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SMY11MAN. Vladimir Illicb-.Edeceessed]; CHIZHEVSKIY. Stanislav Xazimirovich; 'k-k ~ - 2 SIMMI OVA, M.B., red.; SUDAK, D.M.. [Fruits and vegetables; a reference manual] Plodoovoshchnve torar7; spravochnoe posobie. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1957 298 p. (Fruit) (Vegetables) (MIRA il:4) ANASTASSIN, V.F.; ARAKELOV, A.S.; BOBROV, A.L.; VIKHOREV, Yu.V.; VIVIER, S.I.; GLUSHKO, I.K.; GOIM, I.M.; PINIKOVSKIY, Ya.I.; PASHKOV. N.D.; RYABUKHA, G.K.; REBMO, G.S.; SKUROV. Fedor Pavlovich; SOSKIND, D.M.; SAMSONOV, B.A.; SHMENOV, A.B.; SUL37MANOV, A.B.; KH A V, A..A.; TSMIKOV, B.N.; SHIFRIN, D.L.; _SHXYNMffl_,_Y.j.-;- ABAKUMOVSKIY, Dmitriy Dmitriyevich, red.toma; SVYATITSKAYA, K.P., vedushchiy red.; TROFINOV, A.V., [Petroleum equipment;in six volumes] Neftianoe oborudovanie; v shesti tomakh. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno- toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol.4. 1959. 294 p. (MIRA 12:9) (Petroleum refinaries-Equipment and supplies) ALEKSANDROV, I.A.;.- SHEYNMAN, V.I.; KOGAN, Yu.S.; SHVETS, Ye.M.; Prinima1i_-u-c-h5`s`E-iye: VCl'S11ANCK, Yu.Z,.; LIZUNKOV, V.P.; SEREGINA, A.P.; KAZAKCVA, L.I.; MUSA;.'OVA, Z.D. Hydrodynamics of plates made of S-shaped elements. Khim. i tekh.topl.i masel 6 no-7:38-44 J1 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Giproneftemash. (Plate towers) SHEYNIMAN, V.I.; ALEKSANDROV., I.A.; KOGAN, Yu.S.; VOLISHONOK, Yu.Z.; LIZUNKOV, V.P.; SHVETS, Ye.M. New design of a plate for rectifications colurrm . Khim.i tekh. topl.i masel 7 no-5:54-60 My 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut neftyanogo mashinostroyeniya. (Plate towers) ALEKSMIDROV, I.A.; SHEYMP11, V-I-; ABROSD40V, B.Z.; VOWSHONOK, Yu.Z. Concurrent spray plates. Khim. i tel-h. topl. i masel. 8 no-4: 44-51 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Plate towers) DYT17ERSKIY., Yu.I.; ALEIKSAJIDROV, I.A.; SHEYNMAN, V.I.; VOLISHONOK, Yu.Z.; KUPERMAN., A.M. Investigating hydraulics and mass transfer regularities-in columns with corrugated downcomerless type plates. Khim.prom. no.1:70-74 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2) PUSTOVALOVf L.V.., otv. red.; SHEYNIM , V.S., red.; YEGOROVA) N.F., tekhn. red. (Outline of the metallogery of sedimentary and sedimentary- metamorphic rocks]Ocherki po metallogenii osadochrykh i osa- docbno-r.etamorficheskikh porod. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.-nauk SSSR, 1962. 240 p. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Laboratoriya osadochrykh polezrqkh iskopayen7kh. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Fustovalov). (Ore deposits) TYUTYUNOV, I.A., doktor geol.-min. naukx otv. red.; SHEYNMAN, V.S.p *am (Gryogenic processes in soils and rocks] Kriogennye pro- tsessy v pochvakh i gornykh porodakh. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 162 p. (MIRA lCj:l) 1. Moscow. Ilauchno-issledovatellskiy institut osnovaniy i podzemnykh sooruzheniy. NENASIEV, Nikolay Ivanovich; ROZHKOV, I.S., nauchn. sotr. otv. red.; GHERSKIY, N.V., nauchn. sotr., doktor tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; SHEYNMAN, V.S red. [Mesozoic and Cenozoic igneous activity and ore forma- tion in ea,tern Yakutial Mezo-kainozoiskii magwatizm i rudoobrazovanie Vostochnoi Yakutii. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 167 P. (NIIRA 19:1) 1. Institut geologii Yakutskogo filiala Sibirskogo otde- leniya AN SSSR (for Rozhkov, Cherskiy).~ 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Cherskiy). LYSKO, V.; SHERMAN, I., inzhener; SHETNMM, Ya., inzhener; ARGENTOV.S. What gave us the introduction of progressive methods in drying and kilning. Stroi.wat-3 n0-1:17-18 -TA 157. (MLRA 100) 1. Glavny7 inzhaner Nizhne-Kotellskogo kirpichnogo.zavoda (for LYBko) 2. Glavny7 inzhener Kuchinskogo kirpichnogo zavoda'(for Argentov) (Brickmaking) (Kilns) SHEYNMAN, Ye.,___ptarshly nauchnyy sotrudnik How to increase the productivity of we* z*terials plants. Sell. stroi. 17 no.2:25-26 F 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Rossiyskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mestnykh stroitellnykh materialov. (giralnic plants) (Drying apparatus) 0 SOV/124-57-5-6243 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 5, p 172 (USSR) AUTHORS: Vasillyeva, R. V., Sheynman, Ye. M., Tsekhanskiy, K. R. TITLE: Analysis of the Parameters of the Elastic Element in a Broad-band Vibro Pickup (Raschet parametrov uprugogo elementa shirokodia- pazonnogo vibroshchupa) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Tsentr. n.-i. in-ta tekhnol. i mashinostr., 1954, Nr 68, pp 11-22 ABSTRACT: The authors investigate a capacitive vibro pickup designed to measure vibrations within the 50 - 1, 500 cps frequency range and 3 - 500 ~L amplitude range. The pickup converts mechanical vibrations into capacitance variations which are then transmitted through an amplifier to a needle indicator. To assure that the vibration recordings yielded by vibro pickups will be absolutely continuous and complete, unmarred by sporadic breaks or interruptions, the vibration frequencies of the specimens or machine parts being tested should not be permitted to approach their critical values. Naturally, the basic-mode and over- tone resonance frequencies must lie outside the range of the operating Card 1/2 frequencies. The authors evolve a parametric criterion for the SOV/1 24-57-5-6243 Analysis of the Parameters of the Elastic Element in a Broad-band Vibro Pickup fulfillment of that requirement and propose alterations in the design of the elastic element in vibro pickups. The factor of secondary resonances was obviated in the experiments by employing an elastic element consisting of a system of two variable- width flat springs, each spring rigidly constrained at one end and subjected to a movable constraint at the other end. At frequencies of 1, 500 cps, however, it was found that a vibro pickup cannot always be fuTty relied upon to turn out a vibration recording that is absolutely continuous, i. e., completely free of sporadic breaks or interruptions. A. M. Kakushadze Card 2/2 ~5(2) 'PHASE,I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1289 Tsentrallnyy nauchno-is sledovatellskiy institut tekhnologii I mashinostroyeniya Vibroizmeritellnaya apparatura TsNI-ITMASh (Vibratidn-measuring In- struments of the Central Scientific Research Institut of Technology and Machinery) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 108 p. (Series: Its: Sbornik trudov, kn. 87) 3,000 copies printed. Ed.: Matveyev, A.