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110-12-12/19 Compensation of the Transformer e.m.f. of a 50 cls Single-phase Commutator Motor. SUBMITTED: July 30, 1957 , AvAIIABIE: Library of Congress. Card 3/3 110-58-5--//25 AUTHOR:- Shil'diner Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Determination of the Inductance of the Armature Winding of a d.c. Machine (Opredeleniye induk-'%-,ivnosti obmotki yakorya mashin postoyannogo toka) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti, 1958, Vol 29, Nr 5, pp 22 - 24-(USSR) ABSTRACT: This article supplements one published in Elektrichestvq 19482 nr 11. It examines the component of the armature winding inductance L al which is due to flux-linkage of the armature winding flux. Other components -of the armature winding and commutating-pole inductances can be calculated by available formulae. Experimental investigation of the total inductance of the armature circuit is described. An electric motor, ty-pe PN-68, 220 V, 50 A, 2 200 r.p.m. was used. The change in the total inductance of the armature circuit L a of a d.c. machin-- during transient processes depends on eddy currents in the solid parts of the magnetic circuit and on the value of the flux in the main Doles. An experimental study of the relation- Uard 1/s hip between La and the flux in the zain*poles was made by lio-58 -:-;?-?/25 Determination of the Inductance of the Armature Winding of a d.c. Machine oscillograms taken of rising and falling currents with the armature locked and various values of field current. Oscillograms of the increase and decrease of current are given in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. In each case, curves are shown for various field currents. The total inductance of the armature winding with commiitating poles is related to the armature current by means of the current decrease oscillogram and is plotted in Figure 3. A new method of determining L al is proposed; it is based on experimental determination of the armature reaction cross-flux. The experimental procedure is described. The results of reaction cross-flux measurements for various steady current values with a locked armature are tabulated. It will be seen that for the motor in question, with a steady armature current of 185 A, the reaction cross-flux hea7ily saturates certain parts of the magnetic circuit. The magnetising force of the main poles does not affect the final value of the cross-flux, as is confirmed by the experimental results given in Figure 3. This point is of Uard2/3 110-58-5-'@ )@25 Determination of the Inductance of the Armature WindiLLg o a d.c. Machine importance and the proposed method of determining L al is based on it. The formulae used in the calculation of the inductance are derived. In order to determine L a by the method it suffices to determine experimentally the armature reaction flux for the appropriate pole are and the coi,responding steady total armature current. There are 5 figures, 1 table and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet and 2 English. Card 3/3 8(2) SOV/105-59-7-23/30 AUTHOR: Shilldi-ner.,L1. M.,,'Candidate of Technia@l Sciences (Moscow) TITLE: Electromagnetic Vibrator With 1500 Vibrations per Minute (F.lektromagnitnyy vibrator na 1500 kolebaniy v 1 min) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1959, Nr 7, PP 83 - 84 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An electromagnetic vibrator (Fig 1) with a power output of 3-1 - 3-5 kva (real power 0.64 - 0-72 kw) and a weight of 65 kg is described. It warrants 1500 vibrations per minute with an armature-amplitude of 10 mm. The vibrator is used for the sorting out of grain. Figure 2 shows an oscillogram illustrating the variation of the current in the coil of the electromap)et which is connected in series to the net with the device for contactless breaking of the current-The contact- less current-breaker allows the current to pass from the mains to the electric circuit only during one mains current period, and interrupts it during every following period. The number of breaks is 1500 per minute. The mode of action of the contact- less circuit breaker is described. It consists of an induction coil and a capacitor which form an oscillatory circuit. The Card 1/2 inductivity of the induction coil varies periodically between Electromagnetic Vibrator With 1500 Vibrations per Minute SOV/105-59-7-23/30 two limits. The system of the vibrator drive operates with the greatest economy if the current resonance occurs at the lowest inductivity, also ift for this purpose, capacity must be considerably increased. Figure 4 shows an oscillogram of the vibration of a vibrator frame for the sorting out of grain. There are 4 figures and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: January 12, 1959 Card 2/2 SHILIDIIMR.- .14., kand.tekhn.nauk I R eply to the grticle "Greation of a single-phase traction commutator motor for industrial -Preqtiency@ Vest.elektroT )rom. 31 no.1:65-68 Ja 160. MILM 13:5) (Electric railway motors) 0*0*00000000 'Ill, tt ! I 111 0 A a, r_ A. 1-2-iL. T go 00 3778. BOILER EFFICIENCIES WEEK USIUG GASs Shilikrj@@, Xa.-M- (ZA Ekonomiyu Topliva (Fuel Economy). iNff- No. 10, 1-7). First report on tests carried out at the A14-Russis, Heat Engineering Institute (V.T.I.) with powdered coal and peat for boiler furnaoss, with details and diserans. A S .S L AWAIL IZGII&L LITF4,1114f CLASSIFKATIGH ;Sid IT It IT Of K K d W 9 I. A low S@Anl W C" All 4M '*--00 0:0 go* 4P 0 * 0- 0,4' W 0 @ W 0 WA, &A -bid Mee Xes zoo 0 1W W W W W all 1 11 v W W W W W W W W v - - - 111 't 1, t 1, 1, t I I 10 - -. 