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S/137/60/()00/011/028/043 A006/AO01 Roentgenographical investigation of Surface Cold Hardness- Arising During the Turning of Steel closely connected with the process of the arising of stresses of the second order; If any of the cutting parameters changes, the curves showing the changes of stres- ses of the first and second order, are almost parallel. The presence of high stresses of the first order in the surface layer can be explained by the con- siderable strengthening of tle latter and the particular nature of the strained state in the layer determined by the penetration of roentgen rays into the metal. This state possesses the nature of oriented stresses of the second order. There are 21 references. I.K. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 32-8-22/61 Utilization of Fiotometric X-Fay Photograph Curves by the !rG:t!,r-(1 or AX.,coxL-,i"jn!j. this paper suggests; a, new. method whioh permits to datermine the parame- ters accord-ing to photoinetric: curves. Fnr the contoiir.- of the interfe- 0:0 . ~ tha rence band the following expreaslon is obtained 11 e- in course of calculation the following expression is obtainpd for the approximation curve; , 1. 1 max " 21e 1,2210 and in the case 0 of iao-Aceles-triangle solutioa QT2 10 0 1,95 TZ oc~ Exampleas for the application of this method are given and individual casem described. (L illustration and I table). ASSOCIATION State, university in- Petrozavodak.*(Petrozavodsldy gosudaxstvennyyj unin ver-sitet). A.IIAILA.BLE Library-of Congress. Card. 2P I SffIVRIN, O.N.; MI14MHIN, B.M. Anisotropy of second order atomic deformations in the crystal lattice of plastically deformed tungsten, nickel, and aluminum. Izv. vys. ucbeb. zav.; fiz. n0-3:135-140 158- (HIRA 11-9) 1. Petrozavodski7 gosuniversitat. (Metal crystals) (Metallography) 68034 7:2 0 0 SOV/155-58-6-36/36 AUTHOR. -Shivrin, O.N. TITLE: t~e Estimation of the Characteristics of the Mosaic Structure-pbf Polycrystals 'With Respect to the intensity of X-ray Reflections PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly.Fiziko-matematicheskiye nauki, 19589Nr 69pp 225-230 (USSR) ABSTRACT- The author reports on the measurement of the intensity of X-ray reflections on coarse- and fine-grained tempered steel 45 Test pieces after heat treatment of two kinds are used ; !.~ After a water hardening with 9000 there took place an anneal- ing at 7000 for 1 hours, 2.) The annealing took place under 9200 for 1.5 hours. By comparing the experimental and theoretical values of the atomic dispersion it vas stated that the variation of the in- tensity of the images compared with the ideal mosaic crystal was caustd by the effect of the secondary extinction in both cases. The mosaic constant -7 g = (2 IL ZN characterizing Card 1/2 this effect was calculated from the experimental data in both 68034 34 On the Estimation of the Characteristics of the SO V! 5-9-58 -~-356/36 11.0saic Structure of Polycrystals 'With Respect to the Intensity of Reflections cases. It was shorn that the perfection of the crystallites is somewhat smaller in coarse-.grained steel than in fine- grained steel. V.,I, Iveronova, B.Ya. Pines and !!,.F. Cha,,rj~o,.rBkiy are mentioned. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 14 references, 9 of which are Sovietq 3 English and 2 Czech. ASSOCIATIOIT: Petrozavodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Petrozavo State University) SUMITTED: September 29, 1958 Card 2/2 AUTHOR: bLhivrin, 0-1-,,. TITLE: Influence of Extinction on the !Lo"--ensity of the 11~ear Lines of X-Ray Diffraction 2atterns of Metals Deformed in the Cold State (0 vliyanii ekstinktsii na intensivnost' zadni-kh liniy rentgenogramm kholodnodeform- irovannykh metallov) PERIODICkL.Fizika Metallov i idetallovedeniye, 1958, Vol 6, Nr 4, pp 682-685 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A change in the intensity of the rear lines of X-ray diffraction pictures were _J'1.V'Z-:'5t11gated for copper. brass D-62, commercial aluminium (deformed by static compression). The specimens viere cylindrical of 10 mm dia, 15 mm height "coj-)par and bra.3s) and 20 mm dia, 30 mm height (for aluminium). P7'iDr to deformation, the copper specimens were annealed at 4000C for two hours, the brass sDecimens were annealed at 45000 for one hour and the aluminium specimens were annealed at 4000C for one hour. The coolin- was effected in the furnace with a speed of 4000/hr. 'T~:he -X-ray exposures were made by means of CuK radiation, whereby the average error did Card 1/4 not exceed 101to 2%. The obta-1ried results are graphed Influence of Extinction on the Intensitr -of the Rear Lines of ,--Ray Diffraction Patterns of Metals Deformed in the Cold State K U in Figs.1 and .2 and it can seen that the intensity of the lines (--;31), (420) fca- copRer and brass is lower in the non-deformed state then after def~5rmation. The highest intensity is observed for low degrees of deformation; with inereas--np de-formation the. intensity decreases but wili still. ruma:*.n laiC)her than for the annealed specimen,, This dependence corfij_ms the - assumption that extii-.Lct:Lcr, jrCt'l,_L.:-.U.ce on the ~f 4 , - -- : intensity of the rear .- L_t;~~ 'L- s4mJ-1ar ex-,eriments with aluminium, Fig,2', F_ :Lnciease was observed of the ir-tenL;*! , c-IL 1--a-e li-Les 11422). (511) in the entire inuerval. of of the residual deformations. Ey-oeriments w_~rn. also made on 30 x 10 mm disc-s~aped specimeus of the Steel 45, which were first subjectea to _cecrycjta1iisat_Joa- annealing at 8500C for two "ou-T-, and,. follo-vv`ng that, the disc Dlane was polished by luand with ai~ paper and in. some Card 2/4 cases additionally with a fab:.,ic w]~_-eel; the results Influence of �~xtinction on -t;he Intensit-7 of t' e - --.-:a.- Lines of X-Ray Diffraction Patterns of Metals _i)eformed ir. the old State U are graphed. in Fig.3, ie!,-'Cva1 of the work -hardened layers from such specimens pradliced an appreciable reduction in the intensity of ttie line ~220) which ceased altogether at a dept1a of 50p from the surface.. The obtained results indicate that, in the case of various materials and various coaditions of deformation, the secondary extinctions have a considerable influence on the intensity of -he rear X-ray diffraction lines. Weakenin- of this influence as a z!esult of fragmentation of blocks during cold def'o.-nation leads to a strengthening of the intens-'ty of these lines, as a result of which information on Type ill distortions will prove erroneous. Therefore, it is necessary to treat with caution results of work relati-ng to determination of Type 111 distortions in which the Card 3/4 SOV/126-6-4-16/34 influence of Extinction on the lntens--ty cLf the Rear Lines o-, a y Diffraction Patterns of Metals Defor-ned in the Cold Stata influence of extinction has not been taken into consideration. There are 3 figo-res and 6 Sov-*Let references, ASISOCiATION: Petrozavodskiy ~~osudarstvennyj Unive--s--'Ltet (Petrozavodsk S'tate Univer.;jty) SUBiAITTIED: 28'uii Januai-i 1957, 1 Clard 4/4 Y SOV/126-6-4-103/34 AUTHOR: Shivrin, 0.1~11 TITLE: Discussion on Paper on "Crystal lattice Distortions in Coarse and Fine- Grained Steel During Cold, Plastic Deformation" (Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye- 1956- Vol- 2.. Nr 1, p 189) (Po povodu stat JL M.Finkelya "Iskazheniya Kristallicheskoy Reshetki K---.-,pno.- i Melkozernistoy Stall Pri Rholodnoy Plasti-.,.huaskoy Deformatsii") PERIODIOAL:Fizika Metallov i Metallo-red-eniye 1918, Vol 6. Nr 4. . PP ?57-?60 (USSR.) ABSTRACT: It was reported -',1y Firike-11 %haV. in a wide ranse (80%) of plastic deforma-,ion the intensity of the (310) lines (Co-radiata.on) of c09-rSely grained steel remained practically oonst-ant . 