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Transla*,ion frcrr., Refera'l-inyy zhurnal, Ma-4h lnoatr3yen lye. 1960, No. 1-f, z;.
103 - 104, 9-:27-1
AUTHORS; Shirok,nv. V.A., Barkagan, M.S.
T11TIZ - S~-r!e~ of -,nread-Gv!r-,d-.ln!3 Mac tines (Z'VS*r.3'1
PERIODICAL,,, Vestn. tekhn. Inform. Ek~~perlrr. r..:1. lr-~ metallorezh.
1959, No. 3, ~P- I - 22
TEXT! The fundamen*al cnara~~lerist,-:~ are pre-z64ntej f;---. ihe iAr*es -f
thread-grinding machines; t-.ey were ,r,:~:sel by ,!an*. fc-r artlcle-zcf
mm In dlaire4%er and 250-3,000 mrr. leng-r. -ThE ma-:hines of the tyres 582?, rl-82l,
and r,,823 are tasic ones. The units ani rarts cf the ta-zl: types were deEigned
taking intc. acc:unt, "he pcssit'llity of maxim,.= in r,4~her ma-.,~!Les of
the Berles. I-he Strjotural c:)mp-:~zllion of rne ma-hines is t,~rlzcntal, n-:e zar-
riage �s in the front par,~ -~f the frame. Beh!nd, the grinling n~-a-A~ := ar.
r~.nged which ha-z a :ransverse feed, The 2on*.r:1 ~yz-lem. is -nq.--rated -,r. -he
frcn~ wa-,l of .he frame. 'The maz~hlne-z are cf tne unlt-he-~Ld de6zgn, lllhi- var*a-
Card 1/2
Serlez -;~f 1hreaj--Gr!ndIng Macnines 36LUC tmns) AOO 5/A00 I
f~n- ed C r,
in the riumt-er cf revcdution3 cf a:n ar*.Ifie 14 ~erfzrm- -te le- ly
c-illy). !tie reg-,;Ia'~Ion of !,he numbers cf rev:11at,:r, cf tne disk cazn ce
perf~:rxiied _=*..epw~se (by sheave_t' 1r. s-rre ma,:hln-E, Th;. pitr~. !-hain -3:~
w,all ai -he cnains of i~acking _ff a_-J cf heilcal groc',-5 are i_Jju5tE-d by ,h-i_ngc-
able gear wheele. Errors In the pitch of the grind,~d artl~.le car, 'te ccrrevcd t7
means of a cl,rrecti-_~,ri ruler. I'ne characlterll~'10:3 of "he aer.IeE are
presented, as well as the requlreiren~_-- tc, t,.he int.ermedlate prA1j,:t.5 ang 'he re.
quirem,~,nts to the mach-Ined arlzles'. Tnere arz 5 figure-Z.
~ran-zla,~or' s rctes Th;i~ he full! ranilation of ~h-r ~?-Iginal RUS_--!az~ a!)-
Card 2/2
The 5VO univereal thread-grinding machine. Blu2,tekh,-skonjnfcm-
Goo.naueh.4vol.inst,nauch. i tekh,infwo, xtos7s35-37 162
(Grinding machines)" ?MIRA 15M
CORDING, L&r4 [Garding'~L]; PAMAKHO- B.P. (translator]; DEZIN, A.A.p red.;
SHIROKOV, V.F., red.; MIARIKOVSKAYA, L.9 tekbn. rod.
[Caucby's problem for JWperbolic equations] Zadacha KoBhi d1la
giperbolichesl,ikh uravnenii. Pod red. A.A.Dezina. Moskva, Izd-
vo inostr. lit-ry, 1961. 120 p. Translated fr4i the English.
(MIM 14:8)
(Differential equations)
AUTHORt Docent , Rector of the Gorlkiy University
imeni N.I. Lobachevskiy
TITLE; A University Born by the Revolution (Universitet, rozhden-
nyy revolyutsiyey)
PERIODICALt Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1958, Nr 8, PP 83 - 85 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs In January 1916, the Nizhegorodskiy Municipal People's
University was founded, (now tho Gorlkiy University),
but it was only in 1918 that the plan of establishing a
complete university was realized. The author gives part-
iculars on the opening of individual faculties on the ba-
sis of which, in 1930, the following independent institutes
were organized; the Polytechnic Institute imeni A.A. Zhda-
nov, the Engineering and Construction Institute imeni V.P.
Chkalov, the Medical Institute imeni S.M. Kirov, the Agri-
cultural, the Pedagogical and the Chemical-Technological
Institutes of Gorlkiy (formerly Nizhnly Novgorod). The
Physico-Mathematical, the Chemical anu Biological dspo_wt-
ments were retained and subsequently the Radio-Physical
and the Historical-Philological Faculties, 3 scientific-
research institutes (GIFTI, NIIKh and WIRFI), as well as
Card 1/2 the Botanical Garden and a Biological Station were organ-
Pneumatic clar.T. dosIgned b7 -echanic A.Y. !Ukolaev. Pas hinoo troi tell
no.9:31 S '59., (HIRA 13:2)
(Foundr7 mchinery and supplies)
F I.Y red.; VILICHINSKAYA, L.P., red.; NGVIKOVA, A.M., red.;
KuffY VA, Z.I., red.; DONETS, Ye.P., red.; KASTRYKINA, M.A.,
red.; DOLMATOVA, A.S., red.; BENEVOLENSKIVY, I.I., red.;
tekhn. red.
(The economy of Ivnnovo Province; statistical abstract] Naic.
noe khoziaistvo Iyanovskol oblaBti; statiaticheakii abornik.
Ivnnovo, Gosstatlzdat, 1962. 227 p. (MIRA 16s6)
1. Ivanovo (Province)Statisticheskoye uprqvleniye. 2. Na-
challnik Statisticheskogo upmyleniya Ivanovskoy oUasti (for
Belyakov). 4. Statiaticheskoye upravleniye Ivanovskoy oblasti
(for all except Badina).
Uvanovo Province-Statistics)
Ilectlods loactions in the spectlel to* 4161
ban, ste*ls V I MiftA-m 1".l. A k44. V..k % .% K
-Isrmtg- - awl
AS 11, 41i fly nsklugfdpbk
C. eng a brit
-sludles, ka-flod" U! Itow-C blect with 0.311'r
W sbot up to 0.1101; C hy outfam tentrutation, w4iffer
tkv. orfor in a ruoklell"4 sloalk .1 fba"it, IS."I
W411 to i lett,"Ir to 4notrime blowlsur As a t"ulo 4
'Istvf~li,wo obith No -I Itw Air. luw. im! Vc.N apkT~!, us obt
%-raw PAItclu.. ... 'I'bm
imsirixtitm. A lable with movable
..tru&ce Arki j.hogepl4ste imiLks" the nswinorolic I d4o. Tht
'.-- ".' '0'.' the it". "T"471'eter
Vof Ill ff I" too the ~%[ of the "Im-ot-
j he ~"r%l h., .. 'o]-t-I -, the
e '01 the pholOrlec- rell. The ,itm ch.,3C,
the directim, ( the I'sht. The mi".v,~;ertivr it mm"I
In the u-1131 14-m-C ii the heml of the 01--ore ar"I the
ill 11- "I'th, I Ill .1-1. - 1%
Pd Y. 11.
USSR/Physics - Technical physics
Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 16AO
Authors Gruzin, P. L.; Noskov, B. M.; and 5hirokov, V. I.
Title Effect of I-In on the self-diffusion of Fe
Periodical : Dok. AN SSSR 99/2, 247-250, Nov 11, 1954
: Eight, Fe,lln alloys were investigated to determine the effect of Mn on the self-
diffusion of the Fe in austanite. The thermal dependence of the self-diffudw
coefficients of Fe in the garmra-phase of Fe-Mn alloys was investigated by the
method of radioactive indicators through the utilization of the artificially-
radioactive Fc59 isotopte. The self-diffusion coefficients were calculated on
the basis of data obtained by measuring the integral radioactivity of the sam-
Dle. It was fund that the-bond between the atoms of the basic alloy during
the addition of the second element increases. The energy of activation of Fe-
self-diffusion at an I-In content of 8% was established as greater than the acti-
vation enerpor of Pure iron self -diffusion. Seven references; 6-USSR -and. 1-.
USA (1938-1954). 'Tables; graphs.
Central Scientific Research Institute of FerrouslIeft
riL,, InstttuWof Metallur-
,?~y and Physics and State University, Institute o stry., or
Presented by: Academician G. V. Kudryuniov, June 5, 1954
GRUZIN. P.L.,kand.fiz,mat.nauk; NOSKOV. 'B.H.,kand.fiz._mstt.nauk; SHIROKOV.