0 1 o 1-ciligs Aa P.C@10114* oil so so A 1909. COLL-AM MILLED-PRAT-FIRED FURNACES. Shildkrot, * _ -- 9. M. (Za Ekonomiyu -.opliva (Fuel Soon.) YiW. l947, , (11y, 26-31). Givos diagrasts, tables and graph& showing results of tests with coal-and millod-poat- firing. 21 ,it v1j;1! J; !S*.$LA a[ I ALL URGICAL -LIMATWE CLASWICATKIN u n Ir KW ft I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *00 New vo.Inv _%J, _r4 0 14 1 1 X BI 0 A3 G 3 11 1 49 on of alt ral w-th louvere- :,:@pvration -n -,@-e 7) :-Q.",tillv L-ist of .-ussian o-." Con=ess, Nov:,mber 17-42. -r - Q AID Xr. 987-10 MOE@JLE ASSETABLIES (USSR) ShiVdkret. Prlboros.troyenlye, Gepqelev, D. L., S. Ya. Kabak, and-a, no. 4, Apr 1963, 20-21. S/119/63/000/004/007101.0-1 f3 EL F is. I converter-stabil 4 zer =C&Lle Fig. Illodulator zu@d. demodu@tor n6dule' P-5s=bly ez 6 emb ly Card B X@- 9-7-2.0 22 I'DIDUM"'ASS.- LIES [Cont d) S/2-19/631000/00VO07/02-0 The L-iflization of miniature sernifinished Droducts for th6 constzuction of modular assumblies viould result- In an increcao;,e of assembl' compactness from 1. 5-@-2 elements to 4-5 elqlnents Fi,. shows a converter stabilizer per cm contain. two T@-9 d:ioder@,, two J@-OU-53 diodes, JFi v e11-13 trans ist-ors, and. ei&: TL- 0.2 5 resistors. Fig. 2 shows the modular assembly of a modulator and demodula+or con-taining tlwo,[@-808 diodes, four H-13 transistors, and three Ir IrT J,@ -S ISU)", nctional bl-ocl,-s are simple to build and adjust. 0 rc s, -oth fL Each has two primed plates v.,hich differ from those of the other in the design-.,. of their printed c-ircuits. (DW I Card 2/2 SHILTEROT. M, Diery year is another Step in outputt. Ifla stroi.Ros. 6 no.2:1-3 F 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Nachallnik Glavnogo upravleniya. po stro-itellstv-u v Moskovskom ekonamicheskom rayone Ministerstva straiteltstya RSFSR. Y.HUDOSOVTS'EV, H.M.; IVAINOVSKIY, G.I.; SHIL'UKROT, M.A.; SLIV1141SKly, A.I., inzh.; KASBUBA, V.A. Contribution of construction workers to the creation of a material and tpchnical foundation for communism. Prom. stroi. 39 no.9: IO-2c) 161. (MIRA 1-4, 10) 1. Predsedatel' Luganskogo sovnarkboza (for Khudosovtsev). 2. Predsedatel' Zaporoz@.skopo sovnarkhoza (for Ivanovskiy). 3. Zame- stitel' predsedatelya Sverdlovskogo sovnarkhoza (for Sbil'dkrot). 4. Zamestitel' oredsedatelya Dnepropetrovskogo sovnarkhoza (for Slivinskiy). 5'. Zanestitel' predsedatelya 5ovnarkhoza Altayskogo kraya (for Kashuba). (Industrial buildings) (Construction industry) SHILIDROT) Ift. Prefabrication techniqtes used in housing imnstruction in Sverdlovsk Province. -Zhil. stroi. no.10:9-12 d';163.. - (MMA 34: 10) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya Bverdlovskogo samiarkhoza. (SverdlovskI,.:Pr`a-.7i@ice Precast corcrete) artment houses) (Sverdlovsk-P@ov - 7-7 SHILIDOUT, 11. Machinery - Prices Prices ol equipment in the capitalistic countries. Vnesh.tor.g. no. 3, 1952. Yonthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Conlaress, June 1952. Unclassified. It.- - -6 -, -IL ; @@Ifff I ffu.-t Wool Trade and Industry Wool market in the capitalist countries. Vnesh. torg. 22 no. 6 152. 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September --)D= Uncl. DIKANSKIY. M., SHIL#DKR@Tl, V. Commodity exchange on the decline. Ynesh.torg. 27 no.4:13-19 '57. (MLRA 10:5) (Commodity exchanges) -7 Gri Vladimir brsmovich OLODKIN, Rafael' gorl. A. �111'DKRUT# A GARSIA, L., red.; TROYANOVSKAYA, N., [Trade of monopolies with underdeveloped countries] Torgoviia monopolii a ekonomicheski slabo rezvity-mi stranami. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1957. 151 P. (MIRA 11:2) (Monopolies) (Underdeveloped areas) (International economic relations) AT-EKSEYEV, A.F.; BORISENKO, A.P.; GLIKSON, V.I.; GROMOVA, N.Y.; KRA OVSKATA, A.I.; NOVIKOVA, N.H.; OVCHAROVA, A.I.; KRVOYNIK, P.I.; CRURAKOV, V.P.; SHASTITKO, V.K.; (EORGIYEV, Ye.S., red.; SHILIDKRUT. V.A., red.; LEVCHUK, K.V., red.; T-WA At I.S., tekhn-.-r-ed-.- [Prices on the world capitalistic market; a handbook] TSeny miro- vogo kapitalisticheskogo rynka; spravochnik. Koskva, Vneshtorgi2dat, 1958. 391 P. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatellakly konnyunkturnyy institut. (Prices) SHIL .1J)'K Q@ UT V, F) j INSKIY, Tu.N.; PCLTANIN, D.V.; MMZHINSKIY, Ye.l.; IVANOV,I.D.; SRR 9 Tu*A*; KOSTTUKHIN, D.I.; DUIEKIN, A.N.; ITMOV, A.S.; FINOGENOV, V.P.; ZAKHMATOV, M.I.-, SOLODKIN. R.G.; DUSHIROKIN, V.N.; BOGDANOV, O.S.; SMVA, L.V.; GONCHAROV, I.N.; Y IN, G.I.; LTUBSKIT, H.S.'; PUCHIK, Te.P.; SEROVA, L.V.; KAMSKIT, N.K.; SMELIN IKOV, L.V.; FEDGROV, B.A.; GERCHIKOU, I.N.; XARAVAYEV, X.P.; ICA OV, L.N.; SHIPOV, TV.P.; VLADIMITIMT, L.A.;. KUT OV, A. A. RTABININA, E.D.; ANAWYEV, P.G.; ROGOV, V.V.; BELOSH-MKIN, D.K.; OTMIMULTMOV, I.M.; PARFZNOV, A.Ta.; SMIBBOV, V#:P.; SEUT, A.F.; SRjL!IKRUTT-V-.-A-., CHURAKOV, V.P.; BORI 0, A.P.; ISUPOV, V.T.; ORLOVA, N.V., red.; GORTUNOVA, V.P.,red.; BELOSHAPKIN, D.K., red.; GZORGIYEV, Te.S.ired.; KOSAREV, Te.A., red.; KOWIU IN, D.I., red.; MATOROV, B.V., red.; PANKIN, M.S., red.; PICHUGIN, B.M., red.; POLTAKIN, D.V., red.; SOLOMKIN, R.G.j red.; UPIMOV, I.S., red.; EMIN, P., red.; SMIRNOV, G., [Economy of capitalist countries in 19571 Ekonomika kapitalisti- cheskikh strah V-1957 godu. Pod red. NqV.Orlova, IU.N.Kapelinskogo i V.P.Goriunova. Mosk7a, I.zd-vo BOtBialino-ekon.lit-ry, 1958. 