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SHILOV, V.K.; BELIKOVA,-N.M.; YERSHOVA. Z.P. ' Fusion method for aDDroximnting the chemicnl composition of Cenozo igneous rocks in South Sakhalin. Dokl. AN SSSR 119 no.2:326-329 Mr 158. (MIELA 11:5) 1. Sakhalinskiy kompleksnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademil-om D.S. Korshinskim. (Sakhalin--Rocks, Igneous) SOV/20-122-zi-43/5' T i,,* 0, ii 3h 1. 1 ov, V. N. . Ka I Ishr-v-ich, 01. K. `.-In-@ rrob.'Iem. oi' zi-@t- '.uill@@-V-ratonhyre (K voprosu ob -,,.kh obrp_z.-)Vaniya poro,j zpilito-ker@tofirovoy I OD 1 C; L: D o k I aKa d (- ri - i na uR. 3 i Vc, 12' N PP 902-904 The soilate-keratophyre t'ormatian (the zeienokamennaya green- M' poo@5ynolinez;. --'uch 'rocks usually or,-imire -,,n me bE:,i,,,-in!-,in e P(.-, -I e (Ref 2). R C rh g . m;.,-nclJ ial cyci ..'ecording to nresent ideas Ref 1), the spilitic formationsy although occurring -.-.i-tn diftering acidities, are bailt over a re-@;-_d .-)f time under saomarin;- _-.@ndkt4Lons. -it is just r-onda,.ions and not t@ie or-_Iginal compositions that are held reouozisible -I'or the peculiar end-composition (markedly aizfering from zhe usual cal-c-alkaii series) of the spilite Th-3 r I aleogeorraphy of iaklia-lin -'ur-inz th.e Tertiary was 04" @n fz;r t:.t, ff'ormL@t7on al spilite-k@_raton_-Yre "Ear@ Ret' 3, La-Le Neogen,@, '@arly Pliocene). An @,:I a i, in these formatiors ailows not only C. 11 '@:c, buz, A .%z- r! SJ 11.qle orti,_)t ions urk I P. C e Mrs C 1-1 ,h(- b@ oi' tn,2 t'o:i- rt! I L ns i. I a8soc'ntions and @n@; 1 1 fnolo@:,y c-'mcil,irlt.d Oias thez p,,111ow lavaR and ball lavas Viv-'-r _,t:id Onoo- , ar;.t,@kogo) erupted at a depth ;uns -f salinity ti@. nand znt- analogoug lavas on the -')i* 2"@"00: ;IIIILIanon evn:-'T@ed in rche !2.uterai zone, at of le-s r.,ian m. the rauld cool--ng the s ;q t@ i t & 1 a s sy ,-. i -, h a mr i c r opor phy r t i c -:?x t u k1thou8h i@i a L -re I nder ,@.e water h-as nroduced a special texture tO S0131-2 @_XteDt influenced the m-inerai composition, the is in no ,.ay albitized - 'the particular character- AS71C 0: 3I)il.,te-.'-eratcp!,yre. This study has shown that sub- OTI*I'n.,i!'-.!-, -alone, at least up tc depths of 100 m, is not uznduce. soil@te lavas. There are 11 table and 6 ref- 0 1, C' III C eS , 4 CIL which ar@ Soviet. n,;, 0 C T IC, NN '--ikhall k-Q., ,a,~.ictin-a-i-sleiovateltsl-iy institut 7-,11 .' n, a I: al I.-, ': o i e n z i c R e s ea r c ,I I nS 4 t f a 0 SHILCV. V@N@; ZADLIROVA, IIA.A.; IL'YFV, A.Ta.,- PODZOPOV, A.V, Eruption of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Mfud VoIc-ano ir '.hc- ap-r-ing of 19519. Trudy Sakh.koinpl. much. -issl. inst. .10 SSSR no.10--83-99 161. (IMIR-k 115:6) (Sakhalin-Volca--Des) FEDORCHENKO, V.I.; SHILOV. V.N. Volcano (pa-rarmishir Island) in 1961- Er-uptlon of -.he Chikurachkii 0 Biull. Vulk. sta. no.34.-36-43 1063. (1EPA 16:10) KIRSANOVY I.T.; SERAFIMOVA, Ye.K.; SIDOROV, S.S.; TRUBENKO, V.F.; FARBEROV, A.I.; FEDORCHENKO, V.A.- SHILOV V.N. @1-1-,,, EruDtion of the Ebeko Volcano from March to April, 1963. Bid. vulk. sta. no.36:66-72 164. (MIRA 17:9) SHILOV, V.N.; ILIYEV, A.Ya.; PODZOROV, A.V. Eruption in Sakhalin. Priroda 54 no.8:95-96 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Sakhalinskiy kompleksnyy nauchno-isEl.3dovateliskiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, poselok Novo-Aleksandrovsk. 15-57-4-4306 Study of the Paleolithic in the Lower Don Region (Cont.) regions, where discoveries of Neanderthal culture are already well 1. known. The lower Don region is apparently also a promising region for searching for lower Paleolithic sites. Card 2/2 ATMORN 3. T.. 3OV/30-59-2-45/60 Doctor of Technical Sciencoa TITLX& The IMTS-tigotiOn Of Vitreous S-1-C-duat- (Isuchaniy* stokloobrazaykh poluprovadnikov) FMODICA.Ls T*.taik Akd.odl nak sssz, 1959, Nr 2, Pp 103-104 (USSR) ABSTRACT. From December I to 2f 1950 a conference took place on this problem at the Tisiko.takhalchaakly lastitat Lkadoxii nauk SSn chni.&I Institute of the Academy of Science.. U)!ftyaioot* MM It dealtwith the discussion of the experiment. carried cut# mutual information on the course of experiments and their general coordination. Representatives from 11 scientific institutions attended the conference. The follceing 1-turod wre board. V. V. Tars.ov, NOsko,.kiy InatItut (Moscow Chemicot*chao logical Institute) spoke of experimental results connected i%h the investigation Of beat oapacity at low temperatures of As 233 and A.13. 3 - His ...Oad port dealt with the polymeric ooncept of glass formation &&A :, In general. GoludarstreWV7 optlabookly Inotitut .State Optical Institute) omphssiaad the deoi.LY* "Is played by the covalent bond In glass formation. Aa_Aa__T_&Zko.l1n, Institut khl-ti Ilikato, kk&d-.ii -k 33SR (Institut-e-o-T Silicate Cheal.try of the AS USSR) described the investigation of the structure of the Yet.. As 2543-L42 T-3 by X-ray method.. Institut kri.tallagTafll Akadealt cook SM (Cr7.tallographloal Institute of the AS USSR) "parted an the structural Invontigation of some chaloogprAda by olvatros- diffraction. A. 1. Cubanov and T T,- rhert-4,-x, Ylsiko-toithalob.skiy Institute) "ported an theoretical problems of %be semiconductor properties of glass types. .T-j..MLLjp.dIscuo&od working results in the determination of boundaries In glass formation in the As233and As 23.3system.. J6_As-Q2Mawvm compared the boundaries of vitreous state In Man systems with the criteria of glass formation obtained by Z&kbarl&@.U &M4 V12tor-lasya &A4 found that there exist. Gorrelation between the.. _Tt_F@1&xarcv& I"g-tigatod the electric properties of Potalcond.ator-glass type. 1. the y1a. - As2Se 3 system' 4%. 2. Waxiy.t.,spok. of research work in the field of Inner 7KFG_47-Q_VrrV-wff.Gt done by T. 11. Momantova. D.A. P&Y1 T dl-aua..4 experimental "suit. of the position of -the absorption boundary so de,@Adeat on the ahanSo of so.p.olti.n of glass typos. V. P Food;;, "ported on material he obtained in the roll 'I.Goally of class type a in the As2be 3 -An2T.3 system. I .j.T,1K 1::l rized the working results obtained by PhY:L t::hL=11nst1tut* and fcun4 that in the material. trm.:tizutod the short-range ordor 1. act changed in the it!.*,n from the vitreous Into the crystalline state. ,,@ A. uningradskiX kh1.Lko-tokhnaIogich.&kiy Inatitat ngroA Chest co technical Institute) d-4rited the investigation of the semiconductor properties of silicate gloom types with the addition of iro-ob.1t .d ti t"Lum aside&. _K. T, Zalvarpkh- Xa.kovokly 1-tit,t :iokt-tk at ,,:kla (Xosoov institute of Mqotmt* hG h.Lch:.akcg. I& .. )tILoad and inwTig.tio. r..ults of the bounUrio. of glass f.rou,%jon ty,.:h,., lootric Properties of ccutiguous sdaicoa4uotor class the composition V205 - P205 - H.0y (R- ale'"ts Of the It Ilv IlIo IV AM T groups of the periodic system). Th.tas's t conference On fool-oond-ot.r glass type. .111 pro ably be hold in 1959. VASHKO, A.; PROKOPOVA, G.; KOLOMIYETS, B.T.; FAVLOV, B.V.; SHILOV, V.P. Absorption spectra of glass of the system As2S3--As2 Se3jMIRA. Opt. i spektr. 12 no.2:275-277-F 162. 15:2) (Arsenic sulfide--Spectra) (Arsenic selenide--Spectra) Effect of disturbance of short-range order on the electrical properties of so) id solutions with tetrahedral structure of distribution of atoms. D. 1. Tret'yakov. Some electrical properties of solid solutions in the system AgInTe2-2lnSb. S. M. Mamayev, V. 0. Prochukhan. (Presented by 0. 1. Tretlyakov--15 minutes). (Paper not presented).) Investigation of thermalry.stimulated current in vitreous Tl2Se-As2Tie3' A. M. Andriyash, B. T. Kol6miyets. Measurement of the mobility of current carriers in vitreous chalcogenide se.T.iconductors. I. B. Ivkin, B. T. Kol(milyets, E. A. Lebedev. Oxychalcogenide Glasses. B. T. Kolomiyets, V. P. Shilo. (?resented by 8. T. Ko)on.I-*yets--20 @Icnoz-t iorascnted at the 1rd National Conference on Semiconductor Compounds, ris*,-;n,:,,v, 16-21 Sopt 19,63 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATIuN 540 Shilov, V.S. Ratsionallnyye konstruktsiJ. shtampov kholodnoy shtampovki; opyt Lenin- gradskogo zavoda "Krasnaya zarya" (Efficient Die Design for Cold Working; Practices of the "Krasnaya Zarya" Plant in Leningrad) Leningrad, 1955. 14 p. (Leningradskiy dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy. Informatsionno-tekhnicheskiy listok, no. 88 /.,776/) 7,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Leningradskiy dom nauchno-teldinicheskoy propa- gandy, and Vsesoyuznoye obzhchestvo, po ra3prostraneniyu politi- cheskikh i nauchnykh znaniy. Ed.: Chuloshnikova, Ye.P., Engineer; Tech. Ed.: Freger, D.P. PURPOSE: This pamphlet contains a brief description of various dies and of the elements of die design. It may be of interest to die- makers and to apprentices in this trade. Card 1/3 .Efficient Die Design (Cont.) 540 3. Progressive Pierce, Blank, and Form Die Using Strip Stock 6 Die Construction and Operation 6 4. Die for Piercing Holes in Material Where the Thickness Exceeds the Diameter of the Hole 8 Quality and accuracy of the pierced holes 9 Die construction 9 Die operation 10 5. Progressive Piercing, Blanking and Forming Die for Tubular Shapes Using Strip Stock 12 Die construction and operation Wasteless pressing of thick stock 13 Die construction and operation 15 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 GO/ad 8-25/58 GOROKI[OVSKIY, A.I.; i"INYU, II.N.; SiWW,UOV. S-V-; SHIMY, V-S- Semi-autoruitic distribution conveyer. Kozh.-obilv.prom. no.10:9-12@. 0 '59. OURA 13:2) (Assembly-line methods) (Shoe manufacture) VAYNTRA'UB., David Abramovich; KUMETSOV, Dr:itriy Petrovich; FILINA, Irina Stepanovna- SHILOV, Viktor Stepanovich; TSUKM, G.Ye., red.; FREGF-q, D.P., r-eY.--32ZWv-a [Cold extrusion] Kholodnoe vydav-livanie; obzor. Lenipgrad. So.l. 1961. 62 p. WIFLA 15:4) (Extrusion (Metals)) VAYNTRAUBI David Abramovich; KUZNETSOV, Dmitriy Petrovich; FILINA, Irina Stepanovna; SBILGV, Viktor; TSUIMR, G.Ye., red.; FREGER, D.P.,-red.izd-va - -: [Gold extrustion; a review] Kholodnoe vydavlivanie; obaor. Le- ningrad.(Leningradskii dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Seriia: Goriachaia i kholodnaia obrabotka metallov davleniem) No.2. 1961, 47 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Extrustion (Metals)) ZIPIEV, A.B.; PIPOYOU'VIGH, A.V.; SHILOV, V.V. Equl pment for automatic tempers. ture regulation of die-cas ting molds. Mashinostroitell no.10t6-7 0 165. (MIRA 18:10) OIR I ?t uis aVv Is a 00, a a aI IA 4 4 le it 9 034 Is It v 11 v a 41 a a 4 . I JL-b j @h . . . . wo Oe. A..AwV 0. ' 4-%LA we , T6yWdof l9W cheal. 101C Rmlk 86,00 oampaded WOOMMMOSM60 sea' Vlkaa Of atumoride is lboram b4e*ruA "d iodi k 00 .. ne, p q p y used (CI. The'u" of ' " t& AW" J V 16 Vo on 0 mw A pkw*nUl PftU i flm of Mona- to be am6w&=@@ @(Omft so 0 -t add., apwidIr -in - Fawn- of a --U l w ace chlorimation m P !u -,io 40K too 0 In absence of a metaLloid catalyarL 9DO CMUCAL AWrRAaM. 