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A055/A133 Shpakov, V. I. TI-7-PLE': Calculation of an electronic relay Elektrosvyazl, no. 6, ig6o, 18 - 23 T ---XT: Mhen calculating the parameters of a symmetrical electronic rel.,;y (sho-;,,n schematically in fig. 1), it is usually assumed that the anode load reziz~- a.nce Ra is considerably smaller than the resistance Rag + RE; of -he divider. , ("delitel' svyazi") In the case of high-speed relays, however, it is necessary that the resistance of the divider should be small, since (the capacitances of". circuit being constant) these resistances determine the steepness of the frGrz o--.' the impulse. But these resistances, when they are commensurable with the anod,, load, exert a substantial influence upon the operating conditions of the relay and upon the magnitude of the output pulses. The object of the present article is to Cive a comparatively simple method of calculating the parameters of the re- lay inthe case of commensurable resistance 6f the anode circuit and the grid circuit. As shovin by L. A. Meyerovich and L. G. Zelichenko ("Impulse Technique" edited by "Sovietskoye Radio", 1953), the transfer characteristic, determinin.- Card 1/5 s/lo6/6o/ooo/bo6/oo4/o1~ Calculation of an electronic relay A055/A133 t'he hi'-h-speed properties of the relay, depends, fo ven capacitances, on the resultant resistances of the anode circuit Ras ~ 9'a41o and of the grid cii- cuit RL;s =Rag Rg where Rio is the d-c. resis- Ra + Rio the tube. The requir- Rag + Rg' ed duration of the front of the transfer characteristic of the output circuit is ,:O= RjzRj,) C., R. + Rio &-nd the time separating two controlling pulses is; RagR9 T ~ 2,3C" P.9 + R9 (2) the output capacitance of the tube the capacitance of tiae .~rinL; and the capacitance of the load connected to the out ut circuit, T.~.rhereas C" the input caaacitance of the tube, the capacitance of the uirin.-, t;ie capacitance of the source of the controlling pulses and the capacitance on para-1- lei with Ra---. UsinG-these formulae and the equivalent circuits of Fi8--. 2 [an) the blocked tube and b) for the unblocked tube], the a:jthor first states the con- Ca.---'- 2/ S11CO, 1 -0/00o/ of' an electronic relay A05,5 /A 1-33 Hono under t.;hich the operation of the relay will be stable. These Ur.:-(+)i >, 0 (fi.. 2a) and I Ug(-)' I>- Ubl (fig. 2b), where Ubl '01 OeVin-, Volt,rl,~e [Absitracter's note: subscript "b1" (blocking) is the trp-nsl--- i~*on of ori;~inal Vzapiranie")] . On the basis of these conditions, t:~-- Liu-unor obta.-Ins a formula giving Rag + Rg: h2 R., + Re U,R. RI, (E + E2) + E21. (8) EjE2h. - U. (EI + 1-2) (Ra + Rio) -then deduces two other formulae giving respectively the limit-value of EO ard value of El foil which Rag + R. tends towards infinity. The set of forr,-,ulae obtained by "he author qllows to determine the values of E2 and of Rag + Iqj~ en- zurin.- a stable operation of the relay. An algebraic solution of the involved equations bein.- difficult, the author resorts to a graphical solution. He recalls - - I U -e.-U Thai the choice of the relay parameters deperds on the manner in which 21 =d Z2 vary. Ttiree cases are possible: 1) El and E2 vary proportionally in t`e same d-frect-ion; 2)'they vary in the same direction, but El varies quicker 3~ they vary in the same direction, but El varies slo,7ier than E2. The au- t.'-lor shot-is how either of these three cases affect the choice of the parareters of tl-ie rel, LI Ui ay. At 'he end of the article, the author's formulae are applied to a Card 3/4 S/089/~Jiyo~i 1/006/008/014 B102 B138 AUTHORS: Shpakov, V. I., Petrzhak, K. A., Bak, M. A., Kovalenko, S. S., Koqfo_c_Ek_!_fi_,0. I. TITLE: Delayed-neutron yields in Pu 239 and Th 232 fissions induced by 14.5-Mev neutrons PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 11, no. 6, 1961, 539 - 540 TEXT: Prom theoretical considerations and analyses of experimental data a slight decrease in delayed-neutron yields is expected with increasing excitation energy. So far it has only been measured for 14.5 Mev thermal fission neutrons from U 235. The authors measured the delayed- neutron yield of 14.5-Mev neutron-induced Pu239 fission and, for compari- son, that of Th 232 fission. It was determined as the ratio between number of fission events and the number of delayed neutrons produced per second in the sample of fissile matter. The Pu or Th sample was cadmium coated and bombarded with 14.5-?Aev neutrons from T(d,n)He4 reactions, with a target just behind it being irradiated simultaneously. The steel backing of the target was one electrode of the ionization chamber. To measure Card 1/3 21405 S/089/61/011/006/008/014 Delayed-neutron yields in ... B102/B138 the number of delayed neutrons emitted, about 0.2 sec; after irradiation had ceased the sample was dipped into a neutron detector 1.5 m from the neutron source. The detector consisted of 17 boron counters of the DM-5h (SNhI-5A) type contained in a paraffin block. The end of neutron bombardment which coincided with removal of the samDle was established dinembLtographically with an accuracy of 0.02 sec. ke neutron counting started 0.2 sec after the end of bombardment, this caused a loss in neutrons with a delay of 0.16 sec. Special measurements were made to determine this error, which was not above the experimental level. The total number of delayed neutrons could thus be determined by extra- polating the neutron number - versus - time curve to the instant when bombardment ceased. The lCollowing results were found; total delayed- neutron yield decay event: 0.0130 � 0.0015 for Pu239, and 0.075 t 0.007 for Th The PU239, yield is twice as high as when fission is induced by thermal or fission neutrons. This result is explained by assuming that neutron emission probability increases with increasin.- ex- citation energy. There are 1 figure and 4 references: 3 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: G. Keepin et al., Phys. Rev. 107, 1044 (1957); J. Nucl. Energy, 6, 1 (1957); K. Sun et al., Phys. Rev. 7-9, 3t 1950. Card 2/3- 2105 S/089/61/011/006/008/014 Delayed-neutron yields in... B102/B138 SUBMITTED: july 18, 1961 Card 3/3 err Z i mula t I on equ -a 4L.-,cii. 1 z7. z 162 rA) institul. KOSTOCHK12J, 0.1.; PETRZHAK, K.A.; SOKOLOV, A-M.; SHPAKOY, V.I. A 4-r)ll counter for measuring the radioactivity of gaseous products. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 9 no.3-.52-55 MY-Je '64 (MIR& 18:1) 'j'li-PAKOV, V. 1. - KOSTCUSHKIN, 0. 1.; PETRZ"iAK, Y, A..; ARC-I~, 1 .!-1. 