--Art-- Leningrad) "0 . SHPRINTSE, N.G. OKexico.' A.N.Goncharov; *Cuba.* A.I.Zentsova. Reviewed by N.G.Shprintain. Izv.Vaes.geog.ob-va 86 no.5:475-477 S-0 '54. (MI-HA 7-10) (Goncharov, A.N.) (Zentsova, A.I.) (Mexico) (Cuba) i (5) SOV/12-91-1-20/22 AUTHORS: Shprintsin, N6G. and Kogan, 1M. A. TITLE: None Given----,_ ___ PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vsesoyuzno6o cgeograficheskogo obshchestva, Vol 91, Nr 1, PP 101-103 (USSR) lqFq AB3TRACT: The author reviews three novels by the Polish writer A. Fiedler. Card 1/1 SHPRINTSIN, V.14., inzh. Activity of the Maritime Territory Regional Administration of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Shipbuilding Industry during the period 1955-1958. Sudostroenie 25 no.1:91 Ja '59.(MIRA 12:3) (Maritime Territory--Shipbuliding) ISACHENKO, V.; SHPRINTSIN..T~ Solid education for future engineers. NTO 2 no.11:49 N 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Predsedatell soveta Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva Dallue- vostochnogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (for Isachenko). 2. Chlen Primorskogo krayevogo*pravleniya lfauchno-tekhnicheskogo obahchestva sudostroitel'noy promyshlennosti (for Shprintsin). (Marine engineering--Study and teaching) SHCHUBMIKO, Yu.; OSTROVSKIY, M..; SHFUNTSIN, V., dots. Alternating-current electric dirve for cargo winches on "Andizhann- type vessels. Mor. flot 20 no,'11:24-27 N 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Starshiy inzhoner-elektrik mekhaniko-sudovoy aluzhby DtillnevoBtochnogo parokJlodetva (for Shchurenko). 2. Nachallnik olektrootdela Dallne- vostochnogo parokhodstva (for Ostrovskiy). 3. Dultnevostochnyy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni, Kuybyoheva (for Shprintsin). (Winches--Electric driving) (Electricit7 on ships) SURRITSIN, V.N. , inzh. Installation of shaft generators on ships. Sudostroenie 27 no.6:39-42 Je 161. (MIRA-14:6) (Ship propulsion, Electric) ,~', 1. .1 p SHITIN'll' j:j# V.N., J n,-, I i . ,ri ;~ 9 %, ~ . . , s !-- -i ~ -? c , i,~ C. r, flr~-R---U-ring clements fct- control nyrs~,PMa- Si,dos- -0 164 ( ,.- rtk -- -( . - ~, ,T ~- a 7.,'-e 1: Y--Y I,- T(j)/EWA(h) L 1579 ,W AM5021949 EXPLOITATION 629. 12.02, Shprintsinq Viktor Kikolayevichj~< Marine power generators (Sudovyye valogeneratory)i Leningrad, rzd-vo "Sudostroyeniya," 1965. 216. p. illus., biblioe 1450 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: power generator, marine power generator synchronous a ,t 'power generator, de power generator, ac power generator, power generator stabilization PURPOSE: The book-is intended for engineering-technical workers in it the shipbuilding industry. It may also be used as,a textbook by sonior students in shipbuilding institutes. COVERAGE: The use of marine ad and dc power generators, driven by main engines through mechanical, hydraulic, electrical,, or other means, is discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of marine power Sendrators are reviewed and their layouts are discussed., :Card 1/3 L 15?9_66 AM5021-94-0 Baged on the general theory of power Seneratoreg methods for cal- culating and selecting their components and electrical layduts are analyzed, assuming that the resulting parameters are invariant., due to changeo in the speed of rotation. CalcuLatLous of actual charts of ac and dc power-generator layouts are givens TABLE OF CONTENTS: IntroductLon 3 Ch. I. Pdwer generators and their requirements 7 Ch. 11. Design fundamentals of power generators with variable opeed of rotation -- 64 Ch. 111, Use of combined-systems of automatic control for stabLlizing_"_~' the--parameters of the electric-energy output of marine power generators.-- 117 2 3. L AH5021949 -Ch. IVe Calculation of automatic systems of power generators by.- 0lectronic analog computers 195- Bibliography--- 234 SUB CODE: En SUBMITTED: 08Jan65, NO REF SOV: 026 IOTHER. 001 DAtE ACO: Z9Sav65, APPAI-Ik)V~ 0,7., Inzh., V.N.