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h h; ~j C. - Ga v r 1C. %T '.7 TTl~ -141 Y e ',Aid fur ticka' ari~d baq,-,-,-e casr4,ersl roscble Yc-sl~~a. Transport, i-agazh7 k-as34 rij. I I I SHISM4AXDV, V.; SAPATOV, P. Superheterodyne with crystal triGdes. Radio no.12:50-52 D '55. (MIRA 9:4) (Radio--Receivers and reception) (Triodes) 052131 SOV/142-2-3-19/27 (2,3) I . UTITORt Shishmaho V N - i!TTEDL~~ (Nioscow) TITLEs The Terminology in the Field of Transistor Electronics PERIODICUs Izvestiya vysshikh uchebny1di zavedeniyj Radiotekhnika, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 3, pp 376-377 (USSII) ABSTRACT: The author refers to the article by T.M. Agalchanyan, B.N. Kononov and I.P. Stepanenko, titled "The Terminology in the Field of Transistor Electronics", published in Izvestiya vysshildi ucheb- nykh zavedeniy, Radioteldmika, 19589 Vol 1, Nr 4. He presents his opinions in the same arrangement as in the aforementioned article, dealing with General Problems, Junctions and Contacts, Diodes, Triodes and Circuit Problems. The author recommends the term "po- luprovodnikovyye pribory" (semiconductor devices) instead of "tranzistornaya elelctronikm" (transistor electronics) since "tran- sistors" are usually controlled triodes or tetrodes. Similar sug- gestions were made for junctions and contacts, diodes and trindes. Card 1/1 As far as circuits are concerned -the author recommends distin- guishing between emitter or base inp-Put, etc. SUBMITTED: February 12, 1958 P14ASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5521 .Kobz9-,,, V,',.',, and V.N. Shishmako-, Kaskady radiopri7emnikov na tranzistorakh (Cascades of Transistorized Radio Receivers) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1960. 271 p. 17,000 copies printed. Ed-- Ya.A-F-3,~-J:-,,~ Tech. Ed.,, G.Ye. Larlonov, PURPOSH~ Thi-- is intended for technical personnel engaged in the development i-f radio qQuilument. I+ may also be useful to students of radio engi- r~eerwing -a,--, si~',-,~--.-Is of higher and se-~onda:ry education. GO?,-EIRAGE~- Th~ boi)k presents the basic _-.riwiples of the design and calculation of cascades lbli transistorized radio Physical processes occurring in 7 delrlf%es and the, relationships of semiconductor parameters to tempevatur;,:~,. and frequency are briefly described. The L I-. Ci n,,iv J C'A st.,,rakov., Pr ssso-c,, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and Ya.A. Cn-ndidat~~ of Ti~~Auait~al for their advice. There are 66 refer- ences~~ Soviet (In'-Iud.mig 13 translations), 20 English, and 1 French. Ca-~--rTA- Ccadc-sauun of ~hgaa with =1 e: SU and 7-6. Shi i, Trudy V~rtoclm~ '32 a ji~-i of !I-,) mniu.. 15c, Cr'l,:CHCH.Ci to a solti. et M3 1 PhOll, 1~6", - -4 this mat. Ls stirred 5 and 2,W g H.0 at 39 W; aul fddnl. 135 mL-. at aud the temp. riLs--r! to 6,3* 10 u min - T ht mixt, ij~ thta andl nvuty-alized with mn&.. HC, Tne oill-, ii zad ~slned wi!b ~_!n. CA NaC,'I; thc in:~ul pa,,. is washt~' xi*h H-0, drti- C!, and !ht ethers fcr-=d du:ing the ll~c_,Z!D. i & .A-n "1:0. -.; !-1 1! !~~C~,cus tvivz~ L~ acidi&d mth concd. 'Ici i xtlt~ ivith 4 buln. of NaHCO., dtied w1zli Mlg~~O.. and the ether vapil. 1~_,ving the ph~wLc iraczion ~f the m_ct~on mmducts. By dista. of the ether IT12ct~nn (obtaired frern 375 g. D, Oct folictwing c-ompls. h,sve bem i~~oL-Ltd --nd idculi&d; 152.51 t_ CH'..-CH- Mopb, I I g. P- IF artd clq~!cq- The iolkwffig cam-p-ts. 1--ave b--en t,, i a m! idl~n r ified from the phenalic ffiacti6a Ob- t2ined zu. - "_15 g 1 AJAR g P1101r, 19.61 g. CHEJI,*~,' j~( ~'-f 1 7 g -,-clf, 1: UCH!'C-U.OH. Tt i_-i of l~)rMaLlazz ,,' the ~~mp&. d-* rs tfj~v !hL N. Vnitcff -uwff~__ T E ~:_ ii~ "T, K 0 T i YE-lif, Y ,1.L. r nxy-4 I -e thy-r. z.-'v-,nzene .1--v. At SCSF. ld,4m. no.g., 1674-IL 67 5 '6 5 . (vdaA 118'.9) 1. Institut khl4mlr-heskoy kineti-ki i gorenlya Sibi.rslkogo otdeleniya AN L.-ISR. -2234-0-66-----E, -~m'/E~'Mkjtj RM A?6009802 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66/000/002/0360/oi62---,,-~i AUThOR: Shisbmskova, T. G.; Bardamova, M. I.; Kotlyarevskiy, 1. L. ~ORG: Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Siberian Depqrtment~ ~of the Academy of Scien-c-e-s-,-SSSh (Institut khimicheskoy -kinetiki I igoreniya Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Synthesis of vinylacetylene aromatic hydrocarbons from unsatur8ted ketones SOURCE: AN SSS'R. I%Zlestiya.. Serlya khirnicbeskays, no. 2, 1966, 300-362 TOPIC TAGS: aromatic ketone, aromatic hydrocarbon, alkyne, pol-yeondensa-tion ABSTRACT: The stabilizing effect on aromatic vinylacetylenes of introducing a phenyl radiaca.1 in the vinyl groupand of substituting. the m monophenyl with a dipbenyl group were investigated. Mono- and divinylacetylene derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons were synthesized by reacting unsaturated aromatic ketones with PC15 and NaNH Thus 1-bi-ohenylylbutene-i-ine ~0 -3 (1) was synthesized from p-pbeny benzalaceton and i,~-bis(21-phenylbutene-11-ine-31-Yl-l')benzene (II), from Card 1/2 UDC: 542.91+547.36 L 22340-66 ACC NR: AP6009802 1,4-bis(21-phenylbutene-11-one-31-Yl-ll)benzene. Oxidative condensation of I gave a dimer. Polycondensationlof II gave a polymer in which some o'L the acetylenic bonds una9,-w6nf--p6r'tial hydration to a carbonyl group. Introduction of the ph6nyl substituent in the vinyl group increased stability considerably; 54% yield of II was obtained. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. 441 SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 06jul65/ ORIG REF: 001 212d)-- Card L '93ou-1 U L.', F I T ACC NRI AP60i7874t SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66/000/005/0909/0914 , i_ k AGi'HOR: Kotlyarevskiy, I. L.; Bardamova, 1M. I.; Shishmakova, T. G. ORG: institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Siberian Department, Acade-my e s S S S R ( I n s t i t u t k h i m- Tc -he s F6-y- IMfe-t i'Vl-r -go r e_n__fy__a _79-ifff r-sYo-g o- -o of Scienc t_Je~enPy_a___ Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Highly unsaturated polymers. Communication 17. Synthesis of mono- and di-athynylvinyl derivatives of benzene and oxidative condensation thereof SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 5, 1966, 909-914 TOPIC TAGS: organic semiconductor, semiconducting polymer, polyacetylene, poly- vinyleneacetylene ABSTRACT: New unsaturated polymers~V (see below) with alternating double and triple' bonds in the backbone have beep prepared by a new route. It is noted that the polymers previously prepared by the authors, C) A (C _~ C) ... where m = 1 and 2, contained diacetylene and tetraacetylene bonds in the backbone. To determine tile difference between the effect on properties of double and triple bonds, it was of interest to prepare such polymers in which triple bonds would be Card _L/ 3 UDC: 547. L 29360-00 - - __ - ACC NR: AP6017879 partly or fully replaced by double bonds. Polymer V was prepared as follo- Pal, (V11) (0) CO cuol, C.11.u (VI). (V) Polymer V was a brown powder. It gave a narrow, intense EPR signal which indicates continuous conjugation/in the backbone. 