Effect of mangAnese on the self-diffusion of Iron. Probl. metAlloved.
i fiz. met. no.4:503-508 '55. (MIRA 11:4)
(Diffusion) (Iron) (Mnngnnese)
Topics an phase measurements. Zhur.takh.fiz. 25 n9.10:1825-1842
S 155, (KLRA 9:1)
(Electr4n-tube circuits) Oluarametry)
A new phase fluor#metar. Izv.AN SSSR 156.
(Fluerometer) WaA 9:9 )
Light emission stabilization of gaseous discharge sourcem. Izv.
AN SSSR.Sar.fiz-as-5:605-607 156. (KMA 9:9)
(Blectric discharges through gasas)
1~ I I I
-"UTHORS:Kuznetsova, L'.A., Sveshnikov, B.Ya. and Shirokov, V.I.
y of Fluorescene
TITLE: On a Diffusion Theor e Quenching in
Solutions by Foreign Substances (0 diffuzionnoy teorii
tusheniya fluorestsentsii rastvorov postoronnimi
PERIODICAL: 0 tika i Spektroskol4yek, 1957, Vol.2, Nr 5, pp.578-586
ABSTILICT: S.I.Vavilov and his co-workers developed a diffusion
theory of fluorescence quenching in solutions by foreign
substances. This theory is here applied to study:
(a) the dependence of the fluorescence yield and lifetime
on the concentration of the quenching substance and the
viscosity of the solvent, and (b) the fluorescence decay
law of quenched solutions. In the tl-!oreticel nart the
authors, starting from a non-exponential law of fluorescence
decay, show that both the yieid (B) and the average life-
time (T ) of fluorescence are not proportional to the con-
centration of the quenching substance. This result does
not contradict the Perrin-Vavilov relationship since the
latter applies strictly only to the average lifetime of
the excited state *%' , which is, in general, different
Card 1/2 from the average lifetime of emission t . The non-
JTHOR: Shirokov, V.I.
TITLE: Effect of Temperature on the
(Luminescence) of Solutions
temperatury na dlitellnost,
Duration of Emission
of Certain Dyes, (0 vliyanii
svecheniya rastvorov nekotorykh
PERIODICAL: 0 tika i Spektroskop.jy~,1957, Vol-2, Nr 59 pp.678-679
ABSTRIXT: This is a complete translation. In 1936 Cram published
(Ref-.l) results of direct measurements of the lifetime of the
excited state (% ) of alcohol solutions of uranin which
showed a decrease of 'r (by about 25%) on increase of
temperature from 0 to 300. A. N. Sevchenko and T.V.
Timofeyeva, (personal communication) did not find such a
variation in rC determined from yield and polarisation
of luminescence quenched by KI. In 1941 L.A.Tumerman (2)
published results of di:rect measurements of r of alcohol
solutions of fluoresceing uranin, eosin, rhodulin orarip
and rhodamin -G-extra in a wide range of temperatures kroom
to -1070C).(-L)For the first four substances on decrease of
temperature Tumerman fouad a strong increase in phase lag of
luminescence with respect to exciting light. In individual
(-,ases such lag was greatcr than 900 (fluorescein at -950),
Qard 1/3 i7hich is incompatible with an exponential law of luminesc-
Effect of Temperature on the Uuratf-,Dn of Emission (Luminescence)
of Solutions of Certain Dyes.
ence decay. To explain theie results Tumerman suggested
a "dark pause", preceding ponential emissiont whose dur-
ation increases with lower~i
iAS of temperature. Tumerman
also showed that addition oil KI, in quantities which do
not cause any noticeable que~ichiz;~, strongly decreases
the "dark pause". This could explain the negative results
of Sevchenko and Timofeyeva. From polarisation measure-
ments Tumerman showed that i4rease of the mean emission
lifetime at the expense of th4 "dark pause" is not accom-
panied by an increase of conceUtration depolarization; it
follows from this that during ~he "dark pause" resonance
transfer of excitation energy, )es, not occur. Importance
of the consequences of the "damz pause" makes it necessary
to carry out careful studies o_~the temperature dependence
of luminescence duration in substances in which such a
"dark pause" was observed. AbsAuce of observable changes
in 't of alkaline solutions of., fluoresce in- in water,
glycerin and ethyl alcohol was r orted. by M.D.Galanin in
the temperature range from 0 to W, C U.6;r-3 )AW Rbf Alobtained
practically identical values of V for alc~rol solutions
Card 2/3
AZI, TFP,.., Shiroicov, '/.I
TITU; On the ProbleLi of the I'-trira of Non-Active Absorption on Anti-Stokes
Excitation of Fluorescence (K voprosu o pr1rodo noaktivnogo
pogloshcheniya pri antistoksovom votbuzhdanii Mores ts ants ii)
Optiia i Spaktroskoniya, 1955, Vol 5, Yr 4, pp 4:78-479 (USSR)
ALL 7?'A -1
'The pr,.par vas raid at tha Sixth Gonforence on Luminescence
(L3riin?,rad , Ft3bruary 58) - One of the possible ra-isms for ~;.ha
e-3cr3asa of flu ergs a ance jiald on anti-Stokos excitation is noL-
A-.tiV.lj vibrational absorption which coapates -mith -a~--scrptioa '0y
t a~-rons -This reason -as fiurgastad by V.L. Levsh
in tRof 1) and
Rofs 2, 3). The present onper r,3.,,,)orts a qualitative
is o 'L -.1he above sug,-ej Uou in the c~tza of r~irAwilns 0 aud ura-,ir,
tiolutions. `,711bratlorml ~Absorptlori in tho visible apectra-, uay only
increase with inereatie of --wLvelen6th. ~.'onsaqaontlW tLe "ot.&I
(vibrational and electronic) abcorption shouli not ducraase mo:e than
500f cota-pared nith the absorption at the ruvelength (;k at which the
fluorescence yield has decreased by 50/. Figs 1 and Yahow the
ab4orption spac-,m of rhod=ina B in ethyl alcohol and of tmo solations
of araiiin. Siaze in aach case the aLsorption at A>V! falls by a
Or, the Froblera of the Yature of Non-Active Absorption on Anti-Stokes Excitation
of Fluorascence
factor of 100 or wore compared with the value at Ii! the Levshin--
Stepanov hypothesis must be abandoned. Jablonski tRef 6) assumes
that the fall in the fluorescence yield Is caused by superposition
of the fundamental absorption band and the absorption of non-luminescing
dimers. In this case absorption In the region of small yiblds should
depend strongly on the concentration of the solutions. Fig 3 -shows the
absorption spectra of uranin solutions of concentrations 5 X 10-4' and
1 x 10-4 mole/litre. The two absorption curves are practically
identical ar4, therefore, Jablonski's suggestion has to be abandoned
as wall. The author thanks B. Ya. Sveshnikov for his advice. There
are 3 figures and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet and 2 Polish.
AS60CIATIOZI.Gosudarstvannyy opticheskiy institut im. S I. Vavilova tState Optical
Institute imeni S.I. Vavilov).
SUEUITTED: March 20, 1958.
Card 2/2 1. Dyes--Fluorescence 2. Dyes--Spectra 3. Fliiorescence Analysis
AUTHORS: Bonch-Bruyevich, A.M.~ Karazin, I.V.2 h'olchanov, V.A.7
and Shirokov. J..I.
TITLE: An Experimental Model of a Phase Fluorometer
(Eksperimentalfnyy obrazets f-azovogo fluorometra)
PERIODICAL: Pribory I tekhn1ka oksperimenta, 1959, Nr 2) pp 53-56
ABSTRACT: This paper was read at the VI Conference on luminescence
in Leningrad. The instrument was exhibited at the
Brussels Ebchibition in 1958. A finalized laboratory
model of a new phase fluorometer is described. The
phasemeter section has a resolution of 0.10, which
corresponds to 2xlO-ll see at the modulation frequency
used. The sensitivity to light is high, and is such that
emissions many orders of magnitude weaker than that of
fluoresceirie in alkali can be measured. Several laboratory
fluorometers have been described fo measuring
fluorescence decay times in the 10-9 - 10-10 see range,
(Refs 1-5). The methods are based on measuring the
phase difference 0 between the emission and the
exciting light. The exponential decay constant V is
Card 1/6 rolated to 0 by 2 7T F V = tan 0
'An E:iperimental Model of a Phase Fiuorometer
where F is the modulation frequency. In 1954 the
authors designed a phase fluorometer in which many sources
of error were eliminated; a phase detector, and other
devices to facilitate the measurements, were incorporated
(Refs 6-8). The instrument described here has been
designed on the basis of four years' experience with the
1951+ insti-ament, and in certain respects differs
considerably from that instrument. The instrument
consists of two main parts, both of which are built into
the same console., namely the optical section and the
phasemeter system (Fig 1). The apparatus includes units
that supply the phasemeter, control the modulator7 feed
tile amplifiers, etc. Tlie optical system is fitted on a
horizontdl table and is divided into three sections
closed by light-tight covers. The phasemeter system is
installed in the vertical rear section; the stabilized
supplies (reatifiers, etc) and the modulator unit are
fitted in the base of the console. The resolution is
about 0.10. The minimum error of a single measurement of
Card 2/8 V for a bright emission (for low noise levels) is less
than 2% (apart from systematic errors); the general
An ~ixperimental Yodel of a Phase Fluorometer
errors are 51% at 'r = 10-9 to 10-8 see;
10% at -r = 5.10-10 to 5.10-8 sec;
20% at V = 2.5-10-10 to lo-7 see.
