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AUTHOR- Shparber, L. Ya. SOV/130-98-9-4/23 TITLE: -t:t-f zT ~,_.n ~cer~_e~ Blast-furnace Uharging (Ratsionallnaya st'die,Aa za,,-ruzki domennoy pechi) ID PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1958, Nr 9, pp 10 - 12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The scheme described (figure) was evolved at the Magnito- gorsk 1-iletallurgical KarMnat by V.1~1- Zudin, B.S. Krivolapov, B.S. Reyzov, I.I. Sagaydak, V.A. Shastin and L.Ya. Shoarber. Hot sinter is charged into two bunkers of 850 m3 capacity each, provided with two cooled roll feeders, each dis- charging onto vibrating screens of a non-blocking type. The fines are returned via a small skip hoist to a bunker. The blast-furnace sinter goes into a weighing hopper which collects the appropriate weight and then gives a signal which stops the roll feeders. When the hopper has dis- charged into the blast-furnace skip and closed, the feeders are automatically set into operation. The ore and flux are fed into the weighing hopper from their bins by light rubber belts. The two roller-feeder coke bins each have their own screens and weighing hoppers. The coke passes via rapid belts and chutes to the main skip at the appropriate time; the coke breeze is removed Cardl/2 in the ordinary way. The author describes how the new /27 UfWient'. Scheme for Blast-furnace Charging SC)V/130-? -Y -" system can be Partly installed at a plant during running repairs and during major repairs. The compactness of the 0 layout enables spac 9 to be saved and the scheme enables fines to be removed directly before the skip (or the burden can be sized and charged separately), the charging to be made completely automatic, the scale car to be eliminated and working conditions with hot sinter to be improved. The proposed system has advantages over a purely belt system or one in which an automatic scale car is used. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: J.,1agnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat ~111agnltogorsk Metallurgical Xombinat) Uard 2/2 1, Blast furnaces--operation 2. Blast furnaces--Equipment LEP'Y'11111, L.A.. inzh_.- I - SHPARM, L..Ya.. inzh. New method of feeding steam into blast furnace bell areas. Stall 18 no. 6:503 Je 158. (MIRA 11:7). 1. Maguitogarskiy metallurgichaskiy kombinat. (Blast furnaces) SHPARBER, L.Ya. DoBulfuration of pig iron outside the blast furnace. Metallurg 5 no.2:8-9 F 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicbeekiy kopbinat. (Desulfuration) (Cast iron) SHPi.RBER, L.Ya.; DORXAN, A.I. Ladle travel in one-lip casting of iron. Metallurg 5 no. 19:10-12 D 160. (MIRA 13,,11) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgichaskiy kombinat. (Blast furnaces-Equipment and supplies) S113~016010001011100310il A006/A001 AU'.T'EOR,, Shparber, L. Ya. TT.TLE- Me7haniz-at`ion-aM-ktt~-~on of a Blast Furnace Shop \A PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1960, No. 11, pp. 6-9 TEXT-. Information is given on the automation of various installations at the blast -furnace shop of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine. Scale.-cars are being replaced by two automated charge. systems. In system 1) coka-, sinter ore, and admixtures are supplied by three lines. Coke is delivered as previously passing from the bin through the scregner and the weighing hopp#g~r. Sinter is e a: supplied from the bin to a plate conveyer and to the hopper. Ther re 2 plato conveyers arranged at two sides of the skip pit and switched-on automatically. System 2) includes a iar6e-capacd-ty bin for sinter ard small bins with plate con-veyers for --oke which are arranged at both sides of t"'e sinter bin from which the material is delivered by three drum stopp,~rs. The outer stoppers are intended to supply sip-ter to the left and right hand side hoppers and the central stopper provides for the alternating charge of the hopper with the aid of a reversing gate. Coke passes from the bin. through the screener the conveyer and the W Card 1/3 S/130/60/000/011/003/011 Mechanization and Automation of a Blast Furnace Shop A006/AO01 weighing hopp,~r, The left and right hand side hoppers may be charged'-from any bin with ths aid of a reverse valve, The author recommends the method of tensometric weighing and the insluallation of a partition into th6 weighing hopper for coke, dividing the hopper into 2 compartments which will permit the automatic con.trol of the