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KU"*IEN'NOVA, Z.I.; IVANOVA, V.S.j SHORYGINA, N.N. Reaction of dialcohol r;ellulose with nitrogen ox4d~s. 11--ur. IN SSSR. Ser. khirra. no.9~.1.682-1.684 165. (MIRA - 8:9) 1. Institut orgaricheskoy klilmil im. N.D. Zelinskogo P-14 SSSR. 7U-2 8 72 S,',YFC)Try T.S. KOSHETFROV, A, F, S',,i-..d, of -11~~n~ns of Thragmites pr4rod, sced. no.6:424-4'27 165. 4 ~ '~: , ~, .-- I , ii I.. Institut orc~anicheskoy khim-ii innen., Zelinskogo A,'..T SSIR i Kar~akalpakskiy filial AN UzSSR. 2, 0-66 E"J"T i 'n )/F: ACC NR: Ap6ol4411 Tf I.r,j I _11/ Ili-0 - ...... .... SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66/000/004/0743/0746 4--.1 V AUTHOR: Kuznetsova, Z. I.; Ivanova,_V. S.; Shorygina, N.--N.--- 47 ORG: Tnstitute of Organic Chemistry ~m,_X_D Zelinskiy Academy f Sciences SSSR (Institut organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSRT- TITLE: Reaction of cellulose diajQgbyQg1vjjth gaseous nitrogqn oxides SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 4, 1966, 743-7 TOPIC TAGS: cellulose, nitration, oxidation, nitrate eater ABSTRACT: The reaction of cellulose dialdehyde with nitrogen oxides in the presence Of P205 was investigated. Without P20 cellulose dialdehyde is only oxidized by N204; in the presenc2'Of P205, oxidation. oxidation-nitration, or then essentially only nitration products are obtained as the weight ratio of P20 :cellulose dialdehyde is increased from 0:1 to 400:1. The trinilrate ~f cellulose dialdehydelwas obtained and its structure proposed. Orig. art. has: 2 tables and 2 equations. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 13Aug65/ ORIG REF: oo6/ OTH REF: 001 Card UDG: 547-1458-81 ~S/81~/611000/00510'i/005 AUTHORS: Shorygina, IN, V., Canclidate of Technical Sdierices, zarubit.5 k..Y".,,! A. Ye.' Engineer. TITLE: Production of shale and oil-shale resin-tars . V -niya stroitel'stva i ark-hitek-tury SSSR Institut novy SOURCE Akadei stroitel'nykhrr_-terialov. Sborniktrudov. no,5. 1961. Novyye-,~ stroitellnyye polimernyye materialy. pp. 99~-107. TEXT: The paper reports an -investigation of th 'e effect of the acid and nq*qtral com-oonents of shale oil on the physico-m echanical prw;ertles of shale - fo rmik: liiehyde- resi-_n obtained fro m shale oil and formalin. It is established that the acid cdi~monent of the shale oil, which consists primarily of phenol, reduces tne elasticitv ki ex- strength, and water-resistance of the resin. Initial materials used in mal- rfg perirnental specimens: (1) Generator shale oil of the shale-refining Kombin;~t at 0 90E k 750 khtlya-Yarva with a spec. c--rav. 1.015, water content 1%, viscosity 2. C'. flash point 900, ash content 0.301o, S content 1.2%. (2) Shale audron (asphalt flux) tZL4 e lned in the residue after boiling off of all generator-oil. fractions up to 3250 r with a ball-and-ring softening T of 27o. (3) Petroleum gudron with a softening T of 400, a ductility of 51 cm, and a viscosity at 600 of 159 sec as measured in a Card 113 Production of shale and oil-shale resia-tars. 61/0001005 (Y. -/005 viscosIrneter with a 5-mm-diarn aperture. (4) Formalif of the Xusl~ovo Cherh~cal 1"lant, containing 39.5% formaldehyde, 7.8',Io methyl alcoqol, 0.0376 acids (as pr--ssed in formic acid). The resin was -prepared in an elcctrically-heated Z-;iiter steel flask equipped with a thermometer compartment, a.;charging door, a mc.;Viani- cal mixer, and a cooler, and in a similarly equipped 10-iliter reactor. To sej ate th ~i . e acid and neutral compounds from, the shale-oil r9sIns, the oil was dissolved in %c!nzol (1:1) and the solution was mixed with a 576 NaOIj solution (1:1). IJ~-p-h stirr:na and settling, a lower phenolate ye-, eparated from. n uP'Pcr -containing I-- layer contai ,xiing the neutral and other compounds. The enolate was acidulated by a 57o HC17solution'and was washed with water. The parated acid comDouW'S were dried ~or condensation with formaldehyde (yield of;Lcid part: 15%). :~ha~.- 'OU dri neutral and other compounds were washed with water a ed for condensatitW with formaldehyde. The elasticity, strength, and 24-hi~,',Iwater resistance (at Ir2b, C of the acid- and neutral- compound- containing resins ard tabulated in detail. k.- F t h Copolymerization of (a) shale and petroleum audrons not 4,v* (b) shale oil containina phenols, with formalin treatment of the mi-xture, yie resins that exhibit an elevated softening T, elasticity, impact strength, and 0 AjLter resistance (details on both composition and characteristics are tabulated). The com-oonents were charged into the above-described flask or reactor and were'qkon- densed for 2 hrs at 85-90', whereupon the resin obtained was dried at 95-10zt, Card 2/3 Production of shale and oil-shale resin-tars. S/812,1611000/00510051005 (2 hrs) and then heated in two stages, namely, for 3 hrs at 130-1600 and for 10 hrs at 210-ZZ00. The resin yield was 95.40/o. Optimal composition in parts of weigh+.,. Shale asphalt flux 50, shale oil 50, 39.5016 formalin 5, HCI (spec. grav. 1.19) 1, chlore iron 1. The principal characteristics of the optimal composition are listed. An increase in shale 'Oil reduces the softening T, hardness, and impact strength; a reduction accomplish.-s the opposite. The shale -formaldehyde resins are.acid-, salt-, alkali-, and ether- resistant, and are thermoplastic, but are soluble in turpentine, gasoline, benzol, toluol, and xylol. The material thus produced eliminates the need for expensive and not readilyavailable lamination plastifiers for the making of flooring, roof sheathing, and roofing materials by the roll. The sarne resins are also suitable for the making of mastics, heat- insulation, and other materials. There are 3 numbered (and numerous unnumbered) tables; no, figures or references. .ASSOCIATION: None given. Card 3/3 KOSHKIN, V.