~ kitnd. tokhn. n,wk Considerilng the reliability factor in dattirmining the economic efficiency of automation. Sudostroenle 31 no.505737 My 165, MIRA 18181 o-,,:),c,,7o-67 EWT (d)IEWP (v)/E",-/P (k)/EWP(h)/EWP(1) ACC NR: AP6029793 SOURCE CODE: UR/0119/66/000/008/0023/002.4 AUTHOR: Bil'o, P. D. (-ngineer); Shprits, E. I. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: Luminescent display of an information system SOURCE: Priborostroyeniye, no. 8, 1966, 23-24 TOPIC TAGS: display panel, luminescent di--PLLY. automatic control, steam power plant ABSTRACT: A functional diagram and principal transistorized circuit diagram of' an output unit with a luminescent display are shown. The unit, which is a part of a boiler -turbine automatic control system~v\performs these operations: storing error sianals, detecting new error signals, changing signal shape upon its acknowledgment by the human operator, controlling an audible signal, cancelling Card 1/2_ mt: 62.523.8:666.265 SHFRITS, E.I. Device for vc;lts-to--digit conversion. Izm. tekh. no.8--45- 47 Ag 163. (MIRA 16.10) PODAKOV, A.S.; CHAKOVSKIY, R.V.; SHPRITS, E.I. Two-stage commutator for automatic data input in digital control computers. Avtom. i prib. no.400-33 O-D 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut avtomatiki Gosplana UkrSSR. SHPRITS, E-E.I. Frofe-dtion circuit of transistor voltage stabilizers from overloads and short circuits. Izm.tekh, no.8-53 Ag 10/4. (MIRA 17:12) r "V) ACC NRi AP5023277 U11/0302/66/000/003/0042/0044 621.373.53 AUTHOR: Shprits, E. I. Suslenko, M. D. TITLE: lime del~Lelement for digital machines SOURCE: Avtomatika I priborostroyenlye, no. 3, 1965, 4244 TOPIC TAGS: digital system, automatic control system, electronic circuit, digital computer system, computer component, delay circuit ABSTRACT: Existing time delay (-r) elements exhibit numerous deficiencies, To reduce the size of the necessary capacitances (C), the values of k must be Increased In the Ir = kC equa- tion. However, large k values lead, usually, to decreases in stability of the respective de- vices. To avoid this difficulty, the Institut avtomatiki Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po priboro- stroyeniyu, sredstvam avtomatizatsil I sistemam upravelniya.pri Gosplane SSSR (Institute ~g~rLtroj_�y~!tem~. attached to GOB Ian SSSR) developed and tested a time delay circuit allowing the use of electrolytic capacitors. Such a circuit produces large time lags without a need for large size blocks (the enUre element is mounted on a 60 x 60 x. 12 mm printed circuit block). The experimental unit is currently In use in a boUer-turbine-generator control system. OrIg. art. has: 2 formulas, 1 figure, and I table. ASSOCDMON- None L 491C-66 ACC NR- AP5023277 SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: IE, DP, EC NO RE F SOV: 002 OTHER: 000 Cl Card , ". :- - ',f j .- . -1 , ~ , I , - . I - I . - . . , -,. -, - . z - : -. , I - - P - r.1 - ; -, - * I - . I .. .. . . - I - - z - . . ., . - " . . I , . - . . ;~ " I - , , -1 -1".. i . ~ i,. T . . u f ;. z. ~ , -. - K! I I 'IN I i ~,', 'i N , ~ji z :,! . ; "', H;; i 1"iD ,A , (" , ;J, HP Hi " 3 , ~. ..I . N:-%;,~~.Dnt,a-~t dev---c- for measurements by i&llirg. Avtom~ i prib. no.2,. ,,7--'-f Ap-J-P 165. (~aRA 18: 7) L 06277-67 0,4T( I ACC NR. AP6025076 SOURCE CODE: UR/0115166100010061004310045 AUTHOR. Shprits, E. I. ORG: none TITLE: Diode switch with constant input resistance SOURCE: Izmeritelinaya tekhnika, no. 6, 1966, 43-45 TOPIC TAGS: electronic switch, diode switch ABSTRACT: Availability of various Soviet-made standardized transducers (EAUS-A, USAKR) with d-c output makes possible the use of diode-type switches for applying many sensor electric signals to a single-channel measuring device. Changing input resistance of such switches in the open and closed statE5of the diode has been the only objection to their use. This situation can be remedied by doubling the diodes (see figure); the double-diode circuit has high and constant input resistance and hence does not affect the voltage 4r coming from sensor S. A number of such diode circuits control corresponding transistorized switches, the latter making I final connection to a measuring instrument or a computer. The switch can operate at-a rate of 100 changes a second; it U1, I introduces an error of 0.1~ into the switched signals at temperatures.