00 400 Is* too %LA -9 L KL T T4 URG A U tRATME CLASIMATOU tee ova * r m 4 1 v 11 2 A3411 0 v .6 1 .00 44 u 99 Ita KIin &I i . It mumb m r see,** 0so 0 : 4 0 0 i ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0,0 0 8 4 0410 0040 0 .0 0 0 40 0 00 -zw @4' -1w 0-4v 4 GF-W-4F 0 0 - i* - - 0 0 0 0 000006906aalb: v 006 0 0 0 * 4 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 04 006 0 Am 0 0 6 q! 03 1 1 1 4 $ A, 1 9 1 M It 12 11 14 It I& It U 11 11 :1 a* U is it v n 19 N 11 v 11 JAB it" J0104101 At 42 tj ad 0 A It I A L )I-. J-1. U I IF I T I.AA- N CC M UJO-k 1 4 A f a i A- 0 *0 A III Ahf) 140 ()NO[*$ go 00 _ 0 0 00 Tho*problem ofFs'Pariflif AMIC Acid from Methanol and carbon monoxide. B.A. J - 00 00 'd .C". Asd-(M-w)7,ll"IM); The formatit)" of AcOH (1) from MeOll and CO (11) is th r d i il 4 a so e mo eg ynam y possible. but Aff foromak III more likely to be formed. I does not decamp. over Ifsporpurn kv !:;0 00 a 41one. but tbl' talyst does not effect the synthesis of L The %yrithevis AdI from MCCI + it Cw*&S considered to be possible b the w f A Cl 111 ay o c y ). Th"dorr J the dewinpri. uf III in the pre,sencr of catalysts was iny"figated. III is stable up tjA .00 4 CIO'. ZnCl, itu purnke stour divtoopc M% of III at 4*)* ta IICI, COI;, 11, anti fit " 00 0 AtM! dohydritaerlie acid (IV) is formed A40i at 300", ThOI, at unit CuCl . 06 not dmwmp. III ato much ** ZnC4. At riebis A ascous ctunittli. and I it tun" 3M 441t)" With Cu filin - at 3110' W414 a 1131 6 .00 . s. decompd. to Col. % U. [is. IV, and sk-etone as reaction products With CIA (from CuO b d i =00 . y re uct on) M reacts Violently at AXI". forminx CUCL Ni Ilmomilt 33% of M t Ile) h ll f 6 0 00 . o , one o a ' 1 H1 * to 3% M 60 H 28% If d 10 Cli = 00 . . an o. I % t an pumice stone at 400 yleldq ,5 e,ql 40% 11 1 01 8 7 0 , , 0 A, livanisis Go r.0 0 goo 90 goo 00 0 ZOO J; "00 A, !=00 404 f 0 A 60 it! 1 .1,111 Z.E G- .$1 - 400 U K All 143 @ wo 0. . -1 w IN 5 A3 a 3 As " , " 1 1 : - . 0 0 0 0 0 q @T 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 & a 0 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 OA * , 00 sp 0 0 jo M a 0 4 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 41 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G ;G 0 11 it 11 11 1$ 1. QL,fGtIjltshF @i A 04110 00 0 00 '1 09 00 ,00 of 00 Is 1. X! P )j Is 14 A A .1 .1 W 11 IJ It M It 4 It JPP-L 41 111 H orlill I I V V . A I I AA 0 U W CC I s Derivatives of triphenyladylefie, and I-pbeqyl-2,2-dibiphtayiethyloat. H. A. Slowly, J. Russ. Phys.-Chem, Soc. $2, sintbrnii and pI1IjW9U@ll6r C- - I llh l i t Wh 25 d b d i li i h l d h i i avcst . en s- II . esses an er vs. an ete c tr s troet e r ta , ary t y ith N 0 CIII'l 100% A Oll t t (frow I d Phil l th t 1 et w er. or , are recs n eum e c , petro , 4 l ( ry ) re obtained 36 lull ill Ht O A and JIN0 d 1 of a crude mIdu IA) 4) the t (11) , I . . re a c S. ' ' , j. . I Phil. CIICI& sparingly sust. in ale. and petroleum ether. which is presumed to be 1.2- -00 dinitrt, 1. 1,11-triphenytethane (M). The attempts to recryst. it frum dil. ale or AcOH ;@ -0 0 Jl!-.s. at a ouxlerAte truip, produced (IV), tt 5* ' i IV I iv s tri I Il ti Ill A Oll i it til l l which j! (V) e @ . ra ant n n ruc e le c elly ng , g y dr ld il a" is 30%) i ht i d b Ill i Phil with K011 M i Wth h ki .00 . mp o r " tu@ l c A a n ng , y s y 17.5-6'. sparinSIX qW. Its KIC.. Htp. mare esuily sul. In 111111, lwt Isle., And Iwvtmse. i-Asily 00 sal. in hot IW AcOll. U he*" in AcOll gives in addis. tu V a guW yield of '& I q I l t h C F f t l l =90 - ~ ene. I-pheny ibipheny et I h,CO and P- OjII. or prelso. o -:- H.(NOQ y y . 1, -sx. Chim. 15, 2.5.141KIS). Straus and a mixt of hit all,( (PhCfIj,CO (Adam. A. ZIP 0 Durtinijun. C. A. 16. JZW) was ad-led to Ph&IjCI in litrO, the reaction ma@s wnirkrit up will% Acid. the rthrr 14yer wjK1. anti e!@sjul . the nmidue treatmi with %tram- faltered I'l , 195-41 i ti td f Oli dt i ll t CIICI l IM% A l zoo Ant . . A rum ace ca. so n i utu mtrys c . m. & st us y ;'l No% ALOH. iuA. in ak. and Et.O. CuAq 11LANC 0 !U00 W as 00 3 U Is- 10 0 I,? fill"11 "fill 11 PF 1014, X, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 a 9 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 e 0 0 Is 0 0 4 :goo zo 0 too =00 4-A it 0 0 0 two== oil 1 0 A 0 if 4 1) 11 U Is )d 11 A n A, it 11 It U a U it 9 h N s A L A ft P V a) it a is a 43 re 00 A -1.1-1 AA MCC Cal( . It API, 'I'l, 00 so AN, Preparation of vinlIA"Ieud bY the WMatatter and Wirth method: Shilov- kii Kauch-w-"33 i t li h Si ki t s i c . ff -Ov. A. N. Niakasisma. A. 1. Smirnova and G. 1. Va of vinvtacrtylene by the Willstruter anti Wirth 4 -12-The psc@,hsre for prrpn N., 1 00 . meth(m] I-% dr4cribed. Th, following modifications of the method are suggeted, (1) 69 I-Ilillyirne t1ibromide can be easily obtained dirtetly from tech. grade bivinyl (butz- 1 . (2) TtirtmofN.Nfciin,.tradof,14IBfeinthrreacik)n di,tir) I,v the Tin, 06 CII:CITCIf,FIr @ 21N.%fe, (in dry MeOH) @ BrNfrvNCH2CII-.CIIC1IjN.%IrzPr I1rCII 0 , WAi found more -atkfurtorv. *rhe diltronthle I% next shaken with water and ppiol. Ag,O to f.rin 110%f,!,N'Citiltll:CIICII,N%fe.OH which ii then distd., drop by drop. -.ind the CIf,-CIIC: CII rFrovert4l In a linuid-air condenser. jamcs@orrel@ 60 zoo 00 o Ao 049 -00 00 Zoo Zoo 60 00 E Z* 41 zo 0 11, ILI 00 -1 I'LL1,111C IM44TURE CLASSIFICATIC. -A 0 0 IT ft K I v AA I I r IF IV It IF IT tr at or It 1 14 0 it a 0 0 I : 0*0 4 1 A I 1 0 is 11 tj 11 4 it m it Is a :1 a a id is a 2x it x If 1: U 34 a h v is it x as a 11 'm a r A 11- L- . is % W, M41- I A Do JO .01111 Condensation of scatoldehyde to aldefl. Do butadlems from IS-butyleae glycol.) ..H. A. Shilov and C-- L Y&kimc'F- SAW. Kaw"ah 1934, %fo'4, 7-12@ -0 0 Condensation was carried out by the addo. of N&OH (0.4 cc. of 10% NsOH Pff 20 9. of AM as standard), The -0 0 Speed of reaction increasm with the proportion of catalyst Do and witlo an inerfeast: in temp. The Presence of ether go retards the reviction. J'he reaction stopa upon reaching & C m1ain limit. Water ant! aics. do not chanle the limit ot condensation. A th-.WT .00 00 00 0 00 zso '. @64091t'i W pig I'D* Dip jk I RI LAIfALtj;RrKAf, LITIM41449 CLASSIFICATION I i 00 Si I .. to 10#3 - C'. -I aw-e@@ -it, -V - ) I IF 0 11 11 01 K K tt 19 9 It It It It cc K43 n I&(Ido 9 4131'"S"13 0 0 0 0 O'o 0 0 46 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. Ol A St A 00 go r 00 A':1 00 00 09 U 13 1 Y @100-1 I ASA-ILA RIETALLURrICAL LITFRAT :7 7 %,.ago -, 1 1. Na') U st AT )a Ill; IV it Ir SO 4C Or 000 000000 @O 0 : : : : 1: : 0 0 0 o 0 o 1 8 0 0 00 i i lip i!# 1 . U 1 1 2 1 Ill it a h 9 is j V a @ 41 61 Al Ad G 'a . -1 T u V- V z &A k @ . two is ..ts 41@ _Ot-s Le PDOCiSSIS A-D 1`110"11111 -4011 a the additflas of hypechtattillis add to a doubt* d - K A dd k d . . . a Clotoo an 1. 15!rdid - ad R Clitesti S S (11 Pk ) : J . . . . . Yj. raev. . X And JC 6U_-j2(Ig34)._In the absence of other substancini -00 addn. of IIOCI to h1eCII:CIICOjII Ia aq. *olni. front d it) 0011, M proceeds acs-oftlinx to the tritnt.4. ellitAtiou 03 .0 l a04 Idt - k1lICWIjIjC&IIAj. The prr%encr or C talytically and Witten lite order of the reiwli-ii I., lite taly d: - diHOCII/di - kjK X kJ11100110-1. where nd: K X Ill is the total concti. or mot. and ionic crotonic X At 0', k - 33.3 X 101. The value of k inctrAse, th H-lim conen. and the complete kinetic cipiati-m is t j moo d(ttOCII/di - kiHOCIIIKIIIICII + k,IHOCIllkl hI ' ' to2f) HCIJ. 'Me energy of activatlist is 7570 cal. frornO n I C @H @ x In". PH" [foci Join. nd the action const. a b 4.8 tj nd prepd- by treating Cl water with AUM, till free from was .p isdor, and Shen filtering. Thiss,sciln. had a mol.cond.of Cl is Ci d : * 0 1.11) at 0". F. If. Rittlintann .40 at diln. 0 Z . So coo ties CLASAWKITIC. Uz- 1:111111, 0 0 1 . I 1*0 1*0 VOtt Ct J., is, 0 A I is A I ZA a K It 1 a t" 0 1 N It 5 a o I it it cc KLo a i m An 1 1 ; -1 " 0000 000*00 so 96906004000 0 'so 00 0000000-0-00100:40900000000,06 0:,9 0 i 0-0 0 It jC 0 a - I A WZV 0 U f, 't, Ut -AOL .11 h, I Jye A 0 A if" G.vl#t go - -- -efK(twc% '-Ut i -00 00 A Of The rate of hydrolysis of chlortme F. A Sluiny and rill oo VRUpinska Compt. rr"d. drad. -.T. S. 00 - ( M@ 2114 eseti.dt so a .14 %n The rale.4 the r .00 . ,.,i)n 1 1110CI + H # 4 CI- was measured toy drig. elve. tviud. i,f Cl solist. The hydrolysis of Cl ptusveds - 410 00 A:'@ y ralildly even at 0'. When u coned, voln. fit Cl was I., the Lond. fe-Ached its find value in 2 min., but of x ments made in the IM min. give values soniewhat go x 0 the final value. The rate is therefore rapid but R. R. Rushton 600 00 13 1, zoo oo') coo =00 00 -w oo are* zoo x0e !:Nei go, A i I A ETALLIjRGKAL LITFRATLA CLASSIFKATICN tto 0 0 to,, 14-1 j.'- wee Able 's, W UP D 11 OF K K xcr n a Kw n xa ena, 100"410 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 000 0 0 a * 0 0 a 0 6@6 0 0 00 0 0 0 a C f 000 0 0 0 0 0 Sio a 0 0 & Goo 0so 0 0 0 * 0 0 ejo 0 q a 0 090009 see 4 *ego 0 4 0 0 0 Wo a 1 3 4 1 ? I f 10 10 11 11 14 is 14 ly 13 2 0 jivilmadlem" ape A@l C_1 L 9. L -L- I It 00 Iri Tim RON 01 die endowed" of scolawArds so ,qhftv j AMW Choi". (U. S. IL 6, m 01"tion was mard outlaith 9.3% Itimewladed that tbecondf tWuX .00 of AM to aMd Is cimed mot by cumfiflam of - eqW b be formation of a comvpd. d the WM md the mvb&W bas t1a ATWtuft of a cr& see MecH.O.cHme-MCK(OH).0. Twd- reemom. A. A. liarhilingit ass r coo '004 goo 010 z 00 2 Zoe e @192. 00 .OIL j: Joe 0 0 *0 zoo Ole o A I aS L A mtTALLURWAL LITFRAIL41 CLASSIFKATICk so 0 W., .0. 1 M 00 040 tj .1--j- 7r T IA An L S I Od 0 N a I V N 2 a 0 2 1 T U tt AV Ll! A 0 0 o 0 4 Its 0 * 0:0 00 0* 00 00 00 0* 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *TOG I I I a L a L_j A A 0 Al oe of fig v I 00 -t1-LLUi`1k.L LiffitAlt 3 it % it U IS 1_ AA a IM 0 OL11 it :00 Thee vielmity 0 h?"jak at ckkd" H A-Shlovand ff1w, stod--w.- (I R, j.4, -1 Ifit ll h) 1 ! 0 a . t t a 9, 031---41w title W thee rm-thm Cie t Not) .-!- HOCI + C4, Imalk fullamerl4i by "Wititwinx Ow ivw. 11.'r "ItELIO) Of friw1ken twiwrvn phroul 111161 llml Ibi- 0 [WAS 1wirimalrul ut phenol Evr"j, 'iful J% tired. 11V the :w "elvik"t .4 Or fi*1114114,11 14 C1 fl."Is 1100 '411.1 11VI 01%1'4 111r,611% 14 -61A. 11w 4 to, 0 Arthur A. V,,jition ;we ago tic. C k '%I'F OC IF *1TL AA 1 4 s aw 0 it a I w 64 it I I 00 00 00 17 4 A if a a is a xA it 11 2 0 m 15 is v a x 4 41 a u bia I M Eff b A , I 9- vA I I M -L-A-,- k __p -_,_ a , , 110 --0 4" 900- 0 A "P L PSOCM11 &me Vneptay, -01. of .-Oo KINUICS --F i.DDITII-v F :-r:--'"1H,LC`1':7 A 11) 7@, 1-00 D ilb-LE i ONDS. H@P3CHLOK'7z AND --!:YL and 1,.7. o"te.,mAkovh. J Of -.A.. Shilov, N.P. Funyuev PTi 8, %9-2B(1936).- For the for o 0 mation of 2--chloroeth&nol the velocitv is @lrmort; ntil X'I i I . '. see 00 to the conen. f iinhydrolviod CI.1, i. e., to thn mte 00.3 of hydrolysis of the C1. The kinctics )f th, rouct, - n 00 j between HOCI and allre at O'ard at 0.(C?Ql t@- C.C.1 00 '.n-1 . PL r 1. Is t@iven by the e.,unti-m- d(".:") '@t coo -f th-z eth y re a** males oer 1. cr min. In -On@e f rl`@) t"ere COO id a catalytic effect that follows the d(C.;--' 1@ 'dt roe (ECCI )2- where Y -,,i s -imLx. at 201,` 0--" or is@* 1h nvid d ify) At I 0@,' I (I-L-) Ythere 1 0.6 x lc@ mol. o-r 1 . r in . 2 7i v 9 17 Now %a" - ann S . S L A ACTALLUNGKAL LITERAIURE CLASWKAtIC" tjo ap %*JC*13 k. 04, C-C 411117dwe. 4#1J31 avc Kp-, Lit C . . an L I I ad 0 K 0 1 Ar rx 5 a a 3 1 v u s% &V so U at In 11, i. '. 11-4 44b* 0 0 *if 0 0 0 0 Of 0"'0 0 a 0 0 0 Olp 0 9 0 0 00 0 o a 0 0 0 0010 000 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 *1# so a 0 0 0909000 Wr9*010000*6*900 0 0 0 0 0 9004-969t over- *a,: I $ I a 1 6 1 1 1 TO $I U U It is WeV 0 TV IT TM 10 A &CO&I All ILLjL_S_-p_g Is 41 a a a a ILI I L A It! L!0e (-V- 0914t 00 into Parpuft are Wt tlarlz A NOW tbltwids im tbt C1611=11trY W ChAtwim bteadlizz. -99 F-A"'P*Yr- rpw. 1937. No. 1. JUV M; XA;'W- Rl!".11. Zk-,. 