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; MAKOTINSKIY ' M-P., kand. arkh.; MUNTS, V.O., kand. arkh.; RUDINA, M.A., arkh.; SILUANOVA, G.V., arkh.; SHORYGINA N.V., kand. khim. nauk. Pr'Lnimali uchastiyc: ~b~G~6 ~i!~TRY, A.I., inzh.; ZAfUJBITSKIY, A.Ye., inzh.; LIVSHITS, A.M., inzh.; MASHINA, N.N,, inzh.; OTLIVANCHIK, A.N.I kand. tekhn. hauk; ROMANOVAY L.A.,inzh.; CHERKINSKIY, Yu.S., inzh.; ANDREYEV, V.S., retsenzent; IOFAN, B.M., retsenzent; KRIPPA, A.I., arkh., retsenzent; GURVICH, E.A., red.izd-va; BRUSINA, L.N., tekhn. red. (Catalog of finishing materials and articles] Katalog ot- delochnykh materialov i izdelii. Pod red. M.P.Makotinskogo. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt.l.[Plasties; polymer finishing materials and articles] Plastmassy; polimernye otdelochnye materialy i izdeliia. 1962. 119 p. (MILRA 16:4) 1. Moscow. Vsesqyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut novykh stroitel"nykh materialov. 2.,Chlen-korrespondaht- Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Andreyov, IofanV Krippa). (Finishes and finishing--Catalogs) (Plastics) W 0 -91 0 6 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 01 0 .. a 11 9 9 is a X v a Is 4 11 0 a v 46 A 1 10 )!!~_C!O!A! ..Oct %st AAfto ""!_4 11ts .01. A were Made with pure and impurt I "A with of Od p_MeC.H.CH:CHs MI) and -C-11;CT -A (VI I : 6! ~;. 1 .00 fig rellad" 0l the styrenes and VIU. the Gris 00 (Vlh~-' For the prepn, 6, U1 I solow. obtained from PhBr, e- and W-MCCADr. P- -00 eo P- P- SW=vT1"j wete slowly treated. with .00 it .) S. !11jLcZM and a-CwHiBr. r-P-- Chm. (U. S. S. R polysserization ability of Mostd. b rombow ma. of (CHOtO in CA; after stand Ice C0011:11, with 0-7 ilts. were decompd. With -00 Ing for 12 hfs. the reaction An tim to their ltiructutt# lNORM'"n." she Styr Ph- . ras begun, with the WWku H (11) .00 ore PIACH . (C(- acidulated HA the AtIcs. were extd. with HIA the Ht&O (1). obtained from P e0 9 t.UC H: v 0). i2 pol wasexpelledaWtbealco.redistd. jA-UeC4HXHrCH&OH .00 0 0 -:,1 sboruailiz, a al., C. A. 24. 1- Q. ddleri C (11) and a-C,JItCHCIfOH (Z) were purified with U01. as* prrpd. from Impure (CHt)A taina 11, b, 96'; e-MeCACHMOH, b. 100.&-2'; m-MvC.- 0 * '11 obtained in the Crac of t9okum CM zoo homolop (oxides of M, c.A. et..) '.;d a can- H.CHCHOH. b. 100*; 111, h. 244.5-2'. and X, m. 82' Ade hein otbatituted In the c in- b., IR2-31. 11 was obtained with 10% yield (bltolyl T"; .00 tha he tinated with styr - It is astutned t t sub- the chid reaction product) and the other aks. with 32-M 00 =ble of ptymerizatim of PhCWC: and H in a 81. 00 tion reow, in the foroution of Fhcjdc: I I yield. The aks. introduced dropwise into KO 99v dask at 212-14- gave the slyrenes. X was used in a jv; CH M I- CH-,-. ~'I::O so, PhCH.CH11de (IV): PhU9CI - .0 ~Hj%j. - PhCH- melted state. Pure 1. b, 33-4'. d1l 0-90M aV IA446. MeCHgOPASCI - PhCILMeCH&OH - M; PhMgCI + M. R. WJ41 (found), U. R. 35.07 (;2c~.). Qttloa 1.74 ; OOZ Impure 1. bt 32-W. d.4. MOM. at$ IAMB. M. R. 35.21 LCH..O.~I[Mc - PhCHrCH(OJdgCI)MC - PhCHICH' (fwM)- ezidl&t 1-9; 00 ion V. bi 51 *, d:4. OM12, xV 1.5M, b! IIV. SWjingvaWBreusch(C.A.23.3213) M. R. 41.72 2 (found), M. R. 39.6 (cakdj, exaltation 2.12; (0143te ited in the side cbmint a. I., M, V1,bp52-3*,d,':O.9M,nVI.U M.R.40.94(found).M.R. showed that I zubstitt -- "aac"terento karn, 39.6 (caled.). exaltation 1.34; VU, b.. 51 -, d: 'OJW4, *V 0.21 1, Incapable of POIYM-i-til Of I has algo an influence 1.6M, M. R. 41.22 (found), M. R. 391 -caled Ue group in the nucleus 0-:1 whether a 3 merizatiov ability- The C-Para"ve tests 2.12, and VM. be I J 6-17'. 111: I.DM, *V 1.5M, M. R. - ;' I on its poly 53115 (found), M. R. 50.41 exaltation 2.94 (cf. Palfray, Sabetay and Sontag. C. A. 26, 4M). The stvitnes and VM were polymerited under exactly sion" &JO, A A a $ L A OETALLUPrKAL LITCAPaUst CLASItFICATION 141 U AV W~ At'; AA A S It Od 0 N 9 1 Ir N 'J AJ V 11 17 rp 1P OR" Kit Ica Krifflit M nI 1u 00 * - - - - -.01 OTS:G:::::: : ::::: ;: :: :::,1 0:': :: :!::: :00:11 00 to 00 -00 00 oo 00 00 .00 0o go 00 00 00 00 00 96 00 0 ca oditlow by besting the products (no c&Wyst) in ghm h*ws at 17P for 3 bra. in a drying oven. The thertnal resistance of the polyums was detd. (approz.) from the temp.4 wittaingand weltinginacapillary tube. The relative viscosities were &-td. with 2% Solm. in C411, and PhMe at various temps. in an Ostwald viscorneter. The values for the op. viscosity, mobaity of the soins. and of. -t- of UK poiymmm were cow. by the Staodimm famula (Hotimmol. org. Varbinds . C. A. 26.3513). The results show that the phys. properties of the pootners am dhvt* ftkttd to the coeffs. of ulerization. "to, the elasticity. much. stability amid = t. bat of th: CaLlowint = decrease In the order given (the cadf of P*m tion we given in g tbesm): V (274). VI (255). Purv 1 (20). VII 08D), bnpum 1 (150) andVM(30). It may betancluded that with the imtremse of the clottgadom of the aide grwVs in the chain of the polystyrem (the greatest domptim with VII) and a considerable increase in their weight (CwHe nucleus) the polymerization &Wry of styrenes is decreased and the Properties of the polyumm are Impaired. Only the Me tfoup in the orswithim acts differmay. Chas. Bit= 00 00 00 00 00 as 00 go 00 00 00 so go of 0 go 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NNUMN&MAN&AMS-2-1-0900*0 0 00900 000*00000 66069649090:: 40 : - - 0 e o 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 e 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 6 1 W it 1) 11 14 IS 16 It to low Pht I I)ASS Allinjil lo 11 It " jall kv mlt*41 4111 "O'Ce k A L I I i IS ~I L J- a h Y- X j a it I I U V, -A-A AA NEC M ttit, I t d o I a It 4 1 q . 00 00 Polymerization ability of submituied styrenes in relation 09 It to their structure. 