-10 +50C. Orig. art. has; 2 figures and 7 formulas. Card I/ I sm ronp! 09 /STMM T)ATF! none / ORTG REV: 009 UDGI 621.318. shl't4ffs~LCN' b~- i-i. Wine and Wine Making Losses of wine through storage and aging in oak containers. Vin. SSSR 12 No. 8, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December, J.Y52. Ul"CIASSIFIED. A rapid method for the determination of alcolzoVin*the aldues of wine ladustry. M. V.- Bondarev andE. M. ;1Y V S.,."spritsman (Inst. "hfag=ch,- Kishinev)"- -SadOTAffFd;1 FinokniddiRva i Whodelie,11oldavii It. No. 3, The app. ter the rapid dew of ale. In raisin residuesjr Brun and Vezinet (C.A. 47, 1'2747a) has been slightly to fied for the detn. of ale. in grape refus?-- Faid the yeast rtsidue. The volatile org. acids am not neutraHzed before the distit. The amt. of the acids Id the distillate Is detd. by,titration with OAN alkali and the corresponding correction (+0.063% -alc./10 a. distiflate/I ral. OAN alkali) is then made In the original ale. concu. of the distillate. obtained by the sp. $r. detn. -E, Wierbicki 1b) of oak wedif in the aging of-ccg-dacs. and D. A. Novokhatko. Sadozodsfteo, v t nz~ grM!a73-Fv__FVivcde1i:! A1j1d(;tii 11, No. -1, 47-51Q~19M) Durinq the aging of c,,~,gnacs in oaL containers ch,!ni. and phys. interdiffugion taki~s pface betwLen the wood and the product; this is rnainly rcsponibie for the organoleptic qu--Ji- ties of the finished product. A one-mlay.paper chmnuito- gr4phic method is described (with the solvent butanol:~~-t- Ek acid:41std, witticr - 40:12:30) for the analysis of the tannin complex of mk wood (Imt-watLr QvXts. of oak wood shaving. %vere filtered, the filtrates treated with MAeO)i, the Pb-tannin complex was decompd. bY 5% IIIS04, excess H~SOA pptd. wit-h BaCO3 soln. to H 3.6, the tannin soln. obtained vactium-evapd. under a R stream, the dry resi- due hydrolvzcd with 5% IfCl, the hydrolyzate extd. with Zt,O and AcOl3t, and bath exts. were paper chroxati- graphed), The results indicate tli.~t the oak-wood t-inains consist of it least 3 components, readily sol. in a1c. and? AeORt, which oa acid hydroly.;Ls yield gallic end ellagic acids- and it unidentified phenoli sugars are represented by-~ the: RI-vulue(O.16).known for jlucose. Dur-_ i-9 of cognad in oak containers the arnt. of tan- n, in the first 3-4 yearn dnd then rtartairta neaxly' const. (0.3-0,4 j.&). while the amt. of extractable s strittees; -increases continuously (OMB and 1.693 6./l. of thei tannin-free dry residue after 2 and I years' aging, r,,-Qp.).i By aging cognac in glass containers in the pm-ence of 0 about 25-30% of the tannin content is oxidized. It ii con, cluded that. an equil, exists Letween the ' uumin pas:Ang irartil the oak container and ks oxidiz-ed fracti-: in the C4 i~. I I jeferetices. E Vibtki SHPIIJTSMAN, E.M. Tannins of oak wood and their transformations during.the aging of cognac alcohols. Trudy MNIIFP 2:3-16 162. (MIR& 16W (Tannins-Analysis) (Brandy) SHFItITS1,10 EJA. 2 - . - - 11 Redox processes in the maturing of cognac alcohols and brandies. Trudy, IVIIPP 2:17-30 162, (MRA 16 ~4) (Brandy) (Oxidation-reduction reaction) SHPRITSM:U1, Standardiz-ation at the Riga Electric Plant. Standartizatsiia 24 no.12:29-30 D 160. (MIR' , 13: 11) (Riga--Electric industries) BERIMTKYN, A.L.; SHIMITSMAN, L.D. Mechanizing the output of sheet rubber. Izobr. v SSSR 2 no.9:26 S '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Foam rubber) SHPRUNG, N., Geroy Sotsialisticheakogo Truda. During the last five years. Sol'. stroi. 14 no-7:6-7 J1 '59. (MIRA 12:10) l.Sekratarl Minusinakogo gorkome. Kommunistichaskoy partii Sovetskogo SOYUza. (Minusinsk District--Farm building) SHVACHKIII, Yu.11.; VITOL, !