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SHOTS, M.B, Addre,sino dev'ca (-f -a i,)rtpi~ cn --. 7orlgitu-linal conveyor. - u I - A 'Ir ch tT-Udy ", IT z n~' : !-'. ~-- ,~3 tu . ; 11 - ., - f.~ - .. ('LLPA 18:2) SHOTS, M.B. PermNIUI-II two-wire, sparksproof system for the remote automatic control of mine conveyor lines. Nauch. trudy PermTIIUI no-5: 59-66 163. (MIRA 18:3) -0y A. S-.~,Lctrom.~ters -ritl' Fil!,-el.s ~..--Uth Ferrite --2., -,,,resen-'-e(3 at the 4'uh All-lininn Corf. on Acoustics, Mios=17, 26 1, a Jun 53. Pap 83154 lco2jBc67 AUTSORS, 11. v lqli~ ~v -LAZIZZ2 liv Lcmbcri or tu ~:orleRyAg TITLE. Pq rite Fll,-Alth Variable,,t PrRioDrCAL. lt.di.t.khrtiks, 1910, V.I. 15, No. 9. pp. 57-63 TtXTI In 1959, enalyt~rr nod sr.atro*ot:r" forafrolueno tea ~o f.the lO.-.d;s.1. ra_. or. 1:,,,.l *11,In:t thek,.1 ", kuntiki I -. .%t t.khrtiki ~i Y..EO ; 11 to" 1. '. 1..~" Iit . I(Ch. , of Acountica and S"nd K"Irtarlrg of tNv yA_jtt_rilI--hrte Jff ,tu!,l I" *hIh 1,rlte filter, lan or ~I'. , sit vLtb variable edjuatmont are uncd. !oatdo!. % r tr fr h wariable adjustnort were developed, wLich opOratodi.,,.1h,, r,,,:*,f QP to 120 /.. In the pr.n.,t %?"a follo.l.c 1. . ad,5 lection condition..of th,,:-grt It,,r,lll, slhvl~'llr ct.Int to or fr,rito or95 rd . ~t . "r.~t :ir n!I;*r..p:r:tur* coz;qnvationj traollvntfl inef to or th. g The anal x.r dv# th 4 rrit. filt.,.. y I p rorentntionod inatitut Ins it,." O_J_t~ Card 112 dots' fr*;uoney rang- 40 c -0 15 kc/s diid.d Into file 40 - 150 e, 120 - 450 2 4!00 , Idt4llo 5000 f"rh.p,d to VMl'i('-2rOO'Ijf4rrt" con I res of the typ. ctl.~20 te an d of the ty P-OUJ-12 (Osh.i2) T.-,20) for the first tea fre;uqn)y ra. far lh* r- I,Ia, lzo,,itpro, -.Co.. Tito relat!vu b.nol-W dth. . , . 'I, '. s t t.rr t,,f,y r,,I.h 1. )I~ of the d t 1u,. on .pi n 4. bt, I, g bt M.,--d on t h or af!'N', a SOM"', D.n.nb,, 10. 1959 Card 2/2 ~j hr USSfVCultivated Plants.- General Problems Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - No 1, 1958, Dio 1415 Author : Shotskiy V. Inst :--No-Y-Uiven Title : Experiment of Division of Ir1rutsk Oblast into Natural Agricultural Rayons Orig Pub : S. lai. Sibiri, 1957, No 5, 20~211; Abstract : No abstract M-1 Card : 1/1 TEACHUX, Y.G.,; PALISHIN, G.B., red.; BELOT, I.Y., red.; SHOTSKIT,-V.P., red.; PERLOVICH, B.F., red.; MIS111KOV, V.V., [Materials for the young scientists' conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the West Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.] Materialy k konferentaii molodykh nauchnykh sotradnikov; k 10-letiiu Vostochno-Sibirskogo filiala AN SSSR. Irkutsk. No.l. [Geology and geography] Geologiia i geografiia. 1958. 153 P. (MIRA 10:13) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vostochno-Sibirskiy filial. Irkutsk. (Siberia, Western--Geology) (Siberia, Western--Geography) SILINSKIYg P.P.,; BURTSEV, Ye,,G., red.; GAVRILOV, M.K., red.; KALYSHEV, R.P.. red.; CHMO, K.V., red.; SHOTSKIY, V. , red.; FRIDK", V.G., red.; SOROKIN , T.I., (Irkutsk Province; a concise manual of its economy and statistics] Irkiat9trAfa oblast'; kratkii ekonom-statisticheskii sbornik. Irkutskoe knizbnoe izd-vo, 1958. 165 -p. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vostochno-Sibirskiy filial, Irkutsk. (Irkutsk Province--Statistics) SHOTSKIY, V.P, Practice --*In preparing comprehensive and special atlases of the East Siberian administrative economic regions. Trudy. Vost. - Sib. fil. AN SSSR no.32:125-129 160. (14M 14:4) (Siberia, Eastern--Maps) TKACHUK, V,G,,, doktor geologo-mineralog. naukj TOLSTIKEIN, ', N.I., prof.; PINNEKER, Ye,,V,, . kand. goologo-tdnaraiQg. nauk, mladshiy mau-01*7 sotr-., YASIIITSKAYA,, N.V.., mladshiy nauchwly sotr., khimik; OUTIKO- IIA, A, I .. ~ mlad s hiy nauc hnyy so tr. , khimik L SHOTSM 2- V s P I I kand . geogr. nauk; ORLOVA, L.M.-A starshiy gidrogeolog; STEPANOV, V.M.g kand, geologo-mineralog. nauk; VLASOV, R.A.9 kand. khim. naik; PRO- KOP~YEV, B.V., kand, khim. nauk; GHERNYSHEV9 L.A., starshiy prepoda- vatell; PAVLOVA, L.I.