88Br 89Br 137, 1-48~ y3- -.1 1 Drec~;rsors of qas of 8'7&r 1 4 y I r--- 1 5,7eJ nputrahs in the fission of 238 232h vit") an, Pn,-rgi of U and .1 14.5 Mev. Rodiokbimiin 7 no.1:96-101 165. (1-URA 18.6) LPISYLTs I.T.; 811PAKWO V*I, I a:L( art I i , -idation of p ial and totO. 4' salon yields, Phdiokhimiia 7 165- ("T Y) . I ) L 346ih-66 -a3 (m) ACC NRz AP6026571~ SOURCE CODE: UR/0186/65/007/006/0692/07( AUTHOR: Krisyuk, I. T.; Shpakov, I- ~2 URG: none TITLE: Calculation of partial and total fission fragment yields SOURCE: Radiokhimiya, v- 7, no. 6, 1965, 692-703 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear fission, isotope, fission product ABSTRACT: Experiments undertaken by the authors have shown that calculating partial and total yields of fission fragments requirbs that a large number of factors be taken into account, capable of affecting the ultimate aotivity of the isotope in question. If a precise calculation of the corrections to be made is complex, then at least an evaluation of possible secondary processes- mus be carried out. In calculating total yields it is necessary also to rst-i'mat-o a correction for the yield of subsequent chain members and the ron~zstantaneous decay of precursors. By calculating yields according to givon formulas with allowance for all the 'corrections specified in the article,: yield values can be obtained that-are close to actual value*s.* Orig. art. has:- 4 tables and 29 formulas. [JFRS: 36,4551 SUB CODE: 20 / SUBM DATE: 12Jun64 / ORIG REF: 006 / OTH REF: 004 Card 25756 S/024/61/ooo/ooi/olo/oi4 Eo6l/E128 AUTHORS: Ginzburg, M.Ya., and Shpakov, V.L. (Sumgait) TITLE; A Contribution to the Problem of the Construction of Electronic Delay Circuits PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1961, No. 1, pp.164-165 TEXT: An electronic circuit giving a pure time delay, which can be simply varied, is described. The circuit uses operational amplifiers and is designed to utilize the full permissible range of amplifier voltages. The circuit is shown in the diagram. The circuit parameters are given by: K 1 12 K 1 72 11 R11C1 C 21C317 12 R12C1 C41C21T K13 R IC- 6-r-I K21 R 1C C21 T-1 13 1 21 2 Card 1/3 25756 S/024/61/000/001/olo/014 Eo6l/E128 A Contribution to the Problem of the Construction of Electronic Delay Circuits R 1 12 --OC3 C K 22 C K31 R 31 W22C2 4 l" 31 Roc4 = C41 > 2 K Rc4 1 41 R4, 42 R42 C 24 2 1 >'- C41 T is the delay time; the K terms denote gains; C41, C31, C2P- are constants. The highest pulsation in the frequency spectrum of the input must be less than 3r/T. The circuit represents a convenient method of simulating systems in which the delay time is a function of other variables. There are 1 figure and 2 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: April 11, 1960 Card 2/3 KAPLAN, A.L.; SHPAKOV, V.L. CalculaLing sections of equal discharge for the PUR sampler, T-ransp. i khran. nefti i nefteprod. no.11:20-22 164. (MIRA 18:1)) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy i proYektryy institut po kompleksnoy avtomatizatsii proizvodstvennykh protF-essov v neftyanoy i khimicheskoy promshlennosti. :ACC NR,,AP7oo6l3l Soma, Com-% 'uR/0056/67/052/001/0103/0111 AUTHOR: Kaminskiy A. A.; ShpAkovj..V*-N* iORG: Institute of Crystallography Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut l,kristallografii Alcademil nauk SSSR1 TITLE: Investigation of new cryntals In 0,-switched lasers ~SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheakoy fizikip v, 52, no,l, 11967, 103-111 TOVIC TAGS: laserl solid state laser, laser optic materialp mixed crystal,,'activated crystal i AB-STRACT!*An investigation Was.made of the possibility of producing a q-svitched' laser based on a series of'crystals operating at 300K. The Mstals consisted of mixed fluoride systems CaF2--YF3--Nd3"" CaF2 Cel?3--Nd3* UF _L&F 3 -Nd34 types I and II CaF -Nd3 crystals., and garnet c J, scheelite .Tt&ls (y3A-15012 2 2 crystals (CaW0,), and glasses activated with Nd3 ions. A study was also made of the relationship between the numerous optical centers Which are present in mixed fluoride'crystals in.the free-running and q-svitched modes. The threshold values of excitation energy in the Investigated modes were 'UDC*. none 'ACCNR,AP7oo6131 it comparatively low. These values increase slightly as the Q-svitched mode is approached. All ok the active media investigated can be divi'ded into two groups, according to the variety of optical activator centers. The first group includes crystals which produce'a small quantity of centers (1 to 7) at the activator concentration used in lasers (0-5-5%). This 3+ group includes types I and II CaF.-Nd , as well as Y3A:LS012-Nd3+ and CaWO,,-Nd3+ The second group includeg mixed fluoride crystals in which the number of optical centers can reach 100. In the crystals of the first group only one type of optical centers participates in the generation at 3000K. In the crystals of the second group, which are characterized by a variety of optical centers, energy transfer between centers takes place. In addition,s. sharp narrowing of the generation l1ne is observed. The authors thank V. V. Osiko for fluoride crystals, V. S. Zuyev for discussing .the results, and G.-A. Bogomolova for hel in carrying c~ut the experiments. Orig. art. has: figures and 1 table,, (JAI -4 SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 15Aug66/ oR3:G REF-. ool/ om REF-. 003/ ATD PRESS: 5117 Card 2L2 -1W .25 W (d)/W (m)/D1P(h)/EWP(1) TT/WE ACC NR:% Abf=4767 Monograph UP/ Knoring, Semen Davydovich-, Ynylinoya By enl Ayna; Filippeo, Nsksim Valen- f~c~,, Shtumpf, Valentin M1 t1hovich; ShpakovLVladimir Ste)anw ovich I Floating flexible vessels for the transportation of petroleum products; problema of durability and bydrodynamicep and theory and methods of calculation (Pla*uchire elaitichn,yye yemkosti d],va transportirawki nefteproduktov; Yoprogy prochnosti i gidrodinam:Udj, teoriya i metody rascheta) Leningrad, Izd-vo "Sudostroyeniyef'p 19650 223 P. illus.$ biblio. lp25O copies printed TOPIC TAGS: ocean transportationj inland vessel data., merchant vessel data., cargo ship., solid statics., bydrodynamics PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book presents the results of investigations of the strengths and speed of new means of transportation-flosting elastic vesselsl&ended for the tranaDortation of petroleum products and ~Fher liquid loads on sea and inland water- ~rays. Experience and design of manufacture of such vessels., accumulated in Soviet and foreign shipbuilding is described. Practical methods for calculating the strength and speed of floating elastic vessels under all principal operating conditions are given. Recommendations on the design and construction of such vessels are presentedo The bulk of the investigations reported were made by the authors and are published for the first time. The book is intended for engineering-tecbnical workers in design offices and in the shipbuilding industry., and can also be used by students of ship- building institutes and faculties,- Authors thai3k No Pe Bytovs A* Le KoshevW, B* I* mc: 629A2.011.1T 1/2 NOGID, Lev Markovich; GIRS, I,V., kand.takhnnauk,, reteenzent; SHPAKOV, V,S...,--.kand.tekhn.naukq retsenzeni; DORRI, V.S., nauchn3ry red.; SHAKITOVA, V.M., red.; STUSHFOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. (Planning the shape of a ship and preparing preliminary draw- ings]Proektirovanie formy sudna i postroenie teoreticbeskogo chertezha. Leningrad, Sudpramgiz,, 1962. 