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,I.f i. v f@ f! N@,
I t- L , (, I :, I ' t A - @,-! -
I ,
New means of using active carbon for the removal of sulfur from
water gas. Ghz. prom. no-5:15-18 Yq 158. WILL 11:5)
(water gas) (Sulfur)
L -I,C@r!7-65 F'N TI 'EWjT 1E W Pt/E P (,b') fte@4-. TR(c) _A19AI
ACC--@@-IITON PIR: AP5008527 S/0286/65/000/006/0034/0034
A@7110R: Sh 11 'man, Ya. M. Vselyubski)r, S. B.; Aleni@2a V.
TITLE; A method for producing modified carbon black. Class 22, No. 169153
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 6, 1965, 34
TOPIC TAGS: carbon black
ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate': I
-a methdd:-for,vroducing -.*q -f
carbon black by introducing admixtures to aliquid hydrocarbon stock or to a =,X-@!@,--.'.---T.-,,,
ture of gas and carbon. The quality of the carbon blac;@@ is improved and awider
selection of raw materials is provided by using organic 'or inorganic compounds of
metals in group V! of the periodic table.
-issledovatellskiy institut shinndy promyshlennosti (Scien-
tific Research Institute of the Tire Indusimi-
NO FEF SOV: 000 OTHEM: 000
SHILIMAS, Ye.l., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk.
Construction of precast reinforced concrete bridges on the roads
of Ukraine. Avt.dor.19 no.5:9-11 My '56. (MLU 9:8)
(Ukraine--Bridge construction)
NGVIKOVP N.V., gornyy inzh.; SHILIMAN, Ye.L., gornyy- Iviah.
Wio communication in 'At in tka-velonf;w Kne
No.7. Ugoll Ukr. 6 ho'll: (MIRA 15:12)
1. Trest Kadiyevpodzemshakhtostroy.
(Donets Basin-Radio in mining)
SHILIMANP Ye,L., inzh.@ NOVIKOV, N,V., illzh.,- BARDANOV, B.F., inzh.
Sinking of vertical shafts with the help of deep, blastholes.
Shakht. stroi. 8 no.9:26-2? S 164. (M-A 17-12)
1. Trest Kadiyevpodzemshakhtorstroy.
Contribution to the theory of automatic control systems with
modulation. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiofiz. 6 no.1:170,-lgl
163. (MIRA 16:7)
1. Nauchn6-'issledovatellskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri
GorIkovskom universitete.
(Automatic control)
Two-unit KAS-22 automatic knitter without casting-off mechanisms.
Tekst.prom, 21 no-5:66 my 161. (MIRA lcl:l)
(Knitting machines) (Hosiery)
Two-unit KAS-22 automatic knitter without casting-off mechanisms.
Tekst.prom. 21 no.5:66 m@r 161. MIR.A.- :L@r:'l )
(Knitting machines) (Irlosiery)
ACC NR: AR700-1885
SOURCE CODE: UR/0276/66/0001009/V032/V032
AUTFIC)R: Aryshenskiy, Yu. M.; Shillme ster B
Fedorova, T. M.
Yurkenik, T. A.
TITLZ;_ 1@roblemz related to wrapping V71-2 and OT4-1 titanium alloys
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniya, Abs. 9V235
REF SOURCE: Tr. Kafedry proi.;-va letatelln. apparatov. Kuybyshevsk. aviats.
in-t, vyp. 20, ch. 2, 1965, 55-59
TOPIC TAGS: titanium alloy, material deformation, mechanical properties,
wrap forrning, jacketing
ABSTRACT: A study was made of the maximum permissible amount of deforma-
tion of billets at which maximum strain hardening does not aff'ect rhe initial
mechanical properties of the material, The samples were exposZ6 to stretchina
prior to obtaining 2, 3, 5, 10, 12 and 15% of the residual elongation, after which the
experimental data were correlated with those obtained by calculation. it was
determined that in work-hardening by tension up to 5-576, the mechanical proper-
Card 1 / 2 UDC: 621,981, 011
ACC NR. AR7004885
ties of the specimen remain within the limits of the specificalior,:7., and that parts
can be- manufactured from these materials by wrap-form Lng without subsequent
annealing. A study was made of the effect of changes in thc me;-- -anical properties
due to dellormation by stretching and the changes in the permissil)te amounL of
11.hinninc, and narrowinrr of the material on the overall amount of deformation by
wrapping. ' Orig. art. has: 3 figures. S. Shirman. (Translation of abstracti
SUB CODE: 11, 13/
C.,d 2 / 2
ACC NRI AR700-1386 SOURCE CODE: UR/0276/66/000/009/V032/V032
AUTHOR: Sorokin, 1. N. Shillme,st
.; Grebennikov, 0. P.
TITLE: Test data on vibration wrapping of sheets
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniya, Abs. 9V236
REF SOURCE: Tr. Kafedry proiz-va letatelln. apparatov. Kuybyshevsk. aviats.
in-t, vyp. 20, ch. 2, 1965, 75-83
TOPIC TAGS: sheet metal, vibration analysis, metal test, material deformation,
vibration wrapping
ABSTRACT: Conditions for modernizing wrapping presses were an,@lyzed for the
purpose of using vibrational forming of blanks at the final stage of wrapping. A
laboratory setup was developed for wrap-forming vibration. According to the results
obtained from tests on the experimental setup, it was determined thlat the combina-1
tion of static and vibrational methods of application of force in form-Ing a specimen
reduces the number of transitory stages by 25-30%. The deformation resistance
of metal is reduced and the area of uniform deformations is sligh@I_Y increased. The!-
Card 1/2
UDC: 621. 981. 011
L2 7 =66 EWP(k)ZEW1(m)/EWA(d)/R1P(t) I-TP(c) JH/.T, /M
ACC NR;---A 6012612' SOURCECODE:' Ufi/0182/66/000/004/0023/06@4@'
AUTHOR: Sorokin, I. N.; Saparovskiy, S. V.; Smelyakov, Ye. P.; Shillmeyster,,B. D.
