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SHEYKO, Sergey Sargeyevich; YANKFT.'FVICH, Mikhail Nikolayevich; ANANIYEV, A.I., retsenzent; ZOIDTUKHIN, P.Ye., retsenzent; ILINICH, B.K., red.; TIWSOV, N.S.,, tekhn. red. [Accounting and calculation of production costs in a cloth- ing factory]Uchet i kallkulirovanie sebestoimosti produktsii shveinoi fabriki. Leningrad, Gosmestpromizdat, 1962. 195 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Clothing industry-Accounting) (Costs, Industrial) I- SEMKO, T.I. *~ermi~na ion of the dyestuff content of dyed viscose. Khim.voick. no-5:67-68 160. (KUM 13i:L2) 1. Xalininekiy kombirAt. (Dyes and dyeing-Rayon) TUPITSYN., G.I.; SIIEYKO, T.S.; YAKIMOV, S.Ya., red.; ANTONOVA, S.D., r-e-d'.-izd~~-Vd;'~-VLADII41ROVAI M,S., [1ndustrial safety and sanitation In electroplating shops) Tekhnika bezopasnosti i proizvodstvennaia sanitariia v gallvanicheskikh tsekhakh. Izd.2.0 perer. Moskva, Oboron- giz, 1963. 206 p. (MIRA 17:3) 31'~crt ".1ve '10 -- 3o 1 1, t ions 2. Cc. ~4 ons c t'le. ',:t!ar'r-cv s--- r-t-wa-,rE c,,)craters. Radio no. 12, c R7:z s zai- q ce. s z rf ~ " c,~ 1 c,-, Unclassifie d. az V. 2. USS.R (600) 4. Radio - S;~ort-Wa-vre - Kharkov 7. SI-ort-wave demrtment of the Lenim Polytechnical Institute at Kharkov, Radio, Nc. 2, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1953, Unclassified. 61;E'f&(), V. Rad'o - Receivers and Reception Reception of amateur radio stations on radiobroadcasting receiver. Hadio. No. 5, 1953. Monthly List of Hu5sian Accessions Library of Congress, June 1953. Uncl. 0 TARANOV, R., Inzheiner; SH oj~jk,,jnxhener; VOLKIN, F., (Lqsino- V=W!~ Petrovsk, Mookove a A tl)l MHTIL, K.; MIRON3M, V.; ZUTLPV, N. -, SHOTKHN, A. Accounts by participants. Radio no.10:18-20 '56. (MLRA 9:11) 1. Nachallnik reepublikanskogo radiqkluba Dobrovollnogo obsbcbestva sodeystviya armii. aviatsil i flotu Moldavskoy SSR (for Zuyav) 2. Starshiy inzbener respublikanskogo radiokluba Dobrovollnogo obahchestva sodeystviya armii, aviateii i flotu Moldavskoy SSR (for Shovkhat). (Radio, Sbortwave--Competitions) 9M AUTHOR: Sheyko, V. (UB5C!) SOV/107-59-4-33/45 TITLE: A Short Wave Antenna (Korotkovolnovaya antenna) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 4, pp 44 - 47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author explains details of the two-range, ro- tating, directional antenna used by the British radio amateur G4ZU. The second part of the article contains instructions for building such an antenna. There are 2 drawings, 5 diagrams, 1 graph and 5 So- viet references. Card 1/1 05403 22( SOV/107-59-8-23/49 AUTHOR: V. SheykD,_JJ115CI, (Kharlkov) TITLE: Trainin- of the Short-Wave Radio Ham PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 8, PP 30-31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author, a radio ham since 1948, tells about his exDerience in amateur contests. With the assistance u of R.O.Taranov (UB5DQ) and M.A. Voroblyev(UB5BC) he worked himself up from a radio circle in the elemen- tary school to become a member of a radio club. Final- ly, he became a student at the radio department of a Vuz. He describes the transmitter and receiver equip- ment which he uses for work on all amateur ranges and recommends some practice exercises for participating in contests. Amateurs should always have their equipment in working order, and they should not work on repairs and adjustments during the last days be- Card 112 fore a contest. They should study in advance the 05403 O-OV/107-59-8-23/4-0 Training of the Short-Wave Radio Ham propagation of radio waves, and should inform them- selves on other stations which could possibly be con- tacted. During the contest they should check perio- dically all available ranges for rare contacts. Amateurs should get some rest before starting in a contest. Card 212 SB:FIKO, V. (UB5Cl) Calculation of a 'rnetwork. Radio no.1:21-22 Ja 160. (14IRk 13:5) (Electric filters) I- SBEYKO..-V-. (UB5CI); BURKO, G. (UB5LY) (Khartkov) Converter for a band of 420 to 435 megacycles. Radio no.6:38-39 Je 160. OURA 13:7) (Frequency changers) SHETKO, V. (UB5cl) Listen to UB5KCX. Radio no.6:41 is ,6o. (MIRA 13:7) (Kharkov--Amteur radio stations) GEJLTAYEV, G.; GAUKEPUff, R., master radiosporta Noplkva); GONCEARSKIr, V. master radiosporta tLIvov); 3MMOVICH,.-;.., master radiosporta, (Stalino); SUMO, Tu., master radioaporta; IVANOVA. Teeq master radiosporta (Chelyabinsk); LABUTIN, L., master radiosporta (Moskva); SHErKO, V., master radiosporta; G3S]MW, B., master# radiosporta (Khar1k6-0';--Shtreus, V., pervorazryadnik (Buguruslan); VOWSTAN, IL, pervorazryadni (Simferopol'). Is it really entertainment and not sport? Radio M-5:13-14 My 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Predsedatell sportivnoy komisaii Federatsii radiosporta SSSR (for Gulyevev). (Amateur radio stations) RYZHOV, Petr Aleksandrovich. Prininali uchastiye: BUKRINSKIY, V.A., kand. tekhr..nauk, dots.; GUDKOV, V.M., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; RUDAKOV, M.L., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; SHEYKO, V.G., inzh.; BYSTRIGIN, N.M., inzh.; TROFIMOV, A-.I.--p-r,of. ~ietsenzent; OGLOBLIN, D.N., prof., retsenzent; SLAVOROSOV, A.Kh., red.izd-va; BOLDYREVA, Z.A., tekhn. red.; EPPEL', N.Ya., tekhn. red.; SHITOVA, A.S., tekhn. red. (Geometry of mineral deposits] Geometriia nedr. Izd.3., pe- rer. i dop. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nedra," 1964. 500 p. (MIRA 17:3) ALEKSEYEV, F.K.; ANDRIYUTS, G.L.; ARSENTIYEV, A.I.; ASTAFIYEV, Yu.P.; BEVZ, N.D.; BEREZOVSKIY, A.I.; GENERALOV, G.S.; DOROSHENKOJ, V.I.; YESHCHENKO, A.A.; ZAPARA, S.A.; KALINICHENKO, V.F.; KARNAUSHENKO, I.K.; ~KIKOVKA, Ye.I.; KOBOZEV, V.N.; KUPIN, V.Ye.; LOTOUS, V.K.; LYAKHOV, N.I.; MALYUTA, D.I.; METS, YU.S.; OVCDENKO, B.K.; OKSANICH, I.F.; PANOV, V.A.; POVZNER, Z.B.; PODORVANOV, A.Z.; POLISHCHUX, A.K.; POLYAKOV, V.G.; POTAPOV, A.I.; SAVITSKIY, I.!.; SERBIN., V.I.; SERGEYEV, N.N.; SOVETOV,, G.A.; STATKEVICH, A.A.; TERESHCHENKO, A.A.; TITOV, O.S.; FEDIN, A.F.; KHOMYAKOV, N.P.; _51MM,j,Z.; SHEKUN, O.G.; SESTAKOV, M.M.; SHTANIKC, V.I. Practice of co4struction and exploitation of open pits of Krivoy Rog Basin mining and ore dressing combines. Gor. zhur. no.6: 8-56 Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Krivoy Rog Basin-Strip mining) FALIKEUGH, A.S.f kand.tekhn.nauk; SHEY14KINt M.Z., inzh,- SREYKO, V'I,, inzh.; FILIGHLOV, A.A., inzh.; TROYEPOLISKIY, V.N., inzh.; CHEPMSHEMO, I.Gq LYUBCHENKO, A.I., Uzh.; KVARTIN, I.I., inzh.; KAIASHITIKOV, F.I.9 inzh.; GOLOSOV, I.P. 