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VLODAVETS, V.I., red.; GC)hSFYOI', G.S. , red.; LEBEDIN, A.F., red.; EAL1,21ASYAE, E.G., red.; I'MMNAN, S.S. , akad., red.; 1~'AJ)110, S.I., red.; USITM, Ye.K.,, red.; 24191.1-IYAN, K.C . red.; NXiZEDA, T.Yu., red. Izd-va; 1XVICHKOVA, -Jit----,tekhn. red.; ZUDIHA, V.I.J. tekhn. red. [Problems of volcanism) Voprosy vul3k--ni=a; trudy. Floskva, Izd- vo Akad. nauk. SSSR, 1962. 450 P. WIRA 15:5) 1. Vsesoyuznoye vulkanologicheskoye soieshchaniye. Ist Erevan., 1959. 2. Laboratoriya vulkanologii Akademii nauk SSSR Uor Vlodavets, Gorshkov, Naboko). 3. Institut geologii rudnykh i,.ostorozhdenii, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii Akademii nuuk SSSR (for Lebedev, Usti7ev). 4. Institut geologicheskikh nauk. Akademii nawk Armyanskoy SM (for Malkhasyan, ShlrizDran). 5. Akademiya nauk Arpianal SSR (f 'or Ydatcbyan). V olcanoes - - - - -- --- -- - - - - - --- -- -- -- --- --- --- - -- -- - - -- -- - --- - -- -,r --- SHIRINYANI, K. G.., KkRAPETYAN, S. G., "Particularities of structure and petrology of volcanos in the form of domes In Armenia" Report to be submitted for the 13th General ABsembly, Intl. Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), BerReley Calif., 19-31 Aug 63 SHIRINYAN, K.G.; ADAMYAN, A.A.; KARAPETYAN, K.I.; KARAPETYAM, S.G. Some characteristics of the distribution of trace elements In the recent volcanic products of Armenia. Zap.Arm.otd.Vses.min.ob-va no.2:27-56 163. (MIRA 16tlO) SHIRINYAN, K.G. Hyaloclastic rc(.ks apd the ccnditions of "heir formation in Ar=enia. Trudy Lab. paleo-rulk. razakh. gos. un. ro.2:200-210 163. 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk Ali' Armyanskr,)r SSR. (MIRA 17:11) F.C,. I -i 'erence (Petr,': !or.- jjn,c~n Izv. AN Arm. C 7eM. (Y:iU 1835) 3" 0",5. geologlolpski.~-h rsuk AN A-=yanckoy Sr'ff. SHIRIYAZDANQV- ShaylbrazLKhasanovicb; HUSIN, M.M., oty, red.; -----'XOVAL'C]iUK, V.V.,-r-eT.Tz-cT--va,- ANOXHINA, M.G., tekhn. red. [Workizag- class of Kirghizistan in the. atjmggle for industrial development during the postwar years, 1946-1953]Rabochii klass KIrgizil v borlbe za razvitie promyshlennosti v poslevoennye gody, 1946-1953. Frunze, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Kirgizakoi SSR, 1962. 208 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Kirghizistan-Labor and laboring classes) (Kirghizistan-Industries) Name "HIRKEVICH, X. A._~ Dissertation: The general education school of Tatar ASSR in the period of completing the building of socialism and gradual conver- sion to communism (1935-1941) Degree: Cand Ped Sci Kazan' State Order of labor Red Banner U imeni V. 1. Ullyanov-Ienin ee~feu e Date, Place: 1956, Kazan' Source: Knizhnaya Letopial, No 45, 1956 0 11, 1,- IF- -.-V 1:,' 1!, "'!, . 1. 1T 11-f Vt I m. f . ,-7r. F-7., p -11. D. arm ;. F. "Imiulse Method of Fixed Distances, Its Fkysical Bisis and Fractical AT~Dlication". Abstracted for inclusion in the Second International Congreos on Acoustics, ,ambridgt~, Mass., 17-24, Jun 1956 Moscow 3tate University 11)" 1 0- (~ Im. 1~ i (- ~ \ , KC'- USSR/AcousticB - Ultrasonics, J-4 Abst Journal; Referat Zbur - Fizika, No -12, 1956, 35575 Author., Koshkin, N. I.., Nczdr--v., V. F., Sobolev.. V. D., Shfzkavl-sh, M. Yakovlev, V. F. Institution: None Title: The Fixed-Distance Pulse Protedure, Its Physical Foundati-,Da. a--3d Practical Application Original Periodical: Akust. zh., 1956, 2, No 2, 161-A6 Abstract: A substantiation is given for a newly developed procedure for pulse measurements of absorption of ultrasonic waves. Unlike the present widely-used procedure, in which it is necessary to move the radiator and the reflector relative to each other, the radiator and reflector remain stationary in this method. This circumstance not only simplifies to a considerable extent the construction of the measuring chamber and accelerates the measurement procesa, but leads also to a more successful utilizatim of the pulse method in th~e Card 1/2 ussR/Acoustics - ultrasonics, J-4 Abst Journal: Referat Zhurr - Fizika,-No 12, 1956, 35575 Abstract: measurement of absorption at high temperatures and at high pres- sures. and also at various types of phase transitions. Results,are given on the measurement of the coefficient of ab- sorption of ultrasonic waves, performed with the fixed-distance method; the experimental data are compared with the results ob- tained by other methods; it is indicated that it is possible to employ the fIxed-dietance pulse method for control and in indust--y. Card 2/2 USSR/Physical Chemistry - Thermodynamical Tbermocho-mistry, Equilibria, Physical-Chemical Analysis, Phase Transitions. B-8 Abs Jour: Referat. Zhurnal Xhindya, No 2, 1958, 3751. states. The ratio CA/ C,, of saturated and overheated vapors of all the above mentioned alcohols, as well as 4 and C,,of overheated C`H,OH vapors and (;~L of saturated C,~]~-OH vapors were computed from the calculated IC values and data on adiabatic compressibility borrowed from the literature. Card 2/2 ;_ I m ; .,I ~- I"f ! - , ,,J, - 7 , - - ~ ;, - - , / , ,., -C,r - I I AMETILYAlloVil K. T. and SHIR EVICH ~M.Gr.~ 1~~ "Fropagation of Ultrasourd in Ethyl Alcohol Vapors." report presented at the 6th 3ci. Conference on the Application of Ultrasound in the investigation of Matter, 3-7 Feb 1958, organized by Min. of Education P-IIBW and Moscow Oblast Pedagogic Inst. im N. K. Krupskaya. jr, vaerom:25'kayss kcnftrqntmjyjj, profeamorov I prepodavateley pedagogi- CA* ki h In t1tutov. PrImerwnlye ulltrtakustiki Ir 1881040yonlyu veshel-Astvaj trudy konfertntell, iryp. 8 (A;pItcotIon of Ultrasonics Ln Who Study r FAttar; Transsattom Of a Conference, Xr. 8) Moscow. 124. MOOrl. 1959. 170 P. 1,000 copies printed. Tech, Id.v S. F. ZhItOv. The book to Intended for physicist*. particularly thee* NPEC141111r4 In the rIVI4 Of u2trefonlas. COMAGIi This to a oolleation of 12 articles ftsl&r4 with vreblmm of acoustic*. ultramonles. and molsouier physics. References art itrom at the and of oath article. C...:oditelty. A. S. Dispersion Of Acoustic We"* In Reverted tro" . , -I- A tielf Alpir. A.-D., and V, F. Tokoyltv. Puts* Petnod for Multiple Trmnsformation or an-Ultmeon a Stgral In the Investigation of Liquid Media zlgurA:, V., 4:4 2. Yoronla,0n the Theory of Interfeammeters, -With V rIAbla nd Constant LAngth 67 Irellm So" Results of Measurement of Ultrasonic by in* ruise method T5 Tolaravlah P F and D Fialashow. Investigation of -0, trs5vnI;!Tqiv;4(y Pressures up to 1050 kg/sq cc 03 Akh"taisnor I -D and P-0. 