11. P. 1'. Shorygin and N. V, bhucy- - 0 0 sinit J. (1,.. Ch,m. W. S. S. R.) 9. %4-5-WHOW so 9 cf. C. A. 29. obtained frol4 1.00 00 1 p-toluidinc. was oltidurd with Cr(hCIj in C-S to Brcll,- -00 i CHO, whm It was t mulvil--cd with MvNIIII in LtPO to xive 00 P-AleCif ()If ~C.Iljlr 4), b,. 145', d17 1.379, mV I.M2. - 00 1 p-IIrC.II,CII C11'. 6.4 d" 1.404, PoV L.W. was .00 00 obtaillud front I oll heating with KIIW, at 130-411' for II II II %I f C CII i 3 t it,.. - 4 t r, obta ned in a SintilAr WAY . . j0 ~ train b,, 128'. do tAkk% KV U66. =00 0 o-IlrC.H.Cli Clit. ln ItY! 4'. d' 1.4110, xW 1.5111-1. ' 11, %f OC II IVCII 5 lysni reve'k-d that sub,tilucnts in the a- and a 00 ;; r 1.9w). p-. .C .-. 1). 1W. ( I.W1 . , "I, excited a hindering influent,- on the polyineritatitin abil- ' Of O-NIe()C.II.CII C112. b:, x-5-, 411, LOY), "V I.-Wi. p- 1 " . ity. This Ability i1ccri-asv, with increasing mol. wt And =00 0o , 7 . dl- LIP2111. nll LIM). II,NC.II.CII C)[,. b. 12. ' - l ' 1 " o, W . length of the arontatic r,si4lue attaehe%J to the ethylene -00 -4 -1 1l". .H.C11. City. b., l 2 LCION. 1.015, n , d ~ ' 1; 1 mal. The pok-meriiatio" i,atcekrated at rIeVated Lelup- PhClir CII,, b, fi7 S , (1 1,425. 0; 1.591. f hCH: ' but simultaneously the degirt, of polymerization I, dr- ago 0 Clifir, bq I(Ls b. , 41" 1.4112. Wt; LIM. C4HoCII:CIfI1 ' 1 11 1 ' I S M crcased. Gertrude Berend - I 1; 8% .1 I 1- . 1.4475. CJft.CH:CHs. b. I= . x o 0 3% 41" 0.7,271, 1'416-1. Ph, ill) was nitrated by 4:09 00 ineun, of HNO, in Acolf or of In the latter case 7 1[ . ,0 g. 11 was treated %iih *-'IN) g. \,O. in the cold and the 00 mixt. of - and P-(k-.NC-IIXh jM) sepd. by fractional tTystn. 111. in. 112 -13', was obtained in a yield of 45%. 410 j front Ill on rcdtjction with Sn and HCL 00 yielded P-1C.11,1111. "I. 11OAl'. b. INP, which garr I1hC.II.MgI. The tattv couiltd. was conticitsed vrith 00 zi elltykne oxide in C.11, to yield p-H(jCJ-f,CHC*H.Ph, Fri. 09 93 4'. I'lic staidy ofithe thermal Fiolymerization of so?)- ,00 ~tiluttil mi,tenei At 14 V a id 170' in the absence of cala- 1 00 8 t Ra Ktttt ItacH O Tn Ail A S a DA a A W I ff if 9 A] a 3 8 1 AIX lan 1.14 na" A 0 p6t Ki I? 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 9 0 6 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 v 0 9 0 0 t 00 A 000, *to ri 004 oed go 0 0 If *00 go 13 oou g A: 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 000 A PROCISSIS AND peorreftes 1.01. PWIMItmetiqu of oweds in a field of high-trequener Cutmt. N. V,HA"w Ina and M 1. Pfmlys. J, ("m, Mpmc (11A."FAI-19 IM(1046)(14416h munimary It Iva- lhhtm, that Id4u4imquena awrotU (mvehavil-of A"III I ntefff) have-4 puit, duct on, 0 0 0 0 -04 -00 A affTALAWSMAL UTIRATtiff CLAUVOCATION ___~a Mm O"Inv slow - I UA810 -A 111148. .10 -30C misall as 06T All -U S AV to Is . I 1 4 1 F I -a Am v L I a ad 0 a a I w 0 9 a a 3 a IS, 49 a It it a;u ;tIa c 11-0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 a .00 .00 =go age coo a** coo go* sea S HCII ~ Y G ".' ' I. V. "'.Lhe condensation or ethylene oxide with benzene ho.roIoL!ue3." (p. -1-273) SC,: Journal of General Chemist (Zhurnal Gbshchei Khimii) 1951, Vol 21, '-To 7. - -- -- --- cp The rondensation of ethylene oxide with benzene hono logj N; %, j ("et (*"em 21, 1:11.11 I I :11 IWO tr..Ik,L 1100 -S., (-A 46. -"NiAi 11. R. SHUB,I.Yo., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk;_~%O -QjNA .4T .,,,,,kandidat k-himicheskikh nauk; KANTOR. P.1., inzhenor. Gluing together the two halves of the shell mold. Lit.projzv. no.11:2-5 N '56** (M* 1o:1) (Shell molding (Founding) ) (Gluing) e- ti- . ........ e-dTC-12i -mdre PhCH:CH, or ho-nolog wilth 2.5 4oles aldthyde dad 10 MI. coned, HO 7--7.hrs. -ste= bath rave the fol- -lowing:-W- -ds -wWAIMjrl -Strwkj~r ~wtc;wllg 7 UN., ZL"' I 4V L&331; -7 4 b, 4 175-60, L 1.0150, IAMO; dw -, b. 145-7*,. LOW.- 1.521 Thme. imted mith 1, hrs. rAve: Mt i4 110-12% 1.1479, UM; lh 128-W it LM2, 1.5150; S- lstd.~-N 11940: -1 85 t 0 26C/ Ith IT Cl I hr. gave 98% 4-Vht4yj-;,j A-Ul ume. - -This (100 g.)L added to 2W g. SOCh andL tin L I t1j. Itt- M' CaVe .1; h= I- r, uo- (U)j Lbi 111~13*j Z".;& SC 1.770(sk), 1. formed.wheiiluCls Nu added. to the_ SOCh. Reaction of 4 pheayt 3 .0 g.) With 104 -1e -dla=g. ~4 L50* g*V~e 95% U., eMtbg_.a7_g J, L g. I" in CCL;Under 1 , :-L L with 14 g. uratropine and 25 mt. EtOH finaUy at WO I hr., gave- after a4.L-U*UfMpnt gM olly'MterW Which ]rWded the p-"rophm)4hydraz6iw--qf 170--7*; . semimr6aww, w.,, 194~ -50." Reatibig 4-ph I'a_X*=ne With ACSOL and a Ift We coned.- HCI 6 hrs. gave S"9o 1-0071-14 'id! d*",19,, bp 15"'Li: dw l.M7, .MOO 1.4M,lw'l=ith 16% ec., NaOR in 4'his. 4&4, _. b1 & d 55 Rxduming 164 S. ~&pheayl-1,11-dfo=e with 176 g. PrCOIH, 200 ml. xylene gind 3 Z. p; McCASOA-1 Vdth azwtropic sunoval of HaO 12 bra. (0 hrs. if the suffouic a;dd is replaced by sulfonated ion-mchaup m-in) gave '10% proandid dibwy-k. ba 17*-800, dts~ 1.0351s pu IAM. 11-11-,. L~- -- I - ~ -- -,.- 4 lli-;R ar.J"1!~, 10-malddayau -,~d N. V. -ur it 1, .d L -c ~-;talucl j: 71 ducM4 b"i i~ !~llprcvtA by ~wTyilsf Out 0, c-d,mt ull al -.I, J--luiv ut ~-Phcjyl- as a 4,31vent and in th~ 2n.1 ;(A~ ~11 i,-act.nt. SHORYGINA, N.V., kandidat khimicheskikh nauk.;GTLIVANCHIK, A.H., kandidat """~'~~~%eekikh nauk. I The use of nhenolic resins as binding materials. Der prom. 6 no.2: 15-16 7 '57. Ni.R& 1o:4) (Gums and resina, Synthetic) (Binding materials) ' catalyst in 2 stages, and ','c) b~ neut;aIlI-q tion of the adds catalyst bef6re,dehydratiou of the finished resin. There4 A' c action is continued I hr. at the~initial-pH -of 3 5 . Axid-is: added to reduce the pH to I and the resin is heaQ,= hr. ii boiling, the acid is neutralized with 40% NaOH.