242 p. (IMA 15: 8) (Hulls (Naval architecturq)) n. nauk L r r.., r. c, 63 - t" -,eagoing L7 SHFAXOV, Ye. 2 C"? '170 ShFakov, Ye. i Vinogradov, V. Sullfidnyi vypryamitell dlya zaryadki Starteknykh Akkiu--ulvatornykl batarey. Autor.6~ill, 1949, No. 6, s. 22-2-11. SO: L2TOM ZHURNAL STATEY- Vol. 28, Mloskva, 1949 NOVIKOV, Mikhail Petrovich, ~-�RAKQVA.-A-T-,otv. za vypusk,; OVSYMNIKOV, M.F.,dots., kand. filosofakikh nauk, redi; FURMAN, G.V., tekhn. red. [Inconsistencies in the socialist system of production and how to overcome them] Protivorechiia v sotsialistichookom sposobe pkoizvodstva i 1kh preodolente'. Moskva, CFb-vo po raBprostraneniiu polit. I nauchn. znanii RSFSR, 1958. 31 P. (MIRA 11;12) 1. Zav. otdelom filosofii, pedagogiki, literatury i iskuBBtva Fravleniya Obsbchestva poL rasprostraneniyu politicheakikh i nauchnykh znaniy RSFSR(for Shpakova).' (Industry) USSR / Cultivated Plants, Grains. 1-1-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Blol., lq~;S, No 106, ~'2927- Author : Dombrovskaya, M. V.; Shpakova, B. M. I-list : Odessa University. - Title : Increase in Harves'u- Yi~?ld of Corn by Means of Au'ditional Car6on Fc~edirig Through the Roots. Orig Pub: Nauchn. yezheCodnik, Odas,5k. Lin-t, 19-~O', Od~2ssa, 1957, 202-203. Abstract: ~!o abstract. Card 1/1 CRERNYSFEV, M.P.; RGIZHKOV, L.P.; SHULIGINA, Ye.F.; IGNATOVICH A F LABUNSKAYA, L.S.; FOMINA, T.V.; CHERUYAKOVA, A.P.; L.N.;-TARASOVA, M.K.; AHFILATOVA, A.I.; SLAVIN, L.B.; BkRYSIHEVSKAYA, G.I.; DERIGLAZOVA, N.V.; MATUSBEVSKIY, G.V.; ALITMAN, E.N.; KROPACHEV, L.N.; CHEREDILOV, B.F.; PDTAPOV, A.T.; DUDGHIK, M.K.; REGENTOVSKIY, V.S.; YERMAKOVA, L.F.; SU4ENOVA, Ye.A.; KULIKOVSKIY, I.I.; KIRYUKRIN, V.G.; AKSENOV, A.A., red.; NEDOSHIVINA, T.G., red.; SERGEYEV, A.N., tekhn. red.; BRAYNINA, M.L., tekhn. red. (Hydrometeorological handbook of the Sea of Azov] Gidrometeoro- logicheskii spravochnik Azovskogo moria. Fod red. A.A.Aksenova. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1962. 855 P. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Gidrometeorologicheskaya observatoriya Chernogo i Azovskogo more~y. (Azov, Sea of-Hydrometeorology) SHPAKOVA, N.A. Cand Agr Sci -- (diss) A agricultural -------------------------- engineering of corn under I& conditions of Vitebskaya &last BSSR." Mos,1957- 17 pp. (Mos Order of Lenin Agr Acad im Academician K.A. Timiryazev). 110 copies. (KL, B-58, 107) -49- SHP,1KOVII, Bra Blocking of disr-orine-ators and cutouts. -, erget--k 12 nc.12z15-16 D 164 (MIRA 1822) 8(2,6) SO V101 1-50, -5-11/2 7 UTIHORS: ShiDahova, En-ineer a~,dd P-r-eyverk, Kh.12i., L TITLE: Blockinr----Up the Switches '.7ith Disconnectors (Blo- kirov,ka vyklyuchateley s raz"yedinitlelyanii) PERIODICAL: Ener-etik, 19,59, Nr 5, pp 21-23 (U3SR) ABSTILICT: This article aescribes the construction and func- tioninr~- of the blockinZ, of the oil breakers of a complex distribution device KRU 3 kv with dis- connectors of two feed lines KRU, sectional dis- connector XRU and interbusbar 3 kv RU, vvorked out by the electric laborator7 of the Tallin power plant. It consists of four intermediate relays EF-101-A, one intermediate relay EP-103, block contacts of section disconnectors I and II 'TRU switrhed up to block busbars lShB--I, 2 2Sh3-II, block contacts and dis- Card 1/2 conyect~on locl-KS R12R R (FiLj -ure 2). A peculiar Sci-V1101 -50-5--1-L/27 I - I Dlocki-nr;--Up t-',--,e . I ~-: 01. J1 , feature of this sch-eme consists of the use of intbermediat;e relay--. There are 2 schemes. Card 2/2 r. vy r-it-,rtn unnsed 17-20 fit: 12:,) V.-,,jef).vu7nyy nauchnc-iss led ovatel I skly institut.okonomlt rjolls!-,opo Piovii~--c- 'A E-r-4--.u It ur a L 01,014-67. M-IP(k)/El.,,'T(d)/El,,rT(m)/E',.Jp(w)/E,,.Ip(V) IJP(c) E MIUW ACC NRI AR6021882 (/V] SOURCE CODE: UR/0124/66/000/003/vOI5/VO15 AUMOR: Protsenko, 0. P.; Shpakova, S. a. TITLE: The stability of a cyliidrical shell with an initial bend under dynamic loading SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 3V103 REP SOURCE: Sb. Dinamiks. sistem tverdykh I zhidkikh tel. Kiyev, 1965, 107-114 TOPIC TAGS: cylindric shell structure, cylindric shell, cylindric shell stability, dynamic loading, bending stress, compression force, axial compression ABSTRACT: 'A comparison was made between two methods of calculating the effect c.' an initial bend on the stability of a closed cylindrical shell subjected to aperiodic axial compression forces. The first method, which is commonly-used for studying the stability of a cylin-I drical shell, Is based on the assumption that the bending of the shell consists of an initial bend and an elastic bending resulting from the application of a load. In the second method, changes in the curvature of the initial bend in the shell is taken into consideration so that Card -1/2- L 01946-67 ACC NR, AR60 the cylindrical surface is transformed into a quasicylindrical surface of a variable dual curvature. Bending of such a shell is understood to mean only elastic bending. A numerical study showed that according to the second method, which considers the effect of the initial bend, the bend increases more sharply and the magnitude of bending is sig- nificantly higher during the loss of stability. The average value of the critical dynamic load obtained by the second method is 10% higher than the corresponding magnitude found by the first method. LTransla- tion of abstract.) [FM] SUB CODE: 20/ Card AUTHORS! Shul:ga,. P-L., and Shpakovaq V.B. 21-58-5-23/28 TITLE, New Geolo-ical Sectio'n, ~ozoic Deposits in the 0 North-Western Part of Volyn! (Nov-yy geologicheskiy raz- rez paleozoyskikh otlozheniy v severo-zapadnoy chasti Volyni) PERIODICAL~, Dopovid:. ~kademii nauk Ukrainslkoi RSR, 1958, Nr 5, PP 558-561, (USSR) ABSTRACT~- The article describes the geological section of a pro- specting hole drilled in 1957 on the right bank of the Zapadnyy Bug river in the village Berezhtsy, Lyubomll district ., Volyng0blast'. This hole crossed the following depositss Quaternary - 16-5 m, Upper Cretaceous - 321940 m, Jurassic 7,,50 m Lower Carboniferous - 13-55 m~ UP- per Cambrian 285.25 m, Midd12 Cambrian - 136~45 M9 Lower Cambrian - 125945 m, and Riphaus - 340-55 m, of which 109.2 m in the upper part correspond to the Baltic laminaritic and Gdov formationsq and 231-35 m in the lower part are represented by sedimentary effusive rocks. The authors correlate the Upper Cambrian deposits in the section under considerationg with the horizon of obolus sandstones and dictyonema slates. There is a transgressive Card 1/2 overlap of the Lower Cambrian deposit over the Ripheus ones. 21-58-5-23/28 New Geological Section of the Paleozoic Deposits in the North-Western Part of Volyn' The laminaritic-Gdj)v formation in this corre- lated with the l6wer strata of the P6dolian Ushitsa se- ries. There are 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION% Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN UkrSSR (Institute of Geological Sciences of the AS UkrSSR) PRESENTED, By Member of the AS UkrSSR, V.G. Bondarchuk SUBMITTED: October 179 1958 NOTE.