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SHORVL,_;-FILIPPOV, V. Leningrad scientists help Kaliningrad phyeicians. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 4 no.8,.27.-28 A.,- 160, (MIRA 13:9) 1. Iz Kal-inin radskogo oblzdravotdela. ( g KALINGRAD-MEDICINF--ZTUDY AND TRACHDIG) SHOR, M. -, MAKSIMDV. A. ffdden potentiAlitisa for the reduction of auxiliary work at automobile factories. Sots.trud. no.4:69-72 Ap '56. (MLRA 9:11) - (Automobile industry) PARFENOV, -- Shift to the 7-hour workday and regulating wages in the machinery industry. Sots.trud 4 no'.7:59-65 Jl 16o. (MIRA 13:8) (Machine industry) (Hours of labor) (Wages) SHOR) I'll.. 1.0 4 ~fanufacture of FhOtographic rjafjer.~. Sov,' to 'I no.12-2c)-30 D 1/1, 0 01 i R-1 u . 2-9 ) (Photography--Printing papers) SHOR.1 M. Improve the organizatioqsl standards of auxiliary work. Sots.trud 8 no.3:40-43 Mr 163., (MIRA 16:3) (Machinery industry-Production standards) FARFENGV, P.; SHOR, M. ----- Work more actively to eliminate shortcomings in establishing work norms in machinery maunfacturing enterprises. Sots,trud 7 no.4:76-83 Ap 162. (KMA 16:1) (Machinery industry-Production standards) SHOR) U3. Determination of the activity of the rheumatic process in children on the basis of a laboratory examination of the blood serum for sialic acid. Vop. okh. mat. i det. 7 no-5:47-49 My ,62. (MERA 15:6) 1. Iz detskogo otdeleniya 1-y Rizhskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitay. (RIMUMATIC FEVER) (NEMULTNIC ACID) SHOR, M.I., dotsent; VOVCHEITKO, Ye.M. Dextrocardia following removal of the right lung. Vrach.delo no.8: 865 Ag '59. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-losledovatellskiy institut klinicbeskoy meditsiny imeni akademika N.D. Strazhesko. (HEART--DISPLACEMENT) (LUNGS-SURGERY) MOLOTOK, I.V.; DMITRIYEV, A.I.; GORBATENKO, A.I.; SMOYAN-SMINGULYAN, G.P.; MALAKEIOV,P.Ye.; KRIVOMOV, V.A.. doktor tekhn.nauki red.; GRA OVSKIY, G.I., prof., doktor takhn.nauk, red.; TRET ITAKOV, I.P., Prof.,: doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; ALROZYNY, S.A., dotsent, red.; MALOV, A.H., doteent, kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; SHA AUROV, M.M., dotsent. red.; VOLISKIY, V.S., red.; GALITSOV, A.D., red.; KABANOV, N.Ya., red.; TOLCHOOT, T.V., red.; THAR TONOV, A.B., red.; KRISIN, R.I., red.; Su red.; SHMOVA, K.K., red. izd-va; RLIKIRD, V.D., (Time norms in general machinery manufacturing for applying coats of lacquer; large, medium, and small scale production] Obahchemashinostroitelluye normativy rremeni na lakokrasochnye pokrytiia; krupnoseriinoe, seriinoe i melkoseriinoe proiz- vodstvo. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1959. 83 P. (MIRA 12-6) 1. Moscow. -vauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut truda. TSentrall- noye byaro promyshlennykh normativoy po tradu. 2. Rabotniki otdela trudovykh normativov Bauchno-iseledovatellskogo institnta traktora- sellkhozmasha (for Molotok, Dmitriyev, Gorbatenko, Sharoyan-Sarin- gulyan. Malakhov). (Painting, Industrial) (Machinery industry) ' 441 - is U U 16 it Abusivo L- AA Ix IV EE A k t lin) gg ' -, 4 A -00 -00 .00 Influence of teducin; substances in gelatin on the pro. -0 1 go duction of fog In neptive emulsions on keeping. M. 1. -00 Mwi. PAwto-Nina ( hew. Ad. (U. S. S. 1R.) No. 4. :11 6 66 1 M15).