3hLrkay ultrasonic veto- city In Determination (If Hoat Capseltles Cp and C, 93 Ultrasonic Propagation In Rarefied as$*$ 103 Kuc"M~L~ On SON* Conditions far Applicability of Raoultig IAw for Solutions its .3hIIr*jjV_A_3_snd_p- UI%r%gq0I# Velocity wild Surface Tension in Terngry Uquid 370"go 121 BOAPOnow X 9 Measuring Vltrts*nl* V~IO$ItY and AbsftVtIon High Temperatures Lf -all %t _WR F. I 0 F. , Mai% 4A Ali flail It pap, 1%11 W Ia d , SAXHAROV a KOWMIR, Nikolay Ivanovich; Sf~lyl.WICH, Kikhail Grigqr~yqy D.I., red.; TARPAMIOVSKIT, F.L., red.; MU]WHOVA, N.Ya., [Handbook on elementary physical Spravochnik po elementarnoi fizike. Pod red. D.I.Sakharova. Koskys, Gos.izd-vo fiziko-matem. lit-ry, 1960. 208 p. (MIRA 13:8) (physics) I f 3;3 45.1 V I Z.3 31 I A zt, A. 4. ,I A 2 1 -j ;:AA Fil. -,;I w Pl- IV Jq S/058/b 1POOA`O9AD49A50 AOO1/AlO1 AUTHORS: Nozdrev, V.F., Kal'yanov, B.I., Shirkevich, M.G, TITLEs Ultra-acoustic studies in organic liquids at a constant density near critical state PERIODICALS Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 9, 1961, 294, abstract 92h437 (v ab. "Kritich. yavleniya i fluktuatsii v rastvorakh7, Moscow, AN SM, 196o, 93 - 1o1) TEXTS The authors measured the velocity o of ultrasound and absorptionoL in methyl alcohol at/-j6 Me and in ethyl acetate at 10-33 Me at a constant densi-- ty. It follows from the measurement results that at P = const T w const, func- tion c - o(p) (p, is pressure) has a minimum and'function oclv ~ . SP(p) has a maximum at the pressure of saturated vapor. At P --oonst near the saturation line 'there is-a pretran.sition region in which A c/j~,T And a OG/ & T change their signs. On the basis of experimental results, heat capacity of methyl alcohol is determined. In the subcrltical region at the preBourle of saturated vapor, c., Card 1/2 Ultra-acoustic studies ... S1058A IAW/009/*"9/10~0 A001/A101 cv~ and ep/ov show discontinuities. In ethyl acetate relaxation frequency (r,-44 Mo) does not change In the temperature range from 2D to 1600C ifj) M const. Dis- persion is calculated to be coo -,c0 - 0.1 - 0.2 m/sec. L. Zarembo [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 SHIRKEVICH, M. G., Cand Phys-Math Sci --"Study of the speed of propagation and absorption of supersonio waves in the liqu'Ld state of methyl alcohol at high temperatures and pressures." mos, 1961. (Min ofEd RSFSR. Mos Oblast Ped Inst Im N. K# Krupskaya) (IM, 0-61, 229) - 56 - KOSHKIN, Eikolay Ivanovich; Sk~RKE h; I FIYDIIIK, V.I., red. Nandbook on elementary phys1cs] Srravochnik po elementar- noi fizike. Moskvaj Nauka, 1965. 246 p. (MIRA 18s8) SHIRK~VIGH, N. -': .- On the compilation of republic and local budgets. (In: Moscow. Nauchno-isaledovatellskii finansovyi institut. Kauchnye sapiski. Moskva, 1953. p.137-168.) (MLRA 7:2) 1. Moscow. liauchno-iseledovateliskiy finansovyy institut. (Budget) C- /-/I ~ ), - -I--> "~ / lt2 / Y/ , ~- r oBOIMISKIY, It., redaktorl SHITIKOVA, To., redaktor; Z = %441A.. tekhnicheekty redaktor [Appropriations from national revenue for local budgets] Otchislentia v mestnyo biudzhety at Cosudarstvenrqkh dokhodov. Moskva, Goofinizdat, 1955. 73 P. IHM 8S4) (Budget) (Local finance) T T- 3-6-26/29 AUTHOR: Vasillyev, P. G., Dotsent, and Shirkevich, N. A., Senior Scientific Collaborator TITLE: About a Manual on USSR Finances (0b uchebnom posobii po finansam SSSR) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1957, # 6, pp 87-92 (USSR) ABS'2RACT: A review of a book written by Professor A. M. Aleksandrov - 'The Finances of the USSR"- of which the second revised edition has now been published. The USSR Ministry of Higher Education has approved the use of the book as a manual for the higher financial-economic educational institutions and faculties. The author first deals in general terms with financial problems in a socialistic country. He then emphasizes the necessity of a textbook on these finances and their theoretic principles. Attempts to prepare such a textbook have been repeatedly made by M. I. Bogolepov, V, P. Dlyacheako, A. K. Suchkov and others, but of all the literature published during the last ten years on USSR finan- ces, A. M. Aleksandrov's book is best suited. In the author's Card 1/4 opinion it would have been expedient to start the study with ~hcit a Manual on USSR Finances 3-6-26/29 an analysis of the historical development of finances. This could have helped to formulate the basic features of the present USSR finances. Professor Aleksandrov has begun by defining finances, their substance, functions and role. The author objects that the book, when determining the conception of finanoes, given several varying definitions. The inaccuracy and some- times the lack of definitions somewhat lower the voientifio level of the manual. The author further opposes Aleksandrov's point of view that in a course on Soviet finances questions on prices should not be included. He also considers that the separation of the question of financial-credit system and the organization of its management into two parts is not justified. The financial credit system is dealt with in chapter 11 whilst the organization of its management is discussed in chapter XXV. These questions being mutually connected should be examined jointly at the end of the course. It is further considered that the theme on the functions of finances has not been worked out sufficiently. This also applies to the question of the controlling Card 2/4 functions of Soviet finances (para. 4 chapter I). The !J.,:-1( ;- i";.Iflces 3-6-26129 In other part3 of the book the formulations of this question are correct, There are 3 Russian references. All-Union Correspondenco Course Financial Institute (Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy finansovyy Institut), Scientific :iesearch Financial Institute (ttauchno-J031edovatellskiy firtansovyy inatitut) Library of Cungress VASILIM, P. ; SHIRKIVICH, N. Consolidating district and village budgets. 7In.SSSR 20 no.12:39-47 D 159. (MIRA 12:12) (Budget) SHIRKEVICH, Nina Aleksar-drovna; LAVROV, V.V., Prof., otv. red. SUBBOTINA9 K., red.; KONDRAT'YEVAp A., red. (Local brudgets o."' the U.S.S.R.] Mestnye biudzhety SSSR. Moskva, Finansy, 1965. 167 p. (FdRA 18:3) BALANDINI, A.A..