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I SIM-MAY07) A. The ,etec,~jorj of itaitar- targets ',eat. "0 8. Tankist, .1o 121 191;8. S14FVYAKOV, A., inzhener-podpolkovnik Seeing in 'Ube dark. Starsh.-serzh, no'.7:37 JI '61. (MIRA 14:9) (Night vision) 3ODNER, Vasiliy-Afanaslyevich; ZAYTSEVA,K.Ta., inzhener, redaktor; SMIVTAKOV,A.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, retsenzent; t=NUtff?T,I M... redaktor; GT-A takhnicheskiy redaktor [Automatic control of airplane motors] Avtomatika aviatsion-- nykh dvigatelei. Izd. 2-e, ispr. i dop. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo obor. promyshl., 1956. 400 p. (912A 9:4) (Airplanes-Motors) SHE"NAKOV, Aleksey Artdreyevich, Ed. Avto,maticheskoye Rteculirovraniye Aviadvigateley; Sbornik Statey. Miskva, ,)borongiz, 10159- V. 11lus., diagrs., graphs, tables Includes Bibliographies. BRASLAVSKIY, D.A., kand.tokhn.nauk; GOLIDFARB, L.S., doktor telchn.nauk; GUZEIIKO. A.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; DMITRIYEV, K.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk; KALASHNIKOV, V.A., inzh.; KLOBUKOV, P.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; KLUB- NIKIN, P.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; TRA SOV, I.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; PELIPOR, D.S., doktor takhn.nauk; PETROV, V.V., kand.tekhn.uauk; ROZENBLAT, M.A., doktor tekhn.nauk; RUZSKIY, Yu.Ye., kand.tekhn. nauk; SADOVSKIY. B.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; SOKOLOV, A.A., kand.tekhn. nauk; TITOV, V.K., kand.tekhn.nauk,* ULAROV, G.M.. kand.tekhn.nauk; FILIPCHUK. Ye.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; KHARYBIN, A.Ye., kand.tekhn. nauk; KHOKBLOV, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; GALTEYEV, F.F., kand.tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; KARASERV, V.A., doktor tekhn.nauk. reteen2ent; RAGOZIN, TV.D., kand.tekhn.ualak. retsenzant.- RE an 11). Tu.R.. insh.j retsenzent;.RYABOV, B.A., doktor tekhn.n4uk, retsenzent; SA7BELI, A.G., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent;~~-Offluwl..A.Al., kand.tekhn.nauIx, reteenzent; SOLODOVNIKOV, V.V., prof.,-doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; VITENBERG, I.M., kand.tekhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.; MOLDAVER, A.Irt kand.tekhn.nauk. nauchnyy red.; POLYAKOV, G.F., red.izd-va; AKD(OV.A, A.G., red.izd-va; KONOVALOV, G.M., red.izd-va; TIKHONOV, A.Y~., tekhn. red.; SOKOLOVA, T.F., [Fundamentals of automatic control] Osnovy avtomaticheskogo reguliro- vaniia. Vol.Z. EF-lements of automatic conrol systems] Elementy sistem avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniia. Pt.l. [Sensing devices, amplifiers, and actuators] Chuvetvitellnye, usilitel'nye i ispolnitel'nye elementy. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinoatroit.lit-ry. 1959. 722 p. (Automatic control) (MIRA 12:4) (Electronic apparatus and appliances) (Electronic calculating machines) SHEVYAKOV, A.A., red.; BUMSHTEYN. S.L. Inzh., redi; GORTSUYRVA, N.A., ------------ izta-t-.-r-e(-r.; FUMJKOV.A, N.A., [Automatic control of aircraft engines; collected articles] Avtomatichaskoe regulirovanie aviadvigatelei; sbornik statei. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo obor.promyshl. No.l. 1959. 182 p. (MIRA 12:11) (Airplanes--Enginea) (Automatic control) e SMYAKOV, A.A., red.; GRIGCRASH. K.1., red.; GARNMINA, L.A., [Automatic control of airplane engines] Avtomaticheakoe regulirovanie aviadvigatelei; sbornik statei. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo Oborongiz. Ko.2. 1960. 134 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Airplanes--Engines) (lAutomatic control) SHBVTAKOV, Aleksey Andreyevich; HASUNIUKOV. H.M., prof., doktor takhn. nauk, rots~-n-zd-ftt-,2WTOUWOV, S.V., doteant, retsenzent; KOHONOT, P.A., doteent, retRanzent; TAROYSKIT, I.L., inzh., red.; ROROZOVA, P.R.,; ROZHIN, V.P., [Automatic contrnl of airplane power plants] Avtometiks aviatsion- nykh silovykh natanovok. Moskva, GosJzd-vo obor.promyshl., 1960. 372 p. (MIRA 13:2) (Airplanes--Engines) (Automatic control) 34389 S/682 61/000/003/003/008 D234YD302 AUTHORS. Shevyakov, A.A. and Yakovleva, R.V. TITLEs On the problem of automatic control of a power in- stallation SOURCEi Avtomaticheskoye regulirovaniye aviadvigateley; sbornik statey. no. 3, 1961, 51 - 65 TFIXTs The authors consider a power installation operating on nuclear fuel, the structure of the installation being different from that given in a publication by M. Shults (Regulirovaniye ener- geticheskikh yadernykh reaktorov Control of Fuclear Power Reaktors IL, 1957). The equations of motion of the installation are formulated and reduced to matrix form. The study is restricted to the case of an installation consisting of a reactor and a turbo-compressor unit which actuates a generator, with a numerical example of the paramet- ers. Differential equations of control devices for the installation and the transfer function of the power regulator (for the reactor Lrd:1/2) IX S/682/61/000/003/003/008 On the problem of automatic ... D234/D302 circuit) are deduced. Graphs for transition processes are given. There are 7 figures, 2 tables and 1 non-Soviet-bloo reference. Card 2/2 S"MYAYOV, A.A.; AKOVIEVA, R.V. ---- '- .