The high sensitivity to light enables one to use
emissions that are 3-1+_orders of magnitude weaker than
the emission from a 10 '+M solution of fluorseein in
alkali. The error increases as the brightness
decreases. The light source is a high-pressure mercury
are SVDSh-250 (Fig 2). A diffraction modulator is used
to modulate the light flux, for which purpose we have
used standing waves generated by a barium titanate plate,
(Ref 9) in aqueous ethanol (17%). The plane of the
exit slit can be projected in magnified form on a special
fluorescent screen (Fig 2) during adjustments; the
modulator can thereby be adjusted for visible or ultra-
violet light. Instability caused by incorrect beam-
splitting (Ref 10) is avoided by inserting filters
separately in the two channels. The light entering the
Card 3/8 sample channel (some 95% of the total output from the
An &cperimental Model of a Phase Fluorometer
modulator) enteTs the middle section of the Instrument
and strikes either a scatterer or the specimen. The
scattered excitling light is used in setting-up; normallY
the fluorescence is recorded by a photomultiplier
(FEU-18, FEU-19, FEU-22 or FEU-25), whose output feeds
the specimen channel. The scatterer and the sample are
fixed to a moving table. A filter is fitted between the
sample and the naultiplier to ctut out the exciting light.
The table is driven by a motor, and can turn or
reciprocate. Twelve stops give positions where the table
comes to rest. At each stop position a neutral filter
is automatical.1y inserted in the exciting beam. These
filters are used to match the intensities of the exciting
and fluorescence beams roughly, in order to avoid
amplitude-dependent phase ex-rors caused by the photo-
multiplier (Ref 8). These neutral platinum filters are
contained in a special holder, and any appropriate number
of them can be introduced with the cover of the section
closed. The filters ape such as to give a maximum
Card 4/8 attenuation of about 104, and to match the intensities to
about 20%. The phasemeter system is a symmetrical
An Experimental Model of a Phase Fluorometer
two-channel one (Fig 3). The signals are amplified at
two frequencies (436 and 25 kels). The system enables
one to select the best operating frequency
(6.5t0.15 Mc/s) and to keep it constant within the
stability of a quartz oscillator. To this end the
frequency of a tunable oscillator (Fl = 4.018t0.150 Mcls)
is heterodyned with quartz oscillators (F2 = 2.5 Mops and
F = 2.282 Mc/s) in two mixers. The output from one
mixer (Fl+F2) is fed to the modulatort whilst the output
from the second mixer is doubled in frequency (because
the light is modulated at a frequency double that of the
supply voltage) and is fed to the first mixers in the two
channels. The first working frequency is thus 2(F2-F3),
which does not depend on Fj; its stability is
determined by the stabilities of F2 and F only. The
second working frequency is correspondingly stable. Any
change in phase at one of the inputs is accompanied by
an equal change of phase difference at the outputs of the
amplifying channels. The quartz oscillators increase
Card 5/8 the stability of the phase reading and of the calibration
of the phase shifters (which work at 25 kc/s) without
An Experimental Model of a Phase Fluorometer
substantially increasing the complexity. Bridge-type
phase-shifters are used; the output voltage is not
affected by changes in the phase shift. One channel has
an uncalibrated phase-shifter with a total range of 3600
(it is used to set the zero on the exciting light); the
other channel has three standard decade shifters, with
stops of 100, 10 and 0.10 respectively. These three
units provide a shift of 1800 in equal steps. A phase-
shift cutout is fitted, to remove the shift introduced by
these units. The cutout is operated manually or
automatically when the zero is being set. In this way
0 can be measu-~-ed repeatedly without disturbance to the
knobs on the phase-shifters; this improves the
convenience and the accuracy. Tne automatic gain
control keeps the signal level constant in parts of the
circuit where amplitude-dependent phase errors are most
likely (Ref 6). The AGC stages are designed not to
produce parasitic phase shifts for input signals within
the range 50juv (threshold) to 50 mV, (Ref 8). The
Card 6/8 control coefficient of the AGC system is about 5000.
The manual gain control is used to prevent overloading
An Experimental Model of a Phase Fluorometer
Card 7/8
on bright emissions. Electronic voltmeters in the AGC
circuits indicate the signal levelsi these meters are
used to equalize the signals in the two channels roughly.
There are two output indicators, namely an oscilloscope
and a phase-sensitive detector with a meter. The
oscilloscope is used only for rough measurements, and to
indicate the noise level. The phase-sensitive detector
is used as a null indicator. The time-constant and
sensitivity of this detector are adjustable; the values
are chosen in accordance with the noise level. So far
as we are aware, this is the first fluorometer to have
reached a finalized laboratory form. D.N. Kaydinov and
M.S. Gitman helped in building the apparatus and in
designing the phase-meter sections; to them we offer
our thanks. We also wish to thank V.P. Kovalev, who did
much to help in finalizing the phasemeter design.
This is a complete translation, apart from Fig 3.
There are 3 figures and 10 references, of which 2 are
English, 1 is German and 7 are Soviet.
Figure naptions are: Fi5 1, general view of the
fluorometer. Fig 21 1 SVDSh-250 lamp, 2) condenser
An Experimental Model of a Phase Fluorometer
sYstemi 3) entrance slit, 4) exit slit, condenser
lens, 6) exit lunS7 7) modulation cellq
8) fluorescent screen, 9) mirror used to observe
diffraction patterns 10) filter to select exciting
wavelength, 11) stop, 12) beam-splitter,
13) scatterer, 14) photomulti lier in channel II,
15) scatterer or specimen, 16 photomulti lier in
Card 8/8 channel I (sample), 17) movIng stage, M filter,
19) lens, 20) set of neutral filters.
ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstv6zlnj-f opticheskiy institut
(State Optical Institute)
SUBMITTED: June 2, 1958
CHERKASOV, A.S.; Prinimal uc~astiyt; SIIIRCKCV, V.,-..--
Effect of flucavscmeecuenchers -)n fluorescence zpectra 'if
s,-)lutions containing certain derivatives of anthracene and
phthalimide in mixed solvents. Dokl. AN SSSR 139 no-3:658-661
J1 '61. (MIRA 14:7)
1. Fredstavleno akademikom A.N. Tereninym.
(Anthracene--Spectra) (Phthalimide--Spectra)
AUTi;ORS: Sveshnikov, B.Ya., and Shirokovi V.I.
TITLL~.- On the dependence of cri-zkn~ges ~ofaverage duration and
yield of luminescence in the quenching process on the
lav,- of molecular interaction
Optika i spektroskojAya, v.12, n0.5, 1962, 576-581.
TEXT: Ahe changes in the yield and mean duration of
luminescence, during quenching by different types of molecular
interaction, were investigated to discover new cases of quenching
in solid solutions, connected with the forces manifested at the
concentration quenching. The investigation was limited to the
case for which the probability of molecular inte)raction from time
t to t + dt is expressed by kr-n dt, where n and k are
constants, n being the number of excited molecules and r
intermolecular distance. It was assumed that all the interaction
forces are additive. For the concentration of the quenching
molecule C --- ~ 0, the change of the luminescence yield was gi:ven
Card 1/3
On the depeiidence of changes of ...
d B d -r
0 : --ii C 0
where -T, -rot B arid 80 respectively are the duration and yields of
luminescence in the non-quenched and quenched solutions. For
C - rn the rtilation is:
13 3
0 0 n 2 ~~ n
Abstractor's note: the significance of not given
Usin,g equations (22) and 123) the uilknown relations were
calculated for different values of n. It was found that with
increasing n there is increasing divergence between the values
for the mean duration and yield of luminescence and the relation
bctv~eca the tangents of the angles of the slopes for the yield
aiid duration of Itiminescence curves at the origin of the
Card 2/3
On the deperldonce of changos of . . .S/051/62/ol2/oo5/006/021
Coordinates. Assuming that the intermolecular interaction can
be expre6sed by kr-n, i-I*q.(22) gives a possibility of
(10 termi Ili ag 11 froin experimental data. Althougli this cannot
lie doile for a -eneral case, the data given are useful for an
approximate evaluation of the molecular interaction law.