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issle~ovatellskiy institut po stroitel'stva magistralInykh truboprovodov (for Fallkevich, Sheynkin). 2. Proyektno- konstruktorskoye byuro "Glavatroymekhanizateiya" Ministerstva transportnogo-stroitellst~a SSSR (for Troye llskiy*"Liman) 3. Yasinovatskiy mashinostroiteVnyy zavod rfor Chebayshenko). 4. Stalinskiy zavod sel'skokhozyaystvennogo mashinostr6yeniya (for Lyubehenko). 5. Cdesskiy zavod prodovol'stvennogo mashino- stroyeniya (for Kvartinj Kalashnikov). 6. Staro-Kramatorskiy mashino- stroitel'nyy zavod (for Golooov). (Welding) ' (Protective atmospheres) AID P - 4869 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 107-a - 3/14 Authors : Aristov, V. S. and V. I. Sheyko Title : Dependence of mechanical properties of fused metal upon the length of the arc in welding with austenite electrodes. Periodical : Svar. proizv., 4, 9-12, Ap 1956 Abstract : The authors present results of their investigation of the subject, supplemented with the experience and records of several industrial plants. They provide several practical suggestions pertaining to the length of the are, which affects mechanical properties of fused metal and depends on various characteristics and conditions. Four tables 5 graphs and 1 drawing. 2 Russian references (1952-54~- Institution Gentral Scientific ReBearch Inatitute of Machine-Building Technology (TsNIITMASh). Submitted No date S/13 61/"/001/0W'018 001 A006YA AUTHORS: Sheyko, V.I., Fil'ohakov, A.A., Engineers TITLE: On Welding In Water Vapor Medium PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1961, No. 1, pp. 43 - 44 TEXT: With reference to L.S.Sapiro's theory on the use of water vapor as a shielding medium in welding low carbon steel, the authors present some criticismA It is pointed out that the savings obtained by the cheaper shielding atmosphere are not compensated by a decrease in efficiency of the welding process as compared to welding in carbon dioxide. The use of Sv-08 wire, as recommended by Sapiro, does not assure stable mechanical properties of the weld metal, equalling those ob- tained with + 42 (E42) type electrodes. Taking into account the strong oxidizing nature of the atmosphere when welding in water vapor, and, as a result, the incon- siderable raise of strength of the weld metal at low values of its ductility, the use of an alloyed wire is not recommended for this type of welding. This method, using Sv-08 wire is only recommendable for unimportant weld joints and repairs, if the efficiency of welding does not play a crucial part. There is I table and I Soviet reference. Card 1/1 ZOLOTOV, VA., inzh.; BERD1CHEVSKIY, B.Te., inzh.; SHETKO, V.I., iUZ16~ Daepropetrovak-Frommic Region at the Exhibition of-FxzgreaaLv* Practices in the National. EconokV of the Mir~n SS.R. Met. i gornorud.prom. no-5s85 S-0 162. (MIRA 16sl) (Dnep--opetrovsk Provinc Industries) SHEYKO, V.P.-ISheiko, V.P.]; NECHAYEU, I.Ya. [Nechaieva, I.IA.1 .11 Investigating the calculation of one of the 10 cm. wave4and frequency divider designs, Urko fiz, zhur, 5 no. 5:656-b65 S-o 16o. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Kharlkovskiy osudarstvennyy universitet. (Triodes5 (Frequency changers) SHFZKO, Vladj2,jr Favlovicb.1 GODDER, F,Ye., red.; LOIWIOVICH, V.A., red.~ KOROLFIJ, A.V,, tekhn. red, [Antennas for amateur radio transmitterslAntenny liubitell- skikh radiostantsii. Moskva, DOSAAF, 1962. 123 P. (MIRA 15:9) (Amateur radio stations~--Equipment and supplies) (Radio-Antennas) 37189 S/185/62/007/004/013/018 D40'//D301 Sheyk!?., TITIZE: Choice of optimal parameters of reflection graving of a diffraction resonator PE'RIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 7, no, 4, 1962, 430-435 TEXT- A diffraction resonator is described which has the properties of a multi-ruled reflection grating, as well as those o - I a disc resonator; by means of such a device, it is possible to considerably improve the parameters of wavemeters and spectro- meters. The basic Darameters of a ruled gratJng, used as a dif- L .Lraction -,-iavemeter or as a spectrometer, are the width of the monochromatic energy distribution at the k-th maximum, and the resolution. Tne acelvice is used in ultra-high-frequency radio- engineering. It incorporates, in addition to the reflection grating, one or two refElecting metal mirrors. The rulings of Card 1/3 S/185/62/007/004/013/018 C In. o i c e o .' o p t imma 1 Dl,'r07/D301 the grating are chosen in such a way that the angle of incidence i and -.lie angle of observation W should be equal, provided t, I'iat a maximum, exists in a.wide frequency range- at t~e same VY u-me, zhese angles are variable. Only a grating of certain dii,.ioncion.,3 and shape can comply with this condition. The graphs tilo ,anc-les i v e rs, u s gl being the width of the rulil.") plotted for various h1g denoting height) and maxima. Formulas are given for the Q-factor of a disc resonator. it is noted that the z)resence of the resonator mirror D2 per- --s L ;~' a double signal-passage: direct and inverse. This leads m Uo a rrreat increase in resolution it is noted also that 2 mirrors have to be absolutely pL-allel. The descriDed dull raction resonator is quite simple to operate. The experiments conducted w--, th it showed that t~e theoretical and experimental' c.--aracteristics were in -fair agreemen-. The spectral charac- u teristics of the device were considerably improved by double passage of the signal, with a Q-factor of the resonator, close Card 2/3 Choice of optimal ... S/185/62/007/004/013/018 D407/D301 to ~_-,00. The range of wavelengths of the resonator can be ex- Uended 4 - 5 fold by using higher-order interference maxima. T:iore a--e 5 figures and 4 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 1 non- Soviet-bioc. 'The reference to the English-language publication reads as foilows: Williams, Rev. Mod. Phys., 14, 64, 1942. AS:30CT'q'!ON SUB2~TITTED: Kharkivslkyy derzhuniversytet im. 0. M. GorIkogo (Kharkiv State University im, 0. 