1,1ndeT the same conditions, the intensity of the (211) lines (Cr-radiation) was 1.4 times higher, but also did not depend on the degree of the T)lastic def ormation'. aiile granting that this . fact is of great practical interest. O.N.Shivxin disagrees with Finkel's interpretation of Lis experimental results and Card 1/3.2 points out that: (i) It has been shown (Ref.1, -2) the SOV11 26- 6-4-28/3 4 Discussion on V~b!.FiLlml's Pap,:~- cra, "".rfstal lattice Distortions in Coarsely and Finely Grained Steell Du_-ing Cold, Plastic Deformation" p:vocess of _Lnagn_~~iLtation vihLzh causes weakening of the extinction effect prar~-tical.11.y ceases at 8-1070 deformat-Lon; wItla :in~-,.reasing deformation one should expect a decrease off the 1-ine intensity as a result of the formation of distortions of the 111-rd type. Such an effect was in _Pac.47 vbse-inred by Shir-rin in the case of steel .2 d'-formed by turning at high rates of feed and small de-oth cf the and iu -ULe case of brass and t 4 .% copper u-nder hvd-rosta ~ pxesssure: In every case the in-censitty of lines iin,3i-easi,~o. up to a certain degree of deformation only, (ii) Since the intensity of the diffraction ba:,~.kground is ass-z;_ziated with the magnitude of t.r-e distortions of the 111-rd. type, but. not with the extinction effect, the fact of its remaining constant d:L;ring deformation of coarsely grained metal is quite iu,.omprehensible. No matter how strong is the masking effect. of extinction on the Card 2/12 weakening of tb-c intensj.-~:y of the, lines due to SOV/126-6-4-28/34 Discussion on V-M-Finkel~ls Paper on "Crystal Lattice Distortions in Coarsely and Finely Grained StGel During Cold, Plastic Deformation" distortions of the 111-rd tjpe, the magnitude of which should be considerable at 80% deformation, their effect should be reflected in the variation of the background intensity. This, for some ~-eason or other, was not observed by Finkell,, (iii) Block fragmentation results in (a) weakening of the pAmary extinction effect which is directly associated with the size of the blocks, and indirectly in (b) weakaning of the secondary extinction effect due to the increase of the degree of disorientation of the blocks within the cryst-~~llites. This means t]3&,t a metal can be characterised by coarsely grained structure and still not show any .secondary extinction effect if only the struoture of the crystallites is sufficiently close to the ideal, and that the secondary extinction effect can be considerable even in finely grained metals if only the cLegree of disorientation of the blocks within each crystallite is sufficiently smalls The character of the variation of the line intensity will depend on Card 3/12 whether the primary or secondary exi.-,inction only, or O-Till 26-6 -.4-28/34 1~s Paper Discussion on V.M.Finkel Coarsely and Finely Grained Steel Card 4/12 on "Cryst-al Lattice Distortions in During Cold, Plastic Deformation" both these effects take place in a polycrystalline metal specimen. It is easy to show that, as was postulated b~r Avarbach (Ref-3, 4) in the presence of primary extinction only, the variation of the intensity of the lines of high orders is negligible. (This fact, for some reason or other. is o~rerlooked by Finke!Q On the other hand, the presence of secondary extinction (Ref-5, 6), partioularly when the conditions are favourable for the formation of texture (Ref.7)*, the variation of the lines intensity can be quite different. For this reason Finkel's cc-r-tention that the observed effect was caused exclusively by the secondary extinction is no-h quite justified.. since in the case under considerat,ion the effect of texture might have been the predomin nt factors (iv) The difference (not much larger than the limit of the experimental error) of the values of in the (310) aind- (211) directions can be attributed not only to the anisr-tropy of the distortions of the lll,..:ai type. but also to the SOV/126-6-4.28/-34. - Discussion on V.M.Finkell's Paper on "Crystal Lattice Distortions in Coarsely and Finely Grained- Steel During Cold, Plastic Deformation" difference between the depth of penetration of the Co- and Cr-radiation. Some authors favour -the hypothesis of the weakened surface layer in which small distortions are neutralised. In the final analysis the correctness of this or other theory can be pro-wed only by further experimental work. There are 9 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Petrozavodskiy Gosuniversitet (Petrozavodsk State University) SUBMITEED: 28th January 195?. Reply by V.M.Finkellstates the following: In spite of the "coarsely" and "finely" grained structure of the experimental steels, the size of the regionz of coherent d~.sp~rsiou 1-u steel 3 did not exceed. i.? x 10-5cm at 2% deformation wid 1.1 x 4% deformation. In the case of the heat-treated rail steel, the size of the mosaic blocks was smaller by one Card 5/12 order of magaitude (e.g. 2 x 10--6cm at 10% deformation). SOV/126-6-4-28/34 Reply by V.M.Finke2 Consequently~ the observed phenomena cannot be attributed to the effect of primary extinction in either case since primary extinction -is practically non-axistent at the size of the regions of coherent dispersion quoted above. (Ref.3., 4). To account for the stab-11ity of the intensity of the (310) lines. one has to assume that its decrease due to the effect o� micro-distortions of the 111-rd type is counter-balanced by an opposite effect of some other physical factors. auch as secondaa-7- extinction and texture. The seconday~y extinction can, in all probability, display itself th:coughout the whole deformation range: in its initial stages it is associated with the process of block fragmentation and J the resulting disorientat -Lon of the mosaic blocks, in the later stages it is caused by the process of disorientation not directly connected with the block fragmentation (Ref-5). Unlike secondary extinction, the effect of primar7j extinction (in a coarsely grained aggregate), being associated with the process of Card 6/12 fragmentation only, probably disappears in the initial Reply by V.M.Finkell 1Z OV/1 2_6 6 - 4 - 28/3 11 stages of the deformation (b_aving increased the intensity of the lines), after which the intensity of the lines decreases due to the effect of the distortions of the 111-rd type. Shivrin carried out his experiments on brass and copper in which the size of the mosaic blocks is one or two orders of magaitude larger.than that in steel. so that the mnyimum. on his curves is obviously associated with-the effect of the primary e3ctinction. When a high caroon content steel is quenched, a structure is obtained which is submicroscopically nonhomogeneous, and which is characterised by small size of the blocks and high degree of their disorientation. ThAs minimises or possibly even eliminates secondary extinction, which would explain the differez~,t character of the variation of the lines intensity with deformation in annealed and quenched specimeaus of steel 3. He (Finkel) did not take into account the effect of texture, since this effect in the case of plane (310) is negligible (Ref.7), Iu add- uion, had the observed phenomena been attributed to the effect of tsmtuTe onl-j, Card 7/12 it would imply that the chaEacter of the texture in SOVI/120- 6-4-281/34 Reply by V.M.Finkelf steel .3 and rail steel is basi-ally diffeient (since in the former case 1(310) is C:Fnstant and 1(211) increases 'With increasing degree of deformation, while in the latter case both 1(310) an(' IJ211) decrease) which, of cours6. cannot b6 true. IU is difficult to understand v~ay SJ~ivrin should be surprised by the fact that the background intensitT in defor-med steel 3 did not change: The variation of the baokground intensitT in the high carbon content, rail steel did not exceed 7-8%. It is only to be expected tiiat it should. amount to less in the case ofo steel 3 i-il wh~ -ch., owing to its low carbon content,*the la-k-Itice di~stortions caused by deformation are much smalle-r -,I-;aa those in steel 3. Since the variation of the. bac"Kga-o~ind intensity is generally small it cannot be used as a practical criterion of the degree of lattice distortion. As regarding Shivria's comments on the problem of anisotropy, the hypothesis of the weakened sLLuface layer does not Card 8/12 seem to have any beari-rig on this probleu: Unstable, Reply by V-LFinkelf OV/12'c-) - elastic distorticns may be -present in the surface layers. whiie dstor.. ions of the 111-rd type are of non-eiastic nall-urt- Vte~re are 9 Soviet references, ASSOC IAT ION: Sibirskiy Institut (Siberian Metallurgical In-sLitute) SUBMITTED: ist April 1957. CommPants of O-N-Shivrin on (i) In his reply mosaic blocks of not given in his in fact. exclude of the ~211) and e:~-t4--ction, but such an effect was emphasized that Card 9/12 associated vrith the Reply of VJL.Finkelf U Finkellgives the dimensions of the the investigated materials which were original Paper. The quoted figures do. the ossibility. of the intensity (310~ lines being affected by primary then lie (Shivrin) did not assert that possible. On the contrary,, he secondary extinction is not directly the size of the blocks and that such a SOV/12& 6-4-28/34 ij. I Comm nts of O.N.Shivrin on tjhe Reply of V.'i-Finkel direct connection exists in the case of the primary extinction only.. %(ii),The data on the size of the '-;en by Fj n -e1' are not reliable,. If the ciucted blocks g _e, k. size of -uhe blocks in Quen-_-~hed and te:nrered rail s t e'e 11 def ormed 10~o is in fa,:J'-. D = 3,.8 x -1o-7-cm then tihe width of the lines (310) cal~aulated from the Sel-vako-v formula is B = 0.281 radion or 160., This broadening is supposed to be clue to the small size of the blocks only, without taking into ac;co,.mt. 