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BETA SPECTROMETER WITH TWO MAGNETIC LENSES AND INTERNAL CORRECTING COILS. V. S. Shpiral. Zhur. gitspil'. I Teorol. Ftz. 23, 355-4(1953) Feb. N k~ssla.7_ A $-ray spectrometer is sketched, &M a curve obtained therewith of the conversion electrons of 90-hr Nb"l is presented. The K/L conversion -coefficient ratio was found to be 2.5 t 0.5. (O.Y.1 USSR/Electricity - Ionization Losses Apr 52 "Measurom s of Fluctuations of Ionization Losses for Electrons in Thin Layers of Substances',~' Y. S. Shpinel-, Moscow State U "Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol =, No 4, yy 421- 424 In a beta-spectrometer curves of distribution of ionization losses -in Al 1.65 and 3.96 mg/sq = thick vere measured for electrons of energies of 148 end 222 keV. Exptl values of probable losses Wee well with theory, provided correction is made for longer path due to scattering. However, i215T25 the obtained distribution is noticeably wi der than in the theoretical curve of Landau. Indebted to R. 1. Moshkina and M. Z. Shtal. Received 21 Jun 51. 215T25 USSR/ Nuclear Physics Card 1/1 Pub. 43 - 311-1 Authors S Shrinelt, V. S. Title I The life sran of the first excited state of Li7 from observations of the Doppler effect and gamma-ray aberration Periodical I Izv. AN SSSR. ser. fiz. 18/1, 65-75, Jan-Feb 1954 Abstract I Ex-oeriuents show that the method based on the masurement of the Doppler ef-- feet can be very effective for estimating the life 'span of excited states of nuclei withq 1.4 Mev. The best noticeable peak is at 147 kev; it is assumed that this peak corresponds to the first excited level of J131. Further details of the r-p-coincidence spectrum are to be seen in Figs. 7 and 8. Figs. 9, 10, and 11 show the weak part of the ~-spectrum in coincidence with 780 kev 31-rays, the spectrum of the Isumming coincidences" (E sum ~ 770 kev) and the part of the electron con- version spectrum of Te131 with the 780 and 850 kev lines. The 780 kev transition ends in the ground state of J131. For both these afore- 53 78 mentioned lines the multipolarities El and E2 are assumed, and the internal Card 3/4 Investigation of the Te131 Decay Scheme S/048/59/023/012/003/009 (T 1/2 ~ 30 Hours) B006/BO6O conversion coefficients for these lines are given (theoretical and ex- perimental data) in Table 2. Finally particulars with reference to the p-oposed decay scheme (Fig. 12) and the complete results of investigations are discussed. Accordi ng to the shell model Ig7/2 is regarded as the ground state and 2d 5/2 as the first excited level (147 kev). Fig. 13 illustrates the level distance 2d 5/2 - 1g7/2 for different iodine isotopes as a function of the even neutron number. The authors thank Yu, M. Ukrainskiy, N. P. Rudenko, 0. M. KalinkiD&.,_a8 well as L.P.Sorokina and V. V. Skvortsov, students of the Physics Department of Moscow State University, for their' assistance. There are 13 figures, 2 tables, and 24 references: 4 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gos. universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova (Scien- tific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) Card 4/4 5(2) AUTHORS: Vinogradov,. A.,V., Shpinell , V. S. SOV/32-25-9-12/53 TITLE: On the Determination of Zirconium in the Presence of Niobium and Tantalum According to the Phosphate- and Hydroxyquinoline Methods PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 9, pp 1067-1068 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A method for the precipitation of zirconium in form of its hydroxyquinoline (I) in the presence of ITb and Ta in a strongly ammoniacal medium and a subsequent volumetric determination were described in a previous paper (Ref 3)- In the present case the behavior of Nb and Ta in the Zr precipitate as a phosphate (II) or (I) was tested with the aid of radioactive isotopes. The already known conclusion that without H 202 (111)' Nb and Ta are completely coprecipitated with (II) was confirmed. The presence of (III) which little influences the coprecipitation of Ta obstructs, however, the coprecipitation of Nb (Tables 1, 2~j however, only with small Zr quantities and individual precipi- tation of Zr (without Nb) may be expected. It was already reported (Ref 3), that 2.88 mg Zr in the presence of 8 - 18 mg Nb and Card 1/2 25 mg Ta may be determined by a precipitation as (I). With a On the Determination of Zirconium in the Presence of SOV/32-25-9-12/53 Niobium and Tantalum According to the Phosphate- and Hydroxyquinoline Methods PH 10-7 - 11.5 Nb does not influence the determination, nor does the partially.coprecipitated Ta disturb the Zr determination (Tables 3-5). The investigations led to the following conclusions: In the (II)-precipitation along with (III) a partial coprecipitation. of Ta occurs. The gross of Nb remains in solution. The larger the coprecipitated Nb quantity is, the larger is the precipitated Zr quantity, so that (as mentioned above) a separation is only possible with negligible quantities of Zr and Nb. The application of a successive precipitation with (II) and then (I) permits a complete separation of small quantities of Zr (2.88 mg) from Ta and Nb (Ref 3). With larger quantities a repeated precipitation bf zir6onium as (I) could possibly render satisfying results. Also referred to are other possibilities for Zr separation, as its. by extraction (Ref 3). There are 5 tables and 4 Soviet references. Card 2/2 ---?T; 0& Cj~, d j 0 .=41- -U .,11 eL JO "4, 1,41 ru. _Z/1, Td. q1 till. .;Vl. 'T~ .... I ;- - t; I I... ,L'.1 ;G .,;I %.q% X.-4.L -v44=QCj , V -.;- J..p Jcq;~. 44"', *r '2011 ul C-q. 6,1-1 v q3 4~ last Oz tq. .-;~ J, -p'p.. all P.. a- -TI .;:1l it 05 .,4; ....%.q a- RZ q1 S.T..q ...I% .4% till. 3.. P-14- .-A Rt v .-j? a- cr.p t-0 7 L-9 El" q1 ~.j V.- -.0 tt,.c jo .%.%. I- r-.t? q3 .