686 p. , (MIRA 12:2) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy kon"ynnkturnyy institut. (Economic conditions) KAPFTIIISKIY, Yu.11.; POLYAND, D.V.; ZOTOV, G.M.; IVANOV, I.D.; SkMGMV, Yu.A.; MEIMIIISKIY, Ye.A.; KOSTYUKKII, D.I.; DUDUKIN, A.N.; IVAITOY, A.S.; FINOGER[OV, V.P.; ZAKHRATOV, M.I.; SOLODKIN, R.G.; DUSHEIISKIII, V.N.; BOGDAIIOV, O.S.; SHROVA, L.V.; GONCHAROV, A.N.; LYUBSKIY, M.S.; FUCHIK' Ye.P. [deceased]; KAWNSKIY, N.H.; SOELINIKOV, L.V.; GERCHIKOVA, I.N.; FEDOROV, B.A.; KARAVAYSV, A.P.; KARPOV, L.H.; VARTUIUN, E.L.; SHIPOV, Yu.P.; ROGOV, V.V.; BOGDANOV, I.I.; VLADIMIRSKIY, L.A.; LEBEDEV, B.I.; ANAN'Y3V, P.G.; TRINICH, P.A.; GOLOVIN, Yu.M.; MATYUKqIN, I.S.; S'_4@YIJLIIRJL'_TXOV, A.M.; SHILADKRUT, V.A.- AIOKSTf.EV, A.F.; BORISENKO, A.P.; CHURAKOV, V.P.; SRASTITKO"i .,M. ORUS, V.G,; ORLOV, N.V., red.; KAPELINSKIY, Yu.N., red.; @;@@TOV, V.P., red. V redaktirovanii prinimali uchastiye: BELOSWKIN, D.K., red.; GA"ORGIYWV, Ye.S., red.; KOSAREV, Ye.A., red.; PAITKIN, M.S., red.; PICHUGIN, B.M., red.; SHKAIREIIKKOV, Yu.S., red.; MIMI.ROV, V., red.; BORISOVA, K., red.; CHEPELEVA, 0., [The economy of capitalistic countries in 19581 W-onomika kapita- listicheskikh stran v 1958 godiz. Pod red. N.V.Orlova, IMT.Kape- linskogo, V.P.Goriunova. Moskva, Izd-vo sotsiallno-ekeA.lit-ry, 1959. 6og.p. (MMA 12:12) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledo-vatel'skiy kon"yunkturnvy institut. (Economic conditions) POLYANIN, D.V.; ZOTOV, G.M.; GRYAZNOV, E.A.; MENZHINSKIY, Ye.A.; RUBININ, A.Ye.; CHEBOTAREVA, Ye.D.; ZAKHMATOV, M.I.; OKUNEVA, L.P.; SHMELEV, V.V.; STULOV, A.A.; POKROVSKIY, A.N.; SHILIDKEUL V.A.; IVANOV, A.S.; NABOROT, V.B.; FINOGENOV, V.P.; KURIYEROV, V.G.; KHRAMTSOV., B.A.; BATYGIN, K.S.; BOGDANOV, O.S.; KRDTOV, O.K.; GONCHAROV, A.N.; KRESTOV, B.D.; LYUBSKIY, M.S.; SOKOLINIKOV, G.O.; KANENSKIY, N.N.; YASHCHENKO, G.I.; SAHELINIKOV, L.V.; GERCHIKOVA,I.N.; FEDOROV, B.A.; STEPANOV, G.P.; BORODAYEVSKIY, A.D.; INGATUSHCHENKO, G.K.; VARTUMYAN, E.L.; KAFELINSKIY, Yu.N.. red.; 114AYOROV, B.V., red.; NABDROV, V.B., red..- SOLODKIN, red.; DROZDOV, A.G,, red.; ROSHCHINA, L., SOLOVIYEVA, G., m1adshiy--red.; CHEPELEVA, 0., tekhn. red. [The economy of capitalist countries in 1961; economically de- veloped countries]Ekonomika kapitalisticheskikh stran v 1961 godu; ekonomicheski razvitye strany. Pod red. IU.N.Kapelinskogo. Moskva, Sotsekgiz, 1962. 447 p. (MIRA 16-2) (Economic history) SHILIDKRUT, V. Price determination in foreign trade. Vnesh. torg. 43 no.l: 49-52 164. (NIR-4 17:2) SHILIDYAYEVt P.S.; NAZAROV, K.I. -Experience gained in departmental testing laboratories. lzm.takh* no.6:69-73 N-D 156. (MIRA 10:1) (Testing laboratories) t 1074-66 DIA(k)/FBD/EtIT.(].)/EWP(e)/EVIT(M)/EEC( )_2/EWF(i)/T/W(k)/EWP(b'/,4@.'' k wu/ ACCESSION NR: APS008742 S/0056/65/048/003/9045/0849@ ILI AUTHOR: Dorodulin, V. I.; Yermakova, N. A.; 4vlitip L. A1Sh1l'dYaYevi-V.'S.@ TITLE: Emission of single pulses of coherent light by a two-component medium with negative absorption SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticbeskoy fiziki, v. 48, no. 3, 1965j,._': 845-849 TOPIC TAGS: coherent light, negative absorption, pulsed laser, ruby laseri'air T-4 breakdown ABSTRACT: Stimulated emission Is-studied In a medium containing two types of quantum emitters with identical energy transitions in a Fabry-Perot resonator, When the relationship between parameters reaches:a certain value, this type of medium emits single pulses of light. The:shape, amplitude, energy and duration of the pulses are theoretically determined. Emission of this type'-was experi- mentally observed in a two-component medium consisting of a cylindrical ruby: single crystal 75 mm long with a Cr-concentration of 0.05%, and a pLine-parallel plate of KS-19 glass 3 = thick located in a resonator withmirrors':having trans-. mission factors of 0 and 30%. Pumping was done by pulse discharge of a-1600-jould capacitor bank through two IPr-800 tubes. The emitted @ulse'had a duration of.10_[@ Card 1/@ L 1074166 ACCESSION NR: AP5008742 -2/ -80 nanoseconds and a total energy of 0.08-0.1 joule, which corresponds to an am-. plitude of about 1.0-1.4 Mw. An increase in the pumping level or -a reduction in the thickness of the glass causes a repeat performance of the entire phenomenon with two more pulses sept0ated by an interval of about 70 usec. The emitted@pulse,:@,.; was amplified in a rub -%ingle crystal 240' = long with coated'end surfaces, pump.'i ed by two IPF-5000 tubes with a total flash energy,of 5400 joules. The out put pulse had an amplitude of about,10-14 Mw. When this light,was concentrated by. .a lens with a focal length of 130 mm, an-intense electrAc breakdown was observed in the free air# Experiments of this type'using KS-17%nd KS-18 glass showed:_ erkies and ampl tudes.- The light trans- similar results with somewhat wc-aker en mission factor for KS-19 glass is strongly. dependent an the ititenbity of the in- cident light (see fig. 1 of the Enclosu ,re). The results of the.experiment. are- ambiguouso and a special analysis will, be' req4red to determine. .,whether: the thed-. retical mechanism proposed in the paper'is.applicable to',the experiment describeds@ Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 11 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none UB -'MDE i'EC, PP SUBMITTED: 280et64 EXCL-. S -OVHE NO REF SOV., 003 It: 005: L 1074-66 ACCESSION NR: APS008742 .01 ENCLOSUREV'd Card 3/3 L 14628-66 FBD@@Elff (1)/EWP(e)/E',IT(m)/EEC(k)-2/T/EiVP(k)/B'IP 12@,EVVA (h) ACC M: M@(a 1B SOURCE CODE: P@ 7WIYGG I H) AUTHOR: Borodulins V. I.; Yermak N. A.; Rivlin, L. A.; Tsvetkoy, V. V.; Bhi1'dyWevj Vs S. ORG: none q4, TITLE: Vonlinear negative absorption of resonance'light in_ruby and n!!odymium SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v.