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And c= d,*co=,jth~ te.=P,=.,-Y.t#M Of an to$ and unrates. G. A. Hukbdova ZJ. L. Sholokhovkh. and A. G. lkrgtnat,. Poklady AQ. 297- IXXIPW).-Tho ternar yiitwm was li.vestigated by tho vbwml ptAythcrinal mclU. The 4 binary systems were in- Vestigated previously by other autuors. The ternary dia- cram hu 5 regious where the solid pham &W the Percent- agrofthetotalare-aafe.resp.: KlSO,,43.2; LI.SO%,42.7. IANSO,.KrW,. 12; K.XO,. 0.8; Li.V%, 1.3. There are .1 inv"nt points: a transition point at 440', contg. W-5 (equiv.) % S04, SA% LI; a transition point at 133% coutit 1.0% 404, 41.5%, LI; and a eutectic at 403*. contg. 1A%Y SO,.43,A%Li. There isak thermodynamic4scussionul the heat of rcactiqu Involved In the formation of the complex LitSO#.KtSOj. Arild J. Miller SHOLOXHOVICH, M. L. Chemical Abst. vol. 48 No- 4 Feb. 25, 1954 General and ftsical Chemistry IC __ Fusibility of th CO -K,C0j-B&T10, and BICI,,-BATI - - Sholo- tov e R -A*=-7MkS_5.S.J? 77,51-20951); cj.V:A_.47,9l28e.- The system were investigated at temps. up to 1200*. The system Na,C0,-K:C0r-BaTi0~ is a stable section through the more complex system Na, Ba, KjjC0j, Ti0j. There are 2 regions of crystn.: a small region. 1.27% of the total area, where solid'solas. of Na,C0. and K!CO, crystallize out; and the remainder where BaTiO3 is the stable phase. The boundary between the 2 regions extends from 820* and approx. 1% BaTiO,-99% NaIC0j, down to an invariant min. of 700* at 60% NajC0.40% K,M; and up to 873* at approx. 2% BaTiO,-08% KICO~. In the system BaCl, BaCO,-BaTiOt there are 5 regions of crystu. where the stable forms are, re!jp., a-BaCl, (1.481% of the total area), B-BaCls (1.01% of area), a- and fl-BaCO., and BaTiO~ (areas for latter 3 phases not detd.). A ternary cutectic M. 811* contains IIM% BaC01, 9.25% BaTiOi, and 79-50% BaC13. Arild J. Miller USSR/Chemistry Piezoelectric Substances Jiln 52 "The Fusibility of the System K -BaTio '11 I. N. Belayev, M. L. Sholokhov_2C03_'a2'03 3 ich "Zhur Prik Khim" Vol XXv, No 6) pp 657-662 The fusibility of the system ~~CO -K was investigated by the visual pol 2CO -BaTiO ;QQc methk through a temp range up to 1,2000. Fields Of crystn Of solid solns Of sodium and potassium carbonates, occupying Only 1.27% of the area of the system, and fields of crystn of barium titan te were detd. The system N CO K2CO -BaTiO~ is the stable cross see- tion of rism L,K,Ba-ll TiO 3,C0 3 ~vl Qrn,.ka USSR/Chemistry, Piezoelectrics - Barium Aug 52 Titanate "The Fusibility of the System DaC12- BaC03- BaTi 03, " I -N. Belyayev, M. L. Sbolokhovich I'Zhur Prik Khim" Vol 25, No 8, pp 818-825 Established, through a visual -polythermal inves- tigation of the fusibility of the triple system, BaClp-BaCO BaTiO 3-1 that in the explored thermal interval t~e- area of the liquidus corresponds to the cry-stn of 5 different phases: cci3a%, oc - cupying 0.1116 of the area of the system; PBaCl2J- 228T6 occupying 1.48% of the area of the system; of the areas of crystn ct and P modifications of BaC 03 and BaT'03 . The fields of crystn of P BaC) 2, P B"C03 and B&T103 converge in a triple eutectic point of the system, corresponding to 79-50% of PBaC131 9.25% of BaT'C31 and 11.25% ofF BaC03. 228T6 H /,A .7- ",III B,Y-3-ta m"d-6-d-uraAhlo-rides -d..,! ifa B~C(]6,hj to the: tel carbon tag. a 1. N. Bahi~aitd Sr lktco~ witit si-eatedle at 6184-MACI ILtCl,. au&211acil.- (Molutov Sta-te 7 Iniv.. and AaC6i-MkK2BQLch:&CO, with a ~Utcctjc I'34"-V(1W), Cf, CA, 3 c=Po=is). The Sqak1n:-; cf OP. rvitenti 47, 012qo.-The system Na, Da COv, Cl w2% detd. 1211, 111;115 crVits. fiew., MCI 24.10% (0: tr"A fro. the first time. The bitiarics %vLm r,-.drtd.. and the surface jmted area), HaCO, 42.91% (y 20M. a 11:r)2, ~ 4.%), of crystu. of the quaternary deduced from 12 internal NNCO, 8 43(" - MiCle US% an4 282Ch.BaCO, planes and 2 diagonal and I adiagonal plam. In the This bred= sNcta Is an example of our jw-dng front a binary illa,CO,-BaCO~ there Is a tutectie at ON" with:17% di;sowl to an adiagonal orientation. L Benc"witz BaCO, (all cumpn3. in tool. 0%) and 2 polymorphous trans- formations in the BaCO, branch at 811 and OM*. In the NaCI-BaCl, binary thc!re is a eutectic, at 6480 with SL6% BaCly, In the NaCl-BaCOlthrreameuteetksat$14ai3d 734' with 24 and 4770 DaCO~ 2nd a compil. 2BaClj.BX04 !*. This conspd, tras obtained repeatedly in an atm. of CO:, though in the earlier. report (loc. cis.). it w:3z not noted. The diagonal cross section NaCl-BaWa (1) h as a ant ectle at 6W * wi th 44 % BaCO3 and a polyrnorphic transformation at 811' -y-p BaCO, (687g). The dL-gonal MIS section NaCQrBaC6 is unstable and passes through the crystn. fields of BmC(h, NaCl, and 2BaCh.BaCO& the branches intersecting at MO; 6.32, and 684' *ith- 21.5. 71 - and 8176 BaCh. The diagonal I divides the redp;o~~ sys(em into 2 independent ternaries: NaCl-BaCONajCO& (a) and NaCI-BaCIr-BaCOj (b). In a the melt wlidifies in a single eutectic *at 563* with the 3 wrap(nents. The ternary b 1.9 further subdivided by the ndl, )nal NaCl- BFMM", A.G.; SHOLMOVICH, M.L. . . - 2 , -- ~-- ~ - ~,-, -1- -- -- Reciprocal system of the adiagonal-zonal eutetic type, composed of meta- phosphates and sulfates of lithium and potassium. Zin=.ob.khim. 23 V-0-7: 1075-1085 JI 153. (MLRA 6:7) 1. Rostovskiy Gosudarstvannyy univesitet imeni Holotova. (Systems (Chemistry)) (Phosphates) (Sulfates) Complex forroatioa in reciprocal systean of thi pwophosphates and molybdates of -EadiLLM and gogysLum. 1. N. Pely2ev and M. L. Sholo- tcji_qvqch (V. M. Molotov state Univ., R Khm 23, 1265-73(1953).-A chem. compd., on. 8:10', having a 1-.1 compn. is formed in the binary system N%P-OT-(Mt,NIoO,1,j- The crystn. surface of the re- -ciProcal system K, No 11 MoOt. P,O, consists of the fields for the solid solos. N;i,(K,)P,Ch and Naj(K,)-MoO4 which d&onip. into their components within the system, aud the field of the compd. (Na2fdo04b.Na~PjLh. Thesystembas2 i~ernavy eutectics and a ternary transition point. Rovtar Leach ---------------------- V ' ' '- i L.- Sl otokh ich. BcTgtiiaA; A. 1. KWvi aq d kjv A W. Nauh 1011~44kllN'P3~, d Iter ' ' Duk[Wovd,- C.A.'44' , -10SW ;'. AtUnSO b'el t e lltee E r 'U% So,, POj;sttd I., KIIM*,-- 61 cuu. n~ladts, fu: %'/40110 4- USSR/ Chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 151 4/38 Authors Belyaev, I. N.; SholoWhovich, M. L.; and Barkova, G. V. Title Reaction of lead titanate with;ralts in f~xsions Periodical Zhur. ob. khim. 24/2, 211-215, Feb. 1954 Abstract The results obtained during the Eitudy of the reaction.between PbT'03 and salts of vario-as monovalent metals in fusions are presented. was conduct-~' ed at temperatures up to 1-1000 by mans of a visual-polythermal fusibility method. The effect of increased*temnerature on the volatility and decomposi- tion of PbTiO is exnlnined. It was established that PbT103 in fusions with sodium and no?assium'fluorides, silicates, carbonates, molybdates'and tnng,- states forms certain eutectic systems which can be used for the formation of PbT'03 monocrystals in melted media. A great analogy between the chemical properties of PbTi03 and BiTiOq was established. Seven references: 6-USSR and 1-Japanese (1950-1953). Tables; graphs. Institution : The V. M. 