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SBPAKOVSKIY, V.I.; VIDGOP; L.N~; SAVITSKIY9 V.B. Operation of the Gazli-,Ural gas pipeline. Gaz,proma 6 no.5:37-41 My 161. (14IRA 14-,5) (Gas, Natural-Pipelines) SHPAKOVSKIY, Vyacheslaw Iv..novich; SVATIKOV, M.S., inzh., nauchnyy red.; MKI&STUY, lu., red. (Bukhara-Ural main gas pipeline] MagistralInyi gazoprovod Bukhara-Ural; iz opyta proaktirovaniia. Moskva VNIIST GLAVGAZA SSSFL Red.-izdat. otdel, 1961. 36 p. ~P:~ pro- ektirovaniia magistralInykh trubopr9vodov, no.1) (MIRA 16:6) 1. Glavnyy inzhenar-proyekta instituta "Giprospetsgaz" (for Shpakovskiy). (Gas, Natural--Pipelinea) Constru," 11 - 1' 5 ' 614, - SHPA-LDON,-Yr%ntI,9he4 prof., doktor inzh. (Koshitse, Chekhoslovatekaya Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika) "Practice of nonferrous and-rare metal ore dressing; vol. 211 by D.S. Sobolev, M.A. Fishman. Reviewed by Frantishek Shpaldon. TSvet. met. 34 no.8:86-87 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Ronferrous metals) -(Ore dressing) .,(3*IaTi D.S.) 4 - p MQAo) OSIPOVIGH, Filipp Abramovich; SHPAL-INSKff,M.A., redaktor; KAN,P-H-, redaktor; BRGICMffA,H.H., [Technique of repairing ship's machinery; mechanical engineering] Tekhnologiia remouta sudovykh mekhanizmov; mekhanicheskaia obrabotka. Moskva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport." 1955. 303 P- (KIBA 9:3) (Ships-Maintenance and repair) RULIKOV, Dmitriy Ivanovich; SARATOV, Vladimir Fadeyevich; WALXNSKIY, M.I., red.; ALEKSEYEV, V.I., red.lzd-va; KUZIMIN, G.M., t;"W_*;~ed-.-"-~'-~ (Navigation marks, lights, and signaling on inland waterways] 2naki sudokhodnoi obstanovki i signalizataiia na vautrennikh vodnykh putiakh. Koskva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport.0 1958. 202 P. (MIRA 12:2) (Merchant me rine --Signs ling) (Ships' lights) KHARITONOV, Leopolld Georgiyevich, data., kand. tekhn. nauk; 5HPALENUIY,---M.A-,,inzh., retsenzent; FEDOROV, G.N., inzh., retsenzent; FRID, L.I., inzh., red.; BODROVA, V.A., tekhn. red. [Shipbuilding materials] Sudostroitellnye materialy. Moskva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport," 1963. 260 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Shipbuilding materials) .. .11 ZLATKIN, Ulentin Petrovich; TISHCHENKC, Sergey Yakovlevich; SHPAKOVSKIY V.- nauchnyy red.; DESULYT, M.G., ved. red.; NUF ONOVA, I.M., tekhn. red. (Practice in constructing gas mains under conditions present in the northwestern U.S.S.R.]Opyt stroitellstva magistraltnykh ga- zoprovodov v usliviiakh severo-zapadnykh raiJ7,nov SSSR. Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 144 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Russia, NortItientern-Gas natural-Pipeli4es) SNIRNOV, K. K.; SPYAKOVSKIY, V. I. *The construction of gas transmission pipeline Bukhara - Urals.* I/ k~-P Report to be submitted at the 9th Intl. Gas Conference,,,Hague,, 1-4 Sept 1964. SbnRNOV, K. K. and SHPAKOV---KIY, V. I. *Construction of the Bukbara-Urals Natural-Gas Mainr. Pumur'* silImittocl ~' r i~jja I - -0 qnth, Inteam.;tional Gas Confer.-nee, TIM Rigua (Scheveningen) I-h &3pt. 196h 1. S~IPAT'--.roy' V. 2. USSR (600) 4. liadi.), Short-Wave 7- Short wave section of t',-Ip Dnepropetrovsk Ra(lio Club of the Volunt. er Society for A5:7,istl,~nce to tie Army, Aviation and Na-7y. Radio no. 12, 1952. 9. Monthly Li2t of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, Yarch 179,43, Unclassified. 4a, A49,48 gy -Photography "Photography of Smill Obj;ots with the FED Camara,," A. P. Threntlyev, V. A., Shpanauer, 5 pp "Byul Moak Obahch Ispytat Prirod, Otdel Biol" Vol LIII., No 4 Describes I-Aaw --IT' inder which is comblne& with -a le~z att-sow-b- ,Mont ;o eLaplir7 considerably the"ph6tographing of Tarious objects on a 1:1 or 1:2 soale. The,"Tokkad*,~ Is of simple construction,. and is expected-to greM4 expand the applications of the-FED oamerai in Coologr, 4W 60/49T6 USSR/Biology'(Contd) Jul/Aug 48 botany, an~ other sciences. Shows several examples.. of the camera's capabilities,.with sketohes.of the. camra and attachments. �6/49TG F014ICHLVA, A., chertezhnitsa (Tula); ZERDYUK, tekhnolog; KHARCHEITKO9 K.; slesarl-lekallshchik; ZUBOVA9 Ye., inzh. (G.Krasnyy Luchq Luganskoy oblasti)-, SHMIER., B.,; --"nzh. (G; Krasnyy Luch, Luganskoy oblasti); GIDON9 L.9 inzh. (140skva) Avramova, L., apparatchitsa)(g. Lisie~aiisk) Our readers2 comments on work nominated for lenin Prizes. Sov. profsoiuzy 17 no.6:31-32 Mr 261. (14IRA 14:3) 1. Tullskiy zavod "Shtamp" (for Serdyuk). 2. Yirovskiy zavod, Leningrad (for Kharchenko). (Lenin Prizes) (Russian literature) 3387 SHPANGEnERG K. R. ,,YE.,lektronn,Vr Lampy. Per. s angl. (sokr.) Pod red. S. A. Obolehskogo. M., Sov. Radio"1954 23 sm art ukazan v predisl. ..2-Period L. S. Yakovlevoy. 420 s. s. J.11. 19R 10K V per. bibliogr. v kontie glav - (54-57880) 1. 30h) SOV/99-59-7-8/9 AUTHOR: Shpanin, G. I., Engineler TITLE: -- -------------------------- Consumption of I-lain Collector of the Irriga- tion System PERIODICAL: Gidretekhnika i Melioratsiya, 1959, Nr 7, pp 50-54 (USSR) ABSTR_,,CT: The function of the.main collector consists of removing the surplus of subsurface water.accumulated under the ground of tilled acreage. In order-to determine con- sumption of the main collector, first of all, nec- essary to establish-connection between the amount of wa- ter used for irrigation - and flushing of the sown area, for one thing, and the volume of subsurface water, for another thing, where the -natural features of the land in question are to be taken into account. The main sources for formation of subsurface water are irrigation and flushing waters; the volume of subsurface water accumula- ted under the ground and the height of its water table CD are in direct conformity with the amount of water used for irrigation and other processes encounte'red in land Care 1/3 reclamation. In determining the amount of water tliat SOV/99-59-7-8/9 Consumption of Main Collector Discharge of the Irrigation System serves for the formation of subsurface water, two cases are to be envisaged: 1) The period of salted soil flush- ing when a part of the land remains fallow, the other part is utilized as sown area, and the third part is flushed and subsequently drained. The area under flush- ing occupies on the average 15-20% of the total land area; 2) The other period is when the whole irrigated land utilized for cultivation. On the basis of the average monthly consumption of irrigation water used in a given area, the volume of water penetrating underground is figured out.. To this amount are added the flushing water as infiltration water coming from other sources such as rivers, streams, etc. On the other hand, the natural consumption of surface wa- ter and the.subsequent lowering.of-its water table are chiefly due to.absorption by plants; it is assumed that evaporation.from the surface does not affect much the lowering of the subsurface water level. Having deter- mined the volume.of subsurface water-that should be re- Card 2/3 moved from the sown area, consumption of the.maip drain- SOV/99-59-7-8/9 Consumption of Main Collector Discharge -of the Irrigation System ing collector can be vicrked out. Experience. has shorTn that subsurficice water eriters into the collector reguL- arly and independently from the irrigation water. Put another way, the subsurface water outflow into the draining system represents a direct function of time. There are 5 graphs and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Azgiprovodkhoz C3 Card 3/3 SHPANIR, A.. referent. Now Norton drawbenches (From "Wire Industry" March 1954) Stall 16 ne.4:380 Ap '56. (Wire) (MIaA 9:9) SUNUIR, A. Mechanical removal of dross. (From foreign journals), Stall 16 no-7:665-667 J1 156~ M&k 9:9) (Foundry machinery and supplies) SHPANIR, A. Effective way of preheating the galvanizing bath. Stall 16 no-7:667 j1 156. (MIJU 90) (Galvanizing) I --go- S/135/60/000/0 10/0 12/015 A006/AOOI AUTFORS: Kheyfits, D. P., Engineer, Barreras. B., Morozov, A. F., ShpanIko, G.