'Elemental analysis and IR spectroscopy indicated the presence of some carbonyl substituents, apparently due to Hydration of end-group triple bonds. To determine the effect on properties of the removal of the double bonds in V, polymer IX was prepared as follows: Pd/0400, HIG-GO-GHl-CH,-//~ POI, Clip 7- Card 2/1 L 993R6-66 ACC NR'- AP6017879 MINH. NH, ur I -lao ~HC-G ~C-GH~-05 (0] cucl, C".N (Vill) l-1[-C=-G-Gl1,CH,-// %-CHCH,-G=-C-J,,H (IX) Polyr,ker IX was a white powder. It gave no EPR signal, which indicates discontinuous conjugation in the backbone. In addition, a number of vinylacetyleneAand divinyl- acetylene alcohol monomers were prepared. Orig. art. has:., 3 formulask (SM) SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 30Dec65/ ATD PRESS:'~-60 3/3 7 7- IL fj, -.0. -3, ziviraal 1.1" A statEY, 3 31: 136, 2 1 lifill iifl~ IM, , "~ . V . o4922 Slishman, D.V. Velichina Fla,pryazhenVa Poyavlenlya bxol zvashchlkh leazryadov Po Poverkliosti Tvordogo Dlelelktrlka V Transforratornom MA-sle. Vestnlk Ic)4c), Ilo, 7. S. 1(J-24 1. Sivetoteknnika So: Letonis' No, 11, 1049 SHISMM~Mj D. V. ubbu/Biectricity - bigatning rrotection Oct 50 Networks, IAw-Voltage "Damage From Storms, and Protection of Rural Low-Voltage Networks," K. M. Semchinov, Engr, D. V. Shishman, Cand Tech Sci, Leningrad Affil- iate, All-Union Inst for Electrification of Agr nElektrichestvo" No 10Y PP 37-39 Analyzes overvoltages in Leningrad Oblast due to cusses protection of these pheric overvoltages and tain protective measures systems in houses. FDD subject networks in storms in 1948-49. Dis- networks from atmos- recommends testing cer- for internal-wiring 171T26 PA 171T26 SHISHMAN, D.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. "Simplified method of routine testing vilit" lightning arresters. Blek.sta. 25 n0-9:39-43 S 154. (MMA 7:9) (Lightning arresters) ~j 3799. PROTECTION OF RURAL POWER INSTALLATIONS I/ AGAINSY ATY.MMRIC'SURGES. Elektrichestva, 1956, Wo. 6, VtSO. 15-TC03MIT.-, r The specint characteristivo-of these 6yetema.-4re capacity stall=4 - nd submtioas, freq6ent. pole-typq trams- ly formers, extinsive use of steel conductors, low qhort-wcircult currents anct low rates of v altag.e recavery after clearance of short-circuits; also extensive use of two-wirli-eirth systems. U low phAse-earth sho -circuit rurrenfi~ in three-wire a- - yatems with Insulated neutraij- eimple t__ -idswitchgear I X. Sys- Q tems without earth wires ca wooden poles-and lack of personnel for the maintenance of protective devices, On the other hand, the dangers %rising are mainly those to human and ardmat life and to houses... particularly great fire risks. The protective equipment used consists mainly of prof6ctf*e spark gaps and auto-valve diverters. - Rapid rokl"- ng Is recommendeed. Dia- grams showing recommended solutions of protection problems for various types of rural power- systems ire.kesented. Sta- t1stIcal. d--ta indicate the necessity of In, fig aie PM proyl, ; . , mainly of I.v. systems. From some of the accidents it caa be concluded that surges of.1500,kV amplitude penetrate Into houses, this being due to thaalmost complete absence of earth- Ing at the lead-ins of the* service cables. B.F.Kraus- MErifOVA, inzhener; SHISIM02 D.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. 04"Oft"N Possibility of maintenance tests on vilite arresters at below-fre- ezing temperatures. Elek.sta. 27 no.9:60-61 s '56. (MLRL 9:11) (Lightning protection) SHISM,LAIT, D.V., kand.tekhn.nauk --- ~11- - " ~ - - - - Some data on the electric conductivity of silicon carbide powder. Trudy GIY.KI no.2:121-133 '57. (YI-U 11:7) (Electric conductivity) (Silicone carbide) 8(2) SOV/112-58-3-3982 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika. 1958, Nr 3, p 73 (.USSR) AUTHOR: Shishman, D.- V. TITLE: Carrying Capacity of Working Resistors in Modern Valve-Type Lightning Arresters (Propusknaya sposobnost' rabochikh soprotivleniy sovremennykh ventil'nykh razryad-nikov) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gos. issled. elektrokeram. in-ta.. 1957, Nr 2, pp 133-141 ABSTRACT: Investigations conducted by manufacturing plants and scientific- research institutes have permitted a considerable rise in the carryhig capacity of working resistors (vilit disks) of valve-type lightning arresters. As a rule, the vilit-disk carrying capacity decreases with an increase in the disk resistance. A high-temperature firing results in a higher resistance of the disk due to the oxidation of carborundum grains. The voltage drop across individual carborundum grains and across the contacts between them increases while the carrying capacity decreases. The disk-resistance increase also Card 113 8(2) SOV/1 12-58-3-3982 Carrying Capacity of Working Resistors- in Modern Valve-Type Lightning Arresters takes place when it -is prepared from a lower -conductivity carborundum. ~n this case, too, the voltage drop across the individual grains and grain -to --grain contacts increases. With the disk prepared from finer carborundurn grains, the residual voltage across the disk also increases. The presence of a small. number of larger carborundum grains in the disks results in the fact that the larger grain contacting several smaller grains passes a heavy current; th.L;, in turn, results in a damage to the larger grains and, therefore, in a lower disk carrying capacity. The disk carrying capacity also materially depends on the quality of its molding and the moisture content of the molding mass. Even if the mass were placed in the mold in a uniform manner, it is, never- theless, less compressed around the disk edge, as the mass is partly squeezed into the gap between the insert and the mold; the maximum electric-field concentration also occurs at the edge of the metallized area, and the d'-sk breakdown usually occurs there. If the disk is prepared from the mass with a Card 213 8M SOAFJ 112-58--3-3982 Carrying Capacity of Working Modern Valve-Type Lightning Arreacters. low moisture content, the cohesion between the carborundtm grains is poor. The disk carrying capacity can be increased by: (1) firing the disk at a temperature; (2) manufacturing the disk from a higher -conductivitv carborundurn; (3) segregating larger grains from the carborundum powde--.