'the effect of the distortions of the 11--nd -_ypa, Under these conditions the (310) lines woui,,9- disappear comp letely arid one could not discuss the variation of their iiucensity, This proves that the quoted data on the size of the blocks are inc.-orrect. (iii) The assujaption that secondary extinction- diminishes throughout the whola deformation range cannot be regarded as well substaxitiated. since increasing disorientation of the blocks leads to its rapid disappea-rance. (jV) The increase of the lines intensity observed in brass and copper cannot be attributed to the effect of Card 10112 primary extinction since this effect is negligible SOV/126--6 -.4 -28,1311, Comments of O.N.Shivrin on the Reply of V.M.Finkell already at the size of the blocks equal to 1 x 10-4 em. In the case under consideration the size of the blocks was 4 x 10-5, o.9 x lo-5 and 4 x 10-6cm at 2, 5 and 20% deformation, respectively. (v) Finkel's statement that the character of texture in the rail steel and in steel cannot but be the same, has not been questioned. However, it should be borne in mind that even small additions of alloying elements can af4ect the character of texture formation (Ref.12). Finkel's explanation of the variation of the lines intensity, based on the assumption that it is due to secondary extinction only Card 11/12 SOV/126- 6-4-28/34 P Comm nts of O.N.Shivrin on the Reply of V.M.Finkell is not very convincing. There are 12 references of which 8 are Soviet and 4 Eng~Lish. ASSOCIATION:Petrozavodskiy Gosuniversitet (Petrozavodsk State University) SUBMITTED: loth April 195?. Card 12/12 SHIVRIN,.0-H. Independent calibration for meam=ing the intensity of inter- f6rence2ines in the KROS-1 camera. Zav. lab. 24 n0-5:645 158. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Petrozavodskiy gomidarstvenny7 universitet. (X-ray SpeCtrOBCOPY) 18M, 2LO) soVl:,q_5q-l-23/3i+ AUTHORS: O,N,, Shatin V.S. TITLE: X.-Ray Study of the Softening of Plastically Deformed Steel During Temperature Relaxation (Rentgenografiches- koye izucheniye protsessa razuprochneniya plastirl,heski deformirovannoy stali pri temperaturnom otdykhe) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Fizika, 1959,, Nr 1, pp 128-135 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Softening of plastically deformed steel St.45 during temperature relaxation has been studiod by means of X-rays ac--ordinc, to the diffuseness of interference lines. Specimens of this steel were disc shaped, 15 mm diameter and 5 mir, long. After heat treatment (quenching from 0 8500C in oil and tempering at 700 OC for one hour) the specimens were deformed up to 50% in compression. The heavily deformed surfa(~e layer was removed by etching in a mixture of HN03 and HCI; it was found that the struotural distortions were the same throughout each specimen. The specimens were relaxed in a tubular furnace at 300, 350, 400 and 450 OC by soaking for a period of from 10 minutes to 20 hours, depending on Card 115 temperature. The spe(-,imens were X-rayed in the direction of their ends in a cylindrical chamber of SOV/139-59-1-23/34 X-Ray Study of the Softening of Plast-i,,;ally Deformed Steel Diring Temperature Relaxation 57.3 mm diameter -in an Fe-ir~Tadiation with an Mn fl.Lterc In order to obtain ne.-Pr-ower lines, a spe(Aally made slit diaDhiagm, 0.15 lam high, was used instead of the usual diaphTagm assembly, which was placed directly on the drum of the !~A-i-ambe-r. Tiais enabled the focusing o-f the line to be --,onsiderably improved and the exposure time to be shortened. The conditions of focusing assumed the form a ~- -,,? ~ urh e o eais the angle between the qurfaoe of the se.,%tion and the primaTy beam:. and '%-1 is t1ae angle of slip. Ea(-.n specimen was exposed twic-,.e at = for a the to(:using of' the Line (22jv From thb results obtained the magnitude of secondary distortion Ad/d and t~iq bi,),,k size D ijere obtainsd by th-=, Kurdyumo-r-Lysak method, (Refs 13 and Foir ielaxation at L~500 a harmonit- analysis of the line (22) was also carried Gut., Parallel with the X---T-ay study, Roclnrell HR C hardness tests were ,,,arrlea out. The de-cendence of D, &d/d and HR(-.. on Une duration of -.r7L-laxation lf~oi a terrioeratltre of 400 OCI As graplal call y 3hown in Fig !I Card 2/5 and fo-. tte temPerarares ii-50, 35 and ~00 OC Js shown 0 i t SOV/139-59-l-':23 /31+ X-ray Study of the Softening of Plastically Deformed Steel During Temperature Relaxation in Tables 1, 2 and 3. In the second and third columns of the table the magnitudes of the true widths of the lines (110i and (220) are shown, and in the fourth column the ratio 0220/011.0 is given, which must lie within the limits Of 0220/0110 = 2.93 and 0220/0110 = M7.) depending on the relationship between the "block" and 13micro-deformation" diffuseness of the lines; and in colurans 5, 6 and 7 values for D, Ad./d and HRC are given, The dependence of D, tsd/d and HRC; on L-emperature at a constant time of relaxation (one houi) is shown in Fig 2- As a result of the above investiga- tions the authors have arrived at the following conclusions: (1) In the process of softening of plastically deformed steel St.45 a constant increase in the size of blocks D and a fall in the magnitude of distortions 6d/d with increase in duration and temperature of relaxation is observed, (2) A similar Card 3/ 5 relationship has been established for the values of DI and whi~~h ha-;.re been found by harmonic L ~,3 SOV/139-59-1-23/34 X-Ray Study of the Softening of Plastically Deformed Steel 7)uring Temperature Relaxation analysis. A -tomparison of these magnitudes with tiose of D and Ld/d, whic:h are obtained by the Kurdyumov.-Lysak method, shows satk~is-!Ia-.tory agreement, (3) the constan-:y of the na~-,nitade of "Regions of uniformity" L,-, J.a isothermal T.-ela;,ation and the absenc~e of any- c:rushir.- blocks both at isothermal and isochionic! -relaxation ailows the deduction that removal of secondary distor-tions i~:: not ar,-omnan-ted eitn,~- bv unbending of bloc7es C,-,- b-7 ipping, to be c~,-.Dnflrmed, Remo,~Tal of d!.SI',r.-A,_on:-: plastic s5 L r__ in this case ,!an oc._-iar by increase of those region-s of the metal, the lattic-_e of which is not distorted, and hence by a decrease of the regions of distorted lattice, (4) Testing the hard_ness~ which constantly decreases during relaxation, has enabled its linear dependen.-!i, or. Card 4/5 Aj I to be establishead; thus. theTe exisr.3 d. ID SOV/139-59-1-23/34 X-Ray Study of the Softening of Plastically Deformed Steel During Temperature Relaxation relationship between the characteristic of hardening and the characteristics of submicro-non-uniformity of the hardened metal. Card 5/5 There are 3 figures 3 tables and 22 references, 18 of which are Soviet and L~ English. ASSOCIATION: Petrozavodskiy Gosuniversitet (Petrozavodsk State University) SUBMITTED: April 212 1958 .18 AUTHORS: Potakhin, N. Ye., Shivrin, 0. 