-F,., Technicians TITLE- A Modernized Burner for Weldi!ig Thin Metal in Carbon Dioxide PERIODICAL- Svarochnoye proizvoistvo, 1960, No. 10, P. 32 TEXT., A simplified design of a burner for welding in carbon dioxide was developed on the basis of the TsNIITMAS burner and introduced at the-Moscow "Gidrooborudovaniye" experimental machine-plant, The burner has the following particular features: 1. Non-ferrous metal parts were partially eliminated; 2, The cooling system was improved thus preventing scorching of the inter- changeable burner; 3. The burner has a lighter weight, facilitating its opera- tion. The burner nozzle is made of MI copper and cooled by running water, circulating between the nozzle and a bushing soldered to it. For the in- and outflow of water to the nozzle copper pipes are used. The carbon dioxide gas enters the welding area through 4 apertures in the AW5 (DSh5) holder tip. IFIlie nozzle is fixed by a disk and a nut, insulated with asbestos cement gaskets. An exchangeable tip from the AU-5(DSh-5) holder is used in the burner. The carbon Card 1/2 S/135/60/000/010/012/015 A006/AOOl A Modernized Burner for Welding Thin Metal in Carbon Dioxide dioxide gas is supplied to the burner from a cylinder through a hose mounted In the handle and passes through the heater, reductor and a drying device. The tip nrust be inserted into the nozzle to 10 - 15 mm depth, The throat depth of the electrode from the burner must not exceed 40 mm at an are ignition of 160 - 180 Y amps current. During welding the electrode throat is 20 - 25 mm. The burner can be easily assembled and dismounted. Tests made with the burner yielded satisfactory results when welding butt and overlap joints of 4 mm thick 113" grade steel, at 180 amps current and 2 mm diameter Ca-IOM (Sv-!OGS) wire. There is I figure. Card 2/2 - -5H,PAN.J-XO, G.F----- The OSShN-3 planter. Biul.tekh.-ekon.infom.Gos.nauch.-issl. inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. no.5:68-69 162. (MA 15:7) (Planters (Agricultural machinery)) SH;PANIKO, T.P. I ~~ . z. State examinations on safety regulations. Bezop.truda v prom. 3 n0.7:4-5 Jl '59. (MIBLk 12:11) 1. Predsedatell Komitsta Gosgortekbnadzora USSR. (Ukraine--Safety education, Industrial) SHPAIT I KO, T. P. For a further improvement of safety engineering in coal mines. Ugoll Ukr. no.6-1-4 Je 160. NIRA 13:7) 1. Predsedatoll Gosgortekhnadzora USSR. (Coal mines and mining--Safety measures) KHRUSHCHEV, N.S.; PODGORNYY, N.V.; ZASYADIKO, A.F.; RUDAKOV, A.P.; KAZANFTS, I.P.; SHILIN, A.A.; MELINIKOV, N.V.; BURMISTROV, A.A.; SHEVCHENKO, V.V.; MAYAKOV, L.I.; ROZENKO, P.A.; KUZIMICH, A.S.; ZADEMIDKO, A.N.; BRATCHENKO, B.F.; STRUYEV, A.I.f KRASNIKOVSKIY, G.V.; BOTH, A.A.; KAGAN, F.Ya.; USKOV, A.A.; VLADYCHENKO, I.M ; TOPCHIYEV, A.V.; DEGTYAREV, V.I.; KHUDOSOVTSEV, N.M.; GRAFOV: L.Ye.;IIVANOV, V.A.; KRATENKO, I.M.; GOLUB, A.D.; IVONIN, I.P.; SAVCHENKO, A..A.; ROZHCHENKO, Ye.N.; CHERNEGOV, A.S.; MARKELOV, M.N.; LALAYANTS, A.M.; GAPONENKO, F.T,.; POLUEKTOV, I.A '.; SKLYAR, D.S.; PONOMARENKO, N.F.; POTAPOV, A.I.; POLYAKOV, N.V.; SUBBOTINY A.A.'- POLSTYANOY G.N.; TRUKHIN, P.M.; TKACBENKO, A.G.; OSTROV,%IY, S.B.; NYRTSEV, M.P.; 'RUBC DYADYK I.I.; SHPANIKO, T.P.; HENKO, V.P. Kondrat Ivanovich Pochenkov;-obituary. Sov. shakht. 11 no.9: 48 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Pochenkov, Kondrat Ivanovich, 1905-1962) SHPANIKOI-i--F- I For safe work of miners. Bezop.truda v prom. 6 no.8:1-2 Ag IV, (Iff RA 16j4) 1. Predsedatell Gosudarstvennogo komiteta pri Sovete Ministrov UkrSSR po nadzoru za bezcMasnym vederLiyem rabot v promyshlennosti i gornomu nadzoru. (Mining engineering--Safety measures) --:01 Ye. lorica! reactions on the f-,in&innal CIC7-,Cn~ienC-fa Of' -!!C- Couse o,, i-l no F r It ~nqt a, E-piaennudoloj anri -icrob-I 0- ..:ie nervous ste-i. U L ~y Ga-lale:Ta. IToronezhl 1956. (Dissertation for ~li- DeFree of Canrlirlate in :-!ed ic~:.l Science~-) Kniz*-Lnaya ir.-topis I `Osccv!. :7o. 21 -~56. 1 ~ BRYZZHW, L.D.; BURDUN, G.D.; LXMN, A.Ya.; OKEDT13U. S.M.; SIMKIN, G.S.; SHPANION, P.A. %Wuhiz~~ Precise determination of the units of time and freqmency bv means of atomic constants. Izm. tekh. no.3:3-9 MY-Ja 155. (MIRA 8:9).' (Time measurements) SHPAN 1 ON, P.A. . . Instrument for checking modulation meters used in standard signal generators. lzm.tekh. no.6:36-40 N-D '55. (MLRA 9:3) (Radio frequency modulation) (Elactronic measurements) SuIr P IT 10:1, n. 4 A. SHPANION, P.A. Diode modulation motors used for checking the GSS-6 standard signal oscillators_by the percentage modulation factor. Izm. takh. no.2:77-80 Mr-Ap '57. (IfIRA 10:6) (Electronic measurements) (Modulation (Blectronice)) 24(o); 50); 6(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 30V/2215 VsesoYuznyy nauchno-is3ledovatel Iskly Inatitut metrologii Iment D.I. Mendoleyeva Referaty nauchno-looledovatel I ak1kh rabQt ; abornik No. 2 (Scientific Research Abstracts, Collection of' Articles, Nr 2) Moscow, StandartgIz, 1958. 139 p. 1,000 copiea printed. Additional Sponsoring Agency: USSR. Komitat standartov, mer I I=erltellnykh priborov. Ed.t S. V. Reshetina; Tech. Ed.: M. A. Kondratlyeva. PURPOSEi These ruportB are intended for scientists, researchers, and engineers engaged in developing standardso measures, and gages ror the various Industries, COVERAGE: The volume contains 128 reports on standards of measure- ment and control. The reports were prepared by acientifitS or Institutes or the Komitat standartov, mer I I=eritel-nykh priborov prl Sovete Kinistrov SSSR (Comminsion on Standards, Meanureas and Measuring Instruments under the USSR Council or MInlatern). Tbe participating InatltUte3 are: VNIIM - Vacdoyuznyy nauchno-janledovatellakly metrologil imeni D.I. Mendeleyeva (All-UnIon Sclentifl-c Research Institute of Met- rology 1man I D.1 Mond-lewv) in Leningrad; Sverdlovsk branch of this Intitut VNIIK - Vgsenoyuznyy nauchno-iBaledovat.1-skiy inatitut Komiteta stAndartov, ner I I=eritel-nykh priDorov (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Commission on Standards, Measures, and MdasurIng Instruments), created fmm MOIKIP ~hMoskovdkly go3udarstvennyy Inatitut mer I izmeritel-ny priborov (Moac ow State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instruments) Go tob..- 1, 2955; VNI IFTRI - Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-lasledovatell'skly Jn3tItUt fiziko-tekhni- cheakikh 1 radiotekhnicheaklkh lzmeren:Ly (All-Union Scientific Raticarch Institute of Physic o technic al and Radio-engineerlng Measurements) in Moscow, KhGMF - Kh&rlkovakly gosudarstvonnyy Institut mar I Izmerltel'nykh priborov (Xha_r1kov State Institute of Measures and Measuring Ins truments); and NGIMIP - Novoal- birokly goaudarstvenyy inatitut iner I Izmeritel4nykh priborov (Novosibirsk State Institute of Measures and Measuring Inatru- No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. Tovehigrechko, S.S. (VNIIM)- Studying Recurrent Errors of Kicrometric Screws or Ldvol TrierB 45 Solov, L (VNIIM). Studying the Curvature of the Tube -6-r-NVY.O.", I. zhlkv 45 Hh j;UPjjD., V.P. Lub.n~_n.Gx, S.M. OkhOtln4, and P-A. Shpmn-on - tTTe PrOduMP ' Wlder~rng ectr"ii Of zCn-d-ard Pr~ cod by the k2lalKl? POr Second Standard Frequency Unit c'j-16' 0 Cycles Smagin. A.0, 6 (VNI'PMI)- Qumrtz Resonator With a Qu .ality, Factor 47 -i-f-i2-.5-10 JlrInenk*_j..V., Y..D. Novgor -odov X rA N 1d T.S__QVrqcnyuk.