-. (4) using a harder pressure around the disk edges; (5) molding the disk frorn a sufficiently moistened mass. Bibliography- 4 items. T, V. V. Card 313 8 (2j SOV / 112 -59 - 2 -28 2 1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 2, p 79 (USSR) AUTHOR: Shishman, D. V. TITLE: Operating Experience With Vilite Arrestors (Opyt ekspluatatsii vilitovykh razraydnikov) PERIODICAL: Tr, mezhvuzovsk. nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii po dal'nim elektrope-redacham, 1956, Sekts 3, L. , 1957, pp 88-97 ABSTRACT: Operating --experience data with vilite arrestors is presented; the data shows that the average annual number of arrestor operatittions recorded by an RVR counter was 0. 25 per phase; the maximum number was 5. RVS-220 and RVVM counters operated much less frequently. Many failures of RVR counters due to seal breaks are noted. Statistics of arrestor failures are presented, a-nd it is noted that all existing types of arrestors cannot stand the internal over - voltages that occur when a no-load line is switched off, or when a resonant or arc overvoltage appears, etc. A reliable arrestor operation during internal Card 1/2 SOV/1 12-59 -? -2821 Operating Experience With Vilite Arre'stors overvoltages could be ensured only by altering the series gap and by raising the curr ent -carrying capacity of arrestor resistors. Ye. V. K. Card 2/2 Widat tektinichankildi nauk. ~~S , Experience using I'vilite" arrestors. Ilek. sta. 26 no.5:76-79 My '57. (XI-RA 10. 6) (Lightning protection) Sov/110-59-9 -10/2 _2 -d D.V- (Call me"" Ligi jd.p-g A' SAJU,11 H R F f e-- a-rticle a.71-e- T 1, 4- lant ca-rbo--,'-!! ;L of P, s te -_,, 3:-s I CL e 01 ac~ Tt zs deftrled eith'c:r k, ---v L I - I -ian c t! OL 5 Of C.J -, 1. 0';, 0 ., . . e t air, y large, 1111 r ilium Ili C-ts 0) -L- damage; t h d. 3 Wj i;hou G 11f 20 1 wav-e sh~ -Y1T c)-al SPS 0 19-- TI-Le by th j-hcu- fi~-mag" 1),~7.S5- 'vf U k, r-e as i g 1--, ILI n- g a is -de resistaiine Of the w en a O-f, the r?~~ '~C)o and 1 t ag o 0 th at-L e Of 1. 4 pass ed '2h!ls f MeaEiUj* "U -1reT t, -, s -asua 1 -LY - - -1 - Gag e s a r ai Cut- I i ;me ter the reni-aV-, 4 vel-Y. 0 M r- d, i a respectl. -S 80 and 1-00 charac%te-T-Lsed bY Of 50 CU-'- disos -Ls e joned ~~a-2-c,YirZ CapacitY 'fil'*te s a -0 2 M e r~ W; 3 ~he n.F in acco'r as flarllr t'. -1 e Thi 5 (4 Ij olls and plo e: - -1 1 I,-- g:n, -11, 0- Card 313 ge - (1; U .-~,,n.!.anellu Voltage 0- V - SOV/110- 59-9-10/22' Tlae Operating Resistance of V-11i've Lightnin_~- Arresters vras done uith current impulses of wa7e shape 18/1+0 and V301500 microseconds (front and tail times) and Vilite d2.scs of 100 mm diameter, 30 mm high subjected to 20-30 impulses, the voltage gradients on & dis,,-s being kb_,~.e_-rlined at a current of 80 A. The amplitudes are plotted against the voltage gradients in Figs 1 and 2'. The bold lines correspond to mean currant-carrying and the dotted lines to minimum .-apacity. Discs U L I of low current-carrying capacity usually have very non- linear properties, as ,-rill be seen from the graph in Fi~,r 3. Here the coeffiAent of non-linearity is plotted as function of the voltac-e --radient at a aurrent of 80 A for discs of 'the types mentioned in Figs 1 and 2. If the -,arborundurnq powdei- ft~om which thp disc-s are made is finer than usual their resistance is high a-ad current- ~tarrying capacity low. The reasons for this are discussed. If the amplitude of the cinr7_-ent. impulses is increased the number of iT,11pulses tliat the disc can withstand decreases: a similar effect -is observed if the duration of the (--aT~d 2/3 ourrent impulses _Js increased. Data are given in support of 'these st-ateirients, and the relationships between SOV/ 1 0 - 5c) -9 - 110/c'2 2 T`- Res-ist"ance of Vi.2-ite L-!---htn-,ng A --7 r e s -u' e- T s g u h o -f th e I s C- .,irrent-carryiK (,apa;,:.i;y and wa, 7ei -M.- -or-ect J-n vig L+. b'o:~- a ligh~-ning a-,----,aster- -.t,,,s RV" and RVVM, Wi 'i raci 'v o I- .Y (0 sr-s of 100 nim di ameter, - 'f-a.nges f--,(-,Tn 9000 -';.:! 10000 A with a, va, shape, of 1UL'O min:,f-se~~r'll-i's tr,, 1710,2100 A u-ith an ;.a-;,--e shape of 1000 12,00 Cori-osponding dall-a a--,--e c-iven for other Slzes Of disc.,. Storage tests showed that the current-car.-ying capa(,-L-1-,y did not ~;hange aftc-i-, Years storage undeo--- (~ y ccridil-*ons but was greatly reduced by storage. for relatively short t-imes -ander In some cases L,,o 4 S I-aj_a may i-.~ause (,.Taa!:3 Lions. - appear- J -n t,he d-*L3 cs . - I Ll soqjo5~59-12 0 f 0'rer FiL , c CIt 3:~ 64-69 The C111-C5 4 Cl I'V Ai-6 ate&-.,Pt,oj'j T~ natio n~ve- I . ope til - Of --e, t af,e 01 t U k3 I ~ 11 '10, VC_ '-111e e-JL t e-ril 0 t L .L es -iris vile" ov, Ox' 'L ec e 0r ()f CC .,or I ost 0 -e-Tc p S e e"re, 'JJV - ..1): C jes S ,es e to tile 0-1v 0 ello. p 111 te-r clel) aLi'le-rt tyle o , 0 'a -S -0 aL v e~ f tile t 0" o ae oil -f-re -S c oil O-a 0 the C'a ati -G -0c t e I" lirie ati C)" of 0 1:a 0 Vl or t-e 0 c-'.-!-; Cl On - -a V- - e oft 0 ~1' ... ilk, er The Influence on Valve Diverters With a Reduced SOV/105-59-12-14/23 Flashover Potential in Internal Excess Voltages shows that the "permeability" of working resistors of modern RVS-dischargers is seemingly sufficient for the following: if the diverters are mounted on the track-side of the substation, -the diverters can be used for limiting the-excess voltage occurring when switching off unloaded 110-220 kv-lines. Ti7,e excess voltages occurring with intermittent ground leaks, aith different resonance- and other unusual phenomena, may cause damage of the diverter, because of their long duration. As the diverters for limiting internal excess voltages are used in the first place for limiting excess voltages acting on the insulation of power transformers, it is advisAble to connect the diverters near the inlet of the transformeiFe concerned. In this case the divcrters are less loaded by the influence of the excess voltage caused by switching-off of unloaded lines than are diverters connected on the side of the line. For testing the possibility of limiting the internal excess voltage with valve divertera of the same transmissivity as that present in valve diverters used for protection against atmospheric excess voltage, the following is recommended: in networks with a dead Card 2/3 --rou-nd neutral feeder' and of 110 and 22U kv it would be The Influence o-.q-- Valve Diverters With a Reduced SOV/105-59-12-4/23 Flashover Potential in Internal Fbccess Voltages suitable to undertake a test operation with M-conductors. 'Phe flashover potontial of the diverter at 50 CPS frequency should be reduced to 2.2-2-5 Uphase* Because of the difficult conditions it would be advisable to use spark segments Yith insulation interlayers of mica or "amofos'(amofosnyy) micanite instead of the conventional commutator micanite. The comnutations i,,ere made according to a method worked out at the Lenin,--adskiy politelchnicheskiy institut im. Kalinina (Leningrad Polytec~-nic Institute imeni Kalinin). There are 4 figures, 1 table, uld 21 references, 8 of which are Soviet. SUBIAITTED: 'lay 18, 1959 Card 3/3 SHISFT-LN, D.V., k-and.tekhn.nauk Protection of small electric power substations against overvoltages. Elek.sta. 31 no-5:53-54 My 160. (MIRA. 13:8) (Electric protection) (Electric vubstations) SHISITAN, D.11., kand. tpkhn.nauk-, I-IDADVA, N.N., inzh. vilite 3 to kv. discharFers with a simplified design for electric substations-. Vest. elektroprom. 