~ stirshiy prepodavatell; Prinimali uchastiyq,. IVMTOV' V,V,' kand. geologo-mineralog. nauk; YkiOTSKIY9 L.A.y kand. geologo-.ndneralog. nauk; KARASEVAj, A.F.9 nauehnyy sotv,3 ARVTYUNYANT39 R.R..., nauchnyy sotr.; ROMMOVAq E.M.~ nauchnyy sot-r.; TROFIMUK, P.I., starshiy gidrogeolog; LADEYSHCHIKOV~ P.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotr., kand, geogr. nauk; LYSAKr S.V.,, starshiy laborant;KRUCHININA, L.Yu.r laborant; SaIENOVAI Ye.A., red, isd-va; BOCHEVER, V.T., tekhn. red. ('111neral waters of the southern part of Eastern Siberia] MineralInye vody iuzhnoi chasti Vostochnoi Sibiri. Moskva, Vol.l. [Hydrogeolo of mineral waters and their significan~2e for the national economyF Gidrogeologiia. mineralInykh vod i ikh narodnokhoziaistvennoe znw~e- nie. Pod obshchei red, V.G.Tkachuk i N.I.Tolstikhina. 1961. 346 p. (MIRA 14.8) 1. kkadeiriiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Vostochno-sibirskiy geologicheskiy institut. (Continued on next card) TKACHUK, V.G.--- (continued) Card 2. 2. Vostochno-Sibirskiy geologicheakiy histitilt (for Tkitchuk, Pinneker# Yasnitskaya, Yxutiko-va, Lysak). 3. Institut geograf-Li Sibirskogo ot- deleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (for Shotsldy). Chitinskoye geologiche- skoye upravleniye (for Orlova). 5. Sosnovskaya ekspeditsiya Mini- sterstva. geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (for Stepanov). 6. Irkutskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (for Vlasov-9 Prokoplyev, Chernyshevq Pav- lova). 7. Leningradskly gornyy institut (Tolstikhin). 8. Gosudar- stvenriyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institjit Rurortologil i fiziote- rapii (for Ivanov, Yarotskiy, Karaseva, Arutyunyants, Romanova), 9. Irkutskoye geologicheskoye upravleni7e (for Trofimuk). 10. Bay- kallskaya limnolpgicheskaya stantsiya Vostochno-Sibirskogo filiala AN SSSR (for Ladeyshchikov). 11. Otdel ekonomik-i i geografii Vostochno- Sibirskogo filiala 21 SSSR (for Kruchinina). (Siberia, Eastern-nMineral waters) SHOTSKIY, V.P.; KOMAREVSKAYA, V.P. Characteristics of agricultural development in the newly industrially developed regions of southern taigas; based on the example of Nizhneilimsk District. Dokl. Inst. eog. Sib. i Dail. Vost. no.1:49-57 162. PU 17:8) SHOTSKIY$ V.P.; GRIGORIYEVA, A.A. Characteristics of the economic development of the southern taiga regions of Eastern Siberia. Sib. geog. sbor. no.2;156- 169 t63. (MMA 16;11) JY-E-V, B.p. -, G..~i j,7 !-~ , r . , . ~r, , . .R-K 17 , 'IF I BTUY~NTIJ - -,- - ~z - . I I Go)mprehenslve (,-rd conser-7t.',i~m of the natural rescurcen of T-ake Baikal. Dckl. fri3t. g-~~og. Sib 0 1 DIaLl. Vc5t. no.2`3-1-13 '~,) . (WIRA 18-10IN V eronoudc--ge.Ot!7'!Allcq' .4-71dje;s In the southern areas of heir further dove Ir -.m.en t. and ba~-~-- tends -n t Si.1), i Vc-st, -m.',?72-80 164. "al (VjRk J&10) ~CELIPIICHUK, Ye.V. [Mellnychuk, IF,.V.1; SHOTSKIY I.I. [Shotslkyi, I.!.] L New deDosit of carbonate raw rr-,Pterlal In the northern par-. of the Ukraine, Geol. zhur. 25 no~33121-122 165. (KIRA 18all) 1, Pravoberezhnaya ekspeditsiya tre5ta "Kiyevgeologiya". SIHICOTT, A. V. z'_. V. -- "On the Etiology, PathoCeriesis, and Treatment of Annendicitis." 1-1-insk State AMed Inst... i'-Iinsk, 1956. (Dissertation 'or ~, 1. ~,f e negree of C.,indidate in ledical Sciences.) t PN17PlIAYA L`-T~)FIS 11,0. 41, October 1-950' HASWV, P.N., T)rof.; SHOW, A.Y. assiotent Diagnosis and treatment of tumora of the thoracic cavity. Zdrav. Belor. 5 no.2:29-32 F '59. (MIBA 12:7) 1. Fakiilltetskava khirurgicheskaya klinika Minskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (OH3ST-TUMORS) SHOTTp,A.; MAX~DIENYA-v 0. Meeting of the Republic surgical society. Zdrav. BeX. 6 no.11:72 N '60. (WHITE.RUSSIA--SURGICAL SOCIETIES) (MIRA 13:12) r- 7F, 1t-,-' FEYN' Yu. "A rotary kiln, operating on the wet production method, and fed with argilaccouB raw material through a fuel nozzle ("Zement-Kalk-CrIps". 