-49, no* 6, 1965, 1718-1722 a TOPIC TAGS: ruby laser, solid state laser, neodymium glass, laser_pulsation, resonance absorption, light absorption ABSTRACT: The purpose of the experiment was to obtain a quantitative cozi@ of the calculated drop in the negative light absorption induced in@ resonance signal, and the experimental drop observed in ruby and'n*eodymium glass. The materials ..tested were a ruby sample with 90' orientation, 0.05% Cr ions, and bleached end surfaces, and glass with about 4% neodymium ions. The"pumping was done with high-intensity flash lamps in borth cases, and the input and output 1117 pulses were -recorded with photocells and oscilloscope.. Card .1/2 L 14628-66 ACC NR: k6omoq The results show that propagation of a monopulse from a laser and.the distortion of the pulse vaveform,during the propagation cause negative absorption of the resonance light in ruby single.crystals as win as in neodymium glass, and@. the degree of nonlinearity of the negative absorption and the distortion ofthe.. pulse vaveform. can be readily determined from the deviation of the oscillogram, from a straight line. The agreement between theory and experiment is regarded as satisfactory. -"The authors are gratel-Eul to N. Allt@hill. Yu. Romanov,"V. Trukhan, and A. Uits for participating in the experiment.'! Or basr 5 figuresand-_ 2 formulas. 1021 SUB CODE: 20/ SU194 DATE: 29Jun65/ OPM MW-. 004/ OM MW: 005 ATD PRESS:qlqf a Carj vl@7 t7 Viktnr, Liz!-!. I - - " - '. " -, -- 11. -, 4 ej- @, I ;, " cf Guia. @ rp,-' -I-, r 13. P. 2'7'135 Shi- -'Li- @'O, B. P. 1 V. J. -- 0 priemakb. ispol'zovaniva torfa na udobrenie v 3ashkirsko.4 ASSE. 7-1rudy Ba@hkir. nauch.--issled. Dolevod. stantsii, -1@. 113., 1948 (Kolon-titu: 1947), S. 359-32--!)ibl-io&7r: 12 nazv. SO: Letopis' Lhurnal'ny h Statey, Vol. 39, Moskov, 1149 .1 29148 0 Sovmestnom primenenii NavozaY fosfatov pod ozimye kulltury. Trudy Bashkir, Nauch,-issled. Polevod. Stantaii, T. lll@ 1948 (Kolon-Titul; 1947,) S. 383-91-Bibliogr: 11 Nazv. SO: Letopsil Zhurnallmykh Statey,, Vol. 39, Moskov, 1949 USSR/Sail Science. Mineral Fertilizers :,bs Jour 1:bf 2hur - Biol., 1,1o 20, !958, ifo gi429 @',uth,)r Shilenho -13 Inst S r State Inst. o- Rural Econoriy Titlo, Effectiveness of riortiliz,-@tion SysteLm in Crop Rotation Oric PLf,) &mhhiril, 155'(, No 8, 7-10 j-5 "Ibstract, The paner is b-ased on tho rusults of tests, cl,rrieC.- out C.urin,r sevcral. yearo on the test field in Ufi;--is'K and also on tb-c re;listration of procluetion experiences of hholkhozes sovk-hozes. The Basl-LIdAr-an State Institute of Rural Econoi-.iy reconziends for kholkhozes and sovkhozes -with trans- -itiom.1 f:)rcst-sta-,-,-,)cs -,,. nocl-el fertilization syZteri with an cro-D r,Dtation, which has providad a hioa standard of nourishr-ent in the cror. rotition: bare P--Uov i' -rniny, peren- nial (@rasscs. It also provides an , plication of bacterial ap: fertilizers! nitro@@an-bactcria under winter rye aticl. phos- r,horus-bacterin under sprin- wheat. Under these conditions, Cartl 1/p 22 SHITOTO, B.V. . . ..... -1- - Genetics of a heterozygous population of Drosphila mel&nogaster. Report no. 1: Viability and population value of heterozygotes CyLcn/cnlO of irradiated chromosome cnI,10. Genetika no. 6: 104-109 D f65 (MTIFA 19:1) 1. Institut biofizik-*L AN SSSR, Moskva. Ell IF A IN rs 16 ;L ls. Ro al 32 .3 12 54" 3 Z7 SHILENYCOV, A. Atomic gases. Grazbd.av. 16 no 01:32-34 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:3) (Atomic energy) (Jet propulsion) (Rockets (Aeronautics)) EL -- - Bc.r.,n7 7'achincry Test--*'n!@- of new forma of drill bits. For. zhur., n(--. 2, 1c.'52. "orthl-T List of Dissian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1@52. Mi I C 12,1 S S! IT SHILFAIKOV, G.V., gornyy inzhener Practice of working horizontal mines with the use of cumulative charges. Gor.zhur. no-3:32-35 Kr 155. (MIRA 8:7) (Mining engineering) J@] I I -;e /) U! 124-1957-10-11855 D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 10, p 95 (USSR) AUTHOR: _ Shilenkov, V. N. TITLE: Ore Dust Measurements by Means of Jet-type Dustmeters and Their Comparative Evaluation (Zamery rudnichnoy pyli pylemerami struynogo tipa i ikh sravnitellnaya otsenka) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the Author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the In-t metallurgii L obogashcheniya (Institute of Metallurgy and Con- centration), Alma-Ata, 1954. ASSOCIATION: In-t metallurgii i obogashcheniya (Institute of Metallurgy and Concentratio4, Alma-Ata. Card 1/1 L- E7 JV ,@ 0 V'jV Al' Wo/EngLneering - Instriments SHILMMOV, V.11. < Wh.VI3 Ot dust particle settling in jet type konimeters. TtuAy Inet. gor. dela AS Kazakh. SSR 1:127-132 '56. (MM 11:1) (Mine dusts) .- - ////' i A,%'C\ U ) V. Al. KIKIN, A.A.; SHILENKOV, V.N.; VIYUGOV, G.I. Dust collector for pneilmatic percussion boring. Izv, AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. gor. dela, met., stroi. i stroimt. no.2:115-120 157. (Rock d-rills--Attachmants) (MIJU 10:9) KEKIN, A.A@@@@WaMiq,--VIYUGOV, G.I.; SUMNOV, A.N.; SOIDNITSYN, B.P. Effect of air pressure in boreholes on pneu- tic hammer performance. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. gor dela no.2:89-92 158. (KM 12:10) (Boring machinery) AUTHOR: _.@h@i@onkov@', 32-1-49/55 TITLE: Use of Celluloid S@#rips instead of covering glass in Mlcm- scope Investigation of-Dust Samples (L primenenii pr-i mikroskopi-rovanii pylevykii prob tselluloidaykh polosok vmesto pokrovnykh stekol). PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Labomtoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 1, pp. 113-113 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In a previous work by Stogniy [Ref. 1] it was suggested to use celluloid strips instead of glass plates when taking samples of dust by means of a dust-counter. In this paper this suggestion is described as un uitable for the following reason: A celluloid strip is elastic and is able to vibrate as a result of the motion of air when taking dust samples, which is of disadvantage; if - such a celluloid strip is used together with a glass plate as a base, results obtained by means of a dust-counter are higher by 4JY,1-' (according to the table): as the taking of dust samples in the dust counter depends upon the formation of condensation moisture, and as celluloid is not able to absorb the same quantity Card 1/2 of moisture as glass, the dust does not adhere so well to celluloid Use of CeLluloid Strips instead of covering glass in Micro- 32-1-49/55 scope Investigation of Dust Samples as to glass. Moreover, celluloid is easily damaged, which may disturb work. A further disadvantage of celluloid strips consists in the fact that they are apt to band during the process of dust counting, by which focusing may often be disturbed, Aich causes a loss of time. There are I table, and 3 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: Mining Institute AN Kazakh Akademii nauk Kaz SSR). AVAILABLE- Library of Congress SSR (Institut gornogo dela Card 2/2 1. Dust-Sampling KEKIN, A.A.;.SHILEIMOV, V.N.; STAKHANOV, A.N.; SOLONITSYN, B.P.; VIYUGOV, G.I. - @--- Dust suppression with a water and air mixture during pneumatic impact boring. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. gor. dela no.1:104-108 I.59. (MIRA 12:9) (Boring) (Drilling fluids) KEKIII, i@Jt, Icund-takhn.nuWc- Sill L,,'lTKUV, V.H., lcand.tekhn.nauk- -, - , -- Use of the Venturi scrubber-type dust collector in drilling holes with a pneumatic hammer. Bor'ba s sil. 3:66-70 159. 011RA 12:9) (DUST COIJAICTORS) SHILENKOV, V.Y., kand.tekhn.nail ; RYZHIKH, L-I-, inzh-; POYBWYEV, A.P. inzbr.- Preliminary coal vetting as a means of preventing of dust form- tion. Ugol' 35 no-7:28-31 J1 6o. (MIRA 1-3:7) 1. Karagandinskiy nauchno-issle4evatellskiy ugolInyy institut. (Mine dusts) - SHILENKOV, V.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; POYELUYEV, A.P. Effect of rhe basic injection parameters on the process of pre- liminary coal y6tting. Bor'ba s sil. 5:44-50 162. (MIRA 16;5) 1. Karagandinskiy nauchno-issledovateliskiy ugolInyy inatitut. (Mine dusts-Frevention) RYZHIKH, SHILENKOV, V.N., kand.tekhn.nauk Injecting water into a seam through degassing holes. Borlbs. a sil. 5:61-67 162. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Yaragandisnkly nauchn issledovatel'skiy ugolinyy institut. .f . 0- (Karagan& Basin-Mine dusts-Prevention) rJ SHILENKOV, V.N., li@nd.teklin.nauk; RYZHIKH, L.I.; POYEIIU7EV, A.P. Hydraulic shutoff dev@ces for preliminary coal wetting. Bor'ba a ail. 5:68-71 162. (MIRA 16-5) 1. Karagandinskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy ugolInyy institut. (Mine dusts-Prevention) SHILENKOV, Viktor Nikandorovich; .'IYZHM, Leonid Ivanovich; I I FOYELUYEV.- Aleksandr Pavloidch; OSIPOV, Yu.A., retsenzent; BUIRCHAKCV, A.S., kand. te-khn.nauk, otv. red.; LUCHKO, V.S.) red.izd-va; ZHMINA, G., tekhn. red.; LOMILINA, L., (Preliminary wetting of coal blocks] Predvaritellnoe uvlazhnenie ugollnogo massiva. Mbskvaj Gosgortekhizdat, 1963. 123 P. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Permskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut (for Osipov). I-alld. riuk; V. U."o of, re@j")L-rjpllic metnod o-P -tuuaEs irl 5c-,-'Ca Of -Lg vays to 111crease, '110 offectilveness of pr'--uniamary mcdstucnil of tlie coal beds. Borlba s sil. 6:7-10 ' 6`4 --tucy;j-jo-jssledovLtel.'okiy ugollnyy inatitul I.Karagandinskiy SHIM@FOV, V.N.; ZHURAVIEV, V.P.; POYELUYEV, A.P., RYZHIKH, L.I.; MUM$ 11-I.. . Y6. Z.- - - I Raising the efficiency of coal mining with cutter-leaders by weakening the massif by wetting it . .'auch. trudy MIUI no-13: 29-38 164 (MIRA 18:1) ZHURAVLEV, V.P., SHILSNKOV, V.N.; RYZHIKH, L.I.; SKAGHKOV, Ye.Z. Changes in the permeability of a seam along its cross section. Nauch. trudy KNIUI no.160-5 164. Effect of wetting additives on the decrease in the strength of coal. Ibid.:11-14 (MIM Increasing the efficiency of weav--tri- th- coal massif with the help of softening solutions. Ibid.s245-249 NIRA 18s7) - - - - --- -- --- - ----- SHILENKOV, V.N.; ZHURAVLEV, V.P.; RYZHIKH, L.I. Studying filtering processes with the u3e of coal samples. Much. trudy KNIIJI no.16:6-11 164. (MIRA 18s7) POYELUYEV, A.,11,; SIIIL-FNKOV, V.N. Y F; f fie ie n--y of preliminary wetting of coal ir, binding various size particles of dust. Nauch, trudy RNIUI no.16-.14-16 164. 