There is I table.
SUBMITTED: April 8, 1961
Card 3/3
E039/8192 f
AUTHORS.,' Sveshnikov, B.Ya. (deceased), Selivanenko# A.S.v
."irQkQy,_Y_.I. , and Kiyanskayat A.
TITLE: Dependence of the quenching of fluorescence by foreign
substances on the vijacosity'of'the solution. 1.
(Theoretical part)
PERIODICAL: Optika i- spektrookopiya, v.14, no.1, 1963, 45-48
TEXT: If instead of M. Smoluchowski0s hypothesis (Za. phys.,-s-
Ch~em., v.92, 1917, 1:9) about infinitely large-rate of absorption,
of.the differing part~icles by a sphere, the diffusion equations
are solved for the 4se of spherical symmetry assuming finite and:1
relatively small absdirption rates, then the resulting expressions.'
Shaw a good agreement with the experlmenta~-4curves. Concentration
of molecules c. = 18 x 1019 mole6ules/cm3, velocity,
W,~c'209.8 cm/sec, Rl - 5 x 10-8 cm, and R2 = 2 x 10-8 cm, wero
used to illustrate the above point. Curyonishowing the dependence
of the change in luminescent yield on the concentration of - :
quenching agent calculated from two forms of the decay law for.
Card 1/2
Transfer of electron excitation energy in viscous solutions of
organic substances. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.fix. 27 no.4$533-539 Ap 163.
(KMA 16:4)
1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN Gruzinskoy SSR.
(Fluorescence) (Organic compounds) (Quantum theory)
SVESHNIKOVI B.Ya. [deceaSed];_-4HjAQW$--Y.I.j LIMAREVA, L.A.
Mechanism underlying the concentration quenching of the
luminescence of solutions of fluorescein,, rhodandne, and
trypaflavine in glycerine. Izv.kN SSSR.Ser.fiz. 27 no.41
551-553 A~ 163. (KIRA 16:4)
Organic compomda) (Luminescence)
j V.I.
Ultrahigh-(requency phase fluorimeter. Izv.kN S.SSR.Ser.fiz. 27
no.4:558-5761 Ap 163. (MIRi -Ijf4)
(Fluorimeter) I
,; *: I hi,: K ~ ~ ",?1 . I
':rmm~n'.z on A.111.0-3onls rirtiCle ~,f 11-m"nfscent.
sol,itions icr reifr stances." Opt. i spektr. 16 no. 4;
y f o, n sub.
690~-~iWf Ap 164. (HIPJ, 17: 5)
1 i 'i Z, ;, I, ll,"V : ~ I, AY A , N . ~ -A , ; Ll ~ I AkRE 7 A, 1, . A. ; i . , '. -,HE . - , - 'j ..r,.; SHIROY07 ll.i.
."-r "oU , it 0
detemination of the lifeti=e of the excited :3tz't--2
-it - -
of ex( ed dizerr; (exciz-,.ers) in anthn-cene li-riwati-,rez. C~_,- _'
18 no.2:354-356 F 1650 (miaA. 1, 4
/Edr (c)1&4? (J)/T/!WA(h)/-P44 (C) IJP(%C) RM
L h42 5 -6 &1T ) . . I
CESSION NR: AP5017895 UR/0051/65/019/001/0078/0085
Y Y.
AUTHORS: Veseloya T. V.; Limareva L. A., Cherkasov, A. S.
S-hirokov,- V-.
~TITLE: Fluorometric study.of the influence of the solvent on the
fluorescence spectrum of 3-amine-N-methylphthalimide
,SOURCE: Optika I spektr6skopiya, v, 19, no. 1, 1965J 78-85
TOPIC TAGS: fluorescence spectnim, light excitation, luminescence,
luminor, organic solvent
'ABSTRACT: To obtain additional Information on the character of the
intermolecular interaction influencing the position of the fluores-
,cence spectra, the'authors carried out fluorometr4c measurements of
the phase delay of the luminescence light, relative to the exciting
light, In narrow spectral sections, covering the entire fluorescent
4spectrum of solutions of 3-amine-N-methylphtbalindde In mixtures of
n-beptane + pyridine and n-beptane + n-butanol at 200, and inpure-
:Ord 113
L 4425-66
n-butanol at 20 -- :-183C. The fl--orometric measurements were carriedi
out with the GOI fluorometer of 1958 (A. M. Bonch-Bruyevieb et al.
PTE no. 2, 53, 1958) at an exciting-light modulation frequency of
11.2 Mc. The narrow sections of the fluorescent spectra were separat_,~
ed with a UM-2 monoebromator. The fluorometric phase in heptane
solutions with small addition of pyridine and n-butanol was found-to
vary over the spectrum. This is attributed to the formation of -hy-
drogen bonds between the molecules of the luminor and the active
solvent. A similar phenomenon observed In a butanol solutions is
examined over a certain temperature range from the viewpoint of re-
orientation of the solvent molecules to an equilibrium configuration
:corresponding to the excited luminor molecule. In the butanol, as
.the temperature Increased from -183 to 20C, the fluorescence spectrums
,shifted to the red, and a change in the qp phase developed, becomlng
,particularly strong at -70 -- -90C, decreasing with further increasLng
.temperature, and practically disappearing at 20C. In the case of the:
,heptane solution, addition of pyridine shifted the fluorescence spec-1
tra to the red and strengthened the dependence of the phase on the
frequency. This dependence weakened with increasing pyridine concen-
c,,d 2/3
L 4425-66
ACCESSION NR: AP5017895 :2-
tration. 'We
thank V. Y-.,.-Z ,
elinakiy for supplying the
methylphthalimide.1 Orig. art. has: 5 figures.and e formulas,
Card 3/3 t
7 /6 5 /0 -
A T. V.; Ll=reya, A.; Charkasov, A. S., Shirokov, V. I.
-e 1<
-met: ic detectlen and investigation -of processes accompa:nying change
~)f cc'mce' 4.14ng Its decay ZTZeport, 13th Con-
y , 7~AL
zzitlya. So-iZ3 r,Lichesiraya, v. 29, no. 8, 1965, 13.4L-1348
T flqUmm ire con
IGPIC', 71At7IS: phosphorescence, solt-tion property, luminescence 4p t
ABS"RA(-. 'rhom fluorometric phase spectra of a number of Moreacent s7stew were
aratus and te!h,.'.ji;P that- have beer. cescribe44 elsewhere (A.M.
Z I an - V. arl d 17-1 k 0 V, Fr ibo ry i t e ichn i-ka
i Y 5d,' --rv! tha t il' ~ ow meas u rements t o b e made in a narrow
15oiate(I wlth a mcnor-r-)mator. The results am presented grapnical-
letal". Meajurements were made at tnree Lem-
.7- -~twoier ?,~ uid - 1'30r' --r 'nc- rluorescance of 1,3- and lj4--dimethyl~9o
-a r-"r, etn a! cobn' 9 1 ~-t-ro. The resulta are interpreter-' in
L 5L-1231-65
1.iCCESSION NR: AP~0207?6
te= of a four-level excitation scheme. The fluorescence of 2-vinylanthracene
in alcohol soliftion was investigated. The wavelength variation of the fluoromet-
rl(- nr-iase w;~-s considerable at 200C and barely perceptible at - 1830. The results
w, 1,r k .3. he rkascyls 1,nterpretat ion (Do Id. AN &SSR, 1h6, 8S2,
I Q1- - tranF traris~- :n order tc Investigate the ef-
T. P A rP M-P P r-,3 ic, t n e~'-inr~-scence of
t-n 7! i' he was replaced bry n-butanol, It was
in terms of" a twc-component
r--M T'~! 1!3 iJ ascrlbed 1-c the p,)ssibility of formation of hydrogen
of the -1- izroupn of the 3 .. anino-~i--Ce thy! pbthal i-Mide
14. u i~r -)x7ger, c" each cf the cart~any`
tie ~!ydrore n o r the tiydr-:~xy-. krr--up
V- 13 An.' ' ",ZUr?,q
; II -
I A , , '?, -, I,,- -,
I -
7,;Iv , 01 j
- C7','
e,'r.'C L tDY) SUB CCIDEt G!, , OP
I -.-
cc d 3b - - - -- ----
- ' -'I~LT 111 "1 kur-J. te'F-Jn.
siidj'-~k ~'.% . n~~' -1. ,
. .1a, V.I., In'-'h. ; : , . -; . ; I- . I
A new !ie;7~11t;orst!r-uc?;3 rc~iling mill. Stall 25 no.8:
830-83' 13 165. (,MIRA 18:9)
Moscow. Neftyanoy institut
Voprosy geologii I dobychi nefti (Problems in Geology and Oil Production)
Moscow, Gootoptekhizdat, 1958. 282 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, vyp. 22)
1,300 copies printed.