12A. GorIkiy) July 4, 1961 Card 3/3 IT 16206-63 ACCESS10 -MR: AR300M 4/005*63/900/906/3040/00 Somas: RZh. Fizikaj, Abe. 6 i005 AUTHOR: Sh as V. P. Valitoyp R A. TIM: Account or inMence of wldth`of'miar4~ave sIgml spectrum. In operation with steplike reflecting gratiM amay CIM W)RCE: Uch..vipo. KharlKovsk. uvt.,: V. Id7j, 1.9620 Tro Radialse fake# ve 6, 83-86 TOPIC TAGS: Microwave oscillation-, reflection# grating. army. TRARMATION: -Some features~of the appl1cation of~9ptles1swWwds of spectria - analysis of microwave generator oscillations-,are comilderede The -dispersion -WA-- the angular shift of the spectral mzima upm reflection of a nonally Incident- signal from the broadband steplIke grating Is calculatede The probable error'in the measurement of the wavelength of the spectral lim,, brought about by the ncn.,-'.' monochromaticity of the signal,,, Is determined. The method proposed by the authors-.~, makes it possible to estimate beforehand the possible,.,neasiirement srrors when oper ra with a steplike reflecting grating -in the easeof vertical polarization of the be signa. L4;;Frd NR: AR3000175 ACCFSMON made with a.toroidal ferrite core and in lie u. of the ordinary round , wire a flat copper tape is used, vhich is wound on the core in a single Iqyer. The windings are arranged'in such a mumer tbat-tbe turns of' -of the. primary the secondary vinding are located between the ~turns it is possible -to obtain-a. transformation ratlo,It With such a design , the range of 1-3# Calculations.. of al ;ti~6 parameters of-.the;g~vindlv _ '' tire' tbe seated resulis pre p and also. transfoxmer of the proposed deslgn _ -with -- agreement: 'the of experimental'verificatims vhic7a are in~- good - ,. flat ions, Origs: art6 has: :4 DATE. AcQ::. I&MELY63, EML::, GO.-." A V~ L r:~~ ~d t 15021-65 ZCESSIOH A AUTHORs __VV PV_ TfTLE: A method for measuring the field dL9trLbut14bn La an open resonator Zhurnal eksperLimenta I noly ti ches koy teo re f I zikL v.,47, SOURCF,: no. 4, 1964, 1173-1177 j alysist electromagnetic field dLatrLbut T10 TOPIC TAGS: laser mods an io opem, resonator' ABSTRACT: A now method- based:-on thei.Introducti*06, of a' small - energ'y-~,, --is ---pro sad for,- Luves tit!!, me pb, absorbing, body into the resonance: volu Th gating the amplitude 4istrLb cLoa -oV fi4lds in o Penh rasonatJors 6: U method is free of the 'peneral,drawbacks*of-exLstIag thods La.. -thaX there La no need for using a hLghly stable microwave -signal sourcii. It is essentially a modifLeatton of the method of small perturbations based on determination of tho'cavity detunLag caused by Introduction of a small perturbing bodyv aid permits easy measurements of the Card L 15021-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4047881 amplitude distribution of the--field for -.any mode in..the cavity.. Them perturbing body is a small piece of r4bberor polyethylene-containing a large amount of lampblack. It was-used to~determine-the fields at:.:- the mirrors of an open resonator with spherical -reflectors. The re- i. sults have shown that only the fundamental'mode,exhibited circular symmetry, which persisted for not too' great-a miLralignment. of . the- mirrors. On'the other hand, them pred.icted--higher-or-der -even-symmetry: modes turned out to be' unstable in- the. sense that-in the reaLcavity.~ they split- readily Into a series- of id'ode's having~ more- complicated field configurations, exhibiting.-azimuthal 'dependence and having nearly equal resistance frequencies. The splitting. is probably due to the nouideal geometry of the real.cavLty.. Although the:method I a simLlar-to.-one recently descrlbed-by R. W. Zimmerer:(IEEE Trans.- A yield the.dis HTT-11, NO. 5, 371, 1963)1 the,latterl does:not trLbution~ for each mode separately, but only the total.field distribution* "The authors thank H, N. Yefiv.ii3kjo and Yuk H,Aeogyinov f or prep arin -Z.formula the experimental setup." Oril art, hast fLgures:aad- a ASSOCIATION: Khar'kovskiy gotudars Kharkov tvenny y universitet Stats University) Card NO REP SOV: 001 OTHERs: 004: ATD:PRESSS 3/3 Card VALITOV, R.A.; DYUBKO, S.F.; KAITYSHAN, V.V.; SHMKO, V.P. Method for measuring the field distribution in an open resonator. Z-hur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 47 no-4:1173-1177 0 164. (M] RA 18: 1) 1. llarlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. L 26956-65 DJT (d) 1W (1)/EEC (b) -2/VA(h) Pu-4/Pac-4/Peb/Pi-h/Pj-4 ACCESSION NR: AP5005228 S/0057/65/035/002/0279/0281 LA 1z 9 AUTHOR: Dyubko, S. F. Kaqrshan, V. V.; Sheyko~ V.-P TITLE: Experimental study of a basic mode d-Istribution in open resonators with spherical mirrors SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskcy fiziki, v. 35, no. 2, 19651~270-281 TOPTC TAGS: mode distribution, open resonator, Q spoiling, mode exc-Aation ABSTRACT: It was indi-cated earlier by R. A. Valitov and the present authors METF 47, .117.3,-1964) that study-of the _MP Li-tud-e- distribution of the elect romqag7__,,____ netic field in open resonators is pbssible- bir -m4ans.-of-the- q-mspoflirig` -e'-f'ke~6t- use of a low-absorbing element in the resonwtor. This method can a1s6 be used to study basic mode field distribution (without higher mode noise) and the effect on field distribution of mirror misalignment and other inhomogeneities writhin the resonator. To simplify the theoretical computations, the resonator dimensions were made larger than the wavejenji~th. The radii :)f curvature of the mirrors was 12"-0 A, the maximum diameter was 85 1, and the distance between mirrors 21 was varied from :650 to 6~10 A. In order to measure the Fresnel numbers for a given distance between reflectors, the latter were coated with blacK rubber on which large amounts of Card 1/ 3 ACCTLESSION NR: AP5005228 open-~en de carbon black had been deposited. The resonaLor*,.,,ras- excited b d waveRai located at the center of one mirror; the other mirr&r~ housed a radiation sensor., Meas,,iv-oments were made for confocal resonattors for which the dilstance between mirrors An iinexpected satisfactory agreement between theoretical and experi- mental re~,ultswas achieved. Introduction of a dielectric (foam polystyrol) into the resonqtor caused displacement of the field pattern in the direction of the di- -1--tri, similar to the one produced by misalignment, and the nonsymmetrical place- 77--it un-] 4nhYnr)F-nQities of th,- dielectric resulted in distortion of the field in- L I lines. The Q of the resonator was reduced in the process from 7 to 1 x 105. Althou,~,h a uniformly distributed inhomgeneity (a sheet of cigarette paper) did not affect the field distribution pattern, it caused a considerable decrease in the Q. This case can be compared to a reduction of the reflection coefficient of a mirror. The method was further checked by introducing an additional, small, but highly absorbing probe-like inhomogeneity into the resonator. The field distribution pattern, plotted with an accuracy up to 1-3%, was independent of the position of the additional probe. Orig. art. has; 3 figures. [YKJ ASSOCIATION- Khar1kovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. M. Gorlkogo (Khaekov 7- State University) Card 2/3 ri t,i~e mri n 35 r,:-,.2:279-,-)Pi (12 RA 18, G! il. ~C,-,O. L 7747-66 MIA (k)/FBD/Ee1T (1)/S.