- Russian title and Russian names of the individuals and in- stitutions appearing in this article have been used in the transliteration. 1. Geeology--USSR Card 2/2 SHAPOSHNIKOVA, L.A.; SJIPAKOVA, V.M. Use of pollen in the metallurgical industry. Bot. zhur. 48 no.6:843-844 Je 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Odesskiy go-sudarstvennyy universitet imeni I.I. Mechnikova. SHFAKOVICH, A.D. Automatic machine for printing labels on bottles. Med. prom. 10 no.1:20-23 Ja-Mr '56. (MLRA. 9:6) 1. Kiyevskiy zavod meditionskikh preparatov. (IABF,LING MAGHINNS) SETAKOVICH, A.V., inzh.sluzhby puti Snow protection of tracks in tundra regions. Pat' i put.khoz. 4 no.9:22-23 S t60. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Kombinat "Vorkutaugolt," g.Vorkuta. (rechora Basin--Railroads-Snow protection and removal) SHFAIKOVICF, V.M., kacltan ma-ditsinsk,-y lluzhby I :~x, ~ -l- P-r,,-e 4-.- --ne s ani. tar-Y han ter 4 0 109' C a! insrectl cn of brr-. a" Vu,n, red. zhur, no.2E'z7-';F 16~. 1, 1 - FOLAND / Chemical Technology. Processing of Solid Fuels H-22 Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Khim., No 12, 1958, No 40934 Author :,Shpakovskaya Inst : Not given Title : Gas Supply in Bordeaux, France Orig Pub : Gaz. wode, techn. sanit., 1957, 31, No 10, 383-387 Abstract : ~ modern gas supply system in Bordeaux, France, is desc- ribed. It is based on the production of natural gas from the dry distilletions carried on in the coal and petroleum refineries. Technical installations are described, as well as the properties of the installations of the catalytic cracIdng process of natural gas, the production of propane -- air gas, and also the mixing of these prepared gases in order to prepare standard city gas. Cerd 1/1 7 SHPAKOVICH, E.Ya., inzh. Use of radioactive isotopes for investigating the wear process of coal pulverizer balls. Teploenergetika 9 no.10:10-13 0 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Yu-tl-.inoye otdeleniye Gosudar8tvennogo tresta po organizatsii i ratsionalizatsii rayonnykh elektrostantsiy i setey. (Coal, Pulverized) (Radioisotopes-Industrial applications) RPL WID-71fal ACC NRt AP6002486 C14) SOURCE COM DR/0191/66/000/001/0060/0063''~-I AUTHORS: Shcherbak, P. K.; Sb ovskaya, Go Bo .pakov ORGi none TITLE: Dielectric strennt~ of filmd made of po2gqetrafluorooth (Tj~lojn, Ilene polystyrene, and styrene copolymor-CAM SOURCE: Plastichoskiya masay, no. 1, 1966, 60-63 TOPIC TAGS: polymer dielectric, dielectric breakdown, dielectric layer, statistic analysis, statistic distribution ABSTRACT: Dielectric strength of thin Teflon, polystyrene, and styrene copolymer films in heterogeneous and homogeneous electrical fields was investigated. The study of the breakdown phenomenon is complicated for such films since the structural heterogeneity, impurities, etc. at small thicknesses become more pronounced, aB was observed by F. N. Shcherbak (Plast. masay, No. 9, 40-43 (1963); ibid. No. 3t 60-64 (1951); ibid., No. 10~ 51-57 (1962)). This results in a wide ad of values for dielectric strength from several hundreds of kw/mm to a few = or "zero" values. From a study of 4880 breakdowns In the above materiala the following conclusions were reached: 1) for an objective evaluation of dielectric strength of films less than 0.03 mm thick, exposure of weak spots, and selection of the 'Optimal number of Card 1/2 UDC:--678*743.746*22el3-5Y7 . L 13814-66 ACC NRz AP6002486 film layers it is necessary to plot the differential and integral distribution curves E; 2j dielectric strength of such films has to be determined in not less than 2 layers. Orig. art, hass 4 figures and I'formula, SUB CIODE: SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 012 L 12976-66 EWT(d)/EWP(v)/D[P(k)/94P(h)/gWP(l) ACC NRi AP6001521 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Sud'bin, B. A.; ORG: None TITLE: SOURCE: IJPW DB-/dG A duadirectional pulse converter for changing angle.of code Avtomatika i priborostroyeniye, no. 4, 1965, 64-66 TOPIC TAGS: analog digital converter, pulse coding, shaft, mining machinery ABSTRACT: The article is a report on a computing device developed at the Institute of Automation of the State Committee on Instrument Buildin , Ifeans of Automation and Control Sysdems, State Planning Committee SSSR (Institut avtomatiki Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po priborostroyeniyu, sredstvam avtomatizatsii i sistemam upravleniya pri Gosplane SSSR) for use' in the controller for the direction of motion shaft-sinkin combines. The device uses a pulse converter for changing an-gle- of A" t rotation to discrete code (D,. V. Nizovkina, B. A. Sud1bin, Soviet patent No. 145463). The unit has two independent outputs with pulses which differ in sign depending on the change in direction of rotation. The unit may be used for a wide range of shaft rotation rates and has a high signal to noise ratio. The angle of shaft rotation is converted to a pulse train by a disk mounted an the shaft and a readout head. The disk is made of a material with high magnetic permeability and has a number of teeth around the edge. The diameter of the disk may be increased or the pitch of Card 1/2 UDC: 62-50-502 shaft rotation L 12976-66 ACC NR: AP6001521 the teeth reduced to increase the accuracy of the angle reading. The readout head consists of a differential transformer with a magnetic circuit made up of two ferrite rings. The magnetic circuit should be thinner than the width of the teeth on the disk-. Air gaps are cut in the ferrite rings to take the teeth on the disk. The electrical circuit of the converter is shown and an explanation of its opera-- tion is given. Tests show that the device works reliably at shaft rotation speeds of 0.025 m/sec to 300 rpm. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 09, 13 SUM DATE: none Card 2.12 SOKOLOV, P.K., inzhener, retsenzent; PIVTSOV, N.P., inzhener, retsenzent; FARAMOMOV. G.A., inzhener. redaktor; kRP.ArOVSKAYA, L.I.. redaktor; - -- - --- LISIYJi, V-M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor 7-,- q [Construction foreman's manual for general conBtruction work] Spravochnik mastera-stroitelia po proizvodstvu obshchastroitell- nykh rabot. Novosibirsk, Novosibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1957. 653 P. (MLRA 10:7) (Construction industry) BORISOVA. V.D. PrInimali uchastiye: BAMINA, Ye.A.; PESHKOVA, F.G.; ALEWOV, Ye.P..- Llk-MMKIKA, V.Ye,, PSTROVA, N.I.; SAMIRA, Oa.; .