Exec. Ed.: G.F. Morgunova; Tech. VA.: A.S. Polosina; Editorial Board: K.F.
Zhigach, Professor (Reap. Ed. ); I.N. M=avlyev, Professor; A.A. Tikbomirov,
Candidate of Economical Sciences; V.I. Yegorov., Candidate of Economical
Sciences; M.M. Charygin, Professor; F.F. Dunayev, Professor; N.I. Chernozhukov.,
Professor; Ye.M. Kuzmk, Professor; I.A. Charnyy, Professor; G.M. Panebankorv,
Professor; V.N. Dakhnov, Professor; N.S. Nametkin, Doctor of Chemical Sciencesj
N.A. Almazov, Docent; V.N. Vinogradov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; V.I.
Biryukov, Candidate of Technical Sciences,* E.I. Tagiyev, Professor; V.M.
PURPOSE: This book Is Intended for technical personnel in the oil and gas in-
dustries, as well, as for instructors and advanced students in petroleum
Card 1/ 5
Problems in Geology and Oil Products sov/1492
engineering institutes.
COVERAGE: This collection of articles, written by members of the teaching staff
of the Moscow Petroleum Tastitute imeni I.M. GubIcI , is devoted to a discus-
sion of the geology and production of petroleum, particularly as it applies
to the Stalingradskaye Povolzhlye, the Predkmvkazlye, wA the Southeastern
part of the Russian Platform. The articles include reports on stwlies in
hydrogeology and geophysics, a discussion of problems in directional drilling,
and a review of the methodology of oil displaoemeirl. IdislodgLng ) in porous
media through wafAr drive. The articles are accompanied by diagrams, graphs,
tables, and bibliographic references.
Florenskiy, V.P. (Deceased), T.A. Lapinskaya, and V.S. Mayazev. Petrography of
the Stalingradskoe PovtAzh'ye Crystalline Basement 3
Kazakorv, M.P., Yu.M. Vasillyev, amd V.L. Shirokov. Development of the Prin-
ciples of Tlectonics of Predkavkailye and the Soutlwrn Feripbery of the Has-
sian Platform 29
Wl~pv~,R._T. Certain Characteristics in the Development of the Southeastern
Card 2/ 5
Spedial teatures ot'runoff f6hotion In the- Sok River baBin.
Izv. Kazan. fil. AN SSSR. Sftr. enorg. I vod. khos. n).1:181-185
157. (MJA M10)
(Sok Valley--Runoff)
S-ieohni':ov, B. Ya.
K;iznetoova, L. A.,"Kudryaqhov, P. I.
TTTLE: On t!~e Kinetic3 of the Quenching of the Fluorescence of
S-A~;tions by .11,eano Of FOrei6T) Suist%rces (0 kineti'-e
fluarestsentsii r=:tvorov postoronnimi veshchest-
Izvestiya Al:ademii nauk SSSR Seri.,ra fizic'%eskaya, 1958,
Vol 22, Nr 9, PP 1047 - 1050
A The met~-od of counting the effective colli,,;ions between
the molecules of the reacting substances is very
im,-,ortant for t*,.,e theory of the extinction of the
fluoresce:ice of solutions as well as for the thpory
of reactions in the solutions. The work by Vavilov, 1929,
(Ref 4) presented the first striking proof that the
application of the diffusion theory is possible in
the computation of the number of effective collisions
in zo'.-Ation3. Nevertheless, Vavilov's formula for the
extinction gave no exact quantitative description of
this phenomenon. To remove the discrepancy between
t K J. t i c ,3 a A" t:.i_~ Queachiag of the Fluoreucence SOV/49-22-9-9/4o
jf So'_-;tions Jt,~- --ewns of Forei6n Substances
ti,eory and experiment Vavilov .~nd Frank (Ref 5) set UP
a hypothesis on an additional statistical extinction.
In 1935 one of the authors (Ref 6) succeeded in
e~itabliching a formula "or the extinction -.7hich ex-
p;,-tino t",-.e non-linear dependence of the quantity B,)/B
on the concentration c of the extinction agent witRiout
the assumption of a statistical extinction. This vras
possible beciuse of a thorough analysis of the kinetics
of the diffusion processes takin6 place around the
excited molecule. The 1;ood agreement of the theoretical
and experimental data validates the non-exponential
lair of fluorescence extinction and of the diffusion
mechanism of the extinction. The experimental data not
only prove the diffusion theory of fluorescence extinction
by other nubstances, but also present the first ex-
- ent,;.l proof for the correctness of the formula
by S:noluk.~,ovskiy-Kolmogorov-Leontovich (Ref 8). Th.-Js
aosunes the rate of diffuo;on dei:en,!S
e t I ::~ 0 wh i CI " a z e I a p a e (I ~ i " C P t,- e *,, e t~ I, n :~ I, , .. ~; o f
2, (Brownian move-ment). T-ere are 2 fie-;res,
1. 3 ' -
f, S )11: t I r),,..t i c, c
ro,rl *:.e il-f r 0" ' '- Quewb'Ag of t" FluOrc-zcc,.-:ce SOV 146-22-9--1 /,o
;y '~:ea,,s Of Foroi-E;n Su*lnt:,nc.,
2 "U."IcPo and 8 references, 6 Of 'Mch are So,,,jet.
C-'.' !-',1 3/ 3
Problems In estuary warping of small rivers discharging Into
Ku7byshev Reservoir. Trudy Xazan. fil. Aff SSSR. Ser. energ. I vod.
khoz. no.4:22-28 059* (MIRA 13:8)
1. Konsomollskaya g1drometsorologichaskaya observatorlya
Privolzhakogo upravlenlya gidrometeorologichaskoy aluzbby.
(Xuybushav Reservolr-Coast chanpes)
BORDVKOVA, Tamara Nikolayevna; NHULIN, Pavel Ivanovich;.�_4;~XOV.P_
tekhn. red.
(The Kuybyshev Reservoir; physical geography]Kuibyahevokoe
vodokhranilishcho; kratkaia fiziko-geograficheakaia kharak-
teristika. [By] T.N.Borovkova, F.I.Nikulin, V.M.Shirokov.
Xui*shevakoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 90 p. (MIRA 16t4)
(Kuybyshev Reservoir region-Physical geography)
VENWOV, S.L,, red.; 141FULIII, F-i., red.; S1111111-1111 V.M., red.
[Materials of the First Te.,Amolog1--al C'~ziference for
Studying Kuybyshev Reeervoir] Materialy nauchnc-teldmi-
cheBkogo soveshchaniia po lzuchenliu Kulbyahevskogo vodo-
khranillshcha. Kuibyshev, Komsomollskaia g-ldrometeorolo-
gicheskaia obeez-vatorlia. No.l. 1963- 245 P.
(KIM .17t 7)
1. flaucianc-teklmicheskoye sove:jhchaniye po Izuchealyu
Kuybyshevskogo vodrkhra!0*Iiqhcha. Int, Stavropoll-on,-
Volga, 1962. 2. Xomscmollskaya gidrometeorologicheskaya
observatoriya (for flikulin, SkArokov). 3. Gosudarstvennyy
komitet Soveta Ministrov RSFSR po vodnomu khozyaystvu,
Institut geografii Ali SSS'.% (for Vendrov).
ASKEVA. II.P.; GRISIUM, G.I.; USHAZOVA, zavedu~rushchuyu;
zurillizhennn vrach RSISR, glavnyy vrach; FAYERM&N, I.L., professor, za-
aluzhenn:rf deyutell nauki, direktor.
Two caseR of calcified krdalvid cyst of rare location. rad.
no.2:66-67 Mr-Ap '53. NUA 6:6)
1. Renteenologicheakoye otdeleniye Fquxanskoy oblastnoy klinicheakoy boll-
nitsy imeni N.A.Semashko (for Aseyevu. Grishinin, Ushakova). 2. Fqazan-
skaya oblustnaya klinicheakaya bollnitsu imeni N.A.Semashko (for Shirokov).