-C (k) -Z/T/M4P(k)/EWA (a) -2/EWA IJF(o) WGI ACC NRI AP5025893 SOURCE 00DE, UR/0057/65/035/070/1806/18.16 V'/? AUTHOR: Dyubko, S.F.;.Kamyshan, Y.V.;.Sheyko, V.P ORG: Khar1kov State University im. A.M.Gorlkiy (Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE:: I On the instability of confocat systems SOURGE; Zhurnal tekhnicheskey fiziki, v. 35, no. '10, 1.965, 1806-181.6 10 21, TOPIC TAGS: resonator, laser, electromagnetic wave diffraction ABSTRACT: The power losses of open square resonators with apertures from 10 to 18.2 wavelengths and radii of curvature from 45 to 52 wavelengths were measured as func- tions of the distance between the refl.ectors. to the resonator was provided by small. openings in the centers of the reftectors. Microwave power was produced with a thermostated ktystron supplied from regulated rectifier. Batteries were em- ployed for cathode heating current and the reflector and focusing potentials, and pulling of the oscillator frequency by the resonator was suppressed by a directional coupler providing 25 db of decoupling. A frequency stability of one part per million was achieved. The klystron output was amplitude modulated at audio frequency and the signal was amplified after detection with a narrow-band audio amplifier. Curves are presented showing the envelopes of the amplitudes of the TEMOO, TEX01, TEM02, TEM03# Card 1/2 - UDC: 538.565 vrv '/6 ~~' 6- 1 ~ L-7747-66 ACC NR: AP5025893 and TEM04 modes. These curves show complex structure with numerous minimal and there is a particularly pronounced minimum at the separation at which the reflectors are confocal. This minimum is ascribed to coupling due to imperfections of the reflec-. tors between the various modes that degenerate under confocal conditions, as a result. .of which energy escapes into the higher modes where diffraction losses are large. Amplitude and phase distributions on the reflectors were calculated with the aid of the integral equation of A.G.Fox and T. Li (BSTJ, 40, 453, 1961) and the results are presented graphically and discussed briefly. It is concluded that the requirement that the reflectors be confocal, sometimes specified with close tolerance in laser design, is not only unnecessary but even disadvantageous. The authors thank Profes- sor R.A.Valitov for his Interest in the work and E.D.Sitnikov for his assistance with the calcula -W-arrOrig. art. has: 2 fonaulas and 6 f1gur-es.~/V'sr SUB OODE: EC, EM, OP/ SUBM DATE: l2Nov64/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REP: 006 SEMYKO, V.S. -- -1. Portable equipment for checking electric meters. Izm.tekh. no.2:56-58 Mr-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:3) (Electric meters-Testing) 2.CO- e a n r"7 r c 12 `47 ) - -, . I -- SHEYKC, V. YE. Class Fibers Textiles from glass fibers. Leg. prom. No. 1, 1952. Monthly List 2f Russia Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. ly --- ---- IJS~'R/Miscellaneous Glass cloth Card 1/1 Pub 77 9/20 Authors Sheyko, V. E., Cand. Tech. Sci. Title Glass fiber Periodical Nauka i zbiznl 21/12, 23-24, Doe 1954 Abstract The process of making glas 'S fibers of 5 to 7 microns in diameter is des6ribed,--''- The use to which these fibers.can be put is stated, including the making of,,. cheap cloth, which has many advantages for certain.uses, such as in filtering. Illustrations. Instittition Submitted 25(1),2r(5) AUTHOR: None Given SOV/72-58-12-21/23 TITLE: Conference of Functionaries of the Glass Industry (soveshchaniye rabotnikov stekollnoy promyshlennosti) PERIODICAL; Steklo i keramika, 1958, Nr 12, PP 45-46 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The conference of functionaries of the glass industry of the RSFSR was held in the town of Vladimir from October 21-23, 1958. The or- ganizing bodies were: Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-tekhnicheskiy komitet Soveta Ministrov RSFSR (Scientific-Technical State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR), Gosplan RSFSR (State Office for Economic Planning of the RSFSR), Vsesoyuznoye khimicheskoye obshchest- vo imeni D.I. Mendeleyeva (All-Union Chemical Society imeni D.I.Men" deleyev) and Vladimirskiy sovnarkhoz (Vladimir Council o Economy). The topic of the conference was: Perfection of production processes, introduction of general mechanization and automatic contrd in the factories for buildang and technical glass, glass fiber, glass containers and vessels. A.S.Boldyrev, Deputy Chairman of the Scienti- fic-Technical State Committee of the Cwuncil vf Ministers of the RSFSR, in his opening speech termed the elaboration of measures for further development of the glass industry by introduction of the Card 1/5 latest technical achievements as well as the experience of leading Conference of Functionaries of the Glass Industry SOV/72-58-112-21/23 factories to be the most-, important task. He stressed that the achieve- ments-of Soviet and fore-ign science and engineering should be con- sidered in planning new workq. The following reports were given: F.G. Solinov, Director of the Gosudarstvennylj nauchno-issiedovatell- skiy insticut stekla ~Scientific State Research Institute for Glass) reported on the basic trend of scientific research, experimental and,-~._ construction w * glass industry. V.Ye. Sheykoq Director of the Vsesoyuz*,j nauchno-issledovatelle-Ify institut stek-Lovolokna (A!_-'-Un_ion 2cientific Research Institute for Glass Fiber) spoke on tha p=ospeats of development in the production.- of glass fiber and its products. Voshchilov,-Deputy Chief-11agineez of the GPI-3, reported on mechani- zation and automatic cont.:ol in the factories of bottle and vessel production. M.G.Stepanenko, Professor, Dixector of the laboratoriya Instituta Stekla (Laboratory of the Gla8s.Institute), reported on the intro- duction of electric and ga3--electric furnaces. 