%URW, A.P.; TEMOVSKAYA, Kh.A.; GHIZHIKOVA, N.M. SHPAKOVSKAYA, L.I., red.; POTOTSKAYA, N.M., [Districts of Novosibirsk Province; physicogeographical featureal Raiony Novosibirskoi oblasti; priroduo-ekonomichookaia kharakteriatiks. Novosibirsk, Novosibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1959. 367 P. (MIRA 13:9) (Novosibirsk Province--Economic Eeography) MINATEVA, Valentina Gavrilovna; SHPAKOVSKATA, L.I., red.; POTOTbTATA, N.M., [Medicinal plants of Siberia] LekarBtvennye restaniia Sibiri. Izd.3., ispr. i dop. NovoBibirsk, Novosibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vo. 1960. 145 p. (MM 13:11) (SEM11-BOTAUY, MEDICAL) VOZNYUK, Vladislav Vladimirovich; SHPAKOVSKAYA, L.I., red., SUBBOTINA, G.M., tekhn. red. [Amateur radio designs) Radioliubitellskie konstruktsii. Novo- sibirsk, I-lovosibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 133 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Radio circuits) SITITKOVA, A.S.; SUPAKOVSKAYA L. red. red.; GOSTISHCHEVA, Ye.M., tekhn. [Health resorts, sanatoriums, and rest homes of Siberia] Ku- rorty, sanatorii i doma otdy-kha Sibir. Novosibirsk, Novosi- birskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 148 p. (19-RAI 15:1) 1. Glavmyy vrach Novosibirskogo kurortnogo Upravleniya (for Shmitkova). (SIBERIA-BEALTH RESORTS-, - WATEMG PUMS., ETC,) PAIRAMOTNIOV, G.A., inzh.; PICHUGIN, A.A., kand.takhr.nauk; VAIMYEV, V.A.v inzh.; KUZtMINSKIY, A.G., inzh.; CHUYKO, A.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; VRUBLEMIM, L.Ye., inzh.; MEMATT, A.Ta., inzh. [deceased]; PMIUTOV, G.N., iuzh.; SHM'ANCV, A.S., inzh.; DMITRIY37, P.~L, kand.tekhn.nauk; IVANOII, I.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; TFJIKO, TU.P., dotsent; SOKOLOV, P.K., dotsent; KANYUKA, N.S.,; SHPAKOVS[CI-Y-P, L.I., red.; GOSTISHCHEVA, Ye.M., [Handbook for the master builder on the technology of general building oporational Spravochnik mastera-stroitelia po tek-hnologii proizvodstva obshchestroitellufth rabot. 2. izd.perer. i dop. Novosibirsk, Ncivosibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 713 P. (MIRA 15:2) (Buil-ding) VOZNYUK, Tladislav Vladimirovich; SITLK9'~SKAYA, L I., red.; SUBBOTINA, G.M., tekhn, red. (Radio amateur designs]Radioliubitellskie konstruktaii. No- vosibirsk, Novosibirksoe knizhnoe izd-yo, 1961. 133 P. (MIRA 16:3) (Radio--Equipment and supplies) IOGANZEN, B.G., otv. red.; PETKEVICH, A.N., otv. red.; SAMARIN, V.P.9 red.; SHPAKOVSKAYA, L.I., r-ed- [Development of pond fish culture in S.'beria; materials of the Seventh Plenum of the Western Siberian Branch of the Ichthyological Commission of the State Planning Committee of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. held in Kemerovo on Semptember 11-12, 1961]Razvitie prudovogo rybolovs~*a v Sibi- ri; materialy VII Plenuma Zapadno-Sibirskogo otdeleniia Ikhtiologicheskoi komissii Gosplana SSSR, provedennogo v Kemerove 11-12 sentiabria 1961 g. Novosibirsk ' 1962. 95 p. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)Gosudarstvennaya planovaya komis- siya. Ikfitiologicheskaya komissiya. Zapadno-Sibirskoye ot- deleniye. 2. Tomskiy universitet (for Ioganzen). 3. Gosudar- stvennyy nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut ozernogo i rech- nogo rybnogo kbozyaystva (for Petkevich). (Siberia, 'elestern-Tish culture-Congresses) AFANAS'YEV, S.P.; SHIFMANOVICH, N.M.[deceased]; SHPAKOVSKAYA, L.I.-i red.; SUBBDTINA, G.M., tekhn. red. [Handbook on tolerances, threads and gages] Spravochnik po dopuskam,, rez'bam i kalibram [By] S.P.Afanasiev, N.M.Shifmanovich, Izd.3., perer. Novosibirsk, Novosibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 406 p. (MRA 16:6) 1. Novosibirskiy instrumentalInyy zavod, Novosibirsk. (Mechanical engineering--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) GIK, Leonid Davidovich; KARANDEYEV, Konstantin Borisovich'; SHPAKOVSKAYA,_~.j._ red.; YELISTRATOVA, Ye.M., -tekhn. (Electric correction of vibration measuring equipment) Elek- tricheskaia korrektsiia vibroizmeritellnoi apparatury. No- vosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSR, 1962. 127 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Vibration-Measurement) KUTATELADZE, Samson Semenovich, LEONTIYEVA, Alaksandr Ivanovich; SHPA AYA,".-!,, red.; OVCHINNIKOVA, T.K., tekhn. red, ~ MQYSK [Turbulent boundary layer of compressible gas) Turbulentnyl pogranichnyi sloi szhimaemogo gaza. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSR, 1962. 179 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Boundary layer) (Fluid dynamics) KAZARINOV, V.P., otv. red.; BGATOV, V.I., red.; KAZANSKIY, Yu.P., red.; KRASHEN114NIKOV, G.F., red.; SAKS, V.N.,, red.; YAELOKOV, V.S., red.; SHPAKOVSKAYA, L.I., red. [Methods for compiling lithological facies and paleo- geographic maps; transactions] Metody sostavleniia li- tologofatsiallnykh i paleogeograficheskikh kart; t-udy. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-niia Ali SSSR. Vol.l.- 1963. 174 p. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Vsesoyuznoye litologicheskoye soveshcbnniye. 5th. Novosibirsk, 1961. KOPTYUG, V.A.; VOROZIITSOV, N.N.(piladshiy), red.; SIIPAKOVSKAYA, L.I., red.; OVCHJI%IIIKOVA, T.K., tekhn. red. [Isomerization of aromatic compounds] Izomerizatsiia aro- maticheskikh soedinenii. Pod red. N.N.Vorozhtsova. Novo- sibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-rilia All SSSRI 1963. 175 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Vorozhtso~,- Oic"NB KH, ;V,.,I-!A.9 L.I., red. A' viinerall ~-3als or, thp--:r comlluus- isi,-~pnenmfkh uglei w1 ilkh gorenie. No- .3sibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirokogo YKIMCLOV, Viktor Veniaminovich; TROITSKIY, S.L., otv. red.; SiTAKOVSKAY-A, L.I., red. (Genetically homogeneous surfaces in geomorphological map- ping] Geneticheski odnorodnye poverkhnosti v geomorfologi- cheskom kartirovanii. Otv. red. S.L.Troitskii. Novosibirsk, Red. izdatellskii otdel Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSR, 1964. 36 p. (MTRA 17:9) bO,iOVKOV, A.A.; MAI:UKOVA, N.r.,- SYCHEVA, N.M.; SHPAKOVSKAYA, L.I., red. (Tables for N.V.Smirnov's criteria of the uniformity of two samples] Tablitsy dlia kriteriev N.V.Smirnova odno- rodnosti dvukh vyborok. Novosibirsk, Redaktsionno-izd. otdel Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSR) 1964. 139 P. (MIRA 17:6) FOSY GE,," Yu A.; -;iA SIH N , A, K, 4 ij F!R Z! !,I', N A VOLO N T -1i Y , G~ IN; VOTAKH, O.A.; KRA3IL-T.TK"'J'V, FARFE-11,10V~ L.Z-!.; SEPAEOVSKAYA, L.I,, r6d. p-re-C,wribrian tectonics cf Siberiall Dclkembrli --kaia tek- ton-'l,a Sibir4. Yiovosibirsk, Rod.izd. ot.del Sib*,-skogo otd-niia .411 SSSH, !9t'j4. .1122~ p. (MIRA '18.1) -1. Ak I no t i ti it adoriiya nal-ik SSSR~ ge(,,I-)gii i geofizlki. 