3. Kjifedra nropedeyticheakoy khimrgii RvazLLnekogo meditainskogo instituta
imeni Wcademika I.F.Payloya (for Aseyeva, Orishkun and ftyermun).
(Spleen--Yqdutids) (Peritoneum-Hydatids)
OZOLIN, A.K., inzh.; SHIROKOV. V.N., mehinist-instruktor
Answers to reatiars' questions. Ilsk. I topl.tiagn 2 no,4:44-45 AP 157-
(KIRA 1213)
1. Dfrpn Likhnbory Hoskovsko-0kruthnny dorogi (for Shlrolrov).
SHIROLOY, Viktor Vikclayevich; BXRLTAND, S.S., red.; DTNIN. I.A..
red.izd-va; DOBMINSLATA, L.Y.,
(Car dumpers and their maintenancej Vagonooprokidy-vateli I ikh
remont. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i
tavetnoi metallurgii, 1960. 119 p. (KIRA 13:8)
(Railroads-Cars-Kaintenance and repair)
(Duzping appliances)
(Macbanical equipment of coke by-product* plants] Makhanichaskoe
oborudovanle kokso-khImichaskikh sayodov. Koskya. Gos. nauchno-
tekhn. ixd-vo lit-ry po chernol i tevetnol metallurgit, 1953.
310 P. OUA 7:6)
(Coke Industry-2quipasat and supplies)
SHMOKOV, jlj&gj Allrgj4Xn4j6 Whenar; SOMOT, nadimir Mikolayevlah,
Innener; redak-tor; ZVZNSON, I.N., tekhnicheskly redaktor
Clxpertonos In operating piston compressoral Op7t ekspluatatoll
porihne,vykh kompressorove Moskva# Go nauchno-tokhn. Izd-yo lit-
ry po chernol I tsvetnoi metallurgll:91954. 225 pe (KLRA 8.-4)
(Air compressors)
SOV/137-58- 10-20859
T r'1r.'i1.1t:Or2 froni Referafivnyy zhurna I, Met a I I urgj -;a, 1958, Nr 10, p 73 iUSSR I
Av~' ms Veksin I N GTebenik,V M -,Sokol ov,
1 -1, 1 1 P: An Investigation of the Bearing Capacity of a Nr 425 Cold-
rolling Sheet Mill (Issledovaniye nesushchey sposobnosti listo-
vogo stana 425 kholodnoy prokatki)
PERIODICAL: Izv. vyssh. uchcbn. zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya,
1958, Nr 1, pp 160-178
ABSTRACT- The methods and results of measurements of rolling
forces, stresses in the housings, and torque moments of the
electric motor in cold rolling on a 425 sheet mill. The major
measurements were taken on Z stands. The electrical charact-
eristics were taken simultaneously at 3 stands and the coiler.
Measurement of the forces of rolling steel-strip grades 2,
10 SP. 85, 65, E3A, 50, U7A, UIO.A, 08PS, and 08KP in the
-1 anoi ond--tions is Tnade bv hvdraulic capsuler with wire
hirAll'i 94g#-&. -1 rie r';1'1-d-&--._- a7e 0'aced only un%_'7r the
It-ft m4 rolwdowriss (S). Mewsurrrner.t tortaxts m !-,,-
is made 1)y wire ressixintife aitrain gisgrit at 11 point'l .."h;ch are
Ca r d 12 shown by analysis to take the maximum alrejosex. In
SOV/ 137-58-10-20859
At% Itsve4ligation 6f the Bearing Capacity ivont.)
investigating the electric drives, measurement was made of armature cur-
rent, field current, and the voltage on the armature of the rolling-mill
motors, coilers, and screwdowns. The S stresses do not exceed 80 t, and
the stresses ir. the housings do not exceed the permissible level. The mean
stressing of rolling-mill motors in terms of current, morfient, and power is
3 0 - 5 073.
Ce 2. Rcl`ng p:,qert-*
Hc,_ '. I nv ~A 111 t, :~e t hod s
Card _'/Z
RAXLU;jlllll, I.L., ln2h.; VXXSIII. 1.M., insh.: GRONNINs V-H-v kand.tekhn.nauk,
doteent: LTUIMKOV, V.I., inzh.; SWUNTM, V.P., Insh.; SOXOLOV,
L.D., dok-tor tekhn.naiik, prof.; SHIMOV, Y.M., prof.
Xquipment for use vith resistance virs transducers. Izv.v78,
ucheb.zav.; cbern.met. no.6:149-156 Js '58. (MIRL 12:8)
1. Sibtrskl7 notallurgichaskiy inatitut. Rekomendovano kafedroy
moMianichaskogo oboriAovantya metallurgicheskikh savodov Sibir-
skogo motallurgicheekogo inatititta.
(Metallurgical plants-lquipment and supplles)
(Harhiner7--Testing) (Transducers)
SOIDIAN, L.D., prof.. doktor takhn.nank; SHIROZOV, V*N-# prof*; GMZNIKS
V.K.. dote., kand.takhn.naxLk; BANIVSKIN, I.L., inzb.-, VMIIW. I.S.,
insh.; xamsm, ru.N., lush.; wAmjws V.P., lush,
Investigation of rolling mill stands. Izv.v.ys*u=heb*zaT~; ChOrUs
et. no.8:135-140 AC 158. (KM ll: 11)
Slblrskly metallurgicheskijr institut.
(Rolling mills) (Strains and stresses)
BAKLUSHIM.- I.-L.- GREHZNIK- -Y.M. --do tseTIt'-kaD4.--__
takhn" V:'I., inz
. nank; LTUIMIKOVI 'L; bOXOWV, L.D.,
prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; UHIROMY. Y.N., prof.,
Hydraulic calibration of 1500-ton power 'presses. Isv, V". ucheb,
zav.: chern. met, 2 no,4*.113-121 Ap 159. kMIRA 12:8)
l.Sibirskir metallurgicheekly instituto Makomandoyano kafedroy
mekhanicheskogo oborudovaniya metallurgichaskikh zavadav bibirskogo
metallurgicheakago instituta.
kHy-draulic presse*J tGalibration)
Investigating the mechanism of the rotation process of ferroallo3r
furnace baths. Izv. vys. uchebo zavs; chern. met. no.8:181-187 160.
(MIRA 13:9)
1. Sibirkiy metallurgicheakiy institut.
(Rotar7 hearth furnaces) (Iron allove)
,IUMIORS: Sokolov, L.D., Shirokov. V.N., Grebenik. Y.M.,
Veksin, I.N., Baklushin, I.L., Lyulenkov, V.I.,
Sabantsev, Y.P.
TITLE: Experimental and anal)".1-4cal determination of forces in
cold rolling
il~:IICDICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebriykh zavedeniy, Chernaya
metallurgiya, 1961, No.6, pp.191-193
ii-AT: In the course of an earlier investigation carried out by
(Ref.l: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnvkh zavedeniy,
,.I;e present authors
'hernaya nietallurgiya, 1959, 8), large discrepancies were found'
'~--tween the laboratory results and the operational data on forces
zting on the rolls during cold rolling. It was revealed,
,i,;t-iever, in the course of further te5ts that in many cases the roll
A!-,-cks had become worn (in some places to a depth of 0.4 mm) and
... was postulated that this factor may have affected the load cell
--adings. In an attempt to find a way of eliminating this source
*rror, both during the calibrat-on of the load cells and later
use, the effect of lead washere approximately 2 nm thick,
1.3-tced under the dynamometers, was investigated. Fig.1 shows the
!t! 1/6
i-.%: vrimental and analytical ... E193/E480
f~yp~-rimental conditions: a - an nnall-s., -washer supporting the cell along Its periphery; il solid washer under the
,~ntral part of the load cell; no washer; ;e - a solid
lii5her of the size equal to that of the load cell. On the right-
hand side of Fig.1, the calibrating force is plotted against the
Lo3d sell readings; most consistent results were obtained when a
large solid washer was used (graph Z ). The latter method was
employed in roll force measurement3 and the results compared with
r--.11 force values, calculated according to A.I.Tselikov and
,'..A.Korolev (Ref.2; Prokatnyye stany, Metallurgizdat, 1958). The
:e5iilts are tabulated. It will be seen that the difference
tea---hed occasionally 30 or even 37%, the experimental values being
,'--ways lower than the calculated figures. One possible
-:xplanation of this effect is provided by the fact that the
*.emperature of cold rolled metal increases. Although the strength
-f the carbon steels and constructionalalloy steels increases on
heating between 20 and 4000C, this increase takes place during cold
r,~Iling at certain rolling speeds only. According to M.I.Manjoine
(11~-F.5: Journal of the Iron and Steel, v-150, P-3, VI, 1947, 380),
C-.,,r d 2/ 6
Investigating stresses in models of steel pouring ladles. izv.
vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 4 no.10:147-156 '61. (MIRA 14:11)
1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut.