1. Nw 3. JiLtz l!Ql_ The 00 0 00 Author a new throu of Cl l4raching avtwlllnjt 0 00 1 lo which this pracm is a tkrsteucji,@n -4 tltc ""ed .1,triptis, The Oil and NHj %Tmpri activate the cutraawj 1:60 00 A!' Cl into the tool. of the aniniatic runigki. ()thcT 1.90 I Not, Coot 1. SAM 1. etc.) air tir,activAtittg. Nvii,jrimps -00 Ate 0"It"ilu"I in the Ituil. W diff"vilt dyes. fluting the Iractiorl firnt the chlotination of the (15ac takes plae- 5*0 so then its disintegration into the o- and the P-lormls. The =00 addn. of increasing amts. of HOS06 increases thic speed of 90 the reaction. while the adifix. of a Igm first increa". later decreases it. Thernals."vdo(sractiontakesplacr in a ba:4c soln. The cause ill the decrease in the bleach- Ing speed is the wJective ad-r-ptill. ,( the ba-w n,t .f 1100 by the fiber, as a result of which a greater Nac)H/ =00 1100 ratio is formed an the surface than in the quill. 00 Intermediate complements are formed during the addn. 900 fit HC10 to the aromatic ring which are staWiwd into Z940 likmbirdrilas in aliphatic complis. and as substitution products in arutnatic comp(ts. The caralytic action of 600 Acids and bases is the rrsult@of,tbc: formation of inter- '00 inediatc comptis. more active, 1100. Only one practical conclusion is madle-CIrchitur must be dme be* in alLaci-i *00 P tkon t'* BETALLU*GKAL LITERATURE CLAWFKATWit -"T z -4 ZOE *14411 *-t filial. ant a.. lit U A it 791 a A, Ao Ili .1 .1 Or a, IT 119 19 0. a a a a 3 1 Ell .19 Is 16 ly Is On DMISUVA29 Alil I? U Id A it U 11 P W JI It Al a ago C I L A ZL--I- JL--L a. it P 9 it L.L J-1-1 1 h 6 [ :-99 *0 06 ir KW*tka of t1ke adtlifiomi ad hyp"Alorom add at doubt* ,bmds. IV. R"oakrom add md 2-butesm-1,4-dial. ' 'W E 1 d N P 00 . A.- ilov sol . P. Kanysev. J. Ays. C". (1. . S. S. R.) 10. 123-31(1937); cf. C. A. 31. 21ro 51.-Tbe kinetics of the reaction HOC[ + HOCH,---CH@Cil- CHOH - HE)CH.-CHOH-010-01,011 in aq, Soln. at 0' obeys the 3rd-order eclivatiou All C- Cj!dt 00 00. kall-10011IC-C) where k, - W ma"ll, min. at low 3 concus. while at higher cloncits. the exponents 2 and I are 09 replaced by 1.9 and 0.7. rt-sp. HCI acts as a pos. "taly@t 00 and the order of reaction is given by the eqtiwtk,n J1 U- coo Ci Idl - 1.1 limit it *1 Ict-1 wbm 1, - 4 X 10-of Iteatly coo the value fur the tmff. of rrhydrolysis of 0,, iadirminx that Ch mots. play a deciding Me in the mcchanimn of the reaction. In alk. win. the kinetics is exprewd by J1 C- a so oo a Cilds - qJ1,1001100-11C-Cl where 9 - W.WO up to 15 auAe % 14*011. and decreases at higher coneas. of Z go* :0:0: j1d either N&OH or of HOCI. The complete reaction rua- ' 1 400 t 415 s Of consecutive stages of which the butme-1 -diol-1.4 ion is oar. F. If. Rathiuman ]1 A I a I L A AttAiLLMICAL. LITIRAT01 CLASSIFICATION 1 S : 4.11 q.-. 's, I&L"ONt, - - - - - -' - - - - U AV -0 11 009 Kit Ra Plan It 19 , 4 J T All A i 0 1W of 01 ji lii i HAD (I I n , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 iA 0 00 99,9 0 0000000000000 0 41;* 0 00 0 0 0000 0000 0 * 0 00 Ill It It It it to 14 It to " v U b )o A A V 111 It @ x 11 V ;1 A a Al-I 'A 'A 1,1 @ I.-I AA 81 CC 0 U@l 1 0 d t A A A. A x r 9 4 1 1 Preparation and control of hypobfumous acid. K A. S 5111k)v awl N. 11. xanyaurv. J. Gtn. Ck*,M. it'. 8@-3. It, I ' IftX11ah 447(lU311)).-Bromise matcr wwK. 00 0.01-0.05 mal. Rr per 1. is abakru with an ext-tse, of AIIII't ?.% 410 until the Word Dr disappea". 11m win, isdistd. inmis ThedistiOstristestrtiff)rfrmitri.y 00 mewts ot AKNO,. S. L. MadorAy 04 1MOC641sm of balosenstlogi of phands. Gin. Moro. (U. S. S. R.) 8, sl9--"3(I9Mq cf. C. A. see So 0 j 32,67714-A fxAmic with lAklambetstoysud Arkhangel'. zoo Akaya, C. A. 32, 51DI. Chat. Plant: oo 00 z 00 j, zoo zoo !.se, 40 o 1., .11,11 C., all K it q( so It to It if NW(I 1 @14 g o o 0 mo 6-10- 1W . . - - - - - A . $'go :Fxqra@.= a 0 a W a - - its I I I hillulliIII5116.11 0 " 1111112 Ilion 17 WI. 1 11 it 13 J4 a Is 9 a 0 0 41 4 a * a A-L-A A F_ I 1_11 IM-LU or a fi-L-L go fIL ..a &to rsurfll,@t11..14-% Transmitting mechanisms of organic reactions. P. Shil(IT, N 1; 1111,t-I Its-Nl(ut litilthithi, S litttl@ A i'al tirK. tracllolti %ifil"ill ull-Iiintillit jil'.4 11"Ill ClOwl it kini-tii- %i-1h.itil I Ili- li- 1wit, lilt! fMillatit'll 1.141 4 fit) vtilt-. 11", lifiritycivs, kctip-cu.if lailto"IM/ation, loriiiiinl3iiii:i if an criol, t lie CanniZzarij react ion. 4 lie 11,1wherik" rc.lef i.... the ClAien Evildru'llimi, .."JuIC11,111"ll I,, loyin bull I., CYCHV 'llitim And 'Illistitlill.,11 all Ow I'llilrow ring, Or- xoo ell"'14"lly "ItIf'"t-Itt"tl '"Ill S J:-iik. Flillid-CtAl M.1 till ,Alicyliv acid. Thus, addii. at till joilhic 1-10 M-Cil" w, it silliple hilill.f. teactioll. I'll% it lit Ow twitt .3 'I'vi.triltAlIv ji- W. lie %all l4, ItL,- wa. I I'm A C-L 09 AtTALLUSICKAL LITIENA!tOt CLASUPICATION a.Z'- ts 1,1083 Wip 0.- Glit II*A a., lit 7 11 A, to Ij 1) u cc it It : 'Oro .0 0-0 0 00 0 00 ;0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 Is U it is is 1. a Ij If A A V Is A. m It U a J4 is is U 0 L__r GL -n- I - L - L_ A - It r & A 11 1 - Q - rX M [Z i A.- 1@ 1 4, -A 00 I tt- )-il CODIRS - -00 a Di. find polvarylethanes, 1. Di-p'ttenyletbanome and ' I, Vudin Gm i I K Shil J d i ti A go . . . ves . . er va is , ant v The tctn "xrn" of (ftkilo . mittyl, prol-,"t by Hale @ C. .4. 27. 76) 4,; a 1,444 (" the 'ViS-5' 1from PhNiglir anti 111, rlvc@ a cri .nl.,nz .4n. in ' ( ; -00 o AtOll it gavr P.W.- h! anti ill dcri".. is ti@cd in this vcm@. concd. ffr@X)., Wilh JFCI or IM , " Ifficticlaturc of I 00 P-Veffoliff, I'lic.11,01,01I)COC.H.Ph (11), was prelld. 1fgC11:C!CJfXhjPA, to. fC411,). This in -00 Ir,"it p-PlIC.H.C110 W. fley, C. A. 26, 4421 by conden- C.% with fir virlded an .-broinidr, m. 212 33 . prrmwlly :_*O @tittn %fill KC.N in If). a1c. by the nielhod of Ct)nil--rg 7 1-j.-Xjpktkyi@-1,:4t-p, I ! of and Vall Nalla @ C, .4. 23.3!Ch. The aildn. of 24) It. Zn xrx?Mh,1xO1. If'. I from -CJlt.Nlgfir andni give, i-00 , thl't if) the 0-11M. 421 3 hm into builing41 g. I in I L 4 an intvnwiv Irtri-ji st)ln. if, lfl:@434. changing on standing tw -00 JfKl",Q AcOII and the revrymn. of the pill. from boiling heatmil fit vrimvo. The ethene detir., fit. '-VJ- W. 11. 06 Nviror vielded 34r"O di-p-rmyletha none, PhCJ1&C113COG- Synthesis of 1,2,3,4 -tetra -p-zenylbutane- 1.4 -dione and 2Ito 00 13' Ili, fit. :iij% it is practically in-A. in cold tetra -p-lenytiuran. F. K. I'milin. Aid. Ph - ' - 1 i k- C i d l h l i h A CHC =00 ar . w .v v.) ot org. v verft t a strong . and patolg n O(V1.1 A 41, (111), In. Zj , 3m_5 , was oblai-3ed Of 0: cence. Its orime m. 173Z-4'. 11 is but little I I j from 11 in Cill&.N fly midizing with Vice- of Cu(N(h), ld.@ 'Jo zoo 00 r cooilm . it d-s mn rcact with FcO., AcyO and AcCl. on a water hath (cf. Onninerg and Van Natta, foc@ cli-). =00 - t21 With I and 2 mol-. Hr in CIICI, and hc3ting. U gavr E2 [-outing into ILO and rccrystg@ the ppt. irmi xyle go fit. (C.114). anti the irmn the Pitt-Hr anti mit-d dvriv,_ of 11 by cunde lux% ae 0 ro Of dibmmidr. fit. ISI -3 % resp. Thc attempt4 to obtain fir with Nattirkupfer C in lJh.Nfc. Unlike 11-hur like trian, : ,@a 400 ! derim ,f 11 fmin I with If fir at 130--44Y and with Pill. it) throne, U soln4. do not fluoresce. indicating the a Itsencr ; 142' t1 di f li l di i b i d 00 X . o mime one, m. eno um -p-rrn* zat 1,4) on Frillix on, 1 nx pro ul an Ihr addli. Ill H'SO, give a slmn, 0 0=0 nit,] Grojon f Her. 30. 21Y_1VISAf7)) observed analo- bluelluorecen,,, Ill with rzmss A@Cl in .,,ch:d hcon 1 I and PBr I Ili @ f ivs heati d its d f b i 1 l o di . or . er minitation o enzo n an j ng at us im or at IM for 2 br.%- gave g futuird If. A in%twosion of M g. I in tM nit. of hot CfICIv 101% of Ill. 2,81-IJi" sparingly o]. in retul, Willi SOCI, to give 4:11"o /'hCJ1j(71C7COC411&Ph. mg. v-)lvrntt will% inieum: fluorrswtntr. Cf Itl if.- zoo 00 Ili, W. It feacts witW arvi magnesium brornid" 00 to give which Willi IICI in C.114 are fie- @411111 0 00 corupd. to brn the cmtc-lumflint ellwge d-i- 1-1'keprW- 00 00- L lib. 6 AA. 4AAU. T". 00 1 L -11 C.WAL Liff AT62E CLASSIFICAtIGN f z of 0. 0 j __I - r -1 - --f-i n- 0 qX j t I to TZO D 1. 64 K Cf it U it it It Ox, 0 @@114 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a o * o 0 0 : :1 4 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0, 1 T @A IS : 00 ,0 0 f 41 0 0 6006600000 00*.00000000000000 0 0 0! I *@l it &2-da v a , F-k-4 bi W-M -W1 at it u j4 M. 0- a- d a I 1 41, A --AAL- MQ -0 .10 vi@# Unklimp. N. - "Wonat OW hypockhtione sm a add ' ! 09 a ceamtisdamis. - 11. A. Shwv. S. !S-W N 4nd so A.N.Kurskin. - O I f el ( C. A U 414 .-Is sq. RCI C#11. w M 1 and 1101 tufan@(CUPi olf(u I (B W CI rftct f l lic i . , s ), M l. t ic coacm Is wt cr tha I n O@ M tDA mt. all S I facuted 6 3.4 Mol.-% that of U = A slmflw mllatka In true -. himllependerl of The HCl cown. for the tonnadmat of the chlocome. &W dkW*rkk In the ramcdaia of Cl idth " ak. It 4 00 -3 Infefired that ibm Is a wo& of furmalka of I from 11 eAd C1 wbLkh do" not Involve the partkim6aii, Zat", lam at the dk=t. notimtslyzed uWua of C1 to the double bond. D. C. P. A. a I L A MITALLURMAL U7111,67100111 CLASSOICATION ZOOM c1i;@111;1I `911 .00 -00 -04110 As 0 coo go* v* =60 -00 good* mollf Of 1 '14 (1 3 it T )a As ip $10 a a 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 c 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 goo 0 goo o 0 7 ` 9 a T 0 1 36 27 2 1 a ace Iq r a a I I- Y Y@, 0 I-A-1-1-M. U 64 /C/ 00 Brotniat cation am & bron"atins agent. Fvgrnii -00 *0 -Widum-awl Nik-Oul Kunyucv, Compl. rex4, aftPl. w, -00 U. H. S. S. 24, 890-2(IWU)(in Ongfish).,14nev the ve- 00 it locity of the reaction huaw"a Na AsAmdaule lullullatc anti .00 110fir variesditertly with thecumn. of buthJlODraqdR' isla In the soln.. the l1rculson j* pro"Y the hatul brplni- .00 nating agent. When the brovaloation was carricif odt in -#6 prestiwe of 118t or 110 (instevA of HXOj or " 'r 2C [it And BrCl ("Med acted as iadCpctHtTnt brotainating accuts, their activities being detd. by their tendencies to IxAarize into Br'X-. The velocity of brornination of Nu m-anisolesutfonatt increases in the folluvring order for the ous brunditatiog agents: DrUff, Dr, BrCl, Dc ion. .i cog of j. George @ky@rs Ice* coo so I 00 AS- SLA -tIALLUPM -L LITEROURE CLASVFKATIC@ C: 0 0 00 It --iW-1.7 - - - - - i bu n A. .0 1, V i T TU 1 11 o I it IM ii Ti 69 Is K q Kan )t "@Uzn o 0 a T dna 0 * 0 o 0 *is 0 0 0 4 go 04 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 go i 491 1 1 f A F U TA is I - - 'A r Tv Jo . b A 00A Xmy., and E. A. o a -M jWmm %. K & R.) , R lK 871 G C A . . . . ,^ *oil us d e" *s . r4 3. F": CUM 79115 i YE P . ollit Vol, Vtwqk%- -l Am, om al 4 The sp. 11W- tired. luto it auk (wkb - kv thet- d W of lict and d 000 am tuistat wm itAn ituur.wbkh bad botacockdA0 Ov, Timsola-w"miltd, - e tMa4effed to a "Od,wi* qkdmijvA electrodes In an k 000 tbenrAstst &W the ded. coad. wA*mre4 at 0*. JISMIlel undaldealliffiL.maditloin with watcr Frm do dmcm of the clec. cood- SOW hy*,IyA, coust. of Bra w" found to be c*W to go -a v v4 X 10-4@ Thit own. of Sr c&U- in mixts. of HOW ,Nth "ft. is go SMU the% it -a" be dad. of= mists uil f e h . . e -ps-o q T at- ma be cakd. by a- of the con". a 1 chrm. equilibria. Nice Ida W. It. H. MOOD %*Idea war am D@USS A 1 00 AS 0 O'o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o * o 4 * 0:0 0, 0:0.1 e7ooo @--* -Se 4i-g-*-C' 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4-4 A .00 so I not goo coo 6041 600 41 aw a x a I a a 9 3 9 v -0- 00040*00*00*0*000* a a a a t 0 -00 0 10-6 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 Ire 's a 0 a a 0 0 0 a ts 0 0 00*10 -a 0 all I i "u 11 0 5 is 11 14 6 o 0 a o , " - a V 1 0 0 ' U 1 A AL JL__L A -,X--P o A 9 n 34 11) il il 1) A 20 Z At it is 36 cc 4'--L -1 J 1111 4 - - Pt SO 17 A nitrift M26od for dvtWMh&6 "dye Wariatt. G. 3-4 2W-8 Kki k fit r i 15 N 1 1 6 d P 00 -- . o. 1021 e . m 13 0 . ; . ; Rgferd. ZAw. 190 No- S. 60--APPlicAtioo Of 142N% + to Cut- ochlocite socurdin Itratin h fo t HCO l N 00 n. r L s so g g yp ti, produeed &MMIC roWL& at p1l 8.6. At PH 8.5 the 00 reatits wm high and at pH 9.5-10.0 titrackta was PrW- .00 *0 ticRily impossible. In be Kattintegn, method NaN% In. umt be ubed without the addis. of NalICOs. The so Joe 00 Hs1J0s ujed for reducing the alkY. Of the 310111. OLD be fe- placed with phowhate buffer soln. (N&GHP04.21fiO 288 of it. + NaHrM 58.5 g. Per L of water). To the dil. hypo- chlorite tioln. add 15 cc. of the buffer soln. to 40 cc. of the zoo hyltochlorils w1n.and 111rate with NnN0, cont O.W :* h i zoo cum. rat on mot. of 3AS S. of NaN(h W 1. The t pleted when no resction is obtained with At drup of the soln.sudl-sttirchpaper. The amt. of buffer soln. tuust be increased if the hypochlorite soln. is strongly alk. The we a owing to the use of external indi- method is incoinvemicut . i hi h h c e act ve t cator. The phenol-perozide method (in w Cl and alky. are detd. simultatteously) is the most rapid and simple titration, method. W. R. Henn as a as 0 see r SS AT 0 W ZA Aft I 1 11 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 000 0 0 a - 0:0000000000 . T . ONN:100000 000000 00 00000000* I _*_w w 0 a, -0,@ffi@o 000*0000 *Ogg Sao t. Ij a 6, a A a . . - . - --- _1 * *0 0 0 0 00 *a lor IF IF IF , - : of *so* is 0- a TO. 4 41 a a 40 690 A If -C C of L J_A_A@ L kt, A_ 0 nit, 's 161 AV @@EAWkf_ Mt "'t. - bty4rOEW End durtag arVwjc tran=10i, .. 