-and tW' ,resin dried in vccuo at 120-35*. A 100 yield of a resins -alhqr4cning ra -of 50-00 sec. was o_ ain t; SHORYGINA. N.V.; KLFROCHKIRA, G.I. Cond'ensation of xylenols Zhur. prikl. khim. v. 31 (Condensation products in the presence of alkaline catalysts. no.5:810-813 MY 158. NiRA 11:6) (Chemistry)) (Xylenols) SHORYGIRL, N.V., kand.khim.nauk; KMOCHKIIL;., G.I., inzh.; KOZEL'TSEV, L.I., inzh. Resins based on composite phenols and their use in making particle board. Stroi.mat. 5 no.12:22-24 D '59. (MIRA 13-3) (Crums and resins, Synthetic) (Wood, Compressed) 5-3400 I AUTHORS: Shory.gina, N. V., Cherilov, A. G. TITLE: Brief Communications. Synthesis Styrene With Formaldehyde. Comminication the Series of Investigations of PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy Ichimli, 10~60, 251-253 (USSR) 77539 SOV/80-33-1-48/49 of copolymers of I'L, From Cyclic Acetals Vol 33, 11-Ir .1, pp ABSTRAM Two copolymers of styrene and formaldehyde were prepared. The first copolymer was obtained by telomerization of one mole of styrene with two moles of formaldehyde. Tne elemental composition corresponds to the copolymer Of 3tjrene with formaldehyde in the ratio 1 to 1; the polymer contains 12% oxygen. Tne absence of other functional groups indicates a telomer with ether linkages. -C I I -G I I ,-c[[,U-C, H -C I 12.-Cil-jo-Gil-CII-C 11.0- I I I Card 1/4 call, Calls C a I i.~, Brief Communications. Synthesis of 77539 Copolymers of Styrene With Formaldehyde. SOV/80-33-i-48/49 Communication II, From the Series of als Investigations of Cyclic AcotL Tne second copolymer was o.btained by condensation of one mole oC styrene with 3 moles of formaldehyde, and contains 18% oxygen. The elemental composition corresponds to a copolymer of styrene with formaldehyde in the ratio 4 to 7. _C 1 1-C "I-CII 10-C H2()-C H-CII 2- C If 20 -C 1120-C I i-c 11 2-CH *0 I I I ". - . C'u' C'11' - ~_611" The second copolymer was used for the preparation of phenol-formaldehyde resins. Card 2/4 Brief Corwnunl(iations . Syntheoio o f 7T539 Copolymers o*,' Styrene With Formaldehyde. sov/8o-, -1-48/49 J3 Com,munica t; lot I II, From, thc of Investigations of Cyclic Act-,tais Tile chantre of free phenol content in the condensa- tion of styrene-formaldehyde copolymer with phenol. 613 1 GO 42.1 20 90 112A1 -0 2:10 42.40 NO 40.59 130 4 1.38 AX) V.3 a = Time f rom the s tart of reaction In min b z free phenol content (in %) From the above resin a powder was obtained which after pressing gave blocks with a heat resistance of over -~000, accordin- to Martens. There-: are 2 tables; and It reCerences, 1 Soviet, 3 U.S. Th3 U.S. refer- Card 3/4 erences are: J. W. Breitenbach, J. Phys. 'Chem., A. Brief Comm,inicauions. Synthesis of 77539 Copolymers of Styrene With Formaldehyde. SOV/80-33-1-48/4,n Co~,uiuni cation II. From the Series of Investigations of Cyclic Acetals i&r, 175 (ig4o ; D. D. Coffman, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 73, 4748 (1951~; F. A. Bovey, ibid, 69, 2143 (1947). SUBMITTED: May 9, 195G, Card 4/4 S/08 1/62/000/019/033/053 B101 B180 ~Tf 2iloii'i: .,,ory-in:~, i;, V., (;kornova, A. G. 'T alon al):ith, j'icnol formaldehyde resins and molding materials ,I-';I-,I-JDlCAL: iief(--r:-I',ivnjy zhur-nai. Khimiya, no. 19, 1962, 511, abstract U (Izv. Kir jer. yestestv. i tPkhn. n., v. 3, -:;u;;,,;iiary in Kirg.] no. 0 Por"'Olit,'cl oof6-uAn6 point -80 C, readily soluble in benzene, poorly soluble in LiCO'~Ol, and insoluble in petroleum ether, were ob~.ained by condcn3in,~ napint'i, lene (I) with formaldehyde (~I) at molar --atios of 1:1, 1:-, 1 :5, 1:4, -I'd 1:5 in the presence of 45,t, sulfuric acid 0 U 1100 C for 2J-2q 'ir~:. 'I'Lie Aementary 6omposition of the resin was foun,i to depend on lui.o !:I! r-,'i,), :-~nd the prescnce of acetal groupo in U 0 '-1,2 res-In PI:Gveri. .":i 4.;,Q for;-':01ites were found to react with pheriol bindint; 23-54,; of L~w lafter. Reaction of formolite (syntheoized 11,0:11 1 maole of I ~:nd .1 of 11) with p-henol in the presence of 11C1 ,;cid yielde:l a riovol;-..c rezin ;--ith Ubbelohde drop point 90-1100-1 and, .,Ca:-d 1/ ;2 o/ -51,11621000/0-11910331053 't~ !-Is 3'. 0 1 6 C. on i:,,; basis, a moldin6 %it.,z a heat resistance of -400 0C. The J.-Lysical and imecliunicr-,l of molding poviders based on na,hthalene ph-.,2.,.ol ru~An are given, an~ their variations on hoatini~. Pbstrac:,,.L-'.: no',o: Compleze translation.] C:ird 2/2 8/08 62/000/021/048/069 BI 62YBI 01 AUTHORS: Shorygina, N. V., Chingyahbayev, D. TITLE: Resol styrene-phenol-formaldehyde resin "Stirolit P" (R) PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 21, 1962, 448-449, abstract 21P17 (Izv. AN KirgSSR. Ser. yestestv..i tekhn. n., V. 39 no- 2, 1961., 65-71 (summary in Kirg.) TEXT: To obtain emulsion resol resin "Stirolit R" from the styrene- formaldehyde copolymer, condensation is effected at a ratio of phenolifor- Malit'--A 1:1, 1:0-75, 1:0-5t 1:0.25 at 120-1309C- It is found that the optimum is the ratio of 1:0-5, at which a of interaction is obtained and the thermosetting properties of the resin are preserved. It is shown also, for the resin "Stirolit R" that the modulus of elasticity in the state of curing does not change UP to 450OC- .[Abstracter's note: Complete translation Card 1/1 SHORYGINA, N.V., kand,khim.nauk; ENFIADZHYAN, M.A., inzh. Improving the permeability of diamiess mastic floors. Stroi. mat. 7 no.2:34-35 F 161. 1 (MIRA 14:3) (Floors9 Concrete) (Vinyl polymers) .-SHORYGINAY I,.V., Imnd.khim.rviuk; CHEM-10VA, A.G.; DERZHIIISKIY, A.R. Obtaining of phenan-11hrene phanol formaldehyde resins. Koks i khim. no.10:43-46 162. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Nauchno-issledavatel'skiy institut plastmass (for Shorygina, Cher- nova). 2. Vostochnyy uglekhimicheakiy institut (for Derzhinskiy). (Coke industry~,-By-products) (Phenol condensation products) SHORYGINA.-N -.V-. nauk; ENFIADZHYAN, M.A., inzh. Increasing the water resistance of polyvinyl acetate mastic floors. Stroi. mat. 8 no.4:34-35 Ap '62. (MIRA 15:8) (Mastic) (Floors) L 4!L1~q766____EvT(M)/1"WP(J)/T 'LE(r~ ._wz ACC NR- Ap6o11234 SOURCE CODE:' uR/o413/66/ooo/006/OO74/OO74 INVENTOR: Shorygina, N. V.; Ninin, V. K.; Soborovskiy, L. Z.; Bruker, .; Raver, M-R.