(Smelting furnaces--Equipment and supplies)
(Thermal stresses--Models)
Investigating the throw mechanism of a charging machine on
ferroalloy furnaces. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6
no.6:204-208 163. (MIRA 16%8)
1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskly institut.
(Metallurgical furnaces-Equipment and supplies)
Ana3,vzing the reserve strength of the 1100 blooming mill
stand in the KuznetBk Metallurgical Combine. Izv. vyB. ucheb.
zav.; chern. met. 7 no.2:205-212 164. WIRA 17:3)
1. Sibirakiy metallurgicbeakiy institut.
ACC' 'NAll AT6035485------ -GJO-U-*R-dE -C-'O--D-E-:----UB/25121661boo/012 /00'12
W."HOR: Solomin, V. 1. (Candidate of technical sciences) ; Chernyavskiy, 0. F.
.(Engineer); Komov, V. S. (Engineer); Shirokov, V. N. (Engineer)
-ORG: None
:TITLE: Calculation of a conical shell on a digital computer
~SOURCE: Raschety na prochnost; teoreticheskiye i eksperimentallnyye issledovaniya
71,rochnooti manhinostroitollnykh konstrukt2iy. Sbornik atatays no. 12, 1966, 72-814
!TOPIC TAGS: conic shell structure, computer applicationt thin shell structure, shell
ABSTRACT: The authors consider a thin elastic conical shell with a load and thicknessi
which vary arbitrarily along the meridian. It is assumed that temperature varies
along the generatrix as well as with respect to thickness. The e3astic constants
!are taken az independent of temperature. The computer program used for solving the
1problem is bcscd on the method of finite differences combined with the method of
initial parameters. The program is compact, taking up only 30% of the operative
memory of the "Minsk-14" digital computer. The small size of this program gives po-
~tential applicability as a component part of a more general program for calculating
structures where one of the elements is a conical shell. Machine time is only about
iten minutes for computation of all nodal stresses and displacements for the case of
' ACC NRt IA-16035465-
~120 nodes (2140 unknowns). The program is used at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant for
Istrength calculations of conical shells. The initial equations are derived and the
icomputational algorithm is given as well as a brief description of the program and
'a specific example of application. Grig. art. has: 9 figures, 2 tables, 30 formulas
SUB CODE: -24 ~-!I 091 SUBM DATE: None/ ORIG REF: 005
LCard 2/2
AUTHORS:Zhukov, V. N., Pechorina, I. N., Shirokov, V.P. (Sverdlovsk)
TITLE: The Effects of Cavitation on the Dynamic iesponi~e of Hydrau-
lic Effector Mechanisms (Vliyaniye kavitatsionnykh rezhimov
na dinamicheskiye kharakteristiki gidravlicheakikh ispolnit-
ellnykh mekhanizmov)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1959, Nr 2, pp 104-108 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The paper describes some tests done with a hydraulic
effector mechanism coupled to an artificial load, in which
the inertial and positiGnal components can be adjusted
largely independently (Fig 1). The pressure is measured
with an induction transducer, and the position of the load
is indicated by a potentiometer indicator. Fig 2 shows de-
tails of the cylinder and valve system used with the effec-
tor mechanism. The equations below this figure are written
on the assumption that the liquid is incompressible, that them
output of the pump does not depend on the pressure, and that
the mass of the piston can be neglected. These equations
are discussed in a general way in relation to the conditions
under which cavitation bubbles can appear; the main one is
that the piston somehow acquires a high speed, principally
on account of the action of external forces, or of sudder.
Card 112
The Effects of Cavitation on the Dynamic Response of Hydraulic
Effector Mechanisms
reversal of the motion when the piston is far from the neut-
ral position (the position in which the spring exerts no
force on the piston). The last two pages of the paper show
oscillo-rams of the pressure p and position y taken with
electromag-netically controlled valves. Fig 3 shows the res-
ponse to a step perturbation applied to the piston, Fig 4 the
response when the current to the valve s is reversed (at 8.5mA)
Fig 5 the same when the current is 29 mA, and Fig 6 the same
when the current is 15 mA (in the last case the initial velo-
city was different from zero). In all cases T denotes the
time for which the cavitation bubbles are present. The last
section deals brjgfly with the changes in the equations to be
used durin- tae time that cavitation bubbles are present; the
last equation states the condition under which cavitauion will
occur. The paper contains 6 figures and 3 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: November 17, 1958.
Card 212
ACC NRs AP60Z7232 SOURCE CODE: UR/0l09/66/0ii/oo8/i36q
AUTHOR: Shirokov, V. X.; Loginov, V. A.
ORG: none
TITLE; Effect of noise and signal fluctuation on a Soniometric system
'SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 11, no. 8, 1966, 1369 -1379
ITOPIC TAGS: radar, goniometer, signal noise separation
!ABSTRACT: The effect of noise and signal -amplitude fluctuation on a noncoherent
tracking radiogoniometer having instantaneous a ignal -amplitude comparison is
theoretically analyzed. The effect of AGC-system on the fluctuation and dynamic
ierrors is also evaluated. These conclusions are reported: (1) The fluctuation error
ai s
can be reduced by narrowing the effective goniometer band and by r ing the AGC-
system inertia; (2) The fluctuation. error substantially depends on the noise modula-
tion which is causcd by random variations of the receiver gain (when the AGC-syetem;-
responds to signal -amplitude fluctuation); the better the AGG-systern response to the
!fluctuation, the deeper the noise modulatiozi that takes place; (3) The dynamic error
1-9F4-1 t2 UDG: 621.391-82Z
~c AP60Z7232
!can be reduced by widening the goniometer band and by reducing the AGC-Bystern
inertia; (4) The final selection of the goniometer band and AGC-system. inertia should
!be made as a compromise between the fluctuation and dynamic errors; (5) 1 6 the
isignal-to-noise ratio increases, the fluctuation error decreases, and the dynamic
terror begins playing a major role; hence, in this case, widening the band and
reducing AGC-systern inertia is advisable, and introduction of time-constant-
stabilizing nonlinearities into the AGG feedback loop is undesirable; (6) Other things
being equal, the maximum fluctuation and dynamic errors occur when the amplitude
!fluctuation has a narrow band as compared to the goniometer band. Orig. art. has:
17 figures and 50 formulas.
_�KkOKO)t,_J~U~~yye~~kand. sellkhoz. nauk; SABUROV., N.V.#
prof., red.; VASILIYEVA, Ye., red.; KUZMSOVA, A.p tekhn.
[Storing cabbage]Khraneuie kapusty. Pod red. N.V.Saburova.
Moskva., Mosk. rabochii, 1961. 66 p. (KEIU 15:12)
SHIROKOV, V.V., inshener.
Erecting gasholders by the roll method. Nov.tekh.i pered.op.v
stroi. 19 no.10:21-22 0 157. (MEU 10:11)
AUTHOR: Shiro"Cov, V. V.
TITLE: Action or AM Signal on 4 Two-Loop System of' Auto-
matically Regulated Amplification
P!,,'RlODICAj,: Radiotekhniza I elektronika, 1900, Vol 5, 11r 2,
2 L d - 2 2U S 'S 11)
Wil-ii; the receiver should maintain a
oiitput niL~nal level even .,ihen the
,nal fitictuates over a wide
Li1put sIf,
IL nji.-lulier, requirect that the signal enve-
lope vem,tin undiotorted In some channe13 and that it
i - L U 11
can ue demodulated in other channels. These demands
are met by a system of two-loop amplifiers as shonn
in Fig. 1. The article derives an integral equation
de8cribIng the processes In this system In a steady
state. This equation permits solution -for the sig-
nal envelooe siecl-'rum at the outout by the method
of ,e n-pproximations. Passage of' a signal
Car(I 1/11 .,flth envelope through the receiver 13
Ac-tion of All' SIA'rll~t 01'1 '.~ 'i";!o-Loo-~) S~ 1.31%;(21M
Of AutomaticaLl; i fic at -lion
1. Two-loo-,j automa*1*1._
cally re .Late(-' amplifter
system: :-eri~lated
C t Vc, 1.11 t s
Card 2/1-L
-f 1"I -
analyzed in detail, permitting the selection of
parameters for an automatically regulated a:rplifier
featuring a minimum distortion of the sinusoidal
envelope of the signal containing the information
(1) Characteristics of AM Sivnal at the OUtDUt of a
Receiver Having a Two-Loop System of Autorn&~Ically
Regulated Amplication: Considering the great in-
ertia of the latter, the amplitude of the input
signal is taken an Input disturbance, even ii- it is
in the shape of pulses. Feedback circuit.3 are
33SLuned linear with reference to the signal. envelope,
u a Ily well
i, e
0 :3 Ell a
Q "O"It
and Ep t L-. r e
k., - (1)
of the apPrOyl-
L.,s~ ancl
i t 1 .2 o!'