1. 1, &m. D-kAtdy 00-4 i AAdd.tAUUA S. S. S. R. 30, prol- 'A a 'Jew Y;K- of migration Inechanisol for rcitelions inyolvinIt "sol. rearrangements. The If atom or the radical in- volvcd in the rearrangement, according to this theory. lee forms an intermediate complex in the form of a 3-mem- bered ring with The 2 adjacent C atoms which arc involved 7i in the rearrangement. Iloth clectrophilic and nucleo- philic agent., can initiate the reaction. A no. of rearrange- 'Hent j are cited aj support Ing t lie theory. Thecuntention that the migrating group at no time becomes wpd. from Zoo the mat. issupportrit by- lack of such by-products which wuuld indicate the formation of free radicals- or ion3 and 00 a V lie preservation by the unigrating group of its opliad 400 000 configuration during rearrangement. The tracing of 00 these reactions by tracer atoms (D) is suggtnitcd asameans OOJ of ;)rtx)f 4 the theory. G. At. Koollavoff 00 few cc of fez roe AA.! 1400 16 4 zoo bloo =00 a 0 :t boo S L A METALLURGICAL LIT90ATUNE CLASSOPKATION slow 41,141L.- 131111 Car G-V Lot of %video W&f a%. Got 3 1 V $&noet; n, 0 1 a I Ir M 0 A US AT 10 It It tr It or it K 1 0 0 0 0 966060 6 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 0 0 o 0 04 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0*0* 00 00 0:4 ),- '. It )V ID 11 22 33 ld A 16 9 11 4D it #2 0 A- 6,210 I C 0 L-f-fi h r , Q. A - t. I lk. S- 0 Rudko with altriftio. U. A. Shilov. 00 J. A U-SI.R.) 17, 354@-MlMr=A@ -so come. @Mf, ! @ if 0". w n bypoclilorits sold. of a given comen. do IM change sppreclaWy in 41 nitrites. beamm the presence .1 INS MONS Considerable hydictlysh ovurs. thitt itt trw WM OW10M variation Of HNO!s cancu. At' 06 a ia`@ plf'V@es the cown" " H-No- and HOCI de- -06 Cream to xt Siw-ikr extent and at PH 10 oxidation of th,, 00 nitrite is taftntkuy 3 .00 G. 11. xasolapoff 0 0 see Oe 00 zoo 00 Cos -XO 0 00 Mat goo I' A I A S I A 0jTALLUe(,KAk LiTtHATURE CLASOF 'CATICR 'S: !, ;i@ - I - ---=-:7@ t 112.11 @11 cli. JAI bIL AV No Ls@r-- ; , 1. , *. , "-,@ K a a It 0 0 0 0 It 1 0 *1: ZOO SO 0 NO 0 IWO w,, to-in; Sim Ab mir *J,Ajl 4AC 4-1 451 ;: An I S 9 0 9 If -1 N IN 3 AS 0 7 R T @. -, ; 000 so* a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 9 x x of #a ago fit AND 2.0 aftlas 1 gem"" am 0600#91196 MORO C Ub. I * me givM for a tar in 00 which the Consists of a . OW- ated by a screw. 7U dkm. of the awtv d. by th l t k i e vo . o t l t quid to be drawn; a Ocm. u@mbrane draws appros. 26 pd. of the HquM. Siz niferenus. 00 W. R. Henn Ago so 0: 00 V 00 NOW ago Mae Ala.ILA NITALLURGICALMERAYMCLAUVICATM 1416 9103460 "At o4v aft Nou"619 NIZA31 0MV Aft @ U SAY 00 M a v bt 0 0 0 '1 Is 01 5 As 0 9 49 as a I Is 000 0 o * 0 4 .0 0 O-wo o *4 * 4 so oo 04060-000060 00 1 0 ' Goo 0 0 * 9 40 O'gle'L" OL* 0 'o A a 00 00 0000 00 0100.0 0-0 0 6 MEMO 0,:,W IF 0 0 It a Al 66 43 11 I L r -'-t Q r-L L .4 1 q. t -AA. 00 W ti. 0 L 00 * 00 Catalytic 4pmition of mixtures of chlildne with ethylen* ! C and other combustible gases. H. A. Shilor (!%WwVA- -00 00 1 Chrits.-Techwil. ln%t.; Org. Client. lAh.). J. Gtn. 00 A @ - Cheo". (U.S.S.R.) IS. 135-41(194h)(husli,li suiatntary@; 99 t-f. C.A. 39. 47911-Adwixts.ofoxide,suf 11g, Ag, and 111I i f i 00 Cl-ethylene tn xts., u) that ex- 1(mer the iguit on temp. o Ish).mosts oLvur even at rtxmi tc:np. Mixis. of Cl with 11 "r C If. exill'Xic at m)ttt teiiip. over yciiuw I tic tt%itiv. itiv 09 09- tutalytic effort 6 ontnevtt-d with heat.% of kntnatit)n of thr AIM 1-11111till". 01. hl. K.-lal-11 06 AS-SLA MCIALLURGICAL Lfflklt@@t CL-StIFKATICH r 0 U '0 ty a It 01* Kit R91 K1111 It Or 0::00*!00*000000000004 OT40 9 0 6140 0 0 * 41 00 0 0 00000 -** a woo Ct a.. Lft U A V &A An I S FW 0 If a I Is In 5 a a 2 Q T UG It I afto 00010 004-00 0 a 4D 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 * *I oil A 00 00 i :0 00 0 06 A I a - S L AMETALLUMMAL LITIMATURE CLAHVICATM S1104i .1. owv cat 14315i -@b. IL U Al M-W ; .1 ' ' I a 0 0 10, 100 00 10, 10000 000 0 6 o 0 0,64,40,04 0 JIMI'MRAIN004404 040C15696 AND PROFfOlIll, HdPtl -J&rcethanol. 1. The p"udocatz- lydicto=600(u. Nft In the preparation of 2 41doro- othand E.A--%U9v, N- P- K=yuv, and S. N. Solodusheakov (Imnov Cilisn.-TwIl. t.). J. Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 15. 791-50940- In Careful rvl)ctitioll of tile tnctho& (IcKribed in the fitcra- ture show that anyapporent catalytic effect of Cu baits on the col"Witalims kf C,11, and Cl in 11,0 wa3 due to expli. It. M. Leictatcr see =0* coo Coo rob woo age we we matill IW Mv 151 An L I a Od 0 of w -1 N of a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *@* 0 0 EA It Ra J114 lop AN I L Is P. Some data an isa pieparation of acetylaullsudlyl cW01146 1. A Shiltiv Kkul A Kobvnin J. APPIW Chtm. 1 . @ . . 11SLO abovell that darind 60 lbe, hydrtj@&bi of ac fanityl chlotide (1) there Wv f d i =ffi l IICI ll *0 e acid aut' o owe ll hauled at hrWt accty . into% by AcOll and sullanitse acid; its a by-ptoduct there is fowill"I about 2% (mcoy6uIfaniIyI)*uI(anifiv acitt. llydrulymb, of Ac group is hattencil by Incresse, of 11 lon courn., hcuce by rwiluctlAst of the Vol, J water used. I. a hontogrtivems wittel-IsteU) m4n. the hydfolyda of the .14-1,cl Clutip occurs Amadiul; to a W,,adet fraclikul. * " being IG tuin, at Nl with tile time of "Italf-11 olysi, , I vl ' ff f d 00 j ect oes not a Ion at 40 . I 40 ruiv. at .30% and I the rate, bill Oil lost greatly accelerates It. Tile m4y, of d d 00 a el , at I In (CHIC04. betlarur. and their 1: 1 "kilt. wits truips. twilaven 0* and the b.p. Ilse ptuduct truly be itcrystd. equally well front either thy state or from 14 mulat paste when (CHtCl), Is used f,,v solvent at 111il- with 15-21011 retention in the mother Hquor, which may be re- used 2 3 times. 44? MIJANage, -4@ .00 -00 .00 .00 2.00 =00 i " Moo 00 0 z:o I tl r I A at TALLURGICAL LITERATUNE CLASSW#CATION tl* 0 8 , -- - - -- -*--- -@ --@ ;:- @ I- - a's 2V 1 ;1 --,,1 A - - ilk .4 1. lama I P list 0 U It AV 00 H An A I V W 0 As W I W IM D ja a a Q x 36 a nil 33D 34536Y XWO43 Ca40420 A T 71 T- 004 PROCIlut Ale ONOP111111 ;O-IR T:4 04 Continuous method for pr*mtion -of Cw0ioace'lons. E. A. Shiloy and 0. V. Kupinskays. J. Applied Cktm. .00 (U-SAR-JIS, 121-6(1945).-An app. is deslzribcd for' -00 the lab. continuous chlorination of WICO in %which the rearamix in a water-jacketrd temp. -con-trolled columnk .0 C wit TICI removal being effected by wathing Aith so concd. CaC4 soln. Wlcn chlorinatk)n h carTied only to W-70% the product is 990' poire moxochhpr,@jtelone. .410 The product, after wa3hing.11ractionated, CoClj wiln. is regenerated by marble. Yields mnge frivin 1.1 ju 1.2.5 kg. product per I kg. acetone. G. M. Kimelapoff zoo 0 coo '*e AS&-SLA MITALLURGICAL LITERATME CLAStWKATION 110"I fill 311'. - 114W so"Ov $#logo Mir (my car silill ONE 4" ill U aAV W3 ;P ll KI-11 its, lot Arziff I I s a (W 0 0 V I W IM 0 a a W ' W V . 0 . - ..M A V.; I U." / -W 4p rp = cytaAxJd*. V. A. preparatim W tkiffures IMM 0 Slujav- 1. APOW CAm. (U.S.S.R.) IS ZA) 511RTT-- - C ' l ; A cyan- rl " nglish summary).-Thiourra was prrPd. (It smide A4 folloWl: an Almost SAW. $01n. Of thiourea, VIMIJ. ,,me yellow Nil. .4ulfide. N11,011, and Ca h)n1rusulfide .00 A : thi. vila. i, the mother liquor from previous runs) is Wated with itirring with HrS and Ca cyanamide (about I kg. of loc@, CaCN, per 2 1. soln.). When HjS 3aln. is Oil oeripletc at 23'. wbkh takes about I hr.. tht, mist. is hcatA to Po*, with careful temp. ctmtrol: the resulting h ot naction requires 10-)5 min. for completion. Thr a 0 u,Ix-risimi is filterrd. the PrWuct is wa.-hed with mother . liquorand. finally. with disid. water. Coolingulthefiltrate 00 gives ZPO@ g. thiourea per Jig. Ca cyanamide. As a c4ontrol analytival method that of Cuthill and Atkins 1 h h at t e ) was used with the modification t (C.A. 31, 3417 hlilkti-n of the A9'5 PPt- ww@ Onlittecf- the d X! 34 ip , ecompn. of thiourea Procreds quantitatively in 'Vif Off sol . u. Ko"g-dr a** I V. see woo A ft. SLA WTA LLUMMAL UTI[II&IL191 V-jsj@rpw - slaw W"IMV i goo @ I 11931 a& GIFT 121 0 F uu- Ski aW 0 IS 9 1 N 80 5 A 0 2 9 a at K 91 ft 9 K it a i 0 0 0 0 0 0 of 0 0 0 0 * 0 46 a 00 00 411-6 0 0 * 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0, 41 0 00 00 l 0 0 0 0 66 9 40 0 a - a- -9 0 111 -9 0 .0 0 0 O'e W-.4v 2k III or 58 Joel** ..j'; ? ? I I It I It 9 I'd a IS v III imp It a 93 is alto A A _L_,Q_1[ I f R A L L -A--Jl f_. 9 9 . )_-1. -, IL. T_LXL___AL__A__L_ a- Iwo -1--t-A-1 - L-a' A 1- -4 -7 c"Of"I __ - . 00 C&IAlytic Inflammation of chlorine -ethylene mlittistes. 410 40, 0 5119VO(iii (-Ipl. Femd. aead. .41. L*.R.S..';. 1:11 b'10. III gla- Illbor'. the ir'lliti-I IVIIII., of IIINt'. "1 -00 go a ;. V @ 0, . it Is 2.'. #171; C'I 1. 1, % it bill I lit- billil 00 L:4.0 'k1wilditig -111v%%hat m the 4 Ibr 1111%I. Ix'Urifill rMalsti.. vffcvt@ It 1911111111-111 S-111 tvIIIII. %IIIII IIK()- 119P, 41M Ag1l) ..I It ..'J'imially 141 Vo" 'lath 111.0, I, 11hos Ate imit-la lv,, (Al. ev C41AIYII" oye'.tivelav", for the 11irtal modv@ Illesiti"lo-ol 6 pt"IyAbly 'Ille I" the Cl, iWorructitig with the IfIllif, Ill Pflillit-V C"11111106 IIS%Iul "P-_Illools- 410111K. highlY ot-All.thh. or iiiiiiaiiiiK ftat-iiiii, oiaii, 0 Imr-lurti"ll J Cl:0 im" CII-C-11. mi%t'. .'k' 11'.1 ill reolticing Ivillp. NUIly III.I.Sk aml 'live 7* netal vil.,!,Il, F..' C110. CII.O. NIgO, C.111). Sill 1:' AN111(h, Will I"CIO-IrC C.03tyli-7311V illartive. J.W.Iletry Z' zoo Poo A S M I L A METALLURGICAL LITERATURE CLASIIFICATICod r TWIG43 .41 all as[ Ajillic"ej Ast _r - u u A' to 'I K' 9 (W a N a I If m A3 a 'I s It Z.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A-0 100 CM*tl% NO AND 41" MISS "octs"S Aso 11,1110411111111 1"IEW lee - - ' ' i timation of 2,2 -dichlorodlethyl otber in the slristhiss6 of 2-ehlorisedutool. lust., -h- Z Go Avanovo). COMPI. re U XT 4 47, 72-4; .0 so D.Wady Akad. N4uk S.S.S.R. 47.' 