'Molotov State University, Rosta7/Don Submitted : September 26, 1953 USSR/Chemistry - Fusibility Card 1/1 Pub. 151 - 6/38 Authors Sholokhovich.? M. L.Y and Belyaev, I. N. Title Reaction of barium titanate with salts in fusions Perioddical Zhur. ob. khim. 24/2, 218-224, Feb 1954 Abstract The results obtained during the inves-Eigation of L, the reaction between BaTi03 and fluorides, silicates) carbonates, pyro- and metaphosphates, metaborates, chlorides,, molybdates, tungstates and other salts of alkal-I and certain dival-. ent metals in melted state, are tabulated. Of twenty-six systems representing diagonal sections of ternary systems nineteen were found to be stable sections suitable for the formation of BaTi%monocrystals in melted media. The chemil- cal bond, which reflects all proper ies of elements, was used as a basis for the classification of ternary systems and theory of solubility of salts ih melted media. Thirteen USSR references (1873-1953). Tables. Institution : The V. M. Molotov State University, Rostov/Don Submitted : March 4, 1953 -7- USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Authors : Bergman, A. G., and Sholokhovich, M. L. Title : Anion type complex formation between pyropho8phates and oxygen salts of the type MeO& (Me x S, Mo, Cr,, W ) of potassium and sodium. Periodical : 2hur. Obahchei Ehim. 24, Ed. 593 - 597,.APril 1954 Abstract : Data obtained from the study of eight binary systems and the experimental material regarding melted salts Indicate numerous cases where sodium salts show a greater tendency toward complex formation in comparison with corresponding potassium salts. All tested systems in which potass- Ium salt wa; present showed no complex formation. These results indicate, the great difference in the chemical composition of sodium and potassiun salts. Eleven references; all USSR: 7 since 1951, 4 of 6arlier date. Tables, graphs. Institution The V. M. Molotov State University, Poetov/Don, USSR F;ubmitted November 17, 1953 -.- -- - I -, --- -, A k - - - , - ;o ~, '. . ..- ~ I A (~ L (~ ll,~ "! "! ~ f- NA If %,L- I I I . .. I USSR/Chemistry - Fusiblility Card Authors Sholokhovich, M. L., and Bergman, A. G. Title m x formation and double -decomposition in a system consisting of sodium and potassium pyrophosphates and tungstates Periodical Zhur. Ob. Khim., 24, Ed. 6, 936 - 946, June 1954 Abstract Using the visual-polythermal fusibility method, the authors made a thoro- ugh investigation of the fusibility diagram for the system Ila, Ki~ "104, P207. A fusion was established between the sodium tungstate'and pyrophos- phate in a ratio of 1:1 which melted with consequent decomposition at 7670. A fusion existed between the sodium and potassium tungstates in a ratio of 1:1, which melted with decomnosition at 6890.. The system had five ternary invariant points, one binary invariant point and one point of double descent. Three references. Tables, graphs. Institution : State University~ Rostov/Don Submitted : Januar%v 29, 1954 USSR/Chernistry Crystallization Card : 1/1 Pub. 151 - 5135 Authors : Sholokhovich, M. L., and Belyaev, I. N. Title 2 Reaction between barium titanate and sodium and potassium fluorides and pyrophosphates Periodical Zhur. ob. khim. 24, Ed. 7, 1118 - 1123, July 1954 Abstract The chemism (chemical affinity) of the reaction between BaTi03 and sodium and potassium fluorides and pyrophosphates (NaF. P207, KF, P2C'7).? is discussed. The crystallization surfaces of Na4F.- Na4P2C7 (BaTi03)2 and KV4 - K4P2C7 -.(BaTi03)2 - systems was investigated by the visual polythermal fusibility method at 11000 and the results are presented in graphs. Three USSR references. Tables. Institution State University, Rostov/Don Submitted March 25, 1954 A Sin itriffeversibly f V of chlo ides ar id sulf-tes 0111thlurn and thalll_qnL_A. G. Bew --- StRoTollovieEW MaILUnJ'Wr L. tdtc Unii., Rostov-on-Llon" i y __ w- N-W 2hur. 0 UIS.S R. 423-71[1955)(Engi. trunslation).-:-Th~~Cstn.. surface f t a system consists of 5 fields, UCI, TiCl. LljSOj. TI,SO,, LijSO,-TISO.. 'and contains 3 nonvarlaritl point3* cutecticB mp 328*,tl5O,'~T1,CII.34%LitCls.l%: ' '~El 'and LI 111ascs* elltec- SO as c uil Li SO ith LICI . w I A , , , , , , q . ~ tic E,, m.p. 330% 60% TIXI., 3% UM. 31 0 TIAO,,with j TiCl, 77,50j, Liz5O#-T"O, as cquil. phases; transition ,point P, m.p. 338% U% T12cf... .2% LilSOA. 30% TltSOj.j -with TiCl. LiiSO41 IJjS04-TIjS% as equil. ~phnses. Thel diagonal wxtiott MISOrTlt.90, is the stable section of thei system. The double salt norimilly meltiug without de-' complk. "Ielts wiitli decompri. in the system. The strati- ficatiun lens is located aloing the stable di-agonal and occupie: 51.7% of the area between 4 and 92.69170 Li.SO, oat Ih diagonal and covers 2 crystit. fields, US% and Liji, TI.-SO.. The lens is asym. The ridge in crystu. u L6SO.-T4SO. becomes polysingular on lowering of temp. , N. II,!J-wL.U USSR/Chemist:r7 - Alkali metals Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 24/45 Authors j Sholokhovichp M. L.; Lesnykho D. S.; Bukhalova, A.;.and Bergman, A. G. Title Stratification in fusions of mutual systems with participation of salts of first and second groups Periodical I D.ok. AN SSSR 103/2t 261-263, Jul.11, 1955 Abstract t Experiments conducted with Nal Cal LI and other metal systems showed that one of the conditions leading to stratification during the fusion of these elements is the gre%ter difference in:the polarizability of the cations and enions of the components. The most vivid difference in the polarizability - was established among ions with 8 or 2 external electron layers and ions with external electron structure consisting of.18 or 18 plus 2.electrons. The effect of fluorides on the prevention of stratification in liquid phases is explained. Nine USSR re.