ORG: none
TITLE: Stretch foz!3in of metal sheets with vibrations
SOURCE: Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvocletvo$ no. hs 1966, 23-24
TOPIC TAGS: metal forming, sheet forming, stretch formings vibration forming
ABSTRACT:, Th effect 9f nvestigated in
vibration in stretch forming has been i
forming D16AMVuminum-fdloy sheets (200 x 300 x 1 mm). Vibrations were applied
either perpendicular to or in the direction of the stretching pressure. Perpendicu-
lar vibrations with a force of 110-355 kg, a frequency of 45-70 Hz, and an ampli-
tude of 0.3-0.8 mm increased considerablythe relative deformation at the same
stretdaing pressure. The relative deformations achieved in the first. four stretch
orming steps,..l2..5.,.k5-5, and 17.0%,without vibration and 11.0
and @6.6 wi vibratibn.
in the, direction of stretching pressure .at a fre-
quency of 20-30 Hz and an amplitude of 0.09-0.22 mm had a similar-effect. H in-
creased the relative deformation in five steps from 7.5, 9 -5, 12.o, 14x, and 16.o%.
to 13.5, 16.0, 20.0, 24.0, pnd.,27-.O%. -Thus,-, vibration* jincreases- the relative
deformation'and possible to achieve the desired shape in fewer steps or to,
use a lower pressure to achieve the same relative deformation c9mpared to
Card _I 12
unce 621.98.o4q
L L696;7-66 :@,wp 1@)Zg@j(m ') /EfdW t ) /'-!-,'PT TJPf'(.) JD
ACC NR: AT60 2981/66/000/004/0307/0311
AUTHOR., Golldbukht, G. Ye.; Mal'tseva, L. I.; Shi-I'mayster, B. D.; Chunarev, V. A.
ORG: none 1<
TITLE: Study of the capacity of semifinished Products of V95-Z alloy for cold defor-
SOURCE: Alyuminiyevyye splavy, no. 4, 1966. Zharoprochnyye i vysokoprochnyye splavy
(Heat resistant and high-strength alloys), 307-r3ll
TOPIC TAGS: cold working, metal deformation, Aluminum alloy property
ABSTRACT: Semifinished products of 'V95@-Z alloy (sheets of 1.5 and 4 rma, tubes 40 x
1-5 and 20 x 1.5 Mm. sections Pr100-6 and PrI13-2) were tested for cold deformation.1
Their chemical composition was (in %): Cu 1-5-2-7, 1-19 1--3-2.7s Zn 3.0-4-7, 61 0.2-0.18,
Fo up to 0.8, Si up to 0.7, Ti no more than 0.05, Cr up to 0.25. It was found tha
the sheet material in the annealed and freshly quenched state can be sub,jected to
stamping, forming and shaping operations. For sections with wall thicknesses of 1.0-
1-5 mm in the quenched and artificially aged state, the following operations are per-
missible., bending with radii up to 120 mm, fullering with extension and fitting of
the vertical flange with a radiusup to 90 mm, incisions w:i:th a deformation up to 40%,
beveling at angles up to 150. Tubes 40-20 mm in diameter with a wall thickness of 1.5
mm can be subjected to bending with radii up to 70 mm in the annealed and freshly
ACC NRt AT6024946
quenched states without preheating and in the quenched and artificially aged state
with preheating of the area of deformation. In the processes of cold detormationj@
@ied, the semifinished products of V95-2 alloy can be used instead oIUDI) AK6p 9,nd
LtU6 alloys for a number of products made by cold deformation
gai7 processes.
2 figures and 2 tables.
-@9@32WPFI'IRXRM@ fcr 30 min. in a
and immiersed in a @clm of P-.Ily@chiorovis@il resin
in,,.lL,GBu,,Ur dwhlarot,haae. The Luja thus'pepd- ia
p., ised un cr J.I kf ".I cm., --ad the prc:@Svd prnducl 11
'idried fur 2c; -11. aE
@2LIITIK, inzh.; SHILINIK, M.N., inzh.
New orotec
-tive coating for metal surfaces. Sudostroenie 25
no.6:30-32 Ja 159. (MA 12:9)
(Protective coatings) (Ships--Painting)
SHIMIUK. MI.. i-?izh,,- ITOUSKIf, E,V, , innh.
L'rXv-.-- plastic furniture for ships. Sudostroenie 27 no,O.@50-
53 0 161. (MIRA 14:22)
(Fla ati s-a )
(Sh-'Ps- --Equipment- & eup -
rfIK-YAR,10' - Y-.
a, e -G
"Morpholo7 of the Bisual Analysor", Zhurnal YZsshey Nervt-.ov Devatellnosti
Vol 4, No. 2, pp 289-304, 1954.
Neurohistology Laboratory, Brain Institute, Ministry Of Health USSR.
SO: Translation-M-730, 25 Aug 1955.
SHILINIKOV., A. kapitan 1-go ranga
Persuasiveness =d resultufulness in propAganda work. Kom Vooruzh.
Sil 2 no.4,.20-25 F 162. (MM 15.2)
1. Nachallnik otdela propagandy i agitatsii politupravleniya
Tikhookeansko flota.
@Iotussia-Armed forces-Politieal activity)
. .
Testing the RD-03 conical mill. 3umagodel.mash. no.6:83-90 '58.
(MM 13:8)
(Woodpulp industry--Equipment and supplies)
--- SHIL I NIKOVY J,,1___
Testing high-speed conical mills. Bumig-odel. mash. no.8:40-51 160.