-I. Ya.; SHPRUNKA, I.K. Removal of glycine from reaction mixtures by a m,"crob-iological method. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.10:3508-350q 0 164. (MUL4 17:111) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvernyy universitet im. Ldmonosova. I.K. IIIIiV"'.(;HIjN.' SHPRUNKAY Synthesis of a pyrimidine analog of 2,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine. Vest, Mosk. un. Ser. 2: Khim. 19 no,.6:72-73 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Kafedra organicheskoy khimii Moskovskogo universiteta. OBOLFNSKIY, A.S.; SHPRYGIPI, V.I. Automotive tracks with jib cranes. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform.Gos. nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i. tekh.inform. no.905-96 163. (MIRA 16:10) BELIK, Sh.L., inzhener-elal--trik; SHPRYGOV, Yu.K., tekhnik-elektrik. - i a:1-1-1- I - I What Is lacking in thepDver engineers' handbook. "Handbook for a power engineer in the textile industry". Reviewed by Sh.L. Belik and others. Tekst. prom. 17 no-3:66-68 mr '57. (KM 1o:4) (Electric machinery) (Textile machinery) SHPUGA. G.M. Vascular anngtomosis and kidney transplantation [with nummaz7 in English] Hksper.khir. 1 no.1:19-27 Ja-F 156 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Iz kafedry farmakologii Ivanovskogo maditsinskogo institutao (KIDIEYS, surg. transpl axper., vnsc.annatomoBis after Carrel (Rua)) (TRANSPIANTATION, exper. kidneys, vane. nnnatomosis After Carrel (Rua)) (BLOOD VESSELS, murg. exper. anAstomosis After Carrel in kidney transpl. (Rue)) SHPUGA, G. M. Doe Med Sci -- (diss) "On the function of the transplanted kidney." Ivanovo,195'1. 22 pp. (Acad Med Sci USSR). 250 copies. (KL, 8-58, 108) -56- SMGA, Kt, kandidat sel'skokhyaystvennykh nauk. Fertilizers. Nauka i zhizn' 22 no.2:17-18 F '55. (MLRA. 8:3) (Fertilizers and manures) SHPUGA, L.M., LEBRM, A.A. Function of a reinnervated transDlnnted kidney [with summAry in Eni-lishl Eksper.khir. 1 no.4:59-64 Jl-Ag '56 (MIRA 11:10) 1. 1% knfedr1farmakologii Ivanovskogo meditainskogo instituta. (KIDITEYS, transpl. expere, re-innero (Rue)) ROMASHIOV, F.N.; KAUSEV, I.S.; TERENTIYEVA, L.M.; NISITEVICH, E.D.; SIIPUGA, O.G. Use of isolated coronary perfusion for the suturing of atrial septal defects under moderate hypothermia. Khirurgiia no-10:43-48 164. (MIRA 18t8) 1. Otdeleniye vrozhdennykh porokov (zav. V.I.Burakovskiy), laboratoriya anesteziologii (zav. G.A.Ryabov),, lab-1ratoriya funktsionallnoy diagnostiki (zav. G.G.Gellshteyn) Instituta serdechno-sosudistoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. S.A.Kolesnikov, nauchnyy rukovoditell - akademik A.N.Bakulev) AMN SSSR, Moskva. 7-1 1.1110 1rt,?rnq1 nd Oct C; 5591. CERTAIN FEATURES OF HEART RATE REGULATION IN CORONARY INSlIFFICIENCY (Russian text) - S It pu g a 0. G. Centr. Inst. for Consult. on the Working Capacity and Org-.~'~ . amen, 'of Invalids. Moscow - BYULL. EKSPER. BIOL. I MED. t957, 44/7 (37-40) Illus. 2 A study was made of the changes in heart rate in 28 patients with coronary insuffi- ciency, using stimuli which produce. in the normal subject, acceleration of the heart ratc (emotional stimuli, nitroglycerin) or slowing of the heart (Aschner re- flex and carotid sinus reflex). Continuous recording of the pulse, the skin-galvanic reflex, vascular reactions (plethysmography). blood pressure and electrocardio- gram was maintained during the experiment. The control group consisted of 78 patients with cardiac pains of non-coronary and mixed aetiology and of 6 healthy subjects. The investigations showed that patients with pains of coronary origin had less capacity for changes in the rate of cardiac contractions under the influence of accelerating stimuli and a more pronounced reaction of cardiac slowing to stimuli causing bradycardia. Maximal acceleration of the pulse rate by emotional stimuli was 6.5 strokes, whilst in the control group it was 