0AJRA 180) --- - - - --- - - - - --- - ZHIJRAVLEV, V.P.; POYELUYEV, A.P.; SHILENKOV, VA; RYZHIKq, L.I. Now type of sprayers. Nauch. trudy KNIUI no.16s22-28 164. (MM 180) 1 H I LF,'I 'I.K 0 V, 1. I'lech an ism by wb-*L:.-.h aetting of coal bl.-j,,,k i esults in ita weakening. Dokl. AN S3)"DR 157 no.4-,9'l-@7163 Ag, '64 Oillu 17:0 1. Far-agranclInskiy ugolin3rj insti- tut. !@rc-dstavleno alad6m;kom P.A. ReUnderom. ALEKHIN, F.K.; ALOTIN, L.M.; ALTAYEV, Sh.A.; ANTONOV, F.Ye.; BY,VZIK, Yu.Ya.; BELENIKIY, D.M.; BRATCIMIKO@ B.F.) gornyy inzh.; BREIqNER, V.A.; BYR K,@-v */.F.; VALISHTEIN, G.I.; YERI-IOLENOK, N.S.; ZHISLIT, I.M.; IVANOV, V.A.; IVANCIIENKO, G.Ye.; KVON, S.S.; KODYK, G.T.; KRE14ENCHUTSKIY, N.F.; KURDYAYEV, B.S.; KUSHCHANOV, G.K.; MASTER, A.Z.; PREOERAZHENSKAYA, Ye.I.; ROZRITALI, Yu.M.; RUDOY, I.L.; RUSHCHIN, A.A.; RYBAKOV, I.F.; SAGINOV, A.S.; SAMSONCV, M.T.; SERGAZIN, F.S.; SKLEPCHUKI V.M.; USTINOV) A.M.; UTTS, V.N.; FEDOTOV, I.P.; KMAPKOV, G.Ye.; SHILENKOV,V.N.; SMIAYDMAN, M.I.; BQYKO, A.A., retsenzent; SIJR6'VA-,-7X-., ved. red. [Mining of coal deposits in Kazakhstan) Razrabotka ugoll- nykh mestorozhdenii Kazakhstana. Moskva, Nedra, 1965. 292 p. (YIR-A 18:5) 31; 7 - r; * " " , kand . tekhri. naLtk; ;2FuTF-"AVLF-.V, V, P- , I-and. tel:hr, . nauk I --I.: '. -.V - 11 @ Effect of werutIng agents on the parameters of preliminary ccal wptting, 'Ugolf 40 no.2:57-58 F 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Kuznet.-ckly nauchno-issledovatellskiy ugolinyy instf-tut. ZMMAVLEV, V.P.; SHILENKOV, V.N.; RYZHIKH, L.]-.,- POMUYF:V, A.P.; BOGACREV, V.P. Wetting of coal seams with solutions for tY- dtcrease of dust formation and coal loosi@ning,, as well as for the control of gas liberation and'preventicn of endogene fires. U9011 40 no.8:65-68 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:8) SHILENKOVA, A.K. Materials on the bioloMr of the pike in the Irgiz-Turgay lakes. Sbor.rab.po ikht. i gidrobiol. no.1:215-231 '56. (MLRA 10:4) (TwItay Gates--Pike) SHILENKOVA, A.K. %terials on the systematics and biology of perch in lakes of the Irgiz-Turg,qy system. Sbor.rab. po ikht. i gidrobiol. no.2:176-190 159. (MIRA 12:11) (Irgiz Valley--Perch) (Targay Valley--Perch) BUZINA, A.Z-.;-@ @QVA @A.K.; DOROFEYEVA, O.N. Some data on physiological norms for blood sugar and chlorides in experimental an3mals. Lab.delo, 8 no-5:58-59 My 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Toksikologicheskaya laboratoriya (zav. A.Z.Buzina) Kazakhskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta gigiyeny trada i professionallnykh zabolevaniy, Karaganda. (BLOOD SUGAR) (CHLORIDES IN THE BODY) SHILENKOVA, A, L. - - -- --- Shilenkova, A. L. - "Pike, Perch, and Ruff of the Reservoirs of the Irgiz-Turgay Basin." Acad Sci Kazakh SSR, Inst of Zoolo I Alma-Ata, 1955 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Biological Sciencesly SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No 24, 11 June 1955, Moscow, Pages 91-104 tonding agent.i, L M. Z.,ivl@,LnE5 - CITI 174"KI) 17 11,577 No . 2, . - lln tr,;@ I k, li ej&il ihii @ with t1h, add;twn f fron"i 5 io , indeno a hondilig a@mlt e4uiz= r ,, bondhig aguit haji-i ov tvm-klet gutt-,t pe@cha,in . . banding pmpertieH- and in whtiologicM J)'ro ca. Nrtl Theroure 5 reforence-4;. 3G M-O@ I L3 A SHILEEOX, I.G., aspirant Clinical aspects and course of Botkin'B disease in children durin@ the first year of life. 25 no.9.76-79 S 161. (-4LU 15:1 1. Iz kafedry detskikh infekstionnykh bolezney (zav. - 2iasluzhennyy deyaiell nauki prof. D.D.Lebedev) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I.Pirogova (dir. - dotsent M.G.Sirotkina) na haze 4-oy korodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy ( lavnyy vrach G.F.Papko). (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) (INFANTS-DISEASES) SUWOK I I. G. Pathogenesis of exacerbations and toxic dystrophy of the liver in Botkin's disease. Pediatriia 39 nocl,.44P@49 961. (MIRA 34.-.1) 1. Iz kafedry detakikh infektalonn7kh bolemey (zav. - za-slu- -zhennyy de7atelc nauki prof. D.D. TLebeder) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogo-Ta (dir. - dotsent M.G. Sirot-kina) na baze go.rodskoy bollnitsy Nool> (glavmyy rzach G.F. Papko). (RUATITIS, IbInGTICUS) SHILENOK, I.G. Clinical significance of some indexes of liver function in infectiods---@- hepatitis in children during the first year of Rfe. Vop. okh. mat. i det. 6 no.3:66-71-W 161. (MIRA U;10) . 1. Iz kafedry detskikh infelctsionnykh bolezne@ (zaveduyushchiy*- zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. D.D.Lebedev II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo Instituta imeni N.I.Pirogova (direktor - dotsent 14.G.Sirotkina) na baze 4-y gorodskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach G.F.Papko). (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) SHILENOK I. G. Course of the convalescent period after Botkin's disease in infancy. Pediatriia no.6.*57-58 162. (MIRA .15:6) 1. Iz kafedry detskikh Wektsionnykh bolezney (zav. - zaslu- zhennyy deyatell nauki @rof. D. D. Lebedev) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni U. I. Pirogova. (rektor - dotsent M. G. Sirotkir-a) (H-RPATITIS,, INFECTIOUS) ' HIT S , ENOK, 1.3.@ kand. red. nauk Variall-ions c-l" tie coar-vze of Botk-n's d-'sease in c*r,-,.'--4-,e-,_, @,@V@ ined. 28 no.(1@42-47 ja ig 3'. 1. Kafedra pediatrij- (zav.