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AIEKSANDROVI A.Yu.; WTROFANOV, K.P.; OKHLOBYSTIN, O.Yu.; POLAK, L.S.; S.HP,IN.ELI, V.S. Same features of the M~ssbauer effect on Sni19 nuclei in organotin oxides. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.2:370-373 N 163. (MIRA 16-.12) 1. Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza AN SSSR i Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V.Lomohosova. Predstavleno akademikom A.P.Vinogradovym. ACCESSION NRs 'AP4031892 S/,0286/64/000/007/()077/0077 AUTHCRi MellttBor, L. V.1 Shumilovskiyq N. N,1 Shpinell, V. 8.1 Delyagin, No Not Bryukhanovs Ve A* TITLEs A device for indicating the correct position of the diaphragm of a motion picture cameras Class 579-Noo 16L630 SOURCE: Byu3-leten' izobreteniy i tovarny*kh znakovo not 7v 1964t 77 TOPIC TAGSs diaphragm position indicator# diaphragm control, objective stop 0011- trol, camera lens diaphragm, lens diaphragm TRANSLATIONt The device cov4red in this author's certificate for indicating the correct position of the diaphragm in the objective of a motion picture camera. consists of an indicator and a 3.1ght flux transducer. In order to simplify the means of indication and simplify the design of the device the Jn6cator is connected to a relaxation generator circuit througb the light-sensitive element of the transducer# a photoolement, the 12lumination of v1dch 1B governed by two sector blades of varying optical density# one of the bWas being rigidly attached to tho diaphragm ring of the objectives 1/3 --i6CUSION MI AP403H92 1) diaphragm rings 2) objectives 3) and 4) sector blades of varying optical densitys 5) and 6) photoresistorns. 7) noon la" cam 3/3 ALEKSAIIDROV, A. Yu.; BERLYANT, S.M.; KARPOV, V.L.; LESHCHMO, S.S.; OKHLOBYSTINP O.Yu.; FINKEL', E.E.; SHPINELI.. V.S. ! Study by the 1.18ssbauer effect of the behavior of dibutyltin dimaleate as stabilizer in the irradiation of polyethylene. Vysokom. soed. 6 no.llt2lO5-2107 N 164 (MIRA 1W) AP4010298 S/0048/64/028/001/0090/0092 AUTHORt Danagulyang A.S.;, Strigachev, A.T. Shpinel', V.S. 149 /K TITIE: Decay scheme to b leport, Thirteenth Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy held *n"jk 25 Jan to 2 Feb 19637 80'URCE: AN Seriya fizicheakaya, v.28, no.1, 1964, 90-92 TOPIC TAGS! decay scheme, terbium Isotope, terbium 149, conversion electron spec- trt~2, gamma spectrum h0LM%,L; LILe present work was a continuation of an earlier investigation of a terbium fraction (A.T.Strigachev, Avtoreferat dissertatsee, M.1962) by means of a magnetic lens spectrograph with photoelectric recording ZA-bstracter's note: The ori- gin of the Tb fraction is not given, but It was probably obtained by extraction hm proton-bomburded tantalum..7 The source was prepared by electrolytic deposition of the Tb fraction onto a 0.1 mm diameter platinum wire, which insured a resolution of 0.08%. Several measurements of the conversion electron spectrum were carried outin the energy range from 40 to 700 keV. The emphasis was on identifying the radiaticm associated with the short-lived (3-4 hours) isotopes Tbl49 and Tbi5O. Conversion Card I 4 AMP10298 eledtrons associated with 9 y-transition were detected; three of these are definite- ly attributed to Tb149 on the basis'of the present and earlier measurements. On the basis of the present'results and the data of other authors a decay scheme for Tb149 is proposed, This shows levels at 165, 352; $16 and 1205 keV in the daughter Gd1494 Multipole order assignments are made for some of these transitions. In addition, the better resolution in the present measurements showed that the K line of a 586 keY transition earlier attributed to decay of TbI52 actually consists of two close lines due to conversion of a 585.4 keV transition in the decay of TbI52 and a 586.5 keV transition in the decay of Tbl5l. The better resolution also made it possible to separate the L lines of the 271 keV transition in Tbl52 from the K line of the 315 keV transition in TbI52. "The authors express their gratitude to the radioche- mical separation group at the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems for separation of the Tb fraction and for developing the procedure for electrolytic preparation of the source." 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-iBBledavatel'skii institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosu- darstvennogo univ era i teta (Scientific Research Insto of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State Universitjr)j Laboratoriya yaderny*kh problem Ob"yedinennogo inetitutA yaderny*kh iasledovaniy (Laboratory of Nuclear Problemsp Joint Inate for Nuclear ,Research) Card 2/1A;1-. ALEFLANDROV, A.Yu.,r DORFMAN, Ya.G.~ LEPENDINA, O.L.~- MITROFANoV, K.P.; PLOTEKOVA, M,V.; POLAK, L.S.; TE11KIN, A.Ya.; SHPINELI, V,S. Resonance absorption spectra of 'y"--quanta and the magnetic susceptibility of solutions of some organotin compounds. Zhur, fiz. khim. 38 no.9:2190-2197 S 164. (MIRA 17g12) 1. institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza AN SSSR i Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstyennogo universiteta. '.'7CzSS1ONT NR: AP4012566 S/0056/64/046/001/0383/0386 AUT-HO.RS: Mitrofanov, K. P.; Viskov, A. S.; Driker, G. Ya.; Plot- nikova, M. V.; Fam, Zui Xhiyen; Venevtsev, Yu. N.; Shpinel', V. S. TITLE: Change in resonance absorption spectra of 23.8.keV gaxiia rayn of Sn-119 during phase transitions in the syntam BiFaO 3- Sr(Sn 1/3Mn2/3 )03, 11 11 SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teoret. fiz., v. 46, no. 1, 1964, 383-386 IOPTC TAGS: resonance absorption, Mossbauer effect, recoilless resonance absorption, ferroelectric antiferromagnetic compound, ferroelectricity, ferro antiferromagnetism, group Il stannate, resonance absorption maximum, resonance absorption jump, Mossbauer ef:f:ect jump, magnetic hyperfine splitting ABISTRACT: This:-is a continuation of-an earlier investigation by some'of the authors (ZhETF v. 44, 2182, 1963) and is aimed at im- ,Card ~.CCESSION UR: AP4012566 proving the earlier results and, finding the reason for the abrupt change in the relative counting rate at the absorption maximum (e). of the earli in- .Lhe material used has properties similar to that e-r vestigation, and the addition of manganese made the samples practic- ally single-phase and closer to equilibrium. The test procedure is briefly described. The results indicate that the jump in the value of the Mossbauer effect in solid solutions based on BiFeO is the re-~ sult of magnetic'hyperfine splitting (but is not caused y change in the probability of the effect), and is related to an antiferromag- netic phase transition. This conclusion is supported by magnetic measurement results. Orig. art. has:-3 figures. ASSOCILTION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Nuclear P2iysics Institute, Moscow State University); Fiziko-khimicheskiy. L. Ya. Karpova (Physicochemical In- stitute) SUBKITTED: .27Sep,63:. DATE ACQ: 261~eb64 ENCL: 02 Card 21t.) ACCESSION NR: AP4019211 S/0056/64/046/002/0492/0496 AUTHORS:. Parfenova, v. p.; Anishchenko, V. N.; Shpinel', V. S. TITLE: Oriented Th-160 nuclei in metallic terbium SOURCE: Zhurnal'eksper. i teor. fiz, v. 46, no. 2, 1964, 492-496 TOPIC TAGS: terbium 160, aligned nucleus, oriented nucleus, polar- Ized nucleus, angular distribution anisotropy, hyperfine splitting constant, nuclear specific heat, effective magnetic field 5,ABSTRACT: An attempt was made to orient the nuclei of meltallic terbium to demonstrate the possibility of using the'internal magneti fields of terbium at low temperatures to polarize the nuclei. The 160 Th nuclei were polarized in a polycrystalline sample of metallic terbium cooled to 0.03--Q.04K by adiabatic demagnetization of potas- i1 