1954, noe'3, P 75)." E.Shott. Reviewed by IU.FeIn. TSement 21 no*'I: 32 Ja 155. (MLRA 8: 4) (Cement kilns) SHOTT, Emmmuil Genrikhovicb; LIBERRM, G.R., inzhener; NOVOCHAMT, A.G., A.D., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Work practice of the Kansk Central Electric Power Station] Opyt raboty Kanskoi TsHS. Moskva, Izd-vo Miniateratva kommunallnogo kbnziaistva RSFSR, 1955. 55 P. (MLRA 8:12) (Kanak--Electric power plants) SHOTT, E.G., inzhener. I-_' . Eliminating resonance cibrations in exciter parts. no.8:73-74 Ag 157. (Turbines--Vibration) Blek.sta. 28 (MM 10:10) TIMOSHLIVICH, B.P., elektromekhanik; SHOTT, I.M., elektromekhanik Change in the circuit of the P&2m signaling stand. Avtom., telem. i eviazi 4 no. 12:35 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Minskaya distantaiva signalizateii i svyazi Belorusakoy dorogi. (RailroadH-Communication systems) 4 S/12o/61/000/003/034/041 E073/E435 AUTHORS: Shakha, I. and Shott, M. TITLE: Improvement of thermocouple vacuum meters PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1961, No-3, pp.181-182 TEXT: Series produced thermocouple vacuum meters are very simple and reliable instruments for monitoring pressures in the range I to lo-4 mm Hg. However, in laboratory practice, cases may occur in which it is necessary to monitor the stability of a vacuum of 10-2 to lo-4 mm Hg, with an accuracy high enough to be sure that the smallest changes in the instrument readings are due to changes in the degree of vacuum. For this, series manufactured instruments do not have-a high enough stability. Fluctuations of the supply voltage of + 10% and fluctuations in the heater current of up to + 2% may ca-use fluctuations of up to * 4% on the linear scale of a millivoltmeter. The corresponding absolute value of the change in the pressure in this range is relatively large so that the stability of the vacuum in the investigated equipment is not maintained with a sufficiently high reliability. A higher stability can be obtained by using as a power supply a battery but Card 1/4 S/l2o/6i/ooo/003/034/o4i Improvement of thermocouple E073/E435 this is not convenient. The authors propose a simple instrument which ensures an adequate stability of the heater current, obviates battery charging (the instrument is so adjusted that during operation the battery is constantly topped up from the supply system) and, finally, it ensures continuous measurement of the vacuum if the supply voltage fails. The entire instrument consists of a set of resistances (Figs.1 and 2) and a plug assembly for connecting the battery (6 V, 14 Ahours). The instrument can operate from the supply system, the supply system plua battery and also from the battery. In all cases, the heater current is regulated by means of a rheostat. A signal lamp will light up only if the instrument is connected to the supply system. In the case of Soviet 16'T-9- (VT-2) vacuum meters, the stabilizing battery cannot be connected if pressures in the range of 1 to 10-1 mm Hg are measured. For this purpose more complicated modifications would be required, which are not necessary since in this range additional stabilization need not be used. The current for charging the battery is set to about 15 mA in the case of a supply voltage of' 220 V and a required filament current of 120 mA. Under such condiiions the instrument can operate indefinitely vrith a heater current between 110-135 m.A. Card 2/4 Improvement of thermocouple ... $/12o/61/000/003/034/041 E073/E535 regardless of considerable fluctuations in the supply voltage. Data on the dependence of the battery charging current on the supply voltage and the required heater current are given in a table. There are 2 figures and 1 table. FAbstractor's Note: SlightVabridged translation ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernykh issledovaniy ChSAN (Institute for Nuclear Research ChSAN) SUBMITTED.