- dctgent M.1, Pere tokina Krasnoyarskogo med-f-tsInskogo instituta (-,iau-.hryl rukovrd-',te'-' pruf. D.D. Lebedev). SHILKR, G. Secure the delivez7 of low-eapacity boilers. Bezop.truda v prom. 4 no-3:31 160. (MM 13:6) 1. Glavrqy mekhanik Upravleniya lagpiahcheproma Karagandin- akDgo sovnarkhoza. (Boilers) SOLOVIYEV, I.; TSEKIDINOVSKIY., A. (Timiryazevo, Tomskoy obl.); LATROV, D.; SIROTYUKOV, V.; KOSTYUKOV, V.; KOTLY!3--SSKIY, F. (Chelyabinsk); PoIRUNARYAN, V. (Ghelyabinskj;_SHILER, G.; RYABSKIY, N.; PUSHKII-1 D., instruktor; SITPST!ff,@@- .1 y - sk) Reader's letters. NTO 3 no.9:58-59 S 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Uchenyy sakretarl dorozhnogo pravleniya Tashkentakoy zhelezrioy dorogi (for Solovlycv). 2. Uchenyy sekretarl podsektsii tekhniki bezopasnosti Moskovskogo oblastnogo pravleniya Fauchno- teklinicheskogo obshchestva stroitellnoy industrii (for Lavrot). 3. Ghleny Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva Novocherkasskogo, elektrovozostroitellnogo zavoda(*for Sirotyukov, Kostyuk-ov). 4. 1;redsedatell s6veta Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva upravleniya legkoy i pishchevoy promyshlennosti sovnarkhoza,, g. Karaganda (for Shiler). 5. Chlen prezidiuma 14oskovskogo gorodskogo pravleniya Ilauchno-telchnicheskogo obshchestva neft- yanoy i gazovoy 1,romyshlennosti (for Ryabskiy). 6. TSentrallnoye pravleniye Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva mukomollnoy i krupyanoy promyshlennosti i elevatorno-o khozyaystva, g. Gomel' 0 (for Pushkin). (Research, Industrial) SHILER, G.G., -2Inzh. fligh-afficioncy irrigation experiment by the use of long furrows in the Volga-Akhtuba Flood Piain. Gidr. i mel. 13 no.11:8-18 N t6l. (MEU 14: 10) 1. Astrakjlanska-@-a gosudarstvennaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya optnaya stantsiya. - (Volga-Akhtuba flood plain-Irrigation) -.5h j i- Ei@ le j /14 - L2. SHILER, M.G.; RXBKINA, L.A.; GORSHKOV, P.V. Cellulose ester stiffeners for printing d7es. Tekst.prom.14 no.12:28-31 D'54. OmU 8:2 ) (Textile printing)(Callulose esters) SHILER, V.G. - ..@ - Stationar.7 unit for removing dust from electric locomotive bodies. 191ek.i topl.tiaga 3 no.6:10 Je 159. (MIRA 1219) 1. Starsbiy master d9po Belovo. Tonskays. doroga. (Electric locomotives--Maintenance and repair) (Sxbaust systems) SHILER,, V.G.-, ROMITOV, mashinis`,-inqf*UAor Recuperation is an important source of savings in electric power. Elek.-I. tend.tiaaa 5 no.U-@13-34 N 161. (MMA 14:11) 1. Glaimyy insh. depo Ndovo Zapadno-Sibirskoy dorogi (for Shiler). (Biectric locomotives) SH ILEV, P. Unusual localization of an amyloid tumor. Suvrem. med., Sofia 5 no.4:85-86 1954. 1, Iz Instituta po obahcha patologiia i patologichns. anatomila pri Meditsinskata akademiia I.P.Pavlov, Plovdiv (direktor: prof. As.Pr6danov) (ANYLOIDOSIS, (THORAX, diseases, thorax,) azVloidonis) SHILEV, P.; SOLOV, K. ---6on'siderations on w1cifted Malherbe's epitholioma and report of two cases. Suvrem. mad., Sofia 5 no.6:86-90 1954. 1. Iz Instituta po obahcha patologit i patologichna anatomila pri Maditsinakata akademiia I.P.Pavloy, Plovdiv (direktor: prof. As. Prodanov) (CYSTS, Malherbes epitheliozaa, case reports) UZU11OV, N.; SHILEV, P. Cerebral cysticercosis localized in the third ventricle and its interpretation according to the Pavlovian theory. Sofia no.6:109-112 '55. 1. 1z Katedrata po neryni bolesti (zav.:Prof. Tr.Zapriaaov) i Katedrate. po obohcha patologiia i patologichna anatomiia Czav.: prof. ke.Prodanor) pri Vieshila meditsinski institut 'A.P.Pavlov, Plovdiv. (CYSTICERCOSIS, brain) (BRAIN, dise4ses, cysticercosis) PANTEV, I.; SHILEV, P. Problem of periarteriarteritis nodoea., Sofia 6 no-7: 100-107 1955. 1. Is Katedrata po propedevtika na vatreahnite bolesti (zav.: dots. A.Mitov) i Katedrata po obehcha patologiia i patologichna an tomiia (zav.: prof. As.Prodanov) pri ViBehiia meditsinaki inatitut I.P.Pavlov, Plcn-div. (PERIAIRTERITIS MW,13A?) SHILEV Petur doktor, asistent, sue sutrudnichestvogo na BBGOV, Alek sandur,doktor Precancerous conditions and tumors of the larynx., Sofia 11-12:739-756 1955. 1. Katedra po obshcha patologiia i patologichna. angtomiia Osav. red.dots. A. Prodanov) pri visshiia meditsinski institut I.P. Pavlov-Plovdiav. (LiLRYNK, neoplasms, precancer & cancer) SHILEV, F.; DRAGIRY, M.; AGOPIAN, K.; SOLGV, K.; MILENKOV, Khr. Pathological examination of child mortality from 1949 till 1953. Suvram. mad., Sofia 7 no.8:3-7 1956. 1. Is Katedrata po patologiia i patologichna anatomiia pri VMI I.P. Pavlov-Plovdiv. (Zav. katedrata: prof. A. Frodanov). (VITAL STATISTICS mortality of child. in Bulgaria) KILIMOV, N - SHILEV P. A case of Fancoast-ToMas syndrome. Suvrem. 3ed., Sofia S no.9:102-106 1957. 1. Iz klin:U-ata -Do nervni bolesti pri VHI *I. P, Pavlov*-Plovdiv Zavezhdashch: prof. Tr. Zaprianov Iratedrata po patologichna anatomiia, pri VMI *I.P. Pavlov" - Plovdiv Zavezhdashch: 3)rof. As. Prodanov. (PANGOAST SYM1110143, case reports) SHILEV,P. Effect of glucocorticoid hormones and AGTH on the development of tuberculous nrocesses. (&perimental morphological studies.). Suvrem. med.,Sofiall no.2-3:16-22 6o. 1. Iz Fatedrata po patologichna anatomiia pri VMI -I.P.Pavlov' - - Plovdiv. (ADRML CORTEX HORMONJIS -oharmacol.) (CORITCOTROPIN pharmcol.) (TUBERCULOSIS exper.) SH.TT-EV, P.G. (Boigarlya) Histopathology r-f synapses in human solar plexus ganglia. Biu:. eksp.biol.i med. 57 no.5:108-112 My 164. (MIRA i8t2) 1. iaboratoriya neyrogistologii ineni Lavrentlyeva (zav. - prof. Ye.K.Plechkova) Instituta normallnoy i patologicheskey