sium chrome alum. The anisotropy of the angular distribution ofithe'---i 298 kev*,y rays was measured and the hyperfine structure splitting I Card. I ACCESSION NR: AP4019211 was found to be A = 0.054 + 0.007K. The results indicate that the :hyperfine splitting in metallic terbium. is.sufficiently large and ,can be used to orient the nuclei at low temperatures, but the value of the.14yperfine splitting turns out to be lower than6expected. Whereas t~e measurements yield approximately 1.4 x 10 Oe for the :effective'magnetic field, the value obtained by-measuring the nuclear specific h,~at is 5.7 x 106 Oe. The reason for the discrepancy is still unknowh. "In conclusion the authors thank corresponding mem-- .ber N. Ye. Alekseyevskiy of AN SSSR forluseful advice and for a ifruit.ful discussion, V. Sokolov for the,magnetic measurements of ithe terbium sample, to Amin-Zaki El-Bahai, who participated in the ~initial stage of the work, and also to.t e members of the MGU Low- Temperature Physics Department, headed by corresponding member A. 1. Shal'nikov of AN SSSR, for supplying the liquid helium." Orig. art. ~has: 3 figures and 2 formulas. ,ASSOCIATION:. Ins.titut yadernoy:fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennggo Card 2 ----------- ~ACCE-SS'ON NR.- AP4019211 Universit (Nuclear Physics Institutef~ MOscow State University) !SUBMITTED: 26~~163 DATE AcQ.- 27Mar64 ENCL: ol SUB CODE: pH 1, 1 NO REF SOV-* 005 OTHER: 006 Ca-rd 3/43 ACCESSION NR: AP4042552 S/0056/64/046/006/1960/1963 AUTHORS: Shapiro, V. G.; Shpinel', V. S. TITLE: Anisotropy of'the Mossbauei effect in Beta-tin and cassiter- ite single crystals SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no. 6, 1964, 1960-1963 TdPIC TAGS: Mossbauer effect, tin, tin compound, resonance absorp- tion, absorption spectrum ABSTRACT: The resonance absorption of 23.8-keV gamma quanta in, single-crystal specimens of P-Sn-and.cassiterite (SnO ) were inves- 2 tigated at different temperatures to ascertain the anisotropy of the probability of resonance absorption of the* gamma quanta. The mea- surements were made with apparatus described previously (Fam Zuy Khiyen, V. G. Shapiro, V. S. Shpinel', ZhETF v. 42, 703, 1962),.in which the absorber could be moved at constant speed 'and the counting Card 1/5 ACCESSION NR; AP4042552-1 rate could be monitored during the course of the experiment. The probabi 'lity of resonance absorp tion was determined from the areas under the experimental absorption spectra by a method proposed by By*kov and Fam Zuy Xhiyen (ZhETF v.'43, 909, 1962). In single crystals of P-Sn, the anisotropy decreases witii decreasing temperd- ture from 400 to 700K, and becomes barely-noticeable near the b7oil- ing'point of nitrogen. In the temperature interval from 293 to 810K, the anisotropy reaches 1.3 and remains constant in the temperature in- terval. The centers of gravity of the absorption spectra of cassi- ter4te, taken for specimens of different orientations, are noticeably shl'ifted relative to one another, possibly because of the presence of 119M weak quadrupole splitting of the 23.8-keV line in Sn 0 .1 The 2 moasured values of the resonance-absorption probabilities at liquid- _-_::ocen temperature differ noticeably froiu those-previously pub- 1-ished, namely f 0.34 + 0.03, f 0..32 + 0.03, and ~olyer 410) f'(C).01) = 0.35 + 0.04. These results, however, are considered %to be ACCESSION NR: A24042552 still inconclusive. "The authors are grateful to N. Ye. Alekseyev- skiy for participating in a discussion of the results and for supply- .Lng the single-crystal tin, to G.. P. Barsanov, director of the Mineralogical Museum 'of AN SSSR, for the single-crystal cassiterite, and to P. M. Shal'nev for help wi~h.the manufacture of the single- crystal SnO absorbers." Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. 2 ikSSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy~fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Nuclear Physics.-Institute, Moscow State University) SVBMITTED:* 30Dec63 DATE ACQ: ENCL; 02. SUB CODE: NP NR REP SOV:. 004 OTHER:- 002 Card., .3/5 ACCESSION NR; A.P4042552 ENCLOSUREt 01 Resonance absorption proba'billt~ V and 'e=[N(-) Nminl/,N(-) for two orientations (Om 20 0 0 69�0 07 6 to 6 55�0,06 183 0 46�Q 05 14 7 0 30�0 (110 0 18: 0 54�0 M 171 0:4.1�0,,05 15:4 0:36~.0:04 112:1 0:22�0 ..0piseirrasma Mr K K nr IC' m 19. on"I(PneTanix ,060:,O N ') Om 0' - 0'0W �0,002 ,013�0,00i 0,058 : 0 0, (A3 :0271 O,Ot6�0,002 '0,008�0.001 (110) 0,0&5�0,009 .0,049� 0,005 0,034�0,003 0,018�0,002 1 -.orientation, 2 values of fl, 3 p'olygrystal ard 4/5 I .. ! ,03 .02 Opu 2W- K 474- X 635' K gin* K ACCESSIM" NR. AP4042552 ENCLOSUREs 02 470- 4". 4-V - 49 /00 Ix 4047 .017 sx, Temperature dependences of resonance~ abosrpti~on probability- ~Ieft,)' and Debye factor (right) for SnO2.and p-Sn of different orientations Card ACCESSION NR: AP4042558 S/0056/64/046/006/1996/2002 AUTHORS: -Bryukhanov, -V. A.; Delyagin, N. N.; Kuz'min, R. N.; Shpi- nel', V.'S. TITLE: Mossbauer effect in binary compounds of tin SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v..46, no. 6, 1964, 1996-2002 TOPIC TAGS: Mossbauer effect, tin, tin compound, resonance absorp- tion, phonon, lattice parameter, lattice conistant ABSTRACT: To provide a simple interpretation of the decrease.of the effective Debye temperature E), which is used to characterize the - probability of the Mossbauer effect, with decreasing temperature, in analogy with the explanation of the increase in 8 with decreasing temperature presented by the.authors earlier (ZhETF v. 40, 713, 1961 -y radiation by Snil the authors investigated resonanceabsorption of nuclei in the binary compounds SnAs, SnSb, SnTe, and SnPt over a Card 1/5 ACCESSION-NR: AP4042558 wide range of temperatures., A simple model of the phonon spectrums constructed by superposing the Debye and the Einstein spectra, was used in the analysis. The probability of recoil-free absorption and its temperature dependence for all four compounds cannot be de- scribed by a:-E-incjle pa-rameter in the Debye approximation. This~ re- sult is attributed to the influence of the o tical branches'.of the phonon spectrum. The. measurements of the absorption line widths, quadrupole interactions, and chemicalpisomeric shifts are analyze the properties of the chemical bonds and the structures of the investigated compounds. The structu-re and parameters of the lattices were detbrmined by x-ray analysis. Although the experi- mental results agreed qualitatively with the model, there was no. quantitative agreement and the obsexved temperature dependence of 8 exceeded the predictions based on the considered phonon-spectrum model. "The authors thank A. I.' Pirov for his assistance." Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 3 formulas and 1 table. Card- 2/5 ACCESSION NR: AP4042558 ASSOCIATI.ON: Institut yadernoy fi,ziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennoqo universiteta (NucleaK Physics Institute, Moscow State Universi.ty).. SUBMITTED: 17Jan64 DATE'ACQ: ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: SS, NP NR REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 001 Ccrd 3/5 -AP4042558 &NOLOSUREs. 