--It 6 found that the f"ArIlls 4,1 C11111W.,11, %111 11 .00 kept 1. deprildrilt on tile quality 44 tile %vtAtili at;,I. d 6*0 mt jwvwlty, wt tile alm. "f retucinit -111 an 1tie [,,(at length of dige,,tiull, indepelldcutiv (If tile =00 it tLe prucvs-~ at which tile gelatin is addLd. 0 C. E. K. Nice, age 00 6*0 00 -4* 0 00 -00 00 S L A 'EIALLUSIGICAL LITERATLRE CLAISIFICATIC, 4 Cie 0 00 we 0 00 it T An It Ot 6C Ot n 1 14 An S a 04 1 a 1, Ev ZI 0 0 0 9 *****go 0000 4VOO-Fe-69 0 * 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 se 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 wx I V 30 11 M 33 34 35 36 V 30 34 AD 5 C D U 6 04 X L 0 PW 17 i a g-190 A b IT Coo At u ,it ..v "P it. Pipt- Geouri, "OILVNJIISV13 211".1VISIAll 1V3I5Vn11VLI- V I IW I V ~Op pt 00 0 son 00 0 0:: C.0 n0 so At 10 JIU09 'Wed 31qdwloioqd p3qvjuq aqj lo Suilawd 00 9Puff aklx!;a~ aql Pum -i3~jnftuf ;Iq% )o Su!%TQ3 PUM -Ii;Wd 21102ull-IN-0 ZQ1 Puv'xTjQl3dtd aql 102univul aqj *M- TOM ap to waid 91 R" pTa~p ~- d so- 10 Wall 341-111P DU -133,411 9 '[13tin 4LXqqmu aqj so- )o I It .0 Ajoin,j u( lulptuodoid la omm, Aqi 10 au!llno IWU V-I(QMI)11- JI'm 1 -9 --N as -1 MdvAowq jo am3wpow. 9q.L 171~ so,- I--- i' 1*30s,j (*1 .144 lit i if I In w Z-O if, V-7 0 v I I I -i IT I m to to it %m It apt apt rin itat'irm it . a 0 , ~ - - ____ u M 0 0 , A !-as "WC Pop" of fousd pbo"'. M(J"01. " * % i-GO -" ds of ftcov 6 %0 t Of agc1l meow ~-Ss 0 ~Jsor- ,)' ' kd out a -ncl of "Pts. on a - T wir Ut pe, de- u 00 philt"It "', vn In. ~ithut iu, ad, Onatloo 4,iocitic yida the "'In"I of I n,", t I go OO did no uted * Tile a the tb Of I WAU- jected fite-e ropeirtio. husted at SC 11 -*a ba ,,, e% richlef. r&_01 yClopt h.100squic b0 iti action t 00 ba .(I,-tir4 01 the d w" lidde 0 thAl ginke Ica 0 00 as :100 a A LL UJIF CLxs%11KAtiGl` I I , MI PC It is C( it 91 Lt; Ly ig IV U tus 0 -a-4 .: :: : 0 , hic d y pt 1. idq nppsitive photojra plny e ,~ ~ . 'I--j( m)-vic effect io,jwc! wmo. Ftrlwe ngrs. 2, 1 - -J~J, I'l, ~,f -after in cimtkion mantif, sms 91urlied. Addim Were Made beforc. during, or after chem. ripcTdiig. Sewi- tivitY and culltmst. ittmased wit It small a(Mg, of i-lidc. but reaciml a. max. at OA7v aml tItcrea:t(I at higliur voncus. rog formation also was faveml at lii7hcr concmi. G. Kanifeld- s Temperature Delsendener of the Vi-wil 'v of Photographic Ensubsions, and (Amitin siolution- f [it His-i'll, I 1-4"W~-Wosrlull Prikladiwi Khindi. ~ 21. jiil.% 11.01, p. D.R.tar'. cdmlmusl aml diwo-11. ,T~h. eff e, t 0 e 0 0 of .1. ~,, va solutions, 3r. L-Shor and Z. N. Fav ova. Zhur. P~ 41. Khim. 2&731FI7963).-~-The effect of KNOt an steucture formation in gelatin soly- . was studied. - The coeff. 6f viscosity, ij, *w iheasured from 30 to 400 -for' 4, 7,' ~nldlo' gelatin solns.