-Verences (1929-1946). Graphs, :nstitution Rostov/Don State University im. V. M. I-Iolotov 'resented by Acadamicinn T. 1. Ghornyayev, May 13, 1955 II/Weraction of the-Iftarmtes and Moly itto of B"ARKOYA 7. ur, VCOrg:m. OWT7~A l l i t l d visua t ruta metho yt was tjsM to investigate the reciprocal " system K,Pb-TiOj.NIo0j, The systtm is it quasi-stable profile of the f"r-comportent reclpTocal system FbO-KO-TiOrltooll In this system, in addition to the four salts forming strictly tein- nary reciprocal systerns, two additional products of interaction are formLd, TiO~ and PbO - Pblxf-304. The results of the work can bt! represented in the form of it regular wraliedriart in three. dintensfunal :ipaLe The ternary systcnis would be repreicritod by phase diagrams on the faces of the tetraliedrun, and the mare complex systems, by diagrams an various sectiom through the figure. Stratification, appears in the' ternary composi- tions on the K-11oO4-R!TiOj face of the tetrahedron, emends far into the square of tht TeLiprr~cal system, covering a great part is of the square of crystallization. (This square i a plane bisect- ing four of the six edges of the tetrahedron, on which the ccm- position of a system K3NIoOf-K2TiOr-PbMo04-PbTiOs C= be diagramed). This circumstance supports an assertion pre- Kom vzc~~ _ r sunp 3r n . Ite, lip _ -Ahe-squ of cr~'stalliiatliclw_ diA -11cularly, ate COTMP-011 9 three components of. the given tmar ThcifacizaUt~~ Y,systm; . s the * contpourfd 2KMOj-f WErahedron: KIVOPbTiCh - sho4 PbTiol with a melting tempdaturelof 8302. It -is sitown t6t: K2TiO; hass a stabilizzing influence on PbTiO,, whereas, m can- ti-ast, PbNfoO4, KjNIoOj-PbNfc,0q, and K111--04 decrease the stability of PbTiOz. In the presence of these salts, PbTiOv breaks down at much lower temperatures., 8 figures. 8 re V Category: USSR Physical Chemistry Thermodynamics. Thermochemistry. Equilibrium. Physico- chemical analysis. Phase transitions. B-8 Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 29941 Author : Barkova G. V. inst : not given Title Interaction of Metatitanates of Sodi)m and Potassium with Salts in Pasions Orig Pub. Z-Ah. obshch. khimii, 1956, 26, No 5, 1266-1272 Abstract: In the systems, investigated by the visual-polythermal method, of -Na,,,Cl,,, K TiO K Cl.-,,, Na,..,TiO Na - CrO-I.J. K~~RiO K CrO,,Y K,TiO . K-ISO,,., Na. TiO Na, -SO t, Na._TiO~ Na.;.WO,, 1~.,TiO, K,~_WO-7,, Na Ti6 Na,.Y.60,, KT1O_ - K.MoO_ stratification has been ascer- tained over a wide range of concentrations. In the Na-systems strati- fication regions are considerably wider than in the systems with K-salts. In the systems of meta-titanates and meta-vanadates of Na andjC solid phase of TiO., separates. The authors consider these system the in- Card 1/2 -54- L USSR /Physical Chemistry. Crystpls. B-5 .kbs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 8, 1957, 25o8i Autho r A.L. Khodakov, M.L. ERiololkhovocb, Yr.G. Fesen-ko, O.P. Komarov Title MonoCr`y3tals of Strontium Titanite. Ori.- Pub Zh. tekhn. fiziki, 1956, 26, No 11, 2505 - 2507 Abstract The monocrystals of SrTiO (I) were prepared by crystalli- zation 1) in a solution o? I in the melt of potassium fluo- ride and, 2) in a solution of I in the melt of a mixture of P _f Co Crystals prepa- 6o mol. d of Na2CO -t 40 mol. /I of K2 3' red by the 1st me!2od are quite transparent, of light yellow color and are confined within faces (100] , the edges being 1 mm lone:; the structure is that of perovskite with ideal cu- cells; the refraction index is 2.35, the x-ray density is 5.12., the picknometerdensity is about 5.0. Crystals prepa- red by the 2nd method are less transparent of a smoky color, the prevailing faces are ~1003 and f1113 , and they contain uD to 0.7% of Fe; their x-ray density is 5.14. The dielectric properties of both these kinds are somewhat different. Card -A PL Lj O.P. CARD Z11G.3 KRAM-~'Ro'lof the -FES F'jMO ...'Perties U L 1 .1 Stron+,ium OGROVICI * * and OPt""Iauate an USSIL F"ISICS SOL ielectric ...jum Tit SUBjECT cliOD00 I k, L, ? and the 1) tions of Vroduct'ouf solid Solu gGTROR The tals 0 T-ITLE lAonocrys ,5_,28 (1956) 'Ires of tauate. Y 1081 1956 of the Mix"t T i iklrsd~ llau~j --jeWed 8 solutions of the DOkl re" O-DICItL 1' 6 / 1956 from oration ub- PF'RI p xib 3.,tinum bowlsfluoriae by eVaP ad by 8 otassitIm solid Solutions ai tious. ke bred in P li4ifice. tom were titanate in p ture of the eta SO a 'OnocTysta )er of comp! Surface Of tile y8mal The Strontium tion teml erature atiou I-P Olyther jum- and stalliza to the telul) 'Sta I Z 0 by the Visue, bar T, the cry r, .& the cr~ A100 the system latter t aSlow cooling dow serve inea UP to juce& in retained a there sequen this metho 1" was e%am tious Pro( and S . for 'Whi 0 solid solu -Derature surface a bas's -BaTio', of the -;OOM te- the -F _ SrTi 03- series ,e& 11P to Therefore phasest contiuuollls Se fluoride. f two o is COU LSSjuIU . ts only 0 li- m tho&. The '. 0 at 1350 in -pot, cous'-s e qrTi 3 &issolve& Of the crystal -BaTiO 3 - also when system 112"Z BaT103 small 'Part Sr)TiO 1 'Which t change -a Of the h Or jes a very OUS (,Bp,- 310V to ithou + ,cup Oluti StELIIIZ5 'j0 -ride y %hic 0 the Solid 8 are light yel Of Cry ass am fluo SyStelui and f .The crystals of Pot of the -fBtem I.e. A' ac P, t of the S' Ujug par -a si7,e- sat On sur' to mm +'he rema tak.e up olored and 'uP ciuuaMOU c ---I on Don, _"'L1 -, Research of the _4 A 857. PREPARAT or SP-r-il'a ;P:l AND PROP,11.1VIES OF 'KU'M'~Ob ILL, OF.DAMIAwID LF-4p ATR !ffn - .017SINGLE'CRYSTAMOF LEAD TffANATE,, .qU, OP Kramarryr and A.L ,Khod-&,ov. ad. Nauk ESSR, Vol, IIIX. in Russian.. Melting'Isothernis in the KV-13ATIO -PbTIO, system were determLaed up to -,9500 2r4 conditfoalRor gro"g UWL-Ae crys- tale studied. The largest W2Lned Nvere brown-coloured Irregular cubes of'u~tq I rnmed;ge. Some of the S=ller crystals produced were bright yellaw and well formed, Loss of PW and PbTJO, by volatilization was troubl,,surne and & viscous flux Pb(POJ, rw -so as to reduce it. Meltinj curves for tbis with FIYTi% and PbTIO . PbO both shoved.minima near 90 mol.% Pb(Bo,',- and 640C Vell formed br*t yellow PbTiOz' crystils, 14LM'cubes' density 7.3 g1ca?, refractive lnde--r 2.71,wero grwvn. The Curie point of a crystal grown irow a KF-fluxed'5a, BaTiO, 50% PbTIO �r,- melt was igOPC, which 14 comparison with polycrystallire specl- tnens suggested a-PbT()2 Coftt'~nf ~f rflas difference In composition of-iniWd melt and cryatal was ascribed to loss by, voLitilizItion.,iAt25",Cdtel6ctricceit-a~,ints-ia28o. Structureat 20'10 was perd-mkiw, type with a ta 3.,965 c 4.037A, C H 1. Goog, 8/564 /57/QPO/000/02 2%.~*' ' * D256/D307. - AUTHORS: -L.-Sholokhovich Khodakovp A. I I-M. Lt Fesenko, Ye. G. and Kram~ C TITLE: bric-and optical Preparation and dielec4* properties of single crystals of the.solid solutions (Ba-Sr). TiO 3 LA SOURCE: Rost kristalloy;--doklady na Pervom soveshchanit"., stu _V kristall:ov* 1956 M scow, Isd o po ro 294e-304' AN SSSRt 1957t TMIT: TiO Monocrystals of BaTiO SrTiO and. VM-Sr 3 3 3 trom'95 -in view: -grown-from melts to'50,BaTiO were 3) - Ant ~ett of the theoretical and practicaX' erest~_of.theee Beign ' electric d - on. the,*--study: of the. This~ methodAb* e materials. 6 -stud ed u, to K F 'i bj- the, authors 2 2 BaTiO SrTiO syst'em, P. .3, 3~ . :Gard, 1/2 v 'tric permeabi;ity'and the loss angle at temperatures from -1800 to +150 C showed that the dielectric properties of (Ba-Sr)TiO crystals change considerably with temperature# similarly to BaTiO furthermore, prior to thermal treatmentg. 