fizioicgii (dir, - deystvi telInyy cblen A14N SaR prof. V.Vjarin) @Mff SSSR, Moskv--a. Submitted May 10, 1963. Sl-ILEVS.L,,,%Yk, D. L'I., Doe of Led Sci -- (diss) "Electrocerdiographic Changes in Children Sick with Fleumatism," Leningrad, 1950., 27 Pp (Leningrad Pedrietic -edical Institute) (KL 4-60, 12-11) SHILEVSKAYA, D.M. Electrocardiographic changes and their significance in rheumatic fever in children. Vop.okh.mat. i det. 4 no.4:18-25 JI-Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki detskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.B. Volovik) Leningradekogo meditsinskogo pediatricheskogo institute, (dir. - prof. N.T. Shutova). (RHEUM,kTIC FEVER) (ELECTROCARDIOGRAFHY) IEDVINSKAYAY V.I.; SHILEVSKAYA, I.L. Gene@is of aggravation in dysentexy. Vop.okh.mat.i det. 8 no.3: 22-26 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Is Detskoy infektsionnoy vollnitsy (glavnyy vrach K.A. Dudkina; nauchnyy rukovoditell - I.L. Gmarskaya) Leningkogo rayona leningrada i Leningradskogo instituta detskikh infektsiy (dir. - prof. A.L. Libov). (DYSENTERY) TIARA OV, A.F., rodaktor-, BUYUKIN, D.D., redaktor; VAKHRU, M.I., otvetstvan- nyy radaktor toma, professor. doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk; VKMISOV, B.N., redaktor; IVLMV, I.V., redaktor; MOSHCHUK, I.D., redaktor; RUDOY, Ye.Y., gla-vnyy redaktor, SOKOLIESKIY, YA.I., rodaktor; SOLOGUBOV, V.N., radaktor; SHILEVSKIT J.A. -adaktor; ALFEROV, A.A., inzhener-, ANASHKIN, B.T., in- z aer; V@ Y&.V., laure-at Stalinakoy premii, inzhener; BELMO, X.M., dotsant; BORISOV, D.P., dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; ZHILITSOV, P.N., iazhener; 71UH, N.R., irahener; IL'YEKKOV, V.I., dotBent, kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; U74.KOV, A.A., kandidat tekhnicheBkikh nauk; BMAYZME% L.P., kandidat takhnicheakikh nank; KOTLYARENKO. N.F., dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; MATSHEV, P.V., professor, kandidat tekh- nicheskikh nauk; MARKOV, H.V., inzhener; HFJZFETS , V.S., dotsent, kandi- dat takhnichaskikh nank; NOVIKOV, V.A., dotsent; ORWV, N.A., inzhener; PETROV, I.I., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; PIVKO, G.M., inzhener; PO- GODIN9 AoMoo inzhener; RAMLAU, P.N., dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; ROGINSKIY. V.K., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; RMAZANTSEV, B.S., laareat Stalinokoy premA, dotsent. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SNARSKIY, A.A., inzhener; FELIDW, A.B., inshener; SHASTIN, V.A., laureat Stalinakoy premii, inzhener; SHUR, B.I., inzhener; GONGHUKOV, V.I., inzhener, retsenzent; NOVIKOV, V.A., dotsent, retsenzent; AFA- NASIYEV, Ye.V., laureat Stalinskoy premii, retsenzent; FTechnical handbook for railroad men] Takhnicheskii spravochnik zhelez- nodorozhnika. Vol. 8. [Signaling, central control, block system, and communication] Signalizat8lia., teentralizatsiia, blokirovka, sviazl. Red. kolleglia A.F.Baranov [i dr.] S.F.Rudoi. Moskva, Goo. tran3p. zh6l-dor. Izd-vo, 1952. 975 P. - (Continued on next card) BRYLEYEV, A.M., laureat Stalinskoy premii, luzhener; GAMBURG, Ye.Yu., in- zhenez;, retaanzant; GOIOVKIN, M.K., inzhener, retsenzent; KAZLKOV, A.A., kandidat tekhalcheakikh nauk, retsenzant; KUT'IN, I.M., dotsent, kandi- dat takhnichaskikh nauk, retaenzent, LZONOV, A.A., in2hener, retsenzent; SEMENOV, N.M., laureat Stalinskoy premii, inzhener, retsenzeat; CHM- NYSHEV, V.B., inzhener, rateenzent; UJIMV, G..&., inzhener, retsenzent; MRITAS, N.A., laureat Stalinskoy premii. inzhener, reteenzent; NOVI- KOV@ V.A., dotsent. retsanzent; PIVOVAROV. A.L., inzhener, retsenzent; POGODIN, A.M.. inzhener, retsenzent; KHODOHOV, L.R., inzhener, retsen- zant; PIVOVAROV, A.L.,, inzhener, reteanzent; POGODIN. A.M., inzhener, ratsanzant@, KHOWROV, L.R., inzhener, retaenzont; SHUPLOV, V.I., kan- didat- takhnicheakikh nauk, retsenzent; KLYKOV,A.F., inzhener, retsen- zent, YUDZON, D.M., takhnicheskiy redaktor, YERINA, G.P., takhnicheakiy redaktor. [Technical handbook for railroad men] Tekhnichaskii spravochnik zhe- leznodorozhnika. Vol. 8. [Signaling, central control, block system, and communication] Signalizataiia, toentralizataiia, blokirovka, aviazl. IL-d. kollegiia A.F.Baranov [i dr.] Glav.r'ed. E.F.Radoi. Moskva, Goa. traAsp. zhal-dor, izd-VO, 1952. 975 P. (Oard 2) (MIRA 8:2) (Railroads--Signaling) (Railroads--Communication systems) SHILEYK0, Aleksey Volldewarovich; BRIN, I.A., red.; BORUNOV, N.I., takhn.-red. [Digital models] TSifrovye modeli. Moskva, Izd-vo "Energiia," 1964. 111 p. (Biblioteka po avtomatike, no.95) (MIRA 17:4) A.Yu. [Sileika, A.]; BRAZDZHYUNAS, P.P. [Brazdziunas, P.] Temperature de-oendences of the optical properties of Bb Se layers. 2 3 Liet ak darbai B no.4:31-43 159 (FJUI 9-3) 1. Institut fiziki i matematiki, AN Litovskoy SSR. (Antimony selenide) "ronert-es of Sb?S3 -K%th cwci SHiLEYKA, A. Yll. Cnnd PhY3 - --- -- Viltylyus, 1960 (Villn@,, Stste Univ in V. Kap5likas) P-nd SbqSe-- ,-SHILEYKA, A.-Yu.-,CSileika,A-1; BRAZDZHYUNAS, P.P. CBrazdziunas.P.] Temperature dependence of the index refraction of Sb2se layers. Liet ak darbai B no.1:99-105 160. ?EEAI 9:10) 1. Institut fiziki i matematiki AN Iitovskcy SSR. (Refractive index) (Antimony selenide) SHILEYKA, A.Yu. [Sileika,A.] Temperature dependences of the optical properties of %S@ layers. Liet ak darbai B no.lsl07-117 160. (ME 9: 10) 1. Institut fiziki i matematiki AN LitovskW SSR. (Antimony sulfides)