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Pub- lising House: Akimova, A.G.; Tech.' Eds: ElIkind, V.D. and Uvarova, A.F.; Managing Ed. for Literature on Machine Buildlng and Instrument Construction (Mashgiz): Pokrovskiy, N.V., Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is Intended for engineers and technicians at plants and scientific research institutes who are engaged in the development and use of modern equipment for Investigation of vibrations by electrical methods. COVERAGE: The present collection of articles of the Instrument- making Department of the TsNIITMASh (Tsentrallnyy nauchno- Card 1/3 VIbration-measuring Instruments SOV/1289 issledovatellskiy institut tekhnologii i mashinostroyeniya-Cen- tral Scientific Research Institute of Technology and Machinery) ~~,overs work conducted during the period 1954-1956 on the de- velopment and modernization of new and existing vibration-mea- suring instruments designed for theinvestigation.and measure- ment of vibrations of various machines,, mechanisms and individual parts. In addition, the book contains articles on calibrating devices for checking vibration-measuring inBtrt4nts, and on in- stallations for determining moduli of elasticity of materials by the resonance method. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Vasillyeva, R.V., Engineer, Methods and Instruments for Measure- ment of Vibrations of Turbines and Their Paxts 3 Vasillyeva, R.V., K.R. Tsekhanskiy,_Ye.M. Sheg%man j and V.I. Fridland, Engineers. Instruments for Inve gation of Vibrations of Turbine Bearings 23 Card 2/3 CIMEMIOTIA, O.A., inzh.; SHEM101, Ye. S., inzh. Producing expanded perli-te in rotary kilns. Sbor. trud. ROSHIMS no.25:72-93 262 OURA 17,,8) SIMIN, G.F., inzh., laureat Gosudarstvennoy premii; LIFSHITS, A.V., inzh.; SHEMIANP-Ye.Sh., inzh. Heat exchange during kilning of ceramic wall materials in tunnel kilns. Sbor. trud. ROSNIIMS no.27:24-38 163. (MIM-17:1) LIFSHES, A.V., inzh.; SIMMAN, Ye.Sh., inzh. Improved vortical gas burner for firing keramzit. Stroi. mat. no.ll-.36-3? N 165. (KIRA 18,12) SHEYNMAJI, Te.V. Calculating crushers with smooth rolls. Obog.rud 3 no.5:37- 39 '58. (NUA 12:5) (Crushing machinery) PAITHOR: Sheynman _Y Enp -58-7-18/27 ineer 91 TITL-'-': New Assembly Devices (Novyye montazhnyye prisposobleniya). H"RIC)DICAL: Energetik, 1958, Nr 7, PP 33-35 (USSR). ABSITRACT: The Leningradskaya proyektnaya kontora, tresta "Lenpromen- ergomontazh" (Leningrad Designing Office of the "Lanpro- menergomontazh" Trust) worked out the following assembly devices: A device for the adjusting of pipe lines of 133 rm and up; a device for the tightening and centering of the ends of shielding conduits with the connecting pipes of drums; a device for the chamfering and cutting of the ends of pipe lines; an accessory device to the com- pass for circle gas cutting without turning the cutter; a device for the gas cutting of branch pipes with simul- taneous chamfering; a device for the bending of the flang- es of rolled profile steel cn the 'ITG-38-108" type machine Card 1/2 tool; a device for the welding of nipples to pipe lines. New Assembly Devices 91-58-7-18/27 The construction and operation of all these devices is de- scribed. There are 6 diagrams and 1 photo. 1. Pipe lines--Assembly--Equipment 2. Pipes--Joints--P?zeparation Card 212 Reduction of metal requirements in the design and fabrication of dust, gas, and air ducts. Energ. stroi. no.1:87-91 '59. (MIRA 13:2) I.Trest "Sevzapenergomontazh". (Electric power plants--Equipment and supplies) (Pipe) SHEYIM.N Yevgep~y Uadirairovich; SHVARTSMAN, S.M., red.; ZHITNIKOVA, O.S., takhn. red. .L (Manufacture of dust-gas-air lines and low-pressure pipelines for thermal electric power plants] Zavodskoe izgotovlenie py- legazovozdukhoprovodov i truboprovodov nizkogo davleniia dlia teplovykh elek-trostantsii. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 386 P. (Pipelines) (MIRA 16-7) (Electric power plants-Equipment and supplies) Yu. G. Frove-leni-ye i krepleniye :-rorrVkh b7ral-~otok (making 3r,l bracing mine ekeavationsol -1:0 I. N. Fr6kopenjco, Yu. G. 3heyman (i) Ya. sk-.ra, Uc-loteekIdzdat 1952. 3"':' P. illus., di-agrs., tables. "Literattura": p. (31ko) SO: 111/5 741 .3 -P9 FROKOPENKO, Ivan Nikitich; ~-Yuliy Genrikhovich; MAVLYUTOV, Utyyula Yarullovich; SOSHOV, . .. re"-Wo-r; RATNIKOVA, A~P., redaktor; NAIMINSKAYA, A.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Mining shaft sinking and timbering] Gornye raboty, provedenie i kreplenie v-yrabotok. Izd. 2-e, ispr. i dop. Mosk7a, Ugletekh- izdat. 1955. 423 P. (KLRA 9:4) (Coal mines and mining) -- MYAN, Vladimir Mikhaylovich; KILYACHKOV, A.P., otvetstvannyy redaktor; SHUSHKOVSKAYA, Ye.L., redaktor izdatellstva; HADRINSKAU, A.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor (Miaing problems; opening and systems of working coal fields] Zadachnik po gornomu delu; vskrytie i aistemy razrabotki ugol'nYkh meatorozhdenii. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1957. 