- - Automatic control of a power plant. Avtom.reg.aviadvig. no.3:51- 65 161. (14M 14:12) (Nuclear reactors) (Automatic control) S/682/62/000/004/001/006 D234/D308 JU 12: ; L' P, s -Shevyptov, A.A. and Yalcovleva, R.V. - ----------------- t- TITL:]: DynamAcal characteristics of a tubular heat exchange devico S CI U RC 2'.Vtom icheskoye regulirovaniye aviadvigateley; i statey, no. 4, I-Aloscow, 1962, 5-1-8 sborn2j n T "-- _~.Ir.. The aulthors deduce an ki3proximate transfer function of a heat- exchano~e device described by a system *of partial differen- tial cruatio-,:,m, with variable coefficients. The device includes -'_~)es -hrough which -he cold air and between whi6h the hot liquid L -f-lows. 'For one-dimeasional problems, the solution of a partial di-.2-ferential equation is approximated to that of a simplified linear dif-forential cauation of first order with retardation. Results of LI-11 e'.K'.)CI_imcntai determinination of the dynamical characteristics'of a in graphs and compared with theoretical results the dovice are -ive-L ~.-3 obtai-acd -_Fro-a the ap-,rox-Lmate transfer function. There are 5 figures, Card 1/1 54j- 714-(,5 PUT (d) VN7-~- -T/ 13?(C) WV/BC N iAM50180W 100L UPLOIZATION Shevvakovg Aleka1Z Andreye Leb !AutomstLc control of aLrcraft and rocket power pl,;nts (Avtostatika svLatsionafth L raketaykh silawykh ustanavok) 2d ed., rev, add edl,'-7- Hoscow, Ltd-vo "HashinostroyeaLyc", 1955,5 546 p. Ltluxbi 5000 copies prLited. Textbook for mechaaLcaL engineering and &era noutLce Institutes and focuLtLeso a' ft engine* automatic regulation# engine cantrolf':-~ TOPIC TAGSs siver liquid Rgeket angLa nuclear power plant, ianjet enxLnb, safety. turbolat Ongine --- turboproO -engfhe~ --------- PURPOSE AND COVERAGE1 First publLsbed in 1960p this socond-editLaz~:.'rj~~;": a a' revised and enlarged, textbook is intended for aeronautical sch ickt-- of higher educatioug and u&7 useful to engineers &a4 scied- tific warkars. The book9 haa*d,p'artly on the author0s own work# deals with automatic regulation and control of aircraft.and rocket used control turbojet# turboprop plants, in discusses power systems ANSOLB-098 ramjet# and liquid-rocket enzines and,-duclearl-and athor'~-pouikr.- pla -f INS Special attention it given to a* 00, ri'm Liege lki_ ~tLes are mentioned. Thera are 38 referticatt p2tl S*ViW- 0 trani, !Istione), 9In English, and I Gierwas -TABLE OV CONTENTS (&btIds&dJt Toi*1qoi:d 3 Symbols and Abbreviations 5 Ch. 1. Gas-Turbine Paver Plants 9' ~Cho I',* Automatic Control Systems for Gas-Turbine Engines usatal R6quLremonte --'108 Ch. 111. Dynamics of Autonatic Control for'_TuA6J'&t Engines 183 card 2 3. 0184 be IV@ 'Cho 'Ch. J;Oh, 'Ch. vie Vito Supersonic Ramjet Power Plants 349 V111, LiquLd-Rocket Power Plants 405 IX. Automatiod in Power Plants of Other Types Ago SfT,T!.-'KOV, Aleksey Andreyevich; ZOTSEVA, K,Ya., inzii., red. [Automatic control of aircraft and rocket power plants] Avtoniatika aviatsionnykh i raketnvkh silovykh ustanovok. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Mashinostroenie, 1965. 546 p. (mrw. 18.5) SIIIINYAYOV, A.D. C,-nd ~'Gr Sci-(diss) "Soil-aGeroclicr.tical 61'11r), of 5h* -ya I` a GIAq Le=--h4-x, M of Tul-skaya Oblast and its utilization for the ratic- nal i~A-icoxmi Of ful-tilizers 1915,3- 15 Pin (L:GS Or- der of Lciiin ~,,gr Ac,-A im K.A. Tii,dryazev), 110 copio2 (I'L,25-58,117) APJUMVp L.T., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOCHEROVA, N.D..V inzh.- SHMAKOV A.I . inzh. Efficiency of the measures applied for heaving coni~ral. Vest.TSNII MPS 22 no.1:62-63 1631. (KEU 16: 1,) (Soil stabilization) (Railroads-Irack) TOROPOV, N.A.; FEBOROV, N.F.; SgVIA119~) A.M. Infrared absorption spectra of polymorphic modifications of dicalcium silicate. Zhur.nerog.khim. 8 no.l-.69-71 Ja 163. (VaRl 16:5) (Calcium silicates--Spectra) TOROPOV, N.A.; FEWROV, K.F.; SHMAKOV, A.M. Infrared absorption spectra of the orthosilicates of some bivalent elements. Zhur. neorg. khim. 8 no.6:1342-1344 Je 163. (M-TRA 3-6:6) (Silicates-Absorption spectra) i,17 L, I;]-I'S0VA .. "T . '111. ; FE~ 0 ~ .0V , Pi . F . ; SHE I,'! AKOV P ;', . 1-1. infrared transmission spectra of cement clinker minerals and thei- hydration products. Zhur. pri'-I. khira. 37 no.12:2585-2590 D 164. (KEW. 18:3) of th- cnemical reac-on aluminu- :1.3ris M-I,-l r rT,-l !;-t. 37 I C I C a C --,,7 (,,ilTtA M:3) SIEVYAKOV2 A.M.,- ZJ.FVA, N.A. Use of the infrared spectroscopy method in studying the reaction of silicic acid with heavy metal ions. Zhur. prikl. spekt. 2 no.6010- 514 ja 165. (MIRA 18t7) KUZNET.30VA) G.N.; KHEIFETS, V.S.1 SHEVYAROV, A.M. Infrared spectra and structural characterlBtics of glasses of' the system IT, 03 - ZrO2 - SiO2. Zhur. prikl. spekt. 3 no. 2:151-154FOA9 I 's (MIRA 18sl2) 1. Submitted Nov. 17, 1964. I -9 4 - A zg r. A t s i t i *h .0 I ! qr 1 ! SHCHEGLOVA, V-V- [Shchaglova, V.V.1; SHEVYAKOV, B.V. [Shaviakou, B.V.] Discovery of mammoth remains in Ries sediments in White Russia. Vestsi AN BMR.Sersfizo-tekhenave no.4:127-130 15g.. (MIRL 13:4) (Petrikov(Gomell Province)--Kamoth) SIIEVYAKOVY F. "Studying the topic "Geography U.S.S.R. in the ninth grade of by T. Nechaeva. Reviewed by F. 25 no.1:89-90 Ja-F 162. (Geography, Economic-Study of heavy industry in the schools for working youth" Sheviakov. Geog. v shkole (MIRA 15:1) and teaching) (Nechaeva, T.) SHETIAK07, F.D., gor-Vy inzh.; PAIICHWIKO, V.G., corw iilzh. Use cf ttic, urd rAll;ir miniNg m-ithod in Artemov lignite deposit mines. U--ol' 32 no.iorii-14 0 '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. v0-3.qoY-L=nY." ,,,-c1'r_yy inititut, treat Art c miigo 11 , (Ku-,notsk Banin--Ctw~l a0ne-rt and mining) (Ligni te ) SHET&LKOV, F.!).,inzh. Efficient prevention of soil heaving in mines. Bezop.trTyla v prom. 3 no.2:26-28 F 159. (MIRA 12:2) (Mining engineering--Safety measures) SERVYAMV,-1P,-D,* inzh. Shortwall mining of thin steeply pitching coal seams in French mines. Ugoll Ukr- 3 no-9:44-45 S '59- (MIn 13:2) (Yrance--Coal mines and mining) C, Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Research into the sudden d:'.c,c*I-.a-.c-e of coal and gas from the gently SlODing layers of the Don- -~ss in connection ..,,ith the search for safe methods of their exploit- az-on.." Xoscol.", 1960. 