~ inzh.; SHIRKEVIGH, N.S. Proposals of the efficiency promoters of the OVasilevich 118 enterprise of the Economic Council of White Russia. Torf.prom. 39 no.3:28-30 162o (MIRA 15:4) 1. Torfopredpriyatiya OVasilevichi II*. (White Russisr-Peat machinery) BONDINp M.A.; SINMOVO O.Q., inzh.; -.6MRMVIGH,,- 14S... inzh,; POPOVICH, M.V.; TATLENIKOV, M.N.; BALANDIN, A.A., inzh.; KHOLCDKCV, N.Ye.1 NOLF&VATISH, S.F., irah, Exchange of practices by the enterprises of economic councils, Torf. prom. 39 no.6.-28----35 162. (KM& .16:7) 1. Kalininakiy sovet narodnogo khozyayst-m (for Bondin). ;2. 2. Torfopredpriyatiye Vasileviehi II (fk Sinyakov., Shirkevich, Balandin, Koholodkov). 3. Naaballnik konstruktorskogo byuro Tesovskogo transportnogo upravleniya (for Popovich). J+. Starshiy inzb. konstruktorskogo byuro Tesovskogo trano,portnogo upravleniya (for Tatarnikov) & 5& laroolavokoye torfopredpriyatiye Taroslavskogo narodnogo khozyaystva (for Kolevatykh). [Peat machinery-Technological innavations) RTSIN, V.I., inih.; KHOLODKOV, N.Ye., insh.; SHIRKEVICH, N.S., inzh,; SINTAKOV,.O.G. Exchange of experiences by the enterprises of economic -councils. Torf.prom. 40 no.1:30-33 163. OURA 16:5) 1. Torfyanoye predp atiye "R~Ldovi~skiy mokh" (for RyBin). ,rly 2. Torfyanoye predpriyatiye Vasilevtchi II (for Kholodkov,, Shirkevich). (toat machinery) KUTUZOV, L.G.; RYSIN, V.I., inzhq SHIRMICH N.S., lnzh.; KUMEISOV, N.D., inzh.; FILIMONTSEV, I.S., lnzh.; I., inzh.; KHOIDDKOV, N.Ye . nzh ASTAFUROV, O.A.; SASS, K.Z.; SASIM, A.S.; SAYAROVA, Ye.S: ~decea-s;edj Exchange of practices by the enterprises of economic councils. Torf. prom. 40 no.7:34-38 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Gusevskoye torfopredpriyatiye Verkhne-Volzhskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Kutuzov). 2. Torfopredpriyatiye Vasilevichl II,.Belorusskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Shirkevich~.Filimoutaev,, F&p1nd-vV;-KhoWhov). -0,jiftavskiy lesnoy khimlcheskiy kombinat rjor1kovskoy obl. (for Kuznetsov). 4. Fornosovskiy torfobriketnyy zavod Leningradskogo gosudarstve-nnogo tresta torfyanoy promyshlennosti (for Sass). NOZ DREV) V. F. M. 0. Calculating-In beat eapnelty of the liquid phase of methyl alcohol.-on thi'baols of acoustio data. Prim. ulltraakust, k Issl. veshoh. no.13:27-34 161. (MIU 16W r Mothqnol-Therml properties) travonic waves-Speed) t SOV/81-59-ig-6&582 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 19, p 300 (USSR) AUTHORSj Kitaygorodskiy, I.I., Shirkevich, T.L. TITLE: The Production of Alkali-Free Foam Glass PERIODICAL: Steklo. Byul. Gos. n.-i. in-ta stekla, 1959, Nr 1 (101), pp 15 - 21 ABSTRACT: An Investigation of the possibilities of obtaining foam glass on the base of three alkali-free glasses: M-519, M-519a, Nr 13v (the cca- positions are given in a table)has been carried out, Gas-forming agents: Na2CO3, CaCOi-chalk, CaCO -marble, SIC, C-carbon black, Na2S04, r1n02- It ha's been conrimed that t~e behavlor of the gas-forming agent, Lhe character of foaming and the temperature Interval of foaming strongly depend on the chemical composition and the properties of the Initial glass. The M-519 and M-519a glasses with the gas-forming agent pyro- lusite produce a foam glass with a partially connected structure. On the base of M-519a glass with carbon black as gas-forming agents a foam glass with closed structure can be obtained. Mn02 can be used as Card 1/2 gas-forming agent for producing foam glass not only at low but also at The Production of Alkali-Free Foam Glass sov/81-59-19-68582 high temperatures(up to 1,2000C). Foam glass with closed structure can be obtained from the glass Nr l3v with Mn02 and carbon black only in a very narrow temperature interval, being above the region of maximum crystallization of this glass. The 11-519 glass ban be recommended for obtaining alkali-free foam glass. I. Mikhaylova Card 2/2 SOV/72-59-1c,-2/14 Kitaygorod,-kiy, I. I., Professor, Shirkevich, T. L. 777'-: So=e PrcDerties of Ilkall-free Foa= Glass P111IODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, Wr lo, PP 5 - 6 (USSR) ABSTHACT: The authors of this paper set themselves the task to obtain commercial foam glass from glass free of alkali and b--r:n. In the findings of a previous investigation made by the authors (Footnote 1), the glass M-519 was recommended as initial ma- terial for the manufacture of alkali-free foam Glass. F.~rther- more, some properties of alkali-free glass were investi-atedt compressive breaking strength, the coefficient of thermal ex- pansion, temperature stability, the coefficients of tem-:erature and thermal conductivity, and the average specific heat. A special paper will be devoted to the three last-mention,7d, properties, as may be seen from footnote 2. The experimental results are presented in the figure which shows the depEndence of the compressive breaking strength on the weight by volume of the foam glass (Curve 1). The compressive strength of foam glass of the F brand of the Gomel' Glassworks is shown in carve 2, and the strength of some highly porous samples in curve 3. The coefficient of thermal expansion of the foam glass Card 1/2 was measured on a quartz dilatometer of the design of the Some Properties of Alkali-free Foam Glass SOV/72-59-lo-2/14 Instituta stekla (Glass Institute). Furthermore, the coef'fi- cients of thermal expansion of the glass LI-5190 as well as of the foam glass of the Gomel' Glassworks were determin-d and described for comparative purposes. Experiments are mentioned concerning the molding of.foam glass at the la'o- ratoriya stroitellnogo stekla GIS (Laboratory for Buildi:g Glass GIS), which showed that boron-free foam glass made from the glass U-519 has a molding tea.perature over'7800, as against the temperature of 570-6250 of the Gomell foam glass. As a result of experiments, it was possible to obtain al'.-:ali- and boron-free foam glass from the glass M-519, which is re- commended as heat-insulatiiig material for temperatures of up to 500-6ooo. There is 1 figure. Card 2/2 ~ I r~ I - - !.o friAlling g,aS6 w as f, 1 "I - ~ .. . . . .C ~ . " -; K - '. ; * ., ;' :, I , * t ` ~. 1~ co-d I I jAj/WH AU'F~Zlz7a! 11R, AY5017210 !TR/00201651162iOO6/1339/1341 Al 'THOR - Kicay5orod-akiy, J. I.,- -Shirkevich, T.