__ '_UM . Te. '-klemonta of Oblique Cu`F ovi ev loping QuarLx BryzzheV, L.D., ~.D. 3,,eli-n1~0v, V, 49 and V..1._Nr_enko -(:h-GIMIP . _N._TI&ov, P.P. Yeatar-yev, Suitable Oacillator DOv-10PIng and Studying Simple nnd Card IOA7 ftrd Convertors Of High Stability for Time end 24(0); 50); 6(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATICIV 30V/2225 Vaenoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskty institut metroloell' Imeni D.I. Mendeleyeva Referaty nauchno-is*ledovat.I'akIkh rabot; abornlic NO.2 (Scientific Research Abstracts; Collection of Articles, Nr 2) Moscow, StandartgIz. 1958. 139 P. 1,000 copies pr-Int.d. Additional Sponsoring Agency: USSR. K=Itet s.-dartov, ter I lzmeritellnykh priborov. Rd.s S. V. Reahetina; Tech. Ed.; M. A. Kondratlyeva. PURYOSE; These reports are Intended for sCient-'sts, researchers, and engineers engaged In developing standards, measures. and gages for the various industries. COVERAOE: The volume contains 12S reports on standards of measure- mans and control. The reports were prepared by scl~.nti3tz of Instituted Of the KOMItet BtAndmrto~# mer I -=erIteI-nykn pribornv pri Sovete ?Unistrov SSSR (Commis3lon on Standards rest and Measuring Instruments under the USSR Council Of Kiniatera). The participating institutes are: VNIIK - V .... YtLznyy nauchno-18aledovatellakly metrologll imeni D.I. Mendeleyeva (All-union Scientific Research :n3t--tute of Met- rology Imeni D.I..Mcndeleyuv) in Lenin-rad; Sverdlovsk brancn of this institute; vNrIK - Vsosoyuzn~y naucnno-issiedovatel'akly inatitut Komiteta standartov, me.- I _'=tr_'te1'nykh (All-Unlon Scientific Research institute of :n~ Comr--15s-cn on Standards, Meaaurc2, and Meaauring lna-.~xzents), treated from MG IKIP - Mo3kovokly gosudarstvennyy In3tt-tut mer I lzmerit.llnykh priborov (Moscow State In3tt-ate of Measures and Measuring Inatrumenta) October 1, .1955; VXIIFTRI - Voeaoyuznyy nauchno-1381edOvatel'dk_qY in3titut fI=1ko-ekhnI- cheakiVh I radlotekhnicheskikh izrterenly (A-21-Union Scientific Research Institute of Pnysicotechnical and Measurements) In Moscow; KhGIMIP - Khar-kovekly gosudarstvennyy Inatitut mer 1 1zmerIt.2'nykh priborov (Khar-x0v State Institute of Measures and Measurin g In* truments); and NGIMIP - Novoul- birskly gosudaratvenyy institut ter I i=er_-"I'nykh priborov (Novosibirsk State Institute of Keasure3 and Measuring Inatru- meqt~q), No personalities are mintloned. Ttere are no references, -y_Y_F., S.M. Okhotina, and P.A. Shpar. . (KhGIMIP). Lubentp_g -on -A7pfYr;itud for ChecTd_rT9__TQCVOltmOt6-s 101 8qFWa41tRt,V,-&-S., and Ye.__P__DubOV_".k (VNIIM), and A-A-0%4h~_ 1.ntaeu- verdlovsk Branch of VNIIM). Developing McthL'45 And Standard Apparatus thr Testing Direct-Current Transformers Type 1-58 Under Operating Conditions ar. 70 Kiloamperts 102 y.,I,'ZInZ~rmCtn, and Ye. Ye._..,BogatyrevknGIMlP), -WeVuloping and Studying Apparatus for koa~surlnZ Magnetic Fields by the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Method 102 F~idnyy, H.M_ A,,'_Vck3l~r. and A.!. bilanova (Sverdlovsk Branch Or-VMM3-.- method of Measuring Hysteresis LCdsts and Eddy Currents In Double Magnetization 104 Card 20/27 ~7 SHPATTION, P.A. ~ ~ :~-, i ~ ~ ---, - - --- Standard instruments for checking uhf standard signal oscillators using the method of the coefficient of percentage amplitude modulation. lzm.tekh. no.2:78-82 Mr-Ap '58. (MM 11:3) (Ilectronic instruments) SHPAWON, P.A.; PETROV, N.B. Oscillographic measurement of the frequency deviation of frequency modulated oscillations. Izm.tekh. no.3:34-37 Mr 160. (MdA 13:6) (Freauency measurements) 83158 s/i15/6o/ooo/oo8/ooa/o13 7,31 B019/B063 AUTHORS: Karavashkin, B. K., Shpanlon, P. A. TfTLE: Investigation of the Method of Measuring the Frequency Deviation of a Frequency-modulated Oscillation AcGording to the Zeros of a Bessel Function PERIODICAL: Izmeritelnaya tekhnika, 1960, No. 8, PP. 33-35 TEXT: In the introduction to the present article, the authors give-the determination of the frequency deviation of frequency-modulated oscilla- tions by means of receivers. The present-article deals with problems con- nected with the determination of the frequency deviation by means of - * spectral analyzers. It is noted that, though that such measuring techniques are described in various publications, the error in measurement and the - influence of secondary effects had hitherto not been estimated, as far as the authors know. The authors used a spectral analyzer whose intermediate- frequency amplifier had a transmission band in the range of 20 cps at a frequency of 110 kc/sec. Thus, it wag possible to carry out a spectral analysis at a minimum modulating frequency of 500 cps, In the analysis of Card 112 30309 S/115/6i/000/008/005/009 9. E073/E535 AUTHORg Shpanlon P A. --0 n-, -,, s un TITLE~ the frequency deviation of frequency- modulated oscillations by means of a counter-frequency meter PERIODICAL3 IzmeritelInaya tekhnika, no.8, 1961, W-42 TEXT. One of the standard methods of measuring the frequency deviation in KhGIMIP is based on heterodyning the frequency modulated signal and measuring the variable frequency of the signal at the output of the mixer (whose average frequency is in the vicinity of zero) by means of a counter-type frequency meter. The use of a counter-frequency meter operating continuously L-r during a time interval much longer than the period of the modulating frequency was proposed by L. D. Bryzzhev in,1957. The practical use of this method over a wide range of carrier frequencies necessitated investigation of the relationship between the indication of the counter-frequency meter and the measured deviation at any given value of the average intermediate frequency and the relationship between the additional measurement error and Card 1/2 31211 3/108/61/016/012/005/009 7,3 (/0 6 11ri) D201/D302 AUTHOR: Shpanlon, P.A. TITLE: The effect of parasitic amplitude modulation on the per- formance of 6 counter-type frequency discriminator PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, v. 16, no. 12, 1961, 37-43 TF": In the present article, the author considers the effect of spurious AM, usually present in FM, on the performance of a frequency discrimina- tor with a counting circuit., The counting circuit consists of an RC differentiating cat, producing pulses of a single polarity. The cat, consisting of the RC network and of two detectors is usually referred to as the counting circuit, with the signal at its output in the form of a sequence of time modulated pulses, decaying exponentially. The input to the RC network consists of a composite AM-FM modulated signal which may be represented by Eq. (1) 41, = U (l+mcos_1_ t) sin .A3 t+_'___sin ~? t m0 X- where m - modulation depth of the spurious AM;W= 2it-f the angular Card 1/5 31 2M1 S/108/61/016/012/005/009 The effect of parasitic ... D201/D302 frequency of the carrier;,JQ 21/F the angular modulating frequencys W_ - frequency deviation. If the limiting levels are assumed to be 2 'ir constant compared with the smallest amplitude of oscillation ,~ given by Eq.