1.D. Tykachinskiy, Director of the Laboratory of the Glass Institute, spoke on methods anu experiments of intensifying the glass melting process by increasing the melting temperature and using chemical Card 2/5 accelerators. Conference of Functionaries of the Glass Industry SOV172-56-12-21123 N.V. Solonin, Professor, Director of the Laboratory of the Glass Institute, spoKe on measures of supplying the glass industry with high-grade refractory products. D.S. Rutman, Chief Engineer of the Podollskiy ogneupornyy zavod (Podol'skiy Factory of Refractory Products) opoke on the wanufacturirg technology and the properties of refractory products of this factory. A.G. Minakov, Daputy Chief Engineer of the Konstantinovskiy zavod "Avtosteklo" (&on,stsn,;inovsjciy Works "Avtosteklo") reported on ex- periments of extension of the furnace working period by artificial cooling of the furnace brick lining. V.G. Gutop, Director of the Laboratory of the Glass Institute, report- ed on the deielopment in automatic control of working conditions fox- glass-melting.fu-rnaces. V.V.-Erlandts, Deputy Chief of the Otdel stroitellnykh materialov Gosstroya SSSR ~,Sectioa for Building Materials of the Goestroy USSRb spoke on the-demands.of building experts to the glass industury. D.I.Klegg, Chief Engineer of.the Gusevskoy stekollnyy zavod imeni Dzerzhinskogo (Guievskoy Glassworks imeni Dzerzhinskiy), reported on the operation of tank furnaces,in this factory. The work of the conference was done in 4 sections: Building and tech- Card 3/5 nical glass, vessels, glass containers, glass fiber and Slass plastics. Conference of Functionaries of the Glass Industry SOV/72-58-12-21/23 In the sections, the following persons were speaking: S.11, Brekhov- skikh, Gosplan SSSR (Gosplan of the USSR); V.N. Alekseyev, Institut novykh'stroitellnykh materialov Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektui7 SSSR (Institute of New Building Materials of the Academy for Build- ing and Architecture of the USSR); L.V. Cherevatenko, Bytoshevskiy zavod (Bytoshevskiy Factory); V.I. Dyatlko, Chagodoshchenskiy zavod (Chagodoshchenskiy Factory); A.I. Ivanova, Institut steklovolokna (Institute of Glass Fiber); I.A. Figurovskiy, Gusevskoy khrustallnyy zavod (GusevsWy Crystal Works); V.G. Chistoserdov, Leningradskiy zavod khudozhestvennogo stekla i sortovoy posudy (Leningrad Works of Artificial Glass and Vessels); B.M. Shalunov, Urshellskiy zavod (Urshel'skiy Works); V.S. Lazarev, steklozavod imeni Kormunistichesko- go dobrovol'cheskogo otryada (Glassworks imeni Communist Voluntary Detachment)j D.P. Kropotov, Moskovskiy zavod imeni Kalinina (Moscow Works imeni Kalinin); P.P. Burnovo, Tsentrallnoye proyektno-konstruk-. torskoye byuroMinisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR (Central Project- ing and Design Office of the Ministry of the Protection of Health USSR); K.A. Zelenskiy, Roslavllskiy zavod (Roslavilakiy Works); N.V. Chernov, Kalininskiy sovnarkhoz (Kalinin Council of JZatl-i~j~ Scon=34 V.A. Kuzyak (GPI-3); V.I. Shakhurin (Scientific-Technical State Com- Card 4/5 mittee of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR1, and others. The . Conference of Functionaries of the Glass Industry members of the conference passed a resolution should be taken for further development in the introduction of modern technical achievements. SOV/72-5a-12-21/23 saying that meaSUres glass industry by the Card 5/5 SHEYKOJ, V.Z. (Leningrad, D-104y Liteynyy prospekt, 59, kv.2) Regional per2asion in malignaixt tw- s of the head and neck. Vop. onk. 10 no-4:93--99 164. OURA 17: 11) 1. Iz kafedry torakallnoy khirurgii i anesteziologU (zav. - prof. S.A. Gadzhiyev) Leningradskogo ordena Lenina. instituta us6vershen- st"Vovaniya, vrachey imeni Kirova. SH -7ZKC-, Ye. Sheyko, Ye. "Stminar reserves of r~miise-typa rodents, in the se,;I-des~rt steppe," Sbornik nauch. rabot studentov (Rost. n/D ps. un-t im. Molotova), Issue 1, 1949, p. 107-" SO: U-3566, 15 Narch, 53 (LetODiS lZhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 14, 1949). SfIEYKO,_-Xe.P,[S"iko., IE.P.I., aspirant Fight agaist soil erosion. Mekh. silt. hosp. 13 no.8:8-10 Ag 162. . (MIRA 15:7) 1. Ukrainskays. sellskokhozyayst7ennaya akademiyag (Soil conservation) L oil I D: --an j:':! r 1'1~ oe TEPLITSKAYA, Ye.S.; MAUYA, L.P.; MIRGORODSKMA , A. K-;-&REYKO,_ Z.A. 1_ KOGAN, TS.I.; OSIPOVA, Ye.S.; GIRGORASH, N.G.; PANKRAT-07T-,--LS.; GORBACHEVAJ, L.Ye. Spedies of dysentery pathogens encountered in 1959 in cef-tain regions of Dnepropetrovsk Province and their.serisItivity to.thedysentery bacteriophage and antibiotics. Vrach. delo no,9:11(4.-118 S 161. (911RA 14:12) (DNEPROPETROVSK PROVINCE--SHIGELLA) (BACTERIOPHAGE) (ANTIBIOTICS) SAVINOV, O.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; WSKIN. A.Ya.. inshener; PAZ L' V.M.' inzhener; TSBYTLDI, M.G., in2hener-, SIUMOV, K.L., inzhener. Exploratory percussion drilling (for discussion). Stroi.prom. 31 no.10.18-11 0 153. (MIBA 6:11) .(Boring) FAZHI, V.M. (Leningrad); SHEYKOV, M.L. (Leningrad) Using vibroborin,--,_ -methods in. tests at construction sites. Osn., fund. i mekh.~ *' (KIIIA 13:9) (Boring machinery) (Tibra;ion) ABE-LEV, Yu.N., dektor tekhn. nauk, prof.; ABELEV, M.Yu., inzh.; BAKHOLDIN, B.V., kand. tokhn. nauk; BEREZANTSEV, V.G., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; VYALOV, S.S., doktor tekhn. nauk; GODES, E.G., inzh.; GORBUNOV-POSADOV, I,''.1., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; DAU*.AT0V, B.I., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; DOKUGHAYEV, V.V., kard. tekhn. nauk; KRUTOV, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; KSENOFONTOV, A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; MARIUPOLISKIY, G.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; MORARESKUL,N.N., inzh.; HiLEY, Ye.M., inzh.; SAVINOV, O.A., doktor tekhn. nauk; SIDOHOV, N.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; %IORODINSKIY, N...., kand. tekhn. nauk; SOKOLOV, N.M., doktor tekhn.nauk; YiiDKD,'., A.Ya., inzh.; SHASHKOV, S.A., kand. tekhn.nauk; lz'EYKOV., M.L., inzh.; YAROSBENKO, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, [i-Le-`ced~ed]; KHALIZEV, Ye.P., kand. tekhn. nauk,, [Manual for the designing of industrial plants, apartment houses, and public buildings and structures; foundations) Spravochnik proektirovshchika promyshlennykh, zhilykh i obshchestvennykh zdanii i sooruzhenii; osnovaniia i funds- menty. Leningrad, Stroiizdat, 1964. 