3; the monocrystals exhibited only weak seignettoelectric prop8rtied: but became typical seignettoelectrics after heating at 1350 00 X-ray and optical examination showed the solid solution crystals:.-I. to be almost ideally cubic, anisotropic, and those not subjected" to heat treatment contained domains at.temperatures considerably..'.4 above which the dielectric permeability reached a maximum..::% The omain s.-. There are structure;~higher temperature d figures and-4 tabless ASSOCIATION: NIPMI pri Rostovskom n/D Goeudardtvenno universitete,;, (NIF1,11,:: Rostov-on-.Don: Statd University) Vv) SUBJECT i USSR/Luatineseence 48-3-!/,26 AUTHORS: Novosilltsev, N.S., Khodakov, A.L., Sholokhovich, M.L., Fesenko, Ye.G. and Kramarov, O.P# TITLE: The Cultivation and Investigation of Ferroelectric Monocrystals (Vyrashchivaniye i issledovaniye monokristallov segneto- elektrikov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya fizioheakaya, 1957,Vol 21, #3, pp 295-304 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Scientific Research Phyaico-Mathematical Institute at the ROSTOV/DON State University has studied the interaction of barium titanate, strontium titanate, lead titanate and lead zirconate with a series of substances in the molten state, A number of suitable salty solvents for the above mentioned sub- stances and crystallization conditions have been established. Several methods for cultivating crystals of barium and stron- tium titanates and zirconates were applied: a. Monocrystals of BaTiO and SrTiO were obtained out of a molten mixture of sodium aad potassium carbonates and poly- Card 1/4 crystallic barium and strontium titanates. These monocrystals 4' /26 TITLE: The Cultivation and Investigation of Ferroelectric Mono- crystals (Vyrashchivaniye i iseledovaniye monokriatallov segnetoolektrikov) Thus BaTiO crystallization out of molten salts yielded va- rious modiPications of crystals with anomalous ferroelectric properties. By varying temperature conditionst it was possible to grow crystals with different values of the c/a ratio, including non-ferroelectric crystals. It was later discovered that these crystals can be carried through the whole series of states by means of thermal treatment, Monocrystals of SrTiO 3 were obtained by two methodst 1. Out of a molten mixture of polycrystallic SrTiO 3 with potassium fluoride, and 2. Out of a molten mixture of polycrystallic SrTiO 3 with 50 % of sodium carbonate + 50 % of potassium carbonate. The monocrystals obtained by these two methods differed in their dielectric properties, Monocrystals of solid solutions of the (Ba,Sr)TiO 3 type were obtained out of corresponding mixtures of barium and stron- Card 3/4 tium titanates and molten potassium fluoride. Dielectric SUBJECT: USSR/Lumineacezice 48-3-2/26 AU7HORS.- Fesenko Ye.G., Kramarov O~P, Khodakov A.L.and Sholokhovich M.L. TITLE- Some Peculiarities of Monocrystals of PbTiO and Monocrystals of Solid Solutions (Ba,Pb)TiO (Nekotoryye 9sobennosti mono- kristallov PbTiO i monokriatillov tverdykh rastvorov (Ba,Pb) TiO 3)~ 3 PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya fizicheskaya, 1957,Vol 21, #39 pp 305-31u (USSR) ABSTRACTz The authors obtained various monocrystals of solid solutions of the(Ba,Pb)TiO 3 type containing different ratios of components. Monocrystals of PbTiO were obtained out of a molten mixture of sodium silicates and Lad metaborate. All crystals belonged to the perovskite structural type with tetragonal cells, Spontaneous deformation increased with the increase of the lead content. The temperature course of the parameters of PbTiO_ and kBa,Pb)TiO 3 is evidence of the pre- sence of the phase iransition of the first kind. The presence of domain structure was established for crystals Cart 1/2 G-3 WSS,R/ElectricitY - SemiConduCto~~S Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Fizil~2-) No 5~ 10157, 121414 Author Khoaakov, A.L., Sholoj~hovic,-t, M.L.., FesenkO.Y6~G-.,. Kranarov, O~P. Inst Z - s of solid solutions of Barium Title : Production of Single C-.Iystal and Strontium Tjtanate~, and Their Dielectric and Optical Properties. Dokl~ AN ss--,R, 1956, 108, No 5, 825 orie Pub -B23 Abstract Report on the producta-01a and investigation Of single cry'- tals of solid solutions of barium 8Md ctj:,Ortium titanates- - own from soliztions of mixtures The single crystAIs welr~ 9r potassium fluoride by of barium and strontium titanate in ization temperature evaporating the latter at the cryst-8-11 g to the of the solid solution with subsequent sluw coolin temperature of total solidification. A study was made of the structure of the single card 1/2 ~~SSR/Electricity - Semiconductors G-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, ljo 5;, 1957, 12144 crYst8,ls, and of their optical and electrical- properties. After heat treating at a temperature of 13500 for two hours, the single crystals with variOu6 contents of bari- um titanate and strontium titanate displayed the follo- wing ferroelectric properties: the characteristic depen- dence (with maximum) of the dielectric constant ( ', ) on the temperature, and the nonlinear dependence of the pola- rization on the electric field intensity. Using a polari- zatiOn microscope, the regions of spontaneous po were observe larization _d. The may-ima of cS were observed at the same temperatures, as in PolYcrystalline specimens of the cor- responding solid solution. r --. At low frequencies 50 -_ 106 cycles), a frequency dependence of zE was observed, but it vanished after heat treatment. On the basis of the electric., optical, and X-ray data, it is concluded that the investigated specimens represent single crystals of a continuous series of solid solutions. Caxd 2/2 Producti(~n of Mono-Cry3talS of Lead Metatitanate From 78 - 31--r5-27/39 PbO-B20 3- fi02 -Lie 1 t melts [50",' PbO + 50Y6 B20 RO-;/,, PbTiO3] - [-JO,2' P-1-10 + %,? 0/ - 40~b' U5~-O' NO + 1,S' Ti021 B2 31 J The easy solubility of PtTiO n the melt of PbO.B,)O-,, the read crystallizability ~tirelat4 rely low tc.,,pcr.'_~ y re, and t' 11 .. he transparency of the crystals)as well as th~ relatively low electric, conducti.vity of PbTiO ) ore to recommendthiB manner cf production from the P(0-33~)07-TiO 2 _;ystem. There are 5 figures, 2 tables, and 110 referencez7,. 8. of which are Sovier, SUB1,11ITTIO: 1.'ay 3, 1957 AVAILY~31.,U; Library of CoiiUreos r, n,, n Card 2/2 ?4(3),24(2) AUTHORS: A. L.., Sh9lokhovich, M. L. SOV/48-22--12-8/33 TITLE: PreDaration and Diplectric Properties of Single Crystals From Somc SoliJ Solutions of Titanate and Stannate of Barium (Pol-achpniYe 'L dielektricheskiye svcystva monokristallov i-Lek.,torykh t,,rerdykh rastv,,)r,),,,- 1--` tanata i stannata bariya) PERIODICAL-, iziestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Set-iya fizicheskaya, 1958, ..:7 92, Nr 112~ -1448 (USSR) , PP 1445 ABSTRACT,- In preparatory works (Refs 7-9) the authors obtained sinale .:r-,-tals cf solid (Ba-Sr)T_-0 - and "Ba-Pb)Tio 3- solutions. 