(l), the frequency spectrum component at frequency F used for determining the duration, may be determined by solving Eqa (10a) 3 2 [C(a+b)A f1l t.2 - a2 8 jr= I + (Q RCP + I 2U,, I + (11,RC).2 obtained after several transformations for the practical case when ('k) is small, the parasitic AAM being considerable for small deviations. In this expression U - the peak carrier amplitude a the positive mo going amplitude of the sliced carrier, b - the negative going amplitude of same. Thus the error in measuring deviation as introduced by AM Card 2/5 31211 S/108/61/016/012/005/009 The effect of parasitic D201/D302 is obtained. The values of* m and of (a-b) depend on the choice l' r'12 of limiting circuit and on proper operating points of the limiter valves. The theoretical results of this article have been checked experimentally with cathode followers as limiters, having adjustable limiting levels. Both the theory and experiments have shown that, with properly chosen limiters and with symmetrical limiting, the counter-type deviation meters may be used for relat'ivcly accurate measurements of frequency deviation 10-20 kc/s (3-5%) provided the depth m of spurious W-1 does not exceed 40%. The instruments are not suitable for measuring with the same accuracy small deviations at large AM, such as spurious F11 of A.M signals. There are 3 figures, I table and 7 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 4 non- Soviet-bloc. The references to tile publications read as follows: M.C. Scroggie, Wireless World, v. 62, no. 4, 1956; A.R. Vallarino, H.A. Snow, C. Greenwald, Electronics, v. 26,-1953; G.G. Johnstone. Wireless.17orld, v. 63, no. 6, 1957.. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-tekhnielieskoye obshchestvo radiotekhniki i elek- trosvyazi im. A.S. Popova (Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electrical Communications im. A.6. Card 4/5 11*1 HPA l' Oll , P-A ~ ; W-JAKOV , Y.A. A - -r ; ; e :: 1) E c ~ r a 1 m e - " 6 -d f ~ T' di:;-;;- zradu a~ 1Tt--,i-,,:. I., - - - , A, . " I .; . Ci. ,, lzm, rio.1:43--45 ja 1' i SHPANOV., A.S., -Lmh. Transfer-mchine units and lines with a step-by-step tracking device. Vest.mashinostr. 43 no.2:52-56 F 163. (MM 16:3) (Machinery, Automatic) LUKOSHKIIA, L.A., kand. tekhr.. nauk; MAKOTINSKIY, M.P., kand. arkh.; IIII9IAYLEVSKIY, P.A. I inzh.; TSILLI', L.B.., kand. arkh.; arkh.; PrinirAli uchastiye: BOGUSLAVSKIY, A.I., inzh.; GAUKTIGEOV, A.A.,.kand. tekhn. nauk; LIVSHITS, A.Y... J-nzh.; ZHUKOV, K.V., kmd. arkh., retsenzent; SOKOLGV, P.N., prof., retsenzent; GURVICH, E.A., red. izd--va; TEI-7,Il-,A, Ye.L., telchn. red. (Catalog of finishing materials and products]Katalog otdeloch- nykh materialov i izdelii. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Ft.4.[As- bestos cer-entlAsbestotsenent. 1961. 36 p. WMA 15:cl-) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut novykh stroiteltry1ch materialov. 2. Vauchno-issledow-tellskiy institut slyudy, asbestotserentryk-h izdeliy i proyektirovaniya stroitell- stva predpriyatiy slyudinoy prozyshlepnosti (for Luk-oshkina, Pilchaylevskiy) (Asbestos cer-ent) VASILEVSKIY, V,V., inzh.;,599A4Wm--.;*A., arkhitektor; CHESNOKOV, M.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; 14ITROFANOV, G.K., inzho Make fuller use of natural resources of as-hlar and trim stone. Stroi.mat. 8 no.10:32-33 0 1162. (MIRA 15:11) (Building stones) LOSKUTOVA, L.T.; MAKOTINSKIY, M.P., kand. arkh.; RUDINA, M.A., arkh.; SKAN9,V,,I,.A., arkh. Prinimal uchastiye LIVSHITS, A.M., inzh.; GROMOV, V.L.., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzeng; KRASNOVSKIY, N.V... kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; PAVLOV, V.P., kand. tekhh. nauk, retsenzent; PODZOROVA, N.G., inzh., retsenzent; FOLOMIN, A.I... doktor tekhn. nauk., retsenzent; GURVICH, E.A., red. (Catalog of finishing materials and elements] Katalog otdeloch- nykh materialov i izdelii. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt.$,'[Wood and paper] Derevo i bumaga. 1962. 56 p. (MIRA 16-:8) 1. Vsesd~pznyy nauchho-issledovatellskiy institut novykh stroi- telInykh materialov. (Finishes and finishing) S14PAMOV, N. V. Filltry nepreryvnogo deistviia; teoriia, opisanie, reschet. Moskva, Meshgiz, 1949. 182 p. illus. Bibliograpby: p. 180-(181) Continuous -Ulfars; theory, dascriptinn, C r u f -. c t u 1- in - r. r (2 ~a r. I ca~ 1 -. n. r. t - t ~ v i r. ~c* i: -. tSc. v it Ubrary ar -4 " [A .- id Congress , 1?~,- e V BIWINY, lvdn Ivanovich,l6nd.tekhn.nauk; SOKOLOV, P.N., prof., nauchnyy red.; SHPAIIOV,j1,1-.-,-Lnzh., nauchnyy red.; PKVZZJER, V.S., red.; GIINNSON, -P-.G--., [Manufacturing asbestos cement sheets; theory and design] Yormova- nie asbestotsementnykh listov; teoriia I raschet. Hosk7a, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhIt. i strolt. materialam, 1958. 278 P. (Asbestos cement) (MIRA 11:5) AUTHOR: ShFanov, N.V. SOV/63-3-6-11/43 TITLE: Industrial Filtration (Promyshlennaya filltratsiya) PE--,-IIODICAL: Khimicheskaya nauka i promyshlennost', 1958, Vol III, Nr 6, -rP 777-782 (UCSR) .7, C'r.1PACT: r-;-,ie c--,uations for filtration contain several constants which .1, must be determined experimentally, e.-. the specific re- of the precipitate and of tile filterinG substance. Tor,3ure filters the functional relation of the filtra- I.ic-. recistance to presZure must also be known. In other e"Uat.Lons the specific resistance of the precipitate is re- pl&c---d by the average diameter and the sphericity of the part- icie~- of the solid p'hase, by the porosity of the precipitate, r- / the filtration of various substances and f. 13 etc. In L Re _ t7ic cellulmet of the precipitates is considered together with ad- 3or-.tion, electrokinetic phenomena, resistance in the boundary .Z~-yer' etc. E;-,uations for the duration of the production cycle of t1-.e filters are proposed in f-Ref. 17-7. The different .i:~es of uress filters, drum and disc vacuum. filters, etc are coo:trcil:-! b,; State Standards. At the Ural Chemical Yfa-chine r1ant (Uralkhimmash) a drum vacuum filter with a surface of 2"m iss bein,- developed. The Ukrainian Scientific Research C-ard 1/2 Institute of Chemical 1.1a-chine Building is developing a ~O-m2 Industriaj 72iltra-tion SOV/63-3-:-'-ll/'---' tao-stcried filter for co-al dressing. A prsss filter hydraulic discharge is produced in t,.-;o types with a sui-':x~~, cf 2 C~' 1- 48 an8~ 100 m . A ~~hember press filter FPAK is automati cc-Arolled and is produced with operating surfaces of 5 It operates with pressures up to 6 atm and temper~l- tur-:~s of - 600C. Several foreign filters are also mentioned. Tl~ere are photos, I diaLram and 25 references, 19 of which --.nd 2 French. Card 2/2 SHPAPOV, N.V., inzh.; KONOVALOVA, V.I., inzh. -.-I.- - --l ----- Selecting washing and dewatering conditions for drum-type vacuum filters. Trudy NIIKHT1.94ASH no 1 sulfate pulp in 29:117-125 159s ' . (MM 14:5) (Wood pulp) (Paper making machinery) SHPANOV7 N.V. Modern filtration techniques. Zhur.VKEO 10 no.1:43-51 165. (MIRA 18:3) USSR/Medicine - Gentianjn~ ]by 49 Medicine - Chemlstiry,* Physical "Gentl~um-Kirilovi-Alkaloids,," N."F. Proskuraina, V. V. Shpmov, R. A. Konovalova, All-Union-Sci Res Pbysicophar Inst imeni S. Ordzhonikidze, 2 pp "Dok*Ak Neuk SSSR" Vol LM, No 3 Structural formula of gentianin was established by. oxidation vith permanganate, entailing formation - of isonicotihic acid. It was found to co#ain a~.- v~nyl grcup. Because of itsL stru cture it differs from ve,11-known alkaloids of rela;ted substances. Submitte& by Acad A. N. Neameyanov, 14 Mar 49. 9T58 52/4 V. V. SHFIA',10VI V. 7. -- "Investi--ation of an Alkaloid of Gentian." Sub 21 Jan I-',2, All-Union Sci Res "hemcopharmacc-Atical, Inst imeni Seroo Ordzhonikdze. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Cherd-cal Sciences). SO: Vechernaya Moskva january-DeceyaDer 1952 PROSIMINk, N.Y.; SHFANOV, V.V. - t Configuration of gentianine. Zhur.ob.ichim. 26 no-3:936 Kr '56. (MLRL 9: 8) (Gentlanine) ZHDANOV, Yuriy Andrayevich; DOROFEYENKO, Gennadiy Nikolayevich; SHPANOV,-.V.'V..,.