31 no.10:74-76 o (,o~ ( MIIRJ~ 21 5: 1 ) (Electric switchgpar) (Electric substations--Equipment and supplies) SHISHMANY D.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; TRUSOVA, V.N., inzh. Rod-type supporting glectr.-Lc insulators for outdoor use with a 35 to 220 kv. power rating. Vest.elektroprom. 32 no.8:74-76 Ag 161. (MERA 14:8) (Electric insulators and insulation) (Electric lines--Overhead) SHISHMAN, D.V., kand.tekim.nauk~ ~EKHGVA, N.N., inzh.; ROZET, V.Ye., inzh. Valve discharger for the production of electric machinery. Vest. elektroprom. 33 no.2:75-77 F 162. (141-U 15.2) (Electric machinery) (Electric protection) -SHISHM&N.-D.V-., kand.tekhn.nauk3 GUREVICH, A.A., inzh. Experience in using "vilite" arresters. Elek.sta. 33 no.12s46-51 D 162. (MMA 16s12) (Electric protection) (Electric power distribution) SHISHMAN, D.V., kand. tekhn. nauk-, MLKHOVA, N.N., inzh.; GUREVICH, A.A., inzh.; IKHTEYMAN, F.M., inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: ROZET, V.Ye., inzh.; YAPLUN, G.S.; KAZIMPE) A.P. Light-weight RVO-35 valve-type discharger. Mekh. i elek. sots. sellkhoz. 21 no.3:60-62 163. 04IRA 16:8) 1. Leningrad3kiy filial Gosudarstvennogo isaledovateliskogo elektrokeramicheskogo instituta (for Shisbman,Mekhova, Gurevich). 2. liauchno-issiedovateltskiy institut mekhanizatsii i elektrifikatsii sellskogo khozyaystva Severo-Zapada (for Ikhteyman). (Electric protection) SHIS-W. AN, D. V. Valve dischargers vith magnetic quenching. Standartizatsiia 27 no.2:1,3-A4 F '63. (MIRA 16-24) (Electric insulators and insulation-Safety appliances) .Khn. nriuk for t'n overvoltage vro7ac,ion of nonground~'6 a e d ic- a r - neu. 10 kv. trans-fo T.S. e ~~ta. ,ral lines of 110-2, (MIR" 3F-41,) je 164. !1 Ic 1~ a I-If i txL " I I- I - ( '-~ (I: ~- -r, E, d ) : ~ ~ ~Q~I.A P I, D.V kand LT - fj~j K i R irtzll. e n I rl rnd I!,Ye., -nzh. with dectroma6retic Tiarrow-sl-~~t arc querchers for valli(! di~!chargers. El.o4- ~.chestvc no.12,58-60 D 164, (. 1,11-1 RA 1 S - L2 SHISffiMAN, S. S. (Senior 1~ngineer) "Methods of Modeling Random Disturbances in Gyro Systems" report presented a," the Scientific-technical Conference on Modern Gyroscope Technology Anistry of Higher and Secondary Special Education RSFSR, held at the Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics, 20-24 November 1962 (Izv. vysshikh uchebnykh zavekeniy. Priborostroyenlye, v. 6, no. 2, 1963) ACCESSION NRt AR4034722 S/0124/6-4/000/00-3/AOll/A012 SOURCEi Ref. zh. Makhan., Abs. 3A81 AUTHORt Shislunan, S. S. TITLEt Modeling Gyroscopic systems inoluding the calculation of friction CITED SOURCEs Tr. Leningr. in-t aviato. priborostr., vy*p. 40, 1963, 119-127 TOPIC TAGSs Gyroscopic system, modoling, friction, Cardan suspension I TWISLATIONt Methods of modeling gyroscopic systems are shown with computation of friction as a stationary random process.* A simple system of a generator of random disturbances is noted, and an engineering method for calculating transmission functions is given. A generalized system of modeling makes it possible to model all' possible variants of the movement of a gyroscope in a Cardan suspension. DATE ACQi 02Apr64 SUB CODE: AE, PH ENCL: 00 Card BULG_*~FM'_ / Chemical TcchnoloTj. Chemical Products & Their cations. SyntIB tic Polymers. Pl_~~stics. .'.bs Jour : R Zh Khim,., No 12, 1959, No 44149 "uthor : Shistux2mov, Ch.; Materev, K. Inst :'73-E -givell ... Title Plastics and Their Use for 14,:.chincry. Orig Pub Tezliha promishlenost, 1958, 7, :!o ),, 17-25 'bstract Clazsification of present-day plastics, their basic proper- ties, and the use of plastics for i-_~.chinery. - L. Pesin. Card: 1/1 H -L6 SHL~,*L-I;-.IIIOV) Ch. ------ - I~ew Hungarian rtietal-cu--ting machines. p. L~. TEZHKA (Ministerstvo na tezlikata promishlenost)" Sofiia, Bulgaria. Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1959. Monthly LisU of &-ist European Accessions EE-AI) LC, Vol. 9, No. 2, Feb. 1960. UNCL 761-r "'. ' ' -7, J . DRACHEV, Iv., SHISBWOV, D. Clinical possibilities of diagnosis of q favor. Swrrom. mad., Sofia 5 no.2:117-120 1954. 1. 1z terapevtichnoto otdelenie pri Garnizoniia gospital. Plovdiv. (Q, FSVER. diagnosis,) SHISHMANOV, D.; GRIGOROV, D.V. Densography and densometry in electrophoresis on filter paper. Suvrem. med., Sofia 9 no.2:69-71 Feb 58. 1. Iz Vutreshnoto otdelenie na Voennata bolnitsa; Plovdiv (Zavezhdashch: Iv. Drachev). (MEGTROPHOBIZ IS filter paper, densography & densometry (Bul)) KHAVEZOV, K.; SHISN Ox Sulfoherioglobin intoxication in simultaneous therapy with analgin and magnesium sulfhte. Suvrem, med., Sofia 8 no.10:103-106 1957. 1. Iz Klinikata po fakulteteka terapiia pri VMI--Sofiia (7-avezhdashch: prof. D-r. M. Rashev. (DIABETES MLITUS, complications, polyneuritis, analgin with magnesium sulfate ther. causing sulfohemoglobinemia (Bul)) (POMMITIS, etiol. t9e nathogen, diabetes mellitus , analgin with magnesium sulfate ther. causing sulfohemoglobi.nemia (Bul)) (BLOOD DISEASES, etiol. & pathogen. sulfohemoglobinemia, caused by analgia with magnesium sulfate ther. of diabetic polyneuritis (Bul)) (AMINOPYRINS, rel. apds, analgin with niag,nesium sulfate ther. of diabetic polyneuritis causing sulfohemoglobinemia (Bul)) (14AGUESIUM SULPATE, ini. eff. sulfohemoglobinemia in ther. of diabetic polyneuritis, with analgin (Bal)) VIADIMIROV, Vl.;SHISHMANOV, N. Achinococcosis of the liver with thrombosis of the inferior vena cava. Suvrem. med., :)ofia 9 no.3:107-110 1958. 1. 1z Klinikata -oo fak-ultetska terapiia pri VMI--Sofiia (Zav. katedrata: nrof. M. Rashev) DIS;AS-714S, (LITKIR case reports echinococcosis, with thrombosis of inferior vena cava (Bul)) (ECHINOCOCCMIS, case reports liver, with thrombosis of inferior vena cava (Bul)) (MIAE, CAV.A3. dis. thrombosis of inferior in echinococcosis of liver (Bul)) (THROMBOSIS, cormlications, vena cava, with liver echinococcosis (Bul)) _: ^ ~-' ~1-1- - SHISHMANOV, P. Bleminating imrulse disturbances in smateur short-wave receivers. p.16. ( W 10 Vol. 4. no. 4. 1955, Sofiya) SO: Monthly List of Zast baropeen Accessions, (VAL). LX, Vol. 4m No. 11, Nov. 1955, Uncl. ShISiP,~Al-.OV, P. ; R---Di~V, IS . Construction of electric transformers with coils of conic bobDins. D. 38. (I-Iinisterstvo na tezhkata promishlenost) Soffia, 3 ulgaria Vol. 8, I~o- 9, Sept. 1959. Monthly List of :,ast European Accessions (,!EAL) LG, Vol. 9, No. 2, Feb. 10~6- U`4CL BULGARIA Cho..--Acal Techn-0109Y. Chemical Products H and Thoir Application. Leath-zx. Fur. Gel- atin, Tannine; 1viatetials. industrial Pro- tains. Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-Khj-yaiya, No 9, 1959, 33660. Author : Shis=, ano_v,_ P. Inst :Not Eiven. Title :Tho State of th~-, Technique of Loat-her Improg- nation. Orig Pub: Loka promishlenost, 1958, 7, No 5, 9-11. kbstract: There is set forth a r~;view of the contemporary state of the technique of leather impregnation for th-e increase of its hydrophobic properties and its resistance to laundering, at the safaie tirric retaining good air and stoc-m, penetrability. The i-a-orognation by coaplex Cr salts and fatty Card 1/2 IONKOV, I. ; TSOLOV, R. ; STANCHEV, A. ; DOSKOV, 1. ; SHI�~~MVA,. 1U. BALCEMV, A.; PENEVA, M. ; SUKIASIAN, Kh NIKO St.; ATANASOV, E.; TODORDV, B.; STEFANDVA, A. Clinical, pathopbysiologic, and therapeutic aspects of tuberculous axudative pleurisly. Nauch. tr. Med. akad. Chervenkov, Sofia 1 no.l: 117-137 1953. 1. Predstavena ot prof. Iv.Ionkov, zavezhdashch Katedrata po propedevtika na vutreshnita bolesti. (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY, complications, pleurisy, exudative) IONKCV, Iv.~, STANCHEV, A-!.~- DOSKCV, Iv.._�1jiI4a1AN IUl-; ATANASOV, E.; RQDL1- MATEV, M., PANVA, M.; NIEGLOV~ 8i.. PETRUNOV, St.; NIHOLOV, N. -'e develo-iment of Bulgarian internal medicine from 9 September In L. 1944. Suvrem med., Sofia no.6g106-114 160. (HISTORY OF MEDICINE) STANCHEV., Al.; SHISM4ANOVA, ItT.- On combined tharapy of diabetes mellitus with insulin and sex hormones. Nauch. tr. vissh. med. inst. Sofia 40 no.1:191-209 161. 1. Predstavena ot prof. Iv. Ionkov, rukovod. na Katedrata po propedev- tika na vutreshnite bolesti. (SEK HORMONES ther) (INSULIN ther) IONKOV, Iv.; NIKOLAEV, A.; BOZADZHIEVA, E.; SHISHMNOVA, IV. A case of gargoylism. Nauch. tr. vissh. med. inst. Sofia 40 no.3: 227-240 161. 1. Predstavena ot prof..Iv. Ionkov, rakovoditel na Katedrata po pro- pedevtika na vutreshnite bolesti, i ot prof. A. Nikolaev, rukovoditel na Katedrata po rentgenologiia. (LIPOGHOIMRODYSTROPHY case reports) SHISFMANQVA,_LU._- - Studies on the duration of the electrical systole in patients with chronic cardiac de. nsation. Suvr. med.-12 no.12: 39-" 161. 1. 1z Katedrata po propedertika na vutreshnite bolesti pri VMI [Vissh meditsinski institut] - Sofiia, (Rukovod. na katedrata Prof. Iv. Ionkov). (HE.ART FAILURE GONGESTIVE) (ELECTROCARDIOGWHY) SHISIMNOVA, IU.; PENEV, P. A rare case of gouty polyarthritis. Suvr. med. 13 no.7:33-34 162. (GOUT) (PYELONEPHRITIS) (CINCHOPHEN) IONKOV, Iv.; TSOLOV, R.; DOSKOV, L; SHISHKANOVAq IU1.; ANDREEV, I-,- NIKQtOV1 St.; SUKIASIAN, Kh.; MATEV, M.; ATANASOV, E~; T-ODOROV, B.; STEFANOVA, A.; FETRUNOV, St.; TSVETKOV, D.; ORESHKOV, V.; SIMEONOV, S.; PATARINSKI, D.; AVRAMOVA, N.; MALCHEV, Kh. Biochemical changes in patients with influenza during the 1959 epidemic. Nauch. tr. vissh,, med. inst, Sofia 41 no.7: 9-14 '62. 1. Predstavena ot prof, I. Ionkov,, 'j (INFLUENZA) (GAMMA GLOBULIN) (IRON METABOLISM) (BILIRUBIN) (BICARBONATES) (BLOOD CHOLESTEROL) (UREA'j (BLOOD SUGAR) (PROTEIN METABOLISM) (POTASSIUM) (BLOOD PROTEINS) (SODIUM) (l7-KBTC6TER0IDS) (SODIUM CHLORIDE) ,_ 1H ATE I RIVIJI-1i A N "The First Radio-Telegraph Competitions of Short-Wave Operators in the Armenian SSR," Soviet journal "Radio," Issue No. 4, 1952. sHIsmWffkN, zh Erivan - Zaporozh'ye. Radio no.9:19 S '56. (MLRA 9:11) 1. Predsedatell korotkovolnovoy i ulstravolnovoy sektaii Tere- vanskogo radiok-luba. (Erivan--Radio, Shortwave) KOZLOV, F.; SHISHMANYAN, Zh.; GAGARNIKOVA, T.; KOVAL', V. Ultra-shortwave operators on the air. Radio no.11:17 N '56. (HLRL 9:12) 1. Predsedatell korotkovolnovoy i ulltrakorotkovolnovoy sektaiy radiocluba, Yerevan, Armeniya (for Shishmanyan). (Radio, Shortwave) SHISH-,WIY-AIT, Zh. (UG6AW), sudlya respublilmnskoy kategorii (Yerevan) justified reauests. Radio no.12:17 D 158. (MIRL 11:12) . (Radio, Shortwave--Competitions) SHISHMAREV, A.I. The book shoald be improved. Priborostroenie no-10:30 0, 163. (MIRA 16LU) C, 'i~ .:l -, I .I 16(1) AUTHORS: Illin,V,A.93hishmak J,A. SOV/20-126-6-6/67 - _e_v TITLE: On the Connebtion Between the Classical and the Generalized Solution of the Dirichlet Problem and of the Problem of Eigen Values PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademiinauk SSSR,1959,Vol 126,Nr 6, PP 1176 1179 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is proved that the classical and the generalized solutions of the Dirichlet problem Lu = - f in G u1 r- 0 where F is the boundary of G: are almost everywhere identical in G I if certain conditions are satisfied guaranteeing the existence of the classical solution. A similar result for the eigen value problem Lv +~ v = 0 in G V1, 0 is obtained. Five theorems and lemmata are given. Card 1/2 On the Connection Between the Classical and "he 307/20-126-65-6/67 Generalized Solution of 'he Dirichiet Problem and of the Problem of Eigen-Values There are 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 2 German, I American, and 1 Prench. ASSOCIATION: TLAoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Y.V.Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: T.Tarch 17, 1959, by S.L. Sobolev, Academician SUBMITTED: February 24, 1959 Card 2/2 82225 Z-S-o 0 S/038/60/024/04/01/001 C111/C222 AUTHORSs Illin, V.A., and ShiBbmarev, I-A& TITLE: On the Connection Between the Generalized and Classical Solutions of the-Dirichlet Problem , PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya matematicheskaya, 1960, Vol 241 110. 4, PP. 521 - 530 TEXT: In the arbitrary N-dimensional domain g with the boundary F the authors consider the Dirichlet -problem (1) Lu = - f in g , ul, - 0 where L is an elliptic selfadjoined differential operator (2) Lu [aij(x) ' U c(x)u 2- x. x i'j-1 ', 0 . A function u(x) which is continuous in (g + two times where e(x) > Card 1/2 X 82225 On the Connection Between the Generalized S/03 60/024/04/01/001 and Classical Solutions of the Dirichlet C111YC222 Problem continuously differentiable in g, and which satisfies (1) is called a classical solution of the problem (1). A function v = u for which N ) v )v 2 _ (4) (V) 2- aij -~ xi + ev 2 fvI dx i9j=1 0 becomes a minimum, where v i~~ D (g) is called a generalized solution of (1). 