-- For iliese solos. a. plot of log n temp. guve a straight line -.7hich ehanged slope-at the point where structure formation occurred. Thevaluesoflat40* for the 4. and 10% solrs. were 2.8, 6.8,'ajid 12.1 centl- poises$ resp. For all 3 solits. the effect of the KNOrUVA to lower the wrap. at which the slope change occurred slid & make the migle bttween the 2 parts of the-cui~e ftwicr. j The Ing of the time I for a given vol. of solo. to now thrb a capillary was plotted tu, - the applied m3sure. The ru- Intercept is called the lirfilting. tension K ~Uf_effect J- K'Noz on PQ was to lower-Itto nearly zero.-.- The nature of' Lite effvct of KNO, Audlixt by observing Its'effect on the ability of tormallu ard Chroutc ilurn to coagulate gelatlit. The formulin test was not offected, but 'it alurn te,,t the addit. of KNOs resulted lit a lower final v1smitt- of the gnhi. Since chrome Muni ii belicytil-to rract with the carbuxyl groups, it is propostd that KNOj net S by block ing tticsL group!;. Joseph P., Levy WO z R VASIL'TRV, V.K.; SHOR, M.I.; SHA4SILW, L.P.; IOSIF, Ye.A., kandidat tekhnicheskTkT-A'illt-,"redaktor-, ZHMMEMUYA, N.N.. redaktor-, PANKR&TOVA, N.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Negative and positive photographic material] Negativnye i positivnye fotomaterialy. Pod red. E.A.Iosifa. Moskva, GOB. Izd-vo "Iskusstvo." (Biblioteka fotoliubitelia no.2) 1955. 100 1). (MT-R A 8: 11) (Photography--Appratus and supplies) SHOE, M.I.; VOL, B.G. Sensitizing photographic emulsions withpotassium iodide. Trudy LIKI no-3:179-187 155. (KM 9:8) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii proizvodstva kinofotomaterialov. (Photographic emulsions) SHOR. M. I. Use of calculation in the technology- of coeting photographic emulsions. Trudy LIKI no.4:156-164 '56. (MA 10:5) l.Kafedra tekhnologii proizvodstva kinof(itomaterialov. (Photographic emulsions) SHOR, R.I.; GINDURG, K.M. Establishing the reasons for deviations frem the principle of the additivity of densities in the preparation of -mixed emulsions. Zhur. n4uch. i prikl. fot. i kin. 2 no.5049-357 S-0 '57. (MIRA 10.11) 1. Fabriks, fotobu~ag, LePingrad. (Photographic emulsions) -1 01 r, t-I ,/'VI SHOR, M.; ZAGQRSK&YA, G. '. tective light 17 no.12:39-42 D filters for use with printing papers. Sov. foto 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Photography--Light filters) SHUR, M.I.; GIITZBURG, K.M. Research on the kinetics of the chemical ripening of emulsions for ammoniacal silver bromide printing papers. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fat. i kin. 3 no.2:96-loo Mr-Ap '58. (HIR& 11:5) l.Fabrika fotobumag, Leningrad. (Photographic emulsions) SHOR, M. I - ItTrudy" of the All-Union Research Institute Photography, no.6, 1957; drying. Zhur. nauch 3 no.2:157-159 Mr-Ap 158. (Photography) (Drying) of Cinematography and i prikl. fot. i kin. (MIRA 11:5) VASILIYEV, Vladimir Konstantinovich; Pjq~, Fqy ~ J~L ~ ~op~fovich; SHMSM, Leonid Petrovich; IOFIS, Ye.A., kand.tskhn.nauk-9'r-ed*-; 79RR DETSKAYA, N.N., red.; MALI , Z.N., [Negative and positive photographic materials] Negativnye i pozi- tivnye fotomaterialy. Izd.2-e, ispr.i dop. Pod red. E.A.Iofisa. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo "Iskusstvo," 1959. 