01 Principal characteristics of the Mfossbauer effect 'K 77- 9 2561 X 7;- K 2"" K 77 Zia nAs 0'~4�0'05 0,20�0:02 t5�15 S 0.3 �O 2 0 67�(1.03 0 62�0 021 oo5j~ IA I 180�10 SnSb 0,42�0,04 0'80�0,()3 n 76�0 wjo,m �o,w o,wslo I to.!: G 1',4:!:3 sn'ro 0,36�0,03 1 51�0 Ol I.In+o,(XIjA.37tO,O3,0 070�0, 120�5 W�3 k SnM 6,10�0, 14 i45�0 210�io Compound, 2 MM/se,c 4/5 Card ACCESSIM NR: A24o42558 ENcLosuRE: 02 U. K SnPt SnAS SnTe Temperature dependence of recoilless absorption probability (left) and of the effective Debye temperature fLot the compounds SnAs, SnSb, SnTe, and SnPt Card 5/5 ACCESSION NR: AP4042372 S/0056/64/047/001/0080/0083 AUTHORS: Bryukhanov, V. A.; Delyagin, N. N.p Shpinel', V. S. TITLE: Connection between the isomer shifts of the 23.8-keV gamma transition of the Sn-119 nucleus in metallic solid solutions and the dynamic properties of the matrix SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 47, no. 1, 1964, 80-83 TOPIC TAGS: tin, solid solution, isomeric transition, Mossbauer effect, gamma scattering ABSTRACT: This is a consequence of earlier measurements by the authors (ZhETF v. 45, 1372, 1963 and v. 46, 825, 1964) of the probability of recoilless absorption of 23.8-keV gamma quanta by Sn119 nuclei in various metallic matrices, which yielded good agree- ment with the theory of the Mossbauer effects and showed that the results can be interpreted on the assumptionthat the force con- ACCESSION NR: AP4042372 stants are unchanged. In this investigation, the isomer shifts of 119 the 23.8-keV gamma transition of Sn introduced as an impurity in various metallic matrices were measured. The measurementsi were made for solid solutions with low tin concentrationj(1-3 at. The data obtained were compared with aparameter prpportional to the effective force constant. A simple and unique,connection was established between the electron density at the nuqleus of the im-, purity and the dynamic characteristics of the host metal (Encl. 02). It is indicated that an explanation of the observed relation entails difficulties in view of the great variety in the properties of the host metals, but several alternate possible ex- planations are proposed. "The authors are grateful to Yu. Kagan for valuable discussions and also to P.:L. Gruzin in whose labora- tory some of the alloys were prepared." Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 2 formulas, and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennago 2/5 A- -------------------------- ACCESSION NR: AP4042372 universiteta (Nuclear Physics Institute, Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: 13Feb64 ENCLs 02 ~SUB CODE: NP NR REP SOVt 003- OTHER: 001 3/5 ACCESSIM NR: AP4042372 ENCLOSUREsOl Values of pararmter 2 (1;MO, ProPorticnal to force constants 6. mmIcen Ag +0, 20 :L 0, CU -0,13 �O, Au +0, f5 � 0, In +0, 96 J- 0. TI + 1,01 �0, Pb + 1,20 �0, v - 0,27 �O, Pt -0,42� 0, Fe -0 42 � 0, Pd -0:37�0, Sn +0,69�0, 210 4,76 325 6,71 170 5,69 121) 1,91 96 1 88 00 1: 68 390 7 74 220 9:44 420 9,85 275 -8 04 00 3:43 ACCESSIM VRz AP4042372 joCLOSUREs 02 Ic" lwsec, 4sr. isormr shifts vs. paranw--ter 02 0"o L_ILO 9 5 ~-6 EWT(m) DI,~AP/ESD(t)/ESD(gt3)/SSD/AF,*IL ACCESSION NR: AP5000308 S/0056/64/047/005/1644/1652 AUTHORS: Gromov, K. Ya.; Danagulyan, A. S.; Nikityuk, L. N.1- Sorokin, A. A ; ShtaV_L M. Z.; Sl~jj~ ~el, V. S. TITLEz Investigation of the decay of neutron-deficient isotopes of n29.2zM_ium_,, New ir--t-ope Nd-138 SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental!noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 47, no. 5, 1964, 1644-1652 TOPIC TAGS: neodymium, isotope, level scheme, conversion electron spectrum, gamma gamma coincidence, gamma transition ABSTRACTs This is a continuation of earlier work by a group headed by one of the authors (Gromov, Izv. AN SSSR ser. fiz. v. 27, 1357, 1963) on the decay of Ndl39m. Neutroh'deficient neodymium isotopes were obtained by bombarding tantalum or erbium-oxide tar- gets with 660 MeV protons in the synchrocyclotron of the OIYaI. The. Card 1/5 L 16o95-65 ACCESSION NRs AP5000308 SUBMITrEDt 30Apr64 SUB CODE: UP NR REP SOVs 006 ENCLt 02 OTHERs 004 Card 3/5 L 16095-65 ACCF_c~131Cfj ITRI AP5000308 ENCLa;UREI 01 Ficul. Decay scherre of Nd 139M C.) Nd'"" S.J hr ., 111% IfIl - f. 794. liz 7 Cqrd 4/5 L 16095-65 ACCESSIM NRr AP5000308 EMMOSMi 02 Fig. 2. Decay scherm of the Nd 138. pr 138 Ce 138 chain r (r Card 5/5 L 22IZ6-65 FWT(1)/EWT(m)/E9G(t)/94P(b)/T Peb, AEDG(a) Aivt/$~D/ASOAa'VASM~,'z' 7 1,y - _7fF,3DJ 5) /'E5DT IJP(c) JD1JG '090 S/0056/64/0,47/QO /29 $J.' 2 ACCK'-S' N NH: AF500163~ 8' D y Shpinell.~ V. S. AUTHOR: B :hq;j0V e2, agin, N. N 7. ffect on Sn-119 TITLE:~ Mossbauer el impurity nuclei in,binary metallic solid solutions SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy,i teoreticheskoy. fiziki,: 47, no-.- 6j 3.961~, 2085-2090 TOPIC TAGS: Mossbauer effect, �in,silver alloy, binary matrix$ solid solution) isomer shift, electron density, absorption line 11 ABSTIRACT: Mossbauer effect probabilities and isomeric shifts were measured for the Sn119 gamma transition- on nuclei incorporated As im_put-ities in, Ag-Pd, Ag-Au,~ and Ag-In binary matrices, as well as in Ag-Sn alloys. -The technique ofthe measurements and of the data reduct-Lon were similn to those used:by the authors V. 64 earlier (Zh=1i v. 45,, 1372, 1963; 46, 825, 1964; V. 46, 137, lo )-* The de- pendence on the composition of the binary matrix of the~electron density at the, e probab nucleus, and the effective Debye temperatur . which chai-acterizes-the ility. of the effect, were found over a wide range of concentrations. It is shown that Card 1/2 L 22176-65 ACCESSION VR: AP5001831 sumviaTTED: -~83ul& El ENCL: SUB CODE." SS, M NR PM SOV:~ '604 i: `005 2/2 Cord -4/Fli-4 P."A L 16719-65 Pc AC'CESSION NR: AP4043550 6/0020/64/157/004/004/6937' AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, A.Yu.- Okhlovy*stin, O.Yu.; Polak, L.S.;. ShRinelt V.S. TITLE; Moesbauer effect in unsymmetrical orggnotin MRQM!j4j,/contain-, ing electron donor substituents SOURCE:'AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 157, no, 4s, 1964s 934-937 TOPIC TAGS: Moesbauer effect, unsymmetrical organotin.compound, organotin compoundl tetravalent tin compound, resonancit:-absorption I T.~ spectrum, electron donor group, triphenyltinlithium, hexaethyldis- tannane, hexapheziyldistannane, quadrupole splitting, isomeric shiits doublet line ABSTRACT: The resonance absorption spectrA'of unsymmeitrical:organo-.. tin compounds containing electron donor.( with respect~to the tin atom) substituents, and of certain other tetraValent tin compoitndIs, ,weT9 studied. Measurements were made,at liquid nitrogezi-temperature;!..- Sn+19 (as SnO-) was used as the.jr-ray source; the V-quantuw: of :23 kev was regisiered on a resonance counter. The spectra 'of RnSnH R SnLi (triphenyltinlithium) R n-SnR (hexaethyl- ~Md hexaphe4v-1 C9 ?d 3S 3 _L 16719-65 .~ACCESSION NR: AP4043550 t distannane) -and R SnR ype com ounds we -all singlot with max ima. 1:- re e at 1.45, 1.40, 135t.corresponding to.. line*widths of 1.15 1.20~mm/sel Regardless of the electron donor substituent bonded directly to the i Sri, the quadrupole splittingAwas 0* the~_symmetry of th e.p-comp orient. of the-four Sn bonds was not ngliceably disturbed,:and the density-. of the s-electrons near the Sn-L 9 nucleus was increased on ly slightl P While A= 01n donor (D)-containing molecules R'SnD the quadru-, kSa-n pole splitting in acceptor (A) type molecules 4-n varied fro 0 M.: to 4.8 mm/sec, depending on A. In, both~_ -these t pes~of Sn com- pounds the isomeric shift varied within ~f5o% Of By= 1.30 for the symmetrical R4Sn, indicating the isomeric shift caused by electron. acceptor groups was compensated the electron donor substitutents; in inorganic: tin. compounds i 9 varied ~from .0. to /+.I In compounds of the e (C H Sn(OCOC(CH~)=CH the resonance typ 4 y)n 2)4-n absorption spectra had a doub et structure; the quadrupole-spli increased with increase in niimber of substitutent radicals and was-. .~smaller in polymers in comparison to the respective monomers. The Ivalues for.A and 8 for (C4H') Sn(OCO(CH2) CHA containing no'do le, Z02 e 21 !bond, were identical with t se fo the . n~;l I r c0 sponding unsaturated icompound;5 again depended little on the ex change . of alkyl'groups for !Card L 16719-65 ACCESSION NR:: AP4043550 electron acceptor groups and almost none on increasing the number-of these groups.