183 P. (MLRA 10:9) (Coal mines and mining) S/169/62/000/003/022/098 D228/D301 AUTHORS Komarov, V. A. and ~heynmann,_S__1,11- TITLE: Trial application of" the induced polarization and the phase-amplitude measurement methods of electrical prospecting PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 3, 1962, 25, ab- stract 3A209 (Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform M-vo geol. i okhrany nedr SSSR, no. 4 (32), 1961, 26-34) TEXT: The methods of induced polarization and phase-ariplitude mea- surementu give -ood results for deposits of impregnation oresi-here, in addition to prospecting for mineralized zones by induced polari- zation methods, it is Dossible to detail the structure of ore zones, aporaise their depositional features, and estimate the a-pproximatue concentration of sulfides. Multifrequency techniques -- the double- loop method and the method of dipole induction magnetic profiling -- are being put into practice. The application of these melhods per- Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/003/022/098 Trial application of ... D226/D301 mits the exposure of orebodies and the approximate estimation of their de ositional features.-/-Abstracterls note: Complete trans- lation.-~ Card 2/2 6 S/169/?2/000/003/026/098 D228/D.~01 A U T I- I OR Sheynmann, S. M TTTLE: Use of the frequency characteristic of anomalies in direct-current electrical prospecting PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geo'Lizika, no. 3, 19062, 25, ab- stract 3A214 (3yul. nauchno-te"n-lin. inform. 1.1-vo n'eol. i okhrany nedr SS'SIP., no. 4 (21), 1959, 32-35) T-E'X]II: XA. method is described for dividing anomalies, brought about 4 in induction method-work by orebodies with a differing conductuivi- ty L'J, according to the character of the change in the amplitude va- lues and in the initial phases of the field components att, different -requencies. Equipment consisting of two reception loops, 10 m apar from each other, and a phase-amplitude compensazor, was used in the field work. The receiving loops were.disposed horizontally. V The amplitude ratio and the phase difference, correspondin,-:, to the maanetic vector components Hjz and H were measured at points C> 2z' Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/003/026/098 Use of the frequency ... D228/D301 10 m apart f:;.,om each other. Examples are shoi-m for an anomaly, caused by a massive orebody, and one due to graphite schist with an , z elevated electrical conductivity. These anornalies differ consider- t/ ably from each other according to the character of the amplitude and phase changes at frequencies of 125 1250, and 6250 c/s. /-Ab- stracter's note: Complete translation.-~ Card 2/2 VELIKIN, Aleksandr Borisovich; FWTOV2 Grigoriy Sergeyevich; SHEYNMAMi S.M., nauchnyy red.; SAFRONOVA, I.M., tekbn. red. J7_11-1- P - [Electromagnetic fields used in induction methods of electric prospecting; review of foreign literature] Blektromagnitrqe polia, primeniaemye v induktsionrqkh metodakh elektrorazvedki; obzor zarubezhnoi literatury. Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 351 p. (MM 15:7) (Electromagnetic prospecting) - Yu. S A , I 11" Siberia-i Plat" -m, " Djok. J":, 51, .eL-iccluitc, a 1',e-.7 Hocllc f=:7: the :.'-ort`,crn ~ordcr of the ~:j lo -L ~*O. > .J -, --; 11 7' On the Of ''10 .."EY*V~N-N, YU. ;,". PA 26/h9 LLS USSR/Geography Sep/Oct 48 Orography "Steppe Landscapes of the Northern Regions of the Siberian TablelarA,11 Yu. M. Sheymann, 4 pp "Tz v-s Geograf CFbabch" Vol T-TTY, No 5 General description of the region around Rhatanga, Hheta, and Sottiro. Area is _ characterizel by two types of topographies: (1) plBirs, and (2) a vbll---dAfin6dTmuiLUinous region with-maximum altitudes of 700-800 meters. Vegetation, which belongs to that of the polar steppes, is very sparse. 26/49T48 SHEYRUN, Yu.M. Upper Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Genozoic climatic zones of Eastern Asia. Bjul.MOIP. Otd.geol* 29 no*6:27-49 &D 154. (MIMA 8:2) (Far East-Paleoclimatolog3r) SMffNMAIIN, YU. M. .11 - Remarks on the structural classification of continents. IZV.AN SSSR. Ser.geol. 20 no-3:19-35 M.7-Je '55. (MUM 8:9) (Continents) smnawill, YU.M. I ~ - Necessary and *not quite necessarY" terms. Biul.MOIP.Otd.gool. 30 no.2:119-120 Hr-Ap 155. (WRA 8:8) (Geology-Terminologr) Geol ticulArities of ultrahank Rnd ultra-alkatme: par R #0 "_HDITA in Olatforms. Yu. - M. AdEWBOU, ZaPilh VIeS03"OLf, Trust Moscow i t U - n on Apgg~4. -UltMlnLIlc_cn:p- ~ ~tivcs, characterized by a high RO and CaO content, are - i usually only observed in formations after an older voicanism ;with augititictimburgitIL-Picritic Intrusions wfucfi~ are nearly mutpletely undifferentiated. These are followed b r ' Intrusions of typical. nepheline basaltsi and. the final fusive stages are al k. lam.. Their geol. relatton -to Ahe :voleanism of the nep htlirie basalb, however. Is not yet n letely Investigated. Tlie ultratmsic-alk. magmatism Is" 'Intimately connected with the trap-arca effusions aW both ;~~ Th l d e mt tan "types of extnisions am parallel and s lultrabasics, thereforei am [cat differentiates from- the lit oftrp the ma eriod of,their volcanic and s n ma V 7,; ..... . g p p I S. is of the opinion that there must be serious; e -=b ts 4bether hula reservoirs of liquid basalt rutgum a of the volcank 4&ick* uld exist from the earl 1wo ' y = i f h b s l - coexistence o c masses a a t cannot assume th-# t t e 'land of the ultrabasic-alk. intrusions would he ivithout any: genetic Interrelation. S.isfurthcroftheopir&nthatitis. iblr chat both groups have originated from loeslirneigh..~. viould be ha e b th If the b u lt Th M - v as massem.. e o ey g we y Independent magmati hey 6CMf in the c bodks althought j. I same geol. period and province. The volcanisma of both i F XW platform candl. i es are immediately cormccitedwith It Tux in deep tectonic fracturing zones, in.the folding mech-:1 b fis,detall wd.. of geosynclints. These sit desedberl _ V _I_;~ -! I examples taken -from.the literature-. ItlsstriWngboWc -- rolesimilar-1. cite wW dolomite play In the ilk.-Oiltrabasics 9 ortant - Lio that of quartz in "ic Intrusionsolith thOmp f difference, however. that the carbonates do not form veins X~ ii W FAtel - 4~rt occur In stacks. SHEYNMAInT, Yu. m. - 0 Some regular features of the occurrence of volcanic phenomena in platforms. Trudy VAGT no.2:136-157 156. ()/JRA 10:5) (Rocks, Igneous) "-SHEYNMANN, Yu.M. .