* June 17, 1960 Card 3/4 .3 /0~ i;/1, 2/04 A,/ 001/0' 15/06 3 ~j 0" A y. V. D. Niki tia, L. P. , Reyno'.', N. St,?Vm~.:-.h, M. F., 3hott, I. Auy:zmc-try in -radia-tion from.some nuclei polarized in an iron-cantaining alloy C)D:,:;-L: Zhurnal o?,oc-c-rim;Ynt-al'noy I teoretichookoy fiziM, v, 4 1962. 628-U0 186 19' "i X2 Thc au~hor3 the I-Lmi3sion acy.-imetry of Ro Ir ' uji El in nucl-~i oolari -zed at 0. 1 -0-05oK in an Iron alloy,. using ar apparatus dijscrib,~,d in Zl-.Lv, 29, 110~9q 1959 or ZhETF, 35, 295, 1958. Tile ValUe3 Of -nuclear -t,c moment, He,.,- affective field acting on the maCac nuclous) were detornined from the asymmetry given an (T) - ~-T(00) - 'U(n)JI~U(00) + 77(n)j - A(Y/c)fl, ns 7;(,~) - 1 + A(,j,/c)f1c o sl 'U(00) is the hf:n, or ailoiied B.-transitio 3-r.-,di~ltion recordino probability if the mrZnetic field io applied in the C;:trci ~/05416210431003,10151C-63 rv r, --n f rom -ome ... t i me i f +.he i J, th'! is the hn- 3 p0r, ~e alreclicn; Only Ga th~ opino Ll ~nc 0 I F fin-.-,! and 0 0 a a nuclear poltrization co,~ f f 0 c -P-r";I,2 Lctween rt,ction ct- wiclic-ar -.-olarization and that o~ :;article cumission. 7or- ~:I%,i --r t:'.,-- quantl ty p, 1.1 - wao 1'etomined 'froi the adope of the 0 .1 ell ll'! j ( I /T) g. iv int; 811 for Ito and -110. 5 for Ir. Thww vtOw-73 do n"t sith ~,he l'-1111to of 1--flUtOoLr") y mINWIlrul"I"ll"I (2-510-5 and 1 , e- tl,-~ r-lut4on u, ( T) - A(vjlc~lf I cannot bo ~iocd. Since for n u c 1 e < 0 ;, n d i in 0 it follow:; thiat will loo nfmi;ative. For ir -1:jo --.t2 nuclear rp-*n r,31axation as detr-rMined. time in th,,) fiuld H T---) to -0.1"K! -7 70 1~n!~ 1,710-4 rulclear maj;aetons and F ff is alne; e Thcr,~ a--c I i'-46u.--:i and 1 table. Al-~OCLWION: inatitut im. A. F. lOffe nau~ ,SSFl (Ph~(sicotLchmcal Inatituto I t *h Q o, scier-c-;r USSR). institute of Nuclear Rcaenrc~, of - tht~*A"~dcrny of Sclcno'en cz-Ochoalovalk SSR(Y. Shott) C;irit 2/5 5,1056 /62i,'043/QOT/ol5//C,63 .02 ;;104 37 card '115 BLATIDT, A.P., SHOTT, T.V. Treatment of nonspecific infections of the arinary tract at truakayets. Urologiia no.2:57-59 Ap-je '55. (HLRA 8:10) 1. Iz urologicheskogo otdeleniya (zav.--prof. P.I.Gellfer) Kiyevskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy i kl=orta TraskELvets (dir. F.S.Fedotov) (URD&R-Y TRACT. infections, ther.) I I it L is r a JLA-L I III- 0,110cesics smM) "60141111t tools 00 A., HWft4VVVM-'dbd V&' K' S"kW' i, Fm J. uwts* c *uv-detd.'Ia Deb3 2.46. VMOWD 6A No falwo H. RAtt"nomn 09 311. 0g 1 O's Do 00 00 go so 06 00 IS-IL& TALLURGICAL UMNATURRE CLASSWICATION jil slow 91"43110 401401, wovv -A I SAIDO&O "Al, G"T ass 14julic"tf 831131 cm ON. 151 1 10 9 F AA I t a ad-a 9 9 1 v of I a a 3 1 T 70 U 6 AT 1,440 .00 .00 .00 A 0 A 0 bp be wool 0014 *so go, 0 * a go A see 0* go go 00.3 oov IWAnW d MM WCOPA40- VC K, bM- WW R- Shull Ads PkJ44wkim. P.R.S.S. 19. 379-M t124OP-TwtS.q(-d4xAC-momCOt measurements by the Hedertranti waW, won: Aoxvne in CJI*. OM units, in diome 0.68; phWCH in C4H& 0.21, in dioxane 11).40; indent in Cjf4i 0,67; cyckpentadlene In Wis. 0,43. The wAamts am hia ir In Womant tW In CJ4 becauncillboading. Theresultsmi-ebtlieved tube more accumts than tbove of pmvkvAs workers. The moments arise from ionic structum that exia in resmance vilth the usual homovalar structures. A. 0. A11- . ASA-ILA SITALLUR61CAL UYINATURt CLAUPKAIMS XBOW SITINSIM %anal* -4 S41080 Hit (MV 419 U 9 IV 10 is 0 00's a 0 48 00 10 on a S a Od 0 It v I )r w 0 -0-0 0 0* 0 0 a 0 a 0 606006 -00 "of 'go -so so -00 woo 200 Ifte 10o0 z;0 0 woo ,lee 9*4 Ingo use '0~# Ogg .3 00 0OW Pakft me easapesside cost-l-la a X. Syrklz vid E. A. SbW-L'vvm4 last ltrci.~IYMUIGI MOOM )- dAl P V. R.S.S. 20 wr-"ilow - joacu. Sta ui. I R C14111M. 6N. I[%$, No. 4,114-21 (Eng1b, h summary).