27 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary SDec- ; I- a ist Education Ukrainian SSR, Dnepropetrovsk Order of Labor Red 50_ Banner Eining Inst im Artema); 200 copies;.price not given; (KL 6qy/ 41, SHEVYAKOV, F.D. Problem of mining flat Donate Basin coal aeamn dangerous at to sudden coal and gas outbursts. U901' 35 no-3s32-36 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Donets Basin-Coal mines and mining) -ZHMAKOV, F.D., kand.tekhn.nauk Use of coal plows in gas and coal crutburst- hazardous flat seams. Ugoll Ukr. no.6:36-37 Je 161. (KIRA .14:7) 1. Institut gornogo dela AN SSSR. (Coal mining machinery) SHEVYAKOVI, F.D., gox-nyy inzh. New method for the control of sudden gas and coal outbursts in the mines of Hungary. Ug'011 Ukr. 5 no.2:42-43 Y 161. (MIRA 140) k"Hufigary-Mining engineering) SHMAY011, F.D., kand.tekhn.nauk Control of sudden coal and gas outbursts in mines abroad. Bezop.- truda v prom. 5 no,12--35-36 D 161. (AURA 1-1:1) 1. In,9titut gornogo dela im. A.A.Skochinskogo- (Coal mines and mining-Safety measures) KHODOT, V.V.) doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; BOBROV, I.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; RUCHENKO, V.P., red.; TABAKOV, A.G., red.; SHCHUIVY V.P.., red.; hULROV, A.P., red.; A!,DAROSOV, MI.S., otv. red.; ~SEEUAK W.Vf.~-,, otv. red.; POTAPOV, V.I., otv. red.; N0,1SLK., Yu.S., otv. red.; VINOGittd)OVA, G.V.., red. izd-v.i; ILI111SUYA, G.I.',.,, telchn. red.; BOII)YIZVA, Z.A.,, tekhn red. [Control of sudden outbursts in coal nines; proceedings of the scientific and technical conference held in Donets in December 1960]Borlba s vrezapnyru vybrosaEi v ugol'nykh shakhtakh; sbor- nik trudov nauchpo-tekhnichoskogo soveshchaniia, sostoiavshe- ,aosia-v gor. Donetske v dekabre 1960 g. Moskva, Gosgortekhiz- dat. 1962. 602 p. (11IRA 15:9) 1. Institut gornogo dela imcni A.A.Skochinskogo (for Khodot). 2. Kombinat "Donetsk-ugoll" (for Rudchenko). 3. Gosudarstven- nyy komitet pri Sovete Yinistrov Ukrainskoy SM po nadzoru za bezopasnym vedeniyem la~bot v promyshlennosti i gornoiru nadzoru, Donetskiy okrug (for Shchukin). (Coal mdnes and mining-Safety mr-asures) Leonid Diik(jiiqevjch; J11:-:V*--.-~.K~.;V, F.D., retselizeliL [Complex of measure.,: for con,trolling suddWirrburots ir. the lavas of gently sloping beds] Kompleks'i proFriia~-Jii co borlbe s vybrosan.-J v lavnkh pologikb plastov. Mmshra, Iledra, 19~1,. 73 P. A SHE7YAKOV, F.H. Problems of teaching geography in evening (night shift) secondary schools of general education. Geog.v shkole 22 no.6:47-51 N-D 159, (MIRA 13:4) (Geography--Stud7 and teaching) (2veningaid continuation schools) I ., SHEVYAKOV, F.11. (Moskva) Work under new program in the fifth grade of the evening school. Geog. v shkole 23 no.4:27-30 Jl-Ag 16o. (MM 13:10) (Physical geography-Study and teaching) SHE M KOV, F.N. (Moskva) How to work in the fifth grade of evening schools using the new program. Geog. v shkole 21+ no. 1:53-57 Ja-F-161, (MIU 14:2) (Geography-Study and teaching) SAMOYLOV, Innokentiy Ivanovich;BIBIK,,Antonina Yefimovna;- HEWAKOV,,---.-- Filipp Viko c -A- -qf-ygtvli h; PADEZHNCYV, A.I., red.; NOVOSELOVA, V.V., --tekbm~.-r6d-. [Problems of teaching economic geograplrj in evening (stag- gered) school]Voprosy prepodavan-Tia ekonomicheskoi geografii v vechernei (smennoi) shkole. Moskva,, Izd.-vo APN RSFSR, 1962. 68 p. (MIRA 15:9) (Economic geograpbQT-Study and teaching) SMIYAKOV, Filipp Nikolayevich; &ISLAVSKIY, IOsif IvanOvich; FISHCEVA, T.V.p redfi-SCRISKINIC) V.I.p red.kart; TAMA, G.L., takhn. red. [Fbyoical geography; textbook for the fifth grade of the evening (shift) school]Fizicheskaia gedgrafiia; uchebnoe po- sobie dlia 5 klassa. vechernei (smennoi) shkoly. Moskva'Uch- pedgiz, 1962. 135 P. (MIRA 15:10) (Physical geography) S,HEVYAKOV, F.N. k - Simple means for calculating the distance b~~en points according to their coordinates. Geog. v shkole 26 no.6:45-,46 N-D 163. (KMA 17: 1) -,z- SKPCIIKOV, Semen Andreyevich; SERGEYEV, V.; SMYAKOY,. G,; INOMMTSEV, N.N., red.; KORIONOV, V.G., red.; KHARLAI-VV, M.A.j, red.; KOLOI-MTSEV, V., red.; KONOVALOVA, L., tekhn. red. (Aid and cooperation in the name of peace; Soviet economic co- operation with the countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America]Pomoshchl i sotrudnichestvo vo imia mira; ekonom-iche- skoe sotrudnichestvo SSSR so stranami Azii, Afriki i Latin- skoi Ameriki. 1.',oskva., Gospolitizdat, 1962. 