(MIRA 14:3)
(Papermaking machinery)
YTills for woodpulp production. BumagGdel.mash. no-9:33-45 '61.
(KRA 15:1)
(Woodpulp industry--Equipment and supplies)
Disk mills for the production of wood fiber tiles. Bumagodel.mash.
no.9:46-52 161. (MIRA 15:1)
(Woodpulp industry-Equipment and supplies)
Industrial testing of the ML-01 and ML-05 conie'al refining mills.
Bumagodel.mash. no-9:53-63 '61. (KIRA 15:1)
(Papermaking machinery)
SHILINIKOV, I.L., in;3h.
Classification of conical beaters. Trudy LTITSBP no.11:27-33
162. (MM 16:10)
PEREKALISKIY, N.P., doktor tekhn.nauk; SRI-LINIKOV, I.L.,inzh,
- v.. .-- .-
Investi.gating the process of pulp baiting in a conic-al, ml-U.
Report No.l. Trudy LTITSBP lao.11.34-42 162. (m[RA 16-.1o)
Local use of tripaflavin in alveolar echinocoooosis of the liver.
Med.paraz.i parazobol, 29 noo0421-426 Jl--Ag 260o-
(MIRA 138
1. Iz kafedr gospitallno-y khirurgii. (zav. - prof. LL, Breqadze)
i patologicheskoy anatomii, (zav. - Drof. VOMO Konstantinovj Now-
sibirskogo meditsinskogo instituta td-ir. - prof. GoD. Z-alesskiy)
investi-gatinv the, milling p-oc-,i-,sa on con. ca@j mills. Trudy LTITSBP
no. 1.3 391-100 164. (141RA 18:2)
,@,UTHC;RS: r'f-- Y-u T an,' -.11 T 0
@J. _:-I.: -I--- - @ _j , .' -, k x -!.L 1.7 Y,
T IT'LE: Cn tine of tho. i`.atho,,@L cf
tc@ Siy'3temi@ of DiPi-n-rit-ta'
- I I- v I- L, _1 @;j us
-naul d c; r. t c J.
FERIODIC@.L! I-2:vostiye Q
ABSIIIRAv@lr 'Ohe, rv-t1lod dJ.r:-,%,:!rlbcd i5 b-a!@ed. iP,'--_lrkc@-.-..-'L' 0,
whezt-. a solluLlorl cf tlh'@l S-";,S,em Z-@' J,
su-h can bz@ f -ur_',d
Slizli..',ar per.Lodilo 3 11:' c.
suffi-'ient-ly wiiall u B F; (@a; I s in thi@'
ariallytical coritinui-ty of slio-z@il.j
ji ) Lwas 4.
tl--.c- lftllwl@_iotl li's ( 1; acn I - be
A..L . u
analytir,:, I if 1@yapunr)v 3 :L,- avpl i &j, tho-ri the
r 'L g h t- I ia r--,d t -- r ut e; f E q ( 11 111 b c :) m 43 m o 'T e 'l - IL m i tcd.
Thus I the met'nod .Iescribed can lbe epplied in 3ucll @3aSas
fr_fcticn, rela7Y- cor partly llinear systems. The
abo-ve limitations can Oe avoidled if a scries of peri'Gd-lc.
* - -T,@! de"ined as the
_-.1utioms of the f unc. t.J-)n Ps a L @
L2r casa r).'F' suIrfaces -wit-ll bjr._)I@en Th _J 3
I @2/ 3
AUTHORS: Neymark, Yu.I. aad-Shi __jU
TITLE: Investigation of Nearly Piece-linear Dynamic Systems
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika,
1960, Vol. 3, No- 3, pp.478 - 495
TEXT: The results obtained in an earlier work (Ref. 3) are
extended to the nearly piece-linear systems by employing the
method of a small parameter (Refs. 1-3)- It is assumed that
depending on the state and possibly the previous behaviour of
the dynamic system considered, O'CM can be described by one of
N systems of the differential equations of the type (Ref. 9):
dxj/dt = X@(t; xj, ..., xj
3- n.
(i 1.2, n j = 1.2, ..., N).
The transformation from description to q system of description
takes place when the transformation point is on the surface:
Card 1/6
E192/E 82
Investigation of Nearly Piece-linear Dyngle Systems
S (t; xl,..., xP 0; ns (t; XP .... xp 0 (1.2)
pq nP pq 1 nP
(s = ..., rpq);
Here, the values of the new variables x q xq at the
1 n
instant t are determined by the values of the previous variables
at the same instant and are defined by:
x q = Gpq (t; xp, ..., xp (1-3)
1 nP
(j nq)
The functions Xi of each system of Eqs. (1.1) and also the
Card 2/6 1
Investigation of Nearly Piece-linearflB%K18C2 Systems
functions S, A I G are capable of being differentiated a
suitable number of times. Further, it is assumed that if the
system is non-autonomous, i.e. if the time t is explicitly
present in at least one of the functions X, S, S1 , G , the
functions are periodic with a period 2TV-. The phase space of
the above system consists of phase sub-spaces 4)1' ""(1-n -
The transition from one phase sub-space -1 p into another sub-
space P is effected in accordance with the transformation
defined by Eq (1.3), provided the conditions of Eq.(1.2) are met.
Consequently, the points of the surface S pq of the phase sub-
space (Tp , which satisfy Bq. (13), can be regarded as being
identical with the corresponding points of the phase sub-space
@-iq As an example of a, system which can be describ-d by the
above equations, the following system of differential equations:
Card 3/6
Investigation of Nearly Piece-linea Namic Systems
dx i/dt fi (t; X11 ... I Xn)
(i 1.21) ..., n)
is cons�dered. In this system, the functions are subject
to the discontinuities of the first kind on the smooth surfaces
Sa , which split the space D of the variables X11 X2' "" Xn
and t into regions 'Dil Q., Dk . In each of these regions,
D. , the equations of motion are in the form of Eqs. (1.5), where
J -
f@ are smooth functions in D. In order to obtain a
3. J
complete description of the phase-point motion it is necessary to
determine what happens when the point reaches the boundary of the
region Di . For this purpose, various special cases of the phase
trajectories lying in the vicinity of the discontinuity surfaces S.