-L. TITLE: Effect of the nature of crystallization of glass on the structure of f o6vt glass SOURCE: .,N SSSR. Doklady, v. 162, no. 6, 1965, 1339-1341, and tneert factng p. 1340 TOPIC TAGS: foam glass. glass crystallization, glass struct re ABSTRAM The authors studied the preparation of jqgm e1 from alkali-free and low-alkali boron-free glasses differing both in compoaition and in crystal- p e Ti P 2 An investigaPon of the foamability of the glasses showed that has a negative effect on the foaming a- z'asF 'z1ass,- N-3. l3v, 2, 3, 4, and 5), and even preven-a f:,aw glass with r-egular, fine I glass which crys--allizes tn a ~3egre lryw crystallizability auch as M-514 and behavior, x-ra-I diffraction ar. Ccrd 1/2 ACCES5101; NR: A-P5017210 t,,-~rron micrnscopic anal7ses were carried out on glasses crystellized under vdricus conditions and on samples of foam glass. It was fou-nd that the nature 'lization has a pronounced effect on the structure of the foam glas! u--ia-ned. The formation of a uniform, finely crystalline microstructure does no, : : -v.-nT 1 1 e ft)rmat ion of a foam glass having regular, fine closed pores. Rela- tiveLy (-jarse, nonuniform crystals impair the foamabillty and scmetimes prevent the foxmation of foam glass. "rbe electron micrographs were taken by-H. H. Vaysfel'd." Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ASSOCTATION: None 7?T91ITTO~ 416Nov64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: HT ;r1V )()2 001 Card 2/2 D i A , idle ACCESSION NH: AP5001276 S/0089/64/017/006/0509/0511 A ILI T I 10 H: h i r J~jn "'i FLE' ilppli( ation of the Monte- Carlo method to the computation of the passage daik= through substance SO~~FWE- Atornnaya energiya, v. 17, no. 6, 1964, 509-511 TOPIC TAGS~ Monte Carlo method, gamma radiation. radiation protection, shielding, water, mean free path ABSTRACT: The paper shows how the work on the computation of the individu.1 higtory of a f -photon is reduced by the Monte-Carlo method. The latter permi".8 the -amputation of 20 to 60 incidents per hour. It is possible to solve without electronic computer many problems an the passage of 'C-photon. Three opera- tions are selected which are the most time consuming: determination of (1) the mean free path of the I-photon, (2) the Compton scattering angle, (3) the anglit between the normal to the plate and direction of 'f-photon after W+0-th scattering. Cc.,d 1/ 2 L 24244-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5001276 for I lie -fete r-mination of the coefficient of tile energy de- -rease by F;catterina in water. 10 energy groupa were -considered. The results -orhr)rl ~ornpare Favorably with the theoretical calculations,-. 5(:B cnDF,: N", Card 2/2 L 1922-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5023772 Ult/0089/65/019/003/028810288 539.123.5:539.125&523,348 AUTHOR-. Shirkins L. M. TITLE: Calculation of passage of fast neutroni.throug~ hyApKen by the Monte Carlo method ........... SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 19, no. 3, 1965, 288 TOPIC TAGS: Monte Carlo method, hydrogen, neutron absorption, neutron scattering ABSTRACT: The Monte Carlo method is used to calculate the attenuation of the dose, and angular distribution of neutrons emitted by a plane unidirectional source with an energy of 8.1 MEV in hydrogen. To speed up the calculation the method of splittings was employed. In this method, for each layer an analytical determina- tion was made of the number of 8.1 MEV neutrons which passed through a given layer without scattering, and of the number of 8.1 14EV neutrons whose initial path be- fore scattering was 4 X cm, 2 0 X cm, etc. The subsequent history of these neutrons was determined by the Monte Carlo method. The probable relative error in thenumber of neutrons which passed through the i-th layer was no mote than 2.5- 3%. It was found that the emission of a plane unidirectional source to attenuated I to a greater extent than that of an isotropic point s6urce. In addition to the' Card 1/2 I I ~- ~4---, I L 2�:3�8-66 EWT(m)LEWP(t)/ETI IJP(C)---]D ACC Rt Ap5026451 SOURCE CODE: UR/0089/65/019/004/0394/0395 -AVMOR: Shirkin, L, M, ORG:. None, TITIS: Angular distribution of gamma intensity scattered in lead and water 17 SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 19, no. 40 1965, 394-395 TOPIC TAGS: gamma scattering, Monte Carlo method, lead,, va'terp angular distribution ABSTRACT: The Monte-Carlo method was used by the authoi'f or calculating the gamma angular scattering in lead and water. A flat monodirected source of 4 Kev was considered in -the barrier geometry., The thickness of barrier was equal to 14 free-path lengths in lead and 16 lengths Ia. water. The lead barrier was divided in 11 layers and the water barrier in 12. The analysis of gamma Intensity distribution showed that the configuration of angular distribution depended'very little upon the barrier thickness. Thus, an average distribution was applied to threo neighboring barriers. The thickness Pf eauii successive barrier increas- ed approximately by a 1.4 path length. The calculated average values ~of angular distribution were plotted and illustrated in a graph, Anot1ter Card 1/2 UDC: 539.122:539*121*72 L 28368-66 ACC NRt AP5026451 curve showed the energy dependence of the angular distribution constant in lead. At the initial energy level of 4 Mev this constant was equal to 11.2 degrees for lead and to 13.1 degrees for water. An approximate formula for calculation of errors for each layer was also given. The results of this research corroborated the conclusions deduced from pro-. vious studies. Namely, it was proven that the angular distribution oon.. stants depend very little upon the barrier thicknesses (up to 15 path lengths) and differ little in degree for'various materials and energy levels (greater than 2 Mev). Orig. art. has: 2 graphs# SUB CODS:20,12 SUBM DATE:00904 ORIG R".. 0051 Ow nn'.000, Card 2/p. Ob L 22380-66 EWT(m)/EPF(R_L-?