0 D (g) is the closure in the norm of the space W(l) (g) of the set of all 2 functions continuously differentiable in g , which vanish in a certain boundary strip of g . Under assumptions which guarantee the existence of the classical.solution (i.e. for an arbitrary normal domain) it is proved that the classical and the general solution of problem (1) are identical (almost everywhere in g). The authors mention S.G. Mikhlin; they thank A.N. Tikhonov, B.M. Budak and lj,,I, Vishik. There are 8 references, 3 Soviet, 2 German, 2 American and 1 French. PRESERTED: by S.L. Sobolev, Academician SUBMITTED: April 9, 1959 Card 2/2 -~,s 0 AUTHORS: Illin, V.A. and Shishmarev, I.A. TITLE: 8h M6 S/038/60/024/005/004/004 C111/C222 On the Equivalence of Systems of Generalized and Classical Eigen- functionsA W 1960, PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya matematicheskaya, Vol. 24, No- 5, PP. 757 - 774 TEXT: In the N --dimensional domain g with the boundary r- the author con- siders the eigenvalue problem Lu + Au - 0 (in g) 0 UI x C_ r- = 0 where ?X e(x) (2) Lu (a,j(x) Card 1/ 4 84746 On the Equivalence of Systems of Generalized S/038/60/024/005/004/004 and Glassical Eigenfunctions CIII/C222 is a linear-selfadjoint operator of elliptic type-and c(X) > 0. Under,these conditions theorem 1 asserts: Let g be a normal.domain (i.e. let the Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equatioh for every continuous boundary function be solvable in g, cf. (Ref. 4)) and let it lie together with F in an open domain C. Let the coefficients of L belong to the classes (5) aij(x) G C L~U) c(X) C C .(0,/'-) 0) - Then the-re exists a complete orthogonally normed system of the classical eigenfunction of M. As a generalized eigenfunction of (1) the author denotes 4 function u(x) not equivalent to zero which belongs to the class B(g) tD(g) is the closure with respect to the norm of the W(l)(g) of the set of functions 2 continuously differentiable in g which vanish in a certain boundary strip of.the--domain g) and which satisfies the identity Card 2/ 4 84746 On the Equivalence of Systems of Generalized S/038/60/024/005/004/004 and Classical Eigenfunctions C111/C222 ( [ N du D 'k (4) ij I-x ox u U4,1 dx = 0 J-1 I j 0 for each fu-netion k~(x) (=-. D(g) Theorem.~2--If,-the--affuumptionu"-af theorem 1 are satiefied-I therf.the ortho- gonial-ly-normed-systems of the generalized and the classical eigenfunctions of the problem (1) as well as the corresponding systems of the eigenvalues are idwirtical. If g is not only n-ormal but bounded by a surface F of the Lyapunov type, then it is sufficient whan the a ig (x) and c(x) satisfy the conditions in (g + r ) formalated-in theorem 1 nd 2. The proof of the theorems bases on the investigation of the Green's function of the problem Lu = - f , u I xc= r ~O~ The existence of the Green's function K(Xty) follows from (Ref. 6). Then the author proves that in gi K(x,y) - K(I-,x) , K(x,y) 0, Y,(x,y) is continuous everywhere in g + r with the exception of x = Then the existence and continuity of the first and second derivatives of K as well as of the regular Dart of K are proved Card 3/4 8046 On the Equivalence of Systems of Generalized and CIaeoical Rigenfunctiona and these derivatives are estimated (lemmas I 2 are-proved--with the aid of the Green's function The author mentions S.G. Mikhlin. There are 9 and'3'American. PRESENTED: by S.L. Sobolev, Academician SUBMITTED: April 9, 1959 S/038/60/024/005/004/004 Cill/C222 - 4). Then--the theorems 1 and and its properties. references; 6 Soviet, 1 German Card 4/4 S103 60/024/006/ooi/004 C1 1 1YC333 AUTHORS: Ill-in, V.A., Shishmarev, I.A. TITLE.- Uniform Estimations in the Closed Domain of the Eigenfunctions of an Elliptic Operator and of Their Derivatives PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya matematicheskaya, 1060, Vol. 24, No. 6, PP. 883 - 896 TEXTs Let the linear self-adjoint differential operator N D D U (1) Lu - 7- - a (X) C(X)U iyj=1 ~) xi I ij ~x j I be given in the open N-dimensional domain C; assume that it is elliptic,,~,~ i.e. let N N (2) a ij(x) aji (x) and Z_. aij ~i j (c-(- - const > 0) i'j 1 for all x (x )C C for arbitrary real ...... &- Let 1, X2,'"9xN N Card 1/7 S/03 60/024/006/001/004 C111%333 Uniform Estimations in the Closed Domain of the Eigenfunctions of an Elliptic Operator and of Their Derivatives (3) aij (X) 6 C (I' /"L C(X)6 C jj'_ > 0 , C(X) '-'- 0 be in C. Assume that g is an arbitrary open normal domain which lies in C together with its boundary F (g is normal, if in g the Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation is solvable for every continuous boundary function)t.'~- The authors consider the eigenvalue problem Lu + u - 0 (in g) (4) U I r- 0 in g. As it is well-known (4) possesses complete orthogonally normed systems of classical and generalized eigenfunctions, where these systems are identical according to (Ref. 3). All the eigenfunctions correspond to positive eigenvalues. At first the authors prove the following formula for the eigenfunctions of problem (4) Card 2/7 C 1, 11 YC 35 3 3 Uniform Estimations in the Closed Domain of the Eigenfunctions of an Elliptic Operator and of Their Derivatives 2 2 N Du Du 2 (16) u (Y) H(x, Y) 2 A u (X) 2 Z aj n n u (x.) dx n n n i,j~i ~x 7x + c n + u2(x)LH dx n where y is an arbitrary fixed interior point of g 2-N N 2 (12) H(X,Y) A r-Y )(X _y (N- 2 Y-) -FAZ( =y) 1 r8(y)(x r a a A(y) -dot Ila. rs (y) 11 Ara (y) the ratio of the algebraic complement of the element a rs (y) to the datortnintint A(y) 2(Y Card 3/ 7 2J S/03 60/02)4/006/u~_~ iU04 S /oz 8/610/02.41 /Oo 6/0C /00 Uniform Estimations in the Closed Domain of the Zigenfunctions of an Elliptic Operator and of Their DerIvatives Then the authors show , The estimation I -.:~N (7) n(X) 4 lu ,I is C2 4T, holds uniformly in an arbitrary closed domain (g + A closed domain is said to belong to the class A(~, if the equation of the boundary surface in local coordinates belongs to the class C(k,~-) (i.e. if its k-th derivatives satisfy the H61der condition with the ex- orient ~-). Theorem 2 1 If the domain (g + F) belongs to Ak,.,") and if the 5 aij(x) 9 C(x) belong to the class C(k-2,1," ~(k >,,2) in the closed domain -d xk (k, r) (g + F), then the eigerifunctions of (4) belong to C in the closed domain (g + F) - Theorem 3 a For all u(x)c C(kj/,) in (g + F) there hold uniformly the estimations Card 4/ 7 S/038/60/024/006/001/'004 CIII/C333 Uniform Estimations in the Closed Domain of the Eigenfunctions of an Elliptic Operator and of Their Derivatives 1 k+A- 1 (37) u 0 u 7+-7- U + u R_ !