14. C!OV1163-59-2-33148 TITLE; The Method of the Fourier Analvsis of Interference Lines Blurred by Distortions and the Dispersity of Blocks (K metodike Firlye-analiza interforentsionnykh liniy, razmytykh za schet iskazlioniy i dispersaosti blokov) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly, Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 2, pp 186-188 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The solution of some problems, e,g, the investigation of the anisotropy of distortions in different crystallographic directions, is only feasible by an analysis of one line. B. Ya. Pines (Ref 1) suggested methods of approximation for this case to separate the distortion effect ana the block effect bi), kdetermination of the coefficients A. and A One of these t t methods presupDoses isomeric biccks so that the dependence of the coefficient Ablon t becomes linear with the angle t' -dA total coefficient t For the graphic determination of Cprd 1/3 dt Lo, The 'Yethod of the Fourier Analysis of Interference SC 6 -3-99-2-33/48 Lines Blurred by Distortions and the Dispers1ty of Blocks this differential quotient, the authors suggested, in a previous paper (Ref 2), a -secart method" in which additional values of A total are computed for t between 0 and 1, and the tangent on the curve A total (t) is replaced at t = 0 by a secant t which goes through t = 0, t = 0.1 or t = 0.2. In this paper, a new approximation is suggested. Under the as=,,ription of isomeric blocks, a series is derived, f(t) = a - Bt - aB2 2 As the coefficients a and B have the or r 0:' magnitude n.10- dA~tcta-'- the linear terms f(t) = a + Bt - (a -- dt 1t=0 are sufficient for practicaj'. purposes, B is the angle coefficient determinin- the relative microdeformation of the k-lattice: B = kF_2 k is a constant factor the v'lue of L Cam-d 2/3 which can be comnuted from formulas (91) and (92) indicated by The Method of the Fourier Analysis of Interference SOV/163-59-2-31-4/48 Lines Blurred by Distortions and the Dispersity of Blocks B. Ya. Pines (Ref 1). The method suggested was experimentally checked on steel with the radiation Cr - (211), Fe - (220)~ Co - (310) and mo - (651, 732). A diagram shows the function f(t) for different F-. The condition of linearity is well satisfied in the range 0 4 t < 1. A table compares the values of E found by the secant method and by the new method. The maximum difference is 8%. Therefore, the method suggested can be used for the determination of the amount of distortion of the lattice. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Petrozavodskiy gosudarstvenny-y universitet (Petrozavodsk State University) SUBYITTED: June 2. 1958 Card 3/3 SHIVRIN, 0.11. Anisotropy of distortions of the second type in plastically deformed steel. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. no.4:72-76 '59. I (MIRA 13:3) l.Petrozavodskiy gosuniversitet. (Steel) (Deformations (mechanics)) 18 (7), 24 (4) AUTHOR: Shivrin, 0. N. SOV/32-25-5-13/56 TITLE: Investigation of the Surface Cold Hardening With the X-ray Photography Method by Means of the Diagonal Cut (Issiedovaniye poverkhnostnogo naklepa metodom rentgenografirovaniya po kosomu srezu) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 5, Pp 560-561 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Investigations of the surface structure after cold hardening are usually carried out by taking off thin metal layers in the electrolytic or chemical way, and the metal structure is examined by roentgenography. This method has the disadvantage that the preceding metal layer is always dest-oyed and no general picture of the structural changes can therefore be considered. The diagonal cut method allows repeated measurements on the same sample and is widely used for investigations of the surface hardening for the determination of microhardness (Ref 1). In the case under review the last mentioned method was applied with some modifications to roentgenographic investigations of the surface hardening that occurs on turning steel 45 and brass L 62. The cut was made Card 1/2 under a small angle (10), and.the cut surface on the steel Investigation of the Surface Cold Hardening With SOV/32-25-5-13/56 the X-ray Photography Method by Means of the Diagonal Cut was first polished with aluminum oxide and with GOI pastes afterwards. On the brass samples the cut surfaces were prepared by milling and subsequent polishing. Roentgenograms were taken along the cut surfaces with the 1-KROS camera. Measuring results of the variation of the line width (211) of ferrite on steel samples 45 which were turned at different cutting speeds (Fig 1) show the thickness of the hardened layer to be always larger than 0.5 mm. The distribution of microdeformations in the surface layers of brass (Fig 2) differs from the one on steel, which is explained by phase transformations at higher cutting speeds (i.e. higher temperature). There are 2 figures and 2 Soviet references. 01 ASSOCIATION: Petrozavodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Petrozavoi--w-L State University) Card 2/2 16 1 G 0 , 18- 20 0 AUTHORS: Snlvrin, 0. N., TeLiits1,-aya, TITLE; X-Ray Scatte--ing in Deformed PERIODICAL: Izvest-4ya vyssh'Lkh u-chebnylkn metallurg'iya, iz.:60, Nr I , pp 7 7 -7.', S 0 V./ i 4 8" -6 1 - 3 2 3 E. L. Tun s'en zavedeniy. Cherna-yra 100--1521 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Continuing their previous studies (.Izvestiya VUZ KIVO, Fizika, in prinz;) in ahich the str~_zcture of poadered tungsten had been investigated using.copper radiation, hardly suitable for the detection of "3d--Uype distortions" (Abstracter's Note: No definition is given; the ex- pression is likely to mean rctatlon twinning in de- lormed crystals), the authors carried cut additional experiments using shortwave Mo radiation. The X-ray diffraction photographs of tungsten powder, compressed into plates, were taken with camer-a RKE at 25 and 4co ang-les between the plates and inciderz '-.=-am. Fcur ,z'-o'~o-:-aPns were taz:en from ei--her poslit_'cn. T-e mean Card 1/. 'Lntensities from, ei.o-ht re.-Plectinlc-' clanes, X-Ray Scattef,inb- in Deformed Tun~l-sten 0 Card 2/4 7 SOV/'14 -00-i-32/,34 the sums ofsquared indices of which were 6, 8, 10, L I i4, 18, 26, 30, and 38, furnished the experimental values of atomic scattering- functions 1' exp. The values were close to frp, computed accordit-,6, to Thomas- Fermi, except for thos_~i f ob"Gained from low-index reflect4n,- Planes. In thVPlatter case, tne somewhat- decreased experimental values, and lower fexp:f ratio (see Fig. 1) are an effect of primary extinctions. The ratio is close to I when the crystals are parted ra into blocks whose D = 5-10-D cm. '-type distor- U-Lonst Would have decreased the ratio with the in- creased Miller indices of the reflecting planes. Since this is not the case, the experiments with Mo radiation con_-:'irm tile autaors' e_~::rlier conclusion that no "3--d-tLype distortions" occur in powdered tungsten. T'-. e r eis 7-1 fl gure; -and Q re-fe--ences, Soviet, 2 U.K. I U . S . , I C z e c h o s 1 o %~al-ian, The U.K. an.d U.S. 1,efe.:,ences C -, , 13 are: R. I. Weiss, Froc. P.,-.Ys. So-., 3 10-D-2; A. R. Lan-, Proc. Rnys . c - 3 66, 0, 0133, :~-Iiay ScattevinLj- in DeCormed Turu-sten I.D ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Y (Y019 SOIVI-148 -060 -1 -32/34 1953; R. W. James, Optical F--!n2~ples c' -c'- Diffraction of X-Rays, MacMillan, N. Y. Petrozavodsk State University (Yetrozavodskly gosudarstvennyy universitet) October 27, 1958 Card 3/4 X-Ray Scatterin.7 In De-formed Tu, s t e n 77709 ov/a -'o-,,-32/-" / 8 s to L! d- io Q4~ '9 ' 21 1 13 0.80 ifi N2 4 8 f2 Y5 26 24 28 32 35 z hi, Fig. 1. Comparison of the experimental data with those computed theoretically and corrected for primary extinction according to th? D,-,.rwin equation. (1) -5 5 _4 D == 1-10 ; (2) D = 5'10- ; (3) D = 1-10 ' cm. Card 4/4 AUTHOR: Shivrin, 0. N. S/170/60/003/005/015/017 B012/BO56 TITLE: The Problem of the Macrohomogeneity of Microdeformations and the Existence of a Weakened Surface Layer PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 131-135 TEXT: In the present paper, the influence exerted by a weakened surface layer upon the character and the size of microdeformations, as well as the influence exerted by the size of metal grains was investigated. The difference in granularity was attained by means of a corresponding heat treatment. In the first part of the paper, the heat treatment of samples of the grade steel CT.20 (st. 20), their preparation for the experiments, and the experiments themselves are described in brief. The second part contains the results, which are discussed. It is shown.that neither in coarse- nor in fine-grained steel of the grade investigated, any influence could be found to be exerted by the weakened surface layer on disoriented macrodeformations (that would have led to a macrohomogeneity of the micro- deformations). The experiments also showed that the microstructure exerted Card 1/2 The Problem of the Macrohomogeneity of Micro- S/170/60/003/005/015/017 deformations and the Existence of a Weakened B012/BO56 Surface Layer a very slight influence upon the dependence of the disoriented micro- deformations upon the crystallographical direction. It is pointed out that ID this is in accordance with the fact that the anisotropy coefficients are V independent of the degree of deformation, which had been shown to exist in the papers of Refs. 9, 13. It is declared with some caution that the anisotropy coefficients are rather universal, and are constant for the material concerned. There are 3 tables and 13 references: 12 Soviet and 1 British. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy universitetq g. Petrozavodsk (State University, Petrozavodak) Card 2/2 /.:'O/,---05/005/O25/O26/xx E-13 e-VE160 A.U THOR Shivrin, O.N. TITLE- On the Applicabili.ty of the COT-re,,,~tive Formulae fo.- Primary and Secondary Ext-Inction PERIODICAL: K-r-istallografiya, 1960. Vol,,5, No.5, pp,-7971-800 TE X.T: The nature of the mosaic structure of crystals 's oftea de4 "erm.caed from the extinction effects whicb occur. The Commonest te~-.hnique is to use a correction foTmula giving the dependence of iobs.,/Icalr- OXI sin Vaiious foi-mulae are used and theEe are not all the same. The differenc=-s between them are d-4--crassed, For primary ext-Inction there are expressions due to Darwin, EksteLn-Weiss--Lang and Wilchinsky. However, the latter two are thought t,D be no j-mpro-reme-nt on the earlier formula of Darwin. FoT ser~ondary extinction there are formulae by Hall and Williamson, Weiss and Lang. The use of Hall and Wiiliamsonl-c formula (Ref .1.0, the simplest, is- recommended, All are, however, related to the original formula of Darwin, There are .10 references; 15 Soviet and Engli3h, ASSOC, IATIO N I Petrozavodskiy gosudarstvennyy urruver-sit-et (Petroza.;.r-,IF -:state Universit-v" SUBYIITTBD~~ 'T." S/126/60/010/004/013/023 Elll/E452 AUTHORS: Shivrin, O.N. and Gerasimova, L.M TITLE: Structural Disturbances Producing Changes in the Intensity of X-Ray lpterference PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i m tallovedeniye, 1960, Vol.10, No.4, PP-586-589 TEXT: The authors note that interference intensity is sometimes more influenced by extinction effects associated with fine mosaic structure than by static atomic displacement (called "type-III disturbances"). In continuous polycrystalline specimens, texture also has an effect which has led to many investigations being carried out on powders. However, such investigations cannot solve important problems relating to continuous specimens, e.g. in which structural disturbances are responsible for metal strengthening in plastic deformation. Their present brief work (for Shivrin a continuation of previous investigations - Refs-3,5 ) deals mainly with continuous specimens, especially the development of techniques to give reliable results. It had been concluded (Ref.3) that for deformed steel, copper, brass and aluminium, secondary extinction predominates in the annealed state. To check this an annealed Card 1/3 S/126/60/010/004/013/023 Elll/E452 Structural Disturbances Producing Changes in the Intensity of X-Ray Interference steel was investigated with a view to quantitative treatment of extinction. One specimen (of type 45 steel) was heat-treated to give a fine-grained, and another to give a coarse-grained structure. Patterns were obtained with filtered Co KC, radiation. The ratio of the theoretical to the experimental integral intensity is plotted against the value of the specific reflecting capacity. A linear relation was found for both specimens (Fig.1) indicating absence of primary extinction. Block disorientation was calculated from these graphs. Results differ from those of V.I.Ivernova et al.(Ref.12). A material very different from those previously studied is tungsten. The authorslattempt to study monolithic specimens failed. The results for various powder sizes agree well (Fig.2) with those calculated by Darwin's equation. The absence of type-III disturbances is attributed to the exceptionally high brittleness of tungsten. There are 3 figures and 12 references: 7 Soviet, 4 English and 1 in Acta cryst. Card 2/3 S/126/60/010/004/013/023 Elll/E452 Structural Disturbances Producing Changes in the Intensity of X-Ray Interference ASSOCIATION: Petrozavodskly gosudaz-stvennyy universitet (Petrozavodsk State University) SUBMITTED: July 25, 1959 initially January 18, 1960 after revision Card 3/3 SHIVRIN, O.N. - Anisotropy of cr7stallites above the elastic limit. Fiz. met. metalloved. 10 no.4:638-639 0 16o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Petrozavodskiy gosudaratvennyy universitet. - (Metal crystals) (Anisotropy) V. SHIVRIN, O'S'N. Mosaic structure of metallic polycrystals and extinction effects. Part 1. Izv.vys.ucbeb-zav-.; fiz. na.1:115--123 161. (MMA 14:7) 1. Petrozavodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Metal crystals) (Crystal lattices) SPIVRIN, 0.13. Changes in the mosaic structure of metals as a r,~sult of relaxation and recrystallization. Fiz. met. i metal3oved. 12 no.1:125-131 J1 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Petrozavodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Metallography) HZITETSOV, A.,V, ;-6111TUN, UA Mutual interference on X rays reflected by different mosaie blocks in a crystallite. Kristallografiia 7 no.1:134-136 Ja-F ,62. (MIFU, 15:2) 1. Petroza-Todskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (X-ray crystallography) 5/8 7/62./000/0291002/003 'hie tresses per at S 0. 14. a.,,d T ePI teel Vested Tvady 13 tjtU'V - b OY r-11,0oxily JUG StrxIc CIC0114 t'h e erno r eat g, e .L117 3.60 'r-ITLE, thaT, "h ell -aeili-10.55 14avaolltov ra4. Prime 1, e'Aln 9 1.962- rjajo'v 1956), as aTL .j 11C, B 2-9- feat e ( e - P 3.2 t ale. CTL so no - 'VaTlisll r1r. er S '51 be tigue ,s S ledo Soule Wo S claa 010 C, an t1le f a It S to Gert t i d tue r SIX rdly'S. ta Am. diffra~ d beYolL ats 0 0 f IL-ray tresse .,.POT tea by I e , s1:10SIO p eu, sity 0 bee-U 13 Sul? Che t ed t T go j.,It exI 11 t b eeU a Lell- e 3. I'Las 0 ovsj~a'y )rOM'P zap. 3.n meta Ijas r Yja5 I p i rease tj-jat the howeverl S (P.0 '01rhan d th"s detai. 0002 f 'a ec, Io all, ater . dicatjon. vi. eW at3.011 195 e 00 +TV IvIh3.s St 3-S -381v :Lt . t e probleul 0 O%Vt OL-ill 9- e were Ft 13.01 is 4- r er, 6A teel rov d e 'hours of Some shurlial, tjI OL - .1 0j 2. --y to study Oil ',darLa 00 ,ors St vLtUI St, icliesU tj- ted vi'de I nee f 17, XI G 0'aduc, tule 11 (5 Om eali-vk'& tr eatul preserLt a rW Was ad 0- %Lotc STO nt I VO S a e.,,a G es 0 en a preli-m t est P3-P tivi f at 6u e J., . or e vu-- refrac- cycl. used; le I ent ) . Results: accon -ci-cigue limit was not Card Card 113 defects of the second type. The S/857/62/000/029/002/003 Structural defects .... E193/E383 only noticeable effect was misalignment of blocks indicated by tangential blurring of the spots on the Laue--back-reflection patterns and by weakening of the secondary extinction effect for, reflections with high values of Q/-p - No significant distortions of the third type were observed in steel tested above the fatigue limit; this, however, could be at~tribut ed to the highly localized nature of fatigue and the impossibility of locating.the iegion of maximum distortion. There are 2 figures and 1 table. Card 3/3 ACCESSION NTR: ILP4025091 AUTHORS: Zazovskaya, I. A.; Shivrin, 0. N. S101391631000100051009510098 TITLE: Mosaic structure of metallic pOlyGrystals and extinction effects. 