3 Ti--- fi-rst attempts, h-_~Wever? to obtain single crystals of ?,&~T-~'O 3- BaSn,33pro,,ed to be considerably more difficult. s-,Iu~,-ion ~f pctassium fluoride was used as a solvent to obtain -.:~-Ystals )f isomorphous B,--T4-0 3_*BaSr_03mixtures. This was don- basing on '.-he surfare invest-igat-J"on of the C-_rystallization , se-,-_-~_'.on of K2F2-BaT-_-*0,_BaS-,0,, because a continuous ~crma+4.-~n of a number of so14-d BaTiO -BaSnO 3- solutions was az, in +his prosess. Figure 11 sh-Iris a few crystallization Card 1., 3 -es. The ex-*ster.,,,e of a phase of isomorphous BaTiO 3-BaSnO 3- Preparati.'rl aliL PrDperties ~'f Single SOV/48-22-j2-8/33 Crystals F-Tom S,-,me S,:-12d Snlutiors of Titanata and Stannate of Barium x i,'a re s n 1 -1 a frozen me!- was also confirmed by Ye. G. Fesenko Lh th~_ a--*d of X-ray structural analysis. Tw-) series of =Xz)er.'_ments were carr'; ed fut. in the first one, mixtures of a.',rl S,-,') of diffe--enb :,jn-.~entratilons and previously - 3 al, 1--00', were employc_~d as material. In the ~--i~ond oeries of expeiiments, pre,.ricnasly prepared polycrystalline BaT:10 -,-BaS-).O-solut-Lors of corresi)onding concentracion 3 '~Mp -yid, Data or. t-.:rystal's prepared are given in table 1. li-ys%al -_,k-mposition ia~a a second 3er-es of show how df f :!u_1 t the exchange of TiO by SnO 2 2 a.-:J ih~ fi-rmation -,f s-.-L'-I.d Bal-PiO3 -BaSnO 3- solutions is. Athorough -res",igat--l-n. ~,f the ren-.t_-'cn c-f BaTiO SnO is carried out. 3 2 any --rate, resalts ob~ainp_d s,-, far show that in the preparation r,-cystal -_ -_.'L a czntilnuous series of solid BaTiO 3-BaSnO 3- -h- 'RaSnO_,_.-;ontent of which exceeds 10-11%, an amount -f* 5:-L(" 0 r e 1 r1g S 5c --*, c h- -.- me trj-*. -- a s SnO should be added to the Card 21, 3 ' 2 PreparaFilon snd Properties :)f Single SOV/48-22-12-8/33 Crys~:-:.'-s 71-:7--m 'S~o--`-d of Titanate and Stannate of Barium B P. T 11 0-.- S-0 --;-.-.xi:urcs. The dieileotric properties of the 3 2 '- ' obtalned won? MrIaSUIT(I rit i,-Jle Q-meter (Icumetr) 6 3 f ~- 10 t;ycles, aL th,, bridge at 10 cycles and at the i-,nbalan,~ed aL 50 ciyclas. The reversible dielectric was measured at f = 10 6 cycles and a 25 V am- I voltage ~lf the alterriating field. Osc-illrjgrams viere recorded in the ---ciial manners Dielectric parameters of the second experimental contai r 4ng -t~.p 11~01 BaSnO , were not investigated. The--'-r sma-1.1 extents cause additional difficulties. The authors thank N. S. No-~-osilltsev for the interest displayed. There are -4 2 tables, and 110 references, 9 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION; f-'-Izi-k!:)--,matematichesk-*Ly institut pri '.e (So-entific Research gcs. uni~7-3rsite, InstiI.LITe of Physics and 1-ilathematics at Rostov-ria-Donu State Uni-fel:-S~ ty') Card 13/3 2 At (2 TOP ~-h~ M. L.. Var~:!heva, V.I. TL S: Sh, U TI'LE,,, T n I S 7,-, r, e PI-O - BaO - B 2 03 - 1 1 d:) v a Y E s I s t e w. Y Pb 0 B a 0 .. B 2 0 3 PERIODICAL-.- ~-I:ad~~mii. na-,k SSSR. Seriya fi,7icheskaya, 22. N- 2, PP 1-449-1,452 (USSR) -22-12-9/33 SOV/48 TiO 2 System - TiO 2) 1,9581 ABSTRACTf In t1r.e presen pacer the intera-.tion of lead- and barium wi`h lead- and barium t-'- "anates Is investigated. The a-a~h-i-s zan~'-sd to PxDlailr. the effe,,t of these borates on the --d bai --tana'e and -=ad litanate solutions Y -fum 14 4-y --.d as,:-.ertaJ.n the posslb-~ _-f obtairZLng them in the form U - z- f i ~~ql' ry!z -1 a! -q f rr, m -;,-he respe-ttive melt. The PbO - TiO 2 c' " Pan syst-n,, In a. melt -4.s a complicatad 4-component system 3 ;-=:~A- :~a-~ ~s --epresented graphff-oally as a tetrahedron. Data are 1n,::e:--n--g the sarfar.~~- ~,f the crystallization cross D-o~-C~ PLO + 50~ B2 G-) - P'1,Ti*0'A - Ba.(B02)2 - BaHO 3 'ion "-Js ~--utrahcdron. The ~rxast-gat was carried out, In a Ca:.-6 /2 -~ru-:ibip, by employ-'-ng tha optical "polytherm-al" method. n-..- f, J, T 301 01' 41h-_ _PbO - 1,1a.0 - 13,0 i0 S'y a L e mSOVAS-22-12-9 t - - /33 2 Ti 1, S 0 C JiflOO '-t Ad 2-4 nkc,- n-a-I "30rti onr. were The arrangement of the section:3 is. shown in f-4gnre I and the data an the sections and side faces in figures 2 ~.-4. F-49ure 5 shows the dielectric constant course of teziDerature and also the composition of the melt employed for t;he nz=-Daration olP (Ba-Pb)T--O Table 2 contains data on 3 orystals. The formation of crystals was confirmed for each sfngle case by Ye. G. Fesenko by means of X-ray structural analysis. The crystals obtained have a Derfect shape. The crystals from all the experiments were investigated after annea,4_lg for 2 ho=,~ at 12000. Measurements ere made at the Q-meter (kummetr) at a frequency of 10 cycles. The auth,:-_-s'fhank N. S. Novosilltsev for the interest displayed, There are 5 figures, 2 tables, and 'a references, 4 of which are ASSOCIATION: Nauchr.-,.-issledovate-.'sv--'Ly f-4zikc-matematicheskily institut pri Rost-r-tskom-na-Donu gos. urif-_-rersitete (Scientific Physico- Nlathemat-ica'. Research Institute at Rostov-na-Donu State Uni-ers. Y) Card 2/2 SOV/70-4-1-18/26 AUTHORS- Novosil'tsev, N.S. (Deceased), nodakov, A.K....Sholokhovich m.L,, Fesenko, Ye.G. and Kramarov, O.P. TITLE: Experimental Work on Growing Single Crystals of Ferro- electrics (Opyt raboty po vyrashchivaniyu monolcristallov segne-lu-oelektrikov) PERIODICAL-. Kristallograftya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 101 - 108 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Genural roview of work on (13a, Pb)(Ti, Zr)O 3 ferro- electrics,, There is a considerable difference between the observed and calculated densities of perovskite ceramics indicating disordered regions between domains, Colour and electrical conductivity are also variable, AtteMDtS were made to grow SrTiO 3 *by the Verneuil process but complications due to the formation of the hexagonal phase occurred and iowered permittivity. Growth from the melt has also been tried using an arc furnace but difficulties with oxygen deficiency and the metastable hexagonal phase again arose, Remejka (Ref 46) reDorted ullat the r-,resen,-,e of iron oxide hindered the formation Cardl/3 of oxygen defects but only 1.5% ferrate in BaTiO gave 0 3 SOV/70-4-1-18/26 Experimental Work on Growing Single Crystals of Ferroelectrics a hexagonal structure, In 1956, zone refining was tried very successfully, crystals greater than 1 cm being obtained but attention has turned to the use of crystals with artificially introduced disordering. It was found in 1951-2 that appropriate thermal treatment could restore BaTiO3 with poor permittivity curves to the proper state and the composition to the equilibrium value. In 1915, it was found that foreign atoms could alter the temperature variation of physical properties and solid solutions of BaTiO -BaSnO -BaZrO3 were studied, Because of applications to memory devices, the interest in single crystals and their electrical properties increased, Melts of KF were used for obtaining crystals of (Ba.Pb)TiO 3 and (Sr,Ba)TiO Dielectric properties have been 3* 6 - measured at from 50 to 10 c/s, including recording of the hysteresis loop under various conditions, Linear expansion Card2/3 SOV/?0-4-1-18/26 Experimental Work on Growing Single Crystals of Ferroelectrics coefficients have been measured as has the dependence of Curie point on composition. A volume jump at the Curie Doint can be shown dilatometrically, X-ray measurements for (Bac).9,1 Pb 0.5 )TiO3single crystals gave a = 3.965, c = 4.03? 