~, _:"~ . History of the formation of the Cordillera. Geol.abor.[Lvovl no.2/3:62-79 '56. (MLRA 10:3) 1. Voesoyuznyy- aerogeologicheskir trest, Mosk7a. (Worth America--Mountains) SREYNXMI YU.M. Tectonics of Chir1a.BIu1.XOIP.Otd.geo1. 31 no-3:110 )V46 '56. (China--Geology, Structural) (XLBA 9:12) SHBYNMANN, Yu. M. - -- w~ --Anclonta' 11_16ro_nics of southern Africa. Biul.MIP. Otd.geol. 31 no.4:101-102 Jl-Ag '56. (MERA 9:12) (Africa--Geology, Structural) <SKIY-, N.S'.; BOGDANOV, A.A.;BELYAYEVSKIY, N.A.; VrMESHCRAGIU, V.I.; ZAYTSBV, N.S.; KOSYGGIN, Yu.A.; KROPOTKIN, P.N.; MURATOV, M.V. HAGIBINA, M.S.; OGH.W1. Y.N.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.V.; PEYVE, A.Y.; FUSHCHA.ROVSKIY, Ya.M.; SALOP, L.I.,; SOBOLEVSKATA, Y.N.; KRaITONOV, L.Ya.; KIUMSKOV, N.P.; Yum.; SHTREYS, N.A.; YANSHIN, A.L.; VERSTAK, G.V. redaktor izd~ate 8~, mROVA, O.A. tek,hnicheskiy redaktor [Tectonic map of the U.S.S.R. and adjacent countries on a scale of 1:5,000,000; explanatory notes] Tektonicheskaia karta SSSR i sopredeltnykh stran v masshtabe 1:5,000,000; ob"iasnitellnaia zapiska. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geol. I okhrane nedr, 1957. 77 P. (MLRA 10:5) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. (Russia--Geology--Maps) -1 A 1 /17 JAI X 1 Y A AUTHOR: None given 5-3-11/37 TITLE: Chronicle of the Geological Section (Khronika geologicheskoy sektsii) PERIODICAL: Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytateley Prirody, Otdel Geologicheskiy, 1957, No 3, PP 153-157 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On 11 December 1956, M.V. Muratov, Chairman of the Geologic- al Section of the Moscow Society of Naturalists reported on the Section's activities during the last two years. The re- port was followed by elections of the new Bureau of the Section and of the delegates to the Conference of the So- ciety. The following members were elected to the new bureau: M.V. Muratotov, D.P. Naydin, B.A. Petrushevskiy, D.S. So- kolov and A.L. Yanshin. The following reports were deliver- ed in the Geological section during its meeting from 11 December 1956 to 26 February 1957: N.A. Kudryavtsev on "Basic Regularities of Petroleum Localization in the Earth's Crust"; M.V. Muratov on his Voyage to Mexico for the 20th session of the International Geological Congress; Yu.M. Sheynmann on "Some Differences in the Development 07-the -P-ac-1-f-icand Atlantic Folded Belts"; P.Ye. Korobetskikh on Card 1/2 "Objective Foundations of Tectonic Phenomena Systematization"; SHEYIMN, Yu.M. Formation of the Cordillera. Geol. abor. LLvovJ no.4:196-214 157. (MIRA 13:2) l.Vseso7=n.v7 aerologicheakiv treat, Moskya. (Cordillera--Geolog7o Structural) ~T ~. t i_ ~ (,A N-~ tj N Al, \, ~X. IvA AUTHOR; None Given 5-6-10/42 TITLEt Chronicle of the Activity of the Petrography Section (Khroni- ka deyatellnosti petrografichaskoy eektaii) PERIODICAL: By-ulleten' Moskovskogo Obahchestva Ispytateley Prirody, Otdel Geologicheskiyt 1957, # 6, pp 118-122 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The following reports were delivered in the Petrographic Section from 4 April to 7 June 1957: M.A. Petrova on "Localization of Polymetal Mineralization and Hydrothermal Activity in Deposits of the Zmeinogorsk Ore Field"; Ye.Ye. Miller on I'Volcanism of Upper-Proterozoic Time in the Northern Part of Central Kazakhstan and Chingiz"; V.P. Petrov on "Prospect of Petrography Development"; mann on -Some Regularities in Development of Trappean Formations of Plateaus"; Yu.V. Yunakovskaya on the "Application of Geo- physics for Solving Some Problems of Intrusive and Effusive Rock Geology"; R.M. Yashina on "New Alkaline Province in the Southern Part of Tuvall; V.N. Shilov on "Cenozoic Voleanism of the Southern Sakhalin"; S.M. Kravchenko on "New Data on the Petrography of Intrusive Massifs in the Southern Part of the Central Crimea"; S.A. Yushko on the "Mineralogy of Lead-Zinc Mineralization of the Karatau Range"; S.K. Onikiyenko on Card 112 "Some Peculiarities of Acid Devonian Effusives of the Zmeino- Chronicle of the Activity of the Petrography Section 5-6-io/42 gorsk Region in the Rudnyy Altai"; Ye.B. Yakovleva on "Prin- cipal Features of Volcanism in the Rudnyy Altai"; L.S. Tarasov on the "Change in Lead Isotopic Composition with Time"; D.I. Gorzhevskiy on "Tectonic Conditions of Effusive Origination in the Rudnyy Altai"; M.S. Bezemertnays, on "Some Peculiarities in the Origination of Altai Polymetal Ores"; S.A. Gorzhevskaya on "Element -Impurities in Polymetal Deposits of the Rudnyy Altai"; V.N. Gavrilova on "Manifestation of the Monastyrskiy Intrusive Complex in the Altai"; G.F. Shipulin on "History of Intrusive Rocks of the Zyryanovsk Ore Region"; V.I. Chernov on the "Hi- story of Paleozoic Magmatism in the Rudnyy Altai", and V.Ye. Gendler on "Usti-Belevskiy Massif in the North-Western Part of the Rudnyy Altai". AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 SE[EYNMANN Yu. M. Position and age of alkali ultrabasic rocks of the Siberia& Platform. Razved. i okh.itedr. 23 no.1:12-16 Ja '570' (MLRA 10:3) 1. Vaelseyuzzyy institut minerallnegs, syriya. (Siberipa rlatform-Rocks, Igneous) MYNMANN, Yu.Y,. Intrusions in the marginal zones of folded areas. Sov. geol. 1 no, 1:65-85 A 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1,* VaesoyuzW institut minerallnogo syrlya. (Ore deposits) (Folds (Geology)) SHMMATTIT, YU.M. Formation of the Cordillera. Geol. sbor. [Lvov] no-5/6:392-406 '58. MRA 12:10) l.Veasoyuzny7 aeropeologichaskiy treat, Mosk7a. (Cordillera--Geology, Structural) AUTHOR: Sheyrimann, Yu. 9. 