14-19.5. Pressure in the region of the carotid sinus slowed the cardiac rhythm in 98% of patients with coronary insufficiency by an average of 12 strokes and in only 28% in the control group (by 4-8 strokes). Such slowing of the heart rate was not infrequently absent in the healthy subjects. The relative preponderance of inhibitory influences on the heart rate in patients with coronary insufficiency Is. apparently, of protective-com- pensatory significance and Is connected, primarily. with readjustment of reflex mechanisms regulating cardiac rhythm. References 6. Davydova Moscow (S) BURAKOVSKIY, V.I.; ~fMVIYEV, M.V.; GELSHTEYN, G.G.; YEVYEYEV, YU.V.; LAGUTINA, A.I.; ROHASHOV, F.N.; RYABOV, G.A.; ROSLAVLEVA, N.G.; TERENTSYEVA., L.Mt_SHPUGA, O.G.____ Operation on the "dry n heart during hypothemia in patients with congenital heart defects. Grud.khir. no.3:3-14 161. (MIRA- 14:9) 1. Iz otdeleniya sabolevaniya serdtsa i sosudov u detey (zav. - V.I. Burakovskiy) Instituta grudnoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. S.A. Koleanikov., nauchnrj rukaioditell - akad. A.N. Bakulev) AIIN SSSIL Adres avtorav: Moskva, Leningradskiy prosp., d.8. Institut-grudnoy khirurgii AMN SSSR. (HEART-ABNORMITIES P111D DEFORMITIES) (HUOT11ERMIA) (PEMSION Pw MART)) POLAND/Cultivated Plants Medicinal. Essential Oils. Toxins. M. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 4. 1958j 15879 Author : W. Dembskaya, K. Shpunar, J. Zayenchkovskiy Inst : State Scientific Institute r Raw Medicinal Plants. Title : Observations in Plantations of the Common Valerian Made in 1955. (Rzul'taty nablyuden:Ly nad plantatsiyami valeriany ledar- stvennoy v 1955 godu). Orig Pub : Biul. Fanstw. inst. nauk. leczn. surow. rosl. Poznaniu., 1956, 2, No 3, 164-171. Abstract : The observations were made at 14 plantations containing various varieties of Valeriana officialis, var. latifolia, var. tenuifolia, var. media, distributed in Poznan and Warsaw Provinces in varying climatic and edaphic condi- tions. With a bad spring and favorable sumer and fall Card 1/2 -SHPUNDRA, P.K. The plant is ready for the industrial season. Sill.bud. 12 no.4:19-20 Ap 162. (14IRA 15:80 1. Glavnyy inzh. Zolotonshskoy mezhkolkhoznoy stroitel'skoy organizatsii Cherkasskoy oblasti. (Cherkassy Province-Clay industries) LIPTSINA, A.I.; SHENBERG, B.V.; Prinimala uchastiye SHPUNDZAN, D.Yu- New device for controlling the process of alcoholysis during the production of modified glyptal resins. Lakokras. mat. i ikh prim. no.6:77-78 161. (MIRA 15:3) (Alcoholysis) (Gums and resins) I .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 ('MOOGOH ~T9-09 -dd tT56T -jcTV t~ -oN tRXT)CJVUTJalqA) - 'C56T 'OE -~&S 'IJOCT9H -' * Os *U'3TU 'jSr . 0 j tq '000'E -- SOTdOo tS)jadO3j 05 'StIOTt~e-13snUT WITM saRed Oe gO56T 'GGOJA 01919 UeTUO'4sq 'UTTTVt tSOSeGGT(T IGPpn .pUU GUOTPA'qooZ v -- - -tic H z,nrl~iik-J L~; , !~h. SITUNGI-Et", Y 511. Brucel3osis of' cattle. I'allin. -',*3tc-nip-n 5tate PublishinE Fouse, 1952. 16 pa-C,,es. Free. 5,CGG cories. (Ministry of kgriculture of the Estcnian SSR, Veterinary Department). In Estonian. Source: Veterinariya: 30; 3; I-L-rch 1953 uncl TAP-CON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 *, t.- UUT,19-,321 :us -cad Icuo-c4taqsn-L-ET -U-aluOlga U-T ~SG!doo oool~~ miado"I oTt go. - . 144P1 0D:,JL,-! D-,VqS U'U!:UUIE;j CU7['LTVl qoupe2u qi4ji-T oq,~ ro gaansvou oql ,)uu Dc-~~asl:p q~noi-: pu~- qooj. SHPUNGEN, S. Avoid the diseases of rabbits. P. 558 SOrSIALISTLIK POLUTBIWANDUS. Tallinn, Estonia. Vol. 14, no. 12, June 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EM), IPO. Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959 Uncl. SHPUNGIN, L., kand.ekonom.nauk Methodology of planning public food service. Sov. torg. 35 no4g:39-42 S 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Restaurants, lunchrooms., etc.) O'CHEMETIJAU"'WIP 1141.; SFFMIGIN, L. Refri.-eration and Refrigerating Iachinery Cut down expenses in running refrigerating machinery, Sov. torg. No. 2, 1953. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. SHPTRIGIN~ Ley~i Xosifovich; KOMAROV.A, T.F., red.; SAYGEMIKO, Te.V., [Public food service and the sev-ea-year plan] Obshchestvennoe pitanie v semiletke. Moskva. 12d-vo "Znanie," 1960. 31 P. (Vsesoiuznoe obshchestvo po rasprostranenii-u politicheskikh i nauchnykh znanii. Ser-3, Bkonomika. no.28). (Restaurants, lunchrooms, etc.) (MIRA 13:10) SHPTJNGIN,L.-, GELLER, G. Measuring labor productivity in public food service. Sots.trud 5 no.3:65-70 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Restaurants, lunchrooms, etc.--Iabor productivity) -SHFUNGINj L., kand.ekon.nauk Labor torg. expenditure should be made the biLsis of 33 no. 9:39-41 S 160. (Restaurants, lunchrooms p a plan. Sov. (T'9-RA 14:2) etc.) SHVAGHKITI, Yu.P.4.-_lS,!IPRUNKA, I.K.; KAZAYOVA., G.V. Synthesis of deuterated 2-thiouracils. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no-113 384~-3847 N 164 (MIRA 18-.1) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarst,,rtmryy universitet imeni Lomonosova. AUTHORS: Geguzin, Ya.Ye. and Shpunt, A,-.A. SOV/70-4-4-18/34 TITLE: The Investigation of the Process of High-temperature Self-healing of Macro-defects on the Surfaces of Single Crystals of Rock Salt PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 4, pp 579-586 (USSR) Sb7s ABSTRACT: Details of the levelling of the surface of a single crystal of NaCl which occurs at high temperatures (up to 790 0C) have been observed and described. Using micro- scopic and interferometric methods the healing of artificially produced defects in the form of gj~ooves of definite geometry has been observed. It is showm that the process of self-healing of grooves proceeds with a speed diminishing with time. It is found that the dis- tortion of the crystal lattice promo-tes the acceleration of the process of the high-temperature healing of the defect. It is further shown that transport of material in the gaseous phase substantially determines the kinetics of the high-temperature healing of macroscopic surface defects. Cardl/2 The grooves were made with a diamond pyramid from a micro- hardness tester. The angle between opposite faces wa's GW,UZIIJ, Yh.To.; STARTSEV, V.I.; BURAVUVA, M.G.; WIKYAN, R.A.; TIARBUT, T.P.; SffMIT, A~A_.-- Cloudiness (flagihell) of pellets pressed from ionic crystal powders. Kristallograftia 5 no.2:295-302 Mr-Ap 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Kharkovskiy f lial Vsesoyu2nogo nauchii6-issledovateltskogo institute. khimicheskikh reaktivov. (Bait) (Potassium chloride) S/12o/62/000/001/013/061 E073/E335 AUTHORS: Geguzin, Ya.Ye. and Shpunt, A.A. TITLE: Producing thin crystalline scintillating plates by the high-temperature forming method PERIODICAL: Pribory i.teldinika eksperimenta, no. 1, 1962, 59 - 6o TEXT: In solving problems relating to spectroscopy of elementary particles the necessity arises of using very thin scintillating single crystals. The production of such thin films from massive single crystals by grinding involves considerable difficulties. The authors produced such films by hot-forming small pieces of CsI(Tl) single crystals in a press mould between two parallel plates at 500 - 600 OC. 9' load of about 0.5 tons was used for producing a 50 - 60 11 thick, 2 cm2 film. The resulting films were optically transparent and did not suffer "ageing", which had been observed for thin plates produced by pressing-finely-di-sperse-powders. The energy Card 1/2 S/12o/62/OOo/ooi/oi3/o6l Producing thin crystalline .... E073/E335 resolutions of a typical series of thin CsI(Tl) film E18 btained in investigations with u-particles, E =-5.3 MeV (Po were as follows: No. -'/ 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 lo Film thicImess, ji 100 8o 100 8o 110 100 120 go go go Energy resolution, 01 8.2 8 -7.3 7-Z ~6-3 5.8 6 7 6 7.2. /0 The above data indicate that plastic deformation of a CsI(Tl) single crystal at an elevated temperature does not impoverish its scintillating properties and that the films are suitable for use as scintillators. There is 1 table. 