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FREOBRAZHEKSKAYAl M.N.; UVAROVA, N.V.; SHEYNKER, YU.N.J'SUVOROV, N.N. Syn-anti-isomprism of 3-aryl hydrazones of 6-mathyl-2,3-piperi- dinedione. Dokl. AN SSSR .148 no.5slO88-1090 F, 163. (MM 16:3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauehno-issledovatel'skiy khimiko-fgrmntsevtichaskiy institut im. S.Ordzhonikidze i Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom M.M.Shemyakinym. (Piperidinedione) (Hydrazones) (Isomerism) DVORYANTSEVA, G.G.; STRUCHKOVA, M.I.; SHEYNKER, Yu.N. Integral intensities of infrared absorption bands of certain characteristic vibrations of cyclopentadienyl rings in ferrocene derivatives. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 n0-3:617-620 S 63. (KRA 16:12) 1. Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikcm A.N.Nesmeyanoiryu. yj co'. t,~!- 7 i'.;V r,- nni 6:, rec, a p 0 1, z i n e Y, ma, t c, 6 air, i s-:1 Id, j v an'. i a o r Pa r, 1. Sc-v-:.,2n--rianiv.v vo fiziche. skim mercida:m, issledo-vardya r,--ganiQtF-sl,ixh sovedinen-V i khill-ldc tie skikh -protsessov., -1c)62. 2. instit,-4. -crvr--dineniy A,"'l --j-A, Lenirlgrad (for Vollkenshteyn). 3. lnst4t~;t k-h-Jlilli r priorc,rQikh soyredineniy ~!,' ,;'SS'A, T-,cI,3kva She"In"er". Kazi ill i~ dar--Ivpii!,.-y un*,;;-,~ ti~et ~.a C! gosu z --i f mizov . c. Inati'at crp-cnesk,Dy kh4--,J ('-)r Afar~aslyev). and zv i r il L, :Irj, 5:80~-W,3 !-N, 3,30-i -, "Iseo'c% znvy .. ~).. YU -~'L s" kt,, r!lsteniv, cmali 1, 1 PERELISON, M.Y-c.; SHEYNKER, Yu.U.; DMITRIYEVA, N.D.; LUKIYANETS, Ye. A.; SITOSHERINA, N.P.; LEVINA, R.Ya. Integrated intensities of C=O bands in the infrared spectra of substituted'a-pyrones. Izv. AN.SSSR.Ser.khim. no. 5:938- 941 My 164. (SERA 17:6) 1. Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR i Moskovskiy y universitat im. M.V.Lomonosova. gosudarstvennr YAGUDAY-EV., M.R.; POPOV, Ye.M.; YAKOVLEV, I.P.; SHEYNKER, Yu.N. Frequencies and intensities of infrared absorption bands of the stretching and deformation vibrations of the 11R, group in primary amines. Izv. All SSSR Ser. khim. no.7:1189-1196 Jl 164. (MIRA .1-7:8) 1. Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SWR i Institut organicheskoy khimii imeni Zelinskogo AN SSSR. 4/Pr-4 ASD(m)-3/A:S(m .p 5D L 10666-6~ EWTW/FPF(C)/tv4P(j) PC.-- RP.wr RM (,ACCEMM DR: AM41155 AUTHOR: Dw MMptqtM, G. G.-_Shenker Yu. N..j, YU Sme anov A. N. (Academician-I' TITLE--- ~s Us~g the structure of several Isomeric disubstituted ferrocenes by their IR absorption apectras SOMCE: AN SSSR. DoklaW., v-q'.1561 no* 4.. 1964,p~873-876. ILVPIC TAGS: ferrocene disubstituted fdrrocenq.,~ structure.. IR, ape a etraj, alkylferro- cenylamidej, alky1ferrocenylaitrile pheny1ferrocenylazild rroc trilA, phew1fe enylul; NH sub 2 absorptioa., regiono isomer, spatial hindrance,, spectral integrai intensity AWYNAM. The IR absorptioa spectra of several alkyl., aid #fteny2ferrocw#1audde Of lbba. ad &WIferrocenyinitrilea vere e=mined to datemine the,strtwture' i isomers. There am differences In tbe absorption in the 910-9w region in I mono- or heterocyclic d1substituted. ferrocenes and in pairs of howeyelic dimzb- stituted isomers, but because of difficulties in Identifications In this region* an intensive examination vw made of the frMeney and Intensity abaraicteriatic of the CzO and NH2 grmyse la the 112-isomers tbere am dIfferewes In the 2600- ~crd ~ L lo666-65 ACCMSMCff n: 'AP40411.55 f (C ZO) and 3100-3500 cm-' W2) regions: -the band for the-defomed ~:vlbratlon~ ok v 46 Utting of t114 bands the NH2 group OPlit'i Olmultaaeous4y vltlx a dec' As 'A the V !in the region of the NH valeacy vibrations; the spectra coatoAn absorption bands Ifor both free and bonded NH-groupe. In the ls3-19owere of and phenylferrocenylamide there is not splitting of the, .4% ba6d (in the corn ponding ethyl derivative the slight splitting is explained-by the,effect of the ethyl radical on the amide groupT. The spectra of the 1.,3-isomers in CCJ4- am somevhat al-11 to spectra of solutions of the corresponding 1011-derivativesi i they have no bands characterizing bonded NE-groups. The Ismars -differ in-the integral intensity of the caxtoxyJAe_AmiAe,.group. The ethyl group In the 1j11 and 43-isomers increases the integral intk-nsity in comparison to that of the ua-.