2 ;'SOURCE: rMZ. Fizika, no. 6, 1963, 95-98' TOPIC TAGS: extinction effect, microgranular tungsten, x-ray irradiation, coarse powder, radiography, diffractometer, coherence domain ABST,%kCT: The extinction effect in coarse and microgranular tungsten powder under copper and molybdenum x-ray irradiation was studied. The coarse powder avera&ed 0.2-0.25 mm in size, whereas the fine spe~cimen had a mean size of 10.u. Plane sDecimens were prepared from both types of powders with BF-2 bond, and the radi- ography was carried out on diffractometer URS-50-I in filtercd copper and molybdenum. The measurements indicate that the coherence domain dimensions, evaluated from primary excitation effects, decrease with a decrease in radiation wave length. Measurements on the microgranular powder, however, show a very Vreak extinction from both Cu- and Mo-radiations, and even with a nonuniform coherence domain the results do not show the expected values. Hence, only a general Ca.rd, -.11A___ ACCESSION NR: AP4025091 qualitat'ive ar'g=ent is established on the optical nature of the coherence domain. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: PetrozavodBkiy gosunivot'-~;Ltet (Petrozavod State Univeraity) SUBMITTED: 12Jun0"2- DATE ACQ: 14Feb64 13NCL: 00 SUB CODE; FE NO REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 001 Card .2/? VANICHEVA, G.V.; BABICHEVA, M.I.; KULMANEN, E.V.;.-~~PNYNII--Q.N. Dependence of microhardness on loading. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 17 no.2: 234-236 F '64. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Petrozavodskiy gosudarstvenny iiniversitet. GERMANOV, Ye.P.; SHIVRITI, 0.1-1. Change in the integral inten-sity of X-ray re-flecticns of plastically deformed molybdenum in the state of low-tem- perature relaxation. Kristallografiia 9 no-4:527-530 JI-Ag 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Petrozavodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. S A., nt~-r--- r e r. 3 1 1. r c ai,,-mi r,,,=. 7pe 0 T QA 18 - 4 r.-a ~ 2 ~ : L, _. c ~! I c. c r --~ e c ,.i r, i i h~-*--n :,~Iycr-ste ; -, "-!~ '00SEll C i;locks ana - - - - - - I - . - - - - bl;.~-rrjng efeo-cts of X-nay interferercc. Fiz. met. i metallovitd. 1'1~ F) I Q~. (VTftrl~ 18: 3) I . N; j..y 1~,asud- r:i tv~~miyy uniw~ i,.;i tle L irneni Kuusi neria. 6 1 Is 11 u IS $4 is A a I I L . _r__ Q Of 04 so ir: 4:7 A 9 x u S a V x x a 0 a a M 4 0 b . d 1 0 . 6 , A __A__A_ I _' I I - Coors% --as -00 00 The A end C vitamin omteU in bm" dips. L. I., 0 Prottacovskjava and A. N. Shivrin2. BuR. Applidd Bowxy. Gendics Pkxt R.). Suppl. 67, go t4l-O(iSIU,~.-Vitamin C wx,, alwarnt in 1,)mswjro4 data- 00 tala. - Vitamin A vms I'mand in Fhwsj sp. A #Ifwc n( F).3 K. see fn!sh SLIKSC WILA Suffiricast In Clair 1,,loplithalmin, III 0 as whiteriats. 00 diazi the J. S. Jaffe 90 00 .00 so At, III LIT1*41tiat! CtAllifKATION *4 00 it a N 0 0 700~, s, t? as is .40.tafty~fs -:a' n00 roe 0* Sev '00 we* too 00 t3o 0 14 woo Joe n 1 1. doe: 00 06 UXA sad N, P, OVIDSKOVA 9 =00 'too@ OWY 10- The in O" fmit& " -Ppks, dog. PX V= Am. 00 ;t :;o 0 200 l:j; 1g; illoo t:00 4ETALLUROKAL LITIN'TWE CLASSWICAVON -7~ =00 t Iflao, .11 cow 0.9 *ILSII~I, 0 0 S al r I I i * F a AT 00 M op Is 19 9 K IS it K An A s v 1W 0 a 9 1 w so .3 J3 a 3 1 v KID n I M " 0 ~00000 0 ooooeo:oooooooo I oooooo000000000000001 ~ 000-000000000000000000000000000000000000000I .50 m a 00 ~ I a so Till 0 4 0 ~ ~ 66 I 4 f 11 14 .3 14 A 3 P . , . "; A A r ID L f 6 A r It li, W It iv A 1 16 L 0 11. A study tit vitamin C 4ind provillimin A Ca.-otenet in 00 z tonis I va e tirs A .1,; rj 1. t"' I r" 1110 A.' 1111 84, I'll,- i f"'. It 111.17~ I,v 1 " If f f-Itl is. %lt..IIIIlI CIM it -04 d c td. on Ow %it,$ ellid vulfivwrd T.IrITIR-1 Ill 12. 1., 1; " 1. 1 -00 rTill lvalol Imi.f", Ow vilaillill C ollItellil I"I'lle'l 1:1 till(. I'll P4. K "1 1'. Al 1 11, ill.. T.dd it Via, .14, mg pvc- 1141, It (111 thr ba,w, d'v Ill 'W41 I., =0 to ~:'4- mg. III vilikillill C "n4 folitid I's, Jim, 4 ,1 Itiv tit. 0 tivill.-If %ari'll"all't J,v, IMg If 111v .114 1~ 1 1. . fly 11-14-f ., Ism-liml aft'l I-, diffe. 110'rt.1, 0, "I'tam, I v, ills a 11.01 % I'simif) C It ~ I If,- vog'aph". 00 ... ... a Im I* "t%tv ill goo TWIT if 'I -1101,11, -nirm Ill I.-d I ...... 14:1~ .1 IlIg I. t 0 g ,f It-It fritif; fit marittv- -Im,A. 6 4 msc~; ill Is": . ill iv. 11- hil .. .... IV IT.-- A, t IT, It lilt I IlTell, I If,- vil Allisill r"Ill"llf sill, (suit it tt'Atk,.,Ilv. A 11 4 - S J. A o AfTALLURGKAL LITEXAlUAt CLASSIPICATICk Itz s - - - it Od a Is v I w Its 'j n h n ~ S ~sc Kaifu plattif at a a I If *040*0 0000e000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:0 a 4 4 0 6-0-0-6-0 9-0 *--9-*-W-4VW-W-qV4V -i -- k -i - - W-W~W~ ~ '0--- - -1 ~Vv 0 '0 0 , . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1. X,11 It ;1 J4 n :1 11 4 11 1, o C A T-- -A-A -K k A N Q N I L A-A N LIV U 00 A , go The dynamics of the accumulation of vitamin C and tamin A In varieties of carrots. A N It 040 r :~ R -App4rditforany,6exetie., PLint * L~ -041 ila-i. P-Q-1 2. t.'X, 41, 1937~.- Thtr '~Tppl. M, I u.irotene content tit rvd carroti int-rea-s up to the ik)-.nt -00 tit com. maturity wbrrras wbitr r-jrroti base no vap,tc-itv ' -00 rhe icave, of red c-Ar-rotq I("r (or accumulating carotene. their carotene with the advance t,f the veg,-I.ition rk-riod -06 00 ri wherm.-i the leaiici of white c%irrotc show the mKiflit Z fluctuation%. In the dark, growth omtinu- but there i~ oo carotene formation mbich shuw~ tlutt thrt, I, n., -rc- lation between carotene anot growth. S. Joffe 0 00 ze ze 0 A S I - S L A EIALLLQGKAL LITERATLRE CLASSIPtCATtCh I Z'- SS AT U U n S v U 0 M W I It 94 -3 '6 4 10 T 1 9 1 0 0 * 0 0 ISTOO 00 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * I'* Ole 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of 41 it 13 14 is a it 1i 2d7 a )I v M 19 M it U a M n a I? x x 0 41 a Is 66 azo so 00 A vitamin A (carotene) content of WMG tVt2bt"- The -00 :~hiyjAmt and L. L. Proiornvsk2m Bull. ApplW ,t';y, "e"dics Mint Breldial (U. S. S. R.), Suppl. 94, ,I.; A 0 r 10 17).-Fivr tomato varictivs .100 ro64-ms 2. M-700, I 00 all :J rxjtato varictivi, I)e , d , were tested for -0 " 1" 4" on""M their cateo"er", I C red tornattocs contained the 0 21 g. was sufficient to cure a rat - '00 o The pink varitly it was necessary to use 0-3 S.Iorucure. The potatoes contained practimlly no caro- terte. The cranberries were low in their carotene content. He a ions were high; only U-075 g. was nv:wary to if. 11,," ."cute. S. J"fTe I ~41 -4 pie IS AS a . S L AmITALLUNGbCAL LITERA'FURE CI.ASSIFICATIOM f-I 00 S .117#j ~11 C., jot It,), j.( 0 "rn U It AT AD t I -I a ow a Is 9 IT P 11 It rt It N vao n I U An It at 41 it a Is oo 0 0 : 0 :0 a 41 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 6 464-0t- I I Ill It li 13 Id is 16 ly is " ID a N it u 0 id is it V x It a 41 a a " orie ..D :~v C.010% 1 1-1 ..0 T. LOOM 10 The biolotical method of detennining,,vitamin A. L. vrox4nuvikaya and A. 14. ShivrillA. k11. Applied Rol,:nv, (;rmjjirj ptapli jjreed~jnj~(V~"~ -~'R.). .1juppl. 84. Viwmls ProUtmi 2. .305-10(flS17).-The cu,,vin ucd 00 it, the tfirt for testing the %iturnin A carriers wa, h,-.ltc(l Air 10 ". dav, at I In-12 Thiq mcthfxl w2i f(puntl tu 1v ju4t 31 r-%I a-% that ed extic, the ca~itl with ale- and Fit,(). Addn,. of fat to the Im-.&I dict No. 1--% of z-bcnitun had ito are 0 influcner on the utili=tion of car~Aere from cam,t%. J. S. joiTe =00 00 10 90 z =00 I L EYALLUPGXAL LITE01,76AE C1.11SIFICATIC04 0- 94- Z. -J0.1 NO.Iq. It's 71, -mW V a It Wit Kit 'Kgr Katt ItulkMA 9 1 if IM 2 42 .1 1 v 0 a 9 o a 4 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 4 0 0 0 lop' ~016 '00., "so' 0 * 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0!41 0 0 0 o 0 a a a 0 0 & 0 0 0 o 0 & 0 0 0 4 0 !__ ~ - - - F7W-W-V--W-_ 0 * 4 4 -6-U" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a go in tont-to Rellabyt co4t-'nt Oi cmttnoid varieties. -00 A,I tht, tt-mat') r1;x,M, And lyculwric ountent, 00 inctra-, olictVa, the E.111t. Aamb.-plivil dtA-rrawN- N I-livil iihilt- camtrill. Will Collett zoo _ge HA lot f .00 -I I It L t A I t It It III It I I %I~F I( A TiC K 09 S I 14~ 1 -1 1 t,r I; gg 4j a ir ir 3, if tr it K It cc (f If (T " ", 0 0 0 IS 0 9 41 0 1 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4, 0 0 of i 0 a 0 0 0 0 4 0 S 0 a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 a WOM 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 TIV 91 01 04 so 60 110 0. t, OU lei 11 11 12 11 At is it v a SO a a a U 4A d"O A A 00 4 of Taniskj'al'i y not" of formaWhyde. 