coke size. Steam supply is made safer, reducing the wear of the la-rge cone rod, preventing the ejt!,:ktI'on of -the charge when opening small cone etc. improvements have been made to facilitate the work of hearth attendants. However, the installation of various machines for the cleaning of rjhners, the lining of runneys with refractories, for the exch&n-ge of cooling devices, etc. is still required. Air heaters are now being made with automatic reverse valves and pulses produced by a time relay or when completely closing the mixin valv.. Each heater may be in one of three basic positions C'heat% "blast", "separation") or In speciall "t.r,action" position. The control. is automatic, cyclic or individ- ual, The laboratory of automatics, the TsPKB and the blast Tfurnace shops are ooo-Upied to deve-Lop automation of remote control units in two directions-, a) Taking gas samples and measuring the temperature at individual s1)o-t-s of the furnace radium, and b) the conti-nuous checking of the temperature and the C02 r te .;ontent du_ring ths motion of the sampling pipes. Work is a-so direc. d on the autcmati,~ cor-trol of pressu--8 d-rop, conditioyLs of tuyers hearthus and the Card 2/3 5/130/60/OOCL/O I I/Gui/~~ ii Mso~hanization and Automation of a Blast Furnace Shop A006/AOOI distribution of blast aver the tuyeres, There are 3 figures, ASSOCIATION; Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskly kombl-nat (Magnitogorsk Metallurgi- cal Combine) Card 3/3 STEFAEOVICH, M.A.; SHPARBER,,--L,Ya.; BOGDANOV, V.V. Reducing effect of gases in blast furnace stacks. Stalt 22 no.8:687-692 Ag 162. (NIR& 15:7) 1. Magnitogorskiy gorno-meta-Ilurgicheskiy institut i Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheakiy kombinat. (Blast furnaces) (Gases) SAGAYDAK, I.I.; GALE~UN, I-M-; SHPARBER, L.Ya.; KARSHIN, V.P. Durability of air and slag tuyeres. Metallurg 9 no.4:6-8 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat i Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut meta'Llurgii. LEPIMIN, L.A., inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: STE--ANGVICH, M.A., doktor te.khn.nauk; Bl"BARYWIN, N.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; tEYASOV, A.G.J. kand.tekhn.nauk;_�H2p.RT4~,,,4,,YpL., inzh.; BOGDANOV, V.V., inzh.; ZHARKOVJI P.Y., master pechi; PANIN, O.G., master pechi; FEDOTOV, V.G., master pechi; FECFANOV, N.M., master pechi;SAGAYDAK, I.I., inzh., rukovoditellraboty Evaluating the effect of various methods of charging a blast furnace on the state of the gas flow in its upper part. Stall 23 no. 3:193-204 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgichesk-iy kombinat (for Lepikhin). GALENIN, I.M.; SAGAYDAK, I.!.; KASHINY 'V.?.; SHPARBEi, L.Ya.; KURUNOV, I.F.; 3-01-ITS, Yu.M. Investigating combustion processes in furnace hearths. Stall 23 no. 3:204-207 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallurgii i Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. VIYEP, V.I.; -,KUKGV, REIIOV, N.S. S H ?A-:d3ER Yu.p.; 1.2 Improving the aperati r-~- ~---nd` tf ons of' a r:7-* nL~ d-3-r4,-.e. Jjatallurg L -- I - -- --, - - 9 no.12-:8-D D 1611~. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Magnitogurskiy iretallurgicheokiy k(~mhirat. KOPYRIN, I.A.; OSTROUKHOV, M.Ya.; STEFANOVICH, M.A.; BORTS, Yu.M.; SAGAYDAK, I.I.; SHPARBER, L.Ya.; VOLKOV, Yu.P. Heat balance of smelting with a low slag yield for the Magnitogorsk blast furnace. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; chern. met. 8 no-4:45-52 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallurgii, Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat i Magnitogorsk-iy gornometallurgicheskiy institut. N ~ !,L V YER., V~ 1 V 0 Y, Gl "j, ~'IiATI Ll fl'~, it a n a P-cre Napa bla 5 ~, ft'~-z-za~';-: hfetallurg i0 (KIFLA 18-.411 a CHEPUNPLATIN, A.N.; OSTROUKHOV, M.Ya.; GIWELIFARB, R.A.; VOLKOV, Yu.P.; BABARYKINP N.N.; SHPARBER, L.Ya.; GALATONOV, A.L. Mastering of WK [Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Cambinel blast furnace operations with the use of natural gas. Metallurg 10 no.8:12-13 Ag 165. (MIPA 18:8) 1. Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut metallurgii i 0 Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. BABARYKIN, N.N.; GALATONOV, A.L.; SAGAYDAK, I.I.; TSVERLING, A.L.; YAKOBSON, A.P.; BORTS, Yu.M.; ZHILO, N.L.; KOPYRIN, I.A.; OSTROIJEHOV, M.Ya. Experimental smelting with a reduced slag output. Stall 24 no.12:1069-1075 D 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Magnitorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat i Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallurgii. 