*, The resonance absorption spectra. for (CH3)3SnC6H5, (CH3)3GnCH=CH2 -and . f (CH3)3Sn(C6H4)CH=CH2 also had only singlet lines and was the -same ap or (CH3)4Sn, indicating exchange of CH3 by C6H5- or a conjugat d:bondAystem, did-, not change the electron density or cause a gradient in the electric field of the SnIL9,' nucleus. "The authors thank T. Krasnov, L. V. LM for supplying some-sam- ples of the organotin compounds and M. Ye. Dyatkin and G. K. Semin for 1 valuable remarks in discussing the work. Orig. art. has: I table.. za Akademii ASSOCIATION: Institut neftekhimicheskogo.sinte,. nauk SSSR (Institute of PetrochemicA Synthesis jAcademy of Sciences SSSR); Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Or~~~... metallic Compounds Academy of Sciences SSSR); Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogq universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University) Submitted: 24Apr64. Encl: 00 er Sub Code: GC, GP Nr Ref Sov:. 005 Oth .000 ~Card3/3 V jj 45795-65 DIT(m) Peb DIAAP .ACCESSION NR: AP5011213 UR/0367/66/001/003/0369/0399 :'AUTHOR: Gromov, K. Ya. Danagulvan. A. S.; Stri abhev, A .T.; %apinalty V. S* ;TITLE: Investigation of the Ljl67+TU167- V t-hatil SOURCE: Yademaya fizika, v. 1, no 3, 1965, 389_499 TOPIC TAGS% radioactive.s'eries, nuclear physics..-decay sche"me, Uotope ]ABSTRACT: The authors continuedthe study of the ccn-version electron-spectra of: lutecium isotopes produced by. irradiation. of a tantalum target with, 660- Key Protons- ;from the Dubna synchrotron. Results of the study of-Yb"7 ion, eleztrons. am, convers :compared with the work and data of .Harmatzet al..(Harm.atz,~B., Handley, T., Mi- helich, J., Phye. Rev., 114, 1082, 1959) in table 1 of the Enclosure. Only the M-line of the 25.6 kev transitions was observed. The L-line . did not fall within .this energy range., The data on the relative intensities of the conversion lines given in this article are somewhat more cotaolete than thosa previously-. available Jsee reference above on Harmaiz:e-t_za,-)6 -Thus. the- authors - were --able_to-determirke~ [the multipolaritied of seven transitions out,o_f:tenW-, Conversion-line'Antensity- ratios are compared with the theoretical values for vari ous-i o4tipoles (L% A. Sliv 1-Card .10.2_~ L 45795-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5011213 1. M. Band, "Internal Conversion Coefficients, Part 1, the K-shel.1,11 :tzd. AN S58R, i1956, "Part 2, the L-shell.11 Xzd. AN,SSSR, 1958) in table 2.of the.Encl6sure. ~Ex-, ,Iperimental results of study of Lu conversion electrons am given in table, 3 of-the Enclosure (the arrangement is as intablel).- As is evide~nt:fr6m table.3, the re-, i._q i sults obtained make it possible to identify 13 new transitions which.follow-,the de- icay of Lu167. Data on the multipolarities of the transitions are given in table 4 jof the Enclosure. Probably most or all of-the unidentified conversions f1low Lu167 decay. Experimental data completely confirm the energy level.di,agram'for ITuI67 I given by Harmatz et al.-(see reference above). -The resultld'of,experimen# on.: :yy-coincidence do not contradict the decay diagram given i:h fig.- 1 of the Enclosure*-. The authors find the evidence adequate to asc~ribe~Nillson,qua~atum char acteristics' I !of 1/2'~[4113 to the ground state of Tu'67. Using,:thelintensities obtain-ed.for the ,conversion electrons, the authors compute the Intensity balance for y-transitions in the Yb167 decay scheme. Almost all,cases of _yb167 decay-termina-te at the 292 -7 J~ev energy level in Tu167. There is a strong similarity between the level diagr ,ams.. for TU167 and Tul". - The decay. diagram for Lu167 -is given in. fi . 2 -of the E=16-. 9 sure. From the results, of study of the positrons- and the, conversion electro tra, it follows that Lu167 deca:y terminates at, a high Ybl" level-111, 50% Of. the cases. An analysis of LuI67 decay indicates that'e,xisting-data,a*'re,contra:dictory--: Card 2/9 - - - - - - - - - - - L 45795-65 ACCESSION UR: APS011213 ~,and that more accurate work is nseded. ".The atithors :express lheir thain-k-s to the radiochemists of the OIYaI Nuclear Spectroscopy Dep arim'ent ~f or S-eparating the lw- tecium fractions. Orig. art. has: 2 figures 8 tablea ASSOCIATION- Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy atituta-for velm ,Nuclear Research); Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo- gosudarsitvennogo:-uni L .1teta (Institute of H-clear Physics, Moscow State Unfvzisilx) KOMISSAROVA, V.A.; SOROKTN, A.A. , S11PRELI, V.S. Angular distribution cf the resonance scattering cf 23.8 Kev. gam- ma quanta by Sn119 nuclei. lAd. fiz. 1 no.4:621-624 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. L 16o6-66 EwT (1) Ijp(c) :ACCESSION NR: AP5014560 UR/0181/65/007/bo6/i657/1662~ AUTHORS: Bykov, G. A Ryas Sbpinell, V.:S. nyy G. K. .TITLE: Mossbaue:v spectra7linNbe presence of electric quadrupole and magnetic inte:Fa~ctions :SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 6, 1965, 1657-1662 :TOPIC TAGS: Mossbauer effect, tin, electric quadrupole interaction,- :magnetic Interaction, line splitting,doublet structure 1ABSTRACT: It is shown theoretically that a method in which an ex- ~ternal magnetic field is applied to a polycrystalline absorber ;capable of producing a doublet due to quadrupole splitting yields in- 'formation capable of explaining the.nature of the quadrupole inter- iaction, permits measurement of the magnetic moment of the excited ,state of the Mossbauer nucleus, permits determination of tbe magni- ;tude of the quadrupole splitting, and permits determination of-the ~asymmetry coefficient of the electric field gradient and of the sign tof the quadrupole interaction constant. The experiments.were carried',- Card 113 L 1606-66 ~ACCESSION NR: AP501456o 2 lout with an SnO source of thickness 25 mg/cm and emission half 2 ;width of 0.75 � 0.05 mm/sec. The absorber was (C H )SnOl of thick- i 2 6 5 2. Iness 150 mg/cm The absorber was sealed in Plexiglass and placed in !a magnetic field. The gamma quanta were registered with a scintil- counter. The absorption spectrum was measured for an external ';magnetic field of 24.2 + 0.7 kOe. The absorption spectrum exhibited ia resonant behavior due to,tbe two-component nature of the central 1peak, making it possible to determine the magnetic moment of the ex- 119 .cited state of the Sn nucleus. It is shown theoretically that thel !Mossbauer spectra exhibit certain common properties in the presence iof electric quadrupole and magnQtic interactions. From the ratio iof the intensities of the outer peaks 'to the egntral one (which alwayg jexceeded 0-5) it is deduced unambiguously that the interaction causing Ithe doublet structure of the spectruffi-of the absorber is quadrupole An nature. Furthermore, it is shown that the signs of the mapetic .(S :moments of the ground and excited states of the nucleus nll ) are iopposite. tI thank N. N. Delyagin for participating in a discussion 41f Card 2/3 K "A li., A, Y A l I ce r a ~l c -ol.-.PO,jnd s I mg t! L~i t .,;I~e r- no y zi~. VS. F. iin,,-vf-- rs L ti~ ta. L4137-9-65 'EVIT(m) ___Peb.___.DIAAP._.__. 'ACCESSION NR: APS008733 46/003/0 95 S~0056/65/0 7.91/07 iAUTHORS.- Mitrofanov~~K. P.; Plotnikova, U. V.; qN4.691 ve.s. of 23~ ammai TITLE: Shape of the -resonance absorption.spectra: .8 !rays from Sn-119 m in tin oxide and ln.metalli6 white tid ISOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikif- v. 48, no. 3, 1965, 791-795 T, I,TOPIC TAGS: ti ox*de, absorption spectrum,,resonance abs -on, n I orpti imetallic tin, gamma ray spectrum, spectrum shape !ABSTRACT: The shape of the-resonance absorption spectrum of 23.8-kev. ligm :garwtma rays of Sn in tin oxide and in metallic Vnite tin was 119M stiidied using an Mg Sn source, which has a single unbroadened_.., 2 ;emission line. A resonance detector based-on the same, coupound was.