- ORG: none TITLE: Method of obtaining fireproof and heat-resistant phenol- formaldehyderesins Class 39, No. 179920 ~ SOURCE: Izobretenlya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 6, 1966, 74 TOPIC TAGS: resin, phenolformaldehyde, organic phosphorus compound, fire resistant resin AL4i-4--_(_ Q.~-~C~ ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of obtain-! ing fireproof and heat-resistant phenolformaldehyde resins by the modi- fication of phenolformaldehyde and arylphenolformaldehyde resins with an organic phosphorus-containing compound and introducing it during the process of tar formation. To Increase the fire and heat resistance of 8.63210121:678 4liOSELOVA, Valentina, inzh. Some studies of the elect+rohydraulic effect. Elektroenergiia 13 no.7:9-1-1 J1 i62. - A. STE03MI-4-HO, H. -4. -- "Compensatory Adaptation of the Central I'lervous Systen. after Section of the Anterior Falf of the Spinal Cord in -3irds." Second 1*-'ocow State Y.ed inst L-ii-ni I. V. Stalin, !-Iosco-~,, 1955. (Dissertations for the Dec-ree of Candidate of Wdical Sciences) So; Knizlmnaya Letocis: I*.o. '~q, 2~' Sept 55 SHOSfi;1,NKO, K.A. Fatigue in pigeons and chickens after transection of the ventral and lateral portions of the spinal cord. Fiziol.zhur. 47 no.2: 21+7-252 F 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. From the Physiology and Pharmacology Chair of the Pharmaceutical Institute Piatigorsk. tSPINAL CORD) (FATIGUE) 1~ - -"IKTFOROVA S.F.; SHOSHENKO, K.A. S tructure and development of the capillary 1>--d i1ri --~-,-- skin of the frog. Arkh. anat., gist. i embr. 47 no.9:92-98 S 1~4- (,'.,.IRA 18: 11) 1. Kabinet mikrofiziologii (zav. - K.A.Shoshenko) Inatit.uta tsitologii i genetiki Sibirskogro otdoleniya AN SSOIR, Novonibirsk. Submitted Sept. 21, 1963., NIKIFOPOVAJ. SHOSHEINKO, K.A. principles of the structure and function of the capillary beed. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 159 no.2:25-29 F 165. 18:7)) 1. Kabinet in-ikrofiziologii (zav. - K.A. Shoshenk-o) otdela eksperi- i;:entallnov biolog-ii -; patolovii (zav. B.B. niks) Instituta tsito- lo-ii i genetiki (dir. D.K. Belyayev) Sibirskogo ot'deleriya AIN SSSR, t'. 0 i vosibirsk. PETROV, V.V.; BRODSKIY, M.V.; SHOSHIOINKOV, V.D. - - Basis for the selection of a system of au hatic channel switching of radio links. Elaktrosviaz' no.11:25-33 N '56. (MLBA 9:12) (Radio relay systems) R - - V Z 1-5 Isis .2 1,5 -9 EL - S. In 8 F 3 0 79 9-'s .-3 is 0u j a V 5 lvalai i -0 A .8 ,:jo I im SHOSHESWENSKAYA, Ye.M. Preparation of arylhalomonosilanes. Zhur.ob.khim. 26 no.l: 231-232 Ja '56. (HLR& 9:5) (Silane) IS_ 5 77~ -W ai" Af- pmd~~ of the Yf, and 04 the Ske of Wahmes. Chfa rarwav I mdIMSOT Latlonev v Pks and E. M. soshestvenssmia., zhurnal V, -Mar. I P. 720~ of L and Rb, A study of the iatamdlb~ of Oncates Ida ~~=Sfuxn ohwde afid ethyl niagnesium e. the yields of tetrabenzy1silami ana tetmethyl- diants am in a relationship of linear dq3eade= on the raM of the cations. An analogous regularity was atso, shown during the reactions of beazyl nagnesium chloride with fluosilfeazes of Ca, Sr, and Ba, although 6e increase of the charge of the cations causes a severe decrease in the yields of tetr3substituted mono- silaae. RIM CHACHANIDZEP G.D.; KARUMIDZE, Z.A.; KHARASHVILI., TS.G.; Pririmala uchastiye: SHOSHWHVILI, E. .i, Conversion reactions of mixed nitrate salts. Trudy Tnot.prikle khim.1 elektrokhim.AN Gruz.SSR'3:169-180 162.- (MM 16:1) (Nitrates) (Ammonium nitrate) PURTSELADZE, Kh.G.; TO.PURIYA, Z.M.; CHKONIYA, T.K.; SHOSHIASHVILI,-E..N. Thermal dissociation of artificial manganese dioxide samples. Trudy Inst.prik2.khim.i elektrokhim.AN Gruz.SSR 32163-168 162. (KMA- 163.1) (Manganese oxide-Thermal prof, erties) !7'L:~ S-.:7 ~ Sl:~Tr-T " i. I C - I . - -.L Shoshin-zh,,ili, !. "Datn -,'ealin.,- with thr- --,--zr'y of the bioecol~~gy If diploid-m-ize in ,-or.,,-e, " ~Lrzd:; In t,--,. z'ishc'ii t-, r-sten4y W-aid. nauk Gruz. SSR) , 7o' - V, !9-' , -0. 224-L-81 - I Y 1 3 (in j.-- Rutsi-nr,), - Bibli.-)::. )-,I- iLems SO: U-Lo"L, 2q Oct - I ~Let ris 'Zhu-.n--l 'r,11th St tey, No. 16, 1919). 1 . SHOSHIAS"',11LI, I. I., KIRMELASHVIL!, N. S. 2. USSR (6)j) 7. "Concerning the Question of the Harmfulness of the Peronospora of the Onion", Trudy In-ta Zashchity Rasteniy AN Gruz. SSR (Works of the Institute of Plant Protection, Acad Sci Georgian SSR), Vol 7, 1950, pp 179-188. 0. Ydkrobiologiya, Vol XXI, Issue 1, Moscow, Jan-Feb 1952, pp 121-132. Unclas-5ified. I 5110311USHVILI I Is -, KIRMELASHVILI, H.S. 401" # I a .No . -----WMMW Contribution to the study of the downy mildew of onions (Parenosporacese) in Georgia [in Georgian with 3ummary in Russian]. Trudy Inst. zashch.rast. AN Gruz. SSR 9:197-211 '53. (MIRA 8:2) (%orgia--Downy mildew)(0aions-Diaeasee and pests) US j R m i- CULTINATED FILAII-jTS. Fe,,.rAT(,)r'S, Vc;~,,titablcis. C..wuxbits. Jo*,Lr, 'HUR-81110L-21, 1953.. NO-959 80 Shonh TlInt. of Plant O~f .~CIjn toi and Contro" ~..ensu.ves jr. the flmorgiari S3R Tr Tn,-ta zashchity -nat. ".1', Gvzi?,SSR, 1957, 12, C:~ 2otato tyl.1-V 4-- inpread tbvou~-),'-Iout all the 111'ea A-- ace cnwjed bly it AJ: Lira rUll.",,hos b! 005 In Tume -Ind 59-3':"e, iii JUI-V The swnraar sovring of ve~nailzad tubers ileduces wilt and increRses V,~e yitAd, Tile k-)-L s--Pzirag, plant-ings 'L le3~;ons 4,hp,, inten8itv of infection thro.1rh w-Ur, (eqpucially In ;r,11y) and boostus the harvest. v.,,-itezing (Rt Igaot four 'U'LM03), fertiliza tion, -as weIl as high qidedr,.,.qsing doses ofminerall 1 /2 DZHAMBURIYA, G.D.; MELITAURI, K. 11. KHANTADZE, Sh.A.; SHOSHIASHVILI. N.Y. BARITAVELI, T.Y. [translator]; BERIDZE, Y.Y., red.izd-va; DZHAPARIDZE, N.A., [Vardzia; guidebook] Vardzia; putevoditell. 7bilisi, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Gruzinsk-oi M, 1957. 