- Tbe d1pok MOMObst sold X4Uvd8MVI), 2-amino- 2.7~~ireite (M ,, naphthYl- cnediazinte nabydrWitrhyd" %F d1oxime of 1,2-di- -tritthyllixtopiperidooc (I tite(b Idone) , , d nro oi. 1. t.0 I Oil - I UV) were 4~td.4W,, bet yns nuthod previously descri (C.A. S2 I ). The electronic polsdiAtion Ps was Coinpitted fi;w- bond rdmctioux. The dipole tnovi Up X 1011 sW Pg me, rtsp.. for I CB, 110.716; ; M 2A9 (Inaccurate because of %Ugbt soly. of 65.16 1167 iulafolmt),66.20, IV4.3,45.03. V4.01.31.66; VI 4.08.35M; M11.97,80.95. Diclec.consts.v,detcl. for 3-8 conctis. for a substance are In diwAnt soins. for 1. 11. VI, n-sp., 2.4921-2.91141. 2MID-2,M); 2.3162- acid In CHs soln for IV V VU 2.4043-2.NW4: S 2.4,37-19JUI; 2M78-24iiii, ~146dai. given for 111). I has the highest intincent of all known NOj drtivs. The devigLtiou of the dctd. dipolcit from the vector stints I* ex. plaliced by suggested resonance structures of the valenct stateso(N. Diagram of thew structures arr givrn A I A. I L a "TALLIJUICAL LITINATURI MAZWKATOR grow O"Ifly "30*0 41Y Mv dot -- ---- - uujn.,l As A 1 4 ad a U 0 0 131,' &.6 sic & a 10* 109. are 'See 0*0 see" age IWO 4o0 1111010 :1109 wool 1~a r-, - i u -, ~E: E. ~a~ ; -:% I - is , Ya. R ~ Dipole moments of organic azides. Doklady Akad. Nau)c S.S.S.R. 87, 639-41 152. (HLRA 5:11) (CA 47 no.13:6203 '53) 1. Inatitut tonkoy khimichookoy takhnologii imeni N.V. Lomonosova. Moscow. 'U. F. A: and I'll. V. Nfo~coxv). Izvest. A ad. Alank S.S.- Xa uk A -2.-Dipole utomwits, 0 381 rmllpds.~%Vere obtained by the lleterocj~ne method ill idii. CJI: sls. ut 25'; the solos. were gencrully O-Ol-, O.K.U. The following values of P. (total polarization).. P, Ceivctronlc polarization), nnd is (in D.) wexre found: c-,,0ohc.Nyloxypyridine 300.1j. 51M, 3.46; 4-pbenoxypyri.. dineIISI,2, 47.03, 2.5-1; PhOCH:CH3 GISS, 37.53, 1.1; C,11~,OCT41,01, 79.53, 40.53, 1.2; BuOCIICINfe M.42, 2.#-,,-; 1,1-azonaphtbrOene 98.27, 91.12. 0.50; 2.2~~ ozotliplithalene 114.913, 91.11, 1.07;- p-ClCH4N',C.HOII.P t 55.13, 2.74; p-HOC 189.2, 55.13 2.54; t-J-lOC4Tl4NN2CJi,CI-o 153.98, 55.1.1, 2.18; (CH,).-, 930 93 "D 99, 3.81; (CIF12h(COtEt)i 173.18, 51.69. 2.42. NSA% 33,31, 2.33., ~ The Ist, comild. showi de-Oation front additivity of the dipole moment; this fiulicitcss the role of oxonium state for the 0 atom, whereas in the 2nd corupd. the Pit group attracts an elcelion and yic!(IS a moment lander nit angle of 110' which redkes the Vinyl cthers give that nxe clout .7, observul moment. ')-Nlap d to thwc. of ordinvy eflicn, lithalcne Icrivs. show. higher moiiients than do 1-inalags., tThe adipic acid derivs. shor, a sli~,ht deju:ndeuce of moment oil temp., a.4:ihown by (110i citQd however). G. 111. K.. j .... . ..... USSR/Chemistry Refraction Card 1/1 Authors Kikina, G. G... Syrkin, Ya. K,., and Sho tt-L'vova, E. A. Title : Refractions of molecules i-rith-conjugated bonds at different i-rave lengths Periodical : Izv. AN ESSR, Otd. Khim. Nauk, 3, 563 - 564, May - June 1954 Abstract : The relation between refraction and additiveness is discussed and the nroblem of determining refraction extrapolated in accordance Vith infinitely long waves., is explained. The molecular refraction was measured for eight substances (benzene., naphthalin,, anthracen6, phenan- thron-, acenaphthene, triphenylmethane, p-benzoquinone and phenanthrene quinones) using seven different wave lengths and the results ard shown in table. One USSR reference. Institution : The i-i. V. Lomonosov Institute of Delicate Chemical Technology, Eloscow Submitted : February 165 1954 Authors g Shott-Llvovaj Ye. A., and Syrkin, Ya. K. Title , Dipole moments of symmetrical trinitrobenzene derivatives Periodical IIzv. AN SSSR. Otd. khim. nauk 1) 127-128, Jan 1956 Abstract IThe dipole moments of trotyl., xylyl. and styphnic acid were measured by the heterodyne method in a benzene s .olution at 25c. The effect of the nitro- group on the increase in the trotyl and Vly! valu" is explained. The necessity of considering atomic polarization in the cases investigated,, is discussed. Five references: 1 USSRp 4 USA (1935-1953). Table. Institution Foscow Inst. of Fine Chem. Technol. im. M. V. Lomonosov Submitted November 1,, 1955 ~:Vov A~ 1!