-. also used. The purpose of the investigation -was: to.I_bbtaih'mqre ~-exaat.. L 6o32o-Q5 FvT (m) /T IJP(cY WCESSION NR: AP5019015 UR/0286/65/000 4 0/004 /0 q~/90 1 ~. /IV !AUTHOR: Mitrofanov, K. P.' Illarionova, ff. V. Shpinel V. S. ITITLE: Gamma-quanta gas-discharge counterll C.1ass 21, No 171932 !SOURCE: Byulletenl -iz6brbteiAy- i~~to-vamykli--znl*ov,~U6.-,~12,~~-1965 ITOPIC TAGS: gas discharge counter, ~gamma rsAiattion" Counter ABSTRACT: In the proposed counter, h '6ring t e efficiency of -regist recoilless ganm. quanta is improved by coating the cathode of the counter-with a resonance material$' such as tin dioxide enriched with-the Sn'19 isotope. ~Orig. art. haa:z- I figure. (TSY~ ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 13Apr62 ENCL: 00 CODE- HP MF- A. 7 NO REF SOV:' 000 OTHER: %000 ATD. PRESS: 409.", L 6312-66 EVIT (1)/EVIA (h)/ETC(m) IM - ACC Nk: AP5028517 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/0007 INVENTOR: Shpinel', V. S.; Mitrofanov, K. P.; Karasev, A. N. ORG! none TITLE: Device for the contactless measurement of fluid flow rate. class 42,. No. 175752 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 20, 1965, 98-99 TOPIC TAGS.- fluid velocity, flow measurement, flow rate, flow meter Ll W ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a device for the contactless measurement of fluid flow rate. It consists of a length of pipe through which a liquid (containing the chemical compound of an element on which it is possible to ob- sem the Mossbauer ef f ect) flO~WBI, a source of resonant gamma rays (which pass through the liquid), a detector to registerthe direction of the gA-,nm -rays,propagated in the direction of the current flow, and a unit for measuring the gammd-ray counting rate. To increase measurement accuracy, a second detector is installed to register gamm4 Card 1/2 UDC: 532.574.8 L 031~.'-00 ACC NRs AP5028517 f z Fig. 1. Device for the contactless meas urement of -fluid flow rate 1 - Pipe; 2 source; 3 and 4 detectors; 5 and 6 comparison circuit., _LLJ 7 rays;:the output of both units is then fed to a comparison circuit(see Flg~ 1)-"Orig.-- art-.. has: 1 figure. [KTI SUB CODE: ME,GO/ suBm DATE: 17ju164/ ATD PREss: #1441~6 Card 2/2 SSSR. L 78-12u-bb m)/lz~.-4A(d),"T/E~IF(t)/E,,P(z)/EtiP(b)I A(c) -DIAAP/,-.JP( i::.., II )/f!~PA(s)-2/BVT(L "EW C ACC NR: AP5028113 JD/GG SOURCE CCDEZ. UR/0048/65/029/011/2029/2033 YQ1 Y ,)- ~ q " 5 )-, YY, ~t /~, I N- 1- .1 - ofanov,X.P.; Viskov,A.S.; Plot niko'va,M -V Venevtsev,yu.N. 4'! AuTim: , Mitr SJ~p n ~~tVS ORG: none TITLE: Resonance absorption of gamma rayfiAnd internal fields in bismuth ferrite's;` A-Wntium stanno-manganite system fer~~lc~~-~ric-nntiferroma6,notic solid solutions ifl,eport, Fourth All-Union Conference on Forro-clectricity held at Rostov-on-the Don 12-16 SepLem r 196 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 29, no. 11, 1965, 2029-2033 TOPIC TAGS: ferr6elec~tric material antiferromagnetic material, solid solution, bismuth, ferrite, manganese, tin, strontium, Mossbager effec;t, chemical bonding, magnetic field, Curie point, Neel temperature 1~1 ABSTRACT: The magnetic field strength at the positions of the Fe and Sn ions in BiFOO3 - Sr(SyiMn2)1/303 solid solution was investigalyg with the' aid of the M065bauer 57 effect. The powdered solid s ,,enriched in Sn and Fe , were prepared from polycrystalline materials by the usual double air-heating ceramic technique. It was verified by x-ray studies that the investigated materials were single phase solid solutiong in equilibrium. These solid solutions exhibit forroelectric and antiferro- magnetic properties; the ferroelectric Curie point and the Neel point decrease with increasing manganite content and are below room temperatsire when the manganite con- Card L 7 3 2 C-6 6 ACC NR: APS028113 centration is greater than 37 and 55 mole %, respectively. The resonance absorption of Fe57m and Sn-119m 7 rays by solid solutions containing 100, 90, 70, and 50 mole pers. cent BireO3 was investigated at temperatures from 77 to 850OK; the experimental tech- nique has been described elsewhare by K.P.Mitrofanov, I.V.Illarionava, and V.S.Shpinell (Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, No. 3, 49 (1963); No. 3, 60 (1956)). Below the Neel point the iron absorption line was clearly resolved into six components, which are ascribed to Zeeman splitting. Above the Neel point the iron absorption line was a doublet with a separation of 0.4 mm~sec; this splitting is ascribed to quadrupole interaction. The tin absorption wa~- broad and could not be resolved into separate components. This broadening is ascribed to superposition of many Zeeman patterns with, different splitting, and effective magnetic fields were derived from the absorption ,contours. The magnetic field at the iron nuclei decreased with increasing tempera- tLLre and vanished at the Neel point, which was found to be 650 � 3'X for pure BiFeO3; the magnetic field extrapolated to OOK was close to 500 kOe and decreased only slightly in the presence of manganite. The effective magnetic field at the tin nuclei, extra- polated to OoK, increased with increasing BiFeO3 concentration; it was about 300 kOe for large BiFeO3 concentrations and extrapolated to zero at a BiFeO3 concentration of 27 mole %. The significance of the results is discussed briefly. It is known that the field at the iron nucleus is due mainly to the influence of the electron shell of the iron*ion, and it is said to be obvious that the effective magnetic field at the tin nucleus is proportional to the magnitude of the indirect exchange interaction due to polarization of the electron shell of the diamagnetic ion. The tin absorption line Card 2/3 ACIC NR4 APSOM13 'was not displaced with respect to the SnO2 source; this shows that the Sn-O bonds In 'the solutioms- are highlr (65-;70%) lovic. Special z0asuremc2its a-, 5400K on samples con- itaining 40 and 70 mole % BiFcO ed that the ismoric shilt and degree of ioniza- .3 show tion of" "he tin remained unchanged on transition frcm the paraelectric to the ferro- 1-clectric state. This result casts doubt nn the hypothesis of II.D.Regaw (Acta jCrystallegr~, 5, 739 (1952); 7, 187 (1954)) that the bond character changes at a iferroclectric transition. It is concluded that the Mossbaur effect provides a useful, !tool for the investigation of internal fields and bond characters in ferroelectric and ferromagnetic materials. has: 3 figures. SUB CCDR: SS,E9,NP SUEN*D#E: 2. 00/ ORM. REF,. 008 OM REF% 004 ACC NR: AP5028516 SOURCE CODE. UR/0286/65/POO/020/0098/0098 INVENTOR: Shpinell,,V., S.; Mitrofanov, K. P.; Karasev, A. N. ORG: none TITLE: Device for dispensing powder materials. Class 42, No. 175751 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov., no. 20,'1965, 98 TOPIC TAGS; general construction, construction equipment ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a device for dispensing powder, materials. It consists of a hopper in which is located an agitator and a worm con- veyer. To increase the dispensing accuracy and stability, a vibrator, for imparting vibrations to the worm conveyer in an axial direction (see Fig. 1), is mounted on Card 1/2 uDc:. 681-2.68.22:615.4 L 6361666 ACC NRs AP5028516 the shaft of.the worm conveyer. Orig. art. has'.