54 P. (14IRA 15: 11) (Economic assistance) FRUMIN, I.L.; ROZANOV, K,,P., inzh., retsenzent; BOGDA1107IGH, Ta.K., inzh., retsenzent; AWI_7YAKOV, G.N., inzh., red.; POPOL07, Ta.H., red. izd-va; SOK.OLOVA~ =., ~efi. red. [Production capacity of machinery manufacturing plants and production potentialities; practices of machinery manufacturing plants engaged in mass production] Proizvodetvennaia moshchnost' mashinostroitell- nogo zaroda, i rezer7y proizvodstva;_iz opyta mas~ino*stroitellpykh zavodov massovogo i krupnoseriinogo proizvoastva. Mosk7a, Gos. nanchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1955. 58 p. (Machinery industry) (MIRA 11:7) DEEM ~M, Yuriy Petrovich; SHEVYAKOV, G.N.,; KOZLOVSKAYA, G.M., red.izd-va; MIK=A-,-r.-T-.-, [The Republic of Mali; political and economic study] Respublika Mali; politiko-okonomicheskii ocherk. Moskva., Izd-vo vostochnoi litry, 1962. 89 p. (KM 15:5) (Mali-Politics and government) (Mali-Economic geography) L 7004-66 EWT(d)/E'v[P(v)./Xi4P(k)/Ii~~P(h)/El4p(l) ACC NR: AP5026820 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/017/0095/0096 INVENTOR: Nechayev, Yu. A.; Vlasenko, V. P.; Shevyakov, G. Ye. ORG: none TITLE: A pulsed ultrasonic thickness gauge. Class 42, No. 174453 [announced by A' Volgograd Scientific Research Institute of Machine Buildingjec~ ~Io ~ (Volgograk- skiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tekhnologii mashinostroyeniya)] SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 17, 1965, 95-96 'TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic inspection, electronic measurement !ABSTRACT: This Inventor's Certificate introduces a_pulsed litrasonic thickness gauge designed chiefly for m,~asuring the thickness!6~ metal and plastic components for the case of unilateral access to the object being measured. The instrument con-'- tains a high-frequency radiator, a receiving device and an electronic measurement circuit. To improve accuracy and facilitate measurement, and to make the instrument portable, the gauge has a flip-flop stage with a square pulse generator and a probe for reception of the echo pulse connected at the inputs, while a measurement bridge Card 1/2 UDC: 531.717.521 534.8 L 7004-66 ACC NR: AP5026820 ;circuit is connected to the output. This circuit has a needle indicator for directs ,reading of the quantity being measured without changing the adjustment of the in- .strument for each measurement. SUB CODE: EC,IE/ SUBM DATE: 18Feb63/ -ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REF: 000 nw Card 2/2 .11, SHEVYAKOV, Lev Dimitriyovich - DEC-EASED - - --- - - - ---- - -- - ---- - k-- MINING OF MINERAL DEPOSITS 1963 - -1964------ -- :~- . I SIIEVYAKOV, LI.D., akademik,, ROZENTRETER, B.A., doktor tekhn. nauk Review of the scientific technological collectior "Transportation in miner -1nd strip mines in socialist countries.' Ugoll 38 no.1-61..62 Ja 163. (MIRA 18-3) Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal. Elektrotekkil -1-11?0 nika, 57, Nr 1, p. 214 (USSR) AUTHOR,. Shevyakov, L.N. TITLE: Principal Trends in the Field of Automation of Forging- and-Stamping Production (Printsipiallnyye napravleniya v oblasti avtomatizataii kuznechno-8htampovochnogo proizvodstva) PERIODICAL: Sbornik: Avtomatizatsiya tekhnol. protsessov v mashinostr. Goryachaya obrabotka metallov. Moscow, AN SSSRI, 1955, pp-35-43. ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 t-- c t4 --l ~a (n AND0111YEV, Y.L.; RALT14, Y-A .; BAUMGARTAII, IT.K.; BMEZIN. V.D.; BIRYWOV, I.K.; BIRYUKOV, S.M.; BLOKTIN, S.I.; BOROVOY. G.A.-. BULEV, M.Z.; BURAKOV, N.A.; VERTSAYZER, B.A.; VOVK, G.M.; VORMAN, B.A.; VOSHCHININ, A.P.; GAIAh-TIONOV, V.D., kand. t3ldm. muk; GMKIN, Te.M.; GILIDENBIAT, Ya.D., Imnd. tel-din. nvjA--; GIN-nUBG, M.M.; GUMOV, P.S.; GODRS, B.G.; GORBACHEV, V.N.; GRZHIB, B.V.; GRMCULOV, L.P., kand. o.-kh. nauk; GRCDZIINSKAYA, I.Ytt.; UNILOV, A.G.; I)MITRIYEV, I.G.; DMITRIYMO, Yu.D.; DOBRO13iOTOV, D.D.; DUBININ, L.G.; DUNDUKOV, M.D.; ZHOLIK, A.P.; UMMIC11, D.K.; ZIM[i.RU. Yo.V.; ZDUSKOV, S.V.; ZUBRIK, K.M.; K&RANOV, I.F.; kNYAZBV, S.N.; KOLWAY37, N.M.; KOMAMSKIY, V.T.; KOSEWO, V.P.; KOWWISTOV, D.V.; KOSTROY, I.N.; KOTLYARS)KIY, D.M.; KRIVSlUY. M.N.; KUZNNTSOV, A.Ya.; UG&RIKOV. N.1.; IGILOV. V.G.; LIKH&CK&V, V.P.; LOGUNOV, P.I.; M&TSI[XVICH, K.F.; MELINICHINKO, K.I.; MEMLXVIGH, I.R.; MIKHAYLOV, A.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; MUSIYWA, R.Y.; NATANSON, A.V.; NIKIT-111, M.V.; O.W. I.S.; OGUL'ITIK, G.R.; OSIPOY, A.D.; OSS~M, N.A.; PEMOV, V.I.; mysmiN, G.A., proy'.; P"YANKOVA, Yoj.; R&POPOU, Ya.D.; MUZOV, N.P.; ROZANOV, M.P., kand. biol. ziwjk; ROCIWAV, A.V-.; RUBINGHIK, A.M.; R'YBCIMVSE:IY, V.S.; SA-TICHIKOV, A.V.; SER&TT"a07, V.A.; SIDENKO, P.M.; SINYAVSICAYA, V.T.; SITAROVA, M.N.; SOSITOVIKOV, K.S.; STAVITSKIY, Ye.A.; STOLYAROV, B.P. [decaaaecil; SUDZILOVSKIY, A.O.-, SYRTSOVA, Ye.D., kRnd. -'U-ekhn. muk; FILIPPSKIY, V.P.; KHALTURIff, A.D.; TSISH3VSKIY, P.M.; CHEM OT, M.l.; ClUEUffSH3T. A.A.; CHUSOVITIN, N.A.; SHBSTOPAL, A.O.; SHWHTM, P.A.; SHI=O, G.A.; SHCHERB19A, I.N.; 3NG3Ll, F.Y.; YAKOBSON, A.G.; YAKMOV, P.A., ARKHANGELISM, (Coatinued oa, asx-.-: card) ANDON11W, V.L.... (cont imc.e d) CarO 2. Ye.A., ret-senzont, rod.; AKHUTIN, A.11. senz37A!,*,, rad. ; BAUCS101r, Yu.S., retsenuent-, reCl.: -PkPAI-ASOV, V.A., zatusenzamt, reC..; BATUIM, P.D., retsenzent, red.; BORODIII, P.Y., kaue. t3ldmi. nauk, retsezzent, red.; VAUJT&:!Y, I.-T., Imud. tell:ia-u. awt!