268 p. (MIHA 18:1) BUID~IARTA Antibir;sis a-rid Symbiosis. P Antibiotics. "'Os Jour :Ref Zhur - Biologiya, VTo 5, 1959, No. 19497 A I Author :Sheykova G Inst :,The Republic's Scientific-Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology - Title :The Study of Antagonistic Properties of Bact. prodigiosum Orig Pub :Tr. Respubl. n.-I. In-t epidemiol. i mikrobio'-;., 1955, 2, 129-131 Abstract :Prodigiosin exhibits a strong antagonistic action on diphtheria bacteria, staphylocci and streptococcl. It is recommended to use Bact. prodigiosum in the control of the diphtheria carrier. Card 1/1 TOSHKOV, A., SIIBYKOV.A. G., SHIPOLDII, R. Pathog jfe et of penicillin on guinea pigs. Zhur.mikrobiol. apid. i immun. 29 no-7:45-47 Jl '58 (MMA 11:8) 1. Iz Hauchno-isaledovatel'skogo instituta, epidemiologii i mikrobiologii, Sofia. (MICILLIff, effects. on gastrointestinn1 microbiol. & fatal doese in guinea pigs (Run) (INTESTINES, microbiology. eff. of penicillin in guinea pigs (Rug)) TOSHKOV2 As.; SHEYKOVAI G.; NOYDIA, K. Combined use of streptomycin and human gamma-globulin in exp'erimental whooping cough infection In mice. Antibiotila 5 no.2:67-69 Mr-Ap ,6o. (KMA 14:5) 1. Nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut epidemiologii I mikrobiologii, Sofiya, Bolgariya. (WHOOPING COUGH) (STREPTOMYCIN) (GAMA GLOBULIN) G-~ Safi ZL~-,tU.- , VOL 11, Vo -3, 19 51 _ _N orty Ya~xu Z4ncj tha Initial Cc~.Ist o., L,,3 19=1an )44LCU and Sanitat--On o~zzrnarml' V. pp 3-7. 2. TAP ~mc .1 -Orli Of TatravjcXine si~fsyx8VII cnd K.-ULZIL-1VAI (fh--r. .-Y" rz,~J.~Zch I ;p 9-13 ( ~;,:. 3. 'Pnmmacodynamics and Toxt-cology a! AlIlitun ur~in-a.i- .4 vv.,U: /C Chairr-wis Sonior Rersoarch Aa:Zlii-.CEti-4, pp gjan.titattva Determination of Rutin in raqt- 4. :0 pyrum a nt=* T.P. LIZ'=Z~ and A.3. Inbi FOE-,I. -n.t tlt~ 2 I U-)j pp 3- 5. 4Antibacterial, Antiviral, Antitoxic and C~1topatitzr,-anIc Propartiss of Protobne74mln and A3. -0y, V. Lu- v I: V. IVPl, Tav. Q-17" St. 7L:, V. rrs~t- 1- -, zch and :2, in it!' L. t--) , pp 6. *vAthad for Quantit&tiva Analyais zl ;ro,:41na lide in rovaJrcn 4n;,als" M-, _~~a.f r StIta !ontzol over-Za.41-ml pr r : or Prot Sv. 1~2~:VSW//Jr pp 33-33. Usa of ton LIA,:han-j* to D~ter=--r2 Acidity of CantrIc Iuid- L. and Z. 30-43 ; (Enalish 'Th,) HospiLal 7harmacy" Iv. Kini3try Of H~mlth I F-Ipj- 44-49. -W-~rwution no-L iuntuivd. 4ach W~!~Tztea!dy Intite. po t=-Aztalys. Xstv!rs p3 I tck:LkaloZ!Z%. 3 x3cl;m%dy institut. Ut~iza f0m L C3- pm;Aratoy. lartittrt P2 #-1-d*,j4rJz4 1 4-mMitut " d.-=ran k:cat.--l ra le!~XrjtT wvdatvs~ Aptacbms lnr,%kt" lazw. -L-- .I - STOYANOV, D.; '-HEYKCIV~-, rpica treated W't',. tet-ra- F a tj-,omorc- 2 Cc C a"' cyc~!-,:ne in dIfferent com-bi.~a,-j Cris. 8 nc.2.737-'7.~.O Pg 163. (MIRL 17 5) ':;kl!y int~ltut. tipi.darmiologli i ullk-I'ObiOlOgii, 1. N-tLUo-,qTV'.!--- - _i - - . - - soflya i k-Lri,.ik.,)-fariLatsevtickieskiy I ~ql ct ~ ~-y ., i-not,ltu'., 1:1~ol-ij-a. 1. -,- -. I ; L:y c, Lji d from !,hE) -7- Z~~7- 34 rln.-;57--F,71- .-0 265. (MIPA MCI.-!) kM, ilkc-F SMIYVANP A. I. Sheyman, A. I. - 00n factors influencing the rupture of the fetus membrane," Collection dedicated to the Maternity Hospital im. Snegireva on its 175th anniversary, Leningrad, 1949, p. 87-92 SO: U-4355, 14 August 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 15, 1949) ACC NR: (AjV) APOO-35691 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/019/0034/0034-':---- 1NIVENTOR: Mald-ino L. P.; Sheykman, A. K.; Kost, A. N. ITLE: Preparation of !-(P-pyridylethyl) indoles.'Class 12, ,.;o. 136LL84,I 1 .~announced by Donets Branch of*the All-UnJ:on Scientific Research-Insti- Itute of Chemical Reagents and High Purity Chemicals (Donetskiy filial. ,Vse3oyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta Ichimicheskikh : reaktivov i osobo chistykh khindcheskild-i veshchestv) I iSOURICE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 19, I 0 3, !19663 J4 'TOPIC TAGS: mridylethylindole, Yridine, indole, hexa nol, "4.kOSLI ABSTRACT*- To simplify the technology of the preparation of 1-(8-py- ridylethyl)indolea by boiling vinylpyridiuee with indoles in solution in the presence of catalysts (metallic K or Ila) with subsequent isolation of the final product by'a known method (e.g., distillation in vacuo), high-boiling aliphatic alcohols (e.g., hexanol) are used as solvents* (PS SUB CODE1 07/ SUBM DATE: lOJan66 (WA-50; CBE No..14 Card 1/1 UDC:547-753-07 - -~5HEYMO".M6 ~-- inz~.-mayor People of an inquisitive mind. Vest.protivovozd.obor. no.2:39-40 F 161. (MIRA 14:2) (Airplanes-Maintenance and xepair) f ;Lromal4f 9 hydr, pmbdal with boric m 4) rip _77 ~tdd. V the and 7- 1. ISSE~f U kdd can b e u-sed i. the F MILCzafts fQ;'M la 0 aromatic - .. ~h: of alky viupd3. such as CH4, MePh, rr- Xylene. P - and PhOH. The adit- of and the P, aromatic Is treated at W-5* with AIC4 rad the mixt. heated O.&-l i,at 4&-.00^. depending an the reactivity m the if alkyL21ed products runge no to BG-2%, although mainly kv-66% Yields am obtadned. The esteini used Wclud~ ~EtC~)tB, (PrQ)%3, (BuO),B, (f~B~ 0),,B, (bo-AmO),,B. tris(2--thythexyllbamte, (CsFlj-,O):El, (C.H.0 4B. (PhCHO),l'.. (CHs:ClfCHtO),tB, (CICILCHr 0113. and etItyli-ne glyca., :ioiratr. ThCCltrnw-'z)cprtpd- by aztouoptc dchydratixti of ROF and B(OH~ in C*Hj with anhyd. CuSO.. T'has ~utre rc-pex-ted: 36% (EtO),,B~ b. 1.17-20 . 