'Abstracter's note: this is a slightly abridged translation.1 ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut Card 2/2 moliolcristallov (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for'Single Crystals) SUBMITTED: May 20, i961 3 It 2h9 e la, v - 6 fra,ment~~ !~'-e oinj`e C -si ~w; e e b e 1 1 e same effect was now discovered and 73 i , in d Sb, . 'I'l, e d ime ns io n s of thle macrointerferometer t p me----r~3 a Linni'~ 'Y e I AV. wus tile omallest, ',00~~-100-52,000U t',e Icr.,es' L i o the iie 4 ~' - n Aolit o' the fragment, ec;uul To tr..-;r.,-vcrso dimen.~-.-ion in tiw cleavage pl-ane and 1 The u I o 1"' ~j . Thcso so-ca.11-3 "cleavage m a.-'; c; Li~ f'ro., the "j-rowt- .-;hiskers" in that they are IU . - ~ I -;t'L e n r L - t' stals Thiz --4ves interest to the s tudy o [ar,~e cry L -1 -ii c~inr-~c!,eri-~5tics- LiF whishers of anDroxi~ate' .-,r sn, , re 34249 i,~,iijlu~; Z elasvicity -i,- sdeL,~r7l 1 ----7 the iwnd .f the Cree cn.' 7 '20 11 t? f o mma t ion was d c c I I,; Crom i""T. vihen r is the 1-:tAiliz OC r Nuln~m.lca~ re~jutl---; i')v faree Li.F v, i -t re tv e n r 12 2 2 I E. 10 dyne/cm 6,,,, a x i n a in kj~,/mmn 112a x )C) 1 > 0 Ll 7 > A 0 go �0 2 > 1 7 > 100 0 > l > 130 S r 's ~~iinv;n la certain cuser the s tren 'ff~ t I c. I' c 1 P- a vale j 'halt -~E, L wc v cr~rslals ny a Caactor of more than 200, SLnc.~ I r c~ ~iavc t,',ie :came mcc-`ianical nrancri ec as the grovn jn,?ri r h e I -,-L t t e r c a n n o f. be t t r i hii t E~ d t u e c z i a r i t C- s i r. a r--- o~--,ained in -rovith., F, G! Strelkc,,,j an F F -nvr-it~ye,. and a r or o , scu zsi e i re r= c. in.-7le cr a I s T, e, ai ~ -I/,, _)4/0C)3/02 5/045 3)1"~2/01 ,B,. 12 e Sh Y1 u 0 Z',3, 0 0 ~j I n T7 -; I f07-, C pl,"; caz, 213 5- 0 T/ j C? t and Ic't. 4, 4 e nd c t11 " Ions reld non- t Z - rjet.,, -a 4e 20112-7 U_r, - s _Z29 1 7 123 e9. 93. ~ - , i C,1, 5 .- ~Ol T -~GR 1-23 the in entor 00 in T. t Lon v 10137 Ila r ~1 10-d020 0 fa, t'qe inter- ra_entatlo -15S I ST a-a rol,11" P.11 ? a - G . ensl ~j died. Oj - j ,.na .- S -tx'L ~_ica ocatiol -11y. r re Lr - I ),Ip - r ation erc 'I Tbc S OT- t-n the iv~.erj u trrl e ~-ea 'v, *1na and Icrol U0 e com') , ne"ir ee al enta- -rf qcu is ical s ::ere ro -1 1~1 eic t a nte& crosGOP cr, sta i e C-f YS 0 e r1a L., ar -a Lnete tXl(13-C ,e rov Be ane i interf 1 5 ei e ee the te S, -L io"Is n Incl cCava .~; on COQ . 0t"le -to rd, S f 1 -1 -0 1 c ofte is 0 al-3. the M1 1 . , ai s- .'n r e ative -el le;. - rig" a r I e an tn " 0 th IS a tur-C, C ljolm Ole 's 0~k, all. e of e,.y u ~3_ lentO iM11111 r-'ric. TOZ -.a, ~j oyl. Y .., -he Ot~ i0. e at Y1 -su tiol, Of _e PO i of n e I ~ -ter Ine ty1c cey, ' er of the e - rth or-A the 0v. C,Ysta 1/3 e 3tudy of the 5/181/62/004/003/025/045 B1251B102 InstitIt teplofizil, Of "cat Ph 'j Sibirskoe .y,,,ic,g of th ,o otdeleniya AN S (Institl1to SUBLITITTET: L C Siberian Department AS USSR ~10vember la, 1961 SSR) ASjOCIATIOPI; Profile of the L iF-crystal surf~iceo nr,,ir th" indontor. Lof,en d: (1) load 20fr _.; t h etwo txpcr Of Pnints corr(~,:4ond. to the tvlo tionr Of the indentation p va- dashed linc nho,,,,s the rel atlern; the atilre pO3j_ tiOn of the in4 r1tor; (2) Ind 40 py for the pol (3) load rofi Of the same ind 'or' Of t1_61melevation, entfItion P,%ttern. C~?rl 313 2, MV .3 0.2 0. f 0. 