- 1 figure. SUB CODE: GOI SUBM DATE: lTjul64/ ATD PRESS: A/ Gard 2/2 94T SOURCE CODEt UR762 AUTHORS: Hitrofanov., K. P. 1 Viskov, A, S. j Venertievp Yu. N. j Shpinell V. S.; Plotnikova, M. V. ORO: none TITLE: Method for measuring temperature* Class 42p No. 176W SOURCE% Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 22, 1965, 6? TOPIC TAGS: temperature measurement, gamma ray absorption ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for measuring temperaturep based on the discontinuous change of the effect of resonance gamma-r2Z absorptioq_wItha phase transition in the absorber. To increase the accuaracy of measuremen-f's-, `!--eaada of absorbers with different phase transition temperatures is placed in direct thermal contact with the investigated sample. The absorbers are exposed to radiation from a resonance source of gamma-rays and the absorption effect is recorded with detectors* SUB GODEt 20/ SUBM DATEt 14APr64 Card UDG: 536,51 615,84 I~21805-66 EWT(M)IDIP(t) DIAAP/IJP(c). Jb IACC NR: AP6012187 SOURCE CODE: UIR/0386/66/0()3/008/0323/0326 iAUTHOR: Flotnikova, i F M. V.; Mitrofanovy X. P.; Shpinell., V. S. ORG: Scientific Resgarch Institute of Nuclear PbXsics of the Moscow State univer- sity im. M. V. Lomonosov (kauchno-lssledovaiel' skiy institut yadernoy fiziki Moo-.. Ikavskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta) n 1TITLE: BariumVJtannat 71 e--a source for the measurement of the Mossbauer e!Tect o SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy.fiziki. Pis1ma v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye, V. 3,, no 323-326 81 1966 TOPIC TAGS: barium compound,, tin compound) Mossbauer effectj, Mossbauer spectrum, Gamma interaction, line width iABSTRACT: The investigation was prompted by the desire to obtain for Mossbauer- effect research a source of recoilless y quants. that would combine the advantages. of the presently used SnO2 or Mg2Sn and be free of their shortcomings. The I authoz,.g have repeated for this purpose earlier invest1gation of the stannates of barium, strontiumj and calcium, whose highly symmetrical crystal lattices cause the influence of the quadrupole interaction on the width of their spectral lines 1~ to be. sm-11 (sbpineit et al... zbmT v. 44, 1889, 1963). In the earlier stu dy.. [Cwd L 21805-66 'ACC NR: AP6012187 however, no account was taken of the doublet character of the tin-oxide spectrum of the SnO2 source used there. The use of an Mg2Sn source in conjunction with a resonance counter developed by some of the authors (PTE, no. 4, 55, 1965) has e it possible to determine with great accuracy the form of the spectra of BaSnO3, SrSnO3, and CaSnO3. Since the use of a resonance counter reduces the width of the observed spectrum, the effective width of the source emission line was approximate-! ly 0.18 m~/sec. The measurements have shown that the widths of the absorption spectra of the stannates are-lower than those reported earlier, and in BaSnO3 there' was observed a single line of nearly natural width. Thus, barium stannate combines, the favorable properties of the magnesium stannide and tin oxide emitters. Tests were then made of a BaSnO3 source prepared in accordance with the usual ceramic technology. Comparison of this source with an Mg2Sn source, whose transmission spectrum was 0.36 nmVsec wide, has shown that the BaSnO3 source has at room tem- perature (293K) approximately the same probability of emission of resonance I quan-~ ta and the same emission-line width as the Ng2Sn source at liquid-nitrogen temper- ature. Further measurements with the BaSnOs source were carried out with a reso- nance counter based on the same compound. Since the probability of the effect is larger for barium stannate than for Mj2ft at room temperature., the BaSn% resonan e counter has a higher efficiency for recording recoilless radiation (-15%). This j;ca 2/3 L ~'-"733-66 ENT( DIAAP JD/JG ACC -W-MOM12 SOURCE CODEI UR/0367/ AUTHOR: Gromov, K. Ya.; _g_k4toiijch -11natowicz. V.; Dana an S-- �jdgachev. V. A. T Shp inelf, V& S.--Shpinel. V. ORG! Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (ObIlyedinennyy institut yaderrykh issledova. ni,y); Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics,..4qqqcq_Ptqte University - (Nauchno-issledovatel'Bki,v ini-tiiiiE-ji ornoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudaretvannogo universiteta) lee, A'!O TITIE: Two-hour (7-7 kseo) ~Lm_M!p 168 isomer SOURM Yadernaya fitika, v@ 1, no, 2, 1965, d~1-204 TOPIC TAGSt -lutetium, isomer, beta decay ABSTRACT: The electron conversion lines, previously ascribed (by Gromov and M era, DAN SSSR, 136, 325, 1961) to the 87-5 KEV transition in the decay of a now Lu isolm (T = 2-15 hours = 7-7 ksec) have been reinvestigated. It has been determined from Q energy differences of the K, L2, L3, M2, M3, and N lines that these lines are connected with an'880 KEV transition in an Hf nuclIgge Because of this, there is noii no reason to suppose the existence of a two-haw Lu. isomer, and the transiWn wW an energy of 88o3 KEV is evidently due to beta-decay of an isomer state_in.Lu e Orige art* hast 2 figures and 3 tables* fBased on authors' Enge abst.L/ fJPR_S7- SUB COM 20 / SUBM DAM 163sy64 / ORIG Wt 003 / OTH FZFl 002 L ?3240-66 El."rr(m) /T ACC NRt AP6014817 SOURCE CODE:. UR/0367/65/001/004/0621/0624- AUTHOR: Komis"Sarova, V. A. Sor2!SLn.A. A.* ~62 ORG: none TITLE: Angular distribution Of 'resonance E tt f 23.8-KEV sub garmi-quanta on Sn sup 118 nuclei -SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika,, v. 1., no. 4, 19659 621-624 TOPIC TAGS:- angular distribution, resonance scattering-0 tinp gamma, quantump particle interaction, resonance absorption ABSTRACT: The angular distribution of the resonance scattering of 23.8-kev :travs on Sn119 nuclei, bound in the lattices of the compounds M 92Sn and Sn02' ve been Measured and found'equal to W (0) = I + (0.26 * 0-0302 (cos.0) and l + (0.123 � 0.012)P2 (cos 0) respectively. The curve for Kg2Sn corres- -ponds to a nonperturbed correlation; and that for SnO2, to a weakened one due to q~adrupole interaction, in which the relative magaitude of this.interaction is E /r = 1-4-0-4. This is in agreement with data in' fit_eiature-Zbtii~ from resonance absorption spectra. The authors thank L. Akh=dovayjLfor assistance with the measuring and.L.-VA-Miatyalw for the chemical cleaning of the sources, Orig. art. has: 2 figures. [Based on authorst Eng. abst.] (JPRSJ SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE-.' 26Aug64 ORIG REF: 004 OTH REFt 002 Card T. 21807 EWT~m)/WP(t)- --,.4IW/DP(c) JD/Hk1/JG ACC NR-.'-"60121 5 SOURCE CODE: UR/0386/66/003/008/0318/032i. J AUTHOR: Alekseyevskiy, N. Ye.; Anishchenkoy V. N.; Yerzinkyanp A. L.; Parfenova, I V. P. SI~P-14,01 ORG: ific Research Institute of Nuclear Mysics of Moscow State University. im. M. V. loomonosov (Wauchno-ii;l-e~dovatelwaw Effilt-ut yadirnoy fiziki MoskaVSk0g*,--,: ro 0 ro a) I goo TITLE: Effective magnetic field at the C660 nucleus in the CoPd illor SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. Malmo, v redaktoiyu. Prilozheniyep Y. 31 no. 8, 1966, 3i8-32o TOPIC TAGS: cobalt a3-loy,, palladium containing alloyp Mossbauer effecty magnetic field measurement ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that Mossbauer-effect measurements of Vne effectivel field H P.P give unambiguous results only if Fe5T is usedp the authors measured H atetfie Co60 nucleus in an alloy of 0-3 at.