20-119-4-42/6o TITLEt The Role of the AAlantic and the Indian Ocean in the Formation of the Earth's Structures (Nesto Atlanticheskogo i Indiyokogo okeanov v formirovanii struktur Zemli) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR9 1958, Vol,, 119, Nr 4, ppo 779-781 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author says that the formerly uniform platform of South-America and Africa was disruptedby the doean. An amazing similarity of the history of these two regions during Paleozoic and Mesozoic time speaks in favor of this. The agreement of the cross sections of Silurian and Devonian is such that one could rather speak-of-identity. The geophysical and geological data dispr6~e, however, the known theory of the continental drift. The only explanation of the recent image can be the sinking of vast continental areas and the ocean formation in their place. Also/the age of these sinkings can be determined: the geological identity of the history of the two platforms is conserved till the Card 1/4 begin of Jurassic. However, the sinkings did not lead to a The RG~le of the Atlantic and the,indian Ocean in the 20-119-4-42/6o Formation of the Earth,s Structures this phenomenon has not attracted due attention. As known, primary geosynclinals are,during the development of a belt of folds/gradually transformed into secondary and final ones. This is doubtlessly a consequence of a thickening of the earthls~,rust in the course of single geosynclinal cycles. The relative r'b"'le of the acid magmas during the later cycles increases, that of the basic and ultrabasic magma is reduced. Thus a belt of folds is an open deep basin during the first development phases in the region of which the previously existing structures vanished. Thus the two oceans are outlines of future belts of folds. This way the author arrives at the conception that the formation of the two oceans is a. process which is similar to the "brake" and regeneration of structures according to Shtille (Stillep reference 11). However, this process is not bound for all times to always the same regions and does not comprise the entire earth at a certain time. There are 11 referencest Card 3/4 7 of which are Soviet. SHEYNMANN, Yu.M. Characteristics of the development of folds in Asia. Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav.; geol. i razv. I no-8:3-14 Ag '58. '(NIRA 12:9) l.Vsesoywny7 inatitut minerallnogo syrtva. (Asia--Folds (Geology-)) JENKS, William Furness; APELITSIN, F.R. [translator]; TITOVA, N.A. [translator]. Prinimals. uchastiye TEPLTAKOVA, I.P. (translator]. SHEINPANN, Tu.M., red.; KARASEV, A.D., red.; G? 0V. , M.P., [Handbook of South American geology] Ocherki po geologii IUzhnoi Ameriki; abornik statei. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1959. 341 p. Translated from the Rnglish. (MIRA 13:11) 1. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.(for Jenks). (Latin America--Geology) SITWNWRI, Yu.14. Oldest platform structures and thoir importance for general tectonics. Sov.geol.2 no-3:27-41 Mr 159. 0AIRA 12:6) 1. Vsesoyuz 1177 institut minerallnogo Syr 'ya (VIM ) w7nolog7, Structural) AUTHOR: Sheynmann, Yu.M. SOV/11-59-1-3/16 TITLE: On the Stratigraphic Position of the Sinian Complex (K strati- graficheskomu polozheniyu Siniyskogo kompleksa) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geologicheskaya, 1959, )4 Nr 1, PP 30-35 (USSR) ABSTRACTt No international agreement has been reached on how to classi- fy the deposits of the late Pre-Cambrian period. These de- posits bear different names in foreign countries. The Soviet Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee has decided to give to the whole series of these deposits the name of Sinian complex (series). From the stratigraphic point of view, these rocks are rather nearer to the Paleozoic layers, but from the paleontologic point of view they are very different and do not contain any variegated fauna fossils, which are found in the overlying rocks of the Lower Cambrian period, The author describes similar rock formations all over the world and comes to the conclusion that there cannot be a definite delimitation of these rocks. He defines this series rather by its absolute age (700 to 800,000,000 years.) than Card 1/2 On the Stratigraphic Position of the Sinian Complex SOV/11-59-1-3/16 by its strati-raphic characteristics. 0 There are 10 references, 3 of which are Soviet, 2 English, 1 American, 1 Indian, 1 Belgian,, 1 German and 1 French. SUBMITTED: September 30, 1957 Card 2/2 TLHAIN, T.Ye. 3ITLIMANII, Yi.H- Hundred years of geosynalinal tboories. Sov. geol. no. 11-3-44 R 16o. (HIRA 13:12) 1. Moskovskiy goaudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova i Veesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy infltitut minerallnogo syrIya. (Folds (Geology)) S~~ ~,Tu. ~M. Nature of wlteigits-iolites, Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 25 nool2: 105-107 D l6o. (Cordi~rite) (KIRA 13:11) Papers wubstttd f- the IOU Nafta Science Congress. Hon-1910, H..&lL 22 A.C- UP 1961. UZI='XAA' S.t Institute of Coalogy depreonlens and trOuCb- KS-5.ite type end their position In the sYstenotles of tectonic fams" (Section vzI.C) ~L~ZPOB- k-1 Koscov State University, physical Faculty - *The CAm.-a-ray spectrometric measurementB of artificial maLtactivity in upper layers of the* (Section VII-DA) XZVIZTOV~ V. Q., Chair of Forestry, Th. XCrtcltuml Acadmy Lmni X. A. TLEUi;~Z~-Z "Forest fire research mail "thods of fire control" (Section V.0) Institute of Oc4saoloa - -4 morphological analysis of reprodwtion am' divelo,-at of flatfish In th.-we.. of the n.rth~3t Piwiric. (section 111.C) P*tLw R. Y., r..tLt.te or Dccw.lca - *Zm'Qvt1C'tI.n of the horizontal tur'bul"t exchange In the Pacific Oc,=* (Scott.. '111.3) institute or ac.-Olocy - 'llecAwItIca In the Polpmphical distribution at flying fls?w3 In the Pacific Do.=, Odctl.. VII.C) .~~pr. _)!. - *3tratir -hi. hri-nv In the __4., Institute of ceoloa r., aretseeous deposit. of Xwchtk." CSo at too 1M.C1 rnstit.ta of Oc.=.I~gy - "M'. ;Mo..