1. ~.SrWj. !:V 373. and trW2--ethylbexFl)b~-- ate, h, 183-5', 0.8519, 1.4385. Heating 4.4 g. (PrO)%B with 9 g. AlCls in 6.5 tat. ?hN02 3.5 hr-s. Lit 60-75' save no HCI or PrCl. WhiL- PmiouiL-Lantly P-L-iners af alkylatcd Prod"Lls were obtlined, the nnitnaDy expected O-df_-Jvs. WEre also found. Prolong!d reaction of C~H4 with ma&s AIC4 and I mote (EtO),A] gait 47.2% Etph -414-60,10 Etc- C-I-J~; (Kfeo,.,.Al w 'Pro "M faik--4 w 5 Q) AUTHORS: Kost, A. N.,.Shayman, B. M., 5011/79-29-7-45/83 Terentlyev, TITLE: Synthesis With the Aid of the Ifitrile of Acrylic Acid (Sintezy s pomoshchlyu nitrila akrilovoy kisloty). XXXIII. Cyanoethyla- tion of n-Cresol (XXXIII. Tsianetilirovaniye n-krezola) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khinii, 1959, Vol 29, fir 7, pp 2310 - 2314 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the synthesis of 6-alkyleoumarins, starting with the corresponding n-alkylphenols and acryloni- trile and examined the conditions necessary for the reaction of n-cresol with acrylonitrile in the presence of AM 3' '110 0 solution had no effect at reaction took place below 10 . CCl 4 these temperatures. In nitrobenzene solution AM 3 caused in- tense resinification. An equimolar amount of t-cresol and acrylonitrile without a solvent was saturated with HC1 and then an equimolar amount of AM 3added. After heating the reaction mixture for 1 hour at 80 0 the yield was 16%. Half of the pro- Card 113 duct separated as 6-methyl-3,4-dihydrocoumarin (I), the other Synthesis With the Aid of the Nitrile of Acrylic SOV/79-29-7-45/83 Acid. XXXIII. Cyanoethylation of n-Gresol half, a fraction boiling at 128-1330 (at 10 mm ) was a mix- ture of equal amounts of (I) and, apparently, (Ii~, which was not obtained in pure state. CH2 CH3 CH3 H 2 CH 3- OH H CN (11) 0 0(1) The yield did not increase on further heating and addition of more AIC1 and acrylonitrile. When heated for a short time to 0 3 0 200 a liquid fraction only was obtained, boiling at 128-133 (at 10 MM The longer period of reaction therefore leads to lactone (I). When propionitrile was used instead of acryloni- trile, molar proportions of the components being maintained, the yield of lactone (I) rose to 41.4d,- and 4-3~ of nitrile (II) were obtained. The melting point of (I) differs from that given Card 2/3 in publications. The COMDound (I) synthesized by the authors - - Synthesis With the Aid of the Nitrile of Acrylic SOV/79-29-7-45/83 Acid. XXXIII.Cyanoethylation of n-Cresol contrary to the results given in reference 6 - exhibits typical properties of 3,4-dihydrocoumarin (Scheme 2 with interpretation). There are 11 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: June 18, 1958 Card 3/3 S/153/60/003/005/006/016 BO13/BO58 AUTHORS: qjj~~~ Kuskov, V. K. TITLE: Synthesis of Alkyl Phenols From Boric Acid Esters by Means of,the Friedel - Crafts.Reaction PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimiches- kaya tekhnologiya, 1960, Vol. 3, No- 5, pp. 876-880 TEXT: Two methods of producing alkyl phenola are proposed in this papert in the first place, production from symmetrical boric acid esters, in the second place, through previous production of mixed boric acid esters. In the first case, the triphenylborate was alkylated with trialkyl borates in the presence of aluminum chloride. In the second case, alkyl aryl borates were treated with aluminum chloride, and subsequently hydrolyzed. Mixed boric acid esters were obtained, like symmetrical esters (Ref. 16), by means of esterification of an alcohol phenol mixture and dehydrogenation, or by means of partial interchange of ester radicals of trialkyl borate rith phenol in the presence of sodium phenolate, and distilling-off of the resulting alcohol. A pure preparation of the mixed boric acid esters was Card 1/3 Synthesis of Alkyl Phenols From Boric S/153/60/003/005/006/016 Acid Esters by Means of the B013/BO58 Friedel - Crafts Reaction not possible since they become symmetrical during distillation. This corresponds to the data of Ref. 17. The yields are higher when applying the second method. Thus, the experiments conducted under equal conditions for butyl phenols yielded 67% by the first method, and 89% by the second method. This may be due to the fact that mixed boric acid esters were present in the second case, with which the reaction may also take the course of a regrouping. As customary, the phenols were isolated with the aid of 10% NaOH (Refs. 3-5). The effect of temperature, amount of aluminum chloride, and length of the reaction, was studied by the example of n-butyl diphenyl borate. The highest yields were obtained at a duration of the experiment of 15 minutes at 800 - 950C, using 1.3 moles of aluminum chloride per 1 mole of mixed boric acid esters. The yield of secondary butyl phenols was about 98% (77% mono- and 21% dibutyl phenol). From the mixture of the resulting o- and p-alkyl phenols, pure isomers were isolated by means of distillation. Ordinary isomerization of the alkyl group occurs under ex- perimental conditions during alkylation. Only from the reaction of n-propyl diphenyl borate with aluminum chloride, an isomeric mixture was obtained, which consisted, on the basis of the melting points determined, of n- and Card 2/3 Synthesis of Alkyl Phenols From Boric Acid Esters by Means of the Friedel - Crafts Reaction isopropyl phenols. It was established only contained phenol compounds. There 6 US, 2 British and 2 German. S/15 60/003/005/oo6/ol6 B013YB058 that all resulting alkyl phenols are 27 references: 18 Soviett ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im.M.V. Lomonosova, Kafedra khimicheskoy tekhnologii (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov, Department of Chemical Technology) SUBUITTED: January 19, 1959 Card 3/3 SHL'YKM, B - M. ; KOS T, A. H. - -:7~--777=:- - C~ranoethjvlation of the nucleus of ib-alkyphenole. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 2: Khim.'15 no-5:65-68 S-0 6o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, kafedra khimicheskoy tekhnologii i organicheskoy khimii. (Phenols) (Cyanoethylation) KOST, A.N.; SHMIU1, B.M.; KUSHKOV, V.K. Esters of ethylene cyanohydrin in the Friedel-Krafts reaction. Izvovysoucheb.zav.; kbim.i khim.tekh.- 4 no.1:87-91 161. (IBM 14:6) V-- 1. 14oskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V~Lomonosova, kafedra organicheskoy kbimicheskoy tekhnologii. (Friedel-Krafts reaction) (Hydracrylonitri-le) KOST, A.N.; BRAGINA, K.K.; SEEMAN, M, Derivatives of melilotic and phloretic acids and their effect on the growth of plants. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 6: Biol., pochv. 17 no.5:34-41 S-0 '62. (MMA 15:11) 1. Botanicheskiy sad i kafedra organicheskoy khimii Moskovskogo universiteta. (HydrocinnnTnic aeid) (Growth promoting substances) KOST) A.N.; Sj~~M, I Syntiw~sis of -(2-hydroxY-~5.6alkylphenyl) propylamines. Zln= ob.khim'." 33 no.2t545-549 F 163. (KERA 16:2; 1. Moskovslciy gosudarstvenW =iversitet-66ni M.V.Lomonosova. (Propylamine) (Banzene'derivatives) Y- l,'Pl,L-,; , V.Y-;. ,;Y. (2-methoxy( hydro-xy)- 3-alkylphenyl p j - a pc. n i,-,- d s Ire r, t u ri . Ee r . 2 i :3,1 -0 rio.1:42-45 165. :'.Llfecirp S HEY IMLA N1.M.c KOST, A.N.-, DEM"ZOVA, L.Ya. I Kilnstl~-s of the hydrojyt:'~c opening of the lactone ring of . , .,--d - 6-alkyl-1.1 4 hydrocoumarins'. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no.5t870- 875 IMY f-45. (MIRA --,8.-6) 3. Moskcirskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. SHEYMAN, R. A. Isolation of newborn vaccinated with -BCG against tuberculosis. no.1:26-28 Ja '54. (MIaA 7:1) - 1. Iz organizatsionno-metodicheskogo otdela (zaveduyushchiy - kandidat meditainskikh nauk M.L.Golldfarb) Leningradakogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo tuberkuleznogo inatituta (direktor it.D.Semenov). (BCG) (Tuberculosis) SHEYMAN, I.M. ____---M"WMWMWMWAWMMW- Natural conditioned reflex in chronic alcoholism as an accessory diagnostic sign used in therapy [with summary in French]. Zhur. nevr. paikh. 57 no.10:1235-1241 '57. (MIRA.10:12) 1. Respublikanskays pBikhonevrologicheskays bollnitea Moldavskoy SSR (glavnyy vrach B.A.Morozov) i kafedra normallnoy fiziologii Kishinevskogo gooudarstvennogo meditainskogo institute (zav. - prof. A.A.Zubkov) (ALGOHOLISK. physiology, vasomotor natural conditioned reflex to alcohol (Rus)) (REFI&K, CONDITI01W, vasomotor natural reflex to alcohol in chronic alcoholism (Rua)) SUDIU, I.M. Comparative physiology of conditioned response to a moving light stimulus. Trudy Inst. vys. nerv. deiat. Ser. fiziol. 5:200-206 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz Laboratorii sravnitelinoy fiziologii vysshey nervnoy deyatellnosti, (zav. - L.G. Voronin) instituta vysshey nervnoy deyatellnosti. (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) (LIGHT-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) SHEYMAN, I. M. Cand Bio Sci, Diss -- "on the comRarative Physiology of a conditioned reflex to a moving light irritant'. Moscow, 1961. 16 pp, 20 am (Moscow Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner State U imeni DI. V. Lomonosov) 120 copies, Not for sale (KL, No 9, 10161, p 180, No 24319). 51-5114j0 SHEYW I M. Formation of a conLtioned response to a moving pbotic stimuli in dogs. Zhur.,vys. nerv. deiat. 11 no.2:265-272 Mr4 161. TM31 14: 6) 1. Institute of Higher Nervous Activity, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow. (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) S f 1E)a."JIN y1. 14. Formation of a conditioned positioning reflex in dogs during the elaboration of a food procurement reflex to a moving stimulus. Trudy Inst. vys. nerv. doiat. Ser. fixiol. 6:174,180 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz laboratorii sravnitellnoy-fiziologii vysshey nervnoy doyatell- nosti, zav. - L.G.Voronin. (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) RAKOVA, I.I-; SEZYMAN, I.M- Characteristics of trace conditioned reflexea to a motor stimulus. Trudy Inst.vp.nerv.d-eiat. Ser.fiziol. 7221+9-256 t62. (MIRA 16:2) (CONDITIONED RESPORSE) SHE)IMly- I.M. Conditioned reflex tracing of a mov-ing stimulus. Trudy Inst. vys.nerv.deiat. Ser.fiziol. 7:241--w 162. (MIRA 16:2) (CONDITIONED RESPOME) �~~JW,-Kons-tantim LeontlyevIch; SRA.FIRKIN, B.I., retsenzent; PESKOVA, L.N., red.; VASILOYEVA, N.N., tekhn. red. (Possibilities of a more efficient transportation of freight] Perspektivy ratsionalizatsii perevozok gruzov. Moskva, Trans- zheldorizdat, 1962. 11+5 P. (miRA 16:1) (Freight and freightage) i ARTSYBYSHIV, S.A., professor (Moscow); SIMTMAN-, M.I. (Moscow). Method of teaching wave and sound theory. Fiz.v shkole no.6:22-27 15). (MLRA 6:10) (Wave motion, Theory of) She~,pmn, 1'. -- "Oscillat-Lons, Waves, and Soundst --*-n the Physics Course at the Intermediate School." ~cade7..v of Pedagogical Sciences RSFSP. Sci Res Inst cf Teachim- :-.ethods. licscow, 19~~6. (Disseration For t'ne Degrce 01 ~Iandidate ir. -,Icda6oi:ic-al Sciences). SO., 'Knizllmaya :,etooistj NO. 11, 1950", pp, 1031-111: ARTSYBYSHF,V, II.A.; BELOGORSKAYA, H.I.; VINOGRADOVA, L.Yu.; GALANIN, D.D.; GURtYHVA, V.V.; ZVORYKIN, B.S.; Z0113, V.A.; LIVIMTSEV, N.M.; 14MISHTYTIN, N.F.; MINCHIRTKOV, Ye.Ta-'; POKROVSKIT, A.A.; REZNIKOV, L.i.; SAIGIAROV, D.I.; TIKHOIIOVA, Z.I.; ODAROV, S.Y.; SHEYMAK, M.I.; YUSIKOVICH, V.2. Pro-Losoor S.A. Arteybyshav; obituary. Piz. v shkole 18 no.1:95-96 ia-F 1.58. (VTRA 11:1) (Artsybyshev, Sorgei Aleksandrovich, 1887-1957) S': to Init'i 31,ater '10 19"9) SHEYMAN, S.M. (Gor'kiy) From the ex-oarience of equinping A chemicql lnborqtorv. Xhim. v shkole. no.2:44-46 Mr-Ap '58. (MIRA 11:3) (Chemical laborRtories) SHEYMAN, V.A.; KASPM, V.I. Motion of material in a vertical gas flow. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. 6 no.3s63-68 Mr 163. (MIRA 16jA) 1. Institut teplo- i massoobmena ANISSR, Minsk. (Drying apparatus) ~"(Gas flow) ACC NR, AP7002918 (YV) SOURCE CODEt UR/0170/66/011/006/0787/0796: AUTHORS: Sheyma-n,,--V. A.; Tutova, E. G. ORG: Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer, AN BSSR, Minsk (Inatitut teplo- i massoobmena AN BSSR) TITLE: Calculation of the heat-transfer process in three-component systems SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 6, 1966, 787-796 TOPIC TAGS: heat transfer, heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer fluid, heat lose, .boundary value problem, inverse problem, temperature .ABSTRACT: A method for calculating heat transfer in systems with three heat-transfer !agents of variable heat-transfer coefficients and surfaces is proposed (see Fig. 1). ~For this system, the equations for gradientless particle heating are. C13 di'- W, a dr W, dill? C3 f") dF,. W. Card 1/3 UDCs 536.248:! ACC NR: AP7002918 Fig. 1. Motion of heat-transfer agents: I - gas; II - fine dispersed materials; III - large LL particles I 'I I If 1 11 1 M a iThe heat-transfer coefficients vary with the x coordinate ass 'T-_ a% = a.. exp cFj, a. exp (- c.F.). !The heat-transfer surfaces vary with thb x coordinate ass F - bF The temperatures i 3 2 -of heat-transfer agents I, II, and III (gas, fine dispersed materials, and large .Card 2Z3 ACC NRt A-P7002918 ,particles) are determined by the equationB: Xn+I C, x C. 1:.,( r - + Cal n-0 n-0 + effl,+ YR., exp (c,,X)., and EYPP 0' + exp (cX) d 6~ +1 expj(c&--c4)X)(6'-Er). dX !Heat transfer between two agents is discussed. The possibility of aa inverse problea lis also mentioned. Orig. art. hast 54 forzulas and I diagram. So CODE: 20/ SSUM DLTEi ISJul66/ ORIG REFt 007/ M RXFs 002 -Card 3/3 i. L. ;-IiT i " ' ' J" - ' '' . o-'--Tr.;vN' V. lit. "Trie drying of potassium, salts in suspension." report siCbmitted for 2nd All-Union Conf on Heat & Ptss Transfer, Minsk, 4-12 may 1964. Inst of Heat & 1,LLss Transfer, AS BSSR.