% Co kith Pd, by determining tbe. eff anisotropy of the 7 radiation of oriented Co80 nuclei. "ie use of radioactive Co'80 has made it possible to carry out the measurements at rather low Co concentra-~., tions. The procedure used was simil to that described earlier (ZbEW v. 46P 493p'' IQ&). The cooling agent vas"a block of potassium ebrome alim. fte imestigated ~c --a-rd L 21807-66 ACC NR: AP6012185 i sample., constituting a disc 3 m in diameter and 0.2 m thickj, was soldered to thel end of the cold finger., which was pressed into the sat. The intensity of 1.33- and 1.17-Mev 7 quanta from Co was measured at angles 00 and 90* to the external orienting field (Hext = 5.7 koe). The measurements have shown that thermal equi- librium is established between the cooling salt and the simple at T - 0.03K$ and 1 the values of 11~eff obtained in both cases agree with the publtshed data. The ef- fective field at the Coe'O nucleus in the CoPd alloy was measured under the"same conditions (the same salt and the same cold finger),anti a value Heff - (2.6 * 0.2) x 105 oe was obtained. This value of Heff exceeds the field in the metallic Co (Heff - 2.150 X 105 oe). The result shown that the Co ion behaves somewhat dif- ferently than the Fe ion when alloyed with Pd., where the field at the FeS7 nucleus is lower at smaller concentrations of Fe than in pure Fe. The large value of Heff is apparently connected with the large local moment at the impurity ferromagnetic Co atom. On the other hand, the increase of Heff at the Co nucleus in the inveati- gated alloy can be due to the change in the contribution of the spin density due to the conduction s-electrons, compared with metallic cobalt. The dependence of Heff on the Co concentration is now under investigation. SUB CODE., 20/ SUM DATE: 25Feb66/ ORIG IMF: 00:L/ oTH mip: oo6 Card :777717 SUURCE CODE: -LTR/'00,--6/66/or-0/005/~1205/1217 AU-MR! Komissarova, B. A.; Sorokln, A, A.; Shuinell, V. S. ORG: Institut--, o~ Nuclecar PhY31CS Moscow State Univer4Lt 6-'-itut ~--1-11 " 't _(In uitut ry Yadern6`y-f-fz-Tki i-IOS767v-sTc6g3--,,~~6,qalirstvennogo-unrve-rirt-eta) TITLE: Quadrupole interaction arid anisotropy of the Mossbaue~ effect as deduced from observations ot' vesonarice scattering of ),C quanta on polycrystals ff SOURCE: Zh ek-3per i teor fiz, v. r-O, no. 5, 1966, 1205-1217 TOPIC TAGS: polycrystal, crystal anisotropy, angular distribution, Mossbauer effect, resonance scattering, quadrupole interaction I'D ABSTRACT: The magnitude of quadrupole interaction of Snila nuclei in the lattice of white tin has been determined by studying the attenuation of the angular aistribution of Mossbauer scattering, The values obtained areE 0. s-s)+0.. at 300K and 0 at 80K, where is the width of the nuclear level andz~ i~i the 'h7pvrA"L Card 1/2 T 6459-66 ACC NR: Ap6ol8799 splitting. The effect of anisotropy of ItLhe Mossbauer effect In crystals on the angular distribution3 of resonance scattering diwin- excitation of individual components of the allowed quadrupole doublet has been theoretically examined. It has been shovm that it is possibli to determine both the value and the sign of the anisotropy effect and L the sign of the quadrupole interaction from angular distribution functIons, even when the measurements are carried out on poylcrystallij samples. The effect of anisotropy of the Mossbauer effect has been experimentally detected in measurements of the a ular distributions for the quadrupole doublet components in the (C 09) Sno compound. The authors thank L. D. Blokhintsev and N. N D 1 adin ?or their dis- cussions and valuable advice, K. P. Mitrofanov and A. N. Karasev for their assistance in measuremen-ts of the absorption spectrum and _.A._ S. Mogilev for developing a system of a shifting source. Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 17 formulas, and 2 tables. [Based on authors' abstract] [NT] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBDI DATE: l4Dec65/ ORIG REV: 012/ OTH REP: 007 Card 2/2 ACC NRiAP6024867 SOURCE CODE : UR-Tdd-5 656[0 5 176001/ 06~i~[Oi6O AUTHOR: -Delyagin, N. N. ; Khusseyn El I Gais ; Shpinell , V, G.. ORG: Nuclear Physics Institute of Moscow State University (Institut yadernoy fizi-xi Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta) 11 TITLE: Magnetic hyperfine structure of Gd155 levels in metallic gadolinium and in the intermetallic compound GdA12 71 SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 51, no. 1, 1966, 95-1 TOPIC TAGS: 1".. '-, - . mii;-_;~ _; Yjossbauer effect, gadolinium,-n=mh=.,,hyperfine structure, nuclear structure ~ /Vveteus., Fjo-irro uci(,-4F0s . 1-30-T0PZ;177191;VEr1C, ':7 TR V CTV /Z e- I ABSTRACT: The hy erfinp structure of the ground state and theexcited 86-5-keV state of th R e Gd15 nucleus was investigated by means of the Mossbauer effect in metallic gadolinium and in the intermetallic compound GdA12 at a temperature of 80K., The measurements were performed with an Eu155 source in the samarium oxide lattice. At temperatures close to that of liquid nitrogen, Eu155 emits an unsplit line with a width, Th(- absorption spectra obtained indicated that the spin of the 86-5-keV level is 5/2 and the ratio of the g-factors for the excited and ground states is -2.1 ' 0.3. The intrinsic magnetic field strengths of the gadolinium nuclei were found to be 366 � 55 and 134 � 25 kOe for metallic gadol-inium and GdAl respectively. Extrapolation to lower temperature yielded a field strength value 0i 16T * 25 kOe for gedolinium nuclei in GdAl2. The great difference in the intrinsic Card 112 Ar,C NR, AP6024867 magnetic fields in gadolinium and GdA12 was not accompanied by an isomer shift:. N level shift due to quadrupole interaction was detected for gadolinium. or GdA3-2 e experimental value of the magnetic moment for the 86.5-keV level (',0.8510.13) was not consistent with the theoretical value.. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. t8s] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 16Feb66/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REPI: Oll -SHPINERV-0.4 ZkMLISKLYA., V., ekonomist (Prokoplyevsk, Kemerovskoy obl.) Letters from a Worlmrs' Supply Organization. Obshchestv;pit. no.11213-15 N 162. XMIU 16i1) 1. Nachal Inik otdela obshchestvennogo pitaniya 2-go otAela. rabochego snabzheniya Prokoplyevskogo trests. ugollnoy ' promyshlennosti kombinata Kuzbassugoll 144misterstva. ugollnoy pronyshlennosti SSSR (for Shpiner). (Restaurant management) RADOMYSF,LISKIY,A.G.; SHPINETSKLY ., felldsher narkologicheskogo kabineta (g. Khmel1nitskM*0b&zmu2" Treatment of chronic alcoholics in our dispensary. Felld. i akush. 25 no.11:54-56 N 160. (HIRA.13:11) (ALCOHOLISM) SHPINZV, N.; TEIRPRV, V. .. ... First steps. Fin. SSSR. 19 no.4:61-62 Ap '58. (MIRA 11:4) 1.Nachallnik upravleniya Gosetralkha po Brestskoy oblasti (for Shpinev). 2. Nachallnik otdela imushchestvennogo Btrakhovaniya Gos- strakha po Brestskoy oblasti (for Telepnev). (Brest Province--Insurance) SHPINEV, Y.F.; SHURUPOV, A.K. - - A drawing-mill lorry. Stal' 7 so-1:78 '47- (MLRA 9:1) (Hatitl drawixg-Equipmext and suppli*s) SHPINEV, V.F.(selo Im,oroving Fel'd. i Komsomol'skoye Vinnitskoy oblasti) medical and health services for agricultural workers. akush. 23 no-3:46-48 Mr '58. (MIRA 11:4) (MEDICINE, RURAL) SHP IM, V. F. The problem of the sanitnry atato of rural dwellings; material fron a spot checks In Sol3noe District, Dnepropetrovsk Province. Gig, I san. 23 no,6:67-69 Je 158 (MIRA 11'17) 1. 1z kafedry organizateii %dravoo)diraneniyn I istorii zeditainy Dnepropetrovkogo meditainskogo instituta. (HOU'S I NG , rural in Russia, sanit. aspects(Rue)) (RLWL CONDITIONS, housing, sanit, aspects (Bus)) SHPINEV, V.F. Some Droblems in conditions prevailing in rural forges.' Gig. i san. 23 no.8:74 Ag 158 (MIRA 1:L:g) 1. Iz sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stantsii Komsomollskogo rayona Virmitskoy oblasti. (FORGING-HYGIENIC ASPEGTS) SHPINSV, V.F. Problems in the dispensar7 care of the rural population. Vrach.delo no.10:1073 0 159. (KIRA 13:2) 1. Organizatsionno-metodicheakir kabinet (zaveduyushchiy - V.P. Shpinev) Dnepropetrovskor oblaatnoy klinicheskoy bollnitay. (DNEPROPETROVSK PROVING19-DISPERSARIES) SHPOW, V. Role of specialists in regional hospitals. Sov. zdrav. 