1 and c/n = 1.018 at 20 0C~ Twinning has been studied optically and supercooling at the transition through the Curie point has been shown. Cinematogrgphic records of jump-like. transitions (at about ~00 C) taking 0.1 to 0.4 see at a rate of heating of 2-4 /miR have been made. The changes in-domain structure in electric fields have been followed. There are 3 figures a-ad 48 references', 44 of which are Soviet, 2 English, 1 Dutch and 1 international, ASSOCIATION-. Rostovskiy-na-Donu Universit-.y) SUBMITTED., De-1'ember ?, 1958 gos. universitet (Rostov--_.~a-Dcr.-n; 11 \.Jard 3/3 85007 AUTHORS: Khodakov, A. TITLE: Monocrystals PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Vol. 24, No. S/048/60/024/Olo/ol6/033 B013/w63 L., and Sholokhovich, M. L. -V;) T aSn~Ool~utions of Solid B~aiO_.~-B -3 3 =_ - nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 19609 10, pp. 1238 - 1241 TEXT: Experiments conducted for obtaining monocrystals of solid BaTiO,,_BaSH9, solutions from different molten media are described. It was found to bl' possible to obtain the said monocrirstals with a high BaSnO3 content from KF-BaTiO -BaSnO 3 melts. These monocrystals are easier to produce when nonannealed BaCO 3 and SnO 2 are used. The authors succeeded in obtaining monocrystals of solid BaTiO 3-BaSnO3 solutions with a BaSnO 3 content of up to 13~- Experiments were made with the ad- dition of Fe20 3 in order to obtain lamellar crystals. It was found that Card 1/3 85007 Monocrystals of Solid BaTiO 3-BaSnO3 S/048/6 0/024/010/016/033 Solutions B013/BO63 the formation of lamellar crystals is dependent on the cooling condi- tions and concentration of the melts, but is not dependent on the presence of Fe203 impurities in the solution. Every set exhibits dif- ferent values of the dielectric parameters, which can be explained by different crystal growth conditions. The characteristics shown in Figs. 1-3 are, however, typical. As may be seen from Fig.1, the depen- dence of the dielectric constant of BaTiO 3-BaSnO3 on the field strength of the alternating field iz~ much more marked than is the case with BaTiO3 crystals. Also the dependence of the reverse dielectric constant on the magnitude of the constant displacement field is more marked in them than it is in BaTiO 3 crystals. For the practical use of piezoelec- tric materials, an important factor is the change of their capacity with a change of the alternating voltage and simultaneous effect of the displacing constant field. These dependences are given in Fig.2. The hysteresis loops exhibit an ordinary form. At the Curie point they pass over to a straight line. Fig.3 shows the values of the reverse dielec- tric constant at different points of the hysteresis loops for crystals Card 2/3 L 1:0042-63 -EWT(1)APF(n)-2/EWP(q)/EWT(m)/BDS/T-2/EEC(b)-2/F.S(s)-2-4SD/ AM ~-/EW--3/SSD--Pu4t/Pt-4--ijP(C)/GG/WH ACCESSION NR: AR3000363- s[0O5816310O01O04-1EO541EO-5Ax SOURCE: M. Fizika, Abs. 4E368 AUTHCR: SholoRhovich, M. Lq Khodakov~ A. L.; Lezgintseva) T. N. Varicheva TITIE: New ferroelectrics with large nonlinearity CITED SOURCE: Sb. Segnetoelektriki. Rostav-na-Donu, Rostovsk. un-t, 1961, 1F-20 TOPIC TAGS: Ferroelectrics, haffnium-dcped, dielectric properties, production techniques TRANSLATION: The dielectric characteristics and the electric conductivity SigMa of solid solutions of Ba (Ti, Hf) 0 6"It 3, containing up to 25 molar percent of Ba. Hf 0 sub 3 have been investigated. The ceramic specimens were prepared in accordance with the usual technology, using triple annealing at 100, 1450, and 1500 degrees C, with the duraticn of the annealing at 1000 C ano=ting to 20 Card 1/ L 10042-63 ACCESSION NR: AR~000161 hours, but even under these conditions the specimens which contained more than 5% of Ba Hf 0 sub 3 were quite porous. Measurements made on single crystals obtained in the form of plates 80 - 500 microns thick from a melt of Ba Ti 0 sub 3, Ba C 0 sub 3, and Hf 0 sub 2 in KF have shown that the Curie temperature decreces lineally with increasing content of Ba Hf 0 sub 3. The maximum value of Epsilon is observed for e. composition containing 6 molar percent of Ba Hf 0 sub 3. At roan temperature, tg Delta of single crystals of the investigative materials ranges from 003 to 0.07. The -ratio of Epsilon at the Curie.point to Epsilon at room tempera e reaches 20-30. No such increase in Epsilon is observed in the ceramickspecimens. qmell amounts of Ba Hf 0 sub 3 influence noticeably the nial properties of the solid solutions. At a frequency of 50 cps, Epsilon increases with increasing field by more than 200 times, and it may reach 100,000 at a field E equals 0.6 kv/cmj'with the increase of Epsilon being accompanied by an increase of tg Delta, which goes through a maximum at approxirmtely 1 kv/cm with increasing E, after which it decreases and reached 0.2. In the region of weak fields, the coefficient of reversible nomeniality of the single crystals af Ba (Ti Hf) 0 sub 3 is much higher than in .5olid solutions Ba (Ti 6n) 0 sub 3. The hysteresis loops of these single crystals are rectangular and reach saturation even at fields off 5 kv/cm. An anomaly is observed in the teiq)erature variation of Si~m for most crystals near the Curie Card 21X 85008 S/048/60/024/010/017/035 B013/BO63 AUTHORS: Sholokhovich. M. L. and Fesenko I TITLE: PrevAration and Structure of Crystalst-f Some Lead-con- iaining Ferroelectric Substances and Their Solid Solutions PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 10, pp. 1242 - 1246 TEXT: The authors describe their attempt to obtain monocrystals of solid solutions of PbTiO' PbZrO _V f FIX-b-OArystalog and of solid so- lutions of PbTiO 3-PbNb206 from their solutions in PbO-B 203 melts. The authors applied the method described in Refs. 1-4. Fig.1 shows the crystallization surface of the section [5OPbO + 50 B 2031 -PbTiO 3-PbZrO3 which