400@2(1045j- A-unting that (CH&CIC110-0 (1) formits by reaction bc- twcc,, C111, Cis, 11,0, and CH,001,0H. 2 r t d m- ' m: u j 11:1110 x lw wt up: (A) dxIdt - k Oix q lee 00 1) 41 c c is, bkh . 6 dse conon. of 1; and (B) di C1. tOCHj- l '1 471110CHIONI i C611.) I Cis) - 11 - kjCj1I.I I Oil - As ' t 00 li may y C."tibining A atid B into a single expression. k i 04 13 im evaluatcd fruits tile final concts. of I and the Initial and k'1k 1 Or i Zoe 00 0 - as ve . final L%jncns. of CII.CiCII3011: expvi. g c.)n,(.,jvrr wide iruiatious in the concti. of C11,00fisOlf. .3 00 Ctli. livid Cis west passed sintultancomly at 20 rul./inin. into tit-al tube I Fri. by IS Mut., Coutc. 3fx) na. of a "Ir ntil Sato oll f k f C11 Cicil am . nown concti. u o 11,0 -Ims. o ' s wmq rVached., 6-12 ltrS. Was required. I was dctd. by i * we 0 n a Dina- I differente by dista. front 50-100 mi. of sets. Siark %pp., redistg. frorn 100 rul. H10 (to retuoye MCI- Z me Clljol I), suldremoving r by coned. ILSO. from the inixt. L'outg. I and (CII.C01. Orville J. Strecting noel AS4-SLA 114TALLURGOICAL WINATURIE CLASWXA710 11" Silva Imi .4 L. aft. 441c 1131 &Jll 41111 ww 411 U S AV go r I ; 1 0 F - W v At to W m ig in WIOA XG a ad a a 9 IN 9 AD 4 3 -.72" 0 0 0 * :: e 0 0 0 0 :@2 - ; 00 00 0 0 a 0 0 0 0' 0 If 0 0 iri. 1. : OT411 0004000*0*000000: Jit it 32 33 misidu sit a it a a a C, zo P a,JL J 7 L, V . . . . . I V -oo KPU%%t$ AND F*CPIR Iij INCIE. - r V R A -T- Series of aromade k enes: pheny iobertylyisetene and v-pheUYj,(j-nxphIhYI)kvfCn*. S. 1. burmistrut, anti E. A,@hilovjlvznovsk Client. Tech. Inst.). J.tem. s_ bi 1 6 M h i l R ).- e 4- env y- .S. .) 16.295-1)( 94 Ckm. M y1g p * ' . in. 61-2 ) reacted with llh,%Iglir to o!ytate (b..'21fri-O Wid pArxyl4-6ip"yWglyroUc "id, tn. 164-7'. which on treatment with PCIA gave Ph(PhCJI,)CCICOCI (1). * (from fictr. ether). 1 (2 g.) was shaken with fig sit. 70 10 0 in Ht.0 under C% in a stated tube to yivid phenyl-4-bi- * * -06 . tr,-at- , as yvllow plAt-; phrmylylkelexe (11). in. 102-4 0 inent of 11 with PhNII, pvc n-phtmyl--("ipkenvI)4)- ' .00 0 atelandide, tit. 1740, while the ti@ of dr %v Y NIII K-A ' ' . I-w W tit. = identification. III was also prepd. by the ' 0 AcOlf-lfiSO, of pkexyl-4-bi*pkenylvkcrt,,nitfile, tn. 1321-3' ' ' ze 0 hCll- by reaction 4 l (front EtOll). which wa,; prvpd. ' -e of ImCl,. HIC(I'l.. t (01I)CIN with Ph. in the prcsen, a 0 0 000 t.) and I-CiXiMitfir (from 134 g. C.11,110 gave 78 ZOO ff. phen 1-miplaky(clyrtWic aci4 (IV). tit. I ifrout 00 b kyale, in. 147-W* (from belimic)): trat- V =0 41 wtth PC4 gave phmyl-l-mipkhyrch!ortAsravI ment of l cWride, tit. 151--5' (front betizene-ix-tr. eth,r). which int vo 0 prolongni shaking with fig in Etto under C(L gavL- ZOO pktnYl4-xaphIhjdkrIexe (V), tit. yel!ow pri,im. F go 0 The tatter gave with N11, the n,-phenW,,-(I-n,zph:hvh- fl)rm- which readil oin henzene) id l 12W (f am r "e r, in. . y * V E OlD d 5 f dil z -6 . an ront . t a rejqs6hydrate, tit. 1& ( Ph';Ift yielded tit. H and Vren(filygavr the corre- '-M* (from 80% AcOll). t:6 a sponding diarylacetic acids on treatment with watt,r. C:O 0 _G_M_KT4 Oil A S 0 . S L A AFTALLUSIGICAL LITF4.TLH CLASSIFICATICH U SI AT 10 LS : of ts 14 St PC it It An I S a rw 0 x W I W 14 0 a a 3 1 i; HAD n 1 14 T Kill 0 T JOWA *9 a : : : : 0 0 a & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 &00 0 * 0_0_0 q_"L04k_0_4@_* 0 0 0 0 -_ * 0 * 0 6 * A 0 A 1010" O#j of at se 't so 2 0 :0 so 00 0 so- of It all an 1100A 11191111111004 Syntko& 0( 3-CWQMthAAG1. U. T to" ca- effident of the rate of Gomber a to".60077,76hutiv and N. P. Kanyaty Uvanovsfthem. Tech. 1ut'.T.-7.- Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 16, cf. C.A. 40, 71521.-The formation of 2-chloroethand from IW, CA, and Cis is detd. by diffusion at the gas-soln. inter- face, and, since both the phys. factors dit1r. the reaction, rate and the chem. process" are very fast (C.A. 23. 29W), a small temp. coeff. of reaction rate was to be ex- pected and was confirmed by expt. A tylindrical venel (W) cc., 4 cm. diam.. 49 em. long), with stiffer. filled with HO, was kept in a thermostat at 3-W'; Cf. and qH. were introduced at 25 cc./min. so that the Sams were always in excess (at 60- absorption): test samples were withdrawn h4nirly and tiltomted with alWi. after 4 firs., 2-chlaroetha. not was dct(f. in the fiml "n. The v"tioas cf the rr- uctiws ratr wcrc of randimi chanwiter &nil showal little Irsup. tivimult-nev (after 4 his. at 3% irld 0.2,111 At Ni-, o.2111 11,@1.34 1. Av. vultivi of I-C.-full Yield% wrte. 30-a' M' 0.2*1, In 111i, tetup. inkfvAl 111V 1@4clioll rate k h0elictident of temp, KtWM4Apufl so I** .00 111040 =00 000 P Mae 2 see ago woo t1is Is nois 100 0 0 it a U W 16 It 1. if P. A.. IIT Ago ASS.ILA NITALLOGICAL LITINATINIC CLASMFKATW* =_ W*41 I low II. a) IVO 13000 VOWOV $flow WIP QMV aft NuAJI0149 1111101 CIA colt M P I 1--r Aft I 1 8 W 0 0 0 1 V 111 91a 0 2 9 1 u u kv 00 Ls 0 Is It at At it a It It PIC a 19 it a KW I 10 1110 U640* e. 40 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41& 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1041 Is 00 101 0 0 0 0 0 00406660006 660141, 1) 10 It .0 Is Is $I V a 34 A Is V Is IN 4 4f a a 61 are -A L-L A.-A P I -L-1 AA V_ _K__Z L_Z_AA_ PAOCC&SO AV ONOVE11111 -Noll 00 00 it 0* 9 -00 GomWM's Mtheds of. 2-chloroethaniol. M. Re- suits of the PrOMCO and @oTraidon of the CAMUS Ph"S. - 00 U. A. Shilov and N. P. Kanya-tv (Ivanov%k Che - .00 T4icb.'_Iftstj. J. Gen. Ckm IOD-16 so ms.S.R.) IT, (1947)(in Russian) I cf. C.A. 41, 119ir.-Agawmsmixt. see oo of Cill, and Q In contact with an aq. %oln. of the gams, =00 09 vigorously agitated, forms CIClfjC!HjOFf (1) and (CIIjCl)I (11) in the same ratio as when the reaction takes place In a 0 homogeneous soln. The sunts. a( each formed depend on coo the concu. a( chloride Ion in soln. The formation of 11 is a roe 'a surface reaction and occurs only above the soln. on solid - surfaces or liquid films. CjH4 and Cis combine very slowly on an tee surface In the abwace of a Hquid hase The ratio of I and 11 formed Is Independent of the CtOcl; F ratio, The rate Of C111. Absorption increases with in- ZO 0 creasing Cf concn. in the soln. but is less than proportlorW to it. Arild Miller 00 400 =*O too A IT ALL URGKAL Ll ENATUPI CLASSIFICAMN tgoo .00 WOO 01" 'a., Get $%Iasi IL U AT go is t 8 A F A 0 n I S V 'M 0 0 9-7-W, P, it 1P OP Or a It a U at 0 Mal 0:0000 00000 0 00000000*0000*0000000go so i !@!!, ! 0 0 * 0 :1;0 " : : :@.I o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 6 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A A C.2 L-r-- so 0 S' 3 Is, 2.chloroethassol. IV. Thowy of forms- ZcWoroethyl) ether. Method of UX.11 bles 11 0 so .1 . ir ; the reaction mixture. A. ShIlov. Zkmr. gro. 41, 00 j Kilims. (). Gers. Client.) l7.'TIW-15O2fI947) On Rtmliall)! g .: '00 t et. C.A. 42. 4JL17A.- 35. 3-jtl.-'Me formation of tb@ ""'c"i" 7f C'C'I' 7, (CIC11,01,1,11 in llnr G-subm, J1Y 00 XI-1 fiv the Wherne: Ctil, + C11 + of Ol.; @ C IltK*lI,ClIXI -ki \.Ct OCII,Cli,Cl; tbe imegrated tiplation for the vetaction k kik' rate I. V - F. In - heir R Is the kik, . X, - " 00 0 v'"Icn. of OCII.C14011, V. 6 it. InItiAl Cotten.. X I- the so C'mcn. W the 4ti-cl ititec, k is the cractiall rate k0il-It. 00 . : 00 v . jWc previous, referEtWO, Ckd. withoutd-Utingtoecther 00 larmation.,And Vi,, the reaction rate const. foir the formal Ism 00 of the di-CI r1hirr 14mv E is stnell in comparimian with klk'. the apprim. (mm Is. Vlk - 2XAW -41). A sernival tutv I m. lotil; and 114 nutt. In distills. ill" pmv Cd with & %joix-twIL At the lKAtimn. Ufar which the two tittlets 1; @919 w" attached were settled in; lwluw the cAtr&nCv Of thOw uding tube which termimted near the toll of the rtor (this -Arved lit it eirvilhiling till* for the tillsit.). The alip. wL% L.-pt lit the dark and the tractinilm were ill 1,,, ,j), 'l,lie Itilte wais cl,italls-41 with Alls Alis.ILA tYALLtJVrKAL U11114101 CLASSIMATIC11 44 000000 0 0 a 41 0 44 if tit nd. slt.@sl arld C1 and Cilf. 61 at 20 tsal./sitin. over 5 -10 0 bru.. with atia"ion taking place. At t In. end 4 a full the Cl th1w vt&, %WpLivd Wiser the C'oll,, Ill tmjW tit flulb Out arlY Cisimm Cl. -rise mists. wast snAde uls tit 'AX) -so ml. and analyzett IL4 ItAlov" for IICI, CICIl,CII,()II, isn't (CICIIPCII,W. IICI wat littlitni imitift wthyl orange -to . OC14CII.Oll N *0 0 *14101 1.1the millple Iis 4!VV 0 cmicts. .4 1).4 "U40/1. her..1 tit W us milt anti itchilrit-.1 liv IINO l hi I -so . ltr w t s opso- ., a tiOn with 0-1 A IAsNOP atkl Nll..1;CV lit the perene, 01 0 - little AmOll ills statkilize the cn.iix,lnl) Xivr, .111ficie"gil l 00 ac% umle results. Steam dIstsi. wait used tusep. the di-Cl 0 `tlWT Ill ill,, litv"sem, of Ilk od, c'milms-.1 "t it, =06 Owl stint WIVII01'. I- wish Ow v%A. 1. Ineatilml and ill, ml%t, virilb I.. - ' t th tl i as - . e t wv. 111 nA A . Oll-liOtl 1.1.0111, 4 IMA Ild. I ll'. - %if , r1pl'. H.JVC 111, aV. VAIjje,,f k'lk OAX-11; AS). ' ro a I linil -If a for the om,tirmit wimai-m vr t. sea 1 lel - l. 00*11 siv- li,l) m", CICII'Cil'oll 41, 00 Appilil. Clinally in frietion .ills it,, Ini. 14 * Me 00 . 1114 y nf 1. ,I I. ,"I, Cl, Tbt- r"J"li"ll "Jilmon, 1, - flil fog milvins; tal'A 1-rold'.111- It lions, lw s si , it l iart of a CICHIC11,011 1, .114- 10111 Ow CA.". 500 thm D, anti I,: X - V, X *74 x S, 1) 01t* El if h - . t ; e flim) CICI i.Cl i.01 I Convis. I, I Illol". I so (he Ill-Cl Cther emilrall 4,111 1,v 1`@ nf till. We 2 molms./l, rimWti. will xi.v 2", M 0 Lee #ION, J4 U Vl &V K3 I% V M Oll K It Is a 11 it a It 09 141111 It 10 .T.- 0000000000000060009004 0 0 :10 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0-aiLs 0-016-AU it I 00000000000060 tw 0 -iii 'i- I Its At it m) 11 0 0 0 0 0 St 0 1% 0 0 0 0 Vl@ fa@ A As 15 1 10 if X ft V 41 a di at at* 0 @t I --i-1. - @ t--& -A-L-TV A 30D Ak0_410CO01411 0110CIESSO A.0 PtCPIXtlt$ --Dt- d Wanes and dilorwaft. S. 1. R. A. Shi Ovsk). J llow Tech. Ism., lvLu.j 17 1684-7 1947 i . R-sI-).-PhCH%COjH ( . n ( )( 419.) was heated on & st a , e m bath I hr. with 21 g PC4 the cooled mi t t t d i h .00 . s . rea . e w t 40 -- CSo. -W the iialo. gradually added with ke-coding- -00 66 s. Alai suornifed In 140 cc. CS, owtg. 48 g. t. it, a 1 10COH1. tat 5 win. the taw. was d. with -00 y ke and the mi. layer dirAd. with stoma. =F' lug was 0 heated with oWs sitin. and the Injoi. matter on ctrata. .00 0 : SM W ak in 128% ThI i d h p 00b f 600 00 - . S es e , ro.t w i 140-60 irith 4.4 1. SoOp in I cc. AciO tows 80 , Ph o % =Go 4-4-Y-1-OW.Waraw", m. im (from utco$ ; 000 thh gives a quinotfifine an beating with O-CJ14(NIts)9 1!: while oxidation with 11POs In aq. pyridlue gave atoll and 4-metbasY-1-asplithoic acid in 230'; the latt too 00- . , er add treated with SOCh. then PhNfle. gave the 11nilitle oo :1 in. 220'. The diketime (1.2 x.) heated 1.5 hrs. td) Iwj with I Jr. O-C ANIII)f In 8 Cc. PyTidine and several (it 'Af "Mell. fig. gave X 1). 17d' ff"=Klilftoll in. Th Ortku IftOII)' OicrdJv in 107' e rvaction of Pbcllwz, with 2 No @ MCOCIJIF similarly * - gave litax.)i I- P44yi- zoo krt~ to - 74-6 (from RtoH)' pkrou, tn. 10 (from EtOHI 1j; k id i . etone on ox at on with SeO, gave ph" :-WWAOxY-Z-W 139' PkAY1 dibd~ m ISO* 0 . . j which gives a red Mar with Na In RtOH soin., the Mar vanishing on shaking then reap oxidation gave 2-nutboxy-l-amphtho;c add, us. 174V* Pa.). t:O 0 ts** alTaLLURINCAL LITESIOLINE CLASSURKATION M. lCosol"Off -if 04V cat 411.1j""If u u &V PO is 1 5 F ZA An I I I 1W 0 is 0 1 W ad it 0 at it it It ItK Cc It it at kLo (I ZA ty rp it it V anir, '0 0 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; ONON90 * 0 9 0009066-60009041liq *-*oooooooo*oo*eo* 0 0 0 0 11 11 14 Is it if n j, r I" Z L f 6 1 1 L L a r 0 A I 1 0 i set MerhanLun of Chloride Hydrolysis. (in Rwodan.) F. 00 A. Shilav and S. N. Solodushenkov. Zhurptal Fizi- go chesk,4 Khimij (Journal of Physical Chmistry), v. 00 0*0 21, Oct. 1947.1).1159-1161. 