~z I,, k,,~t 0 0 ( 1+14, k-1 (38) u u k+/&-u k+/-+ u R_ 1 4k k 9/4/0 0 where R is the diameter of g, u I the sum of the maxima of the absolute values of all 1-th derivatives of u(x) in (g + F), u I,/,- the sum of the H61der coefficients of these derivatives for the exponentA-, where u 0 and u are the maxima of the absolute value and the H61der coefficient 0 R /L't- of the function u(x) in (g + Theorem 2 is deduced from theorem 1 (theorem of Schauder and Caccioppol Theorem 3 and a further theorem 4 contain well-known apriori-estimationB Card 5/ 7 S/03 60/024/006/001/004 C 11 IYC333 Uniform Estimations in the Closed Domain of the Eigenfunctions of an Elliptic Operator and of Their Derivatives of Schauder and Caccioppoli (theorem I and the estimations of theorem 3 and 4 are contained in (Ref. 4)). From the estimations of the theorems 1-4 the authors obtain the following results : 1. For the derivatives of the eigenfunctions of (4) it holds uniformly in (g + F) . N + k (9) u(k) (X) C A /2 n 4 n 2* for the H61der coefficient u k,IA- of the k-th derivative of the eigen- function it holds % (10) u C A NA + k/2 +/4/2 k, 5 C4 9 C5 depend on k,,kl- is the H6lder exponent. Kh.L. Smolitskiy, D.Y. Eydus and L.N. Slobodetskiy are mentioned. Card 6/7 S/03 60/02,r/006/ooi/004 C 11 IYC333 Uniform Estimations in the Closed Domain of the Eigenfunctions of an Elliptic Operator and of Their Derivatives There are 10 references : 7 Soviet, 2 American and 1 French. [&bstracter's note s (Ref- 3) is a paper of the authors in Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya matematicheskaya, 1960, 24, 757-774 ; (Ref.4) is the book of Miranda : Partial Differential EquatIons of Elliptic Typel PRESENTED: by S.L. Sobolev, Academician SUBMITTED2 April 9, 1959 Card 7/7 AUTHOR: Shishmarev,I.A. �8976 S/020/60/131/02/014/071 TITLE: A Priori Estimation of Solutions to Dirichlet Problem for an Elliptical Operato With Discontinuous Coefficients PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960,Vol 131,Nr 2, pp 269-272 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Let g be an N-dimensional open domain with the boundary manifold r 2. Let the (N-I)-dimensional geometrically closed surface r 1 lie in g and divide g into the subdomains g, and 92- The author considers the Dirichlet problem r )u (1 ) L 1u = 0 in gj; L 2u = 0 in 92; Lu1jr, 0, L -5v I I= k, r u1r, = 0- .4 Here ~, IN 2U N U (1)(X)U, (2) L a(l)(x) Zx 1z - + + c ij X. -x i 0 3. Card 1/3 1=1,2 is an elliptical operator defined in g1. Besides it is 68976 A Priori Estimation of Solutions to S/020/60/131/02/014/071 Dirichlet Problem for an Elliptical Operator With Discontinuous Coefficents c(1) -0 in g lul I mu~-v-rj-o-u1x--->rj+o ; [gull ~u ') u r " av r. - + where is the derivative DVJ 2 I x 0 X + 0 with respect to the conormal which equals a cos(n(')x i j=1 x k is a function defined on rl; L, * L 2- The' coefficients of the operators L satisfy the Hblder condition; the surfaces r1, r2 belong to the class of Lyapunov. It is shown that every solution of (1) which in g+ r2 belongs to the class C(o), in g1+ r, and g2+ 1- 1+ r2 belongs to the class C(l), and in g, and g2 belongs to the class C (2), satisfies. Card 2/3 the estimation: I>< 68976 A Priori Estimation of Solutions to S/020/60/131/02/014/071 Dirichlet Problem for an Elliptical Operator With Discontinuous Coefficients (4) max lu(x)) (", qi (x) them, 4" Q_'(x) irj dofinpd and (,,owl.inuous on F. 5), ar-2 cefine.-I on C; )4 C(01,i&_). Theorem 1, if the first -and third cnnditicn A is satisfied then it exists only one clas:i-al 3olotion .)E (1). Theorem 2; If all conditions A axe sa.';,.3fied then there exists a unique aolution of (1), where it lelor.:rs to The cla~-,s in each of the regions (e,+C) and (E,+C)., if 0 then the clas:-,ical 2:plution i~~, simultaneously the ,venera.1-ized solution in the san-,e of Dlef.4,5)- The Green's funotion K(-,,v) of 01) is aymr-rietrical, continuous in (x,y) everywhere in (g+(-) (inclusively CI) for x 1 y, and in (g+P) it satisfies the e st, im ation -3 Card 3/6 5/020/60'1135/004/003/037 C111/C222 Some Prohlems for the Lu div ~pt,-)Frad ij-qIx)u Operator 'With Discontinuous Coefficients X, V) I t~ cl+r,21 r, for U - 2 (2) K(x,y),'l < c-r 2-N xy f or 1T > 2 -C"r Then the authors consider L u ~ AU - 0 in ii"i-I+ U = 0 in - '-a U 0, 0, 0, where L 1 and L 2 are the same as in (Ref.1). Definition 2,,. The classical eigenfunction of (3) is a function)u(x)-*o which 1) satisfies the condition 1) of the definition 1, and 2 for a cerL.ain k satisfies 0) in the classical sense. Theorem 3. If the first three conditions of A are satisfied then there exists a complete system of classical eigenfunctions of (3) orthogonally Card 4/6 Q;,,)-L~ S/02 60/135/004/003/037 C1 1 1Y0222 Some Problems for the Lu - div[p(x)grad u]-q(x)u Operator With Discontinuous Coefficients normed in the L2(g)l where besides each of these eigenfunctions belongs to the class C("/"'-)in each of the regions (g,+C), (92+C). Theorem 4: The complete system of classical eigenfunotions of (3) is identical with the complete system of generalized eigenfunctions of (3). Theorem 5: Under the assumptions of theorem 4 there exists a constant c0 so that uniformly in (g+P) it holds (5) U (X) I,< a AIN14 I n 0 n (here un(x) is an arbitrary eigenfunction of (3) corresponding to the eigenvalue &n). The authors mention D.M.Eydus and O.A.Oleynikj they thank A.N.Tikhonov Card 5/6 S/020/60/135/004/003/037 C111/C222 Some Problems for the Lu - div(p(z)grad ul-q(x)u Operator With Discontinuous Coefficients for advices. There are 8 references: 6 Soviet, I German and 1 American. [Abstracter-s note: (Ref.1) concerns Miranda, Partial Differential Equations of Elliptic Type. (Ref-4) concerns Courant and Hilbert, Methods of Mathematical Physics, 2, Chapter 7.1 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni H.V.Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V.Lomonosov) PRESENTED: June 20, 1960, by I.G.Petrovskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: June 18, 1960 Card 6/6 22832 S/19c)/61/002/001/003/008 0 B112/B218 AUTHORS: Illin, V. A., Shishmarev, I. A. TITLE: Method of potentials of the Dirichlet--Neumann problem in the case of equations with discontinuous coefficients PERIODICAL: Sibirskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal, v. 2, no. 1, 1901, 46-58 TEXT: The authors' study is based on an N-dimensional open domain g with a boundary manifold F. The domain g divides an (N-1)-dimensional surface C which is homeomorphic to the sphere, into two subdomains g 1 and 92 . The authors deal with the following Dirichlet problem: Lku div [Pk(x) grad ul qk(x) U N 'Pk au P,(,) a2u + - q (X) u (in 2 ax k k(x) 9k) ax. I ~-Xi I Ulf- =T'EU11C F auT 05-ni I C Th% assume that C belongs to Lyapunov class of surfaces, that r is regular, C 2 22832 Method of ... S/19 61/002/001/003/008 BI 12YB218 and that the functions pi(x), q,(x), fi(x), Y~ X belong to certain clas- ses of functions which are more general than the classes of functions corresponding to the classical Dirichlet problem., 0. A. Oleynik has proved existence theorems for a similar but more special Dirichlet problem. The authors of the present paper prove the existence and uniqueness of a classical solution of the Dirichlet problem formulated above. Their existence is proved by the method of potentials; explicit solutions are not given. Following this, they discuss the Neumann problem: LIU fl(x) in g1, L 2u = f2(x) in gV (p Ou - hu where h is a function given on F. 2 IF [u]l c IF a"11c= X _~_n2 ~_nj Also for this boundary problem, the authors prove the existence and uni-, queness of a classical solution. Finally, they solve