2. W" SSSII (Ifor Kos~gan) 0 '. KU'iATELADZE, S.S.; LEO1;T'YEV, A.I.; RUBTSOV, N.A.; GOLIDSHT-IK, V.A.; VOLCHKOV, E.P.; DAVY-DOVA, 1.:.V.; DRUZHIND-1, S.A.; KLqILLOVA, N.N.; IiIALM,4KOV, I.G.; MOSKVICEEVA, V.N.; MIRO1:OV, B.P.; E~UKHIN, V.A.; YUKHINA, 'N.V.; REatOV, '11.K.; FEDOROV, V.K.; KHARAKHPASHEVA, Ye.M.; ShTOKOLOV, L.S.; SHPAKOVSKAY-A3 L.I., red. [Heat and nass transfer and friction in a turbulent boundary layer] Teplomassoobmen i trenie v turbulentnom pogranichnom sloe. Novosibirsk, Red.-izd. otdel Sibir- skogo otd-iiiia AN SSSR, 1964. 206 p. (MIRA 18:1) A.S., rauchn. red.; SHFAYOVSKAYA, L.I., red. [Geology and conditions governing sedimertation in -t-.I-.e Suchan coal basin] Geologicheskoe stroenie i usloviia osadkonakopleniia na territorii Suchanskogo kainennougoll- nogo basseiria. Novosibirsk, Ped.-izd. otdel Sibirsko--o otd-niia L'; SSSR, 1964. 231 P. (IMLIA 18: 1) 1. Pkaden.iya nauk SSSF. Sibirskoye otudeleniye. 2. Chlen- korrespondent At: SSSR Khoirentovskiy). BELOUS, !,,Kh,, st, nauchn, soir..; KAZANSKIY, Yu.P.; VDOVIN ', V~V,; KLYAROVSKIY, V,I,,',, KUZIIETSOV, V~P,; NIK-OLAY-EVA, I.V.; IIOVOZHILOV, V,I.; SJENDEP.ZON,; E:1,",- AKA'-,-z,'v7, IM,S,; BABP-I, A,A.~ BERDNIKOV, A.F,j GOi'YUKHII:, Ye.Ya., IIAGOi-1,3KIVY, M,F.; PIVENII, N,M,~ BAKANOV, G.Ye.; GEBLER, I.V.: SNIOLYA111211OV, S1,10LYMIDOVA, S~T,,, YUSHIII, V.I..., DIYAKONIOVA, NI.D.; I ., I V,A,., w ,EZAPOV, N.J.',.; K-ASHTAINOV, - GOLIBE,T, A.V.; SIDOROV, A P.; GARIISH, A.A,-, MOV, 1111,S-1 BORODIN, L,V,; .",YCHKOV, L.F.-, OCHE-1, SHAKHOV, F,N... -lav. red.; SHFAKOVSMA LJ- red. --- [West Siberial, ircil ~~re basin] Zapadno-Sibirskii zhelezorud- riyi bassein, Novosibirsk, Red.-iza. -tdel Sibirskogo otd- niia AN SSSR.. 19-64. 1!j-- p~ (1-!IRAA 17:12) 1. Akademiya nalik SSSR- Sil birskoye otudej'.enive, Institut geo- lo.-4-31. i 6reofiziki. 2. Ins-~itut -eo :)ga,,- g c~'iziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya Ali SME (for Belous, Kazanskiy. Vdovin, Klyarovskiy, Kuznetsov, Illikolayeva., llovozhilov, Senderzon), 3. Ins-titut gornogo dela (for Alcaye-v), 4. IT0110sibi--skuye geologiclieskoye upravleniye Mirist.e!-stva g-e-Icigii -i ok-brany nedr SSSR (for Babin., i3erdnl~Co-,r, GorT-,.,-khin, Nrigorskiy, Fiven'). (Coyni-ued on next card) BELOUS, N,Kh.,----(cont-inued)- Card 2. Tl-mskly politekhr-Acheski-y irstii-ut, k--.'cr ,-akanov, Gebler: Smolyaninov, anolyanino-va /'~ 5. Sib-LI-sk-i-w- i-ssledova-tel:skiy -ins-,-41,ut geologii, geofiziki i minerall- nogo syr-ya(for Yushin, Dyakonova, Rez-pcv, Yashll-anov, Gollbert), T-V.S titut ekcnomiki sell -ogc khozyaystva (for I sh Gaiwash), Sibirskiy met,allurgicheskly insti-Lut (for Bykov~ boi-Gdiin, 8. Torp.,kiy inzhenernc-stroi tell rrj ins-tit,ut (for Fuchin), c;, Chien-k,~rranpoiiderit AN SSM (for Sha-11-hov) I KAZARIEOV, V.P., otv. red.; BGATOV, V.I., red.; KAZANSKIY, Yu.P., rt-d.; KRAISMINNIKOV, G.F., red.; SAKS, V.N., red.; YABLOKOV, V.S., red.; SHPAKOVSKAYA,.,!,J., red. [Sedimentary formations of Siberia; transactions] Osa- dochnye formataii Sibiri; trudy. Novosibirsk, Red, izd. otdel Sibirskogo o-td-niia AN SSSR. Vol.2. 1964. 162 p. (MIRA 18:6) A. 'Vs&spyu2npya 21to2agicheskoye save &bvuG.-(6:(rak. L 51475-65 Pd-:L/Pr-b/ Ps_)47PT_1_7tPi--~4_. -;;u If AU5012942 BOCK EXPLOITATIM :S/ Kutateladze-S. S.,, ad. A:. ~ea-Clnd ~ss t~ransfqvind_friction in a tvrtg -Izmndary-layarL(Teplausso!o*bn I 0v i treniye.v turbulentnom pogranichnom.oloye).N oalbirsk ftdizdat Sib, otd., AN SSSRO 1964. 206 pj illunj biblio. Errata slip Inserted. 1000 copies rinted. (At head of title: Akadmeiya nauk SSSR, Siblrgko _gnly-0. p Institut teplofiziki) E d i i o _61 p I Xg_, rj k= Technical editor: Ye. G. Shmakova; Proofroadar: L. 1. Korahunova TCPID TAGS: boundary layer flow detached flow,- f riction- OM-' p~ heat tranaferj,.inq pressible fluid, mass transfer, nonisothermal flow, radiation effect, turbulent boundary layer 11"UUME AND COVERAGE: This book :16 a contInuatio e monograph by, Se So Ku tateladze and A. 1. Leontlyev r. of th Of I published in 1962., in which cartain,propertiea the liniting laws of friction and heat transfer in the turbulent bdundary layer on a c3olj,,J. were formlated and specific applications of these laws were analyzed The banic portion of the book waa written by Kutateladze-and A* L Leontlyeys J Card 1/3 41 T&Tv"'All, Viktor Grigorlyevich; VAYNSHTFIN, Enunanuil Yefirpovich; SHPAKOVSKAYA,, L.I., red. [Photoconductors in X-ray dosimetry] Fotoprovodniki v dozi- netrii rentgenovskogo izlucbeniia. Novosibirsk, Red.-izd. otdel Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSR, 1965. 52 p. (MIRA 18:3) 75, 1 10 i ye TTTLE: Lon-t-ime si:ren.-I+h rf !i1a:,"Los, PERI'DICAL: 1~1 a n h e -3 ir c, 1; 7 T r ew -C ~;T, I nn t-i, p 1 C, r:~ p Q -TF: t i c c 7- e e 1 -1 J) n b S. N, Zhv.H~ov et 7 no. IC (10';3), Ref. 2: ilb id . , 2 5 , n c, . 9 9 i ( T-! yq)RT] T T,eXP 0 where -, is t1he lor.--ime strenq`h; a a2~ic:,st Jndepen,-Jen~ of 'he 10 th-? v4brati,~-,~ -,eric.,j of t~- atc-m-S in ma'erial and ancprox,*rja'el-r eci~al 12 the molecule 0 -A6 10 ser); U a constant --luiost equal to the activatiQr, erergir of thermno'lemical destruction; anJ y a cons-tant dellendin,-, -,!- the ~-triicll.Eirp cf T--gleri-T. 'I"li-2111 2-ma7ler ---3 'Lle Crien~aricr increaseo, -nd lar,~er Resul-'s of ot'--r prepented, 47 51 T c, n 71 es-peni_ T'_ sh or-, - 4. ie Tr. a- r! Cr the 7- T'I'=pS0!_. (see B 11 e I c w, re -in, f or c ~-I e,r f I o n.'r - t j.,q et ef~ J-r c,7 o t (in or, a,.!oor, Irw S 31 n ~.'See t-eiGTI) i~ r 9 f7 cl fle P qUI! T c g is d --'- s Cu S S e~o r-.- , ~-i rnof 14-,n-g-~-ime arl fatigue strengg~h (by evolic lo"A'n~') r1at in tne laEtc-r -ase.. a jfre;'cjth derabiy ~ "I . I ,, ""~L' . - is CojtS4 reduced probib),; to loc_'_II !,eat I, rig ~Ulldf'r t) L I tps " cond 4tionr,, reinforced plast_z~-,s Penerally show higher values than non-einforped 'lei-sandrov. Tomashe7skiy, and a :r,e,,,or-: mia-de by Yu. S. LazuTkin at the 'J'onferenrie on the Stren~ ~th c f mers and P.-~2ymer 1y "a T" erialo, 7wriscow, 7_-ty are mertioned. The -ut'- T. N. 