93 P. (MIRA 110) (Georgia--Description and travELL-Guidebooks) (Kura Valley--Monasteries) S /I / C- CHISTOTICH, G.K.; BLYUMFMELID, O.K.; GORGIELISKAY.A. S.A.; PSTM07A, R.N.; POLOZOVA, T.V.; TIMMTIYEVA, T.A.; SHILOVA, N.V.; SHOSHICHA, S.V. Individual properties of staphylococcuo cultures. Zhur.mikrobiol. epidA immun. no.7:101 J1 154. (MLRA 7-9) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii I Leningradskogo meditsinskogo institnts, im. Pavlova. (STAPHYLOCOCCUS) SHOSHIN, A._P, Improvement and Washing of Saline Soils of the Kura and Araks Delta Sots. S. Kh. Azerbaydzhana., No 1, 1954, pp 5-9 A considerable part of the saline soils of the Kura and Araks Depression is characterized by the prevalence of chlorides of sodium and magnesium. In order to improve these soils it is necessary not only to remove the salts, but also to prevent their "migration" by providing drainage of the descending currents of water. This must be done to secure the ground-water regime and tolrevent re- salting of the soil. (RZhBiol, No 2, 1955) SO: Sum. No. 630Y 2 Sep 55 I ,-rl ..bittad for thv 11ith I'softo Science Cong"an, Honolula, Hswdt U Av4- .1 9a. 1041M& tnotitute of CooloCY dopreasions "4 trcua-s -.f east A.I;mtz type and tt.Lr position 1. the Byatematics or tectonic forms" (Section Ta C) 3..t4 ^lhe Cormm-ray spectrometric m~sur--.z-o of artLficial rm4Lc=tIvit7 in uppqr Joyers of th. C.=" (Section 'al.B,6) LM~OV,_V. G., Cb&Lr of Forestry, T". ACrLcultw&l AQoAoay Izent K. A. TUEr~~ - ~Forest fire rese-h snA methods of fL" control" (Section V-13) -T.-A.. lastLtute of OcesaulaJ.-I - 'Mcrrogzrnphical ~d ;sorphalosicai eamlyaLs of eeproductlen and developcont of flatfish in the seas of the acrthwat Pacific" (Section tlt.C) CP4M~l _L~_Y ., Institute of G"xoolcEy ~InveatLi;nticn of the hort-tmL turbulent eucchmam In ths P=IrLc Ocemri" (~icc-Lon 1.71.3) loatiente, of OccahaloCl - *R,,,a-ItIcs 1. the "I tributL.. of flyi-G fishes in th, Paotfl~ O.em* (5ection '111.c) _E!~_M._jk., Institute of ro,ol -'St-'tigr. hie hertz... 1. 'he c"tace". d,psLt. of Knochtlux;;4'~Y(ae.uo. Trrx~' n"=3Mtx.Y..,P., tnstltute of Occanooa - "The processes of recent a~dl- -Ilion -a the wetern pos-t of thr eq=torial -one In '.he recific' (section M.C.1) Inatitute or E;nrth F*utc. L-cnL 0. Yu. Schmidt - ei-L. c-Utt- I, the rorti-torn oUtl7lnC of Pat.I if c basic' (Sattc. 'al.C.2) ZT1Q'A1WjA-L-A,, lastlt--, of O.-Icar 1. th. ncrthe- p~t of thq P-Ift." (Seelion 111.C) A., lastlt~t. of zo~lzrf - .-ml f-blm the DortnG I-d brIdM froes t22a ~olcCeta point sf vire Soctlen "S`~-c inatttute of Geoll ILeto reatWea .in the .I rth pax- h. T~ (0ecticn VIT.C) 1Act on of .'.. no r Ka --LfLc bc-.4 X.3- Stt. Physical F-Ity .."A .- d-p-a derIc. ;.r'rec xdiag v~retito (Itru,)" (~,o tica vzI.3.5) lnatL---- of G~JoMr - *0~'thl atbLIIty -d I =.en- a In t he of the Pacific Oce= titer.tance of =.ructizel e- de~p-..Icn* (Sectt- vII.C) RA=- C-77MZ,",',Q-vk-Z-A., and qq.*?t1VO'LA_,~. N., In,tiltut. of' Oceanoicar rar;~rdctv reproduction kid d .181'.. 1he m.rth,- --t f the F-IfLo elowumnt .17 =45 ft (Section rrl.C) ZQ=3C27rm Xe. A. of Oco...I~fj - "Orean!. ?.b.t-ec In b.ttm sedton-. in '.be -at- par- of the ruiflc k5ecUm M.C.I.) 'C' I -Institute of Z-th 11hyllcm Itent 0. Yu. Schmiot - ! 4fiZU.-1I%2-botwccn C-p focus ;or-hi-ja~.,o In the -ite. PITA ag ~J~jr gZ~cZ.-%A c. t o-rih cmzt" (S-tI.- 7111TW A~rLa 3t.t. Un. r.31ty, G~,,F.phloal Facult7 - s. A, a" 3-tion 'n.C) _eenr. or .,t.r%l _ __atic in 3 ^tate Uni.~r el MoSzCv r ty, ;hy~i-l ?-vaty, ChM, rethod for straying mLcroacl=" (3"-Iom 711.C.2) ILh or Occ"'.IoE:y - -The 11~trj!~utjcj or b~t- to 'he cort~cm P~t of the PncMe md Its use rcr ttL reshaping of the. alecrellof" (3~ctLLa 71I.C.1) 1010T~ V I Ccc-.Iq:1 c.n:'rn,-d ith -~~ lft'ttt.t. ~' theorr a.- fa.-catton off the *.="rat~e reCiza In sons =1 o"~o~ (5-tt.. *nl.A) :.Istit~tc~or of, t1. -'PmElt te- In rtj~cr to 'I A of Ccvlz(Zr - "Po!-Va~ of Ktchtk." of ()tv-1cjZ' - "7elmllu and rhyml" in the of th. P-'._ . (3~'.tt- 11r.c) M- 1-t' 11 Ir.-L 0. T". :;;I.idt Eieh-1- of 7) " L'n' C-t-I of Loni.,-,r-d - "-b~ -.,In p-bl- nd th~ h-- _dLctno* -rxt~1!7 w I'm, 15 rl Y. P, A., Stiol- - "02=1c,~fj of JL1tmrct'.c.* ks-tlm '11J.D.1) 'V n:1 I. ln3tltutt of Ccinnolc.Z "Me-.h~dn 'or -i-inz dirp A --:" ' m=euts In the ce- and ~- r~-Itm of their mppIIcfttL- In the ftctfL. cc,-" (S-ti- TII.B.5) -SHOSEII:,-A.A.-.,-otv. red.; BYAKOV, V.P., red.; IGNATIYEV, Ye.I., red.; KELI-ER, A.A., red.; YAKOVLEV, A.V., red, [Materials of the Gommission on Medical Geography] Materialy Komissii meditsinskoi geografii. Leningrad. Pt.l. 1961. 76 p. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Geografichesk6ye obshchestvo SSSR. (MICAL GEOGRAPHY) SHOSHIN, A.A.; IGNATIYEV, Ye.I.; HARKOVIN, A.P.; BYAKOV, V.P. Present-day status of medical geography and the prospects for its development. SSSR pt.1:14-22 t61. (MIRA 15:10) (MEDICAL GEOGRAPHY) SHOSHIN, A.A. Basic problems in and the methods for the medicogeographical study of a locality. SSSR pt.1:22-40 161. (MIRA 15:10) (MEDICAL GEOGRAPHY) -.SHOSHIN, A.A~;-IGNATIYEV, ye.j.; Mk~KOVB'I, A.F.B BYAKUVY V.P. Nature, objectives and methods of medical geography. Geog. sbor. no.14:5-13 161. W-RA 25.-1) (I-EDRUL GEO&,AFHY) SHOSHIN, A.A. Main objectives and methods for studyihg man's diseases (nosogeography). Geog. sbor. no.14:130-141, 161. O-MU 15;1) ~IdICAL GEOGWHY) SHOSHIN , -A.~A. ~ I I Main problems in medical cartography. Geog. sbor. no.14:174-189 161. (PEDICAL GEOGIUPHY-"S) (WU 15. 1) SHOSHIN Aleksey Alekseyevich; IGNATIYEV, Ye.L.,; P,tVLOVSKIY, Xe.N., akadamik, glavnyy red.; VASILIYEVA, Z.A., red.izd-va; SOROKINA, V.A., [Principles of medical geography] Osnovy medit'sinskoi geografii. l,bskva, Izd-vo.Akad. nauk SSSR. 1962. 