the Dirichlet prob- lem in a general way and study its rel4tion to the classical solution. An appendix gives the explicit form of some theorems that were implicitly used or derived in the paper. The authors thank A. N. Tikhonov for dis- cussions of the results obtained. There are 6 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTED: July 2, 1960 Card 2/2 V.A.; SHISIRUMV, I.A Eigenfunction problem for the operator having discantirruous coefficients. Sib. 536 Jl 1* 161. (Eigen~unations) LI~adiv[p(x)grad u]-g(x)u mat. zhur. 2 no.4:520- (MBbI 14:9) 2033.5 14 - 3S-D 0 C 111 YC 2 2 2 AUTHOR: Shishmarev, I.A. TITLE: Uniform evaluations of the derivatives of solutions to Dirichlet's problem and to the problem of eigenfunctions for the Lu = div (p(x) grad u) + q(x)u operator with discontinuous coefficients PERIODICALs Akademii nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 137, no. 1, 1961, 45-47 TEXT: Let g be an N-dimensional region with the boundary F-2 and be an (N-1)-dimensional closed surface in g which subdivides g into the regions g1 and g2* In the region (& + F 2) the author considers the Dirichlet problem L1u = f1 in g 1 L2U = f 2 in g 2 (1) -~ v ul f-2 Card 1/ 5 [u] I 'u]1 , 1 = S/O 2 61 /13'17/001/005/021 20315 S/02 61/137/001/005/021 Uniform evaluations of the derivatives ... C111YC222 Here L1u = div(pl(x) grad u) + ql(x)- u (2)- is an elliptic operator given in g 1(1 = 1,2,) ; p 1> 0 , q 1 :!~-O in g ;I -a u -~u U [uj U u + here r 2 X-~ rf-0 X-~ F1+o is the derivative in the direction of the conormal, which is equal to D (n outer normal for g1). Pi -;~n1 1 - Definition : The classical solution of (1) is a function u(x) which satisfies the following conditions : 1) U(X)GC(O) in (, 1 + r-1) and 92 + F, + F2) , 2) u(x)G C(l) in (g, + 1-1) and (92 + Fj) , 3) u(X)E C(2) in g, and 92 4) u(x) satisfies (1) in the classical sense. Card 2/5 - 20315 S/02 61/137/001/005/021 Uniform evaluations of the derivatives C111%222 Theorem 1 : Let F1 and r 2 belong to the class A (n,/-) let p1 E: C(n,,,L-) q, r-- C (n- 2, ~') ,(n-2q,) I- G C (n, e C (n- 2, f1E C in g1 + 1 1) ; P2 q2 f G C (n- 2, ~t )in C(n-l,~L) on 2 (92 + F 1 + F 2) ; LP C -,( C C(n,~,) on (n >2). Then there exists a unique solution u(x) of C n,I~A ) (1) U(x) belongs to the class in each of the regions (g, + Fj) and (g2 + F 1+ F2) where the estimation (n, 0 (0) (0) (0) u + + + n n + + 1-0 1=2 (0) n (i-1 n 7 + + + i=o (3) Card 3/5 20315 S/020/61/137/001/005/021 Uniform evaluations of the derivatives ... C111/C222 is valid. The constant in 0 depends on the coefficients of the operators L1 and L2 and on the form of the regions g 1 and g2 * The classes A(n,~,) and C(n,/U-) are defined by K. Miranda (Ref. 1 ee Uravneniya a chastnymi proizvodn i e M pticheskogo tipa [Partial elliptic differential equationsl IL, 1957; z denotes the sum of the maxima I of the absolute values of all derivatives of k-th order (k:En) of ,(X)C C(n,~,) , and z(k,~-) denotes the sum of the Hblder coefficients of these derivatives (for the exponent /,-) - The author considers the problem of eigenfunctions L1u + Xu = 0 in g, L2u + u = 0 in 92 (9) Ful 0 Dul 0 , u 1-, 0 2 Card 4/ 5 20315 S/020/61/137/001/'005/021 Uniform evaluations of the derivatives ... C111/C222 Theorem 2 s Let F 1 and F2 r= A(n,~,) I pi C C (n , lt~t)Iq 1 E Cn-2, t) in (g + F) ; p C--C(n,/-) , q ec(n-2,~-) in + F ) . Then the 1 2 2 (92 + ri 2 eigenfunctions of (g) belong to the class (n,,~L) in each of the regions (g1 + 1) and (g2 + + F 2) , where in (g + F 2) the estimations N + k N k (k) 4 2 (k, + 2 u1 u 1 1/1 (10) (1 - number of the eigenfunction. hold for them. The author mentions A.N. Tikhonov. He thanks V.A. n 'in. There are 4 Soviet- bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: October 14, 1960, by I.G. Petrovskiy, Academician SUBMITTED- October 13, 1960 Card 5/5 ILIDI., V.A.; SHISIUtairV, I.A. Smoothness properties of the generalized potentials of an ellip- tic operator. Dokl. AT." SSSR 141 no.3:547-550 It 161. 14:11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. Predstavleno, akademikom I.G. Petrovskim. (Operators (Mathematics)) (Potential, Theory of) IL'IV, Vladimir Aleksandrovich; POZRYAK, Eduard Genrikhovich; TIKHOIIOV, A.N., red.. SVESHNJ.JWV,,A..Gi.1-red,-;~,YSH-ISHMAREV, Fundamentals of mathematical analysis] Osnovy matemati- cheskogo analiza. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 571 p. (Kurs vysshei matematiki i matematicheskoi fiziki, no.1) (MIRA 18:9) ZHABIN, A.I., --nzh.; RYBJ'iLIG[IENFO, P.S., irzh.; SHISFU.:AREV L T .L - ? -., inzh.; KNOBLOKH, V.P., -inzh, Determining tolerances for machining bushing holes eliminating their scraping after press fitting. Vest. mashi-nostr. 45 no-5: 41-45 14Y '65. (MIRA 18:6) AUTHORS: YaEn, Yu. I., Shishmarqv,,:Q~,A. SOV/32-24--10-28/70 TITLE: InvesluiJation, of the Plastic Deformation With Simultaneous Expansion and Torsicn of Thin-Walled Tubular Metal Samples (Issledovaniye plastichesko-o deformirovaniya pri odnovremenncin rastya-zhen-i i kruchenii tonkostennykh trubchatykh obraztsov metalia) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol 24; Nr 10, pp 1243-12415- (USS,.R) ABSTRACT: In studying ~,he plasticl deforma,;.Jon the samples mentioned in the title are often used (Refs 1-7). The results of these invest-i- gations do, however, no' agree in many respe-.ts. In the present paper a perfe Ct4 ~on of this method and apparatus for carrying out the investigations mentioned in the title are described~; The force of expansion ze-rid the ang-alar momentum are produced by putting on certain weights. A diagram. of the apparatus as well as a description-.,!~~*are given. The apparatus,described was used for in-,restigating the deforr-riation anisotropy of thin-walled nickel tubes (diameter 5 mm, wall thickness 0,2 mr-). The samples were subjected to a plastic expansion or torsi-on on the same apparatus prior to the investigation. Two different type-:; of Card 1/2 test methods were employed. According to the f-*rst, al' 1~ _-ding 2-2 1- 10- 'IS -'70 S UI V /I-, , t Investigation of the Plastic Deformation With Simultaneous ExpansJon and Torsion of Thin-".Ilalled Tubular Y'etal Samples points of the elastic state were determined with one and the sa,me sample, -,,;herens in 'he second case a number of samples -.-;ere tested with which the same initial deformation was obtained. MC.3t 4 The _Lmoortant results and data of this work were published in the Doklady AS USSR 1958, Vol 110, Nr '~ A number of diaErams corresponding to different stages of the initial plastic d-,~- formation of expanded samples are given. There are 2 figurc's and 11 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Lenin.-radskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. 11. 1. Ka-linina (Leningrad Pclytechn4ical Institut-~ imeni IT. I. Kalinin) Card 2/2