%.I ZIU-m L ... P q5 q% 11.144 ;. *11 .,1% P~ .1 at q.TC1. '9,,qg -11% Cq P-tj:1 - fj U.1-41 IT -A 01 : OOLZ I- .2p I q P.jT.uu- ... q,Tq. .-I P.-O u Cq ;I.q v p.v u. a Xq -d~v- j.j uu;uu-jIT VIOL ..4, r..j Cv: -d.d ;...-d qj IZX3.1 6Vt-7.9-~ *dd 'ZL 'CN '0e 'ICA An-u li"p-111 -IT310010d 4:s I-q ~qj puv .1 P_ 11.1 a -41 j. 4nis -31114 _= -~,, =- :TF~~M __TT~=J . T y _Mms HIDT [;go qSOG/6LOG 21 (8) AUT11ORS-. Bedesku, A., Mitrofanov, K* P.) SOY/56-37-1-55/64 Sorokin, A. A., Shpinellp V. S. The Decay of Te131(T 1/2 - 30 hours) (Raspad Te 131(T 1/2 - 30 Chas)) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ek8perimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Ur 1 1 pp 314 - 315 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Tel3l_decay has already been investigated in a number of papers, and in reference 3 also a decay scheme, basing upon the energy equilibrium in P- and r-transitions was published. The authors of the present "Letter to the Editor" have set up an exact scheme of the lower levels of J131 (excited in the decay of the isomer Te131) for which purpose a number of new data concerning the r- transitions in Te131 were used. The investigations were carried out in a magnetic lens spectrometer and a scintillation spectrometer connected in coincidence. The Te131-source was ob- tained by the irradiation of metallic tellurium of high chemical Card 1/3 purity, by slow neutrons. The measured r-intensities at the en- The Decay of Te131(T 1/2 = 30 hours) SOV/56-37-1-55/64 ergies 780, 850, 925, 1140, 1220, 16oo, 1850 and 2200 kev a- mounted to 100, 40, 15, 35, 25, 5, 2, 0-5 % in the same order. The transitions 80, 100, 1479 240, 330, 440 and 590 kev were found both in single spectra and in the spectra of Pr - and rr- coincidences; (147 kev - first excited state of J 131 o 780 kev ground state). Table 2 shows the results obtained by deter- mining the conversion coefficients onto the K-shell: theor 3 ak .10 1 Er[kev] aexp 103 El E2 Mi Identification k - 780 0.8 + 0.2 0.84 2-3 3.0 El 850 1.6 + 0.6 0-71 1.9 2-5 E2 (+ MI) 147 26o � 50 - 330 220 M1 + E2 The life-time of the 147 kev level was determined as amounting to T1/2 =(~-+1)"o- 10 sec., which is in good agreement with ref- Card 2/3 erence 5. The decay scheme of T 131 found by the authors -is The Decay of Tel 31(T 1/2 ~ 30 hours) SOV/56-37-1-55/64 shown by a figure. There are I figure, 2 tables, and 6 refer- ences, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo univer- siteta (Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: April 8, 1959 Card 3/3 82612 The Hyperfine Structure of y-Rays, Produced 5/056/60/039/001/028/029 by quadrupole Interaction in the Crystal B006/BO63 Lattice underwent linear acceleration within ceitdin limits. Measurements were carried out at the temperatures of liquid nitrogen. The X-radiation of tin (26 kev) was almost completely absorbed by a palladium film 0.06 mm thick. The y-quanta passing through this filter were recorded by means of an NaI(Tl) crystal. The pulses coming from the single- channel pulse-height analyzer were linearly phase-modulated in a radio device, viz. simultaneously with the changes in the source velocity. The modulated pulses were fed into a 100-channel pulse-height analyzer of the type AW -100 (AI-100). Each channel corresponded to a certain velocity of the source. The measurements were made with two absorbers containing Sn119, namely, metallic tin and SnNb3 2 alloy. The dependence of resonance absorption on the velocity of the source for a tin specimen 20 mg/cm thick is shown in the upper part of the Fig. on p. 221. The curve has three peaks at 0 and �1.46 mm/sec (velocity of the source). This corresponds to a hyperfine structure of the 23.8-kev level, and is explained by the interaction between the quadrupole moment of the nucleus in the excited state (spin 3/2) and the electric field of the crystal. Card 2/3 84972 '',i/056/60/03 9/003/058/058/Xx B006/BO70 AUTHORS: Delyagin3 N N., zhpinell, V. S.~ Bryukhanov, V,, A- Zvenglinskiy) B. 119 TITLE- Nuclear Zeeman Effect7in Sn , 11 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 3(9), PP- 894 - 895 TEXT. The present "Letter to the Editor" is the continuation of a pre- vious paper (Ref-4) in which the authors reported on measurements of the dependence of resonance absorption of 23.8-kev gamma quanta emitted in the Sn 1119m decay on the velocity of the source relative to the absorber. The authors have again carried out analogous measurements, but thip time the absorber was placed in an external constaiat magnetic field. In this case, a Zeeman splitting of the absorption line took place, and a hyper 'IK fine splitting was observed in the spectrumg from which the magnetic moment of the exsited 23.8 kev level of Sn 119 could be determined. The Card 1/4 84972 Nuclear Zeeman Effect in Sn 119 S/056/60/039/003/058/058/XX B006/BO70 gamma source was a foil of white metallic tin (94% of Sn 118 ) exposed to thermal neutron irradiation in a reactor, The absorber was SnNb 3 -Ln which no quadrupole splitting of the 23.8 kev level. takes place. accord- ing to Ref~ 4. Thus, the observed hyperfine splitting of thq absorption line is only a consequence of the Zeeman effects For the measurements, the source and the absorber were cooled to nitrogen temperature. The absorber (20 mg/om 2 Sr-Nb 3) was placed between. the pole pieces of a mag- 4- ne,, producing a constant magneti-~- field of 12,150 0e in the absorber, and the measurements were made with and without a magnetic field. The ground level. is split in two and the excited one (3/2) in four sub- le-eis under the action of the field. 6 M11 tranz~i~,-Aons are possible be- nween these.. By changing the velceity of the ecurce (positive and nega- tive velocity) 12 lines must be obEervable. The shape of the absorption speztrum is dependent on the magnetic moments ~u and ijil of the ground 4 119 and excited states of the Sn nucleus~ ~-,n the relative signs of these moments; and on the quadrupole aplitt--ing b ~f hr, excited state. The re- ,cults c~f +hr.