-red.; DOROKHINAp I.N.y tekhn. red. (Chemical tran formations of the carbon skeleton structure of carbobydrates]Khimicheskie prevrashcheniia uglerodnogo skeleta uglevodov. Moskvap Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 210 p. QUA 15:12) (Carbohydrates) (Chemistry, Organic) jSUANOVA,~ LyubovI Grigorlywma,- LEBEDET, P.B.9 red.; MVEDEVA, R.A., -f=MN-.*-.&.-q-tekbn. red. [A party comaittee and the brigades of comminiot labor] Partiinyi komitet i brigady kommunisticheskogo truda. Moskva, Izd-vo "Sovetskaia Rossiia," 1960. 78 po ' (MIRA 24:7) 1. Zamestitell sekrotarya partkoma Novosibirskogo meta.Uurgicheakogo zavoda imeni A.N.KuzImina (for Shpanova) (Novosibirsk-Steel industry) 4 It It 42 4 it 4 a 11 1. 1,11-ij-21 -9 1 ILL ffecri"s lea PRGFI* a it If U 61 SA A 53 537.5m 621.3.013.51 691.315.61 002 3550. Formtioa of "bridgesil in mismsions of conduotore or smi-conductors in dielectrics. I. Conduct ing-bridge formation of alumintm in vu"lize o i so 0 CAMN YA. 1. FUNUL AND 70. A, SijrAH=Av,~~- ' " I"M44 93 -41 (Ami 10 MR ~ 00 410 . 1 . Php.. J. T,, . , fts"On. Invompiwn of the behAviouf in %twat Ckv* ~ 00 In kkb of low comcntr4tiOn SUIPCInk- of Al ' d" -a 00 s c mwfinc oit. It was 11644-141 1113t &(t- A C"Etz a( the &W Mmtth the ek-uric brtakdO04 Of 00 the &U%pCn%kM omrs. i.e. CLMvMk9I from a Waawk go & ,,tdHjc covjwor. Q*ind to ruffnation of bdi%u 0 V of At pwlkk-. Tht WINO Of ific "1""M 4 &ft' j on dbptrskm of At ywiticks was abnmt lk,diw* , &k. tim, it for linev puticle, dMIgmi" A. 4 WO VkM. Sift md-ti- 10 A15 brinO F-11L to 134)(OVA". ibecriii%A)AltvrAtntrillio0inltwAt at which bgwp (Onnallon is pou"466 Wth ib dkpcnWn. If for Purfick sin A thO HOMWON 900- -: It ccatnulon - O-Ow/. It is O,QPA "I' All, iaWWift that (0t E > F~~ a weak 0-03V wa- ccnifatioeiranalm4dbelectric. ThIslad"Opuftm ttxwbuJe=ofMnpMMWtwM9kCVOdM Nam tion of dmtro& diumv from 0- 5 46 3-5 own d%x-1 mg alter &-, w. At diUawa > 3 - S MIN ~ wvrv mcompleted. TIw*hx#.vftWn"k4AWonpvioLL.' Detection of briige fumutiuii Is by AM of E rg~xn 4 000 V1,vi to I VICM and WerluMian of pa"ido 1W-.=Wnt. "AUS $L- -(T&LtUR4K4L LITCNANOt CLASMOCATICK to k! MS 8 111111 aw 4Wv it -a*A a a I As 0 3 -TG- U f-, it ty OR if )p it '0 41 * 0 * '0 0 4 It 0 41 ilp 0 *41 0 ~190 490 0 0 0 e 0 e 0 0 IN 0 6 0 0 0 0000 0 48 4 0-0 age 0 zoo 2 600 Q00 use WOO too Ab. WWW~V- 0 0 0 1 4 1 6 1 1 1 In 11 11 U U is It if V jo It z? n S A 10 1. 1.. 2. It 5 __L Z_,.M 331A9 331.43 SSW Soft d IOU *SP bo"M "M I YA. L FanwiL Ama M A.-SwAmcAYA. DW. ~.00 Akal Nmok &WX 71 (&. IJ374 (1950) In RxnAwL !::Oo 0 Ow of a udes of Invicisdoviow an ft bebaviour or sliding timps Jim Abdr. 93 (19ft 765 (195M) of 0A the o(Y& FmkcL bond on ft tbeocy of the 1-09 0 cur)fb* Wong of tkops by a movina phis along Is .06 fixed ancat WNW IPW 0(tW moving PI&I& The :0 GXPUIMMIDW with Hg drop cu* wnfimd dUS -00 00 th~ CMk wben the top WM) plate was 400 loaded with waights up to 100 g. and In tho wood _-00 raw between 0-01 OW 0.09CM/wr- rn Willits of the drops yariod from 10-1 to 10-sS. This 00 j bdaviour of the drops is to tbat of baW in it r.4 0 ball-bicaring and conaponds to id-11Y trkfiO~Ieu "Aft The cm is mom mmplicated for vactine of avi&600 oils, gVW outwardo. as ft dupoidal f- ip of the drop (o* 44UY Indkitted tot tW bwomes 2 see mom maked, and the ellipsoids Lie with theit long axis pwpwdkula to the direction of the MOVOMCUL Yet ft CG of OW drop stiff moves at half the mlad spwd of ft plaws. An jm~t result established 00 was that the laws o( Amootons and Coulomb do not apply to "dry" frjetkx4 but only to friction between lubrkatod vmfs&m IL F. VLAUS 00 f I S L 4 .17ALLUO&KAL LOUNIAT.Of CLA$%IFICAUGk 0 00 t ~)11)1 CIA C.. .,14 U n ck I e -- ---- - 'Ex it 9 1 W A W3 at Aa to i, 01 Sc K it ft 'X it at n SUANSKAYA, 0. A. USSR/Physics - Dielectrics New Techniques 1 Jun 50 "Electric Rupture of ~~tal Suspensions in Liquid Dielectrics," L. G. Gindin, L. M. MorozY I. N. Putilova, Ya. I. Frerikell., Corr Mem, Acad Sci USSR., 0. A. Shpanskaya it I'Dok Alk Nauk SSSRII Vol LXXII) No 4, pp 671-674 Describes apparatus used in actual studies of subject rupture. Gives purely phenomenological (gross macroscopic) description of phenomenon of rupture in metal suspensions. Theoretical analysis will appear later. Suspensions of aluminum pouder in gasoline, vaseline, oil, etc., were mainly used, varying in metallic content from 0.005 to 1% (usually 0.1%). Submitted 5 Apr 50 PA 165T102 O : 0 0 0 0 -- o- 00 000 of Soo of* Z! a 36 a a a A n 111 a 0 is It U 11 m is 16 1) to 0 n VU Wo hills". I-J*j a rip k .9 1 1-1 V. LL-k.. 1-1- m a a op a L LO #.$ LO 0 W ~? 00 21. < ~tlst I _0 0 l y , .i 00 A go a! and les 1-00 Mae. J. r (U. S. S. R .00 r",10-ft 00 in HtA and MICK 10- yi4 10. i 00 i 1 ic- m M. w k with ld h M i h I i m i A .00 um reg is t e e t testandMI , nco ). w ay 10 10 d ith HA th ( I d CPh 1: 0 0 - w e an t , an iu-1 v4&g a , dshydroxids (TV) of U. IV and HCl yield J0-pAwmy1"etv1- ' 1% 1 -9 0-j"hydropAimitomstime AZdrsxycAkrWe. w. lis -' ~ p..), which gives I &W FLU on reduction with WIs (d . I in Ft0H. D. C. A. 00 . =6 0 0 XO 0 00 ja 00 200 40 :40 S I L AOITALL%,RG KAL LITIMAT1,44 CLASUPICATICk CIO 0 it r a nal, me( KVIRU KnIT 19K Nt- wn is* L I 1, d 0 4 1 1w 'SHP I) NSKij, A, AE'lo" 'b:~ A. Y . . d Mink i Zhur. Obshchd t-.IL 1. Khhn. 24, 2257-&j(1~54)- er CA. 44, 10116.-A soln. of 17 g. Na In 550 g. BuOFr Z; 11Qcd at 100* over 3-4 Itrs with 74 9. C2114CIF yielding as a distills .about 1 g. C%:&ii~. b. -72* to -710. This (10 g.) te 16.6 g. NOCI kept and in sealed tube 3 days gave CI1ClFCH,Cl, 0.1 f. b. 77-113* (crude), and 55.6 . dill 1.4g01, nV 1 &1% *C11C1FCJr1,NG, b,,. SbF, in glass with .4044, Treatment of (CIICII), with activation by SbF, and Br gave C C"C" "which was converted conventionally to cHCI:CH This (IS.5 9 HC1F_ F. and 13 9- NOCI ]kept 72 lu-s. in sealed tube gave 46% cHj7Cj dw-1 CCI:NOH, ba 7&-8v (crude), b. 76-8. .5749, nV 1.4472, which decomp XbNU, it gave PhNHCHFC(. NOH) Ises in sto-ge; wii~ 70 g. CiH2ChF W NHPII, in. 157' To lso-AmOH, Yieldi as added a soln. of 11.5 9. Na In 3 ' ugadistillat,of37g. 00 ml This (22-5 9.) and 15 9. NOCI kept 7 CG11: CHF, b. 37.r)-' tube gave 25 9- crude Wchlorofluoronitruet days in a Sealed distn hane, th. 64-70-. Re- C, b~ttve a substance, bn 30', ba 63.5% which contained (crude), bn N. along with r)5% CjrCjFCCj sNOt, b 64-7()- ';Ivr 0"*, dill 1.677, nt, moo. Hestia' ~ a sterl a5ib!,tCo4c'.~:. hr's.'g- C'HC's will' SW 9. 99% dry HI? and WO g. to 165' at 40-5 atm followed by d1stnrve. 570 9- -Axed products which after'fractionation gave 0 9. CC7,F,CMC1., b. 72-4 itoThis (,150 9.) added In 2 hrs. to So Zn dust in 300 ml. owl, 'Cflttxiug 2 firs. -d by 60 9- Z13 dust and gave 10 g. C& CHCj' b. 15.5 P6 _9 Y 'an ja eR V. amt. 0 - ept in ed u6i noreac- fan electric light bulb showed hn.atOqin row ty o mp. the mixt. yielded a CDMPIC% 11-1 after 772 hrs. at room te it. froni which was Isolated 2. g. CffChCFzNO, b. 90% bl'a 62*. d. I.CQ7. nV 1-3992- rhe main part of ;L mixt Was a yellow viscous mass which gave some GffOiNiCI%F4, whose structure was undetd.; this substancti, big 132'. dis 11.761, gives only a trace ef ionic Cl in HO; but reacts with ~nq. NaOll, Mcating !n an autoclave I kg. ClC4, 450 g. SbCls, and SFA g. 00% IIF over 5 lirs. to 160* (45-50 atin. final premre) gave 710 g. crude products whlch on dlstn. gave .50 g. CCUCCIFs (1), b. 47.7% along with other prod- sMls. b. 00-2*. 1 (160 g.) ucts including 85 g. CFCJ add&I in 3 hr3. to 80 g. Zu dust in 30 ml. EtOU, followed by i 40 g Za dust And refluxing I hr., gave 57 g. CFz:CCIP, b. - This (57 g.) and 39 g. NOCI in sealed tube 06 firs. gave 35% unreacted materials and 62 g. products; distn. gave tnehlorotrifluoroctliane and CF.ClCFC1NO, b. 77-8*,dm1.02G2,nV1.37Z7. The addn. reactions of NTOCI occur i:t accord with the expected polarity of the unsaid. link; the pos. NO group adds to the neg. C atom- G. M. Kosolapoff C" S/079/60/030/007/019/020 BOOI/BO67 8230-1 AUTHORS: Ginsburg, V. Privezentseva, N. F., Shpanskiy, V.