-.~ substituted ferrocenylamide. In the 112-isomersp-methyl d~md ethyl substituents do-' not cause this increasej, apparently due to loss of c9nJugatica of the amide grov -with the cyclopentadienyl ring because of spatial, hindrances These conclusions about the structure of these compounds based on IR spectra ~Lre In agreement lwith~ -a. ;oxidation-reduction potentials, UV spectra and comparative adsorptions on A Further studies axe being couducted., Orig. art, -has,. 2--tsbles~ and 2 figures,, 'k SM pri=dny*kjj Soy~~ Ak#4eUj:U _nijj._ JA&WC1=Cff: Inatitut k-114-14 i Car L L "2565!-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5015797 + C H )'3PCHC01QHal were found to possess froq~encieil of i1ii, end4 6 5 R vibration of carbonyl close to the known values of 'the-fre~uehoies for a li''A' - * `Ij ;Saturated carb*onyl-containing-compounds, o sp 1(C6H.5)3P-CRj-Cd-R, the position of the absorption band of carbonyl was** shifted 100-180 cm into the low-frequency region.. The intensities of\ the carbonyl bands in the spectra of acylmethylenetripheaylphosphoranes I.- !were substantially increased, while in the spectra of the salts they were somewhat lowered in comparison with the normal values. The data Jobtained agree with an ylide structure of i'Lcylmethylenetripheimylphospho-1I rauea, in which the polarity of the C-0 groups is greatly increased, and,, -the negative charge is localized to a considerable degree'on*the ox h rather than on the ylide carbon, 48 in akk oranesC Orig arts. has 1 q, graphs, and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii prikodnykh Akademii nauk S~SR (Institute soyedineniy of the Chemistry of Natural Compoundsl Acade= of figlAnces.- SSSR) L: 00 -SUB CODE: OCt OP SUBM O6Feb63 NO REF- SOV; 003 OTHER: 012 JPRS ,d 2/2 SHEU,KEF, Yu.N.; SITYAV EA I i ~, L. B. Position and the intensity of anti symune t-lical strete' ig lbard of the 11 group in the infrared spectra -f' organic azides. Iv,r. Aft 2SSR Ser. khim. no.11:2113 11 104 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. FERESLENI, Ye,M.3 SHEYNKER,,-YU.N. Tautomerism of some derivatives of heterocyclic compounds. Part 15. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.9;2152-2157 S 164. (WRA 17:12) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy nauchno-issledovatelOskiy khimiko-formatsevti- cheskiy institut imeni Ordzhonikidze, Moskva. F'-,-K, C,.Yu.; PEREL'SON', reqcnEnre mjectni of natural c(~Umar',!:s S SE! 0 and Loki. AN R '15F. C IIE~4. (MIRA 17;12) 1. prirodnykl,, soyedineniy AN SSSR -J Vsesovu ryy lekdrs,.vernykh I arcmatJcheskfkh rusten'y. Predstavleno M.M. Shemyak~Jnym. PERETISO'll NIKONOV. ",K.; PEK,,. G.Yu.; SUMM, Yu.N. , u of xanthogalol and zosimol. Dokl. AN SSSR 159 N 161 (W-RA 17ti-2) L.. 1. Veesoyuzryy institut. lekarstvemnykh i aromaticheskikh rasteniy _3 Instit"'It, kh-JrL4-i pr-4rodnykh scyed.-1neniy AN SSSR, Pre,4stavieno akademikom M.M. Shem-fakinym. - Yu.l;.; -,-,,A'.TSTsV, B. Ye.; PERELISCN, M. Ye. integral intensities of carbonyl bands in the infrared spectra of some cyclic compounds. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. khim. no.l-lt2ll4 N 164 (MIRA 181i1) 1. Thstitut khimii p.-irodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR i Vsesoyuznyy Lnetitut leknz-stvennykh i aromaticheskikh rasteni.y. 11MMEYMNOV. A.N., akademik-, DITORMITSEVA, G.G., KOC;HETKOVAv M~3RTXOV'fi, R.B.; SHEMMI L4.N. Properties and s*.-"Uctu--- of dicyclopentadienylmermary. Dok-L. AN '175-SR 159 no.,/a8.1,?-850 D 161, (M-M 18-.1) 1. Thstltut elementaorgani.-heskikh soyed-Inen-ly AN PERESMU, Ye.M.; SHEVIKER, Yu. N.; ZOSE4011A, N.P.; P%IMWJTSKV, Yu.1. (Moskva) -1-1- fautome.r-f-qw ov'zroww P3 z=sj&tMdR, SLwpz.r-