/~~A(h) ACC NR: AP6007958 SOURCE CODE: -UR/6689/66/020/6&/0162/0164 AUTHOR: Shirkin. L. M 3? iORG: none ;TITLE: Angular distribution.of the energy and of the dose of scattered neutrons in water iSOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 20, no. 2, 1966, 162-164 ,!TOPIC TAGS: neutron scattering, radiation dosimetry, nuclear I ,reactor shield, fast neutron, angular distribution, neutron shielding 1ABSTRACT: In view of the limited amount of data pertaining to the. !angular distribution of fast neutrons, and in view of the importance I these data for reactor shielding design, the authors present an :approximate solution procedure based on the Monte Carlo method, !which leads to final results in a form suitable for practical applies- itions. In this solution they calculate the angular distribution of itbe energy and of the dose of 3.3 and 8.0 Mev neutrons scattered in* :.water and coming from a flat unidirectional source with barrier I - 2- Card 1/2 UDC: 539-125-52 L L 22380-66 !ACC NR: AP6007958 eometry. The calculations were described by the author earlier ;fAtomnaya energiya v. 17, 509, 1964). To increase the accuracy, the :Monte Carlo method was combined with analytic methods, as outlined !by the author in anotber paper (Atomnaya energlya v. 19, 288, 1965).', 'The neutron slowing down was traced down to an energy 0.1:Mev. Other !procedures for improving the accuracy are described. Plots are pre- cf the angular distribution for different energies and for the idependence of the angular-distribution co'nstants on the barrier itbickness. The results are not always in'good agreement with the Itheory, and It is concluded that calculation of the neutron angular. Idistribution in the single-scattering approximation leads to consid- jerable errors already at thicknesses of the order of several mean ~'free paths. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 formulas. J'SUB CODE: 20INI SUBM DATE: 29Ju165/ ORIG REF; 008/ L-Card 2/2ddO- ai- Al ai 1 :81 -a ji SHIRMD, I.V. (Moskva) - - - -- Stress discontinuities under general plastic conditions, Inzh.zhur-. 1 no.3:188-152 161. (KMA 15s2) (Plasticity) 32765 S/65Y61/000/007/004/010 .1u-/2-00 1121 D251 D302 AUTHOR: Shirko, I.V. TITLE; A velocity f-*eld under conditions of plasticity of L general form SOURCE: Moscow. Piziko-tekhnicheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 7, 1961. Issledovaniya po mekhanike i prikladnoy matema- tike, 71 - 84 TEXT: The author considers the equations of plastic equilibrium and flow under the general condition of plasticity 11(ef T) = 0. (1) The case of Dlane deformation is considered, the components of stress being o', e , T , and the components of the velocity of de- X y XY formation x, F_ yt Yxy. The principal axes 1 and 2 lie in the xy plane and the principal axis 3 is parallel to the z axis. By defin- ing I Card llk1.1 32765 S/65 61/000/007/004/010 A velocity field under conditions ... D251%302 2 t=-L (01 -02) = I 2 4 e=-L (s, + 62) (8, + I'); 2 2 g= (" 7'2) -L 0" - + > 2 V 4 Eq. ~1) may be written, in the case of plane deformation F(s, t) = 0 2). By means of the-fluidity potential, and the transforination d~j = I (or, + o12) � I (d, - o'2)cos (f; T = 1 (Ul - c' )sin 2cp, dY 2 2 xy 2 2 where T is the angle between the x-axis and the direction of the principal normal stress a,, the system of equations Card 2/X,(- 32P17 6 c5 3/65 61/000/007/004/010 A velocity field under conditions D251%302 as- + cos 2? -~- + sin 2? 01 -21(s1n2,p-!~!--Co,s2? at 0; ax ax #y ax O.Y 0S. d,, +sin 2? cos 2? 2t os 2? + sin 2? 0. _5__)= dy ax 1- (7- Ox Y 2 sin 2j, (h -', cos 2y) OV + a 0; and -a ax .9 dy (9) Ot? OV OU !2 sifi 27 dy (h - cos 2T) V~X- + -w) = 0. -V I is obtained where h is a known function of s nd t. If /h/-.::z 1, the system is of the hyperbolic type. By introducing a new variable V, and a new function by means of dt, h = cos 2~ rs and HA = '\/1 h2 ds sin 2~ ~S = tg 2~d 1n t t t and applying the transformation Card 3/(' / Z- A velocity field under conditions 3'70 3/65 61/000/007/004/010 D251%302 1 d'P P U) dA, . sin 2~ the equations of the,characteristics of (8) and (9) become _5=)-(,~)-~=const; dY+Xpd).=O; dU=VPal; (12) E=)-(~)+y-consl; dX+YPd).=O; dV=UPdk. (13) The canonical equation for the coordinates is then 3Y E X 0; 8x P V 0 (14) dg 2 and for the velocities bu P BV P 37 f U; a7n f U. (15) The conditions are sought an the discontinuity lines of the field, along which the stress is continuous, but the velocity vector dis- continuous. Taking the components of velocity as C' (resolved t' En Card 4/,~~ 32765 S/658 61 ,000, -~r_ 1% / -) . I 1~ -.y U 302 tangen tially and normal, _,Y to a d '-scon-1 inui ty I ard a_---s ~~rn - n~; ;_m, 0, 'Ai-n . t i~i nhown that the disc;.,ntinui ty 'Line alvl""Y_~i ,uith a :r- .1i' silp. Flr-~,m thc. termInal velo~_,*,Ly ill foklows thut V 0 v n 2g cc,?s 2*i A--L 4g sin 2~. The diagram (Fig. 2) is ~-onsidered, %lihere 71 is the veloc:.ty ve--',.Jr, and 2'y := V12 +- a, It is shown that in this case, the vec or ot ve locity does not have a normat component in the direction of a lir- of s'- Lp Df the farily const, -and the projection of the vecto-r or, a line of s-, i. ~ Up const remainc. continuous on ~_rjss_ng a discontinuity Line. Analogous results are obtained for _-onlz~, t 4 Co-ulor::b's piast:L-ity condi cons are considered and the r-E-su!- ob- tained in this case by R.T. Shield is quoted, This discon-,inuity vector along the line of discontinuity is considered. If the pr~:- Jections of the velocity are U and V~ then U is discontinuous on N = const and V discontinuo-us on g ~ const'. Aiso U - S VPdX -;- cons- when -9 -- const. and V UPd), -l- const, .vh,;n const, V is con... Card 5~,?' .,r 34 2 7 65 A y 3/658 D251YD302 -Onst, and U c.-nst, jjen,,2_ lp in t a n In t c ci n s t an za' o - " I- of dis.".-int-,nuity. The normal c0' tqe 0 C I ~l zponent anu L d s - c n + 'y dlscontinui:y vary along-the l4ne nui,y Ti,-, mac-,liod is apUl i ed tf, the _z~ ppe al :;7, Of PLas-l-'.l tly cDnd. t_~^Ins. In c~,n_,Das:on, -he .3pe, a rc -:tanguiur b:-'dy between a strit., and P_ strlr. b,7--~vieen sm,-,orr an anF, -1 e a r~-- -cns.,.d-:-.--d. Th a,t 7h' h- reaa" a S~ d; h . 1 T CarJ 6 S/658/6V000/009A00/013 A059/A126 AUTHOR: Shirko,'I.V. TITLE: Penetration of a punch having an apex through a ribbon SOURCE: Moscow. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut. Trudy. no. 9, 1962. Is- sledovaniya po mekhanike i prikladnoy matematike. 