146 p. (Geograhcheskoe obshchestvD SSSR. Zapiski, vol.22) (MIRA 15:12) 1. Prezident Geograficheskogo obshchestva. SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Mdical geography) otv. red.; S!7U,J!Z, k.A., red.; BVAKGI~, V.I~.q red 3. V. , red. ; YAKOVLEEV, A V. ~ red. k. MLEBOVICH,.I,A., red. Niedical geography; resulto and prospectsl Yeditsinskaia geograf`ia; itogi, perspekti-Ar. ',rkutsk, 1964. 208 p. (1,13A 17:7) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Institut gool,rafii Sibirl i Dallnego Vostolca. DFRYAPA, Nikolay Romanovich; SHOSHIN, A.A.., otv. rod. --rct"- and. hi~.~n acclizaa7ization-I [Nature of the An-, a. . Priroda Antarkiti i akl-lAmatizatsii-a cheloveka. IMc- skva, Nauka, 1965. 15/~ y. (leJRA 18:7) WRYAPA, Mkolay Pu=novichl SlICSIMIs-AAep otv. rods -.1 .. .... I - [Naturo of Ant~ca and tlu~ aoollmUmtlon cf =n.] lwiroda Antarktiki I clolanka. Ybskmv , ll~ I litulm. . 154 P. (Ge obahchmtvx) SSES14 Zapiski. Novaia aerilap VOLU) OMA 32:8) SHOSHIN, A.A. State and problems of the medicogeographical study of foreign countries. Vop geog. no.68:8-13 165. (MIRA 18:12) SHOSHIN. A.F Method of forecasting the filling -infensity of Rybinsk Reservoir. Sbor. rab. Ryb. gidromet. obser. no.1:131-158 159. (KMA 14:7) (Rybinsk Reservoir-Hydrogrkphy) FEDORENKO, V.A.; SHOSHIN, A.I.; KULACHKOV, V.I., inzh., red.; YURKEVICH, M.P., ifizh., red.izd-va; SHCHETININA, L.V., tekhn. red. - [Manual for machine drawing] Spravochnik po mashino- stroitellnomu chercheniiu. 7. izd., ispr, i dop. Moskvap Mashgiz, 1963. 280 p. (MIRA 16:8) (14achinery--Drawing) SHOSHIN, B.G. [Rabies] Beshenetvo. Moskva, Medgiz, 1952. 14 p. (MI-RA 6:7) M-&rophobia) SHOSHIN, B. G. Rabies. Felld8ber & aku h., Moskva no. 15:34-3S Kay 1952. (CLML 22:3) 1- - %, - '-;., . . , j;;~ -,-71: -_ - - --- - - - f I - I . ~ I . inz3ane - i ~'c 0 i) I t a 1 s Cut-cf-town IDsych-iatric ins"itlations; discussion. Zhur. ne%,r. i r2 nc. 7, 1952. 1 onthlv List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, '.Ilo-,-ember 1952. Unclassified. M rRabies and its control] BeshenBtvo I borils B nim. Moskva, Medgiz, i -95- 4. 2 5 P (MLPA 8:3) (Rabies) SHOSHIN, B.G., vrach (Moskva) Ps7chotic states in various diseases. Med. sestra no.1:10-15 Ja 155. (PSYCHOSES, complications (VLRA 8:3) in various dis.) -SHCOIN,,~. B.G. (Moskva) Care of sick with acute psychosis. Med.seBtra 15 ao.6:20-23 Je 156. (PSYCHIATRIC KMING) (MIRA 9:8) a t i Da ~jo i -a t o r,, A u r: a i a e,- o i t r. c!-! t 'C 7 t 0,"- r, -f e s e n e -a t t h e C cj,, I r e 7 c C- s s C-n C, A t ron-r- i, fcal "'ci-In il 4 C C, I~Dr an'- t D C7 07. -j - '/KR/IC/HIR/VSKIY, Yevgeniy Samoylovich; FEDOROVICK, leonid Grigorlyevich; FATISOT, Vladimir Adorovich; VXRTSNIR, V.H., kand. fiz.-'mat. nauk, retsenzent; KRUGER, M.Ya., inzh., reteenzent; IHOSHIN, I.A., inzh., retsenzeit; SCOMEV, S.F., inzh., retsenzent; DULIN, V.N., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; BOGOMOLOVA, M.P., red. izd-va; PUKHLIKOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. CXLectrical equipment in optical and mechanical insti-Imentsi Hlektro- oborudov4uia optiko-makhanichookikh priborov. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo obor. provVehl., 1958. 467 P. (MIRA, 11:7) (Electronic apparatus and appliances) (Blectric apparatus and appliances) IJ -pr~rridrn oC an AlJr,rtcJdl.c-T~-T)c En,gine o n ~- c n r, r;-7-. t c r, ', a.~,; 27/3/5G I vloscow Foresti-y inst SO Vecheryaya Moskva Sum 71 PMFILOV, M.A.; SHOSHIN, N.A.; NOVOSBLITSEV, N.V.,-red.; MOROZOV, Yu.V., red. izd--va; BACHURIKA, A.M., tekhn. red. ELTA-TSNIIME felling and'skidding machine] Valochno-trelevochnsia mashina LTA-TsNID4H. Cleningradj M-vo lesnoi pron7shl. SSSR [1957] 6 Po (MIRA 11:10) 1. Moscow. Vaesoyuznaya promyshlennayavystavka. (lumbering-Machinery) - i .' r , /i j ~ , % ~ -~ h' ~' "- .I f " F3uII'Ov, M.A.; SHOSHIN, X.A. Tree-felling and trailing machines, Biul, takh,-ekon. inform. no.1: 57-58 '57. (KIRA 11:4) (Lumbering-Machinery) BODINYA, M.D.; SHOSHIN N.V. I Mechanization of the loadj--ic,, of pigment pastes into pigment- grinding machines. Lakokras.mat.i ikh prim. no.3.75-76 160. (MMA 14:4) 1. TasbIontskiy lakokrasochnyy zavodo (Tashkent-Pigments) (Loading and unloadin,-) S/056/62/042/006/006/047 B100102 AUTHORS3 Kulikov, 0. F., Shoshin, F. TITLEj An experimental investigation of the dimensions of an electron bunch during special operating conditions of a synchrotron Pi~RIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 42, no. 6, 1962, 1461 - 1463 TEXT: The variation in the amplitude of electron oscillation of a bunch during the increasing and the decreasing part of the magnetic cycle was investigated with the C-25 (S-25) synchrotron of the FIAN im. F. N. Lebedeva (FIAN imeni P. N. Lebedev). The maximum electron en6rgy was 274 Mev. The duration of the hf pulse fed to the synchrotron resonator and the period 11-times those' that the electron was within the accelerating under normal conditions. The electron beam was (SKS-1) high-speed cinecamera. The intensity determined from bunch photographs by means of meter. The amplitudes of radial oscillations chamber were 2 photographed.with an CKC-1 of t'he bunch luminescence was ar. MI-4 (MF-4) microphoto- of the bunch during the de- Card 1/2 . V - . I. i(J 2, 1 1 V VIL ii.*.,;,v .4 etit fP LanninL~ in ruse-ar.1- h am, - desi_~_n C. "ice s F I a - ni?-c,vanie v nau,. s 31e6 ova -L e 1 sh ikh ir,_Itiutakh i k on- -U!" , "'; rn j,~ L lk 0: _bl S/137/61/030/007/050/072 A060/A'LO1 AUTHORS.- Zhukovskiy, B. D.j Fomichev, 1, A,; Manevich, F. D.; Shoshin, V. A. TITLE Present stuate off' theory a-rid direction of' development of the process of forming pipe stock on continuous pipe molding mills PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 7, 1961, 38, abstract 7D303 ("Tr. Ukr. n.