11. A. 1AF Yakirruiv and A, N_Shlvzio&__L A jpplisd CA*m. (U. S. 0410 j S. R ) 14 MO-6(1941).-Tbe preseirvation of industrial wool'texaW, e. g.. for lkapw nackisey. apinst bacterial 00 a degradation by treatment with CHO was investigated. 00 The intervellular thim of wad, much lower in N and in -00 06 S than is keratin. is poorly resistant to hydrolysis. particu- lady by boiling HgO and proteolyt t is re- 0 sponsible for swelling of wool oni"=.Y_.= in RIO. SaIn ples of cloth were soaked in &q. solus. of CHtO of "oe known comm. for deWic periods of time, witsbed, dried and tested for resistance to trypsin (4 g.A. in buffeir soln. .00 0 of pH 82-8.5) at 3D-6'. Untreated ==pl holl ave Is were I z destroyed within 2 days. Treatment with 12-15% CH 0e 4 soln. for 24 bris. gave up to 10 days' complete resistan, a 00 J;I Treatment with 5% K.CrA soln. before and after the 100 CHsO treatment zitvve complete resistance for 18 days, so and the material was not completely destroyed in 39 days. Pretreatment with I% CrFs soln., and treatment with 12% CHrO far 24 bra., followed by O-N-hr. treatment in I% Cr- 0 0 ;11 Fl, gave results comparable with the above. B& fluosill- 0 o cite pre- and after-tres-t also was in this range of ef- roe fectiveness. The most stable products weire obtained by 8 treatment with natural tai-nin cxU, (e. g.. oak). then with KjCrA. and finally with CHsO; this prmdure produced No 0 wed having 3D-ZO times the resistance to decompin. that untreated wool has. Wetted wool cloth "ted 4-6 400 d hrv. at 46-W* with 40g.VLseons CHO percu. in. at trmt- 19* 0 ment chamber after treatment with XsCrA, pve re- all, sults comparabie with the better of treatments in win. !200 G. M. Kosolapiiff 1300 A S 0 . 5 L A AETALLURGICAL LITINATURZ CLASSWICATION 1390 -00 t.laso L. (m. cat .3ulle4t NIL111 dkv Ili F- U 11 AV 10 - I I I I ISI; ; an Kit sets nun Itizan" I X"a , I % v F)d 0 14 11 1 w " 5 A 4, 30 a v A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a a 0 0 1 IDT440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OJUL&1,-0 * 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 LOYAGIIIA, Ya.V.; SHIVRIVA, MI.; PLATONOVA, Ye.G. Chromntogranhic analysis of hydrolysates of the nctive Drincivle of excrescences produced by the pore fungus Inonotus obliauus f. stprili Lwith summary in English]. iiokhimiia 23 o.1:41-46 Ja-F '58. (MIERA 11:3) 1. Laboratoriya novykh nntibiotikov Botanicheskogo instituta im. V.L.Komarova, Leningrnd. (CHROMATOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS) (WOOD-DECAYING YUNGI) NIZKOVSKAYA, O.P.; RILOVA, N.114.; SHIVRIIIU- A.N.; LOVYAGINA, Ye.V.; PLATONOVA, Ye.G. Biology and biochemistry of "chaga," the sterile form of Poria obliqua. Trudy Inst. mikrobiol. no. 6:277-285 159. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Laboratoriya novykh antibiotikov Botanicheskogo instituta AN SSSR. (PORIA OBLIQUA) SHMINA, A.N.; LOTYAGDIA, Ye.V.; PLATONOVA, Ye.G. Nature and origin of the water-soluble pigment complex formed by Inonotue obliquus (Pres.) Pil, [with summary in English] Biokhimiia 24 no.1:67-72 Ja-F 1598 ?MIRA 12:4) 1. Laboratory of New Intibiotics, the BotAnical Insitute, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad. (FUNGI, Inonotus obli uus, isolation of water-souble pigment complex (Rus)l SHIVRINA, A.N.; NIZKOVSKAYA, O.P.; LOVYAGINA, Te.Y.; PLATONOVA, Ye.G.; MILOVA, N.M. Chemical composition of pore fungi at different stages of their develoDment. Bot.zhur. 44 no.12:1724-1727 D '59. (MIRL 13:4) 1. Botanicheskiy institut im. V.L.Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (Mushrooms--Chemical composition) LOVYAGINA, Ye.V,; SHIVRINA, A.N.; PLATONOVA, Ye.G. Investigating carbonyl fraction of hydrolysates of a water-soluble pigment complex produced by the polyporaceous fungus Inonotus obliauus. Biokhimiia 25 no./+:61+0-6/+5 Jl-Ag '60. (MIRA 13:11) - 1. Laboratory of Biochemistry of Lower Plants, Botanical Institute, Academy of Sciepces of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad. (MUSHROOMS) (SINAPALDEHYDE) NIZOVSKYZA, O.P.; SHURINA, T.; LOVIAGINA, Ye.V.; PLATONOVA, Ye.G.; MILOVA, N.M. Conditions for the formation of the pigment complex of Inonotus obliquus in artificial cultures. Mikrobiologiia 29 no.3:4.4-1-445 MY-Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Botanichesk17 institut, im. V.L.Komarova AN SSSR, Leningrad. (WOOD-STAINING FUNGI) SHIVRINA, A.N.; LOVYJtGIN&, Ye.V.; PLATONOVA, Ye.G. Spectrophotometric characteristics of a crystalline carbonyl compound isolated from the pigment complex of ".is fungus Inonotus obliquus. Dokl.AN SSSR 132 no.6:1444-1447 Je 160. (MIR& 13:6) 1. Botanicheskiy institut im. V.L.Komarova Ak-ademii nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom &.L. Kureanovym. (WOOD-LECAYING FUNGI) (CARBONYL COMPOUNDS) YAY,D-IOV, P,A... prof~, otv. red.; YEFIME-NKO, O~M~2 red.; LOVYAGINA, Ye.V.,, red,j NIZKOVSKLYA, O.P,., red,J SIUVRINA, A.N.,, -red.; BELKINA, M.A.., red. izd,-,-Ta; Z~IIDELI, 1-%Ye.,, ie-ld~mle~d. [Comprehensive study of physiologically active substances of lower plarits] Kompleksnoe izuchenie fiziologicheaki aktivnykh veshchestv nizsLikh rastenii. Moskva, Izd-va Akad.nauk SSSR, 1961. 279 p. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Botanicheskiy institut. 2. Laboratoriya bio- klaimii nizshikh rasteniy Botanicheslcogo instituts. im. V.L.Komarova AD SSSR (for Yakimov, Yefimenko, Lovyagina, Nizkovskaya, Shivrina). (Harmones (Plants)) SHIVRINA, A.N. Ohemical and spectrophotometric characteristics of water-soluble .*nlike compounds formed by the fungus Inonottus obliquns (Pers.) hu Pil. Pochvovedenie no-11:51-60 N 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. lJotanicheskiy institut, imeni V.A.Komarova. (Wood-decaying fungi) (Humic substances) SHIVRINA, A.N.; MASLOVA, R.A. Amino acid composition of humus-type substances formed by some wood-decaying fungi. Pochvovedenie no.11:63-67 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Botanicheskiy institut imeni V.L. Komarova. smvl-',11,~'A, Ani-on Ina Ni~el:iro%Mll [Binli aCti-le 5~.j,~;~ances of higher Aulgi~' BJLolC-- gicheski aktiwrje veshchesrva ,ysshikh gribov. Moskva, Naiika, 1965. 197 P. (MIRA IS'. 3) 1. Chien-korreapondent AN SS&'l (for Feciorev). SHIVRINA, A.N. Biologically active compounds in higher fungi. Rast. re2. 1 no.l.-31-41 165. (MIRA 18-.6) 1. Laboratoriya biokhwimil nizshikh rasteniy Botanicheskogo institute im. V.L. Komarova Ali SSSR, Leningrad. YEFIMENKO, O.M., otv. red., DIIZKOVSKAYA, O.P., red.; SHIVRB,4A A N red.; YA-KD,'OV, P.A., red. (Feed proteins and physiologically active mibstances for livestock farming; higher furigi as possible sources of their production] Kormovye belki i fiziolo.-icheski aktivnye ve- shchestva dlia zhivotnovodstva; vysshie griby kak vozrozh- nye istochniki ikh polucheniia. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 126 p. MIRA 19:1) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Botanicheskiy institut. 2. Labora- toriya biokhimii nizshikh rasteniy Botanicheskogo instituta im. V.L.Komarova AN SSSR (for Yakimov, Shivrina). b7_154 S /C 7; = I I . - /60/000/0 12/") 1210 ' 9 AO%D!/AO01 Translation from: Ref'erativnyy zhurnal, Astronom-1ya ! Geodeziya, 1960, No. 12, p. 48, # 12267 AUTHORS; Khaykin, S. E., Kajdanovskiy, N. L., Yesepkina, N. A., ShfvrIE, C). TITI,E- The Great Fulkovo Radiotelescope PER-EODIC-AL..,. Izv. G1. astron. observ. v Pulkove, 1960, Vol. 21, No, 5, pp. 3-26 (English summary) TEXT,-. The authors describe th-~ prirciple, design --id resul-.s of _Irves~.i- gation of the new mirror radiotelescape for centimeter wavelengths, The radio- telescope has the large surface of the reflector and is -,haracterized by -Whe high resolving power. Some astronomical results obtained by means of -.his Instr-ament are presented. The reflector of the radiotelescope consists of a number of flat reflecting elements which form a polyhedral surface touching the surface of an elliptic cone. The reflector transforms the plane incident wave int-c a :ylind-1--al one with a vertical a-xl.s, The cylindrical wave is tran_zfonmed in-t1o -a so--rica" one by the sEccad mirror, a parabolic cylinder, The high relative pre~'_Slon C ard 1/2 87354 The Great Pulkovo Radiote"escope f J-- th~ diZrnembered z,-,rface i~ a-.hieved by pr~-'cise arra-r-,zemert 0 Individual elements, The axis of -,he radio-,el-,-:cope --ar, t =- I-n S t ae d J- n direction by displacements of reflecting element,S and irr--adiator, 'Gearetf-y C~f tir reflecting surface, special features of the radioteles~ope diag--al'il. and kinematics of mechanisms for tre pozitionLng of refiecTing elemen-,s, aare considered, and the measured charaoterli-ctics Gf the rad'IoTelescope are presented, There are 22 references. 