#.. or r-nt seal- mnt.tIcn In the western pnz- or the unt in the PactfW (Section Institute of Earth rhynice imcni 0. Yu. Schaldt - .he seimle geolcC4cal conditions In %he outlying orem of the Pacific basin" (Section M.C.2) Tatlt-to of Dcosnol-a - *Luballda- 1. the rortborn 9r% of the 11"IfIc* (Sect an III 1OM".rM,-L.-A., Institute of ZoolCrj - "71he -mblm a: th- 2ertnr land brIdC& frvn the ;v1-t of vie~r tneitio. 11I.A.F3.x) r-='=2AMPKET-Tu.-m.# Institute of Coolcor - *3-1 Z"clflc features In -be -octanics of the north part of the Putrit belt" (3,ttLoi VVX) Koaeov State University, Physical tnoulty - "A -. e-.p-s- d"ite for recordLnr. currents (StetJon Iftaututo or Conical - %1 the stability ~d co of structural o1mmonto in tho fr=e or the r-IfIc Ocona d-pesL.." (S-ti.o *M-C) and rno-Ituto at Oc.anolocr - r,c=d i. rcpr.d-.%I- v,J dw.Io;nvnt of.".3 Lsbio In th; northern p.- of the F-ific* (Section III.C) ~-- ~.-T!rn T-A., Ilatit.". .! Oteanol.Cf - "OrCanic substmo. In bottom sediment& to the wastorn part of the P~xaiflcl (Scc tLon ITI.C.1) LTnotttute cf Torth rhyslev I~ul 0. Tu. SchajOt . betwen deep f.c..4 c-thl-kco ..' "'t o-tom ~~Ilb of A41. aid I.rc. cru'v (5"ttivn vjj'C'-~) RTAW1a!;:1, A.M,114.cov State 'Jntycr3!tyI ~- .,-Mc.1 Fmcalty - ',-he Ur;~R~ire-ofwPural -cnatic in cast As- FsictLcn VIX) State VnL-rsLty, PhytIco.1 ra-ulty, Chair of Hard a I -to roth~d tcr s%~d7inr mIcrcccL= (3-tion VIT.C." ) The arrelm-I -11._In.tit.te or 0-11,gy - '.bo at b~ttm -IM, T -.e lim roraminifera in the nctl m pact a' the Pacific =4 It. use for the reshaptaG of the pmlcoreltef" (3octicn '11IX..1) Waxr-ZmD V. ln*tit.*.e 'r c4o~'c'rc- - "P.-b! -.., C.-med .1th the - -1~ th~orr at -emattcn C.' the re-C,'=e In seas and cce&a3' (Section M.A) of th, to rhyt-,,lan -'r. 11--A), of G-I.CS, at' M.C) - -,to of Gce~ tnutit -1.C1 - "Vel'llft and rl.,Y..Il. I. the he P.-.!flc" (3o~tl'n '11.0 a' v xt mq! Ica 1-i 0~-V- U~hmtdt - ctko .1 a3 .. :r'1. -C.21 Ce;i-raX Orr.~ai-tlci U-tiln_rsd - -:~c r.~In prr,bl- or and thir ft, W-yhyactLo aodlci~' (St on 'ar.8.4) MS-v.3KIY. V. A., Instito-.1 of Nmafmtt St,je_-~- - "Clactoicrj of Antarctica" k5et-U.n Tlt.D.1) 5"SM.' S. '(. I Zt!" ~ of 0~ rcr -I-- -.5 g de'P ourreatt In t ~.n wd Se' r;ftits c' th-Ir ft,-;IIcAtL~ In tho h Pacific 0-* (S-tkc. V11.B BELOUSGV, V.V., red.. Simyll-wal Y m.$-doktor geol.-min. nauk, red.; -j- _.U MIRZOYEVA, .. red. izd-va; GUROVA, O.A.,, tekhn. red. (Problems of tectonics) Problemy tektoniki; sbornik statei. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr, 1961. 244 p. (K= 15:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk S-SSR (for Belousov). (Geology, Structural) SH&UNAHN, Yu.M. l4ohorovicic surface, depth of the magna. origin, and distribution of ultrabasites. Sov- geol 4 no.8:31-44 Ag 161. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Institut fiziki Zem.1i AN SSSR. (Magma) (Ultrabasite) S4EYWMTN., Yu.m. kte selection for extra deep drilling. Sov.geol. 4 no.6:238-140 Je 161. (MIRA 14.6) 1. Institut fiziki Zemli imeni 0. Yu. Shmidta AN SSSR. (Boring) C SHEYNWN, Yu.M-. Importance of oceans of t',e Atlantic type in the development of the earth's structures, Biul. MOIP. Otd. geol. 36 no.2:29-38 Mr-AP ,61. (MIRA 14:7) (Oceanography) (Earth--Surface) YELISMV, N.A., red.; Slg~m_~.'_Yuxsp doktor geol.-mineralnaukq redo; KOROLEVA, T.I., red.izd-va; PROZOROVSKAYA, V.L., [Oul-ya intrusion of ultrabasic alkaline rocks] Oulinskaia intru- ziia ul'traosnavnykh shchelocbnykh porod. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gorncmu delu., 1961. Z74 p. (Leningrad. Nauchno-issledavatellskii institut geologii Arktiki. Trudy, voL122). (MM 14:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Yeliseyev). (Maymecha Valleya-Rocks, Igneous) (Kotuy Valley-Rocks, Igneous) SHEYNMLNN Yu.M.; APELITSIN, F.R.; NECHAYEVA, Ye.A.; GINZBURG, A.I., red.; ~YSHEVY LLY red.; POLYAKOV, M.V., red.; RODIONOV, G.G.., red.; STEPANOVj I.S., red.; TROKHACHEV, P.A... red.; FAGUTOV, V.P.,, red.; KHRUSHCHOV, N.A., red.; CHEMOSVITOV, Yu,L.., red.; SHMANENKOV, I.V., red.; SHCHERBINA) V.V., red.; EIZEIM, M.A., red.; ROZHKOVA, L.G.,, red.izd-va; BYKOVA, V.V., (Alkaline intrusions their distribution, and the mineralization associated with theml Shchelochnys intruzii, ikh razmeshchenie i sviazannaia a nimi mineralizatsiia. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geol.i okhrane nedr, 1961. 176 p. (Geologiia mestorozhdenii redkikL. elementov, no.12/13). (MIRA 15:8) (Rocks, Igneous) (Ore deposits) SHEYNMUM, 1u.M. Problem of studying deep-seated structures of the earth. Geofiz. biul. no.12:33-35 162. (MMA 15:8) (Earth-Internal structure) SHErNMAMI Yu.M. , - - ,A%Qz5a;U W- ,- - ,.U Do the juvenile granites exist? SOv- geol. 6 no.1:61-69 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut fiziki Zemli imeni O.Yu. Shmidta. (Granite) GORSHKOV, Georgiy Petrovich; S-HEM4AN,,-Yu.M., doktor geol.-mineral. nauk, otV. red.; MMERY T.M.3, red. izd-va; YEGOROVA, N.F.., tekhn, red. [Seismicity of Africa]. 0 seismichnosti Afriki. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 39 P. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Sovet po seismologii. Biulleten', no.13). (MIRA 16:6) (Africa-Zeismology) DZEVANSKIY, Yu.K.; DODIN, A.L.; KONIKeV, A.Z.; KRASNY1, L.I.; VAITIKOVSKIYY V.K.; 110SHKIN, MT.; LYATSKIY, V.B.; NIKOLISKAYA., I.-P.; SALOP, L.I.; SALUIJ, S.A.; WKIN, ,4.1.; RAVICH, M.G.; POSPELOV, A.G.; NIKOLAYEV, A.A.; IL'IN, A.V.; BUZIKOV, I.P.; MASLENNIKOV, V.A.; NEYELOV, A.N.; NIFITINA, L.P.; NIKOLAYEV, V-A.[deceased]; OBRUCHEV, S.V.; SAVEELIYEV, A.A. ; SEDOVA, I.S.; SUDOVIKOV, N.G.; KIHILITOVA, V.Ya.; NAGIBINA, M.S.; SHEYNMANN,,_Yu.M.; KUZNETSOV , V.A.; KUZNETSOV, YU.A.;--bd-AffAYEV, A.-A.; I.YAPICHEV, G.F.; NALIVKIN, D.V., glav. red.; VEFESHCHAGIN, V.11., zam. glav. red.; 14ENNER, V.V., zant. glav. red.; OVECHKIN, N.K., zam. glav. red.[deceased); SOKOLOV, B.S.) red.; SHANTSER. Ye.V., red.; MODZALEVSKAYA, Ye.A., red.; CHUGAYEVAJ, M.N., red.; GRCSSGEYM, V.A., red.; KELLEA,B.M., red.; KIPARISOVA, L.D., red.; KOROBKOV, M.A., red.; KRASNOV, I.I., red.; KRY11,GGLITS, T.Ya., red.; LIBROVICH, L.S., red.; LIKHARLV, B.K., red.; LUPPOV, N.P., red.; NIKIFOROVA, O.I.V red.; POLKANOV, A.A., red.fdeceased]; RENGARTEN, V.P., red.; STEPANOV, D.L., red.; CHERNYSHEVA, N.Ye.; red.; SHATSKIY, N.S., red.