'LL-ii-icnenko ar.41 D. I. V~~,rizhriikova for publications t)n s " ic S , -,"here are 1~ f i iares. tables, and 2.1 refer- e nce c 11 Soviet-bloc arl! 17, n,:jn-S,')v_Jet-b'_,c TI-le mosh _im,-~ortant re-fe-r- enclez: En~' D11101 i0:1 f-j Or's r(a i f 0 1 s W ~ Th Pard 2/1, 2051 3119 61/000/007/009/010 Long-time strength of plastics BlOIX13215 x Reinforced Plastics, no. 11 (1957); B. B. Pusey, R. H. Carey, Modern Plastics, )2, no. 7, (1955); R. C. Hooper, Plastics Technology, 3, no. (1957); S. Goldfein, A. S. T. M. Bulletin, no. 224 (1957). Card 3/3 39639 S/19 62/000/POB/010/013 B1.24X= AUTT[C),',1,S L'vov, B. s., Koltunov, M. A., Kuznetsov, V. N., Shpakovskaya, Ye. 1. TITLE: Physicomechanical characteristics.of glass-reinforced plastics based on polyester resin. Elasticity.constants of glass-rein~orced plastics -EHODICAL: Plastiqheskiye massy, no. 8, 1962, 38-40 "."XT Zxperimental results in determining "he elasticity constants and t',e e~-ecz of loading and deformation rates on the stress-strain diagram Of glass-reinforced plastics based on TTH-1 (FN-1) polyester resin and T -1 (T-1) glass fabric have been obtained in the laboratoriya stekloDlastikov XIIPM (Laboratory of Glass-reinforced Plastibs of NIIPM) and the problemnaya laboratoriya fiziko-mekhanicheskikh svoystv -jolinerov !Aoskovskogo universiteta (Special Researob Laboratory for the -Physicomechanical Properties of iolymers, Moscow State University). isapropyl benzene hydroperoxide and cobalt naphthenate were used as hardeners at room temperature. Test specimens were cut out from the lard 1/3 Sll9lZ621000100810101013 .,-~hysicomechanical characteristics ... B124/BI60 ~.abric0with their axes at angles ~ to the warp of 0, 15, 301 45j 60, 759 and go . They were'kept at 800C for 12 hrs. Loading and unloading were done in steps of 100 kg each, and measured with an accuracy of + 1%-. 1 shows the circuit diagram of the extensometer pickups wh~Tich measured with 5~o' accuracy. Their readings were recorded on.a static ~ensometer sensitivity 1-io-5.- Total error of the system did not exceed -o-3. -,7j The stress-strain diagram is linear up to a deformation of ^J3-1 Worst results are with 0 - 450. The fabric has three symmetry axes. The- --lass-reinforced plastic investigated is orthotropic. X E 0 where is the angle between the X-cos4T + Bsin 2LP. cos2T + sin4 T warp and the direction of-tensiie stress and E - the elasticity modulus in the same direction. E90 and 2B - 4 ~90 (1 + A). The elasticity E0 E45 modulus values calculated from these equations are in satisfactory agreement with experimental data. There are 5 figures. Card 2/3 S/19"0-'2/000/009/004/012 B101/B144 AUTEORS: LIvov, B. S., Panfcrov, K. V., Romanenkov, I. G., ~Lipakovskaya.j TITL6: Changes in the physicomechanical properties of glass-reinforced. polycster plastics due to water P E-1.1 10 DI C,*,- LPlastichezkiye hiassy, no. 9, 1962, 16 - 18 Ti.XT: Lon~7er immersion in water had the following effect on the physico- mechanical properties of .-lass-reinforced plastics (GRP) which contained 75-4C~, IH-1 (P11-1) polyester retiin as binder: (1) Reduction of tensile strc.~nj~tb Eai(l bending strength depended on the type of glass filler. After 6 months' immersion in water, the tensile strength (in % of the initial value) for GRP with rope glass fabric was 62.5, withl--l (T-1) plain weave glass fabric 68.0, with staple glass fiber 55.9; the bending 'Strength dropped to 44.0, 66-5, and 35.1, respsntively. (2) 'Shen T-1 glass fabric was trea-teu with the organosilicon rb(-g (GVS-9) preparation the tensile strenGth of GRP after 40 days' immersion in water dropped by only 7.6t the bendinE strength by 15-6?~, while the corresponding values for GRP with Card 1/2 VASIL'YEV, Ye.F.; LITN, S.S.; STEPANYCHEV, Ye.I.; SHFAKOVSKAYA, Ye.I. ~Isthods of static teits for tensile strength of glass plastica obtained by cold settinga Plast, massy no.6:57-60 163. (NIRA 16-10) ACCESSION NR: AP4039947 S/0191/64/000/006/0039/0040 AUTHOR: Voloshenko-Klimovitskiy, Yu. Ya.; Belyayev, Yu. A.; L'vov, B . S. ; Shpakov,sk-ay-a .- Ye. 1. TITLE: Impact tensile strength at +20 and -196 C of glass reinforced; plastics based on PN-1 binder cured at low temperatures SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy*, no. 6. 1964, 39-40 TOPIC TAGS: glass reinforced plastic, glass fabric T-1, polyester resin PN-1, impact tensile test, static tensile test ABSTRACT: The authors have developed at the Laboratory of the Strength of 'Mauerials for 'Machine Building of the IMASh GKA i M a method for : imoacc tensile tests of glass reinforced plastics (GRP). This method' .lakes it possible to determine the tensile strength in uniaxial M streLching and can be used for calculating mechanical strength. it ,ras applied to T-1 glass fabric-reinforced unsaturated polyesters resLn `N-1. The GRP were subjected to static and impact tests. The resulZG, alnich are given in Fig. I of the enclosure, show that PN-1- based GRP DOSSOSG a good "dynamic strength reserve" both at +20 and ori-. ar-U. has 1 figure and 1 table. 3 ACCESSION NR: AP4039947 ,.:--~ASSOCIATION: none .SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: MT Card 2/3 DATE ACQ: 24Jun64 NO REF SOV: 002 ENCL: 01 OTHER: 000 .,.ccEssio.\, w4039947 70 50 50 a 40 b 70. 60- Ju +20 T 196T "20 T S t a t I LI y n a m Ic - I- , - Z= t e s t s m s e c Fig. 1. Results of static and dynar~ic tensila tests of PN-1-based glass-rain- forced plastics at +20.and -196 C- a - Along the woof; b - along the warp. 0 ENCLOSURE: 01 SKAY A EN 'fu,Ya.; BELYAYEV, Yu.A.' 3 r I a B1,5 3t-----nog~h c-f ---areci Pl~-" borded g7 -!--r con- L.-ons ~~.'L -impac-t~ tarision at normal (+-fox-~ ) and ff--as-~.raqay ric. 6-09-0 164. I;op(jv, YO.I.; S." unucluslayfl., Y(....-L. Firz~ all,-UTII= -,-icntiric tacbnical Gonforonco on tbu prod-mt+Ac-,q of 91cir, rolrlfmy.~ ia=tics* ?2aot* Matri nooll 70-71 165o (JAPA 18,12.) BLOKHIIIA, A.'; TOINTOYEV, M.; SHPAKOVSKIY, A. Repairing semi-axle sleeves with a metal drawing process. Avt. transp. 35 no-1:30-31 Ja 157. Mu 10,q) (Ax:Les) USSR / General Problems of Pathology. Immunity. Albs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 11, 1958, 51495. .iWthor Shp&k4*sk4_y_r ~,~ Inst Vitebsk Veterinary Institute. Title On the Mechanism of Passive Immunity Against Erysipelas in 'Khite Mice. Orig Pub: Ych. zap. Vitebskogo vet. in-ta, 1956, 14, No 2, 80-85. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 U b i ti an Z.,lo ClnlLr,lj 'JL-rVOUSt -"Jr- of all(I Pas AV*-, 1,11allinity .11,nillsl ORIG. P0 13 Vet. in-ta, t Unized r1f.s r, iza(l youil.-~ 'i, L te in r~~h:lits Of Of i ZrId .A r j ~v a _3r- Lo ra eac Sol ra., on tite -;.z ?~~cti a r pj to it declin d S 0tvI)t 0 'I'llil i l f Yff if 10 1) a It n is it mit!Ign tilt ma to 1) now ,I L A A p A R I l U , fiat a 1 0o 4A 06 CC DO tt Is_ k K , PA KO V 00 09 00 -00 st of #;: ;.Oo I 001 : oe I bade acid. F- SFA i I Ile onlc!r III $')let POIS 'It MOU"Al", list WCAI 14ralm nep"."Aw licieusiblirin still A If 4hImki)v.%'kiI 00 if 4*1 44011 "-ft"aft 444 19 Itt;I11); 4U C. -I. "I Islit'. sind NoIthett, and isnoirlwi~ I lip -11 "j, 1. , 14 U 10 Alu 4"At lk b l 11 0 d li l N U ll ~ u, wil u 1 %Il 4 i,tuij is in t~ MJus. IitA. wpys p# . diallulAw, dtj, joxitsidits were invemissited. The &5r= of dl is. P!r I., tile Change is to tile left lituvided the witat 0 (1)l l0 ha 13 0 N d 00 j si A- 1 -u - =. is not over 1.3 Rod 0.45%, rcsP. = fao, is got affected by amYgdaliq but 13 rmmd by l id i ussl els. mcc little effect upon the Optical propatim of d W&an-. xyl-c. and lmbWM- H4BOj nmy be lit'hildn 'a the Thu3 for mAltuse the wile of rotation does wt change, u titrated to the end with arA41 AW "c mOb- Of ambi- for axime it decTm-&s slightly. and f- lactose it iWeaw o r re,,,,nc ol at Icut 2 vioL4. of dt3lcitpi or S p 11,110, nor Nsill.O, ha- any effect Close per will. of 11,1308. ILBOa bas no effect upon the s little. Neither 00 r, of FlItIltion of m1ga" ix upon the speed of tnutwl*tA- UTKM the prxxvu of fulnialiem (w PrOPettks (If o!LA1ol%"%' dogrew two. INAAOI ill"VASCS the IIPCCA of Inut"OtAtIou Of Zoe gluomw SlAj)jDj)w, 4pjI Stililctme corisidstrab!y, but that 09 fruct- 'Imm, I", apinvviAhle chAn&#,. III tht OR- 00"I 00 06 001 04 T TA , , h 14 K It R SF ri a if it ; - is ol ol ol 0 or a 1 9 .0 .1 .9 0 9 0 ; 0 . r. 