5HFAREk,R, L.Ya. Condition of the charging equiFment and the technical and economic indices of blast furnace smelting. Metallurg 10 no.12:9-10 D 165. OTMA 18:12) 1. ,4-ignitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. SUFARB11R. P.A., inzhener. Investigating methods of ground freezing without brine. Shakht-.- stroi. no.7:13-18 Jl 157. ban 1U18) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut organizataii montazha shakhtostroitelletva. (Shaft sinking) (Yrozen ground) SHPARBER, P.A., inzh. Conditions freezing. Shakht. stroi no.1:7-10 158. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iesledovatel'skiy institut organizataii i moklianizataii shakhtnogo stroitellstva. (Mining engineering) (Frozen ground) SHPARKR, P., inzli. Brineless freazir4 of rock layers. Khol. tel-h. 3.5 no. 3:36-39 tt--Je '59. WIRA 11-7) 1. Vs,-,so7uzn,.v,- nauchno-is 3ledova tel' skiy institut organi7,stait i mnkhani-ntsll q-1halchtnogo utroitellstva. (Soil frnnzing) (Shaft sinking) "SHPARBER, P.,-inZh,-,. Frnezing of ground for shaft oinking in the Takovlev mine of the Kursk magnetic anomaly region [vith sun, ry in English], Khol.tekh. 37 no.2:28-29 My-Ap'60. (MIRL 13:10) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledoratellskiy institut organizateii i makhanizataii shakhtnogo stroitel'stva. (Yakovlev region (Kursk Province)--Mining engineering) (Soil freezing) SHISHOV., YeoL,, kand.tekhn.nauk; SYCHEV, A.S.., inzh.,- KILIMOV., S.L.., inzh..-, SHPARBER, P.A_, inzh,, "Handbook on special methods of shift sinking." Reviewed by E.L. Shishov and others. Shakht. stroi. 6 no.5-.32-3 of cover Y-- 162 ~M-IRA 15:V (Shaft sinking) SHPARBER., P.A.) inzh. Rock freezing without brine. Ugoll Ukr. 6 ~no-5:21-22 My 162. I (MIRA 15: 1-1) 1. Ukrglmkiy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut, organizatsii i mekhanizatsii shakhtnogo stroitel'stva. (Mining engineering) (Soil freezing) SHPARBER, P.A., inzh. Selecting a freazing mixture of ronk freezing. Shakht. stroi. 7 no.3,.18-19 IL-t63 (MIRA 17-.7) 1. Uk!--biskiy nauchno-isaldeo-vatellskiy institut organizatsii i mekhanizats-*Li shakhtnogo stroitellstva. PANI,Ki%', V.'..,P lnzh.; _l';,O,xPBER, F.A,, ilrizii. Free-zing of rock in depth during shaft sinking at the Zapcrozhlyr~ Iron Cre Combine No. 1. Shakht. stroi. 9 no.9: 17-22 S 165. (MIRA 18 - 9) 1. Vsesoyuziiyy nauchno-issledovatallskiy iTwtitut organizataii i m-3khan-L7,atr-A-i .9hakhtnogo stroit~ellstv-a. _- ! i ! U,-, ,P- zi -I - I I , . I ir-- ~, '~WR'OV, I'.N. " inzh. ; SHPAUER, P.M. Automatic Droduction line for machining cylinder heads for the DT-54 tractor diesel engine. Mashinostroitall no.12:5-6 D '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Automatic control) (Machine-shop practice) SI-I'PARIUR, Ya,Ye., poL-~ovrdk madit-sinskoy sluzhl~,v; ANYwm, R.G. Diseases of the internal ear following harotrawma, Vcem-mad.zhi--. no.7468-69 164. 1(141R~ 18'.5) SHPAILBM, Yu. Experience in mechanizing laundry operations. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 5 no.4:28 '55. (MLRA 8:9) 1. Inzhener-tekhnolog fabriki-prachechnoy No. 6 Mosk7y (Tagundry machinery) GUTOV, N.G.; SHPARBER, Yu.A. Using synthetic washing powders in a laundry. Masl. -zhir.prom.23 no.1:23-24 157- (MLRA 10:1) 1. Moskovskays. fabrika-;prachechna7a no.6. (Washing powders) GUTOV, N.G.; SITPARBER, Yu.A., tekhnolog gents. Gor.khoz.Mosk- 31 no-5:29 Now ffynthetic Boapless clefinsing ag my 157. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Direktor fabriki-pracheshnoy No. 6. (Washing powders) GUTOT, N.G., t(ikhnol6g; SHPARBIR Y Mechanized ironing of laundry. Gar. khoz. Mask. 32 no-2:32-33 F 1-595. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Hoskovekaya, fabrika-pracheshnava no.6. 7. Direktor Moskovskoy fabriki-pracheohnoy no.6 (for Gutov). (Laundry) SHPARBER, Yu. A., tekhnolog. , '. ,,~ Repeated use of suds. Gor. Ir-hoz. Mosk. 32 no-10:36 o '58. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Fabrika-practieshnaya No.6 g. Moskvy. (Washing machines) SHFARBER, Tu.A., tekbnolog Automatization of washing machines. Gor,khoz.Hosk- 33 no.101.28 0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Fabrika-pracheshnayn 11o.6. (Automatic control) (Washing machines) SHPARBER, Yu.A., tekhnolog; GRESHNEV, A.I., inzh. Mechanical ironing of nonflatwork. Gor.