69 - 79 TEXT: Two problems of punching a ribbon with a rigid, symmetrical stamp are considered under the conditions of plane deformation. The generatrixes of the stamp are two straight lines at an angle of intersection equal to 2 y in the former case, and two non-concentric circles in the latter case. Moreover, it has been mathematically shown that the assumption of constant pressure along the circumference of the stamp is corret. Definite results are given in compact form. V.V. Sokolovskiy [Teoriya plastichnosti (Theory of plasticity), Gos+.ekhiz- dat, 19501 is mentioned. There are 7 figures. Card 1/1 SIIIMO~ I.V. (Moskvii) Some problems in the theory of plasticity with mixed bcEmdary conditicns. Inzh.zhur, 2 no.2:305-310 162. (MIRA 15:6) (Plasticity) Velocity fields under conditions of plasticity of general type. Trudy IVTI no.7:71-84 961. (MIFA 15:4) (Plasticity) (Deformations (Mechanics)) SHIRKOt I.V. Cutting of a strip with dies having an angle point. Trudy WTI no.9:69-79 162. (Dies (Ybte.3~mriing)) (MrPA 16:5) ~ PI-12~A-L.1-est~~,~4,~~!'TJ!Iitr~t4g*vttA-I%Wsgdxsw-fagbw-ouriii:-WKgat$~.FtY-4 ! hi,() I .'i , I . (M,14;kvtA) s'~;ap-e or an evrnly 5um.c- a , 11 . 1. (M " , ! , % 65. - -~, - -- - i ACC N"N: AnO12439 SOURCE CODE: UP,/0079166/0361012/2048/2052 AUTHOR: Lvova, T. I.; Pendin, A. A.; Shirko, K D. . ... ... ;,-Nikollskly, B. P. 011G: Lenin.-rad State University (Laningradskly gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Standard thernodynanic constants of-the reduction of the (ferricenylmothyl) trimethylar.r.onium cation to the (ferrocenylncthyl)trimothylar=nium cation with hydrogen In an aqueous solution SOURCE: Zhurnal obshchey khtcli, v. 36, no. 12, 1966, 2048-2052 TOPIC TAGS: ferrocone, aqueous solution, hydrogenelectrochemical analysis, cation SUB CODE: 07 (F*CI04) was pre- (Ferrocenylmethyl)trimethYla=OniUM Perchlorate ABSTRACT: an E+j solution with KC104- On tae -oasis of the pared by precipitation of f rf-C104 with K2CF207 or H202, the nor--af curves OIL' potentio=etric titration 0 potential of the system F+ cation - (ferricenyl=tliyl7)trimthyla---Dniuz cation F++ in an 1 21 M solution was O-6a :t 0-001 v *' The standard redox Potentials of r+4' - 15, 25, and 350 were determined from-the relations between the e.m.f. of the cell Pt/F++, F+; HCl/glass electrode and the ionic strength Of the solution at these tempex~kUlres- On the basik-of the.!S~LtIL obtained. the. card V2 UDC: 546.171.1.-541.138.2 n&-- ACC NR. 07012439 standard thermodynamic constants of the reduction of F++ to ?4' vith hydrogen At 250C vere determined at 6 GO -15-17 ;t 0 .3 kcal Ho - -21.1 � 0.3 kcal andA SO - -23 11 entropy units. The titration data indicated that the Ft-* F++- reaction vas electrochemically reversible. Orig. art. has: 2 figures am 4 formulas. ORS: 40,40 SHIM, V. Y. SHIRKO, 7. M. and TUF'77MCH, S. M. "InvestigAlon. of Winter Killing of Winter Sown. Cereals," Rabot Vsesoiuznogo Instituata Zashchity pp. 143-W.- 423.92 L541 the Conditions Conducive to Itogi Naucf=-Is sled ovat el I ski kh Rastenii 7a 1935 Goda, 1936 30: '-IIA ST - '10-53, 15 December 1953 1 1 A 1 0 it 0 It q it A a it P" I I I V I I'A I I I to 41 s- T(-rr.%Kvi it to (S. k Mitimto (V, lAtraotirem fier lorrventing In the olqtlljt (not, 00 0 lilt. figm, 1939, 1 koxhith atillullary, 0 411! 'A $"#rr I ""W14 title 11) xvi. 00 P, A"'d SEA owIf Eliot fartall 011114111fiteol in 11MI lWf I-rill, to( flip errs 0 * z mmit too lite Kirov rrgimm a#( lite U.S.141t. awl No 3-31 lwr crfkt. tot tho I Amurt,41pAys Aut4iiiiiijuipto Aivirl 11ploottl4w. A-Irroolim opf the (Ungua -10 v,-j"lo, 4011 1 lie jeavrd wo pop ell am insile I he strnim of t lie lifolonta. [he-haErk 0 opfifir platpt- two firm after ilimming #i( ell.- sol4ow and alms omintrarhot loiter 0 If j i 1111T)III: gr.m I b. (hs 'A 0.11 -lilt ivistrol *Am *.,file plants r1V-.t% rr awl give- isomiml I, to-hin, si, herritim tin lotoor Polls partially rrv-pvrrnl 1plants usually ' , the in iii liller stage. Uertitinalitift tot the self rutis its nature takro; loam 00 or fit sill ounn mil trysi" light, high horniolilY or mpii spir(Aetri (mimput ;o 14-rcetit.). utul 1141f (too high Av"ragr play leitilwormoolur" (1-21' lip WE 4.), i'matiot -1,rittiis -b, tud germittale. Maturr whirh ($ill tit grflijillElfr ill the allfUllill lif 1hr first year are ralmohle oftiverwintering awl J:rflliiflAte in the autumn of the '(Wowinsyrar. Thetlevorlopnient 0: :j 4 111-- itivcAmits 44 flip fungus in naturr (xN-urit tit a Imilperaturr little I aNivr 11 sik.1 im-ler co-mlif It -tin o(high air butaiWitY. The tungw infew-14 E 0 a for go to a do a a It 411 a a 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 O's 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 a Ad 6 d 0 '1 IV 0 0 on 4 a go so 0 **sob 000 'sg* 1000 94110 go* 1111041 400 Go* met 41110 0 009 41104 Soo 41** Of * 260 too wool 06 00 60 00 00 00 9* 460 00 0 *0 00 00 00 00-001*1 ~040 h PAI,"wpvurcr-p~ Fr-nehrregrat"lAte- '#1- 41.- Ut r r 1w. lwvn Obarn-"I tn T4o rminmenjaikmp lor flit romtM Oftbo Iliftomme it, It 441ki r, ft,,I.-tl4)O;9rptK At OR Of ManUrC an4 O1h#r,-fVAniC feltiWO" (rwjsp"tf-i rurf. ir"n lue-rik-j; liminx o(*61 Jj~,Ljj4nllACf-WAtj4d the mo4fissuiawm hrwe"o-nng fine 1--$t 1- 4-11 M-Al PLAu2?:jusO(dp&6 %hore wtntert-supivero j ,%. ihpdu~A-e itt Ltnlrrtoprw%-vv&t ventafti64stsfarlpfatu vi da.. se,onn. rris4scat-m id sumvpnMe cen-al wre'll. bugavving 0( h- a-prinbr: witla -wherto roUOrteJ Ins a 1? 1) lr,,-,A &.1, A101 wrim us4 of m6rmt vAriette-4, to 193 1. -lurw,: id fl,~ Ium-jqe, the i&rirfw% Krvfhnwpvnuum 0529 ..!A -to tal h Aww"I tu be very rifti-ttang. 0 0 00 so :00 00 00 -00 so 00 of 00 -00 00 00 00 001 0# 00 0* 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 * 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 * .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *A-t-0*0604 -G* Ogg 0906000 0 *00 90000*0 00000**:: el SH14KC, v.11. Cereal root rot in vat areas of the U.S.S.R. Trudjr VIZR no.1:47-50 148, (MIR& 11:7) (Grain--Diseases and pasta) (Root rot) USSR Plant DiseaseE. Diseases of Cultivated Plants N-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 6, March 19' 57~ No 22972 Author :Tupenevich., S.M., Shirko, V.N. Title :The Study of Cabba&'-S6-e-dIfhQg-- Di seases. Orig Pub :Sb. rabot In-ta prikl. zool. i fitolatol.; 1956, No 4, 147-154 Abstract : The causes of cabbage seedling disease are clarified. The chief source of cabbage style disease d-uring storage is grey putrescence caused by Botrytis cinerea Pers. When af- fected by B. cin-~-rea the uppemo.;t stem bud in cabbage is destroyed and the main flower-bearing bud does not develop. The frait and seeds developed frem side flower-bearing buds are easily affected by Alternaria brassiceae, which causes seed quality det--rioration. To impr-,ve tte quality of cab- bage seeds and to protect them from A. Brassiceae, measures should be taken to prevent development of grey mold on cab- bage heads and the uppermost stem bvd. Ret:ommendations for preventive mcaaaxes are stated. Card 1/1 OV, A. lit - .Tr,-,ctor Ejnowc,:jvcvud UrL~iiL Land," .1 4 1, 1n rourcli for Kazakh 5'-ate C Z), IL (KL Su:;p 12-~1, DANILYCHL-N, V.A.; KARIDVt 'N.V.; OSIPOV, B.D.; SHUMOV, A.V.; ~,'IILIPPF-, G.I. Magnetic resistance used i., field measurements at helium te=pera- tures. Frib. i tekh. eksp. 6 no.41:221 S-0 163. (~ffRA 16:12) 1. Fizivheskiy institut All SSSR. MELIYANOVA, Ye.N.; KARLOVY N.V.; MARLMV, A.A.; HILYAY?,V, V.A.; PROXHUMV, A.M.j S~Wuix)vt S.P.; ~H.IRKOV A.V. Electron paramagnetic resqnance spectrum and spin-lattice relaxation of chromium and iron ions in 114p tungstate single crystals. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 44 no.3-.868.-969 Ar '163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Fizichdakiy institut imeni F,KJoebedeva AN SSSRe (Paramagnetic resobance and relaxation) (Zinc tungotate crrystals) (ions) /EEC( t)/E'dP(0/EIdP(b) Peb IJP(c)/AF*WL/ C AEM ' i it 7~:' ( SD( t i-xi ON kRi &PiY34~,8 /M ii /~ i YC ~ 9/0 0 6 /16 4 9 /16 5 3 - - - -i AuTHDR i Andreyarta. To. V*j Kar2avp N,_V.,; ManonkM A* H-iIISM, -ILA --W - - - . I 1---: 2, Shiricov, A* V. resonance of dwomi=,~ons in andraium tungfitate -R~rim&n-eti 0 F" Sika tverlogo tela, 65) Y. 6, no. 6, 1964, 1649-1 T,TIC TAGSt electron paramagnstio resonance, Cconbralski aethod, spin lattice rAlaxatlon, spin H-11tonian, chromium ion, cadmium tungstate k-PSr kACT t Samplea ware grown by the Gzoctxralski imathod f rom pare Ateed Cd#O 4 to vhiciti (lfH4)Cr207had been added. The crystal thus obtained contained no Gr-3* ions, b-ut after anneallng In air for several hours at 7CIDC, a transition to the trivalent RIVe --w--c%V'red. Klectron paramagmstic resonance was observed in the taMerature Pr7a. 'r-.Ym 3(P- " 1.69 at frequenoi," from 9.4 to 98 gigacyalea In magmtic flaLds rarL" up to 10 k1logmas. The conatante af the spin HawAltonian for Cz-34 Card 113 L 203?5-65 ACCESSION URt a4039648 -3 were found to be D 42*9 + 0.05 gigaCY018so 3 - 2*)5 + 0.02 gigacydess - 1.97 + 0.01, gy - 1.97 0.01, and g. a 1.98 + 0,01, The spin-lattice relaxation time, measured when the nagnetio fie:24 was parallel to z. was found to be 0,36 micro- seconds at 4.2 and 3.0 miemseconds at 1.6K. ThiB time depecdence mmT be explained by direct resonance processes of relaxation if it is assumed that direct, relax- ation ts forbidden between the Lwer investigated levols H - + 1/2 and J-- allowed eve ~L~_r --igh the upp-3r level M - 3/2 at some distance d from the 11 H - 1/2. The vaIue of d obta-Ined from the equation for temperature dependence is 100 gigacyclesj from spectroscopic data the splitting between the two levels (1/2 and, 3/2) pra7ed ,o oe 96 gigacyrles, ver7 near 100. This supports the view of a relaxation mi~chanlara. 'The authors thank V4 T,_~ovbo preWtd the single crygLals of and N. Demlyanets, wtio made the z-ray studies of the crystals," Drig. Q.rt- ria-81 fi*,ures, 3 tables, srA 2 forwal". _L%3r_C1AT10"t FizichesUy inatitut in. P. H. Lebedm AN SSS14 Moscow (Pbysics Card 2/3 .I-. - m L I'c~-Ic5-65 lcr-&3sIcN NRo I.P4O39648 SUICMEDi 1,3Dec63 SUB GODEt SS, NP ENCL 1 00 NO RCP SNI 003 0 Card 313 1;,; 7 Mil,-1-W-111i, V.G.. knudidat takhnicheekilm nAuk; ZHIREOV. B.".4phener. !*,ffect of bAndage and holding, wire on the efficiency of a turbine stage with long blades. Tvvloonergotika 4 no.9:16-19 S '57, (H:AA 10:8) !. TSentrallny7 kotlot,.i:-~innyy Institut. (Turbines) MISHKIN, V. G.P kand. tekhn. nauk; SRI~Kpv,, P. 42~_Umla- Effect of leakage through the radial gaps between the rotor and the gate mechanism on the efficiency of a turbine stageo Itnergomagshinostroanie 8 no.12:26-29 D 162. ()CIRA 16ti) (Gas turbines) ad, 40. 61, USERIX'iiysics - Field theory Card 1/2 Pub. 118 - 113 Authors I Bogolyubov. 11. 11. and $hirokov, D. V. Title I Problema of the quantum theory of a field POrlOdiC&I I Usp. Fiz. nauk 5.5/2. 149-214- Feb 1955 Abstract I The quantum theory of a field is considered. "o to a localizing character of the present day quantum theory, the complete description of a field by this theory meets with considerable difficulties. In order to overcome these diffijulties, a study of their natureis suggested. For this purpose, a methcd of transformation of the so-called *field function' (used in the ordinary quantum theory) Into -the so-called *operators* (used in an advance quantum theory) is preeented. Then, problerns are considered which involve the determination of singular integrable operators playiug a very important role in the analysis of the Institution t ........ Submitted I Card 2/2 Pub. 118 - 113 Periodical i Usp. Piz. nauk 5512, 149-214, Fab 19.55 Abstract i matrixes of dispersion of the theory of interacting fields. Then a method is introduced for the construction of a matrix of dispersion that would be based, not on the Ha=iltonian formation, as was done in the ordinary quantum theory$ but on the Lagranfenian of an inter- action (A (x)) in which physical conditions, relativistic covariation, unitorsion and causality of the matrix elements play the rule of a Hamailtonian. Then, a method is presented for determining the so- called *chronological productsO, i.e., T-products of ordered elements of the ustrix of dispersion. This is done with the help of Wick's theorem on the evaluation of the chronological products. In conclusion an application of the Wick theorem to the Feynman rules of evaluation of matrix elements is presented. Tuenty-one references, 4 USSR. 10 USA, 3 Brit, and 4 Swiss (1939-1953)- Ibble. arl or, ier. -rne e '-7 T. 4 U. i; I V) r1 TJUlW7 -I-- system--- ko V USSR/ Physics - Theory of disturbances aim 1/1 Pub. 22 - 7A5 Authors I Bogolyubov, N, N.,, Academician, and Shir#kov, D. T. On the renormalizing group in quantum slectrodynamice Periodical I Dok. AN SSSR 3.03/29 20~-W6,, Jul 3.1. 