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 * 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . P. M _37566. Kvoprosy 0 Vliyanii Soley Kadmiya "a Uglevodmyy Obmen. '*'chen. Zapiski Viteb. Vet. In-Tal, T. IX, 1949, S. 94-99--Bibliogr: 10 Nazv. SO: letopial Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol- 37,1949 A P r IF V A M I I L 0 I IT 00 x 00 a so A 00 j 00 ZI W W-W 1w-W ~ W --4T 16 u Is a 31 It a is a A V a ?I x 11 u 13 w is J6 j; is P a 41 a u a a a 1 7 If IF I I AA -=-a Al I P I_ 1ko 0111)(111 - 00PIRMS ,aof. ollocissis ..C) I velocity of propogatlaa-a -Sound-111 carbou dioxide near G. Shpakuwalkil. C~Pt. 'eud, cridw Sts". B rad. sari. U. R. S. S. J. 2"1M*Rft1bb muctification of Quincke's method was used. The poali. oh of the node of the stationary wave was detaf. with a titiophoue. The velutity in C(*h at temps. between 15' --M alms. pram-Aire ww,; mrta~~d. The ad 50* and at I Mults (Tiholartionly Smphicaltv) am iffegular. Valtw4 of -00 * W', 30% 40' wers, mled. f-tn thanse mailt. 1 1~1 at Vl- -00 (- - , k#1(dp1dV)r. Values fair C. (%hown on1v raphicalty) ai~ary greatly. The snuall isicarcisa: in C. -00 ith increase in t1trssurr in reglud"I a% trAl Aod i~ r%- 2 moo [Aill"I Ill the 1 aaak 4 Strw.rl,. evix.lartiv t1w,"Y 4 (Auld. (cf. t.1 27. 44.191). It. It. Vall V.41krillmigh no 9 Co 0 C:O 0 CEO 0 SO 0 u CLAWFICATIC. I S L A MilitLUsIGICAL 1.1111141t;ii :Wee %,Java I C- 44, is. I S a aid a I V IN -j Al a 3 V I u 11 onto Cebu K R Vt K if it It 09 as 1 '14 M 0 41 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 V 0 0 0 0 q 9 0 0 a 0 a 0 * 0 0 * * 0 Vo 0 it e 0 o * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 to * t 109 040900 F , S! [T A ~,'- V"E. I Y) . .J. S 111 4',-K GVS F. i Y )t-. -- A: 2 E -7 c ?4/~- Uspe,~jji !7au~- (-SSF.~) 1L, 283-97 '-Ic34) - - -- -1 - I - tl, -Di-spersion and selective alLsorption of ultrasGnic waves in ~0-,-.etccic ~-ascs. .1 - I - O 7 E-10 r D 4-1 1 r 1 4 1 4 1 1 0 It it It U W It It it Y it 11 1 - m 11 4 A . L A--k a -N-. V-11 AA- - - 1 too 1 . -Q, III` Ak& 1.40_0491 ofocissis AW filcofflIft 44ofI - 00 a 90 z tie P"Portim of W*WM Wsyse in 11"Wa. 1. W: is mad aqosom whadomm H 1-812pakfff". nw. AMC ail U. R, S. 51.4111. Vl S 0 00 n. ., f f hd -00 ldc nuw o ratitut ra Wq% mottaus and RM. Md. water shomaldW dt 0 a , while utd. sales. of KHr i .6 4111 00 Ittid ML&II&W quiti qu"wite. - n. D sk fre- t difermt vekickka at bW &W h ispost"I lot geode add. 16U. 173-4: 00 a c4. C. A At 8WI.-Tbo "limity of propaptloct of vound j' 1W- f acks . mqur o 270 kilchad dooft at 24OD4". The possible ewiwx of coo this dispekMact,am diamsped. It Is mgmted that dis perilm mile In whom the period of the supersortic waves is Zoo 1, minpuame, to the time for the comblutimmt of 9 0 9 lk-tw"It AcOH &W IMAN, H 10. 2 x*0 A S A t:GKA 1T tIfIt T RC CL WIF CAT % A m A A S. S L .L J L U A U I ION jog 'lion, , u 3.111. - - - "1 Idiot) 441 j"11 wj- 11, - _- -- i s ; 10 ~% b 3 b 0 " it (I I If ct it I ;; t 13 AA1 t W ir 14 13 q e4 'em 48 0 a *14, a a 0 Ole 0 a 0 0 a a 0 0 0 a 0 4 is 0 0 0 41 SHPAKOVSKIY, B.G. -~. Noise control. Friroda 45 no.8:112 Ag 156. (HLB-A 9:9) l.Komissiy,a po akustike Akademil nauk SSSR. (Noise) 'SHPAYOVSKIY. G.-G.-- -Preliminary processing of tomatoes in the area of their cultivation. Kons.i ov.prom. 15 no.2:7-9 F 160. (14IRA 13:5) 1. Vinnitskiy sovnarkboz. (Vinitsa 9--onomic Region--Tomatoes) MALITSEV, M.N., l:and.tekhn.nauk;. SILPAKOVSKIY, I.N., kand.geograf.nauk- A new low-pressure hydrogen generator for use in expeditions. Inform. biul. Scrr. antark. eksp. no.20:29-32 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Arkticheakiy t antarkticheakly nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut. (Hydrogen) (Antarcticr3gions--Gae producers) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3662 Pikus, Meyer Yudelevich, Grigoriy Sofronovich Talako, and Mikhail . Antonovich Shpakovskly Protyazhnyye avtomaty i poluavtomaty (Automatic and Semiautomatic Broaching Machines) Minsk, Goa. izd-vo BSSR, 1959. 213 P. Errata slip inserted. 3,000 copies printed. Ed.: A. Molochkov; Tech. Ed.: N. Stepanova. PURPOSE- This book is intended for technical personnel. COVERAGE~. Th'-_ book deals with basic constructions of automatic and semiautomatic broaching machines manufactured in the Soviet Union. Detailed descriptions of the characteristics and technical spx~cifications of types of general- and special-purpose machines art giv,5n. Hydraulic, electric, and manually operated auxiliary equipment is also described. The principal manufacturers of these machines are the Minskiy stankostroitellnyy zavod imeni Kirova (Minsk Machine-Tool Plant imeni Kirov) the "Stankokonstruktsiya Plant, and the Kolomenskiy zavod t.yazhelogo Btankostroyeniya- (Koiomna Heavy Machine-Tool Plant). No personalities are men- , -[Shpakovslkyi, N.E.]; ANBINDER, Ya.Ye. (Aribinder, IA.IE.];..~StiPAYOVSKIX,__R.-Yft, DARBINYAN, S.A.; KOMAROV, V.V.., KOM.AROVA,--T-.V.., KOZLOV, Yu.A.; KONOKOTIN, L.P.; a:RFKID7., V.M.; SHULYATITSKIY, S.M. [Shyliatytslkyi, S.M.]; KHODURSKIY, Ye.A. [Khodurslkyi, IE.A.]; cwsmsruy, Ye.i. (Obushynslkyi, IE.I.1; GVOZDIK, A.A. [Hvozdyk, A,A.]; NIKITINA, M.A.; LUPASHKC,, N.F.; -- BF'SKROVNYY, M.N.; TSIMBLFR, M.Ye. (TSymbler, M.7.1; ILYTI, A.N.; TOTADZE, P.M.; ZHIGURS, Kh.Yu.; ZAKRE-VSKIY, Ye.S. (Zakrevslkyi, IE.S.1; FFDOROVICH, A.G. [Fedorovych, A.H.1; CHAIRNKO, D.K.; 'KHO10TOV, D.A.; SKURIKHIN, I.M., NILOV, V.I.; YEFIMOV, B.N. (lEfimov, B.N.1; KAZANOVSKIY, V.S. [Kazanovslkyi, V.S.); ZOTIKOV, L.S.; KCCHgRFNKO, M.A. Soviet certificates of invention. Khar. Drom. no.2:57-59 Ap-Je 165. (MIRA 18.5) Slr9~,,1.-CVS,1,rY,,, V. A. Pig-eon ":e:- PilnReon nei is P new tCeed crop. Kom.. baza 3 no. 0, 1952. i _f, of 7I,ssiqn Accessions. Librr~ry of Cong-res~~, Se-otember 1052- tMCLASSI-FIED. -ontlil Li -1 - I. SBPAKOVSKIY, V. A. 2. SsSR (6oo) 4. Uzbekistan-Legumes 7. "YaianO is a new subtropical leguminous crop for Uzbekistan. Dost. selikhoz. No. 10. 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,-February -1953. Unclassified. M I ALBIYEV, Rafael' Isiiakovich;,,~~ ~AKOVS~Kly,--!.I,, red.; FEDOTOVA, M.I.,; YK)KRURVIIIISKAYA, A.B., [Docksida structures of tank farmal PrichalInre sooruzbeniia no-ftmbaz. biningrad, Goo. nauchno-tekbn.izd-vo naft. i gorno- toplivnni litl-ry, L~niWr, otd-nie, 1958. 165 P- 0AIRk 121.1) (Wharves) (Tank. vessels)