- measurements are reprerianted in a --Liagram Card 2/4 NualeariZeeman Effect in Sn S/056/60/039/003/058/058/XXI B006/BO70 (ordinate : counting rate; abscissa velocity of the source and the oorresp6nding energy shift). The distance between the hyperfine struc- ture components was determined from the spectral measurement to be j P ).10-7 b - (1.~+0.2 ev. This is in good agreement with the.value obtained in Ref.IT. From the positions of the three maximal p was found to be 0 -0-1+00~3) muclear magnetons and the moment of the 23.8 kev level to be 910-4) nuclear magnetons. This value is considerably higher than that given by the single-particle model. A. I. Alikhanov and V. A. Lyubimov are mentioned. There are 1 figure and 5 references: Soviet,-T=erman, and I French. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow state Universit Y) SUIRAITTED: July 4, 1960 Card 84972 Card 41 4W bft~ H-0 Iva S/056160/039/003/058/058/xx BOo6/rBO70 4 ctr 8; 19 20 x Iff tv VINOGRADOV, AN.; SHPINELI, V.S. Composition and properties of zirconium hydroxyquinolinate obtained from an oxalate medium. Zhur.neorg.kbim. 6 no.6:1338-1341 Je ,61. (MIRA 14:11) (Zirconium compounds) (Quinoline) jTRIC4XIIEV, A.T.; NOVIKOV, L.S. ; SOROKIN, A.A.; MALKIN, ~,.A.; TSVETKOVA, 1U.; InveLftigating neutron-deficient Th isotopes. Izv. AN SSSR. Sar. fiz. 25 no.7:813-825 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova i Ob "yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. (Terbium--Isotopes) BEDESKU, A.; KALINKINA, O.M.; SOROKIN, A.A.; FORAFONTOV, N.V.; SHPINELI, V.S. Decay scheme of Te131m. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 40 no.1:91-100 Ja 961. 1, (MIRA 14: 6) 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo g4osudarstvennogo universiteta. (Tellurium-Decay) BRYLqMNOV, V.A.; DELY-4,GTN, N.H.; ZVENGLINSKIY, B.; SHPINEL15, V.S. Energy shift of gamma-ray transition obseinred in the resonance ab6orbtion of -r-quanta in crystals. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 1+0 no.2:713-714 F 161* (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Gamma rays) LMITROFANOV, K.P.; SHPINELI, V S_ Resonance absorption of 23.8 Kev. gamma rays by SnI19, as observed from conversion electrons.. Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz. 40 no.3:983-985 Mr 161. (MIRA 14.8) 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki ~bskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Gamma rays) (Tin-Isotopes) (Electrons--Emission) 314PINELI;_V~.S.; BRYUKHANOV, V.A.; IELYAGIN, N.N. Temperature effect.on.tho byperfine structure of gamma-radi- ation. Zhure, eksp. i teor,61 fiz, 40 no.5:1525-1527 My 161* 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki Mookovskog6 gosudaretvermogo uni-versiteta. (Gamma 3~ays) (Spect.Tim, Atomic) 26688 S/056/61/041/0053/003/038 0 (/Or r' //6 ~' IS-S-r) B104/B108 AUTHORS: Delyagin, N. N., Shpinell, V. S., Bryukhanov, V. A. TITLE: Resonance absorption of 23.8 kev y-quanta by Sn 119 nuclei in crystals PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentaltnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 41, no. 501), 1961, 1347-1358 TEXT: The resonance absorption of 23.8-kev 7-quanta by Sn 119 nuclei in SnO 2' SnO, P-Sn,and SnNb 3 crystals was studied. Sn119m in SnO 2 was used'as gamma source. The authors--,derived the-formula +"0 1 -(;/(I + x'T dx 8 (V) = Xf 'I expII+ (X + Y)3 (5) X= E-Es Y Esulc /I = aj'n. r12 r2 -to '_ca_l_'&iMa`Fe7f which enables them of the rption spectrum measured by experiment. r is the total width of an absorption level, v the relative velocity between source and absorbers ft is the absorption: Card 1/6 26688 8/05Y61/041/005/003/038 Resonance absorption of ... B104 B1 08 probability of a y-quantum without recoil, ri is the number of atoms on 1 CM2 of the absorber, x is a parameter determining the contribution of the investigated y-quanta to the overall counting rate. The line width in the resonance absorption spectrum as a function of the thickness of the absorber is derived from formula (5). This formula is discussed for cases where 1) the 8vurce contains nuclei of an isotope, 2) the emission lines are split up, the absorption lines are not split, and 3) the absorption lines are split, too. Because of quadruple interaction, the Sn 119 ground state is not split (spin 1/2). Consequently the absorption spectrum consists of two lines of equal intensity. The distance between these two lines is 1 2 2 2 e Qq (1 + L )11 , where Q is the nuclear zz 3 1 quadrupole moment, and q is a parameter of asymmetry. For a given velocity v0 the unsplit emission line coincides with one of the two components of the split absorption line. Resonance absorption is then exp t +.0 1 + dx), Card 2/6 26688 S/056/61/041/005/003/038 Resonance absorption of B104/B108 The resonance absorption of the compounds mentioned above as a function of the velocity of the absorber relatively to the source was determined at nitrogen and room temperatures with an experimental device shown in Fig. 1. The SnO2 source was prepared from tin enriched in the SnI18 isotope up to 92% and irradiated by thermal neutrons in a reactor. The absorption probability without recoil was determined from the dependence of F-(v) on the absorber thickness. Results are given in the table. The calculation of fl is possible if the phonon spectrum of a real crystal is known. Calculation of fl in Debye approximation is discussed. F. L. Shapiro (UFN, 72, 685, 196o), V. A. Lyubimov, A. I. klikhanov (Izv. AN SSSR, seriya fiz., 24, 1076, ig6o), K. P. Mitrofanov, V. S. Shpinell (ZhETF, 40, 983, 1961 and Yu. 1,1. Kagan are mentioned. The authors thank N. Ye. Alekseyevski,y for