~hoz.Mbsk. 36 no.12:33- 34 D 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Fabrikaprachechnaya No 6 g. Moskvy (for Shparber). iLaimdry) r: tF 7 ,c r r !-;r: i ve 41-h~ 17:4) RZKHOVSKIY, Yu.D., inzh.; -SHPARBERG, AaMe 9 . inzh. (Leningrad) Flame cleaning of metal bridges. Puti i put. khoz. no.4:24-25 Ap '59. (MIRA 13:3) Wetal cleaning) (Railroad bridges-Maintenance and repair) SHPARBEM, -B. I. Automatic weighing on cranes. Trudy TSKIIMF no.11:91-103 157. (MIRA 11:2) (Weighing machines) (Remote control) GILPAIMERG, B. I. Apparatuses with high ca.pacity wire strain gauges for measur- Ing strains in hydraulic structures. Trudy TSNI114? no.19: 69-79 '58. (14IRA 13: 1) (Strain gauges) (Hydraulic engineering) 27353 S/194/61/000/003/008/046 )'7, D201/D306 AJTHOR: Shparberg, B.I. TITLE: A semiconductor probe for measuring small velocities of flow PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 3, 1961, 30, abstract 3 A248 (Tr. Tsentr. n.-i, in-ta morsk. flota, no. 26, 1960, 109-111) TEXT: A description is given of a probe for measuring small velo- cities of liquid flow, using two thin plexiglass plates glued to- ,glether, between which are placed two microthermistors MT-54 forming part of a bridge circuit. The nominal value of the resistance of each thermistor (T) is 2830 ohms, its temperature coefficient 3.5876, time constant 0.1 sec, working temperature range from -70 to.+1500C. The thermistors are placed along the axes of two co-axial tapered cones, the joint of the t-wo forming, a constricted aperture. The cone axis is the plane of the junction of the plates. Unen liquid Card 1/2 NOVIKOV., A.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; _SItPARBERG-,--BI. Actual measurements of the elastic lixie of a metal groove. Trudy TSNIMF 7 no. 32:41-47 161# (14LU 14, 5) (Elasticity-Measurement) SAPRY~.I,N, K.V.; SHPARO`Z?Ul, L,A. Feature of television image conversion by different scanning techniques. Radiotekhnika 18 no.8:36-40 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. DeystvitelInyye chleny Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva radiotekhniki I. elektrosvfazi imeni Popova. !;l ~' .: . ": , ':' " - ;. , ~ '. , ~ q ~ ~ I -1. . 'I . : f, ' -, .. L (~- wil":. Ell! . I Ci -luC, ! Mfr)rfl. -"~(* rood.- ..',-, -.1. , . I !,.!IRA 1s:11 SHPARRERG, Ye.M., gornyy inzhener; MORGUNOV, V.P., gornyy inzhener 3quipment for feeding coal and rock into water ducts under pressure. Ugoll Ukr- 3 no.7:37-39 Jl '59. (MIRA / P ;1i) (Hydraulic mining) MAKAROV, I.V.;SHPARBERG, Ye.M. New machinery for hydraulic haulage. U901' 34 no.11;29-30 11 '59 (MIRA 13:3) 1. Kuznetskiy filial Giprouglemasha. (Hydraulic machinery) (Mine haulage) KIrVMICH, A.S.; GOLIDIII, M.A.; SHPARBIRG, Te.M.; FROLOV, A.G. Hydraulic hoisting system with an AZV-1 loading machine in the No.1 IIXIX Parts"ezd" Mine of the Leninugoll Trust. Ugol' 35 no-1:35-39 Ja 160. (MIRA 13-5) 1. Luganskiy sovnarkhoz (for Kuzlmich, Golldin). 2. KuznetskiF filial Giprouglemasha (for Shparberg). 3. Institut gornogo dela AIT SSSR (for Frolov). (Lugansk ]Province--Mine hoisting) (Hydraulic mining) SHPARBERG, Ye.m., inzh. Some characteristics of the use of feeding devices in high-pressure hydraulic transportation. Ugoll Ukr. 5 no.2:23-24 F 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Sibgiprogormash. (Coal-Transportation) (Hydraulic conveying) (Pipeline transportation of solids) SHFAHBEIRGI Ye.'N- Methodological problems in the calculation of rotation- feeding apparatus for high-pressure hydraulic transportation, izv, Sib. ot-d. AN SSSR no-11:48-62 161. (II!Pji 15:1) 1. Institut ---ornogo dela Sibirskogo otdaleniya AT,' SSSR, ,iib-ipi-cgoi~i.iash, - - r, I (Hydraulic conveying) SHPARBERG, Ye. M.,, inzh. Regulation of the parameters of the working process of the loading apparatus for high pressure hydraulic conveying. oll U~r. 6 no.10:28-30 0 162. (MIRA 15:10 1. Sibgiprogormash. (Hydraulic conveying) SHP&RBERG, Ye.M.J. inzh. Studying the operating of an AZY-2 raine filling apparatus. Trudy VNIIG-Jdrouglia no.2:66-74 16'.. (M-MA 17.