;E!rl. e,
A a (w) elltdo). (9)
are the alle se t1le J,~ect
- ~"*220~
c) i -i L 51- 0 -2
A I so-r/jc~-j
1 f I On
0 1 le e. -i bance,
be wrt'-I-er, a3
C 00 ...... dw.
l ai
I M-1
i:~ vo -o I mat or, *'or m,
o z, n t ,
t i.
is tl,~Ins'
,%Illere I!; cocf-"(,!f.?" 0 amp f t cat I On
an,,~, T) cari be found ftom
k,~ I
.j he r
neeilled to ,-o beyon," the
fl-st t'.."o CO.: ... er~,~ The al)ove, so,utjo-
appl'-ed iny tl--c~ for the p:-actulval ca-~e o-,
Th,2 1-tlit
"UM, 0 0 1 t2 0:,,., 4 '~I~
Input -!::,""al .,;,Lll bc!
1 v I ol i
do tff, 11",', (t)
lot I//. 14,.,. t f I tj)
ollvt- t~ t Io t.- w
o n
2 o o tion
V a e o
oil' %l."
'u e rf,,
t C 4u on 7`73
'OV/1C)9--5z -6126
2re. (17)
e1n1'N,F (0)
01 fie
24-'11 P1
P 1 0".)
The variable cOmPOnent 13
lie [/I,,, (2(,,~) C2J..f +
Ile JHF.3 (t,),) pw,) e2j%, I +
C,- - rial
(2) DlotoT,tlo 'elope of,
S~___.te'.,j 01, 411tomat
2 the, Enicaily ReIgulated
,% : I .., I , i I . . I
I , I .I
Loi-, of A C),. :I
the Pha ;c' 0 t he 311111oc)ll 1 velope at the
output wIll differ from that at the lnnu~ by
Nill"' 6 0i- (,21') - A'-wjj (I
+ +
n e c i~? ~;o a r, Et:nplltude ~%nd pha3e of the second
havraoni,-~ can alno be calculated. There are 2 figures;
an - x
d 2 Soviet references.
M -,, Y1 1959
Card 11/11
AUTHOR: Shirokov, V. V.
TITLE: Effect of interferences upon a two-channel receiving system
with automatic gain control
PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyazl, no. 1, 1961, 16 - 23
TEXT: Two-channel receiving systems with automatic gain control (AGC)
being used nowadays for measuring angular coordinatex, are subjected to severe
conditions as regards the identity of the characteristics of the two channels.
rn the present article, the author analyzes the effect exerted on such systems
by signal fluctuations and by Interferences modulated according to a random law.
Using formulae and equations already obtained by him for the first channel of
the system, where the AGC circuit is closed, (Ref. 1: Shirokov, V. V. and Revin.
V. G., Radiotekhnika, No. 4, 1959), he proceeds now to similar calculations for
the second channel, where the AGC circuit is open. The comparative Investiga-
tions of the result enable him to calculate the characteristics of the random
prc-~ess at the output of the channels, to determine their dependance upon the
Card 1/ 3
Effect of interferences upon .... A055/AO33
AGC parameters (and consequently to choose these parameters) and to estimate the
effect of the non-identity of the adjusting characteristics of the channels. In
his calculation involving Fourier integrals, the author solves a set of equations
for output voltage spectra and obtains formulae for the mathematical expectation
and foP the spectral density of the output voltage. As a result of this theore-
f.lcal analysis, the author comes to the following conclusions: 1) - With respect
to the transmission of the envelope of the signal, the AGC system is, in the first
approximation, equivalent to a linear system the transmission factor of which is
determined by the formula:
I K)
R cp (15)
eq + A AWK I H M
for the first channel, and by the formula
I + 1A AKlH (W) (b b K cp
Heq ((J) = Kcp 1 + * AbK IH C, P (20)
Card 2/3
Effect of lrt~erference3 upon A055/AO33
for the second channel. (Abstracter's note: Subacript .. (equivalent) is the
translation of the original-3.] 2) - The mean values of signals at the output
of the channels are independent of the random component of the input voltage. If
only mean output signal values are considered, It is sufficient to maintain equal
(by additional adjustments) their average amplification factors within the whole
range of variations of the input signal amplitude. 3) - Even if steps are
taken to equalize the mean amplification factors.of the channels, the fluctuation
components of the output voltages may still differ considerably on account of
the non-identity of the adjusting characteristics. The smaller the Inertness of
the AGC system, the greater will be this difference. There are 2 figures and
4 Soviet-bloc references.
SUBMITTED: May 31, ig6o
Card 3/3
Effect of signal fluctuations on a receiver vith AGC.
Radiotekh. i elektron. 6 no.9:1452-1459 S 161. (MIRL 14:8)
- . (Radio-Receivers and reception)
ALMANDROVA, A.A., red.j BELYAUVA, V.V.j- rea.
(Problems of the statiatteal theory of radar] Voprosy at&-
tictichaskol teorli radl6lokatall, (By] P.A.Bakut 1, dr.
Pod obahchei red. G.F.Tartakovskogo. Hooky&, Sovetskoe
radio. Vol.l. 1963. 423 p. (MIRA 160)
Lk,', .; '"; , A.A.;
L 45828-65 EEO-
WR 2/En(')/EEC(t)/EZD-2 P&-4/Pn-4/P*C-4/Pi-4/PJ-4/Pk-4/Pl.4
Bakut, P, A Bollehakov. 1. Gerasimov , B. M.; Kurikabas A. A.1 PO V. (101
Tartaka7u)dz, a. PA) Shirokov, V. V.
Problems of the statistical theorv of ra~Xr (Voprosy statisticheakor tearii
rtiiolokatsii)~ v. 2., Moscow, I%d--vo "Sovetakoye radio", 1964, 1078 p* illusep
biblio,, index* Errata slip Inserted. 6,000 copies printed.
TOPIC TAGS: radar, statistical theory
MIRPOSE ANM COVERAGEt The second volume of the book to devoted to the theory
of radar measuremente and problems of target resolution. A general theory of
radar wazuro;wnts is developed which contains the analysis of tracking and
nontracking mcasurement systems, linear and nonlinear, and the synthesis of
optizmal systems of measuring the notion parametere of targets which change arse
tins and their combinations. On the basis of this theory, the book presents
an arva7aie and synthesis of long-range systems, systems of speed measurement,
and angular measurement eyetemso Coherent and incoherent signals are iuresti-
gatod. la considering the problems of target resolutionp the possibility of
resolving reflected signals is studied and optimal receivers in this respect
are found. Optimal resolution systems In deteation and measurimmut, of
Co-d 2#
L 45d2,3-65
coordimtoo are aligo investipated. The book Is intended for researchers and
on~,-innor3 concerned ulth problmw of radar and for students and graduate
atudonts. Many problema of the general theory are also of Interest to those
concerned vith theoretical problm3 to all fields based on the theorr of
atatiatioa, particularly in autortatio control*
TABLE OF C(XrrUrrS labridgedIs
Ch. VT. General refularitio3 of radar measurements 3
Ch. V11. Mcaouromont of range with a coherent signal - 255
Ch. VITT. Monourement of range with an incoherent signal - 432
Ch. IX. Measurownt of speed - 523
Ch. X. Measurement of angular coordinates with a coberent signal - 648
Ch. XI. Yfeasuremont of angular coordinates with an incohereuttignal - 823
Ch. III. Joint moasurement of semal, coordinates 869
Ch. IIII. Revolution - 00
Bibliograpby - 1068
Subject Index - 1072
Lc#,d 2/1
Development of concepts on the tectonics -of Ciscaucasia and the
southern boundary of the Russian Platform. Trudy KNI no.22:29-62
158- (MMA 12:4)
(Russian Platform--Geolog7# Structural)
(Caucasus, Northern-Geology. Structural)
Tectonic pattern of the southern margin of' trie Tajic Depressicno
Trudy WNKHiGF no.36;152-175 '62. (MA 15:6)
(Tajic Depression-Geology, Structural)