-A. Rodionova, N. P., Dubov, S. S., Khokhlova, A. M., Makarov, S. P., Yakubovich, A. Ya. TITLE: Reaction of Halogens, Nitrogen Oxide, and Polyfluorinated Ethyleneslin Ultraviolet Light. Synthesis and Thermal Decomposition of Polyfluorinated Aliphatic Nitroso Compounds PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, No- 7, VK pp. 2409 - 2415 TEXT:. In continuation of their earlier paper (Ref. 1) the authors studied the reaction of polyfluorinated ethylene with NO and halogen in ultraviolet light. They assumed that atomic chlorine or bromine would also lead to the formation of P-halogen nitrosolcompounds. In fact, the authors of the present paper showed that in the reaction of nitrosyl chloride with symmetrical difluoro-dichloro ethylene, 192-difluoro- 192,2-trichloro-nitroso ethane results in good yields. This.compou?~.d Card 1/3 Reaction of Halogens, Nitrogen Oxide, and S/07 60/030/007/019/020 Polyfluorinated Ethylenes in Ultraviolet i3oo1Y13o67 82301, Light. Synthesis and Thermal Decomposition of Polyfluorinated Aliphatic Nitroso Compounds proved sufficiently stable and could be isolated (compound 6 in the Table). The experiments showed, as had been theoretically expected, that in all cases the corresponding nitroso alkanes were obtained in suf- ficient yields on irradiation of the gas mixtures NO + Cl 2 or NO + Br2 with polyfluorinated ethylenes (such as tetrafluoro-,trif2uoro-chloro-, or trifluoro ethylene at the ratio olefin : NO : Hal 2 = 1 : 1 : 1/2) (Table). These compounds have an intensive blue color, and are stable liquids. Besides them also the corresponding alkylene dibalides as well as P-nitro.-en halide compounds are always separated from the reaction mass. Probably they are products of a partial oxidation of the nitroso compounds. In reducing the nitroso compounds obtained from trifluoro ethylene by means of hydrogen iodide the corresponding fluorides of the chloro-difluoro- and bromo-difluoro-acetohydroxamic acids are formed which indicates the addition of the halogen to the CF 2 group of the olefin in the reaction between NO, Hal 2, and olefin. The pyrolysis of Card 2/3 Reaction of Halogensq Nitrogen Oxide, and S/07 60/030/007/019/020 Polyfluorinated Ethylenes in Ultraviolet BOOlYBO67 82301 Light. synthesis and Thermal Decomposition Of Polyfluorinated Aliphatic Nitroso Compounds the ClCF2CF2NO and NO2CF2CF2NO nitroso compounds at 120-130 0 yields the polyfluorinated ethylenimines C1CF2CP 2N ~ CF1CF2C1 and NO2CP2CP2N = Ix ~ CF`CF 2NO2, respectively. There are 1 table and 8 references: 3 Soviet, 1 US, and 2 German. SUBMITTED: June 4, 1959 Card 3/3 YAEUPOVICH, A.Ya.; GINSDURG, V.A.; MAKAROV, S.F.; PRIVEZ0,11TSEVA, N.F.; MARTYNOVA, L.L.; KIRIYAN, B.V.; lEMhh, A.L. Oxidation, reduction, and disproportionation of polyfluonitro5oal- kanes. Dokl. AN SSSR 140 no-6:1352-1355 0 l61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Predstavleno akademikami I.L.Knunyantsem i F.I.Kabachnikom. (Paraffins) (Nitroso compounds.) (Oxidation-reduction reaction) 9 FIM W- Z 0 S/02 62/142/001/017/021 // ".9 'a) I ~( BI 03Y331 10 .2 1Q1 AUTHORS: Ginsburg, V. A., Yakubovich, A. Ya.~ Filatov, A. S., Shpanskiy, V. A.9 Vlasova, Ye. S., Zelenin, G. Ye. TITLE: Production; pyrolysis, and photolysis of polyfluorinated azo compounds of the aliphatic series PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 142, no. 1, 1962, 66-91 TEXT: Further methods of synthesizing polyfluoro azoalkanes (PFAA) and their derivatives were elaborated. It was found that PFAA were formed: (a) when reducing azoxy compounds by PC13 vapor in the vapor phase and /'PC13 in N2 atmosphere at 100-1500c: RfN-N(O)Rf RfN-NRf + POCI31 (b) when oxidizing hydrazo compounds containing R fNH groups: (R f-CP 3' CF2H, and others)i these compounds are synthesized by reducing azoxy compounds. Among others, the following were used as oxidizers of hydrazo derivatives: C1 2, Br2 , nitric oxides, chromate mixturesq potassium permanganate in acetic acid; (c) when fluorinating linear or cyclic Card 1/5 0 62/142/001/017/021 Sy Production, pyrolysis, and B103YBllo azines by CoV in a carbon fluoride medium at 90-1200C, or by elementary F (diluted wilh N2) at -100c; (d) when fluorinating nitriles of polyfluoro carboxylic acids and HCN in the vapor phase on CoF at Some PFAA derivatives were synthesized: eN by lorinating 100-150OC- ( I in the vapor phase in ultraviolet light (UV) at 3000C, or by fluorinating hydrogenous azo compounds on CoF3 at 50-80OC: C12 CoF3 Rf-NCH3 UV ~ RfN_N CHC12) or RfN.N CH3 - ~ RfN-NCHF 2Y and others; (f) by the usual conversion of functional groups. The initial azo compounds used in reactions (e) and (f) were obtained by condensation of polyfluorinated nitroso alkanes with the corresponding amines. The constants of the substances obtained are tabulated. PFAA are yellow liquids or gases which explode when heated, but are much more stable than their non fluorine-containing analogs. Pyrolysis: It was found that hexafluoro azo methane was slowly pyrolyzed in a copper tube at 400OC: CFN-NCF N + CF - CF Similarly polyfluorinated homologs of 5 3 2 3 3* hexafluoro azo methane also decompose. This decomposition can be used as a method of synthesizing PFAA. At 600-700 OC~ tetrafluoro methane, tetra- Card 2/5 32819 S/02 62/142/001/017/021 Production, pyrolysis, and ... B103YB110 fluoro ethylene, and lamp black are formed among others. This suggests the thermal decomposition of intermediate forming trifluoro methyl radicals. The low temperature coefficient, E act ' /-5 koal/mole, proves the chain radical nature of the decomposing reaction in a high ooncentra- tion of azo compounds. The free radical nature of the PFAA decomposition was also proved in their photolysis in UV: hexafluoro azo methane decomposes to form perfluoro tetramethyl, perfluoro hexamethyl hydrazine, and perfluoro hexamethyl tetrazine. Polyfluorinated hexaalkyl tetrazines are 'stable and do not decompose below 350-4000C: (Cr 3)2N'N(CF3 )N(CF3).N(CF 3)2 --:)'.(CF3 )2 N-N(CF 3)2 +CF3N.NCF3. When photolyzing trifluoro and pentafluoro azo methane, substituted hydrazines and tetrazines were isolated.. Due to a mass-spectrometric investigation carried out by S. S. Dubov and A. M. Khokhlova, and due to chemioal conversions, it was proved that the active free radical in asymmetrical azo compounds of the CF 3N.NR type was predominantly accumulated on the N atom of t~e azo group next to the less electrophilic group. The free radical nature of the above PFAA conversions is proved by their reaction Card 3/5 'U'rPj,7'P1P'/ ADD "PP-O ))I 9~ P1 19 in U7 In the presence of acceptors ol Vree Ttme, azo matbaae, Ja the pz-,qge,7a_- o~f cb.2,o_-Jv&, cba~qeea jnto kxlflaoxo C)2.2DXO methane, when photolyzed, and into trifluoro nitroso methane in the presence of nitTic oxide or methyl nitrite. The alighatic-aromatic azo compounds of the RIN-NC05 type are resistaxit to high temperatures and UV.