Card 4/6
E-1 -I %U8 2
Investigation of Nearly Piece-linear Jc -systems
are investigated. In the sub-space lk 2 a trajectory L is
described by a system of vectorial equations defined by Eq. (2.1).
Now the transformation TkGIC-1 of the solution of Eqs (2.1) Is
in the form of Eqs (2.5). Investigation of the stability of the
periodic solutions of the system represented by Eqs (1.1) for
IL = 0 is done by considering the characteristic equation, which
is in the form of Eq (3.6). The periodic solution is stable for
all the roots of the characteristic equation lying inside a unit
circle. It is shown that the periodic solutions corresponding to
the generating solutions for 1i are stable if (n - m ) roots of
the characteristic equation, are smaller than unity and if the roots
of Eq. (4.6) lie in the lefthand semiplane. The above analytical
results are used to investigate some special systems. The first
of these is described by Eqs (5-1). The second system is
Card 5/6
Investigation of Nearly Piece-linear ynam. c tems
represented by Eqs.(5-10); the periodic solutions of this
system are determined. The last example is represented by
Eqs. (5.12). There are 8 figures and 14 Soviet references. Vf
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issleaovatellskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy
instltut pr! Gor1kovskom unlversitete
(Scientiflc-Research PhysIcs-Engineering Institute
of Gorlkiy University)
SUBMITTED: January 16, 196o
eard 6/6
Study of the stability of the periodic motion of quasilinear systems.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radlofiz. 4 no.4:776-779 61. (miRA 14:11)
1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri
GorIkovskom universitete. -
(Oscillations) (Automatic control)
3 020/62/143/002/005/1"022
B 12/3108
C@Izlz:s oF Tiroduction of perlodic motions in
n-dimensional soace
'' 1 4va nau,'- :@`7SR. DoIclady, v. 1 no. 2, lc,621, 26-9-292
@i-e aluthor consiJers systems of differential ecuations
dx. 'C"t X x -,%rhere the parazieter u.= 0 corres-oonds to th
I " 2'
14' 4
eCU- - I-j U5-... Ccndit@ons are derived under wh ch a stable
r.,-r'cdic r, o t 4- on i sp@oduced by a trajectory enterinE the state of
ecuilibrium -wish -r- state of non-equilibrium. The nresent results are
,-.ellera-iZaZions of results obta 4ned by A. Andronov and Ye. A. Leontovich
sborn., j18 3, 3@5 (1959)). There are 1@1 references:
!2 Soviet and 1 ron-goviet.
Card 1,12
L@@2@ 3 M (b)/EWT (OVEWT(I@/M (@)/t (ir),4/8&@/W(V)'.@ -AYnClAFM
"73/A Wd/I JP (r,)ISSD Pd-@/Psi@ t@,4/Po@4# `4
AC-mmil in AP3004793.
L. P. (Gortkiy)
AMFIOR: Shillni
TITIZ: On certain cases of originating periodic motions from singular
SOURCE: Mateinaticheskiy sbornik, v. 61, no. 4,11963, 443-466
TOPIC TAGS: motion generation, stable periodic motion, saddle-node- e
oint transformation
equilibrium, saddle-type equilibrium, separatrix surface 'p
'. 4,
ABSTRACT: The following two cases of originating stable periodic motions from
singular trajectori
es are Investigated. a),from a.trajectory go,ing;from sadd.2:e..
node to saddle node and,b) from a trajectory going from.saddle to. saddle. In',-
the first case is considered the systemlof differential equat
1 0
NO X.;
where Xiare definite analytic functions with respect to the variables
Card 113
L 17835-63
xoY X.- Characteristics of the composite state of the saddle de,
are established for the parameter p. On the basis of these characteristics: it
posite state of.the'saddlci
is proved that when the com -node type.-vanishes
one periodic motion originates- from the@trajectory going fromtheAaddle node '.
to a saddle node which is not located on the se aratrix surface. This moticu
is stable either at t or at t In the second case is considered
the system of differential- equations.
; I n
where Xi Is a twice continuously'differentiable function with respect to the,
arg=ents xl,.
n, and p is the parameter. Assuming.that at ji, 0 system
(2) has a simp saddle-type state of equilibrium in which all roots of the
characteristic equation except the root Xn, > 0. have negative real parti, the
theorem is proved by establishing that when
-ReAi (0) 5 X. 104 As _1
1: rd 2/
-A 18.6)
- .
A ca3(3 of the axisterce c.1 a denuirerable set of ve.-I@odJc mot-ions.
Dokl. AN SSSR 160 no-3:558-56.1 Ja M.
(,',LfWi ISO)
1. issledovatellskly fiziko-telrdinicheskiy institut pri Gorlkcrvakom
gosud-rstvannom iiniversite. @im. N.I. Lobachevskogo. l3ubmiltted
July 28, 1964.
, lu. I . ; S@i ",INT L. "
I r I - @L I .
A cave. of,' renej-,!tlon (;f parludle motions. Foki. AN SSSR 160 no.6:
1261-1264 F '65. (,MIRA 18:21)
1. issiedoiTatellskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri Gorlkovskom
gosudarstvenno,.q universitete im. N.I. Lobachevskogo. Submitted
july 28, 1964.
1 -ri - , , - -, - T S-,-T T f , 'T VO TT 3-vT .S.