valuable discussions. There are 7 figures, 1 table, and 20 references: 7 Soviet and 13 non-Soviet. The 3 most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: W. Visscher, Ann. of Physics, j , 9, 1941 1960; H. J. Lipkin, Ann. of Physics, 1, 332, 196o; S. De Benedetti, G. Lang, R. Ingalls, Phys. Rev. Lett., 6, 601, 1961. Card 3/6 Resonance absorption of 26688 S/056/61/041/005/003/038 B104/B108 ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiz-*Lki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universitets. (Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: April 27, 1961 Fig. 1, Experimental device. Legend: 1) Pulley; 2) cam; of the amplitude modulation device; 4) holder for absorber; 6) palladium filter; 7) lead collimator; 8) low temperature 9) absorber; '10) lead collimator; 11) NaI(Tl) crystal; 12) 3) contact disk 5) source; vessel; photomultiplier. Card 4/6 S/056/61/041/006/014/054 B1 13/13104 AUTHORS: Shpinell, V. S-.-, Bryukhanov, V. A., Delyagin, N. N. TITLE; Isomeric energy shifts of the 23.8-kev 1-transition in the Sn 119 nucleus PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V~ 41, no. 6(12), 1961 , 1767-1770 TEXT: The authors measured the isomeric shifts of the 23.6-kev 1-transi- tion in the Sn119 nucleus in various tin compounds. An Sn'19mO2 prepara- tion served as source which was kept at room temperature. The absorber consisted of various crystalline tin compounds and was kept at nitrogen or room temperature. In SnF2, the absorption line is split into two components due to quadrupole interaction of the excited SnI19 nucleus with the gradient of the electric field in the crystal. The isomeric shift 6 with respect to the energy of the 1-transition in the Sn02 crystal was determined at room temperature. There was no quadrupole splitting in the absorption spectrum of the SnCl 2 crystal. Besides in P-Sn and SnO, Card 1/3 S/056/61/041/Oo6/o'!4/054 Isomeric energy shifts of the B113/B104 quadrupole splitting was only observed in SnP2: A - (15-5 � 2-5)~10-8 ev. ,6 did not much depend on temperature. Measurements of energy shifts for various compounds showed that there were no distinct rules governing the isomeric shifts of the 23.8-kev y-transition in the Sn119 nucleus. It may be assumed that for bivalent compounds the two p-electrons in the outer shell of the tin atom play a special role in the chemical bond; the valency electrons of the following shell, the two s-electrons, affect the chemical bond in tetravalent compounds only, and lead to a sharp change of the isomeric shift, Hence, it follows that the density of the s-electron wave function in the region of the nucleus is lower in tetravalent than in bivalent compounds. Comparing the isomeric shift of bi- and tetravalent tin compounds one may put down: 2 2)[1,7(0)121 _ 1 2 EII -EIV -(R exe - R0 1 T(0)11V], where Rex c and R0are the effective radii of the charge of the Sn119 nucleus in the excited and ground state, T(O) the electron wave function in the region of the 2 > 2 nucleus., Rexc R.) i.e,, the effective radius of the charge distribution grows when the Sn119nucleus is excited. Since quadrupole interaction exists, the magic proton core of the Sn119 nucleus is not spherically Card 2/3 S/05 61/041/006/014/054 Isomeric energy shifts of the .. B113YBI04 symmetric. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 9 references: 5 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The four references to English-langus,6-~ publications read as follows: 0. C. Kistner, A. W. Sunyar. Phys. Rev. Lett., 4, 412, 1960; S. De Benedetti, G. Langt R. Ingalls. Phys. Rev. Lett., 6, 6o, 1961; 1. R. Walker, G. R. Wertheim, V. Jaccarino., Phys. Rev,, L~_ett-, 6, 98, 1961; A. J. F. Boyle, D. St. P. Bunbury, C. Edwards,, Proc. Phys. soc., 77, lo62, 1961. ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo g9sudarstvennogo universiteta (Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: July 1, 1961 Card 3/3 AU MIORS t Drytilthanov, V.A., Delyngin, N.N., ZvotiXtinnkLy, 11., -mid Shpinel'' V.S. TIna.,.: Heasurfmient of tit(, renatiance abnorption spectra of gagnma-rnyn tit crystals PERIODICAL: Pribory i tisidmikii t~kmp,~r imon tit, no.1, 19621, 23-28 TEXT: In n prLvioum imper (Ref,5i Zh.elunperim. i 1960, 39, 2201 Ibid 110, 71-)) the authors df~,qcribed sit apparaLuil which was lined to Inventignte the MO.-inbauer effect ( '21 ~-) . 3 It V g..Mma-ray.q "it 511119 nuclei it% cryital!v). In thin avimt-litits the r(,InLive velocity or the source and the absorb:yr is varied linearly with tirne with the aid of' a mechanical device and the intenuity of the garitina-rays corre-sponding to difCorent vnlu,!..q of this velocity is recorded with n nitAlti-channel Iticknorter and an witpUttide modulator working in synchronism with the device prodticing the above velocity variation. In the prement note the authorn give a more datniled description of the appnrntun, incItiding both the mechanical and the electronic parts of it. A typical absorption spectrum for a SnO, crystal (9 mg/=2 target Card 1/2 2 M~nsurcmvnt of tile rumunmice and 6 Ing/cm2 source, both at room temperature) In ~Niiowzi in Fig.6 It is reported that Towidth of tile 23.8 kov excited ntnte of' SnI19 is (2.6 + 0.25) x 10- V. There are 6 fiFitren. ASSOCIATIONt Institut yadernoy fiziki MGM (Institute of Nuclear Physics MG11) SUBMITTED June 15, 1961 NO' Card 2/2 S/188,/62/000/003/001/012 J. - B111/3112 U 0 R 5 Vasilev, Ts. B., Forafontov, N. 144 S-u-dy oz the decay ty. Ce by the coincidence method oes ot R 0 _,,i 1 CAL 'doscow Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya, III. Fizika, ;_~stronomiya, no. 35, 1962, 3-16 , 14 A 144 TEXT: The decay types of Ce " in an odd-odd~Pr nucleus are studied b:,, :na_:,,ns c,--:' a '~-s::ectromneter and a luminescen ce P(O-spectrometer in circuit, using P-e e -e and e coincidences to explain cer- ~a-'n nroblems. The rusults are in atrtement with the decay scheme of et al. (Nucl. Phys., 16, 1, 1960). The'o-e- and e--e - 1#1 I. S. G=iEer cc*Lnci4dence measurements -rere performed both dpon.all electrons (total c 4nc4-~ences) and unon. individual electron groups separated by a c , -1 - diff~-rential discriminator. The variants oil the decay scheme can be examined 'oy comparlnE the intensity of the conversion lines in the coincidence spectru:-. The results from measuring P-e- and e--e- coincidences are summarized in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, those of v'-e and e--.i' -coincidences in Fie. 4 and Fig. 5, discussed in detail for the individual Card 1/~'i 77 SHPINELI, V.S. (Moskva) The 96ssbauer effect and its application. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Energ. i avtom. n0,4:71-82 Jl-Ag 162. (KRA 15:8) (Gamma rays) (Nuclear magnetic resonance and relaxation) BRYUKHANOV, V.A.; DEIZAGIN, N.N.; ZVENGLINSKIY, B.; SERGEM, S.A.; SHPIREL, V. S. ---------- Measuring spectra of gamma-ray quanta resonance absorption In crystals. Pribj tekh.eksp. 7 no.lt23-28 Ja-F 162. (141RA 1533) 1. Institut yadernay fiziki Moskovskogo, gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Gamma-ray spectrometry) KFffUKOVA L. N;; MURAVIYEVAI, V. V.; SHPINELI,, V. S.; MALYSHEVAJ, T. V.; kHOTIN, V. A. Level scheme of excited by electron capture in Pt189. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 16 no.12:1492-1494 D 162. (MIM 16: 1) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy ins;,*.Itut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova i Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii iml- Vernadskogo AN SSSR. (Iridium-Illotopes) (Platinum--Isotopes) (Electrons-Gapture) KRYUKOVA, L. N.; MURAVIYEVA, V. V.; FORAFONTOV, N. V.; SHPINELI, V. S. Study of e- r--coincidence in Pt188 decay. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 16 no.12:1521-1522 D 162. (MIU 16:1) 1. Nauchn6-issledovatellskiy fizicheskiy institut Leningradskogo gosudarstv,ennogo universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova. (Platinum-Decay), (Spectrometry) S/04 62/026/002/016/032 BI 06YDI 08 AUTHORS: Strigachev, A. T., Sorokin, A. A., and Shpinell, V. S. I..................................... TITLE- Study of the terbium fraction PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Sariya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 2, 1962p 252-258 TEXT: The terbium fraction, isolated radiochemically from a tantalum target after 660-Mev proton bombardment in the synchrocyclotron of the OIYaI was studied with a 0-spectrometer Brin (BPP) (double-focusing) by the method of yy-coincidences. The radiation source and the measuring device have been described before (Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz., a, no. 7, 813 (1961)). The spectrum of the conversion electrons of the Tb fraction was measured with a resolution of 1-2% in the range of 10-100 kev, and with 0 .4% dissolution in the range of 530-3000 kev. (Tables 1, 2). The X and L lines of the y-transition with 108.3 kev were used to graduate the spectrometer in the range of 10-100 kev. The spectrum of the Tb fraction was investigated up to conversion electron energies of - 3 Mev. Above 1 Mev, however, no conversion lines could be observed. The spectrometer Card 1/,,67 Study of the terbium fraction S/048/62/026/002/016/032 B106/B108 state f7/2 in a paper by N. M. Antonlyeva et al. (Izv. All SSSR. Ser. fiz., 22, no. 2,- 135 (1958))- Possibly the first excited level with 108-3 kev is of the h 9/2 type. This assumption does not contradict to the multipolarity M1 + E2 of the 108.3 kev y-transition. The authors thank the team of the LYaP OIYaI under supervision of V. A. Khalkin for separating the Tb fraction, and K. Ya. Gromov and I. A. Yutlandov for assistance. There are 5 figures, 3 tables, and 10 references: 5 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. The three most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: Toth K. P., Bj~rnholm S.f J~rgensen M. H*j Nielsen 0. B.f Skilbreid 0.1 Svanheden A., J. Inorg. and Nucl. Chem., jA, 1/2) 1 (ig6o); Toth K. S., Nielsen 0. B.p Skilbreid O.j Nucl. Phys., .19, No- 4, 389 (1960)1 Toth K. S., Bj~rnholm S;' JPgeneen M. H., Nielsen 0. B., Skilbreid O.t Phys. Rev., L16t 1, 1 8 (1 959)- ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy inatitut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gos. universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova (Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics o-f Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov). obtlye'dinennyy institut yader%~h iseledovaniy (Joint Institute of Card 3/f Nuclear Researc BRYUKHAMV, V.A.; COLtDANSKIY2 V.I.; DELYAGIN, N.N.; MAKAROV, Ye.F.; SHPINELI. Observation of the M6ssbauer effect in a tin-containing polymer Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 42 no.2%637-639 F 162. (14MA 15-:2) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR i Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvenno'go universiteta. (Polymera)(Gamma-ray spectrometry) S/056/62/042/003/008/049 B104/B102 AUTHORS Fam Zuy Khuyen, Shapiro, V. G.p ~~4pinel',_V. S. 125 TITLE: Resonance scattering of r-quanta in Te PHIODICALi Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, V. 42, no. 3, 1962, 703 - 706 TEXT: The resonance of 35.5-kev x-rays emitted from Te125m was studied, Te 125m was obtained from neutron-bombarded metallic tellurium enriched in. Te124 up to 66;1;1. The Te02 obtained was used to produce sources of 20 MU/GM2 thickness. A TeO layer enriched in Te125 to 92~~ and applied onto, 2 20 an aluminum base served as scatterer. A luminescence spectrometer recorded the X-radiation from the scatterer. This radiation contained also resonance-scattered -quanta and the non-resonance-scattered radia- tion from the scatterer, the base, the shield, etc. The pulses from the photomultiplier (Fig. 2) were fed into two sealing circuits over an 7 amplifier and a single-channel discriminator. One of these circuits Card 1/3 S/056/62/042/003/008/049 Resonance scattering of ... B104/BI02 Fig. 1. Te 125m decay scheme. Fig. 2. Experimental arrangement. Legend. (1) Source; (2) scatterer, in an NaI(Tl) detector crystal, (4) lead collimator; (5) 'Lead plate; (6) background filter; (7) black paper. 