- Thus, PF" show a general tendency toward homolytic dissociation into free polyfluorinated radicals and into an N molecule. Thus, N'~' is 2 2 produced in the case of an electronic impact. Pyrolytic decomposition of hexafluoro azoxy methane at 250-3000C, however, takes a different course: IX CP3X-9 C? 3 __~ CP3K: + CF3NO -) CF3NO2+ CP 31f - CF2 I CF3N-NCF3 There are 2 tables an& 5 referencest 1 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. three references to English-language publications read as follows: Ref. 3: D. Clark, H. 0. PritBhard, J, Chem. Soc., 1q56, 2136; Ref. J. R. Dacey, D. M. Young, J. Chem. Phys., _?J, 1302 r1955); Ref. 5: Card 4/5 The 4: J. 0- 32831 9 S/020/62/142/00k/017/021 Production, pyrolysis, and B103/B110 Pritshard, H. 0. Pritshard, A. F. Trotman-Dickenson, Chem. and Ind., 19559 564; Trans. Farad. Soc- 52, No. 6 (1956)~ PRESENTED: June 1, 1961) by Academician I. L. Knunyants and M. I. Kabachnik SUBMITTED: June 1, 1961 V41 Card 5/5 Z -5-1610 22- 01 S/020/62/142/002/020/029 AUTHORS: Ginsburg, V, A., Yakubovich, A. YR F i I a t o v , A . S G. Ye., Wakarov, S. F-_�h~2anskiy. Xotollnikova, G. Sereiyenko, L. F., and 'Martynova, L. L. TITLE: Iletorolytic trannformationn or polyfluorinated azoalknnea R 101) 1 CA L :Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 142, no. 2, 1962, 354-357 T'EKT :A number of heterolytic transformations of polyfluorinated a-,.o- alkanes was discovered for the first time. The said azoalkanco, while being highly resistant to oxidizing agentsp easily react -pith reducers S, 11 P) in polar media (ether, methahol) at low temperatures, 2 3 whereby the a,-.o group is converted into the hydrazo group. Hexafluoro h.'idrazomethanc presents acid properties and is relatively stable in the ealvate form Jn ether or acetone. The etherate reacts with ketene, and the cormal diacyl derivative ia formed as a result. Hydrogen fluoride is readily separatod from hexafluoro hydrazomethnne under the action of bases: CurA I 32~09 S/020/62/142/002/020/029 it"t-rolytic tranafarnntiona of . . . B106/nIol (C~l 1,S), C - N-N z~C (S(- 11oxnfluoro hydrazomethane reacts Tith aluminum chloride to form the dimer of tetraflucro.foi-mazine, and, if oxidized in anhydrous media ('M&IO 4 +Cir3CGOH), it passes over to the intensively yell ow cir-form of hexafluorazo methane, -47hich readily takes the almost colorleas trans-form under the action of lipht, alkali lyes, or metals. In the reduction of azoalkanon which contain the groups CF 2C1 or R fCF 2' the corresponding hydrazzo compounds cannot be isolated due to h I pdrolvais. The compound C- 3!;H',1HC6'15can be distilled In vacuo (b.p.56 C/I mm III;), and passes over to indazole under the action of hydroeen iodide. Under the action of stronC; acidu, the azo group of polyfluorazo alkanes in able to add one proton 7,hich, in the case of asymmetric azoalkanes, is added to the nitrogen atom adjoining the more electronegative substituent. These reactions take place most readily in anhydrous hydrofluoric acid, -,'hereby polyflijorazo alkanea are dimerized into benzidine derivatives. Poly- Card 2/,T 32639 S/020/62/142/002/020/029 fluterolytic trannformationo of... B 106/11101 fluorinated a-zo comDoundu are particularly sensitive to nualeophilic reagents. The rvaotion rate Nith amineo gro-.3G -6ith the amino basicity, and the-reactivity in azo compounds of the type CF 11-MI drope in the .7 sequence R-CF,> OF 2H > CHY With secondary amines, nercaptano, and aulfinic acids, the azo cumpoundo react as follows; JCF,MIN (CFa) NRij-11241-l' (R%N)jC .. N - N (Cr,) NR, CPjN-NCF. ICF.NIIN(CV.)SRI CF. + RSSR .A) CF.NHNI, --o'(U.NIIN (CI:,) SOLQUIl - rr, - NN (CF,) -Orlf, These converaiona probably begin with the formation of a transition complex of the type of a n-complexr e. U., CF ff=',ICF This assumption f 3 HIM2 is backed by the fact that the transition complex, in the reaction of hexafluorazo methane with trialkyl phosphites, can be isolated under mild. Card 317~- F~ 3 ?'1-13 S/020/62/142/002/020/029 Ileterolytic traneformations of... conditions (cooling with dry ice). On beating, the adduct decoz-pones to nitroaen, tatrafluoro ethylene, diethyl ether, ethyl fluoride, diethyl fluoro phosphite, and diethyl ethane phosphinate. In analogy to azodicarboxylic acid voters, hexafluorazo methane with dienes readily .jelds the Dials-Alder addition, reacts with azines according to -the sch'T!;P*- r_4_1.C = NN - C (01,), + CF.K NCF. -N CP1,),-NCrS V4/ and with diazomethand an follows: 4. al, CFjN NCF& + N, CF,N - NCF, + CHIf N~N-01' " I - 1CF. CF." Hexafluorazo methane reacts smoothly 1 11 organo-magnesium compounds at low temperatures and forms the hither!. ~:nknown acid fluorides of Card 40 S/020/621/142~0'321/020/02~- ~eti?rolytic 'trars_fz)r;na'I'Ofia of ... -y1-(aryI)7hydrazi-ne carboxylic acids CP fro. polyflucro all, which a'nuMber -of fur'ther derivatives was obtained cr.,N (R) NIICONH, fclval. CFJ.14 (R) NHC()NIiC,H.,, Cr,N (R) NFIC010 I$ RNHNIII f-lcc~_, 411F r There are' I table and 3 references: 2 Sovict.and I non-Soviet. VIr PRTSENTED *:June 1., 1961, by 1. L. -Knunyan~lq, Academician,. and IT.. I. ..Xabachnik, Academician SUB?.',ITTZb June 1, ig6i Table 1. Comnound:; oyntheeizqd fgr the first ti6c. Lerend: (n) cNpound; (b)'boilfnp point;. (c). melting pointj% (d) does no' Mel' be w 00 C. Card 5/1~ 14750 S/020/62/142/003/017/027 ,5-, 2 0 B106/BI10 /A ~2 /2 / AUTHORS: lgakarov~ IS. P., ~hpnnskiv, Ginsburg, V. A,~.., 01 Shchekotikhin, A. I.~ Filatov, A. S., Martynovaq L. L,~ Favlovskaya,I, V., Golovaneva, A~ F,, and Yakubovich-, A Ya, TITLE,- Reactions of polyfluozinated nitroso-alkanes with unsaturated compounds PERTODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR- Doklady, v, 142, no, 3, 1962, 596 = 999 TEXT. Trifluoronitroso methane is used as an example of some reactions of polyfluorinated nitroso-alkanes with unsaturated compounds. These addition reactions take place easily (in an autoclave at -70 to 000. Monomers and polymers containing I mole of nitroso compound per olefin mole,, form. Styrene and trifluoronitroso methane also form a compound with the molar ratio 1 ; 2 which decomposes into 1 mole of nitroso compound, formaldehyde; and the corresponding imine when heated to 70 - 800C, Therefore it has the structure C 6H5CH-CH2 Trifluoronitroso methane adds to diphenyl I I CF -N 0 3 1--1-- Card 3 S/020/62/1,12/003-1/0 17/027 Reactions of polyfluorinaLed.-, B106/B110 ketene even more easily under the formation of (C6H5)2C-Co which O-NCF 3 decomposes when heated to 3000C mainly forming trifluoromethy! isocyanate Bp- 330C, Yield 35~6) and traces of trifluoronitroso methane, The latter also reacts with R C~-:CX alkines (X = Cl., Br; R = CP CF Cl, CFCI ~ at P F 3? 2 21 room temperature in an autoclave. NCF forms on heating trifluoro- N 3 ROOCN-NCOOR nitroso methane with azodicarbonic acid esters to 100 - 1500C under pressure Diazomethane and trifluoronitroso methane react at -.700C to give a polymeric nitron FCF N(O)CH,-J under nitrogen separation, - 3 2 n 0 Phosphazines and trifluoronitroso methane react violently at -701C following the scheme (C H ) P,=N-V=CH ~ CF NO CH 0 1 6 5 3 2 3 2 - VC H ) P=N-11=NCF' -N2 ~,(C H )-,P--NCF The product of this reaction L- 6 5 3 31 6 5 1 3' also forms from triphenyl phosphine and trifluoromethyl azide under the same oonditions, Trifluoronitroso methane and methyl i3ocyanide rea-,t Card 9-16 S/020/62/14,2/003/017/027, Reactions of polyfluorinated... B106/B110 vigorously when heated to 250C in an autoclave to form O-NGF .Thich, I 1 3- Uh3 N=C-C=NGH3 decomposes into trifluorinated dimethyl carbodiimide and methyl isocyanate when heated to 350 - 4000C in vacuo. These reactions demon- strate the great tendency..of the N-0 groups of trifluoronitroso methane to addition reactions with nucle6philic and electrophilic compounds. For comparison, some additions similar to the above reactions were conducted with polyfluorinated a zomethines: CF 3 N-CF2 (Bp. -3300 and CF 3N-CM (Bp. -50C). In all cases, the additivity of the C=N groups of these com- pounds was much lower. On reaction of CF 3N=CF 2' with diphenyl ketene (autoclaved for 12 hrs at 180'C), not addition, but dimerization of the