1955 Abstract p A further development of the method of renormalizing-groupe of quantum slactro-dyna=ics is presented. The method was used by Gell4ftnn and Low in their calculations of quantities characterizing the behavioi- of the Green functions, used in quantum alectra-4ynamice, in the cases of large Pulses. The present article gives general formulas for the transfer from the generiaL theory of disturbances no~ only to the theory of large pulses, but also to the theory of "infra-red catastrophiss"o Three referencess I USSR and 2 USA (1953-1954). Institution t The Acad. of So., USSR, Mathematical Institute imeni V. A. fteklov Submitted : March 2, 1955 7 - - - ,A 1 11 =11 Z . - . J % I ~ i~ '~ ( j N, ~ - -71 9 -_ BOGOLYUBOV,N.H., akademik; SHrRKOV,D.V. Application of renormalized groups to the iMDrovement of the per- turbation theory. Dokl. AN SSSR 103 no.3:39i-394 Jl'55. (MlRA 8:11) 1. Matematicheskiy institut imeni V.A.Steklova Akademii nank SSSR (Perturbation) (qaantum theory) BOGOLTUBOY. M.N.. akademik; SHIUOV, D.Y. A Lee-type model in quantum electrodynamics. Dokl. AN S= 105 no.4:685-688 D 155. (NM 9;3) 1. Katematichaskly Institut imeni V.A. Staklova Akadenii nank SSER. (QcLantum theory) /DOUSLY CHARGED RENORUA=ATWH OtOUP W (Stex0v Inst. of Mathematics). LOIS, D12-5(1055) Dec. 11. (In Rus The method of rettormallutlon Is adepud to pavedostalar Mason theory, I.e., to the system of nucteon spLnor ad pseudootcalar mesm fields with psoudo"ar inLeraetim A "cLd case of a doubly charged Spoup Is tAvestigated. ,(R.V.J.) -1, t-- ~2 -V- ".10th. In-t . l.m. A U3,M!, , , . and BTL,~6w., -7. --. , Phy--ic-3-1 F-Larit'- "Improvement of Quantum Electrodynamics Perturbstion 7recry ;;ith Help of the Ranormalization Groupf, Nuclear Physics (publ. In Amsterdam) 2, no. 4, P 356, 1956. ,',rti-cle written in English L w I I I k1 I . f q 530.145 MULTIFUCA71VE RENORMALIZATION GROUP IN 110"TUM ELDTHEORY. H.tff(.IB30zol-tubovarkd]2.V.Shida. Z11. -I.P.I. "tr. Piz., Vol. 307-NoT. "an. RUB Lt. dif(erentlal ectuations (or the nvulliplicative renormal- lzation group of quantum NU tMory are presented. As in 11justr2tJon of application of the equAtions splnor vIcctro- dynamics Green's lunctions bzve been determined in the R!_tra- olet and Infrared catastLglibe reir A. SUBJECT USSR PHYSIgS CARD 1 / 2 Pk - 1940 AUTHOR BLANK,V.Z., ~IRKOV,_D-V_ TITLE Asymptotic Investigations of the Sum=it Part in quantum Slectro- dynamics. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk,111, fuse.6, 1201-1204 (1956) Issued: 2 / 1/057 The present report uses the method of the renor=ali2ation group, which was formerly used for improving the perturbational formulae for GREEN'S functions, for the purpose of improving the formulae for the summit part. As the authors wish to obtain asymptotic expressions for the summit operator in the infrared and ultrared domain, only that term in In is from the very outset Investigated here which is proportional to the matrix , n. This term apparently represents a scalar function of the three independent scalar arguments p2, q2 and k2: fin , Y " I- (p 2,q2,k2). The multiplicative arbitrariness of the summit func- tion is transferred to the arguments of the function Pby the introduction of the square of an auxiliary momentum, going over to dimensionless arguments on this occasion. The functional equation for the summit part and the corresponding LEE'S diffe- rential equation are written down, the latter is also integrated. These formu- lae are considerably simplified if, for the definition of f" , the perturbation theory of second order is used. It is then possible to compute certain formulae in explicit form. Here the concrete case of ultraviolet asymptotic behavior is -M ut!!-. I - mwa-w-l't tr-IATmhs t ul - - - --. I- ,., , -- t,-- ,MP\K(,V) Al~iTflty~ V~45iL )e6VtC-1-f Call Nr: QC 174.536 AIJTHORS: Bogolyubov, Nikolay Nikolayevich; and Shirkov, Dmitriy Vasil'yevich TITLE: Introduction to the Theory of Quantum Fields (Vvedeniye v teoriyu kvantovannykh poley) PUB. DATA: Gosudarstvennoye izdatel'stvo tekhniko-teoreticheskoy literatury, Moscow, 1957, 442 pp., 8,000 copies EDITORS: Rydnik, V.I.; Tech. Ed.: Negrimovskays, R.A. PURPOSE: This book is intended for the benefit of studentA, beginning the study of the 4Uantum field theory and for theoreticians already workihg in this branch of physics. Card 1/,0 2- Call Nr: QC 174.5.B6 introduction to the Theory of Quantum Fields (Cont.) TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE 8 1. Introduction 9 1.1. Sketch of the state of the field theory (9) 1.2. Plan of presentation (12) 1.3. Some notationg (13) Ch. I. Classical Theory of Free Fields 15 2. Lagrange formalism and field invariants is 2.1. Fields and particles (15) 2.2. Hamilton and Lagrange formalisms (15) 2.3. Lagrange function and the principle of stationary action (16) Card 3/31 AUTHOR: Blank, V.Z. (Deceased), Shirkov, D.V. 56-5-27/46 TITLE; Inverse Dispersion Relations (Obratnyye dispervionnyye soot- nosheniya) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret.Fiziki, 1957, VOL 33, Nr 5, pp. 1251-1253 (USSR) ABSTRACT: nInverse" dispersion relations between the imaginary part of the scattering amplitude, which is connected with Cochy's integral, and the real part of the scattering amplitude are dealt with theoretically. Computation of the integral in the observeable domain is carried out by means of the ordinary (direct) dispersion relations. The scattering amplitudes of charged ions by nucleons are dealt with in a concrete -nner. For this case the physical in- verse dispersion relation, which contains only observeable quan- tities, is derived, There are 5 references, I of which is Slavic. ASSOCIATION: United Nuclear Research Institute (Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy) SEBMITTED: May 17. 1957 AVAILABLE; Library of Congress Card 1/1 0 AUTHOR BLANK P V. Z. (Deceased) 56-7-W66 ' BONCH-BRUYEVIC; V.L.0 SHIRKOY 1) V. " TITLE ltiplioative A Note Concerning the dr~ou; O Renormalization in the Quantum Theory of the Field. (Zamechaniye k gruppe mulltiplikativnoy renormirovki v kvintovoy teorii polya.- Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim. I Teoret. Fiziki t957t Vol 33t Nr 7t pp 265-266 (Ussa) ABSTRACT The renormalization group is not necessarily connected with the existence of divergences and occurs also In the "finite" theories, e.g. in the theory of the eleotron-photon-field in a solid body. The authors here investigate such a quantum theory of the field in which the LAGRANGIAN of the inter- action (in interaction representation) taken the form L(x) gT(x) r-, tf (x) + I (x) I A(x) Here g denotes th corupling constant \?,%Y and A - FERMI - and BOSE operator:, - - the elementary vertex part 0 x ltxc~ , J - the "outer ourrent"o Nothing definite is CARD 1/3 assumed here as to the tensorial character of 1 01 it A.