114 p. (Biblioteka foto- liubitelia, no.2). (MIRA 12:9) (Photography-Equipment and supplies) DERYAGIN, Boris Vladimirovich; DWI, Sergey Maksimovich. Prinimali uchas"iye: SMIRNOV, O.K.; inzh.. BANEVITSER, A.L., red. izd-va; WSEVA, I.I., [Physical chemistry of the deposition of thin layers on a moving base] Fiziko-khimiia noneseniia tonkikh sloev na dvizhashchu- iusia podlozhku. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 207 P. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Chlen-korraspondent AN SSSR (for Deryagin). 2. Fabrika foto- bumg, No.4 (for Shor). (Photographic emulsions) (Films (Chemistry)) SHOR, M. Whiteness of photographic papers. Scv.foto 19 no.,:53 Mr '59. 1 (MIRA 12:4) (Photography--Printing papers) SHOR, M.I.; VOL, B.G.; ZAW..IITA, G.A. New quality criterion for photographic papers. 7-hur.nauch.i prikl.fot.i kin. 5 no.1:28-33 Ja-F '60. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Fabrika fotograficheskikh bumag, Leningrad. (Photography-Frinting papers) ,-ql[OTZ, !,',. I . In connection with V.I.Shebarqtov's article "Normal' and lanomalous' aging of photograptiia layers.n' Zhur.nauch.i prikl. fot.i kin. 5 no.1:62-63 Ja-F 16o. (MDU 13:5) (Photographic emulsions) Sheberstov'B, V.Ie) i~- S HOR y M. I. Soviet-made pbotographic printing papers for documents and texts. Zhur.nauch.i prikl. fot, i kin. 6 no.2zl54-159 Mr-Ap (MI-RA 14~-4) (Photograph3n-Printin,, papers) SHOR, M.I. Reflex and reversal photographic papers for document copying. Zhur.nauch.i prikl.fotJ kin. 7 no.5:402-404 S-0 162. (MIRA 15: 11) (Photography-Printing papers) (Copying processes) -I.. .., 1-. L. -x- T2 e r4ence --d'h ~~rea~!;;ent '" Thibor, in the t,-e Case of T' berc-~.'-sJs. . I L, ~ U , -Y I ~ - . _u 1 -1 - 7 -- -j .I - :lH,-,i4---'~L --Di-CAL j071iLl-AL) , no 12, 1954. ?,,. ~) POSTJTKOVA, Ye.N.; ~`OLIII, G.A.; 10INA, L.V.; NAVRATIZI, Z.A., OWN,- "N TICH, L.'!.; S*TOR, H.S. (Moskva) 74',ffectivenass of strepton7ein and PAS in treating rulmonary tu- bnrculnsls. ji-Ag '55. (IflaA 8: 10) (TO-2WULOSIS, PlJL'9Tb-tRY, ther. PAS & streptom7cin) (SALTICYLIC ACID, ther. use tuberc.pulm. with streptomycin) (STR7TTTlTCTN, ther. use taberc. pul.,with PAS) MOROZOVA, L.N.; DOKUCHAYEVA, Z.Te.; ZOLIX, G.A.; KUILAKOVA, A.A.; NAVRATBLI, Z.A.; POSTNIKOVA, Te.N.; SHOR, M.S. (Moskva) Iffectiveness of prolonged combined antibacterial therapy of pulmo- nary tuberculosis. 37 no-12:75-82 D 159. OCMA 13:4) 1. Iz IV glavuogo upravleniya pri ministerstve zdravookhrananiya SSSR (nauch-nyy rukovoditell - prof. A.Te. Rabukhiu). (TUBERCULOSIS) SHOR) N.A.., klinicheskiy ordinator (Lugansk, ul.Shevchenlco, d.65); BALTAYTIS, YU.V., student Use of the "Gornospasatell-211 respirator for inhalation anes-11-hesia. Nov. khir. arkh. no-5:123-124 S-0 160. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Kafedra obshchey Ichirurgii (zav; - dotsent K.A.Muz3dca) Luganskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (RESPIRATORS) (ANZST11ESIA) of' K?-,lrij:-gjj-a 40 no-11~108-111 N 165 (IMIRA 18;7) 1, '.Kaferira obShchey 'khirurgl; (7.zi-,r, - do'.Sent K,A,M'lzy-ka)' Lugan3kogo ,.i~rlttslnskogo -,5t!fijta I Lugar.3kaya oblastnava klintcheakaya bol~.Iftsa vraoh - za~luzzh-mayy -'.r!',;LLih -,-Tkr"~*,"3R 1~b,Vash-:henl:,-~). . -S ~~ -. 