[deceased]; EBEERZIN, A.G., red.; SVIRNOVA, Z.A., red.izd-va; GUROVA, O.A., tekhn. red. (Stratigraphy of the U.S.S.R. in fourteen volumes. Lower Pre-Cambrianl Stratigraftia SSS111 v chetyrnadtsati tomakh. Niik~di DOkefilbrii- Moskva Goa Inauebilb-tekhn, izd-*o lit-3~y po geologii i 0khrana nedr. Pt. 1 (Asia.'tic pa*rt of the USSR),1963- 396P. SHEY-NM-ANN, YU.M., doktor geol.-mineral.nauk (Mosk-,ra) "Foq*nding earth" and hasty popularization. Priroda 52 no.6:77-79 163. (MIRA 16-6) (Geology) SHE YiNUVIP', Y.U.M. -, - -., -Significahce of cozitinental drift for pideoclimatology. Biul. .r MPIF. Gtd.geol. 38 no.3:33--44 MyL-Js '63. (14IRA 16:9) BELOUSOV, V.V., red.; 13MAYEVSKIY, N.A., red.; BOGDANOV, A.A., red.; Gk-IETSHY, R.G., red.; GUB111, I.Ye., red.; K K:,'0F0TK1N, P.N.1 red.; U%YTES, A.M., red..,- MAZAHOVICH, 0'A., red.; MURATOV, 1-1.V., red.; NIKOLAYEV, N.I., red.; FAVLOITSKT.Y, Ye.V., red.; PEYVE, A.V., real.; PETRUShETSM, B.A.7 red.; PUSHCHAHOVSK1Y, Yu.1111., red.; SHEMLAN-11, Yu.M., red.; Slffi.-EYS, N.A., red.; YANSHIN, [Problems of the comparative tectonics ot' ancient platforms; materials] Voprosy sravnitellnoi tektoniki drevnikh platrofm; materialy. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 152 p. (MIRA 17:8) BEUAYEVSKIY, N.A., otv. red.; iEYTES, A.111., otv. red.; SHEMI-11VU4, Yu.?,'., otv. red.; BELOUSOV, V.V., red.; BOGDAN16V GA.=3KIY, R.G., red.; GUBIN, !.Ye., red.; iaOPOTKIN, P.N., red.;ShTREEYS, N.A. red.; ,U-ZAdGVICH, O.A., red.; I'UATOV,'V%V., red.; 17IKOIAYYEV, N.I., red.; FAVLOVSKIY, Ye.V.2 red.; PEYVE, A.V., red.; FEETRUSIEVSKIY1 B.A., red.; PUSHCHAROVSKIVY, Yu.M., red.; YATiS!IIZ:, A.L., red. [Tectonics, igneous activity and distribution of ore deposits; materials] Tektonika., magmatizm i zakonomernosti razmeshche- niia rudnykh restorozhdenii; materialy. Moskva, Nauka, 19&,. 237 p. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Soveshchaniye po problemam tektoniki, Moscow, 1963. Yu.`~ vlwl-~~T (,,' -.-.~P;dying the composition of the mntle, Biul. 1401P. Otd. -1 * ' . t J149 '64. .11~- , .4:3-20 (MIRA 17:10) MURATOV, M.V.l oty. red.; PUSHCHAROVSKIY, Yu.M.,, red.; KHAIN, V.Ye., red.; MAZAROVICH, O.A., red.; BELOUSOV, V.V.9 red.; BF-LYAYEVSKIY, N.A., red.; BOGDANOV., A.A., red.; GARETSKIY, R.G.., red.; GUBIN, I.Ye., red..; KROPOTKIN, P.N., red.; LEYTES, A.M., red.; NIKOIAYEV, N.Lp red.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.V.., red.; PEYVE, A.V.., red.; PETRUSMSKIY, B.A., red.; SMNMANN, Yu.M., red.; SHTM, S, N.A., red.; YANSHIN, (Folded areas of Euras~a; materials] Skadchatye oblasti Evrazii; materialy. Moskva., Nauka, 1964. 375 p. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Soveshchaniye po problemam tekLoniki. Moscow, 1963. KROPOTKIII, P.N., otv. red.; BELOUSOV, V.V., red.; BELYAYEVSKE, N.A., red.; BOGDAYIOV, A.A., red.; GARETSKIY, R.G., red.; GUBIN, I.Ye., red.; IEITES, A.M., red.; MAZAROVICH, O.A., red.; I-TIRATOV, I-I.V., red.; IIIKOLAYEEV, N.I., red.; PAVLOVSKE" Ye.l,., red.; PEYVE, A.V., red.; PETRUSHEVSKIY, B.A., red.; FUSHCHAROVSKIY, Yu.M., red.; SHEYIHkNN. Yu.M., red.; SHTREYS, N.A., red.; YANSHIN, A.L., red. [Structure and the development of the earth's crust; materials] Stroenie i razvitie zermoi kory; materialy. l-lo- skva, Nauka, 1964. 199 p. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po problemam tektoniki. 2d, Moscow, 1963. GARETSKIY, R.G., otv. red.; YANSHIN, A.L. akademiko otv. red.; BELOUSOV, V.V., red.; BELYAYEVSKIY. red.; BOGDANOV, A.A., red.; GUBIN, I.Ye., red.; KROPOTKIN .,P.N,,, red.; LEYTES, A.M., red.; MAZAROVICH, O.A., red.; MURATOV, M.V., red.; NIKOLAYEV, N.I., red.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.V., red.; PEYVE, A.V., red.! PETRUSHEVSKIY, B.f . red.; FUSHCHAROVSKIY, Yu.M., red.; SHEINMANN,Yu.M., red.,SHTREY'S. N.A., red. [Young platforms, their tectonics, and prospects for find- ing oil and gas; materials] Molodye platformy, ikh tektoni-ka i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti; materialy. Moskva, Naukay 1965. 223 p. (HIRA 18:3) 1. Soveshchaniye po problemar. taktoniki, Moscow, 1963. EZ, V.V.; GAFT, D.Ye.; KUZNETSOV, B.I.; Sfff-YUMANN, 'Yu.M.., otv. red. (Morphology and conditions governing the formation of holomorphic folding as revealed by a study of the Silair synclinorium of the Southern Urals] Morfologiia, i usloviia, obrazovaniia golomorNoi skladchatosti na primere Zilair- 3kogo sinklinoriia IUzhriogo Urala. Moskva, Nattka, 1965. 100 P. (MIRA 18.5) 1. InstittrL fiziki Zemli AN SSSR (for Ez,, Gaft, Kuznetsov). SHEYMIANN, YU!40, One of the characteristica of the midaceanic ridges. Geotaktonika no-4.-106-108 JI-Ag 165. (KIRA 18:8) 1, Institut flziki Zemil imeni 0ju.ShmIdta AN SSSR, Moskva. -SHEYNO, L.S., inzh. Mounting spring shock absorbers in industrial machineB. Vest.mash* 40 no-11:53-55 9 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Machinery-Shock absorbers) SHEYN-0, L.S., inzh. Cam mechanisms with minor inertia forces in the cam-follower system. Vest.mash. 41 n.i,8:30-33 Ag 161. . (YJ.RA 14:8) (Cams) L GO-866-167 ACC NR' AP6029488 equal to 2000 A in the freshly hardened martensite steel and to 3000 A after 104 min of aging. The low value of the elastic limit after hardening of martensite steel and the effect of aging on it cannot be explained satisfactorially by the first stages of carbide reactions (Cohen' s model). The extent of self-tempering in steel hardening with high M temperatures is so great that these first stages of carbide reactions are compTeted, to a great degree even before complete cooli 9 n from the quenching temperature. For the steel used, the extent of self-temper- ing corresponds to an aging of some 104 sec at room temperature (for the reac- tion controlled by a carbon diffusion). The study was reviewed by Karel -Mazanee, Research Institute of Metallurgy, VZKG, Ostrava. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 3 formulas, and 2 tables. [Eased on authorsf abstract] INT] SUB CODE: 11 SUBM DATE: 19Jul65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 009/ hs 37 LIFISMITS) A.V.j. inzh,; SI-EYINAIII, Ye,Sh., inzh. Use of supporting rings in rotary kilns. Stroi. mat, 1.1 no.7: 17-18 il t65, (MIRA 18:8) SHEYlZL,` I'll Ye.3h., inLh.; !!--::~-., .!J,-- I y W.? ruk~,-vcd itei ' raboty Ways tc~ el i mi nate d e 'Li c 1 enc- es I Ii -~ha C. i t 7 ~ f 1, 4 , , ~T ~.~ a :,. llns. Stroi. mnat. 11 no.8:0-11 A g 165 . " 0.9) k S H L"M, DR 1, Y u.-M. I 1;tri data on ocean basalts and their significance for general geology. Sov. gaol. 8 no.8:3-25 Ag 165. Ov.-IPA 18.10) 1. Tnatitut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR. KC61-11 - -- .: . I I char7nterlstici of the sl.-ucture and development of the (A~'thls cruat in the in'.eriiontane and marginal troughs. Biul. MO.T. Of.d. geol. 40 no.3-5-16 My-Je 165. (MIRA 18s8) SHE~NCUN; - r PRINCIPLES OF E[PERDGNTAL TMMDYNAMICS (OSNOVY EKSPERDENTAL'NOT TLRMDINAMIKI) Kir1llIn, V.A. and Sheinolin, A E. (Moscowt Goo*nwgolzdat, 1950, 312pp., title in Recent Accessions, SINSOIT. I.I.; SOOROCHKIII, S.S., inzhener, retsenzent; SMI - - U U., L I: L ..SUNTNOV. Ivaa.Igant&!.yOvlch; TSITSUFA~ H.H.9 retsenzent; IICVOZHIIA)V, V.I., -7- 7- 1 ' retsoinzent; HANZHOS. F.H., red.; GRODHITSKATA, Ye.M., red.izd-va; BACHURIJTA, A.M., CRepair and assembly of equipaiaent in woodworking industries] Remont i montazh oborudovaniia derevoobrabatvvaiushchikh proizvodstv. Moskva, Goolesbumizdat, 1957. 298 D. (mrRA 11-5) OloodworkLne machinery-Naintenance and repair) SHNUOTv I.I., dotes'; IAPM, A.G., assistent. Automatic packers of mchined parts. Ikuch. trWLy Lon. lenotekh. akad-no,.N.-.43-47 157. (NM 111M (Woodworking machinery) -- SHEYNGV, Ivan Ignat-lyevich; GOLUBEVA) T.M., inzh.$ red.; SHILLING, V.A.~ red.izd-va; L., tekhn, red. (Problems in the aseembly and operation of semiautomatic and automatic production lines in woodworking; transcript of the lecture]Voprosy mantazha i ekepluatatsii poluavtomaticheskikIl i avtomaticheskikh linii v derevoobrabotke; stenogramma lektsii. Leningrad, Leningr. Dom nauchno-tekhn. propagandy, 1961. 37 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Assembly-line methods) (Woodworking machinery) SBEY1.10V _jImm-Ignat I my~chj_ MANZHOS, F.M., red.; MELIKKOVA, M.S.., ~ red. izd-va; PARAKHMA, N.L., tekhn. red. I [Assembly, installation, operation and main narce of wood- working equipment] Montazh, ekspluatatsiia i remont derevo- obrabatyvaiushchego oborudovaniia. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat,, 1961. 322p. (MIRA 15:4) (Woodworking machinery) BOYTSOVI K.F.; SIMMIOV2 I.I. (Organization and planning of the ecluipment of woodworking industries; transcript of a lecturelO--rganizatsiia i plani- rovanie remontov oborudavaniia derevoobrabatyvaiushchikh predpriiatii; stenograrma lektsii. Leningradp Leningr. dom nauchno-tekhn.propagandy, 1962. 47 p. (MIRA 15:9) (Woodworking machinery-Maintenance and repair) SHEYNOV, Ivan Ignatlyevich; ZABELI11, M.V., red. [Reliability and service life of woodworking machinery] Nadezhnost' i dolgovechnost' raboty derevoobrabatyvaiu- shchikh stankov. Leningrad, 1963. 24 p. (Leningradskii Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Derevoobrabatyvaiushchaia promyshlennost', no.7) (MIRA 17:4) GRUBE, Aleksandr Eduardovich, doktor tekhn. nauk; SAIIEV, Valentin Illich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SHEYNOV, I.I.J.. red. [Automatic loading and unloading devices of woodworldng machines for processing scantling-and panel parts] Avtoma- ticheskie zagruzochrWe i razgruzochnye ustroistva k derevo- obrabatyvaiushchim stankam dlia obrabotki bruskovykh i shchitovykh detalei; stenogramma lektsii. Leningrad. No.l. 1963. 33 P. (MIRA 17:5) VINOGRADOV, Yevg----n-Jy Grig-orlyevich, kand. tchkm. mukl. SHEE77-11011 I - I I red. [Aindamental problems of safety engineerinC in the plywood industry] Osnovnye vop-rosy tekhniki bezopasnosti v faner- nor, proizvodstve. Leningrad, 1961,. 37 p. (MIRA 18:2) -:-.;-SHFYNOV. Yu.. tekhnik. " Conducting repairs accordiAg to schedule. Stroi.mat- 3 no.1:22-23 Ja '57. (Kilns, Rotary) (MIBA 10:31) DONIGEVICH, M.I.,; GRIGORIYEVA, R.I.,; ZHUCHKOVA, L.O.; KADOMTSEVA- P.P.; SHEYNOU, N.P. (14ordovskaya ASSR) Organization of psychoprophylactic preparations for all parturients in Saransk. Vop.okh.mat. i det. 4 uo-5:74-78 S-0 159. (MIR,k 13: 1) (SARAN SK--CHILI1B IRTH-PSYCHOLOGY) Y ~7 0 0 J-, IC - -L ill'. - ill llldu~;try FD-1870 Card 1/1 Author 3heynova, Ye. I., Candidate of Medical Sciences and *Sukmanova, Ye. N. Title Measures to reduce morbidity among workers and service personnel of the Gar'kiy hydroelectric power plant (GES) during 1950-1952 tq Periodical Sov. zdrav.,k2, 22-27, Mar-Apr, 1955 Abstract The chair of public health organization of the Gor'kiy Medical Institute imeni S. M. Kirov and the medical personnel of the Gor'kiy GES made a de-, during 1950-1952.. of working and living conditions of workers employed on GES construction project. A thorough analysis of causes of illness was indicated anj measures to reduce morbidity rate were taken. People employed in handling food, employees in institutions for children, and a1-1 those with past history of gastro-intestinal disorders have been subjected to periodic bacteriological examinations. Decrease in morbidity aman~l, workers and service personnel and advance in labor productivity are dependent on greater use of,preventive measures and extension of dispensary system of medical aid. Increasingly high value of research to planning pro- videc -Possibility for taking; proper preventive medical action. Institution: Cbai---, .1' P-blic Health S~rvie--~ Organization, Gorlkiy Medical Institute M. Kirov (V. 11. (Tzdennikova, Head) and the Hospital of Gorlkiy 6,6 1,-kChief Phvsician~