-, retsenzont., rad.; GRIGOR'YEIV, V.M., Icand. teklin. -mm&, reteenzent, rad.; GTJBIII. M.F., retseuzeut-,'rod.;'GTJDAYIff, l.N., rod.; Y2RMOLOV, A.!., Imnd. tek-lin. ua7ak, ratusan-nant, r3d.; KAMIULOT, B.F., ret."ms-a", red.; KRITSKIY, S.H., dol:tor `q' -xmik, raC..; 1=, V.V., :7a%senzeut, red.; IUKIII, V.7., votsauze-a., rad.; lUSKIN, Z.D., retsenzent, ~ed.; HATRIROSO'r, A.1h., k&KNIELRYK .:etzem.z-amt, "a6.; I C, D.M., ret-se-azent, rod.; MKIRM.Lil, M.Y., doIxto-" tel-rhu. uwak, ralisea-zent, red.; CB 07, S.S., re*- :.' :!ad.; FBTPJ.SHRN', P.Y., reteenzent, red.; POLYAKOV, L.M., ratue"n-ent, md.; RUMUNTSEV, A.M., vot-asnzent, red.; RYABCHDCOV, Ye.I., -red.; STLSMOV, N.G., retar'n- Ze7l'. ,TOa.; TAKAH&YlW. P.P., ra-4senzeat, reO-.; TARANOVSKIY, S.Y., prof., dollc4or takhn. ua-,:,:, raa.; TIZZELI, R.R., re!;gnjj- zent, red.; F"ROV, Ye.M., re'usenzent, nd.; 'SHWIAKOV M.N. retsenzent, red.; SMIAKOV, M.I., re U, . i-- *1 9 1 74. [deceased], akademik, gle-vnyy red.; IrJ,')SO, G.A., Imud. tekhn. nauk, red.; FILIMONOV, N.A., red.; VOLKOV, L.N., red.; GRISHIN, M.M., red.; ZHURIN, V.D., prof., dolctor toldin. rmuk, red.; KOSTROV, I.N.. reO.; LIMUCHN, V.P., red.; MEDVEDBV, V.M., kand. tek-Itin. nauk, red.; MMIAYLOV, A.V., kand. teldin. uauk, red.; PLTWI, G.D., ree,.; R&ZIN, N.V., red.; SCO30LEV, V.P., red.; TOINGEa, B.P., 7e0l. -, FRBT-GOFER, (Coutinued on next card) ANDONIYEV, V.L.... (continued) Card -10. Ye.F., red.; TSYPIAKOV, V.D. [deaeased], red.; KORABLINOV, P.H., tekhn. red.; GMKIN, Ye.M., teldin. rad.; KA-CHXROVSKIY, N.V., takhn. red. [Volga-Don; technical- accou'nt of the construction of -u*-he V.I. lenin Vol,ga-Don Havigetion Canal, the TSimlyansk Hj-d--oelectric Center, and irrigation systems] Volgo-Doa; tekhnicheskii otchet o stroitell- stve Volgo-Donskogo sudoldhod-ango kamla imen! V.I. Lenina, TSim- lianskogo gie-~-ouzzla i orositwellmyidi sooruzhenLi, 1949-1952; v piati tomakh. Mot*.va, Goo. energ. ind-vo. Tol.l. [Geneml structu--al descriptions] ClbshclaGe opioanis so3inazheaii. G~aN-. red. S.1A. Zhuk-. Red. toma M.M. Grishin. '19,57. 319 P. Vul.2. [Organization of cort- sturuction. Specialined ope5-a1j1.a--x3 ia hydraulic engineering] orga- aizatsiia stroitel'o-'%17---. Spets"alliVe gidro'.elldnalcheekle raboty. (Continu6d on nGit card) AMIIIYBV, (coutimed) Card 4. Glav. red. S.IA. Zhuk. Red. tom I.N. Kostrov. 1958. 319 P. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Rassia (1923- - U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo elektrostantsii. kniro tekhnicheskogo otcheta o stroitalle.7e Volgo-Dona. 2. Chlen-kor- respondent A:kademii nauk SSSR (for Akhutin). 3. DeystvitelInyy chlen Akademii stroitel'stva i arIchitektury SSSR (for Grishin, Raziu). (Volga Don Ganal-Hydraulic engizeering) BMZIIISKIY, A.R., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; SOKOLOVA, V.F., mladshiy nauchn.sotrudnik; ALIPOV, V.V., mladshiy nauchn.sotrudnik; Prinimali uchastiye: CHERNIKEVICH, L.A., inzh.; SHMAKOV, M.1L, THSEPKE, V.F., inzh.. GRISHIN, K.M., prof., dokEor OOMW. nauk, retsenzent: STANKEVICH, V.I., inzh., red.; BORSHGHKVWAYA, N.M., red.izd-va; MEDVEDEV, L.Ya., [Using precast reinforced concrete In hydraulic engineering structures] Primenenie sbornogo zhelezobetona v gidrotekhni- cheBkikh sooruzheniiakh. Pod red. A.R.Berezinskogo. Lenin- grad.4os.izd-vo lit--,y po stroit., arkhit. I stroit.materi- alam, 1959. 430 P. (NIRA ~2:8) 1. Giprovodkhoz (for Chernikevich). 2. Gidroproyekt (for Shevyakov). (Hydraulic engineering) (Precast concrete construction) L 62g2=!j6, EW (1) Gw ACMSSIMI Ut AR5009016 S/0269165/000/002/0077/0077 SMM I Ref. ah. Astranomiya. Otdo'v'ypt, Abs, 2,51,56S AUTM UnAt Skme considirations an the geolosical structure of the lunar eurface CIM SOMMs Ibuchn tro Marapudinsks, ot-19 ugollne In-ta vyp# 14y 1964, 543-547 TOPIC TAGSI moon, lunar surfacelpfunar Seolcay, lunar mineral, lunar tar, lima coals lutar TR&IMATIM The author makes an QttCMpt to aPP17 to the zoon his hypothesis of the fo%wition of fossil coals* He believes U%at the Utter did not develop organically but as a result of carbanIlleatloa of graphite which was separated frm the deep layers at some staae in the cooling of tbe--cazths U=* there vas w formation of sedimentary rocks on the zoon the layers of coal remained at the surface, exposed to sights This causes the low alWo of the lunar s=faces The presence of porous cokG-forming coals, tar and bitumens is advanced as an explana- tion for other peculiarities of the lunar surface. The author speculates; an tbA Cwd 1/2 ACM US M A15009016 possible OXISIA of fo=s of lunar relief fro= the point of view o f his theories. Ve Sho SO COM AL I= 1 00 C-J 2/; L 40299-65 F.Wr(1)AwG(V)/EEC(t) P0-4/Pe-5/fte-2 1W.1W ACCESSION NR: AR5009016 8/0269/65/000/002/0077/0077 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya. Otd. vyp., Abe* 2.51,_563 AUTHOR: Shevzakov, N. A. TITLE: Some considerations on the geological structure ok the lunar surface.:, CITED SOURCE: Nauchn tr. Karagandinsk. n.-i. ugolln. In-ts vyp..,14,'1964-, 543-547'. TOPIC TAGS: moon, lunar surface, lunar geology.. lunar mineral, lunar tar, lunAr-,: coal, lunar bitumen, lunar relief On his.hypothests of . TRANSIATION: The author makes an attempt to apply to the., mo the formation of fossil coals. He believes that the latter did not develop organically but as a result of carbonification of graphite which was separated from the deep layers at some stage in the cooling of the.ear t h. Since there was. no formation of sedimentary rocks on the moon the layers of coal remained at the* surface, exposed to sight. This causes the low.albedo of the lunar surface, The coke-forming coals, tar and bitumens Is advanced as an explana of porous presence tion for other peculiarities of the lunar surface* the author s eculates on the., Card 1/2 g__jAq: C SHETYAKOIV, N.A. -~-3me considerations about the geological structure of tile lunar surface. 