@j- L - --,@ IY L . -,-ra . ; L. 7@-TIU C:Y.' , . - . , . ;. @-- -- I - _,@ I " ,.--
- P.koriomika Transporta (The ---cono-mics of Transport). ',Toskva, lQ11,1,
Soviet Source:
Abstracted in VSkF "Treasure Island" gn file in Library of Congress, Air
Tnfor-ration Division, Feport no. 566
On the improvement of economic management in railroad transport.
Transp, delo 6 no.1:11-@4 154,
P.A.@ tekhnics msy,tmatiij@-
Elconomics of transportation] Alconomika transporta..Moskva,.Goe.
transp.zhel-dor.izd-vo, 1955. 61@ p. (MTRA 9:3)
SHILINIKOV, Hikolay Stepanovich.
- [Transportation in the U.S.S.R. and its growth] Transport SSSR i a 0
razvitie. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1957. 70 Pe (MIRA 10*55
Giloshman, A. Ye., S. K., Dmitriyev, V. I., Korneyev, A. 1.,
Tverskoy, K. Ti., Umfbliya, V. E. Khanukov, Ye. D., ChernGmordlik, D. T.,
Chudf@v, A. S. , Shii'nilkkov N. S,
--------- -
kononi nka. tran s (Ine EconomicG C" Transpiortat-ion.) 2d rev.
ed. ""Oscow, Transzheldcrizdat, 1957. 711 D. 30,000 copies
pr , 11 tei .
E(!.: K-ishtal'. L. I., Tech. ed.: K-hitrov, P. A.
.'_1PRPCSE: This texti-ook is intended for students in engineerin.-
econ,-,11q_ic branches of Railway Transportation Institutes, as well
as -7cr ra-'.Iway workers en_ra.r-ed in the iniependent st-udy c2 railT.-ay.
CCrV2M,k'GE: The economic aspects of railway transportation are dis-
cusseCi in "he tezftbook. It covers such slubiects as technical-
econ.-,mic pro'@@Iems, 'he -most effici-ent way to use available
facilities, methods for planning and organizing various branches
Of transportation operations and producticn, lwages, costs, finances,
anIJ bussiness accountability (kh_-%zras,_-'1et).
See card for Gibshrnan, A. Ye. for abstract.
Apartment house built by one brigade. Ila stroi.Ros. 3 no.8:&-9
Ag 162. (MMA 15:12)
1. Glavnyy inzhener Sverdlovskogo tresta Zhilstroy (for
Naydenov). 2.- Nachallnik otdela truda. i zarabotnoy platy
Sverdlovskogo tresta, Zhilstroy (for Shillnikov).
(Sverdlovsk-Apartment houses)
SHILINIEDV, V.A., kandidat takhnichaskikh xauk; KUBLANOVA, M.B., inzhener.
tLZQ - - 1. . -I . bA@
New method of testing gravel for wear. ATt. dor. 19 ne.2:18-19 1
156. (Gravel) (MLRA 9:6).
VOSTROV, A.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SHILINIKOV, V.A., kandidat
tekbnicheskikh nauk.
Stability of gravel roadbeds under asphalt concrete pavements.
Avt.dor.19 no.3:8-10 Mr '56. (MIRL 9:7)
SHIL'ITIKOV, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; KUBLANDVA. M.B.
Using small cement doses in strengthening crushed limestpne mixes.
Avt.dor. 21 no.10!6-7 0 158. (141RA 11:11)
(Limestone) (Cement)
SHILINIKOV. Viktor Alekseyevich: KUBLANOVA, Margarita Borisovna; YAKOVLEVA,
[Using cement in consolidating local materials to be used in
constructing roadbeds] Ukreplonie toemontom mestnykh materialov
dlia, dorozhnykh oanovenii. Moskva. Nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo H-va
avtomobillnogo tranap. i shossainykh dorog RSFSR, 1960. 45 p.
(MIRA 13:9)
(Cement) (Road construction)
- -'SHILlNIKOV.-V.I.,_mladshiy nauchmyy sotrudnik
Method used in iceberg observations. Inform biul. Sov. antark.
eskp. no-5:11-14 -'59. OIRA 12:10)
l.Arkticheskiy i antarkticheskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy
(Antarctic regions--Icebergs)
3(5) SOV/26-59-7-3/55
AUTHORS: Brodskiy, K.A., Markov, K.K., and Shillnikov, V.I.
TITLE: The Zonality of Moderate and High Latitudes of the
Southern Hemisphere
PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959, Nr 7, pp 19-26 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article deals with the establishment of zones of
moderate and high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere
based on the findings of the Antarctic expeditions of
the AS USSR during 1955-56, 1956-57, and 1957-58
well as those of Western scientists. It also discus-
ses hydrological and biological aspects of that region.
The char-t enclosed between pp 24 and 25 shows the boun-
daries of the antarctic, subantarctic, and moderate
zones as well as other geographical data compiled by
the Yx@editionary ship "Lena", the diesel-electric
ship "Obl", and the diesel ship "Kooperatsiya". The
article mentions the names of the following Soviet
scientists: B.P. Alisov, G.M. Tauber, V.I. Shillnikov,
Card 112 K.A. Brodskiy, K.K. Markov, Tolstikov, Golyshev, and
The Zonality of Moderate and High Latitudes of the Southern Hemi-
Kolp. There are 2 photos, 1 diagram, 1 chart, 4
graphs and 8 references,3 of which are Soviet, 3 Eng-
lish, 1 Argentinian, and 1 Australian.