4*0 .3 The hyp-thesir that chloride hydritlysim may take 00 , place even in an acid medium with participation @j 00- of hydroxyl ion was investigated. It is shown that @06 this hyNthemis is contrary ts) kinctic data. The mneept of direct interaction of chlorine and water 60 X1 molecules is shown to be correct- ZOO 00 00 ze 0 @O 0 00,01 L A ofTALLURCK AL LITERATUSE CLAS11FICATICN o tr* 0 :.E -- - A - - - - it V 4 F CP 6( K is ItaK a ff It Cc ;; d 0 - se L W1. n 43 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 *10 0 O;o 0 0 0 0 a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4000000,;:::ooooooooooeooo*040000000000*00000000 1 F-i USSR/Chemistry - Argentometry Jul/Aug 48 Chemistry - Analysis, Vol:umetric Me Use of Organic Liquids in Argentometric Titration," Ye. A. Shilov, Inat of Org Chem, Acad Sci Ukrainian SSR) Ivanovo Chem Eng Inst, 3 3/4 pp -Zhur Analit Khimii" No 4 Shows that various insoluble alcohols, isoamyl, octyl, benzyl and cyclohexanol, can be used in- stead of nitrobenzene in volumetric determi- nations by Follgard's method. Many other ordi- nary liquids, which do not contain complex- forming groups, are almost or completely go 18/49T6- USSR/Chemistry - Argentometry (Corltd) Jul/Aug 48 Ineffective as additives to conglomerate silver deposits. Submitted 3 Sep 47. 18/49T6 IT C@- IyA um/chdiletiy @ftreu'.. Mcror LA "The lmpr&e&@'Mcroburetl of P. M. leakov," Ye. A. Shilov, 1 p "Zhur Obahoh Rhie Vol MI! (=), No 2 Brief article stating that P. M. Isakov's ideas con- cerning a micrametrie screw are not at all new. Sub- mitted 20 Jun 1947. 6&158 PA 68308 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 6 0 a- - -a -*-a-*- `VTO a 0 0-0 0 4-0 0-0-0-1114 I @ 1, 1 ; ., 1. , : 1; , , A , I i T to Y A_ Al @M V, tc _if . ., J@ 0 -.7-00 so'. so *a 00 @.wtlcd tube hr4.;It followel bill treatment with 3-c @-Oe so NAOll, jrtve CO(%'1111h), (in. and 0.5 9. "Alicyl- The mechanism of cafboxylation and of analojous reac. allilille, in. 13.5" (fr,)tn .91,"o Acoff): %imilArly. 5. a 0 tions, 1%. A.7 '.i4ilov and M. N. DogdAnov. 7hur. 'SkOCmIll Pvt 3-2 K- in. 04,h,hrj Nhim J. Gen. Climn.) 18, 152". licating 5 F. phoCoNlIpli (1) And -1.7 g MONA of ' -;3l yl- cmiclu,imi, lit (,.-r,hzon W.A. 39, About the intra- 2 lim. to 100-2W pole CWNIII'Mi and 0A 9 ' 'c 0* imil. courw oil thr--c reActmu- Arc invAid. .90bitaocrs anifide: 0.4 K. I Anil 3 it. I-C,,I[,ON.i after 2 lir,. at 00 which split oil Ph NCO oil heating call reAet with phenoli, 10, gave 0.11 9. 1.1-110C1,11'CON11111t And no 'dicyl- , i jX*0 elding t1a, %Anic aijilideot of 110 jC111S a% AM obtained in anilide; 8g. land-5.8K. I-NAOC1,11rafter 1.51'rs 'it 1"4) J.. y ` re n l l l f G ami gementi o v@rj oel iv 00 flPh- 2 F- 1-o-lPht"A' A . The naly difference in gwe 2 g. f,2-llOC,,fl,C0N h 00 t S. e rr.icimo,,,f PhNCOilm-lf I, it, tendenry topolyrnerize, ",metars. litititigp-CIC4[1.0.N;it;tiitil,hNCO !.:)fir so amhdr h-rination v.111 ft-cur only At tclul)l. at 21W gave 2-hyilrt)XV-;-)-Cill4lr4llX'IILLIIIli(ir, in. .1,17' 1 from j An "Ilk-11 do 1411 VIII, WAIIIII ,I 111,NCi) I, litOll). p.CjC.jl,(),CNjllIlt.m. l:t%-9'(fr,)aiC0C1l so A,@iwor J - t--re.wtiou, I, mot @, vAid Argument, for it I, P-CIC.11.011, folloilr4i hir trinatillent with PhNild, 4 K so 4oli-im-d by .& l,rgc .4tut. of Lorry by-lircolucts; further- wAs conveneof to the N,t denv. lit hill. M.%te mvi Ila, 00 moire, a un-r-, .a liormccli nal,lithl)XI'lm And .4- heattA 1.5 lim. at :.NW. itivinot 0.5 g. tripliettylpI.Inidine @4 a willide ,I P,11 1, -A A gill mc acid w,,, ot-Tv"I. T11i,ocarlix: and 0.3 K. 2-hyllroxy-:)-chlt)ri)twnzjniiiiie, to. 1 -0 0 -t rxill-illml by ioreliminiry loAs of PhNC0, which then heating 5.9 g. of the Above N;i deriv. ill 25 nil. 1 11NIC with 2 - acts oil the orl.,plithoxide in preference to p-chlorophen- !i.:l g. l_%JA0Cl,11, 1.5 lurs. to) -NW 0A x. 1.2-110- oxide. Ifeiting 4 1:. lIhNC0 trinter and 4 g. %Za0ph in a C,Jl.C0X1lPh, in. 1.52'. and no traces of 2-hydroxv-5- =00 clilorobenzanilideLj,ilcit),:fi,titti. Thecrosli-reactionthu,; mrifirmi the intennol. InL!C1L1IIiiIn of the miction. 700 7 TJ. -0 0 t A S m L A lityli L- KAt LITERAT49F CLASSIFICATIGH E Z- go ire 0 U U AV -3 At r i- Ir I ll it M K it K 1I K It it it ;Z AA A a W a n I it. .3 A) a 3a ?so #no 0 0 0 0 0 a's 0 0 19 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 :::: 0 * a 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 so 000 0 :: : A .60 Sao *ISO *so a*** OOO OOOiOOOOO SO* as a* a ooo I 0 0 0 -0 -0 Ow jU * 6 a 0 6 01 0 0 a a a 0 0 0 a vV 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 mi 0 I It to 4 000 0v ImI) SM JIRO at- 11 _ 0000000000 Id.11 ;I- - @ , , s 14 It U. cc .@ A 1. L A -"--1 -11- 11 L Ole a .4 00 '00 so -so 00 00 '00 00 -so so -,ml A. N@ KmAkiii. Zh.,. 0 Chem.) 18. A,t -li-u I,, IIW _001 : Awstr., sulfonatim A I,v fill,lit.g 11,;t), V.,_ !,so 0 -amitit rqtua alms. w m-atm P-tif,,r, I,,. nit, exo-i 00 lie trcruit theinv of Alevtwirt W_I. 41. OUISo im t1w Go too 00 the,-,pail. 1,irtitei-ti ,41mv i-i. 1. 00 ti@ Itcurih the eximenev it altlim-i.ibic fr4c..mifiv. iihivh so so in icuts I lie sulfo gnitil, it, Or Imin I-ition; z ie 0 and Sevondary AIIIIIII,% aI.. Kite, vi'l t1w wm ......I.... 1 -11 -140 00 finite. the-urul fix mcd V1.1 I he'S.Ir ....... ... 1. 1, Nil'S d tI l i 11 so an w r"ti t 'la 0, C'-p It".1- 1, it,, Nit, u it, I-Ittre .... .%mines with SOo. thic to the-ir -Itlikc pri-1wrti-. bituld -lin-vt its the timia. aml wit 1,, 1 liv -,rifw. ji,wa lit-it-ii, Cie 0 miltxrwtol by Alvitautlev. allittitigki I di-Kiree it[ 41- it t,- firv -mlilir III.Iv primil 111C fire mililli- 1,* 101,111 (%vt- jl,p%t-@ NI. K-4 11-11 16 111 4 1 L A KETALLURGK. L LItER.TLRI CL&SUPKATPCh _ =00 og` '14" C.C 441W13-Ir z4K cit, &S. - r 'i u n AT -0 it IT f Pt it tt it at All A 0 kLa it I :In I .2) 0 0 0 *is e 0 0 0 0 0 a Ole at 0 0 0 to a 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 & 0, 0 . 0 00 0 0 * sisislo a see 0 *oa 0 a 0 0 S * 0 0 0 0 E.A. Shilov and A.I. Slipdnc-v, Kinetics and mecha.-ism of the reactions of active chl.-@rinp with orgnnic compounds. VII. Oxidatior: of formic acid Ir Pcid sohtiore- Pp. 1-@12-21- T@e rate of oxi@ption of formic Pcid by chlorine in acid wAter solution is determined by the eauation d [C 1 2j = K [CI?-] EqC02 ] + X 1 (Cl?)- EHIC02 JR (it 200, K = 295, Rl = 0 .028; at 00, K= 28 -5, K' - 0 -0056. The oxidation of formic acid in an acid environment 1)roceeds throuEh elementary chlorine and hereby differs- from the oxidation of oxplic Pcid, where the active aeent, even in thr, i.resence of chlorine, is hy-ciochlorous acid. Acad. of Sciences Ukranian S.S.R. Inst. of Organic Chemistry, Kiev Chemico-technological Inst., Ivanovo March 3, 1948 SO: Journal of Phyzical Chemistry (USSE) 22, No. 11, 1948 SHILOV, E. A. E. A. Shilov and A. N. Kurakin, On the theory of sulfonation of aromatic amines. -o. 2092. It is shown that the hypothesis by Alexander dealing with the mechanism of sulfonation of aromatic amines is based on inaccurate data in the literature. Some considerations concerning the actual course of the reaction of sulfonation are discussed. Lab. of Organic Chemistry of the Ivanov Chemica-Techilological Inst. Augast 7. 1947 SO: J. Gen. Chem. (USSR) _@8, (80) go. 12, 1948 OOA so 00 *0 1 60 0 4 ,3 FROCIrsm AmPawleyWO NOW# The kb*k atiodkem *1 tU Caniassari riectim. kc. IA-SkIkW-WW G. 1. Kudk""Sel. Da"y Abad. Seek S.S.S.R. 43, 681-41(190).-DisroutsUon of Am- OIICCsI(.S01sNa (1) is of th4 Uh order, Im. 2nd-ortirr with respect tolland Sed-order with respect loalkidi, In sq. volu., at WtW comms. 0.1-0.4 U. the 4th-order rate const., rftbx*d to Ow Ionk comm. 0.3 Af, at 40. 50, and do. Is k4 OA9, OJW, and IA3 A-, ado-); in 876 a1c.. at 50 ke - 0.41. Them is a disduct pas. salt effect. Cannizz"o dismutalksm of 2-pyridinecarbosaWthyde (11) follows the 2od older (ist-arder with respect to U and Ist- order with respect to allmli); at 40'. its R.O. k, - 0.0310, at So I, In 49% sk.. kt - O.Ot76; no valt effmt. The causes of the differences in the order of the reaction rute are unknown. IN. Thon Al@.IL! SITALLURGICAL UTZSST%W1 CLASUPICATAN 0" 93Q. SWONAPM MP! 14RONO -A INJOSO MAP any 449 (004 u AT 10 AS A ; IN 'aK a A f@ee @!. .04 0 : : 0 0 0 OR 0 * 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 *1* 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0.0 9 0.0 0 0 0 0 a 3 9 T : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 =00 as 0 ago woo woo 460 go* woo vo "60 too ,z- T-, V; y c A. A. Qnd E@Jlov, A. of T 7t'- -1:'Ol ralcotakii c;@ltnov Vscsoyaz. kl-im. O-va im. i'end-i-I I ss-uc 2, p. 8-9. SC : T-7-463G, 16 -Se@)t- 53 (Letop-l'. s I Zhurn2ll I nylchi Statucy, 23, i9b9l) - a' 2-Chloroethanol. VI. The theory of t iFb. ads. H. A. Shilov. Zkxr. Priikd. A%@ Cr 'IS W Chem.) 22'. -1@1949); cf. C.A. 43. 37MV.-The Gombers synthesis of CIClftC1frOII (1) (C.A. 13,2309)lsexplained in !bebgbto(S.*s work. The concn. of I cannot exceed I mol./l. for 2rr.%.*)nx: (a) the accumulAtitm of IlCI and I in the!miln. sbift9 the homagene- ous reaction In the direction of (C14gCl)j (U) and (CICHr- Cift)tO; and (b) the appearance of slightly sol. chlorides c-4uics a reaction in the org. layer which increases the forma- tion of side-reaction products. In order to force the tomogeneous reaction In the direction of &it Increased yield fl,itisnece&iarytoremoveW]Cl-frointhewtn. From this point, the theary can be used to catc. the yields of the reaction products for Industrial design 'rposes. In order to inhibit .1. in the or,. layer. n h.!d be removed from the reaction mixt. to increase the partial pressure of ,be Cf and decrease the temp. A new technique which i@ introduced by the theory is to allow the C.H. and Cl to be mixed In gaseous forn: within the soln.. which is in accord with good technology. This new point of view requires the consideration of certain points of design for Industrial units. It is also possible to consider satg. the coned. IIOCI solo. with COL. which requires effective diversion of the CjH4 in the solo. and an increase In pressure. The Ist require@ ment is self-evident but the 2ad is met with the probkm nfthedepositionol'solidClisydrates. Theproblemmaybe solved, however. by suspending the Cl hydrate in 1110 which has been gatd. with compressed C%H.. Thus. after a few min., a soln. of I having a conca. of I mol-11. (or 8%) was obtained. The method could be easily ad2pted to in- dustrial use. Paul W. Honei on 0 cx S W6 S S (@ *AJIM21 ""Y'r -jv1F@j 14 Is 14 IT a 12 U 1 1 4 1 1 r IF r M 1 11 it v 1 7 1 44 ,A- 111- A parx.11111% AND Ob"F91111 .01. Catalytic effects In tht Camilitzaro isaction. G. 1. r Kud vtscv and E. A. 8 Wloy- Daidady Ak4d. Nauk G4,'73-6(l94W@(tYAccekmtion of the Can. numaro dismutation of BtH (1) and w-OHCCj-1,BO@ML go (11) by peroxides is Illustrated by the following rate consts. k at 50' Ord-order for 1 4tb- f d 1 ff) iWiLi . or ff or . : , coricn. 0.55 'V In 407c SIC., the NsOll 0.27 Jf. without and " with DOW Ai B 0 k 8 A - z .001 and 0.002 1. 