3auch. trudy KNIUI no.14-543-547 164. Fcrmation of mineral coal. lbid.:547-563 Petroleum is-the result of the centrifugaticn of mineral coal Beams. Ibk -66*1 567 (MIRA 1814) SHEV'YAKOV,]I.L., -kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk Conl mine lighting for hydraulic mining. Nauch.rab. V-UGI no.11: 164-173 '54. (MLRA 8:11) (Mine lighting) (Hydraulic mining) SHWYAKOV,N.L.. kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk Photoelectric device for testing the lighting power of battery cap lamps. Nauch.rab. VUGI no.11:174-176 '54. (MLRA 8:11) (Electric lamps, Portable) SHICVTAKOV, N.L.. kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk. ". c;l" Device for testing light Iflux in minex~s battery haad]Av~s. Sveto- tekhnika 3 no.3:26-27 Mr '57. '(MLEA 10:3) 1. Vsesoyuzny7 ugolInyy institut. (Blectric lamps. Portable) SHMAKOV, II.L., kand. te)-hn. nauk . Imp-r-oving the lighting properties of miners' head lamps equir)pFJd with storage batteries. Svetotekhnika 4 no. 8:14-17 Ag '58- (MIRA 11:7) 1. Voesoyuznyy ugollny7 institut. (Electric lamps, Portable) SHNVYAKOV, IT.L., kand. tekhn. nauk Improving mine lamp houses. Ugol' 34 no.9:18-20 S '59. (MIRA 12:12) (Electric lamps, Portable) (Coal mines and mining--Safety, measures) POTITIT, Akhail MikbAylovich, kand.tskhn.naukt_�LW~T~~ tqh,_Imnd.tekhn.aauk; MMSKATA, V.V., redAzd-va; ,,~Ivoj SHKLTAR, S.Ta.,; SABITOV, A., [Mine lighting] Rudnichnoe oeveshchenis; spravochnik. Noskva, Goe.uauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gormomu delu, 1961. 152 P. (MIRA 141.0 (Mine lighting) TOKAROVSKIY, D.I., inzh.t SHMAKOV, N.L., kand. teklm. nauk New rS-q-et---23' lamp for lighting mine shafts. Shakin. strol 'Le :7 no.ll: 16-18 N163 (MIRA 1. TSentrellnyy nauclinc-Issledn-ateltskiy 11 proyektno-konstx-ak- torakjy 4rIS1,1~t-jt podzemnogo i ahakhtnocaQ atroitel2stva ( for Tcjka-rovskiy). 2. In-stitut gornogo dela imeni A.A. Skochlnok,~gc; (for Shcivyakov). , 7 1 k "'~ac;y' - I... Mining Engineering Dissertation: "Automatization of FOrge-Stamping Pr~;d-txction and Basic -Iri=ci-jlee of the Automatic Operation Cycle." Cand Tech Sci, Mowcow Order of Labor Bed Banner In-st of Steel imeni I. V. Stalin, 8 Apr 54. (Vechernyaya Moskva Moscow, 30 Mar 54) SO: sum 213, 20 Sel) 1954 SHEVYAKOV, N,N.9 dots., kand. tekhn. nauk. Ifficiency of automatic combination forging and stamping machines, Sbor. Inst. etali no-36:414-440 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Kafedra obshchego mashinostroyeniya Mbskovskogo instituta stali im. Stalina. (Machine tools) (Power presses) I SUY,V~YKOV, 11'. N. -___ .- _V4". Output of automatic machines and antomatic production lines-in cann of coribined extracyclic operations. Kuz.-sbtan.proizv. 1 no.1:31-35 Ja '59. (ITIRA 12:10) . (Forging) (Shoot-metal work) (Automatic control) BUZHKOV, V.A., dots.; SHEVYAKOV, N.N., dots., red. [Designing of parts and mechanisms for hoisting and conveying machineryl Raschety detalei i mekhanizmov poduemno-transportnykh mashin. Pod red. N.N.Sheviakova. Moskva, Mosk. in-t stali, 1960. 74 P. (Hoisting machinery) (Conveying machinery) (MIRA 14:10) SHEVYAKOV, N.N., dots.; ANTSIFEROV, V.G., starshiy prepodavatell [Design of reducing worm gears; methodological manual) Raschet cherviechnykh reduk-torov; metodicheskoe posobie. Pod red. N.N.Sheviakova. Moskva, stali, 1961. 37 p. (KM 15:8) (Gearing, Worm) ,~j A :~tB`TYAKOV) H.U.; KG31-"ELEV, F.F.; 11,10-VIKOV, M.I. 1 0 Op - c, i i t -; nu r, u saction proportioning unit for free flowing materialls. Kauch. i rez. 24 no.5:A'+6-48 My 165. WIRA 18:911 t. Nauclino-is,,-,.I-~(!.-)vatFl-lskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti. ,UIN'LAKOV, N.P.; 'D!,:NlSYUK, 3.A. (Svordlovsk, NlzllrLiy Tagil) Experience in the use of a uniform metho;ioloinr of cloth'=4 cdcsli~r; and construction in the tailoring of custom -.zLda clothing. Shvein. pram. no.3:)0-32 !,!,,,r-Je 64. 0111IRA 17.9) XOROLRVICH' Te.m., SHEVTAKOV, N.S. (Yoscow) Differenti;~l--d,-i-ag-n:)s-ia-",-o,f- 'd"i's"'a'ases of the lesser circulation and disorders of cerebral circulation. Yrach. delo no.5:537-539 K7158 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Goradskaya klinicheaki-Aya bollnitsa Ho.6. (BLr..o-,,--c rRCULAT ION, DISOFaWS OF) SH-NMEOV, F. E. -- "The Effect of Local Admixtures on the Sulfatic Stability of Portlnn~ Cement." Min Hi.c-17er Education USSR. Central- Asiatic 0 (-Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate ,:~clytechnicai Inst, Tashkent, 1956- of Technical Sci~,nces) SO: Kaiz ~--a ~Leto)*sl Io 44, October 10,50' MVYAKOV, P.Ye.; KA11"1SEPOLISKIY, I.S. Effect of various concentrations of magnesium sulfate on the stability of portland cement and gliezh-portland cement. Uzb. kIdm.zhur. no.6:85-89 158- (MIRL 12:2) 1. Institut khimii AN UzSSR. (Portland cement) (Magnesium sulfate) SHEVYAKOV, F.Te. Safate esistant ferrite portland cement. Uzb. khim. zhur. no.2: 76-84 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1.Institut khimii AN UzSSR. (Portland cement) KANTSEPOLISKIY, I.S.; ZRABITSKIY, M.S. [deceased); P.Ye. The role of the sulfoaluminate of calcium