-0') 1. Sibirskiy gosudarstvennyy proyektno--konstruktorskiy eksperimentallnyy institut gornogo mashinostroyenlya. KHARAGORGIYET, S.Ye., inzh.; SHPARAGA,_!Jl,,-inzh. Improvement of indiceg-ln founding. Mashinostroenie no.6s3l-33 N-D 162. (MM 16s2) 1. Ukrgiprostanok. (Founding-Production standards) A.I.. prof., Laureat Loninskoy p di, zasl. deyatell KOLOMIIYCIIENKO~ remi nauki, red LUKOVSKIY, L.A., prof., red.; ZARIaSKIY, L.A., prof., zasl. deyatell nauki, red.; PITEEKO, E.F., prof., red.; GLADKOV, A.A., prof., red.; KUHILIN, I.A., prof., red.; MOSTOVOY, S.I., doktor med. nauk, red. ; BARLYAK, R.A., prof., red.; SHPARRIKO, B.A., dots., red.; ROZENGAUZ, D.Ye., dots., red.; KHARSHAK, B.M., dots., red.; CHEREOVA, I.A., nauk, red. [Current problems of clinical and experimental otolaryngology] Aktualinye voprosy kliniko-eksperimentallnoi otolaringologii. Kiev, Zdorovlia, 1964. 350 P. (~91RA 18:2) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut otalaringologii. 2. Ot- del profpatologii Nauchno-i-ssledovatellskogo instituta oto- laringologii (for Pitenko). 1. 311PARIVELIX, 1". . ')r. 2. Tu"IS'n ~600~ 4. Korean 'gar, 1950- 7. Atrocities of American interventionists in the Far East. 8ov. kras. krest 3 no. 2 1953 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June -1953. Unclassified. SHPARKOVSKIY, A.A., polkovni-k maditsinskoy E3iuzhby Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. on the improvement of military medical service. Voen. - med. zhur. no.1:8--10 t.)3. (MIRA 17s8) -'.rjt_T Jjj-;KIY, V. I., 4. 'larine Fauna 7. Slipshod work ("Animal world of seas and oceans and its economic importance." V. G. Borrorov. .reviewed by V. M. 'Shparlinskiy). 1~rb. khoz. 29, 11o. 2, 1953. a 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1953, Uncl. SUAHLINSKIY. Viktor Matveyevich-,__.ZAYTSEV, V.P., spetsred.; KLYACHKO, I.I., ---- - --- - - - - Yi~ ~.A., I~WL' , tFishing industry of the U.S.S.R.] Rybnaia promyshlennost' SSSR. Moskva, morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. 1959. 53 P. (MIRA 13:9) (Fisheries) -4-EPARL114%Kly V..~!,__ [World fl3hin4, ind--ct-ry] Hirovoe rybolovst7o. M~!sk7a, 19~e',~. 129 P. (MIRA 13:10) (Fisberies) SHPARLINSKIY, V.M. "Revieir of the Fishing Industry of the USSR." Report presented at the FA0 Seminar and Study Tour for Fishery Administration from the Indo-Pacific and Mediterranean Regions, Moscow 11 Sep-14 Oct 1961. S-RARLINSKIY, Viktor blatvayevich; ELIKRIA, B.N., red. [The fishing industry of the U.S.A.; an economic essay] Ryonaia promyshlennost' SShA; ekonomicheskii ocherk. Moskva, Pishchevaia proWshlennost', 1964. (MIRA 18: 4) LUM10"JAYA, Dora Isaakovna; SIIFAULINSKM,-Y-&-,p SPetJ- red.; A7yj;ZAjT, Yu.S., ced.; SHESTAK, S.N., red. [lnland-water fisheries of the U.S.S.R. (aakesq ri7ers, and reservoirp); a guide] Rybokhoziaistvennoe ispollzovariie vnutrennikh vodoemov SSSR (ozer, rek i vodokhranilish--h); spravochnik. Moskva, Pishchevaia promyshlennost', 2965. 597 P. (MIRA 18.,7) SHPARO,-LI,~ SIVJR, M,G, Distribution of the roots of random polmomials. Vest.Mosk.1-in.- Ser.!~ Mat.,mekh. 17 no.3,40-43 -V-Je '62. (!~ 141:7) 1. Kafedra teori-4 veroyatnostey Moskovskogo universiteta. (Polynomials) IY17 BiAGUISJKAYA~ V.P.*,SRPARO,, L.A. Cytogram of the tonsils and its relation to course of scarlet fever. Pediatriia, Moskva no.6:51-56 Nov-Dec 1953. (GIML 25:5) 1. Of the Infectious Department (Scientific Supervisor -- Honored Worker in Science Prof. A. I. Dobrokhotova) and the Department of General Pathology-(Scientific Supervisor - Prof..N. M. Nikolayev) of the Institute of Pediatrics (Director - Prof. K. K. Razantseva) of the AcademV of Medical Sciences USSR located at Children's Hospital imeni Rasalcov (Head Physician - Docent V. A. Kruzhkov). USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. The Effect of T Physical Factors. Ionizing Irradiations. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 22, 1958, 102356. Author ::.~bga ot'iFro~eL. A.; Fokina, T. V.; Merimova, T~ Dk p T~ ~ Inst : No g e Title t The Sensitivity of Animals of Different Ages to General Roentgen Irradiation. Orig Pub: Tr. Vses. konferentsii po med. radiol. Eksperim. med. radiol. M,, Medgiz, 1957, 76-81. Abstract: Rats (265) of various age groups were irradIated J_ with a dose of 250-1000 r. Animals up to 6 weeks old turned out to be more radiosenBitive than adults. Newborn rats were distinguished by the greatest radio sensitivity; they died without ex- ception even after 250 r. In rats 2-15 days old, radiation sickness developed somewhat more slowly Card 1/2 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5326 Shparo, L. A., T. V. Fokiba,, T. D. Mirimova, Z. A. Rassadina,, T. M. 14e_1_r&n_6Va, and K. A. Moskacheva Osobennosti reaktsii rastushchego organizma na deystviye ioniziru- yushch'eq; radiatsii. (The Peculiarities of the Reactions of a Growing Organism to the Effect of Ionizing Radiation) Moscow, Medgiz, 1960, 177 P. Errata slip inserted. 