ASSOCIATION: KomDleksna a Antarkticheskaya ekspeditsiya Akademii
nauk SSSR Mint Antarctic Expedition of the AS USSR)
Card 2/2
SHZSTERIKOV, N.P., mladshiy nauchuyy sotradnik;SHILINIKOV, V.I., mladsh-ty
nauchnyy sotradnik
Safety measures for cargo transportation on fast ice in the
Mirnyy areas. Inform. biul. Sov. antark. eksp. no.7:26-30 '59
(MIRA 13:3)
1. Arkticheskiy i antarkticheskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy
(Mirnyy region--Transportation, Automotive--Freight)
GORDIYOKO, P.A., starshiy nauchnvy sotrudnik; FRDOTOV, V.I., inzh.-
laborant- SHILIIUKOV, V.I., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik;
B@UYNIT Y, V.Kh.. do or geograf.nauk. red,; PAKEIAMA, K.K.g
red.; DRO7H7RTWA, L.P.,
EMaterials of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition, 1955- 1 Kate-
rialy Sovetskoi antarktichaskoi ekapeditsii. 1955- . Lenin-
grad, Izd-vo 0)(orskoi transport.". Vol.11. [Ice cover of the
ahore waters of eastern.Antaratical Ledianoi pokrov pribrezh-
nykh vod Vostochnoi Antarktidy. 196o. 116 p. (MMA 14:2)
1. Sovetskaya antarkticheskaya ekspeditsiya, 1955-
(Antarctic regionS--RUBsian exploration)
D228 D304
AUMOR: Shiltnikov, V. I.
TITLE: Experimental calculati.on of the volume of icebergs in
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 10, 1961, 56,
abstract 1OV371 (V sb. Probl. Arktiki i Antarktiki,
no. 6, L., Morsk. transport, 1960, 27-36)
TEXT: The experimental calculation is stated for the volume of icebe.@;o
in Antarctica in the sector between 44 0 and 16B 0E. 31,300 icebergs, con-
taining 4165 km3 of fresh ice, are situated in the area under considera-
tion. This value comprises 85% of the average amount of the annual dis-
charge of fresh water and ice in the Arctic Ocean. In the eastern half
of the described area of Antarctica there is 6 times more land ice than
in the western half. In their vertical and horizontal dimensions, the
icebergs of the eastern part considerably exceed those of the western half.
Card 1/2
Experimental calculation of... D228/D304
The average duration for the existence of icebergs is 12 years. The chief
role in the general volume of ice "breakage" in the sea belongs to the V
discharge glaciers. The "productivity" of ice shelves is two times less
than the volume of icebergs deposited from the discharge glaciers. The
significance of the land-ice barrier in the general "productivity" is
small- 4 references. fAbstracter's note: Complete translation._7
Card 2/2
SHILINIKOV V.I. mladshiy nauchny7 sotrudnik
Volume and number of icebergs in Antarctica. Inform. biul. Sov.
antark. eksp. no.21:34-)7 160. (MIRA 13:10)
1. Arkticheskiy i antarkticheskiy nauchno-issledovateltaki7 institut.
(Antarctic regions-leebergs )
BARDIN, V.I. aspirant; SHILINIKGV V.I., m3,adshiy neuchnyy sotrudnik
nProductivity" of the coast of eastern Antarotica. Inform. biul.
Sav.'antark. eksp. no.23:28-32 160.( (MUM 14: 5)
1. Moskavskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i ArkticheBkiy i
antarkticheskiy nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut. '
(Antarctic regions-Alaciers) ',
"Methodological directions." No.14: Aerial observations of sea ice.
Reviewed by V.I.Shillnikov, V.I.Reshetkin. Okeanologiia 1 no.4:
773-774 161. (XIRA 14:11)
(S6a ice)
I-PHILINIKOV, _YI,,,,mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; BARDIN, V.I., aspirant
Distribution of icebergs off th-e coasts of eastern Antarctica.
Inform. biul. Sov. antark. eksp. no.36:19-21 162.
(MIRA 16:4)
1. Arkticheskiy i antarkticheskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy
institut i Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
(Antarctic regions-Icebergs)
,KUlPF*7 SK IY t V,N, @ z, LAX`iONOV I, z"_F - --SHIL'I'L5011i 'IJI
R C- ',' - -@ -- ii:e c the
- C" VzS. Ra7g,rO-Vel,
Okeanc-og-.*-.2@@-- 5 noj@,1@3,@-186 165, (WRA 1,,`4)
SHILINIKOV, V. I. -- "The Effect of Disorders in Zoohygienic Maintenance
Conditions on the Development of Pulmonary Diseases in Lambs." Min
Agriculture USSR. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of
Candidate in Veterinax-j Sciences).
So.: Knizhnaya Litopis', No. 7, 1956.
USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals. Noninfectious Diseases R-2
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, No 31105
Author Komarov, N.M., Shiltnikov V I.
Inst ---------
Title Prevention of Pulmonary Diseases in Lambs During the Summer
Orig Pub Ovtsevodstvo, 1957, No 6, 44-45
Abstract It is pointed out that the incidence of pulmonary diseases
in lambs in the summertime is due to overheating of the
organism, associated with a high temperature of the air and
prolonged insolation. The keeping of lambs under light
awnings in hot weather, and equipping artesian and shaft
wells with tank for heating the water before watering the
animal , constitute the surest measures for preventing pul-
monary diseases in lambs.
Card 1/1
SHILINIMV, V.I., kand.veterinarnykh nauk
Survival of the virus of foot-and-mouth disease in water, soil, and
vegetation in the zone adjacent to the tundra in the Komi A.B.S.R.
Trudy VIEV 22:112-119 159. (MIRA 13:10)
(LDMi A.S.S.R.-lbot-and-mouth disease)
SHII I NIKOV, V. 1. (Candidate of Veterinary -Sciences ( VIGIS),-- and- SHWAKOVICH, -E-. - E.
11 isolated Stallrange Type Maintenance of Calves, as a Method for the Prevention
of Dictyocaulus Infestatinn".
Veterinariya, Vol. 37, No. 9, P. 30, 1960.