and gyps-U-M in the sul- fate corrosion of cements. Kor. tsem. i mery bor-lby s nei no.l: 15-26 161. WIRA 17:2) SHEVYAKOV, S.D. Automatic pumping of condensate and pumping out waste water fiom cleaners. Elek.sta. 28 no-9:85 S '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Ilectric power plants) (Pumping machiner7) SHEVYAKOV, S.I., dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Calculating Joint-operation characteristics of gas turbines and compressors. [Trudyj MM no.27:141-158 154. (MLRA 7:11) (Gas turbines) (Thermodynamics) (Compressors) SHEVYAKOV, S.I. Letter to the editor. Teplocnergetika 3 no.1:62 Ja 156. (WARA 9:2) (Gas turbines) SOV/ 124-58-8-8614 D Translation from: Referatl:vnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 8, p 38 (USSR) AUTHOR: Shevyakov, S.I. TITLE: A Theoretical Study and Calculation of a Gas Turbine (Teoreti- cheskoye issledovaniye i raschet gazovoy turbiny) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the de- gree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, presented to the Mosk. vyssh. tekhn. uch-shche im. N.E. Baumana (Moscow Technical College im. N.E. Bauman), Moscow, 1957 ASSOCIATION: Mosk. vyssh. tekhn. uch-shche im. N.E. Baumana (Moscow Technical College im. N.E. Bauman), Moscow Card l/ I 24(5) SOV/159-58-3-14/31 AUTHOR! Shevyakov., S.I. TITLE- Analytical Method of Calculating the Air-Gas Flow Area i.n. Multi-Stage Gas Turbines PERIODICAL- Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly, Mashinostroyeniye i priborostroyeniye, 1958, Nr 3, PP 91-101 (USSR) ABSTRACT-. The author explains a method for calculating the air-- gas flow area in one- and two-shaft, multi-stage gas turbines, providing a higher turbine discharge capa- city and improving the turbine economy. This method is a generalization and improvement of a number of al- ready existing methods. Using this method a great number of problems connected with calculating and investigating the air-gas flow area of gas turbines may be solved with greater accuracy and within less time. The dependences obtained may also be applied for calculating turbines working at changing operating conditions. The author considers a multi-stage, single- shaft gas turbine,, whose stationary and moving blades ' Card 112 lly with the turbine shaft. The out- are located coaxia SOV/159-58-3-14/31 An Analytical Method of Calculating the Air-Gas Flow Area in Multi- Stage Gas Turbines let edges of the stationary blades are equal in height to the inlet edges of the rotor blades. The gas flow in the axial space between the turbine stages is con- sidered as an adiabatic one without losses, whereby the gas particles in the space move along cylindrical surfaces coaxial with the turbine shaft. The author first presents the theoretical principles of the tur- bine calculation, determining the degree of reactivity and the efficiency of a turbine stage. Then, he pre- sents characteristic equations for a multi-stage tur- bine. Finally, the author presents a calculation of gas parameters by the blade height. There are 3 dia- phs and 1 SoUet,,re~erence. g,~ZApLs, 7 -~a 1 Kafedra "Grafika" Moskovskogo vysshego tekhnicheskogo uchilishcha imeni Baumana (Chair "Granhing" of the Mosco'v Hietter S~.2hc-ol Ime=1 Bwrw-~U) SUBMITTEDi March 13. 1958 Card 2/2 ~;/114/63/000/001/005/007 D262/D308 Shevyakov, S.I., Doctor of Tedhuical Sciences, Prof- essor, Bulanerd,-ov, L.F., Engineer TITLE': Design of a gas turbine of-increased power rating Pl~RZIGDIC-AL: Energomashinostroyeniye, no. 1, 1963, 41-43 TE:','T: The article, published -as a'- discourse in Teploener- getika, 1959, no. 10, by V.V. Uvarov et al is reviewed critically a-Lid many o-JE its data, conclusions, and recommendations are analyzed and found incorrect. The stage efficiency particularly appears to be too igh; t - h 0 Co prove this point the analytical me.thod of calculation, apply ing the energy and Luler equations is presented. The suggested applk cation of special diffusors is also considered to be unjustifted. There are 3 figures and 3 tables. Card 1/1 SR'EVYAKOV, S.I... doktor tekhn.nauk; BULANENKOV, L.F., inzh. Design of a gas turbine with increased power rating. Ener&omashino- stroenie 9 no-1141-43 Ja 163, (NDU 16:3) (Gas turbines) 1_ 4 _; LTj 0 KW/EM ACC NR. AP5026WZ .-SOUR-CE. CODE. -UR10286!657 INVENTOR: Shewdkov, S. 1. kk ORG: none TITLE: Blade for turbine of turbojet engines. Class 46, No. g1453 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarmykb znakov, no. 17, 1965, 135 TOPIC TAGS: turbojet, turbine blade 35701.35- ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for an application df turbojet- engine blades, shaped according to the method described in Author Certificate No. 70,723. The blades increase the gas flov rate through the turbine stages and augment the engine thrust. (AV] SUB CODE: PR/ SUBM DAM, 16Sep47/ ORId REF: 000/ OTH REP: 000/ ATD PRESS Card 1/1 i S1101YAK011) V. Sound - Recording and Reproducing Amplifying attachment for sound pickup. Radio No. 9, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. SHEVYAKOV. V. (Gorlkiy); DCBIN, K. (Gorlkiy). Instrument for filling root canals with cement. Stomatologiia no.4:53 JI, -Ajt~ 15 3, (MI-RA 6;9) (Dental instruments and apparatus) I :v ~ , I ~v II ., ~ MODZOLEVSKIT, Igor' Vladimirovich; BARSEGOV, A.A.1 KARPOT. LV.; KARTSEV, I.T.; KRTLOV, N.M.; NIKOLAYEV, I.T.; REVICH, V.I.; URITYAKOT, V.A.; I ` " n SHOKBIN, O.A.; CEUSOV, A.I.; GORODNICHIT, N.G. redaktor; CURMHEY, V.I., redaktor; KRITROV, P.A., takhnichaskiy redal-tor [General course on*Tailroads] Obshchii kurs zhelezrtykh dorog. Izd. 2-e, perer. Moskva, Gos. tranaportnoe zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1954. 