77 Fig. 12$177 Te 145's hev Fig. 2 201-1 L --H=.F4,3.6: 40 4 � Ace, IS, SkeV Z4 7 I(-z,H=40.f.Y:f,6 Ce z// I . 1 25 77777277777771111111111 Te Card 3/3 0 S/05Y'2/042/005/007/050 '~!ar-netic moment of the ... 3125 3108 ~:H 2.02 �- 0.07 mm/sec -1-041 of the nuclear magneto n, and 1L 0 0 denote the magnetic moments of the ground state and of the excited state 119 0-7 ~he Sn nucleus, respectively, H is the mean field strength). The isomeric shift of the absorption line in the alloy is +1.36 t 0.04 mm/sec. The ma.-netic field acting upon the tin nuclei in the alloy is 68 � 2 koe. This I nternal magnetic field depends on the composition of the alloy. There are 1 figure and 1 table. The most important English-language reference is: 0. C. Kistner, A. W. Sunyar, T. B. Swan. Phys. Rev., 123, 179, 1961. ASSOCIATION; Institut yadernoy 'Liziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo univer- siteta (Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State Universi- t1y) Sj3l".ITTED: December 15, 1961 lard 2/2 ~j 7 .1.1 c S-Dect::-. . . . n nc t 0 t n e - va c, e oc :u v ;:.i of I h o .... .nt j ou V_ on I L',le 'jlval,~nt t-Li c,-):.. oun I~j vo v; e-~ --c'-- ion a C~-~! .2.,- it c lo c 3 _ylc. 4 3 -,-.n e 1 .3 i n c o r, 0 u n; z: v, 11- V e Z; 3-, S2: S n 0 3aSno S 3 -n 3 Q" N - cl nu C S , k--:. n S.-, -3 rl'3r and -n 7 , , 0 coo-", 7 `3 0' 1 - , " , 1 L -:D :17 t c~ n r ob I -) 7 ' - 2 2 8 . . . , . 1, C E! 1 G 1 , 2 at u - - t o n e I r. e 3-- -6 C- S - 7 ,1 S ~ E ;a 0 C 0. C 13 u 'I- 7f'T 17 ~4 .ion i Sl Th e -1, cj . z: T n: t 4 u y ae r n oy z-4 ~_o "0 U 0 u n v e r t -a t. 0 Of -C- (.,Lr Y.3 4 n v:7 S 2 S/048/62/026/01 2/008/016 B117/BI86- AUT11ORSs Kryukova, L. N., Murav'yeva, V. V., Shpinell, V. S. Malysheva, T. V., and Khotin, V. A.----- TITLEi Scheme of levels of Ir 189 excited.on electron capture in Pt 189 PERIODICALi Akademiya nauk SSSR.. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 12, 1962, 1492 - 1494 TEXTt The decay of the neutron-deficient isotope Pt 189 , T1/2 ' 10.5 hra, was studied by analyzing the conversion spectrum of the platinum fraction. In the 30 - 650 kev range, the measurements w'ere made with a magnetic spiral spectrometer using a method and experimental conditions described earlier (Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz., 24, 1109 (1960); 25, 1257 (1961)). Besides the lines found previously, two new ones were discoveredt 381 kev, T several hours, K457-1 and 644-5 kev, T 1/2 189 1/2 0 + I hr, K720.6. The energies of the f-transitions in Ir were measured and their multipole orders estimated (Tab. 2). Proceeding from the similarity of the odd 191 193 , a level scheme was proposed on the basis of the isotopes Ir and Ir Card 1/4 Scheme of levels of... 5/048/62/026/012/008/016 3 11 7/.B,1 86 ASSOCIATIONs Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiziki Ihoskovskogo gos. universiteta im. It. V. Lomonosova (Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Moscow State University imeni Al. V. Lomonosov); Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. Vernadskogo Akademii na'uk SSSR (Institute of Geo- chemistry and Analytical Chemistry -imeni Vernadskiy of the Academy.of Sciences USSR) Fig. 1. Energy level diagram of Ir 189 189 Table 2. Energy and multipole order of the f-transitions in Ir Legends (1) Possible values of the multipole'orders; (2) small admixtures. Card 3/4 S10481621026101210141016 e,f-coincidences in ... B117/B102 cascade between 140 and 280 kev. The analysis of coincidence and non- coincidence f -spectra of Pt 188 served to determine relative intensities of the )- -lines. Comparison between the r -intensities and the intensi- ties of'the conversion lines resulted in the following ratio of K-shell conversion coefficients: / K140:0'KlB7"Xl95:X280"L380:'K410:'K470 = This paper was presented at the 12th Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy in Leningrad from January 26 to February 2, 1962. There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-'lssledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovs- kago gos. universiteta, im. M. V. Lomonosova, (Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) Card 2/2 BRMHANOV, V.A.; DELYAGIN, N.N.; V S -- L. . Magnetic moment of the excited state of the Sn119 nucleus at an energy of 23.8 Kev. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 42 no-5: 1183-1185 MY 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Ind.titut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. - (Tin-Magnetic properties) (Quantum theory) /V zil j of :,bczba,.l 4-" t...2 t,.Ic n,arc!st 0 ralu fCC' Nr to no. 2(c) -.)C2 144-2-452 zb-,Ie- L: fe c I. in. 'n r. 0 tio;~ 1-6n, ;.~u ,I-arz u 3 On, of 25 C-!:' v in co--) - 1 0 r :, t In tz, 30n cl! 'r n(c,:` u '5 n.,, cC. :,'any 0 yj a in Ot.. inu2 :.,.3 the n, - G Ou-)s '2a~ent C r id + h and "/05!"/62 '0~ VJ02/01 -'/053- ?.t.-c-aliarilies of ~..Osobauor -,noct~ ..... :3 10- A: ~)4 ~,r. I.-_t'a of If to X. 7n media, c.a. In ctannifcr.~u-,, L*-c ,~,,stzluer u,"fuct for first 'The co..:_,Doition -5 B2 .-il apectra of crystLllinc Sn(C h j and ita roll", ion in 6 5 azn~ of crystuiline Sn(C Lin! o-' -4-.c 2.j 2 j jl- t on ir. :1 ich 1 Droc t h anc on* ." c a! of :ha lz,*.a in,lic,!te t".-t the zhane G: .~iu 5" a -4, r C 1- clos2j, -3 he tia n'.1clLu- I`- e e re fi,-.ures ~nd- 1 tz;Iji- -,)CT.,TIG:' ; :nj-.itut fizi'-i of Che.,zicall .