7S to )u/ Z,,, 20 2S joW x 0.3 0.2 0. f 0 3 8 it Zo 1 35 -7,AhY 38384 S/07o/62/007/003/025/026 E132/E46o Awmoiz: Shpunt, A.A. TTTLE: On dislocations in crystals of LiF arising under the action of concentrated loads PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, v-7, no.3, 1962, 11711-1176 TLX'I':. Concentrated loads were applied to crystals of optical quality LiF on their (100) faces by the pyramidal diamond marker of aTTH-T-3 (PMT-3) hardness tester. Dislocations were revealed. by etching. The depth distribution of the 'dislocations was examined by dissolving the crystal. The contours in depth of the dislocation loops were plotted out and were found usually to be trapezoidal. In some cases, movement of the dislocations had taken place so that,the jumps were found in the traces of the, dislocation in depth. There are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut teploflz�ki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (Institute of Heat Physics of the Siberian Section AS USSR) SUBMITTED: August 30, 1961 Card 1/1 S11611621004100810301041 B106/B102 AUTHORS: Strelkov, P. G., and Shpunt, A. A. TITLEj Dependence of the strength of extruded whiskers on their dimensions PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 8, 1962, 2258 - 2261 CYXT; The bending strength of lithium fluoride whiskers produced by snontaneods extrusion was studied. It has been found that the e astic limit of the whiskers rises rapidly in the range of a < 2 3 a is the cross section of one filament). Various filaments of. approximately.the same cioss section (a -1 7 ) had elastic limitsof 0.5 - 4146. Such different cc- r, measurement, different crystallographic values are due to ina ur to orientation of the specimens, and other factors. In accordance with other research work it was established that extruded whiskers with a.~-l cannot. contain any dislocations. The measurements yielded a strength orthe order of magnitude of that strength that was expected according to theory.; There are 2 figures. Card 1/2 s/181/62/004/008/030/041 Dependence of the strength ... B108/Bl02 ASSOCIATION: Institut teplofiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR Novosibink (Institute of Heat Physics of the Siberian Department AS USM Novosibirsk~ J SUB,',;ITTED: Mlay 24, 1962 Card 2/2 S/18!/63/005/0031/013/046 :~102/B!60 AUTHORS: iridmnan, V . Ya. . u, n,, ~jnpun L , A. A. TITLE: Tensile test for cr,,,f~iLal splinters ("fracture whiskers") .PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tuela, V- 5, no. 3, 1963, 783-789 TEXT: Followinj earlier bendir,,Ir Lusts (FTT, 4, 556 and 2258, 1962) carried out .-.,ith crystal splinters, tersilc tests are made with Lip and NaCl splinters diameter 0.7 - 6.3 p, length 0.5-1.5 mm. The specially designed tester is described in detail. Numerical results are given for a large -number of samDles. In consecutive tests it was found that, as usual, the strength was equal to or greater than that neasured in the previous test. 114o relation could be found 'between strength and length of splinter. The strength of N-,C1 splinters was --found to equal that of grown whiskers of the same dimensions. One N--Cl sample (510-8-1.7p) with particularly high strength (0~~8.5 k-/mm2) sho,,-,,ed Li~ders lines, indicating that rupture %vas preceded by plastic deformation. There are 4 figures and 2 tables. Card 1/2 Tensile test for crysta--, a 3/,4'- 3102/3180 ASSOCIATION: TnStitUt ~ej:~Jo~i,,i ~3O SSSR, Novosibirsk (Institute of Thermophysics of c-') AS U,9L;R, -Niovosibirsk) SM4ITTED: October 3, 1962 Card 2/2 S11811631005100310141046 B I 02/B180 AUTHOHS: F r i d man, V . Ya. i. d z_- pun t , A. A TITLE: Tnv;--.zti-ation of the strcn-th of LiP crystal splinters PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 3, 1963, 790-797 37-1;'XT-. The authors continue investigations (this issue, P. 783) of the echanical properties of crystal splinters. U3ing the same tensile machine hey determined the strength in dependence on the chip diameter a. The T 4plinters were taken from the (100) face of optical. Li-F crystals (purity 3 _ 1.105 cm-2 which rose 69.9~.) with an initial dislocation density of 1.10 5 107 -2 to the treatment. The splinters (0-5 - 40A thick to 10 cm owing k' and 0.1 2 mm long) were glued onto sections of tungsten wire (0.1 mm diam), heated (-2000C) and then stretched. The dependence i(a) was plotted for 65 samples. The values measured sho-a considerable scatter, due Dartly to inaccuracy in measuring the samnle dimensions (70/2, and higher errors for a