4,000 copies printed. Ed.: Ye. F. Baranova. Tech, Ed.: N. S. Kuzlmina, PURPOSE: This book is Intended for biologists, physiologists, and other specialists concerned with the effectsof ionizing radiation on the human organism. COVERfic-E: The book reports on investigations of the effects of ionizing radiation on humans and animals at different ages, ranging from infancy to maturity. The total reaction of an organism, manifested by its general sense of well-being, behavior, variation in weight, longevity, condition of blood, external condition of skin, etc., as wbil as the disturbances in individ- ual organs, tissues, and their functioning are discussed. The Card 1/4 The Peculiarities of the Reactions (Cont.) SOV/5326 work is based on studies conducted at the Radiobiological Laboratory of the Institut pediatrii AM SSSR (Institute of Pediatrics of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR) on the reactions of laboratory animals as well as children exposed to radiation in the course of x-ray therapy. The following scienti8ts are mentioned as having made significant contributions recently in this field of research: K. K. Poplavskiy, 0. P. Peterson, A. V. Kozlova, V. F, Cherkasov, Ye. A. Dikovenko, I. A. Volodina, M, A. Aleksandrovskaya, V, A, Troitskiy, A. G. Izergin, A. M. Rusanov, V. V. Kholin, A. P. Chesnokova, A. I. Osipovskiy, T. N. Ulissova, G. S. Kunicheva, A. P. Yegorov, V. V. Bochkarev, and M. P. Domshlak. Ttiere are 250 references: 190 Soviet, 43 English, 16 German, and I Frenzh, TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Ch. 1. Characteristics of Clinically Manifested Reactions of a Gro-wing Organism to the Action of Ionizing Radiation During Card 2/ 4 The Peculiarities of the Reactions SOV/5326 Age associated characteristics of injury to digestive organs of growing animals afflicted with acute radiation sickness (T. D. Mirimova) , 112 Age associated bone damage in growing animals under localized irradiation svith x-rays (T. D. Mirimova) 136 Instances of crippling in the progeny of animals afflicted with acute radiation sickness early In life (L. A. Shparo) 155 Bibliography 162 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (Qj1652.075) JA/d%,T/jw Card 4/4 9-8-61 MOSUCHEVA, K.A.; M=OVA, T.D.,; �BPARQ,-L,A.; FEBOLISINA, L.I.; BARASHNEV, Yu.1. Radiation lesions in children as a result.of treating malignant and benign tumors, Med.rad. 7 no.7:38-45 J1 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Iz Instituta pediatrii AMN SSSR (zar. rentgenologicheskim, otde- lom, - doktor meditsinskikh nauk K.A. Moakacheva). (RADIATION SICKNESS) (CANCER) (TEJMCRS) STARK, Yu.S.; SHPARO, N.B. Methodology of determining local inhomogeneities of an electric field in metals in sites of atomic nuclei from nuclear magnetic resonance data. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.12:3569-3573 D '63. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut stali i splavov, Moskva. ", ! - ` Rja', SHFARD, N.B. ~;f~ -:1 -;f' he ~rillarge in !i sr,- -1, - t r -r -i I d sr)-, 1u, n1l cn cf si _-i lie r in a -lumipuz, F 4--z. me'. i meLalloved. il( no,4 6-i' Ap 164. (MIRA 17;8) - Mc.,,keliskily Institut, i ACCESSION NR: AP4041342 510115/64/000/005/0019/0021 I AUTHOR: Bardila, P. L; Kits, A. I.; Lakh, V. I.; Pinchevskiy, A# D.; ~~4.paxav.,_ P. 1. TITLE: New platinum resistance thermometers SOURCE: lzmeritel'naya tekhnika, no. 5, 1964, 19 -21 TOPIC TAGS: thermometer, resistance thermometer, platinum resistance the riTiomete r ABSTRACT: Soviet-make resistance thermometers for a -200-t-5000 range with platinum wire wound on a mica form have shown these shortcomings: (a) poor seal, (b) mechanical weakness, (c) unwieldy design, and (d) high thc-rmal inertia. A new design, free from the above drawbactcs, consists of f(jur helices, made from 0;05-0.07-mm Pt wire, placed in channels in a cerandc cartridge; the channels are subsequently filled with alumina powder. Tempcraturs measurements up to 700C are possible. These types are developed and offered for production: ACCESSION NR: AP404134Z Resistance Sensitive Type: at OC, ohms elem. dia., mm Single 10 2.8 46 4.8 46 4.2 100 4.8 Double 46 4.8 Orig. art. has- Z figures and I table. 'ASSOCIATION: none I SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: TD,, 19 NO REF SOV: 004 Card !2/2 Length# rrim 20 25 35 50 50 Channel dia., mm o.6 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.3 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 ;SUARRO, I. - - -- ----- --- %.,,. From variows latitudes. Vokrug aveta no.7-.16 Jl 154. (MLRA 7:8) (Birds) GLI SEGAL, Ya., metodist;.