was studied up to 1000 0C. From some melts of the section examined the authors obtained monocrystals of solid solutions of Pb(Ti,Zr)O 3 with a PbZrO3 content of up to 13.Vo. The shape of the gold-yellow, Card 1/4 85008 Preparation and Structure of Crystals of Some S/048/60/024/010/017/033 Lead-containing Ferroelectric Substances and B013/BO63 Their Solid Solutions transparent crystals differed according to the conditions of crystalli- zation, and exhibited, above all, hexahedral plates and cubes. X-ray structural analyses showed that they belong to the perovskite type with a tetragonal cell. Type of structure, symmetry, and parameters were de- termined by mean3 of powder patterns. The dependence of the parameters on the concentration is illustrated in Fig.2. These data agree with those obtained for the corresponding polycrystalline solid solutions (Ref-5). The refractive index determined by immersion amounts to 2.72 for all crystals examined. The Curie points were found with the help of a polarization microscope. It was found that monocrystals of lead metaniobate may be obtained from its solutions in PbO-B 203 melts. Fig.3 shows the surface of the primary crystallization of the system PbO-B203-Nb2059 which was studied up to 11000C. When the melts finally solidify, only lead metaniobate and lead borate glasses crystallize. The crystals obtained showed piezoelectric properties only after a heat treatment of three and a half hours at 13000C. Their dielectric proper- ties.vre studied by A. L. Khodakov (Fig-4). Fig.5 shows the fusibility Card 2 4 85ooB Preparation and Structure of Crystals of Some S/048J60/024/010/017/033 Lead-containing Ferroelectric Substances and B013/BO63 Thoir Solid Solutions diagram of the system ~50/. PbO -f 50~- 132031 -PbNb206- PbTiO 3 2which was 0 - studied up to 1000 C. The X-ray structural analtsis of the crystals that were subjected to a heat treatment at 1300 C has shown that within a wide concentration range (from PbNb 206 to 90% PbTiO3 and above) there is a continuous series of solid solutions which do not belong to the perovskite type. Heat treatment changes the structure of the crystals. It is assumed that there is a transition from rhombohedral PbNb 206 to the modification described in Refs. 8 and 99 namely, rhombic Pbffb 206* The measurement of.crystals that did not undergo a heat treatment showed a monotonic change of the parameters of rhombohedral PbNb 206 with an increase of concentration of PbTiO 3* The authors thank A. L. Khodakoy for his interest in the work. The present paper was read at the Third Ccnference on Piezoelectri ity, which took place in Moscow from January 25 to 30, 1960. There are 5 figures and 9 references: 4 Soviet. Card 3/4 85008 Preparation and Structure of Crystals of Some S/046/60/024/010/017/033 Lead-containing Ferroelectric Substances and BO13/Bo63 Their Solid Solutions ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-matematicheskiy nauchno-isaledovatel9skiy institut pri Rostovskom-na-Doriu gos.universitete (Scientific Research Institute of Physics and-Mathematics of Rostov-na-Donu State Universit Card 4/4 7F00 S/196/62/000/008/005/017 En4/E135 AUTDORS: Sholokhovich, 14I.L., and Khodah,.ov, A.L. TITLE: and properties of single crystals of the solid solutions BaTi03 and BaSn03 and of single crystals of PbTi03 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotelchnika i energetika, no.8, 1962, 6, abstract 8 B29. (Rost. kristallov (Growth of Crystals), -. 3, M. I AN SSSR, 1961, 463-467. Discussion, 501-502). 'TEXT: By investigating a part of the crystallisation surface of the system K2F2-BaTi03-BaSnO3 and of the evolved solid phases, a possibility was established of obtaining BaTi03-BaSr'03 single crystals from XF melts, The dielectric characteristics of the crystals were measured and it was established that their ferro-electric properties uere more pronounced than those of corresponding ceramic compounds. They have a greater degree of non-linearity; 6 grows faster with Thin single crystals in the shape of square plates of' Card 1/2 7 21515 ,?,JI300 (2&V,5j AUTHORS: //570 113 Khodakov, A.L. and Sholokhovich- M.L. S/139/61/000/002/Olo/018 E021/E435 TITLE: Preparation and Dielectric Properties of Single Crystals of Solid Solutions of Lead Metaniobate Pb(T103_ZrO3) and Crystals of Solid Solutions of Lead Metaniobate and Lead Titanate PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1961, No.2, pp.85-91 TEXT: Melts of the PbO-B203 system were used as solvents for preparation of the crystals. Molar quantities of PbO and B203 were taken, and mixtures of PbO, TiO2 and Zr02 of given concentrations added. Single crystals of solid solutions of. PbTiOg and PbZr03 were grown in this way containing 1.4, 1.7 3.2, .4, 7.0 and 13.9% PbZr03- The composition was determined by X-ray spectrographic analysis. The crystals were gold-yellow in colour and were 6-sided platelets, cubes or intermediate forms. The size was up to 4 mm. The colour darkened with increase of PbZr03- A 24% mixture of 50% PbO and 50% Kb205 was added to the PbO;B203 melt, heated to 1100*C, held for 7 hours and cooled to 500 C at 20OC/hour. The furnace was then switched off. Card 1/6 21515 S/139/61/000/002/Olo/018 Preparation and Dielectric ... E021/E435 Crystals of PbNb206 were obtained which were light yellow in colour. They were transparent 6-sided-or right-angled platelets. Various forms were obtained and a photograph shows some of these forms, Single crystals of solid solutions of PbT'03 and PbNb206 containing 25,*50, 75 and 90% PbT103 were prepared by heating PbTi03 and PbNb206 in PbO and B20~ to 10000C, holding for 3 to 7 hours and cooling to 6000C at 20 C/hour. - The crystals had a transparent orange-colour and were 3-sided plates 0f--3 mm. The solidification surface for the PbTiO3-PbNb2O5-(50%PbO + 50%B209 system is given in Fig.2. Measurements of the dielectric constant and the loss factor were made on the solid solutions. Fig.4 ghows the relation between e and tg 6 and temperature (at 10 c.p.s.) for the solid solution containing 3.2% PbZr03- The small addition of PbZr03 has no effect on the dielectric properties and the crystals possess large tg 6 values. The curie point for different contents of PbZr03 was as follows3 Card 2/6 21515 Preparation and Dielectric S/139/61/000/002/olo/ol8 E021/E435 % PbZr03 OC 0 490 0.9 489 1.5 487 2.0 485 3.2 483 Fig.5 shows the relationship between electrical conductivity. and temperature for the solid solution containing 3.2% PbZr03- The conductivity sharply increases with temperature, the crystal behaving as a semiconductor. The following conclusions are arrIved at. 1. In using melts of the B203-PbO system as solvents, single crystals of the solid solutions Pb(T103 -Zr03) containing up to 1.39% PbZr03 were obtained for the first time-. 