~ of 0 Dipole mments 6 gom dyes MOT6cy -i~~rxtlvet of rhodanLuc. X A Sh it-LI -YK.. SS -Avin 1. 1. LeIkggv and F-gytL7 Irt- 7~5- -V-- XW- C', WIM.-Diple limunts fare dttd. [a Ctff& at 25* for U mesocyan-no dyes. The (afforving valua were found in Debyes for the fol W4 tuted delim of dent. 6 V- 243-hutyl-,I~bcn Y,6 1 ena, Ylid buyel 6, &0 2-(S-ethy0-benmazo1hiyljdc hyild e,: S. I. ethyl-3-methyl-," benzimida Wme) Ud a, IJ.9; 243-cthyl- -%thiazalidlayllden ethylidene. 3.6, Z(l--rhyt- pyrralid; nyl lident)ethylide-ne, 8.51; 2-(S-ethYI4-tljlaz4p- Hu-2-ylidese)cthylidcnc, 9,18; 2-(I-czbyl-2(IH)-pyddyll- dene)c1hyidene, L1,15; 241-e.*iiyt-2(M-quintAylidLue)etb Ybdunc, 785; as well as for 3-ethyl-5-[(3~-ethyl-2,4-dioxo-5- awlium bi taine, 7.11; 3-e'hylhcdanl6. 1.75; and I-tthyl- 3.3-diinCtILYI-2-me-hyleneindoline, 1.1,3;' 1 0. bl.-K, SOV/2o-1 21 -6-22/45 AUTHORS: Shot S rLin, Ya. K. , Correspondin;-, :-7ezilrer, va Ye. A. Y 1,cademy of Sciences, USSR, Levkoyev, 1. 1., Deychi:,,eYs'Uer, M. V. TITLE: I'lie Dipole Mocients of the Hemioxanines of the Derivatives of 3-Ethylrhodanine and Indandione (1,3) (Dipollnyye momenty oemioksaninov proizvodnykll 3-etilrodanina i indandiona (1,3,') PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1950, Vol 121, 1[r 6, PP 1048-1051 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors measured (at 250) the dipole moments of some hemi- oxanines containing 3-ethylrhodanine groups and indandione groups by the heterodyne method in benzene. A table -ives the. formulae, the iipper and the lower limiting values of the measur- ed concentrations, the total polarization, the electron polari-, zation, the values of the dipole moments in Debye (Debaye) units, and the position of the maximum of absorption of the Solutions Of Some pigments in alcohol (A max ). According to experiE~ental resulta, compounds which differ only by the length ofthe polymethine group, have very differeatt moments. An increase Card 1/2 of the number of the double bonds between polar groups SOV/2o- 121 -0'--28/45 The Dipole Moments of the Hemioxanines of the Derivatives of 3-EtIh-,lrhodanine and Indandione(1,3) (-'C=O and -NI -IR always causes an increase of the moment. 11~ R Various results are then .-iven and discussed. Although the moment of indandione (1,3) 2,72 D is greater than that of 3-ethyl-rhodanine (1,75 D), the moments of the nonor-ethine- hemioxanines have a noticeably lower value for the derivatives of indandione (1,3). This is probably, caused by the different directions o--~' the moments in 3-ethylrhodanine and indandione. The variations of the investigated absorption spectra of the hemioxanines, which are caused by an elongation of their poly- methine chain, agree with the conclusions concerning the structure of these compounds which were drawn from the inves- tigation of their dipole moments. There are 1 table and 1-- references, 5 of which are Soviet. SUBLUTTED: May 9, 1958 Card 2/12 5 - _30 )7/62-60-` -330/37 OU A UPI I'ORS~ I Shott-L"Irova, ye. A. , ~`Iyrkin, Ya K. T I T T, E, t D11pole Moments of D.!-c ye 1. ohexy lartimon! tun Nitrite. Brief PERIODICALt I-veotlya ai~adom~li nauk S`~~R, (_-)~-del-niye 'k-himicheskikh na'uk, Nr 1, Pp 13Q-140 (U,~SRJ ABSTRACT: Dipole moment for dicyclohe.-lylammonium nitrite (I), or dicycloli:~.K,vla-mine nitrite as the authors called it, was determined in a ben--ene solution at 2c:,:0. Dielec- tric constants of 0.00010q, 0.0000n.4, and 0.0000809 mole solution of I T.