~HPAR WSKIY, B.I.; PEREGUD, A. Letters and notes. Zdrav.Bel. 8 no.7:92-93 J1 162. (MM 15:11) 1. Grodnenskiy oblastnoy Dom sanitarnogo prosveshcheniya (for Segal). 2. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom propagandy i agitatsii Klichevskogo rayonnogo komiteta Kommunisticheskoy partii Belorussii (for Shpartov). 3. Zaveduyushchiy Leshchinskim felldshersko-aku- sherskim punktom Minakoy oblasti (for Glinskiy). (IMEDICINE) SHPAaKOVSKIY, V.S., inzh. -I" ~ . 00aO0014 Portable unit for removing snow from roofs of industriELl buildings. Stroi. prom. 36 no.9:19-20 S 158. (KRA 11: 10) (Snow removal-Equipment and supplies) DUANOVSKILY, B.V. -~--SQA T V.5. -,: - Administrative and mineral -service buildingo in Lvov-Volyn Basin. Ugoll Uk-r. 3 no.6:17-19 Je 159. (14TRA 12-11) 1. Ukrgiprosbal-,bt. (Lvov-Volyn BaBin-Mine buildings) 0 SUP11,21H, V. Modern types of equipment for painless dentistry. Med.prom.. 13 no.1:24-25 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Hauchno-issledovatel'skiy inotitut meditsinskoy teldiniki Chekhoslovatako.,t reopubliki. (MUTAL INSTRI.41ENTS AND APPARA.TUS) ./; "L I/ /'f- Z II- - I .I NEDZVLTSKIY, S.V.; GRECHKA, F.P.; SHPATS, T.A. Causes of 'nypercholesteroiemia. 4,133-138 '52. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Kafedra biokhimii Laningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo institute. (GHLESTEROL METABOLISM) (AGETONEMIA) jHPATS T. A. Chemical Ai,.A . Vol. 48 'H 0. 3 Feb. 10j 1954 Biological Chemistry Sterols of the anirafganism: 7-hydfo~-~-qholestetol. V. Nedzvetskif, ~k.- N. Panyukov, a, '* .- A. Shf,:zts -.11il"'Md Med. Inst., Chair Diol. Chem- M-MIM.Mr it;, :115-18(1953)~Dogs received 0.5 g. of cholesterol anci 2 QIIA (3,-64 9. of fut per kg. body wt. for 10-12 days and were then sa~:ri- fijvvd. The blood was dild. with -1 vols. of acetone and the rniiiecd organs were treated similarly with acetone. Re- jwatcd extris. with acetone were made and the acetone frac- tiims were combined, evulid. residue extd. with ether, fil- ttrcd unit CIO-30 ml. CtOll added to the filtrate. The ether was evapd. and the ale. residue washed with ale. into a conical tube and lvt stand overnight. A ppt. Tornied con- sisting of (at, cholesterol, tuid its esters. The supernatant, contg. the same as *cll as other sterols, was sepd. from the ppt., the ale. evapd., and a chromatographic adsorption on At oxide was made of a solu. of the residue. 7-llydraxy-a- cholesteml is formed in the animal organism. lc was iso- lated from brain, fangs, and the blood and none from Elie liver and muscle. B.5. Le im SHPATSh'M~J, 111I.D. -l'. -- Psychosis chused by acetone poisoning. Zhur.nevr. i psikh. Suoplement:64-65 157. (MIRA 11:1) (ACETOIZ;--TOKICOLOGY) (PSYCHOSIS) ST-TAT=- MAJI, M. D. : Ygater Med Sci (aiss) -- "Somme data on t*he objective investigation of the functional state of the central nervous system in paychopathologlea, and thoir significance for dla~mosls and expertise". Lenin~cq-ad, 195-0. 17 pp (L--ningrarl State order of Lenin Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians imeni S. M. Kirov) (KL,, No 1, 1959, 1-95) SH.PATSEPd4AN,- I-j.,D--(GAi-ta) Complex examination of higher nervous activity in Psychopathic states, Zhur. vys. nerv. deiat. 10 no. 3:401-1,07 143-Je 160. (MM 14:2) (MITAL ILLIZESS) (REFLEXES) GULE, Vilem; (translator]; DERER, Ladislav, akademik$ naucILnyy red. [Hematological atlas]Gematologicheskii atlas. Bratislava, Izd- vo Slovatskoi Akad. nauk, 1961. 185 p. (MIRA 16:2) (HEMATOLOGY-ATLASES) SHPAY, N.D. Seminar of veterinn ians. Veterinariia 37 no.8.95-96 4- 160. OURA 15:4) (Volyn' Province--Veterinary medicine) SHPAYERY -A-.-,- LALIASHVILI., Z. Fabrics blended with lavsan; how to handle them in sewing. Yast.prom. i khud.promys. 4 no-3.27-28 Mr 163. (MIRA 16.4) 1. Sotrudniki TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta shveynoy promyshlennosti. (Synthetic Oibrics) (Tailoring) SATARIN, V.I.; FFMNS, N.I., nauchnyy redaktor; ShPAYIR, A.L.. redak-tor; PANOYA, L.Ya.,tek-hnicheakiy redaktor WMwWwad. [Cement production in the Polish People's Republic; special technology and equipment] Proizvodstvo tsementa v Pol'skoi Harodnoi Respublike; osobeanosti tekhnologii i oborudovaniia. Moskva, Gas. izd-vo lit-ry po otroit. materialam, 1956. 