18 no.5: 26-30 159. . (MIRA 12~7) 1. Iz organizatsionno- matodichaskogo kabineta (zav. -V.F. Shpinev) Dnenro-netrovskoy oblastnoy klinicheskoy bolinitsy imeni I.I. Mech- nikova (glavnyy vrach F. A. Lyubin). (TIOSPIT-AIS . specialists In regional hasp. ('-qus)) (SP.9CIALISM, same) SHPINEV, V.P. (Dnepropetrovsk) Work of the medico-sanitary department of the Twentieth Party Congress Mine Administration in connection with lowering morbidity. Sov.zdrav. 18 no.10rIq-22 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Iz organizatsionno-metod&4heakogo kabinsta (zaveduyushchiy V.F. Shpinev) Duepropetravskoy oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy imeni I.I. Machnikova (glavnyy vrach ]P.A. Lyubin). (MINING) SHpjNgv, V.F. (Dnepropetrovsk) Public health .,fork in a rural district following the reform. Sove zdrav. 18 no.11:28-31 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Iz organizatsionno-metodichoskogo kabineta, (zaveduyushchiy V.P. Shpinev) Dnepropetrovskoy oblastnoy kliuicheskoy bolinitsy imeni Machnikova (glavnyy vrach P.A. Lyubin). (RURAL BEALTH) : SHIPP V, Y.F. (Dnepropetrovsk) Role f the feldsher section in the improvement of rural ms-dical care in connection with the reorganization of mac'My2e-tractcr statJnLE. Fel'd. i akush. 24 no-7:19-21 JI '59. . (IMIRA 12: ILQ) - (MEDICIM,"RURAL) SHPINEV, V.P. (Dnepropetra7sk-) Our attitude to~mrd the published statute for a feldeherol council. Felld. I akush. 24 no.12:54-55 D '59. (MIRA 13:2) (WICAL PZRSOMM) : SHPMV,,--T.F. Improve the work of visiting nurses. Ked.sestra 19 no.1:27-29 .Ta l6o. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Iz organizatsiouno-metodicheakogo kabineta Dnepropetrovskoy oblastnoy klinicheakoy, bollnitay imeni I.I. Mechnikova. (MMSES M NURSING-STUDY AND TEACHING) I'- SHPIIIEV, V.F. (Krivoy Rog) Forty-five years of service in the provincial Felld. i akush. 25 no.12:58-59 D 160. (LITVINGV, EVSTIGNEI AKIMOVICH, 1887,) public health system. (MIRA 13:12) SHPINEV, V.F. (Krivoy Rog) Fourteenth Planum of the Republic Committee of the Ukrainian AGademy of Sciences on Silicosis Control. Vrach. delo no.8: 153-151+ Ag 161. (MIRA 15:3) (UKRADE-LUNGS--DUST DISEAqES-CONGRESSES) SHPINhV, V.F. Apropos of G.D.Luchko's article "Card for hospital discharge patient". Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 5 no-11:39-41 N 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. 1z organizatsionno-metodicheskogo otdela Krivorzhokogo nauchno-issledovatel.'~skogo institute, gigiyeny truda i professional'- nykh zabolevaniy A.G.Shimak ). (MEDICAL STATISTICS) (LUCHKO, G.D.) SHPUF-EV, V.F. Theoretical and practical conferences as a fo,-m: for exchanging ., 0 advanced experience in the work of medical institutions. Vrach. delo no.J-1:151-152 N 161. (MI-U 24: 1-1) 1. KrivorozIs!L1y nauchno-issledovatellskiy in-stitut gigiyeny truda i proftabolevamly, (IIEDIGIIE-CON GRES,; ES) - SlipiNLev.1 V.F~ (Krivoy Rog) Problems in public health in the regulations of agricultural farms. Sov. zdrav. 20 no.7:34-38 161. -15:1) 1. 1z otdela organizatsii zd--avookhraneniya Ukrainskogo nauchno- issledo-tratelfskogo instituta kommunalrnoy gigiyeny. (POKROVSKUYL DIST!dCT (DNEPAPETROVSK F WVDICE) ---PUBLIC HFALTH) S HPINEV 1- 1r.F 1--(Kiyev) Further reference to the proposal of the feldsher. Felld. i akush. 26 no.3:61-64 Mr '61. (MIRA 14:3) (IRWES A11D IRWING) SH"Ur'blKOV, A.G.; SHPIIEV, V.F. Activity of a research institute in aiding public-health agencies. Gig. i san. 26 no.9:48-51 S 161. (MIRA 15-3) 1. Iz K-rivorozhzko.,,o nauchno-issledovatellskogo institute. gigiyeny truda i professional'nyk-h zabolevaniy. (PUBLIC hEALTH) SHPINEV, V.F. (Krivoy Rog) Ekaterina Fedorovna Kondratenko, nurse at a mine first aid stations. Med. vestra, 21 no.l-.59 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:3) (KONDAkTENKO., EKATMXA IVANOVIIA, 1921-) SHPIREV, V,F. (Kiyev) Need for introducing outpatient cards at medical and obstetrical stations. Felld. i akush. 27 no-4:44-47 Ap 162. (L'!aRA 15:6) (DISE ASES-RE PORT IIIG) MIM, V.F. (Krivoy Rog) 15th Plenum of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Commission on the Control of Silicosis. Trachodelo no.11155~-156 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:2) (UMGS.-DUST DISEASES) SHPINEV, V.F. Civic councils in medical institutions. Vrach.delo no.3:121-122 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Organizatsionno-metodicheskiy otdel (rukovoditell - V.F. Shpinev) Krivorozhskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta gigiyeny truda i prfeBsionallnykb zabolevanly. (MMIC HEALTH) STRELINIKOVY N.P.; BESPALOV, Ye.M.; SOKOLKIN, A.F.; - SHPINIE~, V.F.; KRUPENNIKOV, S.S.; SPEKTOR, M.D. ~ Some conclusions from the experiences of building a pipe rolling mill. Prom.stroi. 42 no.11:6-9 N 164~ (MIRA 18:8) 1. Treat Uraltyazhtrubstroy (for Strallnikov, Bespalov, Sokolkin). 2. Upravlenlye kapitalynogo stroitellstva Pervourallskogo novotrubnogo zavoda (for Shpinev). 3. Uralpromstroyniiproyekt (for Krupennikov, Spektor). 1~119M% A.G.; FED'KOVSKIY I.A. KIWIY G.A.;,.~,L I lolr6l~~ Studying the adsorption of xanthate by molybdenite and other sulfides, Izv. r". ucheb. zav.; tsvet. met, 5 no.6:29-34 162, (MIRA 16:6 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov.. kafedra obogaBhcheniya poleznykh iskopayemykh. (Sulfides-Metallurgy) (Flotation) AUTt(ORS:' Tananayev, T. V. , PetUSjj!CoV_a, S. 7C-3-5-2/39 Shpineva, G. V. TITLE: On the Prenaration of Watcr-Free Lithium Iodide (0 poluchenii bezvodno&o yodistoE;o lit-iya)' PERIODICAL: Zhti-nai Neor.Faniches:-.oy Khimii, 1958, Vol --), Nr 5, Pr 1071-1074 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Various methods for the preparation of lithium iodide ,were tested and are here described: 1 rre.paration of lithium, iodide 'by the application of or-anic rea,-ents, immediate in teraclion between lithium and iodine, 3. Dehydration of lithium iodide in a HJ-current at 3000C, 4. Dehirdration of lithium iodide melts in a vacuuLi. All the above-mentioned methods gave unsatisfactory results. In -. specia14 constructed vacuum destillation apparatus) ,aater-free lithiw-,1 iodide was produced by heatino its watery salts in a vacuum at 800-8500C and at a pressure of 0,01 Hg. The water-free lithium iodide is highly hygro- Card 1/2 scopic and decomposes under the influence of li-lit. On the Prelaration of Water-Free Lithium Iodide 78-31-5-2/39 I .. There are 1 figure and 5 references, 5 of which are Soviet. SUB!-.ITTED: _111lay 2 1 , 19 5 7 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress I I., Litbiim ifodide-Prel-arstion-Test rersults Card 2/2 AUTHOR: None Given SOV/129-58-9-16/16 TITLE: Dissertations (Dissertatsii) PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Obrabotka Metallov, 1958, Nr 9, pp 63-64 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The following dissertations were presented and approved: For the degree of Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences: G. Ye. Zil'berman "On the Theory of Oscillation Effects in Metals in Magnetic Fields" Khar1kov, 1958, Khar1k. Gos. Un-t im. A. M. Gor'koso ~Kharkov State University imeni A. M. Goi~dy). V. S. Shping_~~j _111 Investigations in f3-and y-spectroseopy", Moscow 1958, Mosk. Gos. Un-t im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni 11. V. Lomonosov). For the degree of Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Science: 0. S. Galkina "Investigation of the Electrical Res.--stance and its Changes Inside a Magnetic Field for Ferromagnetic Ifiletals and Alloys" 1,1oscow, 1958, Mosk. un-t'im. M. V. Iiomonosova Noscow University imeni M.V.Lomosov). Yu. D. Kozmanov "Investigation of the High Temperature Oxidation of Tungsten, Molybdenum andafSomeBinary Alloys Card 1/11of Iron with Tungsten and Molybdeniim,", Sverdlovsk, 1958,