-,hyji-cj of tac Aca~cmy of Scionc.-az D -.3ril 12, lj62 Ca;:-, 21/2 3/056/62/043/003/009/063 B12,r'BI02 AUTHORS Alekseyevskiy, ff. Ye., Pam Zuy Kiyen) Shapiro- ) , V. C., Shpinell, V. S.- -TTLE: Anisotropy of the 1,10"ssbauer effect in a ~-Sn single crystal I - P-ERIODICAL: Zhurnal experimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 43, no. 3(9), 1962, 790 - 794 TEXT: The resonance absorption probability flof 25.8 kev r-quanta in white tin ras studied at 770K and 2930K. The lamellar absorbers, about 57.5 mg/cm 2 thick, viere out out from fi-Sn single crystals in the (001), (101) and (100) planes. The trial measurements were made with a poly- crystalline thin foil. The tquantum sources, consisting of Sn 119M nuclei' in SnO2 Sn 118 ; N5 mg/Cm2 thick)~vere irradiated in a reactor. In all experiments the source was kept,at room temperature. The figure shows three spectra taken at 770K under identical geometrical conditions. Probably because of quadrupole interaction, the half-widths of the lines observed are greater than the theoretical half-Aidths if allowance is Card 1/3 S/056/'62/043/003/009/063 Anisotropy of the rylo"ssbauer... B125/BlO2 made for the effective thicknesses of absorber and source. The gradient of the electric field in ~-Sn crystals is axisymmetrical in first approxima- tion, the axis of symmetry being perpendicular to the (001) plane. The components of the absorption spectrum for the (001), (101) and (100) planes have the relative intensities a = 3, a = 9/7 and a - 3/5, aw+ W I ,(l+cos20), V, 2Q). W �3/2/'-1/23 +3/2 +1/2 "'-((5/3)-cos +J9 is the resonance absorption probability of the il-quanta to the corresponding sublevel. 9 is the angle between the symmetry axis of the crystal and the direction of the incident r-quantum. The greater the quadrupole splitting and the smaller the 9ffective absorber thickness, the greater the shift of the absorption maximum towards the more intense-component and the asymmetry of the line. The resonance absorption probabilities at 770K are f,:f 100:f0,01 21olycryst 6 =.1:0.67:0.89, at 2930K, f :f There 100:f1,01 601:fpoly = 1:6.95:0.75:0.80. are 1 figure and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Moscow Card 21/3 State University) S/'056/62/0431/004/ 018/061 B1 02/13180 Ale~.santlrov, A. Yu., Delyar-in, N. N., Ilitrofanov'I 3hpin T 7"T i, Ziwdru-~ole ~nterac.tion and isomeric shifts of 23-8-kev gamma;'Ltj.on of jn119 nuclel.ts in organo-tin compounds e I c DI I,: harnal ek-sperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 43, no, 400), 1962, 12i!2 1247 T~-'.~,Ts (,ontinutition of earlier studies (ZhETF., 42, 637, 1962; 43, 448, 11~62) ",o'.5ssbauer resonance absorption spectra of 23.8-kLiv r-quanta 11-.1, -ork deals with the'effect-of substituting certain atomic by 6 co~.D!~unds of the (C H ) SnX type, and SnX by othlers oil Uow)~ in rir,~, 9 2 4 ;-,hift 6, and the quadrupole interaction; X is an element or: ded It nto,,.-,s, n 2. The resonance absorption spectra were recor vAth n) n absorber velocity was varied linearly with time and b) onc of cl-nz~;'Lant velocity, the thicknesses varying from 30 - 100 mg/w2. .The latLec -method yielded more accurate spectra since the device used had -1 r d, 'i / , / 4 interaction ... 61C) 5 6/6 2/04 3/004/018/061 B102/3180 -eLeot~v,.- -en.,,~t.~Ivitv I.o e-quanta 2 5 ME/= SnU 2 con taiMing 1130,1 -quantum 5~)iirce. The orEano-tin compounds investi- h lc'i a!' 'ec ted the sha-pe of the spec trum. In !x11 'rept at roov,, tomperattirc ,Ind the nboorber at :,F-I, tv ;jel- tiire, Tlne wilues obtained for S ancl for the quwIm- c tti,i4- cc,,-,- I.rint a v,-iry re,~_ailarly for the compound3 for which the alec tivit." t"::-- ~ r-,toms varies. Double 1)ond8, and also atoms oc ron;:~ a tiv I ty no ' direc tly bon-ded wi th the tin a toms , v. ere d a strong effect on the electric field stren[--th actin- on ti--, can be ~i.uali.tatively explained by the violecular structiirr,. fil-ures and 1 table. 6 U C 1.*.---., Lns-.itl-,.t yadiornoy 'Liziki -..oskovsl-,ogo gosudarstVennoEo uni- 1/, verS4~ iota 'Institute of 24luclear Physics of Moscow State Univer7ity). Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza Akademii .33~R (institute of Petrochemical Synthesis of the ikcl 1O-'T'3' -)f Sciences US;() I c 2 "Cl S/056/62/043/006/016/067 B102/B104 AUTHORS: Sorokin, A. A., Shtall, M. Z., Shpinell, V. S. TITLE: The Zr'97 decay scheme PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 43, no. 6(12), 1962, 2056-2o62 TEXT: It has been found previously (Ref. 1. Izv.AN SSSR, seriya fiz., 20, 913, 1956) that in the Zr97 decay, besides the 745-kev isomeric state (T1/2 - 6o sec) of Nb97, several higher level's are excited with intensities 1rtrue) was measured in relation to the abaorber,thickness d at 78, 293, 495, a-ad 645 0K. The straight lines obtained were extrapolated to zero thicknesses, thus yielding the value of ['extr . The line rtrue (d) calculated for room temperature intersects with Card 1/3 S/056/63/044/002/001/065 DePendence of the 7-quantum ... B102/B186 the extrapolated measured lines for 78 and 2930K at zero thickness. The maximum absorption Eo - [N(00) - N(o)]/14(oo) was also measured as a f"netion of d a'. room temperature. From these measurements the absorption probability fl (without recoil) was determined. First, the case is considered that line broadening is caused by the doublet structure of e;,--ission and absorption lines with the distances AS and 6 A between their components. These distances were calculated from integrating rextr' Also the dependence of F-0 on the effective absorber thickness CA - n6ofl was calculated for various A A. This curve calculated for LA - 3.2 coincides with the experimental one for f I - 0.50 and af - 0-42i af denotes the fraction of tlie total counting rate which