SIMIKOVICTI, Yo.Yu., prof.; SHIL'IUKOT, V.I., kand.taterinarnyl-h nauk
Isolated raising of calves in stalls with outdoor runs is the
method for prevention of dictyocaulosis. Veterinariia 37
no.9:30-32 S 160. (1,11111A 14: 11)
1. Vsesoyuznyy institut gellmintologii im. akad. K.I. Skryabina.
(Calves-Diseases and pests)
SHILINIKOV, V.I., kand. veter. nauk
Search for anthelmintics against dictyocaullosis of calves. Trudy
VIGIS 10:220-223 163. (MIRA 17:9)
SHILINIKCVI, V.I., kand. vet. nauk; MjZYKCJVSKIY, A.M., vet. vrach
Testing the anthelmintic effect of irethyridine on Dictyocaulus
infestation of cattle. Trudy VIGIS 11:173-174 164.
(MIRA 18:12)
SHILINIKOV, V.I., kand. vet. nauk
Use of aerosols of aluminum iodide in dewormirg sheep
infested with Dict-yocaulus. Trudy VIGIS 11:199-201
164. (MIRA 18:12)
SHILINIKOVA, A. (Leningrad)
- - I-_ - -- -
Seminar for chemistry teachers. Politekh. obuch. no-5:90
My '58. (Chemistry--Study and teaching) (MIRA 11:5)
i a. egog. nauk
SRILINIKOVI@v , kan-4. ped- 0
Oo@aupai-r-=sl raTtirzex-sut5 4@f chemici&-l - rksTs. F3.4".-tekh. abr.
RA iT-7@
23. =. 7*3 Jl 164. . -11.i
r .-nnyy Ur@ I
@ -Lactones and r-lactams. Part 40: Position of the substituent
entering an 06-pyrone ring during electrophilic substitution
reactions. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.9:2835-2836 S 164.
(MIRA 17:11)
1. Hoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
d'--Lactones and f-lactams. Sulfonation of 2-pyrones. Vest.
Mosk. un. Ser. 2: Khim. 19 no.6:60-62 N-D 164.
(MIRA 18:3)
1. Kafedra organicheskoy khimii Moskovskogo universiteta.
L E) EG 5 (0-21E,,P(J)1--...T(m)1T Pc-4/Pr-4/Pa-VPt-1O/Pa-4/Pb-4
ACCESSION NR: AT5002132 S/0000164/000/000/0220/0225
AUTHOR: Nuromova, R. S. ;- F.etneva. 1. D.'; 4faij.14_1Meyar,
__Al Demi-
dova, T. V.; Pervukhlnk, ShkhiXants 1. V.; Shillnikova, 1.
TITLE-. SvnthestAof amino acidslof the hexane series and of polyamides
based on sucii acids
SOURCE; AN SSSR. Institut neftckliimicheskogo sintcza', Sintoz i
svoystva nonomerov (The synthesis and properties of monomers). Moscow,
Izd-vo Nauka, 1964, 220-225
TOPIC TAGS: amino acid, polyamide, Nylon) "thermal stabiliti
ABSTRACT: New amino acids have been prepared and converted to ijew
polyamides with high thermal.stabilityi Table I of the Enclosure lists
Clio amino acid monomers and the melting points of the monomars and
polymers (all Clio monomers except the (4-aminocyclohexyl acetic
acids are new). Fig. 1 of the-Enclosure shows a typical thermomachan-
ical curve. Polycondensation was carried out in scaled ampuls under
Card 1/4
L 2o684-65
nitrogen at 200-320C. The polyamides from the trans monomers were
insoluble in the solvents common for polyamidas, and were soluble
only in concentrated 112SO4. The polyamides from the CLS monomers
were solub/le in th or, n polyamido-solvants. Fusible h
stab i I i ry,,@co no IV me rs 1w ere prepared from the new amino acids and c-capro-
lacta;,711-71-or r,-aminoenanthic acid.,[ The copolymers malted at tamp-
-43- -and were sol'61' 112SO4
drAtures of up t7o' 50d u e both in and in
cresol. Orig. art. hass 5 formulas, 2 figures and I table.
NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER:* 007 ATD PRESS: 3165
Card 2/4
L M684-65
147a IM J00 ro J4941 w -C
Fig. 1. Thermomochanical curve for the polyamida from
trans-4-aminocyclohaxylacatic &cid
Card 3/4
L 20684-65
Table 1. Properties of polyamides from a,w -amino
acids with cyclohexane
Amino acid
I M.P., C
monomer @olvamld
trans-us,N- -
01 3W SIG 0.43
cis-11"i- IIICOOII 290 M .0.50
trans-il,N-,'@ 1H-CII,-CO0H 292 400 0.67
cis-l[,N- --CHr-CHr-GOOH
0 253 260 .0.78
trans-ij.,N11IC-0--cIfICOO11 257-259 42 3-M.
cis-1I4,N1iC--CH.COOIi 120
card 4/4
MORUMOVA, R.S.; PLETNEEVA, I.D.; PERVUKHINA, 1.V.; Rrinim,01;j. uchastiye:
A, L. N.
Polyamides based on amino acids of the cyclo@exane series.
Part 2: Synthesis of cin- and tx--ns- -(-',-aminocyclohexyl)
propionic acids and 'uheir polysmides. Vyaokom. soed. 5
"'14-2 - i
C 1-1278 0 f63. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy
institut azotnoy promyshlennosti i produktov organicheskogo
SHILINIKOVA, V,K,, kand. biolog. nauk
Criterion of the effectiveness of nodule bacteria. Izv.
TGKH& no-4:71-86 165. (MIM 18:11)
1. Kafedra mikrobiologii Moskovskoy sellskokhozyaystvennoy
ordena Lenina akademii Timiryazeva. Submitted December 17,
Nitrogen composition of bleeding sap in pea plants bacterized
with strains of nodule bacteria of various effectivity. Izv.