-jere found. They are P.2738, 2.273,3, and 2.2'[2S', respectively. The electronic polarization of I is 65.4 cm3, According to the litera- t,,j-e data CC is equal to 11-17, 10.75, and 10-35; 4 is 0.8'. The 'dipole moment for 1, calculated according to the above data is equal to 41.14, 0.04 x 10- 18. Since the dipole moment obtained is too low Card 1/2 for a salt, the aUthors conclude I in a nonpolar Di'Prile- Moments o-'L' Die,,,, clohexylamincnium 780-34 "011/62 I- J. 1. Brief Communicationn - -60-1-30/37 solvent, does 11,10 21 Th,,~ hexylamine In compound with not -lata a nDnpolar two exist In a salt formn[ (C'H 0 11)2 ~T-'12 i obtained Indicate HNO 2 and dicyclo-- solvent can form. a molar hydvogen bonds: 11-0 "11--0/ The authors express their gratitude to M. N. Polteva for supplying material for measurement. ASSOCIATION: M. V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemicals Technology (Institut tonk-,n'-,- 11chimicheskoy telchnologii imeni M. V. Lonionoor SUTEMITTED: JUIle 1n, , I-IQ59 Card 02/2 SHOIT-LIVOVA, Ye.A.; SYRXINI Ya.K.; LEVKOYEV, I.I.; DEYCHWYSITJ~ M-V- Dipole moments of marocyanines, derivatives of 2,4-imidazol-id- inedione and its thio and dithio aubatituents. DokI.AF SSSR 145 no.6:1321-1323 Ag 162. (MMA 15: 8) 1. Mbskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheakoy tekhnologii in. M.V~ Lomonosava i Veesoyuznnyy rauchno-icaledovatellskiy kino- fotoinstitut. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Syrkin). (~brocyanines-Dipole moments) (Hydantoin) 0 1 -110 T, MRLK 0--,T me-thod of graft fkxation in keratoplasty. Veat. oft, 29:6s Ur-4-.-Dec. r-0. p. 3' .1e 1, Of Repifolic Tartu Eye Clinic of Esthonian SSR (Head Docent V. Savi. CLM 20.9 3,, March 1951 SHUTTER, L.Kh. -- ~~ 'r New surgical method In traumatic iridodialysis. Test-oft. 33 no.1; W-41 Ja-F '54. 09MA 7--l) 1. Is kafedry oftalmologii Tartuskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta I glaznogo otdeleniya reepublikanskoy Tartuskoy klinicheskoy bollaitay. (Iris (Bye)-sargery) SHOTTER, L.Kh. AzClii-s-fr-ument for removing foreign bodies from the cornea. Vest. oft. 73 no. 3;52-53 IV~--Je 160, (19RA 14: 1) (EYE ,INSTRIMENTS AND APPARATUS FOR) (CORM~,A-FOREIal BODIES) SHCURKCVA, A:L,,,, fotokorrespondenl. (Chekhoslo~,.-&iya) Foreign visitors coment on the "Seven-Year Plan in Action" 'IDymnico and poetry" exhibition. Sov.foto 21 no.6s27 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Czechoslovakia--Relationa(General)with Russia) (Russia--Relations(General) with Czechoslovakia) VARLAKOV, V,11., inzh.; ST-ERIIN, R.L., Inzh.-, SHMNSIN, A.V., inzh. Texture formfttion and magnetic properties of E33P transformer steel. Stall 25 no.10,938-9.40 0 165. (M-TRA 18ill) ACC NR. AP6036899 SOURCE CODE: UR/0226/GG/000/011/0046/0051 AUTIHOR: Shovensin, A. V. ; Shcherbedinskiy, G. V. ; Minkevich, A. N. ORG: Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy (Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii) TITLE: Characteristics of carbon diffusion in molybdenum carbide SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 11, 1966, 46-51 TOPIC TAGS: molybdenum carbide, carbon diffusion, thermal diffusion, diffusion, diffusion saturation ABSTRACT: Temperature relationships are determined for the self-diffusion and heterodiffusion coefficients of carbon in mulybdenum carbide, expressed by the 2/ ratio D = 0. 3 exp (-67, 000 RT) cm2/sec and D = 3- 17- 103 exp (-78, 000 RT) cm see, respectively. The heterodiffusion coefficipnts, at temperatures investigated, exceed the self-diffusion coefficients by approximately two orders of magnitude. The difference in diffusion coefficients can be explained by a strong dependence of the thermodynamic activity on the concentration of carbon in'molybdenum carbide. Oria. art. has: 6 formulas and 4 figures. - [Based on authors' abstract] [NT] SUB CODE: 111SUBM DATE: 20Dec65/ORIG REF: 003/ Card I/ I L -2'39-23-~,~56--- `-'T( qi)/TZW ACC Nk. TP-6013599 c) JD/,tR,, SOURCE CODE: UR/0148/6 AUTHOR: Shovensins.A. V.; Minkevich, A. N.; Shcherbedinskiyy G. V. ORG: Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (Moskovskiy inatitut stali i splavov) L 'ITIE: Diffusion of carbon into cobalt