1 In , t6lconcuA).28Af,1nU)%d1oxant. without 00 IWOM M, 0.0019 "A O.OM, rtsp.; 11 111 11,0, initial coucrts. of It anod of N%011 0.088 M. ionic conai. 66 0.170M, with IIA0,0.0M.0.0001 and 0 it 0018 k 00 . - , . 0.57. 0.60. 0.82, and 1.03. (2) Dismutatioa at I is also accelerated b t lli A C 00 13 a y me c S. u, Ni, and Cu. In decreasing d f ff i or er o e ect veness. Hydroxides of Cu, IN1. Co, Fe, and 00 Mn are inactive, and so Is nwtallic Ft. The activity of Ag@3 is due to its r d i A e uct on to S. The CArmizzam re2c- 00 tion of o-11OCJLCHO is accelerated by metallic AS, Mt, X and Co, not by Fe. 71ke catalytic effect of meuls is at - ib d tr ute to dehydrogenation.. 14. Thon S X Z! BF . oETALMOCKAL LFTERAT&ME.CLAS11FICAT100 I -- - - - M2s i3--- r SIVIV)11- t F bU 'a )v '0 It;; P, IV OP 6C K a X it ;o - 0 00 o:::::!OooooO4O 00*00000*0000*00 if v 13 jo is ij V is 30 a 41 a a Id a 1 - -,- t-'- T", ' -W. I -VIAITi7re @5-' li-I An i i a I)- a m R I ar Of 9 J2 0 3 1 0 e 0 0 0 0 Me 0 :00 COO go* Zee age -00 ago we too A 06MIUS AMD PtW"146 NMI Spidial orientation of tks siddition reaction to a multiple mature of the sol"Ut dets. mainly the formation of the bond. I. Swilirnov-Zarokov and R. A. Woe. Dok- primary complex. N. Thon lee "I"Y Akdj. Nauk S.S.S.R. 67, 11?114(119419)@'@@The V11.1-ct of the addn. of Illir to MeOICCICCOtMe (1) I"sIAckIAcO11.CJl,uMcNO,,. g. anti IN pure liquid phase, methyl bromitimaleate (11) and lif"MolumAratr (11 1 are formed In approx. equal ands. :0 In C.11., over 007. Ill the product Is U1. Conen.andtlimp, have no effect on the orientation of tbc addn., mw has the presence of llcroxiArs or antlosidants. LiDr or HgBro hifit-Ittilir reiVO.Ininfavorollil. Therittecifthefesotion i. .. te .3til ordrr, - JIIIIIrj/J1 - kl1lIIIBrj' with k wee, go no* I in mols.jl. inin.) - 11.21 (at W' in glacial AcO11), I.M (at 31' in C.11.). an.1.10M (at W in Will). In the pfes, nee i clice of LiBr, the rate follows -djIlDrIldt - V11111111ri- '00 [fir -1, with k' - 0.91 (at W*), Peroxides and anti- Co 0 '3 oxidants have no effect on the rate; AcgO slows it dowti; Illo in large arnts. slows it down, in smallanits. accelerate$ it. The reaction is conceived as proceeding over an inter- 4110 0 00 A mediate addo. complex between I and HBr. with a pos. woo X charge located at one of the triple-bond C atoms, a neg. -chairge at the Br atom of the IIBr mol. bound to the other Zoo C atom through its 11 atom. This complex reacts further with Br- which is bound at the positively charged C atom, i.e. in a trans position, or. less energetically, with a 2ad 118r mol.; this stage Is the rate-deU. step. On the other hand, a IfOr mol. can also approach the primary woe Intermediatecomplex; from its ne end.inwhiciscasethe %0* it atom of the IlOr moll. will beUnd at the negatively use charged Fir resulting in an addit. in the cis position. The Igoe js.SL_@ ACTALLOSCAL UnINATIAIR CLASSWICAIM Imse WMLnV wool ..r out VIA1311 = ONT M qP* ad 0 0 9 IN a I to a 3 6 V A IT a, ; a, ; is 0" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 iso raleves" "is 1004 _0001 - : : : 1.0 g : : 0 *@* 00 00000 0 11101 Damm of disda bkoddim nd A. A. Yassukov (TeAss. IM. No. 11. ame." In juch to". fibre 11-mago occurs in hypucl.f@., - blesiching, ts in the pil range 6-& The rates of oxidation th mctic and L, glucanK acids, starch. E' .011. and cellulose by H(X1 all &bow a alsarp max. at pH S-& fly anakw) with the mechanism of oxtdation of saturated alcohols by 1100. it is supposed that hydroxy-acids. pollbydric alcohols, and cellulose an oxidised with the it OWmation of unstable hypochlorite esters In 2 stages : (1) -C1111t 16 A paper of Abel coucerniuS parnitzous add. R. A. Shilov Onst. Org. Chtin. Arad. So. Ukr. &S.R., Kkvr-ZT@mr- Fis. Khixe. 25. 1137(1451).-The theoretical considerationq of Abel (C.A. 44. JIMC). who asaibes to NjO, the role of active intermediate in the oxidation of 11NO, by 114h lewl I kinctle equAtion which is not catupttlible with thm ,:@4 J e%;wrimentally by S. und Stepanuva (C.A. 43, 4121d). who ascribe the Lune role to pernitruin mcid. Michel-Boudart The structure of tribromopheoul bromide and sme data an the theory of itit formation. A. A. Vw%nikov ",hiloy,-Dokfady Ak4d. Atauk S.S.S.R. 78, 1051). - 7'tiilitt-mtqtrcisrcviewr,1(7rtieretacc-.). Anaq.qu,pvtt%ioo of 2,4,"r.CJWI 1 (1) wits mixed with radio"etive Dr water (active hr), tile plit. rterystd. frotnt CC14. taken Up in CAII.. anti the sAkIn. divided; I part was reduced vith aq- Nal. Nal%Da, the other was Untreated. and samplei of 1xit h were :Iried on filter paper anti their activity del@i. The liacti,to A r"illaal activity vro found to depend CM the tnetfuml ,I uli%ing tile reugrnt% in making the tribromopheriol bromide (11). If tile @Ilipcn@ion .,f I is Addeti it) ar water, thell Upon reduction of the Wil4ted prittluct umnewhat nvt-v %% I)( the initial activity is retained, but if the uddri. ia dcoit in revrne. the product oil reduction retain% only 2570 of the activity, indicating exchange of all 3 fir atormi; " iticrex-,te of reagent ratio can lower the activity 4till further. U in aq. suspen- Sion does not exchange fir with fir water or '12TIr, but AOW exchange occur, with concil. Mir in aq, or C4)14 inedia. Tile rItchange of Dr between I ant] n 6 very slow in aq. sus- prn4on, bul is accelerated by 2 transfer agent Me pyridinr. t@arelltly the exchange occurring during the formation of e" lailit'l by the "active" statc of Br during the reac. tioll. lIfictict, adidit. of I to fir water afford% the only side upprouvii to the tructurv of 11. The above resultb slum that 11 has (lie structure of a quitione bromide. and not that ,if a hytxibruinite. I doet, riot react with Dr in CCI, or AcOl I, but adtin. 111 .4 11 acceptor (pyridine or 1110) gives an illonediale ppt- of 11; prolubly the It 6 detached froin tile 110 of the. phenol and file prd= a@.Illllrs, the final fir Hr fir IC-1A- - -,-- ---- -- - ---- - -- -- -- - ---- ---- Kinetics of the ad4Wm of hypochlorms aW to UWSC" with a little-actlys double bond. E. A. ShIlov. G. V. KoWnakara, and A. A. VILO"Ilray (ray-off. Chem., Arad. W. Mr. R.S.R.. Xlev), Poblady Aked. Ndetk S.S.S.R. 81. 43S-14(1951).-Addri, of IfOCI to 16WCIII',- ClICII.)NOO. (1) is slow ellough for a kinetic study, The product of the adda. (Irrelevant for the kinetics) Is !aken to be Mr4CHrOHOICICHONCIO.. Le. the addn. it anti-hiarko"nikov. contrary to Schmidt (Anx. Mew. 337,-I4(jjX15)). in the absence of HCI the kinetics of the reaction is represented by -delds - ki(IIIIJOCIII, where c micu, of active Cl. with k. - 3.5 at 25* and 1.7 ut 15* @Ullitj min.). The 2nd order in IIOCI Indicates that the reaction proceeds over JCIzO) - K'1110CIII. If the pit of the soln. is raised through adda. of alkati or buffer%, the reaction becomes slower and comes practically to a hAlt 4t PH - 8.1. Evidently, the CIO- ion does not Mtrt with 1. anti Its catalytic effect an the formation Of CIjO froin IIOCI Is unlragwrtant. as this step Is not 11mitin Allyway. In rxids. at hIxbrr I;)[. The analytical activi-C.1 cm=. c is cqwentd b IJOCII throuilt e - I + (A/ 9"DIRIOCII - CHM Lrolytic @ whem K Is the * disawn. cvnst. of N I- t % ves -delds - k.1110111 + An em4t: AO femstins satit. at 11-4 .9-8.1 with III - 0.1XV0.1, t - .0-OBb-0.02. I-R, X - 3-A X ID-I. The eakne. beAr out the assumption of CW as the active agent of the it- action. In theipreseumof IICI (not less than 0.1 M), addu. of HOCI is accelerated very considerably, which Indicates Cl. m0h. as the active aMt: there is no "awn to doubt that the product of the addit. rmudris the same. The rate is slow enough for meastntment only at as low as 0*- at that ttmp-, the rate const. defined lby -CArldl - 1,111 C - 40 z+ 3 (mok/I.. min.). 'ne values of kt and I' comparison of the activities of C40 and C!,. with . Lb. the et&H. [CWIIIIIOCIII - K' - OAMS at 0% am '10 - 0.5 extrapolated to V. This gives -dcldj - 0.6fiIIHOCIII - (0.6/0.0(3356) (111C1,01 - ImflIfC1,01, I.e. C40 Is 4.2 times as active as Cis with respect to Addn. to a double bond. N. Thoo Acirl :T=:;110::@d tho chloritto caj@a " Chiariattlon .I.t. of a- WC costs Ind in aqwow awa. Z . H. A. Shilor 'JMG. V. cpi.'"Ya Onst. Ort. Chem Ukr. S.S.R.. Kiev) Xa DOkAsdy A k4d. Ilk S.S.S.R. oil C21-4(1951): cf. Preceding abstr.- The amelerating effect of carboxylic acids on the adda. of IIOCI to a double bond. In a pit range high enough (above 3.5) for It direct addn- of Cis to foe inslittlifimt, III attributed to intermediate forniation of highly active acyl hypochlorites. according to IIOCI + HOOCR x= CIOOCR + 11,0. That th"' "IttlYtic Rctiors I. due to the undissocd. cal,box,lic acid. not to the olion. follow, from the fact diI4IjIj,c%Ir1.% 'JI'lgeti" at A III I aroutod 7.5 wil thAt it I- fill Idah, but the nlacu. of ' ce's tile arut. of III the chlorination of free calboxylic &C-ld ""lium Perchlorate (A) in the presence trimethylallylam. of , ndIMSOW. carboxylle acid OfAn). the rate law is -deld, III kA,110. C11' + VA JIIOCjjfIIAnj, where c . RIW. caacn. a, active Clinn%OICA..and I-1-5at2h"(flaseinniln.). Atconst. Pit and canst. A and 11300). the plot 01 -&1d, a, . ju., tion of JIIAaj should be a straight line. This is confirmed by the following cxpti. data at 25", with A - 0. 1 M (Initial "@ carboxylic acid fconcn. Mi. pit. IIIAnj, ko'): 0.0015, 3.64. 10-05 and 0.11. 0.41 and 0.48; AcOH 10.1 and 0.2 and 0.11. 5=1- 010.ol. I@COH 0,- 10-025- 0-"5 anti 1.40; 0-01- .0136. O.OM. and O.Of*341. 1.40. 1.4 1)64. 0.041). and L,_OM. 0_1. and 0.7513.6, CICHCOJI C g,!kl at PH 3M ac"Ienstes 0.111 3 4-I.wId4-5- Phthili I pil 5.=. At the higher Pit. thi Mot Z@gly than at -; at pit c1lWyzing wat is he montsion O'@IIs(COJl)COj l.M. it is apparently d_Cjf4COjI),. contra. IIIAnil. In he rate equation illerr it .. -Idni- terns kr*AlllOCI jItAntj with lit' ?a%' I - 21- The vailt" of W -11.1 k.l. evidently Incled-N. wlih the c1t,,@tfulytic. dittocil. omit. of the club"ItYlle Ischl. but there 6 no diwt Xseliallatity in The presence of ItCl. In the last of U75 the 110-cl: '&:-Id.cSl',Idtl..-wkHeAS(O".nlO.rS-- aind of a WOOS inwg- Will (11%08 0- .() y). the rate const. 1, d,fined by mains way close to 40, i.e. to the value previously found with small sunts. of HCL 1-here are no Indication' CIf the oresence of & C14 cation. N. Than .. 4=@-MRM@ - - - ---- - IM? - I @V'- - - - w'.- -, - - , --: i:,- @' , -- 2--, , `- %- -- -, I - : - - 1 - - , . @ - - , - -@ '@- : -.- -@@ ,JL-1, @ - - ; - . I -__ . - - 1 -__ -@ :-D *@ -v- "' - - .,_ - : .-:, - I. L:l - - I . s "hq / Z- OZI/ (@1.4 - ..1. 11 .I I -- . Chemical Abst. Vol- 48 NO- 9 Ma,Y 10p 1954 General and Physical Chemistry XF4 -0 M-d-wat-M-TI-M of reafflo-n-s-o-r-aeffiR cbI rk- vith 0 ,N(no ruilematmnadl olkoffm Soluttrns. Ivadnev, and -. Y; Q01skayn, J.-VeR G/few. U..Y,. 'S.R. 22, 2U2b. tMnSIQtIon).-%%-e,C.A@.4jK,, V4 I I-OVj CA 48, 4944b.-Oxidation of glycotaldehyde (I) and d- gluco,-tt 111 hy act ive Cl in aq, soln @ was examined The varla,ion of che rate with pH is such that the state of HOC! (pil 4-') appti@s to correspond to the slowest reaction. .Tne oxidation rate rises an addii. of HCI or alkali. In the range pH 5--13.5 the rate of oxidation increases with pH but in a complex manner. In pH range 5--9.5 the oxidation of I.and II follows: t. " t) k1q[HQCl1PL@ , C is for I and 4 X IM Mr Ir (Urne in min. 1. At off 1()- 1 Ix th rA 61 oxhlatiori of I and U Is given best by -(dc/dt) te 0 k.C, where ka for I goes from 7.5 X 10-6 at pH 10 to 2.5 X '10-1 at pH 13.5; for 11 these are 2.11 X 10-4 and 4 X 10-4 v.