31 P. (MLRA 9:7) (Poland-Camant industries) MUXHINA, T.G.; SKROBUT, S.A.; KHMELINITSKAYA, P.A.; redaktor; PANOVA. 1.Ya., takhaichaskiy radaktor [How production costs were cut; Lyubertay silicate brick factory] Kak anizhalas' sebestoimost' produktxii; Liuberetskii zavod sili- katno,go kirpicha. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. materialam, 1956. 34 p. (MIaA 10:4) (ILyubert my--Brickma king) POKROVSKIY, G.I.,professor, dolctor tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor;-W YER _kA __4 A.L.,redaktor; PRTJDNIKOVA, M.I.,redaktor; LYUDKOVSKAYAj N.I., ~;'ihnicheskiy redaktor [Blasting operations; a collection of articles] Vzryvnye raboty; sbarnik statei. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. materialam. No-3. 1956. 147 P. [Microfilm] (MLRA 10:5) (Blasting) GRIBOV, Ye.l.; YBRUSALIMCHIK, A.M., inzhener. nauchnyy redaktor- SHPAYSR --1-- 4P A.L.. redaktor; LTUDKOVSKAYA, N.I., tekhnicheski7 redaktor [Roofing paper] Krovellnyi karton. KoBkva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. materialam, 1956.-267 p. (MIRA 9:10) (Roofing) -- -- ~- 1 - "1-: 21 , , ; i 11 . -- I CHUBAROV, Georgiy Stepanovich; CHEMAK, U.N., nauchnyy red.%,ktor;_SHPATNR, A.L.. redaktor; FTATAKOVA. N.D., [Orga.nization of work in setting brick in ring kilns] Organizatsiia truda pri saclke syrtsa v kolitsevye Dechi. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-r7 po stroit. materialam, 1957. 49 p. (KIRA 11:2) (Kilns) TALIBERG, G.S.. kaadidat takhnicheskikh nauk, SHPAYER. A.L.. redaktor; FYATAKOVA, N.D., takhnicheskiy Obtaining cement clinker with agglomeration screensi Foluchanie toementnogo klinkera as aglomeratsionnoi reshetke. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.materialam, 1957. 81 P. (KLRA 10:8) (cement) KW4M, A.S.; qHPAYER. A.L.. red.-, GARNZ(HRIA, L.A., takhn. red. [Lime oroduction] Proizvodstvo izvesti. lzd. 2., doo. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. materialam, 1957. 84 P- (mm 11-11) (Lima) UKANSKIY, Naum L'yovich; FALIKOV, losif Azraelevich Laeceased]; $09OLOV, -YU.B.' nauchnyy iedakt7or; redaktor; PYATAKOU3N.D.. tekhni- cheskiy reda~Cor. [Manufacture and use of tiles mnde of cement and sand] Proizvodstv6 i primenenie tsempntno-peachanoi cherepitay. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.materialam, 1957. 103 p. (MIRA 10:11) (Tiles, Roofing) A BERKOVICH. Tob,ias Moyseyevich, kand.tekhn.nauk; SOKOLOV, P.N., kand.tekhn. nauk, nauchnyy red.; SHPIYER, A.L., red.; GILENSON. P.G.. [Autoclave a9bestoo cement] Avtoklavavi sobestotsement. MosLrva. Gus. izd-vo lit-ry PO Btroit. materialam, 1957, 197 P. (MIRA 11:2) (Asbestos cement) BARINOV, N.A.; USTINOV, M.A.; MIRONOV, -P.P.,nauchny7 reda A.L., redaktor; GLADKIKH, N.N., tekhnicheskiy- redaktor. LPlumbing and industrial heating equipmentj Sanitarno-tekhni- cheskie izdeliia i khoziaistvenno-pechnye pribory. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.materialam, 1957. 260 p. (Y.LRA lo:6) (.Plumbing) (Heating) BFaKOVICH, T.M.; BOYAZNYY, L.S.; LUKOSHKINA, L.A.; DAVYDOVA, F.L.; SMYDFkR, Y.Ye.;-SHPAYAR. A.L.- redaktor; PYATAKOVA, N.D., tekhnicheskiy redaktor ffiuffikv"~ [Manufacture of asbestos-cement elements] Proizvodstvo asbesto- tsementnykh izdelii. Pod red. T.M.Berkovicha. Moskva, 408, izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.materialam, 1957. 262 p. (MLRA 10:9) (Asbestos cement) PAWTUTIN, Aleksoy Georgiyevich, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; PECHURO, S.S., nnuchnyy red.; WAYM* A.L., red.izd-va; STEPAHOVA, B.S., [Using gypsum as wall material in constructing buildings of few stories] StroitelInyi gips v stenovykh konstruktaiiakh maloetazhnykh zdanii. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1959. 134 p. (MIRA 13:1) (Gypsum) (Walls) KOL'F,SIIIKGV. P.A.. kandldnt telchnichaskikh nauk; SHPAYM, A.M., kandidnt tekhni- choskikh nauk. Standardizing of methods used in the evaluation of ~he wear properties of textile fabrics. Standartizatiia. n0-5:70-75 S-0 1569 (MLRA 10.11) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatbl'skiy institut shveynoy promyshlen- noxti. (Textile fnbrics-Testing) SHFAYER, A.M.; SEUMSTM7, V-Ye. (Moskya) Speed up the introduction of practical widths in fabrics -ym acture. Sbvein.prom. no-5:8"10 S-0 '60, (MIRA 13:12) (Textile fabrics) SHPAIER.-A.M.; BUKINA, A.S.; BERNATSKAYA, V.V. (Moskva) t~- - New interfacing materials for clothing. Shvein.prom. no.4:29- 31 J1-Ag 161. (MIRA 34:12) (Nonwoven fabrics)