0 MITZYKAP K.M., dotsent (Kiyev, 108, prospekt 40 let Oktyabrya,d.44,kv.60); SHOR; N.A. Diagnostic errors in lesions to major arteries in extremities. Klin. khir. no.2:64-66 165. (MIRA M10) 1. Kafedra obshchey khirurgii (zav.- dotsent K.A. Muzyka). 1110, 000 0 0 0 : 4 . 1. . 0 * ~01 0~49 41 4 . " . - a I AA- til k (x 111-04 at v -sits. .."itisidt Do . 77 rb On* Influence of the qUAntify Of 11111tef On MID P110109111111hic PfOPC es Of CmuW ..,d %'. A. Obfas(-If. Chem. lad. IQJJ. J1 6. -I'wu cjnUJ,,w,s% is- i.W'd its vatyllix dvitt", 4 thiCkill".41111 W-1 llleik-tll~& The wtirk k pt-thitimary. [tic cilticht,unt 1, drAwit lite vilict of th~ JuAlitity A dvtti. ciptly. Ag uruin the projwrti" sisit,t. Ix it K xe 0 ov ai., so 0; zoo 0 0 roe 004, ~000 Of see =00 zoo 400 11100 0 0 tjoo CIO* At- is, -tlA1tUMrKAL LIT144IL41 woo -7- so I .;at t sits I I -N1 '3 -0 is ~ , 4 - - , v , . q a it 5 - I I j 11 'A I % 11 em 0 4 1 'S 4 .14 0 0 6 0 a 0 0 0 Oi 0 0 A: I 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 o to 0; .jhWK , 14 . I .uHr1u. Vileffle LJC.1* J)JssertFition: "Application of Methyl ;~inc-and ".1agne-s-,wa Iodide for Determinini., the Active hydrugen Rtom." lblo2covi Order of Lenin ztate U imeni m. V. Lomonosov, 12 ~eb 47. I SO: Vechernyaya_hloskva, Feb, 1947 (Project ~17836) - - - - w- A :0 00 Delarmulancul 01 Active on GrIvard tediflont ,=1 * 1 1 in an Atmosphere of carboa 19- I. A. 1 1 rv . Trrrnt awl N. 1. $hor. Zhur. MArkel Khom (J. Orn. Ch,in I 17, 20711,41(10417): cf. C.A. 42, IfUlk. -The mrilcr lech- Milne imi muilified In that (fit kv-coolrd IlljO etindinsri, 14 111111te.1 and the "Ilde Cif.411.0 nillIt. i. mi.h"I 41firr rollwtioll I a fullit. I)( I., 1 14011 .1 lot) conix. 111"t KIM 00 to I'Vollow it., I. NICNIgi Its CO, oil". rVillove. N'th It ittonis from kNII, even In the Culd; a study of %Iczlll (from 14 g. Zu. 2 g. Cu powder heated until homogeneous, then treated with 16 g. Afel and 50 ml. EtlO in a settled vessel for 2-3 days at room temp.) as a poWble substitute for RNIXX showed thAt RNIlglows only I If at room tenip. 0o j and the 2it.1 If 14 Iml only at 710-0)', However, ilhjNIl 00 A;;4 P-MeC.114NIft falfril to give emmOriv metion imirr 00 A exMiditiOnS. fit 011.1n. NICZal MACtS WU*ly With C(% yielt ing 1 .%IeCO; this takes plam quite rapidly in pyridine .911 l 1 encc.%IcZnl has no AdYSIM1141CA over Itfc%fgl as all active If rmxcnt. Typiml 110 and asnine dtrivs. xivr r"idis within O.Matalm n(If of theory. 0. M. K. 0 0 00,4 it 4'~ i A I I A -fIALLI,k~.KAL LITfRAT"t CLASUPKATIC. 00 Z3 IS S 4 An L i a t? It H a a it u K It ft it 01 Lon S 13 i-3 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 . ! in 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 4111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :10 0 0 *_o 0 000 060060 to 0 0 0 .06 ~94 *4 so lo see 0 goo, Co 0 too to 0 too 33873 10 0 (,Z1!;4 )031) S 696/61/001/000/007/007 1;231/D304 AUTHOR: _~hor, N. Z. TITLE: On the optimum regulation of a Markov sequence with two phase conditions SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR, Obchyslyuval'nyy tsentr~ Zbirnyk prats' z obchyslyuvallnoyi matematyky i tekhniky, v. 1, 