2. Single crystals of PbNb206 were obtained with side lengths of up to 5 mm, 3. For the first time single crystals of the solid solutions PbT!03-PbNb2O6 containing 25, 50, 75 and* Card 3/6 21515 S/139/61/000/002/010/018 Preparation and Dielectric E021/E435 90% PbTiO were obtained. The dielectric properties were studied o? single crystals of Pb(Ti-Zr)O and it was established that slight additions of PbZrO do not Lve any influence on the dielectric propert4fs, as can L seen from Fig.4, and the crystals have high tg 6 val*1'6',jy'.- 5. The electric conductivity of Pb(Ti-Zr)03 cryst~ils""increases strongly with increasing temperature they h9ve a semiconductor behaviour. 6. The dielectrit,"properties of PbNb206 single crystals were studied and it was found that appropriate heat treatment transformed these into the ferroelectric modification. There are 6 figures, 2 tables and 10 references: 4 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATIONi Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosuniversitet (Rostov-on-Don State University) SUBMITTED: May 3, 196o Card 4/6 Preparation and Dielectric ... Fig.2. Card 5/6 S/139/61/000/002/Olo/ol8 E021/E435 fl- N 00 (4 aj - /V01 (16)', [75 % PA TiO;;?S X PM,0,1: [?3 I.N., 0,:7S.~MX1, 0,/ I Preparation and Dielectric ... 21515 -q/l3q/6i/oOo/COq-/OlO/Ol8 19 ~/O-4 0 5009 200 0, m 7- 5000 /50 4 1490 1400 J-n I Ile 12 0 290 jag Fig.4. Fig-5. Card 6/6 30551 7 9 e 61 Y3, S/564/61/003/000/027/029 IS-.21156 D207/D304 AUTHORS- Sholokhovich, M. L., and Ehodakov, A. L. TITLE. Preparation and properties of BaTiO 3 - BaSnO3 solid- solution monocrystals and of PbTiO 3 monocrystals SOURCE-, Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut kristallografti. Rost kristallov, v. 3, 1961, 463-467 TEXT.- The authors describe the preparation of thin monocrystalline plates of BaTiO 3 - BaSnO 3 solid solutions and of PbTi03 by cooling suitable welts. Perroelectric properties (nonlinearity, rapid rise of permittivity at the Curie point, strong temperature dependence of per- mittivity) were much more marked in monocrystals than in ceramic BaTiO 3 - BaSnO3 solid solutions. Two other series of experiments were carried out using charges consisting, apart from K-F of BaTiO3 + Sn 2-2' 02 Card 1/3 3C551 S/56 61/003/000/'027/029 Preparation and properties... D207~D304 mixture (fired first at 12000C) or of BaC03 + Ti02 + SnO2 mixture (fired first at 1200 0C). These two series of experiments were not sur- c-~!ssful in producing monocrystalline plates. PbTi03 plates were groyn from a mixture containings 2 parts PbO + 2 parts TiO 1 part, PbTiO 0 2 3 Ths best thermal cycle for preparing plate-shaped monocrystals was. heating for 5 hours until 9600C was reached; keeping at 950 0C for 20 hours; cooling to 6000 C at 15 - 20 deg/hour. Monocrystals were separated out by washing in nitric acid. They were six-sided or square plates (3 - 4 mm sides and 100~k thickness) and many of them were of the mone- domain t- ypeo They were light yellowg transparent and had a refractive index of 2.71 . Their crystal structure vas tetragonal per3vskits. The room temperatjire permittivity (,C_ - 80) of plates was lower than that of PbTi03 ceramics or cubic monocrystals; this was probably due to prs- dominance of c-domains since permittivity is low along the c-axis. At room temperature the tg cS of plates vas 0.055 (compared -with tg cS = 0.300 for cubic monocrystals) and the losses rose more slowly, with Card 2/3 30551 S/564/61/003/000/027/029 Preparation and properties ... D207/D304 temperature than in monocrystalline cubes. There are 4 figures and 9 Soviet-bloc references. 11~ Card 3/3 21340 W) 0 1111~ A5 1160 S/.078/61/006/004/014/018 B107/B218 AUTHORS: Sholokhovich, M L. Varicheva, V. I. TITLE% The reaction in the system PbO- Nb 205- B203and in the cut (50% PbO + 50% B203) - PbNb20 6- PbTiO3 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 6, no. 4, 1961, 944-947 TEXT: The melting processes in the system PbO -Nb 20 5-B203 were studied up to about 20 mole~a of Nb 20 5(Fig. 2); besides, the authors investigated the out (50% PbO +50% B2 03 ) -PbNb2 06 - PbTiO3in the corner (50% PbO+ 50% B 20 3) (Fig- 3). The phases of this system cafi be important because of their piezoelectric properties. The initial substances were: PbO for analysis, chemically pure B 2031 TiO2for analysis, Nb 20 5 with a degree of impui-ity of about 2 %, including 1.1 % of Ta 205' X-ray analysis was conducted by Ye. G. Fesenko, and tests for piezoelectric properties Card 1/5 2134o S/07 61/006/004/014/018 The reaction in the system... B107YB218 were carried out by A. L. Khodakov. From the system PbO -Nb 20 5-B20 3P 13 cuts were studied. In the region of high content of B20 3) the system separates into component parts. The melts solidify in the form of glass. The major part of the system is occupied by the crystallization surface of lead metaniobate. Two more phases of the side system PbO -Nb 205 (A and B) do not remain stable in the ternary system, but decompose already at low temperatures (Ri 5880C, R2 7300C). During solidification of the melt, PbNb 0 6 single crystals form in glass which may be removed by nitric acid. In tKis way, single crystals with an edge of 0.5 cm were obtained. These crystals adopt piezoelectric pro erties when heated at 13000C for 3.5 hr. Studies of the cut (50% PbO + 50WB20-j) - PbNb206 - PbTi03 disclosed an un- interrupted series of mixed crystals between PbTiO 3 and PbNb206' These rhombic, imperfect crystals of the perovskite type are not piezoelectric. Only after heating at 13000C for 6 to 9 hr the mixed crystals 75% PbNb 206+ 25% PbTiO 3 and 50% PbNb 206+ 50% PbTiO became piezoelectric. There are 3 figures and 16 references: 4 Sovie~-bloc. The two references to Card 2/5 S/078/61/006/004/014/016 The reaction in the system... B107/B218 English-language publications read as follows: R. S. Roth. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. 62, 2925 (1959); E- C. Subbarao. J. Amer. Ceram. Soo., 42, 448 (1959). SUBMITTED: March 14, V Card 3/5 The reaction in the system... Card 5/5 41340 S/078/61/006/004/014/018 B107/B218 f7s % Phu, Zj% pbuspj P14 PITLOI -.75'h9bNOZO51 [10 PbR03 +30%pbNalall PM03 Mon. 0/4 Pile. 7 C)O 4 1/002/01 1 102 7 4/B 4/ AUTHORSi Khodakov~ L., and Sh,,-,', :-~'no, L. TITLEt FerroalectrIc mor;-:icrystalo wi,:h zi~,--ilneari ties PERIODICAL; IIJ-.ademiya naik SSSR. Dok-adv, 2, -1196.", 3-za-341 TEXT: A pot.assium fluoride sol-vent. was -aii"-d ic g-r,,,vv ferroelectric, monoorystala from compo8itions which -nere solid z~olu*'-Jons of BaTiO 3and BaHfO 3. Conce~ntration of the component!3 and fempera-ture conditions were determined from data on the system K 2F2-BaTiO.-BaH.fO,. The monocrystals Ware grown in a closed platinum dish, placed ~n an electric furnace. The thickness of the resultIng plazes range