316 p. (Railroads) (MIRA 8:3) MODZOLSVSKIY, Igor' Vladimirovich, inzh.; BARSEGOV, A.A.; KARPOV, I.V.; KARTSXV, I.T.; KRYLOV, N.M.; NIKOLAYEV, I.V.; REVICH, V.I.; SWWYAKOV,--V.A.; SHOKEEIN, O.A.; CHUSOV, A.I.; GUBAREVA, N.T., red.; BOBROV.A, Ye.N., [General course in railroad engineering] Obshchii kurs zheleznykh dorog. Izd.3., parer. Pod obahchei red. I.V.Modzolevskogo. Moskva, Vses.izdatellsko-poligr.ob"edinenie M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1960. 290 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Railroad engineering) 2636.5 i~ 0 S/669 1/011/002/001/015 C:2 A .2\5-0 0 B1 02YB2601 AUTHORS: Volkov, V. S., Luklyanov, A. S., Chepkunov, V. V., Sh,evyakov, V. P., Yamnikov, V. S. TITLE: Use of fissile absorbers in nuclear reactors PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 11, no. 2, 1961, 109-121 TEXT: The present article gives a survey of usefulness and purpose of the use of fissile absorbers in reactors. Introducing fissile absorbers into the core is one of the possible methods of compensating for the initial reactivity excess. For technological and chemical reasons, only few elements are eligible as absorbers of this kind: boron, hafnium, europium, gadolinium, samarium, cadmium, and mercury. Data on these fissile absorbers are compiled in a table taken from Ref. 1 (Nucl. Sci. and Engng,, A, No. 3, 357 (1958))- Experience and investigation results gained in th USA in-various reactors are dealt with. Apart from reports made at the Second Geneva Atomic Conference (1956) (Papers nos-455, 1017), the material concerned was taken exclusively from American publications: Nucl. Engng. :j - No. 34, 11 (1959), Nucleonics, 16, No. 1, 100, 102 (1958). The various Card 1/3 Use of fissile absorbers in ... 26365 S/089/61/011/002/001/015 iB1 02 /B201 technical and design problems involved in the use of fissile absorbers are now discussed. These problems include the exact dosinjK of the absorber, its resistance to corrosion, taking account of the change in mechanical properties of absorbers while in operation; use of boron leads to the forma- tion of Li and He, which must also be taken into account; additional diffi- culties arise with fuel regeneration. The remaining problems are of a purely technical nature, such as a removal of heat produced in absorbers. In most cases, boron is used in the form of alloys or chemical compounds, dispersed in some materials. The properties of boron in stainless steels and boron-titanium alloy (1-75~6 by weight of B10) have repeatedly been studied (Nucl. Sci. Fngng. A, No. 3, 386, 402 415 (1956)). Irradiating an alloy containing boron (0-56% by weight of B16) reduces its plasticit con- siderably: to half its value with an integral flux of 1.35 .1010 n/cN, and to one-fifth at 5.87-10 20 n/cm2. The voTume of boron-titanium alloys increases up to 4.3%, depending on burn-up and boron content. Similar conditions are found for boron-zirconium alloys (Nucl. Sci. and Engng..k, no. 3, 1967 (1959); Reactor core materials, 2, Neutron capture in the absorber plays the principal rold in a theoretical treatment of reactors using fissile absorbers. For the case of only thermal neutrons Card 2/3 26365 S/089/61/011/002/001/01 5 Use of fissile absorbers in B102/B201 being absorbed, some relations are presented, which were taken-from lectures by A. Radkowsky, J.-Stewart, and P. Zweifel at the Second Geneva Atomic Conference (1958) [Lbstracter's note: The numbers of the papers are not given.] Various fuel and absorber diBtributions-in the core are discussed briefly. Finally, German investigations (Van Winkel et al. Atomenergie, A, 3, 93 (1959)) are dealt with (Study of the.linear radial distribution of an absorber, and its distribution according to a Beseel function). It is finally stated that the use of fissile absorbers still meets with certain difficulties which, however, can probably be overcome. There are 7 figures, 11 tables, and 18 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 14.non-Soviet-bloc.. The most important references to English-language publications are all mentioned in the abstract. SUBMITTED: October 8, 1960 Card 3/3 ROSEIIGAUZ, D.Ye.; SHEVYAKOV, V.V. Case of a gigantic mucocele in the frontal and ethmoid sinuses of the nose. Zhure usho, noso i gorl. bol. 23 no-4: 83-84 Jl-Ag'63. (14IRA 16:10) 1. Iz kliniki Khartkovskogo instituta meditsinskoy radiologii (direktor - V.I.Shantyrl) (11TOSE, ACCESSORY SMSES OF - DISEASES) KARPOVA, G.V. (Karpova, H.V.1; SHMAKOVA, E.P. (Shevliakova, E.P.1 Sandstones with thuringite-from the Araucarites series (c3) of the intermediate region of the Greater Donets trough. Dj. AN URSR no,3:369-372 164. (MJRA 17:5) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i treat "Kharkivnaftorozvidka". Predstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR O.S. Vyalovym. KAPJ'C)VA , G. V. ; Slil,"kfYAKOVA , E. P. New data on Upper Carbeniferous sedirents in the transition area of the Greater Donets trough. Pokl. AN SSSP 155 no. 2: 333-336 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. H. Gorlkogo. Predstavleno akademikom D. L Shcherbakovym.