AN SSSR.Ser.biol. no.6s840-844 N-D 162. (MIRA 16:1)
1. Timiryazev Agricultural Academy of Moscow.
YEMTSEVJ V.T., kand. biolog. nauk, dotsent; 5jjT4I'j A
@JpV V.K.,, mladshiy
nauchnrf ootrudnik; GROMMO, Ye.P,, m1adshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Natural inoculation of forage bean and kidney bean plants in
turf-Podzolic soils. Izv. TSKHA no.4:55-64 163. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Institut, mikrobiologii AN SSSR. 2. Moskovskaya. ordena Lenina,
sellskokhozyaystvennaya, akademiya imeni K.A. Timiryazeva (for
,,S,:, kand.tekhri, na-,A@, PUIFENKO, 11 K. , 4 nzh.; SIIIL-NIKOVSKIY.
inzh,; PLCTRIKOV, inzh.,
Improvj-ng the technology of manufactur-ir prestressed reinforced
beams on the TsKB extended stand, Trudy Zap.--Sib.fil.ASjA
no.3-.1.20-131 160, (MIRA 15:2)
A.G.. inzhener-mar'r-s-i9,,,de:-.
---- - mmomm"Ift
Surveying ojeratirns in shaft sirking fcr an additional two-story
depth. Gor.zhur. no.6:61 je '57. (ML-HA 10:8)
I.Ilivioqpravleniya ir-oni Frunze.
(!7ine surve-In,")
(@;haf t sin!!:ing)
The NW3 high-duty forging crank presses. Sbor. Novo-Kram.
mashinostroi. zav. no.3:4,G-63 t59, (MIRA 17:1)
VORONKOV, N.I.; GITW, F.M.; SHILO, A.Ye.; GVAY, P.I., dotsent, otv. za vypusk
[Experimental and theoretical study of two-layer panels fo-r roofs
with prestressed reinforcement] Experimentallno-teoreticheskoe 4,3-
issledovanie dvuk-hsiri-Vid, nanelei dlia perekty-tiia s predvaritellno-
napriazhennoi arri.,itt,, ,-. inepropetrovsk. Inzhenernc-stroitellnyi
institut. Nauchnoe 3oobshchenie,, no.45). (1-URA 16:8)
(Reinforced concrete construction)
SAZONOV, N.A... akademik; BARAIIOVSKIY, E.V., inzh.; SHILO, B.D., inzli.
Use of deeply-placed electrodes for grounding rural electrical
systems. 1,L-kh.i elek.sots.sellkhoz. 20 no-4:54-56 162.
(MIM 15:8)
1. TSentralinyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut mekhanizatsii
i elektrifikatsii sel'skogo khozyaystva nechernozemnoy zony SSSR.
2. Akademiya nauk Belorusskoy SSR (for Sazonov).
(Rural electrification) (Electricity in agriculture)
Acute aminazine poisoning in schizophrenia. Zch-av. Bel. 9 nc.84.
82 Agt63 (MIRA 17:3)
1. @7aveduyushchiy otdeleniyem Polotskoy sikhonev'rologicheskoy
boltnitBy (glavnyy vraGh K.L. AhishchenkZ
AccEssim NR-. Ap4o4o431
AUT HOR: Shilov, 0. Ye.
TITLE: Proper boundary value problem in a half space for linear partial
differential equations with constant coefficients
SOPLE: Uspekhi matematichoskikh nat;k, V. 19j, no. 3(117),p 1964,v 3-52
TPPIC TAGS: boundary value problom, half space, partial differential equation,
constant coefficient, fundamental solution, Fourier transform
ABSTRACT: The aathor studies
P -L)U(i X" ...' X")=o (t)
TT , -WX-j ar, I
(f >- 0, - co < xj < oo, 1, 2, n).
to find conditions at t - 0 (or if necessary as t + oD) to guarantee existence
of the solution u(t,x). Each such collection of conditions also forms, by defird-
'Vion, a proper boundary value problem in a half space for (1). He describes the
class of functions in which proper problems are given and proves one basic theorem,,
given roughly as.- suppose on each of the sets Aj defined by the author in terms
Card 1/3
of the terms in the considered differential equation, there is given a function
vj(d) extendable to the entire real Euclidean n-space to a square integrable
.function., then
0MU (t. X) ahu It, X) X
')IM Pk ax ath
has a solixtion u(t.,x) for which the Fourier transform of
coincides on AJ-1 With vJ-1 (o)j j This solution u(t,x) for each t > 0
is the square integrable and as t -;@cv grows not faster than a power of t togeth-
er wi.h its first m-l derivatives :Ln t. It is unique among such solutions and
continuously dependent on the vj(o') with the proper topology& The author then
defines a class ol regu)Ar functions arA reEluess the problem of theiT genexal
9OZad,:f0a tO &Wd df 4=M&nW4;10& 0,C & f=4007W R,0=1012, ER 0VMP,0WV t)20
fundamental solution for an homogeneous regular equation with simple Pharacteristic
roots. DzIg., a2t, has: 20D Somi1as,
@Card 21.3
SKILO. L- Ta., gornyy inshener
Consolidation of service shops in miness Ugoll 35 U0911:24-27 N
16o. (RIPA 13:12)
1. 'Zhianovskoyen No 5/6 shakhtoupraylonlye tresta Ok-tyabr.lugoll,
kombinat Stallangoll. . .1
(Donets Basin.-Coal mines an4 mining-Equipment and supplies)
cSHILOI L.Ya., gornyy inzh.
Portable head frame for dump piles. Ugoll Ukr. 5 no 5:24 My 161.
ZMRA 14: 5)
(Coal mines and mining----Equipment and supplies)