-,p. In acid medium the active agency is C]; in neutmi or weakly alkaline medium it i3 HOCI the latter case pro- ceedhig through tio steps. a-ld (11), a,3 well as piviintlaary stady of pyravic acid M) was examd.. at 25* in aq. soln. The rate of oxidation 11. amd III by active N Is very low in HCI, brut r increase of pH rapidl-r, reaching may. rate at pff 7. after which itsteadflydectires. The rateoforidation in descend- ingorderfs. With deficiencyof HM, I is oxidized to chinwopyravic acid. while 11 gives 2-_qxoghtconic acid. 1-9 the raid-range of p3 values the rate of oxidation follows' k.AC, Witere A is coam. of the org. acid, C is ;.(dcd@, ;- a s ific- consta -, txt ka for I active CL I -u-t 16, c --JUUet1C-d*ta-( I V gMPltfqtUYJ - l1nd(WO'that the ftdtivei' of pH is HOO iwhlb@HO ion i3 to sq@, extentatatalyst. Cl ind CCI- an rektively -- Mynctive.7 The mochartism of, 04: oxidation appean to in,lude forraz- tion of -an ester of 11(n, which Is traudc)rmc,@ into a -- bonyi compound by lotis of HCL Similar considerations are probably true for reactions of ales. =d carbohydi-iles- Kqsojapol: USISR@Chemistry Chlorination 11 Jun 52, "Chlorine Cation as a Chlorinating Agent in Aqueous Solution Ye. A. Shi.lov, Act Mem; Acad Sci Ukrainiax SSR Inst of Org Chem, Acad Sci Ukrainian SSE "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXMIV, No 5, pp 1001 - 1003 De la Mare, Hughes, and Vernon (Research, Vol III, 192, 242, 1950), concluded from their work that chlorination with hypochlorous acid in aq soln takes place with the formation of chlorine cations. This is contradicted by the work of the present author,- who established the. reaction with the chlorine . . 223T2_1 cation does not play a significant role in the over-, a.U chlorination reaction f or hydrogen ion concns below 1M. 223T21 Mechanism of rearrangements of aromatic atulno "' a I ' a u li'd F L d A Shil . . c r . . L * 3 5 R 3 . . . , 03-OrTUMM--fTle- tuLchanisin of ' direct sulfaitation of ar(auntic coinpiN. by 112N and 110 sulfouic aelds Is dis- enssed. III media With [I high level of acidity. a mode of migration of the S031-1 may change to a hydroiytic one whieb Is connected with isotopic exchange, III the present work S" lalieling was employed-, a mixt. of 811-labeled Na2SO4 with ordinary naplithionate. (@r other salts) was, iallowed to react and the test result interpreted by the, tratislocatio,t of S4. If the rearratigentent takes place by hydrolysis, 'he resulting 113SOA or Its salt will yield radlo, ucLive stalfainte. 11 the rearrangement of Ila.- t;,' i Intratiml.. the product 14 inactive. Although flic systems j wem licterogeneotis, the reaction took place readily. The rcsults ate snuituarl7mcl below. No naplithionate wid Clol-fa.) lit ;3.3 hrq. at 190* gave bl, % 1, @)salt, wl0i 3% S exchange- witli I-CioTT714113 In 2 lirq. at 180-200*, (10-Do% i,2-ITXj I ci@irtsOjNu imq obtained with 5-10% S uxeltange; with I-Cwfl,Nfl, lit the firmeuce of Na-COa no 1,2-sixlt foruivd'@ nji(I no S exchange took place; I-CO-1701.1 lit 4 firs. :it LOU',. 0 formed Zfh% l,2-1TOCIQl-IgSO4Na with 4 /,, S CXclualge. 7 htlIiQIIiC acid and I-CIOU7NII-1 IR 3 at I SV 9%Afc@ @Xl ) I-CjolI,NIISO,Na'ad ' ' C10118 in -1 lir,@. at 1650* fit the presence of I-C,41INN, aod, MASO, guve (R;% 1,2- and 7% I.4-salt ivith intieft 8',ex@- d Image; if J-IsSO4 wereautitted, 1.3. firs. at 1811' gave 07% C .1 2--salt and 6% S exchange; - Clolfu and I-C)DI-17011 gave Nasulfanl-@ IrIte n'ud I-Citil-JiNllt in 3 bri.. at- 193' gave 00% A 2-W tatif 5% S exchange; aildn, of NaiC04 gave 0% und- Ito S exchanife. Stilfaullic acid and I-ClaRTNI12 lit 3Ai at. 16P.Savo'42% 1,2-salt with'38%. 8 exchange. ."21, 1171.:@ -14 SOIN6'.." 11211C1014.4004a the free acid, and 1,4-LIOCIOI Y @sre guvL a 51111flu distribution of products... It Is readit that lit inany cjL-&-s (lie SO,ft group mi6rates *I ouC hydroINs or S exchange, or tit. most witli a sintall extent CXCI However, unplithloule meld unit 2,1 H l4a.90,11 produce 45-00% S exchange. VAth 1. IP 6 '7 CmntSoj@U. and J-C417NMOAL the -,"t Oi, change JA -detd. by the,acidity of the li iniatt Add i p iomodng 6 cxdmugc-,Tht(s cAll, bL', deAc!rlbc4 as followg. , A tAtc HiNciettsSoxNa j ji al the S-i @arrylaj C ixtoxiii' foMililgi'a qtiinonold stiructure, @ 7.which jh@u sulfoitMeganother mul, Ofnit Awhic or ti-palilt-1 Lhol. While 1.;QoTl7Nll* It 6 %tot esAelalcu"! In tlm@ab=icc of d1sullonate and,a free', Cioll,N III,, UA0 @whlcli thc above schime li op@mtllvel (L WKWalalwiT: rhe _WUC-1- LICI reaction also--yklds@ AcOLi.- - ada@. 1@@ A:cCH follows theequation" -: (dC/di)-- AsAC, *hcriA W the concn. ol,the acetylenic 664 and C that of LICI,,kj -', 3.4 X 10-4. niolwl. min. @ at 30' and 26@ X 10-4 at 50*., The Committee on Stalin Prizes (of the Council of Ministers USSR) in the fields of science and inventions announces that the following scientific works., popular scien- tific books, and textbooks have been submitted for competition for Stalin Prizes for the years 1952 and 1953. (Sovetskaya Kultura Moscow. No. 22-40, 20 Feb - 3 Apr 1954) flaw Title of Work of the ffieor-y joi of -, -c:Ave Chlorine !w"J,11 Nominated by of 3ci@ncas Tkr!Ani@ui IiR SO. W-3o6o4, 'i juiy 1954 SHIWV, Ye.A.; MOSPAN, V.S. Dichlorofumaric acid and some of its derivatives. Ukr,khim.zhur. 20 no.1:35-38 '54. (MIRA 7:3) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk USSR. (Pumaric acid) --) "Ll / / C@ il, 'Ye - I-, - SHILOV, A.Ye.; SHILOV, Ye.A. Reaearc@ltlwt7@r@@i nucleophile additions. Part 1. Kinetics of the addition of hydrogen chloride and analogaus compounds to some acetylene derivativea. Ukr.khim.zhur. 20 no.1:39-52 154. (MLRA 7:3) 1. Inatitut organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk USSR. (Hydrogen chloride) (Acetylene derivatives) SHILOV, Ye.k.; SHILOV, A.Ye. Studies in the theory of nucleophilic additions. Part 2. Kinetics of the chlorination of the dimethyl ester of acetylenedicarbo-xylic acid. Ultr.khim.zhur. 20 no-3:279-281 154. (MLRA 7:8) 1. Institut organichesk-oy khimii Akademii nauk USSR. (Chlorination) (Acetylenedicarboxylic acid) (Esters) 1 . " n ,_::1 L(@ "- - . SAVINOV, B.; SHILOV, Ye, In the Council for the Ukrainian State and Kiev Departments of the Mendeleev All-Union Chemical Society,. Ukr.khim.zhur. 20 no-3:340 154. (Ukraine-Chemistr7) (Ghemistry--Ukraine) (MIRA 7:8) Authors Title Shilov. E. A.. Yasnikov, A. A. Regarding the structure'of isomeric pentachlorophenol chlorides 28/9, 1680-1681, Sep-1954 Periodical Zhur. fiz. khim. bbstract Comments, on the report by PO P. ShoMin.and M. I. Gostev stating that'low- melting isomer of nentachlorophen-ol'chloride,has A structure similar to.t, of hypochlorous acid esters, are presented* The use of marked 01,,.for the:.--.:.. purpose of determining the structure of isomeric pentachlorophenol chloridesil,__. is recommended. Four USSR references (1950-1954). Institution Submitted ONIKUL, Ya.Ye., inshener; STRASHUN, KiZ., inzhener; ROKANOVSKIY, V.P., kandidat tokhaicheakikh nauk, dotsent;. SHI P,'.S., I& n;hener, or ratsenzeat; VATBTRAUIB, D.A., inzhener, re or [Stamping non-metallic materials] Shtampovka nomatallichaskikh materialov. Pod obshchei red,. V.P.Romanovskogo. Moskva. 4oB. nauchno- takha. i2d-vo mashinostroit. lit-r7, 1955. 56 p. (.Bibliotechka shtampovshchika, no.8) (MIRA 9:12) (6heat-matal work) S14140-v. -47 el'Donor-ac-eptor mech@nlsm and its significance 5@ , netics of heterol C Cti ns E A. Shilim Vaprqsy. re" I lccaklsl@i Khim. Kbrelik tall. C IT' @.-k S S - R, 01M. Mint. Nalgh t many heterolytic reactions in solus. can be @ t readily @reated by the electron-donorwameptor'concep Several reactions of halides are thus@ briefly discussed.- . I references. G. M. Kosolluaf- USM/ Chemistry Organic chemistry Card VI -Authors I Title Periodical i Abstract t Institution s Submitted Pub. 116 - lo/2.5 Shilov. E. A., and Vaynshteyn, F. M. The migration of sulfo group in armatic sulfo-acids Ukr. khim. zhur. 21/li 58-65, 1955 The regrouping of p- ande-toluenesulfonic acids was investigated in the'. presence of radioactive su'.furic acid at 120 and 1269and at@different reagent ratiaB* It was es-;ablished that the s35 converts with measurable. speed from the radioactive sulfuric acid into reaction products. The for- ming regrouping products ( o- and p-isomers ).show A high radibactivity:-:. already at,the start, of the reaction. The data obtained indicate tW- the regrouping of p- and o-toluenesulfonic acids take s place almost exclusively according to the intermolecular hydrolytical mechanism. Eleven references : 2 USSR, 5 German, L Swiss., 2 English and i,USA (1870-1953). Graphs. Aced. of Sc., Ukr-SSR, Institute of Organic Chemistry July 23, 1954 d the 6.111, !@Ats ill the Ilwt JuIllism of c;IrlwXylatiral. J@. j T---zr _R2 v, allot I, In K bm'. Yht1r. 21. 110 !H9 Wh5rssl Ittls@ialo. fr. ,It I-II(A.11-NaMat 170' kiiatn d If, 2-C,JL,4 K-4 @N.. (H) 0- f-m. N- if jilt. aul, jilt "ilgh'i 1w Kns phaw. I@jqulil-.lrt, ill Uti-_ SHILOV, Ye.A.; bMIRNOV-ZAMKOV, I.V.; MA.TKOVSKIY, K.I. Theory of the Kolbe-schmitt synthesis. Part 2. Role of disub- stituted salts in carboxylation. Uk=.khim.zhur. 21 no.5:600-613 '55. (MLRA 9:3) IInstitut organicheskoy khimii AN USSR. (Ca=boxylation) Periodical 1 Dok. AN SSSR 100/4. 727-729, Feb 1. 1955 Abstract I Experiments were conducted @rith dis6divin -salt of para-benzenedisulfonic acid and geTma-pyridine sodiun sulfat6@to determine*the form of the- intermediate domplex.forming during the. regrouping of aromatia:sul fo.. acids. The results obtained are described. Five references: 2 USSR, 1 USA and 2 German (1899-1945). 1W)titution I Academy of Sciences, Ulw-SSR' Institute of Organic Chemistry Submitted August 2p 19.54 SHILOV, Ye.A.; STR ITSOVA, S.G. .Stareochemistry and the nascent-hydrogen reduction mechanism of multiple-bond compounds. Part 1. Reduction of tolan by metals in alcohols and acetic acid. Ukr.khim.zhur.22 no-3:341-346 '56. (MLRA 9:9) l.Inatitut otganicheskoy khimii All USSR, (Acetylene) (Reduction, Chemical) SHILOV, Ye. Chemistry as topic of the session of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. devoted to the problem of peaceful use of atomic energy. Ukr.khim.zhur.22 no.3:409 '56. (MLRA 9:9) (Radiochemistry) StereochemliLry anI WPCh.iDI,!IL of rudU@dOn 'if C9=- unds with mult@p.G bo4v, y in 1i .-a !ductioti -d-takriv by-90jitigAi ku-1 q-w7e-.-4Ph A. st, i, retiuced in liquid Nil, io r- @i i MICH: 1i and then to C 11: h. c 3 Pli C I I L, i r: i z I u a d c i L,: -j u d iti nm@ I V, !;I, aisd rrars-Ph\Na'@: CH'I'll. Repetition of ThL pruv@ Wt.u.4 i'!rii (P1iN'aHC'Ij- The hydr-ocartywi productu were re- -:r@,td.frumalc. EL-0 lus no effect aa the.eactinn. Addn. of HtOH@ PhNfl:, and p-A1.-CJl,NHz nra-ke the reaction much more rapid and no (PhCll! ), 15 isola". 11 naly julf lilillgli N;i is used for total tedLetion, an etlifimolar mixt. of :111,[ (1,110 is form"d. Th6wy of nadMhfffc ad (m. M. Kinatla d th'i h d b -dIv. tvione& 7 dditlon oL 13 nrol, a to d1methyl ace carborytat Wlle. of lithium broffildoq V. U. @,-iv Zpy. E A @;ii F-T 590-50OW(in Russian); r-f. C-A. 50, 0-5d-la the addn. of HBr to (:CCO,,Nf,), (1) uing an AcOH soln. of LiBr, -d[HBrlldt - 4k[LiErl JA - conca. of 1. k, (moles/I. min.) - 5-% X 10-lat 3ul, 1.49 x 10-lat 40*,auda.86 X at 50% B? - 18.2 kcal-/mole. AS' - -18-9 cmI./ 10 Jter much with addus.of degree mok). The ratedoes not p BgO, dioxane, or McCN. Ii K,' is the rate canst. in the presenceof molarratla ot 140 to Lift-in HOAc @oln, D tdc, Cmt-411 d== -themixt.). PhCjCCOghlH, does not add HBr under WM.) conditions. John Rowe $C&t w T7-