4/035/6Q/000/0 12./012/) 19 A'DO I /AC"O I F'rom aut-hors I s--~mrrar-,r Translator's note., This is the full translation of ~~he original HuSS-lari Card 2/2 AUTHORS; TITLE, .U1 1- ~3 S/141/61/004/003/004/020 E133/E435 Kaydhnovskiy, N,L,, Ikhsanova, V.N., Apushkinskiy, G.P,., Shivris, O.N. Observations of lunar radio emission at a wavelength X = 2.3 cm, using the large Pulkovo radiotelescope PERIODICAL,,, Izve5tiya vysshikh -,jcliebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1961, Vol.4, No.3, pp.428-432 TEXT~ It has been shown (Ref.-I-, V.S.Troitskiy, Astron.zh., 31, 51-1 (1954)) that measurements of the brightness temperature at the zentre of the lunar disc permit an estimate to be made of the equivalent -zonductivity of the lunar surface material. Such measures, carried out over the -,ourse of a lunation, demand great stability of the instrument used, In order to minimize the stability requirements, the antenna temperature was determined indirectly by measuring the displacement (x) of the centre of gravity of the emitted lunar radiation from the geometrical centre of the Moon, Using this met-acd, the amplification coefficient of the system only has to remain ~-onatant during the course of one observati-on, The use of the displacement x is discussed in the Card l/ S/14!/61/004/003/004/020 Observations of lunar radio E133/E435 paper of N.L.Kaydanovskiy and lvis team (Ref.2. Izv. AN SSSR, M., 1956, P~347)- The results iliere are inaccurate owing to the fact that the lower reflectivity of the Moon, towards the limb, was ignored, The antenna temperature is derived from the displacement in the way which ha8 been described by Traitskiy (Ref,l). Only the first harmonic term is retained in the present paper, The -variation of x Yrith the amplitude of the variable component of the brightness temperature at the centre of the disc is thuz obtained, The Lheoiy ul Ttoitoltiy assumes that the Moon's orbit lies in the ecliptic plane and that there is no libration. This approximation is applicable except near new, or full, moon. At these latter times, however, the displacement of the centre of gravity of the lunar radiation is small and, therefore, the deviations can also be ignored at these points. The authors discuss the use of an antenna with a low half-width in one coordinate and a considerably greater half width in the other coordinate (Fig.2). Su:-h an antenna can be used so long as the pattern is elongated parallel to the plane of the Earth-Moon axes, so long as it is trailE-d in a direction perpendicular to this. Observations of the Moon wer;_: inside in October-December 1959 at Card 2// 30753 S/ilil/61/004/003/004/020 Observations of lunar radio ... E133/E435 X =-:2.3 cm on the large Pulkovo telescope. The angular resolution of the antenna was 21 in one direction and 201 to 10 in the other. The observations were made with the Moon at upper culmination in order to fulfil the conditions mentioned in the previous paragraph. Fig.4 shows the variation of x with lunar phase. x = 0'.17 (Wt - 350), where t is counted from the new Moon. The accuracy of this expression is + 30%. The amplitude of the variable component at the centre of The lunar disc is, hence, derived as 13.5 + 40K. Acknowledgments are.expreBsed to S.E.Khaykin and X.A.Novysh. There.are 4 figures and 4 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Glavnaya aBtronomicheskaya observatoriya AN SSSR (Main Astronomical Observatory AS USSR) SUBMITTED: October 7, 1960 Card 3/4' VLASOV, A.G.; PONOMAREV, V.P.; SKITYRTALOV, M.T.; SHCHENIN, P.M. Vacuum systems for electron accelerators. Izv. TPI 122:99-107 162. (MIRA 17:9) --re an-i and ','ethyl F'nz-,-lv-*)-,--' c-'r'l inn" I '~'Attu, irr-n, 'c-i A. j7. FaVrrSkj-,T, T 1 Y t hr.-,ri-le and r: a L ror., icl e7 n yl iri nyl 1- t~- t~-.rtiarv- e C., re~-~rectivplv cll)rlle~", 0~) undeocrir e,-. e r a' ur c In, ~zac-~ ca--,e a c ;en:n lac,~, -n. an,~', -an Z k~~T , -o j:vt-% ~' '-', _A ~-~ -, ~'j . , SHIYAN, A.A., gornyy inzh. Mine 1,10.7-7bis fights for the title of enterprise of communist I lAor. Ugol' 36 no.7:5 Jl '61. (MIRA 15:2) .1 1. Shakhta No.7-7-bis tresta Artemugol' kombinata Primoskugol'. (Uglovoye Basin--Coal mines and mining--Labor productivity) MOTSNYYY A.V.; SHIYAN, F-I.; BAZILEEVSKIY, A.R.; VOLOSHINA, !4.14. Treating internal surfaces of ingot molds with a powdered-wtal paste. Sbor.rats.predl.vnedr.v proizv. no.41:17 160. (KERA 14:F) 1. Yenallciyevskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Foundries.-.-Equipment and supplies) SHIYAN~ I.V. Use of diacarb in the treatment of internal diseases* Sovemedo 24 no.3:132-135 I.L- 16~. (MM 1483) 1. Iz gospitallnoy terapevticheakoy kliniki (dir.-- doyetvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR'prof. A.L. Myasnikov) I Moskovskogo 6.rdena Lening- meditBinskogo instituta imenj I.M. Sechenova. (THIADIAZOLESULFONAMIDE) (HEART FAILURE) (HYPERT=ION) SHIYAN, I.V._;__-LIJZKOVA, S.L.; M.ATVEYEVAq L.S.; ZILDVA.9 A.N. Osseous form of xanthomatosis in adults. Klin. med. 38 no. 4:141- 11+5 Ap 160. (MIRA ll+:l) (LIFOIDOSIS) ~.)M I YAH, I . V. CAND fJED SC 0 FTONUS AND PER- MEABILITY OF VESSELS IN CHRONIC ALCOHOLISM." VITEBSK, 1961. (VITEBSK STATE NIED INST). (KL-DV, 11-61, 231). - SHIYAN, Tonus and permeability of the blood vesFels in chronic alcoholism. TeraD. arkh. 33 no.5.'32-40 My 161. (MIRA 14-12) L Iz fakul"tetskoy terapevticheskoy kliniki (dir. - prof. A. G. Gukasyan) sanitarno-gigiyenicheslwgo fakullteta I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta, imeni I. M. Sechenova. (ALCOHOLISM) (CAPILLARIES-PMUIEABILITY) AYDUSHRYA, M.P.; VOSTRIKOVA, V.A.; LIPTANSKATA, R.S.; SHITAN, K.K.-,-Prinimali uchastiye., ANTMTS, L.G., nauchnyy sotrudnik; BELMMINA, S.G.. nauchnyy sotrudaik; WrUNOT, T.D., nauchnyy sotrudaik; SUN, B.S., nauchnyy sotrudnik; LYCHAGIN, H.S. 3M, A.D., kand.istor.nauk, red.; VORONINA, V.H., red.; SHETCHENKO, M.G., [History of the Kharkov Locomotive Plant from 1895 to 1917; collected documents and materials] Iatoriia Kharlkovokogo paravozostroitellnogo zavods. 1895-1917 99.; abornik dokumentov i materialov. KharIkov, Khartkovskoe obl.izd-vo, 1956. 378 p. WRA 14:1) 1. Kharkov. (Province) Gosudarstvennyy arkhiv. 2. Gosudarstvenn" arkhiv Khorikovskoy oblasti (for Antonets, Belenkinal Tavlanov, Shain). (Llwrkov--LocomotiveE--Constrtiction) SHIYAN, Kirill Karpovich LSbyian, K.1; NEKRABOVA, L., red.; LYAWIN, V., (Struggle of Ukrainian workers for the restoration of industry, 1921-19251 Borot'ba robitnychoho klasu Ukrainy za vidbudovu promyslovosti, 1921-1925 rr. Kyiv, Derzh.vyd-vo polit.lit-ry URSa, 1959. 302 p. (MIRA 13:2) (Ukraine--Economic conditions) SHIYAN, T.S. Organizing local population labor force for road work. Avt.dor. 19 no.1:19-21 Ja '56. (HLRA 9:5) 1. Zaveduyushchiy Priazovskim rayavtoshoadorom. (Zaporozh'ye Province--Road construction workers) PROTASOV, N.F.; STEFANOV, V.Ye.; DEMCHENKO, V.P.;.~IIIYAN,_V.A.; KRISIITAFOVICH , P.D. Rolling SVP-17 and 27 shapes with a greater incline of the walls. Metallurg 8 no.9:31-34 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Zavod "Azovstall.11 (Rolling (Metalwork)) PPOTASOV, D.F.; STEFATTOV, V. Ye.; SHIYANI, V.A.; DRACHENKO, V.P.; KRISETAFOVICHI P.D. I Rolling of a Ito. 16 c'annel by the gradual bending method. Metallurg 9 no.1:27-29 Ja 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Zavod "'Azovstall't. fol li J~j L (A 1,Az, -, ta MAK-HALIN, B.D.; SHIYAII. V.G. . Stresses in chills during the centrifugal casting of ii-on tubes. Lit.proizv. no.11:26-27 N 161. (HIRA 14-10) (Centrifuga-'L casting) (Thermal stresses) SHITYAN, V.G.,- DAVYDOV, V.A. Ex- ,pamsion of pipe production from high-,5trength cast iron. Meta.Uurg 6 no.ii.-27-29 N 161. (14M 24--11) L. Ula-ainskiy nauchno-issledovateltskiy trubnyy institut, (Pipe., Cast iron)