1961, 119-124 TEXT: The author discusses the optimum re gulation of a Markov 5e- quence in terms of a multimove game for two players. The game has two conditions: Bi and E2* Each move is determined by a matrix of transitive Drobability P(m,n) pjj(m9n) P12 (m,n) P21(m1n) P22(m1n) Card 1/4 33813 S/696/61/001/000/007/007 On the optimum regulation ... D231/D304 where pij (m,n) (i,j = 1,2) is the probability of transition at the given moment from condition El to condition E 2, and m and n para- meters which are chosen by players I and TI respec-cively when they know the state of the game after the preceding move. A. game con- sisting of a finite number of moves is considered, and the ordi- nate k of the final point at which the result of the game is de-- termined. (It is observed that k is a random quantity.) The case of a single-move game is considered. The Bayyesov strategy of player II with respect to a given strategy of player I is defined as that strategy which gives the greatest mathematical expectancy of II's success. The case of an N-move game is then considered, and the following theorem is established; Theorem 1: Let player II for a given strategy of player I have a Bayyesov strategy in the single-move game. Player I makes use of his given strategy of eve- ry move of an N-move game. Then, if player II uses for every move the Bayyesov strategy of the single-move game, this sequence will be the Bayyesov strategy for the N-move Jame. MN(g,2) is defined i Card 214 338 P/696/61/001/000/007/007 On the optimum regulation ... D23'/D304 as tho mathematical expectancy of player His success with the game in condition i(i = 1 , 2), ~ and ~t being the strategies of i and II re8,pec-6ively, in an N-iaove game. The followinL,,~ definitions Lire made'. IIIN=sup inf PIN -- 1 5 i(~,T) -:17N=inf sup Mif M4 M N N. When the game is said to have value M .1 Abs1rac- -N torls note. Mi is erroneously written as VIV in the text. If there I such that N are strate4~4es ~ and Mi(~,~) they are called the Card 3/4 S/021/62/000/004/009/012 D299/D302 AUTHORS: Bakayev, 0.0., Branovy-LLslka, S.V., Mikhalevych, V.S., and Shor, N.Z. 17 ____ TIT=-: Determining characteristics o'L a transportation net- work by the method of successive analysis of variants PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk UkrRSR. Dopovidi, no. 4, 1962, 469-472 T-E'X.T: A method is proposed for the automatic compilation of tables, used in the economics of transportation, and their insertion in a digital computer. --chereby a procedure was developed for analysis of a transportation network, so as to determine the characteristics (distance between terminals, trans-oortation costs, etc.). The propo- sed method results in great economy of time (se-veral.hundredfold), the exclusion of errors, and the possibility of setting up matrices ("checkerboards") of practically unlimited size. In the networkp the following points are determined: The transportation centers, the distance betaeen neighboring points, the transportation cost per -on oetween neighooring points, as well as the production and con- sumption points and the corresponding volume of product on and con- Card 1/3 S/021/62/000/004/009/012 Determining characteristics of a D299/D302 swaption. These data are inserted, together with the program of net- work anzalysis, into the memory of the digital computer. The algori- thm. ensures obtaining the shortest distances between points for choapest cost). The results are sorted in external memory of the computer, so that it is possible to proceed directly to solving the main transportation problem. 