-i. trubn. in-ta", 1959, no. 2, 136-146) TEXI'- I%e existing methods of molding pipe a-lock or, contin:uaus pipe-molding mills by means of 2 or 4 rolls (with radius de-,~reasing along the pass, 2 radii, one radius with flat central part), as well as the possibility of applying each of these methods in the molding of thin-walled and thi~:A-walled, small diameter and large diameter pipes, are analyzed. The effect of neighboring stands on the process o--F' skelp deformation, the rise of zones in the sontactless deformation of skelp, leadirg -to an elongation In z-kelp edges and the possibility of the appear- ance of conrugatlone or even loss of szability of the profile are considered. 7.t Is recommended to set up roll. or con--inuous condui-.s between molding stands. Card !/2 S/137/61/000/007/050/072 Present state of theor-,r and direcz;ion- . . . A06OIA101 Experiments are reported regarding tes-~,s of molding with condults of Pipes 30 X 0,3 and 152 X 3,2~5 mm. Bibliography contains 9 names. V. TsIrullnikov [Abst~ractar's r,.ote-. Comple,~e tra-rislationi Card 2/2 S/123/62/000/013/017/021 A004/A10l AUTHOR3: Fomichev, I.A., Shoshin, V. A. TITLE: Longitudinal deformations of the strip in continuous bending into pipe blanks PERIODICAL: ReferativnTj zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no, 13, 1962, 25-26, abstract 13V99. (In collection: "Proiz-vo trub". No. 6, Khar,kov, Metallurgizdat, 1962, 1o2-110) TEXT: The authors report on investigations carried out to study the pro- filing process of strip 95 mm wide with a thickness h = 1, 1.25, 1.5 and 1.8 mm into pipes 30 mm in diameter on a multiple roller-pair proffling and bending ma- chine, to elucidate the mechanism of wave formation on the edges. The longitudi- nal elongations of the edges were measured with wire tensometers and by the mar- king method. It, was found that, in front of the stand, the edge stretches evenly at the start (beginning with a distance up to the stand axis I = 270 - 100 mm), then abruptly (1 = 150-100 mn), reaching its maximum at 1 .= 80-40 mm, which a,mounts to, of the relative deformation depending on h and the nu mber of the stand, afterwhich an abrupt contraction takes place, which ends behind the stand (1 = 2o-4o mn) . Card 1/2 S/123/62/00/013/017/021 Longitudinal deformationsof the... A004/A101 The load and residual elongations grow with an increase of h. The longitudinal deformations over the width of the strip were measured with tensometers (in the middle and at a distance of 26 and 42.5 mm from the center). A graph has been plotted showing the changes in longitudinal deformations in various points over the strip width in sections in front of the stand 1 = 240 and behind the stand 1 ~ 120 mm. Stress vectors have been obtained for the strip cross section shaped ten- into an arc of 60.3 mm radius for 1 = 20 mm and, using the conditions of the . sion diagram, the stress distribution diagram was plotted. Tensile stres~ses are acting on the middle of the strip and on the edges, while the intermediate points (between the middle and the edges) are affected by compression stresses. The ori- gination of waves is explained by the interaction of the previously residually elongated edges with the middle part of the strip, when the strip is passing the zone of.contraction of the edges which causes the strip to lose its resistance to compression. To increase the resistance of the edges the authors recommend; reducing the edge bending radius, using additional supports for the edges (rollers and wires) increasing the roller diameter and improving the contact of the strip with the gages over its whole width. Thete are 6 figures and 4 references. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Yu. Semenenko Card 2/2 RI 2LDT. :7* f o r Zhe indtic n n, c,t 1 'u L c, v U z n .77 1 j L e n n, q r -a V SHOSHIN, Yu. S. SHOSHIN Yu. S. - "Investigation fo the operation of a vortex-obamber engine with pressure feed". Khar1kov, 1955. Min Higher Education Ukrainian SSR. Kbar1kov Polytechnic Inst imeni V. I. Lenin. (DIssertation for tha degree of Candidate of Technical Science). SO: Knizbnaya Le&opjs' No. 46, 12 November 1955. ~bscow SHOSHIN, Yu.S., kandidat telennichnikh nauk. - , Calculation of fuel consumption by engines by testing them in stands. MaWn. Bill. hosp. 8 no.9:25-26 S '57. (MIMA 10:9) (Engines--Testing) (Motor fuels) SHOSHIII, Yii. S., kand. tekhn. nauk. Method for investigating heat emission during the burning of fuel in compression-ignition engines. Anorgooashinostroenle 4 no.l: 31-32 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:1) (Heat--Transmission) (Gas and oil engines) �HIN, Yu.S. [Shoshyn, IU. S.J, kand. takhn. nauk Automatic safety device for oil engines. Yekh. oil'. hosp. 9 no. 7:21 JI 158. (MIRA 11;8) (Gas and oil engines-Safety appliances) 1. 311-Iff-R11OV) L. V.; T. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Molecules 7. Dichroism as a means for investigating anisotrODhy of molecules. Trudy Len. Inst. oishch. prom. 1, 1949. 9- Monthly Li~st ~f- Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. --ea2'i~,-- o' cobalt iydrcxide precf.,:ftation. lz-i. vys. uche'r,. za-,.; tsvet. met. 7 no.6:5~,63 0-11RJ" 18:3) tIeI,:-hno,1,3-iches',:iy institut, kafedra elektr-)-hi- -eskil h Fr(-Jz,,,odotv. ROTIBYA11, A,L,,; SHOSIMIA. I.A., Simultaneous discharge of ions o--:' the base mietal and impurities during the electrolytic refining of nickel from a chloride solution. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tsvet. met. 4 no.3:50-56 161. (MIRA- 15:1) 1 Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut, kafedra tekhnologii elektrokhimicheskikh proizvodstv. (Ilickel--Electrometallurgy) (Ion sources) ROTINYAN, A.L.; ZELIDES, V.Ya.- SHOSHINA, I.A. Y Carbon in electrolytic nickel. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.7:1542- 1546 ii 162. (MLMA 15:8) (Nickel plating) (Carbon-Analysis) - - 'I, - . . -. A ~ , ! 1! ~I.I; , z_, , IL. ; S. H , 1 j - - . 1. - , I., Purific,a.t -ion o1 eiectr-,Iy-tes by an electrochemical method. f i*hur. prik-I . 137 nc~c~-2052-,ZG55 S 16i-. (MIRA 17:10) Leningradskly tekh-nologicheskly Institur. imeni Lensoveta.