and nickel ~< - I ~1- - 2~q lyfil 'SOURCE: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, no. 1$ 1965, 95-98 TOPIC TAGS: cobalt, nickel, austenite, carbon, radioisotope, metal diffusion, radioactivity measurement ABSTRACT: In connection with the influence of alloying elements on the diffusion of carbon into austenite, the authors studied the diffusion of carbon into alloying elements cobalt and nickel in the range of 700-lOOO'C- Radioactive carbon C14 was used, and the distribution of concentration per depth was measured. The conditions of homogenizing, to which the samples of cobalt and nickel were subjected, and the corresponding diffusion coef- ficients are tabulated. These data were used to plot the temperature do- pendence of the diffusion coefficients of carbon in cobalt and nickel. The values of the free energy Q and pre-exponential coefficient Do obtained from theso plots differ from thoeo given in the literature, and tho authors defend their resulte by pointing out the improvenents involved in their approach to the problem. Orig. a.'rt. has; 4 figures, 3 formulas, and 1 table. 1JPRS3 SUB CODE: 1.1, 18 / SUBM DATE: 16Dec63 / OR.IG REF: OQ3 / OTH REF: 002 jOKOLOVSKIY) S.A. , inzh. ; SIIOVGI,,NEV, 1'. P. , inzh. Hew device for studying pulse processes in windings. Zlektrichestvo no-10:56-59 0 160. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Zaporozhskiy transformatornyy zavod. (Electric transformers-Windings); (Cathode ray oscillograph) LIPIN, Aleksandr Ivapovich, inzh.; SHLUGER, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; RYABOY, Ayzik Yakovlevich, inzh.; SHOVIK, L-,Ye., inzh., ved. red.; SOROKINA, T.M., tekhn. red. (Reducing the loss of chromium anbydrlde~in electrolytic chromium plating. Chromium plating from a cold tetrachromate electrolyte]Umen'shenie poter' khromovogo angidrida, pri elek- troliticheskom khromirovanii. Khromirovanie iz kholodnogo, tetrakhromatnogo elektrolita. [By]A.IA.Riaboi, M.A.Shluger. Moskva, Filial Vses. in-ta nauchn. i tekhn. informatsii, 1958. 16 p. (Peredovoi nauchno-tekhnicheskii i proizvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 13. No-M~58-203/21) (MIRA 16:3) (Chromium plating) (Electrolytes) T -j. ~ 'N' IATAIIGHU`~ kai)d.khin.naiik; A.Ya. '2 Syn-,,hes~q of m.-Opargy1amines. crest, Fazakh, SS-i 2,-. rc -0--j A r)t Yl n- (D4. 1, ~hlr~n-~orreSpondent AN KazSSq (for Azerba.v~-v% u -S 0 F. L 34971-66 EN"r ( 1) SCTB DD ACC NRa AP6021806 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/012/0074/0074 INVENTOR: Utzamyshev, R. I.- Shoy~0_21_zas' A. M.; Neumyvakir., 1. P. 7. ORG: none TITLE: Device for recording human res lass 30, No. 182852 piration. C SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 12, 1966, 74 TOPIC TAGS: respiration sensor, human physiology ABSTRACT: -An Author Certificate has been issued for a device used to record human respiration. The device consists of a housing with respiratory bladder, aneroid Fig. 1. Device for recording human respiration I - Housing; 2 - respiratory bladder; 3 - aneroid component; 4 - fan; 5 - reducer; 6 - inhale valve; 7 - exhale valve; 8 - lever-multiplier system; 9 - ratchet wheel; 10 - scale. Card UDC: 615-471:612.2-087 _ L 34971-66- ACC NRI AP6021806 component, and a fan with a reducer and inhale-exhale valves. To simplify the construction of the device and to measure the volume of exhaled air during a g ven number of exhalations in a given period of time, it has been equipped with a lever-multiplier mechanism with a ratchet wheel which shifts 1 notch per exhalation. A graduated scale indicates exhaled air in units of volume (see Fig. 1). Orig. art. has:., 1 figure. [CD] SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 23.fan65/ ATD PRESS: Card 2/2 L 4 'q;O -66 XC N R: Ap NR. 413/66/000/017/0053/0053 1 6032499 SOURCE CODE: UR/O Y :INVENTOR: Utyamyshev, R. I.; Shovkoplyas, A. M.; Neui~ ~akin~,I. P.; Sytov, V. M. IORG: none ~TITLE: Electr