initial substance took place. The dimer also formed in almost quantitati-Eve yields by reaction between CF 3N=CF2 and pyridine at -70 - 500C- With aniline, the dimer converts into the anilide of the monomer, when sub- jected to pyrolysis (> 50000 it dissociates into the monomer (CF 3 N-CF 2)' Unlike the polyfluorinated azomethines above, difluoro formimine easily Card 3/6 S/020/62/142/003/017/027 Reactions of polyfluorinated... Bio6/BI10 reacts with diphenyl ketene to form the adduct (Ce5)2CCO -2CF2NH. Addition reactions with hydrogen fluoride, hydroger) chloride, and mercuric fluoride following the schemes (CFs)xNH CFON = CF, (CF,)CFCINH CINO -- (CF3),NNO j(CF.),Nj-,H9 UNO. (CFj)INNO2 ( '*,Kh;k + 17-) are very characteristic- for t~e polyfluorinated azomethines in question. The tendency of polyfluorinated substances with double bonds to addition reactLais with olef ins therefore decreases as follows: N-O>N=N> N=C Table i shows the physical constants of the compounds synthesized ior the fir!z:L time. There are 1 table and 12 references; 4 Soviet and 8 non- Soviet. The three most recent references to Englis'h-language publications read as follows: E. E. Griffin, R. N. Haszeldine, Proc. Chem. Soc., 1959, 369; 196o, 1151 - 1155; C. E. Griffin, R. N. Haszeldine, J. Chem. Soc., 1960, 1398; J. Crawford, J. Polym. Sci., 42, No. 145, 261 (1960). Card 4/6 GINSBURG, V.A.; YAKUBOVICH, A.Ya.; FIIATOV, A S - SHFANSKIY I V.A.; VIASOVA, Ye.S.; ZELENIN, G.Ye.; SERGI;~;TK'O, MARTYNOVA, L.L.; 11UMMIROV, S.F. Production, pyrolysis, and photolysis of polyfluorinated azo compounds of the aliphatic series. Dokl. AN SSSR 142 no.1:88-91 Ja 162. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Predstavleno akademikami I.L. Knunyantsem i M.I. Kabachnikom. (Azo compounds) (Fluorination) L ACC' NR, AP602 898 AUTHOR: Makarov, S. P.; Yermakova, 1. V.; Shpanskiy, V. A. ORG: none 94- TITLE: Fluorination of liquid acetonitrile\with free fluorine L9 SOURCE: Zhurnal 4shchey khimii, V. 36, no. 8, 1966j 1,419-1420 TOPIC TAGS: fluorination, acetonitrile, free fluorine,, Z ABSTRACT: A study has been made of the fluorination of liquid ac9tonitrile with free fluorine rarefied with nitrogen. The reaction was conducted at 10-15C with vigorous agitation. There were no flares o~ explosions. Hydrogen fluoride formed in the reaction slowed down fluorination and had to be bound with sodium fluoride. The reaction products were fluoroacetonitrileldifluoroacetonitrile, N-fluoro-1.1- difluoroethylenimine, and N,N-dif uoro-1,1-dif.luoroethylamine. The reactions can be represented as fAllows: 1/2 UDC: 547.23 L 05870-67 FXdC NR. CH,CN -F, 0 jCI13CF==NF,-F, J.C113CF,NF2, CH,CN - F, W (-H2FCN + HF, CH,FCN - F, I- CHF,CN + [it'. The cyclic product could have been formed by d6hydrofluorination of N,N-difluoro-1,1-difluoroethylamineI CH3CFINF2 CH 2-CF2. [BOI SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 17Jul65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 004 kh Card 2/2 SHPANYAR, Ye. [Spaniar, E.] ; KISELA, I. [Ky sela, J.j Steroi d spectmim as a diagnostic criterion in true her--aL'hro- ditism. Probl. endok-. i gom. 9 ne.5:101-105 S-0163 - WRA 16:12) 1. Iz Ehdokrinologielieslcogo klinicheskogo instituta (dir. Ye. Shpanyar) v Lyuboklme, Chekhoslorakiya. SHPAN YAR, P. Determining the composition of erganic substances contained in small amounts in food products. Kans. i ov. prom. 14 no.7:32-34 J1 '59. (MIRA 12:9) l.Isaledovateliski.v institut konservnoy, myasno7 i kholodilluoy promyshlennosti v Budapeshte. (Food-r-Analysis) SIIPARA I P. '112-. Large residential blocka in Kharkov, Zhil.stroi. no-5:6-9 Yq 161. OURL l4z6) 1. Glavny-y arkhitektorgoroda KharIkova. (Kharkov--City planning) KHARAGORGIYEVY S.Ye., inzh.;-,5HPARAGA, I.D., inzh. Trends in the design of central regional foundries. Mashinostroenie no.1:43-50 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Ukrgipros,tanok, Kiyev. (Foundries) SHPARAG.A. I.D. New design of a nut. Mashinoatroitell no.7:9 Jl 165. (KM 18:7) DMITRIYEV, Anatoliy Vasil'yevich; SHPARAGA, I.I., inzh., retsenzent; SERDYUK, V.K., inzh., (Safety rules for operators of sand preparation machinery casting shops] Pamiatka po tekhnike bazopasnosti dlia rabochikh zemleprigotovitellnykh mashin liteinykh teekhov. Kiev, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry. 1958. 57 P. NiRA 12:4) (Founding -Safety measures) (Sand, Foundry) SHPARA-GOY I. I. PA 1915T55 USSR/Metals - Cast Iron, Casting Methods ~~ ~51 "Centrifugal Casting of Cast-Iran Bushings and Flanges," N. S. Massover, 1. 1. Sbparago, Engi- ueers "Litey Proizvod" No 3, PP 31-34 Describes centrifugal machine with a horizontal axis of rotation, used for casting bushings and flanges at Kiev Mach"'Tool Bldg Plant imeni Gorl- kiy, where rejection of these parts 30-40%. Centrifugal method sharply decreased rejection and ingiroved quality of castings. 195T55 __L4P&IPER,J~~_ Using low-grade cements in making cement-sand roofing tiles. Sill.bud. 7 no.4:13 Ap 157. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Voroshilovgradalogo oblastnogo upravleniya po stroitel'stvu v kolkhozakh. (Voroshilovgrad Province--Tiles, Roofing) SHREYDER, A.V.., kand.tekhn.nauk; SHPARBER, I.S., inzh.; ZRUK, N.P., doktor tekhn.nauk Corrosive exfoliation of metals of petroleurr-refinery low temperature equipment. Khim. i neft. mashinostr. no.9:28-32 S 165, (MIRA 18310) SHPAREER, L.Yst. Remote central of gas sampling along the radius of the shaft t*D. Melallurg n9.9.05-36 5 '56. (MLRA 9.10) 1.Rukoveditell tekhnalegichookey gruppy domennoge ysekha Magnitoger- skego metallurgichaskego kembinata. (Blast furnaces) (Sampling) (Remote control) b c AUTHOR: Shparber, L.Ya., Engineer. 130-12-?/24 TITLE: Insulated Heat-resisting Blowpipes for Blast Furnaces (Ekranirovannyye zharostoykiye sopla dlya domennykh Pechey) PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 195?, Po.12, p.13 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The author mentions that measurements at Magnitogorsk showed a 50 C temp8rature drop in the blowpipe at a blast temperature of 850 C and describes an insulated blowpipe designed and successfully introduced at the combine. This con- sists essentially of a seamless steel tube (6-7 mm wall thickness) inside which a stainless steel sleeve is fixed, the 32.5 mm gap being filled with a mixture of ab8estos and sl-g wool. The use of such blowpipes has saved 34 .5 C of blast tempprature and enables the mean temperature to be raised to 900 uC, (950 - 1 000 C in some months) with improved bloirpipe life and furnace- men's working conditions. A variant of the blowpipe without any insulating material in the gap is now under tial. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: MaGnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine (Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Gard 1/1 SOV/133-58-6-5/33 AUTHORS: L,:,pillchin, L.A. and Shparber, L.Ya., Engine.ers TIT13: A New Method of Sup~,_Yof_ Steam into the Space between Bells of Blast Furnaces (Novyy sposob podachi Dara. v lnezhkonusnyye prostranstva domennykh pechey) PERIODICAL: Stal', 1958, lqr 6, P 503 (USSR). ABSTRACT: An illustrated outline of a syster; of supl~ly of steam betv4een small and large bells synchronised v,7ith charging. side is given. The systelp is in, operation and an improved safety and an economy in steam is claimed. The main feature - steam is supplied only just before the openinC and during the closing of the large bell. There are 2 figures. AS3OC1ATIO1q: Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskikh kombinat (Magnitogorsk LvIetallurgical Combine) Card 1/1 1. Blast furnaces--Performance 2. Steam--Applications