is due to y-quantum emission without recoil. The values of fl obtained by this method are denoted by f ii'hen splitting ;a taken into account, the EO (d) curve obtained does not corr,--spond with the measured one. Then the case is considered of emission and absorption lines being broadened, their Lorentz shape however, being retained. T~e Lorentz widths are PS1rA > rtrue- In this case the Card 2/3 S/056/63/044/002/001/065 Dependei,ce of the y-quantum B102,,B166 results (f" and P -11 P closely with the experiments. The line II A - A 'true shift ---iith temperature, observed at T -'3000 K, is weakly nonlinear; at T,~,30QOK it is linear. This shift is attributed to a second-order Doppler effect. Results: T, 0K' mm/sec, 13 f A 78 1,29 3,2 0 62 0 0 1 )70 2,1 293 1,30 3,3 0,50 0,56 1 2,1 495 1,43 4,1 0,42 a 0,50 1 2,5 645 1,53 1 4,5 0,35 0,43 2,8 There are 3 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki lAoskovskogo gosudarstvennogo uni- versiteta (Institute of N uclear Phys ics of the Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: June 8, 1962 (initially)# October 1, 1962:(after revision) Card 313 7 _7~ L_1364A43---:~:_ .4D S1005616310"100011W~ ACCESSfON NR: M3003117 Viskov A. AUTHOR: Fam Zui Kbiyen; ghpinelt', V. -S,; Venevtaev, Yu :N. Elump strontium, and calcium TITLE: Resonance absorption of Gemma in b stannates 17 ~i SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper,.i teor. fiziki', v. "I no. 6) 1963, l8U-i8qs ns ium TOPIC TAGS: resonance absorption , recoilles'absorptiofi, bar strontium stannate, calcium stannate, dielectric:loroperties stannate, ABSTRACT! The parameters of resonance absorption of the.23.8-keV Game. quants. emitted by Sn sup 119* were measured over,the temperature range from 78 to, 1020 OK for. the stannates of-barium, strontium, and.calcium, which allhave FV"Ovskite structure. This 'is a continuation of.A similar investigation made,on- tin oxide (ZhETF v- "1 393, 1963)1.an4 is aimed at ch%cking the possible difference in the distribution of internal fields in the stannates and in the perovskite ferro-and antiferroelectrics, for which purpose study of the gamma-ray-- resonance absorption properties yields independent information'on the field gradients and position of the tin ions. The temperature dependences of the probability for recoi" ess absorption and of, the position of the resonance were Card 1/2_ L 13647-63, ___FQaW/JjD ACCESSION NR; AP3003256 S/0056/63/046/006/21W/2183 Fam*Zui Xhiyen-, Viskov, A. S' AUTHOR -S. Venevtsevi Y. u. VN ftinell, V. TITLE! Abrupt change in probability of the Mossbauer effect at the phase transition in ferroelectries SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper. 1. teor., v. 44, no. 6, 11963, 2182-2183 TOPIC TAGS: Mossbauer effect,, phase transitions in ferroelectrics, first order.- transition, resonance gamma~ray absorptioni anomalous changes ABSTRACT- An attempt was made to detect ancmalous changes of the parameters for resonance^ gapma-ray absorption (such as probability of recoilless-resonance absorption or shift of resonance energy) accompanying a ferroelectric phase transition in the series of solid solutions of bismuth ferrite in- strontium stannate. The Sn sup 119* contained in tin oxide-was used as a source. An _y~for recioilless-resonance abs abrupt change in the probabilit orption(fl) ww observed and was attributed to the transition of - the solid solutiou from the paraelectric to the ferroelectric state; this was confirmed by x-ray photographs. The widths of the transition regions reach sizeable waues and increase with the strontium-stannete con-tent. The phenomenon is explained from the thermodynamic point of view as due to a discontinuous decrease in the part of theinternal*, I Card 1/2 S/020/63/148/001/027/032 B101/B186 AUTTIORS: Aleksandrov, A. Yu., Delyagin, N.N., Mitrofanovq K.P.9 Polak*, L.S., Shpinell, V.S. TITLE: Inves~igation of organo-tin compounds by MBsebauer resonance absorption of gamma quanta PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. - Doklady, v. 148, no. 1, 1963, 126-128 V 119 TEXT: The 23.8 kev gamma absorption spectra by Sn nuclei were in- vestigated for 22 or6ano-tin compounds. Sn119mo was used as gamma 2 source, and the absorbers were cooled ib nitrogen temperature. The isomeric shift 6 and the amount 8 of the quadrupole splitting were measured. Results: (1) In the compounds SnR 41 -where R = C2H5Y COP C3H71 Q4 H9, or CH,CH2CN, 6 was-ul.3 mm/sec, corresponding to the electron density caus'ed'bY 4 Sn-C bonds on the Sn nucleus. The atoms not bound to Sn had no effect on 6. (2) In the compounds (C 4H9)2 CnH2n+1C00)2V n 7, or 17, 6 was 1.45�0.10 mm/sec, and j!Nwas 3-4~tO.20 mm/sec. n Card 1/3 .S/020/63/148/001/027/032 Investigation of organo-tin compoundo ... B1O1/B186 had no effect on the electron distribution in the Sn-0 bond. (3) The highly electronegative chlorine affected 6, even if it was not bound to Sn. Data found for (C 4H 9)2 Sn (CH2ClCOO)2- 6 =, 8 = 3.65�0.10, and for (C4H 9)2 Sn(CC1 3COOH )2: 5 = 1.6540-10, 8 = 3.80�0.10. (4) For FSn(C11 CH and H the doublet formed by quadrupole inter- 2 2CN)3 (C2 5)3SnOH' action was found to be asymmetrio. It is assumed~ that the quadrupole, interaction is accompanied by a ma~n;atic ifiterabtion affected by MI. If an internal magnetic field exists in the molecule perpendicularly to the electric field the component of the quadrupole splitting is affected by whether the transition occurs from the in = � 3/2 or from the m 11/2 sublevel. There are 1 figure and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut neftekhimicheakogo s inteza Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis of the Academy of Sciences USSR); Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova (Institute of. Nuclear Physics of the Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) Card 2/3