14athematically, the problem is formula- ted as follows: Let an infinite set of points t 11 t2l ... I tn be gi- ven. For certain ordered pair of these points, one determines the distance between them. An ordered set of points is called chain, if for each pair of points, belonging to it, the distance has been de- termined. Now the problem amounts to the determining (among all the possible chains, connecting 2 given points), the chain to which the distance is minimal. Such a chain is called optimal. The algorithm for solving the problem is based on the method of successive analy- sis of variants, developed at the Computer Center of the AS UkrRSR; thereby the shortest distances form a given point to all the other points of the chain are determined simultaneously. The parameters of oDtimal chains are stored for further analysis, whereas those of ones are rejected. The algorithm is described by means Card 2/3 S/021/62/000/004/009/012 Determining characteristics of a ... D299/D302 of 5 tables. The operation of the algorithm is schematically repre- sented; thereby it becomes evident that the algorithzi is convergent. it is noted that the com-outation time for a "checklerboard" of 100 x 100, does not exceed 12 minutes on the "Kiyev" digital computer. T.Iie above algorithm can be used for various transportation problems; division uf ,,iork between different types of transportation, distri- bution of products in region- of consumption (transportation and oroduction costs being taken into account), location of industries? U etc. There are 1 figure, 1 table and 3 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION; Obchyslyuvallnyy Isentr AN UR3R (Computer Cent-er of the AS UkrRSR) PRE,SENTE'D: SUBMITTED: by Academician V.M. Hlushkov AS UkrRSR August 30, 1961 Card 3/3 /04 7 S/271/63/000 001/028 , D413Mw AUTHORS Shkurba, V.V. and ~h~~ t TITLE: Probabilistic calculation of the mean.time for per fOrnling arithmetical operations on an electronic digital computer -f-RIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika, telemekhanika 1 3. 'vychislitellnaya tekhnika, no. 1, 1963, 5,'abstract~_ IB26 (Tr. VI Vses. soveshchaniya po teorii veroyat- nostey i matem. statistike, 1960, Vil'nyus, Gos.'. 269-274) izd-vo polit. i nauchn. lit. LitSSR, 1962, p TEXT: -for addition The authors consider the mean time in A-~ accmulating adders with Icascade' carry-over (adder type I), in I acctuaulating' adders with-1transversel-carry-over (adder type II), and in the single-volume pulsed adder (adder type-III). They obtair~ both the mean,value and t he distribution of the addition time. The number's A band B is,determined by the time delay on time for adding * . i. the carry-over pulse